Rev Author Line No. Line
39 miho 1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
3 <html>
5 <head>
6 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250" />
7 <title> MLAB Main Page </title>
44 kakl 8 <link rel="StyleSheet" href="./Web/CSS/MLAB.css" type="text/css" title="MLAB Basic Style" />
9 <meta name="keywords" content="MLAB Universal Electronic Modules and Articles Processors Electronics" />
39 miho 10 <meta name="description" content="MLAB Project, Main Page" />
44 kakl 11 <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="Web/PIC/MLAB.ico" />
12 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="Web/JS/MLAB_Menu.js"></script>
39 miho 13 </head>
15 <body lang="en">
44 kakl 17 <!-- ============== HEADER ============== -->
18 <div class="Header">
39 miho 19 <script type="text/javascript">
20 <!--
44 kakl 21  
22 DrawHeader();
39 miho 23 // -->
24 </script>
25 <noscript>
26 <b> JavaScript is required for including of the header </b>
27 </noscript>
28 </div>
30 <!-- ============== MENU ============== -->
31 <div class="Menu">
32 <script type="text/javascript">
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34 DrawMenu();
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37 <noscript>
38 <b> JavaScript is required for including of the menu </b>
39 </noscript>
40 </div>
44 kakl 42 <!-- ============== TEXT ============== -->
39 miho 43 <div class="Text">
44 <p class="Title">
45 Welcome at MLAB site
44 kakl 46 <br>
47 <a href="index.cs.html"><img border=0 width=22 height=13 src="Web/PIC/CZE.gif" alt="Èeská vlajka"></a>
48 <a href="index.en.html"><img border=0 width=22 height=13 src="Web/PIC/GBR.gif" alt="Britská vlajka"></a>
39 miho 49 </p>
50 <p class=Subtitle>
44 kakl 51 This is a noncommercial web about electronics with original designs.
39 miho 52 We are especially interested in microcontrollers and small robots.
44 kakl 53 You can find here a lot of electronic modules you can use when developing
54 some electronics with processors. It doesn't matter if you are professional
55 developer or hobbyist.
56 <br>
57 <i>
58 The web is not finished yet, in fact we are working on it these days.
59 </i>
39 miho 60 </p>
61 <p>
44 kakl 62 On this web there are published <a href="Web/AboutMLAB.en.html">MLAB</a> modules,
63 their documentation and other original papers about electronics and designs
64 written by our <a href="Web/AboutAuthors.en.html">authors</a>.
65 We want to bring <i>new valuable information</i>. We are the authors not
66 the web links collectors. More information about our goals and about this web
67 is on the page <a href="Web/AboutWeb.en.html">about MLAB web</a>.
39 miho 68 </p>
69 <p>
44 kakl 70 The web is primary in Czech language but some information is translated
71 into English language. When the text is not in English it is presented
72 in Czech. Schematics, tables, source files and other design data are considered
73 to be international enough to be valuable even without translated text.
39 miho 74 </p>
44 kakl 75 <p>
76 The translation may not be done well. If you can see errors let us know, please.
39 miho 77 </div>
79 <!-- ============== PATICKA ============== -->
80 <div class="Footer">
81 <script type="text/javascript">
82 <!--
44 kakl 83 DrawFooter();
39 miho 84 // -->
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86 <noscript>
87 <b> JavaScript is required for including of the footer </b>
88 </noscript>
89 </div>
91 </body>
93 </html>