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39 miho 6 <title> MLAB Main Page </title>
154 miho 7 <meta name="keywords" content="MLAB Universal Electronic Modules and Articles Processors Electronics">
8 <meta name="description" content="MLAB Project, Main Page">
132 kaklik 9 <!-- AUTOINCLUDE START "Page/Head.en.ihtml" DO NOT REMOVE -->
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52 <div class="MenuNoscript">
53 <a href="Web/Articles.en.html" title="Articles and other Texts">Articles</a>
54 <a href="Web/Modules.en.html" title="Individual MLAB Modules">Modules</a>
55 <a href="Web/Designs.en.html" title="Independed Designs">Designs</a>
56 <a href="Web/News.en.html" title="News">News</a>
614 miho 57 <a href="Web/FAQ.en.html" title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</a>
384 miho 58 <a href= "" title="Photo Gallery">Photogallery</a>
59 <a href="Web/Downloads.en.html" title="For download">Downloads</a>
60 <a href= ";path=%2F&amp;sc=0&amp;langchoice=English" title="Web interface to SVN database">WebSVN</a>
61 <a href="Web/Maintenance.en.html" title="Maintenance page">Maintenance</a>
62 <a href="Web/About.en.html" title="About Project">About</a>
63 </div>
334 miho 64 </div>
65 </noscript>
44 kakl 67 <!-- ============== TEXT ============== -->
39 miho 68 <div class="Text">
69 <p class="Title">
159 miho 70 Welcome to open source hardware MLAB project site
44 kakl 71 <br>
399 miho 72 <a href="index.cs.html"><img class="NoBorder" width=22 height=13 src="Web/PIC/CZE.gif" alt="Czech Flag"></a>
73 <a href="index.en.html"><img class="NoBorder" width=22 height=13 src="Web/PIC/GBR.gif" alt="British Flag"></a>
39 miho 74 </p>
75 <p class=Subtitle>
44 kakl 76 This is a noncommercial web about electronics with original designs.
1821 kaklik 77 We are especially interested in micro-controllers and small robots.
78 You can find here a lot of electronic modules and you can use its when developing
79 some electronics. It does not matter if you are professional
80 developer or hobbyist. You will be surprised by the quality!
44 kakl 81 <br>
82 <i>
1821 kaklik 83 The web is being continuously improved so if you find any problem let our
386 miho 84 <a href="./Web/AboutAuthors.en.html#WebMaster">webmaster</a> know.
44 kakl 85 </i>
39 miho 86 </p>
335 miho 87 <p class="Rozcestnik">
88 <a href="./Web/Articles.en.html"><img class="NoBorder" src="./Web/PIC/pic_articles.en.gif" alt="Articles"></a>
89 <a href="./Web/Modules.en.html" ><img class="NoBorder" src="./Web/PIC/pic_modules.en.gif" alt="Modules" ></a>
90 <a href="./Web/Designs.en.html" ><img class="NoBorder" src="./Web/PIC/pic_designs.en.gif" alt="Designs" ></a>
333 miho 91 </p>
39 miho 92 <p>
71 miho 93 On this web there are published MLAB modules,
44 kakl 94 their documentation and other original papers about electronics and designs
71 miho 95 written by our authors.
44 kakl 96 We want to bring <i>new valuable information</i>. We are the authors not
97 the web links collectors. More information about our goals and about this web
333 miho 98 is on these pages:
331 miho 99 </p>
154 miho 100 <ul>
333 miho 101 <li><a href="./Web/About.en.html">About MLAB project</a></li>
102 <li><a href="./Web/AboutMLAB.en.html">About MLAB</a></li>
103 <li><a href="./Web/AboutAuthors.en.html">About Authors</a></li>
104 <li><a href="./Web/AboutWeb.en.html">About MLAB web</a></li>
154 miho 105 </ul>
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39 miho 122  
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