Rev Author Line No. Line
3091 miho 1 @echo off
2 rem Batch to (re)generate IP cores (ChipScope components)
3 rem Run once, takes several minutes to finish.
4 rem
5 rem Do not modify source files directory structure
6 rem
7 rem Tested with Xilinx ISE WebPack 13.3 and 14.5
8 rem This step does not require ChipScope License
9 rem
12 rem ----- Find and Set Xilinx Tools
13 call FindXilinxTools.cmd
16 rem ----- Run Coregen in paralel (we all have multicore cpu don't we?)
17 rem Unfortunately CoreGen can't be run in parallel.
18 rem There is some conflict (You cenrtainly know what all that cores are good for...)
19 rem start "CoreGen ICON" coregen -p ..\COREGEN -b ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_ICON.xco -r
20 rem start "CoreGen ILA 18x1024" coregen -p ..\COREGEN -b ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_ILA_18_1024.xco -r
21 rem start "CoreGen ILA 9x2048" coregen -p ..\COREGEN -b ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_ILA_9_2048.xco -r
22 rem start "CoreGen VIO FreqSel" coregen -p ..\COREGEN -b ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_VIO_FreqSel.xco -r
23 rem start "CoreGen VIO UserOut" coregen -p ..\COREGEN -b ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_VIO_UserOut.xco -r
26 rem ----- Run CoreGen one after one for all components
27 coregen -p ..\COREGEN -b ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_ICON.xco -r
28 if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
29 echo.
30 echo.
31 echo ERROR in coregen ChipScope_ICON
32 echo ===============================
33 pause
34 exit 1
35 )
37 coregen -p ..\COREGEN -b ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_ILA_18_1024.xco -r
38 if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
39 echo.
40 echo.
41 echo ERROR in coregen ChipScope_ILA_18_1024
42 echo ======================================
43 pause
44 exit 1
45 )
47 coregen -p ..\COREGEN -b ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_ILA_9_2048.xco -r
48 if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
49 echo.
50 echo.
51 echo ERROR in coregen ChipScope_ILA_9_2048
52 echo =====================================
53 pause
54 exit 1
55 )
57 coregen -p ..\COREGEN -b ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_VIO_FreqSel.xco -r
58 if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
59 echo.
60 echo.
61 echo ERROR in coregen ChipScope_VIO_FreqSel
62 echo ======================================
63 pause
64 exit 1
65 )
67 coregen -p ..\COREGEN -b ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_VIO_UserOut.xco -r
68 if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
69 echo.
70 echo.
71 echo ERROR in coregen ChipScope_VIO_UserOut
72 echo ======================================
73 pause
74 exit 1
75 )
78 rem ----- Finished
79 rm coregen.log
80 echo.
81 echo CoreGen Finished with no Errors