Rev Author Line No. Line
332 miho 1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
88 kaklik 2 <html>
3 <head>
173 miho 4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
5 <title> Download </title>
6 <meta name="keywords" content="MLAB Universal Electronic Modules and Articles Processors Electronics">
7 <meta name="description" content="MLAB Project Download">
8 <!-- AUTOINCLUDE START "Page/Head.en.ihtml" DO NOT REMOVE -->
88 kaklik 9 <link rel="StyleSheet" href="../Web/CSS/MLAB.css" type="text/css" title="MLAB Basic Style">
381 miho 10 <link rel="StyleSheet" href="../Web/CSS/MLAB_Print.css" type="text/css" media="print">
207 miho 11 <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="../Web/PIC/MLAB.ico">
173 miho 12 <script type="text/javascript" src="../Web/JS/MLAB_Menu.js"></script>
88 kaklik 14 </head>
16 <body lang="en">
173 miho 18 <!-- AUTOINCLUDE START "Page/Header.en.ihtml" DO NOT REMOVE -->
88 kaklik 19 <!-- ============== HEADER ============== -->
20 <div class="Header">
21 <script type="text/javascript">
22 <!--
23 SetRelativePath("../");
24 DrawHeader();
25 // -->
26 </script>
27 <noscript>
173 miho 28 <p><b> JavaScript is required for including of the header </b></p>
29 </noscript>
88 kaklik 30 </div>
173 miho 31 <!-- AUTOINCLUDE END -->
88 kaklik 32  
173 miho 33 <!-- AUTOINCLUDE START "Page/Menu.en.ihtml" DO NOT REMOVE -->
88 kaklik 34 <!-- ============== MENU ============== -->
35 <div class="Menu">
36 <script type="text/javascript">
37 <!--
173 miho 38 SetRelativePath("../");
88 kaklik 39 DrawMenu();
40 // -->
41 </script>
42 <noscript>
173 miho 43 <p><b> JavaScript is required for including of the menu </b><p>
44 </noscript>
88 kaklik 45 </div>
173 miho 46 <!-- AUTOINCLUDE END -->
88 kaklik 47  
48 <!-- ============== TEXT ============== -->
49 <div class="Text">
437 miho 50 <h1> Download of MLAB documentation </h1>
88 kaklik 51 <p>
173 miho 52 There are several possibilities:
88 kaklik 53 <p>
173 miho 54 <ul>
55 <li><a href="#SVN_client">Download by SVN client</a></li>
56 <li><a href="#WebSVN">Download via Web interface WebSVN</a></li>
437 miho 57 <li><a href="#Downloads">File download</a></li>
173 miho 58 </ul>
437 miho 59  
60 <h2 id="SVN_client"> SVN client </h2>
173 miho 61 <p>
437 miho 62 This selection gives you the access to developer's database SVN.
63 You have to install SVN client to your computer.
64 </p>
65 <p>
66 Popular SVN client is
173 miho 67 <a href=""
437 miho 68 title="Download stránka">TortoiseSVN</a>.
69 After installation create folder on your computer and by right
70 clicking select "Checkout". You have to select database address.
71 </p>
72 <table>
73 <tr>
2859 miho 74 <td> <i>svn://</i> </td>
437 miho 75 <td> main repository </td>
76 </tr>
77 <tr>
2859 miho 78 <td> <i>svn://</i> </td>
2588 kaklik 79 <td> repository for external projects and documentation of educational experiments from schools </td>
1513 kaklik 80 </tr>
81 <tr>
2859 miho 82 <td> <i>svn://</i> </td>
437 miho 83 <td> libraries OrCAD, PADS, ... </td>
84 </tr>
85 </table>
86 <p>
87 The first download takes a lot of time because it downloads by default
88 the whole database. It is more than 100MB. As an anonymous user you
89 are getting Read Only access. If you whish to contribute to the MLAB
90 project contact any of the
173 miho 91 <a href="./AboutAuthors.en.html">authors</a>.
437 miho 92 </p>
94 <h2 id="WebSVN"> WebSVN </h2>
173 miho 95 <p>
437 miho 96 WebSVN is Web access to SVN server. You can online browse source and
97 design files or you can download compressed subdirectory (ZIP archive).
98 You can use
99 <a href=";path=%2F&amp;sc=0&amp;langchoice=English"
100 title="Web interface to SVN database">WebSVN</a>
101 link from main menu.
173 miho 102 <p>
437 miho 103  
104 <h2 id="Downloads"> Downloads </h2>
173 miho 105 <p>
437 miho 106 Section
107 <a href=""
108 title="Files to download">Downloads</a>
109 is used for PDF files and other bigger files not stored in the
110 development repository. These files are not under version control.
173 miho 111 <p>
437 miho 112  
88 kaklik 113 </div>
173 miho 115 <!-- AUTOINCLUDE START "Page/Footer.en.ihtml" DO NOT REMOVE -->
88 kaklik 116 <!-- ============== FOOTER ============== -->
117 <div class="Footer">
118 <script type="text/javascript">
119 <!--
173 miho 120 SetRelativePath("../");
88 kaklik 121 DrawFooter();
122 // -->
123 </script>
124 <noscript>
173 miho 125 <p><b> JavaScript is required for including of the footer </b></p>
126 </noscript>
88 kaklik 127 </div>
173 miho 128 <!-- AUTOINCLUDE END -->
88 kaklik 129  
130 </body>
131 </html>