Rev Author Line No. Line
542 miho 1 #!/bin/sh
2 #
3 # This script takes source files of amforth and call php script which
4 # creates HTML pages. The script may be run by hand on regulerly fox
5 # example once an hour or day.
6 #
7 # (c) miho 2007 /
9 # Configuration
10 # =============
11 # WorkingDir - existing directory with rw access
12 # SvnPath - path ro subversion server with source files
13 # SvnInfoFile - name of file to put info about version in
14 # WebForthInPath - name of directory with HTML templates and scripts
15 # WebForthOutPath - name of directory to put HTML pages in
16 WorkingDir=/home/miho/amforth
17 SvnPath=
18 SvnInfoFile=.svn-info.txt
19 WebForthInPath=/var/www/Articles/Forth
20 WebForthOutPath=/var/www/Articles/Forth
22 # Start of script
23 # ===============
24 DateFile=/tmp/
25 if [ -f $DateFile ]; then
26 tail -n 400 $DateFile > $DateFile. 2> /dev/nul
27 rm $DateFile 2> /dev/nul
28 mv $DateFile. $DateFile 2> /dev/nul
29 fi
30 date >> $DateFile 2> /dev/nul
32 # Create Log file
33 # ===============
34 if [ ! -d $WorkingDir ]; then
35 echo "--> ERROR: No Workig Directory"
36 exit 1
37 fi
38 cd $WorkingDir
39 if [ ! -d $WorkingDir/Log ]; then
40 mkdir $WorkingDir/Log 2> /dev/nul
41 if (($?)); then
42 echo "--> ERROR: Unable Create Working Directory"
43 exit 1
44 fi
45 fi
46 LogFile=$WorkingDir/Log/amforth.log
47 LogFileGenerate=$WorkingDir/Log/GenerateHTML.log
48 echo "$0" > $LogFile
49 echo "-------------------" >> $LogFile
51 # Remove export directory
52 # =======================
53 echo "Performing: remove export directory" | tee -a $LogFile
54 rm -rf $WorkingDir/source-exported | tee -a $LogFile 2>> $LogFile
55 if (($?)); then
56 echo "--> ERROR: Unable Remove Export Directory" | tee -a $LogFile
57 exit 1
58 fi
59 echo "-------------------" >> $LogFile
61 # svn checkout
62 # ============
63 echo "Performing: svn checkout" | tee $LogFile
64 svn co $SvnPath $WorkingDir/source >> $LogFile 2>> $LogFile
65 if (($?)); then
66 echo "--> ERROR: svn commit" | tee -a $LogFile
67 exit 1
68 fi
69 echo "-------------------" >> $LogFile
71 # svn export
72 # ==========
73 echo "Performing: svn export" | tee -a $LogFile
74 svn export $WorkingDir/source $WorkingDir/source-exported >> $LogFile 2>> $LogFile
75 if (($?)); then
76 echo "--> ERROR: svn export" | tee -a $LogFile
77 exit 1
78 fi
79 echo "-------------------" >> $LogFile
81 # svn info
82 # ========
83 echo "Performing: svn info" | tee -a $LogFile
84 Result=`svn info $WorkingDir/source` 2>> $LogFile
85 echo "$Result" >> $LogFile
86 if (($?)); then
87 echo "--> ERROR: svn export" | tee -a $LogFile
88 exit 1
89 fi
90 echo "$Result" > $WorkingDir/source-exported/$SvnInfoFile
91 echo "-------------------" >> $LogFile
93 # Create HTML
94 # ===========
95 echo "Performing: GenerateHTML" | tee -a $LogFile
96 if [ ! -d $WorkingDir/HTML ]; then
97 mkdir $WorkingDir/HTML 2>> $LogFile
98 fi
99 php $WebForthInPath/PHP/GenerateHTML.php \
100 SourceDir="$WorkingDir/source-exported/" \
101 SourceAsm="amforth.asm" \
102 TemplateDir="$WebForthInPath/Templates/" \
103 DestinationDir="$WebForthOutPath/HTML/" \
104 > $LogFileGenerate 2>> $LogFile
105 if (($?)); then
106 echo "--> ERROR: GenerateHTML.php" | tee -a $LogFile
107 exit 1
108 fi
109 echo "-------------------" >> $LogFile
111 # Copy result to Web Directory
112 # ============================
113 echo "Performing: copy HTML" | tee -a $LogFile
114 rm -rf $WebForthOutPath/HTML | tee -a $LogFile 2>> $LogFile
115 if (($?)); then
116 echo "--> ERROR: Unable Remove HTML Directory" | tee -a $LogFile
117 exit 1
118 fi
119 if [ ! -d $WebForthOutPath/HTML ] || [ -d $WebForthOutPath ]; then
120 mkdir $WebForthOutPath/HTML | tee -a $LogFile 2>> $LogFile
121 fi
122 cp -r $WorkingDir/HTML/* $WebForthOutPath/HTML | tee -a $LogFile 2>> $LogFile
123 echo "-------------------" >> $LogFile
124 if (($?)); then
125 echo "--> ERROR: Unable Copy HTML Directory" | tee -a $LogFile
126 exit 1
127 fi
129 # Finish
130 # ======
131 echo "O.K."
132 echo "O.K." >> /tmp/
133 exit 0