Rev Author Line No. Line
250 kaklik 1 <?php
2 /* $Id: left.php,v 2006/02/22 15:33:35 cybot_tm Exp $ */
3 // vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
4 /**
5 * display db and table selection
6 */
8 /**
9 * Gets a core script and starts output buffering work
10 */
11 require_once('./libraries/common.lib.php');
13 // free the session file, for the other frames to be loaded
14 session_write_close();
16 require_once('./libraries/ob.lib.php');
17 if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['OBGzip']) {
18 $ob_mode = PMA_outBufferModeGet();
19 if ($ob_mode) {
20 PMA_outBufferPre($ob_mode);
21 }
22 }
24 require_once('./libraries/bookmark.lib.php');
25 require_once('./libraries/relation.lib.php');
26 $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
28 /**
29 * Get the list and number of available databases.
30 * Skipped if no server selected: in this case no database should be displayed
31 * before the user choose among available ones at the welcome screen.
32 */
33 if ($server > 0) {
34 // this function is defined in "common.lib.php"
35 // it defines $num_dbs and $dblist
36 PMA_availableDatabases();
38 if ( ( ! isset($db) || ! strlen($db) ) && count( $dblist ) === 1 ) {
39 reset( $dblist );
40 $db = current( $dblist );
41 }
42 } else {
43 $num_dbs = 0;
44 }
46 $db = isset( $db ) ? $db : '';
47 $table = isset( $table ) ? $table : '';
48 $db_start = $db;
51 // garvin: For re-usability, moved http-headers
52 // to a seperate file. It can now be included by libraries/,
53 // querywindow.php.
55 require_once('./libraries/');
57 /**
58 * Displays the frame
59 */
60 // remove vertical scroll bar bug in ie
61 echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $GLOBALS['charset'] . '"?>';
62 ?>
63 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
64 "">
65 <html xmlns=""
66 xml:lang="<?php echo $available_languages[$lang][2]; ?>"
67 lang="<?php echo $available_languages[$lang][2]; ?>"
68 dir="<?php echo $text_dir; ?>">
70 <head>
71 <link rel="icon" href="./favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
72 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="./favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
73 <title>phpMyAdmin</title>
74 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
75 content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $charset; ?>" />
76 <base target="frame_content" />
77 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
78 href="./css/phpmyadmin.css.php?<?php echo PMA_generate_common_url( '', '' ); ?>&amp;js_frame=left" />
79 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
80 //<![CDATA[
81 function toggle( id, only_open ) {
82 var el = document.getElementById('subel' + id);
83 if ( ! el ) {
84 return false;
85 }
87 var img = document.getElementById('el' + id + 'Img');
89 if ( == 'none' || only_open ) {
90 = '';
91 if ( img ) {
92 img.src = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage']; ?>b_minus.png';
93 img.alt = '-';
94 }
95 } else {
96 = 'none';
97 if ( img ) {
98 img.src = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage']; ?>b_plus.png';
99 img.alt = '+';
100 }
101 }
102 return true;
103 }
104 //]]>
105 </script>
106 </head>
108 <body id="body_leftFrame">
109 <?php
110 require './libraries/';
112 if ( $num_dbs === 0 ) {
113 // no database available, so we break here
114 echo '<p>' . $strNoDatabases . '</p></body></html>';
116 /**
117 * Close MySql connections
118 */
119 if (isset($controllink) && $controllink) {
120 @PMA_DBI_close($controllink);
121 }
122 if (isset($userlink) && $userlink) {
123 @PMA_DBI_close($userlink);
124 }
126 /**
127 * Sends bufferized data
128 */
129 if ( $GLOBALS['cfg']['OBGzip'] && isset( $ob_mode ) && $ob_mode ) {
130 PMA_outBufferPost( $ob_mode );
131 }
132 exit();
133 } elseif ( $GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameLight'] && $num_dbs > 1 ) {
134 // more than one database available and LeftFrameLight is true
135 // display db selectbox
136 //
137 // Light mode -> beginning of the select combo for databases
138 // Note: When javascript is active, the frameset will be changed from
139 // within left.php. With no JS (<noscript>) the whole frameset will
140 // be rebuilt with the new target frame.
141 ?>
143 <div id="databaseList">
144 <form method="post" action="index.php" target="_parent" id="left">
145 <label for="lightm_db"><?php echo $strDatabase; ?></label>
146 <?php
147 echo PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs() . "\n";
148 echo PMA_getHtmlSelectDb( $db ) . "\n";
149 echo '<noscript>' . "\n"
150 .'<input type="submit" name="Go" value="' . $strGo . '" />' . "\n"
151 .'</noscript>' . "\n"
152 .'</form>' . "\n"
153 .'</div>' . "\n";
154 }
155 ?>
157 <div id="left_tableList">
158 <?php
159 // Don't display expansible/collapsible database info if:
160 // 1. $server == 0 (no server selected)
161 // This is the case when there are multiple servers and
162 // '$GLOBALS['cfg']['ServerDefault'] = 0' is set. In that case, we want the welcome
163 // screen to appear with no database info displayed.
164 // 2. there is only one database available (ie either only one database exists
165 // or $GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers']['only_db'] is defined and is not an array)
166 // In this case, the database should not be collapsible/expandable
168 $img_plus = '<img class="icon" id="el%dImg" src="' . $pmaThemeImage . 'b_plus.png"'
169 .' width="9" height="9" alt="+" />';
170 $img_minus = '<img class="icon" id="el%dImg" src="' . $pmaThemeImage . 'b_minus.png"'
171 .' width="9" height="9" alt="-" />';
173 $href_left = '<a onclick="if ( toggle(\'%d\') ) return false;"'
174 .' href="left.php?%s" target="_self">';
176 $element_counter = 0;
178 if ( $GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameLight'] && isset($db) && strlen($db) ) {
179 // show selected databasename as link to DefaultTabDatabase-page
180 // with table count in ()
181 $common_url_query = PMA_generate_common_url( $db );
183 $db_tooltip = '';
184 if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowTooltip']
185 && $GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['commwork']) {
186 $_db_tooltip = PMA_getComments($db);
187 if (is_array($_db_tooltip)) {
188 $db_tooltip = implode(' ', $_db_tooltip);
189 }
190 }
192 $disp_name = $db;
193 if ($db_tooltip && $GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowTooltipAliasDB']) {
194 $disp_name = $db_tooltip;
195 $disp_name_cut = $db_tooltip;
196 $db_tooltip = $db;
197 }
199 ?>
200 <p><a class="item"
201 href="<?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase'] . '?' . $common_url_query; ?>"
202 title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($db_tooltip); ?>" >
203 <?php
204 if ($GLOBALS['text_dir'] === 'rtl') {
205 echo ' <bdo dir="ltr">(' . PMA_getTableCount($db) . ')</bdo> ';
206 }
207 echo htmlspecialchars( $disp_name );
208 if ($GLOBALS['text_dir'] === 'ltr') {
209 echo ' <bdo dir="ltr">(' . PMA_getTableCount($db) . ')</bdo> ';
210 }
211 echo '</a></p>';
213 $table_list = PMA_getTableList( $db );
214 if ( count( $table_list ) > 0 ) {
215 PMA_displayTableList( $table_list, true, '', $db );
216 } else {
217 echo $strNoTablesFound;
218 }
219 unset( $table_list );
220 } elseif ( $GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameLight'] ) {
221 echo '<p>' . $GLOBALS['strSelectADb'] . '</p>' . "\n";
222 } else {
223 $common_url_query = PMA_generate_common_url();
224 PMA_displayDbList(PMA_getDbList());
225 }
227 /**
228 * displays collapsable db list
229 *
230 * @uses $_REQUEST['dbgroup']
231 * @uses $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase']
232 * @uses $GLOBALS['strSelectADb']
233 * @uses strpos()
234 * @uses urlencode()
235 * @uses printf()
236 * @uses htmlspecialchars()
237 * @uses PMA_generate_common_url()
238 * @uses PMA_getTableList()
239 * @uses PMA_displayTableList()
240 * @global $element_counter
241 * @global $img_minus
242 * @global $img_plus
243 * @global $href_left
244 * @global $num_dbs
245 * @global $db_start
246 * @global $common_url_query
247 * @param array $ext_dblist extended db list
248 */
249 function PMA_displayDbList( $ext_dblist ) {
250 global $element_counter, $img_minus, $img_plus, $href_left, $num_dbs,
251 $db_start, $common_url_query;
253 // get table list, for all databases
254 // doing this in one step takes advantage of a single query with information_schema!
255 $tables_full = PMA_DBI_get_tables_full($GLOBALS['dblist']);
257 $url_dbgroup = '';
258 echo '<ul id="leftdatabaselist">';
259 $close_db_group = false;
260 foreach ( $ext_dblist as $group => $db_group ) {
261 if ( $num_dbs > 1 ) {
262 if ( $close_db_group ) {
263 $url_dbgroup = '';
264 echo '</ul>';
265 echo '</li>';
266 $close_db_group = false;
267 }
268 if ( count( $db_group ) > 1 ) {
269 $close_db_group = true;
270 $url_dbgroup = '&amp;dbgroup=' . urlencode( $group );
271 $common_url_query = PMA_generate_common_url() . $url_dbgroup;
272 $element_counter++;
273 echo '<li class="dbgroup">';
274 if ( ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['dbgroup'] ) && $_REQUEST['dbgroup'] == $group )
275 || $db_start == $group || strpos( $db_start, $group ) === 0 ) {
276 // display + only if this db(group) is not preselected
277 printf( $href_left, $element_counter, PMA_generate_common_url() );
278 printf( $img_minus, $element_counter );
279 } else {
280 printf( $href_left, $element_counter, $common_url_query );
281 printf( $img_plus, $element_counter );
282 }
283 echo '</a> ' . $group . "\n";
284 if ( ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['dbgroup'] ) && $_REQUEST['dbgroup'] == $group )
285 || $db_start == $group || strpos( $db_start, $group ) === 0 ) {
286 echo '<ul id="subel' . $element_counter . '">' . "\n";
287 } else {
288 echo '<ul id="subel' . $element_counter . '"'
289 .' style="display: none">' . "\n";
290 }
291 }
292 }
293 foreach ( $db_group as $db ) {
294 $common_url_query = PMA_generate_common_url( $db['name'] ) . $url_dbgroup;
296 $element_counter++;
297 // Displays the database name
298 echo '<li>' . "\n";
300 if ( $num_dbs > 1 ) {
301 // only with more than one db we need collapse ...
302 if ( $db_start != $db['name'] || $db['num_tables'] < 1 ) {
303 // display + only if this db is not preselected
304 // or table count is 0
305 printf( $href_left, $element_counter, $common_url_query );
306 printf( $img_plus, $element_counter );
307 } else {
308 printf( $href_left, $element_counter,
309 PMA_generate_common_url() . $url_dbgroup );
310 printf( $img_minus, $element_counter );
311 }
312 echo '</a>';
314 // ... and we need to refresh both frames on db selection
315 ?>
316 <a class="item"
317 id="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $db['name'] ); ?>"
318 href="index.php?<?php echo $common_url_query; ?>"
319 target="_parent"
320 title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $db['comment'] ); ?>"
321 onclick="
322 if ( ! toggle('<?php echo $element_counter; ?>', true) )
323 window.parent.goTo( './left.php?<?php echo $common_url_query; ?>' );
324 window.parent.goTo( './<?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase']
325 . '?' . $common_url_query; ?>', 'main' );
326 return false;">
327 <?php
328 if ( $GLOBALS['text_dir'] === 'rtl' ) {
329 echo ' <bdo dir="ltr">(' . $db['num_tables'] . ')</bdo> ';
330 }
331 echo htmlspecialchars( $db['disp_name'] );
332 if ( $GLOBALS['text_dir'] === 'ltr' ) {
333 echo ' <bdo dir="ltr">(' . $db['num_tables'] . ')</bdo> ';
334 }
335 ?>
336 </a>
337 <?php
338 } else {
339 // with only 1 db available we dont need to refresh left frame
340 // on db selection, only phpmain
341 ?>
342 <a href="<?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase']
343 . '?' . $common_url_query; ?>"
344 id="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $db['name'] ); ?>"
345 title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $db['comment'] ); ?>">
346 <?php
347 if ( $GLOBALS['text_dir'] === 'rtl' ) {
348 echo ' <bdo dir="ltr">(' . $db['num_tables'] . ')</bdo> ';
349 }
350 echo htmlspecialchars( $db['disp_name'] );
351 if ( $GLOBALS['text_dir'] === 'ltr' ) {
352 echo ' <bdo dir="ltr">(' . $db['num_tables'] . ')</bdo> ';
353 }
354 ?>
355 </a>
356 <?php
357 }
358 if ( $db['num_tables'] ) {
359 if ( isset( $tables_full[$db['name']] ) ) {
360 $tables = PMA_getTableList($db['name'], $tables_full[$db['name']]);
361 } elseif (isset($tables_full[strtolower($db['name'])])) {
362 // on windows with lower_case_table_names = 1
363 // MySQL returns
364 // with SHOW DATABASES or information_schema.SCHEMATA: `Test`
365 // but information_schema.TABLES gives `test`
366 // bug #1436171
367 //
368 $tables = PMA_getTableList($db['name'], $tables_full[strtolower($db['name'])]);
369 } else {
370 $tables = PMA_getTableList($db['name']);
371 }
372 $child_visible =
373 (bool) ($num_dbs === 1 || $db_start == $db['name']);
374 PMA_displayTableList($tables, $child_visible, '', $db['name']);
375 } elseif ( $GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameLight'] ) {
376 // no tables and LeftFrameLight:
377 // display message no tables in selected db
378 echo '<p>' . $GLOBALS['strSelectADb'] . '</p>' . "\n";
379 }
380 echo '</li>' . "\n";
381 } // end foreach db
382 } // end foreach group
384 if ( $close_db_group ) {
385 $url_dbgroup = '';
386 echo '</ul>';
387 echo '</li>';
388 $close_db_group = false;
389 }
391 echo '</ul>' . "\n";
392 }
394 /**
395 * display unordered list of tables
396 * calls itself recursively if table in given list
397 * is a list itself
398 *
399 * @uses is_array()
400 * @uses count()
401 * @uses urlencode()
402 * @uses strpos()
403 * @uses printf()
404 * @uses htmlspecialchars()
405 * @uses strlen()
406 * @uses is_array()
407 * @uses PMA_displayTableList()
408 * @uses $_REQUEST['tbl_group']
409 * @uses $GLOBALS['common_url_query']
410 * @uses $GLOBALS['table']
411 * @uses $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage']
412 * @uses $GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameTableSeparator']
413 * @uses $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase']
414 * @uses $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabTable']
415 * @uses $GLOBALS['strRows']
416 * @uses $GLOBALS['strBrowse']
417 * @global $element_counter
418 * @global $img_minus
419 * @global $img_plus
420 * @global $href_left
421 * @param array $tables array of tables/tablegroups
422 * @param boolean $visible wether the list is visible or not
423 * @param string $tab_group_full full tab group name
424 * @param string $table_db db of this table
425 */
426 function PMA_displayTableList($tables, $visible = false,
427 $tab_group_full = '', $table_db = '')
428 {
429 if ( ! is_array( $tables ) || count( $tables ) === 0 ) {
430 return;
431 }
433 global $element_counter, $img_minus, $img_plus, $href_left;
434 $sep = $GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameTableSeparator'];
436 if ( $visible ) {
437 echo '<ul id="subel' . $element_counter . '">';
438 } else {
439 echo '<ul id="subel' . $element_counter . '" style="display: none">';
440 }
441 foreach ( $tables as $group => $table ) {
442 if ( isset( $table['is' . $sep . 'group'] ) ) {
443 $common_url_query = $GLOBALS['common_url_query']
444 . '&amp;tbl_group=' . urlencode( $tab_group_full . $group );
446 $element_counter++;
447 echo '<li>' . "\n";
448 if ( $visible &&
449 (( isset( $_REQUEST['tbl_group'] )
450 && ( strpos( $_REQUEST['tbl_group'], $group ) === 0
451 || strpos( $_REQUEST['tbl_group'], $sep . $group ) !== false ) )
452 ||
453 ( isset( $GLOBALS['table'] )
454 && strpos( $GLOBALS['table'], $group ) === 0 ) ) ) {
455 printf( $href_left, $element_counter,
456 $GLOBALS['common_url_query'] . '&amp;tbl_group=' . $tab_group_full );
457 printf( $img_minus, $element_counter );
458 } else {
459 printf( $href_left, $element_counter, $common_url_query );
460 printf( $img_plus, $element_counter );
461 }
462 echo '</a>';
463 ?>
464 <a href="index.php?<?php echo $common_url_query; ?>"
465 target="_parent"
466 onclick="
467 if ( ! toggle('<?php echo $element_counter; ?>', true) )
468 window.parent.goTo( './left.php?<?php echo $common_url_query; ?>' );
469 window.parent.goTo( './<?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase']
470 . '?' . $common_url_query; ?>', 'main' );
471 return false;">
472 <?php
473 if ( $GLOBALS['text_dir'] === 'rtl' ) {
474 echo ' <bdo dir="ltr">(' . $table['tab' . $sep . 'count'] . ')</bdo> ';
475 }
476 echo htmlspecialchars( substr( $group, 0, strlen( $group ) - strlen( $sep ) ) );
477 if ( $GLOBALS['text_dir'] === 'ltr' ) {
478 echo ' <bdo dir="ltr">(' . $table['tab' . $sep . 'count'] . ')</bdo> ';
479 }
480 ?>
481 </a>
482 <?php
484 unset( $table['is' . $sep . 'group'] );
485 unset( $table['tab' . $sep . 'group'] );
486 unset( $table['tab' . $sep . 'count'] );
488 if ( $visible &&
489 (( isset( $_REQUEST['tbl_group'] )
490 && ( strpos( $_REQUEST['tbl_group'], $group ) === 0
491 || strpos( $_REQUEST['tbl_group'], $sep . $group ) !== false ) )
492 ||
493 ( isset( $GLOBALS['table'] )
494 && strpos( $GLOBALS['table'], $group ) === 0 ) ) ) {
495 PMA_displayTableList( $table, true,
496 $tab_group_full . $group, $table_db );
497 } else {
498 PMA_displayTableList( $table, false, '', $table_db );
499 }
500 echo '</li>' . "\n";
501 } elseif ( is_array( $table ) ) {
502 $href = $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabTable'] . '?'
503 .$GLOBALS['common_url_query'] . '&amp;table='
504 .urlencode( $table['Name'] );
505 echo '<li>' . "\n";
506 echo '<a title="' . $GLOBALS['strBrowse'] . ': '
507 . htmlspecialchars( $table['Comment'] )
508 .' (' . PMA_formatNumber( $table['Rows'], 0 ) . ' ' . $GLOBALS['strRows'] . ')"'
509 .' id="browse_' . htmlspecialchars( $table_db . '.' . $table['Name'] ) . '"'
510 .' href="sql.php?' . $GLOBALS['common_url_query']
511 .'&amp;table=' . urlencode( $table['Name'] )
512 .'&amp;goto=' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabTable']
513 . '" >'
514 .'<img class="icon"';
515 if ( 'VIEW' === strtoupper( $table['Comment'] ) ) {
516 echo ' src="' . $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . 's_views.png"';
517 } else {
518 echo ' src="' . $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . 'b_sbrowse.png"';
519 }
520 echo ' id="icon_' . htmlspecialchars( $table_db . '.' . $table['Name'] ) . '"'
521 .' width="10" height="10" alt="' . $GLOBALS['strBrowse'] . '" /></a>' . "\n"
522 .'<a href="' . $href . '" title="' . $table['Comment']
523 .' (' . PMA_formatNumber( $table['Rows'], 0 ) . ' ' . $GLOBALS['strRows'] . ')"'
524 .' id="' . htmlspecialchars( $table_db . '.' . $table['Name'] ) . '">'
525 . htmlspecialchars( $table['disp_name'] ) . '</a>';
526 echo '</li>' . "\n";
527 }
528 }
529 echo '</ul>';
530 }
531 ?>
532 </div>
533 </body>
534 </html>
535 <?php
536 /**
537 * Close MySql connections
538 */
539 if (isset($controllink) && $controllink) {
540 @PMA_DBI_close($controllink);
541 }
542 if (isset($userlink) && $userlink) {
543 @PMA_DBI_close($userlink);
544 }
546 /**
547 * Sends bufferized data
548 */
549 if ( $GLOBALS['cfg']['OBGzip'] && isset( $ob_mode ) && $ob_mode ) {
550 PMA_outBufferPost( $ob_mode );
551 }
552 ?>