Rev Author Line No. Line
228 kaklik 1 Modern - singapore template v1.3.2
2 by Ross Howard (
4 Modern is a lightweight xHTML/CSS template for singapore.
6 It includes gallery, album and image pages, and also has
7 a built-in slideshow, and full-size image pop-up ability.
9 It uses common naming conventions (albeit with an sg prefix)
10 and a clean div structure to allow you to easily and simply customise
11 it to suit your needs.
13 It supports both fixed-width, and scaling page sizes, and is intended to
14 be web standard compliant and render correctly on a wide range of browsers.
15 These include Mozilla/Firefox 1.5, Safari, Opera and IE6.
17 Modern comes standard with a default 'black on black' colour scheme, but also
18 includes CSS files for 'white on black' and 'white on white'.
20 By default, Modern uses the 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;' font family, as
21 declared for the body CSS. Simply changing this one line will effect the
22 entire template.
24 If you make any changes to template.ini please make sure to check the CSS file
25 too, in case you need to adjust page or thumbnail block widths.
27 TODO - Future Versions
29 Add Javascript UI library
30 Add AJAX Slideshow
34 1.3.2 - NEW RSS included as <link> in each page - Uses RSS template
35 1.3.2 - NEW Update check system checks for new version of Modern when logged in and viewing root public page
36 1.3.2 - NEW versioning number system
38 1.3 - FIX stop slideshow link for galleries with child galleries
39 1.3 - FIX template.ini thumb_force_size renamed to thumb_crop_
40 1.3 - FIX CSS image urls
41 1.3 - FIX Slideshow rollovers wrong size with resized images
42 1.3 - FIX slideshow links for galleries with no images
43 1.3 - Rewrote CSS to separate structure from colour
45 1.2 - Added 'Loading' GIF
46 1.2 - Added Play/Pause for Slideshow
47 1.2 - All text now utilised translator
48 1.2 - Added ability to use old image map in image page (not in slideshow) but have set it as off in template.ini which overwrites singapore.ini
49 1.2 - Rewrite URL coding to work without mod_rewrite and handles variable stack detection in URL
50 1.2 - Set colour scheme to 'black on black' by default, can be set via template.ini
51 1.2 - Added ability to float galleries next to each other via template.ini
52 1.2 - Added simple HTML slideshow that can be enabled via template.ini
53 1.2 - Added link to full size image when current image is resized, can enabled via template.ini
54 1.2 - Added rollover behaviour for image navigation which replaces imagemap
56 1.1 - Added support for external.php and prefixed selectors with sg
58 1.0 - Added IE conditional comments
60 0.9 - Original working build