Rev Author Line No. Line
228 kaklik 1 <h1><?php echo $sg->translator->_g("Choose Thumbnail") ?></h1>
3 <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="post">
4 <input type="hidden" name="action" value="changethumbnail" />
5 <input type="hidden" name="gallery" value="<?php echo $sg->gallery->idEntities() ?>" />
6 <p><?php echo $sg->translator->_g("Choose the filename of the image used to represent this gallery.") ?></p>
8 <?php /*<p><select name="sgThumbName">
9 <option value="__none__"<?php if($sg->gallery->filename == "__none__") echo ' selected="true"'; ?>><?php echo $sg->translator->_g("thumbnail|None") ?></option>
10 <option value="__random__"<?php if($sg->gallery->filename == "__random__") echo ' selected="true"'; ?>><?php echo $sg->translator->_g("thumbnail|Random") ?></option>
11 <?php
12 foreach($sg->gallery->images as $img) {
13 echo '<option value="'.$img->idEntities().'"';
14 if($sg->gallery->filename == $img->id) echo ' selected="true"';
15 echo '>'.$img->name().' ('.$img->idEntities().")</option>\n ";
16 }
17 ?>
18 </select></p> */ ?>
19 <p>
20 <label><input type="radio" name="sgThumbName" value="__none__"<?php if($sg->gallery->filename == "__none__") echo ' checked="true"'; ?>><?php echo $sg->translator->_g("thumbnail|None") ?></label>
21 <label><input type="radio" name="sgThumbName" value="__random__"<?php if($sg->gallery->filename == "__random__") echo ' checked="true"'; ?>><?php echo $sg->translator->_g("thumbnail|Random") ?></label>
22 <?php
23 foreach($sg->gallery->images as $img) {
24 echo '<label><input type="radio" name="sgThumbName" value="'.$img->idEntities().'"';
25 if($sg->gallery->filename == $img->id) echo ' checked="true"';
26 echo '>'.$img->thumbnailHTML("", "preview")."</label>\n ";
27 }
28 ?>
29 </p>
30 <p><input type="submit" class="button" name="confirmed" value="<?php /*"*/ echo $sg->translator->_g("confirm|OK") ?>">
31 <input type="submit" class="button" name="confirmed" value="<?php /*"*/ echo $sg->translator->_g("confirm|Cancel") ?>"></p>
32 </form>