Rev Author Line No. Line
3091 miho 1 @echo off
2 rem
3 rem Script for starting Analyser.exe with predefined settings.
4 rem The script starts mlab_xvcd.exe deamon for users who use
5 rem Xilinx Virtual Cable and FTDI JTAG cable. Those users
6 rem should select in ChipScope Analyser setting
7 rem JTAG Chain / Open Plug-in.
8 rem
11 rem ----- Run Xilinx Virtual Cable Daemon (as separate process)
12 rem Run it if you use XVC cable connected to the local computer
13 rem To start the daemon if already runnig does no harm
14 if exist ..\..\XILINX_XVC\XVC_SOFTWARE\XVC_1x\BIN\mlab_xvcd.exe (
15 start ..\..\XILINX_XVC\XVC_SOFTWARE\XVC_1x\BIN\mlab_xvcd.exe
16 )
19 rem ----- Find and Set Xilinx Tools
20 call FindXilinxTools.cmd
23 rem ----- Run ChipScope Analyser
24 analyzer.exe -project ..\ANALYSER\Analyser_9_2048.cpj -init ..\ANALYSER\Analyser.ini