Rev Author Line No. Line
3091 miho 1 @echo off
2 rem Batch to generate bitstream
3 rem
4 rem S3AN01_ChipScope_18x1024.bit
5 rem S3AN01_ChipScope_9x2048.bit
6 rem
7 rem Do not modify srouce files directory structure
8 rem
9 rem Tested with Xilinx ISE WebPack 14.5 with ChipScope License
10 rem
12 rem ----- Check if ChipScope IP Cores are ready
13 if not exist ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_ICON.vhd goto coregen
14 if not exist ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_ILA_18_1024.vhd goto coregen
15 if not exist ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_ILA_9_2048.vhd goto coregen
16 if not exist ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_VIO_FreqSel.vhd goto coregen
17 if not exist ..\COREGEN\ChipScope_VIO_UserOut.vhd goto coregen
18 goto next
19 :coregen
20 rem ----- Regenerate ChipScope IP Cores
21 echo.
22 echo Missing ChipScope IP Core output files
23 echo Regenerating will take a long time (5 minutes on i5-3770)
24 echo.
25 pause
26 call make_CoreGen.cmd
27 :next
29 rem ----- Clear target directory
30 rmdir /S /Q BIN 2> nul
31 mkdir BIN
33 rem ----- Get Current date and time
34 for /F "Tokens=2-4 Delims=. " %%A in ("%DATE%") do (
35 set CurDate=%%C_%%B_%%A
36 )
37 for /F "Tokens=1-2 Delims=:,. " %%D in ("%TIME: =0%") do (
38 set CurTime=%%D_%%E
39 )
41 rem ----- Find and Set Xilinx Tools
42 call FindXilinxTools.cmd
45 rem ----- Create Version metafile
46 echo TimeStamp: %CurDate%__%CurTime%> BIN\%XILINX_VERSION%\Version
47 echo ComputerName: %COMPUTERNAME%>> BIN\%XILINX_VERSION%\Version
48 echo ISE Version: %XILINX_VERSION%>> BIN\%XILINX_VERSION%\Version
49 echo ReleaseInfo: None>> BIN\%XILINX_VERSION%\Version
51 rem ----- Compile variants (paralel run)
52 start "compile S3AN01_ChipScope_18x1024" make_S3AN01_ChipScope.cmd 18x1024
53 start "compile S3AN01_ChipScope_9x2048" make_S3AN01_ChipScope.cmd 9x2048