Rev Author Line No. Line
3237 kaklik 1 :: Batchfile to upload a screenshot to a website via FTP.
2 :: Called from some 'Spectrum Lab Grabber' applications.
3 :: FTP screenshots
4 :: Uses the command line driven FTP client in MS windows.
5 :: Only works when located in c:\Spectrum\media\sd\capture\ftp_upxxx.bat .
6 :: Doesn't require any 3rd-party software !
7 :: You will need to modify your provider's ftp host name,
8 :: your user name, and (unfortunately non-encrypted)
9 :: the FTP password in the 'ftpcmd' lines further below .
10 :: The name of the file to be sent is specified as argument %1
11 :: when this batchfile is invoked (from SL's periodic actions, etc)
12 ::
13 :: Make sure we are where we should be (current directory) :
14 cd c:\Spectrum\
15 ::
16 :: Create the input (command file) for the ftp client program .
17 :: The line after the USER command is the password .
18 > ftpcmd.txt ECHO USER robozor_data
19 >> ftpcmd.txt ECHO robozor_data
20 >> ftpcmd.txt ECHO cd robozor_data
21 >> ftpcmd.txt ECHO binary
22 >> ftpcmd.txt ECHO put %1
23 >> ftpcmd.txt ECHO disconnect
24 >> ftpcmd.txt ECHO bye
25 ::
26 :: At this point, we have created a temporary command file
27 :: for the FTP client. This comman file replaces the input
28 :: which would be entered via keyboard in an INTERACTIVE ftp session .
29 :: Now start the ftp client program, output redirected to a file
30 :: which is EXTREMELY helpful for troubleshooting .
31 :: Replace the dummy address with your provider's ftp address:
32 FTP -n -s:ftpcmd.txt > ftplog.txt
33 :: The -n option suppresses the auto-login upon initial connection .
34 :: The -s option specifies a text file with FTP commands .
35 :: If the FTP client (above) fails, TEST EACH STEP IN INTERACTIVE MODE !
36 :: (each step is now in ftpcmd.txt)
37 :End