Rev Author Line No. Line
1771 kakl 1 file1 = "M41.log"
2 file2 = "M40.log"
3 set xdata time
4 set timefmt "%s"
5 set format x "%H:%M"
6 #set terminal x11 persist
7 set autoscale xy
8 plot file1 using ($1+60*60*2):($6/100) with lines title 'Ta 41' 1, \
9 file1 using ($1+60*60*2):($7/100) with lines title 'To1' 2, \
10 file1 using ($1+60*60*2):($8/100) with lines title 'To2' 3, \
11 file2 using ($1+60*60*2):($6/100) with lines title 'Ta 40' 4, \
12 file2 using ($1+60*60*2):($7/100) with lines title 'To1' 5
13 # file using 0:2 '$M4.1 %lf %lf %lf %lf' with lines title 'To1' 2, \
14 # file using 0:3 '$M4.1 %lf %lf %lf %lf' with lines title 'To2' smooth bezier 3