Rev Author Line No. Line
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14 "Uk\u00e1zka pou\u017eit\u00ed n\u00e1stroje IPython na manipulaci se senzorov\u00fdmi daty\n",
15 "=======\n",
16 "\n",
17 "P\u0159\u00edklad vyu\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 moduluvou stavebnici MLAB a jej\u00ed knihovnu \n",
18 "\n",
19 "Zprovozn\u011bn\u00ed demo k\u00f3du\n",
20 "---------------------\n",
21 "\n",
22 "Nejd\u0159\u00edve zjist\u00edme zda m\u00e1me p\u0159\u00edstup pro z\u00e1pis a \u010dten\u00ed do syst\u00e9mov\u00e9ho za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed. A jak\u00e9 \u010d\u00edslo m\u00e1 I\u00b2C sb\u011brnice na kterou m\u00e1me p\u0159ipojen\u00e1 \u010didla. \n"
23 ]
24 },
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27 "collapsed": false,
28 "input": [
29 "!i2cdetect -l"
30 ],
31 "language": "python",
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33 "outputs": [
34 {
35 "output_type": "stream",
36 "stream": "stdout",
37 "text": [
38 "i2c-0\ti2c \ti915 gmbus ssc \tI2C adapter\r\n",
39 "i2c-1\ti2c \ti915 gmbus vga \tI2C adapter\r\n",
40 "i2c-2\ti2c \ti915 gmbus panel \tI2C adapter\r\n",
41 "i2c-3\ti2c \ti915 gmbus dpc \tI2C adapter\r\n",
42 "i2c-4\ti2c \ti915 gmbus dpb \tI2C adapter\r\n",
43 "i2c-5\ti2c \ti915 gmbus dpd \tI2C adapter\r\n",
44 "i2c-6\ti2c \tDPDDC-C \tI2C adapter\r\n",
45 "i2c-7\ti2c \tDPDDC-D \tI2C adapter\r\n",
46 "i2c-8\ti2c \ti2c-tiny-usb at bus 001 device 005\tI2C adapter\r\n"
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56 "Proto\u017ee pro p\u0159ipojen\u00ed \u010didel k po\u010d\u00edta\u010di pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1me adapt\u00e9r i2c-tiny-usb. Vid\u00edme, \u017ee sb\u011brnice m\u00e1 aktu\u00e1ln\u011b ozna\u010den\u00ed nap\u0159\u00edklad i2c-8. \n",
57 "\n",
58 "V p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b, \u017ee v\u00fd\u0161e uveden\u00fd p\u0159\u00edklad vr\u00e1t\u00ed chybu, nebo pojmenov\u00e1n\u00ed \"unknown\" tak nem\u00e1me p\u0159\u00edstup k syst\u00e9mov\u00fdm rozhran\u00edm. Ten z\u00edsk\u00e1me vytvo\u0159en\u00edm souboru s n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00edm obsahem ve slo\u017ece: /etc/udev/rules.d/i2c-devices.rules"
59 ]
60 },
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65 "KERNEL==\"i2c-[0-9]*\", GROUP=\"i2c\""
66 ]
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72 "Toto ozna\u010den\u00ed budeme je\u0161t\u011b d\u00e1le pot\u0159ebovat, proto si jej ulo\u017e\u00edme da prom\u011bnn\u00e9. "
73 ]
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77 "collapsed": false,
78 "input": [
79 "port = 8"
80 ],
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89 "source": [
90 "Budeme pokra\u010dovat na\u010dten\u00edm pot\u0159ebn\u00fdch modul\u016f pro zach\u00e1zen\u00ed s I\u00b2C sn\u00edma\u010di."
91 ]
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94 "cell_type": "code",
95 "collapsed": false,
96 "input": [
97 "import time\n",
98 "import datetime\n",
99 "import sys\n",
100 "\n",
101 "from pymlab import config\n",
102 "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
103 "import numpy as np"
104 ],
105 "language": "python",
106 "metadata": {},
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108 "prompt_number": 3
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110 {
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114 "Nyn\u00ed si nadefinujeme strukturu p\u0159ipojen\u00ed jednotliv\u00fdch \u010didel na I\u00b2C sb\u011brnici."
115 ]
116 },
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118 "cell_type": "code",
119 "collapsed": false,
120 "input": [
121 "cfg = config.Config(\n",
122 " i2c = {\n",
123 " \"port\": port,\n",
124 " },\n",
125 " bus = [\n",
126 " {\n",
127 " \"type\": \"i2chub\",\n",
128 " \"address\": 0x72,\n",
129 " \n",
130 " \"children\": [\n",
131 " {\"name\": \"acc\", \"type\": \"imu01_acc\", \"sensitivity\": 4.0, \"channel\": 0, }, \n",
132 " ],\n",
133 " },\n",
134 " ],\n",
135 ")"
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140 "prompt_number": 8
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146 "Tuto strukturu inicializujeme, aby jsme dos\u00e1hli definovan\u00e9 konfigurace \u010didel."
147 ]
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150 "cell_type": "code",
151 "collapsed": false,
152 "input": [
153 "cfg.initialize()\n",
154 "acc = cfg.get_device(\"acc\")\n",
155 "time.sleep(0.5)"
156 ],
157 "language": "python",
158 "metadata": {},
159 "outputs": [
160 {
161 "output_type": "stream",
162 "stream": "stderr",
163 "text": [
164 "WARNING:pymlab.sensors.iic:HID device does not exist, we will try SMBus directly...\n"
165 ]
166 }
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168 "prompt_number": 9
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3656 kaklik 174 "Nyn\u00ed u\u017e m\u016f\u017eeme p\u0159\u00edmo komunikovat se za\u0159\u00edzen\u00edm pojmenovan\u00fdm jako acc."
3655 kaklik 175 ]
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179 "collapsed": false,
180 "input": [
181 "MEASUREMENTS = 1000\n",
182 "x = np.zeros(MEASUREMENTS)\n",
183 "y = np.zeros(MEASUREMENTS)\n",
184 "z = np.zeros(MEASUREMENTS)\n",
185 "\n",
3656 kaklik 186 "# acc.route() V p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b v\u00edce \u010didel je pot\u0159eba ke ka\u017ed\u00e9mu p\u0159ed jeho pou\u017eit\u00edm nechat vyroutovat cesutu na sb\u011brnici.\n",
187 "\n",
3655 kaklik 188 "for n in range(MEASUREMENTS):\n",
189 " (x[n], y[n], z[n]) = acc.axes()\n",
190 " print( n, x[n], y[n], z[n])"
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200 "(1, -0.83362499999999995, -0.52162500000000001, -0.26032499999999997)"
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648 "(57, 0.02145, -0.66592499999999999, 0.66592499999999999)"
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664 "(59, -0.79169999999999996, -0.62497499999999995, -0.0014624999999999998)"
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672 "(60, -0.70004999999999995, -0.64349999999999996, -0.27592499999999998)"
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687 "\n",
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696 "(63, -0.45434999999999998, -0.66494999999999993, -0.71954999999999991)"
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720 "(66, 0.62887499999999996, -0.065324999999999994, 0.58304999999999996)"
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728 "(67, 0.47969999999999996, 0.20085, 1.0110749999999999)"
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736 "(68, -0.10237499999999999, 0.73319999999999996, 0.50309999999999999)"
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759 "\n",
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763 {
764 "output_type": "stream",
765 "stream": "stdout",
766 "text": [
767 "\n",
768 "(72, -0.11505, 0.114075, -1.067625)"
769 ]
770 },
771 {
772 "output_type": "stream",
773 "stream": "stdout",
774 "text": [
775 "\n",
776 "(73, -0.099937499999999999, 0.085800000000000001, -1.0832249999999999)"
777 ]
778 },
779 {
780 "output_type": "stream",
781 "stream": "stdout",
782 "text": [
783 "\n",
784 "(74, 0.11505, 0.58109999999999995, -0.79998749999999996)"
785 ]
786 },
787 {
788 "output_type": "stream",
789 "stream": "stdout",
790 "text": [
791 "\n",
792 "(75, 0.28664999999999996, 0.818025, -0.19305)"
793 ]
794 },
795 {
796 "output_type": "stream",
797 "stream": "stdout",
798 "text": [
799 "\n",
800 "(76, 0.52844999999999998, 0.82094999999999996, -0.0277875)"
801 ]
802 },
803 {
804 "output_type": "stream",
805 "stream": "stdout",
806 "text": [
807 "\n",
808 "(77, 0.6157125, 0.8034, 0.25545000000000001)"
809 ]
810 },
811 {
812 "output_type": "stream",
813 "stream": "stdout",
814 "text": [
815 "\n",
816 "(78, 0.59572499999999995, 0.42217499999999997, 0.6552)"
817 ]
818 },
819 {
820 "output_type": "stream",
821 "stream": "stdout",
822 "text": [
823 "\n",
824 "(79, 0.56062499999999993, 0.27982499999999999, 0.81217499999999998)"
825 ]
826 },
827 {
828 "output_type": "stream",
829 "stream": "stdout",
830 "text": [
831 "\n",
832 "(80, 0.62107499999999993, 0.016574999999999999, 0.69224999999999992)"
833 ]
834 },
835 {
836 "output_type": "stream",
837 "stream": "stdout",
838 "text": [
839 "\n",
840 "(81, 0.67957499999999993, -0.21937499999999999, 0.50700000000000001)"
841 ]
842 },
843 {
844 "output_type": "stream",
845 "stream": "stdout",
846 "text": [
847 "\n",
848 "(82, 0.69224999999999992, -0.47189999999999999, 0.16087499999999999)"
849 ]
850 },
851 {
852 "output_type": "stream",
853 "stream": "stdout",
854 "text": [
855 "\n",
856 "(83, 0.70784999999999998, -0.64154999999999995, 0.20572499999999999)"
857 ]
858 },
859 {
860 "output_type": "stream",
861 "stream": "stdout",
862 "text": [
863 "\n",
864 "(84, 0.55769999999999997, -0.84824999999999995, 0.33929999999999999)"
865 ]
866 },
867 {
868 "output_type": "stream",
869 "stream": "stdout",
870 "text": [
871 "\n",
872 "(85, 0.071175000000000002, -0.94282499999999991, 0.33247499999999997)"
873 ]
874 },
875 {
876 "output_type": "stream",
877 "stream": "stdout",
878 "text": [
879 "\n",
880 "(86, -0.084824999999999998, -0.94672499999999993, 0.30809999999999998)"
881 ]
882 },
883 {
884 "output_type": "stream",
885 "stream": "stdout",
886 "text": [
887 "\n",
888 "(87, -0.1184625, -0.97792499999999993, -0.011699999999999999)"
889 ]
890 },
891 {
892 "output_type": "stream",
893 "stream": "stdout",
894 "text": [
895 "\n",
896 "(88, -0.18914999999999998, -0.92624999999999991, -0.52406249999999999)"
897 ]
898 },
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900 "output_type": "stream",
901 "stream": "stdout",
902 "text": [
903 "\n",
904 "(89, 0.02145, -0.70882499999999993, -0.76244999999999996)"
905 ]
906 },
907 {
908 "output_type": "stream",
909 "stream": "stdout",
910 "text": [
911 "\n",
912 "(90, 0.1993875, -0.38414999999999999, -0.95647499999999996)"
913 ]
914 },
915 {
916 "output_type": "stream",
917 "stream": "stdout",
918 "text": [
919 "\n",
920 "(91, 0.30419999999999997, -0.051674999999999999, -1.026675)"
921 ]
922 },
923 {
924 "output_type": "stream",
925 "stream": "stdout",
926 "text": [
927 "\n",
928 "(92, 0.50212499999999993, -0.039, -0.92137499999999994)"
929 ]
930 },
931 {
932 "output_type": "stream",
933 "stream": "stdout",
934 "text": [
935 "\n",
936 "(93, 0.57573750000000001, -0.19305, -0.77999999999999992)"
937 ]
938 },
939 {
940 "output_type": "stream",
941 "stream": "stdout",
942 "text": [
943 "\n",
944 "(94, 0.52844999999999998, -0.62058749999999996, -0.38756249999999998)"
945 ]
946 },
947 {
948 "output_type": "stream",
949 "stream": "stdout",
950 "text": [
951 "\n",
952 "(95, 0.41388749999999996, -0.86580000000000001, 0.19109999999999999)"
953 ]
954 },
955 {
956 "output_type": "stream",
957 "stream": "stdout",
958 "text": [
959 "\n",
960 "(96, 0.48067499999999996, -0.624, 0.74197499999999994)"
961 ]
962 },
963 {
964 "output_type": "stream",
965 "stream": "stdout",
966 "text": [
967 "\n",
968 "(97, 0.445575, -0.12772500000000001, 0.83655000000000002)"
969 ]
970 },
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972 "output_type": "stream",
973 "stream": "stdout",
974 "text": [
975 "\n",
976 "(98, 0.44264999999999999, 0.2145, 0.63082499999999997)"
977 ]
978 },
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980 "output_type": "stream",
981 "stream": "stdout",
982 "text": [
983 "\n",
984 "(99, 0.89456249999999993, 0.19694999999999999, -0.097499999999999989)"
985 ]
986 },
987 {
988 "output_type": "stream",
989 "stream": "stdout",
990 "text": [
991 "\n",
992 "(100, 0.85604999999999998, -0.039974999999999997, -0.72344999999999993)"
993 ]
994 },
995 {
996 "output_type": "stream",
997 "stream": "stdout",
998 "text": [
999 "\n",
1000 "(101, 0.54794999999999994, -0.149175, -0.87749999999999995)"
1001 ]
1002 },
1003 {
1004 "output_type": "stream",
1005 "stream": "stdout",
1006 "text": [
1007 "\n",
1008 "(102, 0.31784999999999997, -0.3276, -0.79267500000000002)"
1009 ]
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1013 "stream": "stdout",
1014 "text": [
1015 "\n",
1016 "(103, 0.2598375, -0.64252500000000001, -0.72734999999999994)"
1017 ]
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1021 "stream": "stdout",
1022 "text": [
1023 "\n",
1024 "(104, 0.29493749999999996, -0.78487499999999999, -0.49627499999999997)"
1025 ]
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1029 "stream": "stdout",
1030 "text": [
1031 "\n",
1032 "(105, 0.25447500000000001, -0.88139999999999996, -0.27787499999999998)"
1033 ]
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1035 {
1036 "output_type": "stream",
1037 "stream": "stdout",
1038 "text": [
1039 "\n",
1040 "(106, 0.41876249999999998, -0.85458749999999994, -0.13747499999999999)"
1041 ]
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1044 "output_type": "stream",
1045 "stream": "stdout",
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1047 "\n",
1048 "(107, 0.62497499999999995, -0.70784999999999998, -0.11309999999999999)"
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1053 "stream": "stdout",
1054 "text": [
1055 "\n",
1056 "(108, 0.75172499999999998, -0.53039999999999998, -0.37732499999999997)"
1057 ]
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1061 "stream": "stdout",
1062 "text": [
1063 "\n",
1064 "(109, 0.77171249999999991, -0.25837499999999997, -0.72344999999999993)"
1065 ]
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1069 "stream": "stdout",
1070 "text": [
1071 "\n",
1072 "(110, 0.61522500000000002, -0.046799999999999994, -0.85312499999999991)"
1073 ]
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1077 "stream": "stdout",
1078 "text": [
1079 "\n",
1080 "(111, 0.36269999999999997, -0.049724999999999998, -0.995475)"
1081 ]
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1085 "stream": "stdout",
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1087 "\n",
1088 "(112, 0.49627499999999997, -0.25496249999999998, -0.73514999999999997)"
1089 ]
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1093 "stream": "stdout",
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1095 "\n",
1096 "(113, 0.79413749999999994, -0.35197499999999998, -0.10188749999999999)"
1097 ]
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1100 "output_type": "stream",
1101 "stream": "stdout",
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1103 "\n",
1104 "(114, 0.89407499999999995, -0.19548749999999998, 0.5655)"
1105 ]
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1109 "stream": "stdout",
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1111 "\n",
1112 "(115, 0.46166249999999998, -0.141375, 1.0544624999999999)"
1113 ]
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1115 {
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1117 "stream": "stdout",
1118 "text": [
1119 "\n",
1120 "(116, -0.13747499999999999, 0.00097499999999999996, 0.80827499999999997)"
1121 ]
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1125 "stream": "stdout",
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1127 "\n",
1128 "(117, -0.81119999999999992, -0.11699999999999999, 0.28664999999999996)"
1129 ]
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1133 "stream": "stdout",
1134 "text": [
1135 "\n",
1136 "(118, -0.91698749999999996, -0.31492500000000001, -0.04095)"
1137 ]
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1141 "stream": "stdout",
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1143 "\n",
1144 "(119, -0.89017499999999994, -0.43874999999999997, -0.52064999999999995)"
1145 ]
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1149 "stream": "stdout",
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1151 "\n",
1152 "(120, -0.61522500000000002, -0.42119999999999996, -0.83655000000000002)"
1153 ]
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1157 "stream": "stdout",
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1159 "\n",
1160 "(121, -0.40413749999999998, 0.0077999999999999996, -1.0705499999999999)"
1161 ]
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1163 {
1164 "output_type": "stream",
1165 "stream": "stdout",
1166 "text": [
1167 "\n",
1168 "(122, -0.64496249999999999, 0.268125, -0.63472499999999998)"
1169 ]
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1171 {
1172 "output_type": "stream",
1173 "stream": "stdout",
1174 "text": [
1175 "\n",
1176 "(123, -0.72539999999999993, 0.236925, -0.52747500000000003)"
1177 ]
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1181 "stream": "stdout",
1182 "text": [
1183 "\n",
1184 "(124, -0.97109999999999996, 0.016574999999999999, -0.0068249999999999995)"
1185 ]
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1189 "stream": "stdout",
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1191 "\n",
1192 "(125, -0.98085, -0.13747499999999999, 0.342225)"
1193 ]
1194 },
1195 {
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1197 "stream": "stdout",
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1199 "\n",
1200 "(126, -0.78389999999999993, -0.162825, 0.77999999999999992)"
1201 ]
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1203 {
1204 "output_type": "stream",
1205 "stream": "stdout",
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1207 "\n",
1208 "(127, -0.41096250000000001, 0.24862499999999998, 0.84824999999999995)"
1209 ]
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1211 {
1212 "output_type": "stream",
1213 "stream": "stdout",
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1215 "\n",
1216 "(128, -0.30907499999999999, 0.77317499999999995, 0.076049999999999993)"
1217 ]
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1220 "output_type": "stream",
1221 "stream": "stdout",
1222 "text": [
1223 "\n",
1224 "(129, -0.64154999999999995, 0.72052499999999997, -0.50895000000000001)"
1225 ]
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1228 "output_type": "stream",
1229 "stream": "stdout",
1230 "text": [
1231 "\n",
1232 "(130, -0.39584999999999998, 0.22522499999999998, -1.0578749999999999)"
1233 ]
1234 },
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1236 "output_type": "stream",
1237 "stream": "stdout",
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1239 "\n",
1240 "(131, -0.192075, -0.23497499999999999, -0.96817500000000001)"
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1245 "stream": "stdout",
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1247 "\n",
1248 "(132, 0.27982499999999999, -0.48945, -0.81119999999999992)"
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1253 "stream": "stdout",
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1255 "\n",
1256 "(133, 0.46799999999999997, -0.70687499999999992, -0.54307499999999997)"
1257 ]
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1261 "stream": "stdout",
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1263 "\n",
1264 "(134, 0.53771249999999993, -0.77122499999999994, -0.050699999999999995)"
1265 ]
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1267 {
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1269 "stream": "stdout",
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1271 "\n",
1272 "(135, 0.54794999999999994, -0.75659999999999994, 0.48359999999999997)"
1273 ]
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1277 "stream": "stdout",
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1279 "\n",
1280 "(136, 0.30809999999999998, -0.52844999999999998, 0.77317499999999995)"
1281 ]
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1283 {
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1285 "stream": "stdout",
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1287 "\n",
1288 "(137, -0.0068249999999999995, -0.083849999999999994, 0.94867499999999993)"
1289 ]
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1293 "stream": "stdout",
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1295 "\n",
1296 "(138, -0.39487499999999998, 0.10725, 0.73709999999999998)"
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1304 "(139, -0.58694999999999997, -0.24667499999999998, 0.6157125)"
1305 ]
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1309 "stream": "stdout",
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1311 "\n",
1312 "(140, -0.75172499999999998, -0.48847499999999999, 0.34027499999999999)"
1313 ]
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1319 "\n",
1320 "(141, -0.70589999999999997, -0.76829999999999998, -0.19499999999999998)"
1321 ]
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1323 {
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1325 "stream": "stdout",
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1327 "\n",
1328 "(142, -0.17354999999999998, -0.82874999999999999, -0.44947499999999996)"
1329 ]
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1333 "stream": "stdout",
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1335 "\n",
1336 "(143, 0.6157125, -0.58889999999999998, -0.24033749999999998)"
1337 ]
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1341 "stream": "stdout",
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1343 "\n",
1344 "(144, 0.97792499999999993, 0.096525, 0.34027499999999999)"
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1351 "\n",
1352 "(145, 0.61424999999999996, 0.70882499999999993, 0.45239999999999997)"
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1357 "stream": "stdout",
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1359 "\n",
1360 "(146, 0.4099875, 0.818025, -0.52259999999999995)"
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1363 {
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1365 "stream": "stdout",
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1367 "\n",
1368 "(147, 0.36172499999999996, 0.59816249999999993, -0.92917499999999997)"
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1371 {
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1373 "stream": "stdout",
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1375 "\n",
1376 "(148, 0.055574999999999999, 0.36269999999999997, -1.0135125)"
1377 ]
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1381 "stream": "stdout",
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1383 "\n",
1384 "(149, 0.10871249999999999, -0.26324999999999998, -1.0447124999999999)"
1385 ]
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1387 {
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1389 "stream": "stdout",
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1391 "\n",
1392 "(150, -0.3943875, -0.199875, -0.78292499999999998)"
1393 ]
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1397 "stream": "stdout",
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1399 "\n",
1400 "(151, -0.64154999999999995, -0.45337499999999997, -0.728325)"
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1405 "stream": "stdout",
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1408 "(152, -0.75221249999999995, -0.39877499999999999, -0.35099999999999998)"
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1411 {
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1413 "stream": "stdout",
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1415 "\n",
1416 "(153, -0.88529999999999998, -0.268125, -0.12675)"
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1419 {
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1421 "stream": "stdout",
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1423 "\n",
1424 "(154, -0.91113749999999993, -0.37439999999999996, 0.41535)"
1425 ]
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1429 "stream": "stdout",
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1432 "(155, -0.29786249999999997, -0.51674999999999993, 0.65812499999999996)"
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1437 "stream": "stdout",
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1440 "(156, 0.46994999999999998, -0.73271249999999999, 0.37927499999999997)"
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1443 {
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1455 "\n",
1456 "(158, 0.60839999999999994, -0.818025, -0.133575)"
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1464 "(159, 0.39682499999999998, -0.85019999999999996, -0.17354999999999998)"
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1471 "\n",
1472 "(160, 0.24862499999999998, -0.91747499999999993, -0.20865)"
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1477 "stream": "stdout",
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1480 "(161, 0.21059999999999998, -0.88529999999999998, -0.39389999999999997)"
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1483 {
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1487 "\n",
1488 "(162, 0.029249999999999998, -0.97792499999999993, 0.0)"
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1496 "(163, -0.049724999999999998, -0.97841249999999991, 0.27007500000000001)"
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1500 "output_type": "stream",
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1504 "(164, -0.11309999999999999, -0.96232499999999999, 0.416325)"
1505 ]
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1509 "stream": "stdout",
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1512 "(165, 0.34173749999999997, -0.86385000000000001, -0.29152499999999998)"
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1515 {
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1517 "stream": "stdout",
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1519 "\n",
1520 "(166, 0.37829999999999997, -0.74490000000000001, -0.29542499999999999)"
1521 ]
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1523 {
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1528 "(167, 0.62692499999999995, -0.45727499999999999, -0.61278749999999993)"
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1535 "\n",
1536 "(168, 0.5864625, 0.3276, -0.81607499999999999)"
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1543 "\n",
1544 "(169, 0.01755, 0.85409999999999997, -0.59084999999999999)"
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1551 "\n",
1552 "(170, 0.00975, 0.97207499999999991, -0.070199999999999999)"
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1560 "(171, 0.023399999999999997, 0.995475, 0.03705)"
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1563 {
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1567 "\n",
1568 "(172, 0.11748749999999999, 0.87944999999999995, 0.15746250000000001)"
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1571 {
1572 "output_type": "stream",
1573 "stream": "stdout",
1574 "text": [
1575 "\n",
1576 "(173, -0.004875, 0.94184999999999997, 0.16184999999999999)"
1577 ]
1578 },
1579 {
1580 "output_type": "stream",
1581 "stream": "stdout",
1582 "text": [
1583 "\n",
1584 "(174, -0.045824999999999998, 0.99157499999999998, 0.32077499999999998)"
1585 ]
1586 },
1587 {
1588 "output_type": "stream",
1589 "stream": "stdout",
1590 "text": [
1591 "\n",
1592 "(175, -0.012674999999999999, 1.0247249999999999, -0.11115)"
1593 ]
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1595 {
1596 "output_type": "stream",
1597 "stream": "stdout",
1598 "text": [
1599 "\n",
1600 "(176, -0.11651249999999999, 1.0880999999999998, 0.20085)"
1601 ]
1602 },
1603 {
1604 "output_type": "stream",
1605 "stream": "stdout",
1606 "text": [
1607 "\n",
1608 "(177, -0.30712499999999998, 0.81899999999999995, -0.49334999999999996)"
1609 ]
1610 },
1611 {
1612 "output_type": "stream",
1613 "stream": "stdout",
1614 "text": [
1615 "\n",
1616 "(178, 0.035587500000000001, 0.94574999999999998, -0.15356249999999999)"
1617 ]
1618 },
1619 {
1620 "output_type": "stream",
1621 "stream": "stdout",
1622 "text": [
1623 "\n",
1624 "(179, -0.1399125, 1.0569, -0.18427499999999999)"
1625 ]
1626 },
1627 {
1628 "output_type": "stream",
1629 "stream": "stdout",
1630 "text": [
1631 "\n",
1632 "(180, 0.11115, 0.81997500000000001, -0.65812499999999996)"
1633 ]
1634 },
1635 {
1636 "output_type": "stream",
1637 "stream": "stdout",
1638 "text": [
1639 "\n",
1640 "(181, 0.52308749999999993, 0.28470000000000001, -0.77415)"
1641 ]
1642 },
1643 {
1644 "output_type": "stream",
1645 "stream": "stdout",
1646 "text": [
1647 "\n",
1648 "(182, 0.74490000000000001, 0.066299999999999998, -0.70102500000000001)"
1649 ]
1650 },
1651 {
1652 "output_type": "stream",
1653 "stream": "stdout",
1654 "text": [
1655 "\n",
1656 "(183, 0.79949999999999999, -0.32955000000000001, -0.61814999999999998)"
1657 ]
1658 },
1659 {
1660 "output_type": "stream",
1661 "stream": "stdout",
1662 "text": [
1663 "\n",
1664 "(184, 0.65715000000000001, -0.33929999999999999, -0.59084999999999999)"
1665 ]
1666 },
1667 {
1668 "output_type": "stream",
1669 "stream": "stdout",
1670 "text": [
1671 "\n",
1672 "(185, 0.156, -0.73124999999999996, -0.24033749999999998)"
1673 ]
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1675 {
1676 "output_type": "stream",
1677 "stream": "stdout",
1678 "text": [
1679 "\n",
1680 "(186, -0.080437499999999995, -0.92478749999999998, 0.14624999999999999)"
1681 ]
1682 },
1683 {
1684 "output_type": "stream",
1685 "stream": "stdout",
1686 "text": [
1687 "\n",
1688 "(187, -0.89115, -0.31492500000000001, 0.070199999999999999)"
1689 ]
1690 },
1691 {
1692 "output_type": "stream",
1693 "stream": "stdout",
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1695 "\n",
1696 "(188, -0.97694999999999999, 0.44069999999999998, 0.236925)"
1697 ]
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1699 {
1700 "output_type": "stream",
1701 "stream": "stdout",
1702 "text": [
1703 "\n",
1704 "(189, -0.71467499999999995, 0.80145, 0.1482)"
1705 ]
1706 },
1707 {
1708 "output_type": "stream",
1709 "stream": "stdout",
1710 "text": [
1711 "\n",
1712 "(190, -0.60060000000000002, 0.78097499999999997, 0.21742499999999998)"
1713 ]
1714 },
1715 {
1716 "output_type": "stream",
1717 "stream": "stdout",
1718 "text": [
1719 "\n",
1720 "(191, -0.268125, 1.0208249999999999, 0.07897499999999999)"
1721 ]
1722 },
1723 {
1724 "output_type": "stream",
1725 "stream": "stdout",
1726 "text": [
1727 "\n",
1728 "(192, -0.68201250000000002, 0.44167499999999998, 0.19305)"
1729 ]
1730 },
1731 {
1732 "output_type": "stream",
1733 "stream": "stdout",
1734 "text": [
1735 "\n",
1736 "(193, -0.87896249999999998, 0.14624999999999999, 0.092624999999999999)"
1737 ]
1738 },
1739 {
1740 "output_type": "stream",
1741 "stream": "stdout",
1742 "text": [
1743 "\n",
1744 "(194, -1.1163749999999999, -0.36659999999999998, -0.46604999999999996)"
1745 ]
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1747 {
1748 "output_type": "stream",
1749 "stream": "stdout",
1750 "text": [
1751 "\n",
1752 "(195, -0.21742499999999998, -0.50797499999999995, -0.79559999999999997)"
1753 ]
1754 },
1755 {
1756 "output_type": "stream",
1757 "stream": "stdout",
1758 "text": [
1759 "\n",
1760 "(196, 0.43436249999999998, -0.31395000000000001, -0.75269999999999992)"
1761 ]
1762 },
1763 {
1764 "output_type": "stream",
1765 "stream": "stdout",
1766 "text": [
1767 "\n",
1768 "(197, 0.63569999999999993, 0.070199999999999999, -0.57329999999999992)"
1769 ]
1770 },
1771 {
1772 "output_type": "stream",
1773 "stream": "stdout",
1774 "text": [
1775 "\n",
1776 "(198, 0.79949999999999999, 0.22424999999999998, -0.39584999999999998)"
1777 ]
1778 },
1779 {
1780 "output_type": "stream",
1781 "stream": "stdout",
1782 "text": [
1783 "\n",
1784 "(199, 0.92624999999999991, 0.2223, -0.38999999999999996)"
1785 ]
1786 },
1787 {
1788 "output_type": "stream",
1789 "stream": "stdout",
1790 "text": [
1791 "\n",
1792 "(200, 0.94964999999999999, 0.27884999999999999, -0.11992499999999999)"
1793 ]
1794 },
1795 {
1796 "output_type": "stream",
1797 "stream": "stdout",
1798 "text": [
1799 "\n",
1800 "(201, 0.98231249999999992, -0.25545000000000001, 0.40754999999999997)"
1801 ]
1802 },
1803 {
1804 "output_type": "stream",
1805 "stream": "stdout",
1806 "text": [
1807 "\n",
1808 "(202, 0.59767499999999996, -0.57622499999999999, 0.46312499999999995)"
1809 ]
1810 },
1811 {
1812 "output_type": "stream",
1813 "stream": "stdout",
1814 "text": [
1815 "\n",
1816 "(203, 0.076049999999999993, -0.88919999999999999, 0.51772499999999999)"
1817 ]
1818 },
1819 {
1820 "output_type": "stream",
1821 "stream": "stdout",
1822 "text": [
1823 "\n",
1824 "(204, -0.34514999999999996, -0.65032499999999993, 0.55769999999999997)"
1825 ]
1826 },
1827 {
1828 "output_type": "stream",
1829 "stream": "stdout",
1830 "text": [
1831 "\n",
1832 "(205, -0.71272499999999994, -0.42607499999999998, 0.54307499999999997)"
1833 ]
1834 },
1835 {
1836 "output_type": "stream",
1837 "stream": "stdout",
1838 "text": [
1839 "\n",
1840 "(206, -0.60254999999999992, -0.39633750000000001, 0.69614999999999994)"
1841 ]
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1843 {
1844 "output_type": "stream",
1845 "stream": "stdout",
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1847 "\n",
1848 "(207, -0.71565000000000001, 0.004875, 0.63569999999999993)"
1849 ]
1850 },
1851 {
1852 "output_type": "stream",
1853 "stream": "stdout",
1854 "text": [
1855 "\n",
1856 "(208, -0.69371249999999995, 0.2442375, 0.64057500000000001)"
1857 ]
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1859 {
1860 "output_type": "stream",
1861 "stream": "stdout",
1862 "text": [
1863 "\n",
1864 "(209, -0.54210000000000003, 0.966225, 0.10237499999999999)"
1865 ]
1866 },
1867 {
1868 "output_type": "stream",
1869 "stream": "stdout",
1870 "text": [
1871 "\n",
1872 "(210, -0.48457499999999998, 0.98767499999999997, -0.27982499999999999)"
1873 ]
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1875 {
1876 "output_type": "stream",
1877 "stream": "stdout",
1878 "text": [
1879 "\n",
1880 "(211, -0.24862499999999998, 0.98085, -0.3339375)"
1881 ]
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1883 {
1884 "output_type": "stream",
1885 "stream": "stdout",
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1887 "\n",
1888 "(212, -0.34320000000000001, 0.786825, -0.63277499999999998)"
1889 ]
1890 },
1891 {
1892 "output_type": "stream",
1893 "stream": "stdout",
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1895 "\n",
1896 "(213, -0.1326, 0.74977499999999997, -0.81704999999999994)"
1897 ]
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1899 {
1900 "output_type": "stream",
1901 "stream": "stdout",
1902 "text": [
1903 "\n",
1904 "(214, 0.16769999999999999, 0.77805000000000002, -0.64544999999999997)"
1905 ]
1906 },
1907 {
1908 "output_type": "stream",
1909 "stream": "stdout",
1910 "text": [
1911 "\n",
1912 "(215, 0.11505, 0.96671249999999997, -0.39731249999999996)"
1913 ]
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1915 {
1916 "output_type": "stream",
1917 "stream": "stdout",
1918 "text": [
1919 "\n",
1920 "(216, 0.067762500000000003, 0.905775, -0.16672499999999998)"
1921 ]
1922 },
1923 {
1924 "output_type": "stream",
1925 "stream": "stdout",
1926 "text": [
1927 "\n",
1928 "(217, 0.75172499999999998, 0.40462499999999996, -0.268125)"
1929 ]
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1931 {
1932 "output_type": "stream",
1933 "stream": "stdout",
1934 "text": [
1935 "\n",
1936 "(218, 1.022775, -0.093599999999999989, 0.21839999999999998)"
1937 ]
1938 },
1939 {
1940 "output_type": "stream",
1941 "stream": "stdout",
1942 "text": [
1943 "\n",
1944 "(219, 1.0949249999999999, -0.31346249999999998, 0.08287499999999999)"
1945 ]
1946 },
1947 {
1948 "output_type": "stream",
1949 "stream": "stdout",
1950 "text": [
1951 "\n",
1952 "(220, 0.81753749999999992, -0.70053749999999992, -0.0024375)"
1953 ]
1954 },
1955 {
1956 "output_type": "stream",
1957 "stream": "stdout",
1958 "text": [
1959 "\n",
1960 "(221, 0.44264999999999999, -0.4758, -0.93794999999999995)"
1961 ]
1962 },
1963 {
1964 "output_type": "stream",
1965 "stream": "stdout",
1966 "text": [
1967 "\n",
1968 "(222, 0.20474999999999999, -0.19597499999999998, -0.98182499999999995)"
1969 ]
1970 },
1971 {
1972 "output_type": "stream",
1973 "stream": "stdout",
1974 "text": [
1975 "\n",
1976 "(223, 0.74538749999999998, -0.32272499999999998, 0.14332499999999998)"
1977 ]
1978 },
1979 {
1980 "output_type": "stream",
1981 "stream": "stdout",
1982 "text": [
1983 "\n",
1984 "(224, 0.38805000000000001, -0.43582499999999996, 0.91552499999999992)"
1985 ]
1986 },
1987 {
1988 "output_type": "stream",
1989 "stream": "stdout",
1990 "text": [
1991 "\n",
1992 "(225, -0.38024999999999998, -0.10237499999999999, 0.68835000000000002)"
1993 ]
1994 },
1995 {
1996 "output_type": "stream",
1997 "stream": "stdout",
1998 "text": [
1999 "\n",
2000 "(226, -0.58938749999999995, -0.20572499999999999, 0.67567499999999991)"
2001 ]
2002 },
2003 {
2004 "output_type": "stream",
2005 "stream": "stdout",
2006 "text": [
2007 "\n",
2008 "(227, -0.86580000000000001, -0.26910000000000001, 0.51187499999999997)"
2009 ]
2010 },
2011 {
2012 "output_type": "stream",
2013 "stream": "stdout",
2014 "text": [
2015 "\n",
2016 "(228, -0.69809999999999994, -0.16672499999999998, 0.64642499999999992)"
2017 ]
2018 },
2019 {
2020 "output_type": "stream",
2021 "stream": "stdout",
2022 "text": [
2023 "\n",
2024 "(229, -0.74392499999999995, -0.1633125, 0.64447500000000002)"
2025 ]
2026 },
2027 {
2028 "output_type": "stream",
2029 "stream": "stdout",
2030 "text": [
2031 "\n",
2032 "(230, -0.73758749999999995, -0.14429999999999998, 0.48847499999999999)"
2033 ]
2034 },
2035 {
2036 "output_type": "stream",
2037 "stream": "stdout",
2038 "text": [
2039 "\n",
2040 "(231, -0.83167499999999994, -0.25739999999999996, 0.31589999999999996)"
2041 ]
2042 },
2043 {
2044 "output_type": "stream",
2045 "stream": "stdout",
2046 "text": [
2047 "\n",
2048 "(232, -0.92332499999999995, -0.56745000000000001, 0.09018749999999999)"
2049 ]
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2051 {
2052 "output_type": "stream",
2053 "stream": "stdout",
2054 "text": [
2055 "\n",
2056 "(233, -0.84629999999999994, -0.57524999999999993, 0.046799999999999994)"
2057 ]
2058 },
2059 {
2060 "output_type": "stream",
2061 "stream": "stdout",
2062 "text": [
2063 "\n",
2064 "(234, -0.61717499999999992, -0.52162500000000001, -0.65812499999999996)"
2065 ]
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2067 {
2068 "output_type": "stream",
2069 "stream": "stdout",
2070 "text": [
2071 "\n",
2072 "(235, -0.31638749999999999, -0.52552500000000002, -0.90382499999999999)"
2073 ]
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2075 {
2076 "output_type": "stream",
2077 "stream": "stdout",
2078 "text": [
2079 "\n",
2080 "(236, -0.17647499999999999, -0.44703749999999998, -0.907725)"
2081 ]
2082 },
2083 {
2084 "output_type": "stream",
2085 "stream": "stdout",
2086 "text": [
2087 "\n",
2088 "(237, -0.20279999999999998, -0.40754999999999997, -0.9179624999999999)"
2089 ]
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2091 {
2092 "output_type": "stream",
2093 "stream": "stdout",
2094 "text": [
2095 "\n",
2096 "(238, -0.0019499999999999999, -0.31784999999999997, -0.95647499999999996)"
2097 ]
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2099 {
2100 "output_type": "stream",
2101 "stream": "stdout",
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2103 "\n",
2104 "(239, 0.19597499999999998, -0.357825, -0.91552499999999992)"
2105 ]
2106 },
2107 {
2108 "output_type": "stream",
2109 "stream": "stdout",
2110 "text": [
2111 "\n",
2112 "(240, 0.68347499999999994, -0.29688749999999997, -0.38805000000000001)"
2113 ]
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2115 {
2116 "output_type": "stream",
2117 "stream": "stdout",
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2119 "\n",
2120 "(241, 0.9579375, -0.23594999999999999, 0.28470000000000001)"
2121 ]
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2123 {
2124 "output_type": "stream",
2125 "stream": "stdout",
2126 "text": [
2127 "\n",
2128 "(242, 0.73758749999999995, -0.30712499999999998, 0.70882499999999993)"
2129 ]
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2131 {
2132 "output_type": "stream",
2133 "stream": "stdout",
2134 "text": [
2135 "\n",
2136 "(243, 0.40852499999999997, -0.33734999999999998, 0.92917499999999997)"
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2139 {
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2141 "stream": "stdout",
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2143 "\n",
2144 "(244, 0.0112125, -0.29542499999999999, 0.91601250000000001)"
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2147 {
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2149 "stream": "stdout",
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2151 "\n",
2152 "(245, -0.20572499999999999, -0.28762499999999996, 0.88237499999999991)"
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2156 "output_type": "stream",
2157 "stream": "stdout",
2158 "text": [
2159 "\n",
2160 "(246, -0.21011249999999998, -0.29152499999999998, 0.93014999999999992)"
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2163 {
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2165 "stream": "stdout",
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2167 "\n",
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2171 {
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2175 "\n",
2176 "(248, 0.56940000000000002, -0.85751250000000001, -0.096525)"
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2179 {
2180 "output_type": "stream",
2181 "stream": "stdout",
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2183 "\n",
2184 "(249, 0.35294999999999999, -0.80388749999999998, -0.49822499999999997)"
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2187 {
2188 "output_type": "stream",
2189 "stream": "stdout",
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2191 "\n",
2192 "(250, -0.18719999999999998, -0.81217499999999998, -0.429975)"
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2195 {
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2197 "stream": "stdout",
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2199 "\n",
2200 "(251, -0.38951249999999998, -0.82387499999999991, -0.2223)"
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2207 "\n",
2208 "(252, -0.74295, -0.59377499999999994, 0.117975)"
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2211 {
2212 "output_type": "stream",
2213 "stream": "stdout",
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2215 "\n",
2216 "(253, -0.75513750000000002, -0.28275, 0.74392499999999995)"
2217 ]
2218 },
2219 {
2220 "output_type": "stream",
2221 "stream": "stdout",
2222 "text": [
2223 "\n",
2224 "(254, -0.371475, -0.16087499999999999, 0.85702499999999993)"
2225 ]
2226 },
2227 {
2228 "output_type": "stream",
2229 "stream": "stdout",
2230 "text": [
2231 "\n",
2232 "(255, -0.082387500000000002, -0.81607499999999999, 0.31053749999999997)"
2233 ]
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2235 {
2236 "output_type": "stream",
2237 "stream": "stdout",
2238 "text": [
2239 "\n",
2240 "(256, -0.1184625, -0.77415, -0.82582499999999992)"
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2243 {
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2245 "stream": "stdout",
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2247 "\n",
2248 "(257, -0.14624999999999999, -0.084824999999999998, -1.10565)"
2249 ]
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2253 "stream": "stdout",
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2256 "(258, -0.098474999999999993, 0.21937499999999999, -1.0461749999999999)"
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2259 {
2260 "output_type": "stream",
2261 "stream": "stdout",
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2263 "\n",
2264 "(259, -0.14429999999999998, 0.40462499999999996, -0.95452499999999996)"
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2267 {
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2269 "stream": "stdout",
2270 "text": [
2271 "\n",
2272 "(260, -0.27689999999999998, 0.48262499999999997, -0.93112499999999998)"
2273 ]
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2275 {
2276 "output_type": "stream",
2277 "stream": "stdout",
2278 "text": [
2279 "\n",
2280 "(261, -0.39194999999999997, -0.055574999999999999, -1.2002249999999999)"
2281 ]
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2283 {
2284 "output_type": "stream",
2285 "stream": "stdout",
2286 "text": [
2287 "\n",
2288 "(262, -0.45239999999999997, -0.48067499999999996, -0.68445)"
2289 ]
2290 },
2291 {
2292 "output_type": "stream",
2293 "stream": "stdout",
2294 "text": [
2295 "\n",
2296 "(263, -0.400725, -0.72929999999999995, -0.51772499999999999)"
2297 ]
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2299 {
2300 "output_type": "stream",
2301 "stream": "stdout",
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2303 "\n",
2304 "(264, -0.24862499999999998, -0.95257499999999995, -0.14235)"
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2307 {
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2309 "stream": "stdout",
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2311 "\n",
2312 "(265, -0.075562499999999991, -0.91552499999999992, 0.46166249999999998)"
2313 ]
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2315 {
2316 "output_type": "stream",
2317 "stream": "stdout",
2318 "text": [
2319 "\n",
2320 "(266, 0.083849999999999994, -0.63569999999999993, 0.76829999999999998)"
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2323 {
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2325 "stream": "stdout",
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2327 "\n",
2328 "(267, 0.36269999999999997, -0.1330875, 0.87359999999999993)"
2329 ]
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2331 {
2332 "output_type": "stream",
2333 "stream": "stdout",
2334 "text": [
2335 "\n",
2336 "(268, 0.39633750000000001, 0.10968749999999999, 0.91162499999999991)"
2337 ]
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2339 {
2340 "output_type": "stream",
2341 "stream": "stdout",
2342 "text": [
2343 "\n",
2344 "(269, -0.022425, 0.114075, 0.92527499999999996)"
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2347 {
2348 "output_type": "stream",
2349 "stream": "stdout",
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2351 "\n",
2352 "(270, -0.28859999999999997, -0.17647499999999999, 0.91162499999999991)"
2353 ]
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2355 {
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2357 "stream": "stdout",
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2359 "\n",
2360 "(271, -0.29542499999999999, -0.61327500000000001, 0.65617499999999995)"
2361 ]
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2363 {
2364 "output_type": "stream",
2365 "stream": "stdout",
2366 "text": [
2367 "\n",
2368 "(272, -0.16184999999999999, -0.90382499999999999, 0.43338749999999998)"
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2392 "(275, 0.2145, 0.26129999999999998, 0.88724999999999998)"
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3160 "(371, 0.70589999999999997, 0.51187499999999997, 0.055574999999999999)"
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3168 "(372, 0.6552, 0.3651375, 0.89992499999999997)"
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3176 "(373, 0.1638, -0.125775, 1.0880999999999998)"
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3184 "(374, -0.42509999999999998, -0.52601249999999999, 0.77902499999999997)"
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3192 "(375, -0.68347499999999994, -0.76439999999999997, -0.091162499999999994)"
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4096 "(488, -0.46215000000000001, 0.72929999999999995, 0.018525)"
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7357 "stream": "stdout",
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7904 "(964, 0.41291249999999996, -0.48749999999999999, 0.64642499999999992)"
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8008 "(977, 0.1106625, -0.8097375, -0.62692499999999995)"
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8016 "(978, 0.55184999999999995, -0.68932499999999997, 0.080924999999999997)"
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8021 "stream": "stdout",
8022 "text": [
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8024 "(979, 0.57524999999999993, -0.13552500000000001, 1.005225)"
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8056 "(983, -0.014624999999999999, 0.034124999999999996, -1.1124749999999999)"
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8096 "(988, 0.3495375, 0.90041249999999995, 0.26422499999999999)"
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8112 "(990, -0.4080375, 0.86628749999999999, 0.114075)"
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8120 "(991, -0.85117500000000001, 0.43338749999999998, 0.024374999999999997)"
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8123 {
8124 "output_type": "stream",
8125 "stream": "stdout",
8126 "text": [
8127 "\n",
8128 "(992, -0.85507499999999992, -0.64544999999999997, -0.50017499999999993)"
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8131 {
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8133 "stream": "stdout",
8134 "text": [
8135 "\n",
8136 "(993, -0.29152499999999998, -0.45922499999999999, -0.99449999999999994)"
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8142 "text": [
8143 "\n",
8144 "(994, -0.18427499999999999, 0.48359999999999997, -0.89212499999999995)"
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8150 "text": [
8151 "\n",
8152 "(995, -0.19597499999999998, 0.47921249999999999, -0.93599999999999994)"
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8155 {
8156 "output_type": "stream",
8157 "stream": "stdout",
8158 "text": [
8159 "\n",
8160 "(996, -0.36367499999999997, 0.67079999999999995, -0.66251249999999995)"
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8163 {
8164 "output_type": "stream",
8165 "stream": "stdout",
8166 "text": [
8167 "\n",
8168 "(997, -0.28079999999999999, 0.86872499999999997, 0.03705)"
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8171 {
8172 "output_type": "stream",
8173 "stream": "stdout",
8174 "text": [
8175 "\n",
8176 "(998, -0.40365000000000001, 0.81119999999999992, 0.33296249999999999)"
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8179 {
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8181 "stream": "stdout",
8182 "text": [
8183 "\n",
8184 "(999, -0.51528750000000001, 0.53039999999999998, 0.71662499999999996)"
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8187 {
8188 "output_type": "stream",
8189 "stream": "stdout",
8190 "text": [
8191 "\n"
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8195 "prompt_number": 72
8196 },
8197 {
8198 "cell_type": "code",
8199 "collapsed": false,
8200 "input": [
8201 "np.savez(\"calibration_data_set\", x=x, y=y, z=z)"
8202 ],
8203 "language": "python",
8204 "metadata": {},
8205 "outputs": [],
8206 "prompt_number": 73
8207 },
8208 {
3656 kaklik 8209 "cell_type": "markdown",
3655 kaklik 8210 "metadata": {},
3656 kaklik 8211 "source": [
8212 "Nam\u011b\u0159en\u00e1 data m\u016f\u017eeme tak\u00e9 z\u00edskat z p\u0159edem ulo\u017een\u00e9ho souboru. V n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00edm bloku je otev\u0159en soubor s referen\u010dn\u00edmi daty. "
8213 ]
3655 kaklik 8214 },
8215 {
8216 "cell_type": "code",
8217 "collapsed": false,
8218 "input": [
8219 "data = np.load('./calibration_data_set.npz')\n",
8220 "x=data['x']\n",
8221 "y=data['y']\n",
8222 "z=data['z']"
8223 ],
8224 "language": "python",
8225 "metadata": {},
8226 "outputs": [],
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3655 kaklik 8228 },
8229 {
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8231 "collapsed": false,
8232 "input": [
3656 kaklik 8233 "from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D\n",
3655 kaklik 8234 "%pylab qt\n",
8235 "#%pylab inline\n",
8236 "fig = plt.figure()\n",
8237 "ax = Axes3D(fig)\n",
8238 "p = ax.scatter(x, y, z)\n",
8239 "\n"
8240 ],
8241 "language": "python",
8242 "metadata": {},
8243 "outputs": [
8244 {
8245 "output_type": "stream",
8246 "stream": "stdout",
8247 "text": [
8248 "Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib\n"
8249 ]
8250 }
8251 ],
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3655 kaklik 8253 },
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8256 "collapsed": false,
8257 "input": [
8258 "amin(p)"
8259 ],
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8263 {
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8268 "96972.25"
8269 ]
8270 }
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8272 "prompt_number": 7
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8277 "input": [
8278 "amax(p)"
8279 ],
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8281 "metadata": {},
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8283 {
8284 "metadata": {},
8285 "output_type": "pyout",
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8288 "96838.75"
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8292 "prompt_number": 8
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8297 "input": [
8298 "std(p)"
8299 ],
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8304 "metadata": {},
8305 "output_type": "pyout",
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8307 "text": [
8308 "2.3585270827361722"
8309 ]
8310 }
8311 ],
8312 "prompt_number": 9
8313 },
8314 {
8315 "cell_type": "code",
8316 "collapsed": false,
8317 "input": [
8318 "plt.plot(p)"
8319 ],
8320 "language": "python",
8321 "metadata": {},
8322 "outputs": [
8323 {
8324 "metadata": {},
8325 "output_type": "pyout",
8326 "prompt_number": 9,
8327 "text": [
8328 "[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0xa00bb2c>]"
8329 ]
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8331 {
8332 "metadata": {},
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8335 "text": [
8336 "<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x9eb46cc>"
8337 ]
8338 }
8339 ],
8340 "prompt_number": 9
8341 },
8342 {
8343 "cell_type": "code",
8344 "collapsed": false,
8345 "input": [
8346 "plt.plot(t)"
8347 ],
8348 "language": "python",
8349 "metadata": {},
8350 "outputs": [
8351 {
8352 "metadata": {},
8353 "output_type": "pyout",
8354 "prompt_number": 11,
8355 "text": [
8356 "[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x9ee51ec>]"
8357 ]
8358 },
8359 {
8360 "metadata": {},
8361 "output_type": "display_data",
8362 "png": 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8363 "text": [
8364 "<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x9d764cc>"
8365 ]
8366 }
8367 ],
8368 "prompt_number": 11
8369 },
8370 {
8371 "cell_type": "code",
8372 "collapsed": false,
8373 "input": [],
8374 "language": "python",
8375 "metadata": {},
8376 "outputs": []
8377 }
8378 ],
8379 "metadata": {}
8380 }
8381 ]
8382 }