Rev Author Line No. Line
2759 jacho 1 [InfoShortDescription.en]
2 Digital sensor relative humidity and temperature
4 [InfoShortDescription.cs]
5 Digitální senzor relativní vlhkosti a teploty
7 [InfoLongDescription.en]
8 SHT25 sensor module which measures relative humidity from 0% to 100% with an accuracy of + / - 1.8%. Temperature is measured in the range -40 ° C to 125 ° C with a an accuracy of 0.2 ° C.
10 [InfoLongDescription.cs]
11 Modul se senzorem SHT25, který mìøí relativní vlhkost v rozsahu 0 % až 100 % s pøesností +/- 1.8 %. Teplota je mìøena v rozsahu -40 °C až 125 °C s typ. pøesností 0.2 °C.
12 [End]