Rev Author Line No. Line
3014 kaklik 1 set terminal png size 1024,800
2 set samples 1000
3 set xlabel "Time [s]"
4 set ylabel "T [deg C]"
5 set key under
6 #set grid on
8 set autoscale x
9 #set xrange [31000:34000]
10 set yrange [0:100]
11 set output "day.png"
12 set y2label "p [Pa]"
13 set y2range [97000:98000]
14 set y2tics
15 set tics out
3017 kaklik 16  
17 o=0.5 # time offset
19 plot "18.5.232336.log" using ($0/(34000/24) - o):4 with lines title "Temperature" axes x1y1, "" using ($0/(34000/24) - o):5 with lines title "Humidity" axes x1y1,"" using ($0/(34000/24) - o):3 with lines title "Barometric pressure" axes x2y2, "" using ($0/(34000/24) - o):($8) with lines title "Wind" axes x1y1, "" using ($0/(34000/24) - o):($9*10) with lines title "Precipitation" axes x1y1