No changes between revisions
0,0 → 1,85
#include "main.h"
#define REV "$Rev$"
unsigned int32 time; // pocitadlo preteceni casovace
#define BUFLEN 100
void RTCC_isr(void) // preruseni od pretekleho casovace
// Includes all USB code and interrupts, as well as the CDC API
#include <usb_cdc.h>
#include <math.h>
float quadraticerror(float average, float buf[], int16 size) // compute average quadratic error
int16 i;
float err=0;
for(i=0; i<size; i++) err += (buf[i]-average)*(buf[i]-average); // sum quadratic errors
err = sqrt((1/(float)size)*err);
return err;
void main()
float x[BUFLEN], y[BUFLEN], z[BUFLEN];
float xavg, yavg, zavg;
int i;
usb_init(); // initialise USB module
printf(usb_cdc_putc,"time[s] X Xerr Y Yerr Z Zerr \n\r");
while(usb_cdc_connected()) // pockej nez se pripoji seriovy port PC
for(i=0; i <BUFLEN; i++)
// odesli namerene hodnoty
printf(usb_cdc_putc, "%7.3f %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f \n\r",((time << 16) + get_timer0())/15625.0, xavg, quadraticerror(xavg,x,BUFLEN), yavg, quadraticerror(yavg,y,BUFLEN), zavg, quadraticerror(zavg,z,BUFLEN)); //konstanta k je kvuli prevodu do rozzumnych jednotek [s]
0,0 → 1,613
;CRC=FA32 CREATED="28-V-10 17:50"
0,0 → 1,11708
CCS PCH C Compiler, Version 4.090, 47914 28-V-10 17:50
Filename: D:\MLAB\Designs\galileo_experiment\SW\main.lst
ROM used: 9692 bytes (30%)
Largest free fragment is 23072
RAM used: 1650 (81%) at main() level
1869 (91%) worst case
Stack: 17 worst case (8 in main + 9 for interrupts)
0000: GOTO 1F62
0008: MOVWF 05
000A: MOVFF FD8,06
000E: MOVFF FE0,07
0012: MOVLB 0
0014: MOVFF FE9,0D
0018: MOVFF FEA,08
001C: MOVFF FE1,09
0020: MOVFF FE2,0A
0024: MOVFF FD9,0B
0028: MOVFF FDA,0C
002C: MOVFF FF3,14
0030: MOVFF FF4,15
0034: MOVFF FFA,16
0038: MOVFF 00,0F
003C: MOVFF 01,10
0040: MOVFF 02,11
0044: MOVFF 03,12
0048: MOVFF 04,13
004C: BTFSS FF2.5
004E: GOTO 0058
0052: BTFSC FF2.2
0054: GOTO 025E
0058: BTFSS FA0.5
005A: GOTO 0064
005E: BTFSC FA1.5
0060: GOTO 1274
0064: MOVFF 0F,00
0068: MOVFF 10,01
006C: MOVFF 11,02
0070: MOVFF 12,03
0074: MOVFF 13,04
0078: MOVFF 0D,FE9
007C: MOVFF 08,FEA
0080: BSF 08.7
0082: MOVFF 09,FE1
0086: MOVFF 0A,FE2
008A: MOVFF 0B,FD9
0092: MOVFF 14,FF3
0096: MOVFF 15,FF4
009A: MOVFF 16,FFA
009E: MOVF 05,W
00A0: MOVFF 07,FE0
00A4: MOVFF 06,FD8
00A8: RETFIE 0
.................... #include "main.h"
.................... #include <18F4550.h>
.................... //////// Standard Header file for the PIC18F4550 device ////////////////
.................... #device PIC18F4550
.................... #list
.................... #device adc=10
.................... #FUSES NOWDT //No Watch Dog Timer
.................... #FUSES WDT128 //Watch Dog Timer uses 1:128 Postscale
.................... #FUSES HSPLL //Crystal/Resonator with PLL enabled
.................... #FUSES NOPROTECT //Code not protected from reading
.................... #FUSES NOBROWNOUT //No brownout reset
.................... #FUSES BORV20 //Brownout reset at 2.0V
.................... #FUSES NOPUT //No Power Up Timer
.................... #FUSES NOCPD //No EE protection
.................... #FUSES STVREN //Stack full/underflow will cause reset
.................... #FUSES NODEBUG //No Debug mode for ICD
.................... #FUSES NOLVP //No low voltage prgming, B3(PIC16) or B5(PIC18) used for I/O
.................... #FUSES NOWRT //Program memory not write protected
.................... #FUSES NOWRTD //Data EEPROM not write protected
.................... #FUSES IESO //Internal External Switch Over mode enabled
.................... #FUSES FCMEN //Fail-safe clock monitor enabled
.................... #FUSES PBADEN //PORTB pins are configured as analog input channels on RESET
.................... #FUSES NOWRTC //configuration not registers write protected
.................... #FUSES NOWRTB //Boot block not write protected
.................... #FUSES NOEBTR //Memory not protected from table reads
.................... #FUSES NOEBTRB //Boot block not protected from table reads
.................... #FUSES NOCPB //No Boot Block code protection
.................... #FUSES MCLR //Master Clear pin enabled
.................... #FUSES LPT1OSC //Timer1 configured for low-power operation
.................... #FUSES NOXINST //Extended set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
.................... #FUSES PLL5 //Divide By 5(20MHz oscillator input)
.................... #FUSES CPUDIV4 //System Clock by 4
.................... #FUSES USBDIV //USB clock source comes from PLL divide by 2
.................... #FUSES VREGEN //USB voltage regulator enabled
.................... #FUSES ICPRT //ICPRT enabled
.................... #use delay(clock=24000000)
.................... #define REV "$Rev$"
.................... unsigned int32 time; // pocitadlo preteceni casovace
.................... #define BUFLEN 100
.................... #int_RTCC
.................... void RTCC_isr(void) // preruseni od pretekleho casovace
.................... {
.................... time++;
025E: MOVLW 01
0260: ADDWF 19,F
0262: BTFSC FD8.0
0264: INCF 1A,F
0266: BTFSC FD8.2
0268: INCF 1B,F
026A: BTFSC FD8.2
026C: INCF 1C,F
.................... }
.................... // Includes all USB code and interrupts, as well as the CDC API
.................... #include <usb_cdc.h>
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_cdc.h ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Library for adding a virtual COM port on your PC over USB using ////
.................... //// the standard Communication Device Class (CDC) specification. ////
.................... //// Including this file in your code will add all USB code, ////
.................... //// interrupts, descriptors and handlers required. No other ////
.................... //// modifications need to be made. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// This library creates a virtual RS232 link between the PC and ////
.................... //// the PIC, therefore the library provided will be familiar to ////
.................... //// anyone with standard UART stream I/O: ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_cdc_kbhit() - Returns TRUE if there is one or more ////
.................... //// character received and waiting in the receive buffer. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_cdc_getc() - Gets a character from the receive buffer. If ////
.................... //// there is no data in the receive buffer it will wait until ////
.................... //// there is data in the receive buffer. If you do not want ////
.................... //// to wait in an infinit loop, use usb_cdc_kbhit() first to ////
.................... //// check if there is data before calling usb_cdc_getc(). ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_cdc_putc(char c) - Puts a character into the transmit ////
.................... //// buffer. If the transmit buffer is full it will wait until ////
.................... //// the transmit buffer is not full before putting the char ////
.................... //// into the transmit buffer. The transmit buffer is read by ////
.................... //// the PC very quickly, and therefore the buffer should only ////
.................... //// be full for a few milli-seconds. If you are concerned ////
.................... //// and don't want to be stuck in a long or infinite loop, ////
.................... //// use usb_cdc_putready() to see if there is space in the ////
.................... //// transmit buffer before putting data into the transmit ////
.................... //// buffer. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_cdc_putready() - Returns TRUE if there is room left in the ////
.................... //// transmit buffer for another character. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_cdc_connected() - Returns TRUE if we received a ////
.................... //// Set_Line_Coding. On most serial terminal programs (such ////
.................... //// as Hyperterminal), they will send a Set_Line_Coding ////
.................... //// message when the program starts and it opens the virtual ////
.................... //// COM port. This is a simple way to determine if the PC ////
.................... //// is ready to display data on a serial terminal program, ////
.................... //// but is not garaunteed to work all the time or on other ////
.................... //// terminal programs. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_cdc_putc_fast(char c) - Similar to usb_cdc_putc(), except ////
.................... //// if the transmit buffer is full it will skip the char. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_cdc_line_coding - A structure used for Set_Line_Coding and ////
.................... //// Get_Line_Coding. Most of the time you can ignore this. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_cdc_break - If the PC has sent a break command, this will ////
.................... //// hold the break time (in milli-seconds). If the PC sends ////
.................... //// a value of 0xFFFF the device is supposed to hold the ////
.................... //// break until it sends a value of 0 ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_cdc_carrier - Where Set_Control_Line_State value is stored. ////
.................... //// Of most relevance is the field dte_present, which is the ////
.................... //// DTR setting. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// The following functions are also provided, and are ports of the ////
.................... //// I/O functions in input.c. See input.c and the CCS manual for ////
.................... //// documentation: ////
.................... //// get_float_usb() - Read a float number from the user ////
.................... //// get_long_usb() - Read a long number from the user ////
.................... //// get_int_usb() - Read an integer number from the user ////
.................... //// get_string_usb(char *s, int max) - Read a string from the user. ////
.................... //// gethex_usb() - Read a byte, in HEX, from the user ////
.................... //// gethex1_usb() - Read a HEX character ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// This driver will load all the rest of the USB code, and a set ////
.................... //// of descriptors that will properly describe a CDC device for a ////
.................... //// virtual COM port (usb_desc_cdc.h) ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// An .INF file is provided (cdc_NTXP.inf) that will load the ////
.................... //// standard CDC drivers for a virtual COM port in Windows ////
.................... //// NT/2000/XP and above. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// VERSION HISTORY ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// March 5th, 2009: ////
.................... //// Cleanup for Wizard. ////
.................... //// PIC24 Initial release. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Nov 26th, 2007: ////
.................... //// usb_cdc_put_buffer_free() should be more stable. ////
.................... //// Fixed a hang-up that would happen if you sent ////
.................... //// exactly 64 bytes. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Nov 6th, 2007: ////
.................... //// Compatabible with latest pic18_usb.h, which ////
.................... //// reduces RAM footprint of USB driver. ////
.................... //// This driver now fits on 18F4450/2450 PICs. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// October 27th, 2005: Changed the way incoming packets are ////
.................... //// handled in that CDC driver will not flush ////
.................... //// endpoint until user has handled all data. This ////
.................... //// will prevent overflows as the USB will NAK ////
.................... //// incoming packets until it is ready to receive ////
.................... //// more. ////
.................... //// When using 18F4550 family, the RX buffer is ////
.................... //// mapped directly to the endpoint buffer - this ////
.................... //// saves a chunk of RAM. ////
.................... //// When using the 18F4550 family, you can increase ////
.................... //// the TX and RX size over 64 bytes. ////
.................... //// No longer send 0len packets in the TBE interrupt. ////
.................... //// Hopefully fixed bugs that caused random crashes ////
.................... //// if you tried sending more than 64 bytes. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// July 6th, 2005: Global interrupts disabled when writing to TX ////
.................... //// buffer. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// July 1st, 2005: Initial Release. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2005 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS ////
.................... //// C compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, ////
.................... //// reproduction or distribution is permitted without written ////
.................... //// permission. Derivative programs created using this software ////
.................... //// in object code form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //api for the user:
.................... #define usb_cdc_kbhit() (
.................... #define usb_cdc_putready() (usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin<USB_CDC_DATA_IN_SIZE)
.................... #define usb_cdc_connected() (usb_cdc_got_set_line_coding)
026E: BCF FF2.2
0270: GOTO 0064
.................... void usb_cdc_putc_fast(char c);
.................... char usb_cdc_getc(void);
.................... void usb_cdc_putc(char c);
.................... //input.c ported to use CDC:
.................... float get_float_usb();
.................... signed long get_long_usb();
.................... signed int get_int_usb();
.................... void get_string_usb(char* s, unsigned int max);
.................... BYTE gethex_usb();
.................... BYTE gethex1_usb();
.................... //functions automatically called by USB handler code
.................... void usb_isr_tkn_cdc(void);
.................... void usb_cdc_init(void);
.................... void usb_isr_tok_out_cdc_control_dne(void);
.................... void usb_isr_tok_in_cdc_data_dne(void);
.................... void usb_isr_tok_out_cdc_data_dne(void);
.................... void usb_cdc_flush_out_buffer(void);
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //
.................... // Include the CCS USB Libraries. See the comments at the top of these
.................... // files for more information
.................... //
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #ifndef __USB_PIC_PERIF__
.................... #define __USB_PIC_PERIF__ 1
.................... #endif
.................... #if __USB_PIC_PERIF__
.................... #if defined(__PCH__)
.................... #include <pic18_usb.h> //Microchip 18Fxx5x hardware layer for usb.c
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// pic18_usb.h ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Hardware layer for CCS's USB library. This hardware layer ////
.................... //// supports the USB peripheral on the PIC18 family chips. Current ////
.................... //// supported families are: ////
.................... //// PIC18F2455/2550/4455/4550 ////
.................... //// PIC18F2450/4450 ////
.................... //// PIC18F2458/2553/4458/4553 ////
.................... //// PIC18F13K50/14K50 ////
.................... //// PIC18F65J50/66J50/66J55/67J50/85J50/86J50/86J55/87J50 ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// This file is part of CCS's PIC USB driver code. See USB.H ////
.................... //// for more documentation and a list of examples. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// See the section labeled EXTRA USER FUNCTIONS for functions ////
.................... //// that are specific to only this HW peripheral that you may ////
.................... //// find useful to use in your application. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// *********** NOTE ABOUT 18F2450/4450 LIMITATIONS ********** ////
.................... //// Due to the limited USB RAM of this family, a limitation of ////
.................... //// this driver is that there are only 3 endpoints (0, 1 and 2). ////
.................... //// The HW actually supports more endpoints, but to simplify ////
.................... //// driver development this driver will only support the first 3 ////
.................... //// so there is an easier memory block to work with. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH will also be set to 8 regardless ////
.................... //// of USB speed, to save RAM. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ************** NOTE ABOUT HW REQUIREMENTS **************** ////
.................... //// If you are not using internal pullups, you will need to put ////
.................... //// an internal pullup resistor on D+ or D+ depending on if you ////
.................... //// want to use slow speed or full speed. This code configures ////
.................... //// the device to use internal pullups, see usb_init() if you ////
.................... //// want to change that. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// You need approximately 470nF cap on Vusb, even if you are ////
.................... //// using the internal 3.3V USB regulator. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// To run at full speed, you must use the oscillator ////
.................... //// configuration (PLLx) to set the PLL divide to 4MHz. You can ////
.................... //// configure the MCU clock to any speed (up to 48MHz) but the ////
.................... //// PLL must run at 4Mhz to provide the USB peripheral with a ////
.................... //// 96MHz clock. See the datasheet for details. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// To run at slow speed you must configure your MCU to run at ////
.................... //// 24Mhz. See the datasheet for details. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// **************** NOTE ABOUT INTERRUPTS ****************** ////
.................... //// This driver uses INT_USB. It requires INT_USB to interrupt the ////
.................... //// PIC when an event has happened on the USB Bus. Therfore ////
.................... //// this code enables interrupts. A user modification can be made ////
.................... //// to poll the USB interrupt flag instead of relying on an ////
.................... //// interrupt. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Version History: ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// March 5th, 2009: ////
.................... //// 18F14K50 family added. ////
.................... //// Cleanup for Wizard. ////
.................... //// PIC24 Initial release. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Nov 3rd, 2008: ////
.................... //// * 4553 family added. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Dec 18, 2007: ////
.................... //// * usb_kbhit() moved to device driver. ////
.................... //// * USB Token handler changed to workaround a flaw in the USB ////
.................... //// peripheral to prevent the USB peripheral from ////
.................... //// inadvertantly STALLing the endpoint. Happened most often ////
.................... //// in bulk demo applications, especially CDC. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 11-6-07: Fixed a bug where usb_data_buffer[] was reserving ////
.................... //// too much RAM. ////
.................... //// USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH value can be overwritten. ////
.................... //// For the 18F4450/2450 family this should be 8 ////
.................... //// because of limited RAM. Reducing this value ////
.................... //// frees RAM for application. ////
.................... //// Based upon which endpoints have been configured for ////
.................... //// use, will free up unused USB data RAM for ////
.................... //// application dynamically. This should free up ////
.................... //// at least 128 bytes of RAM. ////
.................... //// CDC now fits on a 18F4450/2450 ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 09-19-07: Fixed problems with 18F4450 family. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 07-17-07: Added 18F4450,2450 support ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 07-13-07: Added 87J50 family support ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 11-01-05: usb_detach(), usb_attach() and usb_init_cs() ////
.................... //// changed for the better. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 10-28-05: Added usb_rx_packet_size() ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 07-13-05: usb_put_packet() changed for 16bit packet sizes ////
.................... //// usb_flush_in() changed for 16bit packet sizes ////
.................... //// usb_get_packet() changed for 16bit packet sizes ////
.................... //// usb_flush_out() changed for 16bit packet sizes ////
.................... //// usb_set_configured() changed for 16bit packet sizes ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 06-30-05: usb_tbe() added ////
.................... //// The way endpoint 0 DTS is set has been changed. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 06-20-05: Initial Release ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 05-13-05: Beta Release (Full Speed works) ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 03-21-05: Initial Alpha Release ////
.................... //// ////
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2005 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS ////
.................... //// C compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, ////
.................... //// reproduction or distribution is permitted without written ////
.................... //// permission. Derivative programs created using this software ////
.................... //// in object code form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #IFNDEF __PIC18_USB_H__
.................... #DEFINE __PIC18_USB_H__
.................... #DEFINE __USB_HARDWARE__
.................... //let the USB Stack know that we are using a PIC with internal USB peripheral
.................... #DEFINE __PIC__ 1
.................... #ifndef USB_USE_FULL_SPEED
.................... #define USB_USE_FULL_SPEED TRUE
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH
.................... #if ((getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F2450") || (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F4450"))
.................... //due to limited ram, force max packet length to 8 for this chip
.................... #define USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH 8
.................... #else
.................... #if USB_USE_FULL_SPEED==FALSE
.................... //slow speed requires 8byte max packet size for endpoint 0
.................... #DEFINE USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH 8
.................... #else
.................... //for full speed you can still use 8bytes, but 64 will be faster
.................... #DEFINE USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH 64
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if (!USB_USE_FULL_SPEED && (USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH!=8))
.................... #error Slow speed devices must use a max packet size of 8 for endpoint 0!
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH < 8
.................... #error Max Endpoint 0 length can't be less than 8!
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH > 64
.................... #error Max Endpoint 0 length can't be greater than 64!
.................... #endif
.................... #include <usb_hw_layer.h>
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// usb_hw_layer.h ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// HW Layer for the USB Stack. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// HW drivers for the USB stack must support this API. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// The HW driver must also have a token handler that will call ////
.................... //// usb_token_reset() when the device is init/reset, will call ////
.................... //// usb_isr_tok_setup_dne() when it receives a setup packet, ////
.................... //// will call usb_isr_tok_out_dne() when a new packet is received, ////
.................... //// and will call usb_isr_tok_in_dne() when a new packet is sent. ////
.................... //// See usb.h for documentation of these functions. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Version History: ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// March 5th, 2009: ////
.................... //// Cleanup for Wizard. ////
.................... //// PIC24 Initial release. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2009 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS ////
.................... //// C compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, ////
.................... //// reproduction or distribution is permitted without written ////
.................... //// permission. Derivative programs created using this software ////
.................... //// in object code form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #ifndef __USB_HW_LAYER_H__
.................... #define __USB_HW_LAYER_H__
.................... enum USB_DTS_BIT {USB_DTS_DATA1=1, USB_DTS_TOGGLE=2, USB_DTS_DATA0=0,
.................... USB_DTS_STALL=3, USB_DTS_USERX=4};
.................... // USER LEVEL FUNCTIONS:
.................... /*****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_init()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: See API section of USB.H for documentation.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_init(void);
.................... /*****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_init_cs()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: See API section of USB.H for documentation.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_init_cs(void);
.................... /*****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_task()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: See API section of USB.H for documentation.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_task(void);
.................... /******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_attach()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Attach the D+/D- lines to the USB bus. Enable the USB peripheral.
.................... /*
.................... /* You should wait until UCON_SE0 is clear before enabling reset/idle interrupt.
.................... /*
.................... /* Shouldn't be called by user, let usb_task() handle this.
.................... /*
.................... /* NOTE: If you are writing a new HW driver, this routine should call
.................... /* usb_token_reset() to reset the CH9 stack.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_attach(void);
.................... /******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_detach()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Remove the D+/D- lines from the USB bus. Basically, disable USB.
.................... /*
.................... /* Shouldn't be called by user, let usb_task() handle this.
.................... /*
.................... /* If the user does call this function while USB is connected, the USB
.................... /* peripheral will be disabled only momentarily because usb_task() will
.................... /* reconnect. But this is a great way to cause the PC/HOST to cause a USB
.................... /* reset of the device.
.................... /*
.................... /* NOTE: If you are writing a new HW driver, this routine should call
.................... /* usb_token_reset() to reset the CH9 stack.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_detach(void);
.................... /******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_put_packet()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - endpoint to send packet to (0..15).
.................... /* ptr - points to data to send.
.................... /* len - amount of data to send.
.................... /* toggle - whether to send data with a DATA0 pid, a DATA1 pid,
.................... /* or toggle from the last DATAx pid.
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: TRUE if data was sent correctly, FALSE if it was not. The only
.................... /* reason it will return FALSE is if because the TX buffer is still full
.................... /* from the last time it tried to send a packet.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Sends one packet out the EP to the host. Notice that there is a
.................... /* difference between a packet and a message. If you wanted to send a
.................... /* 512 byte message on an endpoint that only supported 64 byte packets,
.................... /* this would be accomplished this by sending 8 64-byte packets,
.................... /* followed by a 0 length packet. If the last (or only packet) being
.................... /* sent is less than the max packet size defined in your descriptor
.................... /* then you do not need to send a 0 length packet to identify
.................... /* an end of message.
.................... /*
.................... /* usb_puts() (provided in usb.c) will send a multi-packet message
.................... /* correctly and know if a 0 lenght packet needs to be sent.
.................... /*
.................... /* The result will be invalid if the specified input has not been configured for
.................... /* use by the API with USB_EPx_TX_SIZE
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... int1 usb_put_packet(int8 endpoint, int8 * ptr, unsigned int16 len, USB_DTS_BIT tgl);
.................... /*******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_get_packet(endpoint, *ptr, max)
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - endpoint to get data from
.................... /* ptr - where to save data to local PIC RAM
.................... /* max - max amount of data to receive from buffer
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: the amount of data taken from the buffer and saved to ptr.
.................... /*
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Gets a packet of data from the USB endpoint buffer.
.................... /* Until this is called, if there is data in the receive buffer the
.................... /* PC/HOST will be prevented from sending more data. Upon completion
.................... /* of this call, the endpoint will be freed and the PC/HOST will be
.................... /* allowed to send a new packet. Only receives one packet, if you need
.................... /* to receive multiple packets or handle 0-length terminator packets,
.................... /* then use usb_gets().
.................... /*
.................... /* The result will be invalid if the specified input has not been configured for
.................... /* use by the API with USB_EPx_RX_SIZE
.................... /*
.................... /********************************************************************************/
.................... unsigned int16 usb_get_packet(int8 endpoint, int8 * ptr, unsigned int16 max);
.................... /****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_kbhit(endpoint)
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - endpoint to check (0..15)
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: TRUE if there is new data in RX buffer, FALSE if there is not.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Similar to kbhit(), sees if there is new data in the RX USB buffers.
.................... /* See API section of USB.H for more information.
.................... /*
.................... /* The result will be invalid if the specified input has not been configured for
.................... /* use by the API with USB_EPx_RX_SIZE
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... int1 usb_kbhit(int8 en);
.................... /******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_tbe(endpoint)
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - endpoint to check
.................... /* ptr - where to save data to local PIC RAM
.................... /* max - max amount of data to receive from buffer
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: returns TRUE if this endpoint's IN buffer (PIC-PC) is empty and ready
.................... /* returns FALSE if this endpoint's IN buffer is still processing the last
.................... /* transmit or if this endpoint is invalid.
.................... /*
.................... /* The result will be invalid if the specified input has not been configured for
.................... /* use by the API with USB_EPx_TX_SIZE
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... int1 usb_tbe(int8 en);
.................... //////////////// END USER LEVEL FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////
.................... ///
.................... /// BEGIN STACK LEVEL FUNCTIONS: These functions are meant to be called by
.................... /// the USB stack, and are not meant to be called by the
.................... /// user/application.
.................... ///
.................... /*****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_stall_ep()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - endpoint to stall.
.................... /* top most bit indicates direction (set is IN, clear is OUT)
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Stalls specified endpoint. If endpoint is stalled it will
.................... /* send STALL packet if the host tries to access this endpoint's
.................... /* buffer.
.................... /*
.................... /* CALLING THIS ROUTINE.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_stall_ep(int8 endpoint);
.................... /*****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_unstall_ep(endpoint, direction)
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - endpoint to un-stall.
.................... /* top most bit indicates direction (set is IN, clear is OUT)
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Un-stalls endpoint.
.................... /*
.................... /* CALLING THIS ROUTINE.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_unstall_ep(int8 endpoint);
.................... /*****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_endpoint_stalled()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - endpoint to check
.................... /* top most bit indicates direction (set is IN, clear is OUT)
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: returns a TRUE if endpoint is stalled, FALSE if it is not.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Looks to see if an endpoint is stalled, or not. Does not look to
.................... /* see if endpoint has been issued a STALL, just whether or not it is
.................... /* configured to STALL on the next packet. See Set_Feature and
.................... /* Clear_Feature Chapter 9 requests.
.................... /*
.................... /* CALLING THIS ROUTINE.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... int1 usb_endpoint_stalled(int8 endpoint);
.................... /*****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_set_address(address)
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: address - address the host specified that we use
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Configures the USB Peripheral for the specified device address.
.................... /* The host will now talk to use with the following address.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_set_address(int8 address);
.................... /******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_set_configured()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: config - Configuration to use. 0 to uncofigure device.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Configures or unconfigures device. If configuring device it will
.................... /* enable all the endpoints the user specified for this configuration.
.................... /* If un-configuring device it will disable all endpoints.
.................... /*
.................... /* NOTE: CCS only provides code to handle 1 configuration.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_set_configured(int8 config);
.................... /******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_disable_endpoints()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Disables endpoints (all endpoints but 0)
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_disable_endpoints(void);
.................... /*******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_disable_endpoint()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: Endpoint to disable (0..15)
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Disables specified endpoint
.................... /*
.................... /********************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_disable_endpoint(int8 en);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_request_send_response(len)
.................... /* usb_request_get_data()
.................... /* usb_request_stall()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: len - size of packet to send
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: One of these 3 functions will be called by the USB stack after
.................... /* handling a SETUP packet.
.................... /*
.................... /* After we process a SETUP request, we have 1 of three responses:
.................... /* 1.) send a response IN packet
.................... /* 2.) wait for followup OUT packet(s) with data
.................... /* 3.) stall because we don't support that SETUP request
.................... /*
.................... /* If we are sending data, the array usb_ep0_tx_buffer[] will hold
.................... /* the response and the USB Request handler code will call
.................... /* usb_request_send_response() to let us know how big the packet is.
.................... /*
.................... /* If we are waiting for more data, usb_request_get_data() will
.................... /* be called by the USB request handler code to configure the EP0 OUT
.................... /* endpoint to be ready for more data
.................... /*
.................... /* If we don't support a request, usb_request_stall() will be called
.................... /* by the USB request handler code to stall the endpoint 0.
.................... /*
.................... /* The operation of these functions depends on how SETUP packets
.................... /* are handled in the hardware layer.
.................... /*
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_request_send_response(unsigned int8 len);
.................... void usb_request_get_data(void);
.................... void usb_request_stall(void);
.................... #endif
.................... //////////////////////// EXTRA USER FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_flush_in()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - which endpoint to mark for transfer
.................... /* len - length of data that is being tramsferred
.................... /* tgl - Data toggle synchronization for this packet
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: TRUE if success, FALSE if error (we don't control the endpoint)
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Marks the endpoint ready for transmission. You must
.................... /* have already loaded the endpoint buffer with data.
.................... /* (IN is PIC -> PC).
.................... /* This routine is useful if you want to setup an endpoint by
.................... /* writing to the buffer directly.
.................... /* This routine is not necessary if you use usb_put_packet().
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... int1 usb_flush_in(int8 endpoint, int16 len, USB_DTS_BIT tgl);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_flush_out()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - which endpoint to mark for release
.................... /* tgl - Data toggle synchronization to expect in the next packet
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: NONE
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Clears the previously received packet, and then marks this
.................... /* endpoint's receive buffer as ready for more data.
.................... /* (OUT is PC -> PIC). This routine is useful if you do not
.................... /* want to use usb_get_packet(), instead you want to handle with
.................... /* the endpoint buffer directly. Also see usb_rx_packet_size().
.................... /* This routine is not necessary if you use usb_get_packet().
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_flush_out(int8 endpoint, USB_DTS_BIT tgl);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_rx_packet_size()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - which endpoint to mark to check
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: Returns the number of bytes in the endpoint's receive buffer.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Read the number of data stored in the receive buffer. When you
.................... /* have handled the data, use usb_flush_out() to clear the buffer. The
.................... /* result may be invalid if usb_kbhit() returns false for this endpoint.
.................... /* This routine is not necessary if you use usb_get_packet().
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... int16 usb_rx_packet_size(int8 endpoint);
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #else
.................... #include <pic24_usb.h> //Microchip 18Fxx5x hardware layer for usb.c
.................... #endif
.................... #else
.................... #include <usbn960x.h>
.................... #endif
.................... #include <usb_desc_cdc.h> //USB Configuration and Device descriptors for this UBS device
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// usb_desc_cdc.h ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// An example set of device / configuration descriptors for use with ////
.................... //// CCS's CDC Virtual COM Port driver (see usb_cdc.h) ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// This file is part of CCS's PIC USB driver code. See USB.H ////
.................... //// for more documentation and a list of examples. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Version History: ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// March 5th, 2009: ////
.................... //// Cleanup for Wizard. ////
.................... //// PIC24 Initial release. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 10/28/05: ////
.................... //// Bulk endpoint sizes updated to allow more than 255 byte ////
.................... //// packets. ////
.................... //// Changed device to USB 1.10 ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2005 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS ////
.................... //// C compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, ////
.................... //// reproduction or distribution is permitted without written ////
.................... //// permission. Derivative programs created using this software ////
.................... //// in object code form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #IFNDEF __USB_DESCRIPTORS__
.................... #DEFINE __USB_DESCRIPTORS__
.................... ///////// config options, although it's best to leave alone for this demo /////
.................... #define USB_CONFIG_PID 0x0033
.................... #define USB_CONFIG_VID 0x0461
.................... #define USB_CONFIG_BUS_POWER 100 //100mA (range is 0..500)
.................... #define USB_CONFIG_VERSION 0x0100 //01.00 //range is 00.00 to 99.99
.................... //////// end config ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #DEFINE USB_HID_DEVICE FALSE
.................... #DEFINE USB_CDC_DEVICE TRUE
.................... #define USB_CDC_COMM_IN_ENDPOINT 1
.................... #define USB_CDC_COMM_IN_SIZE 8
.................... #define USB_EP1_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_INTERRUPT
.................... #define USB_EP1_TX_SIZE USB_CDC_COMM_IN_SIZE
.................... //pic to pc endpoint config
.................... #define USB_CDC_DATA_IN_ENDPOINT 2
.................... #define USB_CDC_DATA_IN_SIZE 64
.................... #define USB_EP2_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_BULK
.................... #define USB_EP2_TX_SIZE USB_CDC_DATA_IN_SIZE
.................... //pc to pic endpoint config
.................... #define USB_CDC_DATA_OUT_ENDPOINT 2
.................... #define USB_CDC_DATA_OUT_SIZE 64
.................... #define USB_EP2_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_BULK
.................... #define USB_EP2_RX_SIZE USB_CDC_DATA_OUT_SIZE
.................... #include <usb.h>
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// usb.h ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Function protypes, defintions and globals used by CCS USB driver ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// This file is part of CCS's USB driver code ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// The following USB examples are provided by CCS: ////
.................... //// ex_usb_mouse.c - A HID Mouse. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_hid.c - A custom application using HID protocol. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_kbmouse.c - A HID Mouse/Keyboard combo using multiple ////
.................... //// interfaces. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_kbmouse2.c - A HID Mouse/Keyboard combo using multiple ////
.................... //// HID Reports. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_scope.c - A digital oscilloscope using a custom ////
.................... //// protocol requiring custom Windows drivers. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_serial.c - ////
.................... //// ex_usb_serial2.c - Two examples of using the CDC driver for ////
.................... //// a virtual COM port. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_bootloader.c - CDC/Virtual COM port bootloader. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_loadmouse.c - A conversion of ex_usb_mouse.c that is ////
.................... //// compatible with ex_usb_mouse.c. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ********************** API ********************* ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// These are the functions that are meant to be called by the user: ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_init() - Initializes the USB stack, the USB peripheral and ////
.................... //// attaches the unit to the usb bus. Enables ////
.................... //// interrupts. Will wait in an infinite loop until ////
.................... //// the device enumerates - if you are using ////
.................... //// connection sense or if the processor should run ////
.................... //// even if it's not connected to USB then use ////
.................... //// usb_init_cs() instead. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_init_cs() - A smaller usb_init(), does not attach unit ////
.................... //// to usb bus or enable interrupts. Since this does ////
.................... //// not attach to the USB, you must periodically call ////
.................... //// usb_task(). See usb_task() for more information. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_task() - If usb_init_cs() was used to initiate the USB ////
.................... //// peripheral, usb_task() should then be called periodically ////
.................... //// to check the connection sense pin. If the connection ////
.................... //// sense pin denotes USB is connected and the USB peripheral ////
.................... //// is not attached, this will attach the USB peripheral ////
.................... //// so the PC can start the enumeration process (and it ////
.................... //// will enable interrupts). If the connection sense pin ////
.................... //// denotes USB is not attached and the USB peripheral is ////
.................... //// running, this will reset the USB peripheral and wait ////
.................... //// for USB to reconnect (and usb_enumerated() will start ////
.................... //// returning FALSE). If connection sense (USB_CON_SENSE_PIN) ////
.................... //// is not defined the usb_task() assumes that USB is always ////
.................... //// connected. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_attached() - Returns TRUE if the device is attached to a ////
.................... //// USB cable. A macro that looks at the defined ////
.................... //// connection sense pin. If this returns TRUE ////
.................... //// it does not mean the PC has connected to it, ////
.................... //// you need to use usb_enumerated() to check this. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_enumerated() - Returns TRUE if device has been enumerated ////
.................... //// (configured) by host, FALSE if it has not. ////
.................... //// Do not try to use the USB peripheral for ////
.................... //// sending and receiving packets until you ////
.................... //// are enumerated. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_wait_for_enumeration() - Sits in an infinte loop until device ////
.................... //// is enumerated. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_tbe(endpoint) - Returns TRUE if the endpoint transmit buffer ////
.................... //// is free and ready to accept a new packet for transmission. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_put_packet(endpoint, ptr, len, tgl) - Sends one packet to the ////
.................... //// host. If you need to send a message that ////
.................... //// spans more than one packet then use ////
.................... //// usb_puts(). Fore more detailed documentation ////
.................... //// see usb_hw_layer.h ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_puts(endpoint, ptr, len, timeout) - Sends a multiple packet ////
.................... //// message to the host. If you only need to send one packet, ////
.................... //// it is more effecient to use usb_put_packet(). This is ////
.................... //// documented in more detail above the prototype in USB.H. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_kbhit(endpoint) - Returns true if OUT endpoint contains data ////
.................... //// from host. This will remain TRUE until ////
.................... //// usb_put_packet() or usb_flush_out() used. ////
.................... //// This function will return an invalid response ////
.................... //// if specified endpoint is not enabled for ////
.................... //// receiving data. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// len = usb_get_packet(endpoint, ptr, max) - Gets one packet that ////
.................... //// from the host/PC. usb_kbhit() must return TRUE before you ////
.................... //// call this routine or your data may not be valid. This ////
.................... //// only receives one packet, if you are trying to receive a ////
.................... //// multi-packet message use usb_gets(). For more detailed ////
.................... //// documentation see usb_hw_layer.h. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// len = usb_gets(endpoint, ptr, max, timeout) - Gets multiple ////
.................... //// packets from the host, you would use this instead ////
.................... //// of usb_get_packet() if you wanted to handle multi-packet ////
.................... //// messages. This is documented in more detail above the ////
.................... //// prototype in USB.H. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ********* DEFINITIONS / CONFIGURATION ********** ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// The following definitions are declared here, but can be ////
.................... //// overwritten in your code. Unless needed otherwise, leave ////
.................... //// to default value. If confused about a definition read the ////
.................... //// comments at each defintion ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_HID_IDLE (TRUE) - Set to TRUE if your device supports ////
.................... //// Set_Idle HID class request. Set to ////
.................... //// False if you do not (device will ////
.................... //// send a Wrong-state if computer ////
.................... //// sends a Set_Idle / Get_Idle command) ////
.................... //// NOTE: If you set to TRUE you must ////
.................... //// provide your own code. See ////
.................... //// usb_isr_tkn_setup_ClassInterface() in ////
.................... //// usb.c ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL (FALSE) - Set to TRUE if your device supports ////
.................... //// Set_Protocl HID class request. Set to ////
.................... //// False if you do not (device will ////
.................... //// send a Wrong-state if computer ////
.................... //// sends a Set_Protocl / Get_Protocol ////
.................... //// command). ////
.................... //// NOTE: If you set to TRUE you must ////
.................... //// provide your own code in the ////
.................... //// application that properly send boot ////
.................... //// or HID packets. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH (8) - Max Packet size for Endpoint 0. ////
.................... //// The hardware level driver (ex ////
.................... //// pic18_usb.h will define this value if ////
.................... //// not already overwritten). Increasing ////
.................... //// this size will speed up the ////
.................... //// enumeration process. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_RX_ENABLE (USB_ENABLE_DISABLED) - Where x is the ////
.................... //// endpoint number. Change this define ////
.................... //// to specify what kind of transfer method ////
.................... //// this RX (PC to device) endpoint uses. ////
.................... //// Here is the list of valid transfer methods: ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_CONTROL ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_ISOCHRONOUS ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_BULK ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_INTERRUPT ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_DISABLED ////
.................... //// Don't forget that you must specify the ////
.................... //// transfer method properly in your endpoint ////
.................... //// descriptor, too. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_RX_SIZE (0) - For some hardware it is important to know ////
.................... //// how much memory to reserve for receiving ////
.................... //// packets. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// *** NOTE *** You must have both USB_EPx_RX_ENABLE defined and ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_RX_SIZE defined (non 0) to enable a RX ////
.................... //// endpoint. ////
.................... //// *** NOTE *** Endpoint 0 is always enabled. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_TX_ENABLE (USB_ENABLE_DISABLED) - Where x is the ////
.................... //// endpoint number. Change this define ////
.................... //// to specify what kind of transfer method ////
.................... //// this TX (device to PC) endpoint uses. ////
.................... //// Here is the list of valid transfer methods: ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_CONTROL ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_ISOCHRONOUS ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_BULK ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_INTERRUPT ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_DISABLED ////
.................... //// Don't forget that you must specify the ////
.................... //// transfer method properly in your endpoint ////
.................... //// descriptor, too. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_TX_SIZE (0) - For some hardware it is important to know ////
.................... //// how much memory to reserve for transmitting ////
.................... //// packets. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// *** NOTE *** You must have both USB_EPx_TX_ENABLE defined and ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_TX_SIZE defined (non 0) to enable a TX ////
.................... //// endpoint. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_HID_DEVICE (TRUE) - HID devices require extra code to handle ////
.................... //// HID requests. You can disable to save ////
.................... //// ROM space if you are not using a HID ////
.................... //// device. If you are not using a HID ////
.................... //// device you must provide your own O/S ////
.................... //// (Windows) driver. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// The other definitions should not be changed. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Version History: ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// March 5th, 2009: ////
.................... //// Cleanup for Wizard. ////
.................... //// PIC24 Initial release. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// July 13th, 2005: ////
.................... //// usb_ep_tx_size[] and usb_ep_rx_size[] changed to 16bits ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// June 20th, 2005: ////
.................... //// Initial 18fxx5x release ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// May 13th, 2005: ////
.................... //// Beta release, only works with 18Fxx5x hardware layer. ////
.................... //// Now supports multiple interfaces (many defines in descriptors ////
.................... //// will have to be changed, see examples) ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Mar 21st, 2005: ////
.................... //// Initial Alpha Release with PIC18Fxx5x support. (ONLY TESTED ////
.................... //// WITH 18F4550) ////
.................... //// usb_gets() and usb_puts() changed (see usb.c) ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// June 24th, 2004: ////
.................... //// Optimization and cleanup. ////
.................... //// The following definitions changed: ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_TX_ENABLE and USB_EPx_RX_ENABLE have changed. See usb.h ////
.................... //// USB_CONFIG_DESCRIPTORS[] removed ////
.................... //// USB_CONFIG_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_CONFIG_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_INTERFACE_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_INTERFACE_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_CLASS_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_CLASS_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_CONFIG_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_CONFIG_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_INTERFACE_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_INTERFACE_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_CLASS_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_CLASS_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_STRING_X[] arrays removed, see USB_STRING_DESC[] and ////
.................... //// USB_STRING_DESC_OFFSET[] ////
.................... //// dev_req, curr_config, status_device and getdesc_type global ////
.................... //// variables moved into struct USB_stack_status ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// October 15th, 2003: Support for boot protocol added. ////
.................... //// Set USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL to TRUE to support this. ////
.................... //// The array hid_protocol[] saves which protocol mode each ////
.................... //// interface is in. It is your applications job to send ////
.................... //// data that either fit the boot protocol or HID protocol. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// May 6th, 2003: Fixed a potential stack overflow using PCM ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// October 29th, 2002: New definition added to USB_STATES ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// August 2nd, 2002: Initial Public Release ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2009 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS ////
.................... //// C compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, ////
.................... //// reproduction or distribution is permitted without written ////
.................... //// permission. Derivative programs created using this software ////
.................... //// in object code form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #IFNDEF __USB_PROTOTYPES__
.................... #DEFINE __USB_PROTOTYPES__
.................... //// CONFIGURATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #ifndef USB_CON_SENSE_PIN
.................... #define USB_CON_SENSE_PIN 0
.................... #endif
.................... #IFNDEF USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #IFNDEF USB_HID_IDLE
.................... #DEFINE USB_HID_IDLE FALSE
.................... #ENDIF
.................... //should the compiler add the extra HID handler code? Defaults to yes.
.................... #IFNDEF USB_HID_DEVICE
.................... #DEFINE USB_HID_DEVICE TRUE
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #IFNDEF USB_CDC_DEVICE
.................... #DEFINE USB_CDC_DEVICE FALSE
.................... #ENDIF
.................... //set to false to opt for less RAM, true to opt for less ROM
.................... #ifndef USB_OPT_FOR_ROM
.................... #define USB_OPT_FOR_ROM TRUE
.................... #endif
.................... #IFNDEF USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH
.................... #DEFINE USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH 8
.................... #ENDIF
.................... ////// USER-LEVEL API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_enumerated()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: Global variable USB_Curr_Config
.................... /* Returns: Returns a 1 if device is configured / enumerated,
.................... /* Returns a 0 if device is un-configured / not enumerated.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: See API section of USB.H for more documentation.
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... int1 usb_enumerated(void);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_wait_for_enumeration()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: Global variable USB_Curr_Config
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Waits in-definately until device is configured / enumerated.
.................... /* See API section of USB.H for more information.
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_wait_for_enumeration(void);
.................... /****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_gets(endpoint, ptr, max, timeout)
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - endpoint to get data from
.................... /* ptr - place / array to store data to
.................... /* max - max amount of data to get from USB and store into ptr
.................... /* timeout - time in milliseconds, for each packet, to wait before
.................... /* timeout. set to 0 for no timeout.
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: Amount of data returned. It may be less than max.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Gets data from the host. Will get multiple-packet messages
.................... /* and finish when either it receives a 0-len packet or a packet
.................... /* of less size than maximum.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... unsigned int16 usb_gets(int8 endpoint, int8 * ptr, unsigned int16 max, unsigned int16 timeout);
.................... /****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_puts()
.................... /*
.................... /* Inputs: endpoint - endpoint to send data out
.................... /* ptr - points to array of data to send
.................... /* len - amount of data to send
.................... /* timeout - time in milli-seconds, for each packet, to wait before
.................... /* timeout. set to 0 for no timeout.
.................... /*
.................... /* Outputs: Returns TRUE if message sent succesfully, FALSE if it was not
.................... /* sent before timeout period expired.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Used for sending multiple packets of data as one message. This
.................... /* function can still be used to send messages consiting of only one
.................... /* packet. See usb_put_packet() documentation for the rules about when
.................... /* multiple packet messages or 0-lenght packets are needed.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... int1 usb_puts(int8 endpoint, int8 * ptr, unsigned int16 len, unsigned int8 timeout);
.................... /******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_attached()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Returns TRUE if the device is attached to a USB cable.
.................... /* See the API section of USB.H for more documentation.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... #if USB_CON_SENSE_PIN
.................... #define usb_attached() input(USB_CON_SENSE_PIN)
.................... #else
.................... #define usb_attached() TRUE
.................... #endif
.................... ////// END USER-LEVEL API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... ////// STACK-LEVEL API USED BY HW DRIVERS ////////////////////////////////////
.................... enum USB_STATES {GET_DESCRIPTOR=1,SET_ADDRESS=2,NONE=0};
.................... #if USB_OPT_FOR_ROM
.................... typedef struct {
.................... USB_STATES dev_req; //what did the last setup token set us up to do?. init at none
.................... int curr_config; //our current config. start at none/powered (NOT THAT THIS LIMITS US TO 3 CONFIGURATIONS)
.................... int status_device; //Holds our state for Set_Feature and Clear_Feature
.................... USB_GETDESC_TYPES getdesc_type; //which get_descriptor() we are handling
.................... } TYPE_USB_STACK_STATUS;
.................... #else
.................... typedef struct {
.................... USB_STATES dev_req:2; //what did the last setup token set us up to do?. init at none
.................... int Curr_config:2; //our current config. start at none/powered (NOT THAT THIS LIMITS US TO 3 CONFIGURATIONS)
.................... int status_device:2; //Holds our state for Set_Feature and Clear_Feature
.................... USB_GETDESC_TYPES getdesc_type:2; //which get_descriptor() we are handling
.................... } TYPE_USB_STACK_STATUS;
.................... #endif
.................... extern TYPE_USB_STACK_STATUS USB_stack_status;
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_token_reset()
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: No output (but many global registers are modified)
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Resets the token handler to initial (unconfigured) state.
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_token_reset(void);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tok_setup_dne()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: usb_ep0_rx_buffer[] contains the the setup packet.
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: None (many globals are changed)
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: This function is that handles the setup token.
.................... /* We must handle all relevant requests, such as Set_Configuration,
.................... /* Get_Descriptor, etc.
.................... /*
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[] contains setup data packet, which has the
.................... /* following records:
.................... /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[ 0 ]=bmRequestType; Where the setup packet goes
.................... /* bit7 (0) host-to-device
.................... /* (1) device-to-host
.................... /* bit6-5 (00) usb standard request;
.................... /* (01) class request;
.................... /* (10) vendor request
.................... /* (11) reserved
.................... /* bit4-0 (0000) device
.................... /* (0001) interface
.................... /* (0010) endpoint
.................... /* (0011) other element
.................... /* (0100) to (1111) reserved
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[ 1 ]=bRequest ; the request
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2,3]=wValue ; a value which corresponds to request
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4,5]=wIndex ; could correspond to interface or endpoint...
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[6,7]=wLength ; number of bytes in next data packet;
.................... /* for host-to-device, this exactly how many bytes in data packet.
.................... /* for device-to-host, this is the maximum bytes that can fit one packet.
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_tok_setup_dne(void);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tok_out_dne()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint contains which endpoint we are receiving data (0..15)
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Processes out tokens (out is respective of the host, so actualy
.................... /* incoming to the pic), but not out setup tokens. Normally when
.................... /* data is received it is left in the buffer (user would use
.................... /* usb_kbhit() and usb_get_packet() to receive data), but certain
.................... /* libraries (like CDC) have to answer setup packets.
.................... /*
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_tok_out_dne(int8 endpoint);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tok_in_dne(endpoint)
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - which endpoint we are processing a setup token.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: This handles an IN packet (HOST <- PIC). For endpoint 0, this
.................... /* is usually to setup a response packet to a setup packet. Endpoints 1..15
.................... /* are generally ignored, and the user has to use usb_tbe() to determine if
.................... /* if the buffer is ready for a new transmit packet (there are special cases,
.................... /* like CDC which handles the CDC protocl).
.................... /*
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_tok_in_dne(int8 endpoint);
.................... ////// END STACK-LEVEL API USED BY HW DRIVERS /////////////////////////////////
.................... //CCS only supports one configuration at this time
.................... //PID values for tokens (see page 48 of USB Complete ed.1)
.................... #define PID_IN 0x09 //device to host transactions
.................... #define PID_OUT 0x01 //host to device transactions
.................... #define PID_SETUP 0x0D //host to device setup transaction
.................... #define PID_ACK 0x02 //receiver accepts error-free data packet
.................... #define PID_DATA0 0x03 //data packet with even sync bit
.................... #define PID_SOF 0x05 //start of framer marker and frame number
.................... #define PID_NAK 0x0A //receiver can't accept data or sender cant send data or has no data to transmit
.................... #define PID_DATA1 0x0B //data packet with odd sync bit
.................... #define PID_PRE 0x0C //preamble issued by host. enables downstream traffic to low-speed device
.................... #define PID_STALL 0x0E //a control request isnt supported or the endpoint is halted
.................... //Key which identifies descritpors
.................... #DEFINE USB_DESC_CLASS_TYPE 0x21 //#DEFINE USB_CLASS_DESC_KEY 0x21
.................... #DEFINE USB_DESC_HIDREPORT_TYPE 0x22
.................... //The length of each descriptor
.................... //Standard USB Setup bRequest Codes
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_STATUS 0x00
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_FEATURE 0x03
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_ADDRESS 0x05
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x07
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_CONFIGURATION 0x08
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_CONFIGURATION 0x09
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_INTERFACE 0x0A
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_INTERFACE 0x0B
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SYNCH_FRAME 0x0C
.................... //HID Class Setup bRequest Codes
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_GET_REPORT 0x01
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_GET_IDLE 0x02
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_GET_PROTOCOL 0x03
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_SET_REPORT 0x09
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_SET_IDLE 0x0A
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_SET_PROTOCOL 0x0B
.................... //types of endpoints as defined in the descriptor
.................... #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_CONTROL 0x00
.................... #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS 0x01
.................... #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK 0x02
.................... #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT 0x03
.................... //types of endpoints used internally in this api
.................... #define USB_ENABLE_DISABLED -1
.................... #define USB_ENABLE_BULK USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK
.................... //*** ENABLE RX ENDPOINTS AND BUFFERS
.................... //--------- endpoint 0 defines ----------
.................... #define USB_EP0_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_CONTROL
.................... #define USB_EP0_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_CONTROL
.................... #define USB_EP0_RX_SIZE USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH //endpoint 0 is setup, and should always be the MAX_PACKET_LENGTH. Slow speed specifies 8
.................... #define USB_EP0_TX_SIZE USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH //endpoint 0 is setup, and should always be the MAX_PACKET_LENGTH. Slow speed specifies 8
.................... //--------- endpoint 1 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP1_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP1_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP1_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP1_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP1_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP1_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP1_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP1_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP1_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP1 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP1_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP1_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP1_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP1_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP1_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP1 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 2 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP2_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP2_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP2_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP2_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP2_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP2_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP2_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP2_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP2_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP2 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP2_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP2_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP2_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP2_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP2_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP2 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 3 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP3_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP3_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP3_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP3_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP3_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP3_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP3_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP3_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP3_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP3 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP3_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP3_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP3_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP3_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP3_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP3 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 4 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP4_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP4_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP4_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP4_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP4_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP4_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP4_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP4_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP4_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP4 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP4_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP4_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP4_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP4_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP4_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP4 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 5 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP5_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP5_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP5_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP5_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP5_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP5_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP5_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP5_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP5_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP5 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP5_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP5_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP5_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP5_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP5_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP5 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 6 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP6_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP6_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP6_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP6_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP6_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP6_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP6_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP6_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP6_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP6 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP6_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP6_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP6_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP6_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP6_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP6 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 7 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP7_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP7_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP7_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP7_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP7_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP7_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP7_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP7_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP7_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP7 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP7_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP7_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP7_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP7_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP7_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP7 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 8 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP8_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP8_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP8_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP8_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP8_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP8_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP8_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP8_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP8_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP8 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP8_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP8_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP8_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP8_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP8_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP8 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 9 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP9_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP9_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP9_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP9_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP9_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP9_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP9_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP9_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP9_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP9 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP9_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP9_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP9_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP9_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP9_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP9 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 10 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP10_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP10_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP10_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP10_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP10_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP10_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP10_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP10_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP10_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP10 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP10_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP10_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP10_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP10_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP10_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP10 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 11 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP11_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP11_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP11_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP11_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP11_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP11_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP11_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP11_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP11_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP11 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP11_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP11_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP11_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP11_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP11_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP11 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 12 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP12_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP12_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP12_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP12_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP12_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP12_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP12_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP12_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP12_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP12 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP12_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP12_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP12_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP12_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP12_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP12 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 13 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP13_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP13_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP13_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP13_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP13_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP13_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP13_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP13_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP13_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP13 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP13_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP13_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP13_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP13_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP13_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP13 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 14 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP14_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP14_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP14_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP14_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP14_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP14_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP14_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP14_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP14_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP14 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP14_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP14_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP14_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP14_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP14_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP14 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 15 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP15_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP15_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP15_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP15_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP15_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP15_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP15_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP15_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP15_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP15 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP15_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP15_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP15_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP15_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP15_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP15 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... const int8 usb_ep_tx_type[16]={
.................... USB_EP9_TX_ENABLE, USB_EP10_TX_ENABLE, USB_EP11_TX_ENABLE,
.................... USB_EP12_TX_ENABLE, USB_EP13_TX_ENABLE, USB_EP14_TX_ENABLE,
.................... USB_EP15_TX_ENABLE
.................... };
.................... const int8 usb_ep_rx_type[16]={
.................... USB_EP9_RX_ENABLE, USB_EP10_RX_ENABLE, USB_EP11_RX_ENABLE,
.................... USB_EP12_RX_ENABLE, USB_EP13_RX_ENABLE, USB_EP14_RX_ENABLE,
.................... USB_EP15_RX_ENABLE
.................... };
.................... const unsigned int16 usb_ep_tx_size[16]={
.................... USB_EP0_TX_SIZE, USB_EP1_TX_SIZE, USB_EP2_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP3_TX_SIZE, USB_EP4_TX_SIZE, USB_EP5_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP6_TX_SIZE, USB_EP7_TX_SIZE, USB_EP8_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP9_TX_SIZE, USB_EP10_TX_SIZE, USB_EP11_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP12_TX_SIZE, USB_EP13_TX_SIZE, USB_EP14_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP15_TX_SIZE
.................... };
.................... const unsigned int16 usb_ep_rx_size[16]={
.................... USB_EP0_RX_SIZE, USB_EP1_RX_SIZE, USB_EP2_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP3_RX_SIZE, USB_EP4_RX_SIZE, USB_EP5_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP6_RX_SIZE, USB_EP7_RX_SIZE, USB_EP8_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP9_RX_SIZE, USB_EP10_RX_SIZE, USB_EP11_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP12_RX_SIZE, USB_EP13_RX_SIZE, USB_EP14_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP15_RX_SIZE
.................... };
.................... #ENDIF
.................... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... ///
.................... /// start config descriptor
.................... /// right now we only support one configuration descriptor.
.................... /// the config, interface, class, and endpoint goes into this array.
.................... ///
.................... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #DEFINE USB_TOTAL_CONFIG_LEN 67 //config+interface+class+endpoint+endpoint (2 endpoints)
.................... const char USB_CONFIG_DESC[] = {
.................... // config(s)
.................... // interface(s)
.................... // class(es)
.................... // endpoint(s)
.................... //config_descriptor for config index 1
.................... USB_DESC_CONFIG_LEN, //length of descriptor size ==0
.................... USB_DESC_CONFIG_TYPE, //constant CONFIGURATION (CONFIGURATION 0x02) ==1
.................... USB_TOTAL_CONFIG_LEN,0, //size of all data returned for this config ==2,3
.................... 2, //number of interfaces this device supports ==4
.................... 0x01, //identifier for this configuration. (IF we had more than one configurations) ==5
.................... 0x00, //index of string descriptor for this configuration ==6
.................... #if USB_CONFIG_BUS_POWER
.................... 0x80, //bit 6=1 if self powered, bit 5=1 if supports remote wakeup (we don't), bits 0-4 unused and bit7=1 ==7
.................... #else
.................... 0xC0, //bit 6=1 if self powered, bit 5=1 if supports remote wakeup (we don't), bits 0-4 unused and bit7=1 ==7
.................... #endif
.................... USB_CONFIG_BUS_POWER/2, //maximum bus power required (maximum milliamperes/2) (0x32 = 100mA) ==8
.................... //interface descriptor 0 (comm class interface)
.................... USB_DESC_INTERFACE_LEN, //length of descriptor =9
.................... USB_DESC_INTERFACE_TYPE, //constant INTERFACE (INTERFACE 0x04) =10
.................... 0x00, //number defining this interface (IF we had more than one interface) ==11
.................... 0x00, //alternate setting ==12
.................... 1, //number of endpoints ==13
.................... 0x02, //class code, 02 = Comm Interface Class ==14
.................... 0x02, //subclass code, 2 = Abstract ==15
.................... 0x01, //protocol code, 1 = v.25ter ==16
.................... 0x00, //index of string descriptor for interface ==17
.................... //class descriptor [functional header]
.................... 5, //length of descriptor ==18
.................... 0x24, //dscriptor type (0x24 == ) ==19
.................... 0, //sub type (0=functional header) ==20
.................... 0x10,0x01, // ==21,22 //cdc version
.................... //class descriptor [acm header]
.................... 4, //length of descriptor ==23
.................... 0x24, //dscriptor type (0x24 == ) ==24
.................... 2, //sub type (2=ACM) ==25
.................... 2, //capabilities ==26 //we support Set_Line_Coding, Set_Control_Line_State, Get_Line_Coding, and the notification Serial_State.
.................... //class descriptor [union header]
.................... 5, //length of descriptor ==27
.................... 0x24, //dscriptor type (0x24 == ) ==28
.................... 6, //sub type (6=union) ==29
.................... 0, //master intf ==30 //The interface number of the Communication or Dat a Cl ass interface, designated as the masteror controlling interface for the union.
.................... 1, //save intf0 ==31 //Interface number of first slave or associated interface in the union. *
.................... //class descriptor [call mgmt header]
.................... 5, //length of descriptor ==32
.................... 0x24, //dscriptor type (0x24 == ) ==33
.................... 1, //sub type (1=call mgmt) ==34
.................... 0, //capabilities ==35 //device does not handle call management itself
.................... 1, //data interface ==36 //interface number of data class interface
.................... //endpoint descriptor
.................... USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_LEN, //length of descriptor ==37
.................... USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_TYPE, //constant ENDPOINT (ENDPOINT 0x05) ==38
.................... USB_CDC_COMM_IN_ENDPOINT | 0x80, //endpoint number and direction
.................... 0x03, //transfer type supported (0x03 is interrupt) ==40
.................... USB_CDC_COMM_IN_SIZE,0x00, //maximum packet size supported ==41,42
.................... 250, //polling interval, in ms. (interrupt endpoint cant be smaller than 10 for slow speed devices) ==43
.................... //interface descriptor 1 (data class interface)
.................... USB_DESC_INTERFACE_LEN, //length of descriptor =44
.................... USB_DESC_INTERFACE_TYPE, //constant INTERFACE (INTERFACE 0x04) =45
.................... 0x01, //number defining this interface (IF we had more than one interface) ==46
.................... 0x00, //alternate setting ==47
.................... 2, //number of endpoints ==48
.................... 0x0A, //class code, 0A = Data Interface Class ==49
.................... 0x00, //subclass code ==50
.................... 0x00, //protocol code ==51
.................... 0x00, //index of string descriptor for interface ==52
.................... //endpoint descriptor
.................... USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_LEN, //length of descriptor ==53
.................... USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_TYPE, //constant ENDPOINT (ENDPOINT 0x05) ==54
.................... USB_CDC_DATA_OUT_ENDPOINT, //endpoint number and direction (0x02 = EP2 OUT) ==55
.................... 0x02, //transfer type supported (0x02 is bulk) ==56
.................... (USB_CDC_DATA_OUT_SIZE+1) & 0xFF, ((USB_CDC_DATA_OUT_SIZE+1) >> 8) & 0xFF, //maximum packet size supported ==57, 58
.................... 1, //polling interval, in ms. ==59
.................... //endpoint descriptor
.................... USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_LEN, //length of descriptor ==60
.................... USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_TYPE, //constant ENDPOINT (ENDPOINT 0x05) ==61
.................... USB_CDC_DATA_IN_ENDPOINT | 0x80, //endpoint number and direction (0x82 = EP2 IN) ==62
.................... 0x02, //transfer type supported (0x02 is bulk) ==63
.................... (USB_CDC_DATA_IN_SIZE+1) & 0xFF, ((USB_CDC_DATA_IN_SIZE+1) >> 8) & 0xFF, //maximum packet size supported ==66, 67
.................... 1, //polling interval, in ms. ==68
.................... };
.................... //****** BEGIN CONFIG DESCRIPTOR LOOKUP TABLES ********
.................... //since we can't make pointers to constants in certain pic16s, this is an offset table to find
.................... // a specific descriptor in the above table.
.................... //the maximum number of interfaces seen on any config
.................... //for example, if config 1 has 1 interface and config 2 has 2 interfaces you must define this as 2
.................... #define USB_MAX_NUM_INTERFACES 2
.................... //define how many interfaces there are per config. [0] is the first config, etc.
.................... const char USB_NUM_INTERFACES[USB_NUM_CONFIGURATIONS]={2};
.................... //define where to find class descriptors
.................... //first dimension is the config number
.................... //second dimension specifies which interface
.................... //last dimension specifies which class in this interface to get, but most will only have 1 class per interface
.................... //if a class descriptor is not valid, set the value to 0xFFFF
.................... {
.................... //config 1
.................... //interface 0
.................... //class 1-4
.................... 18,23,27,32,
.................... //interface 1
.................... //no classes for this interface
.................... 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF
.................... };
.................... #if (sizeof(USB_CONFIG_DESC) != USB_TOTAL_CONFIG_LEN)
.................... #error USB_TOTAL_CONFIG_LEN not defined correctly
.................... #endif
.................... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... ///
.................... /// start device descriptors
.................... ///
.................... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... const char USB_DEVICE_DESC[USB_DESC_DEVICE_LEN] ={
.................... //starts of with device configuration. only one possible
.................... USB_DESC_DEVICE_LEN, //the length of this report ==0
.................... 0x01, //the constant DEVICE (DEVICE 0x01) ==1
.................... 0x10,0x01, //usb version in bcd ==2,3
.................... 0x02, //class code. 0x02=Communication Device Class ==4
.................... 0x00, //subclass code ==5
.................... 0x00, //protocol code ==6
.................... USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH, //max packet size for endpoint 0. (SLOW SPEED SPECIFIES 8) ==7
.................... USB_CONFIG_VID & 0xFF, ((USB_CONFIG_VID >> 8) & 0xFF), //vendor id ==9, 10
.................... USB_CONFIG_PID & 0xFF, ((USB_CONFIG_PID >> 8) & 0xFF), //product id, don't use 0xffff ==11, 12
.................... USB_CONFIG_VERSION & 0xFF, ((USB_CONFIG_VERSION >> 8) & 0xFF), //device release number ==13,14
.................... 0x01, //index of string description of manufacturer. therefore we point to string_1 array (see below) ==14
.................... 0x02, //index of string descriptor of the product ==15
.................... 0x00, //index of string descriptor of serial number ==16
.................... USB_NUM_CONFIGURATIONS //number of possible configurations ==17
.................... };
.................... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... ///
.................... /// start string descriptors
.................... /// String 0 is a special language string, and must be defined. People in U.S.A. can leave this alone.
.................... ///
.................... /// You must define the length else get_next_string_character() will not see the string
.................... /// Current code only supports 10 strings (0 thru 9)
.................... ///
.................... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #if !defined(USB_STRINGS_OVERWRITTEN)
.................... //the offset of the starting location of each string. offset[0] is the start of string 0, offset[1] is the start of string 1, etc.
.................... char USB_STRING_DESC_OFFSET[]={0,4,12};
.................... // Here is where the "CCS" Manufacturer string and "SERIAL DEMO" are stored.
.................... // Strings are saved as unicode.
.................... // These strings are mostly only displayed during the add hardware wizard.
.................... // Once the operating system drivers have been installed it will usually display
.................... // the name from the drivers .INF.
.................... char const USB_STRING_DESC[]={
.................... //string 0
.................... 4, //length of string index
.................... USB_DESC_STRING_TYPE, //descriptor type 0x03 (STRING)
.................... 0x09,0x04, //Microsoft Defined for US-English
.................... //string 1 - manufacturer
.................... 8, //length of string index
.................... USB_DESC_STRING_TYPE, //descriptor type 0x03 (STRING)
.................... 'C',0,
.................... 'C',0,
.................... 'S',0,
.................... //string 2 - product
.................... 24, //length of string index
.................... USB_DESC_STRING_TYPE, //descriptor type 0x03 (STRING)
.................... 'S',0,
.................... 'E',0,
.................... 'R',0,
.................... 'I',0,
.................... 'A',0,
.................... 'L',0,
.................... ' ',0,
.................... 'D',0,
.................... 'E',0,
.................... 'M',0,
.................... 'O',0
.................... };
.................... #endif //!defined(USB_STRINGS_OVERWRITTEN)
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #include <usb.c> //handles usb setup tokens and get descriptor reports
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// usb.c ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Standard USB request and token handler code. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// This file is part of CCS's PIC USB driver code. See USB.H ////
.................... //// for more documentation and a list of examples. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// The majority of this code is called and used by the interrupt ////
.................... //// generated by the hardware level, and therefore it is not meant ////
.................... //// to be called by the user. The functions that are meant to be ////
.................... //// called by the user (init, put packet, get packet, etc) are ////
.................... //// documented in USB.H. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ************************* NOTE ************************** ////
.................... //// This code will not create a multiple configuration device. ////
.................... //// If you wish to create a multiple configuration device then you ////
.................... //// will have to modify these drivers. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ************************* NOTE ************************** ////
.................... //// This code does not support Get_Idle or Set_Idle HID-specific ////
.................... //// requests. These requests are optional. If you want to support ////
.................... //// these requests you must provide the code yourself. See ////
.................... //// usb_isr_tkn_setup_ClassInterface() if you wish to add this ////
.................... //// support. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// If you wish to provide your own USB peripheral hardware layer, it ////
.................... //// must must provide the API as described in usb_hw_layer.h. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Version History: ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// March 5th, 2009: ////
.................... //// Cleanup for Wizard. ////
.................... //// PIC24 Initial release. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Dec 14, 2007: ////
.................... //// usb_kbhit() moved to device driver. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// July 13th, 2005: ////
.................... //// usb_puts() packet_size and this_packet_len changed to 16bits. ////
.................... //// usb_gets() len, packet_size and this_packet_len to 16bits. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// June 20th, 2005: ////
.................... //// Initial 18fxx5x release. ////
.................... //// usb_kbhit() removed, usb_kbhit() now implemented in hardware ////
.................... //// layer. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// May 13th, 2005: ////
.................... //// Beta release, only works with 18Fxx5x hardware layer. ////
.................... //// Now supports multiple interfaces (many defines in descriptors ////
.................... //// will have to be changed, see examples) ////
.................... //// TODO: alot of indexing and length handling for descriptors is ////
.................... //// only 8bit, so make sure all descriptor tables are less than ////
.................... //// 256 bytes long. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Apr 21st, 2005: ////
.................... //// Initial Alpha Release with PIC18Fxx5x support. (ONLY TESTED ////
.................... //// WITH 18F4550) ////
.................... //// usb_puts() doesn't need max packet size as a paremeter, uses ////
.................... //// usb_ep_tx_size[] defined in usb.h ////
.................... //// usb_puts() timeout parameter now in ms, not seconds. ////
.................... //// USB Stack no longer buffers incoming data. If there is data to ////
.................... //// get usb_kbhit(en) will return TRUE and the data will sit in ////
.................... //// the endpoint buffer until you usb_get_packet(), which will ////
.................... //// then free the endpoint buffer for more data. This affects ////
.................... //// routines such as usb_gets() and usb_kbhit(). ////
.................... //// usb_gets() no longer reads buffered data (see above note), ////
.................... //// now it reads multiple packets in the same way usb_puts() ////
.................... //// writes multiple packets ////
.................... //// usb_kbhit() is hardware specific, so has been moved to hardware ////
.................... //// layer. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Nov 11th, 2004: ////
.................... //// No longer includes wrong descriptor header. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// June 24th, 2004: ////
.................... //// Optimization and cleanup. ////
.................... //// The following definitions changed: ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_TX_ENABLE and USB_EPx_RX_ENABLE have changed. See usb.h ////
.................... //// USB_CONFIG_DESCRIPTORS[] removed ////
.................... //// USB_CONFIG_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_CONFIG_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_INTERFACE_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_INTERFACE_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_CLASS_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_CLASS_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_CONFIG_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_CONFIG_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_INTERFACE_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_INTERFACE_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_CLASS_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_CLASS_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_STRING_X[] arrays removed, see USB_STRING_DESC[] and ////
.................... //// USB_STRING_DESC_OFFSET[] ////
.................... //// dev_req, curr_config, status_device and getdesc_type global ////
.................... //// variables moved into struct USB_stack_status ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// December 5th, 2003: Fixed a potential bug where descriptors are ////
.................... //// evenly dividable by 8 (MAX_EP0_PACKET_SIZE) ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// October 15th, 2003: Support for boot protocol added. ////
.................... //// Set USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL to TRUE to support this. ////
.................... //// The array hid_protocol[] saves which protocol mode each ////
.................... //// interface is in. It is your applications job to send ////
.................... //// data that either fit the boot protocol or HID protocol. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// May 6th, 2003: Fixed a potential stack overflow using PCM ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// October 28th, 2002: Problem with usb_puts and timeout fixed. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// October 28th, 2002: Typo fixed in get_next_string_character(), ////
.................... //// although it didn't cause any serious problems ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// October 25th, 2002: Another change to usb_puts() was made to fix ////
.................... //// problems with multiple packet messages ////
.................... //// October 29th, 2002: Fixed a problem with multiple packet string ////
.................... //// descriptors that require a 0 len packet to ////
.................... //// end message. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// October 23rd, 2002: usb_puts() will bomb out of error quicker ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// August 2nd, 2002: Initial Public Release ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2005 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS ////
.................... //// C compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, ////
.................... //// reproduction or distribution is permitted without written ////
.................... //// permission. Derivative programs created using this software ////
.................... //// in object code form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #IFNDEF __USB_DRIVER__
.................... #DEFINE __USB_DRIVER__
.................... #include <usb.h>
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// usb.h ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Function protypes, defintions and globals used by CCS USB driver ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// This file is part of CCS's USB driver code ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// The following USB examples are provided by CCS: ////
.................... //// ex_usb_mouse.c - A HID Mouse. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_hid.c - A custom application using HID protocol. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_kbmouse.c - A HID Mouse/Keyboard combo using multiple ////
.................... //// interfaces. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_kbmouse2.c - A HID Mouse/Keyboard combo using multiple ////
.................... //// HID Reports. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_scope.c - A digital oscilloscope using a custom ////
.................... //// protocol requiring custom Windows drivers. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_serial.c - ////
.................... //// ex_usb_serial2.c - Two examples of using the CDC driver for ////
.................... //// a virtual COM port. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_bootloader.c - CDC/Virtual COM port bootloader. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_loadmouse.c - A conversion of ex_usb_mouse.c that is ////
.................... //// compatible with ex_usb_mouse.c. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ********************** API ********************* ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// These are the functions that are meant to be called by the user: ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_init() - Initializes the USB stack, the USB peripheral and ////
.................... //// attaches the unit to the usb bus. Enables ////
.................... //// interrupts. Will wait in an infinite loop until ////
.................... //// the device enumerates - if you are using ////
.................... //// connection sense or if the processor should run ////
.................... //// even if it's not connected to USB then use ////
.................... //// usb_init_cs() instead. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_init_cs() - A smaller usb_init(), does not attach unit ////
.................... //// to usb bus or enable interrupts. Since this does ////
.................... //// not attach to the USB, you must periodically call ////
.................... //// usb_task(). See usb_task() for more information. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_task() - If usb_init_cs() was used to initiate the USB ////
.................... //// peripheral, usb_task() should then be called periodically ////
.................... //// to check the connection sense pin. If the connection ////
.................... //// sense pin denotes USB is connected and the USB peripheral ////
.................... //// is not attached, this will attach the USB peripheral ////
.................... //// so the PC can start the enumeration process (and it ////
.................... //// will enable interrupts). If the connection sense pin ////
.................... //// denotes USB is not attached and the USB peripheral is ////
.................... //// running, this will reset the USB peripheral and wait ////
.................... //// for USB to reconnect (and usb_enumerated() will start ////
.................... //// returning FALSE). If connection sense (USB_CON_SENSE_PIN) ////
.................... //// is not defined the usb_task() assumes that USB is always ////
.................... //// connected. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_attached() - Returns TRUE if the device is attached to a ////
.................... //// USB cable. A macro that looks at the defined ////
.................... //// connection sense pin. If this returns TRUE ////
.................... //// it does not mean the PC has connected to it, ////
.................... //// you need to use usb_enumerated() to check this. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_enumerated() - Returns TRUE if device has been enumerated ////
.................... //// (configured) by host, FALSE if it has not. ////
.................... //// Do not try to use the USB peripheral for ////
.................... //// sending and receiving packets until you ////
.................... //// are enumerated. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_wait_for_enumeration() - Sits in an infinte loop until device ////
.................... //// is enumerated. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_tbe(endpoint) - Returns TRUE if the endpoint transmit buffer ////
.................... //// is free and ready to accept a new packet for transmission. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_put_packet(endpoint, ptr, len, tgl) - Sends one packet to the ////
.................... //// host. If you need to send a message that ////
.................... //// spans more than one packet then use ////
.................... //// usb_puts(). Fore more detailed documentation ////
.................... //// see usb_hw_layer.h ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_puts(endpoint, ptr, len, timeout) - Sends a multiple packet ////
.................... //// message to the host. If you only need to send one packet, ////
.................... //// it is more effecient to use usb_put_packet(). This is ////
.................... //// documented in more detail above the prototype in USB.H. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_kbhit(endpoint) - Returns true if OUT endpoint contains data ////
.................... //// from host. This will remain TRUE until ////
.................... //// usb_put_packet() or usb_flush_out() used. ////
.................... //// This function will return an invalid response ////
.................... //// if specified endpoint is not enabled for ////
.................... //// receiving data. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// len = usb_get_packet(endpoint, ptr, max) - Gets one packet that ////
.................... //// from the host/PC. usb_kbhit() must return TRUE before you ////
.................... //// call this routine or your data may not be valid. This ////
.................... //// only receives one packet, if you are trying to receive a ////
.................... //// multi-packet message use usb_gets(). For more detailed ////
.................... //// documentation see usb_hw_layer.h. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// len = usb_gets(endpoint, ptr, max, timeout) - Gets multiple ////
.................... //// packets from the host, you would use this instead ////
.................... //// of usb_get_packet() if you wanted to handle multi-packet ////
.................... //// messages. This is documented in more detail above the ////
.................... //// prototype in USB.H. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ********* DEFINITIONS / CONFIGURATION ********** ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// The following definitions are declared here, but can be ////
.................... //// overwritten in your code. Unless needed otherwise, leave ////
.................... //// to default value. If confused about a definition read the ////
.................... //// comments at each defintion ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_HID_IDLE (TRUE) - Set to TRUE if your device supports ////
.................... //// Set_Idle HID class request. Set to ////
.................... //// False if you do not (device will ////
.................... //// send a Wrong-state if computer ////
.................... //// sends a Set_Idle / Get_Idle command) ////
.................... //// NOTE: If you set to TRUE you must ////
.................... //// provide your own code. See ////
.................... //// usb_isr_tkn_setup_ClassInterface() in ////
.................... //// usb.c ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL (FALSE) - Set to TRUE if your device supports ////
.................... //// Set_Protocl HID class request. Set to ////
.................... //// False if you do not (device will ////
.................... //// send a Wrong-state if computer ////
.................... //// sends a Set_Protocl / Get_Protocol ////
.................... //// command). ////
.................... //// NOTE: If you set to TRUE you must ////
.................... //// provide your own code in the ////
.................... //// application that properly send boot ////
.................... //// or HID packets. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH (8) - Max Packet size for Endpoint 0. ////
.................... //// The hardware level driver (ex ////
.................... //// pic18_usb.h will define this value if ////
.................... //// not already overwritten). Increasing ////
.................... //// this size will speed up the ////
.................... //// enumeration process. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_RX_ENABLE (USB_ENABLE_DISABLED) - Where x is the ////
.................... //// endpoint number. Change this define ////
.................... //// to specify what kind of transfer method ////
.................... //// this RX (PC to device) endpoint uses. ////
.................... //// Here is the list of valid transfer methods: ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_CONTROL ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_ISOCHRONOUS ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_BULK ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_INTERRUPT ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_DISABLED ////
.................... //// Don't forget that you must specify the ////
.................... //// transfer method properly in your endpoint ////
.................... //// descriptor, too. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_RX_SIZE (0) - For some hardware it is important to know ////
.................... //// how much memory to reserve for receiving ////
.................... //// packets. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// *** NOTE *** You must have both USB_EPx_RX_ENABLE defined and ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_RX_SIZE defined (non 0) to enable a RX ////
.................... //// endpoint. ////
.................... //// *** NOTE *** Endpoint 0 is always enabled. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_TX_ENABLE (USB_ENABLE_DISABLED) - Where x is the ////
.................... //// endpoint number. Change this define ////
.................... //// to specify what kind of transfer method ////
.................... //// this TX (device to PC) endpoint uses. ////
.................... //// Here is the list of valid transfer methods: ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_CONTROL ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_ISOCHRONOUS ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_BULK ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_INTERRUPT ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_DISABLED ////
.................... //// Don't forget that you must specify the ////
.................... //// transfer method properly in your endpoint ////
.................... //// descriptor, too. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_TX_SIZE (0) - For some hardware it is important to know ////
.................... //// how much memory to reserve for transmitting ////
.................... //// packets. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// *** NOTE *** You must have both USB_EPx_TX_ENABLE defined and ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_TX_SIZE defined (non 0) to enable a TX ////
.................... //// endpoint. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_HID_DEVICE (TRUE) - HID devices require extra code to handle ////
.................... //// HID requests. You can disable to save ////
.................... //// ROM space if you are not using a HID ////
.................... //// device. If you are not using a HID ////
.................... //// device you must provide your own O/S ////
.................... //// (Windows) driver. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// The other definitions should not be changed. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Version History: ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// March 5th, 2009: ////
.................... //// Cleanup for Wizard. ////
.................... //// PIC24 Initial release. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// July 13th, 2005: ////
.................... //// usb_ep_tx_size[] and usb_ep_rx_size[] changed to 16bits ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// June 20th, 2005: ////
.................... //// Initial 18fxx5x release ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// May 13th, 2005: ////
.................... //// Beta release, only works with 18Fxx5x hardware layer. ////
.................... //// Now supports multiple interfaces (many defines in descriptors ////
.................... //// will have to be changed, see examples) ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Mar 21st, 2005: ////
.................... //// Initial Alpha Release with PIC18Fxx5x support. (ONLY TESTED ////
.................... //// WITH 18F4550) ////
.................... //// usb_gets() and usb_puts() changed (see usb.c) ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// June 24th, 2004: ////
.................... //// Optimization and cleanup. ////
.................... //// The following definitions changed: ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_TX_ENABLE and USB_EPx_RX_ENABLE have changed. See usb.h ////
.................... //// USB_CONFIG_DESCRIPTORS[] removed ////
.................... //// USB_CONFIG_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_CONFIG_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_INTERFACE_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_INTERFACE_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_CLASS_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_CLASS_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_CONFIG_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_CONFIG_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_INTERFACE_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_INTERFACE_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_CLASS_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_CLASS_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_STRING_X[] arrays removed, see USB_STRING_DESC[] and ////
.................... //// USB_STRING_DESC_OFFSET[] ////
.................... //// dev_req, curr_config, status_device and getdesc_type global ////
.................... //// variables moved into struct USB_stack_status ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// October 15th, 2003: Support for boot protocol added. ////
.................... //// Set USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL to TRUE to support this. ////
.................... //// The array hid_protocol[] saves which protocol mode each ////
.................... //// interface is in. It is your applications job to send ////
.................... //// data that either fit the boot protocol or HID protocol. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// May 6th, 2003: Fixed a potential stack overflow using PCM ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// October 29th, 2002: New definition added to USB_STATES ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// August 2nd, 2002: Initial Public Release ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2009 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS ////
.................... //// C compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, ////
.................... //// reproduction or distribution is permitted without written ////
.................... //// permission. Derivative programs created using this software ////
.................... //// in object code form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #IFNDEF __USB_PROTOTYPES__
.................... #DEFINE __USB_PROTOTYPES__
.................... //// CONFIGURATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #ifndef USB_CON_SENSE_PIN
.................... #define USB_CON_SENSE_PIN 0
.................... #endif
.................... #IFNDEF USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #IFNDEF USB_HID_IDLE
.................... #DEFINE USB_HID_IDLE FALSE
.................... #ENDIF
.................... //should the compiler add the extra HID handler code? Defaults to yes.
.................... #IFNDEF USB_HID_DEVICE
.................... #DEFINE USB_HID_DEVICE TRUE
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #IFNDEF USB_CDC_DEVICE
.................... #DEFINE USB_CDC_DEVICE FALSE
.................... #ENDIF
.................... //set to false to opt for less RAM, true to opt for less ROM
.................... #ifndef USB_OPT_FOR_ROM
.................... #define USB_OPT_FOR_ROM TRUE
.................... #endif
.................... #IFNDEF USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH
.................... #DEFINE USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH 8
.................... #ENDIF
.................... ////// USER-LEVEL API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_enumerated()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: Global variable USB_Curr_Config
.................... /* Returns: Returns a 1 if device is configured / enumerated,
.................... /* Returns a 0 if device is un-configured / not enumerated.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: See API section of USB.H for more documentation.
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... int1 usb_enumerated(void);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_wait_for_enumeration()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: Global variable USB_Curr_Config
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Waits in-definately until device is configured / enumerated.
.................... /* See API section of USB.H for more information.
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_wait_for_enumeration(void);
.................... /****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_gets(endpoint, ptr, max, timeout)
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - endpoint to get data from
.................... /* ptr - place / array to store data to
.................... /* max - max amount of data to get from USB and store into ptr
.................... /* timeout - time in milliseconds, for each packet, to wait before
.................... /* timeout. set to 0 for no timeout.
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: Amount of data returned. It may be less than max.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Gets data from the host. Will get multiple-packet messages
.................... /* and finish when either it receives a 0-len packet or a packet
.................... /* of less size than maximum.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... unsigned int16 usb_gets(int8 endpoint, int8 * ptr, unsigned int16 max, unsigned int16 timeout);
.................... /****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_puts()
.................... /*
.................... /* Inputs: endpoint - endpoint to send data out
.................... /* ptr - points to array of data to send
.................... /* len - amount of data to send
.................... /* timeout - time in milli-seconds, for each packet, to wait before
.................... /* timeout. set to 0 for no timeout.
.................... /*
.................... /* Outputs: Returns TRUE if message sent succesfully, FALSE if it was not
.................... /* sent before timeout period expired.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Used for sending multiple packets of data as one message. This
.................... /* function can still be used to send messages consiting of only one
.................... /* packet. See usb_put_packet() documentation for the rules about when
.................... /* multiple packet messages or 0-lenght packets are needed.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... int1 usb_puts(int8 endpoint, int8 * ptr, unsigned int16 len, unsigned int8 timeout);
.................... /******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_attached()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Returns TRUE if the device is attached to a USB cable.
.................... /* See the API section of USB.H for more documentation.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... #if USB_CON_SENSE_PIN
.................... #define usb_attached() input(USB_CON_SENSE_PIN)
.................... #else
.................... #define usb_attached() TRUE
.................... #endif
.................... ////// END USER-LEVEL API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... ////// STACK-LEVEL API USED BY HW DRIVERS ////////////////////////////////////
.................... enum USB_STATES {GET_DESCRIPTOR=1,SET_ADDRESS=2,NONE=0};
.................... #if USB_OPT_FOR_ROM
.................... typedef struct {
.................... USB_STATES dev_req; //what did the last setup token set us up to do?. init at none
.................... int curr_config; //our current config. start at none/powered (NOT THAT THIS LIMITS US TO 3 CONFIGURATIONS)
.................... int status_device; //Holds our state for Set_Feature and Clear_Feature
.................... USB_GETDESC_TYPES getdesc_type; //which get_descriptor() we are handling
.................... } TYPE_USB_STACK_STATUS;
.................... #else
.................... typedef struct {
.................... USB_STATES dev_req:2; //what did the last setup token set us up to do?. init at none
.................... int Curr_config:2; //our current config. start at none/powered (NOT THAT THIS LIMITS US TO 3 CONFIGURATIONS)
.................... int status_device:2; //Holds our state for Set_Feature and Clear_Feature
.................... USB_GETDESC_TYPES getdesc_type:2; //which get_descriptor() we are handling
.................... } TYPE_USB_STACK_STATUS;
.................... #endif
.................... extern TYPE_USB_STACK_STATUS USB_stack_status;
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_token_reset()
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: No output (but many global registers are modified)
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Resets the token handler to initial (unconfigured) state.
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_token_reset(void);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tok_setup_dne()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: usb_ep0_rx_buffer[] contains the the setup packet.
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: None (many globals are changed)
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: This function is that handles the setup token.
.................... /* We must handle all relevant requests, such as Set_Configuration,
.................... /* Get_Descriptor, etc.
.................... /*
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[] contains setup data packet, which has the
.................... /* following records:
.................... /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[ 0 ]=bmRequestType; Where the setup packet goes
.................... /* bit7 (0) host-to-device
.................... /* (1) device-to-host
.................... /* bit6-5 (00) usb standard request;
.................... /* (01) class request;
.................... /* (10) vendor request
.................... /* (11) reserved
.................... /* bit4-0 (0000) device
.................... /* (0001) interface
.................... /* (0010) endpoint
.................... /* (0011) other element
.................... /* (0100) to (1111) reserved
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[ 1 ]=bRequest ; the request
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2,3]=wValue ; a value which corresponds to request
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4,5]=wIndex ; could correspond to interface or endpoint...
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[6,7]=wLength ; number of bytes in next data packet;
.................... /* for host-to-device, this exactly how many bytes in data packet.
.................... /* for device-to-host, this is the maximum bytes that can fit one packet.
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_tok_setup_dne(void);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tok_out_dne()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint contains which endpoint we are receiving data (0..15)
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Processes out tokens (out is respective of the host, so actualy
.................... /* incoming to the pic), but not out setup tokens. Normally when
.................... /* data is received it is left in the buffer (user would use
.................... /* usb_kbhit() and usb_get_packet() to receive data), but certain
.................... /* libraries (like CDC) have to answer setup packets.
.................... /*
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_tok_out_dne(int8 endpoint);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tok_in_dne(endpoint)
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - which endpoint we are processing a setup token.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: This handles an IN packet (HOST <- PIC). For endpoint 0, this
.................... /* is usually to setup a response packet to a setup packet. Endpoints 1..15
.................... /* are generally ignored, and the user has to use usb_tbe() to determine if
.................... /* if the buffer is ready for a new transmit packet (there are special cases,
.................... /* like CDC which handles the CDC protocl).
.................... /*
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_tok_in_dne(int8 endpoint);
.................... ////// END STACK-LEVEL API USED BY HW DRIVERS /////////////////////////////////
.................... //CCS only supports one configuration at this time
.................... //PID values for tokens (see page 48 of USB Complete ed.1)
.................... #define PID_IN 0x09 //device to host transactions
.................... #define PID_OUT 0x01 //host to device transactions
.................... #define PID_SETUP 0x0D //host to device setup transaction
.................... #define PID_ACK 0x02 //receiver accepts error-free data packet
.................... #define PID_DATA0 0x03 //data packet with even sync bit
.................... #define PID_SOF 0x05 //start of framer marker and frame number
.................... #define PID_NAK 0x0A //receiver can't accept data or sender cant send data or has no data to transmit
.................... #define PID_DATA1 0x0B //data packet with odd sync bit
.................... #define PID_PRE 0x0C //preamble issued by host. enables downstream traffic to low-speed device
.................... #define PID_STALL 0x0E //a control request isnt supported or the endpoint is halted
.................... //Key which identifies descritpors
.................... #DEFINE USB_DESC_CLASS_TYPE 0x21 //#DEFINE USB_CLASS_DESC_KEY 0x21
.................... #DEFINE USB_DESC_HIDREPORT_TYPE 0x22
.................... //The length of each descriptor
.................... //Standard USB Setup bRequest Codes
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_STATUS 0x00
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_FEATURE 0x03
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_ADDRESS 0x05
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x07
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_CONFIGURATION 0x08
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_CONFIGURATION 0x09
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_INTERFACE 0x0A
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_INTERFACE 0x0B
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SYNCH_FRAME 0x0C
.................... //HID Class Setup bRequest Codes
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_GET_REPORT 0x01
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_GET_IDLE 0x02
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_GET_PROTOCOL 0x03
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_SET_REPORT 0x09
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_SET_IDLE 0x0A
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_SET_PROTOCOL 0x0B
.................... //types of endpoints as defined in the descriptor
.................... #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_CONTROL 0x00
.................... #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS 0x01
.................... #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK 0x02
.................... #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT 0x03
.................... //types of endpoints used internally in this api
.................... #define USB_ENABLE_DISABLED -1
.................... #define USB_ENABLE_BULK USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK
.................... //*** ENABLE RX ENDPOINTS AND BUFFERS
.................... //--------- endpoint 0 defines ----------
.................... #define USB_EP0_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_CONTROL
.................... #define USB_EP0_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_CONTROL
.................... #define USB_EP0_RX_SIZE USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH //endpoint 0 is setup, and should always be the MAX_PACKET_LENGTH. Slow speed specifies 8
.................... #define USB_EP0_TX_SIZE USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH //endpoint 0 is setup, and should always be the MAX_PACKET_LENGTH. Slow speed specifies 8
.................... //--------- endpoint 1 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP1_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP1_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP1_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP1_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP1_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP1_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP1_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP1_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP1_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP1 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP1_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP1_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP1_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP1_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP1_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP1 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 2 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP2_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP2_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP2_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP2_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP2_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP2_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP2_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP2_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP2_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP2 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP2_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP2_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP2_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP2_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP2_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP2 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 3 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP3_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP3_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP3_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP3_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP3_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP3_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP3_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP3_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP3_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP3 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP3_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP3_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP3_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP3_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP3_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP3 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 4 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP4_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP4_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP4_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP4_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP4_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP4_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP4_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP4_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP4_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP4 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP4_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP4_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP4_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP4_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP4_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP4 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 5 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP5_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP5_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP5_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP5_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP5_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP5_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP5_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP5_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP5_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP5 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP5_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP5_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP5_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP5_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP5_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP5 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 6 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP6_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP6_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP6_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP6_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP6_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP6_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP6_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP6_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP6_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP6 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP6_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP6_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP6_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP6_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP6_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP6 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 7 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP7_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP7_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP7_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP7_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP7_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP7_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP7_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP7_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP7_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP7 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP7_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP7_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP7_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP7_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP7_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP7 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 8 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP8_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP8_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP8_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP8_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP8_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP8_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP8_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP8_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP8_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP8 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP8_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP8_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP8_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP8_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP8_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP8 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 9 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP9_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP9_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP9_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP9_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP9_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP9_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP9_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP9_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP9_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP9 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP9_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP9_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP9_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP9_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP9_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP9 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 10 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP10_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP10_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP10_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP10_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP10_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP10_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP10_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP10_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP10_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP10 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP10_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP10_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP10_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP10_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP10_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP10 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 11 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP11_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP11_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP11_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP11_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP11_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP11_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP11_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP11_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP11_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP11 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP11_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP11_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP11_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP11_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP11_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP11 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 12 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP12_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP12_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP12_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP12_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP12_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP12_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP12_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP12_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP12_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP12 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP12_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP12_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP12_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP12_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP12_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP12 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 13 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP13_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP13_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP13_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP13_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP13_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP13_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP13_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP13_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP13_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP13 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP13_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP13_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP13_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP13_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP13_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP13 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 14 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP14_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP14_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP14_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP14_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP14_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP14_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP14_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP14_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP14_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP14 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP14_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP14_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP14_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP14_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP14_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP14 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 15 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP15_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP15_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP15_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP15_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP15_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP15_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP15_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP15_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP15_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP15 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP15_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP15_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP15_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP15_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP15_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP15 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... const int8 usb_ep_tx_type[16]={
.................... USB_EP9_TX_ENABLE, USB_EP10_TX_ENABLE, USB_EP11_TX_ENABLE,
.................... USB_EP12_TX_ENABLE, USB_EP13_TX_ENABLE, USB_EP14_TX_ENABLE,
.................... USB_EP15_TX_ENABLE
.................... };
.................... const int8 usb_ep_rx_type[16]={
.................... USB_EP9_RX_ENABLE, USB_EP10_RX_ENABLE, USB_EP11_RX_ENABLE,
.................... USB_EP12_RX_ENABLE, USB_EP13_RX_ENABLE, USB_EP14_RX_ENABLE,
.................... USB_EP15_RX_ENABLE
.................... };
.................... const unsigned int16 usb_ep_tx_size[16]={
.................... USB_EP0_TX_SIZE, USB_EP1_TX_SIZE, USB_EP2_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP3_TX_SIZE, USB_EP4_TX_SIZE, USB_EP5_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP6_TX_SIZE, USB_EP7_TX_SIZE, USB_EP8_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP9_TX_SIZE, USB_EP10_TX_SIZE, USB_EP11_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP12_TX_SIZE, USB_EP13_TX_SIZE, USB_EP14_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP15_TX_SIZE
.................... };
.................... const unsigned int16 usb_ep_rx_size[16]={
.................... USB_EP0_RX_SIZE, USB_EP1_RX_SIZE, USB_EP2_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP3_RX_SIZE, USB_EP4_RX_SIZE, USB_EP5_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP6_RX_SIZE, USB_EP7_RX_SIZE, USB_EP8_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP9_RX_SIZE, USB_EP10_RX_SIZE, USB_EP11_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP12_RX_SIZE, USB_EP13_RX_SIZE, USB_EP14_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP15_RX_SIZE
.................... };
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #if defined(__PIC16_USB_H__)
.................... #include <pic_usb.c>
.................... #endif
.................... #if defined(__PIC18_USB_H__)
.................... #include <pic18_usb.c>
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// pic18_usb.c ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Hardware layer for CCS's USB library. See pic18_usb.h more ////
.................... //// documentation about the PIC18 hardware layer. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// This file is part of CCS's PIC USB driver code. See USB.H ////
.................... //// for more documentation and a list of examples. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Version History: ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// March 5th, 2009: ////
.................... //// 18F14K50 family added. ////
.................... //// Cleanup for Wizard. ////
.................... //// PIC24 Initial release. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Nov 3rd, 2008: ////
.................... //// * 4553 family added. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Dec 18, 2007: ////
.................... //// * usb_kbhit() moved to device driver. ////
.................... //// * USB Token handler changed to workaround a flaw in the USB ////
.................... //// peripheral to prevent the USB peripheral from ////
.................... //// inadvertantly STALLing the endpoint. Happened most often ////
.................... //// in bulk demo applications, especially CDC. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 11-6-07: Fixed a bug where usb_data_buffer[] was reserving ////
.................... //// too much RAM. ////
.................... //// USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH value can be overwritten. ////
.................... //// For the 18F4450/2450 family this should be 8 ////
.................... //// because of limited RAM. Reducing this value ////
.................... //// frees RAM for application. ////
.................... //// Based upon which endpoints have been configured for ////
.................... //// use, will free up unused USB data RAM for ////
.................... //// application dynamically. This should free up ////
.................... //// at least 128 bytes of RAM. ////
.................... //// CDC now fits on a 18F4450/2450 ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 09-19-07: Fixed problems with 18F4450 family. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 07-17-07: Added 18F4450,2450 support ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 07-13-07: Added 87J50 family support ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 11-01-05: usb_detach(), usb_attach() and usb_init_cs() ////
.................... //// changed for the better. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 10-28-05: Added usb_rx_packet_size() ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 07-13-05: usb_put_packet() changed for 16bit packet sizes ////
.................... //// usb_flush_in() changed for 16bit packet sizes ////
.................... //// usb_get_packet() changed for 16bit packet sizes ////
.................... //// usb_flush_out() changed for 16bit packet sizes ////
.................... //// usb_set_configured() changed for 16bit packet sizes ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 06-30-05: usb_tbe() added ////
.................... //// The way endpoint 0 DTS is set has been changed. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 06-20-05: Initial Release ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 05-13-05: Beta Release (Full Speed works) ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// 03-21-05: Initial Alpha Release ////
.................... //// ////
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2009 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS ////
.................... //// C compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, ////
.................... //// reproduction or distribution is permitted without written ////
.................... //// permission. Derivative programs created using this software ////
.................... //// in object code form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #IFNDEF __PIC18_USB_C__
.................... #DEFINE __PIC18_USB_C__
.................... #INCLUDE <usb.h>
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// usb.h ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Function protypes, defintions and globals used by CCS USB driver ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// This file is part of CCS's USB driver code ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// The following USB examples are provided by CCS: ////
.................... //// ex_usb_mouse.c - A HID Mouse. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_hid.c - A custom application using HID protocol. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_kbmouse.c - A HID Mouse/Keyboard combo using multiple ////
.................... //// interfaces. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_kbmouse2.c - A HID Mouse/Keyboard combo using multiple ////
.................... //// HID Reports. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_scope.c - A digital oscilloscope using a custom ////
.................... //// protocol requiring custom Windows drivers. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_serial.c - ////
.................... //// ex_usb_serial2.c - Two examples of using the CDC driver for ////
.................... //// a virtual COM port. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_bootloader.c - CDC/Virtual COM port bootloader. ////
.................... //// ex_usb_loadmouse.c - A conversion of ex_usb_mouse.c that is ////
.................... //// compatible with ex_usb_mouse.c. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ********************** API ********************* ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// These are the functions that are meant to be called by the user: ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_init() - Initializes the USB stack, the USB peripheral and ////
.................... //// attaches the unit to the usb bus. Enables ////
.................... //// interrupts. Will wait in an infinite loop until ////
.................... //// the device enumerates - if you are using ////
.................... //// connection sense or if the processor should run ////
.................... //// even if it's not connected to USB then use ////
.................... //// usb_init_cs() instead. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_init_cs() - A smaller usb_init(), does not attach unit ////
.................... //// to usb bus or enable interrupts. Since this does ////
.................... //// not attach to the USB, you must periodically call ////
.................... //// usb_task(). See usb_task() for more information. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_task() - If usb_init_cs() was used to initiate the USB ////
.................... //// peripheral, usb_task() should then be called periodically ////
.................... //// to check the connection sense pin. If the connection ////
.................... //// sense pin denotes USB is connected and the USB peripheral ////
.................... //// is not attached, this will attach the USB peripheral ////
.................... //// so the PC can start the enumeration process (and it ////
.................... //// will enable interrupts). If the connection sense pin ////
.................... //// denotes USB is not attached and the USB peripheral is ////
.................... //// running, this will reset the USB peripheral and wait ////
.................... //// for USB to reconnect (and usb_enumerated() will start ////
.................... //// returning FALSE). If connection sense (USB_CON_SENSE_PIN) ////
.................... //// is not defined the usb_task() assumes that USB is always ////
.................... //// connected. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_attached() - Returns TRUE if the device is attached to a ////
.................... //// USB cable. A macro that looks at the defined ////
.................... //// connection sense pin. If this returns TRUE ////
.................... //// it does not mean the PC has connected to it, ////
.................... //// you need to use usb_enumerated() to check this. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_enumerated() - Returns TRUE if device has been enumerated ////
.................... //// (configured) by host, FALSE if it has not. ////
.................... //// Do not try to use the USB peripheral for ////
.................... //// sending and receiving packets until you ////
.................... //// are enumerated. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_wait_for_enumeration() - Sits in an infinte loop until device ////
.................... //// is enumerated. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_tbe(endpoint) - Returns TRUE if the endpoint transmit buffer ////
.................... //// is free and ready to accept a new packet for transmission. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_put_packet(endpoint, ptr, len, tgl) - Sends one packet to the ////
.................... //// host. If you need to send a message that ////
.................... //// spans more than one packet then use ////
.................... //// usb_puts(). Fore more detailed documentation ////
.................... //// see usb_hw_layer.h ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_puts(endpoint, ptr, len, timeout) - Sends a multiple packet ////
.................... //// message to the host. If you only need to send one packet, ////
.................... //// it is more effecient to use usb_put_packet(). This is ////
.................... //// documented in more detail above the prototype in USB.H. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// usb_kbhit(endpoint) - Returns true if OUT endpoint contains data ////
.................... //// from host. This will remain TRUE until ////
.................... //// usb_put_packet() or usb_flush_out() used. ////
.................... //// This function will return an invalid response ////
.................... //// if specified endpoint is not enabled for ////
.................... //// receiving data. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// len = usb_get_packet(endpoint, ptr, max) - Gets one packet that ////
.................... //// from the host/PC. usb_kbhit() must return TRUE before you ////
.................... //// call this routine or your data may not be valid. This ////
.................... //// only receives one packet, if you are trying to receive a ////
.................... //// multi-packet message use usb_gets(). For more detailed ////
.................... //// documentation see usb_hw_layer.h. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// len = usb_gets(endpoint, ptr, max, timeout) - Gets multiple ////
.................... //// packets from the host, you would use this instead ////
.................... //// of usb_get_packet() if you wanted to handle multi-packet ////
.................... //// messages. This is documented in more detail above the ////
.................... //// prototype in USB.H. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ********* DEFINITIONS / CONFIGURATION ********** ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// The following definitions are declared here, but can be ////
.................... //// overwritten in your code. Unless needed otherwise, leave ////
.................... //// to default value. If confused about a definition read the ////
.................... //// comments at each defintion ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_HID_IDLE (TRUE) - Set to TRUE if your device supports ////
.................... //// Set_Idle HID class request. Set to ////
.................... //// False if you do not (device will ////
.................... //// send a Wrong-state if computer ////
.................... //// sends a Set_Idle / Get_Idle command) ////
.................... //// NOTE: If you set to TRUE you must ////
.................... //// provide your own code. See ////
.................... //// usb_isr_tkn_setup_ClassInterface() in ////
.................... //// usb.c ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL (FALSE) - Set to TRUE if your device supports ////
.................... //// Set_Protocl HID class request. Set to ////
.................... //// False if you do not (device will ////
.................... //// send a Wrong-state if computer ////
.................... //// sends a Set_Protocl / Get_Protocol ////
.................... //// command). ////
.................... //// NOTE: If you set to TRUE you must ////
.................... //// provide your own code in the ////
.................... //// application that properly send boot ////
.................... //// or HID packets. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH (8) - Max Packet size for Endpoint 0. ////
.................... //// The hardware level driver (ex ////
.................... //// pic18_usb.h will define this value if ////
.................... //// not already overwritten). Increasing ////
.................... //// this size will speed up the ////
.................... //// enumeration process. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_RX_ENABLE (USB_ENABLE_DISABLED) - Where x is the ////
.................... //// endpoint number. Change this define ////
.................... //// to specify what kind of transfer method ////
.................... //// this RX (PC to device) endpoint uses. ////
.................... //// Here is the list of valid transfer methods: ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_CONTROL ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_ISOCHRONOUS ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_BULK ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_INTERRUPT ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_DISABLED ////
.................... //// Don't forget that you must specify the ////
.................... //// transfer method properly in your endpoint ////
.................... //// descriptor, too. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_RX_SIZE (0) - For some hardware it is important to know ////
.................... //// how much memory to reserve for receiving ////
.................... //// packets. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// *** NOTE *** You must have both USB_EPx_RX_ENABLE defined and ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_RX_SIZE defined (non 0) to enable a RX ////
.................... //// endpoint. ////
.................... //// *** NOTE *** Endpoint 0 is always enabled. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_TX_ENABLE (USB_ENABLE_DISABLED) - Where x is the ////
.................... //// endpoint number. Change this define ////
.................... //// to specify what kind of transfer method ////
.................... //// this TX (device to PC) endpoint uses. ////
.................... //// Here is the list of valid transfer methods: ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_CONTROL ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_ISOCHRONOUS ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_BULK ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_INTERRUPT ////
.................... //// USB_ENABLE_DISABLED ////
.................... //// Don't forget that you must specify the ////
.................... //// transfer method properly in your endpoint ////
.................... //// descriptor, too. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_TX_SIZE (0) - For some hardware it is important to know ////
.................... //// how much memory to reserve for transmitting ////
.................... //// packets. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// *** NOTE *** You must have both USB_EPx_TX_ENABLE defined and ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_TX_SIZE defined (non 0) to enable a TX ////
.................... //// endpoint. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// USB_HID_DEVICE (TRUE) - HID devices require extra code to handle ////
.................... //// HID requests. You can disable to save ////
.................... //// ROM space if you are not using a HID ////
.................... //// device. If you are not using a HID ////
.................... //// device you must provide your own O/S ////
.................... //// (Windows) driver. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// The other definitions should not be changed. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Version History: ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// March 5th, 2009: ////
.................... //// Cleanup for Wizard. ////
.................... //// PIC24 Initial release. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// July 13th, 2005: ////
.................... //// usb_ep_tx_size[] and usb_ep_rx_size[] changed to 16bits ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// June 20th, 2005: ////
.................... //// Initial 18fxx5x release ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// May 13th, 2005: ////
.................... //// Beta release, only works with 18Fxx5x hardware layer. ////
.................... //// Now supports multiple interfaces (many defines in descriptors ////
.................... //// will have to be changed, see examples) ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// Mar 21st, 2005: ////
.................... //// Initial Alpha Release with PIC18Fxx5x support. (ONLY TESTED ////
.................... //// WITH 18F4550) ////
.................... //// usb_gets() and usb_puts() changed (see usb.c) ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// June 24th, 2004: ////
.................... //// Optimization and cleanup. ////
.................... //// The following definitions changed: ////
.................... //// USB_EPx_TX_ENABLE and USB_EPx_RX_ENABLE have changed. See usb.h ////
.................... //// USB_CONFIG_DESCRIPTORS[] removed ////
.................... //// USB_CONFIG_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_CONFIG_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_INTERFACE_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_INTERFACE_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_CLASS_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_CLASS_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_LEN changed to USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_LEN ////
.................... //// USB_CONFIG_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_CONFIG_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_INTERFACE_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_INTERFACE_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_CLASS_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_CLASS_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_KEY changed to USB_DESC_ENDPOINT_TYPE ////
.................... //// USB_STRING_X[] arrays removed, see USB_STRING_DESC[] and ////
.................... //// USB_STRING_DESC_OFFSET[] ////
.................... //// dev_req, curr_config, status_device and getdesc_type global ////
.................... //// variables moved into struct USB_stack_status ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// October 15th, 2003: Support for boot protocol added. ////
.................... //// Set USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL to TRUE to support this. ////
.................... //// The array hid_protocol[] saves which protocol mode each ////
.................... //// interface is in. It is your applications job to send ////
.................... //// data that either fit the boot protocol or HID protocol. ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// May 6th, 2003: Fixed a potential stack overflow using PCM ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// October 29th, 2002: New definition added to USB_STATES ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// August 2nd, 2002: Initial Public Release ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2009 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS ////
.................... //// C compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, ////
.................... //// reproduction or distribution is permitted without written ////
.................... //// permission. Derivative programs created using this software ////
.................... //// in object code form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #IFNDEF __USB_PROTOTYPES__
.................... #DEFINE __USB_PROTOTYPES__
.................... //// CONFIGURATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #ifndef USB_CON_SENSE_PIN
.................... #define USB_CON_SENSE_PIN 0
.................... #endif
.................... #IFNDEF USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #IFNDEF USB_HID_IDLE
.................... #DEFINE USB_HID_IDLE FALSE
.................... #ENDIF
.................... //should the compiler add the extra HID handler code? Defaults to yes.
.................... #IFNDEF USB_HID_DEVICE
.................... #DEFINE USB_HID_DEVICE TRUE
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #IFNDEF USB_CDC_DEVICE
.................... #DEFINE USB_CDC_DEVICE FALSE
.................... #ENDIF
.................... //set to false to opt for less RAM, true to opt for less ROM
.................... #ifndef USB_OPT_FOR_ROM
.................... #define USB_OPT_FOR_ROM TRUE
.................... #endif
.................... #IFNDEF USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH
.................... #DEFINE USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH 8
.................... #ENDIF
.................... ////// USER-LEVEL API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_enumerated()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: Global variable USB_Curr_Config
.................... /* Returns: Returns a 1 if device is configured / enumerated,
.................... /* Returns a 0 if device is un-configured / not enumerated.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: See API section of USB.H for more documentation.
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... int1 usb_enumerated(void);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_wait_for_enumeration()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: Global variable USB_Curr_Config
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Waits in-definately until device is configured / enumerated.
.................... /* See API section of USB.H for more information.
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_wait_for_enumeration(void);
.................... /****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_gets(endpoint, ptr, max, timeout)
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - endpoint to get data from
.................... /* ptr - place / array to store data to
.................... /* max - max amount of data to get from USB and store into ptr
.................... /* timeout - time in milliseconds, for each packet, to wait before
.................... /* timeout. set to 0 for no timeout.
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: Amount of data returned. It may be less than max.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Gets data from the host. Will get multiple-packet messages
.................... /* and finish when either it receives a 0-len packet or a packet
.................... /* of less size than maximum.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... unsigned int16 usb_gets(int8 endpoint, int8 * ptr, unsigned int16 max, unsigned int16 timeout);
.................... /****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_puts()
.................... /*
.................... /* Inputs: endpoint - endpoint to send data out
.................... /* ptr - points to array of data to send
.................... /* len - amount of data to send
.................... /* timeout - time in milli-seconds, for each packet, to wait before
.................... /* timeout. set to 0 for no timeout.
.................... /*
.................... /* Outputs: Returns TRUE if message sent succesfully, FALSE if it was not
.................... /* sent before timeout period expired.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Used for sending multiple packets of data as one message. This
.................... /* function can still be used to send messages consiting of only one
.................... /* packet. See usb_put_packet() documentation for the rules about when
.................... /* multiple packet messages or 0-lenght packets are needed.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... int1 usb_puts(int8 endpoint, int8 * ptr, unsigned int16 len, unsigned int8 timeout);
.................... /******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_attached()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Returns TRUE if the device is attached to a USB cable.
.................... /* See the API section of USB.H for more documentation.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... #if USB_CON_SENSE_PIN
.................... #define usb_attached() input(USB_CON_SENSE_PIN)
.................... #else
.................... #define usb_attached() TRUE
.................... #endif
.................... ////// END USER-LEVEL API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... ////// STACK-LEVEL API USED BY HW DRIVERS ////////////////////////////////////
.................... enum USB_STATES {GET_DESCRIPTOR=1,SET_ADDRESS=2,NONE=0};
.................... #if USB_OPT_FOR_ROM
.................... typedef struct {
.................... USB_STATES dev_req; //what did the last setup token set us up to do?. init at none
.................... int curr_config; //our current config. start at none/powered (NOT THAT THIS LIMITS US TO 3 CONFIGURATIONS)
.................... int status_device; //Holds our state for Set_Feature and Clear_Feature
.................... USB_GETDESC_TYPES getdesc_type; //which get_descriptor() we are handling
.................... } TYPE_USB_STACK_STATUS;
.................... #else
.................... typedef struct {
.................... USB_STATES dev_req:2; //what did the last setup token set us up to do?. init at none
.................... int Curr_config:2; //our current config. start at none/powered (NOT THAT THIS LIMITS US TO 3 CONFIGURATIONS)
.................... int status_device:2; //Holds our state for Set_Feature and Clear_Feature
.................... USB_GETDESC_TYPES getdesc_type:2; //which get_descriptor() we are handling
.................... } TYPE_USB_STACK_STATUS;
.................... #endif
.................... extern TYPE_USB_STACK_STATUS USB_stack_status;
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_token_reset()
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: No output (but many global registers are modified)
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Resets the token handler to initial (unconfigured) state.
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_token_reset(void);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tok_setup_dne()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: usb_ep0_rx_buffer[] contains the the setup packet.
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: None (many globals are changed)
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: This function is that handles the setup token.
.................... /* We must handle all relevant requests, such as Set_Configuration,
.................... /* Get_Descriptor, etc.
.................... /*
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[] contains setup data packet, which has the
.................... /* following records:
.................... /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[ 0 ]=bmRequestType; Where the setup packet goes
.................... /* bit7 (0) host-to-device
.................... /* (1) device-to-host
.................... /* bit6-5 (00) usb standard request;
.................... /* (01) class request;
.................... /* (10) vendor request
.................... /* (11) reserved
.................... /* bit4-0 (0000) device
.................... /* (0001) interface
.................... /* (0010) endpoint
.................... /* (0011) other element
.................... /* (0100) to (1111) reserved
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[ 1 ]=bRequest ; the request
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2,3]=wValue ; a value which corresponds to request
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4,5]=wIndex ; could correspond to interface or endpoint...
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[6,7]=wLength ; number of bytes in next data packet;
.................... /* for host-to-device, this exactly how many bytes in data packet.
.................... /* for device-to-host, this is the maximum bytes that can fit one packet.
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_tok_setup_dne(void);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tok_out_dne()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint contains which endpoint we are receiving data (0..15)
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Processes out tokens (out is respective of the host, so actualy
.................... /* incoming to the pic), but not out setup tokens. Normally when
.................... /* data is received it is left in the buffer (user would use
.................... /* usb_kbhit() and usb_get_packet() to receive data), but certain
.................... /* libraries (like CDC) have to answer setup packets.
.................... /*
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_tok_out_dne(int8 endpoint);
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tok_in_dne(endpoint)
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - which endpoint we are processing a setup token.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: This handles an IN packet (HOST <- PIC). For endpoint 0, this
.................... /* is usually to setup a response packet to a setup packet. Endpoints 1..15
.................... /* are generally ignored, and the user has to use usb_tbe() to determine if
.................... /* if the buffer is ready for a new transmit packet (there are special cases,
.................... /* like CDC which handles the CDC protocl).
.................... /*
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_tok_in_dne(int8 endpoint);
.................... ////// END STACK-LEVEL API USED BY HW DRIVERS /////////////////////////////////
.................... //CCS only supports one configuration at this time
.................... //PID values for tokens (see page 48 of USB Complete ed.1)
.................... #define PID_IN 0x09 //device to host transactions
.................... #define PID_OUT 0x01 //host to device transactions
.................... #define PID_SETUP 0x0D //host to device setup transaction
.................... #define PID_ACK 0x02 //receiver accepts error-free data packet
.................... #define PID_DATA0 0x03 //data packet with even sync bit
.................... #define PID_SOF 0x05 //start of framer marker and frame number
.................... #define PID_NAK 0x0A //receiver can't accept data or sender cant send data or has no data to transmit
.................... #define PID_DATA1 0x0B //data packet with odd sync bit
.................... #define PID_PRE 0x0C //preamble issued by host. enables downstream traffic to low-speed device
.................... #define PID_STALL 0x0E //a control request isnt supported or the endpoint is halted
.................... //Key which identifies descritpors
.................... #DEFINE USB_DESC_CLASS_TYPE 0x21 //#DEFINE USB_CLASS_DESC_KEY 0x21
.................... #DEFINE USB_DESC_HIDREPORT_TYPE 0x22
.................... //The length of each descriptor
.................... //Standard USB Setup bRequest Codes
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_STATUS 0x00
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_FEATURE 0x03
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_ADDRESS 0x05
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x07
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_CONFIGURATION 0x08
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_CONFIGURATION 0x09
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_INTERFACE 0x0A
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_INTERFACE 0x0B
.................... #define USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SYNCH_FRAME 0x0C
.................... //HID Class Setup bRequest Codes
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_GET_REPORT 0x01
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_GET_IDLE 0x02
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_GET_PROTOCOL 0x03
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_SET_REPORT 0x09
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_SET_IDLE 0x0A
.................... #define USB_HID_REQUEST_SET_PROTOCOL 0x0B
.................... //types of endpoints as defined in the descriptor
.................... #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_CONTROL 0x00
.................... #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS 0x01
.................... #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK 0x02
.................... #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT 0x03
.................... //types of endpoints used internally in this api
.................... #define USB_ENABLE_DISABLED -1
.................... #define USB_ENABLE_BULK USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK
.................... //*** ENABLE RX ENDPOINTS AND BUFFERS
.................... //--------- endpoint 0 defines ----------
.................... #define USB_EP0_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_CONTROL
.................... #define USB_EP0_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_CONTROL
.................... #define USB_EP0_RX_SIZE USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH //endpoint 0 is setup, and should always be the MAX_PACKET_LENGTH. Slow speed specifies 8
.................... #define USB_EP0_TX_SIZE USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH //endpoint 0 is setup, and should always be the MAX_PACKET_LENGTH. Slow speed specifies 8
.................... //--------- endpoint 1 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP1_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP1_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP1_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP1_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP1_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP1_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP1_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP1_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP1_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP1 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP1_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP1_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP1_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP1_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP1_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP1 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 2 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP2_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP2_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP2_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP2_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP2_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP2_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP2_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP2_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP2_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP2 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP2_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP2_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP2_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP2_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP2_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP2 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 3 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP3_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP3_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP3_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP3_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP3_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP3_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP3_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP3_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP3_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP3 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP3_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP3_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP3_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP3_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP3_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP3 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 4 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP4_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP4_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP4_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP4_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP4_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP4_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP4_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP4_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP4_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP4 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP4_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP4_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP4_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP4_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP4_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP4 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 5 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP5_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP5_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP5_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP5_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP5_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP5_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP5_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP5_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP5_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP5 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP5_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP5_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP5_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP5_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP5_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP5 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 6 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP6_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP6_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP6_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP6_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP6_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP6_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP6_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP6_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP6_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP6 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP6_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP6_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP6_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP6_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP6_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP6 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 7 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP7_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP7_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP7_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP7_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP7_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP7_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP7_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP7_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP7_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP7 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP7_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP7_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP7_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP7_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP7_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP7 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 8 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP8_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP8_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP8_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP8_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP8_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP8_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP8_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP8_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP8_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP8 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP8_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP8_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP8_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP8_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP8_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP8 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 9 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP9_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP9_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP9_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP9_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP9_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP9_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP9_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP9_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP9_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP9 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP9_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP9_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP9_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP9_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP9_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP9 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 10 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP10_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP10_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP10_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP10_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP10_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP10_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP10_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP10_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP10_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP10 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP10_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP10_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP10_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP10_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP10_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP10 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 11 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP11_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP11_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP11_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP11_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP11_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP11_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP11_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP11_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP11_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP11 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP11_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP11_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP11_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP11_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP11_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP11 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 12 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP12_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP12_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP12_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP12_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP12_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP12_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP12_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP12_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP12_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP12 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP12_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP12_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP12_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP12_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP12_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP12 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 13 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP13_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP13_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP13_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP13_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP13_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP13_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP13_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP13_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP13_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP13 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP13_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP13_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP13_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP13_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP13_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP13 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 14 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP14_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP14_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP14_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP14_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP14_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP14_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP14_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP14_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP14_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP14 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP14_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP14_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP14_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP14_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP14_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP14 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... //--------- endpoint 15 defines ----------
.................... #ifndef USB_EP15_TX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP15_TX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_EP15_RX_ENABLE
.................... #define USB_EP15_RX_ENABLE USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP15_RX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP15_RX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP15_RX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP15_RX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP15_RX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP15 for RX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP15_TX_ENABLE==USB_ENABLE_DISABLED
.................... #ifdef USB_EP15_TX_SIZE
.................... #undef USB_EP15_TX_SIZE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_EP15_TX_SIZE 0
.................... #else
.................... #ifndef USB_EP15_TX_SIZE
.................... #error You enabled EP15 for TX but didn't specify endpoint size
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... const int8 usb_ep_tx_type[16]={
.................... USB_EP9_TX_ENABLE, USB_EP10_TX_ENABLE, USB_EP11_TX_ENABLE,
.................... USB_EP12_TX_ENABLE, USB_EP13_TX_ENABLE, USB_EP14_TX_ENABLE,
.................... USB_EP15_TX_ENABLE
.................... };
.................... const int8 usb_ep_rx_type[16]={
.................... USB_EP9_RX_ENABLE, USB_EP10_RX_ENABLE, USB_EP11_RX_ENABLE,
.................... USB_EP12_RX_ENABLE, USB_EP13_RX_ENABLE, USB_EP14_RX_ENABLE,
.................... USB_EP15_RX_ENABLE
.................... };
.................... const unsigned int16 usb_ep_tx_size[16]={
.................... USB_EP0_TX_SIZE, USB_EP1_TX_SIZE, USB_EP2_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP3_TX_SIZE, USB_EP4_TX_SIZE, USB_EP5_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP6_TX_SIZE, USB_EP7_TX_SIZE, USB_EP8_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP9_TX_SIZE, USB_EP10_TX_SIZE, USB_EP11_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP12_TX_SIZE, USB_EP13_TX_SIZE, USB_EP14_TX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP15_TX_SIZE
.................... };
.................... const unsigned int16 usb_ep_rx_size[16]={
.................... USB_EP0_RX_SIZE, USB_EP1_RX_SIZE, USB_EP2_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP3_RX_SIZE, USB_EP4_RX_SIZE, USB_EP5_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP6_RX_SIZE, USB_EP7_RX_SIZE, USB_EP8_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP9_RX_SIZE, USB_EP10_RX_SIZE, USB_EP11_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP12_RX_SIZE, USB_EP13_RX_SIZE, USB_EP14_RX_SIZE,
.................... USB_EP15_RX_SIZE
.................... };
.................... #ENDIF
.................... //if you are worried that the PIC is not receiving packets because a bug in the
.................... //DATA0/DATA1 synch code, you can set this to TRUE to ignore the DTS on
.................... //receiving.
.................... #ifndef USB_IGNORE_RX_DTS
.................... #define USB_IGNORE_RX_DTS FALSE
.................... #endif
.................... #ifndef USB_IGNORE_TX_DTS
.................... #define USB_IGNORE_TX_DTS FALSE
.................... #endif
.................... #if ((getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F87J50") || (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F86J55") || \
.................... (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F86J50") || (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F85J50") || \
.................... (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F67J50") || (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F66J55") || \
.................... (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F66J50") || (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F65J50"))
.................... #define __USB_87J50__
.................... #define USB_TOTAL_RAM_SPACE ((int16)getenv("RAM")-0x400)
.................... #define USB_RAM_START 0x400
.................... #define USB_LAST_ALLOWED_ENDPOINT 16
.................... #elif ((getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F2450") || (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F4450"))
.................... #define __USB_4450__
.................... #define USB_TOTAL_RAM_SPACE ((int16)0x100)
.................... #define USB_RAM_START 0x400
.................... #define USB_LAST_ALLOWED_ENDPOINT 3
.................... #elif ((getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F13K50") || (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F14K50"))
.................... #define __USB_K50__
.................... #define USB_TOTAL_RAM_SPACE ((int16)0x200)
.................... #define USB_RAM_START 0x200
.................... #define USB_LAST_ALLOWED_ENDPOINT 8
.................... #elif ((getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F2455") || (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F2550") || \
.................... (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F4455") || (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F4550") || \
.................... (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F2458") || (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F2553") || \
.................... (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F4458") || (getenv("DEVICE")=="PIC18F4553") \
.................... )
.................... #define __USB_4550__
.................... #define USB_TOTAL_RAM_SPACE ((int16)0x400)
.................... #define USB_RAM_START 0x400
.................... #define USB_LAST_ALLOWED_ENDPOINT 16
.................... #else
.................... #error Unknown PIC device, USB not supported in this library.
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP15_TX_SIZE || USB_EP15_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 15
.................... #elif USB_EP14_TX_SIZE || USB_EP14_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 14
.................... #elif USB_EP13_TX_SIZE || USB_EP13_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 13
.................... #elif USB_EP12_TX_SIZE || USB_EP12_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 12
.................... #elif USB_EP11_TX_SIZE || USB_EP11_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 11
.................... #elif USB_EP10_TX_SIZE || USB_EP10_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 10
.................... #elif USB_EP9_TX_SIZE || USB_EP9_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 9
.................... #elif USB_EP8_TX_SIZE || USB_EP8_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 8
.................... #elif USB_EP7_TX_SIZE || USB_EP7_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 7
.................... #elif USB_EP6_TX_SIZE || USB_EP6_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 6
.................... #elif USB_EP5_TX_SIZE || USB_EP5_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 5
.................... #elif USB_EP4_TX_SIZE || USB_EP4_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 4
.................... #elif USB_EP3_TX_SIZE || USB_EP3_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 3
.................... #elif USB_EP2_TX_SIZE || USB_EP2_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 2
.................... #elif USB_EP1_TX_SIZE || USB_EP1_RX_SIZE
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 1
.................... #else
.................... #define USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT 0
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_CONTROL_REGISTER_SIZE ((USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT+1)*8)
.................... USB_EP1_RX_SIZE+USB_EP2_TX_SIZE+USB_EP2_RX_SIZE+\
.................... USB_EP3_TX_SIZE+USB_EP3_RX_SIZE+USB_EP4_TX_SIZE+\
.................... USB_EP4_RX_SIZE+USB_EP5_TX_SIZE+USB_EP5_RX_SIZE+\
.................... USB_EP6_TX_SIZE+USB_EP6_RX_SIZE+USB_EP7_TX_SIZE+\
.................... USB_EP7_RX_SIZE+USB_EP8_TX_SIZE+USB_EP8_RX_SIZE+\
.................... USB_EP9_TX_SIZE+USB_EP9_RX_SIZE+USB_EP10_TX_SIZE+\
.................... USB_EP10_RX_SIZE+USB_EP11_TX_SIZE+USB_EP11_RX_SIZE+\
.................... USB_EP12_TX_SIZE+USB_EP12_RX_SIZE+USB_EP13_TX_SIZE+\
.................... USB_EP13_RX_SIZE+USB_EP14_TX_SIZE+USB_EP14_RX_SIZE+\
.................... USB_EP15_TX_SIZE+USB_EP15_RX_SIZE)
.................... #error You are trying to allocate more memory for endpoints than the PIC can handle
.................... #endif
.................... #error You are trying ot use an invalid endpoint for this hardware!
.................... #endif
.................... typedef struct
.................... {
.................... int8 stat;
.................... int8 cnt;
.................... int16 addr;
.................... } STRUCT_BD;
.................... struct
.................... {
.................... struct
.................... {
.................... STRUCT_BD out; //pc -> pic
.................... STRUCT_BD in; //pc <- pic
.................... } bd[USB_LAST_DEFINED_ENDPOINT+1];
.................... union
.................... {
.................... struct
.................... {
.................... int8 ep0_rx_buffer[USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH];
.................... int8 ep0_tx_buffer[USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH];
.................... //these buffer definitions needed for CDC library
.................... #if USB_EP1_RX_SIZE
.................... int8 ep1_rx_buffer[USB_EP1_RX_SIZE];
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP1_TX_SIZE
.................... int8 ep1_tx_buffer[USB_EP1_TX_SIZE];
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP2_RX_SIZE
.................... int8 ep2_rx_buffer[USB_EP2_RX_SIZE];
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_EP2_TX_SIZE
.................... int8 ep2_tx_buffer[USB_EP2_TX_SIZE];
.................... #endif
.................... };
.................... int8 general[USB_DATA_BUFFER_NEEDED];
.................... } buffer;
.................... } g_USBRAM;
.................... #locate g_USBRAM=USB_RAM_START
.................... #define usb_ep0_rx_buffer g_USBRAM.buffer.ep0_rx_buffer
.................... #define usb_ep0_tx_buffer g_USBRAM.buffer.ep0_tx_buffer
.................... //these buffer definitions needed for CDC library
.................... #define usb_ep1_rx_buffer g_USBRAM.buffer.ep1_rx_buffer
.................... #define usb_ep1_tx_buffer g_USBRAM.buffer.ep1_tx_buffer
.................... #define usb_ep2_rx_buffer g_USBRAM.buffer.ep2_rx_buffer
.................... #define usb_ep2_tx_buffer g_USBRAM.buffer.ep2_tx_buffer
.................... #define debug_usb(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z)
.................... //#define debug_usb printf
.................... //#define debug_putc putc_tbe
.................... #define debug_display_ram(x,y)
.................... /*
.................... void debug_display_ram(int8 len, int8 *ptr) {
.................... int8 max=16;
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"%U - ",len);
.................... if (max>len) {max=len;}
.................... while(max--) {
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"%X",*ptr);
.................... len--;
.................... ptr++;
.................... }
.................... if (len) {debug_usb(debug_putc,"...");}
.................... }
.................... */
.................... //if you enable this it will keep a counter of the 6 possible errors the
.................... //pic can detect. disabling this will save you ROM, RAM and execution time.
.................... #if !defined(USB_USE_ERROR_COUNTER)
.................... #define USB_USE_ERROR_COUNTER FALSE
.................... #endif
.................... #define USB_PING_PONG_MODE_OFF 0 //no ping pong
.................... #define USB_PING_PONG_MODE_E0 1 //ping pong endpoint 0 only
.................... #define USB_PING_PONG_MODE_ON 2 //ping pong all endpoints
.................... #if !defined(USB_PING_PONG_MODE)
.................... #define USB_PING_PONG_MODE USB_PING_PONG_MODE_OFF
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_USE_ERROR_COUNTER
.................... int ERROR_COUNTER[6];
.................... #endif
.................... //---pic18fxx5x memory locations
.................... #if defined(__USB_4550__) || defined(__USB_4450__)
.................... #byte UFRML = 0xF66
.................... #byte UFRMH = 0xF67
.................... #byte UIR = 0xF68
.................... #byte UIE = 0xF69
.................... #byte UEIR = 0xF6A
.................... #byte UEIE = 0xF6B
.................... #byte USTAT = 0xF6C
.................... #byte UCON = 0xF6D
.................... #byte UADDR = 0xF6E
.................... #byte UCFG = 0xF6F
.................... #define UEP0_LOC 0xF70
.................... #elif defined(__USB_K50__)
.................... #byte UFRML = 0xF5D
.................... #byte UFRMH = 0xF5E
.................... #byte UIR = 0xF62
.................... #byte UIE = 0xF60
.................... #byte UEIR = 0xF5F
.................... #byte UEIE = 0xF5B
.................... #byte USTAT = 0xF63
.................... #byte UCON = 0xF64
.................... #byte UADDR = 0xF5C
.................... #byte UCFG = 0xF61
.................... #define UEP0_LOC 0xF53
.................... #else
.................... #byte UFRML = 0xF60
.................... #byte UFRMH = 0xF61
.................... #byte UIR = 0xF62
.................... #byte UIE = 0xF5C
.................... #byte UEIR = 0xF63
.................... #byte UEIE = 0xF5D
.................... #byte USTAT = 0xF64
.................... #byte UCON = 0xF65
.................... #byte UADDR = 0xF5E
.................... #byte UCFG = 0xF5F
.................... #define UEP0_LOC 0xF4C
.................... #endif
.................... int8 g_UEP[16];
.................... #locate g_UEP=UEP0_LOC
.................... #define UEP(x) g_UEP[x]
.................... #BIT UIR_SOF = UIR.6
.................... #BIT UIR_STALL = UIR.5
.................... #BIT UIR_IDLE = UIR.4
.................... #BIT UIR_TRN = UIR.3
.................... #BIT UIR_ACTV = UIR.2
.................... #BIT UIR_UERR = UIR.1
.................... #BIT UIR_URST = UIR.0
.................... #BIT UIE_SOF = UIE.6
.................... #BIT UIE_STALL = UIE.5
.................... #BIT UIE_IDLE = UIE.4
.................... #BIT UIE_TRN = UIE.3
.................... #BIT UIE_ACTV = UIE.2
.................... #BIT UIE_UERR = UIE.1
.................... #BIT UIE_URST = UIE.0
.................... #bit UCON_PBRST=UCON.6
.................... #bit UCON_SE0=UCON.5
.................... #bit UCON_PKTDIS=UCON.4
.................... #bit UCON_USBEN=UCON.3
.................... #bit UCON_RESUME=UCON.2
.................... #bit UCON_SUSPND=UCON.1
.................... #if (USB_PING_PONG_MODE==USB_PING_PONG_MODE_OFF)
.................... #define EP_BDxST_O(x)[x].out.stat
.................... #define EP_BDxCNT_O(x)[x].out.cnt
.................... #define EP_BDxADR_O(x)[x].out.addr
.................... #define EP_BDxST_I(x)[x].in.stat
.................... #define EP_BDxCNT_I(x)[x].in.cnt
.................... #define EP_BDxADR_I(x)[x].in.addr
.................... #else
.................... #error Right now this driver only supports no ping pong
.................... #endif
.................... //See UEPn (0xF70-0xF7F)
.................... #define ENDPT_DISABLED 0x00 //endpoint not used
.................... #define ENDPT_IN_ONLY 0x02 //endpoint supports IN transactions only
.................... #define ENDPT_OUT_ONLY 0x04 //endpoint supports OUT transactions only
.................... #define ENDPT_CONTROL 0x06 //Supports IN, OUT and CONTROL transactions - Only use with EP0
.................... #define ENDPT_NON_CONTROL 0x0E //Supports both IN and OUT transactions
.................... //Define the states that the USB interface can be in
.................... USB_STATE_ADDRESS=4, USB_STATE_CONFIGURED=5} usb_state=0;
.................... //--BDendST has their PIDs upshifed 2
.................... #define USB_PIC_PID_IN 0x24 //device to host transactions
.................... #define USB_PIC_PID_OUT 0x04 //host to device transactions
.................... #define USB_PIC_PID_SETUP 0x34 //host to device setup transaction
.................... #define USTAT_IN_E0 4
.................... #define USTAT_OUT_SETUP_E0 0
.................... #define __USB_UIF_RESET 0x01
.................... #define __USB_UIF_ERROR 0x02
.................... #define __USB_UIF_ACTIVE 0x04
.................... #define __USB_UIF_TOKEN 0x08
.................... #define __USB_UIF_IDLE 0x10
.................... #define __USB_UIF_STALL 0x20
.................... #define __USB_UIF_SOF 0x40
.................... #if USB_USE_ERROR_COUNTER
.................... #else
.................... #endif
.................... #define __USB_UCFG_UTEYE 0x80
.................... #if defined(__USB_4550__)
.................... #define __USB_UCFG_UOEMON 0x40
.................... #endif
.................... #define __USB_UCFG_UPUEN 0x10
.................... #define __USB_UCFG_UTRDIS 0x08
.................... #define __USB_UCFG_FSEN 0x04
.................... #if USB_USE_FULL_SPEED
.................... #define __UCFG_VAL_ENABLED__ (__USB_UCFG_UPUEN | __USB_UCFG_FSEN | USB_PING_PONG_MODE)
.................... #else
.................... #define __UCFG_VAL_ENABLED__ (__USB_UCFG_UPUEN | USB_PING_PONG_MODE);
.................... #endif
.................... #define __UCFG_VAL_DISABLED__ 0x08
.................... int8 __setup_0_tx_size;
.................... //interrupt handler, specific to PIC18Fxx5x peripheral only
.................... void usb_handle_interrupt();
.................... void usb_isr_rst();
.................... void usb_isr_uerr();
.................... void usb_isr_sof(void);
.................... void usb_isr_activity();
.................... void usb_isr_uidle();
.................... void usb_isr_tok_dne();
.................... void usb_isr_stall(void);
.................... void usb_init_ep0_setup(void);
.................... //// BEGIN User Functions:
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for more documentation
.................... int1 usb_kbhit(int8 en)
.................... {
.................... return((UEP(en)!=ENDPT_DISABLED)&&(!bit_test(EP_BDxST_O(en),7)));
.................... }
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... int1 usb_tbe(int8 en)
.................... {
.................... return((UEP(en)!=ENDPT_DISABLED)&&(!bit_test(EP_BDxST_I(en),7)));
0D06: CLRF 03
0D08: MOVLB 7
0D0A: MOVF x47,W
0D0C: ADDLW 70
0D10: MOVLW 0F
0D12: ADDWFC 03,W
0D18: BZ 0D50
0D1A: CLRF x49
0D1C: MOVFF 747,748
0D20: CLRF x4B
0D22: MOVLW 08
0D24: MOVWF x4A
0D26: MOVLB 0
0D28: CALL 02BA
0D2C: MOVFF 02,749
0D30: MOVFF 01,748
0D34: MOVLW 04
0D36: MOVLB 7
0D38: ADDWF x48,F
0D3A: MOVLW 00
0D3C: ADDWFC x49,F
0D3E: MOVFF 748,FE9
0D42: MOVLW 04
0D44: ADDWF x49,W
0D48: MOVFF FEF,748
0D4C: BTFSS x48.7
0D4E: BRA 0D54
0D50: MOVLW 00
0D52: BRA 0D56
0D54: MOVLW 01
0D56: MOVWF 01
.................... }
0D58: MOVLB 0
0D5A: RETLW 00
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... void usb_detach(void)
.................... {
.................... UCON = 0; //disable USB hardware
12F4: CLRF F6D
.................... UIE = 0; //disable USB interrupts
12F6: CLRF F69
.................... UCFG = __UCFG_VAL_DISABLED__;
12F8: MOVLW 08
.................... // set D+/D- to inputs
.................... #if defined(__USB_87J50__)
.................... set_tris_f(get_tris_f() | 0x18);
.................... #elif defined(__USB_K50__)
.................... set_tris_a(get_tris_a() | 0x3);
.................... #else
.................... set_tris_c(get_tris_c() | 0x30);
12FC: MOVF F94,W
12FE: IORLW 30
1300: MOVLB 6
1302: MOVWF F94
.................... #endif
.................... usb_state = USB_STATE_DETACHED;
1304: CLRF 24
1306: CLRF 18
1308: BTFSC FF2.7
130A: BSF 18.7
130C: BCF FF2.7
.................... usb_token_reset(); //clear the chapter9 stack
130E: MOVLB 0
1310: CALL 037E
1314: BTFSC 18.7
1316: BSF FF2.7
.................... //__usb_kbhit_status=0;
.................... }
1318: GOTO 131E (RETURN)
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... void usb_attach(void)
.................... {
1322: CLRF 18
1324: BTFSC FF2.7
1326: BSF 18.7
1328: BCF FF2.7
.................... usb_token_reset();
132A: CALL 037E
132E: BTFSC 18.7
1330: BSF FF2.7
.................... UCON = 0;
1332: CLRF F6D
.................... UCFG = __UCFG_VAL_ENABLED__;
1334: MOVLW 14
1336: MOVWF F6F
.................... UIE = 0; // Mask all USB interrupts
1338: CLRF F69
.................... UCON_USBEN = 1; // Enable module & attach to bus
133A: BSF F6D.3
.................... usb_state = USB_STATE_ATTACHED; // Defined in usbmmap.c & .h
133C: MOVLW 01
133E: MOVWF 24
.................... }
1340: GOTO 134A (RETURN)
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... void usb_init_cs(void)
.................... {
.................... usb_detach();
131C: BRA 12F4
.................... }
131E: GOTO 136A (RETURN)
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... void usb_task(void)
.................... {
.................... if (usb_attached())
.................... {
.................... if (UCON_USBEN==0)
1344: BTFSC F6D.3
1346: BRA 134A
.................... {
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc, "\r\n\nUSB TASK: ATTACH");
.................... usb_attach();
1348: BRA 1322
.................... }
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... if (UCON_USBEN==1)
.................... {
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc, "\r\n\nUSB TASK: DE-ATTACH");
.................... usb_detach();
.................... }
.................... }
.................... if ((usb_state == USB_STATE_ATTACHED)&&(!UCON_SE0))
134A: DECFSZ 24,W
134C: BRA 1364
134E: BTFSC F6D.5
1350: BRA 1364
.................... {
.................... UIR=0;
1352: CLRF F68
.................... UIE=0;
1354: CLRF F69
.................... enable_interrupts(INT_USB);
1356: BSF FA0.5
.................... enable_interrupts(GLOBAL);
1358: MOVLW C0
.................... UIE=__USB_UIF_IDLE | __USB_UIF_RESET; //enable IDLE and RESET USB ISR
135C: MOVLW 11
135E: MOVWF F69
.................... usb_state=USB_STATE_POWERED;
1360: MOVLW 02
1362: MOVWF 24
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc, "\r\n\nUSB TASK: POWERED");
.................... }
.................... }
1364: GOTO 136C (RETURN)
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... void usb_init(void)
.................... {
.................... usb_init_cs();
1368: BRA 131C
.................... do
.................... {
.................... usb_task();
136A: BRA 1344
.................... } while (usb_state != USB_STATE_POWERED);
136C: MOVF 24,W
136E: SUBLW 02
1370: BNZ 136A
.................... }
1372: GOTO 1FE4 (RETURN)
.................... // see pic18_usb.h for documentation
.................... int1 usb_flush_in(int8 endpoint, int16 len, USB_DTS_BIT tgl)
.................... {
.................... int8 i;
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"\r\nPUT %X %U %LU",endpoint, tgl, len);
.................... if (usb_tbe(endpoint))
0D5C: MOVFF 742,747
0D60: RCALL 0D06
0D62: MOVF 01,F
0D64: BTFSC FD8.2
0D66: BRA 0E74
.................... {
.................... EP_BDxCNT_I(endpoint)=len;
0D68: MOVLB 7
0D6A: CLRF x49
0D6C: MOVFF 742,748
0D70: CLRF x4B
0D72: MOVLW 08
0D74: MOVWF x4A
0D76: MOVLB 0
0D78: CALL 02BA
0D7C: MOVFF 02,748
0D80: MOVFF 01,747
0D84: MOVLW 04
0D86: MOVLB 7
0D88: ADDWF x47,F
0D8A: MOVLW 00
0D8C: ADDWFC x48,F
0D8E: MOVLW 01
0D90: ADDWF x47,W
0D92: MOVWF 01
0D94: MOVLW 00
0D96: ADDWFC x48,W
0D98: MOVWF 03
0D9A: MOVFF 01,FE9
0D9E: MOVLW 04
0DA0: ADDWF 03,W
.................... debug_display_ram(len, EP_BDxADR_I(endpoint));
.................... #if USB_IGNORE_TX_DTS
.................... i=0x80;
.................... #else
.................... if (tgl == USB_DTS_TOGGLE)
0DA8: MOVF x45,W
.................... {
.................... i = EP_BDxST_I(endpoint);
0DAE: CLRF x49
0DB0: MOVFF 742,748
0DB4: CLRF x4B
0DB6: MOVLW 08
0DC0: MOVFF 02,748
0DC4: MOVFF 01,747
0DC8: MOVLW 04
0DD0: ADDWFC x48,F
0DD2: MOVFF 747,FE9
0DD6: MOVLW 04
0DD8: ADDWF x48,W
.................... if (bit_test(i,6))
0DE0: BTFSS x46.6
0DE2: BRA 0DE8
.................... tgl = USB_DTS_DATA0; //was DATA1, goto DATA0
0DE4: CLRF x45
.................... else
.................... tgl = USB_DTS_DATA1; //was DATA0, goto DATA1
0DE8: MOVLW 01
.................... }
.................... else if (tgl == USB_DTS_USERX)
0DEC: BRA 0E22
0DEE: MOVF x45,W
0DF0: SUBLW 04
0DF2: BNZ 0E22
.................... {
.................... i = EP_BDxST_O(endpoint);
0DF4: CLRF x49
0DF6: MOVFF 742,748
0E00: MOVLB 0
0E02: CALL 02BA
0E06: MOVLB 7
0E08: MOVFF 01,FE9
0E0C: MOVLW 04
0E0E: ADDWF 02,W
0E12: MOVFF FEF,746
.................... if (bit_test(i,6))
0E16: BTFSS x46.6
0E18: BRA 0E20
.................... tgl = USB_DTS_DATA1;
0E1A: MOVLW 01
0E1C: MOVWF x45
.................... else
0E1E: BRA 0E22
.................... tgl = USB_DTS_DATA0;
0E20: CLRF x45
.................... }
.................... if (tgl == USB_DTS_DATA1)
0E22: DECFSZ x45,W
0E24: BRA 0E2C
.................... i=0xC8; //DATA1, UOWN
0E26: MOVLW C8
0E28: MOVWF x46
.................... else //if (tgl == USB_DTS_DATA0)
0E2A: BRA 0E30
.................... i=0x88; //DATA0, UOWN
0E2C: MOVLW 88
0E2E: MOVWF x46
.................... #endif
.................... //set BC8 and BC9
.................... if (bit_test(len,8)) {bit_set(i,0);}
0E30: BTFSC x44.0
0E32: BSF x46.0
.................... if (bit_test(len,9)) {bit_set(i,1);}
0E34: BTFSC x44.1
0E36: BSF x46.1
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc, " %X", i);
.................... EP_BDxST_I(endpoint) = i;//save changes
0E38: CLRF x49
0E3A: MOVFF 742,748
0E3E: CLRF x4B
0E40: MOVLW 08
0E42: MOVWF x4A
0E44: MOVLB 0
0E46: CALL 02BA
0E4A: MOVFF 02,748
0E4E: MOVFF 01,747
0E52: MOVLW 04
0E54: MOVLB 7
0E56: ADDWF x47,F
0E58: MOVLW 00
0E5A: ADDWFC x48,F
0E5C: MOVFF 747,FE9
0E60: MOVLW 04
0E62: ADDWF x48,W
0E66: MOVFF 746,FEF
.................... //putc('!');
.................... return(1);
0E6A: MOVLW 01
0E6C: MOVWF 01
0E6E: BRA 0E7A
.................... }
.................... else
0E70: BRA 0E72
0E72: MOVLB 0
.................... {
.................... //putc('_');
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"\r\nPUT ERR");
.................... }
.................... return(0);
0E74: MOVLW 00
0E76: MOVWF 01
0E78: MOVLB 7
.................... }
0E7C: RETLW 00
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... int1 usb_put_packet(int8 endpoint, int8 * ptr, int16 len, USB_DTS_BIT tgl)
.................... {
.................... int8 * buff_add;
.................... if (usb_tbe(endpoint))
0F88: MOVFF 73A,747
0F8C: RCALL 0D06
0F8E: MOVF 01,F
0F90: BZ 1026
.................... {
.................... buff_add = EP_BDxADR_I(endpoint);
0F92: MOVLB 7
0F94: CLRF x49
0F96: MOVFF 73A,748
0F9A: CLRF x4B
0F9C: MOVLW 08
0FA6: MOVFF 02,743
0FAA: MOVFF 01,742
0FB2: ADDWF x42,F
0FB4: MOVLW 00
0FB6: ADDWFC x43,F
0FB8: MOVLW 02
0FC0: ADDWFC x43,W
0FC2: MOVWF 03
0FC4: MOVFF 01,FE9
0FC8: MOVLW 04
0FD8: MOVFF 03,741
.................... memcpy(buff_add, ptr, len);
0FE0: MOVFF 740,FE9
0FEC: MOVFF 73E,02
0FF0: MOVFF 73D,01
0FF4: MOVF 01,F
0FF8: INCF 02,F
0FFA: BRA 1000
0FFE: BZ 100C
1004: DECFSZ 01,F
1006: BRA 1000
1008: DECFSZ 02,F
100A: BRA 1000
.................... return(usb_flush_in(endpoint, len, tgl));
100C: MOVFF 73A,742
1010: MOVFF 73E,744
1014: MOVFF 73D,743
1018: MOVFF 73F,745
101C: MOVLB 0
101E: RCALL 0D5C
1020: MOVF 01,W
1022: BRA 102A
.................... }
.................... else
1024: BRA 1026
.................... {
.................... //putc('-');
.................... //printf("%X", EP_BDxST_I(endpoint));
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"\r\nPUT ERR");
.................... }
.................... return(0);
1026: MOVLW 00
1028: MOVWF 01
.................... }
102A: RETLW 00
.................... // see pic18_usb.h for documentation
.................... void usb_flush_out(int8 endpoint, USB_DTS_BIT tgl)
.................... {
.................... int8 i;
.................... int16 len;
.................... #if USB_IGNORE_RX_DTS
.................... if (tgl == USB_DTS_STALL)
.................... {
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc, '*');
.................... EP_BDxCNT_O(endpoint) = 0x84;
.................... EP_BDxST_I(endpoint) = 0x84;
.................... return;
.................... }
.................... else
.................... i=0x80;
.................... #else
.................... i = EP_BDxST_O(endpoint);
0BEC: CLRF x49
0BF2: CLRF x4B
0BF4: MOVLW 08
0C00: MOVFF 01,FE9
0C04: MOVLW 04
0C06: ADDWF 02,W
.................... if (tgl == USB_DTS_TOGGLE)
0C10: MOVF xFE,W
0C12: SUBLW 02
0C14: BNZ 0C22
.................... {
.................... if (bit_test(i,6))
0C16: BTFSS xFF.6
0C18: BRA 0C1E
.................... tgl = USB_DTS_DATA0; //was DATA1, goto DATA0
.................... else
0C1C: BRA 0C22
.................... tgl = USB_DTS_DATA1; //was DATA0, goto DATA1
0C1E: MOVLW 01
.................... }
.................... if (tgl == USB_DTS_STALL)
0C22: MOVF xFE,W
0C24: SUBLW 03
0C26: BNZ 0C64
.................... {
.................... i = 0x84;
0C28: MOVLW 84
.................... EP_BDxST_I(endpoint) = 0x84; //stall both in and out endpoints
0C2E: CLRF x49
0C30: MOVFF 6FD,748
0C34: CLRF x4B
0C36: MOVLW 08
0C38: MOVWF x4A
0C40: MOVFF 02,703
0C44: MOVFF 01,702
0C48: MOVLW 04
0C4C: ADDWF x02,F
0C4E: MOVLW 00
0C50: ADDWFC x03,F
0C52: MOVFF 702,FE9
0C56: MOVLW 04
0C58: ADDWF x03,W
0C5C: MOVLW 84
.................... }
.................... else if (tgl == USB_DTS_DATA1)
0C60: BRA 0C74
0C62: MOVLB 6
0C66: BRA 0C6E
.................... i = 0xC8; //DATA1, UOWN
0C68: MOVLW C8
.................... else //if (tgl == USB_DTS_DATA0)
0C6C: BRA 0C72
.................... i = 0x88; //DATA0, UOWN
0C6E: MOVLW 88
0C72: MOVLB 7
.................... #endif
.................... //bit_clear(__usb_kbhit_status,endpoint);
.................... len = usb_ep_rx_size[endpoint];
0C74: BCF FD8.0
0C76: MOVLB 6
0C78: RLCF xFD,W
0C7A: CLRF 03
0C7C: MOVFF FF2,702
0C80: BCF FF2.7
0C82: MOVLB 0
0C84: CALL 011A
0C88: TBLRD*+
0C8A: MOVFF FF5,03
0C90: BTFSC x02.7
0C92: BSF FF2.7
0C94: MOVWF x00
0C96: MOVFF 03,701
.................... EP_BDxCNT_O(endpoint) = len;
0C9A: CLRF x49
0C9C: MOVFF 6FD,748
0CA0: CLRF x4B
0CA2: MOVLW 08
0CAC: MOVFF 01,702
0CB0: MOVLW 01
0CB4: ADDWF 01,W
0CB6: MOVWF 01
0CB8: MOVLW 00
0CC2: MOVLW 04
0CC4: ADDWF 03,W
.................... if (bit_test(len,8)) {bit_set(i,0);}
0CCC: BTFSS x01.0
0CD2: BSF xFF.0
.................... if (bit_test(len,9)) {bit_set(i,1);}
0CD6: BTFSS x01.1
0CD8: BRA 0CE0
.................... EP_BDxST_O(endpoint) = i;
0CE0: CLRF x49
0CE2: MOVFF 6FD,748
0CE6: CLRF x4B
0CE8: MOVLW 08
0CF4: MOVFF 01,FE9
0CF8: MOVLW 04
.................... }
0D02: MOVLB 0
0D04: RETLW 00
.................... // see pic18_usb.h for documentation
.................... int16 usb_rx_packet_size(int8 endpoint)
.................... {
.................... return(EP_BDxCNT_O(endpoint));
0EE8: CLRF x49
0EF0: MOVLW 08
0EFA: MOVFF 02,700
0F02: MOVLW 01
0F04: MOVLB 6
0F06: ADDWF 01,W
0F08: MOVWF 01
0F0A: MOVLW 00
0F10: MOVWF 03
0F12: MOVFF 01,FE9
0F16: MOVLW 04
0F18: ADDWF 03,W
0F1C: CLRF 03
0F22: MOVFF 03,02
.................... }
0F26: MOVLB 0
.................... /// END User Functions
.................... /// BEGIN Hardware layer functions required by USB.
.................... /*****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_get_packet_buffer(endpoint, *ptr, max)
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - endpoint to get data from
.................... /* ptr - where to save data to local PIC RAM
.................... /* max - max amount of data to receive from buffer
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: the amount of data taken from the buffer.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Gets a packet of data from the USB buffer and puts into local PIC
.................... /* RAM.
.................... /* Does not mark the endpoint as ready for more data. Once you are
.................... /* done with data, call usb_flush_out() to mark the endpoint ready
.................... /* to receive more data.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... static int16 usb_get_packet_buffer(int8 endpoint, int8 *ptr, int16 max)
.................... {
.................... int8 * al;
.................... int8 st;
.................... int16 i;
.................... al = EP_BDxADR_O(endpoint);
.................... i = EP_BDxCNT_O(endpoint);
.................... st = EP_BDxST_O(endpoint);
.................... //read BC8 and BC9
.................... if (bit_test(st,0)) {bit_set(i,8);}
.................... if (bit_test(st,1)) {bit_set(i,9);}
.................... if (i < max) {max = i;}
.................... memcpy(ptr, al ,max);
.................... return(max);
.................... }
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... unsigned int16 usb_get_packet(int8 endpoint, int8 * ptr, unsigned int16 max)
.................... {
.................... max = usb_get_packet_buffer(endpoint, ptr, max);
.................... usb_flush_out(endpoint, USB_DTS_TOGGLE);
.................... return(max);
.................... }
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... void usb_stall_ep(int8 endpoint)
.................... {
.................... int1 direction;
.................... direction = bit_test(endpoint,7);
09B4: MOVLB 6
09B6: BCF xFE.0
09B8: BTFSC xFD.7
09BA: BSF xFE.0
.................... endpoint &= 0x7F;
09BC: BCF xFD.7
.................... if (direction)
09C0: BRA 09FC
.................... {
.................... EP_BDxST_I(endpoint) = 0x84;
09C2: MOVLB 7
09C4: CLRF x49
09C6: MOVFF 6FD,748
09CA: CLRF x4B
09CC: MOVLW 08
09D0: MOVLB 0
09D2: RCALL 02BA
09D4: MOVFF 02,700
09D8: MOVFF 01,6FF
09DC: MOVLW 04
09E2: MOVLW 00
09E4: MOVLB 7
09E6: ADDWFC x00,F
09EC: MOVLW 04
09F0: ADDWF x00,W
09F4: MOVLW 84
.................... }
.................... else
09F8: BRA 0A1E
.................... {
.................... EP_BDxST_O(endpoint) = 0x84;
09FE: CLRF x49
0A00: MOVFF 6FD,748
0A04: CLRF x4B
0A06: MOVLW 08
0A08: MOVWF x4A
0A0E: MOVFF 01,FE9
0A12: MOVLW 04
0A14: MOVLB 7
0A16: ADDWF 02,W
0A1A: MOVLW 84
.................... }
.................... }
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... void usb_unstall_ep(int8 endpoint)
.................... {
.................... int1 direction;
.................... direction = bit_test(endpoint,7);
0946: MOVLB 6
0948: BCF xFE.0
094A: BTFSC xFD.7
094C: BSF xFE.0
.................... endpoint &= 0x7F;
094E: BCF xFD.7
.................... if (direction)
0950: BTFSS xFE.0
0952: BRA 098E
.................... {
.................... #if USB_IGNORE_RX_DTS
.................... EP_BDxST_I(endpoint) = 0x80;
.................... #else
.................... EP_BDxST_I(endpoint) = 0x88;
0954: MOVLB 7
0956: CLRF x49
0958: MOVFF 6FD,748
095C: CLRF x4B
095E: MOVLW 08
0960: MOVWF x4A
0962: MOVLB 0
0964: RCALL 02BA
0966: MOVFF 02,700
096A: MOVFF 01,6FF
096E: MOVLW 04
0970: MOVLB 6
0972: ADDWF xFF,F
0974: MOVLW 00
0976: MOVLB 7
0978: ADDWFC x00,F
097E: MOVLW 04
0980: MOVLB 7
0982: ADDWF x00,W
0986: MOVLW 88
.................... #endif
.................... }
.................... else
098A: BRA 09AE
098C: MOVLB 6
.................... {
.................... EP_BDxST_O(endpoint) = 0x00;
098E: MOVLB 7
0990: CLRF x49
0992: MOVFF 6FD,748
0996: CLRF x4B
0998: MOVLW 08
099A: MOVWF x4A
099C: MOVLB 0
099E: RCALL 02BA
09A0: MOVFF 01,FE9
09A4: MOVLW 04
09A6: MOVLB 7
09A8: ADDWF 02,W
.................... }
.................... }
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... int1 usb_endpoint_stalled(int8 endpoint)
.................... {
.................... int1 direction;
.................... int8 st;
.................... direction = bit_test(endpoint,7);
0A24: MOVLB 6
0A26: BCF xFE.0
0A28: BTFSC xFD.7
0A2A: BSF xFE.0
.................... endpoint &= 0x7F;
0A2C: BCF xFD.7
.................... if (direction)
0A30: BRA 0A68
.................... {
.................... st=EP_BDxST_I(endpoint);
0A32: MOVLB 7
0A34: CLRF x49
0A36: MOVFF 6FD,748
0A3A: CLRF x4B
0A3C: MOVLW 08
0A40: MOVLB 0
0A42: RCALL 02BA
0A44: MOVFF 02,701
0A48: MOVFF 01,700
0A4C: MOVLW 04
0A50: ADDWF x00,F
0A52: MOVLW 00
0A54: ADDWFC x01,F
0A56: MOVFF 700,FE9
0A5A: MOVLW 04
0A5C: ADDWF x01,W
0A64: MOVLB 6
.................... }
.................... else
0A66: BRA 0A8C
.................... {
.................... st=EP_BDxST_O(endpoint);
0A68: MOVLB 7
0A6A: CLRF x49
0A6C: MOVFF 6FD,748
0A70: CLRF x4B
0A72: MOVLW 08
0A74: MOVWF x4A
0A76: MOVLB 0
0A78: RCALL 02BA
0A7C: MOVFF 01,FE9
0A80: MOVLW 04
0A82: ADDWF 02,W
.................... }
.................... return(bit_test(st,7) && bit_test(st,2));
0A8E: BRA 0A94
0A90: BTFSC xFF.2
0A92: BRA 0A98
0A94: MOVLW 00
0A96: BRA 0A9A
0A98: MOVLW 01
0A9A: MOVWF 01
.................... }
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... void usb_set_address(int8 address)
.................... {
.................... UADDR = address;
.................... if (address)
0F64: MOVLB 6
0F66: MOVF xFE,F
0F68: BZ 0F70
.................... {
.................... usb_state = USB_STATE_ADDRESS;
0F6A: MOVLW 04
0F6C: MOVWF 24
.................... }
.................... else
0F6E: BRA 0F74
.................... {
.................... usb_state = USB_STATE_POWERED;
0F70: MOVLW 02
0F72: MOVWF 24
.................... }
.................... }
0F74: MOVLB 0
0F76: GOTO 0F84 (RETURN)
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... void usb_set_configured(int8 config)
.................... {
.................... int8 en;
.................... int16 addy;
.................... int8 new_uep;
.................... int16 len;
.................... int8 i;
.................... if (config == 0)
055C: MOVLB 6
055E: MOVF xFD,F
0560: BNZ 056E
.................... {
.................... // if config=0 then set addressed state
.................... usb_state = USB_STATE_ADDRESS;
0562: MOVLW 04
0564: MOVWF 24
.................... usb_disable_endpoints();
0566: MOVLB 0
0568: RCALL 033E
.................... }
.................... else
056A: BRA 0786
056C: MOVLB 6
.................... {
.................... // else set configed state
.................... usb_state = USB_STATE_CONFIGURED;
056E: MOVLW 05
0570: MOVWF 24
.................... addy = (int16)USB_DATA_BUFFER_LOCATION+(2*USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH);
0572: MOVLW 04
0574: MOVLB 7
0576: MOVWF x00
0578: MOVLW 98
057A: MOVLB 6
.................... for (en=1; en<16; en++)
057E: MOVLW 01
0580: MOVWF xFE
0582: MOVF xFE,W
0584: SUBLW 0F
0586: BTFSS FD8.0
0588: BRA 0786
.................... {
.................... // enable and config endpoints based upon user configuration
.................... usb_disable_endpoint(en);
058A: MOVFF 6FE,706
058E: MOVLB 0
0590: RCALL 02DC
.................... new_uep = 0;
0592: MOVLB 7
0594: CLRF x01
.................... if (usb_ep_rx_type[en] != USB_ENABLE_DISABLED)
0596: CLRF 03
0598: MOVLB 6
059A: MOVF xFE,W
059C: MOVFF FF2,705
05A0: BCF FF2.7
05A2: MOVLB 0
05A4: RCALL 00CA
05A6: MOVLB 7
05A8: BTFSC x05.7
05AA: BSF FF2.7
05AE: BZ 0692
.................... {
.................... new_uep = 0x04;
05B0: MOVLW 04
05B2: MOVWF x01
.................... len = usb_ep_rx_size[en];
05B4: BCF FD8.0
05B6: MOVLB 6
05B8: RLCF xFE,W
05BA: CLRF 03
05BC: MOVFF FF2,705
05C0: BCF FF2.7
05C2: MOVLB 0
05C4: RCALL 011A
05C6: TBLRD*+
05C8: MOVFF FF5,03
05CE: BTFSC x05.7
05D0: BSF FF2.7
05D2: MOVWF x02
05D4: MOVFF 03,703
.................... EP_BDxCNT_O(en) = len;
05D8: CLRF x49
05DA: MOVFF 6FE,748
05DE: CLRF x4B
05E0: MOVLW 08
05E2: MOVWF x4A
05E4: MOVLB 0
05E6: RCALL 02BA
05E8: MOVFF 01,705
05EC: MOVLW 01
05F0: ADDWF 01,W
05F2: MOVWF 01
05F4: MOVLW 00
05F6: ADDWFC 02,W
05F8: MOVWF 03
05FA: MOVFF 01,FE9
05FE: MOVLW 04
0600: ADDWF 03,W
0604: MOVFF 702,FEF
.................... EP_BDxADR_O(en) = addy;
0608: CLRF x49
060A: MOVFF 6FE,748
060E: CLRF x4B
0610: MOVLW 08
0612: MOVWF x4A
0614: MOVLB 0
0616: RCALL 02BA
0618: MOVFF 01,705
061C: MOVLW 02
061E: MOVLB 7
0620: ADDWF 01,W
0622: MOVWF 01
0624: MOVLW 00
0626: ADDWFC 02,W
0628: MOVWF 03
062A: MOVFF 01,FE9
062E: MOVLW 04
0630: ADDWF 03,W
0634: MOVFF 700,FEC
0638: MOVF FED,F
.................... addy += usb_ep_rx_size[en];
063E: BCF FD8.0
0640: MOVLB 6
0642: RLCF xFE,W
0644: CLRF 03
0646: MOVFF FF2,705
064A: BCF FF2.7
064C: MOVLB 0
064E: RCALL 011A
0650: TBLRD*+
0652: MOVFF FF5,03
0656: MOVLB 7
0658: BTFSC x05.7
065A: BSF FF2.7
065C: MOVLB 6
0660: MOVF 03,W
0662: MOVLB 7
0664: ADDWFC x00,F
.................... #if USB_IGNORE_RX_DTS
.................... i = 0x80;
.................... #else
.................... i = 0x88;
0666: MOVLW 88
0668: MOVWF x04
.................... #endif
.................... if (bit_test(len,8)) {bit_set(i,0);}
066A: BTFSC x03.0
066C: BSF x04.0
.................... if (bit_test(len,9)) {bit_set(i,1);}
066E: BTFSC x03.1
0670: BSF x04.1
.................... EP_BDxST_O(en) = i;
0672: CLRF x49
0674: MOVFF 6FE,748
0678: CLRF x4B
067A: MOVLW 08
067C: MOVWF x4A
067E: MOVLB 0
0680: RCALL 02BA
0682: MOVLB 7
0684: MOVFF 01,FE9
0688: MOVLW 04
068A: ADDWF 02,W
068E: MOVFF 704,FEF
.................... }
.................... if (usb_ep_tx_type[en] != USB_ENABLE_DISABLED)
0692: CLRF 03
0694: MOVLB 6
0696: MOVF xFE,W
0698: MOVFF FF2,705
069C: BCF FF2.7
069E: MOVLB 0
06A0: RCALL 00AA
06A2: MOVLB 7
06A4: BTFSC x05.7
06A6: BSF FF2.7
06AA: BZ 0748
.................... {
.................... new_uep |= 0x02;
06AC: BSF x01.1
.................... EP_BDxADR_I(en) = addy;
06AE: CLRF x49
06B0: MOVFF 6FE,748
06B4: CLRF x4B
06B6: MOVLW 08
06B8: MOVWF x4A
06BE: MOVFF 02,706
06C2: MOVFF 01,705
06C6: MOVLW 04
06C8: MOVLB 7
06CA: ADDWF x05,F
06CC: MOVLW 00
06CE: ADDWFC x06,F
06D0: MOVLW 02
06D2: ADDWF x05,W
06D4: MOVWF 01
06D6: MOVLW 00
06D8: ADDWFC x06,W
06DA: MOVWF 03
06DC: MOVFF 01,FE9
06E0: MOVLW 04
06E2: ADDWF 03,W
06E6: MOVFF 700,FEC
.................... addy += usb_ep_tx_size[en];
06F0: BCF FD8.0
06F2: MOVLB 6
06F4: RLCF xFE,W
06F6: CLRF 03
06F8: MOVFF FF2,705
06FC: BCF FF2.7
0700: RCALL 00EA
0702: TBLRD*+
0704: MOVFF FF5,03
0708: MOVLB 7
070A: BTFSC x05.7
070C: BSF FF2.7
070E: MOVLB 6
0710: ADDWF xFF,F
0712: MOVF 03,W
0714: MOVLB 7
0716: ADDWFC x00,F
.................... EP_BDxST_I(en) = 0x40;
0718: CLRF x49
071A: MOVFF 6FE,748
071E: CLRF x4B
0720: MOVLW 08
0722: MOVWF x4A
0724: MOVLB 0
0726: RCALL 02BA
0728: MOVFF 02,706
072C: MOVFF 01,705
0730: MOVLW 04
0732: MOVLB 7
0734: ADDWF x05,F
0736: MOVLW 00
0738: ADDWFC x06,F
073A: MOVFF 705,FE9
073E: MOVLW 04
0740: ADDWF x06,W
0744: MOVLW 40
.................... }
.................... if (new_uep == 0x06) {new_uep = 0x0E;}
0748: MOVF x01,W
074A: SUBLW 06
074C: BNZ 0752
074E: MOVLW 0E
0750: MOVWF x01
.................... if (usb_ep_tx_type[en] != USB_ENABLE_ISOCHRONOUS) {new_uep |= 0x10;}
0752: CLRF 03
0754: MOVLB 6
0756: MOVF xFE,W
0758: MOVFF FF2,705
075C: BCF FF2.7
075E: MOVLB 0
0760: RCALL 00AA
0762: MOVLB 7
0764: BTFSC x05.7
0766: BSF FF2.7
0768: SUBLW 01
076A: BTFSS FD8.2
076C: BSF x01.4
.................... UEP(en) = new_uep;
076E: CLRF 03
0770: MOVLB 6
0772: MOVF xFE,W
0774: ADDLW 70
0776: MOVWF FE9
0778: MOVLW 0F
077A: ADDWFC 03,W
077E: MOVFF 701,FEF
.................... }
0782: INCF xFE,F
0784: BRA 0582
0786: MOVLB 0
.................... }
.................... }
0788: GOTO 082C (RETURN)
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... void usb_disable_endpoint(int8 en)
.................... {
.................... UEP(en) = ENDPT_DISABLED;
02DC: CLRF 03
02E0: MOVF x06,W
02E2: ADDLW 70
02E6: MOVLW 0F
02E8: ADDWFC 03,W
.................... EP_BDxST_O(en) = 0; //clear state, deque if necessary
02EE: CLRF x49
02F0: MOVFF 706,748
02F4: CLRF x4B
02F6: MOVLW 08
02F8: MOVWF x4A
0300: MOVFF 01,FE9
0304: MOVLW 04
0306: ADDWF 02,W
.................... EP_BDxST_I(en) = 0; //clear state, deque if necessary
030C: CLRF x49
030E: MOVFF 706,748
0312: CLRF x4B
0314: MOVLW 08
0316: MOVWF x4A
0318: MOVLB 0
031A: RCALL 02BA
031C: MOVFF 02,708
0320: MOVFF 01,707
0324: MOVLW 04
0326: MOVLB 7
0328: ADDWF x07,F
032A: MOVLW 00
032C: ADDWFC x08,F
032E: MOVFF 707,FE9
0332: MOVLW 04
0334: ADDWF x08,W
0338: CLRF FEF
.................... }
033A: MOVLB 0
033C: RETLW 00
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... void usb_disable_endpoints(void)
.................... {
.................... int8 i;
.................... for (i=1; i<16; i++)
033E: MOVLW 01
0340: MOVLB 7
0342: MOVWF x05
0344: MOVF x05,W
0346: SUBLW 0F
0348: BNC 0358
.................... usb_disable_endpoint(i);
034A: MOVFF 705,706
034E: MOVLB 0
0350: RCALL 02DC
0352: MOVLB 7
0354: INCF x05,F
0356: BRA 0344
.................... //__usb_kbhit_status=0;
.................... }
0358: MOVLB 0
035A: RETLW 00
.................... /// END Hardware layer functions required by USB.C
.................... /// BEGIN USB Interrupt Service Routine
.................... static void usb_clear_trn(void)
.................... {
.................... UIR_TRN = 0;
03AA: BCF F68.3
.................... delay_cycles(6);
03AC: BRA 03AE
03AE: BRA 03B0
03B0: BRA 03B2
.................... }
03B2: RETLW 00
.................... /*****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_handle_interrupt()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Checks the interrupt, and acts upon event. Processing finished
.................... /* tokens is the majority of this code, and is handled by usb.c
.................... /*
.................... /* NOTE: If you wish to change to a polling method (and not an interrupt
.................... /* method), then you must call this function rapidly. If there is more
.................... /* than 10ms latency the PC may think the USB device is stalled and
.................... /* disable it.
.................... /* To switch to a polling method, remove the #int_usb line above this
.................... /* fuction. Also, goto usb_init() and remove the code that enables the
.................... /* USB interrupt.
.................... /******************************************************************************/
.................... #int_usb
.................... void usb_isr()
.................... {
.................... int8 TRNAttempts;
.................... if (usb_state == USB_STATE_DETACHED) return; //should never happen, though
1274: MOVF 24,F
1276: BNZ 127A
1278: BRA 12EE
.................... if (UIR)
127A: MOVF F68,F
127C: BZ 12EE
.................... {
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"\r\n\n[%X] ",UIR);
.................... //activity detected. (only enable after sleep)
.................... if (UIR_ACTV && UIE_ACTV) {usb_isr_activity();}
127E: BTFSS F68.2
1280: BRA 128A
1282: BTFSS F69.2
1284: BRA 128A
1286: GOTO 0274
.................... if (UCON_SUSPND) return;
128A: BTFSS F6D.1
128C: BRA 1290
128E: BRA 12EE
.................... if (UIR_STALL && UIE_STALL) {usb_isr_stall();} //a stall handshake was sent
1290: BTFSS F68.5
1292: BRA 129C
1294: BTFSS F69.5
1296: BRA 129C
1298: GOTO 02A4
.................... if (UIR_UERR && UIE_UERR) {usb_isr_uerr();} //error has been detected
129C: BTFSS F68.1
129E: BRA 12A8
12A0: BTFSS F69.1
12A2: BRA 12A8
12A4: GOTO 02B2
.................... if (UIR_URST && UIE_URST) {usb_isr_rst();} //usb reset has been detected
12A8: BTFSS F68.0
12AA: BRA 12B4
12AC: BTFSS F69.0
12AE: BRA 12B4
12B0: GOTO 03B4
.................... if (UIR_IDLE && UIE_IDLE) {usb_isr_uidle();} //idle time, we can go to sleep
12B4: BTFSS F68.4
12B6: BRA 12C0
12B8: BTFSS F69.4
12BA: BRA 12C0
.................... if (UIR_SOF && UIE_SOF) {usb_isr_sof();}
12C0: BTFSS F68.6
12C2: BRA 12CC
12C4: BTFSS F69.6
12C6: BRA 12CC
12C8: GOTO 03E8
.................... TRNAttempts = 0;
.................... do
.................... {
.................... if (UIR_TRN && UIE_TRN)
12D0: BTFSS F68.3
12D2: BRA 12E0
12D4: BTFSS F69.3
12D6: BRA 12E0
.................... {
.................... usb_isr_tok_dne();
12D8: MOVLB 0
12DA: BRA 108A
.................... }
.................... else
12DC: BRA 12E2
.................... break;
12E0: BRA 12EC
.................... } while (TRNAttempts++ < 4);
12E2: MOVLB 6
12E4: MOVF xFA,W
12E6: INCF xFA,F
12E8: SUBLW 03
12EA: BC 12D0
.................... }
.................... }
.................... // SOF interrupt not handled. user must add this depending on application
12EE: BCF FA1.5
12F0: GOTO 0064
.................... void usb_isr_sof(void)
.................... {
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc, "\r\nSOF");
.................... UIR_SOF = 0;
03E8: BCF F68.6
.................... }
.................... /*****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_rst()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: The host (computer) sent us a RESET command. Reset USB device
.................... /* and token handler code to initial state.
.................... /*
.................... /******************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_rst(void)
.................... {
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"R");
.................... UEIR = 0;
03B4: CLRF F6A
.................... UIR = 0;
03B6: CLRF F68
.................... UEIE = 0x9F;
03B8: MOVLW 9F
.................... UIE = STANDARD_INTS & ~__USB_UIF_ACTIVE;
.................... UADDR = 0;
03C0: CLRF F6E
.................... usb_disable_endpoints();
03C2: RCALL 033E
.................... usb_token_reset();
03C4: RCALL 037E
.................... UEP(0) = ENDPT_CONTROL | 0x10;
03C6: MOVLW 16
03C8: MOVWF F70
.................... while (UIR_TRN)
.................... {
03CA: BTFSS F68.3
03CC: BRA 03D2
.................... usb_clear_trn();
.................... }
03D0: BRA 03CA
.................... UCON_PKTDIS = 0; //SIE token and packet processing enabled
03D2: BCF F6D.4
.................... usb_init_ep0_setup();
03D4: RCALL 0284
.................... usb_state = USB_STATE_DEFAULT; //put usb mcu into default state
03D6: MOVLW 03
03D8: MOVWF 24
.................... }
.................... /*****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_init_ep0_setup()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Configure EP0 to receive setup packets
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_init_ep0_setup(void)
.................... {
.................... EP_BDxCNT_O(0) = USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH;
0284: MOVLW 40
0286: MOVLB 4
0288: MOVWF x01
.................... EP_BDxADR_O(0) = USB_DATA_BUFFER_LOCATION;
028A: MOVLW 04
028C: MOVWF x03
028E: MOVLW 18
0290: MOVWF x02
.................... #if USB_IGNORE_RX_DTS
.................... EP_BDxST_O(0) = 0x80; //give control to SIE, data toggle synch off
.................... #else
.................... EP_BDxST_O(0) = 0x88; //give control to SIE, DATA0, data toggle synch on
0292: MOVLW 88
0294: MOVWF x00
.................... #endif
.................... EP_BDxST_I(0) = 0;
0296: CLRF x04
.................... EP_BDxADR_I(0) = USB_DATA_BUFFER_LOCATION + (int16)USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH;
0298: MOVLW 04
029A: MOVWF x07
029C: MOVLW 58
029E: MOVWF x06
.................... }
02A0: MOVLB 0
02A2: RETLW 00
.................... /*******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_uerr()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: The USB peripheral had an error. If user specified, error counter
.................... /* will incerement. If having problems check the status of these 8 bytes.
.................... /*
.................... /* NOTE: This code is not enabled by default.
.................... /********************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_uerr(void)
.................... {
.................... #if USB_USE_ERROR_COUNTER
.................... int ints;
.................... #endif
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"E %X ",UEIR);
.................... #if USB_USE_ERROR_COUNTER
.................... ints=UEIR & UEIE; //mask off the flags with the ones that are enabled
.................... if ( bit_test(ints,0) )
.................... {
.................... //increment pid_error counter
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"PID ");
.................... ERROR_COUNTER[0]++;
.................... }
.................... if ( bit_test(ints,1) )
.................... {
.................... //increment crc5 error counter
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"CRC5 ");
.................... ERROR_COUNTER[1]++;
.................... }
.................... if ( bit_test(ints,2) )
.................... {
.................... //increment crc16 error counter
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"CRC16 ");
.................... ERROR_COUNTER[2]++;
.................... }
.................... if ( bit_test(ints,3) )
.................... {
.................... //increment dfn8 error counter
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"DFN8 ");
.................... ERROR_COUNTER[3]++;
.................... }
.................... if ( bit_test(ints,4) )
.................... {
.................... //increment bto error counter
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"BTO ");
.................... ERROR_COUNTER[4]++;
.................... }
.................... if ( bit_test(ints,7) )
.................... {
.................... //increment bts error counter
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"BTS ");
.................... ERROR_COUNTER[5]++;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... UEIR = 0;
02B2: CLRF F6A
.................... UIR_UERR = 0;
02B4: BCF F68.1
.................... }
02B6: GOTO 12A8 (RETURN)
.................... /*****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_uidle()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: USB peripheral detected IDLE. Put the USB peripheral to sleep.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_uidle(void)
.................... {
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc, "I");
.................... UIE_ACTV = 1; //enable activity interrupt flag. (we are now suspended until we get an activity interrupt. nice)
03DE: BSF F69.2
.................... UIR_IDLE = 0; //clear idle interrupt flag
03E0: BCF F68.4
.................... UCON_SUSPND = 1; //set suspend. we are now suspended
03E2: BSF F6D.1
.................... }
03E4: GOTO 12C0 (RETURN)
.................... /******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_activity()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: USB peripheral detected activity on the USB device. Wake-up the USB
.................... /* peripheral.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_activity(void)
.................... {
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc, "A");
.................... UCON_SUSPND = 0; //turn off low power suspending
0274: BCF F6D.1
.................... UIE_ACTV = 0; //clear activity interupt enabling
0276: BCF F69.2
.................... while(UIR_ACTV)
.................... UIR_ACTV = 0;
0278: BTFSS F68.2
027A: BRA 0280
027C: BCF F68.2
027E: BRA 0278
.................... }
0280: GOTO 128A (RETURN)
.................... /******************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_stall()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Stall handshake detected.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_stall(void)
.................... {
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc, "S");
.................... if (bit_test(UEP(0),0))
02A4: BTFSS F70.0
02A6: BRA 02AC
.................... {
.................... usb_init_ep0_setup();
02A8: RCALL 0284
.................... bit_clear(UEP(0), 0);
02AA: BCF F70.0
.................... }
.................... UIR_STALL = 0;
02AC: BCF F68.5
.................... }
.................... // see usb_hw_layer.h for documentation
.................... void usb_request_send_response(unsigned int8 len) {__setup_0_tx_size = len;}
03EE: MOVFF 700,25
03F2: RETLW 00
.................... void usb_request_get_data(void) {__setup_0_tx_size = 0xFE;}
0B0E: MOVWF 25
0B10: RETLW 00
.................... void usb_request_stall(void) {__setup_0_tx_size = 0xFF;}
03F6: MOVWF 25
03F8: RETLW 00
.................... /*****************************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tok_dne()
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: A Token (IN/OUT/SETUP) has been received by the USB peripheral.
.................... /* If a setup token on EP0 was received, run the chapter 9 code and
.................... /* handle the request.
.................... /* If an IN token on EP0 was received, continue transmitting any
.................... /* unfinished requests that may take more than one packet to transmit
.................... /* (if necessary).
.................... /* If an OUT token on any other EP was received, mark that EP as ready
.................... /* for a usb_get_packet().
.................... /* Does not handle any IN or OUT tokens on EP0.
.................... /*
.................... /*****************************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_tok_dne(void)
.................... {
.................... int8 en;
.................... en = USTAT>>3;
108A: RRCF F6C,W
108C: MOVLB 6
1090: RRCF xFB,F
1092: RRCF xFB,F
1094: MOVLW 1F
1096: ANDWF xFB,F
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc, "T ");
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc, "%X ", USTAT);
.................... if (USTAT == USTAT_OUT_SETUP_E0)
1098: MOVF F6C,F
109A: BNZ 1138
.................... {
.................... //new out or setup token in the buffer
.................... int8 pidKey;
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"%X ", EP_BDxST_O(0));
.................... pidKey = EP_BDxST_O(0) & 0x3C; //save PID
109C: MOVLB 4
109E: MOVF x00,W
10A0: ANDLW 3C
10A2: MOVLB 6
.................... EP_BDxST_O(0) &= 0x43; //clear pid, prevent bdstal/pid confusion
10A6: MOVLW 43
10A8: MOVLB 4
10AA: ANDWF x00,F
.................... usb_clear_trn();
.................... if (pidKey == USB_PIC_PID_SETUP)
10B2: MOVLB 6
10B4: MOVF xFC,W
10B6: SUBLW 34
10B8: BNZ 10FE
.................... {
.................... EP_BDxST_I(0)=0; // return the in buffer to us (dequeue any pending requests)
10BC: CLRF x04
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"(%U) ", EP_BDxCNT_O(0));
.................... debug_display_ram(EP_BDxCNT_O(0), usb_ep0_rx_buffer);
.................... usb_isr_tok_setup_dne();
10C0: BRA 0BC0
.................... UCON_PKTDIS=0; // UCON,PKT_DIS ; Assuming there is nothing to dequeue, clear the packet disable bit
10C2: BCF F6D.4
.................... //if setup_0_tx_size==0xFF - stall ep0 (unhandled request) (see usb_request_stall())
.................... //if setup_0_tx_size==0xFE - get EP0OUT ready for a data packet, leave EP0IN alone (see usb_request_get_data())
.................... //else setup_0_tx_size=size of response, get EP0OUT ready for a setup packet, mark EPOIN ready for transmit (see usb_request_send_response())
.................... if (__setup_0_tx_size == 0xFF)
10C4: INCFSZ 25,W
10C6: BRA 10D6
.................... usb_flush_out(0, USB_DTS_STALL);
10C8: MOVLB 6
10CC: MOVLW 03
10D0: MOVLB 0
.................... else
10D4: BRA 10FA
.................... {
.................... usb_flush_out(0, USB_DTS_TOGGLE);
10D6: MOVLB 6
10D8: CLRF xFD
10DA: MOVLW 02
.................... if (__setup_0_tx_size != 0xFE)
10E2: MOVF 25,W
10E6: BZ 10FA
.................... usb_flush_in(0 ,__setup_0_tx_size, USB_DTS_USERX);
10E8: MOVLB 7
10EA: CLRF x42
10EC: CLRF x44
10EE: MOVFF 25,743
10F2: MOVLW 04
10F4: MOVWF x45
10F6: MOVLB 0
10F8: RCALL 0D5C
.................... }
.................... //why was this here?
.................... //UCON_PKTDIS=0; // UCON,PKT_DIS ; Assuming there is nothing to dequeue, clear the packet disable bit
.................... }
.................... else if (pidKey == USB_PIC_PID_OUT)
10FA: BRA 1134
1100: SUBLW 04
1102: BNZ 1136
.................... {
.................... usb_isr_tok_out_dne(0);
1104: CLRF xFD
1106: MOVLB 0
1108: RCALL 0F42
.................... usb_flush_out(0, USB_DTS_TOGGLE);
110A: MOVLB 6
110C: CLRF xFD
110E: MOVLW 02
1110: MOVWF xFE
1112: MOVLB 0
1114: RCALL 0BEA
.................... if ((__setup_0_tx_size!=0xFE) && (__setup_0_tx_size!=0xFF))
1116: MOVF 25,W
1118: SUBLW FE
111A: BZ 1134
111C: INCFSZ 25,W
111E: BRA 1122
1120: BRA 1134
.................... {
.................... usb_flush_in(0,__setup_0_tx_size,USB_DTS_DATA1); //send response (usually a 0len)
1122: MOVLB 7
1124: CLRF x42
1126: CLRF x44
1128: MOVFF 25,743
112C: MOVLW 01
112E: MOVWF x45
1130: MOVLB 0
1132: RCALL 0D5C
1134: MOVLB 6
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... else if (USTAT == USTAT_IN_E0)
1136: BRA 126E
1138: MOVF F6C,W
113A: SUBLW 04
113C: BNZ 1178
.................... {
.................... //pic -> host transfer completed
.................... EP_BDxST_I(0) = EP_BDxST_I(0) & 0x43; //clear up any BDSTAL confusion
113E: MOVLW 43
1140: MOVLB 4
1142: ANDWF x04,F
.................... usb_clear_trn();
1144: MOVLB 0
1146: CALL 03AA
.................... __setup_0_tx_size = 0xFF;
114C: MOVWF 25
.................... usb_isr_tok_in_dne(0);
114E: MOVLB 6
1150: CLRF xFD
1152: MOVLB 0
1154: RCALL 1058
.................... if (__setup_0_tx_size!=0xFF)
1156: INCFSZ 25,W
1158: BRA 115C
115A: BRA 1170
.................... usb_flush_in(0, __setup_0_tx_size, USB_DTS_TOGGLE);
115C: MOVLB 7
115E: CLRF x42
1160: CLRF x44
1162: MOVFF 25,743
1166: MOVLW 02
1168: MOVWF x45
116A: MOVLB 0
116C: RCALL 0D5C
.................... else
116E: BRA 1174
.................... usb_init_ep0_setup();
1170: CALL 0284
.................... }
.................... else
1174: BRA 126C
1176: MOVLB 6
.................... {
.................... if (!bit_test(USTAT, 2))
1178: BTFSC F6C.2
117A: BRA 11E6
.................... {
.................... EP_BDxST_O(en) = EP_BDxST_O(en) & 0x43; //clear up any BDSTAL confusion
117C: MOVLB 7
117E: CLRF x49
1180: MOVFF 6FB,748
1184: CLRF x4B
1186: MOVLW 08
1188: MOVWF x4A
118A: MOVLB 0
118C: CALL 02BA
1190: MOVFF 01,6FD
1194: MOVLB 6
1196: MOVFF 01,01
119A: MOVLW 04
119C: ADDWF 02,W
119E: MOVWF 03
11A0: MOVFF 01,6FD
11A6: MOVLB 7
11A8: CLRF x49
11AA: MOVFF 6FB,748
11AE: CLRF x4B
11B0: MOVLW 08
11B2: MOVWF x4A
11B4: MOVLB 0
11B6: CALL 02BA
11BA: MOVFF 01,FE9
11BE: MOVLW 04
11C0: MOVLB 7
11C2: ADDWF 02,W
11C8: ANDLW 43
.................... usb_clear_trn();
11D6: MOVLB 0
11D8: CALL 03AA
.................... usb_isr_tok_out_dne(en);
11E0: RCALL 0F42
.................... }
.................... else
11E2: BRA 126C
11E4: MOVLB 6
.................... {
.................... EP_BDxST_I(en) = EP_BDxST_I(en) & 0x43; //clear up any BDSTAL confusion
11E6: MOVLB 7
11E8: CLRF x49
11EA: MOVFF 6FB,748
11EE: CLRF x4B
11F0: MOVLW 08
11F2: MOVWF x4A
11F4: MOVLB 0
11F6: CALL 02BA
11FA: MOVFF 02,6FE
11FE: MOVFF 01,6FD
1202: MOVLW 04
1204: MOVLB 6
1206: ADDWF xFD,F
1208: MOVLW 00
120C: MOVFF 6FD,01
1210: MOVLW 04
1212: ADDWF xFE,W
1214: MOVWF 03
1216: MOVFF 6FD,6FD
121C: MOVLB 7
121E: CLRF x49
1220: MOVFF 6FB,748
1224: CLRF x4B
1226: MOVLW 08
1228: MOVWF x4A
122A: MOVLB 0
122C: CALL 02BA
1230: MOVFF 02,700
1234: MOVFF 01,6FF
1238: MOVLW 04
123A: MOVLB 6
123E: MOVLW 00
1240: MOVLB 7
1242: ADDWFC x00,F
1244: MOVFF 6FF,FE9
1248: MOVLW 04
124A: MOVLB 7
124C: ADDWF x00,W
1250: MOVF FEF,W
1252: ANDLW 43
1254: MOVLB 6
.................... usb_clear_trn();
1260: MOVLB 0
1262: CALL 03AA
.................... usb_isr_tok_in_dne(en);
1266: MOVFF 6FB,6FD
126A: RCALL 1058
126C: MOVLB 6
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
126E: MOVLB 0
1270: GOTO 12DC (RETURN)
.................... /// END USB Interrupt Service Routine
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #endif
.................... #if defined(__PIC24_USB_H__)
.................... #include <pic24_usb.c>
.................... #endif
.................... #if defined(__USBN960X_H__)
.................... #include <usbn960x.c>
.................... #endif
.................... #IFNDEF __USB_HARDWARE__
.................... #ERROR You must include USB hardware driver.
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #IFNDEF __USB_DESCRIPTORS__
.................... #ERROR You must include USB descriptors.
.................... #ENDIF
.................... TYPE_USB_STACK_STATUS USB_stack_status;
.................... int8 USB_address_pending; //save previous state because packets can take several isrs
.................... int8 usb_getdesc_ptr; unsigned int8 usb_getdesc_len=0; //for reading string and config descriptors
.................... #IF USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL
.................... int8 hid_protocol[USB_NUM_HID_INTERFACES];
.................... #ENDIF
.................... void usb_put_0len_0(void);
.................... void usb_match_registers(int8 endpoint, int16 *status, int16 *buffer, int8 *size);
.................... void usb_isr_tkn_setup_StandardEndpoint(void);
.................... void usb_isr_tkn_setup_StandardDevice(void);
.................... void usb_isr_tkn_setup_StandardInterface(void);
.................... #IF USB_HID_DEVICE
.................... void usb_isr_tkn_setup_ClassInterface(void);
.................... #ENDIF
.................... void usb_Get_Descriptor(void);
.................... void usb_copy_desc_seg_to_ep(void);
.................... void usb_finish_set_address(void);
.................... int8 USB_Interface[USB_MAX_NUM_INTERFACES]; //config state for all of our interfaces, NUM_INTERFACES defined with descriptors
.................... /// BEGIN User Functions
.................... // see usb.h for documentation
.................... int1 usb_enumerated(void)
.................... {
.................... return(USB_stack_status.curr_config);
.................... }
.................... // see usb.h for documentation
.................... void usb_wait_for_enumeration(void)
.................... {
.................... while (USB_stack_status.curr_config == 0) {restart_wdt();}
.................... }
.................... // see USB.H for documentation
.................... int1 usb_puts(int8 endpoint, int8 * ptr, unsigned int16 len, unsigned int8 timeout) {
.................... unsigned int16 i=0;
.................... int1 res;
.................... unsigned int16 this_packet_len;
.................... unsigned int16 packet_size;
.................... unsigned int32 timeout_1us;
.................... packet_size = usb_ep_tx_size[endpoint];
.................... //printf("\r\nUSB PUTS %U LEN=%LU MAX_PACK=%LU\r\n", endpoint, len, packet_size);
.................... //send data packets until timeout or no more packets to send
.................... while (i < len)
.................... {
.................... timeout_1us = (int32)timeout*1000;
.................... if ((len - i) > packet_size) {this_packet_len = packet_size;}
.................... else {this_packet_len = len-i;}
.................... //putc('*');
.................... do
.................... {
.................... res = usb_put_packet(endpoint, ptr + i, this_packet_len, USB_DTS_TOGGLE); //send 64 byte packets
.................... //putc('.');
.................... if (!res)
.................... {
.................... delay_us(1);
.................... //delay_ms(500);
.................... timeout_1us--;
.................... }
.................... } while (!res && timeout_1us);
.................... i += packet_size;
.................... }
.................... //send 0len packet if needed
.................... if (i==len) {
.................... timeout_1us=(int32)timeout*1000;
.................... do {
.................... res = usb_put_packet(endpoint,0,0,USB_DTS_TOGGLE); //indicate end of message
.................... if (!res) {
.................... delay_us(1);
.................... timeout_1us--;
.................... }
.................... } while (!res && timeout_1us);
.................... }
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... // see usb.h for documentation
.................... unsigned int16 usb_gets(int8 endpoint, int8 * ptr, unsigned int16 max, unsigned int16 timeout) {
.................... unsigned int16 ret=0;
.................... unsigned int16 to;
.................... unsigned int16 len;
.................... unsigned int16 packet_size;
.................... unsigned int16 this_packet_max;
.................... packet_size=usb_ep_rx_size[endpoint];
.................... do {
.................... if (packet_size < max) {this_packet_max=packet_size;} else {this_packet_max=max;}
.................... to=0;
.................... do {
.................... if (usb_kbhit(endpoint)) {
.................... len=usb_get_packet(endpoint,ptr,this_packet_max);
.................... ptr+=len;
.................... max-=len;
.................... ret+=len;
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... else {
.................... to++;
.................... delay_ms(1);
.................... }
.................... } while (to!=timeout);
.................... } while ((len == packet_size) && (to!=timeout) && max);
.................... return(ret);
.................... }
.................... /// END User Functions
.................... /// BEGIN USB Token, standard and HID request handler (part of ISR)
.................... // see usb.h for documentation
.................... void usb_token_reset(void)
.................... {
.................... unsigned int i;
.................... for (i=0;i<USB_MAX_NUM_INTERFACES;i++)
037E: MOVLB 7
0380: CLRF x19
0382: MOVF x19,W
0384: SUBLW 01
0386: BNC 039C
.................... USB_Interface[i] = 0; //reset each interface to default
0388: CLRF 03
038A: MOVF x19,W
038C: ADDLW 29
0390: MOVLW 00
0392: ADDWFC 03,W
0396: CLRF FEF
.................... #IF USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL
.................... for (i=0;i<USB_NUM_HID_INTERFACES; i++)
.................... hid_protocol[i] = 1;
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_CDC_DEVICE
0398: INCF x19,F
039A: BRA 0382
.................... usb_cdc_init();
039C: MOVLB 0
039E: RCALL 035C
.................... #endif
.................... USB_stack_status.curr_config = 0; //unconfigured device
03A0: CLRF 1E
.................... USB_stack_status.status_device = 1; //previous state. init at none
03A2: MOVLW 01
03A4: MOVWF 1F
.................... USB_stack_status.dev_req = NONE; //previous token request state. init at none
03A6: CLRF 1D
.................... }
03A8: RETLW 00
.................... //send a 0len packet to endpoint 0 (optimization)
.................... //notice that this doesnt return the status
.................... #define usb_put_0len_0() usb_request_send_response(0)
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_endpoint_is_valid(endpoint)
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: endpoint - endpoint to check.
.................... /* bit 7 is direction (set is IN, clear is OUT)
.................... /*
.................... /* Output: TRUE if endpoint is valid, FALSE if not
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Checks the dynamic configuration to see if requested
.................... /* endpoint is a valid endpoint.
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... int1 usb_endpoint_is_valid(int8 endpoint)
.................... {
.................... int1 direction;
.................... direction = bit_test(endpoint,7);
08E8: MOVLB 6
08EA: BCF xFE.0
08EE: BSF xFE.0
.................... endpoint &= 0x7F;
08F0: BCF xFD.7
.................... if (direction) { //IN
08F2: BTFSS xFE.0
08F4: BRA 091C
.................... return(usb_ep_tx_type[endpoint] != USB_ENABLE_DISABLED);
08F6: CLRF 03
08F8: MOVF xFD,W
08FE: BCF FF2.7
0900: MOVLB 0
0902: CALL 00AA
0906: MOVLB 6
0908: BTFSC xFF.7
090A: BSF FF2.7
090E: BNZ 0914
0910: MOVLW 00
0912: BRA 0916
0914: MOVLW 01
0916: MOVWF 01
0918: BRA 0940
.................... }
.................... else { //OUT
091A: BRA 0940
.................... return(usb_ep_rx_type[endpoint] != USB_ENABLE_DISABLED);
091C: CLRF 03
091E: MOVF xFD,W
0920: MOVFF FF2,6FF
0924: BCF FF2.7
0926: MOVLB 0
0928: CALL 00CA
092C: MOVLB 6
092E: BTFSC xFF.7
0930: BSF FF2.7
0932: SUBLW FF
0934: BNZ 093A
0936: MOVLW 00
0938: BRA 093C
093A: MOVLW 01
093C: MOVWF 01
093E: BRA 0940
.................... }
.................... }
0940: MOVLB 0
0942: GOTO 0AA8 (RETURN)
.................... // see usb.h for documentation
.................... void usb_isr_tok_in_dne(int8 endpoint) {
.................... if (endpoint==0) {
1058: MOVLB 6
105A: MOVF xFD,F
105C: BNZ 107A
.................... if (USB_stack_status.dev_req == GET_DESCRIPTOR) {usb_copy_desc_seg_to_ep();} //check this, we are missing report descriptor?
1060: BRA 106C
1062: MOVLB 0
1064: CALL 03FA
.................... else if (USB_stack_status.dev_req == SET_ADDRESS) {usb_finish_set_address();}
1068: BRA 1076
106A: MOVLB 6
106C: MOVF 1D,W
106E: SUBLW 02
1070: BNZ 1078
1072: MOVLB 0
1074: BRA 0F7A
1076: MOVLB 6
.................... }
.................... #if USB_CDC_DEVICE
.................... else if (endpoint==USB_CDC_DATA_IN_ENDPOINT) { //see ex_usb_serial.c example and usb_cdc.h driver
1078: BRA 1086
107A: MOVF xFD,W
107C: SUBLW 02
107E: BNZ 1086
.................... usb_isr_tok_in_cdc_data_dne();
1080: MOVLB 0
1082: BRA 104E
1084: MOVLB 6
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... }
1086: MOVLB 0
1088: RETLW 00
.................... // see usb.h for documentation
.................... void usb_isr_tok_out_dne(int8 endpoint)
.................... {
.................... //TODO:
.................... if (endpoint==0) {
0F42: MOVLB 6
0F44: MOVF xFD,F
0F46: BNZ 0F50
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"TOUT 0 ");
.................... #if USB_CDC_DEVICE
.................... usb_isr_tok_out_cdc_control_dne();
0F48: MOVLB 0
0F4A: BRA 0E7E
.................... #else
.................... usb_init_ep0_setup();
.................... #endif
.................... }
.................... #if USB_CDC_DEVICE
.................... else if (endpoint==USB_CDC_DATA_OUT_ENDPOINT) { //see ex_usb_serial.c example and usb_cdc.h driver
0F4C: BRA 0F5A
0F50: MOVF xFD,W
0F52: SUBLW 02
0F54: BNZ 0F5C
.................... usb_isr_tok_out_cdc_data_dne();
0F56: MOVLB 0
0F58: BRA 0F2C
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... //else {
.................... // bit_set(__usb_kbhit_status,endpoint);
.................... //}
.................... }
0F5E: RETLW 00
.................... //---- process setup message stage -----------//
.................... // see usb.h for documentation
.................... void usb_isr_tok_setup_dne(void)
.................... {
.................... USB_stack_status.dev_req=NONE; // clear the device request..
.................... switch(usb_ep0_rx_buffer[0] & 0x7F) {
0BC4: MOVF x18,W
0BD0: XORLW 03
0BD4: XORLW 23
0BD6: BZ 0BE0
0BD8: BRA 0BE2
.................... case 0x00: //standard to device
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc," d");
.................... usb_isr_tkn_setup_StandardDevice();
0BDA: BRA 078C
.................... break;
.................... case 0x01: //standard to interface
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc," i");
.................... usb_isr_tkn_setup_StandardInterface();
0BDC: BRA 0840
.................... break;
.................... case 0x02: //standard to endpoint
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc," e");
.................... usb_isr_tkn_setup_StandardEndpoint();
.................... break;
.................... #IF USB_HID_DEVICE
.................... case 0x21: //class specific request. the only class this driver supports is HID
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc," hid");
.................... usb_isr_tkn_setup_ClassInterface();
.................... break;
.................... #endif
.................... #if USB_CDC_DEVICE
.................... case 0x21:
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc," cdc");
.................... usb_isr_tkn_cdc();
0BE0: BRA 0B12
.................... break;
.................... #endif
.................... default:
.................... usb_request_stall();
0BE2: RCALL 03F4
.................... break;
0BE4: BRA 0BE6
.................... }
.................... }
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tkn_setup_StandardDevice()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: usb_ep0_rx_buffer[1] == bRequest
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: bmRequestType told us it was a Standard Device request.
.................... /* bRequest says which request. Only certain requests are valid,
.................... /* if a non-valid request was made then return with an Wrong-Statue (IDLE)
.................... /*
.................... /* Part of usb_isr_tok_setup_dne()
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_tkn_setup_StandardDevice(void) {
.................... switch(usb_ep0_rx_buffer[1]) {
078C: MOVLB 4
078E: MOVF x19,W
0790: MOVLB 0
0792: BZ 07AE
0794: XORLW 01
0796: BZ 07C2
0798: XORLW 02
079A: BZ 07DC
079C: XORLW 06
079E: BZ 07F4
07A0: XORLW 03
07A2: BZ 0806
07A4: XORLW 0E
07A6: BZ 0808
07A8: XORLW 01
07AA: BZ 0818
07AC: BRA 0838
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_STATUS: //0
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"GS");
.................... usb_ep0_tx_buffer[0]=USB_stack_status.status_device;
07AE: MOVFF 1F,458
.................... usb_ep0_tx_buffer[1]=0;
07B2: MOVLB 4
07B4: CLRF x59
.................... usb_request_send_response(2);
07B6: MOVLW 02
07B8: MOVLB 7
07BA: MOVWF x00
.................... break;
07C0: BRA 083C
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_CLEAR_FEATURE: //1
.................... if (usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2] == 1) {
07C2: MOVLB 4
07C4: DECFSZ x1A,W
07C6: BRA 07D6
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"CF");
.................... USB_stack_status.status_device &= 1;
07C8: MOVLW 01
.................... usb_put_0len_0();
07CE: CLRF x00
07D0: MOVLB 0
07D2: RCALL 03EE
.................... }
.................... else
07D4: BRA 07DA
.................... usb_request_stall();
07D6: MOVLB 0
07D8: RCALL 03F4
.................... break;
07DA: BRA 083C
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_FEATURE: //3
.................... if (usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2] == 1) {
07E0: BRA 07EE
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"SF");
.................... USB_stack_status.status_device |= 2;
07E2: BSF 1F.1
.................... usb_put_0len_0();
07E4: MOVLB 7
07E6: CLRF x00
07E8: MOVLB 0
.................... }
.................... else
07EC: BRA 07F2
.................... usb_request_stall();
07F0: RCALL 03F4
.................... break;
07F2: BRA 083C
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_ADDRESS: //5
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"SA");
.................... USB_stack_status.dev_req=SET_ADDRESS; //currently processing set_address request
07F4: MOVLW 02
07F6: MOVWF 1D
.................... USB_address_pending=usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2];
07F8: MOVFF 41A,26
.................... #ifdef __USBN__ //NATIONAL part handles this differently than pic16c7x5
.................... USB_stack_status.dev_req=NONE; //currently processing set_address request
.................... usb_set_address(USB_address_pending);
.................... USB_stack_status.curr_config=0; // make sure current configuration is 0
.................... #endif
.................... usb_put_0len_0();
07FE: CLRF x00
0800: MOVLB 0
0802: RCALL 03EE
.................... break;
0804: BRA 083C
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR: //6
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"GD");
.................... usb_Get_Descriptor();
0806: BRA 049C
.................... break;
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_CONFIGURATION: //8
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"GC");
.................... usb_ep0_tx_buffer[0]=USB_stack_status.curr_config;
0808: MOVFF 1E,458
.................... usb_request_send_response(1);
080C: MOVLW 01
080E: MOVLB 7
0810: MOVWF x00
0812: MOVLB 0
0814: RCALL 03EE
.................... break;
0816: BRA 083C
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_CONFIGURATION: //9
.................... if (usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2] <= USB_NUM_CONFIGURATIONS) {
0818: MOVLB 4
081A: MOVF x1A,W
081C: SUBLW 01
081E: BNC 0834
.................... USB_stack_status.curr_config=usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2];
0820: MOVFF 41A,1E
.................... usb_set_configured(usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2]);
0824: MOVFF 41A,6FD
0828: MOVLB 0
082A: BRA 055C
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"SC%U", USB_stack_status.curr_config);
.................... usb_put_0len_0();
082C: MOVLB 7
082E: CLRF x00
0830: MOVLB 0
0832: RCALL 03EE
.................... }
.................... break;
0834: MOVLB 0
0836: BRA 083C
.................... default:
.................... usb_request_stall();
0838: RCALL 03F4
.................... break;
083A: BRA 083C
.................... }
.................... }
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tkn_setup_StandardInterface()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: usb_ep0_rx_buffer[1] == bRequest
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: bmRequestType told us it was a Standard Interface request.
.................... /* bRequest says which request. Only certain requests are valid,
.................... /* if a non-valid request was made then return with an Wrong-Statue (IDLE)
.................... /*
.................... /* Part of usb_isr_tok_setup_dne()
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_tkn_setup_StandardInterface(void) {
.................... int8 curr_config;
.................... curr_config=USB_stack_status.curr_config;
0840: MOVFF 1E,6FD
.................... switch (usb_ep0_rx_buffer[1]) {
0844: MOVLB 4
0846: MOVF x19,W
0848: MOVLB 0
084A: BZ 0856
084C: XORLW 0A
084E: BZ 0868
0850: XORLW 01
0852: BZ 08B6
0854: BRA 08E0
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_STATUS:
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"GS");
.................... usb_ep0_tx_buffer[0]=0;
0856: MOVLB 4
0858: CLRF x58
.................... usb_ep0_tx_buffer[1]=0;
085A: CLRF x59
.................... usb_request_send_response(2);
085C: MOVLW 02
085E: MOVLB 7
0860: MOVWF x00
0862: MOVLB 0
0864: RCALL 03EE
.................... break;
0866: BRA 08E4
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_INTERFACE:
.................... if ( curr_config && (usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4] < USB_NUM_INTERFACES[curr_config-1]) ) { //book says only supports configed state
0868: MOVLB 6
086A: MOVF xFD,F
086C: BZ 08B0
086E: MOVLW 01
0870: SUBWF xFD,W
0872: CLRF 03
0874: MOVFF FF2,6FE
0878: BCF FF2.7
087A: MOVLB 0
087C: RCALL 019E
087E: MOVLB 6
0880: BTFSC xFE.7
0882: BSF FF2.7
0884: MOVWF 01
0886: MOVLB 4
0888: SUBWF x1C,W
088A: BTFSS FD8.0
088C: BRA 0892
088E: MOVLB 6
0890: BRA 08B0
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"GI");
.................... usb_ep0_tx_buffer[0]=USB_Interface[usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4]];//our new outgoing byte
0892: CLRF 03
0894: MOVF x1C,W
0896: ADDLW 29
0898: MOVWF FE9
089A: MOVLW 00
089C: ADDWFC 03,W
08A0: MOVFF FEF,458
.................... usb_request_send_response(1);; //send byte back
08A4: MOVLW 01
08A6: MOVLB 7
08A8: MOVWF x00
.................... }
.................... else
08AE: BRA 08B4
.................... usb_request_stall();
08B0: MOVLB 0
08B2: RCALL 03F4
.................... break;
08B4: BRA 08E4
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_INTERFACE:
.................... if (curr_config) { //if configured state
08B6: MOVLB 6
08B8: MOVF xFD,F
08BA: BZ 08DA
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"SI");
.................... USB_Interface[usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4]]=usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2];
08BC: CLRF 03
08C0: MOVF x1C,W
08C2: ADDLW 29
08C6: MOVLW 00
08C8: ADDWFC 03,W
.................... usb_put_0len_0();
08D0: MOVLB 7
08D2: CLRF x00
08D4: MOVLB 0
08D6: RCALL 03EE
.................... }
.................... else
08D8: BRA 08DE
.................... usb_request_stall();
08DC: RCALL 03F4
.................... break;
08DE: BRA 08E4
.................... #IF USB_HID_DEVICE
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR:
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"GD");
.................... usb_Get_Descriptor();
.................... break;
.................... #endif
.................... // case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_CLEAR_FEATURE:
.................... // case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_FEATURE:
.................... // let default take care of these, goto wrongstate
.................... default:
.................... usb_request_stall();
08E0: RCALL 03F4
.................... break;
08E2: BRA 08E4
.................... }
.................... }
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tkn_setup_StandardEndpoint()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: usb_ep0_rx_buffer[1] == bRequest
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: bmRequestType told us it was a Standard Endpoint request.
.................... /* bRequest says which request. Only certain requests are valid,
.................... /* if a non-valid request was made then return with an Wrong-Statue (IDLE)
.................... /*
.................... /* Part of usb_isr_tok_setup_dne()
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_isr_tkn_setup_StandardEndpoint(void) {
.................... if (usb_endpoint_is_valid(usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4])) {
0AA6: BRA 08E8
0AA8: MOVF 01,F
0AAA: BZ 0B08
.................... switch(usb_ep0_rx_buffer[1]) {
0AAE: MOVF x19,W
0AB0: XORLW 01
0AB4: BZ 0AC0
0AB6: XORLW 02
0AB8: BZ 0AD0
0ABE: BRA 0B04
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_CLEAR_FEATURE:
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"CF");
.................... usb_unstall_ep(usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4]);
0AC4: BRA 0946
.................... usb_put_0len_0();
0AC8: CLRF x00
.................... break;
0ACE: BRA 0B08
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_SET_FEATURE:
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"SF");
.................... usb_stall_ep(usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4]);
0AD4: BRA 09B4
.................... usb_put_0len_0();
0AD8: CLRF x00
.................... break;
0ADE: BRA 0B08
.................... case USB_STANDARD_REQUEST_GET_STATUS:
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"GS");
.................... usb_ep0_tx_buffer[0]=0;
0AE2: CLRF x58
.................... usb_ep0_tx_buffer[1]=0;
0AE4: CLRF x59
.................... if (usb_endpoint_stalled(usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4])) {
0AEC: BRA 0A24
0AF0: BZ 0AF8
.................... usb_ep0_tx_buffer[0]=1;
0AF2: MOVLW 01
0AF6: MOVWF x58
.................... }
.................... usb_request_send_response(2);
0AF8: MOVLW 02
0B00: RCALL 03EE
.................... break;
0B02: BRA 0B08
.................... default:
.................... usb_request_stall();
0B04: RCALL 03F4
.................... break;
0B06: BRA 0B08
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_isr_tkn_setup_ClassInterface()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: usb_ep0_rx_buffer[1] == bRequest
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: bmRequestType told us it was a Class request. The only Class this drivers supports is HID.
.................... /* bRequest says which request. Only certain requests are valid,
.................... /* if a non-valid request was made then return with an Wrong-Statue (IDLE)
.................... /*
.................... /* Part of usb_isr_tok_setup_dne()
.................... /* Only compiled if HID_DEVICE is TRUE
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... #IF USB_HID_DEVICE
.................... void usb_isr_tkn_setup_ClassInterface(void) {
.................... switch(usb_ep0_rx_buffer[1]) {
.................... #IF USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL
.................... case USB_HID_REQUEST_GET_PROTOCOL: //03
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"GP");
.................... usb_ep0_tx_buffer[0]=hid_protocol[usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4]];
.................... usb_request_send_response(1);
.................... break;
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #IF USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL
.................... case USB_HID_REQUEST_SET_PROTOCOL: //0b
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"SP");
.................... hid_protocol[usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4]]=usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2];
.................... usb_put_0len_0(); //send 0len packet69
.................... break;
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #IF USB_HID_IDLE
.................... case USB_HID_REQUEST_SET_IDLE: //0a
.................... #error TODO: if you want to support SET_IDLE, add code here
.................... #ENDIF
.................... #IF USB_HID_IDLE
.................... case USB_HID_REQUEST_GET_IDLE: //02
.................... #error TODO: if you want to support GET_IDLE, add code here
.................... #ENDIF
.................... default:
.................... usb_request_stall();
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... }
.................... #ENDIF
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_Get_Descriptor()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: usb_ep0_rx_buffer[3] == wValue, which descriptor we want
.................... /* usb_ep0_rx_buffer[6,7] == Max length the host will accept
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Checks to see if we want a standard descriptor (Interface, Endpoint, Config, Device, String, etc.),
.................... /* or a class specific (HID) descriptor. Since some pics (especially the PIC167x5) doesn't have
.................... /* pointers to constants we must simulate or own by setting up global registers that say
.................... /* which constant array to deal with, which position to start in this array, and the length.
.................... /* Once these globals are setup the first packet is sent. If a descriptor takes more than one packet
.................... /* the PC will send an IN request to endpoint 0, and this will be handled by usb_isr_tok_in_dne()
.................... /* which will send the rest of the data.
.................... /*
.................... /* Part of usb_isr_tok_setup_dne()
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_Get_Descriptor() {
.................... usb_getdesc_ptr=0;
049C: CLRF 27
.................... USB_stack_status.getdesc_type=USB_GETDESC_CONFIG_TYPE;
049E: CLRF 20
.................... switch(usb_ep0_rx_buffer[3]) {
04A0: MOVLB 4
04A2: MOVF x1B,W
04A4: XORLW 01
04A6: MOVLB 0
04A8: BZ 04B8
04AA: XORLW 03
04AC: BZ 04C2
04AE: XORLW 01
04B0: BZ 04C8
04B2: XORLW 22
04B4: BZ 04FA
04B6: BRA 053C
.................... case USB_DESC_DEVICE_TYPE: //1
.................... usb_getdesc_len=USB_DESC_DEVICE_LEN;
04B8: MOVLW 12
04BA: MOVWF 28
.................... USB_stack_status.getdesc_type=USB_GETDESC_DEVICE_TYPE;
04BC: MOVLW 03
04BE: MOVWF 20
.................... break;
04C0: BRA 0540
.................... //windows hosts will send a FF max len and expect you to send all configs without asking for them individually.
.................... case USB_DESC_CONFIG_TYPE: //2
.................... usb_getdesc_len=USB_TOTAL_CONFIG_LEN;
04C2: MOVLW 43
04C4: MOVWF 28
.................... break;
04C6: BRA 0540
.................... case USB_DESC_STRING_TYPE: //3
.................... USB_stack_status.getdesc_type=USB_GETDESC_STRING_TYPE;
04C8: MOVLW 02
04CA: MOVWF 20
.................... usb_getdesc_ptr=USB_STRING_DESC_OFFSET[usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2]];
04CC: CLRF 03
04D0: MOVF x1A,W
04D2: ADDLW 21
04D6: MOVLW 00
04D8: ADDWFC 03,W
.................... usb_getdesc_len=USB_STRING_DESC[usb_getdesc_ptr];
04E0: CLRF 03
04E2: MOVF 27,W
04E8: BCF FF2.7
04F0: BTFSC xFD.7
04F2: BSF FF2.7
04F4: MOVWF 28
.................... break;
04F6: MOVLB 0
04F8: BRA 0540
.................... #IF USB_HID_DEVICE || USB_CDC_DEVICE
.................... case USB_DESC_CLASS_TYPE: //0x21
.................... //TODO does this work for multiple interfaces or multiple languages?
.................... //usb_getdesc_ptr=USB_CLASS_DESCRIPTORS[0][usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4]][usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2]];
.................... usb_getdesc_ptr=USB_CLASS_DESCRIPTORS[0][0][usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2]];
04FA: CLRF 03
04FE: MOVF x1A,W
0500: MOVFF FF2,6FD
0504: BCF FF2.7
0506: MOVLB 0
0508: RCALL 01B0
050A: MOVLB 6
050C: BTFSC xFD.7
050E: BSF FF2.7
0510: MOVWF 27
.................... if (usb_getdesc_ptr!=0xFF) {
0512: INCFSZ 27,W
0514: BRA 0518
0516: BRA 0536
.................... usb_getdesc_len=USB_CONFIG_DESC[usb_getdesc_ptr];
0518: CLRF 03
051A: MOVF 27,W
0520: BCF FF2.7
0522: MOVLB 0
0524: RCALL 014A
0526: MOVLB 6
0528: BTFSC xFD.7
052A: BSF FF2.7
052C: MOVWF 28
.................... break;
052E: MOVLB 0
0530: BRA 0540
.................... }
.................... else {
0532: BRA 053C
0534: MOVLB 6
.................... usb_request_stall();
0536: MOVLB 0
0538: RCALL 03F4
.................... return;
053A: BRA 0558
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... #IF USB_HID_DEVICE
.................... case USB_DESC_HIDREPORT_TYPE: //0x22
.................... usb_getdesc_ptr=USB_CLASS_SPECIFIC_DESC_LOOKUP[0][usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4]];
.................... if (usb_getdesc_ptr !=0xFF) {
.................... USB_stack_status.getdesc_type=USB_GETDESC_HIDREPORT_TYPE;
.................... usb_getdesc_len=USB_CLASS_SPECIFIC_DESC_LOOKUP_SIZE[0][usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4]];
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... else {
.................... usb_request_stall();
.................... return;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... default:
.................... usb_request_stall();
053C: RCALL 03F4
.................... return;
053E: BRA 0558
.................... }
.................... if (usb_ep0_rx_buffer[7]==0) {
0540: MOVLB 4
0542: MOVF x1F,F
0544: BNZ 0550
.................... if (usb_getdesc_len > usb_ep0_rx_buffer[6])
0546: MOVF 28,W
0548: SUBWF x1E,W
054A: BC 0550
.................... usb_getdesc_len = usb_ep0_rx_buffer[6];
054C: MOVFF 41E,28
.................... }
.................... USB_stack_status.dev_req=GET_DESCRIPTOR;
0550: MOVLW 01
0552: MOVWF 1D
.................... usb_copy_desc_seg_to_ep();
0554: MOVLB 0
0556: RCALL 03FA
.................... }
0558: GOTO 083C (RETURN)
.................... /**************************************************************
.................... /* usb_finish_set_address()
.................... /*
.................... /* Input: USB_address_pending holds the address we were asked to set to.
.................... /*
.................... /* Summary: Sets the address.
.................... /*
.................... /* This code should only be run on the PIC USB peripheral, and not the
.................... /* National peripheral.
.................... /*
.................... /* Part of usb_isr_tok_setup_dne()
.................... /***************************************************************/
.................... void usb_finish_set_address() {
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc," FSA ");
.................... USB_stack_status.curr_config=0; // make sure current configuration is 0
.................... #ifdef __PIC__
.................... USB_stack_status.dev_req=NONE; // no request pending
.................... usb_set_address(USB_address_pending);
0F7E: MOVFF 26,6FE
0F82: BRA 0F60
.................... #endif
.................... }
0F84: GOTO 1076 (RETURN)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... ///
.................... /// The following function retrieve data from constant arrays. This may
.................... /// look un-optimized, but remember that you can't create a pointer to
.................... /// a constant array.
.................... ///
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... void usb_copy_desc_seg_to_ep(void) {
.................... unsigned int i=0;
.................... char c;
.................... while ((usb_getdesc_len)&&(i<USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH))
.................... {
03FE: MOVF 28,F
0400: BZ 0486
0402: MOVF xFE,W
0404: SUBLW 3F
0406: BNC 0486
.................... switch(USB_stack_status.getdesc_type) {
0408: MOVF 20,W
040A: MOVLB 0
040C: BZ 0418
040E: XORLW 02
0410: BZ 0432
0412: XORLW 01
0414: BZ 044C
0416: BRA 0466
.................... case USB_GETDESC_CONFIG_TYPE:
.................... c=USB_CONFIG_DESC[usb_getdesc_ptr];
0418: CLRF 03
041A: MOVF 27,W
041C: MOVFF FF2,700
0420: BCF FF2.7
0422: RCALL 014A
0424: MOVLB 7
0426: BTFSC x00.7
0428: BSF FF2.7
.................... break;
042E: MOVLB 0
0430: BRA 0466
.................... #IF USB_HID_DEVICE
.................... case USB_GETDESC_HIDREPORT_TYPE:
.................... c=USB_CLASS_SPECIFIC_DESC[usb_getdesc_ptr];
.................... break;
.................... #endif
.................... case USB_GETDESC_STRING_TYPE:
.................... c=USB_STRING_DESC[usb_getdesc_ptr];
0432: CLRF 03
0434: MOVF 27,W
0436: MOVFF FF2,700
043A: BCF FF2.7
043C: RCALL 01EA
043E: MOVLB 7
0440: BTFSC x00.7
0442: BSF FF2.7
0444: MOVFF FE8,6FF
.................... break;
0448: MOVLB 0
044A: BRA 0466
.................... case USB_GETDESC_DEVICE_TYPE:
.................... c=USB_DEVICE_DESC[usb_getdesc_ptr];
044C: CLRF 03
044E: MOVF 27,W
0450: MOVFF FF2,700
0454: BCF FF2.7
0456: RCALL 01C8
0458: MOVLB 7
045A: BTFSC x00.7
045C: BSF FF2.7
.................... break;
0462: MOVLB 0
0464: BRA 0466
.................... }
.................... usb_getdesc_ptr++;
0466: INCF 27,F
.................... usb_getdesc_len--;
0468: DECF 28,F
.................... usb_ep0_tx_buffer[i++]=c;
046A: MOVLB 6
046C: MOVF xFE,W
046E: INCF xFE,F
0470: ADDLW 58
0472: CLRF 03
0474: BTFSC FD8.0
0476: INCF 03,F
0478: MOVWF FE9
047A: MOVLW 04
047C: ADDWF 03,W
.................... }
0484: BRA 03FE
.................... if ((!usb_getdesc_len)&&(i!=USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH)) {
0486: MOVF 28,F
0488: BNZ 0492
048A: MOVF xFE,W
048C: SUBLW 40
048E: BZ 0492
.................... USB_stack_status.dev_req = NONE;
0490: CLRF 1D
.................... }
.................... usb_request_send_response(i);
0492: MOVFF 6FE,700
0496: MOVLB 0
0498: RCALL 03EE
.................... }
049A: RETLW 00
.................... #ENDIF
.................... struct {
.................... unsigned int32 dwDTERrate; //data terminal rate, in bits per second
.................... unsigned int8 bCharFormat; //num of stop bits (0=1, 1=1.5, 2=2)
.................... unsigned int8 bParityType; //parity (0=none, 1=odd, 2=even, 3=mark, 4=space)
.................... unsigned int8 bDataBits; //data bits (5,6,7,8 or 16)
.................... } __attribute__((__packed__)) usb_cdc_line_coding;
.................... //length of time, in ms, of break signal as we received in a SendBreak message.
.................... //if ==0xFFFF, send break signal until we receive a 0x0000.
.................... unsigned int16 usb_cdc_break;
.................... unsigned int8 usb_cdc_encapsulated_cmd[8];
.................... unsigned int8 usb_cdc_put_buffer[USB_CDC_DATA_IN_SIZE];
.................... #define usb_cdc_put_buffer_free() usb_tbe(USB_CDC_DATA_IN_ENDPOINT)
.................... #if USB_CDC_DATA_IN_SIZE>=0x100
.................... unsigned int16 usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin=0;
.................... // int16 usb_cdc_last_data_packet_size;
.................... #else
.................... unsigned int8 usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin=0;
.................... // int8 usb_cdc_last_data_packet_size;
.................... #endif
.................... struct {
.................... int1 got;
.................... #if USB_CDC_DATA_OUT_SIZE>=0x100
.................... unsigned int16 len;
.................... unsigned int16 index;
.................... #else
.................... unsigned int8 len;
.................... unsigned int8 index;
.................... #endif
.................... } usb_cdc_get_buffer_status;
.................... #if defined(__PIC__)
.................... #define usb_cdc_get_buffer_status_buffer usb_ep2_rx_buffer
.................... #else
.................... unsigned int8 usb_cdc_get_buffer_status_buffer[USB_CDC_DATA_OUT_SIZE];
.................... #endif
.................... int1 usb_cdc_got_set_line_coding;
.................... struct {
.................... int1 dte_present; //1=DTE present, 0=DTE not present
.................... int1 active; //1=activate carrier, 0=deactivate carrier
.................... unsigned int reserved:6;
.................... } usb_cdc_carrier;
.................... unsigned int8 g_LastCDCDataPacketSize;
.................... enum {USB_CDC_OUT_NOTHING=0, USB_CDC_OUT_COMMAND=1, USB_CDC_OUT_LINECODING=2, USB_CDC_WAIT_0LEN=3} __usb_cdc_state=0;
.................... #if defined(__PCH__)
.................... #byte INTCON=0xFF2
.................... #bit INT_GIE=INTCON.7
.................... #else
.................... #word SR=0x42
.................... #endif
.................... //handle OUT token done interrupt on endpoint 0 [read encapsulated cmd and line coding data]
.................... void usb_isr_tok_out_cdc_control_dne(void) {
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"CDC %X ",__usb_cdc_state);
.................... switch (__usb_cdc_state) {
0E7E: MOVF x83,W
0E80: XORLW 01
0E82: BZ 0E8A
0E84: XORLW 03
0E86: BZ 0EB2
0E88: BRA 0EDA
.................... //printf(putc_tbe,"@%X@\r\n", __usb_cdc_state);
.................... case USB_CDC_OUT_COMMAND:
.................... //usb_get_packet(0, usb_cdc_encapsulated_cmd, 8);
.................... memcpy(usb_cdc_encapsulated_cmd, usb_ep0_rx_buffer,8);
0E8C: MOVLW 34
0E90: MOVLW 04
0E94: MOVLW 18
0E98: MOVLW 08
0E9A: MOVWF 01
0EA2: BRA 0E9C
.................... #if USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH==8
.................... __usb_cdc_state=USB_CDC_WAIT_0LEN;
.................... usb_request_get_data();
.................... #else
.................... usb_put_0len_0();
0EA6: CLRF x00
.................... __usb_cdc_state=0;
0EAE: CLRF x83
.................... #endif
.................... break;
0EB0: BRA 0EE2
.................... #if USB_MAX_EP0_PACKET_LENGTH==8
.................... case USB_CDC_WAIT_0LEN:
.................... usb_put_0len_0();
.................... __usb_cdc_state=0;
.................... break;
.................... #endif
.................... case USB_CDC_OUT_LINECODING:
.................... //usb_get_packet(0, &usb_cdc_line_coding, 7);
.................... //printf(putc_tbe,"\r\n!GSLC FIN!\r\n");
.................... memcpy(&usb_cdc_line_coding, usb_ep0_rx_buffer,7);
0EB8: MOVLW 04
0EC0: MOVLW 07
0EC2: MOVWF 01
.................... __usb_cdc_state=0;
0ECC: CLRF x83
.................... usb_put_0len_0();
0ED0: CLRF x00
.................... break;
0ED8: BRA 0EE2
.................... default:
.................... __usb_cdc_state=0;
0EDA: CLRF x83
.................... usb_init_ep0_setup();
0EDC: CALL 0284
.................... break;
0EE0: BRA 0EE2
.................... }
.................... }
.................... //handle IN token on 0 (setup packet)
.................... void usb_isr_tkn_cdc(void) {
.................... //make sure the request goes to a CDC interface
.................... if ((usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4] == 1) || (usb_ep0_rx_buffer[4] == 0)) {
0B12: MOVLB 4
0B14: DECFSZ x1C,W
0B16: BRA 0B1A
0B18: BRA 0B1E
0B1A: MOVF x1C,F
.................... //printf(putc_tbe,"!%X!\r\n", usb_ep0_rx_buffer[1]);
.................... switch(usb_ep0_rx_buffer[1]) {
0B1E: MOVF x19,W
0B20: MOVLB 0
0B22: BZ 0B3A
0B24: XORLW 01
0B26: BZ 0B42
0B28: XORLW 21
0B2A: BZ 0B64
0B2C: XORLW 01
0B2E: BZ 0B6E
0B30: XORLW 03
0B32: BZ 0B94
0B34: XORLW 01
0B36: BZ 0BA2
0B38: BRA 0BB4
.................... case 0x00: //send_encapsulated_command
.................... __usb_cdc_state=USB_CDC_OUT_COMMAND;
0B3A: MOVLW 01
0B3C: MOVWF x83
.................... usb_request_get_data();
.................... break;
0B40: BRA 0BB8
.................... case 0x01: //get_encapsulated_command
.................... memcpy(usb_ep0_tx_buffer, usb_cdc_encapsulated_cmd, 8);
0B42: MOVLW 04
0B46: MOVLW 58
0B4C: MOVLW 34
0B50: MOVLW 08
0B52: MOVWF 01
0B58: DECFSZ 01,F
0B5A: BRA 0B54
.................... usb_request_send_response(usb_ep0_rx_buffer[6]); //send wLength bytes
0B5C: MOVFF 41E,700
0B60: RCALL 03EE
.................... break;
0B62: BRA 0BB8
.................... case 0x20: //set_line_coding
.................... debug_usb(debug_putc,"!GSLC!");
.................... __usb_cdc_state=USB_CDC_OUT_LINECODING;
0B64: MOVLW 02
0B66: MOVWF x83
.................... usb_cdc_got_set_line_coding=TRUE;
0B68: BSF x80.0
.................... usb_request_get_data();
.................... break;
0B6C: BRA 0BB8
.................... case 0x21: //get_line_coding
.................... memcpy(usb_ep0_tx_buffer, &usb_cdc_line_coding, sizeof(usb_cdc_line_coding));
0B6E: MOVLW 04
0B72: MOVLW 58
0B76: CLRF FE2
0B78: MOVLW 2B
0B7C: MOVLW 07
0B7E: MOVWF 01
0B84: DECFSZ 01,F
0B86: BRA 0B80
.................... usb_request_send_response(sizeof(usb_cdc_line_coding)); //send wLength bytes
0B88: MOVLW 07
0B8C: MOVWF x00
0B90: RCALL 03EE
.................... break;
0B92: BRA 0BB8
.................... case 0x22: //set_control_line_state
.................... usb_cdc_carrier=usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2];
0B94: MOVFF 41A,81
.................... usb_put_0len_0();
0B98: MOVLB 7
0B9A: CLRF x00
.................... break;
0BA0: BRA 0BB8
.................... case 0x23: //send_break
.................... usb_cdc_break=make16(usb_ep0_rx_buffer[2],usb_ep0_rx_buffer[3]);
0BA2: MOVFF 41A,33
0BA6: MOVFF 41B,32
.................... usb_put_0len_0();
0BAC: CLRF x00
.................... break;
0BB2: BRA 0BB8
.................... default:
.................... usb_request_stall();
0BB4: RCALL 03F4
.................... break;
0BB6: BRA 0BB8
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... //handle OUT token done interrupt on endpoint 3 [buffer incoming received chars]
.................... void usb_isr_tok_out_cdc_data_dne(void) {
0F2C: BSF x7D.0
.................... usb_cdc_get_buffer_status.index=0;
0F2E: CLRF x7F
.................... #if (defined(__PIC__) && __PIC__)
.................... usb_cdc_get_buffer_status.len=usb_rx_packet_size(USB_CDC_DATA_OUT_ENDPOINT);
0F30: MOVLW 02
0F32: MOVLB 6
0F36: MOVLB 0
0F38: BRA 0EE6
0F3A: MOVFF 01,7E
.................... #else
.................... usb_cdc_get_buffer_status.len=usb_get_packet_buffer(
.................... USB_CDC_DATA_OUT_ENDPOINT,&usb_cdc_get_buffer_status_buffer[0],USB_CDC_DATA_OUT_SIZE);
.................... #endif
.................... }
.................... //handle IN token done interrupt on endpoint 2 [transmit buffered characters]
.................... void usb_isr_tok_in_cdc_data_dne(void)
.................... {
.................... //putc('!');
.................... if (usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin /* || (g_LastCDCDataPacketSize == USB_CDC_DATA_IN_SIZE)*/ )
104E: MOVF x7C,F
1050: BZ 1054
.................... {
.................... //printf("FL3 %LU\r\n", (int16)usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin);
.................... usb_cdc_flush_out_buffer();
1052: RCALL 102C
.................... }
.................... }
1054: GOTO 1084 (RETURN)
.................... void usb_cdc_flush_out_buffer(void)
.................... {
.................... //printf(putc_tbe, "FL %U\r\n", usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin);
.................... usb_put_packet(USB_CDC_DATA_IN_ENDPOINT,usb_cdc_put_buffer,usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin,USB_DTS_TOGGLE);
102C: MOVLW 02
102E: MOVLB 7
1030: MOVWF x3A
1032: CLRF x3C
1034: MOVLW 3C
1036: MOVWF x3B
1038: CLRF x3E
103A: MOVFF 7C,73D
103E: MOVLW 02
1040: MOVWF x3F
1042: MOVLB 0
1044: RCALL 0F88
.................... g_LastCDCDataPacketSize = usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin;
1046: MOVFF 7C,82
.................... usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin=0;
104A: CLRF x7C
.................... }
104C: RETLW 00
.................... void usb_cdc_init(void)
.................... {
.................... usb_cdc_line_coding.dwDTERrate = 9600;
035C: CLRF 2E
035E: CLRF 2D
0360: MOVLW 25
0362: MOVWF 2C
0364: MOVLW 80
0366: MOVWF 2B
.................... usb_cdc_line_coding.bCharFormat = 0;
0368: CLRF 2F
.................... usb_cdc_line_coding.bParityType = 0;
036A: CLRF 30
.................... usb_cdc_line_coding.bDataBits = 8;
036C: MOVLW 08
036E: MOVWF 31
.................... (int8)usb_cdc_carrier = 0;
0370: CLRF x81
.................... usb_cdc_got_set_line_coding = FALSE;
0372: BCF x80.0
.................... usb_cdc_break = 0;
0374: CLRF 33
0376: CLRF 32
.................... usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin = 0;
0378: CLRF x7C
.................... = 0;
037A: BCF x7D.0
.................... }
037C: RETLW 00
.................... ////////////////// END USB CONTROL HANDLING //////////////////////////////////
.................... ////////////////// BEGIN USB<->RS232 CDC LIBRARY /////////////////////////////
.................... void usb_cdc_get_discard(void)
.................... {
.................... = FALSE;
.................... usb_flush_out(USB_CDC_DATA_OUT_ENDPOINT, USB_DTS_TOGGLE);
.................... }
.................... char usb_cdc_getc(void)
.................... {
.................... char c;
.................... while (!usb_cdc_kbhit()) {}
.................... c=usb_cdc_get_buffer_status_buffer[usb_cdc_get_buffer_status.index++];
.................... if (usb_cdc_get_buffer_status.index >= usb_cdc_get_buffer_status.len)
.................... {
.................... usb_cdc_get_discard();
.................... }
.................... return(c);
.................... }
.................... void usb_cdc_putc_fast(char c)
.................... {
.................... #if defined(__PCH__)
.................... int1 old_gie;
.................... //disable global interrupts
.................... old_gie = INT_GIE;
1376: MOVLB 6
1378: BCF xDD.0
137A: BTFSC FF2.7
137C: BSF xDD.0
.................... INT_GIE = 0;
137E: BCF FF2.7
.................... #else
.................... int16 oldSR;
.................... oldSR = SR;
.................... SR |= 0xE0;
.................... #endif
.................... if (usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin >= USB_CDC_DATA_IN_SIZE) {
1380: MOVLB 0
1382: MOVF x7C,W
1384: SUBLW 3F
1386: BC 138C
.................... usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin = USB_CDC_DATA_IN_SIZE-1; //we just overflowed the buffer!
1388: MOVLW 3F
138A: MOVWF x7C
.................... }
.................... usb_cdc_put_buffer[usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin++] = c;
138C: MOVF x7C,W
138E: INCF x7C,F
1390: CLRF 03
1392: ADDLW 3C
1394: MOVWF FE9
1396: MOVLW 00
1398: ADDWFC 03,W
.................... //renable global interrupts
.................... #if defined(__PCH__)
.................... INT_GIE = old_gie;
13A0: BCF FF2.7
13A2: MOVLB 6
13A4: BTFSC xDD.0
13A6: BSF FF2.7
13A8: CLRF 18
13AC: BSF 18.7
13AE: BCF FF2.7
.................... #else
.................... SR = oldSR;
.................... #endif
.................... /*
.................... if (usb_tbe(USB_CDC_DATA_IN_ENDPOINT)) {
.................... if (usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin)
.................... usb_cdc_flush_out_buffer();
.................... }
.................... */
.................... if (usb_cdc_put_buffer_free()) {
13B0: MOVLW 02
13B2: MOVLB 7
13B4: MOVWF x47
13B6: MOVLB 0
13B8: RCALL 0D06
13BA: BTFSC 18.7
13BC: BSF FF2.7
13BE: MOVF 01,F
13C0: BZ 13D0
13C2: CLRF 18
13C4: BTFSC FF2.7
13C6: BSF 18.7
13C8: BCF FF2.7
.................... //printf("FL2 %LU\r\n", (int16)usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin);
.................... usb_cdc_flush_out_buffer();
13CA: RCALL 102C
13CC: BTFSC 18.7
13CE: BSF FF2.7
.................... }
.................... //putc('*');
.................... }
13D0: GOTO 140A (RETURN)
.................... void usb_cdc_putc(char c)
.................... {
.................... while (!usb_cdc_putready())
.................... {
13D4: MOVF x7C,W
13D6: SUBLW 3F
13D8: BC 1404
13DA: CLRF 18
13DE: BSF 18.7
13E0: BCF FF2.7
.................... if (usb_cdc_put_buffer_free())
13E2: MOVLW 02
13E4: MOVLB 7
13E6: MOVWF x47
13E8: MOVLB 0
13EA: RCALL 0D06
13EC: BTFSC 18.7
13EE: BSF FF2.7
13F0: MOVF 01,F
13F2: BZ 1402
13F4: CLRF 18
13F6: BTFSC FF2.7
13F8: BSF 18.7
13FA: BCF FF2.7
.................... {
.................... //printf("FL1 %LU\r\n", (int16)usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin);
.................... usb_cdc_flush_out_buffer();
13FC: RCALL 102C
13FE: BTFSC 18.7
1400: BSF FF2.7
.................... }
.................... //delay_ms(500);
.................... //printf(putc_tbe,"TBE=%U CNT=%U LST=%U\r\n",usb_tbe(USB_CDC_DATA_IN_ENDPOINT), usb_cdc_put_buffer_nextin, usb_cdc_last_data_packet_size);
.................... }
1402: BRA 13D4
.................... //putc('.');
.................... //putc(c);
.................... usb_cdc_putc_fast(c);
1404: MOVFF 6DB,6DC
1408: BRA 1376
.................... }
140A: RETLW 00
.................... #include <ctype.h>
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2003 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS C ////
.................... //// compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, reproduction ////
.................... //// or distribution is permitted without written permission. ////
.................... //// Derivative programs created using this software in object code ////
.................... //// form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #ifndef _CTYPE
.................... #define _CTYPE
.................... #define islower(x) isamong(x,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
.................... #define isupper(x) isamong(x,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
.................... #define isalnum(x) isamong(x,"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
.................... #define isalpha(x) isamong(x,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
.................... #define isdigit(x) isamong(x,"0123456789")
.................... #define isspace(x) ((x)==' ')
.................... #define isxdigit(x) isamong(x,"0123456789ABCDEFabcdef")
.................... #define iscntrl(x) ((x)<' ')
.................... #define isprint(x) ((x)>=' ')
.................... #define isgraph(x) ((x)>' ')
.................... #define ispunct(x) (((x)>' ')&&!isalnum(x))
.................... #endif
.................... BYTE gethex1_usb()
.................... {
.................... char digit;
.................... digit = usb_cdc_getc();
.................... usb_cdc_putc(digit);
.................... if(digit<='9')
.................... return(digit-'0');
.................... else
.................... return((toupper(digit)-'A')+10);
.................... }
.................... BYTE gethex_usb() {
.................... unsigned int8 lo,hi;
.................... hi = gethex1_usb();
.................... lo = gethex1_usb();
.................... if(lo==0xdd)
.................... return(hi);
.................... else
.................... return( hi*16+lo );
.................... }
.................... void get_string_usb(char* s, unsigned int max) {
.................... unsigned int len;
.................... char c;
.................... --max;
.................... len=0;
.................... do {
.................... c=usb_cdc_getc();
.................... if(c==8) { // Backspace
.................... if(len>0) {
.................... len--;
.................... usb_cdc_putc(c);
.................... usb_cdc_putc(' ');
.................... usb_cdc_putc(c);
.................... }
.................... } else if ((c>=' ')&&(c<='~'))
.................... if(len<max) {
.................... s[len++]=c;
.................... usb_cdc_putc(c);
.................... }
.................... } while(c!=13);
.................... s[len]=0;
.................... }
.................... // stdlib.h is required for the ato_ conversions
.................... // in the following functions
.................... #ifdef _STDLIB
.................... signed int get_int_usb() {
.................... char s[7];
.................... signed int i;
.................... get_string_usb(s, 7);
.................... i=atoi(s);
.................... return(i);
.................... }
.................... signed long get_long_usb() {
.................... char s[13];
.................... signed long l;
.................... get_string_usb(s, 13);
.................... l=atol(s);
.................... return(l);
.................... }
.................... float get_float_usb() {
.................... char s[20];
.................... float f;
.................... get_string_usb(s, 20);
.................... f = atof(s);
.................... return(f);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... #include <math.h>
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2008 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS C ////
.................... //// compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, reproduction ////
.................... //// or distribution is permitted without written permission. ////
.................... //// Derivative programs created using this software in object code ////
.................... //// form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// History: ////
.................... //// * 9/20/2001 : Improvments are made to sin/cos code. ////
.................... //// The code now is small, much faster, ////
.................... //// and more accurate. ////
.................... //// * 2/21/2007 : Compiler handles & operator differently and does
.................... //// not return generic (int8 *) so type cast is done ////
.................... //// ////
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #ifndef MATH_H
.................... #define MATH_H
.................... #ifdef PI
.................... #undef PI
.................... #endif
.................... #define PI 3.1415926535897932
.................... #define SQRT2 1.4142135623730950
.................... //float const ps[4] = {5.9304945, 21.125224, 8.9403076, 0.29730279};
.................... //float const qs[4] = {1.0000000, 15.035723, 17.764134, 2.4934718};
.................... ///////////////////////////// Round Functions //////////////////////////////
.................... float32 CEIL_FLOOR(float32 x, unsigned int8 n)
.................... {
.................... float32 y, res;
.................... unsigned int16 l;
.................... int1 s;
.................... s = 0;
.................... y = x;
.................... if (x < 0)
.................... {
.................... s = 1;
.................... y = -y;
.................... }
.................... if (y <= 32768.0)
.................... res = (float32)(unsigned int16)y;
.................... else if (y < 10000000.0)
.................... {
.................... l = (unsigned int16)(y/32768.0);
.................... y = 32768.0*(y/32768.0 - (float32)l);
.................... res = 32768.0*(float32)l;
.................... res += (float32)(unsigned int16)y;
.................... }
.................... else
.................... res = y;
.................... y = y - (float32)(unsigned int16)y;
.................... if (s)
.................... res = -res;
.................... if (y != 0)
.................... {
.................... if (s == 1 && n == 0)
.................... res -= 1.0;
.................... if (s == 0 && n == 1)
.................... res += 1.0;
.................... }
.................... if (x == 0)
.................... res = 0;
.................... return (res);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded Functions to take care for new Data types in PCD
.................... // Overloaded function CEIL_FLOOR() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 CEIL_FLOOR(float48 x, unsigned int8 n)
.................... {
.................... float48 y, res;
.................... unsigned int16 l;
.................... int1 s;
.................... s = 0;
.................... y = x;
.................... if (x < 0)
.................... {
.................... s = 1;
.................... y = -y;
.................... }
.................... if (y <= 32768.0)
.................... res = (float48)(unsigned int16)y;
.................... else if (y < 10000000.0)
.................... {
.................... l = (unsigned int16)(y/32768.0);
.................... y = 32768.0*(y/32768.0 - (float48)l);
.................... res = 32768.0*(float32)l;
.................... res += (float48)(unsigned int16)y;
.................... }
.................... else
.................... res = y;
.................... y = y - (float48)(unsigned int16)y;
.................... if (s)
.................... res = -res;
.................... if (y != 0)
.................... {
.................... if (s == 1 && n == 0)
.................... res -= 1.0;
.................... if (s == 0 && n == 1)
.................... res += 1.0;
.................... }
.................... if (x == 0)
.................... res = 0;
.................... return (res);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function CEIL_FLOOR() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 CEIL_FLOOR(float64 x, unsigned int8 n)
.................... {
.................... float64 y, res;
.................... unsigned int16 l;
.................... int1 s;
.................... s = 0;
.................... y = x;
.................... if (x < 0)
.................... {
.................... s = 1;
.................... y = -y;
.................... }
.................... if (y <= 32768.0)
.................... res = (float64)(unsigned int16)y;
.................... else if (y < 10000000.0)
.................... {
.................... l = (unsigned int16)(y/32768.0);
.................... y = 32768.0*(y/32768.0 - (float64)l);
.................... res = 32768.0*(float64)l;
.................... res += (float64)(unsigned int16)y;
.................... }
.................... else
.................... res = y;
.................... y = y - (float64)(unsigned int16)y;
.................... if (s)
.................... res = -res;
.................... if (y != 0)
.................... {
.................... if (s == 1 && n == 0)
.................... res -= 1.0;
.................... if (s == 0 && n == 1)
.................... res += 1.0;
.................... }
.................... if (x == 0)
.................... res = 0;
.................... return (res);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float floor(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : rounds down the number x.
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 floor(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... return CEIL_FLOOR(x, 0);
.................... }
.................... // Following 2 functions are overloaded functions of floor() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function floor() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 floor(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... return CEIL_FLOOR(x, 0);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function floor() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 floor(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... return CEIL_FLOOR(x, 0);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float ceil(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : rounds up the number x.
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 ceil(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... return CEIL_FLOOR(x, 1);
.................... }
.................... // Following 2 functions are overloaded functions of ceil() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function ceil() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 ceil(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... return CEIL_FLOOR(x, 1);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function ceil() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 ceil(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... return CEIL_FLOOR(x, 1);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float fabs(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : Computes the absolute value of floating point number x
.................... // Returns : returns the absolute value of x
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... #define fabs abs
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float fmod(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : Computes the floating point remainder of x/y
.................... // Returns : returns the value of x= i*y, for some integer i such that, if y
.................... // is non zero, the result has the same isgn of x na dmagnitude less than the
.................... // magnitude of y. If y is zero then a domain error occurs.
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float fmod(float32 x,float32 y)
.................... {
.................... float32 i;
.................... if (y!=0.0)
.................... {
.................... i=(x/y < 0.0)? ceil(x/y): floor(x/y);
.................... return(x-(i*y));
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... }
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded function for fmod() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function fmod() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 fmod(float48 x,float48 y)
.................... {
.................... float48 i;
.................... if (y!=0.0)
.................... {
.................... i=(x/y < 0.0)? ceil(x/y): floor(x/y);
.................... return(x-(i*y));
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... }
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function fmod() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 fmod(float64 x,float64 y)
.................... {
.................... float64 i;
.................... if (y!=0.0)
.................... {
.................... i=(x/y < 0.0)? ceil(x/y): floor(x/y);
.................... return(x-(i*y));
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... }
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... //////////////////// Exponential and logarithmic functions ////////////////////
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float exp(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : returns the value (e^x)
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... #define LN2 0.6931471805599453
.................... float const pe[6] = {0.000207455774, 0.00127100575, 0.00965065093,
.................... 0.0554965651, 0.240227138, 0.693147172};
.................... float32 exp(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... float32 y, res, r;
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... int8 data1;
.................... #endif
.................... signed int8 n;
.................... int1 s;
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... if(x > 88.722838)
.................... {
.................... errno=ERANGE;
.................... return(0);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... n = (signed int16)(x/LN2);
.................... s = 0;
.................... y = x;
.................... if (x < 0)
.................... {
.................... s = 1;
.................... n = -n;
.................... y = -y;
.................... }
.................... res = 0.0;
.................... #if !defined(__PCD__)
.................... *((unsigned int8 *)(&res)) = n + 0x7F;
.................... #endif
.................... #if defined(__PCD__) // Takes care of IEEE format for PCD
.................... data1 = n+0x7F;
.................... if(bit_test(data1,0))
.................... bit_set(*(((unsigned int8 *)(&res)+2)),7);
.................... rotate_right(&data1,1);
.................... bit_clear(data1,7);
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&res)+3)) = data1;
.................... #endif
.................... y = y/LN2 - (float32)n;
.................... r = pe[0]*y + pe[1];
.................... r = r*y + pe[2];
.................... r = r*y + pe[3];
.................... r = r*y + pe[4];
.................... r = r*y + pe[5];
.................... res = res*(1.0 + y*r);
.................... if (s)
.................... res = 1.0/res;
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded function for exp() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function exp() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 exp(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... float48 y, res, r;
.................... int8 data1;
.................... signed int8 n;
.................... int1 s;
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... if(x > 88.722838)
.................... {
.................... errno=ERANGE;
.................... return(0);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... n = (signed int16)(x/LN2);
.................... s = 0;
.................... y = x;
.................... if (x < 0)
.................... {
.................... s = 1;
.................... n = -n;
.................... y = -y;
.................... }
.................... res = 0.0;
.................... data1 = n+0x7F;
.................... if(bit_test(data1,0))
.................... bit_set(*(((unsigned int8 *)(&res)+4)),7);
.................... rotate_right(&data1,1);
.................... bit_clear(data1,7);
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&res)+5)) = data1;
.................... y = y/LN2 - (float48)n;
.................... r = pe[0]*y + pe[1];
.................... r = r*y + pe[2];
.................... r = r*y + pe[3];
.................... r = r*y + pe[4];
.................... r = r*y + pe[5];
.................... res = res*(1.0 + y*r);
.................... if (s)
.................... res = 1.0/res;
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function exp() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 exp(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... float64 y, res, r;
.................... unsigned int16 data1, data2;
.................... unsigned int16 *p;
.................... signed int16 n;
.................... int1 s;
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... if(x > 709.7827128)
.................... {
.................... errno=ERANGE;
.................... return(0);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... n = (signed int16)(x/LN2);
.................... s = 0;
.................... y = x;
.................... if (x < 0)
.................... {
.................... s = 1;
.................... n = -n;
.................... y = -y;
.................... }
.................... res = 0.0;
.................... #if !defined(__PCD__)
.................... *((unsigned int16 *)(&res)) = n + 0x7F;
.................... #endif
.................... p= (((unsigned int16 *)(&res))+3);
.................... data1 = *p;
.................... data2 = *p;
.................... data1 = n + 0x3FF;
.................... data1 = data1 <<4;
.................... if(bit_test(data2,15))
.................... bit_set(data1,15);
.................... data2 = data2 & 0x000F;
.................... data1 ^= data2;
.................... *(((unsigned int16 *)(&res)+3)) = data1;
.................... y = y/LN2 - (float64)n;
.................... r = pe[0]*y + pe[1];
.................... r = r*y + pe[2];
.................... r = r*y + pe[3];
.................... r = r*y + pe[4];
.................... r = r*y + pe[5];
.................... res = res*(1.0 + y*r);
.................... if (s)
.................... res = 1.0/res;
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... #ENDIF
.................... /************************************************************/
.................... float32 const pl[4] = {0.45145214, -9.0558803, 26.940971, -19.860189};
.................... float32 const ql[4] = {1.0000000, -8.1354259, 16.780517, -9.9300943};
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float log(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : returns the the natural log of x
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 log(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... float32 y, res, r, y2;
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... unsigned int8 data1,data2;
.................... #endif
.................... signed int8 n;
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... if(x <0)
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... if(x ==0)
.................... {
.................... errno=ERANGE;
.................... return(0);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... y = x;
.................... if (y != 1.0)
.................... {
.................... #if !defined(__PCD__)
.................... *((unsigned int8 *)(&y)) = 0x7E;
.................... #endif
.................... #if defined(__PCD__) // Takes care of IEEE format
.................... data2 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+3);
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+3) = 0x3F;
.................... data1 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+2);
.................... bit_clear(data1,7);
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+2) = data1;
.................... if(bit_test(data2,7))
.................... bit_set(*(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+3),7);
.................... #endif
.................... y = (y - 1.0)/(y + 1.0);
.................... y2=y*y;
.................... res = pl[0]*y2 + pl[1];
.................... res = res*y2 + pl[2];
.................... res = res*y2 + pl[3];
.................... r = ql[0]*y2 + ql[1];
.................... r = r*y2 + ql[2];
.................... r = r*y2 + ql[3];
.................... res = y*res/r;
.................... #if !defined(__PCD__)
.................... n = *((unsigned int8 *)(&x)) - 0x7E;
.................... #endif
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... data1 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&x)+3));
.................... rotate_left(&data1,1);
.................... data2 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&x)+2));
.................... if(bit_test (data2,7))
.................... bit_set(data1,0);
.................... n = data1 - 0x7E;
.................... #endif
.................... if (n<0)
.................... r = -(float32)-n;
.................... else
.................... r = (float32)n;
.................... res += r*LN2;
.................... }
.................... else
.................... res = 0.0;
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded function for log() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function log() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 log(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... float48 y, res, r, y2;
.................... unsigned int8 data1,data2;
.................... signed int8 n;
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... if(x <0)
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... if(x ==0)
.................... {
.................... errno=ERANGE;
.................... return(0);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... y = x;
.................... if (y != 1.0)
.................... {
.................... #if !defined(__PCD__)
.................... *((unsigned int8 *)(&y)) = 0x7E;
.................... #endif
.................... data2 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+5);
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+5) = 0x3F;
.................... data1 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+4);
.................... bit_clear(data1,7);
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+4) = data1;
.................... if(bit_test(data2,7))
.................... bit_set(*(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+4),7);
.................... y = (y - 1.0)/(y + 1.0);
.................... y2=y*y;
.................... res = pl[0]*y2 + pl[1];
.................... res = res*y2 + pl[2];
.................... res = res*y2 + pl[3];
.................... r = ql[0]*y2 + ql[1];
.................... r = r*y2 + ql[2];
.................... r = r*y2 + ql[3];
.................... res = y*res/r;
.................... data1 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&x)+5));
.................... rotate_left(&data1,1);
.................... data2 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&x)+4));
.................... if(bit_test (data2,7))
.................... bit_set(data1,0);
.................... n = data1 - 0x7E;
.................... if (n<0)
.................... r = -(float48)-n;
.................... else
.................... r = (float48)n;
.................... res += r*LN2;
.................... }
.................... else
.................... res = 0.0;
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function log() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float32 const pl_64[4] = {0.45145214, -9.0558803, 26.940971, -19.860189};
.................... float32 const ql_64[4] = {1.0000000, -8.1354259, 16.780517, -9.9300943};
.................... #endif
.................... float64 log(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... float64 y, res, r, y2;
.................... unsigned int16 data1,data2;
.................... unsigned int16 *p;
.................... signed int16 n;
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... if(x <0)
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... if(x ==0)
.................... {
.................... errno=ERANGE;
.................... return(0);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... y = x;
.................... if (y != 1.0)
.................... {
.................... #if !defined(__PCD__)
.................... *((unsigned int8 *)(&y)) = 0x7E;
.................... #endif
.................... p= (((unsigned int16 *)(&y))+3);
.................... data1 = *p;
.................... data2 = *p;
.................... data1 = 0x3FE;
.................... data1 = data1 <<4;
.................... if(bit_test (data2,15))
.................... bit_set(data1,15);
.................... data2 = data2 & 0x000F;
.................... data1 ^=data2;
.................... *p = data1;
.................... y = (y - 1.0)/(y + 1.0);
.................... y2=y*y;
.................... res = pl_64[0]*y2 + pl_64[1];
.................... res = res*y2 + pl_64[2];
.................... res = res*y2 + pl_64[3];
.................... r = ql_64[0]*y2 + ql_64[1];
.................... r = r*y2 + ql_64[2];
.................... r = r*y2 + ql_64[3];
.................... res = y*res/r;
.................... p= (((unsigned int16 *)(&x))+3);
.................... data1 = *p;
.................... bit_clear(data1,15);
.................... data1 = data1 >>4;
.................... n = data1 - 0x3FE;
.................... if (n<0)
.................... r = -(float64)-n;
.................... else
.................... r = (float64)n;
.................... res += r*LN2;
.................... }
.................... else
.................... res = 0.0;
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... #define LN10 2.3025850929940456
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float log10(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : returns the the log base 10 of x
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 log10(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... float32 r;
.................... r = log(x);
.................... r = r/LN10;
.................... return(r);
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for log10() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function log10() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 log10(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... float48 r;
.................... r = log(x);
.................... r = r/LN10;
.................... return(r);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function log10() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 log10(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... float64 r;
.................... r = log(x);
.................... r = r/LN10;
.................... return(r);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float modf(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description :breaks the argument value int integral and fractional parts,
.................... // ach of which have the same sign as the argument. It stores the integral part
.................... // as a float in the object pointed to by the iptr
.................... // Returns : returns the signed fractional part of value.
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 modf(float32 value,float32 *iptr)
.................... {
.................... *iptr=(value < 0.0)? ceil(value): floor(value);
.................... return(value - *iptr);
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for modf() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function modf() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 modf(float48 value,float48 *iptr)
.................... {
.................... *iptr=(value < 0.0)? ceil(value): floor(value);
.................... return(value - *iptr);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function modf() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 modf(float64 value,float64 *iptr)
.................... {
.................... *iptr=(value < 0.0)? ceil(value): floor(value);
.................... return(value - *iptr);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float pwr(float x,float y)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : returns the value (x^y)
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 pwr(float32 x,float32 y)
.................... {
.................... if(x>=0)
.................... return( exp(y*log(x)) );
.................... else
.................... return( -exp(y*log(-x)) );
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for pwr() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function pwr() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 pwr(float48 x,float48 y)
.................... {
.................... if(x>=0)
.................... return( exp(y*log(x)) );
.................... else
.................... return( -exp(y*log(-x)) );
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function pwr() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 pwr(float64 x,float64 y)
.................... {
.................... if(x>=0)
.................... return( exp(y*log(x)) );
.................... else
.................... return( -exp(y*log(-x)) );
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... //////////////////// Power functions ////////////////////
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float pow(float x,float y)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : returns the value (x^y)
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 pow(float32 x,float32 y)
.................... {
.................... if(x>=0)
.................... return( exp(y*log(x)) );
.................... else
.................... return( -exp(y*log(-x)) );
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for pow() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function for pow() data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 pow(float48 x,float48 y)
.................... {
.................... if(x>=0)
.................... return( exp(y*log(x)) );
.................... else
.................... return( -exp(y*log(-x)) );
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function pow() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 pow(float64 x,float64 y)
.................... {
.................... if(x>=0)
.................... return( exp(y*log(x)) );
.................... else
.................... return( -exp(y*log(-x)) );
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float sqrt(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : returns the square root of x
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 sqrt(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... float32 y, res;
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... unsigned int16 data1,data2;
.................... #endif
.................... BYTE *p;
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... if(x < 0)
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... if( x<=0.0)
19D2: MOVLB 6
19D4: CLRF xF1
19D6: CLRF xF0
19D8: CLRF xEF
19DE: RCALL 1948
19E0: BC 19E4
19E2: BNZ 19EE
.................... return(0.0);
19E4: CLRF 00
19E6: CLRF 01
19E8: CLRF 02
19EA: CLRF 03
.................... y=x;
19F2: MOVFF 6DE,6E2
19F6: MOVFF 6DD,6E1
.................... #if !defined(__PCD__)
.................... p=&y;
19FE: MOVLW 06
1A00: MOVLB 6
1A02: MOVWF xE9
1A04: MOVLW E0
1A06: MOVWF xE8
.................... (*p)=(BYTE)((((unsigned int16)(*p)) + 127) >> 1);
1A08: MOVFF 6E8,FE9
1A12: CLRF xED
1A16: MOVLW 7F
1A1A: MOVLW 00
1A1E: BCF FD8.0
1A20: RRCF xED,W
1A22: RRCF xEC,W
1A28: MOVFF 6E8,FE9
.................... #endif
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... p = (((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+3);
.................... data1 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+3);
.................... data2 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+2);
.................... rotate_left(&data1,1);
.................... if(bit_test(data2,7))
.................... bit_set(data1,0);
.................... data1 = ((data1+127) >>1);
.................... bit_clear(data2,7);
.................... if(bit_test(data1,0))
.................... bit_set(data2,7);
.................... data1 = data1 >>1;
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+3) = data1;
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+2) = data2;
.................... #endif
.................... do {
.................... res=y;
1A2E: MOVFF 6E3,6E7
1A32: MOVFF 6E2,6E6
1A36: MOVFF 6E1,6E5
1A3A: MOVFF 6E0,6E4
.................... y+=(x/y);
1A4E: MOVFF 6E3,6F1
1A52: MOVFF 6E2,6F0
1A56: MOVFF 6E1,6EF
1A60: RCALL 16BA
1A62: BCF FD8.1
1A64: MOVFF 6E3,6ED
1A68: MOVFF 6E2,6EC
1A70: MOVFF 6E0,6EA
1A74: MOVFF 03,6F1
1A78: MOVFF 02,6F0
1A7C: MOVFF 01,6EF
1A80: MOVFF 00,6EE
1A84: RCALL 1442
1A86: MOVFF 03,6E3
1A8A: MOVFF 02,6E2
1A8E: MOVFF 01,6E1
1A92: MOVFF 00,6E0
.................... #if !defined(__PCD__)
.................... (*p)--;
1A96: MOVLB 6
1A98: MOVFF 6E8,FE9
.................... #endif
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... data1 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+3);
.................... data2 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+2);
.................... rotate_left(&data1,1);
.................... if(bit_test(data2,7))
.................... bit_set(data1,0);
.................... data1--;
.................... bit_clear(data2,7);
.................... if(bit_test(data1,0))
.................... bit_set(data2,7);
.................... data1 = data1 >>1;
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+3) = data1;
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+2) = data2;
.................... #endif
.................... } while(res != y);
1AB2: MOVFF 6E3,6F1
1AB6: MOVFF 6E2,6F0
1AC4: RCALL 1948
.................... return(res);
1ACE: MOVFF 6E4,00
1AD2: MOVFF 6E5,01
1AD6: MOVFF 6E6,02
1ADA: MOVFF 6E7,03
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for sqrt() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function sqrt() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 sqrt(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... float48 y, res;
.................... unsigned int16 data1,data2;
.................... BYTE *p;
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... if(x < 0)
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... if( x<=0.0)
.................... return(0.0);
.................... y=x;
.................... #if !defined(__PCD__)
.................... p=&y;
.................... (*p)=(BYTE)((((unsigned int16)(*p)) + 127) >> 1);
.................... #endif
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... p = (((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+5);
.................... data1 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+5);
.................... data2 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+4);
.................... rotate_left(&data1,1);
.................... if(bit_test(data2,7))
.................... bit_set(data1,0);
.................... data1 = ((data1+127) >>1);
.................... bit_clear(data2,7);
.................... if(bit_test(data1,0))
.................... bit_set(data2,7);
.................... data1 = data1 >>1;
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+5) = data1;
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+4) = data2;
.................... #endif
.................... do {
.................... res=y;
.................... y+=(x/y);
.................... #if !defined(__PCD__)
.................... (*p)--;
.................... #endif
.................... data1 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+5);
.................... data2 = *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+4);
.................... rotate_left(&data1,1);
.................... if(bit_test(data2,7))
.................... bit_set(data1,0);
.................... data1--;
.................... bit_clear(data2,7);
.................... if(bit_test(data1,0))
.................... bit_set(data2,7);
.................... data1 = data1 >>1;
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+5) = data1;
.................... *(((unsigned int8 *)(&y))+4) = data2;
.................... } while(res != y);
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function sqrt() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 sqrt(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... float64 y, res;
.................... unsigned int16 *p;
.................... unsigned int16 temp1,temp2;
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... if(x < 0)
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... if( x<=0.0)
.................... return(0.0);
.................... y=x;
.................... p= (((unsigned int16 *)(&y))+3);
.................... temp1 = *p;
.................... temp2 = *p;
.................... bit_clear(temp1,15);
.................... temp1 = (temp1>>4)+1023;
.................... temp1 = temp1 >> 1;
.................... temp1 = (temp1<<4) & 0xFFF0;
.................... if(bit_test(temp2,15))
.................... bit_set(temp1,15);
.................... temp2 = temp2 & 0x000F;
.................... temp1 ^= temp2;
.................... (*p) = temp1;
.................... do {
.................... res=y;
.................... y+=(x/y);
.................... temp1 = *p;
.................... temp2 = *p;
.................... bit_clear(temp1,15);
.................... temp1 = (temp1>>4);
.................... temp1--;
.................... temp1 = (temp1<<4) & 0xFFF0;
.................... if(bit_test(temp2,15))
.................... bit_set(temp1,15);
.................... temp2 = temp2 & 0x000F;
.................... temp1 ^= temp2;
.................... (*p) = temp1;
.................... } while(res != y);
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////// Trig Functions //////////////////////////////
.................... #ifdef PI_DIV_BY_TWO
.................... #undef PI_DIV_BY_TWO
.................... #endif
.................... #define PI_DIV_BY_TWO 1.5707963267948966
.................... #ifdef TWOBYPI
.................... #undef TWOBYPI
.................... #define TWOBYPI 0.6366197723675813
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float cos(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : returns the cosine value of the angle x, which is in radian
.................... // Date : 9/20/2001
.................... //
.................... float32 cos(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... float32 y, t, t2 = 1.0;
.................... unsigned int8 quad, i;
.................... float32 frac;
.................... float32 p[4] = {
.................... -0.499999993585,
.................... 0.041666636258,
.................... -0.0013888361399,
.................... 0.00002476016134
.................... };
.................... if (x < 0) x = -x; // absolute value of input
.................... quad = (unsigned int8)(x / PI_DIV_BY_TWO); // quadrant
.................... frac = (x / PI_DIV_BY_TWO) - quad; // fractional part of input
.................... quad = quad % 4; // quadrant (0 to 3)
.................... if (quad == 0 || quad == 2)
.................... t = frac * PI_DIV_BY_TWO;
.................... else if (quad == 1)
.................... t = (1-frac) * PI_DIV_BY_TWO;
.................... else // should be 3
.................... t = (frac-1) * PI_DIV_BY_TWO;
.................... y = 0.999999999781;
.................... t = t * t;
.................... for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
.................... {
.................... t2 = t2 * t;
.................... y = y + p[i] * t2;
.................... }
.................... if (quad == 2 || quad == 1)
.................... y = -y; // correct sign
.................... return (y);
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for cos() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function cos() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 cos(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... float48 y, t, t2 = 1.0;
.................... unsigned int8 quad, i;
.................... float48 frac;
.................... float48 p[4] = {
.................... -0.499999993585,
.................... 0.041666636258,
.................... -0.0013888361399,
.................... 0.00002476016134
.................... };
.................... if (x < 0) x = -x; // absolute value of input
.................... quad = (unsigned int8)(x / PI_DIV_BY_TWO); // quadrant
.................... frac = (x / PI_DIV_BY_TWO) - quad; // fractional part of input
.................... quad = quad % 4; // quadrant (0 to 3)
.................... if (quad == 0 || quad == 2)
.................... t = frac * PI_DIV_BY_TWO;
.................... else if (quad == 1)
.................... t = (1-frac) * PI_DIV_BY_TWO;
.................... else // should be 3
.................... t = (frac-1) * PI_DIV_BY_TWO;
.................... y = 0.999999999781;
.................... t = t * t;
.................... for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
.................... {
.................... t2 = t2 * t;
.................... y = y + p[i] * t2;
.................... }
.................... if (quad == 2 || quad == 1)
.................... y = -y; // correct sign
.................... return (y);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function cos() for data type - Float48
.................... float64 cos(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... float64 y, t, t2 = 1.0;
.................... unsigned int8 quad, i;
.................... float64 frac;
.................... float64 p[4] = {
.................... -0.499999993585,
.................... 0.041666636258,
.................... -0.0013888361399,
.................... 0.00002476016134
.................... };
.................... if (x < 0) x = -x; // absolute value of input
.................... quad = (unsigned int8)(x / PI_DIV_BY_TWO); // quadrant
.................... frac = (x / PI_DIV_BY_TWO) - quad; // fractional part of input
.................... quad = quad % 4; // quadrant (0 to 3)
.................... if (quad == 0 || quad == 2)
.................... t = frac * PI_DIV_BY_TWO;
.................... else if (quad == 1)
.................... t = (1-frac) * PI_DIV_BY_TWO;
.................... else // should be 3
.................... t = (frac-1) * PI_DIV_BY_TWO;
.................... y = 0.999999999781;
.................... t = t * t;
.................... for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
.................... {
.................... t2 = t2 * t;
.................... y = y + p[i] * t2;
.................... }
.................... if (quad == 2 || quad == 1)
.................... y = -y; // correct sign
.................... return (y);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float sin(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : returns the sine value of the angle x, which is in radian
.................... // Date : 9/20/2001
.................... //
.................... float32 sin(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... return cos(x - PI_DIV_BY_TWO);
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for sin() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function sin() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 sin(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... return cos(x - PI_DIV_BY_TWO);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function sin() for data type - Float48
.................... float64 sin(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... return cos(x - PI_DIV_BY_TWO);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float tan(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : returns the tangent value of the angle x, which is in radian
.................... // Date : 9/20/2001
.................... //
.................... float32 tan(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... float32 c, s;
.................... c = cos(x);
.................... if (c == 0.0)
.................... return (1.0e+36);
.................... s = sin(x);
.................... return(s/c);
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for tan() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function tan() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 tan(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... float48 c, s;
.................... c = cos(x);
.................... if (c == 0.0)
.................... return (1.0e+36);
.................... s = sin(x);
.................... return(s/c);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function tan() for data type - Float48
.................... float64 tan(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... float64 c, s;
.................... c = cos(x);
.................... if (c == 0.0)
.................... return (1.0e+36);
.................... s = sin(x);
.................... return(s/c);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... float32 const pas[3] = {0.49559947, -4.6145309, 5.6036290};
.................... float32 const qas[3] = {1.0000000, -5.5484666, 5.6036290};
.................... float32 ASIN_COS(float32 x, unsigned int8 n)
.................... {
.................... float32 y, res, r, y2;
.................... int1 s;
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... if(x <-1 || x > 1)
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... s = 0;
.................... y = x;
.................... if (x < 0)
.................... {
.................... s = 1;
.................... y = -y;
.................... }
.................... if (y > 0.5)
.................... {
.................... y = sqrt((1.0 - y)/2.0);
.................... n += 2;
.................... }
.................... y2=y*y;
.................... res = pas[0]*y2 + pas[1];
.................... res = res*y2 + pas[2];
.................... r = qas[0]*y2 + qas[1];
.................... r = r*y2 + qas[2];
.................... res = y*res/r;
.................... if (n & 2) // |x| > 0.5
.................... res = PI_DIV_BY_TWO - 2.0*res;
.................... if (s)
.................... res = -res;
.................... if (n & 1) // take arccos
.................... res = PI_DIV_BY_TWO - res;
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for ASIN_COS() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function ASIN_COS() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 ASIN_COS(float48 x, unsigned int8 n)
.................... {
.................... float48 y, res, r, y2;
.................... int1 s;
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... if(x <-1 || x > 1)
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... s = 0;
.................... y = x;
.................... if (x < 0)
.................... {
.................... s = 1;
.................... y = -y;
.................... }
.................... if (y > 0.5)
.................... {
.................... y = sqrt((1.0 - y)/2.0);
.................... n += 2;
.................... }
.................... y2=y*y;
.................... res = pas[0]*y2 + pas[1];
.................... res = res*y2 + pas[2];
.................... r = qas[0]*y2 + qas[1];
.................... r = r*y2 + qas[2];
.................... res = y*res/r;
.................... if (n & 2) // |x| > 0.5
.................... res = PI_DIV_BY_TWO - 2.0*res;
.................... if (s)
.................... res = -res;
.................... if (n & 1) // take arccos
.................... res = PI_DIV_BY_TWO - res;
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function ASIN_COS() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 ASIN_COS(float64 x, unsigned int8 n)
.................... {
.................... float64 y, res, r, y2;
.................... int1 s;
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... if(x <-1 || x > 1)
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... s = 0;
.................... y = x;
.................... if (x < 0)
.................... {
.................... s = 1;
.................... y = -y;
.................... }
.................... if (y > 0.5)
.................... {
.................... y = sqrt((1.0 - y)/2.0);
.................... n += 2;
.................... }
.................... y2=y*y;
.................... res = pas[0]*y2 + pas[1];
.................... res = res*y2 + pas[2];
.................... r = qas[0]*y2 + qas[1];
.................... r = r*y2 + qas[2];
.................... res = y*res/r;
.................... if (n & 2) // |x| > 0.5
.................... res = PI_DIV_BY_TWO - 2.0*res;
.................... if (s)
.................... res = -res;
.................... if (n & 1) // take arccos
.................... res = PI_DIV_BY_TWO - res;
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float asin(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : returns the arcsine value of the value x.
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 asin(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... float32 r;
.................... r = ASIN_COS(x, 0);
.................... return(r);
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for asin() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function asin() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 asin(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... float48 r;
.................... r = ASIN_COS(x, 0);
.................... return(r);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function asin() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 asin(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... float64 r;
.................... r = ASIN_COS(x, 0);
.................... return(r);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float acos(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : returns the arccosine value of the value x.
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 acos(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... float32 r;
.................... r = ASIN_COS(x, 1);
.................... return(r);
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for acos() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function acos() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 acos(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... float48 r;
.................... r = ASIN_COS(x, 1);
.................... return(r);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function acos() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 acos(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... float64 r;
.................... r = ASIN_COS(x, 1);
.................... return(r);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... float32 const pat[4] = {0.17630401, 5.6710795, 22.376096, 19.818457};
.................... float32 const qat[4] = {1.0000000, 11.368190, 28.982246, 19.818457};
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float atan(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : returns the arctangent value of the value x.
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 atan(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... float32 y, res, r;
.................... int1 s, flag;
.................... s = 0;
.................... flag = 0;
.................... y = x;
.................... if (x < 0)
.................... {
.................... s = 1;
.................... y = -y;
.................... }
.................... if (y > 1.0)
.................... {
.................... y = 1.0/y;
.................... flag = 1;
.................... }
.................... res = pat[0]*y*y + pat[1];
.................... res = res*y*y + pat[2];
.................... res = res*y*y + pat[3];
.................... r = qat[0]*y*y + qat[1];
.................... r = r*y*y + qat[2];
.................... r = r*y*y + qat[3];
.................... res = y*res/r;
.................... if (flag) // for |x| > 1
.................... res = PI_DIV_BY_TWO - res;
.................... if (s)
.................... res = -res;
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for atan() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function atan() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 atan(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... float48 y, res, r;
.................... int1 s, flag;
.................... s = 0;
.................... flag = 0;
.................... y = x;
.................... if (x < 0)
.................... {
.................... s = 1;
.................... y = -y;
.................... }
.................... if (y > 1.0)
.................... {
.................... y = 1.0/y;
.................... flag = 1;
.................... }
.................... res = pat[0]*y*y + pat[1];
.................... res = res*y*y + pat[2];
.................... res = res*y*y + pat[3];
.................... r = qat[0]*y*y + qat[1];
.................... r = r*y*y + qat[2];
.................... r = r*y*y + qat[3];
.................... res = y*res/r;
.................... if (flag) // for |x| > 1
.................... res = PI_DIV_BY_TWO - res;
.................... if (s)
.................... res = -res;
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function atan() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 atan(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... float64 y, res, r;
.................... int1 s, flag;
.................... s = 0;
.................... flag = 0;
.................... y = x;
.................... if (x < 0)
.................... {
.................... s = 1;
.................... y = -y;
.................... }
.................... if (y > 1.0)
.................... {
.................... y = 1.0/y;
.................... flag = 1;
.................... }
.................... res = pat[0]*y*y + pat[1];
.................... res = res*y*y + pat[2];
.................... res = res*y*y + pat[3];
.................... r = qat[0]*y*y + qat[1];
.................... r = r*y*y + qat[2];
.................... r = r*y*y + qat[3];
.................... res = y*res/r;
.................... if (flag) // for |x| > 1
.................... res = PI_DIV_BY_TWO - res;
.................... if (s)
.................... res = -res;
.................... return(res);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float atan2(float y, float x)
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description :computes the principal value of arc tangent of y/x, using the
.................... // signs of both the arguments to determine the quadrant of the return value
.................... // Returns : returns the arc tangent of y/x.
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 atan2(float32 y,float32 x)
.................... {
.................... float32 z;
.................... int1 sign;
.................... unsigned int8 quad;
.................... sign=0;
.................... quad=0; //quadrant
.................... quad=((y<=0.0)?((x<=0.0)?3:4):((x<0.0)?2:1));
.................... if(y<0.0)
.................... {
.................... sign=1;
.................... y=-y;
.................... }
.................... if(x<0.0)
.................... {
.................... x=-x;
.................... }
.................... if (x==0.0)
.................... {
.................... if(y==0.0)
.................... {
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... if(sign)
.................... {
.................... return (-(PI_DIV_BY_TWO));
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... return (PI_DIV_BY_TWO);
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... z=y/x;
.................... switch(quad)
.................... {
.................... case 1:
.................... {
.................... return atan(z);
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... case 2:
.................... {
.................... // return (atan(z)+PI_DIV_BY_TWO); //2L3122
.................... return (PI-atan(z));
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... case 3:
.................... {
.................... return (atan(z)-PI);
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... case 4:
.................... {
.................... return (-atan(z));
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for atan2() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function atan2() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 atan2(float48 y,float48 x)
.................... {
.................... float48 z;
.................... int1 sign;
.................... unsigned int8 quad;
.................... sign=0;
.................... quad=0; //quadrant
.................... quad=((y<=0.0)?((x<=0.0)?3:4):((x<0.0)?2:1));
.................... if(y<0.0)
.................... {
.................... sign=1;
.................... y=-y;
.................... }
.................... if(x<0.0)
.................... {
.................... x=-x;
.................... }
.................... if (x==0.0)
.................... {
.................... if(y==0.0)
.................... {
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... if(sign)
.................... {
.................... return (-(PI_DIV_BY_TWO));
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... return (PI_DIV_BY_TWO);
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... z=y/x;
.................... switch(quad)
.................... {
.................... case 1:
.................... {
.................... return atan(z);
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... case 2:
.................... {
.................... // return (atan(z)+PI_DIV_BY_TWO); //2L3122
.................... return (PI-atan(z));
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... case 3:
.................... {
.................... return (atan(z)-PI);
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... case 4:
.................... {
.................... return (-atan(z));
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function atan2() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 atan2(float64 y,float64 x)
.................... {
.................... float64 z;
.................... int1 sign;
.................... unsigned int8 quad;
.................... sign=0;
.................... quad=0; //quadrant
.................... quad=((y<=0.0)?((x<=0.0)?3:4):((x<0.0)?2:1));
.................... if(y<0.0)
.................... {
.................... sign=1;
.................... y=-y;
.................... }
.................... if(x<0.0)
.................... {
.................... x=-x;
.................... }
.................... if (x==0.0)
.................... {
.................... if(y==0.0)
.................... {
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... {
.................... errno=EDOM;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... if(sign)
.................... {
.................... return (-(PI_DIV_BY_TWO));
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... return (PI_DIV_BY_TWO);
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... z=y/x;
.................... switch(quad)
.................... {
.................... case 1:
.................... {
.................... return atan(z);
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... case 2:
.................... {
.................... // return (atan(z)+PI_DIV_BY_TWO); //2L3122
.................... return (PI-atan(z));
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... case 3:
.................... {
.................... return (atan(z)-PI);
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... case 4:
.................... {
.................... return (-atan(z));
.................... break;
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... //////////////////// Hyperbolic functions ////////////////////
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float cosh(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : Computes the hyperbolic cosine value of x
.................... // Returns : returns the hyperbolic cosine value of x
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 cosh(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... return ((exp(x)+exp(-x))/2);
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for cosh() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function cosh() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 cosh(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... return ((exp(x)+exp(-x))/2);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function cosh() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 cosh(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... return ((exp(x)+exp(-x))/2);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float sinh(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : Computes the hyperbolic sine value of x
.................... // Returns : returns the hyperbolic sine value of x
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 sinh(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... return ((exp(x) - exp(-x))/2);
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for sinh() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function sinh() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 sinh(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... return ((exp(x) - exp(-x))/2);
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function sinh() for data type - Float48
.................... float64 sinh(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... return ((exp(x) - exp(-x))/2);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float tanh(float x)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : Computes the hyperbolic tangent value of x
.................... // Returns : returns the hyperbolic tangent value of x
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 tanh(float32 x)
.................... {
.................... return(sinh(x)/cosh(x));
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for tanh() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function tanh() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 tanh(float48 x)
.................... {
.................... return(sinh(x)/cosh(x));
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function tanh() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 tanh(float64 x)
.................... {
.................... return(sinh(x)/cosh(x));
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float frexp(float x, signed int *exp)
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : breaks a floating point number into a normalized fraction and an integral
.................... // power of 2. It stores the integer in the signed int object pointed to by exp.
.................... // Returns : returns the value x, such that x is a double with magnitude in the interval
.................... // [1/2,1) or zero, and value equals x times 2 raised to the power *exp.If value is zero,
.................... // both parts of the result are zero.
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... #define LOG2 .30102999566398119521
.................... float32 frexp(float32 x, signed int8 *exp)
.................... {
.................... float32 res;
.................... int1 sign = 0;
.................... if(x == 0.0)
.................... {
.................... *exp=0;
.................... return (0.0);
.................... }
.................... if(x < 0.0)
.................... {
.................... x=-x;
.................... sign=1;
.................... }
.................... if (x > 1.0)
.................... {
.................... *exp=(ceil(log10(x)/LOG2));
.................... res=x/(pow(2, *exp));
.................... if (res == 1)
.................... {
.................... *exp=*exp+1;
.................... res=.5;
.................... }
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... if(x < 0.5)
.................... {
.................... *exp=-1;
.................... res=x*2;
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... *exp=0;
.................... res=x;
.................... }
.................... }
.................... if(sign)
.................... {
.................... res=-res;
.................... }
.................... return res;
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for frexp() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function frexp() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 frexp(float48 x, signed int8 *exp)
.................... {
.................... float48 res;
.................... int1 sign = 0;
.................... if(x == 0.0)
.................... {
.................... *exp=0;
.................... return (0.0);
.................... }
.................... if(x < 0.0)
.................... {
.................... x=-x;
.................... sign=1;
.................... }
.................... if (x > 1.0)
.................... {
.................... *exp=(ceil(log10(x)/LOG2));
.................... res=x/(pow(2, *exp));
.................... if (res == 1)
.................... {
.................... *exp=*exp+1;
.................... res=.5;
.................... }
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... if(x < 0.5)
.................... {
.................... *exp=-1;
.................... res=x*2;
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... *exp=0;
.................... res=x;
.................... }
.................... }
.................... if(sign)
.................... {
.................... res=-res;
.................... }
.................... return res;
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function frexp() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 frexp(float64 x, signed int8 *exp)
.................... {
.................... float64 res;
.................... int1 sign = 0;
.................... if(x == 0.0)
.................... {
.................... *exp=0;
.................... return (0.0);
.................... }
.................... if(x < 0.0)
.................... {
.................... x=-x;
.................... sign=1;
.................... }
.................... if (x > 1.0)
.................... {
.................... *exp=(ceil(log10(x)/LOG2));
.................... res=x/(pow(2, *exp));
.................... if (res == 1)
.................... {
.................... *exp=*exp+1;
.................... res=.5;
.................... }
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... if(x < 0.5)
.................... {
.................... *exp=-1;
.................... res=x*2;
.................... }
.................... else
.................... {
.................... *exp=0;
.................... res=x;
.................... }
.................... }
.................... if(sign)
.................... {
.................... res=-res;
.................... }
.................... return res;
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // float ldexp(float x, signed int *exp)
.................... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... // Description : multiplies a floating point number by an integral power of 2.
.................... // Returns : returns the value of x times 2 raised to the power exp.
.................... // Date : N/A
.................... //
.................... float32 ldexp(float32 value, signed int8 exp)
.................... {
.................... return (value * pow(2,exp));
.................... }
.................... //Overloaded functions for ldexp() for PCD
.................... // Overloaded function ldexp() for data type - Float48
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 ldexp(float48 value, signed int8 exp)
.................... {
.................... return (value * pow(2,exp));
.................... }
.................... // Overloaded function ldexp() for data type - Float64
.................... float64 ldexp(float64 value, signed int8 exp)
.................... {
.................... return (value * pow(2,exp));
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... #endif
.................... float quadraticerror(float average, float buf[], int16 size) // compute average quadratic error
.................... {
.................... int16 i;
.................... float err=0;
1AE4: CLRF xD4
1AE6: CLRF xD5
1AE8: CLRF xD6
.................... for(i=0; i<size; i++) err += (buf[i]-average)*(buf[i]-average); // sum quadratic errors
1AF0: MOVF xD3,W
1AF6: BRA 1C48
1AF8: BNZ 1B02
1B00: BRA 1C48
1B02: RLCF xD2,W
1B04: MOVWF 02
1B06: RLCF xD3,W
1B08: MOVWF 03
1B0A: RLCF 02,F
1B0C: RLCF 03,F
1B10: ANDWF 02,F
1B12: MOVF 02,W
1B18: MOVF xCF,W
1B36: BSF FD8.1
1B40: MOVFF 6D9,6EB
1B44: MOVFF 6D8,6EA
1B48: MOVFF 6CD,6F1
1B58: MOVLB 0
1B5A: RCALL 1442
1B64: MOVFF 00,6D8
1B68: MOVFF 01,6D9
1B6C: MOVFF 02,6DA
1B70: MOVFF 03,6DB
1B74: MOVLB 6
1B76: RLCF xD2,W
1B78: MOVWF 02
1B7A: RLCF xD3,W
1B7C: MOVWF 03
1B7E: RLCF 02,F
1B80: RLCF 03,F
1B84: ANDWF 02,F
1B86: MOVF 02,W
1BCE: RCALL 1442
1BE0: MOVFF 6D9,6E5
1BE4: MOVFF 6D8,6E4
1BE8: MOVFF 03,6EB
1BF0: MOVFF 01,6E9
1BF4: MOVFF 00,6E8
1BF8: RCALL 1852
1C02: BCF FD8.1
1C04: MOVFF 6D7,6ED
1C08: MOVFF 6D6,6EC
1C10: MOVFF 6D4,6EA
1C14: MOVFF 03,6F1
1C18: MOVFF 02,6F0
1C1C: MOVFF 01,6EF
1C20: MOVFF 00,6EE
1C24: RCALL 1442
1C2E: MOVFF 03,6D7
1C32: MOVFF 02,6D6
1C36: MOVFF 01,6D5
1C3A: MOVFF 00,6D4
1C40: INCF xD2,F
1C42: BTFSC FD8.2
1C44: INCF xD3,F
1C46: BRA 1AF0
.................... err = sqrt((1/(float)size)*err);
1C48: MOVFF 6D1,6D9
1C4C: MOVFF 6D0,6D8
1C50: MOVLB 0
1C52: CALL 140C
1C56: MOVLB 6
1C58: CLRF xED
1C62: MOVFF 03,6F1
1C66: MOVFF 02,6F0
1C6A: MOVFF 01,6EF
1C6E: MOVFF 00,6EE
1C72: MOVLB 0
1C74: RCALL 16BA
1C76: MOVFF 00,6D8
1C7A: MOVFF 01,6D9
1C7E: MOVFF 02,6DA
1C82: MOVFF 03,6DB
1C86: MOVFF 03,6E7
1C8A: MOVFF 02,6E6
1C8E: MOVFF 01,6E5
1C92: MOVFF 00,6E4
1C96: MOVFF 6D7,6EB
1C9E: MOVFF 6D5,6E9
1CA2: MOVFF 6D4,6E8
1CA6: RCALL 1852
1CA8: MOVFF 00,6D8
1CAC: MOVFF 01,6D9
1CB0: MOVFF 02,6DA
1CB4: MOVFF 03,6DB
1CB8: MOVFF 03,6DF
1CC0: MOVFF 01,6DD
1CC4: MOVFF 00,6DC
1CC8: BRA 19C2
1CCA: MOVFF 03,6D7
1CCE: MOVFF 02,6D6
1CD2: MOVFF 01,6D5
1CD6: MOVFF 00,6D4
.................... return err;
1CDA: MOVFF 6D4,00
1CDE: MOVFF 6D5,01
1CE2: MOVFF 6D6,02
1CE6: MOVFF 6D7,03
.................... }
.................... void main()
.................... {
1F62: CLRF FF8
1F64: BCF FD0.7
1F66: BSF 08.7
1F70: IORLW 0F
1F74: MOVLW 07
1F78: CLRF 21
1F7A: MOVLW 04
1F7C: MOVWF 22
1F80: MOVWF 23
1F82: CLRF 24
1F84: CLRF 28
1F86: CLRF x7C
1F88: CLRF x83
.................... float x[BUFLEN], y[BUFLEN], z[BUFLEN];
.................... float xavg, yavg, zavg;
.................... int i;
.................... port_b_pullups(FALSE);
1F8A: BSF FF1.7
.................... setup_psp(PSP_DISABLED);
1F8C: BCF FB0.4
.................... setup_spi(SPI_SS_DISABLED);
1F8E: BCF FC6.5
1F90: BCF F94.7
1F92: BSF F93.0
1F94: BCF F93.1
1F96: MOVLW 01
1F9A: MOVLW 00
.................... setup_wdt(WDT_OFF);
1F9E: BCF FD1.0
.................... setup_timer_0(RTCC_INTERNAL|RTCC_DIV_256);
1FA0: MOVLW 87
.................... setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED);
.................... setup_timer_2(T2_DISABLED,0,1);
1FA6: MOVLW 00
.................... setup_timer_3(T3_DISABLED|T3_DIV_BY_1);
.................... setup_comparator(NC_NC_NC_NC);
1FB0: MOVLW 07
1FB4: MOVF F92,W
1FB8: MOVLW 13
1FC0: BRA 1FC2
1FC4: BCF FA1.6
.................... setup_vref(FALSE);
.................... enable_interrupts(INT_TIMER0);
1FC8: BSF FF2.5
.................... enable_interrupts(GLOBAL);
.................... setup_adc_ports(AN0_TO_AN2|VSS_VREF);
.................... setup_adc(ADC_CLOCK_DIV_32);
1FD6: BCF FC0.0
1FD8: BSF FC0.1
.................... usb_init(); // initialise USB module
1FE0: GOTO 1368
.................... while(!usb_cdc_connected());
1FE4: BTFSS x80.0
1FE6: BRA 1FE4
.................... time=0;
.................... set_timer0(0);
.................... printf(usb_cdc_putc,"time[s] X Xerr Y Yerr Z Zerr \n\r");
1FF6: CLRF xB1
1FF8: MOVF xB1,W
2000: MOVLB 3
2002: INCF xB1,F
2004: MOVWF 00
2006: MOVFF FE8,6DB
200A: MOVLB 0
200C: CALL 13D4
2010: MOVLW 25
2012: MOVLB 3
2014: SUBWF xB1,W
2016: BNZ 1FF8
.................... while(usb_cdc_connected()) // pockej nez se pripoji seriovy port PC
.................... {
2018: MOVLB 0
201A: BTFSS x80.0
201C: BRA 25DE
.................... for(i=0; i <BUFLEN; i++)
201E: MOVLB 3
2020: CLRF xB0
2022: MOVF xB0,W
2024: SUBLW 63
2026: BTFSS FD8.0
2028: BRA 2300
.................... {
.................... set_adc_channel(0);
202A: MOVLW 00
202C: MOVWF 01
202E: MOVF FC2,W
2030: ANDLW C3
2032: IORWF 01,W
2034: MOVWF FC2
.................... delay_us(10);
2036: MOVLW 13
2038: MOVWF 00
203A: DECFSZ 00,F
203C: BRA 203A
203E: BRA 2040
2040: CLRF 18
2042: BTFSC FF2.7
2044: BSF 18.7
2046: BCF FF2.7
.................... x[i]=read_adc();
2048: MOVLB 7
204A: CLRF x49
204C: MOVFF 3B0,748
2050: CLRF x4B
2052: MOVLW 04
2054: MOVWF x4A
2056: MOVLB 0
2058: CALL 02BA
205C: BTFSC 18.7
205E: BSF FF2.7
2060: MOVFF 02,03
2064: MOVF 01,W
2066: ADDLW 84
2068: MOVWF FE9
206A: MOVLW 00
206C: ADDWFC 02,W
2070: BSF FC2.1
2072: BTFSC FC2.1
2074: BRA 2072
2076: MOVFF FC4,6D9
207A: MOVFF FC3,6D8
207E: MOVLB 0
2080: CALL 140C
2084: MOVFF 00,FEF
2088: MOVFF 01,FEC
208C: MOVFF 02,FEC
2090: MOVFF 03,FEC
2094: CLRF 18
2096: BTFSC FF2.7
2098: BSF 18.7
209A: BCF FF2.7
.................... xavg+=x[i];
209C: MOVLB 7
209E: CLRF x49
20A0: MOVFF 3B0,748
20A4: CLRF x4B
20A6: MOVLW 04
20A8: MOVWF x4A
20B0: BTFSC 18.7
20B2: BSF FF2.7
20B4: MOVFF 02,03
20B8: MOVF 01,W
20BA: ADDLW 84
20BE: MOVLW 00
20C0: ADDWFC 02,W
20C4: MOVFF FEF,00
20C8: MOVFF FEC,01
20D0: MOVFF FEC,03
20D8: MOVFF FE9,3B1
20DC: BCF FD8.1
20E2: MOVFF 3A6,6EC
20E6: MOVFF 3A5,6EB
20EE: MOVFF 03,6F1
20F2: MOVFF 02,6F0
20F6: MOVFF 01,6EF
20FA: MOVFF 00,6EE
20FE: CALL 1442
2102: MOVFF 3B2,FEA
2106: MOVFF 3B1,FE9
210A: MOVFF 03,3A7
210E: MOVFF 02,3A6
2112: MOVFF 01,3A5
2116: MOVFF 00,3A4
.................... set_adc_channel(1);
211A: MOVLW 04
211C: MOVWF 01
211E: MOVF FC2,W
2120: ANDLW C3
2122: IORWF 01,W
2124: MOVWF FC2
.................... delay_us(10);
2126: MOVLW 13
2128: MOVWF 00
212A: DECFSZ 00,F
212C: BRA 212A
212E: BRA 2130
2130: CLRF 18
2132: BTFSC FF2.7
2134: BSF 18.7
2136: BCF FF2.7
.................... y[i]=read_adc();
2138: MOVLB 7
213A: CLRF x49
213C: MOVFF 3B0,748
2140: CLRF x4B
2142: MOVLW 04
2144: MOVWF x4A
2146: MOVLB 0
2148: CALL 02BA
214C: BTFSC 18.7
214E: BSF FF2.7
2150: MOVFF 02,03
2154: MOVF 01,W
2156: ADDLW 14
2158: MOVWF FE9
215A: MOVLW 02
215C: ADDWFC 02,W
2160: BSF FC2.1
2162: BTFSC FC2.1
2164: BRA 2162
2166: MOVFF FC4,6D9
216A: MOVFF FC3,6D8
216E: MOVLB 0
2170: CALL 140C
2174: MOVFF 00,FEF
2178: MOVFF 01,FEC
217C: MOVFF 02,FEC
2180: MOVFF 03,FEC
2184: CLRF 18
2186: BTFSC FF2.7
2188: BSF 18.7
218A: BCF FF2.7
.................... yavg+=y[i];
218C: MOVLB 7
218E: CLRF x49
2190: MOVFF 3B0,748
2194: CLRF x4B
2196: MOVLW 04
2198: MOVWF x4A
219A: MOVLB 0
219C: CALL 02BA
21A0: BTFSC 18.7
21A2: BSF FF2.7
21A4: MOVFF 02,03
21A8: MOVF 01,W
21AA: ADDLW 14
21AE: MOVLW 02
21B0: ADDWFC 02,W
21B4: MOVFF FEF,00
21B8: MOVFF FEC,01
21C0: MOVFF FEC,03
21C8: MOVFF FE9,3B1
21CC: BCF FD8.1
21D6: MOVFF 3A9,6EB
21DE: MOVFF 03,6F1
21E2: MOVFF 02,6F0
21E6: MOVFF 01,6EF
21EA: MOVFF 00,6EE
21EE: CALL 1442
21F6: MOVFF 3B1,FE9
21FA: MOVFF 03,3AB
21FE: MOVFF 02,3AA
2202: MOVFF 01,3A9
2206: MOVFF 00,3A8
.................... set_adc_channel(2);
220A: MOVLW 08
220C: MOVWF 01
220E: MOVF FC2,W
2210: ANDLW C3
2212: IORWF 01,W
2214: MOVWF FC2
.................... delay_us(10);
2216: MOVLW 13
2218: MOVWF 00
221A: DECFSZ 00,F
221C: BRA 221A
221E: BRA 2220
2220: CLRF 18
2222: BTFSC FF2.7
2224: BSF 18.7
2226: BCF FF2.7
.................... z[i]=read_adc();
2228: MOVLB 7
222A: CLRF x49
222C: MOVFF 3B0,748
2230: CLRF x4B
2232: MOVLW 04
2234: MOVWF x4A
2236: MOVLB 0
2238: CALL 02BA
223C: BTFSC 18.7
223E: BSF FF2.7
2240: MOVFF 02,03
2244: MOVF 01,W
2246: ADDLW 20
2248: MOVWF FE9
224A: MOVLW 05
224C: ADDWFC 02,W
2250: BSF FC2.1
2252: BTFSC FC2.1
2254: BRA 2252
2256: MOVFF FC4,6D9
225A: MOVFF FC3,6D8
225E: MOVLB 0
2260: CALL 140C
2264: MOVFF 00,FEF
2268: MOVFF 01,FEC
226C: MOVFF 02,FEC
2270: MOVFF 03,FEC
2274: CLRF 18
2276: BTFSC FF2.7
2278: BSF 18.7
227A: BCF FF2.7
.................... zavg+=z[i];
227C: MOVLB 7
227E: CLRF x49
2280: MOVFF 3B0,748
2284: CLRF x4B
2286: MOVLW 04
2288: MOVWF x4A
228A: MOVLB 0
228C: CALL 02BA
2290: BTFSC 18.7
2292: BSF FF2.7
2294: MOVFF 02,03
2298: MOVF 01,W
229A: ADDLW 20
229E: MOVLW 05
22A0: ADDWFC 02,W
22A4: MOVFF FEF,00
22A8: MOVFF FEC,01
22B0: MOVFF FEC,03
22B8: MOVFF FE9,3B1
22BC: BCF FD8.1
22CE: MOVFF 03,6F1
22D2: MOVFF 02,6F0
22D6: MOVFF 01,6EF
22DA: MOVFF 00,6EE
22DE: CALL 1442
22E6: MOVFF 3B1,FE9
22EA: MOVFF 03,3AF
22EE: MOVFF 02,3AE
22F2: MOVFF 01,3AD
22F6: MOVFF 00,3AC
.................... }
22FC: INCF xB0,F
22FE: BRA 2022
.................... xavg=xavg/BUFLEN;
2300: MOVFF 3A7,6ED
2304: MOVFF 3A6,6EC
2308: MOVFF 3A5,6EB
230C: MOVFF 3A4,6EA
2310: MOVLB 6
2312: CLRF xF1
2314: CLRF xF0
2316: MOVLW 48
2318: MOVWF xEF
231A: MOVLW 85
231E: MOVLB 0
2320: CALL 16BA
2324: MOVFF 03,3A7
2328: MOVFF 02,3A6
232C: MOVFF 01,3A5
2330: MOVFF 00,3A4
.................... yavg=yavg/BUFLEN;
2334: MOVFF 3AB,6ED
2338: MOVFF 3AA,6EC
233C: MOVFF 3A9,6EB
2340: MOVFF 3A8,6EA
2344: MOVLB 6
2346: CLRF xF1
2348: CLRF xF0
234A: MOVLW 48
234E: MOVLW 85
2350: MOVWF xEE
2352: MOVLB 0
2354: CALL 16BA
2358: MOVFF 03,3AB
235C: MOVFF 02,3AA
2360: MOVFF 01,3A9
2364: MOVFF 00,3A8
.................... zavg=zavg/BUFLEN;
2368: MOVFF 3AF,6ED
2370: MOVFF 3AD,6EB
2374: MOVFF 3AC,6EA
2378: MOVLB 6
237A: CLRF xF1
237C: CLRF xF0
237E: MOVLW 48
2380: MOVWF xEF
2382: MOVLW 85
2384: MOVWF xEE
2386: MOVLB 0
2388: CALL 16BA
238C: MOVFF 03,3AF
2390: MOVFF 02,3AE
2394: MOVFF 01,3AD
2398: MOVFF 00,3AC
.................... // odesli namerene hodnoty
.................... printf(usb_cdc_putc, "%7.3f %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f \n\r",((time << 16) + get_timer0())/15625.0, xavg, quadraticerror(xavg,x,BUFLEN), yavg, quadraticerror(yavg,y,BUFLEN), zavg, quadraticerror(zavg,z,BUFLEN)); //konstanta k je kvuli prevodu do rozzumnych jednotek [s]
239C: MOVFF 1A,3B5
23A0: MOVFF 19,3B4
23A4: MOVLB 3
23A6: CLRF xB2
23A8: CLRF xB3
23AC: MOVFF FD7,03
23B0: ADDWF xB2,F
23B2: MOVF FD7,W
23B4: ADDWFC xB3,F
23B6: MOVLW 00
23B8: ADDWFC xB4,F
23BC: MOVFF 3B5,6C5
23C0: MOVFF 3B4,6C4
23C4: MOVFF 3B3,6C3
23C8: MOVFF 3B2,6C2
23CE: GOTO 1818
23D2: MOVFF 03,6ED
23D6: MOVFF 02,6EC
23DA: MOVFF 01,6EB
23DE: MOVFF 00,6EA
23E2: MOVLB 6
23E4: CLRF xF1
23E6: MOVLW 24
23E8: MOVWF xF0
23EA: MOVLW 74
23F2: MOVLB 0
23F4: CALL 16BA
23F8: MOVFF 00,3B2
23FC: MOVFF 01,3B3
2400: MOVFF 02,3B4
2404: MOVFF 03,3B5
2408: MOVFF 3A7,6CD
240C: MOVFF 3A6,6CC
2410: MOVFF 3A5,6CB
2414: MOVFF 3A4,6CA
2418: MOVLB 6
241A: CLRF xCF
241C: MOVLW 84
2420: CLRF xD1
2422: MOVLW 64
2424: MOVWF xD0
2426: MOVLB 0
2428: CALL 1AE2
242C: MOVFF 00,3B6
2430: MOVFF 01,3B7
2434: MOVFF 02,3B8
2438: MOVFF 03,3B9
2440: MOVFF 3AA,6CC
2444: MOVFF 3A9,6CB
2448: MOVFF 3A8,6CA
244C: MOVLW 02
244E: MOVLB 6
2450: MOVWF xCF
2452: MOVLW 14
2454: MOVWF xCE
2456: CLRF xD1
2458: MOVLW 64
245A: MOVWF xD0
245C: MOVLB 0
245E: CALL 1AE2
2462: MOVFF 00,3BA
2466: MOVFF 01,3BB
246A: MOVFF 02,3BC
246E: MOVFF 03,3BD
2472: MOVFF 3AF,6CD
2476: MOVFF 3AE,6CC
2482: MOVLW 05
2484: MOVLB 6
2486: MOVWF xCF
2488: MOVLW 20
248C: CLRF xD1
248E: MOVLW 64
2490: MOVWF xD0
2492: MOVLB 0
2494: CALL 1AE2
2498: MOVFF 00,3BE
249C: MOVFF 01,3BF
24A0: MOVFF 02,3C0
24A4: MOVFF 03,3C1
24A8: MOVLW 06
24AC: MOVFF 3B5,6D1
24B0: MOVFF 3B4,6D0
24B4: MOVFF 3B3,6CF
24B8: MOVFF 3B2,6CE
24BC: MOVLW 03
24C0: MOVWF xD2
24C2: MOVLB 0
24C4: RCALL 1DB0
24C6: MOVLW 20
24C8: MOVLB 6
24CE: CALL 13D4
24D2: MOVLW 03
24D6: MOVFF 3A7,6D1
24DA: MOVFF 3A6,6D0
24E2: MOVFF 3A4,6CE
24E6: MOVLB 6
24E8: MOVWF xD2
24EE: MOVLW 20
24F0: MOVLB 6
24F4: MOVLB 0
24F6: CALL 13D4
24FA: MOVLW 03
24FE: MOVFF 3B9,6D1
2502: MOVFF 3B8,6D0
2506: MOVFF 3B7,6CF
250A: MOVFF 3B6,6CE
250E: MOVLB 6
2510: MOVWF xD2
2512: MOVLB 0
2514: RCALL 1DB0
2516: MOVLW 20
2518: MOVLB 6
251C: MOVLB 0
251E: CALL 13D4
2522: MOVLW 03
2524: MOVWF FE9
2526: MOVFF 3AB,6D1
252A: MOVFF 3AA,6D0
252E: MOVFF 3A9,6CF
2532: MOVFF 3A8,6CE
2536: MOVLB 6
2538: MOVWF xD2
253A: MOVLB 0
253C: RCALL 1DB0
253E: MOVLW 20
2540: MOVLB 6
2542: MOVWF xDB
2544: MOVLB 0
2546: CALL 13D4
254A: MOVLW 03
254E: MOVFF 3BD,6D1
2552: MOVFF 3BC,6D0
2556: MOVFF 3BB,6CF
255E: MOVLB 6
2560: MOVWF xD2
2562: MOVLB 0
2564: RCALL 1DB0
2566: MOVLW 20
2568: MOVLB 6
256C: MOVLB 0
256E: CALL 13D4
2572: MOVLW 03
2574: MOVWF FE9
2576: MOVFF 3AF,6D1
257A: MOVFF 3AE,6D0
2582: MOVFF 3AC,6CE
2586: MOVLB 6
2588: MOVWF xD2
258A: MOVLB 0
258C: RCALL 1DB0
258E: MOVLW 20
2590: MOVLB 6
2592: MOVWF xDB
2594: MOVLB 0
2596: CALL 13D4
259A: MOVLW 03
259E: MOVFF 3C1,6D1
25A2: MOVFF 3C0,6D0
25B0: MOVWF xD2
25B2: MOVLB 0
25B4: CALL 1DB0
25B8: MOVLW 20
25C0: CALL 13D4
25C4: MOVLW 0A
25C6: MOVLB 6
25CC: CALL 13D4
25D0: MOVLW 0D
25D2: MOVLB 6
25D6: MOVLB 0
25D8: CALL 13D4
.................... }
25DC: BRA 201A
.................... }
Configuration Fuses:
0,0 → 1,37
0=0000 %S 0 0 796 451 3 0
[Opened Files]
3=C:\Program Files\PICC\devices\18F4550.h
4=C:\Program Files\PICC\drivers\usb_cdc.h
5=C:\Program Files\PICC\drivers\pic18_usb.h
6=C:\Program Files\PICC\drivers\usb_hw_layer.h
7=C:\Program Files\PICC\drivers\usb_desc_cdc.h
8=C:\Program Files\PICC\drivers\usb.h
9=C:\Program Files\PICC\drivers\usb.c
10=C:\Program Files\PICC\drivers\pic18_usb.c
11=C:\Program Files\PICC\drivers\ctype.h
12=C:\Program Files\PICC\drivers\math.h
[Target Data]
OptionString=-p +FH
1=main.c (main)
0,0 → 1,35
#include <18F4550.h>
#device adc=10
#FUSES NOWDT //No Watch Dog Timer
#FUSES WDT128 //Watch Dog Timer uses 1:128 Postscale
#FUSES HSPLL //Crystal/Resonator with PLL enabled
#FUSES NOPROTECT //Code not protected from reading
#FUSES NOBROWNOUT //No brownout reset
#FUSES BORV20 //Brownout reset at 2.0V
#FUSES NOPUT //No Power Up Timer
#FUSES NOCPD //No EE protection
#FUSES STVREN //Stack full/underflow will cause reset
#FUSES NODEBUG //No Debug mode for ICD
#FUSES NOLVP //No low voltage prgming, B3(PIC16) or B5(PIC18) used for I/O
#FUSES NOWRT //Program memory not write protected
#FUSES NOWRTD //Data EEPROM not write protected
#FUSES IESO //Internal External Switch Over mode enabled
#FUSES FCMEN //Fail-safe clock monitor enabled
#FUSES PBADEN //PORTB pins are configured as analog input channels on RESET
#FUSES NOWRTC //configuration not registers write protected
#FUSES NOWRTB //Boot block not write protected
#FUSES NOEBTR //Memory not protected from table reads
#FUSES NOEBTRB //Boot block not protected from table reads
#FUSES NOCPB //No Boot Block code protection
#FUSES MCLR //Master Clear pin enabled
#FUSES LPT1OSC //Timer1 configured for low-power operation
#FUSES NOXINST //Extended set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
#FUSES PLL5 //Divide By 5(20MHz oscillator input)
#FUSES CPUDIV4 //System Clock by 4
#FUSES USBDIV //USB clock source comes from PLL divide by 2
#FUSES VREGEN //USB voltage regulator enabled
#use delay(clock=24000000)
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,10654
time[s] X Xerr Y Yerr Z Zerr
+ 0.046 510.910 2.646 552.180 2.597 248.150 4.109
+ 12.875 514.109 6.392 560.061 6.748 237.821 11.422
+ 13.033 515.931 5.912 567.050 6.471 237.418 10.110
+ 13.192 517.089 5.853 557.280 7.377 253.744 8.993
+ 13.350 515.690 5.926 554.002 6.857 265.697 3.506
+ 13.510 516.376 5.717 556.970 7.063 259.167 6.161
+ 13.668 517.093 6.134 563.079 6.929 241.881 6.941
+ 13.826 516.271 6.027 561.080 6.338 251.268 5.215
+ 13.985 515.632 5.894 554.930 6.318 264.422 9.390
+ 14.143 514.946 5.638 560.559 6.288 243.974 5.047
+ 14.301 515.339 6.819 560.425 6.507 256.879 7.839
+ 14.459 514.833 6.750 560.954 7.869 249.908 4.882
+ 14.618 514.988 6.200 561.229 6.869 244.699 19.327
+ 14.775 512.580 6.711 558.472 6.630 253.637 12.615
+ 14.933 513.685 6.254 559.254 6.050 253.386 6.745
+ 15.092 512.366 6.530 555.832 6.715 262.903 4.588
+ 15.251 515.423 6.259 562.868 8.746 252.869 10.219
+ 15.408 518.514 6.265 558.758 6.962 248.468 5.048
+ 15.566 518.205 5.816 556.457 6.360 257.664 4.368
+ 15.724 514.262 5.694 560.664 6.982 248.286 6.294
+ 15.882 512.552 6.114 560.226 6.524 250.922 5.640
+ 16.041 511.955 7.349 556.422 7.313 265.439 12.470
+ 16.198 512.049 6.273 563.464 8.085 246.154 7.843
+ 16.355 512.750 6.353 558.424 6.667 246.551 14.265
+ 16.512 517.047 5.817 562.484 6.608 257.595 9.555
+ 16.669 517.460 6.449 559.004 6.834 247.995 14.705
+ 16.827 517.294 6.616 551.640 6.575 270.189 9.745
+ 16.985 513.673 6.425 559.316 6.844 253.591 9.396
+ 17.142 513.066 7.742 563.103 10.164 222.235 8.068
+ 17.299 511.700 6.330 534.881 7.587 245.442 14.222
+ 17.457 509.587 8.569 565.588 15.197 282.174 4.506
+ 17.614 513.085 8.008 556.415 13.653 248.591 19.331
+ 17.769 510.100 7.157 546.354 6.218 233.045 9.633
+ 17.925 523.111 6.859 560.293 12.685 252.600 5.250
+ 18.084 508.701 6.249 546.163 12.249 273.556 4.761
+ 18.241 512.397 6.703 553.761 8.874 256.975 7.340
+ 18.400 508.194 5.546 564.407 6.100 250.539 5.160
+ 18.558 513.011 6.261 556.004 6.434 255.395 13.724
+ 18.715 507.650 5.838 556.530 6.395 245.813 9.921
+ 18.872 510.166 6.809 551.085 7.744 249.418 12.027
+ 19.028 526.331 7.193 558.780 11.920 238.684 32.839
+ 19.184 519.833 5.973 564.137 8.111 259.316 7.266
+ 19.342 512.768 5.809 547.031 10.075 268.203 11.271
+ 19.501 515.017 6.062 561.040 7.178 246.932 18.879
+ 19.658 511.050 6.839 549.090 10.063 238.219 9.840
+ 19.815 515.990 6.200 529.160 6.830 261.252 7.374
+ 19.975 514.159 5.858 556.601 8.140 259.702 7.036
+ 20.132 511.901 6.951 560.336 6.514 244.227 5.033
+ 20.290 513.899 6.338 560.673 7.458 249.522 6.569
+ 20.448 511.829 6.043 556.816 9.988 255.835 8.149
+ 20.605 508.518 7.730 556.728 7.734 257.488 7.660
+ 20.762 511.775 6.917 559.137 6.675 243.814 6.101
+ 20.920 511.977 7.017 560.581 7.740 258.388 7.784
+ 21.077 511.899 6.200 556.715 7.711 256.543 5.647
+ 21.236 510.269 6.101 558.227 6.329 245.975 3.894
+ 21.394 510.812 7.219 559.042 7.121 248.409 8.647
+ 21.550 521.648 6.693 557.040 7.912 265.484 8.166
+ 21.708 520.996 6.250 561.100 7.694 251.824 9.802
+ 21.866 517.610 6.387 560.461 8.393 256.298 8.392
+ 22.024 527.196 6.330 559.394 7.234 245.482 9.398
+ 22.182 516.072 5.839 560.594 7.927 261.614 7.785
+ 22.338 524.590 5.732 559.366 7.147 251.746 6.110
+ 22.496 521.265 6.107 560.893 7.972 250.577 5.721
+ 22.653 524.652 5.720 561.899 6.519 257.615 4.113
+ 22.811 523.836 5.675 558.599 6.897 254.466 5.441
+ 22.969 525.718 5.714 558.456 6.246 253.834 5.359
+ 23.127 528.027 5.682 560.974 6.541 254.278 6.488
+ 23.285 530.190 6.041 557.399 7.304 257.232 8.258
+ 23.442 521.211 5.994 559.424 6.502 250.732 6.253
+ 23.600 526.222 5.861 563.794 6.906 250.017 5.296
+ 23.758 523.022 5.780 560.088 7.488 257.770 5.762
+ 23.916 534.300 5.753 558.700 6.672 250.277 7.952
+ 24.072 524.623 5.824 563.807 7.629 248.362 5.817
+ 24.229 530.426 5.778 560.818 6.355 252.213 8.219
+ 24.387 528.384 6.561 558.568 7.360 256.702 6.284
+ 24.545 522.243 6.033 561.365 6.386 253.297 6.541
+ 24.703 525.212 6.921 559.853 6.578 248.633 4.276
+ 24.861 519.292 6.187 555.328 7.660 257.876 5.289
+ 25.020 528.212 5.958 560.183 6.793 256.618 3.750
+ 25.179 523.162 5.857 559.611 6.803 247.666 5.766
+ 25.337 523.111 6.024 555.846 7.086 259.946 9.343
+ 25.494 529.671 5.928 561.338 8.601 237.859 18.435
+ 25.651 518.126 6.090 559.293 8.471 253.658 19.666
+ 25.807 527.811 6.435 561.113 7.526 255.816 9.779
+ 25.965 523.088 6.664 556.861 6.767 255.008 14.419
+ 26.122 522.760 6.775 558.318 8.715 255.360 16.244
+ 26.278 518.257 5.749 564.073 7.270 246.373 9.299
+ 26.435 528.402 6.085 561.820 7.038 257.913 9.686
+ 26.593 526.344 7.364 562.558 7.444 253.189 4.302
+ 26.750 522.083 6.486 562.475 8.159 252.901 10.947
+ 26.907 530.590 6.153 561.094 6.924 246.319 3.498
+ 27.066 527.695 6.080 564.511 6.319 252.623 6.804
+ 27.224 525.707 6.385 557.385 6.182 258.896 10.304
+ 27.382 529.287 5.863 565.213 6.056 254.358 8.462
+ 27.539 529.232 6.361 558.902 6.126 257.053 7.969
+ 27.696 534.022 5.945 565.179 6.833 244.870 5.051
+ 27.854 535.090 6.639 567.151 8.900 243.818 10.515
+ 28.011 533.291 5.990 560.271 7.185 257.358 7.508
+ 28.169 519.992 5.748 562.202 7.558 260.973 9.481
+ 28.326 535.830 6.472 564.222 7.643 249.189 4.403
+ 28.484 524.388 6.100 565.602 6.846 253.081 12.576
+ 28.641 529.603 6.189 564.526 6.899 241.880 11.802
+ 28.798 536.276 6.493 554.245 11.813 257.548 26.015
+ 28.954 528.422 6.789 560.692 8.572 255.465 8.364
+ 29.112 526.874 6.626 558.007 7.859 255.694 10.538
+ 29.269 524.678 6.300 565.110 6.027 256.656 11.641
+ 29.426 520.896 6.107 565.071 7.483 246.246 8.196
+ 29.584 529.459 5.906 562.400 7.242 255.372 7.115
+ 29.742 531.634 6.180 564.594 8.576 258.333 7.441
+ 29.900 515.666 7.046 558.866 7.465 258.613 5.014
+ 30.059 515.416 9.011 563.668 11.211 243.966 12.956
+ 30.215 514.814 6.392 562.126 9.904 244.689 19.059
+ 30.372 517.268 5.908 559.671 8.489 256.356 4.497
+ 30.531 505.112 6.677 569.406 9.081 236.233 6.092
+ 30.688 515.351 5.995 567.304 7.457 250.882 6.652
+ 30.847 506.913 6.997 555.553 7.297 271.068 20.158
+ 31.004 511.189 7.166 564.635 8.782 251.700 10.148
+ 31.160 522.531 6.441 567.896 9.497 233.837 19.096
+ 31.318 509.495 7.356 557.009 10.239 259.388 11.038
+ 31.476 510.584 7.874 558.210 9.684 261.043 11.215
+ 31.633 514.205 6.571 559.242 7.892 261.280 10.846
+ 31.791 513.732 6.414 561.712 6.833 256.732 8.192
+ 31.949 505.307 6.049 561.247 7.630 246.027 11.788
+ 32.107 523.663 7.362 565.232 10.943 249.620 17.695
+ 32.263 521.756 8.098 565.732 17.647 262.986 27.592
+ 32.419 526.697 9.993 563.137 10.622 248.189 20.269
+ 32.575 509.957 7.715 562.781 10.810 240.961 15.653
+ 32.732 504.579 6.183 560.787 7.855 260.189 15.637
+ 32.889 501.585 9.143 561.367 10.113 241.591 16.914
+ 33.046 504.315 8.899 561.153 12.451 265.375 24.790
+ 33.202 510.423 6.800 564.211 10.650 251.163 22.370
+ 33.358 520.424 6.784 564.762 7.859 251.141 8.059
+ 33.516 515.424 7.279 564.277 9.417 255.021 9.546
+ 33.672 507.884 7.088 567.972 6.726 231.930 10.900
+ 33.830 506.688 6.119 555.749 8.434 278.519 16.595
+ 33.988 509.236 6.002 563.857 8.563 262.705 16.399
+ 34.145 514.612 6.323 567.528 8.968 234.397 13.540
+ 34.303 513.876 6.555 567.755 13.279 261.374 15.141
+ 34.461 521.698 5.710 564.237 7.988 246.723 8.226
+ 34.618 522.277 5.945 569.422 7.404 264.667 8.946
+ 34.776 506.002 8.760 557.394 12.871 263.106 8.969
+ 34.932 499.870 6.818 570.194 8.452 242.731 18.333
+ 35.089 514.328 9.500 564.822 7.045 265.237 12.615
+ 35.247 526.163 8.789 558.788 7.089 273.102 22.603
+ 35.404 511.241 7.913 562.687 7.476 265.681 9.730
+ 35.561 511.492 9.025 563.896 7.348 252.166 8.000
+ 35.717 510.174 8.468 571.779 13.162 210.701 22.064
+ 35.873 510.231 9.588 559.297 7.226 265.617 6.875
+ 36.031 523.282 9.957 558.513 19.378 262.356 29.480
+ 36.187 516.702 7.755 563.885 8.492 269.723 18.321
+ 36.344 501.677 10.555 563.058 7.849 250.867 15.847
+ 36.500 526.106 6.307 573.690 10.815 226.898 17.733
+ 36.657 522.841 6.261 562.016 9.976 263.729 17.609
+ 36.815 514.388 7.592 560.460 7.925 262.437 11.528
+ 36.973 511.993 6.164 564.174 12.507 256.064 18.453
+ 37.130 511.449 5.910 568.851 8.513 242.470 9.520
+ 37.287 507.404 8.312 561.728 6.830 263.344 6.150
+ 37.444 510.684 5.777 563.497 8.043 253.673 11.489
+ 37.601 511.926 10.016 566.585 13.792 234.026 20.669
+ 37.757 513.349 11.999 566.775 15.217 260.850 30.925
+ 37.913 523.203 8.526 568.177 8.294 261.068 15.373
+ 38.070 521.622 10.139 563.021 13.935 260.770 19.017
+ 38.226 512.246 7.297 563.900 6.728 255.597 13.281
+ 38.383 525.952 8.996 571.599 8.239 234.076 29.213
+ 38.540 515.649 7.209 560.806 7.558 269.110 11.460
+ 38.698 522.086 8.680 562.668 8.738 256.721 9.789
+ 38.855 517.960 6.647 567.266 8.342 243.657 15.025
+ 39.013 518.659 11.831 563.812 13.560 264.406 25.294
+ 39.168 519.676 8.442 566.038 11.683 248.604 9.918
+ 39.325 519.196 7.503 566.950 8.381 264.296 24.969
+ 39.483 516.512 7.528 566.139 9.813 255.822 5.703
+ 39.641 519.295 7.740 567.221 7.044 255.808 9.231
+ 39.798 523.773 6.449 567.612 7.297 253.668 7.200
+ 39.956 521.387 7.394 565.496 8.999 259.666 8.450
+ 40.113 518.793 6.189 568.745 8.231 250.786 9.707
+ 40.271 520.788 6.508 567.717 8.037 254.877 7.673
+ 40.428 517.657 6.726 568.747 8.430 252.558 5.668
+ 40.586 523.716 6.181 569.047 7.719 253.765 6.257
+ 40.744 518.347 6.264 569.170 7.150 253.687 4.276
+ 40.902 521.083 6.016 571.611 6.538 257.386 8.169
+ 41.060 517.820 6.067 568.676 6.808 254.003 8.437
+ 41.219 515.428 6.916 570.116 7.365 255.910 14.728
+ 41.375 518.624 7.367 564.241 7.907 259.429 9.805
+ 41.532 517.906 6.441 570.342 7.136 250.364 11.936
+ 41.690 517.759 6.481 572.383 6.775 253.903 5.816
+ 41.848 519.037 6.888 568.853 7.737 258.909 11.727
+ 42.007 521.860 9.109 570.008 7.259 256.429 13.192
+ 42.164 510.938 6.391 570.770 7.816 255.364 19.930
+ 42.320 517.809 7.031 576.377 11.517 244.873 10.208
+ 42.478 515.628 6.324 573.083 8.802 248.438 12.099
+ 42.636 520.106 6.802 567.840 9.417 262.284 13.071
+ 42.793 517.101 6.642 569.398 8.580 262.942 9.977
+ 42.951 520.641 6.487 571.494 7.259 250.049 8.741
+ 43.108 520.096 7.669 574.305 13.674 245.760 11.569
+ 43.264 521.771 6.146 572.113 7.554 252.937 8.581
+ 43.423 513.917 6.625 570.691 6.932 257.129 11.521
+ 43.582 518.479 6.576 572.296 8.444 254.471 9.025
+ 43.739 519.444 9.084 576.493 7.835 249.084 13.837
+ 43.895 511.014 17.993 569.925 19.301 250.790 41.914
+ 44.051 507.980 6.261 572.109 23.696 268.567 50.898
+ 44.207 518.879 6.285 566.751 14.600 249.045 10.606
+ 44.364 508.598 6.668 571.357 8.969 254.110 17.010
+ 44.520 513.176 8.456 574.653 12.687 252.911 14.676
+ 44.677 518.301 7.964 572.796 16.366 239.809 21.940
+ 44.834 511.643 6.478 569.018 9.445 267.218 11.496
+ 44.991 510.746 6.567 573.190 7.428 249.432 9.281
+ 45.148 511.907 5.965 568.731 8.330 254.084 7.619
+ 45.305 511.109 6.848 570.657 10.628 254.070 11.186
+ 45.463 513.971 6.789 576.196 11.676 259.350 15.195
+ 45.621 518.639 7.253 568.762 9.569 258.453 19.087
+ 45.778 512.006 6.748 570.287 8.844 252.254 9.908
+ 45.935 514.280 8.989 569.202 17.445 257.242 24.304
+ 46.091 512.662 8.219 570.372 12.529 256.432 32.370
+ 46.248 513.756 9.598 572.013 12.292 262.434 14.736
+ 46.405 510.797 7.151 569.700 8.964 260.624 9.904
+ 46.563 512.498 7.210 573.687 9.052 247.756 13.919
+ 46.720 513.825 10.352 574.556 8.323 246.257 9.354
+ 46.878 512.818 6.896 571.845 17.781 266.352 17.113
+ 47.035 512.238 8.518 570.028 7.935 259.153 7.272
+ 47.192 511.712 7.241 572.410 10.561 251.271 10.636
+ 47.350 511.087 6.365 572.354 7.123 247.722 13.085
+ 47.507 508.990 7.197 571.293 7.909 259.577 10.626
+ 47.665 509.259 5.933 568.863 8.507 260.485 14.947
+ 47.823 512.152 7.199 567.058 7.506 255.494 9.055
+ 47.981 512.661 7.920 573.110 13.918 243.974 26.343
+ 48.136 513.996 7.390 568.531 10.210 252.829 14.739
+ 48.293 511.740 5.943 570.475 7.284 254.948 8.030
+ 48.450 513.947 6.626 574.344 8.767 248.459 6.401
+ 48.608 513.539 6.683 571.203 7.124 257.384 10.047
+ 48.766 516.925 6.275 573.392 7.413 254.953 11.686
+ 48.924 514.269 5.920 571.533 7.788 262.369 11.019
+ 49.083 508.752 6.084 573.625 7.388 252.113 11.610
+ 49.240 514.847 6.066 573.026 9.250 254.951 7.151
+ 49.399 520.338 6.709 574.910 7.962 253.249 11.568
+ 49.557 509.433 6.822 569.819 7.808 261.932 6.632
+ 49.715 507.944 6.175 573.208 7.144 249.979 8.165
+ 49.872 514.349 6.661 570.392 8.461 253.759 14.808
+ 50.029 514.143 6.415 570.033 8.827 263.447 9.581
+ 50.187 514.371 6.281 571.740 6.659 253.844 8.393
+ 50.345 512.363 6.163 572.627 8.034 252.918 14.464
+ 50.501 504.383 6.727 571.056 7.426 252.839 11.057
+ 50.658 514.023 8.370 573.210 13.630 252.038 15.036
+ 50.816 514.920 7.855 572.942 10.213 259.660 8.727
+ 50.974 509.569 6.303 573.669 8.464 249.076 11.175
+ 51.132 514.785 7.561 573.106 7.647 263.580 5.227
+ 51.291 514.457 7.138 571.221 7.259 254.535 10.207
+ 51.449 507.664 6.658 568.992 7.249 256.815 8.032
+ 51.607 509.026 6.760 569.269 8.157 259.938 6.093
+ 51.765 512.050 6.886 576.342 9.219 247.239 16.110
+ 51.921 514.170 6.599 566.923 8.237 254.722 7.022
+ 52.078 516.131 6.160 571.719 10.344 256.837 12.304
+ 52.237 517.811 7.815 572.287 7.536 260.728 13.205
+ 52.394 510.948 6.825 575.692 13.830 254.247 20.076
+ 52.550 516.709 7.397 573.957 9.513 252.182 9.801
+ 52.708 510.437 7.026 568.509 8.240 263.001 10.526
+ 52.865 509.264 6.655 575.175 9.508 244.210 11.330
+ 53.022 518.322 6.199 571.131 10.221 254.842 18.020
+ 53.180 509.943 7.447 563.261 8.925 261.148 19.566
+ 53.335 517.149 8.129 575.642 11.231 246.331 15.156
+ 53.493 507.411 7.887 574.576 14.110 255.323 17.522
+ 53.649 511.694 7.760 569.305 7.459 253.283 6.573
+ 53.807 513.836 6.383 573.033 11.715 267.322 16.523
+ 53.964 508.268 8.481 570.830 6.848 250.513 10.704
+ 54.120 510.682 7.890 573.458 7.506 254.965 14.878
+ 54.277 512.546 7.979 570.494 10.318 252.629 15.695
+ 54.434 507.915 6.946 571.514 8.000 259.596 6.243
+ 54.591 511.749 6.640 571.425 7.410 256.566 6.737
+ 54.748 510.557 6.698 574.164 7.107 254.785 7.047
+ 54.905 511.505 5.977 571.321 7.122 247.427 9.565
+ 55.062 513.605 6.387 574.143 8.708 254.244 10.521
+ 55.220 512.316 5.706 571.951 8.199 251.962 12.583
+ 55.379 513.013 6.353 572.659 8.899 255.419 12.531
+ 55.538 507.860 7.205 569.856 10.360 259.934 11.751
+ 55.696 511.818 6.903 572.868 8.213 257.139 7.498
+ 55.853 510.978 6.341 569.458 7.792 255.211 5.508
+ 56.012 506.489 6.551 572.094 9.551 255.182 11.011
+ 56.170 512.974 7.798 572.421 7.569 259.011 7.840
+ 56.328 509.199 6.589 571.454 8.118 244.620 10.914
+ 56.485 505.692 5.823 572.644 6.493 252.276 4.389
+ 56.643 508.076 5.960 568.786 8.260 265.692 8.096
+ 56.800 508.980 6.938 572.397 10.445 260.756 14.237
+ 56.957 501.099 10.095 570.994 20.673 256.217 40.955
+ 57.113 502.711 6.735 575.959 10.206 251.002 27.102
+ 57.270 507.237 6.388 570.429 7.387 264.290 11.415
+ 57.428 510.442 6.978 573.014 9.118 251.372 10.580
+ 57.585 501.314 6.715 571.700 9.963 246.603 8.763
+ 57.742 501.653 8.063 564.907 13.565 256.166 12.353
+ 57.899 498.956 6.462 573.489 8.109 263.331 17.012
+ 58.056 499.689 6.007 572.194 7.083 262.173 4.970
+ 58.215 506.596 6.022 570.982 7.281 250.901 10.728
+ 58.373 498.065 7.116 571.309 7.626 261.969 8.051
+ 58.530 495.740 7.506 572.843 6.126 246.049 7.559
+ 58.688 501.897 8.940 575.978 9.630 245.090 22.397
+ 58.843 500.869 7.139 568.859 10.812 258.280 19.133
+ 59.001 502.418 5.989 569.048 8.332 253.112 6.897
+ 59.158 495.924 6.775 572.510 7.961 255.581 7.464
+ 59.315 499.759 6.691 566.445 6.593 254.225 18.411
+ 59.472 499.067 10.146 573.364 10.370 252.382 28.161
+ 59.629 498.760 8.359 568.353 9.397 265.453 13.202
+ 59.785 501.287 7.769 571.333 7.700 249.524 10.021
+ 59.944 492.042 5.518 571.133 7.712 258.335 8.295
+ 60.102 496.000 6.548 570.221 9.984 253.743 12.374
+ 60.259 498.900 6.038 574.752 9.615 254.207 11.606
+ 60.416 496.229 6.498 572.517 8.919 255.212 5.867
+ 60.575 495.732 6.571 567.935 7.689 262.992 19.460
+ 60.732 494.527 6.170 572.689 7.105 258.829 9.211
+ 60.890 494.575 5.992 572.916 7.887 260.838 3.696
+ 61.049 492.855 6.332 572.509 9.485 252.768 19.044
+ 61.206 492.358 5.484 575.965 6.981 258.067 5.621
+ 61.364 498.603 5.767 570.239 7.299 257.080 6.833
+ 61.523 501.476 7.580 571.962 11.926 258.560 30.469
+ 61.679 494.174 6.810 573.359 9.300 254.765 13.101
+ 61.836 494.691 6.914 572.713 11.451 254.967 13.393
+ 61.993 499.286 7.504 577.747 9.480 254.739 12.498
+ 62.149 499.372 6.782 568.417 8.652 259.617 13.245
+ 62.307 501.003 6.218 570.644 10.891 255.666 23.779
+ 62.464 503.670 6.380 572.136 8.746 253.426 14.920
+ 62.621 501.896 6.010 570.881 6.775 259.124 10.642
+ 62.778 494.339 6.841 570.318 7.183 251.921 7.808
+ 62.936 508.493 6.387 574.963 9.341 260.389 12.330
+ 63.092 500.864 6.732 573.519 8.189 257.253 16.800
+ 63.249 499.058 6.858 574.425 11.693 247.102 22.851
+ 63.406 497.520 5.942 572.804 11.344 261.531 18.009
+ 63.563 499.955 5.771 572.068 7.286 250.955 10.467
+ 63.722 491.929 6.702 575.040 7.031 263.199 11.196
+ 63.880 499.939 5.875 569.610 7.261 256.882 8.823
+ 64.037 494.639 7.631 575.486 8.682 259.028 15.179
+ 64.194 498.516 7.166 569.104 10.803 251.160 13.224
+ 64.352 492.955 5.530 570.261 6.691 253.941 11.068
+ 64.509 495.009 5.942 572.492 7.363 252.029 12.928
+ 64.667 497.240 6.314 575.715 9.700 258.580 13.004
+ 64.825 496.442 6.664 571.407 7.753 257.895 11.389
+ 64.981 495.574 6.258 571.854 8.777 251.468 18.874
+ 65.138 497.955 6.329 574.548 8.311 261.124 10.949
+ 65.296 497.729 5.996 572.255 7.714 251.801 8.931
+ 65.454 493.617 7.409 570.982 8.486 256.698 11.768
+ 65.612 497.886 6.092 569.539 6.642 265.957 6.633
+ 65.770 499.218 6.649 572.435 7.300 255.789 10.172
+ 65.927 497.872 6.250 573.614 7.938 256.957 10.734
+ 66.086 494.748 6.419 574.286 8.082 255.339 13.963
+ 66.243 497.667 5.909 570.892 8.965 262.383 10.419
+ 66.401 498.556 5.593 577.528 7.821 252.633 9.433
+ 66.558 499.835 6.505 571.595 8.706 259.616 11.464
+ 66.715 496.518 6.425 573.106 7.569 254.046 10.761
+ 66.872 497.685 6.685 572.051 6.460 257.520 4.453
+ 67.030 499.436 6.402 572.510 6.774 255.315 10.315
+ 67.188 492.404 6.158 571.925 9.553 253.383 6.220
+ 67.346 495.594 6.456 572.769 8.311 253.703 15.639
+ 67.503 499.055 6.276 574.137 7.030 251.527 14.713
+ 67.661 491.370 6.357 571.601 8.283 260.495 13.556
+ 67.819 498.673 5.995 575.066 10.928 251.714 21.395
+ 67.975 500.176 5.775 573.880 8.291 252.427 5.779
+ 68.134 491.531 6.562 572.378 7.881 254.754 8.346
+ 68.291 499.375 7.542 572.593 8.008 256.047 11.713
+ 68.448 496.913 6.258 573.586 7.454 259.710 7.197
+ 68.606 496.159 6.007 572.055 8.107 258.367 11.962
+ 68.764 494.091 5.731 572.390 7.323 257.933 15.531
+ 68.921 493.070 5.960 570.943 7.603 254.359 4.541
+ 69.079 495.750 7.082 571.369 10.013 257.493 9.653
+ 69.235 502.167 5.781 572.413 7.507 255.674 6.813
+ 69.393 499.001 6.289 574.164 7.276 255.076 7.346
+ 69.551 498.330 6.053 572.521 6.925 260.150 10.913
+ 69.709 499.813 6.191 572.015 7.290 261.781 10.819
+ 69.868 498.018 7.130 571.370 9.912 248.627 10.884
+ 70.025 494.370 6.064 571.863 9.795 254.476 10.009
+ 70.183 497.463 5.666 571.928 8.555 263.944 5.907
+ 70.342 496.224 6.350 570.879 8.688 261.059 8.373
+ 70.499 499.772 5.753 572.658 8.008 252.070 4.931
+ 70.657 493.527 5.846 572.826 8.869 251.210 18.299
+ 70.814 496.795 5.897 571.358 7.024 253.802 15.536
+ 70.971 489.638 7.076 569.463 7.481 258.388 7.837
+ 71.128 495.656 8.326 569.164 12.119 260.783 20.616
+ 71.285 494.696 5.959 571.171 8.230 257.087 14.881
+ 71.442 491.277 8.828 573.141 11.043 249.620 17.163
+ 71.599 495.392 7.151 574.311 9.812 265.216 12.290
+ 71.756 499.593 9.571 572.353 9.956 245.362 14.601
+ 71.913 497.125 5.675 571.103 8.042 255.263 5.070
+ 72.070 491.291 6.503 572.691 8.274 260.972 5.351
+ 72.229 498.272 6.080 575.276 6.957 258.769 7.711
+ 72.387 496.522 6.739 575.222 8.594 255.397 14.585
+ 72.544 499.245 6.092 573.902 6.842 256.034 16.801
+ 72.701 495.402 6.355 567.879 8.340 268.810 11.275
+ 72.860 501.814 7.218 570.088 8.827 257.048 6.416
+ 73.018 500.208 6.107 572.650 7.178 250.670 8.726
+ 73.174 489.172 7.408 574.796 7.609 257.816 13.996
+ 73.331 498.551 6.952 569.528 8.915 257.228 12.079
+ 73.488 493.695 6.708 572.705 7.178 259.592 8.194
+ 73.646 504.847 6.555 575.767 8.269 256.855 5.203
+ 73.804 497.528 8.719 572.797 7.776 255.238 19.304
+ 73.961 495.875 8.079 569.468 10.454 268.412 15.636
+ 74.118 499.398 7.209 574.444 13.478 250.864 13.629
+ 74.275 490.504 6.609 573.574 7.594 258.458 12.604
+ 74.432 496.365 6.274 570.325 8.168 253.494 10.738
+ 74.589 500.103 6.528 571.623 11.011 263.134 21.949
+ 74.746 502.691 6.373 574.556 6.360 253.991 14.359
+ 74.904 491.656 6.898 568.085 7.891 253.499 18.376
+ 75.060 493.706 9.035 571.610 9.296 261.335 9.998
+ 75.217 499.067 6.099 572.106 8.579 253.253 5.017
+ 75.375 502.070 6.449 571.911 7.337 254.792 8.313
+ 75.533 500.570 6.062 572.679 8.163 258.647 9.452
+ 75.692 498.205 6.871 570.986 7.019 264.036 10.743
+ 75.849 499.622 6.447 574.219 9.415 247.210 12.845
+ 76.007 500.966 7.602 573.912 10.376 258.822 27.012
+ 76.163 509.639 8.735 574.089 10.047 257.418 11.545
+ 76.320 504.596 6.280 571.860 8.076 259.974 9.150
+ 76.477 504.055 7.480 573.678 10.139 259.689 14.953
+ 76.635 505.650 6.978 572.566 11.014 260.006 20.488
+ 76.792 504.476 7.366 576.545 9.649 257.040 17.824
+ 76.948 505.814 6.714 575.375 9.440 257.070 9.238
+ 77.105 513.658 8.309 573.423 19.535 252.400 44.017
+ 77.261 503.906 5.991 575.444 6.298 256.404 6.384
+ 77.419 506.109 6.006 578.614 10.541 256.804 10.346
+ 77.577 504.781 9.261 574.856 11.475 259.398 22.188
+ 77.735 505.287 8.589 575.828 9.213 261.053 18.491
+ 77.891 508.652 6.735 576.168 11.189 251.760 21.619
+ 78.048 510.146 7.172 582.301 6.375 247.017 11.505
+ 78.206 515.581 6.419 578.823 9.031 258.590 19.500
+ 78.363 510.545 7.147 580.698 11.478 270.975 22.615
+ 78.520 512.775 7.794 578.967 9.941 253.049 22.692
+ 78.677 510.967 6.337 587.589 11.581 244.900 27.252
+ 78.833 506.889 7.041 583.165 19.595 248.539 32.184
+ 78.989 505.428 7.617 575.071 9.347 268.955 10.162
+ 79.146 512.744 9.445 572.550 9.605 251.729 19.063
+ 79.302 512.167 10.708 578.705 13.690 260.137 30.541
+ 79.460 508.441 11.180 588.507 29.412 277.101 69.071
+ 79.614 508.924 8.354 582.525 8.751 255.911 16.206
+ 79.771 508.729 6.509 584.045 10.965 252.459 21.745
+ 79.928 509.917 10.491 576.970 11.589 269.134 18.223
+ 80.086 512.169 7.880 583.149 13.595 249.061 10.147
+ 80.243 514.261 12.065 571.311 14.893 265.250 19.446
+ 80.400 508.752 7.725 582.513 9.399 252.372 5.842
+ 80.557 506.027 6.675 585.285 11.456 260.043 13.301
+ 80.715 516.740 7.421 577.072 10.501 267.500 9.021
+ 80.873 510.997 6.968 587.340 12.699 267.185 13.850
+ 81.031 507.230 7.783 584.873 17.952 253.041 26.361
+ 81.186 505.472 11.793 590.198 21.448 245.120 17.679
+ 81.342 507.554 9.215 581.762 14.456 263.331 23.936
+ 81.498 511.475 5.943 574.377 10.307 262.613 15.379
+ 81.657 513.794 7.640 579.683 10.383 263.366 9.384
+ 81.814 513.917 6.914 590.226 8.515 256.863 14.349
+ 81.972 517.109 6.708 592.032 14.155 254.678 28.928
+ 82.129 504.701 8.097 583.340 12.082 267.016 20.997
+ 82.285 506.007 6.706 580.223 7.986 260.590 5.250
+ 82.442 517.230 7.343 584.162 15.114 248.415 15.769
+ 82.598 510.172 6.210 581.921 9.398 258.714 14.817
+ 82.755 514.041 8.053 584.309 9.654 248.487 22.660
+ 82.911 515.200 6.324 580.123 9.074 258.304 5.713
+ 83.071 501.152 7.956 584.401 9.451 254.533 22.688
+ 83.227 518.621 8.739 594.714 13.139 258.025 12.962
+ 83.385 514.876 7.104 585.647 16.755 263.300 34.196
+ 83.540 513.598 6.120 580.566 8.566 260.283 16.929
+ 83.698 510.496 6.740 572.145 10.011 238.892 14.541
+ 83.855 512.334 6.648 576.081 7.294 267.768 11.105
+ 84.012 515.473 6.515 578.990 7.023 258.757 10.506
+ 84.171 505.974 8.646 588.049 11.399 252.797 21.859
+ 84.328 518.249 7.006 570.210 11.042 265.828 15.337
+ 84.486 509.922 6.833 571.372 7.998 260.658 17.683
+ 84.642 516.329 6.016 572.503 10.378 263.216 10.322
+ 84.802 506.173 7.321 573.965 16.437 258.182 19.840
+ 84.958 516.281 8.900 589.269 11.769 245.121 22.270
+ 85.115 508.492 8.167 587.332 19.750 254.261 26.312
+ 85.270 515.894 10.248 582.103 31.284 202.702 47.185
+ 85.426 518.709 19.949 571.821 48.734 300.517 78.179
+ 85.579 515.067 6.749 571.298 13.149 254.335 15.439
+ 85.736 506.950 6.584 570.433 17.897 263.503 15.651
+ 85.893 504.469 9.041 568.084 11.644 254.745 24.903
+ 86.049 525.124 8.007 574.610 14.444 221.047 25.309
+ 86.205 511.161 7.426 574.816 14.386 267.280 16.792
+ 86.361 515.981 6.816 573.398 14.479 257.772 13.235
+ 86.519 513.009 7.361 573.264 8.526 260.617 12.069
+ 86.677 512.530 7.167 572.492 9.421 255.826 11.952
+ 86.834 515.075 6.186 575.594 14.236 242.028 23.964
+ 86.992 517.160 6.791 572.456 7.606 259.250 5.460
+ 87.151 511.261 6.481 573.154 8.951 259.272 9.940
+ 87.308 511.762 6.197 574.501 8.166 258.502 18.807
+ 87.465 510.887 6.545 574.355 11.465 256.835 16.676
+ 87.622 514.248 7.440 576.603 7.571 256.668 12.807
+ 87.781 508.902 6.422 570.176 7.891 262.626 9.714
+ 87.937 511.749 6.524 572.881 9.633 259.726 12.467
+ 88.094 512.307 6.343 567.228 12.655 259.667 20.573
+ 88.251 513.393 9.996 572.582 12.160 260.036 12.876
+ 88.410 509.943 7.731 568.465 8.290 255.860 10.192
+ 88.568 507.759 6.645 570.634 8.972 259.368 6.988
+ 88.725 513.667 7.811 572.446 6.560 256.633 12.064
+ 88.883 513.626 8.198 572.034 12.408 250.596 18.463
+ 89.040 510.536 6.365 573.130 7.924 258.095 9.687
+ 89.198 511.545 7.115 573.511 8.014 250.461 14.152
+ 89.354 514.345 6.960 571.885 9.257 255.914 14.551
+ 89.512 511.233 6.413 571.318 10.018 258.809 16.349
+ 89.670 507.692 5.647 571.593 9.158 256.848 8.117
+ 89.828 512.566 5.906 570.515 7.879 251.978 9.089
+ 89.985 514.935 5.797 573.065 8.526 257.839 7.155
+ 90.144 509.999 7.133 573.050 10.422 263.608 23.133
+ 90.301 512.410 8.565 570.770 8.930 255.656 10.111
+ 90.459 513.164 6.975 573.087 9.278 257.416 15.754
+ 90.617 506.831 7.568 572.650 9.521 255.144 14.720
+ 90.773 510.388 6.696 573.556 7.323 251.881 7.186
+ 90.931 514.963 7.683 572.275 7.984 263.988 6.758
+ 91.089 509.369 8.057 568.722 11.056 263.499 12.958
+ 91.246 517.783 5.956 572.217 7.192 257.665 5.365
+ 91.406 513.927 6.382 573.432 7.233 256.756 6.229
+ 91.564 511.849 5.966 573.594 7.581 256.717 5.425
+ 91.723 509.528 6.705 571.016 6.530 258.287 4.557
+ 91.881 510.915 5.987 574.170 6.290 253.192 4.800
+ 92.039 516.509 6.429 572.401 8.279 252.451 11.505
+ 92.196 514.695 6.347 571.524 7.747 259.534 7.807
+ 92.354 518.167 7.250 573.585 7.239 252.625 7.528
+ 92.512 513.071 6.012 571.205 8.904 259.886 9.091
+ 92.671 511.230 7.353 569.262 8.541 258.298 12.628
+ 92.827 514.182 6.987 577.262 10.285 252.353 12.496
+ 92.986 506.831 7.781 571.272 7.294 259.023 11.444
+ 93.144 513.888 8.803 571.162 6.950 257.410 12.656
+ 93.301 516.688 6.235 574.371 9.310 258.494 5.716
+ 93.460 511.766 6.368 573.053 6.810 255.924 5.099
+ 93.618 510.797 6.593 575.950 6.977 256.799 13.780
+ 93.775 510.968 6.430 573.389 6.750 258.148 8.819
+ 93.933 515.159 6.746 578.393 6.531 244.511 7.653
+ 94.091 510.771 9.102 574.694 13.343 256.395 18.943
+ 94.249 509.867 10.349 575.126 15.680 258.283 24.122
+ 94.404 513.628 6.462 574.971 9.692 251.972 7.366
+ 94.563 513.416 6.675 573.699 8.016 258.139 7.102
+ 94.720 511.914 6.444 574.937 7.808 251.321 9.587
+ 94.878 510.409 5.738 572.999 8.477 263.103 15.420
+ 95.035 513.014 6.103 572.620 11.571 257.461 21.442
+ 95.192 511.990 7.180 574.016 7.581 250.654 13.549
+ 95.350 513.149 7.133 575.170 6.946 258.026 5.738
+ 95.509 512.261 7.031 573.441 7.626 259.680 5.694
+ 95.667 514.612 6.794 572.464 8.899 254.856 10.809
+ 95.825 512.226 6.486 575.384 7.002 257.418 7.813
+ 95.984 513.322 7.564 574.583 7.361 254.914 9.889
+ 96.141 509.263 7.431 575.345 9.932 256.399 10.360
+ 96.299 509.302 5.976 571.333 7.413 260.754 8.167
+ 96.456 513.343 6.007 575.503 6.659 249.157 6.831
+ 96.614 512.323 5.992 573.175 6.973 255.301 10.834
+ 96.773 513.913 5.561 574.891 8.001 257.813 10.013
+ 96.931 507.649 6.200 573.699 9.347 264.388 9.397
+ 97.088 513.356 6.784 572.297 6.842 253.503 6.103
+ 97.247 510.343 6.480 575.053 7.830 252.295 11.072
+ 97.404 510.933 6.150 572.310 8.047 260.172 5.056
+ 97.563 513.089 6.018 573.043 6.983 252.071 11.172
+ 97.721 508.500 7.299 571.240 7.405 263.680 6.007
+ 97.880 512.765 7.569 573.842 10.604 258.686 11.701
+ 98.038 514.297 6.707 573.938 7.837 252.626 16.070
+ 98.195 519.383 5.907 574.609 7.492 255.496 7.954
+ 98.352 515.863 5.988 575.486 6.843 256.884 6.430
+ 98.511 515.868 6.746 568.504 6.710 269.858 8.816
+ 98.669 502.928 8.284 571.785 8.839 259.878 13.809
+ 98.825 520.879 7.676 574.637 12.448 239.378 39.700
+ 98.981 519.848 7.110 575.596 11.111 252.873 15.895
+ 99.139 511.238 6.286 574.936 8.615 249.538 7.728
+ 99.296 528.902 6.076 572.219 8.107 257.695 10.809
+ 99.455 517.759 7.918 572.512 7.164 264.246 9.769
+ 99.613 520.627 7.111 574.375 7.262 258.792 4.759
+ 99.771 520.716 7.657 575.993 7.637 252.707 4.508
+ 99.930 517.837 6.344 572.550 7.428 256.447 8.813
+100.087 524.388 6.616 575.205 7.434 250.514 17.798
+100.244 528.243 5.892 574.412 8.114 262.365 12.150
+100.402 518.222 5.609 571.824 7.176 259.243 6.627
+100.560 528.572 6.045 576.708 9.937 255.862 9.332
+100.717 526.385 6.585 576.177 7.212 248.418 7.380
+100.874 517.343 6.471 578.381 10.010 253.434 17.204
+101.031 533.053 7.814 574.943 7.977 268.734 11.393
+101.189 523.850 6.339 571.949 7.344 254.997 6.814
+101.347 531.028 5.638 572.879 7.593 247.670 15.607
+101.504 522.720 5.831 574.138 7.309 256.416 5.294
+101.662 531.647 6.299 574.471 6.128 256.604 9.234
+101.821 527.856 7.383 573.134 8.870 259.956 16.620
+101.978 526.648 5.902 577.211 7.687 257.429 5.272
+102.137 527.836 5.998 575.772 7.570 247.734 8.679
+102.295 532.618 7.089 581.027 6.692 256.537 6.407
+102.453 531.846 6.969 573.000 8.850 260.195 16.712
+102.610 533.918 6.378 577.020 6.920 257.012 3.445
+102.769 525.979 6.099 576.130 7.129 256.310 8.854
+102.926 530.309 5.959 572.151 7.007 246.023 9.527
+103.083 535.243 5.866 582.931 6.643 252.380 5.066
+103.241 531.022 6.063 575.499 7.017 254.743 3.733
+103.398 527.560 6.075 575.795 7.075 258.577 7.678
+103.557 529.125 5.890 575.918 7.898 255.595 8.735
+103.714 521.271 6.575 575.119 6.654 246.436 4.785
+103.871 537.712 5.914 579.291 8.696 247.204 10.081
+104.029 527.257 6.463 574.103 14.442 260.122 18.698
+104.185 527.952 8.225 567.361 9.979 265.911 13.129
+104.343 524.289 6.025 574.983 8.719 250.169 10.960
+104.500 523.852 5.931 578.199 6.583 250.271 9.486
+104.657 524.008 6.675 574.412 7.030 243.892 11.434
+104.814 536.210 6.153 576.244 7.602 256.028 7.840
+104.972 517.632 7.692 577.462 9.892 252.670 19.171
+105.128 521.576 6.247 579.554 8.212 248.266 7.784
+105.285 537.985 5.585 574.785 6.906 256.832 7.891
+105.443 526.899 7.367 576.537 7.014 253.058 3.902
+105.600 525.959 6.395 575.645 7.001 257.430 8.075
+105.757 521.759 7.178 575.346 7.393 258.284 9.227
+105.915 537.497 7.321 576.923 11.395 248.842 26.180
+106.071 522.035 6.262 575.669 10.963 260.468 16.850
+106.229 535.560 6.673 574.416 8.512 253.024 12.239
+106.386 534.785 5.874 572.184 7.652 260.290 4.931
+106.544 523.787 6.522 574.401 7.245 250.442 9.407
+106.702 523.247 5.769 575.044 7.024 249.324 15.520
+106.858 535.482 7.343 578.250 10.212 249.803 11.396
+107.016 529.044 7.162 574.072 9.142 252.538 8.723
+107.173 528.830 7.706 575.160 9.432 256.685 9.743
+107.330 539.178 6.074 577.741 8.092 258.396 8.235
+107.487 525.491 7.381 573.517 7.508 254.473 16.254
+107.644 528.634 5.967 572.165 6.511 256.304 18.702
+107.801 521.226 7.292 574.091 7.366 257.423 7.655
+107.958 523.072 6.150 576.960 9.317 239.454 16.422
+108.115 533.680 6.482 570.849 8.745 253.164 11.857
+108.273 530.566 5.991 572.548 8.175 259.781 6.663
+108.431 530.215 6.647 571.175 6.914 267.707 6.320
+108.589 534.542 7.713 581.031 12.176 246.957 10.259
+108.746 527.055 6.717 576.260 7.724 247.349 8.877
+108.902 526.800 6.954 576.312 8.828 242.643 14.380
+109.059 525.358 6.808 574.093 7.241 273.346 4.915
+109.217 529.063 6.521 576.131 7.727 251.543 10.641
+109.375 533.310 6.142 576.451 8.026 251.285 9.651
+109.532 535.003 6.874 576.614 7.778 254.922 13.396
+109.689 525.880 6.549 574.806 8.218 256.659 9.751
+109.846 525.688 6.786 576.718 10.435 257.436 16.887
+110.003 533.046 6.606 577.717 7.692 246.144 4.734
+110.161 526.930 7.532 576.577 7.359 250.671 8.618
+110.318 528.229 7.244 575.915 7.675 249.676 9.201
+110.475 532.952 6.618 573.149 7.435 262.746 5.706
+110.634 516.149 6.366 576.771 7.988 256.567 5.932
+110.793 535.461 6.165 574.877 7.409 248.935 14.266
+110.950 528.214 6.358 576.238 8.616 242.989 6.539
+111.107 522.812 6.350 574.642 7.897 253.059 12.802
+111.265 526.418 5.918 572.776 6.695 259.900 6.468
+111.423 524.894 6.224 579.377 7.696 246.209 5.485
+111.581 529.329 6.493 572.313 7.924 268.562 15.207
+111.737 533.313 6.359 576.253 7.299 243.695 8.817
+111.894 531.573 7.681 576.812 7.480 253.986 15.657
+112.052 523.695 7.125 572.558 8.233 260.409 13.110
+112.208 526.137 6.110 578.905 10.643 245.014 9.581
+112.366 526.241 6.213 576.109 7.879 257.010 13.251
+112.523 531.552 6.482 574.381 9.043 253.930 13.399
+112.679 519.315 7.012 576.093 7.045 252.859 10.635
+112.837 537.823 6.880 573.341 9.047 261.778 14.271
+112.994 533.528 13.724 574.963 14.710 244.647 16.603
+113.150 522.235 6.607 575.839 7.727 255.036 12.096
+113.308 525.882 6.648 574.848 7.519 254.800 6.538
+113.465 528.108 6.990 579.828 7.374 237.628 9.848
+113.623 520.281 6.529 574.188 7.632 263.786 7.918
+113.781 529.972 6.459 569.811 6.939 257.707 13.240
+113.938 529.359 7.084 574.718 6.717 251.157 11.168
+114.096 525.403 7.281 575.557 10.133 267.391 16.449
+114.252 528.394 7.010 577.685 8.225 248.333 8.261
+114.410 528.084 6.417 577.266 6.622 250.613 7.561
+114.567 519.140 7.455 574.882 8.366 258.966 8.770
+114.724 516.551 6.196 573.308 7.368 260.029 10.524
+114.882 530.275 6.957 577.393 9.079 240.980 18.060
+115.039 528.432 7.311 572.293 8.880 257.949 12.315
+115.196 524.434 5.750 571.583 9.566 253.799 13.368
+115.352 533.324 6.966 575.635 7.640 255.458 9.055
+115.509 529.253 6.605 574.186 6.855 254.454 7.255
+115.667 516.062 5.994 574.901 6.867 258.514 8.961
+115.824 538.720 9.373 574.489 8.484 239.185 15.381
+115.980 522.697 6.489 575.564 10.789 254.351 11.524
+116.138 522.577 5.960 573.935 7.786 264.803 8.666
+116.296 538.165 6.589 573.959 7.836 253.718 4.822
+116.455 527.721 7.174 574.789 7.910 255.347 5.618
+116.612 529.837 6.658 580.848 8.163 243.633 8.897
+116.769 527.008 6.709 572.638 8.441 267.756 10.832
+116.927 540.280 14.990 571.776 21.758 247.307 41.662
+117.084 520.572 7.383 573.767 10.756 272.173 6.741
+117.242 524.545 8.914 576.567 9.299 245.631 14.241
+117.398 528.705 6.092 582.305 9.430 244.906 23.508
+117.556 523.087 6.555 570.863 15.426 272.799 16.208
+117.712 527.030 7.998 574.808 17.110 239.818 20.436
+117.867 538.880 6.083 573.398 8.651 269.418 10.328
+118.025 529.358 6.734 576.564 7.323 248.254 16.118
+118.181 514.353 6.031 578.375 8.348 241.852 10.328
+118.340 511.743 6.118 572.183 6.509 263.038 3.524
+118.499 516.907 6.555 573.251 9.123 252.990 10.689
+118.656 530.079 6.204 572.542 7.235 266.589 7.015
+118.814 531.180 7.786 574.065 8.728 251.615 12.859
+118.972 536.131 9.462 580.700 7.794 240.836 23.446
+119.128 524.031 8.007 568.847 7.114 269.118 7.359
+119.284 527.480 6.036 577.368 8.929 248.521 5.327
+119.442 519.804 7.064 578.283 8.293 252.755 6.662
+119.599 526.548 12.975 572.842 9.190 251.767 24.374
+119.756 528.135 6.848 575.738 11.408 255.527 24.431
+119.912 531.421 7.670 575.217 8.607 260.035 14.186
+120.070 538.734 14.097 577.812 12.308 267.830 21.004
+120.226 523.867 6.946 577.908 9.520 251.378 15.167
+120.382 525.018 5.903 575.339 7.760 253.923 8.395
+120.541 526.030 7.145 574.293 6.173 260.059 7.145
+120.698 518.470 7.674 577.363 7.783 249.910 6.384
+120.857 520.424 6.221 570.943 8.976 258.669 17.274
+121.013 537.604 8.716 576.729 14.512 252.246 18.291
+121.169 523.356 6.449 573.677 8.948 256.892 10.876
+121.327 527.223 7.476 574.926 8.696 257.388 11.696
+121.485 529.052 6.413 572.669 11.043 256.003 17.081
+121.642 522.760 6.690 572.576 9.564 258.610 8.947
+121.800 518.767 6.297 575.845 7.143 255.416 12.890
+121.957 529.727 5.868 575.878 7.551 248.464 5.054
+122.114 523.127 6.073 572.828 7.944 254.664 7.332
+122.272 517.401 5.918 574.248 7.971 258.296 8.911
+122.429 522.554 6.061 573.892 7.506 256.132 7.238
+122.588 518.975 7.121 570.378 7.440 259.501 9.961
+122.744 518.509 7.017 575.883 7.348 246.725 7.882
+122.902 518.615 7.071 572.908 6.929 252.437 9.600
+123.059 518.196 9.375 573.119 18.480 247.334 28.518
+123.214 510.452 7.276 574.181 7.571 250.433 17.524
+123.371 516.194 5.792 575.591 9.488 255.064 14.851
+123.529 509.622 5.782 571.006 8.246 254.810 11.502
+123.686 512.046 6.348 569.810 7.329 256.408 8.390
+123.844 509.270 6.807 574.088 6.525 260.024 14.637
+124.001 513.162 6.772 570.490 12.048 263.150 21.534
+124.159 514.181 9.146 570.994 11.916 253.821 20.164
+124.317 510.651 5.829 566.169 7.955 271.608 9.584
+124.474 507.266 6.587 570.231 7.299 257.456 6.694
+124.631 504.872 7.156 576.532 7.801 247.484 11.200
+124.789 507.998 5.978 571.645 10.580 253.794 10.157
+124.948 506.600 8.655 576.286 10.916 254.717 14.723
+125.106 509.566 6.440 570.332 6.938 263.097 16.912
+125.262 506.215 6.655 573.813 7.819 257.171 14.373
+125.419 506.092 6.387 574.288 7.202 249.151 6.421
+125.577 503.980 6.294 571.782 10.032 269.571 22.530
+125.734 508.549 6.809 573.977 9.099 253.875 9.065
+125.890 505.335 6.833 572.129 8.114 254.168 19.700
+126.047 511.613 6.485 576.941 7.793 261.021 11.207
+126.205 501.886 7.441 573.859 8.566 257.250 7.511
+126.363 502.278 5.966 571.288 6.910 261.572 16.645
+126.520 510.472 5.744 573.133 7.410 256.525 6.521
+126.678 500.074 7.409 577.151 6.617 249.535 10.781
+126.835 495.970 8.152 572.121 8.512 259.865 12.434
+126.992 499.209 5.675 569.601 8.788 257.648 10.454
+127.150 499.452 7.114 565.646 8.065 261.956 6.527
+127.308 501.364 7.983 572.716 9.310 253.599 9.463
+127.465 493.153 6.617 576.287 8.087 254.596 6.822
+127.622 503.011 5.924 572.812 8.863 258.125 6.765
+127.781 500.900 7.736 575.768 9.892 263.831 10.935
+127.939 498.389 6.571 571.517 7.938 268.018 9.033
+128.096 488.683 9.741 572.715 11.375 249.660 18.938
+128.253 494.576 8.224 578.377 8.823 257.436 10.253
+128.411 494.185 7.141 573.943 8.119 255.264 8.990
+128.568 491.851 7.730 569.319 9.558 263.492 11.198
+128.726 506.008 6.327 575.093 9.581 261.394 11.323
+128.884 488.920 9.665 566.871 16.832 247.893 13.350
+129.041 499.419 6.350 564.898 11.801 254.218 23.035
+129.199 498.974 5.884 573.719 11.482 256.922 7.714
+129.357 497.139 6.882 570.957 7.067 253.689 4.909
+129.514 503.511 7.439 574.289 7.425 251.066 8.303
+129.672 488.175 7.294 567.593 8.229 259.050 16.375
+129.827 505.891 8.831 570.145 8.335 243.330 14.261
+129.983 494.039 5.972 576.001 10.327 251.753 10.484
+130.141 487.970 8.657 567.590 11.100 268.447 24.220
+130.297 497.649 7.410 571.936 8.533 241.714 8.387
+130.454 494.986 6.897 572.459 9.246 264.547 5.801
+130.612 493.529 6.592 575.014 8.212 245.075 7.374
+130.769 501.385 6.569 574.510 8.133 263.970 17.048
+130.925 472.703 8.494 577.045 14.569 266.069 21.647
+131.082 488.777 18.125 577.640 16.199 228.610 17.663
+131.238 497.207 9.312 576.926 9.278 259.756 20.118
+131.394 495.732 7.221 571.579 8.780 260.697 5.576
+131.553 497.227 7.992 566.845 7.976 264.727 14.970
+131.710 489.252 14.542 573.228 7.293 259.267 9.866
+131.866 500.222 9.765 575.842 14.484 247.692 24.738
+132.022 475.322 7.170 574.918 8.115 266.346 17.031
+132.178 498.643 7.771 564.729 11.809 259.123 14.324
+132.336 491.996 6.827 573.977 17.222 257.071 24.617
+132.493 495.530 8.203 573.729 8.332 257.640 9.412
+132.650 499.185 7.979 572.397 12.270 257.136 11.339
+132.807 496.731 7.331 572.054 11.430 252.931 17.230
+132.963 484.137 33.186 563.830 21.266 263.329 20.381
+133.119 503.021 9.870 583.838 17.071 238.613 34.413
+133.274 494.250 5.777 577.618 11.487 256.616 8.568
+133.432 497.442 5.445 570.926 8.952 264.136 16.192
+133.589 494.474 6.564 569.249 9.032 257.151 13.620
+133.745 497.554 12.732 573.872 11.099 250.761 17.401
+133.902 487.795 9.848 571.478 9.222 252.687 20.528
+134.058 493.917 10.446 571.144 14.224 242.376 31.648
+134.214 497.719 7.416 575.631 7.383 259.163 10.741
+134.373 492.297 7.506 567.796 10.247 273.951 9.963
+134.530 495.143 8.904 577.258 9.813 259.509 11.417
+134.687 491.971 5.971 575.252 7.767 252.215 12.589
+134.845 494.249 7.823 576.442 16.042 245.412 20.882
+135.001 475.882 8.585 569.654 10.462 238.834 17.824
+135.157 499.258 9.451 574.806 15.920 262.208 16.946
+135.313 494.782 7.261 577.548 7.720 251.382 10.218
+135.470 495.827 7.774 575.195 9.681 267.243 12.758
+135.626 496.578 7.381 568.552 7.316 243.862 9.040
+135.783 488.415 9.458 576.125 13.576 247.568 10.203
+135.941 487.734 7.109 573.361 10.018 272.295 10.284
+136.099 502.217 13.649 575.223 29.523 283.483 53.112
+136.254 510.862 7.297 583.142 13.702 247.884 12.687
+136.411 486.038 11.522 568.851 8.493 260.898 21.803
+136.568 493.430 6.062 567.488 11.152 260.049 15.792
+136.726 504.064 12.029 585.624 12.978 254.560 26.427
+136.882 487.920 8.360 561.806 12.571 254.635 35.717
+137.038 475.639 30.737 592.498 56.307 205.446 92.001
+137.190 509.436 8.026 580.345 8.369 265.934 21.807
+137.347 499.434 8.815 572.553 8.452 253.539 13.269
+137.504 506.264 6.395 576.335 7.477 258.755 16.957
+137.662 509.332 6.179 573.293 8.130 255.647 12.265
+137.819 503.293 10.095 567.603 7.429 257.436 24.478
+137.974 483.363 6.527 572.736 9.132 236.694 14.839
+138.129 488.733 8.571 565.467 9.413 242.406 21.481
+138.285 498.867 11.539 580.194 14.224 256.704 35.604
+138.441 497.198 5.550 574.152 7.439 254.967 16.614
+138.598 496.842 6.840 569.871 8.446 264.719 6.598
+138.756 506.498 12.094 584.678 7.701 256.257 15.484
+138.913 498.385 9.910 576.806 9.480 257.952 14.936
+139.070 500.833 9.034 577.388 16.419 254.209 26.726
+139.226 488.218 8.494 572.593 10.433 265.062 23.777
+139.382 496.372 7.606 571.716 8.641 257.230 7.765
+139.540 497.193 10.834 579.867 10.268 248.902 16.330
+139.697 498.561 8.805 574.698 8.555 260.809 5.694
+139.855 502.355 6.897 565.517 9.678 261.748 9.358
+140.012 483.133 17.820 576.805 13.110 256.347 18.827
+140.168 505.731 12.452 573.488 10.317 253.643 25.350
+140.325 492.047 8.808 572.424 10.659 258.586 11.832
+140.483 497.830 7.476 571.244 9.575 254.265 12.350
+140.640 499.448 7.293 569.062 6.739 270.022 15.284
+140.797 490.804 9.221 576.000 7.864 249.960 7.720
+140.953 491.348 7.356 582.140 7.466 246.399 11.690
+141.110 501.783 8.028 577.551 10.432 252.174 27.307
+141.266 501.077 6.543 574.945 10.108 244.381 18.547
+141.423 493.710 6.779 568.309 9.557 271.163 8.003
+141.580 503.327 7.095 570.873 8.206 269.741 9.903
+141.737 493.033 8.303 583.718 7.610 241.977 14.553
+141.893 503.190 6.736 570.837 9.092 246.969 13.807
+142.050 487.911 7.189 570.758 10.630 252.739 20.192
+142.206 496.869 7.210 568.257 8.934 264.827 6.670
+142.364 499.308 9.586 574.302 9.009 256.278 21.757
+142.520 498.323 8.004 572.233 7.934 251.282 11.240
+142.678 497.103 7.034 570.312 7.849 257.122 12.298
+142.835 501.801 6.312 575.643 7.978 255.901 10.070
+142.992 492.218 6.919 577.206 8.691 255.129 14.897
+143.148 496.652 7.281 572.802 10.133 258.361 22.717
+143.305 489.366 8.492 571.958 9.747 256.053 10.722
+143.462 499.533 6.743 568.839 7.853 260.890 7.127
+143.620 498.665 6.067 574.278 7.565 252.618 14.814
+143.777 501.446 6.840 576.732 7.174 250.996 8.083
+143.934 488.034 6.626 571.457 7.015 260.640 7.383
+144.091 482.470 12.727 567.824 7.534 251.866 8.550
+144.248 506.984 6.584 579.558 9.965 243.768 31.054
+144.404 494.719 6.575 573.115 8.250 259.757 13.649
+144.562 495.557 7.133 573.191 8.294 256.947 14.267
+144.719 489.765 6.250 565.691 6.724 263.579 8.700
+144.877 498.527 8.894 573.626 7.849 251.645 12.683
+145.033 498.535 6.820 571.486 7.831 249.866 6.034
+145.189 492.875 7.052 573.954 9.847 249.378 35.053
+145.345 501.208 6.625 572.089 8.966 267.303 9.248
+145.503 497.622 9.176 567.831 9.207 250.343 14.792
+145.659 501.206 5.888 572.368 7.853 247.343 12.105
+145.816 496.692 7.783 572.963 7.802 242.253 14.469
+145.973 494.526 7.521 569.519 8.187 246.662 9.858
+146.129 494.565 7.571 568.995 12.980 259.926 14.331
+146.287 498.625 7.065 573.699 7.291 253.779 8.450
+146.444 493.126 6.898 572.847 9.900 260.067 17.114
+146.600 492.551 7.080 572.848 8.151 251.740 13.910
+146.757 494.375 9.346 565.068 6.873 259.287 8.456
+146.915 494.893 7.097 569.170 7.630 257.332 4.305
+147.073 499.978 6.845 574.181 8.286 247.253 12.849
+147.229 488.359 8.457 572.921 14.864 257.772 24.154
+147.386 498.793 7.472 571.219 10.205 244.827 14.001
+147.542 499.127 6.113 571.612 7.398 258.498 13.360
+147.699 505.141 7.174 570.406 6.834 254.085 5.642
+147.857 490.411 7.013 575.004 8.509 254.720 6.356
+148.014 496.784 7.713 572.560 8.874 249.927 8.057
+148.172 489.147 7.952 570.505 9.281 265.209 11.165
+148.329 500.411 6.346 572.765 8.500 251.412 14.342
+148.484 505.084 6.080 578.857 8.209 250.474 11.443
+148.642 505.700 6.964 576.348 7.771 255.924 7.191
+148.799 499.097 6.263 570.833 7.683 267.469 11.461
+148.957 508.030 8.210 572.818 8.824 254.374 16.494
+149.114 496.800 6.295 574.548 7.180 259.153 8.757
+149.271 498.778 7.571 573.765 8.640 249.071 15.957
+149.427 507.707 5.834 572.227 6.553 261.810 10.234
+149.586 503.017 6.405 571.622 9.427 268.528 6.540
+149.744 504.160 6.447 572.516 7.850 253.755 8.797
+149.900 500.841 6.066 571.855 8.469 258.717 9.950
+150.058 503.568 7.186 572.658 6.466 248.287 9.301
+150.216 504.915 7.307 572.666 6.523 256.772 11.505
+150.373 500.079 7.194 571.206 11.469 261.587 14.410
+150.530 507.570 6.205 571.972 9.822 255.205 8.409
+150.687 507.775 5.663 572.979 8.125 259.692 5.469
+150.846 509.797 6.184 574.359 6.940 252.646 8.053
+151.003 504.008 6.226 572.153 10.168 254.856 16.602
+151.160 502.500 6.106 574.971 6.488 257.318 17.185
+151.317 506.635 8.498 573.729 15.822 259.423 15.993
+151.473 507.756 6.448 574.427 6.777 263.034 8.213
+151.630 514.047 5.987 575.504 6.752 255.290 9.180
+151.788 512.430 6.587 573.935 7.305 253.462 4.418
+151.946 512.834 7.322 568.949 8.887 257.634 11.414
+152.104 519.708 6.035 572.109 6.875 256.756 12.496
+152.263 511.907 7.075 572.151 9.944 250.477 23.278
+152.419 514.669 8.357 578.551 14.704 248.724 25.935
+152.576 512.956 7.304 572.995 7.627 264.747 10.843
+152.735 513.849 8.500 573.500 7.799 254.667 16.502
+152.891 512.418 7.112 571.885 7.807 258.326 14.778
+153.049 510.104 6.011 573.598 6.700 257.123 9.122
+153.206 514.151 6.358 574.586 10.607 262.101 10.637
+153.364 518.101 6.537 573.825 6.781 259.441 6.679
+153.523 515.171 9.753 572.818 7.716 259.544 9.044
+153.680 511.671 5.928 574.988 9.321 260.195 5.104
+153.839 516.476 6.609 571.869 7.363 258.972 5.240
+153.998 508.334 6.363 576.608 9.358 248.939 9.177
+154.155 512.873 6.065 569.656 6.660 259.449 8.495
+154.314 517.448 7.903 577.346 12.532 248.184 20.186
+154.472 513.834 9.272 575.533 12.177 259.331 15.887
+154.629 517.108 6.975 574.525 11.402 255.603 13.869
+154.786 508.901 7.205 577.745 9.019 252.366 9.630
+154.942 515.449 8.046 572.427 8.718 256.523 9.263
+155.100 514.024 6.938 572.664 7.547 271.405 6.360
+155.258 512.280 7.285 574.526 9.609 242.104 14.361
+155.415 509.272 7.410 571.425 8.171 258.481 8.466
+155.572 519.762 5.907 571.924 6.833 255.854 6.477
+155.730 512.177 5.684 571.379 7.180 261.128 6.509
+155.889 510.991 5.767 575.933 7.437 261.431 7.797
+156.047 512.219 7.199 579.519 7.904 244.834 17.645
+156.204 512.022 7.475 572.985 8.021 263.588 9.601
+156.363 515.080 10.083 573.779 16.432 241.055 18.367
+156.519 515.930 8.537 572.547 16.265 255.290 23.378
+156.675 516.369 6.376 575.005 7.015 249.452 7.792
+156.833 513.213 7.517 571.830 6.639 269.664 10.643
+156.991 512.022 7.318 572.258 7.006 257.086 7.688
+157.149 512.890 8.175 572.762 10.272 259.960 11.878
+157.306 516.698 6.928 574.667 7.791 250.399 8.436
+157.463 512.797 8.813 574.446 9.722 244.064 6.523
+157.620 515.448 6.408 572.494 8.128 261.510 7.923
+157.777 513.994 6.727 570.205 6.935 258.305 11.147
+157.937 508.009 5.761 571.852 7.219 261.613 5.734
+158.094 513.120 7.098 574.608 6.580 241.966 7.129
+158.253 514.281 8.633 575.556 9.593 254.239 13.336
+158.410 514.272 6.548 572.695 9.511 255.182 12.062
+158.569 513.602 8.409 572.597 9.937 258.941 17.474
+158.726 514.216 6.160 571.546 6.727 260.309 10.312
+158.884 512.262 7.067 573.645 7.790 254.623 8.375
+159.043 513.342 8.694 571.496 6.918 254.866 9.861
+159.200 509.833 6.559 568.035 8.004 264.318 10.996
+159.357 509.978 6.280 576.120 7.394 251.203 10.681
+159.516 516.209 6.282 576.121 8.636 253.902 7.604
+159.674 517.262 6.636 573.921 7.001 257.969 7.941
+159.832 513.882 6.720 571.069 7.110 263.159 5.358
+159.990 511.528 9.392 570.710 9.317 260.971 17.636
+160.147 508.905 7.851 571.977 9.198 249.209 10.217
+160.304 517.989 9.515 573.269 9.730 241.752 22.584
+160.461 514.409 8.475 573.752 7.970 265.267 18.195
+160.617 519.764 9.006 574.597 10.274 255.692 19.037
+160.775 512.827 7.232 572.616 9.160 273.366 22.711
+160.932 510.498 6.333 575.036 7.829 254.743 9.216
+161.090 510.275 8.976 575.490 12.418 253.847 10.433
+161.247 511.092 6.701 572.984 7.403 248.918 16.497
+161.404 515.860 9.002 569.449 11.577 255.829 18.539
+161.561 507.628 10.412 575.124 10.430 261.038 18.273
+161.719 512.766 6.597 576.291 7.673 262.420 7.841
+161.878 513.377 7.789 575.133 8.424 255.004 7.910
+162.035 508.713 6.789 577.081 7.641 249.790 8.915
+162.192 510.347 10.671 571.800 9.376 262.167 10.553
+162.350 517.353 10.230 567.838 18.785 251.711 24.923
+162.507 507.093 8.781 572.208 13.445 269.717 27.403
+162.663 510.960 8.097 572.862 13.162 257.067 22.080
+162.819 509.479 7.117 581.068 10.749 247.120 8.018
+162.977 509.384 6.864 570.520 8.891 260.541 10.518
+163.134 511.443 8.424 569.995 7.554 266.185 17.136
+163.291 516.764 6.550 574.669 8.637 263.441 7.767
+163.449 507.157 8.197 575.836 7.167 258.434 15.996
+163.605 512.801 8.158 576.938 7.967 241.784 7.675
+163.762 511.298 7.834 571.039 9.145 257.897 9.266
+163.920 511.713 7.280 572.960 9.778 266.409 9.399
+164.076 509.917 6.137 577.009 6.943 250.414 13.353
+164.234 515.959 7.130 572.280 9.944 260.254 12.894
+164.392 519.789 6.398 580.072 10.342 246.742 16.131
+164.550 512.917 8.506 570.660 9.280 260.917 11.778
+164.707 513.049 8.282 563.576 10.335 282.059 13.109
+164.864 510.050 8.332 571.815 7.715 253.920 15.577
+165.021 513.260 9.352 574.848 9.399 243.909 9.015
+165.178 508.802 7.179 577.038 8.186 252.289 9.537
+165.335 514.588 7.983 568.890 8.973 264.752 11.989
+165.492 514.095 6.147 574.028 8.504 259.307 9.110
+165.651 517.610 7.142 573.840 7.391 259.753 14.348
+165.809 510.476 6.395 575.258 6.909 263.007 12.622
+165.967 511.444 7.681 574.412 11.298 261.690 9.321
+166.124 507.444 6.651 572.324 7.068 255.426 9.422
+166.281 510.694 10.562 579.243 16.859 251.434 29.988
+166.436 515.227 10.789 575.892 14.488 233.164 14.166
+166.593 512.262 8.061 570.598 8.948 279.321 11.464
+166.751 512.882 7.392 571.126 6.727 268.893 12.359
+166.909 515.978 6.119 574.791 6.408 258.028 5.289
+167.069 511.809 6.450 575.098 7.671 240.550 17.174
+167.227 508.008 7.585 570.341 7.752 264.055 15.684
+167.383 512.030 7.235 577.343 8.341 252.090 20.404
+167.541 510.850 6.506 574.833 6.406 262.670 8.870
+167.699 514.068 6.632 569.448 7.841 255.826 6.514
+167.857 516.660 5.936 576.154 6.993 253.678 13.648
+168.015 512.116 6.028 572.701 6.996 257.556 10.308
+168.173 520.281 6.011 576.987 6.758 257.025 9.369
+168.331 506.982 5.892 572.349 8.655 254.650 13.368
+168.488 509.779 5.923 574.133 7.141 254.216 4.425
+168.646 513.057 6.160 573.921 7.111 254.562 7.559
+168.804 511.970 6.329 572.349 7.577 260.505 12.511
+168.962 514.339 6.829 573.783 7.401 261.505 10.977
+169.120 513.853 5.971 572.367 6.982 257.925 5.574
+169.279 511.998 6.735 574.623 9.847 252.839 11.480
+169.438 517.700 6.351 573.446 8.722 256.828 7.860
+169.596 511.047 6.268 571.374 9.181 258.028 21.176
+169.754 512.900 5.577 571.533 7.536 267.420 5.972
+169.912 513.159 5.846 575.025 8.232 243.474 9.564
+170.069 517.291 7.889 574.530 6.912 259.234 7.702
+170.226 509.482 6.515 576.015 9.758 249.952 8.633
+170.384 510.664 8.384 568.580 8.719 268.969 18.172
+170.541 511.796 6.399 575.145 8.853 259.369 20.051
+170.699 513.328 7.489 571.501 9.683 265.963 16.155
+170.854 514.353 6.474 576.495 8.087 242.799 4.884
+171.012 516.703 6.896 575.644 7.571 257.528 13.008
+171.169 519.637 8.881 574.676 14.383 262.025 35.364
+171.326 508.696 10.216 577.076 11.630 272.300 17.001
+171.484 513.727 6.996 563.810 9.397 284.903 10.388
+171.642 513.427 5.868 577.388 10.540 237.059 13.431
+171.799 513.984 8.119 579.493 9.081 247.270 11.955
+171.956 517.109 8.652 574.655 8.321 234.292 26.932
+172.112 507.771 7.557 573.746 14.277 265.392 23.415
+172.268 523.197 7.347 570.757 10.390 258.183 22.851
+172.426 511.632 6.911 573.717 7.986 257.701 7.694
+172.583 511.826 8.102 571.697 9.154 260.397 12.084
+172.740 511.088 7.020 577.167 9.870 249.933 13.883
+172.897 524.770 7.357 577.461 8.708 254.519 15.876
+173.053 526.537 7.463 574.714 7.594 254.145 8.668
+173.211 499.865 8.597 570.307 7.026 257.271 13.597
+173.368 520.578 6.532 576.313 11.246 273.362 15.902
+173.525 517.475 12.271 569.553 15.939 242.283 24.953
+173.681 515.444 8.235 576.245 7.190 239.622 12.806
+173.839 508.484 6.597 573.262 7.260 261.416 24.479
+173.996 511.444 7.208 567.352 9.847 277.534 8.855
+174.153 509.164 7.325 575.133 9.853 269.305 17.107
+174.309 518.571 7.859 585.591 8.950 220.893 14.175
+174.466 512.365 7.291 573.845 9.515 237.198 13.083
+174.623 508.553 5.968 570.908 8.701 266.822 9.587
+174.781 512.425 6.355 567.669 8.080 289.368 14.778
+174.940 506.374 7.851 571.906 7.695 258.213 11.997
+175.097 509.803 7.930 576.259 8.220 228.932 19.094
+175.253 524.018 6.950 576.502 9.228 257.059 12.874
+175.411 516.380 9.349 573.935 8.653 272.020 24.775
+175.568 522.323 6.944 565.829 8.868 276.110 13.625
+175.726 519.953 7.366 576.678 9.586 247.631 14.346
+175.883 514.119 6.129 578.376 7.407 248.886 6.868
+176.042 517.121 8.255 574.543 7.391 248.258 8.599
+176.199 516.991 9.382 567.985 7.771 269.822 15.835
+176.356 510.849 6.966 570.009 10.903 257.778 15.615
+176.513 514.958 6.193 573.600 9.054 253.767 11.535
+176.671 517.959 6.422 576.866 6.985 246.877 8.731
+176.829 518.449 6.142 575.408 7.647 253.898 5.211
+176.988 513.674 6.600 569.534 6.913 265.609 8.662
+177.145 512.196 6.084 571.995 7.471 262.756 7.752
+177.304 513.882 7.001 572.259 7.196 259.937 7.078
+177.462 516.568 5.854 574.702 8.015 248.099 6.564
+177.620 513.585 6.076 572.137 10.065 257.741 10.374
+177.779 516.245 6.787 571.001 11.803 252.197 15.730
+177.936 519.952 7.414 573.400 8.099 260.882 8.123
+178.093 511.659 6.769 572.504 7.785 253.828 7.155
+178.251 515.306 7.066 570.095 8.031 254.238 6.550
+178.407 514.203 7.496 570.531 7.552 254.662 10.977
+178.566 515.882 6.837 574.585 9.662 265.626 6.649
+178.724 515.528 7.309 572.645 6.938 256.266 10.884
+178.882 506.535 6.777 570.986 7.354 253.312 8.035
+179.039 523.285 6.288 573.169 7.309 255.553 7.536
+179.197 515.382 5.891 573.491 7.338 257.055 6.994
+179.356 508.683 6.386 572.254 6.613 265.270 5.556
+179.514 516.886 6.164 569.942 7.202 252.992 11.056
+179.673 509.958 8.099 572.439 8.050 256.159 8.354
+179.830 509.989 6.681 576.544 6.922 248.341 9.097
+179.987 508.079 7.178 569.465 10.300 258.983 6.923
+180.144 516.540 5.991 572.244 9.031 256.759 21.425
+180.302 513.575 6.733 571.072 7.953 262.297 7.877
+180.459 517.665 5.628 571.150 6.946 256.962 7.926
+180.616 518.596 6.235 574.871 6.968 249.729 6.228
+180.774 508.035 7.124 572.448 7.978 262.077 9.634
+180.932 505.840 6.189 573.694 8.676 248.320 11.877
+181.089 512.348 6.293 568.107 7.084 264.983 14.658
+181.247 501.983 8.379 578.581 11.331 243.649 17.995
+181.404 528.699 6.917 570.485 13.128 275.646 18.140
+181.561 507.997 6.672 567.254 8.911 268.386 11.985
+181.719 513.450 6.633 574.522 6.762 263.383 5.771
+181.878 510.994 9.648 570.495 10.431 249.703 18.696
+182.034 510.979 6.302 577.415 9.448 245.377 18.560
+182.190 509.499 6.615 578.574 9.000 245.283 7.579
+182.348 508.475 6.529 569.255 10.867 272.682 20.428
+182.505 510.334 6.043 573.762 8.827 250.616 13.183
+182.662 515.693 5.941 572.407 7.142 262.306 7.931
+182.820 505.286 10.033 572.844 10.485 255.643 11.749
+182.978 520.812 8.236 574.108 11.738 252.846 20.581
+183.135 505.768 6.956 572.211 7.107 266.158 5.488
+183.293 504.787 8.599 570.432 7.896 252.741 6.574
+183.451 509.727 6.748 573.254 6.751 264.187 6.377
+183.609 513.767 6.148 570.132 7.030 259.571 4.598
+183.768 509.617 7.266 574.081 9.273 256.105 7.287
+183.926 503.926 8.501 576.920 7.651 243.801 4.703
+184.084 511.139 7.555 572.699 13.736 257.528 18.751
+184.240 505.261 6.098 574.757 9.252 263.215 15.612
+184.398 508.212 5.817 572.227 7.451 261.922 9.935
+184.556 508.082 6.866 571.332 9.745 252.959 15.757
+184.712 506.670 7.346 572.583 9.935 248.409 15.163
+184.869 508.786 6.090 571.745 7.123 264.594 4.752
+185.027 509.757 9.404 577.067 14.293 250.845 24.898
+185.183 507.197 6.263 574.540 8.001 253.118 11.819
+185.340 503.952 6.458 570.705 6.986 261.371 13.388
+185.497 513.509 6.778 576.677 7.613 246.123 10.058
+185.655 514.875 6.291 569.356 9.018 261.161 13.592
+185.812 513.118 8.649 570.163 7.617 248.001 12.065
+185.970 510.931 7.833 572.421 8.793 253.420 14.691
+186.127 519.879 6.273 567.294 8.372 272.064 5.608
+186.286 503.348 6.605 573.453 8.794 256.580 18.678
+186.442 522.543 7.706 570.164 8.049 253.765 9.556
+186.599 525.045 9.110 576.531 10.409 251.757 21.590
+186.756 518.700 6.602 573.775 7.935 255.117 15.583
+186.914 533.917 5.614 568.297 10.005 266.501 23.929
+187.070 524.679 6.667 576.843 8.354 249.705 13.033
+187.227 516.356 6.879 578.428 9.258 249.967 12.331
+187.384 524.443 7.045 567.524 8.532 256.089 7.235
+187.541 518.574 6.984 573.765 9.636 258.910 14.537
+187.698 523.995 6.373 574.957 6.527 256.229 8.015
+187.856 522.639 6.308 572.669 8.049 251.702 14.806
+188.013 529.316 6.262 575.226 8.151 252.387 12.726
+188.170 526.443 5.851 570.172 6.844 252.393 9.949
+188.328 520.644 6.772 570.221 7.439 268.043 6.808
+188.485 531.556 5.777 572.382 6.626 249.910 6.779
+188.643 527.575 5.755 571.243 8.020 256.519 6.312
+188.801 534.075 6.517 579.562 8.324 251.795 11.782
+188.959 531.820 8.271 572.115 12.664 252.967 18.442
+189.116 524.798 6.566 570.771 7.876 260.119 8.052
+189.273 526.448 6.204 572.977 6.314 246.011 3.678
+189.431 537.714 6.149 574.479 7.256 261.520 7.747
+189.589 525.807 7.876 572.534 7.686 255.185 10.657
+189.746 539.418 6.493 576.445 8.347 263.511 6.631
+189.905 525.944 9.122 575.904 14.018 255.195 17.597
+190.060 533.389 5.924 573.949 7.503 250.991 8.956
+190.218 526.773 7.289 571.669 7.074 254.049 10.367
+190.375 529.887 6.353 576.306 8.540 252.540 7.854
+190.532 529.678 6.529 572.673 7.982 259.885 5.886
+190.692 528.486 6.504 575.006 7.765 257.098 10.827
+190.849 530.884 7.009 574.560 7.810 248.981 14.538
+191.006 536.718 6.505 585.105 7.872 243.759 12.586
+191.162 534.727 7.459 577.301 8.030 245.517 12.001
+191.320 528.687 6.884 567.143 6.997 280.115 11.390
+191.477 531.616 7.888 573.701 7.419 263.201 8.606
+191.634 526.436 6.611 573.807 7.138 249.442 6.908
+191.792 535.324 7.430 577.098 8.204 232.344 9.313
+191.949 522.753 6.675 580.771 9.812 269.143 10.838
+192.107 524.557 8.353 569.257 9.507 269.261 12.903
+192.265 529.385 7.163 575.412 7.935 261.152 8.246
+192.422 527.613 6.828 573.584 6.614 250.461 5.646
+192.580 525.316 6.554 575.665 7.601 257.834 12.911
+192.737 539.253 7.826 578.996 7.314 247.168 8.432
+192.895 517.842 8.450 568.980 8.184 267.491 9.090
+193.052 528.488 6.030 574.079 9.123 251.004 8.832
+193.208 534.894 6.857 577.770 7.420 237.660 13.980
+193.365 534.839 8.168 576.367 8.222 246.816 12.246
+193.522 533.768 6.731 574.553 8.099 268.688 9.138
+193.679 532.217 6.869 575.585 8.393 260.326 7.023
+193.837 530.252 6.901 572.285 8.762 263.833 10.651
+193.994 522.772 7.028 572.883 11.015 250.338 10.272
+194.152 527.727 7.513 576.268 7.401 247.243 4.925
+194.310 532.057 6.141 573.812 6.883 261.192 7.811
+194.468 537.160 6.094 570.678 7.443 261.351 6.940
+194.625 528.221 6.931 572.536 7.344 249.613 7.792
+194.783 527.842 7.889 576.485 8.540 255.476 10.636
+194.939 535.418 8.167 575.234 7.836 237.964 11.204
+195.096 527.034 6.484 573.692 8.993 260.699 13.551
+195.254 529.690 6.011 566.167 8.152 272.537 8.626
+195.412 530.736 6.254 573.881 6.935 253.815 8.143
+195.568 534.357 7.162 570.438 7.732 253.028 14.604
+195.724 531.333 6.511 573.594 7.174 255.280 4.099
+195.882 532.473 7.082 578.696 9.654 252.502 22.404
+196.040 530.944 6.552 575.227 9.059 269.865 15.012
+196.196 524.119 5.985 572.842 7.505 257.768 11.111
+196.354 526.961 7.179 578.118 7.872 250.617 4.843
+196.513 529.459 6.107 578.321 7.668 246.426 11.562
+196.671 525.764 6.092 573.163 7.963 259.794 7.129
+196.829 519.927 6.832 571.901 11.199 263.728 16.638
+196.986 530.859 6.811 580.099 8.145 245.487 14.407
+197.143 552.868 10.255 574.451 9.160 256.474 12.825
+197.301 524.938 6.989 574.374 8.232 255.924 17.025
+197.457 526.669 6.694 574.673 9.412 262.189 7.932
+197.614 531.396 6.658 573.146 6.787 252.581 7.070
+197.772 529.654 6.115 575.451 7.749 252.625 5.852
+197.930 549.106 9.085 576.584 9.978 253.266 8.458
+198.086 531.021 7.818 569.755 9.778 262.722 14.451
+198.243 528.810 7.087 572.667 7.985 266.047 8.524
+198.400 531.268 6.221 579.016 7.568 242.660 8.033
+198.556 539.852 7.905 576.700 9.773 247.506 5.217
+198.714 532.728 9.108 573.447 7.991 256.225 12.253
+198.871 532.867 6.224 572.044 7.952 266.742 15.282
+199.029 534.658 6.125 570.800 10.067 270.557 7.827
+199.187 524.936 7.097 574.098 7.721 246.375 8.755
+199.343 529.149 5.710 574.061 7.558 253.483 4.380
+199.501 528.351 6.298 574.890 8.371 255.814 7.847
+199.659 508.763 7.051 571.758 10.792 253.268 22.851
+199.816 514.947 6.403 571.587 8.519 265.722 6.927
+199.975 522.739 7.597 571.075 9.203 254.277 20.283
+200.132 512.037 6.324 574.620 9.329 248.962 16.871
+200.289 513.800 7.248 572.056 7.019 255.109 7.104
+200.446 516.748 5.883 569.920 7.211 263.611 8.737
+200.604 513.987 6.524 574.429 7.627 248.766 10.781
+200.762 515.999 6.079 572.274 8.618 258.697 8.186
+200.921 512.870 8.364 573.182 9.403 250.097 11.211
+201.078 511.868 6.423 575.001 9.718 259.021 12.807
+201.236 519.518 7.908 569.910 15.478 250.640 17.307
+201.392 514.195 7.961 572.449 8.989 256.296 9.564
+201.549 513.261 6.644 572.264 9.311 257.232 7.621
+201.708 513.172 6.672 574.242 7.507 248.132 7.333
+201.865 516.741 6.983 573.202 8.055 266.991 13.427
+202.023 514.727 8.414 567.962 12.586 253.949 21.193
+202.179 511.567 6.038 574.549 8.686 248.679 7.373
+202.337 515.105 6.346 572.345 8.076 257.556 12.934
+202.494 509.831 8.018 576.553 7.544 245.445 14.371
+202.651 515.048 6.000 566.185 7.937 268.634 9.128
+202.809 518.060 8.240 573.621 10.030 261.376 14.728
+202.965 513.440 9.393 577.876 12.333 240.383 9.415
+203.122 508.804 7.482 567.448 10.948 264.413 12.218
+203.280 511.518 6.204 565.254 8.415 264.614 13.485
+203.437 515.695 7.578 573.342 8.931 265.216 12.304
+203.595 513.386 7.254 568.503 6.950 270.122 14.753
+203.751 511.943 6.997 587.795 9.961 219.601 8.975
+203.909 512.149 7.790 575.808 8.022 262.826 10.334
+204.068 513.711 6.637 567.948 7.416 275.808 7.517
+204.226 518.587 8.055 571.389 9.770 260.358 15.229
+204.382 515.705 6.809 579.414 9.366 237.213 17.001
+204.537 511.447 7.982 572.104 10.072 244.172 12.503
+204.695 512.194 7.147 573.341 7.215 257.041 6.480
+204.854 515.251 6.776 572.223 8.203 268.430 10.738
+205.012 515.562 6.952 575.612 9.786 258.254 10.009
+205.170 517.215 7.103 574.506 8.427 248.122 11.212
+205.328 512.972 7.254 576.875 7.666 245.371 17.261
+205.484 511.479 7.177 566.638 9.466 268.043 10.816
+205.641 518.754 5.962 578.226 9.511 261.230 23.584
+205.799 511.877 6.695 574.022 7.336 250.622 17.442
+205.955 510.108 6.255 571.770 8.732 250.456 6.623
+206.113 507.211 9.061 574.497 11.491 257.764 23.624
+206.270 529.282 8.806 569.725 18.993 276.407 31.973
+206.425 513.362 7.340 578.307 14.066 236.964 16.925
+206.581 512.883 7.946 581.313 9.048 245.559 9.639
+206.738 514.608 7.659 570.123 8.488 260.655 8.367
+206.895 525.106 7.045 573.891 7.319 257.596 7.905
+207.053 516.271 9.796 567.589 9.287 270.225 22.279
+207.210 502.052 9.307 576.335 7.278 246.812 24.411
+207.366 512.720 7.723 572.343 8.294 252.918 17.810
+207.524 524.417 7.619 576.333 7.839 245.749 13.180
+207.681 515.374 7.227 573.783 9.465 252.617 12.759
+207.838 515.353 7.503 570.267 7.968 268.946 6.525
+207.996 516.303 7.279 573.682 8.554 260.989 17.874
+208.153 520.453 6.711 573.656 6.545 265.899 18.302
+208.310 497.504 6.830 571.906 7.479 239.819 8.183
+208.467 511.505 6.493 569.829 7.775 265.518 17.247
+208.623 518.915 5.669 572.838 7.494 260.925 11.076
+208.782 515.809 7.614 576.248 10.095 250.229 19.674
+208.938 524.838 6.253 575.192 8.283 247.032 7.571
+209.096 510.108 7.150 571.542 8.776 254.690 7.313
+209.253 513.181 5.957 573.735 6.801 261.446 4.586
+209.412 516.691 5.986 573.597 6.976 261.894 9.318
+209.571 519.407 7.271 574.486 8.040 247.888 10.847
+209.728 514.344 6.742 574.544 7.524 253.178 10.343
+209.886 520.363 7.761 571.355 8.147 257.521 10.811
+210.044 522.343 7.144 572.353 8.359 263.705 7.526
+210.202 510.683 6.152 574.553 7.586 261.527 7.691
+210.360 509.386 6.660 568.515 6.920 262.835 6.090
+210.518 513.713 5.695 574.905 7.631 246.958 5.072
+210.676 512.277 8.235 570.449 7.048 256.179 8.400
+210.833 513.792 6.770 577.724 7.682 244.211 7.701
+210.991 516.617 6.263 573.757 7.673 263.422 7.109
+211.150 511.386 5.721 572.647 8.644 258.614 6.257
+211.308 512.803 5.940 571.946 6.702 254.806 5.153
+211.467 513.018 7.854 573.719 7.477 255.758 4.755
+211.625 512.100 6.683 571.797 8.029 257.137 5.167
+211.784 509.271 6.567 571.158 8.540 260.101 11.105
+211.941 520.422 5.888 577.201 7.724 246.731 9.101
+212.098 519.374 7.014 574.102 12.149 259.097 21.206
+212.256 518.403 6.471 566.611 8.809 277.291 11.811
+212.413 518.704 6.221 574.416 7.450 258.732 10.360
+212.571 514.967 6.110 575.984 6.721 248.477 9.435
+212.729 512.929 6.009 574.869 6.877 250.884 7.678
+212.888 512.759 6.397 574.178 9.350 250.678 14.640
+213.046 517.327 6.236 571.831 6.740 268.226 14.414
+213.203 515.173 6.229 574.858 6.268 254.312 4.519
+213.361 516.811 7.138 574.418 6.882 254.163 13.329
+213.518 519.498 6.017 571.864 6.661 258.821 5.720
+213.676 517.265 5.731 573.508 7.370 257.638 5.948
+213.836 516.802 5.855 571.745 7.097 264.426 7.691
+213.993 526.798 6.511 572.837 7.790 248.394 8.324
+214.151 527.008 6.063 576.188 7.099 255.683 5.893
+214.309 524.120 6.631 571.111 6.878 263.436 8.496
+214.467 520.501 6.219 575.241 6.200 253.924 5.123
+214.625 525.195 6.769 575.702 6.352 251.409 5.612
+214.783 526.782 7.193 578.377 8.898 249.434 10.271
+214.941 516.827 5.885 573.853 7.290 260.164 11.454
+215.099 523.128 5.698 572.728 6.663 258.321 5.080
+215.258 531.361 6.036 572.787 8.041 256.583 10.542
+215.415 525.803 6.708 575.557 7.505 251.135 9.522
+215.572 529.848 5.979 575.365 8.180 250.821 8.553
+215.729 527.338 6.331 574.473 6.799 258.618 8.336
+215.886 521.633 5.999 572.284 8.527 250.966 9.814
+216.043 525.726 6.514 574.552 7.528 251.569 8.355
+216.200 525.507 6.533 578.035 8.875 250.195 17.040
+216.357 527.815 6.944 572.610 8.377 254.732 17.992
+216.513 533.258 6.029 572.076 6.581 255.127 4.419
+216.671 526.762 6.049 571.520 8.680 254.301 16.262
+216.827 530.267 9.003 572.815 10.003 251.733 13.574
+216.983 530.122 7.610 575.308 9.226 251.787 12.652
+217.141 522.821 6.511 572.113 7.157 258.257 11.203
+217.299 534.728 6.648 573.181 7.669 255.192 7.741
+217.456 529.127 6.337 577.581 7.651 249.001 13.541
+217.613 525.881 7.356 576.215 8.000 254.880 6.748
+217.770 527.068 7.262 572.242 7.574 262.618 6.230
+217.928 533.570 6.212 573.312 6.999 245.096 8.029
+218.086 527.625 6.123 574.503 7.139 255.821 7.743
+218.243 529.486 5.819 571.005 6.808 261.828 7.259
+218.401 535.164 6.150 577.330 6.424 255.598 6.617
+218.559 530.641 6.776 576.183 7.357 245.566 4.899
+218.717 534.456 8.602 579.331 9.896 257.115 8.250
+218.874 535.644 6.692 577.373 7.760 250.911 15.603
+219.031 524.616 7.411 572.333 8.586 260.419 9.999
+219.190 532.746 6.605 572.713 7.067 265.894 8.015
+219.348 525.717 5.825 574.637 8.634 253.858 11.324
+219.505 527.167 6.077 575.286 8.178 223.378 11.188
+219.662 535.511 6.021 571.192 7.266 257.883 7.864
+219.820 528.205 6.462 566.882 8.400 275.148 7.963
+219.977 529.992 7.477 575.498 10.550 250.381 23.976
+220.133 523.599 6.076 577.435 6.852 243.713 6.147
+220.290 530.286 5.885 573.884 6.577 244.627 7.118
+220.448 527.702 6.378 573.788 6.961 262.156 6.298
+220.607 529.597 6.192 573.867 6.929 260.791 7.383
+220.765 525.426 6.341 568.528 8.401 264.387 10.133
+220.922 532.214 12.365 584.345 11.251 227.933 22.395
+221.078 522.932 6.481 574.753 7.290 254.899 6.737
+221.237 526.709 6.727 572.497 8.184 255.109 16.608
+221.393 522.107 6.843 577.295 6.742 254.701 5.041
+221.551 534.351 6.339 577.903 8.230 253.567 4.219
+221.709 523.013 6.806 564.289 7.419 263.015 8.669
+221.865 536.400 7.164 573.032 12.349 257.370 21.615
+222.023 541.074 5.823 574.310 8.013 241.923 10.361
+222.179 524.590 6.110 569.683 7.817 267.459 9.206
+222.337 537.866 6.968 574.016 8.807 247.494 14.690
+222.493 521.608 10.574 590.830 15.044 214.694 24.262
+222.649 536.916 7.887 574.388 9.729 251.866 17.257
+222.806 536.949 11.150 568.743 14.744 284.828 19.207
+222.963 536.029 7.700 576.067 7.216 257.008 10.761
+223.120 528.900 7.824 579.210 10.982 255.320 20.782
+223.276 530.989 8.981 575.402 8.760 249.063 11.024
+223.434 530.080 6.704 573.674 7.476 259.660 10.783
+223.592 525.690 6.366 571.296 7.097 261.806 7.988
+223.749 527.286 8.938 573.963 9.331 258.058 13.014
+223.905 536.672 8.191 578.249 10.915 242.250 12.448
+224.062 531.006 7.478 573.682 8.272 262.602 21.619
+224.221 522.990 6.686 567.676 8.222 273.606 9.152
+224.378 536.729 5.899 579.216 6.279 246.966 7.464
+224.536 532.707 7.008 576.982 6.408 234.689 6.116
+224.694 526.847 7.071 568.649 8.153 279.796 11.388
+224.851 540.928 7.138 577.646 8.910 247.857 14.455
+225.008 529.609 6.270 574.416 7.796 252.728 8.551
+225.164 525.986 6.471 572.364 7.858 246.157 4.812
+225.322 523.929 5.968 574.983 8.671 260.061 14.029
+225.481 535.129 6.737 571.099 7.247 257.760 21.184
+225.637 521.461 6.497 577.571 7.196 259.407 11.169
+225.795 529.554 6.734 579.505 6.796 248.634 12.260
+225.952 539.085 7.392 582.915 9.332 252.566 13.233
+226.109 521.130 6.940 570.869 7.290 260.095 25.625
+226.265 528.201 7.427 575.558 8.057 248.990 10.714
+226.422 537.702 6.250 577.155 6.851 252.739 10.215
+226.579 536.267 6.433 573.151 7.297 259.877 9.803
+226.737 525.142 6.086 572.891 7.962 257.278 5.233
+226.895 522.231 7.242 577.168 8.269 246.802 6.435
+227.052 532.892 6.903 577.831 8.355 254.478 11.009
+227.211 521.149 6.785 572.948 7.404 260.014 6.272
+227.369 525.461 6.908 572.879 6.768 254.010 11.051
+227.527 521.644 7.196 573.768 8.672 255.290 17.979
+227.683 518.856 6.589 580.897 8.492 235.292 19.037
+227.839 536.198 7.798 576.689 8.267 266.632 7.811
+227.996 524.932 7.428 575.556 9.146 255.616 17.677
+228.152 519.189 6.338 567.795 8.100 261.466 11.413
+228.309 529.211 6.701 577.048 7.494 257.954 8.631
+228.466 538.952 7.883 574.650 14.823 240.039 24.360
+228.623 524.249 9.888 571.316 8.362 252.660 9.817
+228.779 527.162 6.349 570.843 7.803 260.926 7.216
+228.937 539.381 6.272 574.288 11.415 253.539 9.175
+229.095 534.033 9.663 576.522 9.232 256.955 28.087
+229.250 522.580 7.079 577.245 7.650 247.969 8.924
+229.408 535.655 7.029 575.872 10.207 253.419 20.430
+229.565 530.436 7.668 578.968 7.925 261.674 15.090
+229.722 528.984 6.408 574.149 7.762 251.056 11.701
+229.879 533.309 7.345 575.351 7.563 258.690 9.682
+230.037 531.623 7.870 580.323 10.190 257.176 12.158
+230.194 528.736 6.251 569.803 7.363 255.371 10.271
+230.351 531.377 6.319 576.138 7.550 248.953 5.093
+230.510 535.143 7.735 572.161 13.822 261.849 15.856
+230.665 528.851 10.889 572.731 15.011 246.648 15.136
+230.822 533.688 8.027 577.877 6.808 261.076 12.236
+230.980 527.556 6.916 577.488 8.443 253.020 16.347
+231.137 527.275 6.469 577.344 7.001 253.730 6.482
+231.295 532.802 7.388 574.053 6.874 255.647 8.250
+231.453 536.738 6.574 573.690 6.982 252.896 10.037
+231.610 529.277 7.005 574.626 6.606 254.928 5.789
+231.768 526.092 6.124 578.206 6.905 260.619 12.207
+231.926 536.041 7.477 574.452 12.398 256.256 19.922
+232.083 517.590 7.809 573.984 10.001 258.272 11.333
+232.241 521.805 7.833 574.629 8.069 266.652 8.271
+232.398 532.418 6.165 575.576 7.142 248.416 8.042
+232.554 528.504 7.049 575.365 8.337 251.734 11.218
+232.712 527.085 7.396 574.403 6.707 255.787 5.922
+232.870 537.210 6.092 573.584 7.546 246.997 3.729
+233.029 513.862 6.915 572.695 8.480 260.050 7.085
+233.186 519.318 6.218 574.127 6.616 256.470 6.740
+233.344 522.573 6.642 575.451 7.246 247.864 7.650
+233.502 520.345 7.837 569.154 6.410 260.218 7.433
+233.660 523.043 6.567 575.681 7.207 256.402 11.462
+233.818 523.410 5.990 569.536 6.435 261.594 3.977
+233.977 518.554 6.685 576.555 10.499 246.245 22.212
+234.135 510.045 6.261 571.775 7.256 260.812 10.621
+234.292 516.310 6.170 571.467 6.423 253.818 5.978
+234.450 519.603 5.713 573.904 6.049 254.728 10.910
+234.608 508.046 6.061 571.209 7.671 260.077 10.699
+234.766 511.140 6.000 571.092 7.394 262.700 8.812
+234.924 516.171 6.816 573.781 6.456 253.317 7.505
+235.082 509.961 10.008 572.507 10.302 260.143 11.386
+235.240 516.919 6.840 574.285 9.981 253.891 9.434
+235.398 510.659 6.037 574.572 8.092 258.218 9.735
+235.557 515.706 6.842 575.095 8.924 257.942 7.432
+235.714 508.667 7.393 577.171 9.254 252.689 8.653
+235.872 513.916 6.817 575.041 8.091 258.606 8.650
+236.029 509.859 6.080 572.080 10.922 255.416 11.032
+236.186 507.548 6.200 572.590 8.831 263.694 11.660
+236.344 509.565 5.670 571.945 7.974 249.766 7.477
+236.501 508.995 6.358 574.429 6.696 258.967 8.826
+236.658 509.259 6.618 570.674 6.806 256.589 4.819
+236.816 513.292 6.121 572.176 9.467 251.655 7.419
+236.974 505.092 7.144 571.691 7.199 260.476 8.832
+237.131 505.620 7.772 571.586 6.808 256.454 6.722
+237.288 501.046 7.043 570.835 8.870 256.044 5.310
+237.446 504.990 6.304 572.928 7.768 260.110 9.122
+237.605 502.719 5.781 571.719 7.145 252.501 8.963
+237.762 500.187 5.668 569.927 7.257 265.835 5.260
+237.921 507.641 7.160 569.899 9.698 248.868 14.354
+238.078 505.716 6.971 577.569 9.310 250.008 11.582
+238.235 500.777 6.613 575.995 9.128 258.840 8.490
+238.393 502.237 5.971 571.500 9.039 268.518 12.383
+238.550 500.132 6.087 573.075 7.707 259.615 17.136
+238.707 496.711 7.204 570.480 14.842 247.966 20.812
+238.863 493.607 10.497 576.284 10.575 237.809 3.907
+239.021 491.456 8.841 573.472 12.582 265.218 12.819
+239.178 499.444 7.783 572.674 10.326 263.192 13.187
+239.335 493.294 5.604 570.706 7.767 255.311 9.119
+239.491 496.402 7.057 572.957 7.966 259.073 13.350
+239.648 487.634 8.909 567.029 10.239 251.390 7.567
+239.806 502.596 7.068 565.420 10.503 263.143 7.496
+239.964 498.075 7.169 572.034 6.150 254.181 8.524
+240.121 495.010 7.650 572.500 7.339 250.251 7.795
+240.278 493.100 5.719 570.055 7.969 258.382 15.600
+240.435 493.381 6.337 570.870 10.032 259.123 16.493
+240.592 492.623 10.975 577.518 15.101 260.681 38.435
+240.748 488.516 10.440 570.705 16.820 255.576 20.466
+240.903 497.385 7.414 574.687 9.416 250.555 22.053
+241.060 489.183 9.359 576.506 10.059 260.355 12.304
+241.218 496.561 7.672 571.845 8.364 271.093 13.631
+241.375 492.195 7.710 578.868 7.226 251.900 12.432
+241.532 498.452 7.794 569.178 8.709 253.029 7.166
+241.689 494.374 7.531 572.861 9.715 249.570 17.952
+241.845 495.783 7.959 581.008 8.829 246.795 11.635
+242.002 481.807 8.792 570.250 10.294 271.218 22.615
+242.159 502.018 6.634 577.732 10.526 254.132 18.126
+242.316 497.250 6.827 573.207 7.759 251.231 14.377
+242.473 494.552 6.150 569.362 8.354 257.462 9.733
+242.630 488.605 8.359 576.373 8.342 254.444 11.309
+242.787 502.076 5.928 568.903 8.852 259.724 10.000
+242.944 486.000 9.571 568.069 11.917 246.307 15.885
+243.100 497.570 6.518 574.420 9.245 249.143 8.737
+243.259 498.635 6.378 572.384 7.652 264.651 9.712
+243.417 497.786 5.810 570.453 7.083 262.916 4.554
+243.575 493.757 5.954 574.074 8.192 250.789 9.442
+243.732 499.397 7.752 575.050 6.564 260.677 12.988
+243.890 488.224 7.191 576.650 7.428 255.076 7.354
+244.048 497.702 8.055 567.756 14.145 261.190 9.948
+244.205 503.147 6.478 574.337 8.437 256.901 13.021
+244.362 497.541 6.203 573.773 7.390 251.219 7.461
+244.520 509.525 5.975 572.917 7.576 257.592 7.443
+244.678 507.785 6.846 574.539 7.894 250.835 9.827
+244.835 510.187 7.042 573.625 6.932 256.868 5.335
+244.994 505.581 5.870 571.346 8.219 254.728 10.200
+245.152 506.985 6.320 574.863 7.129 252.487 12.664
+245.311 506.129 5.414 569.778 6.646 258.374 9.217
+245.468 510.431 6.495 573.077 6.915 259.283 8.747
+245.626 511.514 6.660 570.770 7.973 260.452 14.891
+245.782 516.085 6.093 575.447 6.612 248.454 6.446
+245.941 512.570 5.858 573.534 6.550 260.994 3.344
+246.101 512.125 5.728 572.865 8.275 256.509 7.966
+246.258 516.231 6.184 573.958 6.996 252.485 5.021
+246.417 514.062 6.446 573.509 7.547 255.974 10.229
+246.575 513.240 6.535 570.925 8.182 260.169 12.348
+246.733 513.222 6.343 571.809 6.381 255.631 10.262
+246.892 518.332 5.936 575.428 8.236 255.326 7.536
+247.050 512.673 6.186 572.824 7.658 258.933 9.076
+247.207 508.906 7.114 569.118 7.971 254.469 12.868
+247.364 519.419 5.779 572.451 7.335 254.494 10.613
+247.523 518.644 5.824 571.204 8.558 260.854 7.836
+247.681 519.776 6.001 572.962 7.315 254.298 16.609
+247.839 520.957 6.731 569.259 7.159 270.763 7.379
+247.997 506.499 8.253 578.202 13.204 235.727 28.230
+248.153 522.925 6.034 572.102 8.932 270.357 19.020
+248.310 512.899 9.323 572.611 9.666 242.953 16.027
+248.467 517.729 5.853 577.816 7.221 252.169 13.236
+248.624 521.977 5.874 573.018 8.069 259.541 8.892
+248.783 515.969 5.859 566.500 7.790 274.075 12.732
+248.942 518.179 5.929 571.675 7.055 253.020 7.482
+249.099 516.731 6.523 572.416 8.490 249.680 6.941
+249.257 522.697 6.913 572.644 9.355 241.896 21.935
+249.413 521.887 7.701 572.206 15.677 271.629 23.243
+249.569 526.648 7.098 571.682 6.855 264.436 7.937
+249.726 527.446 6.415 577.096 6.222 244.514 6.636
+249.884 526.524 6.182 576.771 7.926 253.215 5.733
+250.042 529.995 6.191 575.717 7.905 259.442 11.643
+250.200 534.120 5.653 572.057 6.549 255.864 6.287
+250.357 523.541 6.083 573.090 7.179 255.808 9.190
+250.514 543.845 6.928 577.131 7.491 249.308 5.201
+250.673 535.498 7.975 575.961 6.320 262.623 9.955
+250.830 526.475 6.288 573.269 6.683 258.066 7.081
+250.989 525.134 6.414 577.012 7.208 256.770 5.790
+251.147 544.041 6.097 575.210 9.750 243.637 18.750
+251.304 533.050 6.676 579.632 8.639 262.916 12.616
+251.461 533.440 6.258 578.096 7.498 259.379 21.362
+251.617 524.434 7.000 571.651 8.000 251.973 7.352
+251.773 527.474 6.284 575.316 7.483 255.139 6.778
+251.932 534.874 6.053 571.363 7.554 262.621 12.203
+252.090 525.658 6.434 571.983 8.833 254.206 18.164
+252.247 533.686 6.959 581.459 8.092 259.842 12.626
+252.404 525.296 6.048 573.344 7.641 247.198 5.586
+252.562 529.603 5.873 575.823 6.823 256.912 5.572
+252.721 525.846 6.241 573.738 7.132 253.679 7.717
+252.878 523.138 6.333 574.217 7.535 248.776 6.112
+253.035 530.751 5.834 580.732 6.932 252.707 9.549
+253.192 535.727 6.234 577.327 8.735 249.937 11.541
+253.351 533.437 5.903 573.413 8.485 268.649 8.450
+253.508 530.734 6.452 574.944 7.630 258.636 7.311
+253.666 522.437 8.639 570.019 11.483 255.046 10.626
+253.823 536.394 7.411 577.930 8.977 244.160 18.545
+253.979 539.053 10.497 574.069 10.562 257.111 17.661
+254.137 529.980 8.377 569.530 10.697 252.171 17.745
+254.294 519.529 11.471 567.775 11.014 260.381 21.325
+254.451 524.945 12.558 576.477 24.913 263.183 32.573
+254.607 522.239 6.030 572.854 7.029 258.871 9.335
+254.764 535.912 6.419 577.508 8.005 251.248 9.021
+254.922 534.969 6.370 571.685 8.615 256.552 7.175
+255.079 530.559 7.041 576.886 6.704 255.195 8.144
+255.237 533.395 6.049 576.148 7.790 273.972 14.859
+255.395 528.614 7.365 576.681 8.396 258.799 17.507
+255.551 523.146 6.479 578.316 7.401 245.348 9.053
+255.708 530.041 6.337 576.053 8.305 242.423 7.702
+255.866 529.390 6.430 575.830 8.059 271.584 4.958
+256.024 534.083 6.506 574.438 8.191 261.475 9.481
+256.182 537.330 7.708 576.614 7.803 258.644 11.073
+256.340 522.693 7.053 573.906 8.239 250.896 10.228
+256.497 523.426 6.500 575.789 9.016 252.858 10.724
+256.654 526.184 5.810 572.498 7.931 261.428 10.212
+256.811 521.321 6.772 575.865 8.555 249.984 13.491
+256.968 533.563 5.669 577.498 8.506 247.909 4.898
+257.127 539.495 6.931 574.445 7.919 268.269 7.574
+257.285 530.794 7.320 574.544 8.434 248.422 15.758
+257.441 520.828 6.409 569.635 7.233 260.854 4.777
+257.600 532.138 6.407 576.146 8.040 251.778 8.974
+257.758 530.821 6.668 576.331 7.147 258.197 8.353
+257.916 523.538 6.799 572.983 7.711 252.042 15.388
+258.073 533.625 8.135 575.199 8.674 255.390 7.842
+258.229 541.896 6.086 575.112 8.684 257.423 10.849
+258.387 526.839 5.960 574.951 6.956 263.174 7.369
+258.545 524.578 6.309 575.949 6.734 251.091 4.442
+258.703 520.115 6.703 579.429 8.151 247.730 8.610
+258.860 527.371 6.910 574.634 7.684 249.447 6.464
+259.019 528.563 6.630 573.736 6.914 262.404 6.107
+259.177 527.885 7.137 574.587 12.740 258.054 15.855
+259.334 529.998 7.760 572.985 9.075 258.750 12.645
+259.492 522.430 6.453 577.509 7.503 245.417 3.885
+259.649 526.444 7.287 574.765 7.130 256.784 9.041
+259.806 518.324 5.906 571.687 7.283 258.117 4.897
+259.964 520.563 6.078 574.186 7.012 254.211 12.141
+260.122 525.125 6.118 572.321 7.152 257.802 10.851
+260.281 537.371 6.551 573.353 8.311 251.888 9.268
+260.439 530.743 6.239 574.133 10.056 260.888 7.984
+260.597 524.147 6.056 575.971 9.806 256.278 16.269
+260.753 522.211 6.180 576.319 7.932 252.782 3.931
+260.911 523.082 6.371 575.123 8.975 260.467 10.937
+261.068 527.240 7.778 574.181 7.899 249.674 5.489
+261.225 532.032 8.789 570.721 9.193 248.786 17.141
+261.382 518.850 6.809 573.017 9.842 263.277 9.234
+261.540 524.458 7.264 576.620 9.682 251.172 13.390
+261.697 529.904 5.755 573.076 7.023 259.031 8.738
+261.855 524.659 5.793 573.820 6.825 252.820 9.466
+262.012 529.846 6.020 576.118 9.643 257.548 5.854
+262.170 528.358 7.268 575.531 8.131 259.335 11.849
+262.327 520.513 6.252 573.865 10.196 253.403 12.877
+262.485 529.865 6.774 575.128 7.412 265.904 9.068
+262.642 526.538 8.067 572.771 11.522 260.039 24.267
+262.799 522.665 6.005 578.427 8.699 247.990 10.551
+262.956 531.046 6.958 574.464 7.665 250.569 10.074
+263.114 520.040 6.670 571.904 7.843 256.015 14.097
+263.271 526.310 6.604 576.779 7.760 250.200 9.684
+263.428 531.443 6.070 573.667 7.609 264.752 8.585
+263.585 525.204 6.104 578.096 7.535 243.427 9.145
+263.743 523.042 6.609 574.531 8.828 264.524 8.168
+263.900 529.320 7.244 568.265 8.070 271.255 8.136
+264.057 523.523 8.443 577.512 11.281 253.802 14.307
+264.214 520.365 6.735 569.505 9.048 266.848 9.855
+264.372 534.483 6.714 577.325 9.225 235.078 20.939
+264.529 525.004 6.846 572.543 7.838 257.430 9.892
+264.686 534.630 6.152 573.775 8.925 254.464 8.651
+264.844 539.276 7.249 577.577 8.120 260.834 9.572
+265.001 538.092 12.022 574.565 6.426 257.488 8.073
+265.158 526.331 10.095 575.295 13.579 258.074 23.486
+265.314 523.873 6.957 574.623 10.371 254.470 12.741
+265.472 536.718 6.419 576.036 8.445 250.804 15.603
+265.629 529.707 6.517 577.070 8.248 265.028 14.903
+265.787 520.147 5.993 572.860 7.458 255.680 7.581
+265.944 520.481 5.642 575.978 8.706 251.726 11.558
+266.101 532.374 6.876 582.449 10.234 254.007 18.279
+266.258 531.493 8.352 572.824 10.371 247.460 13.226
+266.415 524.305 7.376 576.298 7.041 263.034 5.795
+266.574 526.113 6.148 572.693 6.719 263.870 5.605
+266.732 526.301 6.319 576.806 10.518 239.158 7.372
+266.890 526.083 6.914 578.138 9.350 243.491 15.992
+267.046 522.040 7.676 568.751 7.238 265.864 11.293
+267.205 520.770 6.810 576.837 8.251 257.618 6.428
+267.363 533.697 6.799 570.718 8.555 260.886 11.677
+267.520 525.307 7.341 572.877 7.949 247.568 4.317
+267.678 524.543 6.051 574.628 6.747 254.645 7.019
+267.836 528.685 5.880 572.876 8.192 257.766 5.617
+267.994 525.776 5.959 575.098 7.153 253.637 5.587
+268.152 525.127 6.878 575.591 8.383 251.356 5.522
+268.310 533.191 6.250 575.176 8.375 250.183 9.923
+268.467 528.071 6.110 575.931 8.529 255.601 17.392
+268.625 525.580 6.362 573.069 6.621 255.236 7.319
+268.782 524.565 5.709 570.960 6.968 260.652 8.500
+268.940 525.105 6.028 573.749 7.123 250.436 4.906
+269.097 524.291 5.996 575.797 7.669 253.204 7.041
+269.254 528.133 6.550 574.728 8.640 254.302 10.611
+269.412 524.741 6.636 572.227 9.701 256.753 6.775
+269.570 522.277 6.193 573.322 8.666 259.087 13.722
+269.727 522.892 6.639 574.583 7.181 258.430 5.800
+269.885 522.908 6.220 573.915 7.363 254.794 8.567
+270.043 515.319 6.328 574.089 6.487 254.017 5.856
+270.202 526.153 6.578 575.990 7.409 257.480 10.556
+270.360 527.501 6.243 572.619 7.548 262.734 9.331
+270.519 518.785 6.098 570.616 6.541 268.077 5.893
+270.678 511.907 5.731 572.856 6.502 260.760 10.918
+270.836 520.599 5.703 576.568 8.048 247.637 9.680
+270.992 521.496 6.954 576.615 7.698 248.216 5.073
+271.151 519.555 5.956 573.626 6.656 256.492 6.933
+271.309 522.535 6.616 573.346 7.739 261.744 10.409
+271.467 513.105 6.306 571.973 7.768 262.057 7.982
+271.626 522.401 7.130 575.289 7.514 245.010 15.928
+271.783 512.254 6.034 575.123 7.377 251.130 5.919
+271.941 513.792 6.107 573.501 7.620 261.631 9.579
+272.099 518.587 5.953 576.765 9.533 255.726 9.967
+272.257 513.625 6.485 571.537 7.474 257.037 8.831
+272.415 522.416 7.670 575.095 6.929 253.780 5.449
+272.573 514.324 6.061 576.251 7.555 254.117 6.557
+272.732 510.923 5.711 573.142 7.401 264.011 4.615
+272.891 513.329 6.314 573.381 7.271 260.300 3.961
+273.051 515.373 6.402 574.223 6.920 257.963 6.245
+273.210 510.593 6.744 573.242 9.155 254.689 10.621
+273.366 515.175 6.535 576.142 9.717 255.086 9.264
+273.524 514.001 6.211 573.461 7.945 261.600 6.276
+273.683 511.690 6.657 570.684 9.361 265.766 6.371
+273.842 514.007 6.153 575.476 6.317 253.827 10.554
+274.001 512.650 6.160 573.894 6.630 257.248 8.401
+274.160 510.106 5.916 572.629 8.137 259.162 8.182
+274.317 513.861 6.991 572.566 8.074 261.241 9.465
+274.475 512.578 6.578 576.165 7.888 257.322 6.889
+274.633 516.505 5.707 575.261 7.836 250.963 10.725
+274.791 517.025 6.343 574.392 7.109 255.299 5.186
+274.949 513.830 6.012 574.814 7.552 257.853 7.164
+275.108 509.398 6.308 569.938 9.406 268.288 11.968
+275.266 505.064 5.844 575.639 8.545 250.592 18.779
+275.422 515.120 6.126 572.566 8.484 255.015 6.197
+275.581 520.911 5.822 574.535 7.370 247.210 6.145
+275.739 514.939 5.738 575.815 8.423 262.012 8.255
+275.898 517.859 5.786 570.818 7.131 264.880 7.757
+276.056 520.038 7.769 575.898 7.153 254.898 5.870
+276.215 511.820 6.270 574.779 7.172 253.339 10.327
+276.373 510.278 6.126 574.087 8.381 258.753 12.483
+276.531 518.502 5.587 573.750 6.657 255.707 8.593
+276.688 518.375 6.069 575.747 7.697 258.277 8.914
+276.846 514.393 6.592 575.767 6.646 256.942 9.277
+277.003 515.264 6.003 576.757 8.524 257.369 11.716
+277.161 514.512 6.595 577.067 6.906 246.453 12.931
+277.318 508.925 6.280 571.170 6.849 259.024 9.192
+277.477 515.949 6.502 575.501 6.752 262.780 9.568
+277.635 514.729 7.370 574.345 7.519 254.567 5.349
+277.793 511.277 5.833 573.563 7.830 259.895 12.435
+277.950 514.292 6.010 580.815 7.654 235.888 8.258
+278.108 520.082 6.519 573.848 7.845 259.718 7.469
+278.266 514.490 6.399 567.588 7.758 282.777 10.840
+278.424 511.794 6.837 574.385 7.768 258.237 13.375
+278.580 518.277 5.706 578.653 6.194 240.472 14.945
+278.737 514.102 6.189 578.176 6.738 249.314 5.956
+278.896 509.841 6.672 574.921 6.644 267.403 7.120
+279.054 517.048 5.943 569.039 7.460 278.404 6.328
+279.213 515.700 6.365 574.650 7.018 256.574 14.759
+279.371 510.587 6.211 574.956 6.747 242.625 10.401
+279.528 512.265 5.501 575.229 6.787 251.586 10.115
+279.687 513.182 5.806 571.152 6.908 271.795 5.593
+279.846 514.511 5.862 574.101 6.688 261.117 7.743
+280.004 509.245 5.743 575.621 7.987 250.781 7.997
+280.160 511.882 8.354 577.116 7.715 248.547 8.320
+280.317 509.588 9.142 571.941 8.261 256.735 4.035
+280.476 513.235 6.007 573.259 6.157 269.567 10.943
+280.635 513.102 5.945 573.732 7.546 261.565 4.483
+280.794 508.271 6.606 575.907 7.511 255.525 4.357
+280.951 507.932 6.240 575.449 7.964 250.985 10.060
+281.108 512.099 6.373 574.554 8.243 256.539 11.248
+281.267 505.761 6.924 571.955 8.094 269.915 7.801
+281.425 510.177 6.757 574.949 9.767 261.529 11.152
+281.582 508.911 6.021 573.309 8.263 257.905 12.692
+281.740 513.099 6.489 576.073 6.715 245.909 4.448
+281.898 510.881 6.092 574.480 8.052 254.199 7.807
+282.055 508.638 6.519 576.154 8.081 257.802 8.680
+282.213 515.726 6.378 574.961 8.300 263.948 6.014
+282.373 502.187 6.591 573.109 8.777 257.889 14.256
+282.530 509.301 5.985 576.111 8.117 248.558 14.059
+282.687 507.053 6.396 573.571 7.078 251.085 14.952
+282.843 510.020 6.008 577.765 6.898 253.450 6.890
+283.001 504.050 5.834 571.497 7.155 253.104 8.020
+283.158 505.570 6.715 574.475 6.648 260.711 12.548
+283.316 505.175 8.218 573.764 7.455 253.907 10.675
+283.473 507.941 7.591 572.467 8.222 255.089 16.929
+283.630 512.709 8.407 573.874 16.752 266.740 26.674
+283.787 508.497 7.161 573.188 9.484 269.867 13.457
+283.945 505.335 10.006 571.161 10.241 262.388 11.935
+284.102 499.993 6.919 574.481 7.269 248.083 14.984
+284.259 503.729 6.818 581.634 7.739 259.670 11.022
+284.418 500.847 6.905 569.946 14.531 253.846 12.445
+284.574 503.458 15.102 575.419 13.927 252.208 39.215
+284.729 514.344 7.623 572.554 12.633 256.822 17.258
+284.887 506.043 7.456 578.265 11.745 248.238 15.077
+285.044 506.170 5.892 576.002 8.382 252.532 6.326
+285.203 512.561 6.662 576.480 8.680 262.875 16.397
+285.360 506.905 7.686 578.484 8.211 248.598 9.780
+285.517 504.479 6.517 569.664 9.078 265.946 24.628
+285.674 508.314 7.075 571.246 15.350 263.979 30.559
+285.831 509.033 7.737 573.402 6.759 266.409 6.638
+285.989 509.610 6.730 573.564 7.927 255.184 7.878
+286.146 508.776 8.351 573.535 7.227 250.801 11.318
+286.303 514.047 6.094 573.345 11.628 270.608 14.728
+286.462 512.730 8.852 576.833 9.484 261.756 19.919
+286.619 511.557 6.155 575.758 9.626 248.987 13.805
+286.776 510.545 6.457 575.037 7.983 253.639 15.463
+286.933 509.155 6.408 572.890 13.970 245.986 16.063
+287.089 497.721 6.782 574.388 7.432 269.169 9.014
+287.246 513.307 6.550 575.203 7.530 252.571 5.548
+287.405 500.363 7.185 573.062 8.048 263.725 7.229
+287.562 504.823 6.795 574.140 7.679 260.017 9.686
+287.720 509.538 6.894 574.861 8.043 248.060 9.348
+287.878 506.305 6.155 580.738 7.355 251.720 13.445
+288.035 495.693 10.653 576.927 8.999 263.537 17.845
+288.191 509.386 6.257 574.189 6.756 247.605 13.703
+288.349 507.133 10.016 573.151 7.225 264.546 8.248
+288.506 499.181 11.331 572.211 9.519 250.565 9.998
+288.663 504.791 9.037 576.712 9.593 250.805 20.328
+288.820 499.637 6.687 572.517 18.731 249.828 24.784
+288.976 495.996 8.256 580.005 18.332 263.578 19.697
+289.132 505.870 7.344 576.780 16.514 250.695 14.627
+289.289 507.458 7.961 574.827 10.027 256.817 17.082
+289.446 506.014 12.118 579.668 11.332 251.178 20.023
+289.604 497.660 9.411 577.426 10.966 268.441 10.617
+289.761 498.036 9.438 573.914 7.538 260.074 19.098
+289.918 495.780 7.273 575.929 7.612 261.800 17.844
+290.075 500.097 8.147 579.049 10.213 231.278 16.431
+290.231 498.711 7.487 572.310 7.340 249.202 10.415
+290.389 500.087 7.837 567.403 12.260 274.392 17.160
+290.545 500.320 7.255 569.904 9.246 260.833 12.328
+290.702 505.093 6.218 579.179 9.008 248.498 13.150
+290.858 504.820 6.441 576.151 9.825 255.235 12.723
+291.017 496.508 9.507 572.061 6.687 262.602 14.705
+291.174 498.175 6.816 568.320 8.236 268.926 8.859
+291.331 498.811 11.096 576.923 9.030 246.769 10.850
+291.488 502.138 6.832 576.189 7.672 245.757 5.775
+291.646 498.981 6.924 572.551 8.942 266.727 12.233
+291.804 502.579 7.752 574.355 9.630 263.577 17.200
+291.960 503.575 8.381 573.913 8.222 258.565 10.344
+292.117 499.595 7.483 573.749 8.465 248.775 12.322
+292.274 501.215 8.044 575.387 9.190 263.397 7.284
+292.431 489.452 7.970 570.143 10.079 254.574 21.951
+292.587 515.374 9.925 579.291 12.267 250.355 14.954
+292.743 506.483 10.174 574.752 18.130 246.313 16.549
+292.899 502.564 6.281 575.027 9.182 265.563 5.599
+293.058 499.685 7.267 572.380 6.873 261.815 6.392
+293.216 501.186 12.440 575.903 8.736 254.918 18.056
+293.372 498.051 10.168 579.819 9.094 247.459 8.424
+293.528 495.620 6.146 569.038 7.963 258.444 4.344
+293.687 507.196 6.642 569.820 8.796 250.024 8.646
+293.844 502.102 6.189 571.048 7.237 256.560 7.892
+294.002 500.171 7.316 572.930 7.061 256.695 8.680
+294.159 506.621 6.304 575.069 7.179 256.697 11.059
+294.317 490.886 8.461 569.590 9.194 259.227 15.999
+294.472 497.298 7.361 573.456 7.318 246.982 12.671
+294.630 511.173 6.530 569.074 10.715 279.409 11.875
+294.789 513.141 7.476 575.470 8.680 258.554 9.827
+294.946 498.071 7.332 575.554 7.471 257.265 7.715
+295.104 501.220 10.040 571.955 7.576 262.402 10.076
+295.262 509.732 7.592 576.039 9.757 251.854 7.685
+295.420 500.697 8.795 574.150 9.978 272.258 11.828
+295.576 506.237 10.507 572.121 9.607 244.842 11.085
+295.734 511.382 7.030 574.741 7.139 256.358 15.582
+295.892 506.013 6.879 571.287 6.871 264.113 12.190
+296.049 505.960 5.857 571.162 7.938 256.491 4.637
+296.207 504.819 6.045 575.681 9.502 258.934 5.376
+296.365 497.038 8.082 573.936 7.369 244.629 7.913
+296.520 487.600 6.881 572.649 7.569 257.936 15.283
+296.676 516.796 5.805 575.896 6.716 257.479 8.378
+296.835 517.948 5.805 572.979 6.765 263.104 8.452
+296.994 509.619 6.369 573.749 7.571 254.381 5.235
+297.152 503.346 7.461 574.427 7.079 254.823 9.950
+297.308 503.143 6.683 574.944 8.969 253.398 5.312
+297.467 508.321 6.245 569.879 9.470 265.794 11.277
+297.624 511.203 7.251 576.478 7.384 252.327 7.123
+297.781 516.322 5.883 574.684 8.708 260.733 6.289
+297.940 507.443 6.795 575.096 7.708 256.037 11.196
+298.098 520.744 5.888 574.771 6.433 255.990 6.678
+298.257 511.907 6.433 574.357 7.163 260.899 7.701
+298.415 514.079 5.685 573.603 7.415 253.959 9.061
+298.573 508.630 7.137 572.106 7.752 266.029 7.062
+298.732 513.116 6.322 573.521 6.979 259.210 11.773
+298.891 515.051 7.031 574.905 7.333 254.392 6.714
+299.050 510.910 7.836 572.819 8.201 258.433 11.099
+299.207 513.819 6.336 573.328 6.399 262.404 14.611
+299.366 513.208 7.265 576.983 8.573 257.634 11.569
+299.523 519.312 6.258 569.399 10.297 249.746 12.714
+299.681 514.813 6.687 574.454 9.200 252.677 9.214
+299.838 520.778 6.620 573.624 6.389 258.116 8.087
+299.995 512.497 7.244 570.456 8.134 257.511 12.311
+300.153 509.245 5.671 572.394 6.592 259.285 10.065
+300.310 507.712 6.464 573.084 7.263 253.282 6.685
+300.468 514.147 6.010 574.060 6.955 251.362 7.120
+300.626 510.271 9.438 574.420 10.820 261.753 22.498
+300.782 517.102 6.975 569.054 12.195 260.287 9.525
+300.940 514.731 6.010 573.390 6.904 255.242 9.804
+301.099 512.997 5.851 574.243 7.040 255.212 6.434
+301.257 514.570 6.217 571.862 7.538 252.452 5.602
+301.416 517.165 7.111 572.678 9.098 256.384 10.617
+301.574 508.891 6.288 568.436 8.781 261.123 13.783
+301.731 520.739 7.186 573.634 8.952 252.561 6.904
+301.889 519.027 6.274 577.146 8.273 251.305 8.416
+302.047 516.780 6.678 570.751 8.216 254.283 10.274
+302.205 512.417 6.466 572.907 7.201 265.542 5.534
+302.364 512.164 6.046 571.929 9.167 257.975 11.404
+302.521 505.921 7.036 574.939 6.751 246.479 8.089
+302.678 517.019 7.373 577.579 8.218 250.014 14.261
+302.835 512.970 6.257 571.055 8.706 265.420 11.958
+302.993 515.069 6.914 573.400 7.507 265.784 10.695
+303.152 519.680 8.428 574.864 8.852 261.337 8.865
+303.309 514.476 6.726 573.298 6.935 246.463 7.878
+303.467 509.644 6.033 570.163 7.592 259.844 7.567
+303.625 509.606 7.371 575.261 8.872 262.718 11.923
+303.782 516.966 6.205 571.212 7.540 259.667 9.276
+303.940 517.599 6.879 579.042 6.590 244.046 5.726
+304.098 521.936 5.940 571.580 7.036 249.530 7.477
+304.256 514.719 6.766 574.725 6.797 261.435 8.793
+304.414 516.827 6.014 571.217 9.085 273.384 13.312
+304.572 513.938 7.106 570.042 7.283 255.553 10.107
+304.730 513.749 6.504 575.210 7.208 243.895 9.358
+304.888 507.727 6.024 573.652 9.183 244.788 10.669
+305.046 515.717 6.615 572.886 6.494 250.767 4.932
+305.205 522.597 6.645 569.708 7.034 276.057 8.183
+305.363 519.685 6.554 568.117 6.705 270.760 10.488
+305.520 506.476 7.389 579.731 8.218 236.917 4.941
+305.677 517.484 7.947 572.887 8.093 240.219 9.073
+305.834 514.244 5.845 567.878 6.513 264.822 7.565
+305.993 511.692 6.653 569.878 6.813 275.328 7.785
+306.150 516.676 8.200 578.518 8.150 235.593 9.991
+306.306 514.216 6.470 578.815 9.757 236.435 16.653
+306.465 514.882 6.443 567.438 7.782 278.954 9.985
+306.623 516.368 9.161 573.644 7.927 253.139 9.943
+306.780 515.243 6.525 571.296 8.344 266.351 8.826
+306.937 510.742 6.535 572.573 8.137 237.483 11.269
+307.094 518.717 8.246 571.435 7.050 257.364 9.394
+307.253 514.467 6.344 570.734 8.040 271.243 13.033
+307.411 512.544 6.370 568.757 7.010 269.002 4.976
+307.571 511.555 7.177 572.977 9.447 256.780 7.099
+307.729 515.975 6.928 575.809 10.743 241.917 8.510
+307.885 517.369 6.583 573.608 8.720 242.269 15.317
+308.043 516.223 5.922 565.106 7.077 274.562 8.819
+308.201 518.712 6.475 568.921 6.764 273.905 10.370
+308.359 514.277 6.609 568.539 8.413 254.019 9.638
+308.517 515.262 6.134 576.035 7.094 232.640 11.141
+308.674 520.512 6.990 570.280 7.623 255.416 18.949
+308.831 512.555 7.277 566.582 7.065 278.224 7.333
+308.989 522.795 6.369 572.285 6.858 247.482 8.689
+309.146 516.657 9.051 570.752 10.068 256.234 7.192
+309.304 512.986 6.243 570.367 6.905 257.142 7.891
+309.463 511.319 7.626 569.713 8.847 264.701 6.639
+309.621 515.183 7.373 569.837 6.870 256.057 9.649
+309.778 513.401 5.989 568.988 6.843 250.830 3.897
+309.937 513.704 8.053 573.409 8.428 260.328 15.468
+310.094 519.817 5.872 566.184 6.322 266.773 6.705
+310.252 518.938 7.267 569.361 9.044 252.207 12.979
+310.409 510.019 6.480 569.593 6.139 250.662 6.332
+310.567 509.410 5.802 572.066 7.001 252.886 8.290
+310.724 519.174 6.514 569.620 7.620 261.988 10.739
+310.883 516.991 6.074 575.096 7.146 249.259 6.668
+311.041 509.769 7.283 572.931 9.545 249.852 16.970
+311.199 521.827 6.425 565.299 6.771 278.408 9.836
+311.357 522.388 6.646 569.823 8.540 255.454 7.920
+311.514 507.393 7.729 572.918 8.279 250.334 14.330
+311.671 518.653 5.884 566.989 8.838 258.283 6.257
+311.830 517.176 7.147 574.229 11.818 253.732 15.186
+311.988 514.881 6.771 568.552 6.990 263.977 8.351
+312.146 518.568 6.526 568.605 6.489 251.249 9.349
+312.303 520.115 6.398 570.466 8.326 251.762 5.959
+312.462 510.401 6.136 570.304 6.659 259.367 7.902
+312.619 516.404 7.265 568.063 8.034 256.643 6.054
+312.777 518.434 5.523 572.140 9.080 247.856 9.483
+312.934 514.644 6.736 568.521 8.532 258.698 5.644
+313.092 516.996 7.043 570.845 6.541 255.797 10.778
+313.251 518.090 6.748 567.908 6.736 263.738 10.217
+313.409 505.040 9.610 570.159 9.809 240.707 22.626
+313.565 519.020 6.344 573.101 10.588 251.197 12.602
+313.723 519.500 7.575 567.571 9.101 264.852 15.134
+313.880 513.825 5.805 566.115 7.144 263.678 6.855
+314.039 512.568 6.943 572.011 7.542 254.626 11.408
+314.197 518.985 8.286 571.020 10.615 247.446 13.251
+314.353 509.229 7.274 570.530 14.080 252.404 12.172
+314.510 518.942 7.176 566.705 7.908 268.184 7.686
+314.667 515.559 7.298 569.197 6.770 253.091 8.118
+314.826 513.255 6.755 566.462 7.301 263.380 5.771
+314.985 513.112 7.091 569.724 9.343 255.823 11.603
+315.142 519.641 6.694 567.997 7.957 255.068 14.912
+315.299 503.576 6.180 570.090 11.803 261.410 19.173
+315.456 511.525 8.039 571.251 9.469 257.674 24.027
+315.613 512.665 5.954 568.842 11.543 266.376 7.959
+315.771 511.796 6.533 573.078 7.726 255.723 22.231
+315.928 510.327 7.425 571.060 11.555 258.537 26.021
+316.084 520.783 9.218 571.830 7.197 240.335 16.317
+316.241 507.917 9.618 570.368 8.191 261.423 13.120
+316.398 516.059 7.394 562.573 8.236 270.004 17.504
+316.556 511.900 6.744 567.755 7.510 270.060 17.304
+316.712 515.399 7.710 574.907 7.634 237.120 10.994
+316.869 513.984 7.757 570.509 6.850 248.311 4.431
+317.027 519.819 6.913 567.415 7.943 275.143 8.553
+317.185 508.268 6.595 566.364 11.527 257.751 18.985
+317.341 510.042 7.433 576.043 7.348 240.127 7.731
+317.499 506.740 5.968 569.380 6.886 252.831 9.501
+317.656 509.207 6.434 570.653 6.294 255.718 6.453
+317.814 513.132 5.870 569.806 7.019 259.067 7.335
+317.972 513.431 5.578 571.018 6.294 249.590 5.226
+318.131 510.734 6.772 568.180 9.335 258.975 16.403
+318.288 508.597 8.293 572.551 13.518 256.339 17.802
+318.444 515.146 6.686 572.295 8.956 258.263 7.360
+318.602 512.031 6.166 573.663 8.323 260.942 11.835
+318.760 513.360 7.183 570.526 7.542 256.639 4.814
+318.918 511.203 8.051 571.255 7.605 251.836 4.503
+319.075 515.902 6.746 574.552 8.124 250.468 18.241
+319.232 512.589 8.569 570.075 11.753 263.994 17.147
+319.389 510.685 7.615 573.550 6.405 262.459 8.836
+319.546 517.226 5.643 571.225 7.897 252.054 10.013
+319.703 509.482 7.458 570.572 8.527 258.340 14.463
+319.861 514.564 7.290 571.755 6.463 257.633 18.652
+320.018 511.305 12.950 576.617 11.105 257.166 17.942
+320.175 516.283 7.623 572.336 7.059 256.601 8.245
+320.333 509.202 7.617 573.213 8.276 255.356 7.547
+320.490 518.372 6.293 570.682 7.351 257.993 15.306
+320.648 514.633 6.640 573.076 10.251 258.689 9.799
+320.807 514.146 6.484 572.800 7.481 261.896 15.070
+320.964 517.751 5.826 572.028 9.157 247.158 17.716
+321.120 513.747 6.498 570.430 10.319 258.781 21.197
+321.278 521.517 8.122 575.064 12.740 257.017 26.012
+321.434 516.325 7.469 568.140 7.647 272.990 6.428
+321.592 514.733 10.813 571.641 10.648 258.529 18.686
+321.750 521.917 9.320576.076 9.408 257.655 17.707
+321.907 526.149 14.177 579.270 15.919 245.576 28.299
+322.062 516.361 9.247 572.902 11.639 268.515 21.722
+322.219 514.973 6.767 572.639 8.438 259.625 10.844
+322.377 510.519 8.139 575.706 11.197 248.346 13.532
+322.533 505.615 12.050 573.127 8.352 244.003 18.064
+322.690 507.666 7.640 571.501 9.016 260.540 15.376
+322.847 518.986 6.273 569.855 11.443 255.815 16.008
+323.004 512.269 6.702 573.868 9.107 257.158 13.278
+323.162 511.012 6.079 573.748 7.263 258.341 12.273
+323.320 513.260 7.833 571.777 10.717 256.313 6.876
+323.478 514.442 7.046 573.417 9.870 252.203 8.811
+323.635 508.964 7.057 572.934 7.237 258.302 6.464
+323.793 512.119 8.169 574.659 10.895 256.393 13.316
+323.951 514.751 6.511 573.116 10.644 258.083 14.978
+324.109 514.107 6.468 569.791 9.360 257.900 14.231
+324.266 517.161 6.382 574.498 7.060 258.329 12.376
+324.424 517.391 7.652 573.235 8.670 258.793 11.998
+324.581 509.533 7.989 573.872 11.795 254.327 20.350
+324.738 512.665 8.452 568.618 13.516 262.333 11.125
+324.896 515.076 6.700 574.336 9.300 254.673 21.981
+325.054 511.000 6.823 574.203 8.300 261.826 8.741
+325.212 515.340 8.774 573.162 6.698 252.788 8.347
+325.369 522.443 7.890 573.571 8.602 260.077 11.894
+325.527 512.304 7.893 574.555 10.764 254.650 15.035
+325.684 516.933 7.230 573.045 7.962 260.906 18.340
+325.841 513.849 6.835 572.980 6.678 257.529 10.926
+326.000 512.618 5.868 571.809 6.998 258.995 7.042
+326.158 517.546 7.423 576.068 7.621 247.989 9.176
+326.315 512.575 6.767 572.120 7.111 256.209 7.985
+326.473 512.155 9.497 575.541 10.198 260.682 19.373
+326.630 517.751 5.929 571.515 7.806 259.516 8.208
+326.787 513.687 6.028 576.455 6.721 254.685 6.390
+326.946 510.616 7.079 574.234 10.328 256.296 8.962
+327.104 516.396 6.838 571.912 6.805 256.862 12.645
+327.263 512.604 7.094 572.379 7.680 258.868 7.108
+327.421 510.226 10.344 575.243 12.558 252.298 21.578
+327.579 512.762 7.710 573.242 13.950 263.273 17.599
+327.735 518.187 7.731 571.542 7.599 257.182 9.649
+327.893 514.891 6.722 576.125 7.679 259.301 9.221
+328.051 517.098 5.892 574.071 6.845 255.863 13.136
+328.209 507.021 8.162 572.810 10.636 253.128 19.140
+328.365 513.340 7.137 569.128 8.462 255.001 11.495
+328.523 513.263 5.839 573.991 8.054 258.710 16.379
+328.680 516.832 7.642 572.340 7.105 259.367 8.531
+328.839 512.888 5.999 568.523 7.471 259.723 7.586
+328.997 509.298 7.633 572.845 10.535 262.997 20.553
+329.154 538.743 27.188 570.008 48.237 248.440 74.042
+329.307 507.747 9.247 574.830 20.344 262.814 19.078
+329.464 514.637 6.935 572.278 21.848 267.138 25.731
+329.620 511.216 7.578 573.792 8.547 256.701 17.471
+329.777 520.762 15.050 575.427 11.374 251.557 20.822
+329.934 511.927 7.348 577.934 15.414 247.135 15.984
+330.090 515.859 8.176 573.779 8.092 264.681 9.210
+330.247 515.738 7.155 574.807 6.490 256.706 6.297
+330.405 516.927 6.617 575.008 8.178 253.387 9.126
+330.562 512.309 6.428 569.760 6.614 258.423 5.039
+330.721 512.053 8.913 573.877 6.879 252.524 10.088
+330.879 518.580 9.317 570.288 8.426 260.285 12.688
+331.035 512.915 6.597 575.383 9.183 256.432 16.475
+331.192 516.089 6.763 573.083 7.023 257.234 12.908
+331.350 512.800 6.729 574.210 7.533 252.902 9.096
+331.507 514.288 6.833 572.752 8.684 261.179 8.922
+331.665 518.562 6.688 572.887 8.293 256.701 6.414
+331.822 504.385 8.480 573.638 7.177 252.717 6.913
+331.979 512.893 6.487 573.036 7.489 253.457 6.300
+332.137 516.049 6.432 572.150 7.124 255.574 5.623
+332.296 513.940 6.073 571.951 7.706 260.985 9.114
+332.454 514.839 6.789 574.669 6.583 264.369 5.934
+332.613 516.098 5.908 572.506 6.813 253.043 7.812
+332.771 510.921 7.533 574.585 8.832 247.540 6.973
+332.928 508.169 6.280 574.805 7.185 255.385 16.720
+333.086 514.501 10.451 566.868 12.504 268.143 13.033
+333.245 513.845 8.783 567.698 13.344 275.421 23.683
+333.401 515.928 11.208 574.527 7.701 249.764 13.582
+333.559 511.019 6.318 575.735 6.670 249.387 6.885
+333.716 512.750 8.480 571.207 10.846 255.823 19.265
+333.874 513.267 7.302 565.082 9.666 278.588 16.134
+334.032 513.122 6.316 572.460 6.428 257.295 8.572
+334.190 515.281 6.842 576.574 7.080 242.462 15.368
+334.347 516.362 5.653 575.025 8.773 252.704 7.055
+334.505 515.853 8.481 572.510 7.518 270.017 5.527
+334.665 513.658 6.776 571.435 7.345 267.640 9.648
+334.823 513.726 6.656 577.214 6.534 244.796 10.110
+334.981 517.707 6.502 573.282 7.543 257.587 9.914
+335.139 512.097 6.286 572.232 9.227 266.365 14.361
+335.297 517.041 6.758 572.962 8.790 263.023 12.834
+335.455 512.420 7.692 575.009 10.951 249.790 15.168
+335.612 511.594 9.387 575.570 13.966 252.077 17.509
+335.769 515.776 6.675 574.045 9.174 249.080 7.371
+335.927 512.927 6.491 572.550 7.695 263.640 5.474
+336.086 516.009 6.963 574.555 8.087 259.516 10.024
+336.243 521.030 5.854 575.535 6.485 252.975 3.809
+336.402 514.480 7.105 574.545 7.689 258.369 13.708
+336.560 522.094 7.859 574.445 8.475 260.983 7.992
+336.717 515.430 6.527 574.224 8.169 263.279 6.860
+336.876 509.604 6.133 575.122 6.996 256.682 9.864
+337.033 511.256 7.616 570.231 9.263 253.146 11.393
+337.190 514.352 5.880 575.292 7.581 251.931 4.313
+337.348 513.413 6.316 574.362 8.829 259.129 17.347
+337.506 516.264 6.009 574.003 9.357 253.141 14.669
+337.664 514.622 5.521 573.160 6.293 258.241 6.789
+337.823 514.956 5.839 573.721 7.226 258.742 8.617
+337.981 513.019 5.850 575.297 7.321 247.207 5.694
+338.140 510.820 6.171 573.313 6.600 258.712 4.790
+338.298 516.158 6.941 571.573 7.218 257.037 15.615
+338.456 516.171 6.116 574.025 7.884 255.930 9.728
+338.613 510.741 6.099 575.120 7.517 260.249 9.119
+338.770 513.597 6.988 572.871 10.692 257.832 14.218
+338.928 518.726 6.125 574.248 7.382 252.258 7.801
+339.086 511.567 6.537 572.962 8.639 265.662 10.524
+339.244 513.955 5.651 576.289 8.634 252.196 9.295
+339.401 512.549 7.565 576.802 6.533 257.301 10.291
+339.559 514.355 6.680 572.948 7.891 261.083 7.624
+339.718 520.213 6.916 575.559 7.595 259.440 8.635
+339.876 511.652 7.542 579.685 7.472 247.124 11.375
+340.033 511.976 6.926 573.866 9.916 258.021 12.916
+340.191 516.399 6.581 572.728 8.541 264.450 9.825
+340.349 512.654 8.331 576.907 7.397 260.484 12.997
+340.507 513.476 6.071 576.069 7.931 255.444 11.981
+340.664 517.084 6.821 578.310 7.933 252.574 8.464
+340.821 513.270 8.152 575.853 15.617 246.725 33.396
+340.976 512.852 7.103 577.318 8.823 259.947 11.789
+341.134 516.688 6.341 576.653 7.394 255.549 7.290
+341.292 515.296 6.644 578.156 7.769 258.015 8.663
+341.450 512.473 6.638 576.301 8.868 262.740 13.449
+341.608 511.204 8.374 578.803 9.061 251.157 13.494
+341.765 511.942 7.797 579.478 14.197 252.821 17.400
+341.921 519.359 5.845 580.734 10.026 265.888 30.592
+342.079 509.603 8.073 578.457 8.318 260.448 10.226
+342.236 509.056 9.486 585.694 11.183 253.464 14.077
+342.394 520.200 7.429 593.076 11.234 262.694 11.951
+342.552 514.592 8.044 582.470 10.555 262.296 17.283
+342.709 506.975 9.339 584.134 11.158 250.652 28.138
+342.865 518.749 6.500 585.841 8.769 259.516 17.573
+343.021 517.327 5.857 597.368 8.054 248.895 5.977
+343.178 508.393 11.995 578.233 16.257 264.449 30.929
+343.334 513.934 9.759 583.432 11.963 265.204 19.252
+343.491 507.499 8.395 582.284 13.985 267.812 14.313
+343.647 507.675 8.592 590.332 16.758 258.288 24.676
+343.803 514.726 10.404 584.333 10.279 257.152 11.630
+343.962 519.387 11.820 586.293 12.193 270.421 17.524
+344.119 509.503 12.253 586.533 12.232 266.244 33.544
+344.274 514.815 7.914 583.855 14.490 257.902 13.874
+344.432 507.098 10.762 589.288 11.937 259.129 21.934
+344.589 513.771 7.697 590.492 15.892 257.531 17.691
+344.745 508.687 7.487 581.315 8.706 280.075 22.821
+344.902 515.986 7.139 583.613 9.642 255.760 17.455
+345.059 510.349 7.296 585.166 8.011 264.557 9.556
+345.216 520.353 7.566 584.991 13.172 254.155 8.338
+345.373 510.953 11.300 579.729 14.123 262.751 38.146
+345.528 507.509 10.790 584.997 16.562 258.027 18.458
+345.685 518.715 9.474 584.100 13.209 255.730 24.177
+345.841 504.187 9.094 585.411 8.283 259.347 20.191
+345.998 516.521 6.204 589.244 10.733 253.503 14.240
+346.157 521.595 6.775 583.212 14.263 266.715 15.756
+346.314 514.315 15.599 570.742 31.236 278.917 50.528
+346.469 510.323 14.171 587.057 27.926 241.059 65.840
+346.623 522.523 9.743 582.670 11.196 264.520 20.228
+346.779 511.865 7.136 580.056 13.253 266.685 21.290
+346.936 515.478 6.865 587.290 8.422 266.096 14.872
+347.094 514.344 9.894 579.012 14.628 251.270 23.425
+347.250 520.203 7.688 586.860 10.672 256.632 22.340
+347.408 508.512 9.320 581.078 18.963 264.266 21.831
+347.564 522.575 8.974 584.540 9.795 268.832 20.351
+347.720 506.215 6.596 579.865 7.099 263.698 22.401
+347.877 509.562 7.372 580.288 12.228 249.587 17.318
+348.034 513.325 6.245 583.822 8.359 269.625 10.605
+348.192 516.433 8.243 581.388 9.805 252.816 18.143
+348.349 512.334 11.164 590.753 20.154 265.438 27.129
+348.504 524.983 9.649 576.077 10.412 255.934 16.469
+348.662 506.079 7.402 573.140 9.801 268.749 13.443
+348.818 515.000 6.705 566.771 7.416 243.787 21.851
+348.976 517.520 8.444 576.837 10.435 257.207 15.562
+349.134 507.295 8.555 579.018 17.339 256.512 29.042
+349.290 521.893 5.956 580.320 12.110 258.885 6.833
+349.448 517.978 9.274 577.453 10.211 264.018 9.935
+349.605 511.719 7.581 582.404 10.517 252.950 27.429
+349.761 504.037 7.183 576.024 13.377 267.849 44.976
+349.917 507.550 7.469 573.850 6.848 250.068 18.145
+350.074 516.615 6.658 573.258 10.439 263.140 16.291
+350.231 512.906 6.237 577.252 11.771 252.921 14.987
+350.388 518.899 6.454 579.142 9.424 257.889 9.413
+350.547 512.579 7.169 574.531 12.864 256.528 37.567
+350.704 518.315 7.354 577.685 9.089 254.055 20.911
+350.861 510.303 6.707 575.796 10.009 264.820 16.195
+351.017 511.733 9.499 577.658 14.244 232.568 39.275
+351.174 516.887 6.527 575.236 7.710 258.825 22.139
+351.331 507.428 13.019 575.442 11.865 257.318 15.754
+351.487 514.194 11.267 572.674 11.889 242.993 46.530
+351.643 519.211 15.987 575.516 35.544 301.089 66.655
+351.797 525.162 8.089 575.675 10.452 255.840 14.915
+351.953 514.171 8.013 577.356 9.285 251.998 21.756
+352.109 516.871 5.881 571.873 8.322 253.370 11.027
+352.268 507.548 7.784 577.498 7.906 245.493 9.061
+352.424 507.965 6.684 571.025 8.987 260.834 15.635
+352.581 523.389 7.756 569.590 9.156 268.968 8.391
+352.739 514.763 6.357 576.616 7.041 257.789 7.572
+352.899 516.687 6.815 574.186 6.908 257.087 7.739
+353.057 513.356 6.463 574.301 7.301 259.000 8.278
+353.216 517.883 6.063 576.743 6.884 257.530 11.957
+353.374 514.258 8.461 573.737 7.740 260.905 14.053
+353.531 510.462 6.883 577.217 7.568 251.089 16.484
+353.688 514.934 7.623 575.482 12.351 256.250 16.728
+353.845 515.669 6.397 573.604 9.333 258.672 13.007
+354.003 516.326 7.084 572.596 9.405 256.256 13.813
+354.160 518.883 6.326 569.586 8.227 256.182 16.149
+354.317 517.718 7.761 574.456 8.666 253.351 4.143
+354.475 508.327 6.123 574.004 8.418 255.313 10.342
+354.633 510.803 6.348 573.760 6.867 257.853 5.705
+354.791 514.758 6.014 573.527 7.077 259.278 5.844
+354.951 515.157 6.513 578.005 6.498 256.542 5.267
+355.109 517.461 6.279 572.960 7.906 258.515 11.579
+355.268 512.624 7.055 575.239 7.673 255.565 12.694
+355.425 516.746 5.809 571.442 8.779 256.135 12.704
+355.583 511.267 8.915 577.524 11.001 256.691 14.829
+355.739 516.922 6.929 573.045 6.726 261.476 6.701
+355.897 516.719 7.074 572.740 7.499 255.554 8.953
+356.056 516.827 7.200 575.307 8.539 255.215 9.230
+356.213 515.358 5.894 572.693 7.118 257.592 8.861
+356.371 517.863 6.776 572.616 7.178 264.685 13.342
+356.528 515.118 7.591 573.336 8.768 258.576 11.977
+356.686 513.241 6.893 574.753 9.730 251.225 15.988
+356.843 517.332 5.671 572.317 7.879 260.662 8.874
+357.000 513.983 7.683 576.313 6.731 258.066 9.127
+357.159 512.209 6.569 570.813 7.387 259.270 7.279
+357.317 515.992 6.545 572.408 7.380 255.172 9.841
+357.475 515.009 7.271 571.574 7.888 258.561 8.825
+357.633 514.300 6.410 574.655 7.235 259.855 9.683
+357.791 515.613 6.474 572.686 6.974 259.138 7.533
+357.949 511.906 8.688 575.096 6.349 256.231 8.793
+358.107 511.479 5.719 574.641 8.260 258.492 7.514
+358.265 510.134 6.851 576.076 8.021 249.004 12.227
+358.422 513.781 6.074 576.430 7.442 260.910 8.628
+358.580 514.797 9.181 574.054 9.016 256.459 14.273
+358.737 514.438 6.544 576.170 6.618 254.174 7.768
+358.895 515.544 8.632 573.871 8.048 267.821 6.553
+359.054 509.515 6.938 571.968 6.539 262.118 7.491
+359.212 513.085 8.266 576.019 7.634 254.871 7.909
+359.369 510.380 7.216 573.770 7.518 251.578 15.990
+359.526 512.643 6.076 570.747 7.524 261.645 4.854
+359.686 517.376 7.703 571.017 7.261 265.236 7.278
+359.845 511.623 8.265 571.440 9.858 272.932 27.723
+360.000 517.686 7.107 575.614 7.668 245.049 14.053
+360.157 517.826 6.353 570.956 8.429 257.720 11.758
+360.316 509.368 6.870 571.149 6.129 262.437 10.433
+360.474 513.393 7.249 572.741 8.950 260.304 15.269
+360.630 515.153 7.285 573.197 7.882 256.213 5.406
+360.788 516.431 6.246 578.052 9.739 251.642 7.469
+360.946 511.234 6.133 572.600 7.832 255.876 7.610
+361.103 516.442 6.690 576.006 7.760 259.708 6.981
+361.262 513.084 6.242 571.930 8.003 258.027 18.891
+361.419 514.560 8.172 572.909 11.603 262.530 16.920
+361.576 513.285 10.649 569.169 8.507 264.455 15.053
+361.734 512.062 6.876 572.931 6.645 255.134 7.875
+361.891 518.770 6.875 575.519 9.827 260.601 13.452
+362.048 511.857 6.662 573.995 9.830 259.286 12.838
+362.205 515.008 6.308 575.790 9.227 250.682 12.207
+362.364 514.720 7.880 574.748 6.813 263.776 10.157
+362.521 515.037 8.070 577.247 6.905 253.817 10.109
+362.679 513.100 7.084 574.142 7.076 260.678 8.948
+362.837 512.141 7.648 573.521 8.604 257.496 7.958
+362.994 515.691 5.815 574.445 7.004 258.224 5.996
+363.152 518.336 5.933 576.404 6.718 250.752 6.436
+363.311 515.323 6.078 574.914 7.547 261.467 7.673
+363.469 515.543 6.146 573.929 7.691 258.784 12.066
+363.627 515.975 7.003 572.439 7.861 255.657 8.744
+363.784 515.279 6.032 575.634 6.763 255.406 10.841
+363.943 520.752 6.414 579.156 7.093 251.794 9.464
+364.100 519.067 6.072 574.011 7.119 259.927 8.962
+364.258 516.970 6.289 574.600 6.668 256.179 5.316
+364.417 513.979 5.842 575.186 10.802 258.801 17.347
+364.574 516.409 7.980 574.571 11.361 255.098 10.804
+364.732 518.194 5.912 573.495 8.453 252.001 9.885
+364.889 515.352 6.268 573.644 6.933 260.740 6.554
+365.048 516.493 5.978 575.126 7.930 259.537 11.024
+365.206 518.824 6.267 574.461 8.246 258.535 9.916
+365.364 516.148 6.162 575.574 6.633 255.145 9.815
+365.521 519.071 5.737 575.815 7.491 257.581 11.737
+365.679 513.780 7.458 575.578 6.460 265.795 8.131
+365.837 513.287 6.442 574.235 6.851 258.847 7.145
+365.995 517.332 6.488 575.472 6.868 259.258 8.701
+366.153 524.423 8.715 574.564 7.956 256.772 11.915
+366.310 514.694 6.957 577.695 8.254 254.977 15.005
+366.467 520.686 8.293 575.547 8.411 257.909 13.517
+366.624 521.216 7.032 578.495 8.131 254.269 10.000
+366.781 513.292 6.766 573.294 6.877 260.282 5.594
+366.939 519.092 7.917 577.263 9.117 254.452 13.199
+367.096 517.730 5.881 579.222 8.513 248.714 11.281
+367.253 518.547 7.732 576.682 9.699 260.007 12.335
+367.411 513.915 7.388 580.256 8.353 242.790 13.986
+367.568 524.969 7.095 573.532 7.247 262.047 9.500
+367.726 518.739 6.647 571.725 6.666 276.250 10.719
+367.884 522.677 6.799 575.807 6.318 254.182 7.270
+368.041 520.186 7.723 580.038 6.713 241.371 9.504
+368.198 517.111 6.200 574.540 7.407 249.423 11.539
+368.356 518.041 6.297 573.825 6.305 274.414 9.636
+368.516 512.160 6.801 573.788 7.096 264.234 5.765
+368.674 512.901 9.332 575.607 9.622 262.642 11.229
+368.832 503.419 6.707 578.316 6.661 240.586 11.731
+368.989 521.014 7.078 575.143 11.538 255.725 13.444
+369.147 513.100 6.677 573.701 7.150 258.667 9.958
+369.306 519.511 8.643 571.727 12.241 268.886 24.985
+369.463 512.185 6.288 574.317 8.376 262.828 9.516
+369.621 525.821 12.829 578.463 10.534 253.638 15.195
+369.778 503.868 12.261 571.474 7.271 257.536 13.027
+369.935 500.678 11.331 570.974 8.845 257.355 16.645
+370.092 510.316 8.319 572.549 10.434 266.003 17.680
+370.249 512.243 6.164 577.275 9.458 258.950 5.949
+370.408 510.182 11.602 579.052 10.928 259.719 13.001
+370.566 507.331 8.742 575.270 9.969 259.387 7.819
+370.724 516.343 7.757 575.732 11.900 245.783 7.876
+370.882 507.623 6.212 575.397 8.452 267.817 18.970
+371.039 512.126 6.756 573.684 9.931 261.858 16.372
+371.196 507.921 9.048 575.946 8.467 255.738 15.457
+371.352 506.629 7.466 573.379 7.952 245.767 16.197
+371.508 502.686 10.919 573.193 11.117 257.907 11.286
+371.667 509.426 5.901 575.382 10.388 261.819 11.698
+371.825 517.054 7.272 575.443 11.237 257.028 18.121
+371.982 510.010 11.899 571.814 10.178 258.980 15.839
+372.139 514.340 7.232 576.268 14.747 254.469 19.119
+372.295 516.263 10.790 572.622 17.921 251.174 34.982
+372.450 512.532 6.539 575.746 6.347 250.941 11.983
+372.609 510.695 8.040 574.437 11.664 268.809 13.713
+372.766 518.467 16.398 577.584 12.374 250.118 18.006
+372.923 511.404 9.352 571.545 14.509 267.411 30.578
+373.078 518.174 6.840 571.685 8.707 252.594 14.369
+373.235 507.791 8.078 579.366 8.926 235.825 11.506
+373.392 507.307 5.827 574.443 8.933 257.518 14.278
+373.549 512.753 9.141 575.814 12.569 255.185 10.905
+373.706 517.057 6.126 576.318 8.167 262.841 10.848
+373.864 509.780 7.427 569.683 11.761 265.548 9.823
+374.021 502.237 14.213 574.426 7.940 251.705 9.709
+374.178 508.132 9.057 568.014 17.569 258.887 24.875
+374.336 513.201 12.809 573.720 8.889 247.688 18.111
+374.493 503.032 7.833 571.907 8.346 270.086 11.302
+374.651 503.730 6.680 571.949 6.950 266.020 3.843
+374.810 511.967 6.368 572.829 9.678 263.170 11.639
+374.969 505.289 9.653 581.708 11.520 233.181 14.132
+375.124 517.132 7.945 576.267 10.253 241.171 14.442
+375.281 507.641 6.741 569.182 7.518 271.611 10.784
+375.440 507.376 6.376 569.701 7.497 282.096 4.991
+375.599 503.043 8.108 573.767 8.669 246.920 5.487
+375.756 503.880 6.737 570.907 6.631 246.539 8.359
+375.913 505.548 6.663 575.789 10.990 253.795 12.050
+376.070 505.165 7.206 572.668 8.871 266.968 10.487
+376.229 502.801 6.856 569.936 7.282 267.859 9.901
+376.388 502.018 7.264 575.459 8.697 258.598 11.634
+376.545 497.410 7.056 572.714 7.726 257.516 14.721
+376.702 500.204 6.810 571.877 7.991 245.695 14.975
+376.858 496.502 9.113 571.988 8.309 265.207 14.835
+377.015 506.225 7.219 578.619 8.872 247.242 20.429
+377.172 501.322 7.521 577.106 7.938 259.762 15.362
+377.329 495.523 6.404 568.951 10.644 264.597 14.405
+377.487 501.435 6.408 574.839 7.683 257.275 10.528
+377.644 490.544 5.969 571.058 12.009 254.892 6.223
+377.802 490.875 12.491 566.080 18.054 244.278 10.276
+377.958 503.038 9.341 570.430 11.621 247.692 16.658
+378.114 500.310 14.358 564.704 11.241 253.596 25.632
+378.270 500.083 9.666 570.297 11.129 247.936 10.949
+378.427 493.290 6.137 575.333 11.091 257.139 14.914
+378.584 493.442 10.831 565.203 9.684 253.161 9.056
+378.742 500.334 8.638 569.222 10.145 251.251 10.730
+378.898 505.433 6.801 574.852 8.075 257.862 13.527
+379.056 494.514 8.950 567.938 8.521 251.838 19.238
+379.213 498.235 7.867 577.689 11.392 256.868 19.954
+379.369 500.662 8.186 571.606 8.710 256.488 9.094
+379.525 498.216 6.844 568.916 7.676 254.384 6.927
+379.683 499.392 8.360 570.809 9.258 255.863 6.135
+379.840 495.643 6.326 572.468 7.752 252.858 6.013
+379.998 496.126 12.868 570.364 9.606 251.288 22.091
+380.153 492.971 10.061 568.833 11.316 252.242 23.248
+380.310 501.409 5.831 574.878 9.199 274.812 12.708
+380.468 496.824 8.075 573.198 8.102 263.398 8.506
+380.624 499.248 9.382 569.272 8.250 247.583 11.390
+380.781 499.172 6.162 577.442 8.981 248.235 18.019
+380.938 506.821 6.578 574.844 9.392 261.662 13.267
+381.096 486.868 6.828 573.168 15.651 255.316 26.288
+381.251 500.938 7.580 575.591 7.112 249.393 11.331
+381.409 501.309 7.540 573.986 8.421 268.463 10.282
+381.568 497.123 7.039 566.439 8.621 261.804 5.624
+381.726 499.401 7.602 569.664 9.796 259.148 13.018
+381.883 496.464 7.751 568.376 6.825 255.541 17.204
+382.039 494.054 11.080 576.583 9.237 243.785 10.210
+382.197 496.180 6.825 573.295 7.142 268.927 13.189
+382.354 500.611 7.656 570.633 10.715 254.509 8.531
+382.512 497.366 6.424 573.906 8.270 255.585 6.209
+382.670 498.253 7.618 579.279 9.182 250.595 14.914
+382.826 498.872 6.572 570.692 9.776 258.066 16.567
+382.983 493.558 7.853 570.217 10.261 257.690 19.189
+383.139 498.745 6.749 571.742 9.343 254.346 21.095
+383.295 500.437 8.018 573.477 10.278 253.283 23.203
+383.452 493.374 6.230 572.874 7.707 261.242 14.696
+383.609 499.903 8.593 575.268 10.521 257.572 21.560
+383.767 499.049 8.628 573.092 10.359 260.765 16.034
+383.924 499.450 7.541 581.191 11.487 248.587 13.693
+384.081 499.554 8.855 581.531 9.643 267.955 9.430
+384.238 495.305 9.247 578.585 10.644 261.809 17.713
+384.395 497.013 9.745 576.535 15.642 260.358 18.449
+384.551 500.910 9.007 581.915 7.796 260.163 11.837
+384.708 497.919 7.312 582.939 9.768 269.061 10.032
+384.865 498.779 10.286 578.319 10.872 253.620 15.929
+385.021 499.817 9.118 576.143 14.448 260.676 9.741
+385.178 498.198 15.414 576.821 31.731 263.446 23.092
+385.332 497.752 14.228 587.128 19.214 258.404 38.884
+385.488 500.457 8.602 586.591 9.125 265.464 15.186
+385.645 504.524 9.015 587.666 8.449 264.034 22.271
+385.801 499.425 8.903 587.176 17.436 251.620 36.948
+385.957 496.554 8.223 576.251 8.891 260.366 17.537
+386.113 503.325 8.509 583.552 9.095 262.413 33.078
+386.270 501.573 14.343 583.785 9.481 264.184 47.904
+386.427 508.595 6.208 590.147 10.925 256.261 22.374
+386.584 499.035 8.764 594.641 11.722 263.392 18.513
+386.741 506.180 8.707 587.986 13.643 266.733 20.328
+386.897 504.721 9.117 598.259 9.694 256.717 17.371
+387.053 494.817 6.623 596.442 14.180 249.737 14.855
+387.211 504.378 10.655 590.214 14.921 266.307 7.602
+387.368 514.803 13.874 595.932 9.631 244.943 24.884
+387.525 511.028 11.026 595.739 10.288 254.729 28.467
+387.683 504.340 7.309 589.097 12.963 293.587 21.969
+387.841 501.133 9.595 592.881 8.447 262.185 16.247
+387.997 506.351 8.553 586.878 8.206 265.201 18.973
+388.154 506.813 8.665 587.928 11.470 248.222 19.114
+388.310 517.668 8.873 592.859 11.576 269.392 12.368
+388.468 497.746 10.815 589.478 20.222 291.623 38.246
+388.624 528.097 8.810 599.814 22.713 227.936 48.375
+388.779 496.071 6.953 593.848 14.273 266.379 21.078
+388.936 509.250 12.056 582.338 31.003 273.473 39.827
+389.091 506.322 8.790 589.843 15.399 263.814 17.807
+389.247 503.453 6.501 590.488 14.421 264.258 17.939
+389.404 505.534 8.085 600.834 14.491 258.012 17.940
+389.560 499.615 9.668 591.378 10.343 269.830 17.275
+389.717 513.576 7.452 585.683 20.657 263.858 9.590
+389.874 506.435 6.683 587.326 10.982 270.938 12.513
+390.032 510.924 7.487 585.593 11.011 267.079 18.905
+390.189 514.919 9.525 589.366 11.002 254.420 19.962
+390.346 514.289 8.701 596.903 8.716 260.154 11.520
+390.503 510.562 10.249 592.479 14.556 272.971 6.315
+390.661 496.565 7.876 591.814 10.343 256.719 20.497
+390.819 519.735 7.802 592.638 7.897 261.617 9.798
+390.976 509.337 7.964 587.786 9.828 256.376 16.925
+391.133 504.173 7.722 587.157 8.759 267.513 9.335
+391.290 516.411 6.625 581.061 9.066 266.295 8.894
+391.448 516.924 7.398 585.840 7.920 267.903 6.582
+391.606 518.639 7.260 588.318 7.286 254.419 11.133
+391.763 511.696 8.787 584.773 11.134 259.824 12.962
+391.920 530.727 7.869 588.537 11.361 273.758 16.186
+392.077 524.897 8.579 583.605 9.571 249.267 25.940
+392.234 511.509 9.764 588.286 22.140 229.632 39.463
+392.389 507.705 8.669 579.612 10.524 273.196 34.681
+392.546 518.527 7.018 581.716 8.125 259.832 18.974
+392.702 527.745 7.030 585.367 12.740 254.068 16.446
+392.860 516.827 6.678 582.083 9.702 261.570 9.255
+393.017 516.438 8.617 584.730 14.651 256.265 13.368
+393.173 524.134 6.149 577.597 6.905 262.642 16.368
+393.331 515.411 7.115 580.656 8.573 276.716 21.739
+393.488 529.244 8.898 588.146 10.689 240.527 24.602
+393.644 518.372 9.057 585.371 8.649 250.865 18.896
+393.801 519.443 6.216 574.283 12.315 272.888 17.230
+393.958 521.174 6.151 584.152 7.378 253.368 7.255
+394.116 511.471 6.564 582.071 9.360 254.313 15.558
+394.273 524.194 6.795 574.900 7.887 282.673 5.831
+394.430 515.232 9.383 582.709 13.001 236.356 10.916
+394.588 516.502 14.493 587.257 16.916 252.083 20.750
+394.744 521.025 6.805 578.512 7.155 277.290 7.209
+394.902 514.900 7.414 580.655 9.481 259.512 22.403
+395.059 521.749 8.348 582.946 9.703 249.045 14.147
+395.216 520.177 7.540 585.079 11.674 255.710 22.516
+395.373 518.341 5.973 580.550 8.316 266.337 7.727
+395.531 515.413 6.983 582.205 7.331 252.713 9.765
+395.689 515.104 7.276 583.042 7.422 262.897 12.270
+395.847 511.211 5.867 573.580 6.630 262.729 12.960
+396.004 523.082 6.553 588.135 8.394 243.537 9.269
+396.160 520.130 7.399 582.001 10.129 246.675 14.182
+396.318 515.301 5.914 575.420 7.016 269.386 5.782
+396.477 521.523 6.579 574.904 8.947 273.943 16.414
+396.633 521.575 6.597 583.319 7.527 231.339 9.056
+396.791 512.075 6.307 577.613 10.380 261.943 12.979
+396.949 523.340 6.260 581.026 7.177 265.639 5.751
+397.109 514.513 7.406 572.000 7.362 264.176 13.532
+397.266 520.665 6.663 579.600 7.824 248.181 14.875
+397.422 513.736 6.041 591.916 6.922 244.961 8.376
+397.580 512.097 6.622 571.329 9.373 272.369 13.977
+397.737 519.841 8.264 580.083 12.250 259.883 12.187
+397.894 516.018 6.303 582.190 12.224 237.848 15.880
+398.050 525.460 7.669 582.421 12.941 258.448 11.402
+398.209 516.584 6.284 574.784 7.730 266.794 9.987
+398.367 521.365 6.720 575.477 8.996 266.677 19.681
+398.525 516.353 7.306 574.464 6.491 254.416 15.104
+398.682 513.473 6.463 579.354 9.713 269.764 15.846
+398.838 513.664 5.796 573.193 6.957 253.107 14.896
+398.996 513.776 8.816 576.691 18.940 256.201 29.345
+399.151 522.267 6.090 577.457 7.649 259.042 13.777
+399.308 515.312 5.989 576.444 10.996 251.750 15.926
+399.465 521.043 6.149 575.454 10.855 259.717 17.950
+399.623 518.260 6.557 577.024 8.376 268.097 7.062
+399.780 513.092 8.409 587.430 9.312 250.470 11.652
+399.937 521.170 6.906 585.694 8.019 248.394 14.491
+400.093 518.181 8.091 573.457 16.953 272.424 33.970
+400.248 518.161 5.997 573.444 8.663 260.134 4.915
+400.407 510.241 6.977 579.204 7.324 256.031 10.680
+400.566 508.712 5.923 574.272 8.079 258.470 10.876
+400.723 512.757 6.196 575.592 6.333 259.814 4.670
+400.883 512.137 5.865 579.085 6.606 261.368 8.389
+401.040 521.851 5.923 579.250 7.853 256.593 12.347
+401.199 522.208 6.675 577.692 8.821 260.685 11.931
+401.356 522.242 6.322 575.647 7.303 267.776 6.843
+401.515 516.422 5.666 581.736 6.346 255.987 9.973
+401.674 510.444 6.561 579.237 7.874 256.509 11.115
+401.832 509.334 5.754 576.732 9.247 262.435 5.465
+401.990 511.923 6.418 580.027 7.237 255.144 11.859
+402.148 515.079 6.866 580.620 7.705 249.241 10.642
+402.307 518.140 5.990 581.116 7.491 256.902 8.816
+402.465 518.181 6.018 573.581 7.063 270.179 12.499
+402.624 517.601 7.522 576.595 9.563 256.331 22.030
+402.780 517.396 5.757 581.586 7.080 248.043 3.870
+402.938 515.204 6.054 580.325 7.509 259.310 9.745
+403.097 514.492 5.689 576.183 6.202 258.613 8.315
+403.256 510.804 5.642 574.941 6.164 270.846 3.826
+403.415 515.608 6.852 581.789 11.299 244.398 21.796
+403.572 517.706 6.160 580.648 6.541 246.113 7.869
+403.729 516.517 6.216 574.866 6.435 270.071 5.243
+403.888 519.195 5.859 578.428 6.841 263.830 10.988
+404.046 520.761 5.774 580.444 6.089 252.068 5.720
+404.204 518.027 6.797 575.954 7.069 266.060 10.414
+404.364 513.980 5.704 577.059 6.357 269.200 7.486
+404.522 510.149 6.129 579.580 6.383 251.532 5.203
+404.680 514.321 5.820 577.875 6.274 258.795 8.111
+404.839 515.353 5.631 577.628 6.297 267.738 5.687
+404.998 521.583 6.569 580.586 6.243 251.767 6.576
+405.155 517.515 5.816 580.255 6.347 253.567 4.688
+405.314 516.515 5.790 576.642 6.547 265.815 5.354
+405.472 522.275 5.726 578.366 6.564 259.838 7.064
+405.630 517.762 5.858 578.943 6.361 253.478 5.057
+405.790 509.307 5.582 575.499 6.383 266.114 7.364
+405.948 511.373 7.130 577.555 6.896 258.161 9.544
+406.105 512.033 5.779 580.395 7.600 252.821 8.700
+406.264 515.710 5.927 575.004 6.205 263.348 3.267
+406.423 515.687 5.781 577.480 6.123 264.103 5.181
+406.583 516.676 5.662 577.254 6.131 253.031 4.648
+406.740 517.046 5.887 580.352 6.738 248.790 4.498
+406.899 515.110 5.972 574.493 6.655 263.067 5.764
+407.059 515.461 6.043 573.725 6.829 267.200 7.663
+407.216 514.934 5.880 578.047 6.119 250.102 6.491
+407.374 515.219 5.681 579.850 6.580 252.581 6.650
+407.532 514.632 5.735 574.838 6.259 266.735 4.848
+407.692 512.866 5.699 575.158 6.716 261.447 5.760
+407.850 511.348 5.585 578.501 6.250 252.114 5.452
+408.008 511.793 5.724 577.545 6.883 254.561 6.552
+408.166 516.298 5.995 574.155 6.352 265.575 4.205
+408.325 516.373 5.966 574.921 6.266 264.165 4.490
+408.483 514.123 5.769 577.059 6.160 248.411 4.417
+408.641 515.011 5.671 575.840 6.309 253.794 4.324
+408.801 516.290 5.737 575.308 8.814 270.587 9.223
+408.958 516.612 5.882 574.913 6.746 256.585 5.814
+409.116 513.296 6.068 577.769 7.105 246.395 8.942
+409.274 509.302 5.809 573.417 6.353 261.793 5.923
+409.433 512.993 5.546 572.654 7.055 267.237 3.848
+409.592 514.120 5.630 575.256 6.172 254.882 6.314
+409.750 515.121 5.698 575.652 6.096 252.798 4.064
+409.908 514.441 5.562 571.836 6.620 258.208 4.359
+410.068 514.864 5.831 574.428 6.116 262.022 3.767
+410.227 515.048 5.841 575.664 6.822 253.030 6.132
+410.386 515.260 5.669 571.446 6.401 259.800 3.249
+410.546 513.112 5.987 572.684 7.491 264.198 5.267
+410.705 515.331 5.741 575.906 7.247 254.992 9.539
+410.863 514.263 5.703 574.419 6.655 255.489 4.755
+411.022 513.542 5.537 573.234 6.389 262.474 4.458
+411.181 514.415 5.682 574.152 6.206 260.224 3.734
+411.340 515.064 5.772 574.251 6.393 256.962 4.643
+411.500 514.180 5.623 573.242 6.821 259.929 4.696
+411.659 515.111 5.573 573.632 6.458 261.369 4.187
+411.817 513.761 8.709 574.256 19.355 256.933 3.822
+411.974 513.957 5.834 574.552 6.734 252.589 4.745
+412.132 514.279 5.705 573.605 6.380 259.025 3.782
+412.293 513.922 5.914 572.456 6.285 260.900 6.654
+412.452 515.069 5.856 574.564 6.395 257.099 5.274
+412.611 512.470 6.104 575.255 6.715 253.611 12.944
+412.769 513.154 6.179 573.252 6.595 261.076 7.479
+412.928 515.211 5.724 573.002 6.410 263.020 6.897
+413.086 516.322 5.676 573.920 6.358 258.200 6.219
+413.244 515.333 5.946 573.709 7.009 255.112 4.447
+413.403 513.833 5.832 573.357 6.550 257.461 4.316
+413.562 515.518 5.646 571.773 6.220 264.254 4.241
+413.721 514.645 5.584 572.927 6.563 257.962 9.179
+413.880 512.406 5.801 573.299 6.641 252.769 6.007
+414.039 512.454 6.172 569.553 6.776 271.207 6.807
+414.198 515.754 6.709 572.485 8.499 264.052 11.047
+414.356 516.007 5.748 578.164 6.224 244.690 4.921
+414.515 513.640 5.686 573.401 6.351 257.856 4.676
+414.674 518.676 5.807 570.374 6.671 269.518 4.257
+414.833 516.976 5.738 574.023 6.716 261.305 5.609
+414.992 512.439 6.340 576.710 6.699 248.593 6.605
+415.151 512.324 5.787 574.477 6.701 258.375 7.963
+415.309 513.233 6.336 572.034 7.408 271.433 4.639
+415.468 511.872 6.430 576.420 6.622 250.984 6.065
+415.625 515.078 5.878 573.844 6.198 250.789 4.851
+415.783 518.200 6.099 574.468 7.246 257.317 5.472
+415.942 516.542 5.880 573.014 6.918 265.393 8.658
+416.100 511.795 7.349 570.990 6.989 263.033 6.514
+416.259 518.458 6.295 573.789 6.731 258.550 10.189
+416.418 513.424 5.641 575.168 8.343 265.045 6.617
+416.577 513.664 5.759 574.721 7.403 259.550 6.864
+416.736 512.686 6.204 573.877 6.877 256.885 5.760
+416.896 514.076 5.799 573.218 6.513 258.138 5.560
+417.054 513.660 5.547 573.772 6.217 256.851 3.805
+417.213 511.706 6.096 574.557 7.572 249.618 10.056
+417.371 515.117 6.195 572.085 7.410 262.796 5.948
+417.530 515.231 6.831 572.260 6.517 261.117 6.037
+417.688 519.872 6.211 578.302 7.350 250.751 7.552
+417.846 524.318 7.379 575.203 9.552 251.987 12.785
+418.003 516.953 7.043 571.992 7.424 271.439 8.276
+418.162 524.989 5.643 572.629 8.642 253.854 8.194
+418.319 511.569 7.881 578.776 8.648 246.368 6.767
+418.476 510.015 6.474 572.577 8.205 254.013 11.040
+418.634 509.450 5.815 568.895 6.216 268.940 5.807
+418.793 507.534 5.948 573.089 6.864 258.169 5.788
+418.951 512.485 6.259 575.581 6.205 249.411 8.021
+419.108 516.314 5.740 574.495 6.251 254.664 5.817
+419.268 515.393 6.021 573.255 6.106 264.636 5.048
+419.427 517.634 6.292 571.402 7.138 265.096 4.908
+419.586 518.426 5.887 576.954 6.980 251.400 9.434
+419.743 515.434 6.565 575.739 7.106 248.534 6.867
+419.900 513.514 5.763 569.617 6.548 269.535 7.369
+420.059 515.605 5.966 571.516 6.206 263.555 3.661
+420.218 513.746 5.963 574.645 6.650 245.825 4.907
+420.377 515.357 6.347 573.876 7.245 249.348 8.797
+420.535 514.033 7.240 570.258 9.122 272.313 12.171
+420.693 509.280 7.003 572.512 8.342 253.793 8.729
+420.851 509.402 6.296 573.835 6.640 254.407 6.202
+421.008 510.144 6.011 573.788 7.067 250.874 5.447
+421.167 516.371 5.929 572.697 6.591 262.138 5.109
+421.326 517.693 5.516 571.177 6.267 267.991 3.800
+421.485 515.517 5.914 571.251 6.191 253.059 4.973
+421.644 515.095 5.631 574.202 6.188 254.690 4.995
+421.802 519.221 5.676 573.142 6.425 257.336 5.752
+421.960 517.462 5.849 572.711 6.824 261.963 6.543
+422.119 508.684 5.680 570.267 6.782 260.579 10.399
+422.276 510.686 6.134 574.132 6.320 250.665 7.621
+422.434 517.566 5.841 571.601 6.384 258.336 5.495
+422.593 517.175 5.602 574.196 6.784 256.643 5.964
+422.751 512.821 5.588 573.002 6.324 253.496 4.898
+422.909 518.208 5.794 572.740 6.378 261.545 8.758
+423.067 518.242 5.691 573.887 6.421 253.915 5.698
+423.225 514.422 6.188 574.188 7.158 250.759 9.924
+423.384 514.544 5.810 570.991 7.430 260.337 4.928
+423.543 518.225 5.629 570.189 7.396 265.793 5.277
+423.702 514.712 6.138 575.011 7.214 249.687 11.672
+423.859 512.887 5.630 574.280 6.433 254.326 4.632
+424.017 516.368 5.673 571.172 6.222 263.093 5.116
+424.177 512.543 5.805 573.581 6.370 256.940 5.021
+424.336 512.065 5.687 574.715 6.302 248.369 8.737
+424.493 515.430 5.764 573.547 7.130 253.683 9.708
+424.651 519.074 5.751 570.545 6.403 267.556 6.088
+424.809 516.220 5.752 570.575 6.309 262.055 7.243
+424.967 518.572 6.596 576.735 7.051 245.200 8.849
+425.125 515.385 7.035 574.757 6.712 245.762 11.349
+425.283 510.453 5.905 569.207 6.520 266.147 6.677
+425.441 509.714 6.644 570.452 7.074 260.671 5.893
+425.598 510.497 5.806 573.694 6.345 248.576 5.213
+425.756 513.385 6.132 574.556 6.616 250.695 4.868
+425.915 514.573 5.623 571.475 6.334 261.957 4.867
+426.076 512.675 5.800 571.364 6.089 262.439 4.215
+426.234 514.536 5.492 572.303 6.771 251.204 6.492
+426.392 517.815 5.688 574.063 6.203 250.462 6.605
+426.550 513.428 5.825 572.750 6.482 258.544 5.954
+426.709 515.294 5.868 571.787 7.168 262.275 4.139
+426.868 513.663 7.041 573.207 6.513 252.192 3.435
+427.025 514.366 5.770 571.552 6.203 251.711 7.335
+427.184 515.993 5.790 570.785 6.558 261.647 4.914
+427.343 515.469 5.725 571.677 8.070 260.796 5.043
+427.502 512.044 6.052 571.206 6.926 256.487 6.571
+427.660 509.520 6.044 572.882 6.800 252.524 5.360
+427.819 513.125 6.234 571.138 6.968 259.675 11.576
+427.978 512.501 6.751 569.161 6.825 260.616 5.402
+428.136 514.155 6.105 570.651 6.306 254.906 5.865
+428.295 514.461 6.072 571.676 6.713 253.689 4.331
+428.453 515.484 5.694 572.036 6.794 259.936 8.230
+428.611 514.344 5.788 570.840 7.057 257.929 8.085
+428.769 514.043 5.875 572.868 6.398 253.259 5.262
+428.928 511.480 5.879 573.898 6.574 248.382 6.902
+429.085 512.204 5.734 567.719 6.146 261.813 5.408
+429.245 512.022 5.724 564.787 6.696 273.198 4.971
+429.403 516.560 5.544 572.267 6.520 251.622 6.208
+429.561 517.775 5.635 572.082 6.476 254.896 4.856
+429.720 509.937 5.845 569.840 6.477 255.268 6.566
+429.878 513.569 5.838 570.288 6.209 256.532 6.042
+430.037 512.775 5.636 570.832 6.149 259.195 6.759
+430.196 510.957 5.505 570.268 6.515 255.512 4.655
+430.354 514.939 5.505 571.722 6.597 253.945 3.739
+430.513 515.529 5.458 570.447 6.619 261.679 3.832
+430.672 513.245 5.660 569.654 6.213 263.056 5.377
+430.831 515.092 5.580 572.786 6.530 248.080 5.629
+430.989 512.760 5.575 572.887 6.105 257.560 4.704
+431.148 512.877 5.591 566.828 6.576 268.535 4.486
+431.308 513.868 6.661 570.538 7.103 263.195 8.602
+431.466 515.398 6.652 573.355 9.587 249.061 16.999
+431.623 513.674 5.981 571.833 7.800 255.080 13.830
+431.781 511.756 5.720 568.868 7.778 270.200 4.713
+431.940 512.287 5.889 570.828 6.208 261.462 7.095
+432.099 514.872 6.509 575.128 8.040 248.444 7.005
+432.256 512.938 5.908 572.961 6.816 253.724 5.667
+432.415 516.069 5.698 569.549 7.589 266.107 5.582
+432.575 518.480 6.307 571.005 7.502 262.101 6.848
+432.733 513.264 6.039 574.810 6.632 248.821 8.184
+432.890 515.082 6.160 572.608 7.968 252.178 6.686
+433.049 513.420 6.007 572.026 6.922 263.221 8.726
+433.207 513.704 6.065 572.620 6.218 263.352 4.537
+433.366 512.397 6.351 572.976 7.191 254.123 8.813
+433.524 509.974 6.663 572.899 7.596 250.811 5.074
+433.683 513.499 6.194 571.699 6.735 258.438 5.260
+433.843 516.145 5.986 572.397 7.089 258.734 7.329
+434.001 514.621 6.063 572.354 7.784 253.937 9.105
+434.160 514.086 6.899 569.883 6.919 258.409 7.113
+434.319 517.030 6.370 571.998 6.306 256.254 8.283
+434.477 514.900 6.723 571.610 6.703 254.372 9.693
+434.635 516.009 5.763 569.186 7.223 257.863 6.507
+434.793 515.020 6.194 569.351 6.618 257.038 7.739
+434.951 514.050 5.652 568.563 6.783 254.200 5.663
+435.110 513.600 5.636 567.375 6.020 257.982 4.281
+435.270 514.006 5.960 566.773 6.312 258.239 8.802
+435.428 513.380 5.715 567.177 6.404 253.582 7.611
+435.586 512.523 6.060 571.101 6.988 250.525 4.669
+435.744 511.285 5.836 568.951 7.004 257.105 8.624
+435.902 516.962 5.814 567.859 7.563 260.631 7.108
+436.060 517.179 6.159 568.738 6.308 248.816 5.775
+436.218 515.701 5.994 569.387 6.492 254.428 5.214
+436.378 516.187 5.717 565.393 6.513 264.154 6.780
+436.537 518.861 5.804 566.134 6.227 262.901 3.824
+436.696 515.878 5.496 568.881 6.442 256.129 6.360
+436.855 514.428 6.095 568.608 6.399 248.631 5.827
+437.013 511.654 5.649 567.256 6.298 254.256 4.545
+437.171 512.116 5.499 565.392 6.332 259.922 3.602
+437.331 513.021 5.820 566.574 6.283 256.109 6.013
+437.490 512.620 5.766 569.765 6.472 250.561 7.963
+437.647 515.616 5.671 568.067 6.773 249.785 5.670
+437.807 515.256 6.064 566.520 6.048 262.667 3.826
+437.966 518.582 5.766 565.505 6.131 263.846 5.776
+438.125 518.915 5.563 571.735 6.728 248.348 7.133
+438.282 517.919 5.795 569.007 6.558 250.233 5.157
+438.442 514.489 5.658 566.550 6.393 265.362 4.224
+438.601 514.174 5.533 565.545 6.654 265.613 6.709
+438.759 512.201 5.869 571.475 6.098 247.966 4.138
+438.917 511.762 5.577 570.484 6.478 250.449 5.986
+439.075 515.447 5.656 568.454 6.244 256.694 3.438
+439.235 514.994 5.805 568.244 6.127 261.957 8.227
+439.393 514.840 5.971 568.742 6.253 257.069 5.705
+439.552 517.558 5.698 569.447 6.435 253.160 6.504
+439.710 516.355 5.952 570.584 6.562 254.801 5.750
+439.869 514.033 5.733 570.195 7.613 258.168 9.120
+440.028 512.410 5.900 567.362 6.757 264.371 7.844
+440.185 510.314 8.026 568.783 9.352 252.213 13.087
+440.342 508.193 5.810 573.117 6.971 244.942 7.033
+440.499 511.422 5.869 569.311 6.605 257.609 7.175
+440.658 516.024 5.596 565.703 6.554 270.816 4.808
+440.817 513.600 6.001 570.027 6.324 258.528 5.435
+440.976 516.536 6.284 569.980 6.305 256.265 4.745
+441.136 516.725 6.189 569.429 6.687 255.432 5.014
+441.294 516.647 5.759 568.884 6.257 254.564 3.825
+441.452 515.236 5.630 569.958 6.398 258.035 5.371
+441.612 512.322 5.678 567.819 6.237 258.020 4.229
+441.770 514.823 5.799 571.378 6.685 253.470 3.966
+441.928 515.338 5.377 572.933 6.512 250.854 4.354
+442.088 515.773 5.705 569.829 6.391 259.988 6.169
+442.247 514.487 6.151 565.798 6.334 270.679 5.007
+442.407 516.294 5.560 569.438 6.550 257.226 6.136
+442.565 515.083 5.638 574.784 6.341 244.292 4.268
+442.724 516.710 5.919 568.967 6.620 258.772 8.820
+442.882 519.627 5.488 568.689 6.175 262.447 5.141
+443.041 516.796 5.807 570.376 6.923 255.134 6.722
+443.199 517.138 5.608 569.743 6.382 253.431 4.642
+443.357 521.731 5.604 570.487 6.591 257.124 5.692
+443.516 519.587 5.545 569.134 6.374 262.261 5.242
+443.675 516.805 5.675 570.681 6.378 257.302 6.380
+443.833 515.278 6.570 571.606 6.566 244.913 7.516
+443.990 516.442 6.214 568.686 6.714 258.679 5.771
+444.149 515.384 5.709 566.816 6.588 269.516 5.531
+444.308 517.473 5.777 572.118 6.617 246.145 5.698
+444.466 517.394 5.659 572.981 6.187 245.071 4.849
+444.625 516.714 5.635 564.689 6.479 271.060 6.031
+444.785 514.957 5.571 565.747 6.316 271.370 4.309
+444.943 515.049 5.778 572.187 6.173 247.303 3.889
+445.102 514.090 5.521 574.471 6.232 238.523 3.633
+445.260 516.750 5.609 568.364 6.310 265.285 5.102
+445.420 518.477 5.835 566.283 6.465 273.092 3.435
+445.579 519.614 5.925 574.672 5.989 240.280 7.033
+445.735 522.816 5.780 572.976 6.297 239.832 6.220
+445.894 516.558 6.041 566.649 6.785 264.268 8.411
+446.053 516.205 5.603 564.476 6.224 278.762 5.781
+446.212 512.522 5.547 569.054 6.027 255.567 8.217
+446.370 509.135 5.526 573.840 6.113 238.045 4.233
+446.528 514.791 6.263 570.348 6.422 256.080 6.468
+446.686 518.097 5.729 565.893 6.395 275.390 5.931
+446.845 516.531 5.490 569.408 6.207 260.203 6.435
+447.004 515.485 5.698 575.964 6.346 234.612 6.443
+447.161 515.444 5.630 569.709 6.477 256.776 3.843
+447.321 519.594 6.041 563.397 8.771 276.197 7.913
+447.478 516.746 5.748 570.744 7.009 256.372 7.119
+447.636 514.207 6.021 574.877 6.469 239.123 9.309
+447.793 516.342 5.560 569.618 6.351 255.061 6.988
+447.953 521.163 5.693 568.436 6.621 270.330 4.230
+448.111 517.911 5.771 570.984 6.685 252.203 6.994
+448.269 512.649 5.606 571.229 6.469 247.292 7.721
+448.427 511.806 5.614 566.142 6.202 262.042 5.692
+448.586 512.508 5.792 567.981 6.735 265.840 5.551
+448.745 511.005 5.620 571.629 6.416 253.618 5.380
+448.903 512.920 6.576 571.866 6.873 249.026 6.766
+449.061 518.499 5.742 569.818 7.020 259.290 3.916
+449.220 518.875 5.868 569.638 6.408 265.312 5.506
+449.379 515.688 5.731 568.446 6.136 258.973 4.999
+449.538 519.016 5.787 570.804 6.468 245.819 4.479
+449.696 520.050 5.890 571.298 6.647 254.048 11.859
+449.854 513.100 7.594 567.893 8.722 255.780 6.549
+450.013 514.671 6.144 567.468 7.644 260.717 5.859
+450.173 513.946 5.829 569.034 6.814 257.917 7.534
+450.331 513.139 5.615 572.020 6.448 250.679 5.223
+450.489 512.841 6.190 569.010 6.279 258.616 5.455
+450.648 514.558 5.853 571.450 6.456 256.616 4.868
+450.806 516.245 5.821 571.244 6.433 250.656 5.154
+450.965 513.982 5.585 569.342 6.025 256.806 5.525
+451.124 522.539 5.589 569.333 6.409 261.328 3.770
+451.284 517.095 6.219 570.743 7.065 261.323 9.759
+451.442 515.921 6.542 575.127 6.601 248.153 5.295
+451.600 517.499 6.296 570.721 7.739 252.421 6.014
+451.759 514.505 5.782 565.157 7.018 271.354 5.127
+451.918 513.965 5.728 570.621 6.403 259.083 9.423
+452.076 515.119 6.233 574.206 6.444 244.790 4.663
+452.236 513.041 5.438 567.402 6.541 260.807 6.401
+452.394 516.600 5.492 570.144 6.154 257.188 7.101
+452.552 517.516 6.622 572.211 7.464 248.511 8.586
+452.708 515.575 5.501 572.762 6.637 251.525 5.972
+452.866 519.315 6.347 570.377 6.956 254.995 6.917
+453.025 515.353 6.537 568.343 7.610 263.149 8.022
+453.183 515.213 5.711 569.473 6.633 267.611 8.299
+453.341 515.122 6.233 570.704 6.651 252.436 4.970
+453.499 510.851 5.943 574.037 6.570 242.834 8.005
+453.655 512.408 6.020 569.770 6.120 260.068 6.707
+453.814 517.524 6.095 569.387 6.893 269.870 4.273
+453.973 513.395 6.413 569.083 6.379 256.268 7.578
+454.131 514.504 5.807 574.720 7.003 241.822 4.791
+454.289 519.995 5.571 572.987 6.661 252.818 4.419
+454.447 519.399 5.614 567.559 6.540 268.428 5.302
+454.607 515.454 6.757 568.515 6.759 265.984 7.299
+454.764 514.644 5.520 573.105 6.243 247.869 4.996
+454.922 511.036 5.607 572.621 6.941 246.908 5.793
+455.081 512.430 5.611 567.906 6.377 265.369 6.332
+455.239 515.344 5.647 567.589 6.168 267.273 8.536
+455.397 510.673 5.755 573.385 6.994 244.302 5.994
+455.554 511.126 5.753 571.243 6.455 243.363 6.323
+455.713 513.131 5.706 570.302 6.225 265.033 4.876
+455.872 513.751 5.809 566.903 6.701 270.380 5.587
+456.031 512.967 5.703 573.149 6.279 251.163 4.929
+456.189 513.559 5.608 573.651 6.644 246.561 4.660
+456.348 516.645 5.587 570.886 6.511 258.425 3.638
+456.507 518.646 6.006 567.348 6.681 267.924 5.451
+456.666 513.146 5.635 570.153 6.310 259.369 6.701
+456.824 508.811 5.773 570.161 6.194 249.283 3.744
+456.982 506.838 5.638 570.801 6.688 255.852 4.806
+457.140 504.158 5.869 567.068 7.002 258.738 6.792
+457.298 506.851 6.253 570.790 6.262 255.317 4.053
+457.456 506.498 6.327 569.658 7.842 253.343 4.626
+457.614 509.705 6.364 572.046 6.300 251.383 6.267
+457.773 510.757 6.138 570.090 6.805 263.913 5.304
+457.932 511.837 6.036 565.820 6.570 266.719 4.900
+458.090 511.508 5.751 570.788 6.729 253.377 5.171
+458.248 509.835 6.585 570.877 7.138 251.453 4.803
+458.406 507.868 6.562 568.428 6.755 258.174 5.666
+458.564 506.738 6.238 567.524 7.479 259.821 6.521
+458.722 503.727 6.074 568.495 6.752 258.198 5.485
+458.880 500.757 5.967 573.125 7.388 249.322 6.509
+459.038 498.987 5.830 569.991 8.075 254.293 9.186
+459.196 500.399 6.169 565.969 6.966 264.632 4.522
+459.355 501.554 6.304 568.569 7.354 255.906 6.429
+459.513 504.915 5.997 572.035 6.593 243.949 6.660
+459.670 506.189 6.317 568.010 7.250 260.619 7.151
+459.829 509.181 6.402 566.970 7.297 268.216 5.489
+459.988 510.101 5.597 569.679 6.275 255.612 6.256
+460.145 503.171 5.874 573.006 6.509 243.456 5.383
+460.304 501.311 5.513 567.640 6.898 259.104 6.559
+460.462 498.383 5.614 566.516 6.206 270.921 4.717
+460.621 495.943 5.753 568.335 6.464 252.749 6.987
+460.778 492.399 5.610 569.863 7.566 248.077 6.581
+460.936 505.344 6.025 569.318 6.447 256.470 7.272
+461.095 502.293 5.504 571.543 6.654 263.494 5.566
+461.253 503.002 5.439 565.665 6.446 261.474 6.646
+461.410 503.310 5.338 567.266 6.388 258.664 5.931
+461.569 504.873 5.824 568.462 6.476 261.886 4.137
+461.728 498.878 5.599 568.674 6.250 257.148 4.350
+461.886 498.128 6.363 567.906 6.320 257.941 5.595
+462.045 498.981 5.747 568.869 6.775 257.009 4.454
+462.204 494.849 6.275 567.468 6.483 254.760 7.344
+462.362 497.828 5.629 570.074 6.606 253.027 5.693
+462.521 502.358 5.936 569.060 7.036 261.220 4.024
+462.680 503.413 6.011 565.110 6.388 271.082 3.846
+462.839 497.624 8.359 573.961 9.958 253.020 16.980
+462.996 496.276 9.460 575.149 10.241 251.860 28.858
+463.152 499.792 5.987 567.471 8.935 268.708 5.704
+463.311 497.207 5.928 567.734 6.899 266.687 7.001
+463.468 492.182 5.916 572.517 6.135 242.886 4.547
+463.626 498.141 5.355 569.645 7.181 252.588 3.778
+463.784 497.781 5.628 566.046 6.359 270.665 3.972
+463.943 498.127 5.553 569.420 8.239 264.616 5.140
+464.101 495.501 5.477 573.274 6.428 252.916 5.251
+464.259 498.095 6.692 570.472 6.922 248.669 5.270
+464.418 498.840 5.520 567.554 6.926 265.136 7.638
+464.576 508.728 6.836 569.585 7.881 266.071 6.062
+464.734 496.657 5.757 570.695 6.906 247.500 9.965
+464.891 497.926 6.017 571.117 7.177 251.905 16.539
+465.049 497.529 5.774 566.091 6.625 269.779 6.817
+465.208 496.255 6.189 567.341 6.460 268.317 5.866
+465.365 493.632 6.465 571.583 6.854 248.473 7.071
+465.522 495.906 6.511 573.225 7.712 246.344 5.066
+465.680 498.419 6.010 566.422 6.904 270.343 7.670
+465.839 496.974 5.642 567.954 6.918 262.953 7.141
+465.997 488.009 5.835 570.539 6.299 248.519 6.695
+466.154 495.980 5.913 569.495 7.282 252.305 5.132
+466.313 495.219 6.432 566.084 6.186 272.233 5.900
+466.472 489.592 6.385 567.800 6.837 259.322 8.579
+466.629 498.145 6.172 572.418 6.855 251.393 8.439
+466.787 503.381 5.794 572.524 7.222 249.803 4.932
+466.946 504.563 5.811 567.405 7.025 265.888 5.946
+467.105 497.115 6.046 566.714 6.500 266.938 5.925
+467.263 491.891 5.734 571.047 6.664 250.859 4.681
+467.420 492.608 5.965 573.390 6.841 245.208 4.852
+467.577 489.326 5.329 568.693 7.111 263.602 6.673
+467.737 492.253 6.942 566.967 6.395 267.856 4.720
+467.895 493.102 7.155 567.929 6.337 255.968 4.718
+468.054 493.901 6.708 570.139 7.451 245.589 8.673
+468.211 502.649 5.583 570.261 6.916 265.135 5.550
+468.371 500.886 5.793 565.742 6.485 268.681 5.624
+468.529 501.668 6.561 570.917 7.754 251.576 4.621
+468.687 496.526 5.744 573.439 6.908 247.995 7.586
+468.845 500.225 5.985 565.934 7.446 268.249 4.796
+469.004 497.892 6.726 565.079 6.683 271.132 5.303
+469.163 490.318 6.290 571.020 6.905 250.971 6.760
+469.320 491.623 6.006 567.260 6.469 256.949 4.762
+469.479 496.596 5.926 569.082 7.694 258.329 4.336
+469.637 496.946 5.596 569.900 7.184 254.583 4.408
+469.795 500.179 5.694 568.579 6.630 255.325 4.502
+469.954 498.581 6.488 567.145 6.592 264.543 4.508
+470.113 508.875 6.238 567.601 6.692 262.525 5.320
+470.271 502.838 5.637 571.036 6.277 252.685 3.853
+470.429 498.548 5.628 569.380 6.439 254.906 3.967
+470.588 499.585 6.254 568.303 6.492 268.759 5.495
+470.747 495.525 5.850 570.063 6.559 260.517 4.503
+470.904 491.815 6.160 573.260 6.511 242.525 5.201
+471.063 494.558 5.961 568.522 7.249 255.895 8.177
+471.221 495.905 6.169 566.995 7.031 271.568 5.364
+471.381 499.109 5.431 570.919 6.596 254.095 4.898
+471.540 496.331 5.849 568.619 7.043 258.780 7.025
+471.698 500.693 5.682 568.536 6.609 260.237 5.022
+471.856 510.726 5.769 570.615 6.912 256.202 4.861
+472.015 498.027 6.038 568.406 6.631 259.822 6.125
+472.173 496.030 5.456 567.244 6.799 259.438 5.355
+472.332 497.970 6.297 571.422 6.772 255.884 3.687
+472.491 491.549 5.796 570.204 7.105 260.758 8.174
+472.648 495.285 5.920 568.082 7.174 251.197 8.560
+472.806 497.572 5.508 567.240 6.480 264.412 4.745
+472.964 500.005 5.690 567.272 7.005 262.124 4.049
+473.122 496.160 6.012 572.752 6.833 247.321 7.519
+473.280 494.121 5.761 568.167 6.186 259.783 3.759
+473.440 503.891 6.128 567.401 6.871 266.547 6.388
+473.599 502.018 6.618 569.904 6.797 259.395 5.789
+473.757 497.100 5.759 568.989 7.094 254.603 5.226
+473.915 499.431 5.580 567.669 7.128 261.286 5.932
+474.074 500.384 6.149 568.886 7.007 258.102 7.719
+474.232 495.783 8.817 571.928 6.536 251.021 5.450
+474.390 496.367 5.855 565.399 6.797 263.980 5.348
+474.549 496.153 7.087 567.734 6.610 268.549 4.537
+474.708 493.751 6.326 570.277 7.174 257.255 6.379
+474.865 491.497 5.446 571.462 7.234 249.402 4.612
+475.024 501.975 5.785 567.114 7.099 261.004 7.151
+475.183 503.469 6.636 566.421 6.630 267.630 5.874
+475.340 491.814 5.856 568.854 6.387 257.126 3.514
+475.499 492.028 6.699 574.068 6.834 239.031 7.824
+475.656 499.720 5.731 567.970 6.567 259.090 6.264
+475.816 493.797 5.722 562.129 6.656 282.510 4.304
+475.974 492.258 6.280 568.681 8.762 256.065 14.135
+476.131 503.402 5.720 572.446 7.225 249.010 10.937
+476.290 503.254 5.675 569.874 6.974 257.460 6.652
+476.448 501.192 6.025 569.418 7.971 263.654 7.400
+476.607 500.271 5.768 565.514 6.979 268.086 4.399
+476.765 494.102 5.746 569.655 6.131 256.390 3.892
+476.923 490.211 5.552 573.716 7.071 248.303 5.044
+477.082 490.482 6.637 568.937 7.149 266.603 7.680
+477.241 496.714 5.821 562.809 6.676 266.786 8.633
+477.399 489.017 7.116 567.248 7.247 259.297 9.723
+477.556 496.090 5.520 567.672 6.303 247.162 12.931
+477.714 503.560 5.472 569.476 6.339 257.611 3.595
+477.873 510.865 5.679 566.184 6.195 264.156 4.545
+478.033 501.118 5.760 564.521 7.230 268.921 6.268
+478.191 497.651 5.872 566.975 6.242 245.989 5.867
+478.349 494.046 5.536 569.839 6.617 244.599 6.002
+478.507 496.600 6.197 562.808 6.664 266.416 6.701
+478.666 494.956 5.942 564.388 6.658 267.004 6.530
+478.824 492.119 6.069 565.623 7.612 252.920 4.151
+478.982 496.691 6.311 569.016 6.965 254.419 6.012
+479.140 501.776 5.551 565.060 6.342 268.434 4.832
+479.299 499.077 5.633 565.900 7.077 265.784 5.078
+479.457 499.680 5.716 568.389 6.213 251.537 4.048
+479.615 498.896 5.813 569.133 6.422 256.535 4.448
+479.774 500.228 6.052 565.641 7.524 268.365 7.058
+479.932 497.032 6.228 568.926 6.989 256.863 4.350
+480.090 493.900 5.836 571.839 6.748 243.768 10.749
+480.248 499.239 5.535 566.608 6.805 261.387 6.242
+480.407 495.542 5.905 564.236 6.539 268.463 7.226
+480.565 495.545 5.971 569.502 6.827 253.674 7.363
+480.722 498.025 5.446 570.995 6.622 249.826 3.847
+480.880 499.770 5.604 567.030 6.190 259.698 4.002
+481.039 498.247 5.609 563.630 6.608 268.697 5.051
+481.198 498.922 5.648 567.386 6.655 257.676 4.881
+481.355 501.249 5.729 568.833 6.850 246.996 3.886
+481.515 498.592 6.263 568.018 6.502 263.109 5.783
+481.674 503.535 5.638 566.330 6.946 266.451 8.292
+481.832 498.485 6.502 569.013 7.742 251.154 10.097
+481.989 496.684 6.330 569.710 6.849 251.051 5.903
+482.148 503.056 5.845 564.917 7.051 269.270 8.128
+482.306 497.540 5.651 567.439 6.633 266.472 8.412
+482.463 494.885 5.594 570.194 6.469 248.784 4.131
+482.621 499.678 5.454 569.632 6.779 254.387 4.115
+482.779 499.436 5.447 566.456 6.822 272.263 4.330
+482.938 498.804 5.598 569.454 6.744 258.092 6.653
+483.095 494.198 5.673 571.914 6.870 243.930 6.824
+483.253 498.311 7.667 566.879 6.289 260.979 4.911
+483.412 502.013 6.711 567.248 6.700 268.769 6.607
+483.571 503.660 5.642 572.032 6.580 256.007 7.103
+483.729 501.166 5.815 569.940 6.787 250.210 8.460
+483.886 501.011 5.949 569.509 7.223 261.432 6.288
+484.045 496.810 5.788 566.825 6.373 265.564 5.075
+484.203 493.798 5.521 569.708 6.422 254.475 4.106
+484.362 495.968 6.614 570.017 6.727 253.744 5.055
+484.520 498.599 5.788 568.090 6.738 262.557 3.854
+484.679 496.376 5.817 568.341 6.845 259.515 4.836
+484.837 497.683 5.610 568.933 6.830 254.385 5.558
+484.996 496.506 6.121 568.409 6.685 259.323 5.475
+485.155 503.885 5.988 569.434 6.721 259.903 5.399
+485.314 500.968 5.496 568.154 6.897 250.519 9.198
+485.470 501.829 5.764 568.011 7.629 255.525 8.073
+485.628 499.108 5.746 567.490 6.608 262.425 7.784
+485.785 497.231 5.695 566.694 6.663 261.254 5.347
+485.943 493.782 5.480 569.017 6.188 255.622 5.082
+486.101 497.427 5.982 570.110 6.500 252.176 4.309
+486.259 497.134 5.464 564.041 7.607 263.191 7.382
+486.416 494.211 5.690 570.020 6.449 258.931 7.099
+486.573 498.692 5.728 570.010 6.487 248.559 5.633
+486.731 503.236 5.608 569.230 6.977 253.225 5.590
+486.890 500.812 5.827 565.922 6.737 273.852 5.115
+487.049 501.778 5.607 567.879 6.289 264.178 3.868
+487.208 494.757 5.771 572.508 6.438 243.051 4.108
+487.366 503.457 5.823 566.795 7.309 258.430 5.189
+487.526 500.104 5.857 568.558 7.612 271.664 7.729
+487.683 491.281 6.290 570.955 6.932 252.946 7.438
+487.841 490.912 7.914 569.079 6.771 255.049 6.812
+487.999 500.609 5.738 567.470 6.298 261.980 5.423
+488.157 499.546 6.081 569.214 6.921 261.069 4.348
+488.316 500.275 5.540 566.462 7.172 256.050 5.533
+488.475 495.862 6.221 566.874 7.541 259.780 10.682
+488.632 496.718 6.122 569.508 7.057 257.347 7.060
+488.790 497.447 6.601 570.665 7.159 254.113 6.541
+488.948 496.334 6.276 564.676 6.405 260.441 9.448
+489.107 501.043 6.386 567.256 7.119 266.654 6.895
+489.265 498.050 6.465 572.262 7.270 253.726 8.998
+489.422 494.560 6.693 572.142 6.570 246.527 7.344
+489.580 501.885 6.550 566.031 7.971 266.965 7.645
+489.739 498.768 6.125 569.000 6.753 263.329 4.734
+489.897 496.117 6.176 568.990 6.953 252.253 4.337
+490.055 497.771 6.211 569.029 6.332 253.542 5.151
+490.213 499.277 5.461 569.690 6.903 259.815 5.595
+490.372 499.342 6.273 567.166 6.576 258.388 5.147
+490.531 495.873 5.648 567.501 6.617 258.253 7.194
+490.689 496.638 6.218 566.705 6.722 257.512 4.453
+490.847 497.746 5.610 567.827 6.375 260.785 6.426
+491.005 497.347 6.028 569.168 6.564 253.587 5.571
+491.164 498.663 5.650 565.631 6.317 262.975 6.118
+491.323 499.316 5.598 568.326 6.289 259.169 5.868
+491.481 499.263 5.494 571.013 6.457 253.941 4.893
+491.640 498.262 5.841 568.160 6.349 258.509 6.102
+491.798 502.592 5.666 567.631 6.405 262.485 3.908
+491.957 497.855 5.704 568.776 6.234 258.434 4.178
+492.115 495.818 5.801 569.457 6.202 252.594 6.248
+492.274 501.008 5.633 569.494 6.394 255.845 6.762
+492.433 497.600 5.457 568.175 6.364 272.408 6.141
+492.591 497.506 6.499 568.551 6.390 263.974 10.719
+492.749 505.005 6.015 577.105 6.964 232.409 20.630
+492.906 498.930 6.951 570.651 6.665 250.784 13.076
+493.064 498.379 5.944 562.256 7.161 280.817 8.706
+493.222 496.273 5.772 567.042 6.180 262.328 6.489
+493.380 497.672 5.959 572.040 6.609 244.443 5.050
+493.538 501.096 5.478 566.910 6.212 261.084 5.550
+493.698 503.981 5.796 566.549 6.392 270.390 6.187
+493.856 499.379 5.732 571.755 7.410 247.253 5.744
+494.013 495.853 5.455 568.857 6.218 251.252 4.131
+494.172 501.468 5.444 565.358 6.275 267.512 5.937
+494.330 501.054 5.696 568.143 6.970 261.005 7.752
+494.488 497.000 5.994 572.611 7.247 245.350 7.366
+494.645 494.090 6.190 566.626 7.231 259.433 6.472
+494.804 501.790 5.822 566.476 7.120 271.204 6.704
+494.962 503.257 6.122 570.434 7.167 252.162 7.656
+495.119 503.372 5.790 570.884 7.770 252.251 5.033
+495.278 499.673 5.505 567.488 6.647 270.772 5.292
+495.437 498.096 5.527 570.924 6.145 261.147 4.556
+495.595 489.850 6.084 572.529 6.328 244.941 4.365
+495.754 497.178 5.606 563.755 6.280 259.549 9.999
+495.912 496.821 6.028 564.797 7.463 265.515 5.358
+496.071 487.278 7.018 570.418 7.114 257.395 8.503
+496.228 498.302 6.888 569.294 6.313 248.863 6.683
+496.385 507.303 6.018 566.743 6.811 262.998 6.163
+496.545 499.903 5.562 567.307 6.394 268.060 4.791
+496.703 496.769 6.336 571.063 6.560 250.540 4.104
+496.861 490.557 5.567 569.140 6.499 244.025 4.688
+497.019 498.715 5.480 565.851 6.163 268.790 6.937
+497.178 502.437 5.589 566.768 7.238 266.007 5.512
+497.337 498.194 6.870 569.317 6.757 246.730 9.464
+497.493 495.122 6.059 569.743 7.226 250.197 6.886
+497.651 502.321 6.846 565.157 6.735 264.852 9.140
+497.808 499.953 6.327 566.671 6.919 264.288 7.503
+497.966 496.289 6.414 570.256 7.035 252.262 6.593
+498.123 493.562 6.629 572.672 7.228 251.822 6.979
+498.280 499.805 5.898 567.016 6.551 254.238 12.078
+498.438 500.778 6.002 566.120 7.803 262.032 7.652
+498.596 503.327 7.360 568.941 6.573 259.870 8.821
+498.753 502.103 8.617 570.549 7.601 254.828 5.647
+498.911 499.441 7.194 569.845 6.491 253.638 5.712
+499.069 496.624 5.690 567.708 6.597 259.596 7.323
+499.227 496.126 6.354 567.227 7.208 267.625 5.588
+499.385 494.751 5.812 569.662 7.853 252.806 6.965
+499.544 492.387 8.276 567.426 7.395 252.668 7.574
+499.701 510.153 6.752 565.474 6.299 268.526 6.021
+499.860 509.521 6.218 569.984 9.061 262.165 8.736
+500.017 502.675 7.021 573.929 6.548 245.861 7.643
+500.174 499.526 6.379 569.989 6.356 255.188 5.578
+500.334 498.935 5.541 565.289 6.504 266.541 3.924
+500.492 495.769 6.693 566.962 6.728 263.025 7.656
+500.650 492.877 6.593 570.129 6.469 247.260 4.355
+500.808 498.448 6.779 569.451 6.727 253.412 7.823
+500.965 497.354 7.069 563.514 7.582 261.744 10.118
+501.123 499.273 5.764 567.735 6.304 266.527 5.201
+501.282 500.642 6.509 568.207 6.670 256.755 4.777
+501.441 498.076 6.576 569.322 6.340 253.497 4.422
+501.599 502.690 5.944 567.743 6.962 257.474 4.159
+501.758 499.196 6.236 567.237 6.687 267.454 8.978
+501.916 500.472 5.933 569.602 6.497 259.364 5.676
+502.075 497.754 5.897 570.136 8.086 256.943 6.160
+502.233 492.757 5.673 567.981 6.326 255.909 5.146
+502.392 494.397 6.509 567.189 6.085 261.119 11.135
+502.549 495.074 8.438 569.751 6.934 255.921 5.842
+502.707 497.060 5.706 568.937 6.557 255.539 5.896
+502.866 497.420 5.536 567.709 6.558 261.985 7.763
+503.024 498.734 6.376 564.377 6.256 262.849 6.625
+503.183 500.477 5.981 568.413 7.637 260.758 8.866
+503.341 497.304 6.598 569.204 6.625 256.347 8.010
+503.498 484.753 5.965 568.982 6.496 250.443 4.839
+503.656 499.807 5.670 567.889 6.587 254.234 5.889
+503.816 506.988 6.032 568.818 6.756 264.172 4.127
+503.975 493.339 5.742 567.418 6.735 262.191 6.417
+504.133 488.683 6.999 569.924 7.365 246.081 14.115
+504.289 499.856 5.960 570.829 6.294 254.390 10.219
+504.448 499.028 5.796 565.638 6.405 269.683 3.973
+504.606 495.390 6.817 567.616 7.013 266.196 5.418
+504.765 502.443 6.355 567.356 7.244 250.301 7.129
+504.922 497.354 5.877 569.933 6.866 253.803 6.341
+505.079 495.543 5.589 565.849 6.949 263.488 6.336
+505.238 504.895 6.035 567.858 6.691 264.354 5.802
+505.396 501.919 5.983 570.928 6.780 253.953 11.637
+505.554 490.889 5.696 570.149 6.903 254.149 6.886
+505.712 493.398 6.008 567.181 7.120 264.201 4.919
+505.871 500.034 6.557 568.491 7.029 268.282 7.151
+506.029 496.550 5.733 570.314 6.363 250.352 9.574
+506.186 496.515 5.822 572.763 8.205 255.413 13.807
+506.344 508.315 5.655 568.187 6.116 264.334 4.314
+506.503 501.063 6.370 569.451 6.473 261.603 5.579
+506.661 495.670 6.005 572.164 7.370 253.006 7.042
+506.819 500.376 6.017 569.541 6.838 254.420 13.343
+506.976 496.323 5.658 569.045 6.394 259.204 6.862
+507.134 496.523 5.973 570.860 6.387 256.602 12.186
+507.293 500.245 6.637 567.828 6.872 260.806 10.855
+507.450 495.812 6.248 569.258 6.439 255.828 5.322
+507.609 495.248 5.639 568.882 6.206 257.918 7.117
+507.767 497.222 5.573 569.018 6.167 260.319 5.442
+507.926 499.172 5.580 567.130 6.798 264.343 6.009
+508.084 497.131 6.087 571.631 6.196 253.113 5.081
+508.242 501.651 6.565 571.906 7.372 249.141 6.365
+508.400 501.106 5.845 568.289 6.775 262.241 6.882
+508.558 500.731 6.132 568.942 6.677 256.602 6.664
+508.716 501.307 5.573 572.119 6.926 250.546 9.353
+508.874 499.253 5.731 568.931 6.217 258.275 4.365
+509.033 494.232 6.406 567.209 6.496 260.942 4.315
+509.192 502.592 5.857 569.692 6.314 259.789 4.839
+509.351 500.895 5.568 568.626 6.149 258.107 3.789
+509.509 502.549 5.482 570.486 6.233 254.731 4.448
+509.667 499.975 5.366 569.814 6.798 251.057 4.804
+509.826 501.579 5.635 566.818 6.382 266.400 4.032
+509.984 504.025 5.530 566.768 6.146 263.244 5.024
+510.143 503.230 6.273 572.067 6.331 246.912 7.224
+510.301 505.952 5.895 570.100 6.678 254.729 4.832
+510.460 501.109 5.501 566.331 6.948 268.457 6.760
+510.617 505.541 6.095 568.983 6.603 257.924 6.085
+510.776 508.115 6.052 572.799 6.549 247.499 5.731
+510.935 502.461 5.716 568.028 6.346 261.795 4.067
+511.094 505.934 6.532 566.280 7.013 266.358 5.450
+511.252 504.299 5.728 571.092 6.480 251.263 8.527
+511.409 502.993 7.085 569.781 6.589 248.332 5.603
+511.567 509.539 5.877 567.817 6.400 258.223 5.936
+511.727 507.405 5.847 565.748 6.693 270.142 5.063
+511.885 504.144 6.311 569.577 6.133 253.751 4.539
+512.043 508.241 6.057 570.935 6.683 247.657 7.109
+512.201 509.682 6.014 568.889 6.735 261.686 6.227
+512.360 502.726 6.615 568.268 7.190 262.816 6.731
+512.518 501.137 6.213 569.022 6.767 256.658 4.787
+512.676 506.011 5.597 571.070 6.981 250.596 5.682
+512.834 508.020 5.660 568.400 6.375 257.715 7.459
+512.993 507.920 6.426 568.184 7.699 259.647 7.033
+513.151 510.179 5.855 567.941 8.506 255.516 5.927
+513.309 509.851 5.628 567.499 6.973 258.275 5.804
+513.467 509.658 5.716 568.775 6.415 259.052 5.188
+513.625 510.736 5.865 568.917 7.129 254.860 6.232
+513.784 510.337 5.892 566.279 6.276 260.468 6.647
+513.943 507.783 5.665 568.262 6.699 263.374 6.381
+514.100 507.617 6.587 570.792 6.045 248.223 8.459
+514.258 510.796 5.992 569.778 6.166 255.522 4.882
+514.417 504.388 6.213 567.927 8.106 265.045 7.879
+514.575 511.433 5.540 569.409 6.623 258.870 5.124
+514.733 509.354 6.099 569.614 7.199 256.858 7.774
+514.891 512.693 5.983 570.646 6.578 254.228 5.983
+515.050 512.897 5.660 569.686 6.150 258.332 4.470
+515.210 513.219 5.536 567.816 6.335 262.443 4.291
+515.369 513.872 5.707 570.788 6.839 261.424 7.006
+515.528 511.358 5.565 571.427 7.631 252.844 6.676
+515.685 512.953 5.850 570.964 6.324 250.998 4.939
+515.845 513.589 6.059 568.349 6.403 261.760 4.295
+516.004 516.655 5.722 570.003 7.011 262.847 4.899
+516.163 512.946 6.451 569.760 7.279 253.188 10.123
+516.321 513.709 6.488 571.877 7.615 250.271 16.727
+516.478 515.927 6.270 569.418 6.758 261.052 5.586
+516.637 512.509 6.394 567.364 6.630 268.540 8.007
+516.795 513.855 6.156 568.103 6.300 252.795 8.274
+516.953 515.968 5.764 568.501 7.078 249.627 7.515
+517.111 514.669 5.928 567.595 6.854 266.246 8.155
+517.269 517.856 6.380 567.666 8.103 259.612 11.898
+517.427 516.118 6.050 569.696 6.861 254.336 8.529
+517.585 518.161 5.727 568.137 6.559 257.073 7.719
+517.743 518.711 6.175 571.161 6.116 252.710 6.223
+517.902 518.407 6.252 569.491 6.978 257.657 6.276
+518.061 513.944 5.823 566.744 6.275 263.656 6.695
+518.220 514.409 6.045 570.167 9.030 254.646 9.773
+518.377 514.614 5.893 569.501 6.850 256.336 10.375
+518.536 512.416 5.633 569.655 6.274 258.053 7.422
+518.695 514.134 5.893 569.406 6.435 258.280 6.060
+518.853 514.971 6.765 568.594 6.930 259.472 5.424
+519.012 515.639 5.818 570.096 6.623 252.554 9.431
+519.169 515.966 5.737 570.121 6.140 253.025 5.657
+519.329 516.989 5.772 567.061 6.558 270.060 9.907
+519.488 519.119 5.379 568.480 6.567 264.570 5.711
+519.646 515.691 5.665 571.174 6.103 251.435 6.745
+519.804 516.536 5.586 570.861 6.220 252.794 7.355
+519.962 517.945 5.738 568.438 6.947 262.497 6.633
+520.121 513.299 5.724 566.134 6.835 268.754 9.313
+520.278 516.043 5.982 574.141 6.613 245.847 6.548
+520.435 517.600 6.026 573.071 6.334 242.898 7.140
+520.594 513.516 6.347 566.440 6.618 273.309 5.877
+520.753 518.365 5.698 566.894 7.371 265.253 6.340
+520.911 518.913 5.748 572.289 6.355 251.892 7.421
+521.069 517.789 5.957 572.102 7.273 244.968 4.131
+521.227 521.967 6.146 572.061 6.430 259.509 6.940
+521.385 519.999 5.668 566.200 6.362 272.785 7.718
+521.543 517.430 5.782 571.062 6.717 248.297 6.745
+521.700 515.014 6.427 574.980 6.851 245.012 5.065
+521.860 517.040 6.606 567.309 6.361 268.260 11.489
+522.020 519.260 5.946 570.133 6.458 267.832 6.615
+522.178 518.732 5.597 572.431 6.609 248.398 4.428
+522.335 517.907 6.142 569.224 6.785 245.913 5.216
+522.494 519.479 5.585 566.442 6.469 272.179 9.363
+522.652 523.584 5.940 566.854 6.337 264.431 5.199
+522.810 518.845 5.705 577.868 6.576 238.124 8.806
+522.967 518.058 6.258 571.228 7.285 242.231 8.033
+523.124 518.920 6.530 566.412 8.934 269.612 14.745
+523.281 520.379 6.265 569.654 6.503 268.066 12.140
+523.440 521.353 6.386 570.436 8.461 253.320 9.101
+523.597 522.523 5.782 572.524 7.608 243.513 7.525
+523.755 524.675 6.334 571.495 6.433 254.855 6.703
+523.914 523.186 6.317 567.665 6.711 266.778 10.070
+524.072 523.581 5.919 569.316 7.203 263.487 9.860
+524.229 522.755 6.156 574.613 7.785 236.804 6.866
+524.387 521.527 9.892 574.506 10.597 248.008 10.866
+524.544 527.345 9.996 568.175 9.389 274.360 19.442
+524.700 523.683 6.661 567.931 8.296 252.683 13.839
+524.857 524.126 6.059 574.789 6.983 235.146 9.951
+525.013 528.021 7.609 570.087 6.622 249.601 7.420
+525.171 525.600 6.581 563.870 7.692 278.146 9.500
+525.330 527.026 6.125 569.168 6.574 260.981 6.432
+525.488 527.800 5.982 579.161 6.365 235.789 5.734
+525.647 526.888 7.701 571.941 7.043 250.627 8.209
+525.803 527.638 5.827 569.029 7.678 267.136 9.996
+525.962 530.576 6.680 568.470 6.878 267.061 11.276
+526.120 531.905 6.303 573.624 6.352 239.240 5.973
+526.278 530.819 7.262 573.716 8.063 246.752 10.508
+526.435 527.248 7.073 569.927 6.420 264.267 5.899
+526.594 530.242 6.428 566.549 6.834 263.772 7.394
+526.752 532.362 5.747 570.055 7.915 258.217 6.423
+526.910 527.383 6.502 574.680 7.834 250.062 12.703
+527.067 528.673 6.820 572.806 9.441 259.980 11.526
+527.225 533.776 5.924 571.088 6.367 264.219 6.780
+527.383 530.827 7.310 571.170 6.502 256.262 6.300
+527.541 529.538 6.313 573.271 7.384 247.182 8.336
+527.698 532.215 6.581 570.762 7.563 258.901 14.021
+527.855 533.762 6.273 566.087 6.892 268.939 8.597
+528.013 535.407 7.101 572.050 6.261 253.219 10.370
+528.170 531.774 6.280 571.850 7.336 243.912 11.149
+528.327 531.157 8.137 569.748 13.735 258.439 16.523
+528.484 534.331 7.308 568.747 7.993 273.464 10.004
+528.642 536.443 6.140 570.597 6.475 255.344 5.852
+528.800 537.224 6.172 573.756 6.461 242.953 12.404
+528.957 531.262 6.788 566.517 6.550 260.679 7.330
+529.115 530.232 6.543 564.875 7.703 266.716 17.282
+529.272 534.882 7.121 573.058 6.547 252.447 10.948
+529.429 536.618 6.266 573.950 8.555 249.754 10.133
+529.586 539.116 6.940 568.919 7.278 262.667 11.055
+529.744 527.541 6.665 571.249 6.887 266.536 8.048
+529.901 533.545 6.843 571.652 7.874 251.265 11.479
+530.058 543.075 6.755 571.716 8.180 253.742 13.198
+530.215 534.810 6.771 570.797 6.368 254.187 12.560
+530.373 533.398 6.274 571.198 6.427 257.351 7.955
+530.531 532.444 6.030 570.742 6.584 259.063 6.490
+530.690 538.774 7.130 570.597 7.122 264.430 7.874
+530.846 532.397 6.382 576.826 8.638 254.414 11.514
+531.004 533.834 8.186 573.648 12.127 252.794 15.272
+531.160 534.368 7.603 572.396 11.019 245.557 9.032
+531.318 531.883 6.645 566.404 8.389 263.115 13.159
+531.475 535.448 6.361 567.964 8.334 260.211 15.093
+531.632 535.664 7.081 576.599 8.947 244.172 5.114
+531.790 539.226 8.040 566.876 8.441 259.721 10.131
+531.947 533.782 6.937 563.538 10.251 269.447 9.237
+532.104 536.867 8.074 569.295 7.515 254.384 15.456
+532.260 536.948 6.250 573.773 6.562 246.613 8.643
+532.417 531.699 6.860 567.537 7.345 259.106 14.184
+532.575 534.887 5.711 570.145 6.843 265.981 11.909
+532.732 539.808 6.310 571.261 7.100 248.729 8.548
+532.889 532.258 7.337 569.682 7.811 245.347 9.192
+533.047 533.112 6.956 565.526 10.266 270.303 10.684
+533.205 538.421 6.063 569.515 7.066 259.833 6.280
+533.362 535.984 6.179 569.845 8.757 252.058 6.936
+533.520 539.049 7.806 574.448 9.407 254.870 10.652
+533.678 535.440 6.461 568.174 8.275 268.618 8.767
+533.836 534.614 7.345 568.591 7.559 266.216 11.421
+533.994 538.496 6.170 571.116 6.241 245.082 6.533
+534.152 536.875 6.644 573.241 7.051 250.780 5.781
+534.311 531.828 5.835 574.362 6.903 256.567 8.713
+534.468 533.928 6.340 567.953 8.412 261.735 8.408
+534.626 535.339 6.662 570.869 7.988 254.257 14.015
+534.782 537.693 6.477 575.288 7.107 246.322 6.360
+534.940 538.537 6.899 570.772 6.677 262.273 5.807
+535.098 542.985 7.020 572.977 8.658 271.292 24.164
+535.256 537.319 7.944 577.199 7.307 247.902 15.764
+535.412 533.853 6.170 573.722 7.150 242.749 6.732
+535.570 537.808 6.202 566.007 6.986 270.017 6.727
+535.730 529.008 7.070 566.770 6.979 270.440 6.785
+535.888 533.730 6.983 575.137 9.110 241.634 22.064
+536.045 535.047 6.670 570.451 9.076 246.556 11.278
+536.203 537.260 7.558 568.224 9.132 265.875 20.392
+536.360 534.112 7.923 571.112 9.301 263.008 9.475
+536.517 534.701 7.690 574.881 8.012 243.650 19.964
+536.673 533.727 7.219 573.368 7.226 256.196 14.981
+536.831 529.277 11.097 564.373 9.399 277.491 9.786
+536.988 531.602 6.476 572.953 10.571 246.084 22.991
+537.145 541.196 6.662 578.829 9.170 231.160 14.107
+537.302 540.492 8.230 570.058 8.524 265.811 8.381
+537.460 534.154 6.438 567.440 8.039 270.918 13.768
+537.617 536.671 7.589 573.784 7.515 245.909 16.950
+537.772 533.616 6.853 573.087 8.642 254.329 16.491
+537.930 534.936 7.679 571.360 7.152 269.523 8.741
+538.088 530.559 8.582 570.563 8.425 255.185 13.393
+538.244 529.465 8.136 572.855 8.801 244.781 17.659
+538.399 533.024 6.504 573.798 6.998 249.537 8.978
+538.557 537.640 6.127 572.968 6.560 263.495 6.582
+538.716 529.766 6.828 571.829 7.079 263.744 5.451
+538.873 536.547 8.966 573.908 7.206 249.387 11.146
+539.030 542.235 6.310 575.439 7.543 251.273 12.102
+539.189 531.812 7.141 569.954 7.360 270.072 4.820
+539.348 534.118 6.272 573.749 6.767 258.040 9.906
+539.506 532.741 6.152 575.257 7.347 252.130 7.701
+539.665 532.097 7.292 568.362 7.023 267.131 5.714
+539.823 535.011 7.099 570.903 8.278 254.221 5.786
+539.981 534.180 6.246 573.069 8.483 248.002 7.287
+540.138 534.141 6.474 572.260 7.260 251.350 7.196
+540.296 537.341 7.549 572.852 9.404 261.083 6.773
+540.453 538.433 8.199 573.098 7.861 255.740 7.080
+540.610 541.904 7.593 571.991 7.735 249.397 17.328
+540.767 542.729 7.234 575.699 10.559 247.013 12.786
+540.925 535.287 7.188 573.797 8.409 259.770 11.135
+541.083 532.422 6.799 568.108 11.113 275.217 9.088
+541.240 532.654 7.149 576.211 6.457 246.592 4.962
+541.397 533.116 6.592 572.872 6.959 246.315 4.954
+541.556 532.401 7.369 568.698 7.984 262.633 7.547
+541.714 535.574 6.529 569.477 8.063 261.496 5.262
+541.872 540.455 6.543 575.134 6.570 247.274 7.788
+542.029 537.324 6.684 573.751 7.297 246.692 10.486
+542.187 533.593 6.712 566.017 7.526 271.066 7.431
+542.344 539.765 5.954 573.350 8.070 264.910 6.997
+542.502 534.807 6.865 579.093 7.208 236.609 16.013
+542.658 533.708 6.484 574.950 6.614 242.476 8.867
+542.816 538.907 6.470 568.219 7.219 270.644 7.403
+542.974 530.929 6.997 569.332 7.114 264.786 8.158
+543.131 534.339 6.531 576.993 6.675 242.017 6.028
+543.288 537.063 6.069 575.860 6.995 246.940 6.366
+543.447 530.930 5.977 562.728 7.683 279.519 7.651
+543.605 536.639 6.539 571.317 7.069 252.635 11.603
+543.762 540.406 6.046 575.933 6.716 236.776 5.337
+543.921 539.824 9.084 571.469 10.140 255.707 14.405
+544.078 534.418 7.193 569.624 7.770 266.127 12.698
+544.235 531.224 5.978 571.916 7.099 253.721 4.204
+544.394 535.692 6.210 573.159 7.423 244.577 8.403
+544.551 531.486 6.994 574.541 8.296 251.825 11.871
+544.708 533.604 6.483 569.485 6.832 261.558 10.995
+544.867 533.726 6.173 569.784 7.435 267.265 11.090
+545.024 534.417 6.272 572.657 8.173 250.572 10.999
+545.181 535.224 6.447 572.256 6.785 248.455 7.677
+545.339 535.872 6.560 570.292 7.746 267.064 5.585
+545.498 538.238 6.473 569.752 8.756 257.520 11.820
+545.654 536.192 7.305 572.407 7.908 250.125 6.757
+545.812 536.632 7.206 570.254 8.768 257.321 6.221
+545.971 526.546 6.595 570.162 7.219 259.103 7.005
+546.129 533.305 7.655 573.491 7.736 250.541 14.603
+546.286 535.823 6.965 569.924 6.807 256.345 8.038
+546.443 537.128 7.063 570.129 8.662 254.983 11.168
+546.601 532.771 7.629 569.361 9.124 262.399 9.710
+546.758 535.857 6.725 567.963 9.021 261.284 6.756
+546.915 535.448 7.766 571.029 8.786 251.872 10.720
+547.073 536.484 7.511 570.330 7.058 251.178 7.576
+547.231 532.944 7.251 569.073 10.088 252.041 9.722
+547.388 533.359 6.973 568.970 6.298 258.470 6.824
+547.547 541.753 6.794 570.209 6.775 265.284 7.419
+547.705 526.927 7.311 572.282 8.023 254.592 8.771
+547.861 531.049 6.842 573.472 8.929 241.355 16.157
+548.017 534.640 6.654 572.864 10.324 258.163 15.247
+548.175 530.456 9.642 572.338 10.002 250.321 8.373
+548.331 535.264 7.158 571.143 8.281 250.553 13.451
+548.487 535.352 7.451 573.161 7.455 252.475 8.021
+548.644 533.943 6.436 568.931 6.582 262.584 7.368
+548.803 537.359 8.383 569.329 7.009 263.375 11.365
+548.960 534.293 6.886 575.543 7.169 247.153 6.776
+549.117 531.243 8.130 572.405 6.692 245.771 12.577
+549.274 538.502 8.371 571.224 8.116 261.517 14.095
+549.431 535.155 7.557 571.602 10.820 254.205 12.630
+549.589 530.821 6.977 571.466 14.140 239.322 26.996
+549.745 535.798 8.392 573.394 9.253 251.203 20.224
+549.901 531.948 6.720 566.564 8.204 272.122 7.070
+550.060 535.879 6.624 568.165 6.980 265.371 8.341
+550.218 533.138 6.410 573.191 9.111 243.363 13.581
+550.374 531.761 6.686 569.561 7.488 257.073 8.699
+550.532 538.027 7.054 570.045 6.585 263.080 7.488
+550.690 528.510 7.096 570.800 11.218 255.630 12.389
+550.846 532.835 5.990 571.808 7.891 246.166 20.731
+551.002 536.578 7.597 569.188 11.165 257.601 16.041
+551.160 531.745 8.150 570.221 9.279 263.926 11.371
+551.316 533.567 7.133 570.772 10.421 256.269 12.240
+551.475 540.915 6.123 572.267 8.509 248.032 12.086
+551.633 528.569 7.530 569.852 8.371 257.560 12.067
+551.791 535.145 8.902 571.908 11.743 260.105 12.185
+551.948 544.671 7.077 573.809 6.492 247.081 6.006
+552.106 524.996 6.770 570.638 7.663 253.770 9.288
+552.264 533.940 6.079 570.756 7.339 265.607 8.287
+552.423 536.549 7.595 571.037 6.608 256.876 8.873
+552.580 531.275 6.320 572.790 6.913 240.818 8.148
+552.737 531.052 6.517 567.658 7.693 257.588 12.363
+552.895 535.430 6.226 566.796 7.083 276.345 9.216
+553.052 532.374 6.309 571.188 7.802 245.863 9.830
+553.209 538.283 6.739 577.601 8.643 233.628 7.829
+553.366 531.512 6.816 567.616 7.762 264.296 14.935
+553.523 535.585 6.476 569.976 8.151 265.903 5.753
+553.681 536.035 6.266 571.309 6.790 249.839 6.014
+553.840 537.210 7.010 571.093 7.675 252.928 7.707
+553.998 530.282 6.820 568.751 6.543 263.359 7.547
+554.156 532.432 7.586 569.997 8.375 257.593 8.127
+554.313 532.164 11.646 573.910 10.525 246.815 12.344
+554.470 532.971 6.364 570.959 7.099 251.868 9.296
+554.628 535.919 6.231 571.749 8.196 263.008 15.307
+554.785 532.339 8.258 566.507 7.548 266.110 8.753
+554.942 534.523 6.354 569.155 7.116 249.331 7.721
+555.099 535.725 7.672 572.101 8.938 247.623 6.732
+555.256 535.957 7.262 568.921 8.612 260.006 8.817
+555.415 537.949 8.122 567.769 8.064 262.110 8.745
+555.572 532.289 7.082 572.227 7.008 262.331 6.521
+555.729 537.182 6.898 568.632 7.616 252.693 14.035
+555.886 539.681 8.125 570.426 9.996 259.916 16.919
+556.042 528.296 6.236 567.364 8.207 266.809 10.744
+556.200 531.113 7.246 569.853 10.234 248.138 26.303
+556.356 532.711 7.659 570.568 8.729 252.441 26.294
+556.512 524.127 9.342 567.285 8.787 262.224 17.966
+556.668 531.871 7.617 568.752 10.527 256.112 18.645
+556.825 537.688 6.308 571.957 9.307 250.531 7.014
+556.982 537.736 6.857 571.829 6.677 254.045 5.851
+557.140 541.377 8.099 566.198 7.358 258.210 11.787
+557.299 543.223 6.339 570.772 7.424 266.702 9.705
+557.456 540.302 6.941 573.907 6.928 248.687 7.924
+557.613 534.143 7.601 572.749 9.454 255.366 9.634
+557.771 534.021 6.519 569.347 7.711 267.383 4.688
+557.928 525.690 6.750 569.873 7.183 252.463 6.027
+558.086 532.066 6.615 569.388 6.930 249.194 10.048
+558.244 537.730 6.447 570.983 6.765 254.161 8.687
+558.402 535.997 6.364 570.989 8.093 259.581 6.069
+558.560 539.100 6.233 571.659 6.334 257.415 5.042
+558.719 541.541 7.309 571.946 6.815 254.904 10.372
+558.877 542.535 9.911 568.989 7.222 261.489 7.604
+559.036 534.995 6.836 566.739 6.705 266.234 5.986
+559.194 540.050 6.176 573.837 7.802 248.442 6.067
+559.352 536.070 6.484 572.928 7.162 249.944 5.953
+559.510 530.300 6.421 567.829 7.529 268.299 6.267
+559.668 535.743 7.022 571.118 6.753 257.863 8.437
+559.826 534.137 6.509 575.551 7.193 242.118 7.222
+559.983 523.501 6.312 567.705 8.139 255.961 8.530
+560.141 530.215 5.987 567.477 6.052 273.679 6.705
+560.299 540.382 6.696 573.784 7.643 255.436 5.800
+560.456 538.013 7.118 573.797 6.610 242.614 7.018
+560.614 532.750 6.332 570.028 7.476 266.166 6.278
+560.773 533.377 9.191 570.240 11.413 273.011 6.306
+560.932 540.003 7.955 573.492 6.767 243.540 15.044
+561.088 536.360 7.028 574.855 7.959 242.785 7.413
+561.246 530.653 6.358 570.768 7.703 267.517 5.151
+561.405 530.706 7.230 569.017 7.040 269.165 6.544
+561.562 535.627 6.647 574.580 6.767 241.421 6.477
+561.720 533.516 7.652 574.485 6.768 246.214 8.521
+561.878 531.665 6.263 567.684 7.536 271.812 6.183
+562.036 533.286 7.113 569.026 6.831 266.708 6.948
+562.194 532.732 6.748 573.050 6.915 247.387 9.076
+562.351 537.067 7.413 574.380 8.730 249.183 9.178
+562.508 535.160 6.408 572.553 6.563 257.241 7.326
+562.666 538.421 7.963 575.295 8.331 257.152 7.941
+562.823 539.994 8.883 564.973 8.711 259.301 9.197
+562.982 538.310 7.866 568.719 7.185 271.063 9.374
+563.138 543.573 6.825 577.287 7.416 241.400 6.738
+563.295 538.605 6.436 572.932 6.819 249.184 7.899
+563.452 533.676 5.864 566.869 6.704 256.961 8.349
+563.611 534.236 6.805 569.388 7.533 266.879 6.538
+563.770 525.452 7.623 570.353 7.296 261.768 7.864
+563.927 531.974 7.713 572.043 8.670 244.157 7.735
+564.084 532.709 7.295 569.750 7.720 255.051 11.108
+564.241 529.217 6.694 566.777 6.407 270.080 12.427
+564.399 538.722 6.312 570.067 8.256 248.390 7.767
+564.556 543.207 7.720 575.310 6.890 240.053 6.371
+564.713 536.282 6.563 570.203 7.631 258.820 8.161
+564.871 542.612 6.489 565.832 7.270 278.198 8.731
+565.029 532.756 6.470 572.848 7.694 253.392 4.863
+565.186 534.527 8.187 578.238 8.139 237.253 8.095
+565.342 526.055 7.036 574.402 9.426 254.052 7.369
+565.500 526.650 6.116 568.844 6.820 263.650 5.456
+565.658 532.076 6.928 569.348 7.344 255.736 7.953
+565.816 535.240 7.098 574.923 7.552 244.157 11.952
+565.972 538.262 6.212 572.399 8.971 252.711 10.550
+566.131 537.392 6.965 567.344 6.748 269.527 5.831
+566.289 536.914 6.944 568.203 6.438 261.005 6.434
+566.447 537.039 6.250 571.242 7.775 252.600 7.193
+566.603 537.690 7.790 572.172 7.404 251.716 6.134
+566.761 534.316 7.710 572.271 7.011 255.167 6.733
+566.920 544.283 7.001 570.122 7.273 268.491 5.080
+567.078 541.452 6.520 572.921 7.577 246.534 8.643
+567.235 533.294 7.147 576.079 7.330 244.045 9.798
+567.392 537.573 6.537 567.620 7.715 265.940 4.250
+567.551 541.205 7.197 567.136 7.770 268.459 6.178
+567.710 547.742 12.555 571.851 15.581 237.224 20.566
+567.866 533.257 9.753 572.318 13.417 247.782 29.645
+568.023 547.102 8.710 567.053 7.368 274.067 8.504
+568.180 537.781 6.828 564.960 6.563 268.640 4.449
+568.338 540.347 7.531 571.229 9.416 244.026 9.968
+568.495 537.123 6.130 578.112 7.084 231.610 6.961
+568.652 538.961 7.529 568.671 8.763 258.026 12.279
+568.809 537.019 8.005 563.436 9.253 279.920 8.361
+568.966 537.120 9.158 575.384 7.868 237.069 24.210
+569.122 543.591 8.863 576.053 8.499 243.930 11.208
+569.279 539.166 6.924 565.610 7.611 272.269 5.883
+569.439 537.201 6.741 568.046 8.143 270.622 6.456
+569.596 540.722 6.107 572.970 6.455 245.256 5.139
+569.754 534.257 6.008 571.319 7.060 244.682 8.749
+569.912 531.922 6.803 568.433 6.903 269.946 4.031
+570.070 535.979 6.830 569.154 6.712 263.549 7.320
+570.228 533.209 6.246 572.061 7.377 250.655 9.651
+570.385 531.492 6.742 573.510 6.847 250.746 6.981
+570.543 531.934 5.904 570.285 7.395 258.817 5.781
+570.701 534.979 6.324 569.662 7.104 258.508 8.307
+570.860 538.209 6.437 570.116 7.594 257.915 9.024
+571.017 533.992 7.396 571.621 8.920 251.989 7.502
+571.176 539.119 6.140 571.506 6.822 260.469 5.663
+571.334 538.351 6.156 571.385 8.025 256.634 12.110
+571.492 534.093 6.642 568.603 6.895 266.266 8.857
+571.650 533.470 6.965 571.146 6.802 255.572 5.096
+571.807 531.834 6.548 573.261 7.591 251.025 8.396
+571.964 533.808 6.298 570.452 6.621 257.840 5.211
+572.123 527.918 6.864 567.564 6.145 261.118 7.614
+572.281 533.169 6.304 570.215 6.488 256.951 7.756
+572.439 534.321 6.267 571.622 6.698 248.659 6.038
+572.597 534.543 7.070 570.166 9.342 254.666 9.866
+572.754 537.725 6.135 568.361 6.998 266.326 5.371
+572.913 539.477 6.541 569.493 6.979 256.823 8.476
+573.071 537.004 7.523 573.065 8.062 243.368 7.181
+573.229 532.430 7.569 568.200 7.192 258.113 8.070
+573.386 534.954 5.929 569.312 6.832 269.241 6.015
+573.545 536.489 6.099 570.383 7.550 254.002 9.087
+573.702 533.854 7.929 572.763 7.305 251.310 6.904
+573.859 531.248 6.905 572.127 7.699 258.093 5.842
+574.018 534.502 7.594 568.081 6.653 266.600 9.752
+574.175 536.805 6.373 570.620 6.433 256.456 9.533
+574.333 533.498 6.397 575.936 7.394 244.214 3.993
+574.490 532.845 5.840 571.289 6.679 254.012 6.194
+574.650 538.288 6.456 568.192 6.295 275.500 5.617
+574.808 537.842 7.897 570.982 7.171 252.345 16.311
+574.964 534.838 6.891 578.089 7.192 240.493 5.832
+575.123 530.458 6.601 570.290 8.468 262.654 6.497
+575.281 532.204 6.908 568.083 7.130 273.626 8.006
+575.438 535.032 6.552 573.540 7.990 243.996 11.784
+575.595 530.790 6.929 573.385 6.240 248.390 7.330
+575.753 533.408 6.227 569.793 6.289 264.563 6.616
+575.912 535.804 6.572 572.988 7.121 264.575 3.533
+576.071 531.668 6.961 574.689 7.200 251.735 7.941
+576.227 532.136 6.339 572.736 7.004 252.977 7.144
+576.386 537.711 6.212 570.247 7.289 264.389 7.936
+576.544 532.857 6.806 571.762 7.686 261.583 12.801
+576.702 529.008 6.114 573.427 7.055 250.145 6.002
+576.860 533.780 6.419 575.844 8.334 255.391 16.966
+577.017 538.097 6.303 572.268 6.886 258.463 9.297
+577.175 533.401 7.855 569.652 6.815 269.204 8.849
+577.333 530.744 6.257 570.016 6.827 259.482 6.572
+577.491 525.907 6.489 577.130 7.259 241.264 12.254
+577.648 527.379 6.141 569.861 6.930 260.922 8.139
+577.807 529.873 6.207 568.838 7.604 274.279 6.883
+577.965 527.898 6.188 575.128 6.493 252.152 5.762
+578.123 526.339 6.499 577.261 6.980 244.301 4.962
+578.281 526.683 6.530 571.482 7.020 262.943 12.344
+578.439 531.466 6.348 569.224 7.702 272.059 5.259
+578.598 524.284 8.191 573.682 9.767 258.550 12.002
+578.755 522.052 6.934 576.196 7.147 245.905 15.103
+578.913 523.760 6.739 571.512 8.135 256.439 4.760
+579.071 522.337 7.127 572.425 6.331 262.014 7.621
+579.229 523.453 6.479 572.574 6.900 256.860 4.539
+579.388 530.434 6.267 570.195 6.716 266.958 5.792
+579.547 526.554 6.193 574.202 6.638 258.979 4.705
+579.705 522.555 6.731 575.412 8.367 246.789 6.843
+579.863 526.635 6.288 570.524 6.895 259.297 5.696
+580.022 525.226 6.192 568.775 7.188 272.043 5.615
+580.180 522.222 6.826 574.737 6.322 244.210 7.403
+580.337 521.042 7.622 572.607 7.683 255.742 5.861
+580.495 518.500 7.938 569.386 7.679 261.817 12.026
+580.652 518.615 6.495 573.613 8.733 259.788 21.984
+580.810 522.386 6.474 575.236 7.839 251.267 9.565
+580.967 517.773 6.343 569.332 6.959 264.792 8.501
+581.126 520.127 6.021 573.643 6.939 261.217 5.583
+581.285 527.051 6.507 576.206 6.799 250.482 7.780
+581.442 527.970 6.037 571.742 6.554 251.854 9.238
+581.600 524.799 6.504 567.327 8.485 268.728 8.220
+581.757 523.448 6.033 574.223 6.098 253.857 9.037
+581.914 520.474 7.596 576.402 10.895 250.288 16.590
+582.072 519.914 5.952 566.784 6.507 261.052 7.782
+582.230 512.059 6.655 574.337 7.257 250.910 11.253
+582.389 517.250 6.979 572.083 6.576 247.249 13.967
+582.546 519.392 7.162 573.450 7.399 248.962 9.328
+582.704 522.144 6.563 572.054 8.181 272.959 12.345
+582.861 524.611 6.392 568.210 7.904 274.229 14.164
+583.018 522.226 6.649 572.782 8.338 257.092 6.322
+583.176 520.792 7.097 578.247 6.355 238.930 9.536
+583.334 518.117 6.559 577.022 8.323 252.729 11.070
+583.491 518.261 6.314 571.220 6.613 254.077 3.646
+583.649 519.112 9.890 568.812 8.414 257.750 20.250
+583.807 516.091 6.146 572.088 6.142 251.827 11.164
+583.965 517.720 6.462 568.690 8.850 265.338 7.332
+584.124 518.737 5.664 571.056 6.809 262.013 5.117
+584.283 515.917 5.800 572.510 6.196 259.660 4.619
+584.442 515.509 5.914 573.385 6.443 251.036 5.419
+584.601 517.145 5.706 571.023 6.451 261.720 4.570
+584.760 514.861 5.669 570.450 6.604 266.037 6.721
+584.918 514.218 5.994 576.604 7.156 245.530 5.388
+585.076 515.032 7.252 574.796 6.569 241.265 7.387
+585.234 521.420 6.109 564.688 7.985 278.422 11.459
+585.393 520.274 5.748 567.516 6.839 274.374 8.208
+585.550 516.482 6.002 576.445 6.648 241.413 9.622
+585.707 512.684 5.652 576.004 6.361 242.194 3.992
+585.866 514.846 6.243 566.890 6.274 278.521 5.847
+586.026 514.628 5.796 566.778 6.989 271.315 6.603
+586.184 513.346 5.753 575.187 7.512 240.793 9.721
+586.341 514.603 6.114 577.271 7.425 239.107 4.836
+586.500 518.636 6.020 568.902 6.810 269.961 8.478
+586.659 521.776 6.352 566.259 6.774 275.199 4.417
+586.817 519.127 5.824 577.642 7.697 245.802 8.595
+586.974 522.701 6.295 573.116 6.473 248.498 10.778
+587.132 522.417 6.056 569.021 7.124 274.655 7.043
+587.291 519.104 6.077 572.420 6.181 264.436 6.777
+587.449 513.931 6.076 577.444 6.782 232.794 7.780
+587.607 512.289 6.196 570.014 6.719 258.767 10.964
+587.767 515.192 5.691 567.740 6.555 273.567 8.902
+587.924 512.042 5.986 573.387 7.093 252.745 5.709
+588.083 513.940 5.935 572.473 6.632 253.337 7.560
+588.241 516.019 6.283 570.444 6.052 260.683 5.783
+588.400 519.910 6.054 572.844 6.736 259.246 5.179
+588.559 521.149 6.028 571.948 7.292 257.562 11.757
+588.718 518.171 5.890 569.119 6.685 260.885 6.166
+588.876 515.441 6.045 571.941 6.724 247.388 6.494
+589.035 512.354 7.020 570.379 8.094 261.513 11.654
+589.193 509.093 5.805 566.963 7.667 269.045 5.805
+589.351 512.621 6.013 570.419 6.628 257.810 10.580
+589.509 513.836 5.657 577.614 6.811 240.988 5.380
+589.668 515.698 7.029 573.196 7.324 260.109 5.963
+589.828 518.827 6.275 568.212 8.037 271.611 9.234
+589.986 515.788 5.978 572.752 6.244 260.266 7.779
+590.144 514.657 6.818 576.607 7.647 239.012 4.249
+590.302 516.746 6.453 571.136 7.039 245.930 8.259
+590.460 516.977 5.665 567.521 6.916 272.859 8.581
+590.618 517.879 5.675 569.845 7.061 262.058 11.838
+590.775 516.258 5.710 573.328 6.829 249.950 7.939
+590.933 515.672 6.040 573.453 6.065 253.679 4.696
+591.092 517.146 5.861 572.514 6.246 261.596 6.838
+591.251 513.361 5.996 571.865 6.893 260.456 5.110
+591.410 515.663 6.140 570.938 6.319 253.054 9.613
+591.567 516.726 5.533 569.319 6.629 255.630 6.908
+591.725 516.147 5.933 571.183 6.763 255.126 9.168
+591.883 518.321 6.012 572.351 6.801 262.741 5.539
+592.043 518.433 5.650 569.413 7.486 264.317 9.060
+592.201 516.474 6.097 570.734 6.332 261.043 9.937
+592.359 513.504 5.964 575.487 6.451 243.120 7.284
+592.516 512.755 5.914 571.654 7.101 250.341 13.688
+592.675 517.927 5.895 566.486 6.978 275.403 6.125
+592.833 518.019 6.496 573.594 7.206 254.544 7.676
+592.991 518.310 5.817 577.076 6.806 241.135 8.429
+593.149 515.543 5.939 568.950 7.594 259.951 13.891
+593.308 516.565 5.817 566.229 6.479 273.449 5.717
+593.467 516.295 5.798 571.852 7.474 261.164 5.573
+593.626 514.463 5.899 574.788 6.698 245.151 6.071
+593.784 517.234 5.622 572.117 6.609 254.221 6.070
+593.944 515.112 6.239 570.401 6.926 271.902 8.494
+594.102 516.181 5.772 571.034 6.555 262.339 4.972
+594.260 516.051 5.960 575.790 6.823 242.893 5.553
+594.418 514.830 5.996 571.387 6.264 252.928 3.637
+594.577 514.048 5.845 569.424 6.566 268.839 4.453
+594.736 514.750 5.669 570.424 7.061 261.698 6.270
+594.895 515.187 5.856 573.284 7.373 246.797 10.258
+595.053 517.061 5.963 570.542 6.113 257.458 5.793
+595.212 517.400 5.547 569.915 6.172 267.744 4.825
+595.371 517.774 5.719 570.529 6.356 261.307 6.439
+595.529 516.677 5.471 573.915 6.185 249.563 4.197
+595.687 515.816 5.692 571.439 6.399 257.385 6.307
+595.847 515.998 6.437 567.144 6.240 268.763 5.506
+596.007 516.530 5.695 571.461 6.538 257.797 6.746
+596.165 513.495 5.558 574.634 6.414 245.798 4.426
+596.323 517.544 6.544 569.276 8.380 261.898 12.123
+596.481 515.735 5.712 569.102 6.656 271.029 10.203
+596.640 513.167 5.932 574.161 6.968 245.670 10.975
+596.797 515.311 6.192 576.291 7.594 246.296 8.652
+596.955 518.163 6.568 571.143 7.694 267.343 8.922
+597.113 517.481 5.746 569.911 6.942 270.553 5.430
+597.271 518.694 5.752 574.389 7.156 252.245 7.841
+597.429 517.986 5.614 574.263 6.601 247.662 8.977
+597.587 515.629 5.931 569.962 6.103 261.556 4.848
+597.747 513.006 5.543 568.709 6.246 270.095 4.170
+597.905 513.830 5.778 573.077 6.334 251.960 6.047
+598.063 512.538 5.784 575.570 6.270 237.839 6.475
+598.221 511.825 5.626 568.905 6.303 263.468 5.922
+598.380 514.578 5.570 569.689 6.453 271.964 4.178
+598.540 514.405 5.766 572.076 6.695 260.929 6.820
+598.698 515.484 5.643 572.450 6.511 246.559 5.239
+598.856 517.154 5.576 573.244 6.257 254.855 4.601
+599.015 515.431 5.740 570.492 6.104 267.988 5.362
+599.175 516.514 6.139 570.955 7.119 261.059 9.702
+599.333 516.255 5.748 574.149 8.104 246.440 6.976
+599.491 515.192 6.016 570.941 6.040 257.764 7.165
+599.650 513.282 6.062 569.629 6.116 266.597 4.005
+599.809 513.582 5.670 572.246 6.325 252.955 5.364
+599.968 513.115 5.663 573.712 6.418 252.039 5.452
+600.126 514.561 6.162 571.387 6.367 261.020 4.682
+600.286 513.175 5.687 571.733 7.012 261.420 5.014
+600.445 511.841 5.530 572.757 6.508 254.634 4.955
+600.602 514.198 5.679 573.797 6.498 251.006 5.273
+600.761 516.432 6.317 572.518 7.666 259.280 9.591
+600.920 516.744 5.802 570.275 6.707 266.672 5.069
+601.080 516.907 5.509 572.342 6.113 255.856 8.673
+601.237 516.419 5.579 573.053 6.038 251.058 3.495
+601.395 514.964 5.867 571.250 7.264 257.510 9.385
+601.553 516.089 5.644 568.712 6.178 265.065 4.240
+601.712 515.380 5.637 572.507 6.895 255.520 9.079
+601.869 516.233 5.799 574.675 6.192 249.005 4.832
+602.028 515.662 5.632 570.946 6.874 260.620 3.804
+602.188 513.196 5.625 570.279 6.476 266.036 6.254
+602.348 513.002 5.627 572.362 6.264 256.600 4.378
+602.506 515.320 5.575 572.793 6.592 251.026 5.056
+602.665 520.163 5.797 572.988 7.433 259.490 8.891
+602.823 517.401 6.001 572.019 6.421 258.574 4.631
+602.981 515.404 5.699 571.250 6.377 256.875 6.692
+603.140 518.474 5.587 570.332 6.684 265.138 9.974
+603.298 515.694 5.997 571.743 6.550 253.401 5.394
+603.457 515.727 5.639 572.797 7.733 254.164 4.795
+603.615 514.407 5.879 571.278 6.586 258.071 5.107
+603.774 515.404 5.721 570.782 6.785 258.590 11.951
+603.933 517.264 6.304 570.877 7.107 267.075 6.215
+604.093 516.102 6.338 573.658 6.379 257.070 6.842
+604.251 514.841 6.320 574.756 7.146 254.800 4.543
+604.410 513.718 6.364 570.137 7.670 261.298 10.485
+604.569 515.217 6.030 570.521 6.972 262.493 11.871
+604.726 515.422 5.637 573.315 6.317 250.114 6.183
+604.885 514.904 7.209 572.793 7.233 251.781 4.098
+605.043 516.089 5.736 571.128 6.331 259.987 4.238
+605.202 518.330 5.854 570.691 6.745 266.779 6.853
+605.360 515.923 5.546 572.736 6.006 254.017 4.377
+605.518 513.769 5.756 573.757 6.039 250.220 4.129
+605.677 515.577 5.727 571.177 6.492 258.162 5.240
+605.837 514.455 5.593 568.871 6.631 265.591 8.115
+605.995 513.714 5.700 571.138 6.726 260.205 4.976
+606.154 513.247 6.094 572.681 6.702 249.132 7.262
+606.311 516.602 5.441 571.716 6.416 253.531 5.156
+606.470 517.296 5.868 570.617 6.605 265.095 6.212
+606.630 517.292 6.153 569.006 6.671 265.450 6.304
+606.788 518.192 5.971 571.070 6.966 250.954 6.413
+606.945 515.732 5.739 573.480 6.967 251.199 5.148
+607.105 511.597 6.028 571.234 7.061 263.762 8.175
+607.263 513.735 6.033 568.872 6.692 266.107 4.290
+607.422 512.007 5.738 575.258 6.066 246.641 7.038
+607.579 513.220 5.676 575.582 6.396 245.736 3.972
+607.738 519.992 5.836 567.435 7.279 270.507 7.947
+607.896 513.980 5.722 568.874 6.314 270.925 3.753
+608.055 514.409 5.821 575.538 6.888 247.039 7.503
+608.213 513.074 5.604 576.395 6.761 236.830 7.579
+608.371 511.970 5.502 570.994 7.112 263.878 3.989
+608.530 516.509 5.933 566.240 6.065 275.608 6.555
+608.689 514.725 5.862 572.632 6.629 259.726 5.960
+608.847 514.607 5.758 577.586 6.327 241.947 4.869
+609.006 516.016 7.658 572.075 8.080 257.029 9.365
+609.164 514.570 5.588 566.350 6.362 274.130 4.144
+609.324 514.535 5.832 571.083 6.734 263.501 7.817
+609.482 513.485 6.164 574.690 6.578 245.255 8.871
+609.639 515.354 5.988 571.096 6.911 249.702 3.271
+609.799 514.263 5.739 569.151 7.103 267.797 5.550
+609.959 512.782 5.858 570.301 6.312 268.558 6.446
+610.117 514.397 5.804 572.783 6.177 254.035 4.223
+610.276 513.934 5.696 573.767 6.976 247.860 10.592
+610.434 513.579 5.817 570.357 7.807 258.858 5.151
+610.594 512.675 6.155 571.443 6.902 264.198 7.872
+610.753 514.766 6.263 570.594 6.971 263.282 8.564
+610.911 513.677 6.091 575.296 7.879 248.082 6.992
+611.068 516.786 6.622 573.893 8.059 250.240 13.653
+611.226 514.057 5.846 572.489 7.237 257.702 5.446
+611.386 513.940 6.073 569.164 6.666 267.157 3.904
+611.546 513.139 5.516 571.691 6.917 258.001 6.314
+611.705 512.771 6.253 573.107 8.106 253.350 5.532
+611.863 514.337 5.549 571.801 6.957 255.083 7.542
+612.022 512.973 6.029 570.338 6.674 262.550 5.901
+612.180 512.459 5.622 571.683 6.448 254.755 4.504
+612.338 515.044 5.898 572.216 7.287 257.437 4.532
+612.497 517.380 5.571 571.372 6.315 255.424 7.192
+612.655 516.243 5.912 572.873 6.041 255.164 4.492
+612.813 514.502 5.768 570.848 6.189 256.461 4.396
+612.972 514.985 5.475 571.388 6.663 259.524 6.492
+613.131 514.289 6.149 571.143 7.263 257.595 8.942
+613.289 518.022 5.574 572.451 6.360 258.335 5.063
+613.448 518.040 5.880 572.534 6.417 254.713 8.199
+613.605 516.690 5.988 571.475 7.854 260.417 5.002
+613.764 515.386 5.762 571.754 6.259 256.664 7.069
+613.923 513.903 5.518 572.467 6.443 254.926 5.266
+614.082 513.189 5.560 570.294 6.276 258.669 4.835
+614.242 515.291 5.577 569.993 6.394 262.746 4.425
+614.401 515.002 5.519 572.509 6.163 256.357 5.558
+614.560 514.790 5.668 573.795 6.217 250.893 5.756
+614.718 516.587 5.611 571.218 6.673 260.278 5.884
+614.877 519.745 5.708 568.992 6.777 266.302 4.517
+615.037 519.027 5.612 571.779 6.097 260.353 4.450
+615.195 515.140 5.909 573.427 6.618 250.353 7.689
+615.354 514.341 6.073 571.954 6.689 255.513 5.740
+615.513 514.703 5.528 571.059 6.658 261.635 5.973
+615.672 515.347 5.525 570.490 6.064 260.956 5.445
+615.831 515.373 5.568 573.574 6.170 256.349 5.061
+615.990 517.763 5.531 573.415 6.235 253.443 6.768
+616.148 515.537 5.482 571.084 6.239 258.194 4.409
+616.307 516.985 5.793 570.670 6.576 260.462 5.523
+616.467 515.629 5.893 572.486 6.352 258.684 5.332
+616.626 515.686 5.765 572.434 6.586 253.996 4.951
+616.786 516.016 5.563 572.784 6.185 257.159 6.302
+616.944 516.030 5.557 571.877 6.246 258.141 4.190
+617.104 514.070 5.581 571.478 6.320 262.531 7.081
+617.262 515.870 5.473 572.414 6.400 257.415 4.206
+617.420 516.178 5.740 574.444 6.339 249.454 5.802
+617.579 515.941 5.827 572.474 6.471 257.434 5.772
+617.738 512.389 5.569 571.794 6.381 258.984 4.297
+617.898 514.983 5.460 570.808 6.520 259.589 4.883
+618.057 515.539 5.571 572.628 6.374 256.305 5.229
+618.216 516.835 5.875 571.306 6.230 257.863 6.619
+618.375 516.928 5.714 570.843 6.686 260.698 5.881
+618.534 515.349 5.943 571.558 6.647 258.147 7.026
+618.692 514.783 5.717 569.885 6.296 261.571 3.554
+618.852 513.537 5.529 570.278 6.262 260.785 8.636
+619.010 512.905 5.536 573.352 6.403 253.167 6.263
+619.169 512.779 5.744 572.483 6.634 256.611 6.179
+619.330 514.097 5.523 570.254 6.321 265.996 4.852
+619.490 515.271 5.831 571.942 6.568 258.990 5.126
+619.649 515.262 5.439 573.239 6.074 251.139 3.880
+619.807 518.172 6.944 574.602 7.294 250.081 6.189
+619.966 517.771 5.743 571.116 6.400 263.310 4.550
+620.125 516.917 5.889 568.881 7.082 266.523 7.280
+620.284 517.149 5.739 574.158 6.221 254.505 4.853
+620.442 515.661 5.886 574.661 6.723 249.195 7.633
+620.599 518.186 5.741 571.526 7.096 256.651 4.030
+620.758 515.611 5.993 567.675 6.467 270.346 4.957
+620.917 511.706 5.837 570.986 7.065 263.123 6.668
+621.075 507.657 5.536 576.709 6.454 245.371 5.603
+621.232 506.176 5.460 574.787 6.482 245.453 3.337
+621.391 512.721 5.490 571.987 6.310 258.624 5.148
+621.551 514.157 5.502 569.369 6.386 270.786 4.448
+621.710 514.801 5.946 570.513 6.267 263.477 6.035
+621.868 515.428 6.045 575.745 6.627 243.344 9.561
+622.026 520.154 6.135 573.267 6.939 253.133 7.937
+622.184 517.651 5.819 567.362 6.438 275.151 5.202
+622.343 515.966 5.634 569.883 6.228 263.401 7.087
+622.501 515.859 5.520 574.448 6.235 248.864 6.247
+622.659 513.368 5.642 572.324 6.315 249.178 4.583
+622.818 509.133 5.696 569.313 6.157 259.801 5.087
+622.977 511.601 5.428 570.423 6.639 263.648 6.835
+623.136 510.666 5.600 571.054 6.369 259.616 6.670
+623.293 512.456 5.671 571.140 6.407 253.856 5.743
+623.452 512.874 5.930 571.351 6.386 253.368 8.490
+623.611 514.658 5.362 570.583 6.220 259.463 4.060
+623.770 512.816 5.835 569.705 6.335 265.314 4.029
+623.930 513.818 5.471 571.467 6.201 259.213 3.871
+624.089 515.958 5.937 571.274 7.004 253.922 7.856
+624.246 517.199 6.005 569.872 6.536 255.579 7.088
+624.404 516.202 5.780 569.688 6.020 267.225 4.742
+624.564 518.532 5.818 570.247 6.479 261.512 5.464
+624.723 517.465 5.527 572.422 6.100 256.115 3.837
+624.881 516.044 5.738 572.454 6.197 249.151 4.235
+625.040 512.600 5.739 570.924 6.441 257.761 7.317
+625.199 512.846 5.677 570.909 6.317 263.677 4.515
+625.359 514.908 5.565 571.219 6.899 259.436 4.674
+625.518 516.209 5.591 571.902 6.381 259.044 7.716
+625.676 512.282 5.726 571.499 6.112 255.700 4.348
+625.835 515.802 5.499 572.995 6.792 253.907 5.138
+625.994 515.978 5.547 571.580 6.463 260.779 3.689
+626.154 518.019 5.781 570.035 6.583 263.977 5.518
+626.312 517.870 5.913 572.920 7.732 254.389 8.040
+626.470 516.038 6.026 574.419 6.455 249.333 7.325
+626.628 516.570 5.638 570.844 6.181 260.603 3.762
+626.787 518.805 5.670 569.478 6.104 265.606 5.052
+626.947 516.468 5.504 574.204 6.364 256.916 5.382
+627.105 516.334 5.531 574.532 6.238 249.299 5.085
+627.264 515.053 5.656 571.465 6.249 258.033 3.650
+627.424 514.890 5.649 570.634 6.131 263.420 3.976
+627.584 515.299 5.522 572.706 6.338 257.604 4.248
+627.742 514.263 5.539 573.557 6.307 255.126 3.886
+627.901 515.312 5.771 571.555 6.592 257.841 3.986
+628.060 518.693 5.680 571.865 6.363 261.408 6.428
+628.219 516.007 5.529 572.778 6.260 255.434 5.381
+628.378 514.450 5.754 572.097 6.313 260.434 5.581
+628.537 515.204 5.723 572.121 6.442 258.404 6.153
+628.696 515.682 6.064 572.741 7.902 259.054 7.860
+628.854 515.506 5.560 573.707 6.477 255.830 6.429
+629.012 515.775 6.005 573.597 6.532 255.738 4.444
+629.171 517.117 5.591 572.616 6.402 260.217 4.259
+629.330 517.191 5.662 570.456 6.256 261.802 6.242
+629.489 515.031 5.785 572.544 6.563 257.268 6.038
+629.647 513.000 5.659 573.995 6.757 253.652 4.887
+629.806 515.370 5.813 571.440 6.577 258.316 6.079
+629.965 515.913 5.403 571.644 6.053 263.563 7.365
+630.123 513.939 5.539 573.186 6.392 254.905 4.982
+630.281 512.279 5.794 573.571 6.291 254.779 5.080
+630.441 513.792 5.591 571.325 6.500 259.757 5.765
+630.600 514.767 5.819 571.603 6.502 262.497 5.644
+630.758 511.817 5.770 572.306 6.625 257.805 5.069
+630.917 510.998 5.786 573.683 6.242 252.998 4.417
+631.076 511.120 5.791 572.226 6.456 256.140 6.246
+631.235 512.621 5.839 571.402 6.318 260.771 5.523
+631.393 512.986 5.610 571.504 6.511 259.147 5.940
+631.552 512.799 5.540 574.185 6.308 253.491 6.642
+631.711 511.658 5.580 573.411 6.846 256.394 6.002
+631.870 512.486 5.642 571.604 6.569 260.403 4.704
+632.029 511.504 5.907 571.696 6.399 262.424 4.600
+632.187 511.045 5.687 573.327 6.465 255.674 6.856
+632.344 510.600 5.933 572.173 6.410 253.016 4.543
+632.503 510.166 6.290 571.261 6.366 260.220 4.006
+632.662 510.611 5.746 569.042 6.629 261.932 4.900
+632.820 509.156 6.153 570.730 6.077 258.989 4.575
+632.979 508.301 5.593 571.117 6.509 258.369 7.051
+633.137 506.463 5.585 572.361 6.348 254.063 5.951
+633.295 505.244 5.640 572.443 6.164 253.400 5.234
+633.453 510.832 6.110 568.884 6.508 263.524 4.780
+633.612 508.788 6.035 569.768 6.821 257.805 8.923
+633.769 504.127 5.882 572.097 6.684 252.198 5.598
+633.928 503.881 5.539 571.851 6.278 249.862 5.573
+634.087 509.618 5.602 570.338 6.721 265.098 5.272
+634.245 507.216 5.585 571.143 7.221 263.581 5.313
+634.403 508.682 5.858 572.351 6.187 254.525 4.729
+634.562 505.686 5.682 571.053 7.089 253.165 6.821
+634.719 506.556 5.649 570.160 6.415 262.231 5.266
+634.878 506.345 6.609 572.361 6.433 256.302 7.920
+635.035 506.353 6.702 570.243 7.404 257.823 5.473
+635.194 506.853 6.358 570.272 6.642 259.498 4.760
+635.353 508.208 5.512 568.862 6.159 262.035 4.386
+635.511 502.172 5.828 571.628 6.824 255.100 5.969
+635.669 499.141 5.571 572.406 6.345 256.091 4.518
+635.828 501.361 5.593 570.004 6.470 260.780 4.455
+635.986 502.553 5.634 570.870 6.608 256.317 3.800
+636.145 503.465 5.781 570.798 7.506 254.813 5.170
+636.304 504.894 5.595 570.208 6.380 262.258 5.725
+636.463 503.719 5.627 569.192 6.550 260.182 4.654
+636.622 503.097 6.396 570.001 6.268 257.101 4.621
+636.780 503.700 5.386 570.450 6.337 258.781 4.662
+636.939 503.737 5.872 569.584 6.638 262.247 6.332
+637.098 502.507 5.548 571.255 6.878 262.502 5.194
+637.256 502.175 5.562 568.762 6.615 256.425 4.134
+637.414 499.621 5.622 571.717 6.508 259.234 6.646
+637.573 501.436 5.997 569.707 7.289 258.902 6.567
+637.731 500.684 5.690 571.287 6.446 257.359 8.242
+637.889 503.796 5.777 570.162 6.702 262.123 7.555
+638.047 504.817 6.993 568.761 6.232 261.351 6.693
+638.205 502.028 6.633 569.807 6.578 260.283 7.789
+638.364 499.110 6.448 571.378 6.934 258.692 5.629
+638.522 499.081 5.549 569.603 6.457 261.096 4.576
+638.681 497.450 5.978 569.666 6.497 259.391 5.042
+638.840 496.964 6.953 571.056 7.161 258.793 6.930
+638.998 496.629 5.796 572.330 6.290 257.837 8.880
+639.157 500.056 6.235 571.043 6.674 260.918 4.253
+639.316 498.410 6.904 570.200 6.842 262.449 5.978
+639.474 497.384 5.990 571.802 8.336 257.894 5.826
+639.633 502.333 5.476 573.358 7.856 257.238 5.369
+639.791 498.193 5.854 569.033 7.047 264.912 10.673
+639.949 507.341 5.500 571.060 6.231 267.839 4.208
+640.107 498.703 5.922 572.850 6.787 253.088 6.134
+640.266 497.937 6.095 572.828 6.899 255.750 5.396
+640.425 499.859 6.193 569.788 6.796 266.257 4.848
+640.585 497.518 6.298 570.827 6.654 263.922 8.132
+640.743 497.135 6.132 570.488 6.827 252.549 4.866
+640.901 494.921 5.657 571.394 7.851 257.945 5.304
+641.060 495.949 6.352 569.954 6.352 261.509 5.264
+641.219 492.409 7.051 571.139 7.122 262.725 10.933
+641.377 494.304 5.535 571.771 7.560 258.867 5.651
+641.535 495.023 6.239 573.757 7.109 260.168 5.357
+641.695 495.470 6.168 571.237 7.228 259.731 5.921
+641.854 499.434 6.360 570.672 6.862 262.947 5.847
+642.012 497.024 6.181 571.416 6.323 263.339 5.004
+642.171 498.060 5.526 572.774 6.485 256.023 6.059
+642.330 501.440 7.709 571.727 6.891 257.690 7.193
+642.488 496.524 7.069 571.107 7.974 268.256 4.999
+642.646 495.785 6.321 571.921 7.098 259.212 4.255
+642.804 493.847 7.376 574.209 7.046 256.442 5.398
+642.963 492.418 6.488 572.322 6.725 258.414 4.565
+643.122 491.024 6.212 570.313 6.499 262.964 5.962
+643.280 493.480 6.916 571.553 7.358 261.919 5.779
+643.439 493.744 6.047 573.645 7.122 259.269 5.636
+643.597 494.707 5.811 572.346 6.902 262.682 7.677
+643.755 497.157 7.046 573.363 7.302 258.616 7.284
+643.913 493.161 7.050 570.383 7.256 259.506 5.103
+644.072 493.451 7.347 569.803 6.143 264.215 4.817
+644.230 496.574 6.813 571.678 7.374 261.412 8.390
+644.387 494.205 5.607 572.706 6.616 255.084 6.508
+644.546 498.252 6.185 571.067 6.316 262.070 5.234
+644.706 493.822 6.967 571.280 6.673 265.100 6.923
+644.863 493.888 9.614 570.752 6.467 258.651 4.461
+645.021 491.838 6.156 571.407 6.986 257.536 8.392
+645.179 491.878 6.134 570.714 6.775 264.515 6.571
+645.338 494.588 5.986 569.977 7.346 261.125 7.641
+645.495 494.275 6.058 572.099 6.602 259.771 7.746
+645.653 491.542 6.062 571.191 7.496 259.037 4.557
+645.812 495.385 6.579 570.211 6.424 259.400 7.532
+645.970 494.393 7.225 571.302 6.622 261.304 6.520
+646.129 496.964 5.923 572.083 6.536 259.363 4.562
+646.289 495.809 6.233 569.920 6.452 262.903 5.782
+646.447 493.548 6.010 569.379 6.431 261.219 5.129
+646.606 496.725 5.978 571.233 6.484 258.312 4.676
+646.765 496.667 6.365 570.122 6.075 260.863 7.425
+646.924 495.646 6.117 572.391 6.687 261.578 4.071
+647.082 496.536 6.024 569.834 6.921 259.585 4.871
+647.241 492.885 6.287 573.148 7.333 263.355 7.113
+647.400 490.778 5.906 571.001 6.797 260.993 6.456
+647.559 494.967 7.427 571.200 6.619 258.159 5.631
+647.717 494.479 5.483 572.382 6.326 254.291 9.156
+647.876 496.604 5.567 570.313 7.122 260.552 7.910
+648.034 494.766 5.605 571.293 7.250 265.055 8.960
+648.192 496.217 6.321 573.043 7.110 259.550 5.626
+648.350 495.822 6.250 572.710 6.614 255.815 5.514
+648.509 496.628 5.652 571.547 6.600 260.578 4.226
+648.668 496.426 5.597 568.445 6.267 262.385 4.228
+648.827 496.944 5.644 569.254 6.795 265.873 5.241
+648.986 495.139 5.768 572.362 6.958 255.638 5.348
+649.144 494.061 5.635 572.033 7.294 254.976 5.784
+649.302 494.640 6.023 571.890 6.929 257.929 5.436
+649.462 494.836 6.459 569.898 6.544 268.669 5.677
+649.621 494.268 5.678 570.699 6.740 263.306 4.786
+649.780 491.052 6.132 574.837 6.693 252.683 5.858
+649.937 494.320 6.279 573.798 6.608 255.806 6.981
+650.096 493.273 5.698 570.838 7.619 264.408 9.081
+650.254 493.382 5.805 572.258 8.071 266.614 8.154
+650.411 497.153 5.823 572.672 7.589 253.406 5.702
+650.569 497.101 6.889 570.816 6.823 254.134 4.492
+650.728 496.671 6.043 571.138 7.190 262.651 6.343
+650.887 493.166 7.108 569.081 7.364 264.936 7.368
+651.044 495.261 6.668 572.600 6.519 255.849 4.584
+651.202 496.312 6.399 571.016 7.086 258.148 4.897
+651.360 498.653 5.671 571.700 7.135 256.691 5.692
+651.519 494.236 5.787 569.557 6.849 263.096 6.802
+651.677 493.962 6.567 571.615 6.385 258.780 5.655
+651.836 494.709 5.780 570.926 6.432 262.197 7.744
+651.993 493.517 5.725 570.579 6.284 257.492 6.983
+652.152 491.985 5.889 570.475 6.552 258.454 5.745
+652.312 491.719 5.593 572.394 6.175 258.304 6.797
+652.470 495.987 5.639 569.914 7.127 262.633 5.758
+652.629 493.359 6.718 569.909 7.280 261.276 5.741
+652.788 494.913 5.576 572.319 6.739 253.292 7.110
+652.946 493.259 5.545 571.933 6.813 256.032 14.072
+653.104 499.142 5.924 568.939 6.636 266.610 4.591
+653.263 496.261 6.419 569.539 6.586 262.516 4.469
+653.421 497.272 5.551 572.325 6.356 253.945 8.158
+653.578 498.552 5.900 571.353 6.574 260.769 5.278
+653.737 494.285 5.973 569.613 6.424 264.817 7.193
+653.895 495.662 6.447 569.996 6.640 258.858 6.574
+654.053 495.956 6.264 571.350 6.443 260.078 7.016
+654.211 494.039 5.778 569.463 7.104 258.700 4.442
+654.369 494.830 5.817 570.234 7.170 259.207 5.655
+654.529 493.138 5.663 571.252 8.016 260.112 9.003
+654.687 494.131 5.580 569.982 6.472 259.161 6.890
+654.845 496.401 6.573 570.459 6.576 259.261 4.653
+655.003 495.144 5.673 570.394 6.543 260.982 7.720
+655.161 497.701 6.365 570.394 6.687 260.699 3.713
+655.320 499.427 6.485 572.403 6.689 258.667 7.965
+655.477 498.654 6.165 572.174 7.982 258.176 10.362
+655.635 499.786 6.977 569.561 7.149 258.971 6.071
+655.794 496.867 5.752 570.225 6.435 263.169 7.278
+655.952 496.598 6.123 572.042 6.519 259.641 7.674
+656.110 496.896 6.298 572.930 6.674 253.606 4.537
+656.269 495.989 5.773 571.619 7.169 259.836 8.229
+656.428 495.439 6.668 569.746 6.415 264.228 6.890
+656.586 495.034 6.034 571.887 6.718 258.362 5.200
+656.744 494.270 5.916 572.318 6.624 256.333 6.117
+656.902 496.682 6.553 571.463 6.439 257.063 5.716
+657.061 497.546 6.640 569.224 7.154 265.540 5.197
+657.220 496.965 5.657 569.232 7.628 266.325 4.095
+657.379 493.659 6.704 572.872 6.539 252.783 7.263
+657.537 501.786 6.748 570.988 6.506 256.587 4.210
+657.696 500.287 6.275 570.789 6.719 262.945 5.435
+657.855 499.132 6.841 569.117 7.032 271.339 7.567
+658.013 494.031 5.502 573.931 6.322 253.693 5.667
+658.171 494.700 6.456 571.099 6.983 256.266 6.885
+658.329 494.687 6.305 569.981 6.710 261.922 6.711
+658.488 495.766 5.834 571.359 6.311 262.489 6.721
+658.646 495.647 5.728 572.853 7.119 256.084 6.401
+658.805 493.816 8.295 571.588 7.507 259.830 8.666
+658.962 497.718 5.705 569.085 7.352 266.308 6.945
+659.121 496.007 5.897 573.110 6.356 261.953 7.241
+659.280 496.900 6.151 573.231 7.417 256.589 5.845
+659.439 496.179 5.665 571.452 7.200 262.315 4.946
+659.598 499.411 6.226 570.074 6.838 258.783 9.872
+659.756 495.474 5.960 573.080 6.518 257.847 5.046
+659.914 498.634 5.501 569.980 6.493 259.598 7.427
+660.073 499.786 6.687 569.909 7.440 259.926 5.093
+660.231 496.497 5.997 570.989 7.182 257.619 6.572
+660.390 498.335 5.671 570.969 6.543 259.306 5.178
+660.549 496.353 5.537 571.629 6.464 260.493 3.689
+660.708 497.843 6.036 572.706 7.028 256.854 6.178
+660.867 500.028 5.806 571.727 6.906 261.668 5.048
+661.026 498.330 5.936 569.627 6.973 258.866 5.388
+661.184 496.673 6.088 569.816 6.139 256.038 4.657
+661.343 495.106 6.337 571.858 6.548 259.070 5.652
+661.502 498.371 5.449 569.138 6.770 260.760 6.325
+661.660 500.173 5.413 568.541 6.529 258.267 5.791
+661.819 501.131 5.671 571.065 6.758 260.602 4.842
+661.977 494.501 5.779 571.620 7.268 256.486 5.883
+662.136 499.745 5.959 568.386 7.340 259.024 6.738
+662.295 496.157 5.616 568.283 6.763 261.730 7.790
+662.453 498.171 5.665 570.562 6.984 261.837 5.805
+662.611 499.261 6.211 571.775 6.404 253.918 5.337
+662.770 498.932 6.487 572.527 6.350 256.229 4.391
+662.929 497.259 6.425 568.645 6.722 266.312 6.194
+663.088 499.142 5.505 571.056 6.701 264.463 4.753
+663.246 494.071 5.639 573.860 7.224 253.644 8.055
+663.404 496.210 5.823 572.528 6.842 252.106 5.410
+663.563 495.812 5.590 568.265 7.189 268.511 5.655
+663.722 502.548 6.459 569.992 7.633 268.215 6.599
+663.879 500.355 6.913 574.219 8.261 252.432 5.723
+664.036 498.773 6.626 570.622 6.690 251.324 6.908
+664.194 495.737 6.247 569.846 6.758 267.523 5.479
+664.354 495.507 5.455 568.748 6.690 265.615 4.504
+664.511 499.975 6.419 573.177 6.843 253.066 5.029
+664.669 498.519 6.430 572.691 7.958 251.200 7.468
+664.826 498.175 5.834 569.866 6.808 263.412 5.711
+664.985 496.181 6.225 566.868 7.491 268.434 6.731
+665.144 494.741 5.663 572.138 6.648 252.424 6.763
+665.301 495.047 7.903 572.671 7.238 252.764 4.417
+665.458 498.470 7.034 569.776 7.837 263.417 7.837
+665.616 497.824 6.571 569.677 6.876 266.114 5.038
+665.776 498.318 7.675 571.126 7.657 256.361 6.255
+665.933 495.573 7.980 573.701 9.482 254.803 11.169
+666.089 503.395 5.713 569.737 7.121 258.788 5.513
+666.248 497.924 6.354 569.977 7.652 264.737 6.947
+666.408 494.239 5.577 570.219 7.149 261.097 5.049
+666.566 495.012 8.647 574.162 6.813 248.700 7.357
+666.723 497.800 6.213 571.081 6.901 259.057 4.928
+666.882 500.158 6.656 567.260 6.711 274.130 5.937
+667.040 497.431 7.885 569.232 7.239 259.381 8.947
+667.197 494.124 7.613 574.972 7.234 249.283 5.012
+667.354 495.681 6.963 569.519 6.608 258.872 6.544
+667.512 498.626 7.022 566.455 6.709 272.198 5.196
+667.671 499.706 5.370 570.474 6.367 260.562 4.899
+667.829 496.727 7.571 569.754 7.210 252.975 5.851
+667.987 496.677 7.908 570.837 7.746 259.309 8.130
+668.145 498.466 6.009 568.818 6.871 266.843 4.648
+668.304 497.174 8.201 569.878 6.840 264.858 6.712
+668.461 493.731 6.462 571.848 6.896 255.858 5.394
+668.619 494.517 6.679 572.358 6.980 251.218 6.344
+668.778 496.345 6.481 572.003 6.516 262.092 4.464
+668.938 496.773 6.701 568.760 6.884 266.090 5.338
+669.097 496.987 6.598 569.277 7.195 261.150 6.282
+669.255 496.019 6.402 570.952 7.764 251.921 5.104
+669.413 495.590 6.994 570.699 7.706 258.949 5.559
+669.572 497.725 6.873 568.987 6.911 269.999 6.970
+669.731 502.977 6.530 569.899 7.008 266.350 6.041
+669.891 499.969 7.053 572.409 7.346 253.533 8.809
+670.049 495.669 6.796 570.304 6.609 258.595 8.368
+670.207 493.366 5.932 569.643 6.510 269.595 4.370
+670.366 490.623 5.839 571.836 6.843 260.326 3.847
+670.524 490.826 7.082 573.108 7.322 253.133 4.879
+670.681 495.988 6.757 570.801 7.527 257.651 4.136
+670.840 497.479 6.596 569.538 7.507 266.706 8.122
+670.997 498.814 5.868 570.515 6.976 262.227 5.998
+671.156 501.628 6.408 573.555 6.992 254.702 7.751
+671.314 501.006 6.582 572.225 6.372 256.287 5.245
+671.473 501.200 6.471 570.042 7.839 268.892 7.633
+671.631 503.852 7.069 571.000 7.990 261.038 9.732
+671.789 496.678 7.487 575.350 7.781 251.730 11.616
+671.946 495.336 6.476 572.793 8.510 260.897 13.178
+672.105 491.523 6.890 566.958 6.392 267.489 7.653
+672.262 492.555 6.334 570.369 7.904 259.034 4.236
+672.421 495.085 6.753 575.543 8.020 256.640 5.153
+672.579 498.120 6.701 574.305 7.383 258.816 8.842
+672.737 499.681 6.980 571.073 7.824 261.448 7.367
+672.895 501.836 6.005 572.700 7.120 265.544 5.299
+673.054 501.628 5.781 574.637 6.549 256.125 7.956
+673.212 499.546 6.165 573.106 7.311 256.641 5.981
+673.370 498.175 6.507 570.471 7.712 260.726 5.028
+673.529 495.211 7.115 570.844 6.591 262.307 6.295
+673.687 495.462 6.100 571.008 7.535 255.533 5.889
+673.846 500.044 6.388 571.380 7.194 259.195 5.569
+674.005 498.810 6.141 572.003 6.498 263.082 4.727
+674.165 496.398 6.359 568.030 6.771 261.120 4.432
+674.324 496.103 5.924 572.020 7.424 261.461 7.991
+674.482 498.811 6.059 571.590 6.319 254.294 6.007
+674.640 501.508 5.776 572.035 6.467 259.762 5.939
+674.799 498.705 6.305 570.910 7.549 264.027 4.380
+674.958 496.837 6.771 571.829 7.266 256.360 4.648
+675.117 498.298 7.266 572.688 6.815 256.143 5.366
+675.275 499.663 5.925 570.376 6.947 262.431 7.094
+675.433 502.186 5.683 572.723 6.466 260.784 6.468
+675.592 500.381 6.556 572.037 6.544 253.697 4.992
+675.749 497.653 6.337 572.920 6.792 254.737 6.075
+675.908 497.116 5.682 569.219 6.152 263.277 5.103
+676.067 497.691 6.136 570.202 6.469 261.952 5.430
+676.226 494.206 6.717 572.582 6.939 253.639 5.319
+676.384 498.002 6.417 570.135 6.662 254.506 5.134
+676.543 499.530 5.983 568.221 7.602 260.355 7.520
+676.700 503.915 6.417 570.602 7.447 266.833 6.189
+676.859 499.299 6.010 568.766 7.525 256.548 7.394
+677.018 496.943 8.183 572.507 6.352 255.925 6.946
+677.176 503.749 6.496 569.545 6.738 262.609 5.909
+677.334 500.817 6.043 569.785 6.240 265.106 4.881
+677.493 500.368 6.323 569.677 6.633 256.391 6.235
+677.652 500.313 7.128 570.376 6.894 256.233 5.302
+677.811 499.483 6.432 570.463 7.035 260.952 8.312
+677.968 495.174 7.118 570.764 7.034 261.779 5.898
+678.128 495.281 6.087 567.957 6.662 258.307 6.573
+678.286 497.892 6.134 569.799 6.919 260.093 6.813
+678.445 502.868 6.991 571.308 7.543 256.140 7.917
+678.603 497.618 6.042 567.753 6.458 256.631 6.534
+678.761 501.826 6.450 563.047 6.847 265.616 5.710
+678.920 501.508 6.231 565.760 7.055 262.466 7.571
+679.078 498.655 6.315 569.107 7.201 246.624 6.983
+679.234 504.926 7.535 570.081 7.603 254.256 5.136
+679.392 505.909 5.709 564.540 6.188 275.192 7.776
+679.551 498.699 6.189 567.575 7.035 263.021 5.386
+679.709 497.727 6.315 572.085 7.635 243.070 8.068
+679.866 498.547 8.528 568.310 7.894 253.140 6.958
+680.024 502.325 5.663 565.323 6.759 272.291 3.407
+680.183 496.203 6.788 571.073 7.590 260.182 7.187
+680.340 498.362 5.648 570.410 6.782 247.491 4.439
+680.498 504.793 6.570 572.804 6.754 256.954 9.665
+680.655 501.488 6.657 567.918 6.841 267.429 8.685
+680.813 503.234 6.678 568.509 7.657 263.084 8.931
+680.970 499.792 6.713 571.425 7.951 254.310 7.405
+681.128 502.727 6.538 569.094 7.894 258.523 6.283
+681.286 502.227 6.784 571.091 7.295 256.015 8.663
+681.445 499.632 6.058 570.941 6.408 262.390 5.112
+681.604 497.856 6.847 570.319 7.424 257.373 8.978
+681.762 498.998 6.891 573.943 7.112 255.073 7.619
+681.921 500.800 7.372 576.659 7.294 257.100 5.478
+682.080 500.338 6.412 569.736 6.816 266.951 7.336
+682.238 500.813 5.786 570.807 9.025 260.069 10.290
+682.396 500.608 6.061 574.458 6.771 248.010 7.081
+682.554 502.106 6.763 572.844 6.943 253.520 9.744
+682.712 496.721 6.245 566.728 8.404 272.325 9.342
+682.870 499.867 6.035 572.297 8.059 261.493 8.667
+683.026 500.718 6.453 575.453 7.192 246.164 4.214
+683.185 502.547 6.446 573.474 7.241 255.291 6.077
+683.343 501.015 5.972 568.224 6.919 273.662 7.232
+683.501 500.660 5.945 569.672 6.460 264.976 6.808
+683.658 500.266 5.823 574.306 6.503 249.339 4.795
+683.816 501.532 6.254 572.123 6.642 255.563 4.106
+683.974 502.435 5.841 571.681 6.466 264.695 4.408
+684.133 499.964 6.557 570.836 6.356 261.087 6.201
+684.291 495.629 6.062 571.258 6.447 249.410 7.834
+684.449 503.826 6.251 569.012 7.085 269.254 5.411
+684.609 502.118 5.835 569.670 7.070 267.762 10.702
+684.767 499.591 6.357 574.446 7.253 247.267 5.402
+684.925 505.165 5.592 572.244 6.392 255.112 4.613
+685.084 502.851 5.544 566.342 6.499 273.981 4.260
+685.243 503.878 6.523 572.323 6.771 257.299 10.368
+685.401 501.688 6.219 576.383 6.639 243.743 8.712
+685.559 501.836 5.712 571.403 7.071 259.567 9.370
+685.717 503.738 5.928 565.604 6.567 280.455 8.084
+685.874 500.427 6.744 571.046 6.830 256.734 10.250
+686.031 497.434 6.689 576.810 6.867 237.657 7.064
+686.189 502.584 6.216 572.738 7.078 256.426 4.768
+686.348 504.535 6.022 565.797 6.969 281.404 5.566
+686.506 501.825 5.847 571.698 6.393 255.624 4.614
+686.664 501.568 5.664 573.037 6.571 249.886 4.751
+686.822 505.075 6.133 571.920 6.593 259.658 5.377
+686.981 503.820 5.483 568.229 6.516 268.086 4.782
+687.140 503.498 5.592 570.092 6.555 259.730 4.730
+687.297 502.735 5.546 574.400 6.212 246.937 5.237
+687.455 503.697 5.803 571.684 7.231 254.539 4.787
+687.615 500.097 5.450 567.396 6.471 267.945 5.688
+687.774 501.810 5.607 569.944 6.245 261.979 3.948
+687.933 503.588 5.708 573.589 6.409 254.119 6.637
+688.091 504.785 5.476 573.745 6.524 252.961 6.751
+688.249 507.247 5.685 570.157 6.676 262.119 8.583
+688.407 509.552 5.455 569.141 6.815 267.111 8.153
+688.564 506.885 5.714 574.291 6.483 253.161 3.766
+688.721 507.168 5.658 574.242 6.483 252.441 5.148
+688.880 506.571 5.745 571.922 6.190 259.114 3.692
+689.039 507.515 5.623 570.469 6.222 267.151 4.256
+689.198 505.735 5.868 571.734 6.402 259.731 5.871
+689.356 505.967 5.506 575.687 6.287 249.077 4.863
+689.513 505.979 5.545 574.076 6.151 253.940 4.944
+689.672 508.179 5.772 568.500 6.356 270.159 5.022
+689.832 506.151 5.550 571.595 6.292 260.271 3.792
+689.990 509.751 5.412 574.676 6.233 247.542 3.978
+690.148 510.857 5.579 573.336 6.841 256.965 5.137
+690.308 511.298 5.579 570.133 6.483 270.719 3.468
+690.467 512.173 5.758 569.111 6.953 265.447 7.877
+690.624 511.141 5.869 575.071 7.738 247.504 7.088
+690.781 510.431 5.762 572.360 6.636 257.775 7.235
+690.940 506.014 6.057 572.673 6.588 265.017 4.419
+691.099 507.110 6.418 572.186 6.775 256.540 4.523
+691.257 507.041 5.600 573.691 6.331 253.655 4.474
+691.414 508.980 5.426 574.357 6.189 254.526 4.067
+691.573 513.809 5.468 572.573 6.174 264.205 3.924
+691.733 512.918 5.654 571.225 6.060 268.812 3.685
+691.891 509.349 5.969 576.492 6.800 248.638 4.244
+692.050 510.843 5.574 576.284 6.855 248.786 7.166
+692.208 512.058 5.765 569.952 6.359 269.277 3.503
+692.368 509.740 5.551 573.219 6.093 264.322 3.479
+692.526 510.707 5.535 576.322 6.015 247.413 3.487
+692.684 512.297 5.476 573.863 6.181 257.614 4.310
+692.844 511.343 5.594 573.038 6.112 264.706 5.241
+693.003 511.053 5.503 575.470 6.106 256.957 5.336
+693.161 512.040 5.577 575.604 6.383 254.329 5.580
+693.320 513.740 5.665 574.076 6.223 256.093 5.157
+693.479 512.557 5.761 573.190 6.190 264.390 5.610
+693.638 513.015 5.529 573.382 6.245 258.763 4.836
+693.797 513.840 5.587 575.913 6.460 251.617 6.302
+693.956 514.348 5.717 573.699 6.184 260.396 4.653
+694.116 514.983 5.527 572.937 6.105 264.533 4.375
+694.275 513.429 5.699 574.599 6.292 253.765 4.306
+694.433 513.144 5.461 577.546 6.212 252.397 4.166
+694.591 514.471 5.719 573.165 6.178 263.634 4.618
+694.750 515.974 5.675 573.861 6.422 261.696 4.661
+694.909 515.329 5.831 576.648 6.396 247.496 3.966
+695.067 516.263 5.574 572.926 6.544 261.435 6.226
+695.226 518.822 5.572 571.689 6.660 265.974 7.779
+695.385 516.768 5.639 577.166 6.689 256.409 6.390
+695.543 511.617 5.602 577.351 6.385 246.794 5.302
+695.701 515.916 5.784 572.973 6.238 258.587 4.621
+695.861 516.169 5.483 570.769 6.339 268.755 4.607
+696.019 515.821 5.519 575.317 6.168 254.967 4.087
+696.177 517.158 5.561 577.333 6.291 247.149 4.438
+696.335 518.931 5.593 573.283 6.389 264.881 6.039
+696.495 518.569 5.855 571.582 6.411 265.628 5.449
+696.653 518.505 6.295 575.115 6.755 253.366 3.883
+696.811 517.565 5.887 574.841 6.613 252.533 4.404
+696.970 515.705 5.578 573.758 6.150 264.855 5.436
+697.130 516.347 5.647 572.857 6.845 261.028 3.648
+697.289 513.983 5.384 574.618 6.271 254.180 4.571
+697.448 514.299 5.745 575.466 6.426 256.321 3.806
+697.608 515.873 5.613 574.784 6.275 262.883 3.881
+697.767 518.228 5.560 573.457 6.528 261.548 5.004
+697.925 518.432 5.777 574.214 6.228 252.475 4.530
+698.083 518.394 5.815 574.882 6.320 254.984 5.297
+698.242 516.684 5.621 572.988 6.489 263.809 4.305
+698.401 516.516 5.791 574.959 6.636 258.728 4.962
+698.560 515.395 5.670 575.869 7.234 251.437 4.128
+698.718 517.214 6.058 573.288 7.003 264.364 9.601
+698.876 516.622 6.584 573.432 6.440 259.773 12.821
+699.034 514.666 6.097 576.214 7.261 252.877 8.249
+699.192 514.486 7.005 574.592 7.405 252.018 6.978
+699.350 515.894 5.835 570.345 6.451 270.450 5.558
+699.509 516.509 5.695 572.203 6.565 264.934 6.132
+699.667 517.305 5.723 574.462 6.588 253.009 4.848
+699.826 519.643 5.694 577.214 6.277 249.730 4.219
+699.984 517.126 5.836 573.882 6.330 262.407 5.228
+700.144 518.401 5.508 572.798 6.027 264.134 5.063
+700.303 516.114 5.775 576.318 6.572 256.701 7.166
+700.460 516.831 6.024 575.483 6.488 254.117 5.232
+700.619 515.228 5.625 573.644 6.543 261.781 6.852
+700.779 516.112 5.492 571.476 6.318 263.037 3.921
+700.937 515.461 5.516 574.594 6.114 252.650 3.605
+701.096 515.374 5.619 575.696 6.288 254.386 4.052
+701.254 517.983 5.632 573.737 6.195 261.003 4.808
+701.414 516.579 5.754 573.087 6.392 259.450 4.255
+701.573 520.145 5.541 572.350 6.483 253.654 3.606
+701.731 520.831 6.402 575.163 6.412 256.586 5.744
+701.890 519.838 5.753 576.701 7.277 257.705 4.578
+702.049 517.338 5.704 575.527 6.278 257.037 6.729
+702.208 513.963 5.632 571.715 6.459 259.590 3.970
+702.367 516.179 5.441 572.247 6.142 259.375 4.504
+702.526 516.841 5.868 574.472 6.152 260.033 4.446
+702.684 515.118 5.617 573.724 6.496 255.940 5.564
+702.843 514.021 5.826 575.617 6.376 258.339 3.888
+703.003 516.850 5.963 570.836 6.287 265.793 4.971
+703.162 524.388 6.367 577.638 7.573 252.287 7.089
+703.319 524.933 6.295 579.026 7.342 241.772 6.449
+703.478 517.749 5.689 573.920 7.990 262.557 5.370
+703.637 522.017 5.810 570.939 6.259 275.555 5.293
+703.796 520.460 5.729 574.039 6.688 259.795 4.799
+703.954 517.234 5.746 576.800 6.475 251.767 3.245
+704.112 514.592 5.942 576.868 6.449 249.707 6.523
+704.271 513.605 5.752 574.498 6.034 265.687 4.262
+704.431 516.996 5.829 568.365 6.621 268.096 3.922
+704.589 522.769 6.917 578.133 7.204 245.040 11.596
+704.746 522.947 6.759 580.281 6.173 242.190 9.577
+704.904 516.479 6.382 572.112 7.075 266.011 11.236
+705.062 521.124 6.274 567.711 6.219 275.270 4.127
+705.220 520.611 5.658 576.067 6.339 253.642 3.926
+705.378 518.256 5.430 576.610 6.026 251.556 4.435
+705.536 517.322 5.489 574.726 6.114 262.595 6.616
+705.695 517.093 5.502 571.087 6.218 267.055 4.868
+705.853 517.371 6.076 572.870 6.532 250.160 4.507
+706.010 518.073 6.123 578.188 6.339 248.061 5.863
+706.169 517.340 5.956 573.872 7.091 260.220 5.474
+706.328 517.733 5.759 572.028 6.212 271.402 5.673
+706.487 520.737 5.599 574.770 6.424 254.984 6.078
+706.645 521.157 5.750 576.367 6.265 245.109 8.714
+706.802 521.271 5.854 575.323 6.264 259.181 6.096
+706.961 518.762 5.748 571.363 6.152 275.041 4.042
+707.120 521.187 5.567 575.143 6.173 255.470 5.365
+707.277 522.831 5.730 577.901 6.223 249.364 3.588
+707.436 520.018 5.515 575.899 6.245 256.053 4.359
+707.596 519.960 5.651 571.729 6.082 268.980 3.679
+707.755 520.389 5.624 573.527 6.376 260.519 3.532
+707.914 522.233 5.754 577.235 6.001 248.435 3.667
+708.072 522.112 5.490 576.312 6.083 254.214 5.010
+708.231 519.261 5.630 572.143 6.352 269.332 3.922
+708.389 521.142 5.602 573.511 5.995 260.513 4.606
+708.547 523.131 5.618 578.895 6.143 247.935 3.848
+708.705 524.331 5.491 575.699 6.308 255.229 3.994
+708.863 521.963 5.677 573.487 5.964 267.172 3.433
+709.023 524.349 5.547 575.474 6.135 260.391 3.660
+709.181 522.183 5.754 577.244 6.013 251.393 3.424
+709.339 520.571 5.529 575.732 6.135 258.963 4.055
+709.498 523.705 5.430 574.347 6.106 262.649 3.197
+709.657 521.737 5.536 575.133 6.068 257.536 4.569
+709.814 521.747 5.479 575.971 6.122 252.515 3.592
+709.973 521.457 5.566 575.189 6.082 258.185 4.810
+710.132 523.944 5.561 574.961 6.044 260.251 3.879
+710.290 521.799 5.540 576.089 6.122 259.332 4.611
+710.449 521.848 5.567 574.690 6.366 257.143 3.743
+710.607 522.508 5.631 575.626 6.082 256.261 4.970
+710.766 521.885 5.664 575.026 6.052 260.072 4.235
+710.925 521.438 5.673 574.780 6.092 259.820 3.727
+711.083 520.044 5.590 575.897 5.992 255.618 3.410
+711.241 519.750 5.540 575.369 5.983 256.386 3.703
+711.399 522.787 5.728 574.753 6.189 261.733 3.489
+711.558 519.727 5.699 575.737 6.299 257.487 4.111
+711.717 520.527 5.601 575.407 6.090 254.304 3.675
+711.875 523.005 5.578 574.954 6.034 260.033 3.552
+712.034 521.540 5.550 574.679 6.221 262.140 3.407
+712.193 520.755 5.639 576.256 6.105 253.911 4.832
+712.350 520.697 5.632 575.972 6.194 258.359 3.812
+712.510 520.417 5.601 573.159 6.029 262.863 3.730
+712.668 519.594 5.558 576.441 5.961 253.108 4.507
+712.826 520.276 5.606 575.324 6.095 255.041 3.582
+712.985 520.492 5.545 573.863 6.313 261.880 4.050
+713.144 520.634 5.791 575.628 6.073 260.368 3.675
+713.303 522.766 5.677 576.896 6.239 255.083 3.505
+713.461 519.817 5.671 575.899 6.137 253.750 3.564
+713.619 519.678 5.650 573.999 6.416 260.937 4.147
+713.779 520.166 5.633 573.880 6.260 263.559 4.216
+713.937 518.751 5.683 575.868 6.111 255.535 4.036
+714.095 518.827 5.471 576.598 6.199 253.785 4.871
+714.254 517.078 5.622 574.386 6.467 260.027 4.607
+714.413 515.350 5.535 573.293 6.118 262.900 3.570
+714.572 517.653 5.639 575.263 6.351 254.679 4.818
+714.730 518.256 5.496 576.362 6.054 252.526 3.418
+714.888 519.802 5.585 574.523 6.128 258.835 3.457
+715.048 519.088 5.553 575.205 6.059 264.498 3.815
+715.206 519.350 5.582 575.322 6.298 259.215 4.365
+715.364 516.553 5.642 574.603 6.331 253.712 3.664
+715.524 515.175 5.579 574.656 6.135 260.047 3.293
+715.683 514.971 5.548 573.406 6.271 261.540 3.896
+715.842 513.099 5.415 574.454 6.222 255.925 3.119
+716.001 510.411 5.523 574.434 6.024 254.879 3.713
+716.160 511.334 5.503 574.314 6.059 261.218 3.152
+716.319 513.933 5.579 574.263 6.142 260.122 3.351
+716.478 513.219 5.537 575.962 6.127 257.821 3.783
+716.637 515.362 5.432 574.799 5.996 256.308 3.952
+716.796 514.203 5.593 574.228 6.147 257.553 3.652
+716.955 514.432 5.503 573.792 6.092 258.385 3.598
+717.115 513.594 5.492 573.668 6.406 259.403 3.524
+717.274 512.526 5.500 574.616 6.077 259.344 3.759
+717.433 511.715 5.448 577.106 6.170 256.003 3.592
+717.592 511.487 5.509 574.131 6.415 256.870 4.102
+717.750 512.754 5.661 573.071 6.142 260.658 4.911
+717.910 512.757 5.519 574.530 6.059 259.596 3.805
+718.068 511.957 5.502 576.025 6.255 255.566 4.040
+718.226 510.819 5.490 574.550 6.288 259.115 4.584
+718.385 512.878 5.491 571.925 6.417 262.101 3.855
+718.545 512.928 5.751 575.439 5.989 257.851 3.734
+718.704 512.509 5.486 577.224 6.074 254.858 4.446
+718.863 513.015 5.519 574.162 6.223 259.848 3.513
+719.022 513.170 5.572 571.261 6.110 260.988 3.651
+719.182 514.221 5.522 573.852 6.108 257.489 3.719
+719.341 514.822 5.370 575.798 6.147 255.604 3.646
+719.499 515.138 5.576 574.668 6.074 257.476 3.894
+719.660 514.801 5.571 575.676 6.189 262.304 3.284
+719.819 514.468 5.626 573.146 6.370 257.813 4.165
+719.978 515.274 5.495 575.571 6.088 255.468 3.940
+720.136 515.562 5.516 574.885 6.112 258.304 3.463
+720.295 515.235 5.513 574.438 6.023 259.603 3.651
+720.455 515.322 5.413 574.424 6.185 257.696 3.525
+720.614 514.753 5.547 574.504 6.082 257.057 3.315
+720.774 515.247 5.512 574.445 6.149 259.880 3.181
+720.933 517.112 5.586 574.074 5.983 259.468 3.592
+721.092 516.681 5.498 574.870 6.295 257.414 3.583
+721.251 516.256 5.553 574.638 6.098 256.544 3.869
+721.410 515.992 5.719 574.486 6.134 258.805 4.171
+721.569 516.840 5.462 574.664 6.211 259.428 3.528
+721.728 515.508 5.516 574.576 6.189 257.974 3.247
+721.888 514.765 5.592 574.325 6.162 258.149 3.668
+722.048 515.807 5.618 574.283 6.087 257.441 3.631
+722.206 516.108 5.416 575.452 6.161 257.324 4.419
+722.365 516.821 5.437 574.564 6.166 259.973 3.449
+722.525 516.308 5.507 573.875 6.153 259.169 3.555
+722.684 515.833 5.546 574.838 5.993 257.081 3.371
+722.843 516.158 5.499 573.878 6.100 257.480 3.978
+723.002 516.411 5.516 573.428 6.098 260.644 4.170
+723.161 516.054 5.463 574.234 6.132 259.826 3.704
+723.320 514.970 5.442 572.822 6.062 257.828 3.661
+723.479 515.089 5.397 573.118 6.091 257.238 3.132
+723.639 514.020 5.564 572.461 6.133 258.332 3.898
+723.798 514.110 5.572 572.844 6.172 259.143 4.014
+723.958 514.151 5.530 573.958 6.323 258.411 4.915
+724.117 513.451 5.595 574.369 6.129 256.014 3.630
+724.276 516.624 5.478 574.383 6.020 258.240 3.584
+724.435 516.906 5.542 573.803 6.096 262.092 3.654
+724.595 516.059 5.540 574.938 6.181 259.430 3.470
+724.754 516.220 5.432 573.579 6.066 257.664 4.376
+724.914 515.072 5.496 573.895 6.193 259.496 3.390
+725.073 514.350 5.441 573.719 6.365 258.715 4.324
+725.232 515.183 5.364 575.037 6.053 258.327 3.438
+725.391 515.241 5.522 574.530 5.964 258.713 3.542
+725.550 514.372 5.540 574.805 6.028 257.947 3.461
+725.710 516.093 5.543 574.468 6.123 259.029 3.461
+725.869 515.540 5.675 574.414 6.010 258.560 3.936
+726.028 516.235 5.491 575.214 6.106 257.765 4.417
+726.186 516.272 5.481 574.452 6.118 257.797 4.036
+726.345 515.522 5.404 574.234 6.253 258.228 4.148
+726.504 515.355 5.449 574.192 6.351 258.632 4.489
+726.663 514.813 5.510 575.111 6.283 258.756 3.785
+726.822 515.608 5.432 574.771 6.290 257.897 3.592
+726.982 515.856 5.538 575.327 5.988 258.828 4.081
+727.141 516.028 5.402 573.963 6.226 259.138 3.614
+727.300 514.990 5.490 574.489 6.132 257.611 3.378
+727.460 514.379 5.544 574.874 6.156 260.076 3.945
+727.619 514.743 5.553 573.638 6.298 260.130 3.788
+727.779 515.137 5.570 574.126 6.064 260.271 3.418
+727.938 515.131 5.578 574.131 6.240 257.682 4.033
+728.097 516.011 5.516 574.351 5.971 257.886 3.786
+728.256 516.240 5.499 574.363 5.996 261.128 3.081
+728.416 515.602 5.798 574.593 6.108 257.941 3.638
+728.575 515.456 5.436 574.706 5.966 255.199 3.522
+728.733 515.174 5.499 573.707 6.256 257.222 3.154
+728.894 514.951 5.473 573.457 6.154 261.372 3.673
+729.053 515.389 5.564 574.304 6.052 258.343 4.428
+729.211 515.623 5.604 574.643 6.249 254.813 3.656
+729.370 515.056 5.467 574.386 6.020 257.308 3.926
+729.530 514.980 5.413 573.593 6.235 260.813 3.701
+729.689 516.669 5.469 574.066 6.219 257.098 3.772
+729.848 516.906 5.517 575.460 6.115 254.280 5.854
+730.006 514.569 5.484 574.434 6.330 256.902 3.762
+730.165 514.935 5.650 573.324 6.384 261.549 4.356
+730.325 514.789 6.099 573.453 6.846 260.395 5.001
+730.484 514.867 5.450 574.544 6.393 254.413 5.216
+730.643 514.538 5.609 573.475 6.665 257.974 4.370
+730.802 516.215 5.471 572.724 6.254 260.509 4.460
+730.960 521.942 5.632 574.407 6.431 258.655 6.982
+731.118 519.379 5.653 575.214 6.261 253.416 5.017
+731.277 511.643 5.798 572.952 6.384 257.584 4.611
+731.436 516.756 5.613 573.059 6.341 259.455 3.355
+731.595 516.207 5.692 573.010 6.918 259.714 4.642
+731.754 515.402 5.898 573.780 7.334 256.537 8.447
+731.912 516.654 5.883 575.057 6.929 257.065 6.902
+732.071 516.186 5.527 573.750 6.331 259.230 4.985
+732.229 516.421 5.810 573.147 6.262 257.732 3.898
+732.388 517.514 5.704 575.961 6.240 256.297 5.234
+732.548 520.405 5.617 574.289 6.345 258.973 4.229
+732.706 518.804 5.486 574.523 6.374 259.439 4.467
+732.865 517.618 5.843 573.845 6.089 257.594 3.943
+733.023 517.156 5.454 573.788 6.193 256.735 3.830
+733.183 516.501 5.618 573.637 6.103 258.337 3.993
+733.341 517.855 5.447 573.256 6.713 257.843 4.563
+733.499 517.098 5.754 573.532 6.668 256.888 7.298
+733.658 515.191 5.480 573.115 6.774 257.358 5.062
+733.817 514.691 6.019 571.611 6.715 261.503 5.729
+733.976 516.147 6.035 572.626 6.273 258.265 5.099
+734.135 516.131 5.550 574.036 6.467 255.472 6.472
+734.294 518.621 5.566 575.100 6.581 256.634 4.527
+734.452 521.546 5.720 574.051 6.224 259.706 4.114
+734.611 521.385 5.578 574.720 6.347 257.477 3.958
+734.769 517.583 5.522 575.197 6.023 258.294 4.826
+734.928 517.355 5.558 574.452 6.188 258.562 4.119
+735.087 515.283 5.685 574.554 6.255 259.825 4.384
+735.246 512.382 5.606 573.575 6.284 257.268 4.355
+735.405 513.673 5.658 574.725 6.389 255.952 4.175
+735.564 514.746 5.426 574.327 6.047 256.529 3.549
+735.723 517.227 5.759 573.793 6.199 260.405 3.996
+735.882 517.032 5.538 573.918 6.055 258.294 3.735
+736.041 519.860 5.497 573.789 6.068 256.512 3.610
+736.199 517.778 5.643 574.617 6.020 260.295 3.660
+736.359 517.527 5.538 573.096 6.098 259.092 3.391
+736.519 517.265 5.694 573.561 6.172 258.450 3.678
+736.678 516.892 5.551 573.905 6.092 257.514 3.803
+736.836 516.439 5.628 574.119 6.070 257.375 3.748
+736.995 514.344 5.567 572.861 6.235 260.153 5.121
+737.155 513.923 5.450 573.468 6.210 258.191 5.080
+737.314 515.289 5.506 574.904 6.255 255.111 3.762
+737.473 515.872 5.529 574.629 5.984 256.871 3.803
+737.633 516.718 5.449 572.856 6.049 264.538 3.263
+737.792 518.317 5.696 574.538 6.140 256.905 3.740
+737.950 518.773 5.510 574.735 6.058 252.479 3.289
+738.109 518.937 5.508 573.597 6.074 262.084 3.810
+738.269 518.679 5.484 571.896 5.981 263.720 3.665
+738.427 516.716 5.447 575.129 6.106 255.637 4.260
+738.585 514.537 5.518 575.001 6.145 252.046 3.739
+738.744 513.335 5.490 572.420 6.290 261.280 3.596
+738.904 514.943 5.492 572.374 6.095 264.172 3.920
+739.063 515.139 5.562 575.483 6.010 250.301 4.760
+739.220 516.361 5.582 575.924 6.056 251.513 3.689
+739.379 517.823 5.527 573.489 6.119 260.915 3.622
+739.539 515.458 5.509 571.234 6.128 266.479 4.289
+739.698 517.734 5.705 574.732 6.086 257.434 4.034
+739.855 517.637 5.572 576.187 6.121 253.194 3.510
+740.014 517.236 5.478 572.931 6.053 259.321 3.381
+740.173 516.842 5.529 572.599 6.071 262.593 3.782
+740.332 516.278 5.421 574.606 6.247 255.645 3.448
+740.491 516.452 5.522 574.686 6.100 255.516 3.705
+740.649 515.854 5.454 574.336 5.984 257.375 3.692
+740.809 515.958 5.520 571.843 6.238 263.923 4.295
+740.968 516.089 5.517 572.558 5.981 260.459 3.913
+741.126 515.310 5.502 575.035 6.308 253.124 3.984
+741.284 516.583 5.569 572.910 6.237 254.691 3.555
+741.443 516.865 5.502 572.509 6.100 261.886 3.534
+741.603 516.288 5.490 573.085 6.089 260.528 3.518
+741.761 516.452 5.473 574.880 6.063 252.785 3.794
+741.918 517.814 5.482 574.578 6.366 252.927 3.482
+742.077 517.488 5.671 571.515 6.065 264.189 3.789
+742.236 516.944 5.445 572.995 5.963 261.731 3.741
+742.395 516.329 5.571 574.800 6.023 254.227 3.601
+742.553 516.753 5.484 574.338 6.316 254.332 4.716
+742.713 516.567 5.541 572.083 6.063 263.233 3.289
+742.873 516.625 5.507 572.560 5.965 261.622 3.526
+743.031 515.806 5.442 573.995 6.379 253.626 4.049
+743.190 515.868 5.523 573.930 6.143 255.506 3.636
+743.349 515.778 5.548 572.489 6.461 261.135 3.568
+743.508 517.567 5.533 572.834 6.044 259.751 3.765
+743.668 518.545 5.491 573.708 6.090 259.447 3.716
+743.826 517.775 5.426 575.627 6.197 255.454 3.480
+743.985 517.367 5.593 573.786 6.078 260.064 4.263
+744.144 516.513 5.532 572.907 6.112 260.900 4.031
+744.303 515.815 5.387 573.919 6.126 256.379 3.906
+744.462 515.868 5.559 575.029 6.258 255.993 3.627
+744.622 516.118 5.671 574.860 6.362 256.989 3.776
+744.782 515.371 5.424 574.098 6.168 259.919 4.251
+744.941 516.513 5.412 574.401 6.055 257.329 3.612
+745.100 518.175 5.539 573.884 6.175 258.423 3.579
+745.260 519.571 5.841 573.278 6.434 262.614 4.887
+745.418 518.125 6.092 573.682 6.930 259.936 8.214
+745.576 514.891 5.984 575.286 6.483 255.989 7.434
+745.734 516.278 6.030 574.232 7.865 258.279 10.774
+745.892 516.662 6.219 572.582 7.521 259.552 9.063
+746.050 513.586 6.465 574.045 6.671 258.465 4.264
+746.208 514.025 6.105 575.070 6.894 254.504 6.201
+746.367 516.500 5.910 573.650 6.345 258.015 4.624
+746.526 517.495 5.915 576.026 6.331 259.620 4.853
+746.685 517.925 5.743 574.400 6.083 259.136 4.262
+746.844 515.669 5.802 576.334 7.058 259.901 4.246
+747.003 518.096 5.977 574.873 7.002 256.169 5.964
+747.162 517.210 5.733 575.008 6.133 259.881 5.366
+747.321 514.172 5.867 575.380 6.655 261.748 3.995
+747.480 515.731 5.754 574.623 6.493 258.637 5.903
+747.638 516.507 5.637 575.806 6.365 251.836 5.549
+747.796 516.475 5.643 574.598 6.224 255.168 5.468
+747.955 510.414 6.817 571.956 6.727 260.641 7.851
+748.112 522.094 6.981 577.549 7.357 260.616 14.853
+748.270 520.321 5.748 573.025 6.577 260.146 7.647
+748.427 522.783 6.802 577.050 6.447 247.911 3.970
+748.585 537.417 5.662 576.010 6.609 259.259 4.595
+748.744 536.134 6.221 575.750 6.467 263.832 7.143
+748.902 531.821 6.031 575.907 6.839 253.918 4.703
+749.061 533.618 5.804 575.619 6.291 255.689 6.920
+749.220 538.326 6.065 576.586 7.153 261.896 11.662
+749.378 535.563 6.870 576.745 8.402 260.409 11.218
+749.535 530.625 7.213 578.827 6.529 254.044 11.440
+749.693 530.136 6.206 576.618 6.185 252.050 6.089
+749.851 537.991 6.403 572.876 6.340 254.810 7.906
+750.009 534.259 5.935 570.288 6.430 264.998 6.308
+750.169 538.332 8.333 577.072 7.079 255.570 6.494
+750.326 532.673 6.896 578.620 10.144 253.255 12.753
+750.483 522.216 7.901 571.316 8.952 256.472 5.932
+750.641 525.642 7.346 571.223 10.485 270.314 11.554
+750.800 522.736 6.217 570.522 7.709 262.643 7.233
+750.957 518.587 5.957 575.695 6.188 246.256 4.318
+751.115 520.085 6.675 573.597 7.463 254.022 4.773
+751.273 521.270 5.945 572.676 6.279 262.350 4.840
+751.433 521.212 5.903 575.416 9.345 261.633 6.796
+751.591 521.162 6.357 573.074 8.039 260.646 6.311
+751.749 509.341 6.446 571.470 6.897 255.176 7.606
+751.908 504.393 6.740 573.384 7.174 263.711 3.886
+752.067 501.653 5.914 571.033 6.759 258.577 20.193
+752.224 500.486 5.728 572.270 7.473 256.325 10.046
+752.381 498.974 5.513 573.812 6.481 253.243 9.680
+752.539 503.709 5.949 574.348 7.164 260.602 7.670
+752.698 502.347 5.807 573.753 7.348 255.966 5.909
+752.856 504.533 5.596 573.627 7.293 257.249 4.226
+753.015 507.085 5.617 573.776 6.467 261.202 4.412
+753.173 507.290 5.648 571.887 6.462 262.232 3.849
+753.332 505.682 5.969 570.789 6.375 262.812 10.529
+753.490 498.506 8.986 574.008 9.232 259.588 8.374
+753.648 507.035 8.196 574.250 6.624 256.915 11.966
+753.805 497.300 7.160 574.322 8.978 253.839 19.573
+753.962 497.213 5.395 577.283 6.869 262.178 14.935
+754.119 501.992 5.832 572.902 7.065 263.531 12.876
+754.277 508.969 5.967 575.259 6.763 255.455 6.236
+754.435 509.799 5.776 568.652 6.439 256.594 6.094
+754.595 514.188 5.673 574.016 7.555 259.355 7.250
+754.753 516.231 5.856 575.340 6.982 257.743 9.371
+754.911 516.492 5.918 575.123 7.309 253.577 9.457
+755.069 514.194 5.704 572.611 7.222 261.815 5.111
+755.228 515.382 5.832 573.206 6.115 261.178 4.707
+755.387 509.883 5.742 569.282 6.304 255.051 7.176
+755.545 512.268 5.964 571.352 7.995 256.150 10.205
+755.703 512.172 6.356 574.103 7.270 258.811 8.016
+755.862 509.661 5.693 575.911 7.069 264.818 4.953
+756.021 515.756 5.749 575.259 7.383 258.638 11.420
+756.179 517.677 5.584 575.042 6.451 254.866 7.179
+756.337 516.716 5.819 575.570 6.849 257.348 5.249
+756.496 517.057 5.956 574.295 6.095 262.493 5.408
+756.655 520.420 5.704 573.033 7.017 258.144 3.757
+756.813 521.354 6.082 575.210 8.958 253.931 6.869
+756.971 517.693 6.356 572.892 6.889 258.779 7.574
+757.129 518.566 5.773 573.858 6.617 262.737 12.931
+757.288 515.525 5.930 574.078 6.972 256.937 5.296
+757.446 512.825 5.658 575.350 6.936 254.369 6.404
+757.605 513.168 5.653 570.493 6.488 264.283 6.451
+757.765 517.371 5.462 574.165 7.570 260.862 4.836
+757.923 517.963 6.634 574.891 6.896 254.448 5.043
+758.081 517.789 5.960 575.709 7.666 257.864 5.549
+758.240 519.457 6.215 574.007 7.497 261.418 6.674
+758.399 518.704 6.100 574.080 7.854 259.974 5.855
+758.558 521.287 5.740 573.520 6.366 258.059 11.065
+758.716 515.752 6.087 576.315 7.100 256.880 9.522
+758.874 517.407 6.461 574.063 6.528 258.968 4.664
+759.033 516.734 5.658 573.620 7.219 256.589 8.446
+759.190 516.437 6.081 575.306 7.012 255.495 7.680
+759.350 512.204 5.774 572.913 6.911 260.284 4.121
+759.509 514.132 6.963 574.009 7.907 261.072 8.734
+759.668 518.461 7.085 574.260 6.774 258.390 4.909
+759.826 518.654 7.373 575.452 6.721 257.313 5.123
+759.984 520.076 5.924 575.574 7.276 255.603 5.710
+760.142 519.900 6.046 573.935 6.551 258.156 7.902
+760.300 518.149 6.286 573.309 6.286 257.021 5.313
+760.459 520.901 6.300 573.503 6.568 256.550 5.097
+760.617 517.649 6.580 574.785 6.938 259.775 5.448
+760.776 515.246 5.914 573.477 7.238 257.407 5.364
+760.935 514.372 5.775 571.994 7.093 256.164 5.426
+761.094 511.893 7.358 574.139 6.584 255.281 6.899
+761.251 519.549 5.643 573.581 6.730 258.732 4.792
+761.409 519.285 6.079 574.855 9.763 256.757 7.338
+761.567 517.292 5.888 573.198 6.626 257.077 5.587
+761.726 517.242 5.632 574.062 6.413 257.000 4.728
+761.884 516.522 6.204 574.620 6.575 258.450 8.884
+762.043 515.855 5.833 574.626 6.494 257.184 6.729
+762.201 517.908 6.143 574.796 6.765 252.771 8.578
+762.359 519.979 6.997 575.758 6.574 259.407 6.605
+762.517 519.029 5.528 572.697 6.675 259.144 5.759
+762.676 519.700 6.396 574.347 7.394 254.491 5.903
+762.835 516.897 6.939 576.293 7.091 253.404 9.361
+762.993 513.079 5.964 571.693 6.391 265.234 4.279
+763.153 516.270 6.819 575.047 9.424 258.462 10.701
+763.311 514.832 6.557 576.080 7.681 249.614 5.519
+763.469 516.218 5.960 573.100 7.785 254.666 9.299
+763.627 519.852 6.145 574.561 6.686 263.806 5.429
+763.786 518.628 5.696 572.935 7.621 262.228 5.219
+763.944 516.836 5.605 575.079 6.424 256.422 4.235
+764.102 517.648 5.715 575.140 6.881 254.634 4.252
+764.261 517.776 6.215 573.491 7.225 263.396 6.015
+764.420 514.827 6.105 573.064 6.506 265.024 4.319
+764.579 518.848 6.557 575.260 8.555 254.870 7.440
+764.738 518.458 6.259 574.912 6.669 253.488 4.755
+764.896 514.534 6.342 574.609 6.472 260.824 8.813
+765.054 518.985 5.898 571.426 6.644 261.078 5.677
+765.212 517.419 5.962 574.064 7.058 256.610 4.713
+765.371 516.304 5.909 574.720 6.327 255.886 5.148
+765.530 516.823 5.521 573.757 6.367 257.128 7.785
+765.688 517.528 6.211 574.017 6.225 263.141 5.015
+765.847 518.445 5.900 574.100 6.851 255.831 6.063
+766.005 518.474 5.689 575.211 6.352 254.408 6.034
+766.164 517.144 5.535 574.402 6.740 260.394 7.374
+766.322 513.751 6.086 574.554 7.222 263.493 6.019
+766.480 518.217 5.798 574.585 6.699 257.474 3.888
+766.639 519.682 6.376 577.505 7.844 253.184 9.745
+766.796 514.836 6.580 575.505 7.750 258.541 11.556
+766.955 518.728 6.459 572.415 6.733 264.355 6.122
+767.113 518.417 5.711 575.004 8.533 258.353 6.926
+767.271 517.424 6.928 575.920 8.004 253.813 7.945
+767.428 516.314 5.885 574.549 6.712 256.758 6.734
+767.587 517.893 6.485 573.575 6.506 261.467 9.523
+767.745 518.449 6.630 574.345 6.672 258.004 10.283
+767.903 515.104 6.154 575.093 6.641 254.840 5.314
+768.063 515.331 5.800 574.351 7.305 258.108 4.915
+768.222 518.563 5.665 573.493 6.731 261.181 5.398
+768.381 517.655 6.087 575.294 6.489 259.861 8.144
+768.539 517.036 5.863 574.843 8.029 258.298 6.934
+768.696 519.640 5.890 575.148 6.240 259.773 9.326
+768.854 517.686 5.813 573.631 7.625 260.477 4.704
+769.013 517.126 5.945 573.756 7.251 259.164 9.134
+769.171 512.641 6.490 574.157 6.392 257.641 7.251
+769.330 514.466 6.484 575.081 7.461 258.496 11.330
+769.488 522.864 6.245 575.040 7.999 256.954 5.840
+769.646 515.168 6.082 571.990 6.719 256.739 5.695
+769.805 515.891 5.927 574.219 6.169 258.157 5.859
+769.964 518.059 6.158 574.892 6.451 255.431 8.204
+770.122 514.620 5.652 575.899 6.514 259.874 6.166
+770.281 520.396 5.804 574.189 6.355 256.768 7.379
+770.439 516.814 5.742 573.821 6.507 258.477 5.449
+770.597 518.908 5.546 574.728 6.731 254.874 3.948
+770.755 519.759 5.864 576.077 6.820 257.288 7.760
+770.914 514.967 5.663 573.770 6.430 258.342 7.422
+771.072 515.359 6.428 573.237 6.772 258.923 11.147
+771.231 516.083 5.791 573.752 6.628 255.079 8.956
+771.389 517.220 5.997 574.487 6.331 256.560 7.227
+771.547 515.912 6.000 573.174 7.017 259.455 7.774
+771.705 516.579 6.117 573.871 7.188 258.644 4.812
+771.864 519.505 6.192 574.428 7.440 252.926 5.595
+772.022 518.555 5.842 574.274 6.258 259.249 3.893
+772.181 519.765 5.695 574.562 7.870 260.482 3.979
+772.338 519.287 6.123 573.515 6.303 258.314 5.036
+772.498 516.772 5.678 572.465 6.827 256.303 9.003
+772.656 513.737 5.935 570.184 6.899 257.603 15.093
+772.814 516.737 5.702 571.371 6.472 263.756 9.255
+772.972 523.307 6.606 570.683 8.115 252.537 6.650
+773.130 522.133 6.100 573.336 6.417 257.275 6.192
+773.288 535.141 6.454 575.893 6.527 256.602 8.432
+773.445 534.941 5.808 573.108 6.322 252.256 7.032
+773.603 536.819 6.046 574.551 6.108 257.092 8.999
+773.761 537.478 6.072 574.865 6.629 258.840 5.660
+773.920 532.404 6.534 574.518 7.145 252.978 9.725
+774.077 535.884 6.430 573.305 7.046 257.129 10.233
+774.235 531.608 6.060 575.283 7.086 259.991 5.518
+774.394 534.216 6.470 574.082 7.139 252.209 9.726
+774.552 529.802 8.125 574.560 8.302 256.712 10.085
+774.710 541.278 6.466 572.495 6.952 258.797 7.183
+774.868 530.242 9.605 575.565 10.090 252.798 15.020
+775.024 543.432 8.034 575.925 10.306 262.318 19.355
+775.180 538.074 7.298 574.049 11.133 257.763 16.966
+775.338 540.110 6.086 571.800 7.431 259.577 5.169
+775.496 536.601 6.205 574.878 7.372 257.145 6.434
+775.656 528.926 6.162 574.408 6.450 263.041 6.208
+775.815 529.509 5.945 572.114 6.831 263.530 4.327
+775.973 516.135 6.585 576.031 8.606 247.285 9.487
+776.130 510.861 6.647 571.860 8.237 254.022 8.730
+776.287 506.548 18.305 573.908 16.904 263.000 22.523
+776.443 508.605 10.288 569.849 24.026 260.760 28.574
+776.599 498.936 10.738 576.988 13.988 260.747 12.601
+776.756 503.089 7.044 570.639 8.685 261.397 12.303
+776.913 502.770 6.718 569.956 10.292 252.444 12.496
+777.071 503.157 6.649 576.029 11.604 262.774 9.219
+777.230 507.861 5.547 570.080 7.429 257.987 9.274
+777.387 497.988 6.082 575.960 6.475 259.499 6.870
+777.545 499.159 7.545 575.849 9.439 256.825 20.061
+777.701 504.371 9.555 575.978 15.404 254.768 16.870
+777.857 493.273 7.745 574.339 11.505 262.097 28.438
+778.013 491.032 7.204 576.443 10.174 253.581 18.231
+778.170 492.220 7.912 569.474 7.821 263.965 8.485
+778.328 485.662 6.666 577.394 8.158 267.029 7.800
+778.485 502.706 7.045 581.574 7.817 253.420 13.914
+778.642 508.227 6.695 576.655 8.594 254.684 16.864
+778.799 514.312 7.279 578.176 9.424 264.516 7.686
+778.957 515.353 6.700 575.751 8.304 259.325 9.164
+779.114 512.843 6.635 575.227 8.142 256.493 4.614
+779.272 514.778 5.938 577.972 7.435 259.144 8.180
+779.431 509.487 5.985 573.999 6.855 261.561 8.639
+779.588 503.474 5.918 576.250 7.177 260.185 9.630
+779.746 508.594 6.865 577.472 11.311 252.451 4.995
+779.904 509.506 6.311 575.344 7.390 260.184 4.520
+780.063 517.155 5.621 575.153 7.908 262.341 5.646
+780.222 519.871 6.773 577.651 8.303 254.403 10.745
+780.379 514.798 7.635 575.286 9.341 259.774 11.586
+780.536 520.258 6.097 578.112 7.526 255.247 10.961
+780.695 522.912 6.128 577.131 6.769 266.852 5.541
+780.855 519.669 5.602 579.141 7.970 262.078 6.235
+781.013 519.486 5.802 576.961 7.447 256.930 7.045
+781.172 518.464 6.698 579.089 7.475 258.609 6.254
+781.330 516.514 6.732 573.510 9.571 257.296 5.857
+781.488 517.045 6.258 576.985 9.255 255.452 6.298
+781.646 515.970 6.230 578.889 6.622 256.434 5.330
+781.806 516.889 5.829 576.608 6.459 258.904 5.374
+781.965 514.968 6.462 581.766 7.123 252.549 8.127
+782.123 517.239 7.347 577.097 8.031 263.595 12.972
+782.280 518.802 6.258 576.841 7.789 253.995 13.484
+782.439 518.148 6.281 581.968 7.171 260.790 5.711
+782.598 519.211 6.602 579.629 7.333 260.507 7.473
+782.757 515.772 7.936 581.996 6.840 261.075 9.311
+782.914 517.067 7.006 585.180 8.309 261.280 6.371
+783.073 517.930 7.278 585.681 7.654 259.662 7.231
+783.232 516.329 8.846 579.866 7.457 263.026 9.763
+783.390 518.103 7.072 582.498 9.258 261.900 14.405
+783.547 519.381 6.887 585.295 9.743 253.159 13.015
+783.705 514.933 7.439 584.513 12.553 256.231 14.779
+783.863 517.739 8.014 581.895 7.839 270.892 10.864
+784.020 518.007 6.329 587.559 8.709 260.698 16.298
+784.177 517.760 7.460 584.885 9.562 255.127 9.509
+784.334 515.517 7.009 586.968 7.549 263.211 8.487
+784.492 519.775 7.294 585.979 8.898 265.422 9.667
+784.649 516.857 7.553 586.479 7.837 259.894 9.110
+784.807 516.668 6.071 584.274 8.095 258.748 7.569
+784.966 515.326 6.296 583.582 7.351 264.957 13.911
+785.123 517.583 6.300 586.315 7.154 260.909 5.700
+785.283 516.335 7.381 586.973 8.180 259.959 10.660
+785.440 517.593 6.606 584.789 9.043 263.409 10.354
+785.599 516.365 6.135 585.668 6.707 258.784 8.141
+785.756 518.573 6.879 589.006 7.604 261.367 12.251
+785.915 513.365 7.333 587.080 8.251 260.673 11.393
+786.074 517.743 8.323 586.840 7.618 265.296 7.718
+786.232 514.967 6.768 587.498 9.621 258.432 10.685
+786.391 516.009 6.830 586.455 9.455 262.384 7.414
+786.549 514.190 8.017 586.294 8.199 263.953 10.940
+786.707 519.601 7.680 587.993 11.596 258.869 13.100
+786.865 515.206 6.716 587.389 8.150 261.638 8.789
+787.022 517.302 6.145 584.133 8.091 263.206 9.418
+787.180 517.033 8.547 585.481 6.786 261.802 5.361
+787.339 514.380 8.822 584.294 8.031 258.478 11.134
+787.497 513.983 8.321 586.933 11.378 261.674 12.418
+787.655 517.829 8.736 583.909 9.432 266.846 15.658
+787.812 513.708 7.144 585.779 13.456 262.098 17.462
+787.969 517.547 6.885 586.737 7.645 258.971 9.634
+788.128 515.065 6.525 584.497 7.334 263.869 4.423
+788.286 519.040 5.943 586.445 7.713 262.538 7.059
+788.444 516.010 6.099 586.194 7.035 259.305 6.466
+788.603 517.040 6.828 585.652 9.004 261.653 5.690
+788.760 516.970 6.039 585.426 7.081 264.226 6.594
+788.920 514.889 7.359 583.934 7.622 263.502 5.791
+789.079 515.758 5.960 584.529 7.811 261.795 11.922
+789.237 515.287 7.079 586.685 7.877 260.378 8.368
+789.394 518.062 6.150 586.116 6.928 260.303 6.124
+789.553 517.070 6.598 585.771 7.149 260.043 13.444
+789.711 516.890 5.820 586.547 6.769 260.060 6.781
+789.869 516.618 6.264 583.515 6.973 264.230 10.415
+790.028 515.376 6.549 584.665 7.828 255.442 7.649
+790.186 513.443 5.943 584.616 7.161 263.774 10.324
+790.343 516.334 6.687 585.626 6.527 258.527 8.450
+790.501 514.583 6.106 582.986 6.950 263.365 10.542
+790.660 518.595 5.802 583.689 6.750 262.093 4.543
+790.819 516.135 5.936 585.706 7.315 261.680 8.238
+790.977 516.581 5.607 583.277 6.894 261.446 3.871
+791.136 516.005 6.291 583.532 6.717 260.304 5.446
+791.295 515.590 5.813 580.405 7.315 261.683 6.242
+791.454 516.345 5.917 582.094 6.995 261.276 4.590
+791.613 515.693 6.157 584.491 7.351 258.352 9.567
+791.771 516.527 5.785 582.994 7.603 263.023 5.824
+791.931 516.415 5.958 582.319 7.195 256.680 7.701
+792.090 515.694 7.264 582.723 7.125 259.236 5.284
+792.248 517.316 5.648 582.107 7.176 261.482 7.132
+792.406 516.623 6.498 579.411 6.570 259.174 7.116
+792.564 517.146 6.873 581.504 7.434 262.181 7.027
+792.723 516.841 5.863 581.935 8.181 265.171 8.276
+792.881 516.378 6.454 582.249 7.165 260.681 7.280
+793.039 517.533 5.926 581.112 6.695 258.706 8.529
+793.196 516.505 6.493 580.561 7.453 259.657 6.578
+793.355 517.835 6.502 582.955 7.809 260.326 13.430
+793.514 515.978 5.718 580.879 6.980 258.933 8.338
+793.672 516.759 6.179 580.638 6.566 258.169 11.358
+793.830 517.627 5.840 579.026 6.922 262.081 5.863
+793.990 517.056 6.036 579.580 7.205 260.800 6.511
+794.148 516.690 6.115 578.865 7.643 259.438 4.688
+794.307 517.296 5.962 579.608 6.435 259.194 4.146
+794.467 515.873 5.693 579.476 6.940 260.591 5.298
+794.625 517.178 5.884 579.914 6.672 259.595 9.145
+794.783 516.431 6.191 579.099 6.619 259.245 5.295
+794.942 518.334 6.325 577.331 7.635 257.852 5.201
+795.101 518.583 5.750 578.093 7.204 259.328 10.426
+795.260 516.275 5.674 578.170 7.079 258.143 5.531
+795.419 517.972 5.743 578.751 7.178 259.011 6.516
+795.578 517.049 5.722 578.857 6.690 256.980 3.798
+795.737 515.900 5.819 577.858 7.293 259.189 5.948
+795.896 517.139 5.594 578.838 7.470 258.621 5.202
+796.055 517.141 5.884 577.538 6.833 262.576 8.527
+796.213 518.181 7.278 575.075 9.748 261.495 7.626
+796.371 517.161 5.733 580.700 6.810 259.174 10.748
+796.529 516.471 6.424 576.677 6.604 256.071 8.087
+796.687 516.074 6.265 580.976 8.444 256.990 7.511
+796.846 515.690 7.328 579.359 7.755 258.319 5.908
+797.005 516.257 6.368 580.413 8.825 258.203 3.819
+797.163 516.822 7.220 580.384 6.924 259.452 10.559
+797.322 518.398 6.777 579.823 7.739 259.474 7.151
+797.480 515.154 7.172 579.648 8.173 258.394 6.587
+797.638 517.141 7.949 579.766 9.114 257.903 15.432
+797.794 516.641 8.002 579.987 7.219 258.849 6.687
+797.952 517.146 7.291 581.439 8.563 258.358 8.812
+798.110 516.591 8.049 581.234 10.177 259.223 14.663
+798.267 515.815 6.341 582.722 9.458 259.272 9.174
+798.425 515.788 6.428 579.557 6.953 261.722 7.902
+798.584 514.887 5.948 580.035 8.020 261.317 9.929
+798.743 516.668 7.081 579.390 8.131 261.373 14.172
+798.900 515.436 6.527 581.783 9.335 255.703 18.009
+799.057 517.014 6.442 581.837 8.258 259.187 10.391
+799.216 516.570 7.457 582.018 9.374 260.551 11.947
+799.374 516.385 9.210 582.930 10.177 260.525 12.814
+799.532 514.853 7.153 579.469 9.996 260.735 14.103
+799.690 517.038 7.593 577.884 8.316 265.107 11.810
+799.849 517.130 6.609 580.458 6.967 257.391 12.098
+800.007 515.731 6.226 582.364 7.745 256.703 6.842
+800.165 516.697 8.477 580.323 8.695 257.937 9.721
+800.323 516.577 6.233 581.683 9.965 262.819 11.247
+800.481 514.855 8.282 582.116 11.546 261.088 8.472
+800.639 516.488 6.830 582.401 8.116 258.690 8.214
+800.796 515.734 7.068 581.574 9.131 259.586 10.535
+800.955 516.097 8.032 582.775 9.810 260.535 7.271
+801.112 517.281 7.725 582.247 7.917 257.785 17.646
+801.269 514.962 7.764 581.752 7.183 264.167 12.013
+801.427 516.259 9.259 583.847 10.936 259.451 15.663
+801.585 515.072 8.296 583.498 10.787 264.664 14.813
+801.742 517.910 7.830 585.865 8.911 257.716 15.667
+801.899 517.019 6.817 582.828 7.668 260.257 12.157
+802.057 516.210 6.303 583.738 8.507 261.572 11.667
+802.215 515.772 8.676 587.997 12.042 257.045 15.786
+802.372 515.067 6.348 585.260 9.358 259.710 8.331
+802.530 515.730 10.473 587.862 8.032 263.437 11.542
+802.688 515.457 6.242 585.468 9.743 262.184 8.259
+802.847 516.454 5.810 589.734 8.817 259.131 16.326
+803.004 516.734 8.619 585.467 10.253 261.951 7.302
+803.163 515.577 6.903 587.254 8.969 261.279 11.398
+803.320 517.475 7.106 587.422 9.390 262.112 8.368
+803.478 515.434 7.514 585.714 9.081 260.981 15.940
+803.635 516.234 7.018 587.567 7.763 259.929 8.181
+803.793 517.062 7.118 587.045 10.704 261.579 8.948
+803.951 514.560 8.147 588.470 7.613 257.445 7.193
+804.109 515.325 6.696 588.764 6.888 258.584 11.254
+804.267 515.253 6.744 588.247 8.265 261.705 9.695
+804.425 516.112 7.219 588.072 7.906 265.687 7.132
+804.584 515.931 7.241 586.610 7.824 263.626 10.205
+804.742 515.999 6.501 587.966 9.054 259.446 10.214
+804.901 514.960 5.908 588.499 6.842 262.774 6.401
+805.060 516.099 5.708 587.825 8.292 263.217 7.423
+805.218 516.731 6.792 586.788 7.687 262.582 10.197
+805.376 516.767 5.768 586.227 7.432 262.065 8.484
+805.535 516.687 7.538 587.382 7.569 262.930 7.629
+805.694 516.007 6.921 584.983 6.740 260.779 10.920
+805.852 516.430 6.977 586.479 8.574 260.907 7.859
+806.009 517.364 5.602 586.004 7.036 260.559 5.742
+806.168 516.543 5.801 584.040 7.583 261.915 7.436
+806.326 516.955 7.415 583.900 8.135 261.199 8.478
+806.485 516.439 6.291 583.049 6.949 259.892 7.115
+806.643 515.414 6.193 584.670 7.521 260.538 8.373
+806.801 516.114 6.102 581.776 8.291 258.735 6.982
+806.960 515.701 6.028 583.877 7.861 259.047 5.267
+807.118 516.697 5.995 584.418 7.792 258.450 7.791
+807.277 517.137 6.562 580.864 9.400 259.684 6.168
+807.435 517.911 5.914 580.098 9.109 260.336 9.753
+807.594 517.409 6.068 583.431 7.438 260.223 7.541
+807.752 516.834 5.929 582.334 6.483 260.142 8.565
+807.910 516.078 6.209 579.513 7.246 257.751 6.365
+808.069 516.150 6.211 582.405 7.358 261.487 6.782
+808.227 517.291 6.118 580.644 6.974 259.344 6.868
+808.386 517.062 6.685 580.786 6.842 257.353 4.885
+808.544 517.090 5.581 581.117 6.710 258.853 7.597
+808.703 518.180 6.047 578.691 6.716 259.898 5.830
+808.861 517.691 5.875 575.166 6.408 257.999 6.893
+809.020 516.947 5.806 577.911 6.333 260.360 5.600
+809.180 516.829 5.609 573.039 6.976 257.113 4.234
+809.338 517.298 5.553 577.770 7.009 257.871 5.824
+809.498 516.573 5.702 577.777 6.760 261.588 5.329
+809.657 516.735 5.604 574.057 7.460 257.875 5.840
+809.815 517.067 5.876 576.840 6.730 256.828 7.799
+809.973 517.010 5.638 576.658 6.449 256.908 5.564
+810.131 516.940 5.616 575.776 6.180 259.079 4.222
+810.290 517.619 5.523 574.977 6.151 258.720 4.617
+810.449 517.206 5.776 574.009 6.234 256.627 4.691
+810.607 517.382 5.637 573.690 6.223 258.286 4.530
+810.766 517.183 5.565 574.776 6.330 257.892 5.128
+810.925 516.871 5.794 574.457 6.294 259.418 5.598
+811.084 517.188 5.590 574.144 6.463 258.734 4.738
+811.242 516.921 5.742 572.611 6.172 257.517 6.401
+811.401 517.289 5.771 573.286 6.457 257.605 4.851
+811.560 517.282 5.684 574.432 6.455 258.026 5.619
+811.719 517.622 5.561 579.694 6.096 259.620 4.374
+811.877 517.896 5.594 574.386 6.187 258.396 3.583
+812.037 517.139 5.504 572.603 6.320 260.003 4.263
+812.196 516.651 5.730 575.026 6.256 258.810 4.917
+812.355 516.556 5.790 575.880 6.601 258.998 4.496
+812.514 517.595 5.698 577.458 6.273 259.790 5.591
+812.673 517.476 5.466 579.154 6.421 259.867 6.773
+812.832 515.704 5.625 589.131 7.084 260.288 4.594
+812.990 514.457 8.660 584.561 15.731 253.632 20.555
+813.148 516.624 6.014 585.115 7.787 261.086 5.746
+813.307 516.536 5.673 580.521 7.614 260.590 3.725
+813.466 517.915 5.671 575.035 6.256 256.345 4.697
+813.625 517.709 5.602 577.070 6.745 260.033 5.022
+813.784 516.817 5.498 575.550 6.057 259.110 4.234
+813.943 517.078 5.460 579.945 6.208 260.331 3.092
+814.103 517.360 5.592 578.139 6.062 259.303 4.624
+814.262 516.853 5.546 581.121 6.247 260.223 5.763
+814.420 517.118 6.044 580.161 6.275 258.522 5.627
+814.579 516.681 5.785 581.651 6.419 259.585 9.731
+814.737 516.656 5.570 580.896 6.280 261.185 4.732
+814.896 517.006 5.512 580.019 6.252 258.491 4.695
+815.054 516.600 5.610 580.840 6.192 258.764 4.566
+815.214 516.316 5.549 581.208 6.118 259.607 3.708
+815.373 516.353 5.414 581.302 6.114 260.216 3.933
+815.531 516.633 5.641 582.323 6.246 260.022 4.959
+815.690 515.796 5.466 581.193 6.081 260.540 3.941
+815.849 516.498 5.489 583.722 6.128 260.365 5.245
+816.007 517.985 5.609 575.147 6.205 259.743 4.059
+816.166 516.639 5.440 574.791 6.203 258.657 5.879
+816.325 517.016 5.544 572.367 6.070 258.106 4.400
+816.483 516.440 5.397 573.143 6.078 257.581 4.563
+816.642 517.734 5.421 572.501 6.018 257.025 4.084
+816.801 517.557 5.468 571.515 6.048 259.200 3.546
+816.960 517.235 5.448 572.095 6.008 257.762 4.282
+817.118 517.442 5.521 570.491 5.962 257.127 4.006
+817.276 516.764 5.438 571.404 6.019 258.591 5.761
+817.435 516.957 5.408 571.774 6.066 258.035 3.848
+817.594 516.649 5.454 573.077 6.073 257.410 4.103
+817.752 517.126 5.447 571.880 6.022 258.924 4.258
+817.911 517.071 5.480 580.938 6.776 260.919 7.016
+818.069 517.310 5.536 568.469 6.139 256.039 3.381
+818.228 517.303 5.624 572.744 6.520 259.270 3.924
+818.387 516.953 5.465 569.917 5.927 256.872 4.257
+818.546 517.079 5.550 565.859 6.034 256.788 3.827
+818.705 517.420 5.519 570.238 6.030 258.747 4.694
+818.864 517.444 5.428 566.432 5.959 255.237 3.904
+819.021 518.004 5.436 569.254 5.985 255.592 4.346
+819.179 518.470 5.592 570.902 6.065 258.575 3.523
+819.338 518.004 5.456 571.409 5.971 259.805 4.091
+819.496 517.490 5.398 571.334 6.060 254.628 3.875
+819.654 517.484 5.496 571.703 5.982 257.336 3.869
+819.812 517.374 5.464 569.887 5.985 258.483 3.865
+819.971 516.773 5.505 572.368 5.944 257.854 3.746
+820.130 517.257 5.568 573.063 6.043 256.648 3.905
+820.288 517.552 5.572 572.650 6.042 258.526 3.798
+820.447 517.535 5.462 572.836 5.974 258.995 3.945
+820.607 517.965 5.472 571.758 6.046 256.819 3.642
+820.765 517.639 5.458 573.207 5.978 257.048 3.792
+820.925 516.816 5.437 573.772 5.994 257.880 3.677
+821.085 516.618 5.542 574.107 6.012 258.078 3.518
+821.243 517.236 5.473 573.121 5.959 257.780 3.512
+821.402 517.322 5.548 572.511 5.999 258.037 3.681
+821.560 516.903 5.480 571.845 6.025 257.780 3.591
+821.719 517.459 5.417 571.568 5.975 257.737 3.423
+821.878 517.144 5.430 571.595 5.942 256.867 3.780
+822.037 516.991 5.498 569.926 6.051 258.248 3.276
+822.196 516.739 5.471 571.719 5.951 257.422 3.501
+822.355 515.587 5.501 570.477 6.163 256.094 3.613
+822.514 516.435 6.148 569.594 6.250 257.540 3.880
+822.673 513.514 6.560 569.226 6.172 259.845 3.907
+822.832 515.925 5.496 569.782 6.156 257.508 5.174
+822.992 514.679 5.597 568.557 6.025 256.705 4.020
+823.151 512.896 5.370 568.515 6.073 255.667 3.538
+823.310 514.679 5.429 569.235 5.973 260.086 3.522
+823.469 515.126 5.404 569.702 6.019 258.580 4.554
+823.628 515.241 5.555 569.787 5.964 256.685 3.316
+823.787 515.232 5.475 570.477 6.023 257.326 4.201
+823.946 515.722 5.615 570.154 6.059 258.053 3.925
+824.105 515.357 5.420 570.531 6.106 256.840 3.845
+824.264 514.793 5.408 569.765 5.990 257.138 3.682
+824.423 515.488 5.382 570.237 6.192 257.601 4.094
+824.582 514.594 5.475 570.642 6.017 258.006 3.768
+824.742 515.175 5.593 569.796 6.211 257.210 3.958
+824.900 514.431 5.711 569.088 6.168 256.642 5.347
+825.059 514.704 5.399 570.250 6.044 258.696 3.237
+825.218 514.707 5.390 571.042 6.026 257.727 4.435
+825.377 514.747 5.461 569.180 6.028 257.827 3.656
+825.536 514.987 5.492 569.761 5.936 257.578 4.162
+825.695 514.229 5.447 570.217 5.895 257.105 3.283
+825.855 515.702 5.428 569.252 6.091 259.021 3.608
+826.015 514.597 5.470 570.142 6.044 257.710 3.796
+826.173 515.006 5.601 570.421 5.896 256.987 4.517
+826.333 515.630 5.480 570.394 6.017 256.589 3.647
+826.492 515.216 5.486 569.783 6.091 259.055 3.887
+826.651 514.642 5.633 570.367 6.042 258.420 4.681
+826.810 514.456 5.442 570.163 6.033 256.484 3.876
+826.969 515.094 5.392 570.231 5.949 259.314 3.723
+827.128 514.351 5.494 569.732 6.027 259.103 5.275
+827.287 513.663 5.553 569.357 6.219 255.561 3.919
+827.445 517.016 7.049 569.653 6.655 257.315 3.407
+827.605 515.140 6.230 569.686 6.510 256.943 6.685
+827.764 514.481 5.493 569.456 6.508 258.289 4.395
+827.922 514.534 5.517 569.924 5.992 258.252 4.989
+828.082 514.535 5.491 570.669 6.101 257.832 4.700
+828.241 514.635 5.448 569.656 5.991 258.288 4.365
+828.400 515.126 5.415 569.976 6.111 257.082 3.992
+828.558 515.671 5.435 570.169 6.089 257.310 3.728
+828.717 515.136 5.452 570.991 5.986 257.793 4.663
+828.876 515.231 5.474 570.069 6.170 258.007 3.782
+829.036 515.292 5.463 569.670 5.940 258.120 4.164
+829.194 515.562 5.679 571.226 6.068 257.401 3.943
+829.353 514.795 5.561 570.972 6.193 257.914 4.479
+829.513 514.568 5.539 570.309 6.077 258.609 4.263
+829.671 515.395 5.430 570.163 5.940 257.036 4.608
+829.830 515.074 5.489 570.001 5.994 256.880 3.997
+829.989 514.570 5.520 569.860 6.102 258.338 3.749
+830.148 515.065 5.532 569.738 6.029 258.113 3.717
+830.308 514.620 5.497 570.537 6.007 256.891 4.242
+830.467 514.986 5.420 570.125 5.989 256.788 3.930
+830.626 514.369 5.654 570.321 6.013 258.547 3.526
+830.786 514.323 5.450 570.283 6.047 258.135 4.073
+830.945 514.333 5.406 569.942 5.990 257.681 3.399
+831.105 515.103 5.840 570.889 6.077 258.306 4.822
+831.264 515.161 5.632 569.718 6.159 257.263 3.853
+831.423 514.371 5.633 569.927 6.019 258.912 3.977
+831.581 515.553 5.529 570.099 5.985 257.029 4.439
+831.740 514.595 5.395 570.211 6.062 258.610 4.145
+831.900 514.966 5.485 569.532 5.947 258.626 3.922
+832.059 514.649 5.528 570.265 6.006 258.196 3.814
+832.217 514.696 5.438 570.552 5.997 256.532 4.184
+832.376 514.967 5.508 569.985 6.009 257.535 4.213
+832.536 514.849 5.439 570.289 6.009 257.815 4.321
+832.695 515.068 5.440 570.192 5.940 257.348 4.257
+832.853 514.910 5.503 570.022 5.975 258.093 4.330
+833.012 514.749 5.395 571.500 6.014 257.850 3.972
+833.170 514.937 5.486 570.485 6.031 257.108 3.773
+833.330 514.569 5.549 571.034 5.980 257.231 4.218
+833.488 514.835 5.595 569.300 6.315 257.132 3.891
+833.647 515.348 5.442 570.743 5.942 259.021 4.431
+833.806 515.113 5.515 570.047 6.034 257.070 3.972
+833.965 515.111 5.472 570.540 5.903 257.270 4.093
+834.124 515.591 5.510 570.625 5.992 258.242 3.736
+834.283 514.996 5.527 570.476 5.999 257.962 3.473
+834.442 515.469 5.451 570.214 6.050 257.119 4.650
+834.601 515.134 5.527 570.192 6.071 257.431 4.439
+834.759 515.571 5.435 570.642 6.137 258.334 4.497
+834.918 516.075 5.583 570.376 5.966 258.563 3.425
+835.078 515.270 5.447 570.263 5.963 257.865 4.285
+835.236 514.882 5.564 570.792 5.939 256.558 4.378
+835.395 515.158 5.431 570.458 6.009 257.695 4.319
+835.554 515.501 5.463 570.924 5.981 257.687 4.383
+835.713 515.145 5.510 571.279 6.117 257.066 5.050
+835.872 515.121 5.443 571.042 6.186 257.610 3.747
+836.031 515.021 5.523 570.220 5.983 259.136 4.317
+836.189 515.290 5.430 570.592 5.987 257.311 3.880
+836.349 514.852 5.442 571.006 5.918 257.503 4.341
+836.507 514.698 5.496 570.220 6.055 256.515 4.198
+836.666 514.647 5.366 569.702 5.992 257.455 4.096
+836.825 515.276 5.405 570.027 5.925 259.074 3.319
+836.985 515.272 5.384 570.450 6.046 257.790 4.090
+837.144 514.742 5.509 569.664 6.031 256.827 3.833
+837.303 514.537 5.401 570.436 6.035 257.318 4.345
+837.462 514.505 5.546 570.324 5.956 257.973 4.317
+837.621 514.725 5.419 569.913 5.922 257.669 4.115
+837.780 514.417 5.474 570.359 5.945 257.386 3.756
+837.939 514.514 5.465 570.303 6.122 257.683 3.906
+838.098 514.735 5.525 570.533 5.995 258.026 4.563
+838.258 515.257 5.491 570.075 5.931 257.470 3.933
+838.417 515.132 5.472 570.350 5.970 256.894 4.578
+838.576 514.841 5.378 570.003 5.963 258.218 3.502
+838.735 515.048 5.447 570.060 5.964 258.142 3.986
+838.894 515.080 5.509 570.530 5.981 257.421 3.849
+839.052 515.670 5.401 569.615 5.901 257.294 3.642
+839.211 514.686 5.413 569.966 5.950 256.682 4.083
+839.369 516.346 5.516 569.999 5.954 257.436 3.458
+839.528 515.363 5.482 569.950 5.924 257.954 3.911
+839.687 514.933 5.432 570.359 5.990 257.659 3.899
+839.845 514.869 5.436 570.383 5.960 257.016 3.642
+840.005 515.648 5.381 570.103 6.034 257.370 3.614
+840.164 515.256 5.585 571.001 5.967 258.163 3.803
+840.322 515.532 5.385 570.670 6.059 256.611 3.770
+840.481 515.235 5.485 570.906 6.048 257.846 4.512
+840.641 516.002 5.484 570.419 5.963 257.598 3.876
+840.799 515.240 5.435 570.444 6.101 257.656 4.288
+840.958 515.082 5.478 570.534 6.006 257.796 3.321
+841.117 515.550 5.354 570.345 5.894 256.287 4.468
+841.276 515.005 5.380 571.013 5.958 257.832 4.152
+841.435 515.030 5.446 569.940 5.948 259.408 3.724
+841.594 515.230 5.383 570.689 6.016 256.654 3.470
+841.753 515.442 5.480 570.676 6.085 257.066 4.979
+841.911 514.914 5.432 570.636 5.999 257.590 4.003
+842.070 515.109 5.417 570.256 6.029 257.155 4.621
+842.229 515.171 5.375 569.702 5.961 258.551 3.830
+842.388 514.561 5.473 569.657 5.971 256.905 4.089
+842.546 514.995 5.424 569.786 5.893 257.839 4.009
+842.706 514.590 5.572 570.287 6.066 257.178 3.213
+842.865 515.075 5.435 570.462 5.983 256.391 4.159
+843.023 514.930 5.513 570.214 5.954 257.023 4.147
+843.182 514.569 5.411 570.552 6.035 257.610 4.364
+843.341 514.765 5.552 570.195 6.003 258.106 4.003
+843.500 514.677 5.519 570.152 6.056 257.171 3.876
+843.659 515.186 5.410 570.201 6.001 257.661 4.782
+843.817 514.851 5.496 570.492 5.929 257.516 4.272
+843.977 514.418 5.381 569.524 5.952 258.565 3.878
+844.135 515.734 5.441 569.765 6.005 257.105 3.882
+844.294 515.327 5.411 570.217 6.014 257.131 4.498
+844.453 515.293 5.471 570.762 5.982 258.031 3.870
+844.612 515.363 5.293 570.167 6.028 257.970 4.751
+844.771 515.233 5.401 569.961 6.073 257.559 4.765
+844.930 515.512 5.467 571.099 5.960 257.295 3.783
+845.088 515.335 5.482 570.081 5.955 258.123 4.264
+845.247 514.903 5.450 571.030 6.010 258.821 3.581
+845.406 515.179 5.558 570.690 5.950 257.448 4.492
+845.565 514.791 5.485 569.876 5.985 257.064 3.984
+845.724 514.927 5.476 570.118 5.943 257.530 4.767
+845.882 514.989 5.441 570.351 5.933 258.155 3.931
+846.041 515.580 5.348 570.533 5.992 257.921 3.508
+846.200 515.435 5.387 570.035 6.233 256.459 4.376
+846.359 514.964 5.506 569.880 6.003 257.004 3.970
+846.519 514.399 5.474 570.528 6.038 258.310 3.877
+846.678 515.374 5.410 570.395 6.111 258.153 4.223
+846.837 514.673 5.380 570.644 5.999 258.151 4.065
+846.995 515.016 5.533 570.916 5.979 256.901 3.406
+847.155 515.770 5.589 569.859 6.296 256.739 4.694
+847.314 515.057 5.633 569.918 5.993 257.827 4.072
+847.473 515.120 5.440 571.569 6.074 257.768 4.228
+847.631 514.371 5.552 569.515 5.960 257.247 3.720
+847.790 514.713 5.444 570.055 6.020 258.762 4.473
+847.950 514.787 5.378 570.210 5.938 258.927 4.347
+848.109 514.907 5.521 570.802 6.003 257.669 4.730
+848.267 514.649 5.415 570.278 6.000 257.036 4.153
+848.426 514.506 5.504 570.162 5.955 257.420 4.300
+848.585 514.925 5.493 570.791 5.995 257.544 4.011
+848.744 514.799 5.431 570.237 5.952 257.755 4.514
+848.903 514.888 5.473 569.982 5.877 256.547 3.984
+849.061 514.008 5.380 569.999 5.941 257.295 4.287
+849.220 515.530 5.436 570.810 5.972 257.992 3.888
+849.379 515.085 5.528 570.288 6.007 257.669 3.984
+849.537 515.180 5.416 569.892 5.936 256.276 4.082
+849.696 515.441 5.485 569.678 6.001 257.342 4.326
+849.855 514.714 5.489 570.386 5.988 257.833 4.246
+850.014 515.897 5.497 571.073 5.945 258.488 4.863
+850.173 515.009 5.537 570.500 6.009 257.684 4.073
+850.331 515.380 5.401 570.335 6.089 257.306 3.888
+850.490 514.893 5.494 570.763 6.176 258.043 3.961
+850.649 514.789 5.451 571.047 5.996 258.700 4.290
+850.808 514.667 5.363 570.230 5.954 257.677 4.467
+850.967 514.626 5.436 570.352 5.983 256.916 3.720
+851.126 514.996 5.415 569.313 6.088 257.739 4.791
+851.285 514.370 5.471 569.493 5.906 258.987 5.701
+851.444 513.943 5.427 570.334 5.985 257.149 4.668
+851.602 514.839 5.368 570.643 6.169 257.521 3.962
+851.761 514.948 5.582 569.906 5.988 256.795 4.285
+851.920 515.599 5.584 569.999 6.160 257.697 4.513
+852.079 515.266 5.427 570.410 6.003 257.237 4.517
+852.238 515.182 5.440 570.084 6.030 257.342 3.928
+852.396 515.171 5.449 570.340 6.085 256.763 4.770
+852.555 514.811 5.497 570.343 6.016 257.517 3.501
+852.714 514.518 5.531 570.123 6.160 258.455 3.668
+852.873 515.175 5.569 571.091 6.028 256.574 5.048
+853.032 515.261 5.442 570.270 5.978 257.535 3.737
+853.191 514.842 5.526 569.952 6.032 258.215 4.372
+853.350 514.568 5.561 570.809 5.946 257.382 6.198
+853.509 515.145 5.564 571.028 5.991 257.843 4.939
+853.667 515.541 5.525 570.220 5.994 257.408 3.963
0,0 → 1,19
set terminal png
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#plot data transformed to G units. (3,3V/1024 * 0.8V/G)
k=3.3/1024.0*0.8 # sensitivity constant
set output "sobeslav_tabor.png"
plot "sobeslav_tabor.txt" using 1:(($2-zero_gravity)*k):($3*k) with errorbars title "X", "" using 1:(($4-zero_gravity)*k):($5*k) with errorbars title "Y", "" using 1:(($6-zero_gravity)*k):($7*k) with errorbars title "Z"
set output "tabor_olbramovice.png"
plot "tabor_olbramovice.txt" using 1:(($2-zero_gravity)*k):($3*k) with errorbars title "X", "" using 1:(($4-zero_gravity)*k):($5*k) with errorbars title "Y", "" using 1:(($6-zero_gravity)*k):($7*k) with errorbars title "Z"
set output "olbramovice_benesov.png"
plot "olbramovice_benesov.txt" using 1:(($2-zero_gravity)*k):($3*k) with errorbars title "X", "" using 1:(($4-zero_gravity)*k):($5*k) with errorbars title "Y", "" using 1:(($6-zero_gravity)*k):($7*k) with errorbars title "Z"
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,7516
time[s] X Xerr Y Yerr Z Zerr
+ 0.046 473.890 6.872 532.000 8.687 234.710 7.143
+ 36.855 491.998 8.301 528.890 7.523 243.507 10.614
+ 37.013 484.870 11.103 527.368 10.576 245.245 10.324
+ 37.171 472.998 10.415 531.113 15.568 255.832 13.671
+ 37.328 507.560 14.224 521.681 9.275 240.888 16.570
+ 37.484 480.195 9.528 525.366 9.038 242.018 11.094
+ 37.640 495.072 6.807 535.513 11.970 253.550 7.336
+ 37.797 493.460 8.822 528.755 9.465 241.515 13.170
+ 37.953 499.164 13.158 527.657 12.693 264.725 12.399
+ 38.108 478.171 14.375 531.586 11.909 216.727 18.358
+ 38.264 497.611 10.331 541.385 10.139 254.107 8.122
+ 38.420 481.596 9.740 536.693 7.595 256.071 6.603
+ 38.578 489.296 11.327 532.667 9.156 254.970 6.038
+ 38.735 490.702 9.594 538.136 9.546 240.299 13.929
+ 38.891 503.607 14.932 531.641 7.071 239.763 16.721
+ 39.046 490.436 11.052 529.726 9.241 247.277 12.023
+ 39.204 488.504 9.922 529.177 8.956 259.212 7.060
+ 39.361 493.155 8.246 532.781 7.241 257.002 9.090
+ 39.518 488.641 12.690 537.947 10.876 240.420 17.286
+ 39.674 487.976 10.399 540.049 8.907 235.414 6.140
+ 39.831 498.499 10.493 533.740 7.603 253.154 7.265
+ 39.988 483.255 14.560 534.887 10.390 257.291 18.777
+ 40.144 489.872 16.587 536.049 12.744 250.872 23.112
+ 40.300 491.218 13.775 535.120 7.862 252.428 8.574
+ 40.456 491.622 8.430 535.851 10.267 247.634 5.483
+ 40.613 489.936 6.519 530.988 6.787 253.266 7.130
+ 40.771 492.159 8.485 536.369 8.497 243.912 10.078
+ 40.928 492.781 8.425 533.623 7.159 248.039 8.602
+ 41.085 484.697 13.785 533.456 15.099 238.490 12.979
+ 41.240 503.957 13.382 536.334 11.656 238.614 18.716
+ 41.396 500.379 10.057 532.893 13.252 252.646 14.751
+ 41.553 484.273 9.101 535.968 8.940 243.686 14.275
+ 41.709 493.702 14.335 537.909 9.563 245.836 12.366
+ 41.866 495.087 7.606 534.359 9.614 252.038 8.835
+ 42.023 486.170 11.688 539.193 11.618 248.330 20.960
+ 42.181 486.411 9.835 536.361 9.314 243.413 12.274
+ 42.337 490.174 11.270 536.273 10.110 245.714 10.059
+ 42.493 488.131 6.810 539.152 10.644 244.247 6.053
+ 42.650 495.871 10.049 536.531 9.115 252.652 6.794
+ 42.807 489.198 6.903 536.315 7.337 245.906 5.779
+ 42.964 492.002 9.901 533.663 7.239 238.369 12.595
+ 43.122 491.730 7.964 538.116 9.547 252.133 17.241
+ 43.278 491.807 14.397 536.571 6.734 244.281 20.860
+ 43.435 490.288 8.567 532.375 6.764 251.532 7.220
+ 43.591 491.382 7.200 534.803 6.241 251.195 7.027
+ 43.748 493.193 8.952 536.938 7.779 243.332 11.654
+ 43.904 494.511 9.919 537.609 12.005 247.573 7.456
+ 44.060 488.285 7.573 534.536 7.127 246.395 7.163
+ 44.217 495.072 6.500 535.475 7.070 248.093 7.498
+ 44.374 495.640 8.041 534.744 7.849 250.270 9.322
+ 44.530 491.026 7.100 537.187 6.503 246.672 6.367
+ 44.688 492.980 8.627 537.701 7.903 236.046 6.847
+ 44.844 488.319 7.504 534.867 8.231 250.710 8.928
+ 45.000 489.473 11.451 534.678 6.937 252.237 6.302
+ 45.158 492.604 10.619 534.426 9.089 256.092 10.698
+ 45.316 493.596 9.198 537.544 6.482 246.200 5.541
+ 45.473 494.475 8.382 537.715 7.515 237.342 5.294
+ 45.630 496.554 6.030 537.467 6.371 242.563 4.403
+ 45.788 491.555 8.149 536.174 6.326 246.085 4.018
+ 45.945 486.525 7.779 535.091 7.663 253.180 13.259
+ 46.102 491.875 7.837 533.991 6.692 251.671 4.799
+ 46.259 491.998 6.659 536.379 6.404 242.666 5.765
+ 46.416 492.640 6.720 535.183 6.427 246.076 5.283
+ 46.574 495.796 7.491 535.161 7.170 250.280 4.216
+ 46.731 493.657 6.686 535.951 6.945 249.482 9.138
+ 46.887 496.756 8.116 537.059 7.452 251.304 8.463
+ 47.044 497.297 10.795 539.080 7.002 246.573 12.199
+ 47.201 491.513 7.940 538.370 6.428 251.465 9.140
+ 47.358 500.235 7.564 534.473 6.008 260.384 9.774
+ 47.515 502.602 5.885 538.304 7.105 247.013 8.301
+ 47.672 499.716 8.880 537.753 6.419 238.550 17.363
+ 47.828 503.117 10.743 535.567 7.736 246.065 10.753
+ 47.985 499.351 7.814 534.985 8.331 250.480 9.162
+ 48.142 501.763 6.317 534.019 7.201 255.974 4.726
+ 48.300 496.567 6.227 534.890 7.169 249.219 6.444
+ 48.458 504.345 7.710 540.138 6.773 241.062 5.864
+ 48.617 507.643 13.119 537.731 6.880 244.720 14.025
+ 48.773 507.456 8.017 538.967 6.246 246.327 6.610
+ 48.930 515.494 10.851 535.269 10.531 236.283 19.961
+ 49.088 504.555 6.584 537.592 8.047 243.822 8.112
+ 49.244 503.845 10.305 534.845 6.116 259.258 3.716
+ 49.402 498.978 15.205 536.898 8.663 239.962 19.681
+ 49.558 500.289 6.977 538.209 8.149 242.989 16.196
+ 49.714 505.882 8.659 537.312 7.407 240.119 13.967
+ 49.871 506.808 10.078 538.303 7.745 251.061 12.350
+ 50.029 508.498 12.319 536.273 8.047 252.240 6.800
+ 50.185 500.345 8.424 534.722 7.345 243.312 6.711
+ 50.343 504.223 10.085 540.107 7.573 252.423 5.348
+ 50.501 509.322 6.205 536.261 6.840 247.564 4.325
+ 50.658 508.163 6.586 537.502 6.688 248.635 12.159
+ 50.816 512.081 7.737 535.325 7.718 247.426 6.545
+ 50.973 507.940 8.251 531.033 8.830 246.064 11.948
+ 51.129 508.829 7.926 537.700 7.797 238.370 12.599
+ 51.286 519.318 10.092 536.527 10.450 257.183 7.445
+ 51.444 508.243 8.506 538.765 9.255 228.791 13.889
+ 51.599 514.912 7.341 540.417 10.389 254.357 8.003
+ 51.756 511.129 10.315 536.464 11.264 247.863 10.549
+ 51.913 502.771 14.376 533.124 6.598 241.078 8.103
+ 52.069 515.997 7.878 536.591 7.611 239.730 12.518
+ 52.226 505.769 11.420 538.706 8.341 239.477 8.701
+ 52.382 516.727 8.725 534.277 6.272 246.534 6.362
+ 52.540 505.307 8.498 532.912 6.290 248.035 8.838
+ 52.697 507.323 10.234 538.949 7.213 233.690 6.976
+ 52.854 505.733 8.242 540.009 6.939 253.776 6.226
+ 53.011 508.047 9.826 537.440 6.338 250.497 12.116
+ 53.169 513.580 10.661 536.124 7.091 247.604 9.687
+ 53.326 498.675 13.037 538.841 10.988 244.586 7.584
+ 53.482 520.076 13.564 538.808 9.014 253.135 12.826
+ 53.639 501.230 8.341 543.058 6.793 254.951 5.332
+ 53.797 504.482 7.426 531.530 8.159 250.079 8.549
+ 53.954 506.344 7.913 542.835 8.873 240.070 9.233
+ 54.110 510.613 14.164 534.148 7.359 252.840 14.936
+ 54.266 505.066 7.451 531.511 6.656 255.768 8.804
+ 54.423 505.080 7.614 538.095 6.588 238.127 7.712
+ 54.580 510.340 9.974 539.471 6.062 241.371 7.002
+ 54.736 511.843 8.584 534.174 8.544 244.243 7.384
+ 54.893 501.858 7.825 534.391 5.944 246.452 4.943
+ 55.050 503.548 8.595 534.074 6.458 254.244 4.474
+ 55.207 502.605 7.269 536.330 6.491 244.542 4.748
+ 55.364 506.776 8.813 533.433 6.100 248.525 6.064
+ 55.521 503.127 7.903 535.704 7.896 243.365 8.491
+ 55.677 505.701 6.181 535.947 7.259 246.163 4.472
+ 55.835 501.747 10.256 534.729 6.201 248.421 5.255
+ 55.992 503.027 5.767 534.517 5.944 250.264 4.313
+ 56.150 501.540 7.175 532.725 7.658 246.082 4.864
+ 56.307 501.315 9.444 535.847 7.334 256.770 9.616
+ 56.464 497.983 11.833 535.268 6.394 222.667 5.662
+ 56.621 505.549 7.321 534.562 6.972 253.816 6.566
+ 56.779 505.695 6.850 534.565 7.686 260.888 7.612
+ 56.937 506.907 9.979 532.055 7.528 254.708 5.475
+ 57.095 494.319 8.467 538.560 6.510 233.587 8.394
+ 57.251 488.813 8.178 536.195 7.914 237.365 5.308
+ 57.408 504.468 9.229 530.212 7.531 247.833 10.706
+ 57.566 497.904 9.997 532.392 7.719 255.468 6.783
+ 57.723 498.969 8.705 536.464 6.994 238.274 6.312
+ 57.881 500.069 9.127 535.344 6.329 246.422 10.157
+ 58.038 494.950 12.439 533.763 7.971 250.364 9.125
+ 58.194 491.339 7.409 536.287 9.194 238.283 11.495
+ 58.350 490.213 9.928 537.682 10.947 241.432 8.730
+ 58.507 493.552 10.402 535.996 8.604 252.234 7.919
+ 58.664 485.625 10.325 533.450 7.492 247.712 7.806
+ 58.820 495.056 9.488 534.084 6.885 246.987 6.147
+ 58.977 498.730 13.487 533.780 9.474 252.379 9.457
+ 59.133 494.177 9.729 535.717 6.791 237.793 9.745
+ 59.289 482.681 14.204 533.177 9.198 240.917 9.648
+ 59.445 496.536 10.578 533.311 10.508 249.489 12.487
+ 59.603 495.785 13.234 532.363 6.623 252.624 15.330
+ 59.759 492.147 6.761 533.713 6.330 241.026 5.350
+ 59.916 492.651 7.988 532.137 9.185 247.650 5.675
+ 60.073 492.476 8.541 533.591 7.528 243.496 9.422
+ 60.230 491.584 7.948 532.686 7.058 253.565 7.371
+ 60.387 492.375 12.425 529.306 10.084 248.815 10.442
+ 60.544 493.533 11.089 532.863 16.091 244.448 26.434
+ 60.699 482.145 9.775 532.568 8.008 244.184 18.494
+ 60.855 493.561 12.217 531.365 9.063 251.761 8.451
+ 61.011 493.825 11.350 528.063 10.690 250.657 7.540
+ 61.168 491.228 7.995 526.930 10.176 243.826 11.504
+ 61.325 488.052 12.402 528.819 12.903 247.558 10.362
+ 61.481 502.940 13.297 517.288 13.816 236.685 16.329
+ 61.637 481.539 15.294 523.972 8.069 241.786 15.167
+ 61.793 491.455 12.056 518.939 13.429 249.727 8.579
+ 61.949 498.644 9.501 517.859 10.442 252.827 8.566
+ 62.106 491.416 9.184 527.108 7.910 245.388 9.276
+ 62.262 490.624 11.551 521.331 9.996 237.373 13.746
+ 62.419 482.306 8.735 528.623 9.178 239.713 10.544
+ 62.575 501.263 24.217 529.986 11.419 253.967 24.392
+ 62.731 488.302 12.922 526.959 10.844 249.619 6.632
+ 62.888 491.083 9.473 526.949 6.867 249.556 10.152
+ 63.044 489.920 9.797 526.419 8.828 248.685 7.816
+ 63.200 493.339 12.025 536.674 8.868 248.046 7.459
+ 63.357 497.363 11.217 526.576 6.777 244.120 7.995
+ 63.513 487.313 7.420 528.195 8.723 247.771 10.119
+ 63.670 491.983 11.572 523.922 9.210 246.517 6.587
+ 63.827 485.099 7.657 526.599 9.311 250.765 5.804
+ 63.985 503.011 12.840 529.756 8.968 258.357 14.818
+ 64.142 482.020 9.716 531.187 9.627 234.173 8.552
+ 64.299 507.640 8.728 534.261 6.662 252.301 9.544
+ 64.455 483.536 9.457 532.032 9.723 233.223 9.729
+ 64.611 489.785 11.079 530.770 10.661 254.752 8.530
+ 64.769 490.377 9.484 527.637 8.624 246.137 9.161
+ 64.926 486.213 11.525 532.436 9.105 250.491 10.089
+ 65.083 493.272 9.125 528.674 10.142 254.574 8.958
+ 65.240 488.252 10.633 535.996 8.079 235.435 10.147
+ 65.397 495.322 9.613 532.450 9.187 249.934 9.294
+ 65.553 470.103 8.925 531.054 9.868 232.739 12.325
+ 65.709 494.051 13.903 533.600 12.041 248.317 14.352
+ 65.866 488.520 8.283 532.096 9.463 257.543 6.752
+ 66.023 488.475 7.385 533.151 7.520 247.975 6.242
+ 66.181 495.694 9.341 532.791 7.530 254.289 10.127
+ 66.338 489.066 11.898 533.478 10.300 244.942 11.868
+ 66.495 488.740 8.694 535.264 10.053 241.419 7.683
+ 66.651 485.697 19.185 536.052 7.820 253.024 10.920
+ 66.807 490.657 11.983 533.340 11.575 249.980 10.891
+ 66.964 495.766 9.553 533.303 9.599 249.059 9.237
+ 67.121 489.437 7.806 530.343 9.766 247.750 8.666
+ 67.277 494.914 9.978 535.253 9.444 249.257 9.752
+ 67.433 492.999 8.063 534.042 8.983 252.662 9.150
+ 67.589 487.850 7.762 535.910 6.842 234.156 7.953
+ 67.745 494.968 11.816 533.319 7.901 247.701 17.275
+ 67.902 498.029 12.458 534.423 13.623 254.097 16.801
+ 68.057 501.330 16.697 533.704 9.334 244.161 13.283
+ 68.213 496.353 8.594 536.267 16.467 242.171 11.654
+ 68.370 489.443 9.976 536.872 8.078 244.551 8.639
+ 68.526 491.544 11.792 530.658 7.791 242.495 14.605
+ 68.683 492.065 9.398 535.016 7.907 255.594 7.835
+ 68.839 491.630 17.189 535.180 11.793 235.055 19.066
+ 68.994 491.596 9.617 535.161 10.769 240.360 11.533
+ 69.151 496.825 7.091 536.561 9.519 256.953 8.225
+ 69.308 497.778 12.856 536.035 9.537 243.549 12.131
+ 69.465 492.607 11.291 535.150 11.737 241.505 7.536
+ 69.622 490.826 11.632 537.561 8.291 248.045 12.548
+ 69.779 487.428 9.864 534.505 11.718 255.680 11.002
+ 69.936 492.194 7.987 532.585 9.448 258.436 13.236
+ 70.092 487.892 12.435 536.545 9.900 246.414 14.760
+ 70.248 493.018 8.474 536.645 10.192 239.914 9.628
+ 70.405 502.800 11.926 538.136 7.136 240.239 7.112
+ 70.562 495.628 10.645 534.451 9.860 253.552 8.707
+ 70.719 494.356 8.069 534.934 11.416 246.715 7.886
+ 70.876 489.933 9.365 534.109 8.987 246.667 6.594
+ 71.033 483.669 11.472 534.761 12.177 238.956 11.096
+ 71.192 490.266 13.829 533.717 7.071 242.719 9.784
+ 71.348 494.522 10.680 536.007 10.958 254.107 8.270
+ 71.506 494.575 8.269 536.030 8.858 262.321 6.228
+ 71.663 496.055 11.053 537.240 14.022 248.273 12.688
+ 71.819 492.440 10.780 539.032 9.061 237.482 13.329
+ 71.975 489.524 7.449 535.870 8.784 244.274 10.366
+ 72.133 494.615 11.967 534.018 6.630 255.062 11.924
+ 72.290 492.336 10.049 533.010 10.083 260.960 18.106
+ 72.447 488.423 11.665 534.640 10.049 240.089 8.617
+ 72.604 494.754 7.957 536.306 8.203 247.010 5.169
+ 72.762 495.947 9.743 537.863 9.259 246.340 8.423
+ 72.919 497.249 12.565 535.418 7.827 252.853 7.084
+ 73.075 495.762 7.566 536.034 6.966 244.288 9.073
+ 73.233 487.757 6.471 537.400 8.116 244.872 6.917
+ 73.389 487.077 11.071 531.854 8.003 248.518 11.730
+ 73.546 489.890 15.242 534.738 6.995 254.565 14.969
+ 73.703 491.598 11.350 531.307 10.429 261.475 6.070
+ 73.861 493.856 11.115 535.653 7.326 247.804 8.113
+ 74.017 495.488 9.029 535.106 8.165 239.868 7.762
+ 74.174 485.244 18.136 536.311 14.457 236.518 11.792
+ 74.329 480.012 11.755 533.143 7.990 248.655 11.048
+ 74.486 487.780 12.174 532.451 7.955 259.516 11.205
+ 74.644 492.567 9.093 535.004 7.037 253.425 5.576
+ 74.801 489.325 8.545 535.870 11.173 240.824 6.132
+ 74.958 491.293 12.060 537.698 8.459 239.028 6.366
+ 75.115 491.052 11.271 537.127 7.333 246.370 4.926
+ 75.272 492.550 11.431 536.581 9.090 249.503 13.238
+ 75.429 494.405 11.652 533.235 11.258 253.945 11.054
+ 75.586 493.774 7.425 536.812 11.138 249.529 13.349
+ 75.743 493.597 11.544 535.288 7.823 239.335 9.392
+ 75.900 489.316 12.197 535.373 7.900 247.853 8.658
+ 76.056 501.353 8.867 537.263 10.012 251.188 9.189
+ 76.212 497.253 9.663 534.852 8.270 234.011 10.152
+ 76.369 492.492 10.513 534.618 12.032 252.240 10.590
+ 76.527 494.274 8.729 537.906 12.493 248.842 10.175
+ 76.684 486.012 8.203 535.139 7.984 253.588 9.689
+ 76.841 488.740 11.578 534.881 8.624 258.705 6.831
+ 76.999 489.787 8.455 538.848 11.593 239.537 9.422
+ 77.156 490.067 7.653 538.838 11.116 239.675 9.574
+ 77.313 498.000 9.787 535.648 10.913 264.276 11.322
+ 77.470 491.490 13.559 535.836 12.653 243.692 22.320
+ 77.626 491.074 11.019 535.048 10.498 237.896 15.697
+ 77.782 488.790 12.377 540.840 14.729 246.718 14.236
+ 77.939 490.867 10.972 534.758 14.635 247.107 15.321
+ 78.095 498.088 9.260 531.687 10.661 267.671 8.145
+ 78.251 493.180 9.551 536.666 15.203 245.566 12.217
+ 78.407 494.371 10.228 540.556 11.937 232.895 11.881
+ 78.564 495.993 7.856 535.155 9.331 248.398 6.687
+ 78.721 488.930 9.048 532.301 9.298 250.274 7.234
+ 78.877 488.309 8.227 534.033 9.944 253.022 6.821
+ 79.034 493.413 12.704 535.180 8.362 251.690 15.690
+ 79.190 488.624 8.642 536.431 9.956 244.736 8.987
+ 79.346 489.956 8.472 534.614 9.271 251.197 6.818
+ 79.503 495.509 7.459 535.126 7.944 252.952 11.056
+ 79.660 493.665 9.353 536.361 8.656 248.929 7.564
+ 79.817 495.426 7.539 535.353 8.786 248.569 5.005
+ 79.973 489.374 6.825 535.433 11.235 240.255 12.703
+ 80.131 486.243 10.378 533.684 7.883 250.362 12.490
+ 80.287 490.392 10.567 535.826 8.497 245.413 8.663
+ 80.443 494.633 9.833 535.718 8.415 250.134 6.871
+ 80.601 494.616 8.162 533.487 8.467 254.171 7.255
+ 80.758 492.076 7.321 536.464 8.716 237.981 6.948
+ 80.915 492.070 8.280 536.684 8.609 239.249 11.088
+ 81.072 489.680 7.553 535.356 8.403 249.512 4.848
+ 81.229 492.156 6.189 535.153 7.567 246.385 6.259
+ 81.386 492.341 9.039 534.201 7.522 250.533 5.182
+ 81.543 489.823 8.201 536.172 7.717 247.955 6.675
+ 81.700 491.198 8.146 536.281 10.136 245.359 9.137
+ 81.856 496.192 7.119 534.122 7.200 246.493 5.564
+ 82.014 493.941 7.313 536.601 8.093 246.254 7.937
+ 82.170 496.589 6.784 534.286 7.987 246.372 8.173
+ 82.326 488.215 8.939 536.582 8.968 251.873 9.550
+ 82.482 482.442 8.764 534.695 7.419 243.278 6.821
+ 82.639 498.884 11.365 535.267 12.642 248.132 16.444
+ 82.796 497.708 8.628 536.512 9.776 248.561 9.047
+ 82.952 494.467 9.492 537.075 6.898 240.035 6.045
+ 83.109 492.234 7.620 536.120 8.186 250.110 6.216
+ 83.265 492.252 7.782 535.591 7.560 247.761 8.089
+ 83.422 492.932 10.229 535.085 6.882 250.437 6.697
+ 83.579 492.999 13.185 535.270 10.530 242.674 9.544
+ 83.736 487.120 8.854 535.982 7.248 243.406 9.791
+ 83.894 492.491 7.341 533.749 9.654 256.494 7.861
+ 84.050 491.744 7.013 536.057 7.705 248.154 6.294
+ 84.207 493.287 8.561 538.100 10.129 244.381 9.131
+ 84.364 492.372 8.927 536.941 6.640 244.033 13.321
+ 84.520 492.863 8.533 535.969 7.981 242.790 8.701
+ 84.676 486.468 9.751 535.869 8.475 245.217 10.344
+ 84.833 489.534 8.659 535.858 10.272 245.342 11.007
+ 84.990 492.305 7.898 534.078 8.465 248.053 8.379
+ 85.146 493.153 7.094 535.560 6.827 253.730 6.267
+ 85.303 494.441 7.118 536.855 7.672 249.767 6.426
+ 85.460 498.284 9.638 537.958 7.201 238.317 8.913
+ 85.617 496.822 10.303 536.629 6.915 251.133 4.080
+ 85.774 492.388 6.818 534.116 7.262 252.401 7.462
+ 85.931 492.833 7.217 536.071 8.088 246.094 9.525
+ 86.087 490.838 8.578 536.250 7.407 249.730 6.802
+ 86.243 490.448 8.632 534.992 8.404 242.627 7.499
+ 86.399 495.294 6.841 535.159 7.895 253.416 8.848
+ 86.556 495.242 10.315 536.661 7.400 246.694 9.561
+ 86.712 493.912 6.980 536.216 6.617 246.666 6.687
+ 86.869 495.119 9.012 536.012 12.412 243.406 11.901
+ 87.026 497.061 8.583 536.600 7.566 248.694 14.679
+ 87.183 489.040 10.182 536.856 6.738 245.216 19.729
+ 87.339 491.070 10.750 535.008 11.000 247.362 6.824
+ 87.497 498.480 15.077 535.030 10.518 248.673 9.134
+ 87.653 494.464 7.479 537.150 8.587 247.476 9.762
+ 87.810 489.574 10.669 536.561 9.017 243.324 8.474
+ 87.967 494.825 9.513 534.345 9.298 246.053 13.770
+ 88.123 487.288 6.679 535.753 8.132 243.000 7.673
+ 88.281 496.352 7.094 535.407 7.795 255.970 6.452
+ 88.438 494.823 8.516 535.324 8.189 250.779 6.794
+ 88.595 496.708 8.434 536.393 6.629 251.697 8.115
+ 88.752 495.127 10.201 534.374 8.601 248.127 12.367
+ 88.908 490.021 9.721 538.683 7.623 239.381 10.485
+ 89.065 491.630 6.210 535.946 6.299 253.253 7.398
+ 89.223 496.466 5.746 537.149 6.786 251.492 9.246
+ 89.380 503.284 12.542 537.191 7.657 243.844 11.834
+ 89.536 497.212 9.485 536.222 6.623 249.878 7.167
+ 89.693 498.382 9.811 539.502 6.581 245.308 10.188
+ 89.850 505.343 8.600 536.535 7.354 250.983 11.539
+ 90.007 508.543 6.158 532.815 6.673 250.949 11.747
+ 90.165 509.325 8.706 538.368 7.098 235.989 12.964
+ 90.320 495.983 6.920 536.883 7.322 232.539 9.470
+ 90.477 506.739 7.234 534.688 6.069 255.215 8.290
+ 90.635 506.357 8.066 535.247 6.187 250.752 6.070
+ 90.792 509.963 6.966 536.512 6.804 240.957 4.388
+ 90.949 513.189 5.719 536.095 5.846 245.869 3.743
+ 91.108 507.361 6.585 537.681 6.646 239.658 4.946
+ 91.265 509.413 7.119 537.556 5.932 243.326 4.598
+ 91.422 505.394 5.564 537.405 6.142 243.043 3.954
+ 91.580 506.583 6.411 537.354 6.222 251.750 6.732
+ 91.738 503.135 9.944 536.843 6.485 246.967 6.456
+ 91.896 503.441 21.197 534.408 10.103 251.979 20.160
+ 92.053 504.754 12.464 536.524 11.856 246.819 46.454
+ 92.208 511.037 9.967 537.025 7.930 245.678 11.574
+ 92.365 500.470 6.109 535.120 8.858 246.056 12.928
+ 92.522 494.974 7.394 537.241 7.043 247.160 5.560
+ 92.681 498.199 5.945 534.562 6.523 254.071 6.394
+ 92.840 491.972 6.652 533.365 7.608 252.480 10.865
+ 92.998 491.909 8.578 535.063 6.467 246.734 4.941
+ 93.155 494.609 6.667 538.120 6.711 240.507 3.758
+ 93.313 488.716 7.138 535.531 5.997 245.175 4.835
+ 93.470 479.807 6.420 533.295 6.098 250.851 4.848
+ 93.627 471.898 6.284 533.583 5.931 249.708 3.908
+ 93.785 471.978 5.812 535.895 6.262 252.107 3.557
+ 93.945 474.339 6.171 533.909 6.116 253.601 3.973
+ 94.102 477.003 8.189 535.809 6.930 250.586 6.256
+ 94.259 477.330 6.523 536.308 6.156 247.385 4.550
+ 94.416 477.913 5.655 536.503 5.789 247.423 5.487
+ 94.574 473.059 6.149 533.805 6.200 250.564 4.292
+ 94.732 470.200 6.530 534.718 6.015 251.415 4.822
+ 94.890 469.692 5.978 535.237 5.955 251.704 4.636
+ 95.048 472.736 5.538 533.352 6.213 254.517 4.500
+ 95.206 476.307 5.833 535.053 5.891 252.235 4.036
+ 95.364 489.393 5.466 537.970 5.800 252.252 4.494
+ 95.521 486.983 6.016 538.899 5.984 245.562 7.158
+ 95.679 491.909 5.487 538.909 5.922 245.805 5.015
+ 95.836 489.379 5.743 537.139 5.800 248.808 4.541
+ 95.993 487.843 5.407 536.691 5.823 248.768 4.241
+ 96.150 488.938 5.533 534.826 5.679 252.717 3.476
+ 96.308 488.469 5.445 534.698 6.055 247.137 5.674
+ 96.466 491.134 5.545 537.037 6.002 243.861 4.000
+ 96.623 493.631 5.402 535.950 6.232 246.768 3.745
+ 96.781 495.886 5.799 536.189 6.125 248.737 3.666
+ 96.939 495.028 5.719 536.051 5.793 248.667 3.192
+ 97.097 491.620 5.699 536.200 6.127 247.206 3.952
+ 97.255 493.646 5.430 536.572 5.730 247.122 3.941
+ 97.413 493.576 5.412 536.675 5.965 246.701 3.397
+ 97.571 492.265 5.363 536.146 6.022 248.817 4.182
+ 97.728 493.342 5.599 535.171 6.138 248.278 3.390
+ 97.887 495.033 5.639 535.411 5.756 247.932 3.976
+ 98.045 492.150 5.803 536.814 5.863 247.299 4.685
+ 98.202 491.551 5.645 537.228 5.787 245.623 3.779
+ 98.360 492.145 5.338 537.542 5.819 245.426 4.656
+ 98.517 493.671 6.741 536.705 5.868 248.894 4.938
+ 98.675 493.206 5.807 534.717 5.950 251.788 4.450
+ 98.832 492.922 5.620 535.257 5.915 247.597 4.767
+ 98.990 492.569 5.632 536.772 5.809 243.866 4.493
+ 99.148 493.065 5.548 537.617 6.120 246.738 4.985
+ 99.305 488.350 8.605 537.066 6.762 248.597 8.642
+ 99.462 493.773 6.459 536.570 5.913 253.885 4.795
+ 99.619 491.967 5.439 535.745 6.422 248.878 4.493
+ 99.776 492.429 5.610 535.187 6.008 247.158 4.265
+ 99.934 493.134 5.635 536.181 6.185 247.191 4.274
+100.092 490.181 6.218 537.421 6.775 247.611 3.767
+100.250 494.761 5.915 536.364 5.788 246.796 5.275
+100.408 493.337 5.645 535.713 6.006 249.607 4.448
+100.566 491.243 6.045 536.607 6.086 250.436 5.297
+100.724 492.952 6.127 536.516 5.791 249.754 3.521
+100.882 492.719 5.639 536.815 6.052 249.047 4.364
+101.040 491.287 5.652 537.018 6.235 247.840 3.740
+101.198 493.592 5.770 536.230 6.053 249.278 3.603
+101.356 492.665 5.520 537.502 5.891 243.462 3.219
+101.515 492.626 5.530 536.405 5.934 246.074 3.384
+101.673 492.456 5.482 536.994 5.772 247.830 4.065
+101.831 490.854 5.456 537.560 5.962 249.648 4.047
+101.988 493.818 5.588 536.255 5.803 251.276 3.942
+102.146 491.258 5.402 535.202 5.859 248.442 4.079
+102.303 491.932 5.471 537.332 5.798 243.994 3.561
+102.462 495.189 5.410 538.803 5.792 245.979 3.893
+102.619 493.481 5.557 536.248 5.762 250.119 3.838
+102.777 493.324 5.609 536.582 6.369 248.911 3.934
+102.936 494.363 5.887 536.885 5.791 249.899 4.029
+103.093 488.063 5.411 536.468 5.994 244.289 3.809
+103.251 494.180 6.258 536.814 6.147 252.052 3.476
+103.410 492.221 5.674 535.628 5.842 249.060 4.120
+103.568 492.202 5.900 538.046 5.774 245.580 3.792
+103.726 495.382 5.563 535.910 5.969 248.765 3.718
+103.884 492.453 6.015 537.049 5.915 245.007 5.035
+104.042 493.394 5.863 537.090 6.091 250.240 5.382
+104.200 493.074 6.504 537.390 5.988 249.242 3.318
+104.357 490.880 5.818 537.993 5.691 246.682 3.899
+104.515 493.518 5.287 536.389 6.222 248.326 3.847
+104.673 492.085 5.355 534.924 6.152 249.353 5.331
+104.831 493.310 5.749 537.849 6.267 247.313 3.450
+104.988 495.013 6.245 537.218 6.043 249.413 3.971
+105.145 492.180 5.422 537.312 5.808 244.244 3.925
+105.302 494.481 5.624 537.783 5.874 247.952 4.293
+105.460 493.044 5.383 536.537 6.056 249.099 3.760
+105.618 493.340 5.541 536.445 6.286 247.231 3.987
+105.776 491.273 5.885 536.444 5.960 249.792 4.092
+105.933 491.472 5.502 537.614 5.781 247.877 3.451
+106.091 493.334 5.835 536.996 5.988 246.658 3.769
+106.248 492.013 5.604 536.140 5.908 247.116 3.963
+106.406 492.120 5.933 535.701 5.948 248.861 3.771
+106.563 492.321 5.317 536.887 6.271 248.678 3.990
+106.721 495.833 5.366 536.838 5.823 249.136 3.607
+106.879 488.858 5.738 536.398 6.075 247.721 3.625
+107.037 491.588 5.468 536.614 5.868 246.647 4.774
+107.194 493.325 5.341 536.656 5.819 248.936 3.759
+107.352 493.433 5.521 536.666 5.947 249.999 3.287
+107.512 492.184 5.412 536.496 5.999 247.440 3.960
+107.669 490.991 5.597 537.295 6.042 245.564 3.639
+107.827 492.609 5.725 536.993 5.774 245.895 3.518
+107.986 492.726 5.738 535.550 5.824 248.848 3.606
+108.144 493.477 5.598 536.175 5.687 251.588 3.558
+108.301 493.134 5.831 536.461 5.721 247.385 3.388
+108.459 492.201 5.390 537.304 5.808 247.753 4.317
+108.616 490.362 5.588 536.623 5.881 245.187 4.622
+108.774 492.223 5.282 537.106 5.933 249.601 3.979
+108.932 493.032 5.831 536.751 6.205 249.866 3.800
+109.089 494.070 5.759 535.997 6.031 249.838 3.559
+109.248 492.250 6.650 536.970 5.889 244.978 5.037
+109.405 492.302 5.623 536.369 5.876 245.829 3.607
+109.563 493.743 5.475 536.073 5.698 249.038 4.045
+109.721 491.997 5.709 537.190 6.392 248.930 3.724
+109.879 493.330 5.648 537.111 5.797 249.409 3.798
+110.037 491.913 5.746 535.621 5.858 248.584 4.025
+110.194 491.389 5.354 537.266 6.298 245.775 3.876
+110.352 491.683 5.276 537.422 5.999 245.247 3.564
+110.510 493.716 5.716 536.814 5.830 249.382 3.714
+110.668 494.787 5.736 536.078 5.767 250.183 3.654
+110.826 493.017 5.589 536.360 6.230 247.231 3.649
+110.984 490.880 5.471 536.643 6.035 246.382 3.708
+111.142 491.898 5.757 536.926 5.697 248.483 3.653
+111.300 492.589 5.285 537.649 5.816 249.634 3.784
+111.459 493.035 5.695 536.036 6.037 249.416 3.883
+111.616 494.620 5.429 537.270 5.698 246.624 4.001
+111.774 492.656 5.609 536.752 5.880 246.316 3.777
+111.932 491.836 5.634 536.497 5.839 244.353 4.217
+112.089 492.428 5.727 536.125 5.715 249.333 3.902
+112.247 491.954 5.596 536.581 5.626 249.763 3.297
+112.405 492.399 5.583 535.885 5.653 248.747 3.397
+112.563 492.124 5.496 536.788 5.943 247.977 3.370
+112.721 492.961 5.610 537.807 5.866 248.609 3.674
+112.879 493.649 5.868 537.128 5.920 244.346 4.047
+113.037 491.606 5.498 537.511 6.258 247.743 4.907
+113.195 492.986 5.492 535.685 5.769 250.137 3.842
+113.353 492.569 5.502 536.996 5.862 250.061 3.513
+113.512 494.145 5.830 537.790 6.094 246.560 4.729
+113.669 492.461 5.413 537.028 6.431 247.775 4.898
+113.827 492.404 5.786 537.670 5.792 246.647 3.725
+113.986 492.394 5.709 536.906 5.892 247.736 5.184
+114.144 493.934 5.784 536.019 5.856 251.627 4.976
+114.302 492.679 5.859 537.980 5.829 245.286 4.092
+114.459 492.976 5.709 538.109 5.854 248.192 4.825
+114.617 493.189 5.723 537.041 5.805 247.431 3.609
+114.775 491.651 5.946 537.450 5.886 246.824 3.141
+114.933 494.096 5.424 536.704 5.968 251.448 3.804
+115.091 491.940 5.996 537.447 6.429 246.024 3.812
+115.249 493.629 5.793 537.544 6.372 248.050 3.971
+115.407 492.526 5.545 536.545 5.797 249.970 3.922
+115.565 492.815 5.719 536.425 5.725 247.189 3.919
+115.723 493.388 5.675 536.304 5.861 246.851 3.855
+115.881 494.303 5.596 537.033 5.783 248.668 3.285
+116.039 492.993 5.431 536.390 5.904 247.566 3.596
+116.197 491.009 5.364 536.393 5.777 249.355 3.562
+116.355 492.420 5.587 536.853 5.827 245.893 3.543
+116.513 493.094 5.496 537.088 5.729 247.078 3.036
+116.671 496.121 5.879 536.320 5.962 251.270 3.320
+116.829 491.751 5.608 536.883 5.828 249.202 3.827
+116.987 493.387 5.577 536.838 5.856 244.992 4.093
+117.145 492.903 5.606 537.078 5.926 248.669 3.363
+117.303 492.249 5.520 536.160 5.942 247.116 3.654
+117.461 494.322 5.852 536.591 5.744 252.291 4.053
+117.618 492.763 6.114 537.066 5.776 246.452 4.011
+117.776 494.477 5.345 538.130 5.627 244.754 3.635
+117.933 492.524 5.745 537.591 5.841 248.967 3.283
+118.091 490.775 5.575 535.956 5.651 248.079 3.687
+118.249 493.007 5.827 535.729 6.125 250.880 4.385
+118.408 492.640 5.615 536.347 5.954 247.798 3.580
+118.566 495.586 6.738 537.433 5.864 248.048 3.901
+118.723 491.325 5.913 537.374 5.965 246.680 3.520
+118.881 492.443 5.467 537.053 5.880 247.286 3.825
+119.039 493.734 5.573 535.760 6.216 249.202 4.607
+119.197 493.527 6.199 536.677 6.076 250.212 4.559
+119.355 491.865 5.772 536.906 6.096 247.662 5.281
+119.512 492.198 5.667 537.449 5.751 244.646 4.356
+119.670 492.992 5.673 536.784 5.928 249.346 4.204
+119.828 492.999 5.581 535.917 5.919 251.193 3.539
+119.986 491.720 5.954 538.369 5.886 246.491 4.109
+120.144 494.587 5.533 538.033 5.879 247.214 3.955
+120.301 490.395 5.395 536.650 6.008 246.922 4.882
+120.459 493.664 5.903 537.206 6.103 247.989 4.403
+120.617 493.076 5.670 536.612 5.894 249.339 3.398
+120.775 491.210 5.670 537.596 5.756 245.093 3.408
+120.934 494.472 5.484 536.396 5.727 249.420 3.396
+121.091 491.714 5.536 537.684 5.712 245.654 3.224
+121.249 494.107 6.019 537.276 5.902 244.006 3.530
+121.408 494.911 5.466 537.292 5.932 251.250 3.456
+121.565 491.289 5.230 537.432 5.734 247.142 3.092
+121.723 493.632 5.455 536.664 5.879 250.031 3.363
+121.881 492.386 5.449 536.966 5.697 246.580 3.394
+122.040 492.213 5.324 537.089 5.874 246.115 3.329
+122.197 494.732 5.688 538.030 5.792 247.251 3.671
+122.355 491.557 6.440 537.140 5.811 248.412 3.845
+122.513 493.405 6.098 535.501 5.826 249.354 3.792
+122.670 493.504 5.510 536.095 5.696 250.713 4.208
+122.828 492.675 5.661 537.531 5.812 242.837 4.150
+122.986 492.456 5.517 538.155 5.863 245.768 3.328
+123.144 493.744 5.590 536.061 5.779 251.447 3.721
+123.302 491.987 5.439 536.630 5.886 247.924 3.329
+123.460 493.089 5.919 536.876 5.943 248.429 3.520
+123.618 493.080 5.528 537.758 5.831 246.544 3.686
+123.776 492.910 5.960 537.617 5.968 246.545 3.503
+123.933 493.059 5.456 536.946 5.766 252.605 4.029
+124.091 492.220 5.366 537.589 6.033 245.816 3.970
+124.249 493.532 5.711 536.966 5.941 247.468 4.163
+124.406 491.195 5.369 536.439 5.688 249.164 4.258
+124.564 493.242 5.600 537.504 6.128 249.291 4.210
+124.722 492.992 5.273 537.915 6.107 250.412 3.447
+124.880 492.609 5.660 536.909 5.933 247.814 3.736
+125.038 494.566 5.456 535.949 5.740 250.548 3.147
+125.197 491.995 5.676 537.819 5.952 246.115 4.453
+125.355 493.680 5.699 538.388 5.796 247.061 3.767
+125.513 495.846 5.294 536.813 6.029 248.610 3.603
+125.672 493.358 5.525 537.328 5.809 247.846 3.905
+125.830 491.873 5.578 536.193 5.741 250.438 4.057
+125.987 492.508 6.052 537.822 5.756 246.934 3.437
+126.144 493.795 5.470 536.668 6.063 245.489 3.698
+126.302 492.048 5.667 538.736 6.046 247.094 4.190
+126.460 494.330 6.077 536.767 5.818 249.570 3.557
+126.619 492.963 5.792 537.017 5.739 247.425 3.599
+126.777 490.789 5.632 535.450 5.891 246.984 4.967
+126.934 492.107 5.685 537.244 5.974 246.749 5.120
+127.092 494.001 5.778 537.802 5.968 246.767 4.275
+127.250 493.350 8.050 536.598 5.878 246.877 4.383
+127.407 493.123 6.309 536.706 5.787 250.318 4.356
+127.565 492.261 5.684 537.437 5.857 247.653 4.555
+127.722 489.832 5.999 538.694 5.936 244.936 4.406
+127.880 493.318 5.375 536.176 6.053 249.199 3.253
+128.038 491.703 5.421 535.351 5.900 250.332 3.803
+128.196 491.347 5.440 536.723 5.825 249.243 3.130
+128.355 494.773 5.377 536.547 5.878 250.742 4.140
+128.512 494.537 5.416 537.435 6.129 245.507 3.827
+128.670 493.685 6.124 538.244 5.959 246.085 4.106
+128.828 493.626 5.648 538.222 5.741 248.590 3.732
+128.985 491.666 5.299 536.352 5.999 247.635 3.341
+129.143 491.496 5.455 536.413 5.930 251.996 3.883
+129.301 491.235 6.054 537.474 6.194 248.459 3.305
+129.459 494.132 5.318 537.424 5.866 247.214 3.659
+129.617 494.061 5.364 536.824 6.126 248.382 3.686
+129.775 493.080 5.586 537.658 5.824 248.753 3.860
+129.934 493.630 5.546 537.836 5.984 248.707 4.168
+130.091 494.046 5.571 537.478 6.202 249.277 3.866
+130.249 495.350 5.432 539.114 6.477 246.032 3.763
+130.407 491.283 5.540 538.011 5.924 244.730 4.598
+130.565 491.652 6.509 537.210 5.903 250.987 4.696
+130.723 493.186 5.865 538.032 6.046 254.419 3.763
+130.880 492.351 5.568 537.940 6.204 248.714 4.947
+131.038 492.473 5.950 540.109 5.967 246.457 4.614
+131.196 494.284 6.782 539.141 6.320 245.194 4.861
+131.352 493.642 6.281 540.591 6.023 251.291 6.119
+131.511 492.146 5.658 541.456 6.304 248.992 5.533
+131.669 493.681 6.010 539.754 5.965 249.509 4.049
+131.826 492.186 5.848 541.997 5.861 244.705 4.109
+131.984 492.151 5.564 540.410 5.853 249.007 3.534
+132.143 490.791 6.635 539.864 6.885 250.420 4.598
+132.300 492.897 6.549 543.238 6.278 250.014 3.749
+132.458 494.679 5.755 539.062 5.985 249.560 5.196
+132.616 490.046 5.953 541.600 6.226 245.195 3.893
+132.774 492.970 5.639 542.036 5.903 247.371 4.138
+132.932 494.269 5.678 541.330 6.082 249.083 3.660
+133.091 493.372 5.596 540.553 5.899 248.770 3.758
+133.249 493.593 5.494 541.315 5.878 251.027 4.367
+133.407 492.345 5.666 541.663 6.101 245.340 3.181
+133.565 491.923 5.651 540.756 5.931 250.243 3.597
+133.723 493.409 6.240 540.757 5.824 249.712 4.788
+133.881 492.934 5.559 542.147 5.766 248.057 3.792
+134.038 491.879 5.824 541.351 5.898 247.250 5.092
+134.196 494.538 5.604 541.683 5.763 247.922 2.915
+134.355 491.895 5.625 542.276 6.288 247.299 4.093
+134.512 492.989 5.587 541.442 5.857 251.033 4.319
+134.671 494.219 5.715 540.884 6.222 248.670 4.634
+134.828 491.642 6.039 541.668 5.925 245.236 5.375
+134.986 493.286 5.524 542.306 5.791 247.532 4.143
+135.144 491.972 5.801 540.843 6.007 248.955 3.337
+135.303 493.359 6.186 541.228 5.986 251.479 3.948
+135.460 492.193 5.341 541.392 6.078 249.404 3.414
+135.618 490.431 5.803 543.124 6.267 245.784 3.965
+135.775 493.954 5.839 543.471 6.186 250.337 3.612
+135.933 492.729 5.488 543.594 6.100 250.343 4.312
+136.091 493.067 5.598 543.926 5.818 248.703 4.164
+136.249 493.790 5.707 543.269 6.279 249.017 3.565
+136.407 493.417 5.752 543.942 5.986 249.790 3.745
+136.566 492.474 6.042 544.519 6.154 249.647 4.368
+136.723 493.034 6.204 543.985 6.244 251.576 4.092
+136.880 493.020 6.081 543.549 5.955 247.545 3.807
+137.038 492.230 5.912 544.265 5.914 246.325 3.743
+137.195 493.842 5.758 543.922 5.813 250.163 3.900
+137.353 494.698 5.797 544.599 6.151 249.871 3.708
+137.511 494.267 7.224 546.306 6.046 246.578 4.379
+137.669 493.722 6.970 544.693 6.482 251.015 7.303
+137.825 491.187 7.030 545.657 6.181 250.810 4.482
+137.982 492.791 6.229 545.786 6.142 248.988 5.188
+138.141 493.287 5.716 544.787 6.268 245.859 4.269
+138.299 492.942 6.262 545.357 6.033 248.608 4.577
+138.457 493.689 5.621 546.173 6.050 251.796 3.689
+138.615 493.356 5.707 545.461 6.077 249.177 4.183
+138.773 494.363 5.444 545.574 6.044 248.721 4.396
+138.931 494.033 5.805 546.175 6.288 250.357 3.722
+139.088 493.000 5.600 545.411 6.427 247.773 3.680
+139.246 493.310 5.451 544.704 5.939 249.417 3.918
+139.403 492.793 5.453 545.257 6.055 250.034 3.713
+139.561 492.667 5.732 545.632 6.324 249.570 3.698
+139.719 493.226 5.779 544.966 5.844 248.635 4.001
+139.876 491.942 6.047 545.979 5.835 245.986 3.398
+140.035 495.919 5.502 545.679 5.777 250.529 3.451
+140.193 494.929 5.522 545.206 6.153 249.855 3.592
+140.351 491.279 5.558 545.132 5.939 247.308 4.560
+140.509 493.462 5.626 546.121 6.062 250.133 3.836
+140.667 492.504 5.373 546.761 6.244 247.391 4.365
+140.824 494.475 5.777 545.107 6.530 250.063 4.962
+140.982 492.584 5.594 544.461 6.764 250.820 4.265
+141.140 492.825 5.382 546.024 6.826 248.658 4.617
+141.297 492.338 5.654 544.910 5.924 248.646 3.437
+141.455 492.083 5.636 546.609 5.988 248.436 3.923
+141.612 492.830 5.961 545.216 6.070 248.694 3.230
+141.770 490.778 5.527 545.482 6.012 247.806 3.320
+141.928 496.447 5.608 545.644 6.119 251.228 3.473
+142.086 493.004 5.874 544.846 6.170 248.622 4.050
+142.244 491.970 5.909 545.248 5.978 248.176 3.610
+142.403 492.189 5.678 546.292 5.860 249.021 3.899
+142.561 491.991 5.645 545.702 6.018 249.130 4.794
+142.719 491.969 5.456 545.457 5.887 251.251 3.615
+142.877 489.499 5.727 545.004 6.278 250.052 3.698
+143.035 491.725 5.522 544.910 6.234 246.500 3.488
+143.193 492.797 5.727 544.509 5.980 250.635 3.498
+143.351 492.388 5.592 546.185 6.329 248.926 3.389
+143.509 492.463 5.507 545.001 6.280 249.019 3.609
+143.667 491.804 5.770 544.620 6.301 249.400 3.813
+143.825 492.028 5.595 545.126 6.289 249.334 4.732
+143.983 491.480 5.500 544.291 6.116 248.463 3.680
+144.141 490.874 5.527 544.343 6.069 249.984 4.224
+144.298 492.888 5.659 544.363 5.892 248.469 3.781
+144.456 489.478 6.694 544.223 6.142 248.984 3.438
+144.614 491.394 6.027 544.222 5.972 250.819 3.633
+144.772 490.364 5.590 543.482 6.032 249.428 3.784
+144.930 491.803 5.594 543.774 5.917 249.804 4.323
+145.088 490.858 5.716 544.427 5.897 249.448 3.284
+145.246 490.818 5.828 544.784 5.990 248.244 3.732
+145.405 490.998 5.638 544.267 5.916 247.702 3.520
+145.563 489.550 5.567 543.062 5.876 250.227 4.116
+145.720 493.535 5.330 543.990 5.989 251.582 3.480
+145.879 489.575 5.400 544.229 6.041 247.465 3.613
+146.037 490.405 5.956 542.412 5.938 247.554 4.168
+146.194 490.604 5.966 544.024 5.861 249.355 4.358
+146.351 489.176 5.614 543.030 6.051 249.293 4.049
+146.509 490.621 5.499 543.010 6.334 250.022 3.739
+146.667 489.786 5.571 543.260 6.111 246.730 4.332
+146.825 490.087 5.648 542.192 6.333 250.607 4.815
+146.983 489.600 5.652 543.082 6.023 249.546 4.397
+147.140 491.666 6.630 541.400 6.286 248.525 4.766
+147.298 486.396 5.846 543.544 6.156 246.915 4.022
+147.456 493.154 6.128 542.355 5.844 248.219 4.578
+147.613 491.461 5.673 543.143 5.888 251.672 3.802
+147.771 490.824 5.698 542.331 5.938 249.636 3.464
+147.929 492.558 5.427 542.333 5.920 251.716 3.696
+148.087 490.815 5.663 542.003 6.210 247.037 3.519
+148.245 490.918 5.844 543.000 5.968 244.290 3.935
+148.402 491.579 5.782 541.480 5.960 250.032 3.978
+148.560 490.055 5.805 541.174 6.028 250.270 3.525
+148.717 491.140 7.197 540.861 6.223 247.802 3.607
+148.875 490.021 5.728 541.088 5.913 247.898 3.834
+149.033 492.980 6.312 541.350 5.950 250.069 4.114
+149.191 493.549 5.546 542.913 5.924 248.610 3.433
+149.348 490.675 6.703 541.039 6.762 250.866 3.939
+149.506 490.516 6.100 539.920 6.159 248.708 4.004
+149.663 491.745 6.228 539.409 5.976 247.027 3.817
+149.821 491.507 6.995 539.794 6.222 251.790 4.014
+149.979 494.035 6.414 541.328 5.879 248.927 3.455
+150.136 491.020 5.810 540.783 6.494 247.569 4.191
+150.294 495.970 6.158 539.917 6.026 246.085 4.152
+150.452 494.739 5.807 539.939 5.892 249.070 5.723
+150.610 490.637 5.911 539.669 6.044 247.940 5.127
+150.768 488.966 5.809 538.656 5.849 248.329 3.579
+150.927 496.779 6.867 539.386 6.281 251.773 4.184
+151.084 494.077 5.898 538.063 6.246 247.717 3.757
+151.242 493.380 6.640 539.820 5.904 247.197 3.951
+151.400 497.243 6.271 539.798 5.774 247.212 3.977
+151.557 498.442 6.128 539.088 6.282 252.002 5.031
+151.715 494.624 6.238 540.050 5.938 249.120 3.303
+151.873 495.526 6.000 539.000 6.343 249.571 3.773
+152.031 494.425 6.253 538.870 6.732 249.325 3.920
+152.189 494.314 5.761 537.638 6.283 249.403 3.746
+152.347 493.873 6.551 539.236 5.955 246.954 3.678
+152.505 494.568 6.018 538.132 6.034 249.779 5.187
+152.664 497.035 5.993 538.931 6.145 249.587 5.587
+152.822 492.190 6.321 539.079 6.525 246.505 4.009
+152.979 495.271 8.050 538.980 7.148 250.785 4.555
+153.137 495.982 7.900 538.619 6.367 247.657 3.893
+153.293 492.609 6.909 539.546 6.068 246.836 5.832
+153.451 493.826 5.808 537.555 6.213 249.408 5.239
+153.609 493.908 5.919 538.735 6.496 251.104 6.354
+153.766 494.449 6.079 538.467 6.774 248.421 3.761
+153.924 493.894 6.881 540.304 6.787 246.784 7.252
+154.081 493.458 7.816 537.863 6.362 247.977 3.572
+154.239 492.774 6.610 537.898 6.345 249.059 4.859
+154.395 491.697 7.377 537.669 6.157 248.540 4.879
+154.552 492.647 7.878 537.846 6.332 247.465 4.284
+154.708 494.416 7.630 538.618 6.014 249.944 4.888
+154.866 493.054 7.311 538.036 8.037 247.899 6.665
+155.023 495.850 8.470 538.010 6.107 250.099 4.980
+155.180 496.578 8.466 538.640 7.130 249.291 6.280
+155.337 495.315 6.052 539.466 6.504 250.512 4.621
+155.494 497.313 6.663 538.314 6.346 249.175 4.707
+155.652 495.993 9.083 537.903 6.562 248.971 9.501
+155.808 496.979 5.878 537.589 6.742 248.889 4.937
+155.966 496.039 7.133 538.035 5.906 250.388 4.052
+156.123 492.550 8.389 538.610 7.079 247.033 4.925
+156.280 493.815 6.827 537.316 6.284 248.550 6.077
+156.438 488.598 6.053 538.433 6.355 245.755 5.773
+156.596 490.416 5.868 537.644 6.132 249.087 3.233
+156.754 493.394 6.442 537.886 6.160 247.660 3.609
+156.912 493.164 6.712 537.458 7.006 247.176 4.099
+157.070 492.611 7.176 537.494 6.593 248.631 4.913
+157.227 488.636 5.807 538.324 6.805 246.406 4.362
+157.384 490.896 6.285 537.593 6.055 249.724 4.671
+157.542 489.789 6.221 537.986 6.694 248.447 3.803
+157.699 496.277 5.833 538.629 6.665 250.604 4.643
+157.856 496.462 6.808 536.826 5.813 249.376 5.005
+158.014 494.104 6.963 537.678 6.290 249.893 6.335
+158.171 497.021 6.351 537.446 6.945 248.838 6.830
+158.328 497.310 6.629 537.764 6.701 251.018 4.254
+158.485 492.143 7.634 536.647 6.444 248.320 4.687
+158.643 494.151 6.691 538.676 6.040 250.273 3.568
+158.801 492.971 6.169 537.576 6.250 247.242 6.054
+158.959 495.469 6.524 537.435 6.468 249.332 3.770
+159.116 496.014 7.912 538.954 7.277 246.283 3.800
+159.273 497.170 6.490 537.389 6.636 248.542 4.610
+159.431 489.461 7.115 538.223 6.583 248.225 3.477
+159.589 491.924 9.918 538.072 6.342 248.362 5.877
+159.746 492.019 5.645 537.900 6.412 247.463 4.893
+159.903 494.790 6.273 538.329 6.087 249.564 4.829
+160.061 493.947 6.368 537.973 6.122 248.345 4.681
+160.219 495.709 5.429 538.039 5.798 247.833 3.938
+160.377 497.217 6.918 538.810 6.121 249.358 4.080
+160.534 493.292 6.054 537.878 5.911 245.913 3.215
+160.692 495.192 5.718 538.258 5.880 249.319 4.862
+160.850 493.861 6.683 537.872 6.449 247.843 4.166
+161.007 491.148 5.806 538.648 6.086 247.218 3.783
+161.165 496.091 6.175 537.246 6.074 248.102 4.974
+161.324 492.430 7.326 538.542 6.115 246.041 4.022
+161.481 497.264 6.242 537.945 6.670 249.830 4.434
+161.639 491.182 5.918 537.949 6.227 246.018 4.251
+161.798 493.751 5.589 536.189 6.044 251.180 4.406
+161.955 491.587 5.692 537.531 6.086 246.171 4.387
+162.113 494.355 6.258 536.275 6.109 250.991 3.689
+162.272 492.683 5.773 538.872 6.483 248.099 4.563
+162.430 494.006 5.982 538.418 5.980 250.381 4.703
+162.587 493.650 7.688 538.894 6.108 248.493 6.568
+162.745 493.306 5.774 536.878 6.688 247.334 3.728
+162.902 490.383 5.829 537.608 6.142 248.363 4.408
+163.060 493.413 6.249 536.316 5.959 250.463 4.842
+163.217 491.244 5.877 537.303 6.086 248.854 4.474
+163.375 492.672 6.037 537.243 5.911 245.368 5.607
+163.533 492.086 5.675 536.742 6.388 245.333 6.695
+163.691 491.700 5.757 537.557 6.269 244.153 4.576
+163.849 491.077 6.132 537.065 5.920 250.021 3.555
+164.007 492.410 7.403 537.530 6.230 249.360 9.223
+164.164 491.354 8.352 536.155 5.797 249.523 4.940
+164.322 490.803 6.420 537.901 6.758 243.955 4.437
+164.479 491.558 6.072 537.939 6.566 247.539 6.182
+164.637 491.465 5.604 537.079 6.577 249.985 5.317
+164.795 490.604 6.778 537.020 5.949 249.559 4.781
+164.953 492.916 6.694 537.700 6.378 247.535 4.615
+165.111 488.909 6.401 537.117 5.853 247.405 4.437
+165.269 494.599 6.184 537.501 6.297 250.884 4.456
+165.427 490.996 6.090 537.205 6.096 248.118 3.433
+165.586 491.289 5.676 536.162 5.891 250.571 4.632
+165.743 490.982 6.312 538.261 7.278 241.815 5.974
+165.901 490.579 5.908 538.572 5.968 244.208 3.537
+166.059 494.545 6.125 538.075 5.871 250.992 4.533
+166.217 497.075 5.837 539.120 5.960 248.939 4.280
+166.375 494.580 5.613 537.721 5.793 247.999 3.587
+166.534 494.265 6.737 538.477 6.290 248.160 4.976
+166.691 491.372 6.697 538.984 6.438 248.111 4.172
+166.849 494.093 5.358 538.279 5.948 246.631 3.682
+167.006 492.980 5.710 538.362 6.075 245.956 4.861
+167.164 493.009 6.243 536.543 5.931 248.909 3.242
+167.322 494.840 8.695 539.425 5.914 248.879 5.305
+167.480 490.748 6.592 538.004 6.560 244.338 3.535
+167.638 494.317 6.864 538.610 5.879 249.363 3.997
+167.795 490.693 5.548 538.686 6.423 246.713 3.629
+167.953 494.906 7.877 538.606 5.694 250.907 6.236
+168.111 496.569 7.064 539.276 6.288 245.749 6.044
+168.268 493.735 5.934 538.832 6.040 247.267 4.928
+168.426 494.177 8.957 539.118 5.802 249.872 3.540
+168.583 492.181 6.819 540.421 6.335 248.338 4.997
+168.741 492.001 6.363 538.784 6.086 248.633 4.029
+168.898 493.480 6.173 541.387 5.848 247.296 5.881
+169.056 494.074 6.357 540.583 6.103 248.152 4.772
+169.214 493.940 6.239 542.065 5.950 246.501 5.420
+169.372 494.859 6.732 541.030 5.934 249.785 3.856
+169.529 496.228 7.245 541.300 6.481 251.407 3.295
+169.687 492.432 6.881 542.123 6.205 246.444 4.067
+169.844 498.874 7.094 542.791 5.832 252.514 4.741
+170.002 497.628 6.658 542.158 6.445 247.015 5.385
+170.160 498.086 6.138 542.421 6.637 246.250 5.890
+170.318 497.330 6.180 543.544 7.094 246.242 7.260
+170.475 496.313 5.746 542.965 6.142 252.022 3.953
+170.633 493.453 5.718 543.819 6.877 249.170 5.917
+170.790 498.554 6.453 543.858 6.126 249.091 4.954
+170.947 495.935 5.862 543.628 6.126 245.240 3.525
+171.105 495.119 5.950 543.156 5.839 246.792 4.770
+171.262 495.381 6.235 543.521 6.224 245.527 4.737
+171.420 492.923 5.720 542.695 6.001 252.325 4.404
+171.577 495.619 6.933 545.517 7.103 247.963 7.826
+171.734 490.986 6.535 545.595 6.743 247.309 8.590
+171.891 491.259 7.171 543.846 6.478 249.353 6.398
+172.048 492.382 6.491 544.668 6.670 250.713 4.311
+172.206 491.783 5.764 544.246 7.354 249.797 5.260
+172.364 489.777 6.310 544.722 6.776 247.987 4.663
+172.522 494.767 6.001 544.547 6.193 250.169 6.378
+172.680 499.047 6.740 544.405 6.234 250.611 5.902
+172.837 492.880 8.320 543.924 8.045 247.686 3.748
+172.994 491.598 6.515 544.379 7.054 248.766 6.338
+173.152 498.526 10.276 543.963 7.269 254.877 8.417
+173.309 487.215 6.562 545.069 6.272 241.218 4.206
+173.466 493.192 7.216 544.680 6.143 246.402 6.535
+173.623 493.201 7.394 543.486 6.501 251.624 4.327
+173.780 494.272 6.220 541.884 5.965 255.236 3.948
+173.938 488.642 7.034 545.448 6.540 240.232 8.627
+174.095 493.736 6.283 544.374 6.168 246.272 5.307
+174.253 492.327 8.163 543.323 6.292 250.182 7.901
+174.409 484.493 6.198 543.523 6.446 246.701 4.101
+174.567 490.914 7.089 545.085 6.565 246.177 4.653
+174.724 491.699 9.252 544.510 5.930 245.201 5.935
+174.881 489.467 6.528 543.115 6.509 250.902 5.509
+175.039 492.874 7.089 545.401 6.127 242.729 4.739
+175.197 495.718 7.753 543.254 5.958 252.717 4.791
+175.355 492.037 7.078 543.812 7.156 249.297 8.022
+175.511 496.020 6.087 545.958 6.133 245.553 5.472
+175.670 494.370 6.081 544.149 6.221 250.825 4.375
+175.828 494.733 5.755 544.051 6.121 250.608 5.394
+175.985 498.087 6.113 543.210 6.349 248.596 6.937
+176.143 499.670 6.645 545.592 6.785 249.165 4.688
+176.301 496.156 7.561 545.426 6.391 247.931 5.201
+176.458 496.001 6.178 543.594 6.917 251.409 3.991
+176.616 495.030 6.476 543.326 7.742 253.454 5.031
+176.774 496.230 7.951 542.403 6.470 252.794 4.372
+176.930 492.762 7.157 543.354 6.471 246.597 8.066
+177.086 496.627 7.383 543.223 6.844 249.056 8.190
+177.243 493.056 6.794 543.602 6.532 252.360 5.529
+177.401 491.790 7.262 542.256 7.318 247.633 7.474
+177.558 494.847 21.067 544.832 11.366 244.666 32.331
+177.713 490.078 11.714 544.178 10.426 247.796 17.695
+177.870 491.750 7.119 543.601 8.062 250.927 6.298
+178.027 493.147 6.871 543.516 7.936 255.979 6.075
+178.185 492.731 6.720 540.785 6.787 248.419 7.399
+178.341 494.527 11.681 544.508 6.475 241.074 7.043
+178.499 494.495 6.735 544.545 8.067 251.260 8.142
+178.655 489.924 8.039 542.725 7.160 253.622 6.756
+178.812 498.489 7.393 543.647 6.512 254.506 7.168
+178.969 488.534 6.369 543.846 7.960 245.265 8.181
+179.126 493.985 6.956 545.188 8.453 241.902 8.734
+179.283 497.139 6.216 544.221 6.327 253.599 8.300
+179.440 490.161 7.012 542.082 6.310 249.766 7.593
+179.597 495.661 6.732 544.390 8.353 251.217 10.529
+179.754 490.506 7.679 544.403 7.415 243.152 7.034
+179.911 493.965 7.032 542.174 6.831 257.331 4.393
+180.069 493.339 6.502 541.961 7.245 253.333 4.648
+180.226 505.123 10.631 541.969 8.280 250.813 20.658
+180.382 479.661 39.015 546.219 18.937 216.698 30.568
+180.535 493.176 15.960 542.112 8.874 250.117 15.408
+180.692 497.211 10.428 541.671 7.636 264.981 10.518
+180.850 499.142 9.365 540.426 7.085 258.179 6.787
+181.007 496.731 11.128 546.934 8.798 239.231 10.907
+181.163 496.377 7.075 545.009 6.708 241.512 7.395
+181.320 502.403 6.248 540.090 6.332 258.495 4.299
+181.478 496.904 6.723 542.890 7.664 251.434 3.365
+181.636 499.739 6.666 543.649 6.813 246.144 4.234
+181.794 501.107 6.677 544.346 6.051 244.191 4.717
+181.951 498.381 6.422 543.313 5.975 247.071 5.137
+182.108 502.453 6.145 542.643 6.038 247.770 3.360
+182.266 502.194 7.003 543.406 6.032 251.167 6.210
+182.423 499.291 5.976 544.454 5.896 252.691 4.021
+182.581 495.072 5.870 545.014 6.375 243.666 5.896
+182.738 496.590 6.275 542.370 6.651 241.786 3.868
+182.896 498.765 6.571 544.503 6.080 252.827 5.528
+183.055 500.347 7.637 543.865 6.703 251.938 6.441
+183.212 501.513 6.537 543.938 6.160 242.149 4.860
+183.370 495.845 6.626 544.679 6.524 244.041 5.021
+183.529 496.288 7.343 542.476 6.611 265.790 5.105
+183.688 500.082 6.168 542.414 5.978 248.117 9.692
+183.845 493.050 7.160 543.384 6.795 232.011 9.288
+184.002 493.130 7.947 542.973 6.314 245.710 7.151
+184.160 500.931 6.589 540.289 6.502 267.317 5.418
+184.317 494.059 6.822 544.423 6.344 244.063 8.711
+184.474 494.790 7.093 545.584 6.398 235.300 8.374
+184.632 493.447 6.520 543.165 6.388 246.733 7.755
+184.789 493.974 6.635 542.381 6.360 252.567 5.581
+184.947 498.379 7.967 543.213 6.288 246.195 7.917
+185.103 498.003 6.090 542.962 6.722 245.182 4.982
+185.260 497.190 7.095 543.869 6.456 248.131 5.836
+185.418 496.491 9.444 542.058 6.357 249.351 7.404
+185.575 493.354 6.389 542.630 6.552 248.903 5.475
+185.732 496.133 6.352 543.036 6.952 249.739 4.593
+185.890 492.671 7.518 543.720 7.344 244.567 4.463
+186.047 494.356 7.158 542.307 7.649 248.965 6.419
+186.204 495.223 7.474 543.573 7.509 250.459 4.143
+186.361 493.222 8.153 542.055 6.566 249.744 7.432
+186.517 495.442 6.988 544.870 7.412 248.297 3.987
+186.674 498.994 5.851 542.048 6.005 254.223 5.589
+186.832 492.509 7.607 543.180 6.997 245.822 7.878
+186.988 497.265 7.736 543.991 7.512 238.968 5.712
+187.146 495.292 5.834 541.859 6.111 257.079 4.423
+187.305 494.132 6.900 541.738 6.378 261.300 4.607
+187.463 492.331 7.800 541.877 7.015 242.843 4.775
+187.621 491.633 8.320 543.698 7.689 238.758 9.610
+187.777 492.226 6.915 540.637 8.670 251.177 4.986
+187.935 494.332 6.722 542.006 6.035 251.491 7.115
+188.092 490.313 8.551 541.270 6.733 250.214 5.844
+188.249 488.073 6.308 540.242 7.111 251.742 4.133
+188.406 492.860 6.100 542.552 6.271 256.467 7.899
+188.564 491.878 7.253 542.445 6.610 247.424 6.511
+188.721 482.598 7.513 541.674 5.930 245.824 5.158
+188.880 491.146 6.226 542.756 5.869 257.768 3.906
+189.038 489.961 6.492 540.677 5.926 256.187 5.877
+189.197 489.409 6.437 545.276 6.247 247.061 6.339
+189.355 493.534 5.713 543.312 6.596 248.550 6.182
+189.513 493.265 8.925 540.643 7.064 254.745 6.719
+189.669 495.192 8.564 542.986 6.695 251.277 6.321
+189.827 495.511 8.235 542.939 6.031 247.772 6.845
+189.984 498.625 8.858 541.149 7.170 250.187 7.987
+190.140 492.586 7.924 543.981 6.498 246.751 7.585
+190.296 495.935 8.205 543.759 6.339 249.127 5.837
+190.454 494.779 8.351 541.747 6.574 250.911 4.539
+190.611 491.437 8.016 540.847 6.868 250.839 5.578
+190.768 490.814 9.904 543.778 6.476 245.998 4.888
+190.925 489.758 7.889 542.347 6.876 247.300 8.158
+191.081 487.947 9.197 541.933 6.447 249.263 9.160
+191.238 489.139 9.663 542.249 6.377 249.362 8.656
+191.395 486.171 8.878 542.212 6.378 247.353 9.474
+191.551 480.361 8.847 543.572 7.490 244.523 9.581
+191.707 480.113 6.621 541.195 6.756 245.805 11.091
+191.865 482.201 7.341 539.672 7.035 252.808 9.644
+192.022 480.902 5.648 543.686 5.992 247.428 9.869
+192.180 484.319 7.924 543.006 9.223 241.824 9.653
+192.336 487.503 8.793 542.940 7.227 246.078 6.532
+192.493 486.695 6.324 543.579 7.130 249.570 10.795
+192.650 490.036 8.987 542.185 6.541 247.995 11.627
+192.807 490.170 7.524 541.651 6.188 247.399 7.838
+192.964 492.631 8.908 541.206 6.607 246.804 12.223
+193.120 491.716 9.284 541.582 7.271 246.108 9.801
+193.276 492.197 8.061 543.285 7.105 248.361 8.340
+193.432 496.972 8.038 542.962 6.479 254.043 8.885
+193.588 498.859 9.505 542.079 6.821 251.320 4.615
+193.745 497.768 6.785 542.630 6.698 249.143 4.871
+193.903 493.747 6.129 542.426 6.662 249.031 5.840
+194.061 493.677 6.012 542.914 6.847 249.640 5.275
+194.219 488.556 6.570 540.439 5.853 248.306 4.089
+194.376 492.805 5.737 541.624 5.941 245.243 5.800
+194.535 494.008 6.435 542.056 6.392 247.952 6.310
+194.693 495.130 5.603 541.770 6.127 253.789 4.905
+194.850 494.931 6.344 541.087 6.327 252.687 4.231
+195.007 493.549 6.336 540.690 6.175 248.116 5.146
+195.165 494.615 6.082 541.446 6.065 246.251 4.201
+195.322 494.366 5.650 541.704 6.250 248.542 4.806
+195.480 496.533 7.169 541.877 6.593 254.225 6.573
+195.638 497.695 7.517 539.938 5.986 252.992 6.029
+195.796 499.107 6.871 541.319 7.129 247.319 5.105
+195.953 501.261 6.091 542.853 7.049 252.203 5.135
+196.111 499.392 6.000 542.248 6.469 253.612 6.721
+196.268 497.964 6.672 542.332 6.312 248.046 5.727
+196.426 495.859 6.711 539.713 7.131 246.590 5.470
+196.584 488.588 6.034 539.147 6.371 246.415 3.816
+196.743 489.575 7.068 539.681 7.560 247.394 9.160
+196.900 494.135 6.844 540.006 6.270 251.443 4.908
+197.058 497.371 5.372 540.240 6.940 249.834 5.919
+197.216 498.563 6.273 539.512 5.695 249.758 5.835
+197.374 500.965 8.688 540.855 6.676 248.987 4.419
+197.531 495.399 5.929 539.268 6.789 245.209 8.553
+197.688 491.044 6.305 539.352 6.485 249.872 4.814
+197.846 496.370 6.049 538.493 6.371 250.968 4.520
+198.004 493.613 6.263 537.205 6.473 250.229 3.577
+198.163 490.946 5.737 539.812 6.119 242.542 3.574
+198.321 493.269 6.129 539.838 6.267 250.385 4.228
+198.479 489.842 5.650 538.318 5.849 252.283 3.541
+198.636 491.808 5.475 538.873 6.846 243.012 5.313
+198.794 488.668 6.671 536.648 6.530 245.860 5.599
+198.952 489.876 6.637 537.786 6.026 253.318 4.060
+199.110 489.268 6.067 537.987 5.895 253.513 3.956
+199.267 487.152 6.226 539.879 6.312 244.015 4.170
+199.425 488.061 6.411 539.248 6.250 246.690 3.826
+199.584 489.490 5.868 537.122 6.233 253.386 4.427
+199.741 485.674 6.455 537.731 6.003 249.843 3.830
+199.899 486.686 6.866 539.677 5.957 246.508 5.380
+200.056 484.336 6.227 539.946 5.859 247.915 5.190
+200.215 484.883 7.012 537.729 6.121 251.469 4.761
+200.372 490.118 6.108 538.087 6.120 248.384 3.796
+200.530 489.391 5.977 539.310 6.188 247.973 3.720
+200.689 485.803 6.090 538.453 6.566 253.409 3.869
+200.847 484.748 5.871 538.314 6.246 254.884 3.424
+201.005 484.327 6.450 538.163 6.111 247.008 3.459
+201.163 488.283 5.365 539.071 5.897 243.770 4.579
+201.321 492.072 6.054 539.070 6.263 251.987 3.465
+201.480 489.280 5.553 538.700 6.279 253.469 4.904
+201.638 490.262 5.935 539.007 5.949 250.794 5.276
+201.796 491.212 6.854 537.370 6.331 247.577 6.149
+201.954 492.882 6.636 537.773 6.074 251.495 6.692
+202.112 493.398 6.604 538.607 6.986 250.584 5.054
+202.269 496.454 9.959 539.276 5.990 252.855 4.944
+202.426 493.004 11.098 538.292 8.095 250.828 6.575
+202.583 487.610 7.371 538.293 7.009 248.968 7.761
+202.740 482.176 6.331 538.633 6.381 245.789 4.970
+202.898 476.881 9.051 540.076 6.279 247.057 10.885
+203.055 476.538 9.872 539.390 7.138 250.200 4.587
+203.211 482.465 5.697 537.524 7.510 246.692 7.005
+203.369 490.474 7.498 538.745 6.309 247.826 5.754
+203.526 490.734 11.238 537.437 6.863 252.128 5.864
+203.685 494.617 8.869 538.154 8.121 255.221 7.965
+203.840 490.846 8.914 540.001 8.302 249.322 9.877
+203.997 490.298 8.092 538.600 6.619 244.113 7.403
+204.155 488.823 10.455 537.616 6.600 253.071 10.213
+204.312 486.478 8.913 537.886 6.968 255.840 4.739
+204.469 484.064 8.527 540.568 7.233 239.338 3.794
+204.626 483.860 7.076 536.435 6.255 249.163 3.837
+204.785 491.118 7.046 537.084 7.684 257.781 5.961
+204.943 482.831 13.553 538.690 12.669 234.877 24.318
+205.099 495.268 14.927 538.636 10.173 251.718 13.186
+205.256 494.162 11.197 537.876 11.718 261.157 8.614
+205.414 498.251 9.060 538.048 8.315 259.941 18.672
+205.570 481.152 10.967 536.980 10.176 236.979 9.681
+205.726 493.121 15.352 539.829 10.048 241.569 6.885
+205.882 481.561 7.638 537.868 6.516 250.075 8.928
+206.040 482.185 7.113 538.538 7.625 264.980 8.941
+206.197 481.051 9.001 537.035 6.602 253.079 4.691
+206.355 479.840 6.296 540.770 6.688 231.560 10.306
+206.512 490.578 13.012 539.017 7.145 250.655 7.688
+206.668 484.945 7.127 539.410 6.546 244.796 5.413
+206.825 485.659 8.682 539.104 6.465 243.087 6.729
+206.983 486.596 6.488 535.891 6.258 249.300 4.833
+207.140 486.145 6.952 539.049 6.093 245.083 4.747
+207.298 486.581 5.792 537.930 5.968 245.220 5.442
+207.456 484.515 6.550 539.049 5.787 246.222 3.689
+207.614 485.445 6.920 541.350 6.676 246.852 5.964
+207.771 486.934 5.948 539.873 6.060 249.168 3.752
+207.929 485.089 6.425 539.158 6.202 246.231 5.180
+208.087 486.030 5.565 539.621 7.246 249.052 4.864
+208.245 490.200 6.618 539.826 6.216 254.570 6.446
+208.402 487.962 5.666 541.248 6.737 249.305 5.267
+208.561 488.219 6.072 538.912 6.684 244.693 9.614
+208.718 487.522 6.977 538.099 6.479 250.976 11.425
+208.876 485.975 6.845 540.221 7.306 242.959 5.731
+209.034 481.819 5.801 538.612 5.955 245.679 3.468
+209.193 483.438 5.575 539.066 5.962 248.566 5.737
+209.351 480.674 6.340 538.150 6.185 256.105 3.804
+209.510 481.386 5.666 538.881 6.062 248.881 4.555
+209.668 482.313 6.648 538.968 6.016 248.238 4.688
+209.826 476.613 8.083 540.399 5.861 247.062 4.872
+209.983 481.916 6.120 539.554 5.972 255.320 3.923
+210.142 482.189 6.024 537.245 6.056 252.263 6.693
+210.300 480.711 5.826 538.682 6.537 249.082 5.724
+210.458 483.817 5.968 539.526 6.198 253.090 3.127
+210.617 480.858 6.475 540.205 5.939 246.400 4.789
+210.775 483.268 6.683 538.622 5.949 246.794 3.833
+210.932 486.612 5.970 539.186 5.816 255.247 3.666
+211.090 483.926 7.089 538.691 6.164 254.522 4.521
+211.248 486.459 7.441 540.717 6.043 250.155 5.545
+211.406 484.554 6.423 541.287 6.190 244.441 4.612
+211.564 477.295 6.513 540.582 6.161 243.604 5.363
+211.722 485.213 6.582 537.555 5.918 254.986 4.525
+211.880 485.862 5.478 538.055 5.987 256.709 3.670
+212.038 481.138 6.203 540.250 6.091 250.657 4.715
+212.195 477.661 6.589 540.232 5.931 244.436 4.165
+212.353 483.946 5.347 539.882 6.238 252.994 4.741
+212.511 483.009 5.621 538.248 5.997 250.229 3.587
+212.669 485.380 6.028 539.122 6.066 256.662 3.830
+212.827 486.243 6.351 541.741 5.918 247.526 4.658
+212.985 481.462 7.000 541.817 5.781 241.785 4.324
+213.142 481.804 6.360 540.178 6.511 250.737 4.600
+213.301 487.688 7.047 538.081 5.914 259.007 3.994
+213.459 476.766 6.200 539.120 6.398 246.880 4.284
+213.616 481.357 6.688 542.201 6.029 243.278 4.109
+213.773 486.283 5.513 541.682 6.578 253.732 3.965
+213.931 478.762 6.029 539.696 6.101 251.937 4.422
+214.089 485.527 6.162 539.287 6.392 251.469 7.436
+214.247 481.545 6.239 541.282 6.745 239.544 5.585
+214.404 481.395 8.121 542.742 6.272 252.815 3.829
+214.562 485.494 7.282 540.137 7.550 258.698 6.024
+214.721 477.155 12.313 539.821 10.079 246.287 11.347
+214.877 485.371 8.401 541.808 9.498 248.112 12.827
+215.033 480.373 6.539 539.548 7.188 253.761 5.576
+215.191 483.313 6.143 538.605 8.901 258.977 8.746
+215.349 472.653 7.559 539.126 8.079 238.539 6.869
+215.505 485.006 6.807 538.231 7.045 254.755 4.166
+215.663 483.440 8.572 540.092 7.331 254.457 8.528
+215.820 488.234 11.322 542.811 10.258 245.094 11.205
+215.977 481.132 11.927 541.448 7.911 246.820 7.767
+216.134 485.381 8.758 541.394 7.979 252.278 8.773
+216.289 483.303 7.150 537.684 7.246 251.042 4.702
+216.448 481.923 7.219 540.606 6.467 247.060 5.360
+216.606 484.369 6.158 541.256 7.107 246.700 6.206
+216.763 482.213 5.395 541.652 6.130 246.877 4.148
+216.921 486.012 6.050 539.966 6.493 254.368 3.834
+217.080 484.230 6.347 538.409 6.328 253.973 4.153
+217.238 483.532 6.889 540.644 6.797 244.619 4.133
+217.395 485.615 5.281 540.066 6.118 246.186 3.966
+217.553 486.486 6.034 540.540 6.200 253.681 5.419
+217.712 488.324 5.823 539.265 6.066 255.466 4.613
+217.870 489.853 6.332 539.772 5.716 251.294 4.225
+218.027 485.838 5.629 542.837 6.099 240.912 3.856
+218.185 488.718 6.155 541.468 6.015 245.229 3.796
+218.343 486.487 6.056 539.694 6.292 253.182 3.915
+218.501 493.864 5.995 539.207 6.086 248.931 5.054
+218.660 492.788 7.131 540.522 6.762 244.949 6.369
+218.817 494.927 6.248 539.965 6.668 247.149 7.769
+218.975 493.929 7.356 539.129 8.053 257.771 5.407
+219.132 486.629 11.704 541.571 8.206 241.017 20.138
+219.288 496.626 10.057 541.235 7.573 241.810 6.768
+219.445 496.986 7.205 540.292 6.935 253.108 8.446
+219.602 496.179 7.228 538.182 6.997 253.391 5.729
+219.759 489.951 6.091 542.931 5.960 234.223 5.782
+219.917 490.839 5.657 540.629 6.360 244.242 6.502
+220.075 493.038 6.996 539.486 6.517 259.872 4.846
+220.232 500.710 10.276 541.114 6.588 242.978 11.178
+220.389 489.717 20.178 541.951 11.424 236.149 24.173
+220.546 502.407 11.679 539.199 8.655 262.001 8.460
+220.703 491.014 7.659 539.362 6.659 258.440 5.290
+220.861 496.310 7.651 539.963 8.152 239.654 9.327
+221.017 494.063 7.229 540.329 7.031 236.606 9.488
+221.173 495.760 6.646 537.823 7.758 257.876 8.347
+221.330 495.267 6.722 541.078 6.949 251.628 4.093
+221.487 495.662 5.971 540.570 6.698 244.816 5.906
+221.644 491.126 8.154 540.865 6.503 240.868 5.846
+221.801 496.651 6.416 540.698 6.220 249.378 5.705
+221.959 490.136 6.586 539.177 6.317 246.013 4.817
+222.117 486.571 5.814 540.701 6.015 243.200 5.022
+222.275 496.925 6.584 540.717 6.311 251.282 5.146
+222.433 497.449 9.009 540.967 6.518 252.622 4.110
+222.590 488.024 6.628 540.919 6.244 243.636 5.902
+222.748 490.930 5.674 540.509 5.925 248.626 4.073
+222.906 490.909 5.849 540.715 6.307 250.916 4.756
+223.064 489.259 5.678 539.717 6.106 250.199 3.459
+223.222 487.032 5.792 538.947 6.077 249.152 4.229
+223.381 490.500 6.507 539.979 5.829 248.191 4.335
+223.538 489.535 7.587 541.519 6.043 249.361 4.386
+223.696 487.255 6.290 540.915 5.873 251.173 4.267
+223.854 492.302 6.075 540.329 5.792 251.221 3.534
+224.011 489.263 5.781 539.983 6.381 246.822 3.553
+224.170 491.742 6.158 540.779 6.080 247.928 4.516
+224.328 489.527 6.165 540.937 6.246 250.959 3.759
+224.487 490.665 6.376 540.829 6.544 251.029 4.133
+224.645 494.376 6.861 541.018 6.291 246.530 3.649
+224.802 491.043 5.790 541.540 6.010 245.905 3.516
+224.960 496.230 5.345 537.655 6.083 254.579 3.439
+225.118 493.942 5.379 540.946 6.202 250.415 3.697
+225.276 493.589 7.659 542.119 6.284 246.534 3.893
+225.433 497.195 7.174 541.141 6.030 249.615 4.470
+225.591 495.652 7.634 541.651 6.304 249.026 5.299
+225.749 496.746 6.394 539.336 6.037 253.610 3.447
+225.907 489.407 6.006 539.383 6.531 247.036 3.836
+226.066 489.264 5.699 542.203 6.022 246.570 4.661
+226.223 488.332 5.690 540.742 6.095 247.155 3.254
+226.381 495.243 6.420 540.477 6.102 246.961 5.754
+226.539 497.252 5.978 539.184 6.238 251.819 4.121
+226.697 500.332 7.771 541.091 6.806 255.618 5.088
+226.854 496.613 5.837 541.510 6.507 247.306 6.897
+227.012 497.956 6.032 541.085 6.478 245.573 4.661
+227.170 497.849 6.564 541.670 5.952 249.545 3.369
+227.328 493.208 6.163 539.266 5.962 249.535 5.790
+227.486 491.772 6.307 541.072 6.357 242.565 7.243
+227.643 494.667 5.965 539.520 6.078 248.365 3.319
+227.801 495.106 5.602 541.845 6.164 250.283 4.840
+227.959 495.901 6.006 539.978 6.125 248.852 3.740
+228.117 495.819 5.726 539.929 5.909 246.628 3.551
+228.275 495.648 5.883 540.909 6.197 251.276 4.312
+228.433 499.196 5.570 539.669 6.249 254.512 3.058
+228.591 495.992 7.110 541.986 7.931 238.095 6.324
+228.748 495.899 5.497 539.839 5.993 241.980 4.325
+228.907 498.139 5.827 538.128 6.743 264.749 5.009
+229.065 490.791 7.294 538.271 6.690 248.827 7.318
+229.221 492.737 6.787 542.572 6.502 236.668 7.229
+229.378 496.307 7.312 541.365 7.056 241.436 4.802
+229.536 503.423 6.581 540.063 7.026 262.594 5.473
+229.694 501.624 6.571 538.850 6.773 258.436 5.139
+229.853 493.436 7.324 541.408 6.452 239.034 6.504
+230.010 488.804 8.455 540.484 6.061 243.190 4.694
+230.168 486.578 7.279 540.004 7.737 254.621 5.923
+230.326 491.705 7.016 538.210 6.059 248.966 10.083
+230.483 495.017 6.894 540.012 6.660 246.769 5.244
+230.641 498.420 6.146 541.810 5.865 249.107 3.964
+230.798 496.354 5.900 540.978 6.440 249.281 4.708
+230.956 501.023 7.940 539.869 6.773 251.762 5.895
+231.114 501.540 6.769 539.308 7.303 256.527 6.586
+231.271 497.255 8.803 540.553 6.805 247.555 6.809
+231.428 496.012 11.499 540.915 7.144 245.145 14.154
+231.585 491.790 9.240 541.799 6.589 246.381 8.199
+231.742 489.297 6.703 539.828 5.966 252.613 4.538
+231.899 493.373 5.884 539.388 6.319 250.696 5.299
+232.057 497.773 5.613 541.333 6.319 247.146 3.887
+232.215 495.727 6.853 540.373 5.998 249.031 3.546
+232.373 496.677 5.825 540.673 6.279 251.480 3.491
+232.531 493.366 6.555 539.896 6.209 249.114 5.655
+232.689 489.433 6.160 538.319 6.206 246.601 3.672
+232.847 494.964 6.357 538.853 6.130 243.576 3.671
+233.005 496.269 6.011 540.028 6.290 250.335 4.739
+233.163 497.092 6.221 540.720 7.159 256.133 4.584
+233.321 496.930 6.121 538.817 6.681 245.881 5.172
+233.479 493.329 6.084 541.538 6.238 242.038 8.580
+233.637 490.433 5.661 539.715 6.528 249.630 4.231
+233.795 491.624 8.374 539.237 5.975 253.346 4.845
+233.952 491.686 5.943 542.012 6.383 248.733 4.935
+234.110 497.316 6.276 540.350 6.937 245.407 6.952
+234.267 498.083 6.962 541.293 6.525 245.214 4.375
+234.425 494.950 7.409 539.023 6.520 252.572 5.924
+234.582 490.139 5.647 540.140 5.970 249.845 4.310
+234.739 491.941 5.902 541.351 6.213 242.748 3.528
+234.897 492.169 6.506 540.903 6.371 244.787 4.950
+235.055 498.111 5.820 540.189 6.157 250.047 4.095
+235.212 496.241 6.294 538.201 6.095 253.640 3.537
+235.369 493.282 5.873 541.472 5.807 250.266 4.013
+235.527 493.582 6.148 542.734 6.090 248.372 5.007
+235.685 490.775 5.976 540.777 5.940 246.663 3.959
+235.842 493.997 6.481 538.737 6.138 247.666 3.622
+236.000 497.120 6.295 540.027 5.862 250.336 4.041
+236.158 495.541 5.592 540.030 6.608 252.273 4.340
+236.315 492.815 5.742 540.760 5.969 248.482 3.823
+236.472 495.808 5.928 540.697 6.748 244.154 4.513
+236.630 494.658 6.030 540.067 5.890 245.971 4.234
+236.789 493.466 6.526 538.670 6.237 253.569 3.553
+236.946 490.234 6.122 540.006 6.812 251.375 4.986
+237.104 490.682 5.973 541.140 6.129 245.593 5.802
+237.261 496.296 6.042 541.771 5.823 246.435 3.692
+237.419 498.692 5.521 540.037 6.275 249.024 4.431
+237.578 494.607 5.815 540.270 6.306 251.380 4.625
+237.736 495.756 6.505 540.632 6.010 254.033 4.585
+237.893 490.947 5.816 542.036 5.998 248.030 4.903
+238.051 489.539 6.065 542.310 5.946 242.050 4.232
+238.209 499.095 5.838 539.993 5.920 248.620 3.399
+238.367 496.550 6.365 540.380 6.105 251.956 4.776
+238.525 494.465 7.098 541.493 6.137 249.109 3.502
+238.683 489.894 5.937 539.925 6.020 247.641 3.428
+238.841 491.989 6.406 541.669 6.229 247.296 3.736
+239.000 495.869 5.410 540.436 6.157 249.302 4.204
+239.158 496.638 5.407 540.044 5.946 252.503 4.548
+239.316 497.396 5.960 540.930 5.724 248.005 3.219
+239.475 494.164 6.110 541.349 6.115 244.890 3.442
+239.633 486.691 5.911 540.413 5.863 248.228 3.570
+239.791 495.007 6.274 538.234 6.164 255.802 4.183
+239.949 494.990 5.825 539.822 6.036 247.308 4.776
+240.107 496.879 5.613 541.308 5.899 245.893 3.967
+240.264 496.878 6.652 541.703 6.406 247.668 4.817
+240.422 494.218 6.344 540.777 6.116 247.026 5.549
+240.581 498.792 7.585 540.497 6.373 252.740 4.569
+240.739 496.677 7.808 539.635 6.371 257.207 5.028
+240.897 490.466 7.695 541.096 6.257 245.162 6.907
+241.054 485.694 6.259 541.191 6.995 239.651 3.579
+241.211 493.267 5.445 540.351 6.222 248.056 3.912
+241.369 496.982 6.087 538.753 5.950 255.030 6.013
+241.528 495.509 5.894 539.317 5.871 249.280 4.388
+241.686 498.505 6.348 541.233 5.885 248.622 6.080
+241.844 489.345 7.155 541.672 6.304 244.096 4.047
+242.001 490.043 5.937 539.156 6.036 249.720 3.555
+242.159 498.420 6.887 539.291 6.327 254.097 4.170
+242.316 495.774 5.811 538.663 5.991 247.350 3.951
+242.474 494.247 6.214 539.966 6.449 245.883 3.452
+242.632 496.472 6.643 540.779 5.982 252.398 5.784
+242.790 491.774 6.335 539.057 6.113 250.994 5.182
+242.948 495.547 5.670 540.290 6.168 247.729 3.257
+243.107 496.615 6.016 539.932 5.933 246.637 3.615
+243.264 494.036 6.042 539.919 6.234 247.326 3.329
+243.422 491.150 6.271 539.209 6.299 250.293 3.558
+243.581 494.441 5.469 540.102 6.076 251.952 3.598
+243.739 495.304 5.635 540.601 6.234 248.439 4.002
+243.896 493.603 5.528 540.426 6.111 245.614 3.597
+244.054 494.106 6.586 540.004 6.086 246.206 3.240
+244.212 493.381 5.836 540.640 6.184 249.752 4.587
+244.369 493.353 5.833 540.646 5.933 252.887 3.565
+244.528 494.743 5.640 539.416 6.099 252.688 3.782
+244.685 495.557 6.222 539.894 6.073 247.856 3.970
+244.843 492.385 5.614 541.228 6.428 244.798 3.602
+245.001 492.163 6.633 540.412 6.500 248.048 5.729
+245.158 496.991 5.497 540.534 6.201 248.830 4.062
+245.316 494.759 5.911 539.055 6.083 251.948 4.456
+245.474 492.767 5.874 540.360 5.967 247.879 3.621
+245.633 494.307 5.702 540.533 6.055 247.728 4.208
+245.791 492.973 5.632 541.225 6.353 244.777 4.920
+245.949 495.319 6.151 541.002 6.057 250.787 4.440
+246.108 494.193 5.569 539.930 6.157 251.717 3.823
+246.266 494.072 5.982 540.379 5.935 249.037 3.105
+246.424 493.540 6.571 539.293 5.929 245.820 3.685
+246.582 495.215 5.686 540.453 6.074 250.868 3.696
+246.740 494.292 5.935 540.844 6.146 248.378 3.623
+246.898 493.862 5.743 540.288 6.141 248.263 4.020
+247.056 494.108 5.721 538.752 5.822 247.512 3.659
+247.213 493.241 5.646 541.377 6.377 251.675 4.332
+247.371 494.172 5.439 541.013 6.364 249.096 4.251
+247.528 495.031 5.810 541.670 6.308 245.830 4.011
+247.686 492.040 5.913 541.106 5.922 242.488 3.843
+247.844 494.430 5.756 539.221 6.238 253.954 3.278
+248.002 494.824 6.106 540.482 6.029 253.269 4.594
+248.160 496.038 5.514 541.604 5.989 249.402 4.720
+248.318 497.900 6.643 541.826 6.026 246.214 5.297
+248.475 500.589 12.070 540.638 6.199 251.462 5.077
+248.633 502.275 8.822 541.526 6.077 252.974 5.512
+248.790 500.372 9.520 540.155 7.635 249.809 6.805
+248.947 491.903 7.799 540.491 6.174 243.978 5.793
+249.105 488.059 6.543 541.424 6.379 246.039 5.920
+249.263 489.030 6.378 540.434 6.541 247.540 8.034
+249.420 486.250 6.647 539.384 6.956 247.935 4.878
+249.577 486.322 6.839 540.273 7.038 247.059 6.649
+249.734 491.083 7.676 541.272 6.442 244.370 7.709
+249.891 494.160 7.335 540.192 6.545 247.843 6.422
+250.048 496.231 7.708 539.152 5.781 250.368 7.149
+250.205 500.722 6.606 538.841 6.634 250.583 5.569
+250.362 499.957 6.592 540.598 6.304 248.255 4.065
+250.520 502.209 7.644 542.586 6.866 248.462 5.856
+250.678 501.462 7.638 540.735 7.135 251.024 6.381
+250.835 500.014 6.595 540.747 6.331 250.350 6.756
+250.993 497.960 7.205 541.037 6.608 249.093 4.201
+251.150 496.449 7.003 541.070 5.946 248.650 6.463
+251.308 497.144 6.401 541.060 6.368 249.466 4.315
+251.465 494.931 6.982 541.100 6.548 247.944 5.197
+251.624 496.649 5.618 540.381 5.906 251.109 3.475
+251.782 500.356 6.205 540.823 6.122 251.791 5.004
+251.940 496.793 5.858 540.678 6.623 247.787 4.503
+252.098 493.867 6.106 540.816 6.384 246.077 3.776
+252.256 496.768 5.641 540.048 6.434 250.130 3.880
+252.414 496.527 5.941 540.550 6.273 250.901 4.664
+252.572 496.875 5.421 540.075 5.818 245.899 4.605
+252.730 494.438 6.758 540.470 6.197 245.899 4.323
+252.887 494.234 6.002 541.074 5.724 247.179 3.832
+253.045 496.942 5.632 540.240 5.853 249.541 3.754
+253.203 495.389 5.739 540.102 6.202 250.005 3.706
+253.361 494.443 5.423 541.371 5.865 245.360 3.894
+253.519 491.814 5.995 540.613 5.965 247.793 3.166
+253.677 493.508 5.876 538.966 5.854 253.047 3.980
+253.835 497.895 6.031 540.479 5.859 253.320 3.782
+253.993 496.019 5.995 541.034 5.882 247.583 3.779
+254.150 492.520 5.764 541.330 6.116 241.025 4.330
+254.309 495.905 5.780 540.193 5.956 251.610 4.304
+254.467 494.629 5.750 539.272 5.883 259.646 3.731
+254.626 494.596 6.405 541.302 6.359 242.736 4.420
+254.783 498.155 5.419 541.593 5.847 248.387 3.553
+254.941 499.831 6.195 541.275 5.883 246.903 4.246
+255.099 499.848 5.673 541.432 6.121 248.679 3.906
+255.257 495.738 5.760 540.554 6.111 246.046 3.743
+255.415 496.757 5.808 539.735 6.381 251.730 4.631
+255.573 495.157 5.556 541.297 5.812 249.217 3.771
+255.731 498.691 6.002 542.923 6.441 244.882 5.743
+255.888 497.566 5.873 539.419 5.943 247.898 4.998
+256.047 494.965 6.516 542.234 5.833 246.919 4.367
+256.205 496.289 6.188 539.582 6.480 252.229 6.497
+256.363 496.182 5.729 539.945 6.011 244.992 4.767
+256.521 490.491 6.771 541.579 6.138 243.389 4.536
+256.679 492.894 7.003 539.395 6.000 247.343 5.105
+256.837 500.019 6.295 539.084 6.019 259.463 7.374
+256.995 493.830 6.209 540.870 6.098 248.824 4.663
+257.153 495.458 5.544 540.668 6.495 239.348 6.532
+257.310 495.364 5.529 538.996 6.295 245.363 5.693
+257.469 497.513 6.405 538.600 5.887 261.333 4.308
+257.626 494.835 6.021 539.766 5.892 249.253 4.209
+257.784 493.778 5.860 541.577 5.926 243.552 5.516
+257.943 497.027 6.010 541.035 6.577 244.555 4.113
+258.101 494.000 6.339 541.490 6.043 249.015 3.004
+258.259 495.760 6.030 538.784 6.363 250.470 3.535
+258.417 495.417 5.437 539.427 6.142 249.894 3.745
+258.575 495.234 5.660 541.494 5.836 247.978 3.543
+258.734 497.342 5.439 540.884 6.576 246.289 4.747
+258.891 496.533 5.832 540.438 6.051 246.522 4.694
+259.049 495.395 5.837 539.914 6.064 246.365 3.499
+259.207 496.954 5.486 539.349 6.076 249.183 4.934
+259.365 497.519 5.708 538.713 6.150 251.531 3.642
+259.523 496.835 5.631 541.227 6.435 243.365 4.139
+259.681 495.738 6.354 540.222 6.378 245.863 3.172
+259.839 496.907 5.877 539.532 6.057 249.908 4.790
+259.998 497.149 6.159 539.965 5.987 252.599 3.348
+260.156 497.401 6.525 539.179 6.326 247.366 4.419
+260.313 496.834 5.619 540.991 5.893 242.263 4.635
+260.471 496.098 6.077 539.979 5.947 249.232 3.813
+260.629 495.681 6.566 540.469 5.776 252.362 4.191
+260.787 493.906 5.815 540.174 5.948 245.283 3.993
+260.944 497.269 5.905 539.911 6.197 247.712 4.116
+261.101 497.142 5.664 540.279 6.126 245.277 5.868
+261.259 497.561 5.934 540.132 6.215 249.292 6.326
+261.417 495.455 5.858 540.491 6.227 247.212 3.778
+261.574 495.314 5.640 540.324 6.510 249.082 3.940
+261.732 496.273 5.538 540.423 5.989 249.190 4.208
+261.889 498.132 5.747 538.814 5.904 249.011 4.310
+262.048 494.471 5.996 539.948 5.899 247.040 3.816
+262.207 495.834 5.997 538.829 5.856 247.540 4.128
+262.364 496.158 6.248 539.228 5.948 247.185 4.999
+262.521 496.221 5.565 539.862 6.112 248.531 4.643
+262.679 495.752 5.888 539.978 6.062 249.245 4.677
+262.837 495.187 5.358 540.539 5.861 248.312 3.498
+262.995 494.521 5.978 540.905 6.055 246.343 4.306
+263.152 497.365 5.663 539.509 6.083 248.403 3.561
+263.310 497.303 5.912 540.075 6.227 251.544 4.217
+263.468 496.823 6.175 539.980 6.396 246.585 3.245
+263.627 495.558 5.612 539.789 6.089 245.785 4.296
+263.784 495.905 5.739 539.978 6.164 250.747 3.614
+263.942 498.159 5.610 539.729 5.951 250.557 4.122
+264.100 498.471 6.202 539.607 5.754 248.765 3.631
+264.257 494.724 5.635 540.256 5.899 245.667 3.741
+264.415 496.737 5.605 541.372 6.037 248.226 4.269
+264.572 496.447 6.179 540.863 6.177 245.432 5.233
+264.730 499.234 6.238 540.468 6.078 248.474 3.353
+264.888 497.132 6.106 539.824 6.344 250.284 3.897
+265.046 495.581 5.830 540.408 6.118 245.462 3.763
+265.204 493.955 5.556 540.974 5.969 247.714 4.300
+265.362 496.629 6.664 539.139 6.015 251.617 3.646
+265.520 495.846 5.708 539.221 5.957 249.416 3.583
+265.678 496.748 6.049 540.852 5.812 244.474 4.245
+265.835 494.577 5.806 540.028 6.035 247.164 3.162
+265.994 495.855 5.603 540.520 6.247 248.811 4.172
+266.151 494.498 5.981 540.675 5.890 248.178 3.726
+266.310 495.985 5.896 540.536 6.347 249.201 3.452
+266.468 495.459 6.442 539.995 5.953 248.652 3.808
+266.626 496.584 5.727 540.540 5.919 246.626 4.133
+266.784 497.705 5.652 540.405 5.876 247.576 3.921
+266.941 496.297 5.862 540.184 5.861 250.485 3.599
+267.098 496.573 5.977 539.351 6.048 251.184 3.548
+267.256 495.015 5.657 540.363 6.099 248.711 3.766
+267.414 496.820 5.905 539.683 6.378 249.837 4.124
+267.572 496.228 5.861 539.486 6.176 246.768 4.602
+267.730 495.592 5.806 540.704 6.311 245.397 3.648
+267.889 495.525 5.641 539.797 6.050 252.444 3.626
+268.046 494.105 8.066 538.708 5.866 252.574 3.982
+268.204 498.341 6.041 541.847 6.166 241.185 3.409
+268.361 500.293 5.671 539.888 6.012 249.731 3.318
+268.519 495.502 6.009 539.338 6.479 249.447 5.077
+268.677 495.675 5.622 539.333 5.829 252.094 5.289
+268.835 495.666 6.477 538.593 5.963 245.160 3.614
+268.993 492.306 6.444 540.666 6.044 246.941 5.106
+269.151 499.453 5.582 539.616 5.924 251.789 4.291
+269.309 498.004 5.784 539.416 6.376 246.927 4.120
+269.467 495.450 5.487 539.724 6.300 245.729 3.940
+269.624 494.004 5.740 540.647 6.056 247.717 3.958
+269.782 498.250 5.695 539.256 6.219 251.887 4.218
+269.940 495.412 5.670 538.592 6.135 247.628 4.299
+270.098 497.314 6.605 541.195 6.646 245.286 6.747
+270.254 496.303 7.552 539.942 6.580 244.712 3.988
+270.412 497.363 6.019 539.639 6.225 249.597 4.390
+270.570 494.863 6.549 539.146 6.221 248.425 3.966
+270.728 495.878 5.511 539.581 6.214 247.534 4.135
+270.886 497.498 5.810 539.715 6.072 245.875 3.603
+271.043 496.375 5.970 540.677 6.037 246.618 3.926
+271.202 495.333 5.997 540.266 6.022 252.456 4.241
+271.359 495.593 5.676 538.412 6.438 249.234 3.139
+271.517 495.745 5.604 539.964 6.101 245.512 4.405
+271.675 494.677 5.760 538.669 6.301 245.455 3.533
+271.833 496.626 5.908 539.116 5.728 250.584 4.326
+271.990 495.246 5.889 539.181 6.085 249.145 3.539
+272.148 497.172 6.128 538.261 5.906 247.101 4.615
+272.305 500.041 6.745 539.882 5.955 246.881 4.998
+272.463 495.430 6.690 536.818 6.349 247.268 4.755
+272.621 495.684 5.944 539.808 6.084 255.372 3.507
+272.779 496.026 5.851 537.498 5.928 252.793 5.553
+272.938 494.380 5.843 539.365 5.890 242.397 3.666
+273.096 497.483 5.807 539.543 5.999 246.683 5.084
+273.254 498.244 6.313 540.125 6.005 246.256 3.871
+273.411 495.582 6.391 538.491 6.147 252.122 3.539
+273.570 492.925 5.766 539.534 5.725 246.771 3.379
+273.728 496.339 6.522 540.435 6.553 247.087 3.430
+273.886 496.283 5.525 539.734 6.295 243.990 4.464
+274.044 497.972 5.475 539.537 6.234 248.199 3.991
+274.202 496.999 5.518 540.085 5.998 247.252 5.979
+274.359 497.830 6.237 540.550 5.983 247.982 4.483
+274.517 495.938 6.028 539.815 6.115 246.979 4.249
+274.675 500.309 6.193 540.128 5.846 247.589 3.485
+274.834 494.703 7.470 540.981 6.126 246.755 4.269
+274.992 496.487 5.639 540.469 5.904 251.717 4.588
+275.149 496.404 6.219 540.984 6.021 246.287 5.550
+275.307 495.034 6.076 539.419 6.508 247.572 3.813
+275.464 494.130 5.920 539.734 5.986 250.755 3.539
+275.622 496.021 6.195 541.517 6.211 249.897 3.685
+275.781 497.200 6.156 541.505 6.408 250.338 3.472
+275.939 497.232 6.045 539.835 6.253 253.613 4.357
+276.098 499.362 6.120 540.698 6.116 253.246 5.777
+276.256 497.523 6.074 539.767 6.073 248.252 3.926
+276.413 494.405 5.567 539.087 6.131 248.122 4.246
+276.571 497.214 5.317 539.390 6.049 249.861 4.506
+276.729 496.592 5.839 537.874 5.790 252.138 3.324
+276.887 499.405 6.947 537.988 6.342 254.541 6.566
+277.044 495.814 7.454 538.799 6.993 241.085 5.753
+277.202 495.678 7.085 539.868 6.499 242.710 4.352
+277.359 497.416 6.283 539.048 7.020 247.737 4.643
+277.516 497.044 6.309 539.390 6.525 251.407 6.209
+277.674 497.470 6.498 539.664 6.290 250.344 4.749
+277.831 495.484 6.455 538.836 6.428 244.323 3.903
+277.988 494.824 6.940 538.738 6.016 245.803 4.993
+278.145 497.378 5.625 539.427 5.978 251.048 3.726
+278.303 495.983 5.733 538.814 5.943 247.640 3.921
+278.460 495.939 6.429 539.138 6.281 247.066 4.051
+278.618 495.959 5.759 538.471 6.318 247.570 4.218
+278.777 496.609 5.710 538.594 5.894 249.555 3.376
+278.934 496.356 5.524 539.596 5.863 246.745 3.651
+279.092 499.113 5.365 539.066 6.100 251.797 4.468
+279.249 495.111 6.289 538.920 6.050 243.827 4.668
+279.407 498.491 6.490 539.379 6.093 249.038 4.676
+279.564 495.924 6.339 539.303 6.124 246.840 5.040
+279.722 496.719 5.679 538.893 6.358 249.038 4.059
+279.881 495.867 6.036 537.499 6.666 248.280 3.606
+280.038 497.218 6.204 538.615 5.778 251.292 4.071
+280.195 495.352 6.546 539.266 5.954 244.302 4.690
+280.353 494.653 7.030 538.562 6.474 243.333 4.389
+280.511 497.856 5.599 538.155 5.960 251.813 3.799
+280.669 494.788 5.805 537.341 6.177 253.828 4.751
+280.827 495.327 6.021 538.803 6.338 248.208 3.305
+280.985 497.153 6.072 538.768 6.458 243.642 6.508
+281.142 494.621 6.050 538.177 5.937 248.546 5.787
+281.299 491.086 6.205 537.841 6.258 252.195 5.379
+281.457 495.980 5.688 537.808 5.766 248.051 3.858
+281.615 495.169 5.687 539.058 6.143 244.740 3.344
+281.773 496.941 5.980 538.990 6.105 250.167 3.604
+281.931 496.489 6.138 538.199 5.822 252.151 3.750
+282.089 494.204 6.103 538.312 5.857 248.071 3.617
+282.247 495.052 5.626 538.503 6.245 247.680 4.053
+282.405 493.020 5.917 537.695 6.306 246.786 5.111
+282.563 495.110 6.247 537.207 5.835 252.207 4.363
+282.720 494.751 5.698 537.542 6.330 249.102 4.042
+282.878 494.877 6.184 538.575 6.176 246.441 3.282
+283.037 497.208 5.993 538.575 5.902 246.464 3.226
+283.195 496.602 5.869 537.755 6.074 250.244 3.795
+283.353 492.986 6.102 537.137 5.798 247.522 5.449
+283.511 494.799 5.622 537.281 5.871 249.725 4.009
+283.669 495.068 6.114 538.012 6.468 247.947 3.760
+283.826 494.760 6.662 538.370 5.869 244.279 4.543
+283.984 495.977 5.606 537.923 6.059 250.992 3.900
+284.142 494.119 5.698 538.359 5.898 247.769 3.890
+284.300 494.941 5.505 536.613 5.899 251.857 3.055
+284.459 489.409 6.525 537.896 6.386 244.488 3.840
+284.616 495.604 6.700 538.769 5.731 247.264 4.084
+284.773 494.576 5.347 537.987 6.134 250.372 3.544
+284.932 495.985 5.789 538.379 6.122 252.133 3.831
+285.089 494.989 5.948 538.513 5.963 249.631 5.441
+285.247 490.189 5.953 538.115 6.785 248.486 4.164
+285.405 490.411 8.859 538.841 6.369 246.894 8.170
+285.562 490.614 8.222 538.678 6.899 243.548 9.150
+285.718 487.446 7.839 537.626 6.678 242.635 6.234
+285.876 488.184 7.324 537.376 6.710 247.406 4.952
+286.034 489.801 8.300 538.383 8.166 246.394 7.985
+286.190 488.288 8.617 538.893 6.495 243.433 5.986
+286.348 490.242 6.385 537.699 6.194 247.074 5.876
+286.505 497.902 7.043 537.887 6.781 250.700 6.357
+286.662 499.219 6.890 537.018 6.127 244.677 6.083
+286.820 500.002 7.269 538.790 6.692 247.476 4.832
+286.977 499.250 6.894 537.817 6.226 253.644 3.983
+287.135 497.012 7.524 539.468 5.962 251.366 3.954
+287.291 491.400 7.822 538.374 7.349 245.993 5.446
+287.449 487.174 8.144 538.763 7.345 242.549 6.818
+287.605 485.381 6.323 538.327 6.301 248.815 3.140
+287.763 488.423 7.250 537.143 7.069 253.248 5.264
+287.921 488.414 5.960 538.311 6.849 245.362 5.011
+288.079 485.074 6.547 539.903 6.521 245.873 7.215
+288.236 486.270 7.666 537.269 8.262 248.678 5.679
+288.393 492.592 7.379 537.462 6.037 250.536 6.762
+288.550 496.785 6.570 538.994 6.792 249.785 5.777
+288.708 498.217 5.703 538.690 6.294 254.047 8.099
+288.866 497.372 6.779 538.816 6.647 250.960 10.925
+289.023 499.523 7.918 539.148 6.085 246.749 9.718
+289.179 499.315 7.582 538.061 6.658 246.447 6.032
+289.337 500.173 10.308 537.790 7.954 250.724 6.866
+289.494 490.651 7.591 538.587 6.260 247.037 5.816
+289.651 484.986 6.053 538.655 6.541 244.930 5.842
+289.809 486.119 6.779 538.356 6.654 243.009 5.750
+289.967 491.311 11.647 538.723 6.605 246.850 7.852
+290.124 497.403 6.202 537.777 6.523 252.968 9.402
+290.281 497.454 11.803 537.797 6.588 251.849 7.880
+290.437 502.564 12.683 540.118 7.006 249.218 6.289
+290.595 503.395 10.355 539.311 7.115 251.992 8.005
+290.752 499.353 7.046 539.113 6.668 251.219 6.627
+290.909 489.553 7.687 538.601 8.482 244.322 3.935
+291.066 483.795 7.344 538.186 6.670 246.273 6.812
+291.223 488.567 7.441 538.981 7.122 246.472 7.962
+291.379 500.275 7.284 537.139 8.575 252.864 5.617
+291.538 498.922 7.660 538.881 6.044 248.618 6.515
+291.695 499.189 6.422 539.278 7.303 252.086 6.021
+291.853 502.111 7.088 539.792 7.038 254.230 5.112
+292.011 494.791 7.904 539.978 6.800 245.552 5.913
+292.168 493.067 7.985 537.729 6.379 247.785 5.239
+292.325 488.810 8.418 537.797 7.393 247.687 5.411
+292.482 489.188 6.789 537.568 7.780 250.876 7.214
+292.639 483.931 5.620 539.335 6.707 241.768 5.472
+292.797 493.059 9.265 538.093 7.840 251.297 7.816
+292.954 489.160 11.749 538.361 6.828 246.732 7.747
+293.110 493.611 6.711 539.283 6.170 248.707 7.054
+293.268 495.536 9.554 538.492 6.559 249.467 5.997
+293.425 500.725 10.415 539.394 6.840 253.534 8.771
+293.582 502.467 8.427 540.074 7.582 252.875 7.474
+293.739 503.104 11.586 539.710 7.626 251.928 8.632
+293.896 500.641 10.237 539.117 6.980 249.189 8.803
+294.053 492.396 8.108 539.171 7.418 244.501 8.873
+294.209 491.084 8.546 537.931 6.702 246.855 8.733
+294.366 484.360 7.587 536.899 7.585 248.658 10.993
+294.523 485.013 9.273 539.699 7.291 242.506 9.279
+294.679 484.560 11.529 540.727 7.990 243.165 6.865
+294.835 491.605 8.945 539.377 8.396 247.871 6.955
+294.991 491.256 8.178 537.463 7.909 253.688 8.243
+295.147 492.752 7.542 539.644 8.088 250.376 6.220
+295.304 492.927 7.826 539.056 6.844 245.163 7.501
+295.460 497.349 7.402 539.720 6.412 242.861 6.114
+295.617 499.573 7.585 539.837 7.674 255.598 6.561
+295.775 501.525 8.532 536.888 6.566 256.976 5.858
+295.933 500.015 8.003 538.088 6.551 249.079 5.702
+296.090 503.920 6.471 540.591 6.795 248.470 7.252
+296.248 498.429 10.241 539.156 7.868 250.304 11.773
+296.405 502.034 7.709 538.071 8.424 255.763 7.927
+296.561 499.360 6.264 538.650 7.447 252.707 6.030
+296.718 497.573 7.155 539.736 7.500 251.557 4.614
+296.875 490.215 6.944 539.977 7.325 247.705 5.736
+297.033 483.192 7.505 538.759 6.479 244.357 7.057
+297.191 489.151 7.909 537.847 7.987 250.043 7.335
+297.349 488.811 9.493 537.838 7.925 250.910 5.456
+297.505 484.618 7.213 538.448 6.840 245.659 7.587
+297.662 486.596 7.641 538.374 7.201 249.606 6.368
+297.819 484.805 6.027 538.583 6.190 250.266 5.998
+297.977 487.828 6.630 539.655 6.579 249.652 3.953
+298.134 488.678 5.978 538.076 6.113 249.606 4.300
+298.292 490.426 6.053 538.670 6.102 247.136 4.703
+298.450 490.314 5.989 538.616 6.405 250.341 4.806
+298.608 490.063 6.674 538.766 6.153 250.523 4.396
+298.766 482.620 7.438 539.557 6.015 249.725 4.930
+298.924 480.206 6.535 537.825 6.071 248.117 3.946
+299.081 485.302 5.761 538.598 6.294 249.721 7.606
+299.238 485.833 6.846 537.506 6.608 246.237 6.272
+299.395 487.778 6.077 539.445 6.049 250.672 4.699
+299.553 486.147 5.459 540.384 6.058 248.676 4.331
+299.711 484.671 5.703 537.913 6.065 248.266 4.627
+299.869 486.406 6.443 538.959 6.187 249.022 5.380
+300.027 482.234 5.680 539.789 6.078 249.160 4.443
+300.185 481.692 5.481 538.067 6.302 252.021 3.671
+300.343 483.116 6.644 537.660 6.312 249.360 4.528
+300.500 479.891 5.851 538.356 6.263 246.713 4.201
+300.658 480.868 5.689 539.393 7.045 247.067 4.842
+300.816 479.468 6.018 537.603 6.871 251.260 4.239
+300.973 478.604 5.941 538.146 6.327 247.302 5.381
+301.131 478.796 5.956 538.741 6.199 252.613 4.449
+301.289 481.407 6.276 537.037 6.579 250.766 5.402
+301.447 481.534 6.316 541.400 6.100 243.477 5.234
+301.605 482.785 6.336 540.094 5.972 247.784 3.378
+301.763 479.417 5.341 538.191 6.223 254.437 4.734
+301.921 480.284 6.077 538.711 6.315 250.664 7.015
+302.079 481.722 7.607 538.567 6.108 243.386 4.072
+302.236 475.817 5.411 537.655 7.147 246.423 4.640
+302.394 478.538 6.199 539.086 6.735 251.744 3.961
+302.551 479.835 6.825 538.081 6.134 250.807 4.643
+302.709 475.448 6.674 539.300 6.592 244.318 4.434
+302.866 478.304 6.047 538.583 6.676 248.773 3.814
+303.024 480.703 5.970 537.065 6.066 252.187 3.926
+303.181 482.307 6.477 538.220 6.091 248.651 4.332
+303.339 480.273 7.372 537.992 6.527 248.276 5.498
+303.496 478.742 5.568 539.360 6.674 247.732 4.172
+303.654 476.797 5.478 539.593 6.253 246.997 6.431
+303.812 480.518 5.870 537.956 6.591 249.009 3.699
+303.970 475.725 5.737 539.939 6.539 247.320 4.467
+304.128 478.077 6.127 537.369 6.087 248.713 4.963
+304.286 479.300 5.936 537.483 6.155 247.857 4.730
+304.444 478.513 6.067 536.434 6.656 248.708 4.091
+304.601 480.065 6.102 536.744 6.602 251.437 3.526
+304.759 479.680 6.634 538.607 6.744 249.974 4.568
+304.917 480.646 5.553 538.506 6.464 248.149 4.218
+305.074 478.156 5.916 539.515 6.298 245.491 4.186
+305.232 481.341 6.027 541.445 6.131 248.004 3.434
+305.390 481.213 6.339 537.904 6.617 248.270 5.088
+305.548 478.362 5.641 537.399 6.504 246.122 3.500
+305.706 480.703 5.816 536.814 6.559 251.001 4.823
+305.863 478.327 5.506 538.088 6.469 247.000 4.731
+306.022 482.293 5.430 537.300 6.253 249.740 3.555
+306.180 479.812 5.750 540.223 6.548 249.787 4.895
+306.338 480.998 8.095 538.612 6.515 248.807 8.277
+306.493 479.280 6.557 537.076 6.834 248.658 4.471
+306.652 479.822 6.046 539.010 6.932 247.436 3.737
+306.810 479.408 6.180 537.290 6.606 248.864 3.731
+306.968 479.614 6.954 537.543 6.372 247.198 4.310
+307.126 483.036 5.941 538.035 6.690 247.312 4.506
+307.284 479.060 5.727 536.770 6.439 245.603 4.036
+307.441 481.960 6.871 536.867 6.318 250.186 4.834
+307.599 479.399 5.915 538.478 6.327 250.281 3.494
+307.757 478.724 7.031 537.484 7.321 248.672 4.796
+307.913 475.807 6.423 538.384 6.214 248.716 6.167
+308.071 480.918 7.259 537.603 6.384 247.267 3.979
+308.228 482.259 7.369 537.516 6.735 245.962 9.963
+308.385 481.082 6.153 537.755 6.086 246.189 4.706
+308.543 483.200 6.110 539.367 6.298 250.191 7.308
+308.700 481.202 6.084 538.663 6.114 247.721 5.768
+308.858 480.952 5.784 538.996 6.155 250.327 6.038
+309.016 478.089 6.509 538.260 5.902 250.163 4.524
+309.174 478.120 5.592 538.472 7.100 250.971 6.194
+309.332 484.711 5.953 537.544 5.945 251.449 5.100
+309.490 481.777 5.551 538.465 5.737 244.344 4.243
+309.648 482.567 6.038 537.674 5.983 245.583 3.700
+309.806 481.115 6.441 538.126 6.107 249.805 4.199
+309.964 486.971 6.003 537.411 5.990 251.998 4.524
+310.122 481.169 5.288 538.584 6.160 248.000 4.127
+310.278 485.981 5.543 538.955 6.201 248.880 3.497
+310.436 488.939 5.959 538.799 5.785 251.598 4.097
+310.594 487.779 6.305 539.838 5.979 250.386 4.169
+310.752 485.967 5.677 538.008 6.296 249.883 3.653
+310.910 488.729 6.810 538.910 6.102 246.938 4.080
+311.067 487.517 6.009 538.939 6.029 245.929 6.417
+311.225 477.815 5.936 538.929 6.046 242.389 4.715
+311.383 492.568 5.749 537.479 6.028 254.463 4.394
+311.541 482.985 5.486 538.274 6.013 248.074 4.905
+311.699 487.469 7.783 539.562 6.432 245.270 6.672
+311.855 492.734 7.939 538.695 6.855 251.582 5.720
+312.013 492.087 6.338 539.337 7.501 265.945 5.425
+312.171 491.200 7.520 540.183 6.241 245.449 7.584
+312.327 486.672 6.725 538.451 6.602 243.804 9.719
+312.484 490.456 8.280 534.194 6.274 267.748 4.673
+312.642 494.114 6.810 536.922 5.969 252.617 5.659
+312.800 488.921 9.566 538.959 7.066 234.846 10.043
+312.956 491.159 9.092 540.489 6.595 234.878 7.616
+313.113 493.121 5.937 538.384 6.407 253.458 7.758
+313.271 489.801 5.824 537.113 5.844 254.604 4.048
+313.428 490.958 7.660 538.861 6.187 241.106 6.047
+313.586 487.229 7.904 539.928 7.342 238.461 5.175
+313.743 487.452 6.246 539.899 7.652 248.704 5.229
+313.902 496.574 6.176 536.529 7.425 260.407 5.885
+314.060 491.455 9.412 537.895 6.777 248.824 5.752
+314.217 490.694 7.566 539.029 7.072 244.188 8.234
+314.374 490.406 6.301 539.030 6.906 238.891 6.345
+314.531 493.564 10.901 538.700 7.568 247.478 8.742
+314.688 487.725 7.817 537.117 6.514 252.264 6.250
+314.846 489.397 5.753 538.171 6.142 247.082 3.991
+315.004 491.664 7.851 541.881 6.865 235.880 4.860
+315.161 493.016 7.109 540.088 6.193 241.258 3.859
+315.318 490.570 5.888 539.680 6.220 250.462 3.925
+315.476 489.875 5.890 539.186 6.328 248.114 3.804
+315.634 492.018 5.340 539.491 6.801 248.341 3.944
+315.791 493.400 6.485 540.784 6.232 243.063 3.488
+315.950 486.744 5.308 539.397 6.753 245.980 5.718
+316.108 494.747 5.922 539.764 6.400 253.519 4.412
+316.266 493.667 6.691 539.027 6.122 254.625 3.837
+316.424 489.506 5.835 539.520 6.260 244.406 3.550
+316.582 487.585 6.332 539.295 6.395 244.424 5.287
+316.739 494.205 7.022 539.053 6.326 250.294 8.477
+316.896 494.202 6.090 540.780 7.059 252.302 5.381
+317.054 493.062 7.412 540.077 5.874 246.953 3.729
+317.212 490.770 6.275 539.800 6.104 249.269 3.859
+317.370 492.807 6.022 541.198 5.868 250.782 6.682
+317.528 492.258 6.905 540.292 6.501 247.417 4.932
+317.685 490.762 5.602 540.913 6.064 247.964 6.045
+317.843 492.247 6.303 539.499 6.018 250.249 4.567
+318.001 490.972 6.300 539.235 6.153 249.062 4.773
+318.158 491.979 6.518 541.362 6.176 246.700 6.668
+318.316 492.879 6.096 541.823 5.898 248.147 3.524
+318.474 491.298 6.184 538.758 6.273 254.791 3.500
+318.632 491.973 5.533 540.117 5.978 251.247 4.044
+318.790 493.159 6.609 540.341 6.140 246.432 4.663
+318.948 491.961 8.310 540.373 7.540 249.684 11.670
+319.105 493.399 8.946 540.623 6.191 250.896 5.768
+319.262 492.714 5.816 541.376 6.617 249.808 5.175
+319.420 488.637 7.757 540.923 7.306 246.278 5.269
+319.578 495.176 6.151 540.659 6.389 252.022 3.946
+319.736 491.241 6.231 540.246 6.015 254.320 4.742
+319.894 494.902 5.931 541.432 6.168 247.953 3.606
+320.052 490.009 6.708 540.604 6.344 247.039 3.959
+320.210 495.740 7.261 541.246 7.083 251.460 5.624
+320.367 492.057 6.373 542.082 6.525 243.074 10.206
+320.525 490.610 5.886 542.070 6.152 243.500 5.745
+320.683 489.126 5.493 542.430 6.249 253.855 4.141
+320.841 489.031 5.998 540.914 5.859 251.748 3.963
+320.998 486.050 6.698 540.529 6.412 246.487 5.607
+321.156 485.270 6.796 541.605 6.085 248.854 6.042
+321.314 491.232 5.997 540.386 5.868 255.468 4.620
+321.471 485.032 7.360 540.943 6.260 247.124 3.966
+321.629 486.010 5.592 539.499 5.950 249.091 3.535
+321.787 490.460 6.069 540.805 6.057 251.430 4.406
+321.944 486.984 6.633 541.278 5.927 249.244 4.445
+322.103 488.679 5.828 541.132 6.187 250.282 3.199
+322.261 488.576 5.821 541.411 5.755 249.732 3.493
+322.419 485.685 5.454 540.924 5.929 251.427 4.195
+322.577 480.826 6.421 539.429 6.115 246.714 4.113
+322.734 486.968 5.540 539.804 5.946 253.147 3.256
+322.893 479.759 5.666 540.848 6.155 247.631 3.799
+323.051 487.007 5.786 540.138 5.731 250.306 4.526
+323.209 483.070 6.029 539.741 6.191 247.143 3.851
+323.367 483.720 6.520 540.687 6.089 249.931 4.237
+323.524 483.687 5.607 539.706 5.803 250.999 3.931
+323.682 481.276 6.613 540.667 5.985 245.580 3.383
+323.840 484.822 6.034 540.646 5.869 249.215 4.337
+323.997 481.008 5.948 539.886 6.257 250.292 3.342
+324.155 485.100 6.477 540.158 5.938 251.232 3.860
+324.314 482.051 5.567 540.291 6.074 247.252 3.507
+324.472 481.210 5.460 541.483 6.499 249.342 4.119
+324.629 480.122 6.093 541.524 6.891 250.383 4.469
+324.786 480.471 6.113 540.465 7.185 249.133 5.105
+324.943 479.334 5.738 540.384 6.549 246.651 6.066
+325.101 484.043 6.508 540.493 7.818 251.036 5.958
+325.259 481.150 5.598 541.375 6.378 246.120 6.188
+325.416 479.631 6.003 542.863 6.373 247.791 3.552
+325.574 479.626 5.841 542.838 6.007 250.787 4.227
+325.732 479.526 6.159 540.518 6.372 246.627 3.577
+325.891 476.855 6.794 540.385 6.016 250.166 3.735
+326.048 478.818 6.127 540.093 6.563 250.451 7.280
+326.206 480.258 5.740 542.041 6.275 251.634 4.297
+326.363 480.862 7.161 540.720 5.867 247.936 4.451
+326.521 478.248 5.824 540.857 5.950 248.959 4.957
+326.680 478.682 5.831 540.118 6.254 249.369 4.077
+326.838 480.366 5.907 540.961 6.998 254.473 3.515
+326.996 480.863 5.816 540.509 6.193 248.984 3.580
+327.154 481.048 5.598 541.105 5.977 245.989 4.001
+327.312 480.660 5.945 543.081 6.743 247.479 4.376
+327.470 479.976 6.112 540.110 6.658 253.714 3.525
+327.628 479.879 6.005 540.081 6.085 250.397 5.041
+327.786 482.208 6.928 540.110 6.477 249.544 5.241
+327.944 478.892 6.624 541.671 6.658 248.065 3.941
+328.100 481.889 6.002 540.556 6.496 249.060 4.374
+328.259 478.678 5.377 540.345 6.981 248.630 3.575
+328.417 478.076 6.201 539.903 6.304 249.916 4.546
+328.575 481.260 5.990 539.979 7.326 251.769 4.662
+328.733 482.482 6.811 541.239 6.846 245.687 4.764
+328.890 479.974 5.889 539.862 6.669 248.656 3.856
+329.049 479.979 5.614 540.268 6.624 250.246 3.631
+329.207 480.559 5.468 539.692 7.382 247.902 5.530
+329.365 477.645 7.092 541.407 6.302 243.729 6.026
+329.522 481.886 6.128 540.604 6.462 248.907 5.769
+329.680 483.618 6.530 541.966 6.386 252.039 4.181
+329.838 481.536 5.811 542.409 6.101 246.600 4.850
+329.996 482.515 6.373 541.134 6.411 244.416 3.774
+330.154 485.125 7.481 540.161 6.396 251.464 4.083
+330.311 480.991 6.207 539.791 6.561 250.304 5.967
+330.469 486.359 6.122 541.498 5.935 245.173 3.940
+330.627 485.133 6.562 541.645 6.398 248.831 4.162
+330.785 483.001 5.723 540.696 5.793 250.968 3.218
+330.944 487.920 6.132 541.267 5.835 254.029 5.865
+331.103 484.589 5.716 542.902 6.070 245.910 4.895
+331.261 482.275 5.913 540.749 5.912 246.179 3.617
+331.419 489.212 5.973 541.107 6.234 252.051 3.373
+331.578 486.732 6.380 540.291 6.068 250.550 4.760
+331.736 484.607 6.877 541.273 5.681 245.915 5.801
+331.894 485.506 5.894 540.412 6.034 253.539 3.633
+332.052 488.525 5.547 540.834 5.891 249.605 3.466
+332.210 485.115 5.819 541.088 5.899 247.256 4.392
+332.367 488.341 5.658 542.150 5.843 249.492 3.976
+332.525 491.303 5.831 541.311 5.985 252.994 4.378
+332.683 489.453 5.475 540.663 5.891 246.039 3.369
+332.842 491.894 5.529 540.996 5.925 247.690 4.727
+332.999 491.658 6.352 540.190 5.902 249.536 3.454
+333.158 491.126 5.663 542.001 5.751 251.145 4.677
+333.315 492.711 5.895 540.280 5.989 250.981 4.066
+333.473 494.667 5.510 541.602 6.304 250.429 3.351
+333.631 492.766 5.735 540.886 5.856 245.334 4.579
+333.789 492.447 5.735 540.098 5.982 251.863 4.393
+333.946 494.114 6.040 542.041 6.146 248.988 5.154
+334.104 495.001 5.749 541.300 5.946 243.639 6.091
+334.262 494.700 5.874 541.343 6.094 250.466 3.175
+334.421 491.727 5.448 539.263 6.167 249.134 5.052
+334.578 493.807 5.425 539.432 6.066 252.121 7.949
+334.735 494.848 5.602 542.414 5.991 251.421 4.045
+334.893 493.858 6.719 540.564 5.858 248.414 3.662
+335.051 491.068 5.676 541.465 6.049 242.964 4.093
+335.208 497.590 5.724 541.774 5.720 253.069 3.593
+335.366 495.795 5.668 540.577 6.051 250.970 3.584
+335.525 493.548 5.521 540.815 6.153 248.229 4.130
+335.682 494.915 5.866 541.828 6.200 247.592 4.949
+335.841 498.129 7.334 540.568 6.585 248.775 3.475
+335.998 491.271 5.473 540.385 6.459 248.187 4.244
+336.156 490.392 5.902 540.313 6.262 252.131 5.189
+336.315 497.733 6.662 541.983 6.384 253.871 5.376
+336.473 499.317 6.673 541.269 6.049 245.458 5.740
+336.630 494.383 6.078 542.072 6.235 240.724 4.860
+336.788 492.383 6.152 539.410 6.265 253.887 4.628
+336.947 493.073 5.650 540.484 6.029 255.258 3.609
+337.105 495.030 5.660 541.124 6.092 249.572 3.662
+337.263 490.700 5.742 540.201 6.442 239.595 4.547
+337.421 492.847 5.693 540.492 5.956 245.946 4.097
+337.579 494.538 5.916 538.884 5.902 254.089 4.947
+337.737 492.165 5.973 539.658 6.047 251.690 4.569
+337.894 493.641 6.172 539.186 5.795 252.806 3.438
+338.052 494.476 5.588 539.251 5.900 247.128 3.445
+338.210 493.964 6.584 539.932 5.889 243.341 4.254
+338.367 493.999 5.654 537.919 6.071 251.223 4.231
+338.526 494.410 7.196 538.509 6.438 252.492 4.776
+338.683 494.294 6.697 538.855 6.285 246.234 4.185
+338.840 498.332 5.889 537.908 6.063 250.962 4.073
+338.999 495.733 5.906 537.629 5.929 248.959 3.326
+339.157 496.587 5.752 537.446 6.202 247.409 4.253
+339.315 494.815 5.722 538.194 5.778 248.314 4.795
+339.472 489.748 6.176 537.561 5.888 243.943 4.562
+339.630 493.587 6.313 538.325 6.117 247.049 4.729
+339.789 497.145 6.331 536.763 6.031 253.060 4.280
+339.947 499.131 5.670 538.697 6.613 251.930 5.980
+340.104 497.541 6.703 537.707 6.038 247.969 3.303
+340.263 490.585 5.907 538.037 5.854 245.249 4.045
+340.420 491.125 5.817 537.590 6.435 248.312 6.413
+340.577 495.451 5.446 538.045 6.392 249.033 5.220
+340.735 496.524 5.893 536.630 6.463 249.370 5.125
+340.893 496.795 5.714 538.206 5.633 248.233 4.302
+341.051 493.507 6.763 538.782 5.745 245.492 4.258
+341.209 497.035 6.531 537.597 6.319 251.714 4.630
+341.366 495.400 6.553 536.706 5.836 251.647 5.113
+341.523 493.134 5.913 538.267 5.947 245.456 3.853
+341.681 494.731 5.786 537.862 5.919 247.074 3.394
+341.839 495.587 5.582 537.318 6.143 254.010 3.626
+341.998 493.765 5.777 537.183 6.089 244.470 3.455
+342.155 494.587 5.992 538.431 5.986 246.694 3.677
+342.313 497.675 6.082 536.834 6.276 253.696 5.484
+342.472 492.876 6.396 537.358 6.191 250.186 3.888
+342.629 493.378 5.939 538.293 6.070 241.731 3.796
+342.787 494.693 6.539 537.483 6.194 243.717 5.903
+342.945 496.636 5.778 537.354 5.997 257.947 3.494
+343.105 494.616 7.059 536.783 6.589 251.939 4.940
+343.262 492.926 6.065 537.787 5.937 245.869 3.933
+343.420 492.679 6.032 538.287 6.397 241.088 4.617
+343.578 493.536 5.489 537.952 5.985 250.480 3.743
+343.736 496.105 5.520 537.589 6.041 253.454 3.295
+343.894 497.511 5.531 537.375 5.956 248.284 3.480
+344.052 492.385 6.001 538.303 5.739 241.592 3.771
+344.210 496.793 6.064 538.903 5.767 250.105 3.425
+344.369 494.267 5.708 537.109 6.348 252.871 4.035
+344.526 493.862 5.924 536.801 6.202 251.478 3.498
+344.684 494.248 5.882 537.798 5.961 244.664 4.542
+344.842 497.892 5.592 539.108 6.179 247.746 3.560
+345.000 493.718 5.732 537.831 5.970 251.357 3.614
+345.158 494.167 6.432 536.348 5.840 250.323 3.724
+345.316 493.651 5.810 537.523 5.848 248.473 3.679
+345.474 493.666 7.344 538.675 6.143 247.714 4.141
+345.631 495.136 5.313 537.236 5.846 249.917 3.904
+345.789 495.431 5.916 538.222 6.034 245.659 4.443
+345.947 495.574 6.031 537.002 5.880 250.076 4.462
+346.104 495.565 7.202 537.810 6.687 253.710 4.547
+346.262 493.505 6.891 538.138 6.203 248.727 3.667
+346.419 495.905 5.862 538.361 5.917 246.567 3.857
+346.577 496.889 6.964 538.983 5.983 246.575 4.083
+346.734 494.678 5.992 538.339 6.275 248.035 4.411
+346.892 494.056 6.320 537.343 6.204 248.690 3.563
+347.050 494.590 5.661 537.693 6.025 248.366 4.036
+347.207 491.895 6.475 537.066 6.058 249.553 3.695
+347.365 495.728 5.833 537.350 6.491 251.175 3.930
+347.523 497.097 6.747 537.573 6.024 251.841 3.275
+347.680 495.770 6.416 536.585 6.023 247.378 4.589
+347.838 494.337 6.215 536.885 6.059 246.743 5.336
+347.996 495.343 6.220 537.858 6.290 248.027 4.857
+348.154 493.963 6.171 536.528 6.230 250.930 4.216
+348.312 495.619 6.289 536.585 6.667 252.779 3.961
+348.470 496.246 6.702 538.005 5.933 251.317 3.616
+348.628 490.932 6.524 537.070 6.300 245.223 3.636
+348.786 494.659 6.116 538.150 5.864 245.522 5.270
+348.943 498.326 6.534 537.851 5.835 250.275 3.164
+349.102 495.133 6.748 537.718 6.017 248.172 4.667
+349.260 490.251 5.724 537.437 6.170 249.101 3.861
+349.418 493.642 5.523 538.614 5.874 248.581 3.631
+349.576 493.986 6.681 537.856 6.449 246.075 5.020
+349.733 497.739 6.115 538.778 6.212 246.420 5.013
+349.892 497.567 6.162 538.477 5.872 252.904 4.404
+350.050 495.595 5.913 537.344 6.136 251.759 5.135
+350.209 493.145 7.323 537.493 6.029 247.157 5.095
+350.366 493.081 5.845 536.965 6.162 244.661 4.550
+350.524 497.440 6.477 537.979 6.244 248.536 3.808
+350.682 496.384 6.328 536.799 5.993 252.545 3.626
+350.840 492.873 5.941 537.398 5.982 247.895 3.531
+350.998 492.548 6.402 537.404 6.047 248.118 4.044
+351.157 493.275 5.760 538.374 6.642 249.811 4.413
+351.314 497.792 5.915 537.833 6.155 251.588 3.347
+351.472 498.127 5.604 538.038 6.385 248.075 4.653
+351.629 496.531 6.618 537.100 6.184 248.990 4.040
+351.788 494.615 5.795 538.011 5.754 246.499 4.412
+351.945 495.166 8.417 538.000 6.415 248.575 4.912
+352.102 490.351 6.935 537.470 6.285 247.435 3.677
+352.260 491.843 6.508 536.834 5.917 245.384 5.722
+352.418 492.068 6.377 538.948 6.479 247.893 4.804
+352.576 491.810 6.997 538.609 5.859 247.008 4.253
+352.733 491.158 7.555 537.846 6.496 243.350 5.850
+352.890 496.541 6.554 539.078 7.527 250.003 4.574
+353.048 498.145 7.004 538.240 6.875 255.780 6.809
+353.205 499.131 7.001 537.112 6.473 249.357 4.703
+353.362 492.411 6.278 538.311 6.336 243.063 4.086
+353.520 491.014 6.803 536.563 6.927 246.550 5.425
+353.677 498.460 6.126 537.445 6.280 251.805 4.459
+353.835 495.284 6.051 537.574 6.216 249.808 3.945
+353.993 495.232 6.581 538.005 5.794 248.778 5.255
+354.151 497.022 6.876 537.890 6.423 249.317 4.075
+354.308 497.610 5.545 537.858 6.051 249.673 4.174
+354.466 494.486 6.217 537.138 6.019 249.606 3.640
+354.624 493.674 6.633 538.521 5.714 245.526 3.676
+354.782 491.826 5.898 538.215 6.356 248.735 4.807
+354.939 492.428 5.767 537.222 7.020 251.397 3.772
+355.097 492.314 6.413 537.862 6.635 249.833 4.462
+355.254 496.253 6.449 536.478 6.503 248.848 3.584
+355.412 499.632 7.092 538.344 6.221 252.758 4.253
+355.569 499.786 6.644 538.143 6.544 249.677 4.664
+355.726 494.037 6.390 537.831 6.192 246.636 5.226
+355.884 486.750 6.208 537.788 5.835 246.816 4.759
+356.042 486.527 6.423 537.237 6.767 247.468 3.465
+356.199 489.365 6.500 537.412 6.100 246.674 3.553
+356.357 495.713 6.051 537.524 6.132 247.066 4.306
+356.514 499.117 7.455 537.945 5.832 250.360 3.709
+356.672 497.611 6.147 538.539 6.062 250.973 5.394
+356.831 495.766 6.160 537.985 5.744 249.689 3.459
+356.989 491.177 6.781 538.899 6.998 244.836 4.154
+357.147 487.761 6.077 537.869 6.774 245.428 5.076
+357.305 490.687 5.448 538.928 6.740 250.174 6.127
+357.462 491.776 6.780 538.319 6.322 248.741 4.563
+357.620 496.927 6.297 537.283 6.096 248.057 4.942
+357.778 499.439 5.978 539.452 6.190 250.120 3.435
+357.936 496.514 5.673 538.794 5.961 247.271 3.716
+358.094 490.665 5.990 537.378 6.036 247.072 3.948
+358.251 493.826 6.699 538.953 6.534 247.850 5.188
+358.408 496.208 5.789 538.659 6.056 251.368 3.367
+358.566 496.862 5.733 537.606 5.858 250.983 4.537
+358.725 496.118 7.202 539.166 6.615 247.269 3.839
+358.883 495.691 6.124 537.891 6.410 246.872 5.025
+359.041 492.586 6.386 538.329 6.061 247.428 4.156
+359.198 491.845 5.890 538.113 6.082 249.034 3.811
+359.356 495.918 5.615 537.561 6.409 248.670 3.798
+359.514 496.249 7.291 538.105 6.152 248.156 4.202
+359.671 497.172 6.215 538.041 5.944 251.821 7.333
+359.829 495.021 6.603 538.380 5.835 248.538 4.406
+359.986 492.130 5.910 538.133 6.092 248.815 4.977
+360.143 491.901 7.270 538.381 6.084 246.588 4.713
+360.300 497.669 5.909 537.223 6.154 249.505 3.791
+360.457 499.456 5.939 537.552 5.965 251.245 4.300
+360.615 497.834 7.394 539.035 5.938 251.612 5.122
+360.772 495.948 8.223 538.010 6.635 248.096 4.894
+360.929 492.629 6.945 537.640 6.279 247.941 3.572
+361.088 489.636 6.521 537.216 6.265 248.289 4.406
+361.246 489.046 6.493 537.702 6.071 246.032 4.623
+361.403 493.710 7.003 537.297 6.504 247.430 6.059
+361.560 495.677 7.029 538.163 6.689 249.404 5.093
+361.718 497.656 6.459 537.961 6.007 250.064 4.767
+361.876 499.546 5.592 538.019 5.992 252.590 5.434
+362.034 498.905 5.917 539.440 6.313 251.575 6.068
+362.192 493.829 7.562 538.914 6.266 246.445 4.293
+362.349 489.398 6.501 537.079 6.381 247.164 5.544
+362.507 492.214 8.298 537.660 6.972 247.461 4.218
+362.664 498.612 9.408 537.446 7.002 250.964 4.122
+362.822 498.016 6.659 537.684 6.299 250.859 4.070
+362.980 496.580 6.177 538.306 6.134 248.028 3.893
+363.138 494.325 6.187 537.493 5.890 246.780 3.544
+363.296 491.533 6.734 538.815 5.949 247.137 3.798
+363.454 490.435 5.728 538.238 5.931 247.671 4.598
+363.611 496.134 5.913 537.732 6.019 249.766 3.268
+363.769 496.211 5.562 537.617 5.949 251.077 3.379
+363.927 495.582 5.775 537.846 5.756 252.310 4.233
+364.085 492.475 6.234 537.928 6.172 248.763 4.203
+364.243 495.604 5.670 538.099 5.871 247.167 3.777
+364.401 497.446 5.666 537.601 6.218 247.761 3.762
+364.559 495.754 6.049 536.866 5.785 248.557 4.085
+364.716 494.367 6.739 537.928 5.734 248.625 5.055
+364.874 495.323 5.809 537.069 5.876 250.096 5.742
+365.032 495.863 5.338 537.900 5.864 248.380 3.423
+365.190 496.118 5.364 538.189 5.828 250.253 5.158
+365.347 493.771 5.727 537.691 5.791 246.022 3.154
+365.505 493.667 5.780 538.826 6.230 247.440 4.708
+365.663 495.486 5.720 537.948 6.329 250.814 3.897
+365.822 492.984 5.894 537.199 6.096 250.168 3.775
+365.980 494.229 6.075 538.082 5.838 246.131 4.428
+366.137 495.792 6.152 538.650 5.867 241.511 3.650
+366.295 499.867 6.059 537.966 6.252 246.045 4.065
+366.453 499.808 5.815 536.909 6.029 257.910 3.558
+366.612 500.088 5.796 538.629 6.288 248.529 5.338
+366.769 494.350 5.979 539.626 6.059 239.465 4.999
+366.928 492.583 6.122 539.396 6.367 245.694 4.775
+367.086 495.835 5.765 537.174 5.869 257.756 3.347
+367.245 496.068 5.838 538.041 6.457 254.127 4.815
+367.403 494.460 6.871 538.680 6.409 236.321 5.168
+367.561 495.384 6.115 538.306 6.175 243.483 5.529
+367.719 498.303 5.995 538.583 5.723 260.094 4.967
+367.878 498.173 5.639 536.705 6.301 257.640 3.965
+368.036 496.961 6.448 539.217 6.222 245.156 6.100
+368.194 494.799 7.238 541.242 6.395 241.491 6.763
+368.352 490.858 6.094 537.902 6.350 246.604 4.607
+368.509 491.008 6.026 537.939 5.961 253.316 4.184
+368.667 497.620 5.869 536.289 6.622 249.173 4.918
+368.825 498.066 5.729 539.073 6.255 249.541 4.937
+368.982 498.240 6.136 539.600 6.218 249.075 5.391
+369.140 496.532 6.706 537.746 6.240 247.500 4.826
+369.298 494.085 5.610 538.677 6.301 248.535 3.932
+369.456 490.780 5.352 538.086 5.800 246.685 4.059
+369.613 491.427 6.092 537.480 6.375 251.056 5.183
+369.771 490.574 5.809 538.854 5.718 247.870 5.871
+369.929 496.345 6.555 538.048 6.493 247.628 4.936
+370.087 496.913 6.409 537.990 5.879 249.506 4.195
+370.244 499.389 5.617 538.029 6.168 252.155 4.126
+370.402 497.253 5.459 538.020 5.829 250.091 5.344
+370.560 498.122 6.213 537.980 5.977 246.250 4.245
+370.718 498.891 6.743 538.659 6.208 250.082 3.896
+370.875 498.018 6.165 538.556 6.262 252.310 3.427
+371.033 494.120 6.401 538.245 5.950 247.623 3.854
+371.191 492.611 6.719 539.022 6.368 246.256 3.734
+371.349 490.406 6.251 538.580 6.106 247.692 4.030
+371.506 491.914 6.292 537.705 6.751 250.266 4.361
+371.664 496.069 5.889 537.137 6.314 251.572 4.712
+371.822 497.650 6.636 537.711 6.770 251.525 4.628
+371.979 499.706 6.063 539.217 6.094 248.735 4.653
+372.137 498.607 5.921 538.752 6.066 250.557 4.344
+372.295 493.376 7.160 539.107 6.763 249.945 3.901
+372.453 493.713 6.634 538.741 6.500 246.529 4.049
+372.610 492.397 7.296 538.047 6.872 247.665 3.328
+372.767 496.244 6.193 537.690 6.195 249.286 4.085
+372.925 499.152 5.587 537.346 5.985 251.762 3.587
+373.083 498.691 5.863 538.483 6.176 250.627 3.979
+373.241 496.986 7.415 538.254 6.868 250.046 6.433
+373.398 490.649 6.175 538.402 5.840 244.280 4.613
+373.556 493.686 6.027 538.374 6.357 244.972 4.473
+373.714 498.526 6.549 538.293 5.882 246.679 4.044
+373.871 502.325 5.994 537.803 5.976 251.936 3.084
+374.029 498.333 5.869 537.808 5.814 246.269 4.095
+374.187 499.053 5.658 540.338 5.834 244.022 5.046
+374.344 499.760 6.324 539.773 6.053 244.630 6.068
+374.502 500.377 6.042 538.657 5.906 249.256 4.638
+374.659 499.093 6.071 538.956 5.889 251.902 3.463
+374.818 499.560 5.744 539.129 5.936 249.449 3.767
+374.975 498.705 6.141 540.011 5.834 248.284 4.341
+375.133 499.837 5.885 539.400 6.400 247.152 4.716
+375.291 500.588 6.185 539.214 5.788 247.271 3.553
+375.449 503.165 5.483 537.222 5.732 250.052 3.849
+375.606 498.071 6.558 537.612 6.051 245.110 3.809
+375.764 504.910 6.397 538.596 6.197 252.661 4.194
+375.922 499.889 6.380 538.456 5.823 244.916 5.077
+376.080 504.448 5.739 539.394 5.976 247.839 3.483
+376.238 504.404 6.220 538.254 5.908 244.808 4.010
+376.395 502.614 5.692 540.222 6.219 249.608 3.516
+376.553 503.956 6.195 539.262 6.510 245.956 3.880
+376.712 506.349 5.671 539.862 6.014 249.309 3.951
+376.869 505.783 5.686 539.278 6.255 246.823 3.535
+377.027 505.287 5.529 539.492 5.960 245.578 3.500
+377.184 505.302 6.382 538.465 6.556 248.815 4.791
+377.342 506.373 6.347 538.864 6.553 247.628 4.399
+377.499 504.623 5.766 539.378 5.968 244.686 3.979
+377.657 504.876 5.543 538.153 6.113 246.876 3.431
+377.815 506.718 7.327 539.241 6.156 247.318 3.715
+377.973 505.157 5.756 537.962 5.862 244.813 3.487
+378.131 509.441 5.553 541.469 6.724 244.638 3.779
+378.289 507.954 5.830 538.614 5.924 247.626 4.807
+378.446 509.459 6.338 537.806 6.418 248.936 4.379
+378.604 507.074 6.537 535.158 6.561 251.509 6.051
+378.761 506.660 6.295 542.671 6.263 243.995 5.094
+378.919 505.966 6.003 536.426 6.504 249.019 3.751
+379.077 509.699 6.057 539.144 6.844 244.760 4.806
+379.235 503.877 5.977 537.111 6.068 247.437 4.418
+379.392 508.468 5.859 538.251 6.679 247.404 4.446
+379.549 507.014 8.044 538.362 6.171 245.654 6.898
+379.706 504.950 6.277 538.503 6.524 243.686 4.577
+379.863 506.409 7.459 539.335 6.502 245.096 4.541
+380.020 507.434 6.663 538.963 6.017 246.250 5.476
+380.178 508.634 6.157 537.999 6.521 247.902 4.288
+380.337 505.786 5.702 539.430 6.126 246.119 3.396
+380.495 507.117 5.959 538.204 6.070 244.571 4.170
+380.652 505.611 6.389 537.452 6.410 246.625 4.563
+380.810 506.966 7.248 537.444 6.414 246.136 4.754
+380.967 505.879 6.622 537.494 6.556 247.541 4.930
+381.124 506.898 6.033 538.805 6.276 245.725 3.248
+381.282 507.239 6.756 537.398 6.699 245.447 4.667
+381.439 509.422 7.252 539.464 6.934 246.834 5.658
+381.596 509.924 6.228 537.574 6.552 247.648 5.969
+381.754 503.919 6.729 537.435 6.173 246.506 4.831
+381.911 505.939 6.885 539.024 6.197 247.385 5.117
+382.069 505.039 6.381 538.850 6.146 242.373 4.646
+382.227 507.450 5.925 536.478 6.627 248.163 7.359
+382.384 504.194 7.573 536.544 6.914 245.211 4.736
+382.541 507.472 6.810 538.345 6.492 244.732 5.617
+382.699 505.694 6.290 537.433 6.772 245.897 6.672
+382.856 507.816 7.877 539.984 6.503 244.728 4.787
+383.013 505.598 7.006 539.159 5.990 245.317 4.483
+383.169 504.446 6.714 538.381 6.174 244.883 5.223
+383.327 510.284 7.537 537.593 6.447 246.798 4.463
+383.485 503.732 6.570 539.926 6.205 246.418 4.649
+383.642 506.987 6.514 534.299 5.983 247.654 4.779
+383.800 505.109 6.813 539.873 6.452 245.766 5.037
+383.958 504.951 6.589 536.258 6.107 249.477 4.322
+384.116 502.849 6.532 541.302 6.492 244.334 5.440
+384.274 501.298 5.868 538.433 6.296 247.183 3.611
+384.433 503.813 5.572 539.884 5.954 247.281 3.755
+384.591 504.508 6.001 536.038 5.927 250.582 3.551
+384.748 498.275 5.852 536.980 5.771 246.605 3.806
+384.906 503.082 6.821 538.459 5.927 246.496 5.220
+385.063 500.020 6.280 538.174 6.113 247.074 3.689
+385.221 500.190 5.716 538.421 6.000 248.340 3.594
+385.379 500.651 5.650 537.874 6.100 246.593 3.832
+385.538 501.616 6.122 537.198 5.775 248.815 3.973
+385.695 499.456 6.231 537.412 5.907 247.618 3.547
+385.854 499.294 5.434 538.694 6.133 247.516 3.508
+386.011 499.782 5.651 537.556 5.760 248.125 3.342
+386.170 497.837 5.838 538.975 5.813 249.031 3.704
+386.328 500.108 5.491 538.029 5.781 247.250 3.564
+386.485 499.501 5.822 537.940 5.964 250.122 4.039
+386.643 498.915 6.026 537.849 5.850 248.501 3.331
+386.801 498.949 5.943 537.708 6.063 249.765 3.679
+386.960 497.079 5.635 538.347 6.627 244.777 3.860
+387.117 498.070 5.963 537.673 5.831 249.957 4.169
+387.275 497.330 5.900 537.696 5.800 247.469 3.425
+387.433 497.993 5.633 536.407 5.943 251.274 3.652
+387.591 499.100 6.111 539.024 6.049 247.352 3.335
+387.749 496.651 6.415 537.390 6.006 247.423 3.677
+387.907 495.986 5.743 537.683 5.818 248.664 3.422
+388.065 495.519 5.901 537.886 6.077 251.596 3.857
+388.224 494.975 5.617 537.539 5.759 247.805 3.343
+388.382 495.069 6.614 537.855 6.394 248.678 4.372
+388.540 497.440 5.858 537.718 5.813 250.006 3.897
+388.698 494.604 8.900 537.497 6.365 245.170 4.318
+388.856 496.976 7.006 538.615 5.775 247.371 3.569
+389.014 495.539 5.793 538.736 5.899 244.433 5.090
+389.171 497.455 6.612 537.887 6.314 250.624 4.754
+389.329 495.144 5.541 538.308 6.305 246.766 4.535
+389.487 495.991 5.952 538.303 6.083 249.917 4.312
+389.644 495.679 5.844 538.253 5.970 246.239 4.069
+389.802 496.966 5.770 538.102 6.116 249.042 5.779
+389.960 496.899 5.555 538.111 5.966 248.040 4.087
+390.118 496.109 6.176 538.471 6.128 249.430 3.754
+390.277 496.711 6.267 538.614 6.282 249.764 3.852
+390.436 496.077 5.969 538.626 6.132 249.567 3.800
+390.594 494.430 5.825 538.646 5.862 247.775 3.923
+390.751 496.174 6.280 537.516 5.985 248.757 4.319
+390.909 495.521 6.294 537.695 5.848 248.447 3.525
+391.066 495.075 6.100 537.947 5.746 249.264 3.818
+391.224 496.820 9.025 537.379 10.331 250.572 7.647
+391.380 495.128 5.622 537.113 6.504 249.015 4.378
+391.538 497.041 5.489 537.621 5.875 249.650 6.617
+391.695 495.550 5.997 535.616 6.093 249.046 4.228
+391.853 496.115 5.483 537.766 5.982 247.090 4.081
+392.010 495.051 5.907 536.887 6.135 247.350 3.170
+392.169 493.850 6.658 536.299 6.533 249.493 6.483
+392.325 495.258 6.231 536.313 5.952 248.834 5.928
+392.483 496.192 5.743 534.413 5.980 253.818 4.410
+392.641 492.732 6.067 537.114 5.827 246.588 3.468
+392.799 497.367 5.461 535.841 5.934 249.455 3.923
+392.956 495.993 5.615 536.048 5.898 246.164 5.255
+393.114 495.139 6.344 535.020 6.264 249.261 3.461
+393.272 494.331 5.481 535.870 6.011 248.862 4.532
+393.430 494.613 5.994 536.248 6.098 249.048 4.049
+393.588 496.166 5.902 535.852 6.107 250.890 4.632
+393.745 493.851 5.846 536.278 6.073 245.528 3.402
+393.903 496.618 6.173 535.282 6.095 250.795 3.920
+394.061 493.896 6.524 536.382 6.092 247.427 6.566
+394.219 498.869 8.277 534.473 7.416 245.384 11.435
+394.376 493.888 8.106 535.944 8.115 243.493 11.436
+394.533 491.348 6.806 534.289 6.441 243.454 5.487
+394.689 493.893 5.938 537.793 6.225 250.124 5.057
+394.848 496.768 6.234 537.168 5.836 248.201 4.345
+395.005 496.447 6.430 538.761 6.842 252.002 5.328
+395.164 496.314 6.361 538.947 6.281 248.020 4.730
+395.323 496.633 5.994 535.329 6.465 248.100 3.886
+395.481 494.626 6.272 536.793 6.280 247.401 4.592
+395.639 493.596 6.481 536.498 6.076 248.024 5.171
+395.796 496.546 6.462 536.355 6.115 250.180 3.547
+395.954 496.015 7.225 537.243 6.685 248.981 4.908
+396.112 496.820 6.112 537.562 6.287 247.269 5.283
+396.269 496.038 6.279 539.135 6.084 247.972 3.790
+396.428 495.170 6.124 538.451 6.114 249.739 4.010
+396.585 494.001 5.862 539.174 5.854 248.477 4.717
+396.743 495.710 5.988 538.651 6.744 250.434 4.986
+396.901 495.377 5.849 538.136 6.079 249.604 5.055
+397.058 497.023 5.875 537.431 6.027 250.756 4.047
+397.216 496.610 5.714 538.144 5.922 249.207 3.676
+397.373 496.836 6.059 538.391 6.512 246.542 4.156
+397.531 495.548 5.950 539.243 5.753 248.515 3.403
+397.688 495.845 5.787 538.122 6.157 250.935 4.145
+397.846 496.078 5.778 539.321 6.172 248.919 4.301
+398.004 496.220 6.016 539.173 5.858 248.719 4.674
+398.160 496.112 5.654 538.331 6.027 248.057 3.579
+398.318 499.051 6.027 538.843 5.995 249.720 3.318
+398.476 498.350 5.834 538.578 5.830 248.967 4.301
+398.633 495.453 5.600 538.015 6.187 248.719 4.199
+398.791 496.254 5.647 537.860 6.546 249.707 4.293
+398.949 497.672 5.981 537.548 5.857 250.887 3.321
+399.107 493.756 5.700 536.995 6.192 246.388 3.563
+399.265 494.957 5.728 538.100 5.808 249.383 3.507
+399.423 499.969 5.670 537.991 5.932 251.663 3.942
+399.580 501.019 5.697 537.769 5.996 249.096 3.872
+399.739 499.140 5.565 538.397 5.861 248.061 3.433
+399.897 496.511 5.479 538.364 5.719 246.350 3.625
+400.054 498.275 5.573 537.693 6.138 251.073 5.534
+400.212 497.382 5.694 538.757 6.037 252.990 4.362
+400.371 496.273 5.701 538.037 5.850 249.509 3.487
+400.528 497.092 6.031 538.200 6.239 248.245 3.565
+400.686 496.720 5.656 538.432 5.913 250.702 3.294
+400.844 496.377 5.416 537.674 5.944 249.347 4.602
+401.001 498.453 6.109 537.856 5.768 250.023 4.364
+401.159 495.484 5.982 538.338 6.176 249.450 6.542
+401.316 497.344 5.452 538.143 6.030 242.844 4.930
+401.474 497.493 8.537 538.811 9.629 249.758 7.468
+401.630 494.744 5.862 538.578 7.448 241.337 5.673
+401.788 496.057 7.022 538.765 6.890 245.883 5.365
+401.946 494.140 6.387 537.897 8.762 257.808 4.058
+402.105 497.691 5.363 539.049 6.440 256.468 4.109
+402.262 495.496 6.224 539.880 7.933 246.504 5.705
+402.420 496.155 7.175 539.568 6.568 245.165 5.774
+402.577 497.721 6.652 540.095 9.500 246.781 5.670
+402.734 498.107 5.919 536.421 7.566 247.347 4.230
+402.892 495.551 5.770 538.244 5.919 249.323 3.685
+403.050 493.335 5.456 537.862 5.789 246.603 3.294
+403.208 495.623 5.604 538.038 5.757 251.606 4.527
+403.365 495.836 5.755 538.390 5.784 254.396 3.635
+403.523 495.598 6.270 539.924 5.820 242.923 4.114
+403.681 493.796 5.840 539.459 5.928 244.769 3.418
+403.839 492.967 5.404 538.534 5.924 250.217 3.584
+403.997 495.609 5.464 538.505 5.724 251.692 3.264
+404.156 493.736 5.485 538.195 6.037 249.486 3.496
+404.313 494.717 5.541 538.782 5.774 248.584 3.179
+404.472 493.827 6.217 538.387 5.916 247.345 3.417
+404.630 491.758 5.373 538.633 5.799 251.243 4.105
+404.788 493.367 5.474 537.956 5.794 252.922 3.454
+404.946 493.183 5.588 539.059 5.907 247.679 4.224
+405.104 493.001 5.341 537.620 5.856 248.506 3.447
+405.262 494.670 5.538 538.716 6.002 250.905 4.029
+405.419 494.156 5.651 538.837 6.226 247.309 3.330
+405.577 495.051 5.854 538.468 6.020 250.163 3.766
+405.735 494.930 5.514 538.974 5.751 252.771 3.242
+405.894 495.059 6.002 538.599 5.658 247.637 3.496
+406.052 495.000 5.621 540.186 5.927 244.226 3.252
+406.209 495.720 6.117 539.241 5.956 251.542 3.880
+406.367 494.557 5.419 538.512 6.097 251.115 4.311
+406.525 498.425 6.609 538.865 5.913 249.031 5.881
+406.682 495.044 5.723 538.418 5.913 244.500 4.504
+406.840 492.160 5.960 539.554 6.004 247.705 3.545
+406.998 494.501 6.091 539.105 6.125 248.907 4.386
+407.156 495.165 5.620 538.551 5.844 249.379 3.905
+407.313 496.451 5.741 538.235 5.905 252.853 4.097
+407.470 495.374 5.874 537.972 5.970 250.128 4.048
+407.627 496.113 5.878 539.749 5.920 244.481 3.882
+407.785 498.881 5.855 539.987 6.141 249.984 4.510
+407.943 498.298 9.402 538.849 6.553 255.639 8.505
+408.100 487.933 9.972 537.938 7.375 249.726 9.211
+408.258 498.389 9.663 537.809 8.724 250.507 14.277
+408.414 495.693 6.984 538.038 7.975 248.865 7.321
+408.570 496.306 6.824 538.460 6.343 245.728 4.041
+408.727 495.353 7.626 538.684 6.589 245.067 8.034
+408.884 497.543 5.690 536.596 6.621 251.820 3.693
+409.041 492.165 6.541 537.516 6.403 253.568 6.502
+409.199 496.671 5.441 538.965 5.815 250.905 4.345
+409.356 493.376 5.906 537.599 6.012 248.219 6.109
+409.514 499.293 6.080 538.466 6.109 253.472 4.981
+409.671 490.352 6.224 539.894 6.557 239.994 5.154
+409.830 493.203 6.196 538.619 5.921 249.509 5.201
+409.987 500.332 5.877 537.766 6.203 252.565 4.838
+410.144 493.283 5.509 539.567 6.222 243.085 4.461
+410.302 496.312 6.135 537.805 6.472 249.150 5.143
+410.460 494.483 6.866 538.498 6.242 247.991 3.616
+410.619 495.374 5.588 539.725 5.931 241.719 4.638
+410.776 493.203 6.020 538.137 5.971 249.257 7.104
+410.934 490.252 5.896 537.691 6.052 250.942 7.014
+411.090 495.532 5.848 538.146 6.244 250.119 4.413
+411.249 495.285 5.343 538.941 5.864 247.931 5.221
+411.406 497.242 5.571 537.829 6.047 251.069 6.910
+411.564 495.262 5.933 540.188 6.024 245.960 4.771
+411.722 497.622 5.434 539.461 5.782 246.149 3.939
+411.880 496.656 5.775 536.834 5.816 251.211 3.963
+412.038 492.836 5.375 538.448 5.934 251.082 3.759
+412.195 494.618 5.459 539.094 5.709 246.550 3.361
+412.353 496.706 5.668 538.001 6.029 247.455 4.398
+412.511 494.647 5.581 537.970 5.771 249.554 3.431
+412.669 494.386 5.651 538.389 5.893 248.865 3.959
+412.827 497.233 5.847 541.073 6.018 246.268 5.016
+412.984 492.872 6.878 538.330 5.915 243.972 6.098
+413.142 492.558 6.739 537.223 6.142 254.209 4.530
+413.300 491.485 5.776 539.922 5.824 249.232 4.828
+413.458 490.194 6.138 538.739 5.942 246.202 10.799
+413.615 487.882 5.843 537.227 6.043 254.402 3.964
+413.773 486.588 5.586 536.782 6.069 251.164 4.508
+413.931 490.045 5.634 538.087 5.974 251.151 3.478
+414.089 482.280 5.705 538.250 5.945 249.571 3.581
+414.246 485.282 5.764 538.522 6.364 250.955 3.767
+414.404 485.512 5.761 538.455 5.955 249.939 3.805
+414.562 479.645 5.772 536.844 6.267 248.749 4.949
+414.720 482.366 5.689 536.198 6.091 248.597 3.932
+414.878 484.063 5.543 538.322 6.090 249.925 4.917
+415.036 480.080 6.622 538.423 5.994 249.519 3.937
+415.194 479.390 5.722 536.724 6.292 253.055 5.096
+415.353 478.164 5.654 537.937 6.106 252.750 5.384
+415.511 475.031 5.942 537.719 6.232 248.047 4.943
+415.669 481.410 5.903 538.237 6.077 248.940 3.644
+415.827 480.244 5.988 536.352 6.222 250.609 4.384
+415.985 477.412 5.924 538.073 7.013 246.166 4.727
+416.142 473.374 6.333 537.870 5.963 245.991 7.144
+416.299 476.913 5.677 536.218 5.862 253.209 3.668
+416.457 476.419 5.189 536.642 5.981 251.602 5.027
+416.616 477.014 5.734 537.986 6.049 250.246 4.506
+416.774 475.500 5.855 539.829 5.952 246.282 4.906
+416.931 476.525 6.210 537.538 5.895 248.782 4.062
+417.088 477.255 5.622 538.825 6.094 251.747 3.215
+417.246 477.882 5.649 538.068 6.463 249.917 3.446
+417.404 475.628 5.683 535.600 6.262 250.269 3.518
+417.562 476.766 5.586 537.856 5.725 251.322 3.528
+417.720 476.257 5.427 537.388 5.931 249.583 5.323
+417.878 477.222 5.413 537.683 5.849 249.415 3.600
+418.035 476.132 5.841 538.046 6.191 251.194 3.915
+418.193 475.991 6.096 538.020 6.054 251.491 3.740
+418.351 477.259 5.492 537.850 6.061 252.184 3.664
+418.509 477.442 6.108 538.768 5.765 249.241 3.547
+418.667 478.354 5.936 537.437 6.210 250.652 4.008
+418.825 476.813 5.687 538.754 6.191 248.896 3.361
+418.983 476.728 5.522 538.007 6.068 252.538 3.533
+419.141 477.217 5.556 537.440 6.291 248.945 4.980
+419.299 476.592 6.835 537.454 6.054 251.269 3.587
+419.457 477.155 5.701 538.234 5.809 247.182 3.719
+419.614 480.051 5.395 538.162 5.819 252.221 3.585
+419.772 478.660 5.748 537.591 6.205 250.622 4.131
+419.930 477.046 5.596 538.626 6.482 249.176 3.975
+420.087 475.340 5.865 538.746 6.112 251.311 5.129
+420.246 476.403 6.141 537.607 6.344 251.913 3.799
+420.404 476.824 6.029 537.366 7.493 250.969 5.903
+420.562 479.518 5.918 538.533 7.174 253.259 4.710
+420.719 475.095 5.781 538.875 7.035 250.252 4.717
+420.878 480.100 5.592 538.568 6.522 249.042 3.436
+421.036 480.041 6.123 539.425 6.439 250.900 5.550
+421.195 478.870 8.392 536.394 7.540 252.499 5.054
+421.352 479.898 7.543 538.174 6.736 248.225 4.701
+421.509 477.039 7.383 539.101 6.262 249.412 4.271
+421.667 478.230 7.018 537.651 6.355 252.574 3.999
+421.824 477.092 5.555 537.346 6.340 248.205 4.187
+421.982 478.290 5.735 538.433 6.719 249.452 4.848
+422.139 480.112 5.861 537.704 5.865 255.444 3.827
+422.297 481.891 6.096 538.357 6.080 251.744 4.713
+422.454 478.218 5.720 538.503 5.780 243.737 5.292
+422.612 477.652 5.781 538.695 6.201 252.387 4.539
+422.770 477.436 6.270 536.277 6.217 253.123 4.577
+422.928 481.454 5.785 541.072 6.111 254.691 4.427
+423.085 479.584 6.401 534.910 6.080 248.756 6.795
+423.242 481.005 5.643 537.049 6.031 248.307 5.354
+423.400 482.390 5.520 537.330 6.330 252.683 5.091
+423.559 481.913 6.405 538.483 6.882 250.106 6.997
+423.716 484.079 5.605 538.494 6.062 252.681 3.739
+423.874 484.300 5.596 538.855 6.722 249.076 5.152
+424.032 484.313 6.665 537.668 6.316 251.750 4.649
+424.189 484.813 6.114 538.326 6.164 247.697 4.150
+424.347 486.038 6.082 539.023 6.236 248.237 4.711
+424.505 486.540 6.580 538.090 6.185 250.552 4.025
+424.662 487.265 6.189 538.491 6.405 250.535 3.598
+424.820 491.442 6.409 536.894 6.422 250.195 4.848
+424.978 491.114 5.952 538.679 5.868 249.342 6.032
+425.135 489.721 7.268 538.756 6.943 246.633 5.983
+425.293 492.177 6.487 536.667 6.769 249.636 4.359
+425.451 491.751 6.122 536.136 7.055 249.626 8.377
+425.608 496.777 6.621 537.651 7.151 250.876 4.162
+425.765 496.427 7.972 536.116 6.797 247.478 9.327
+425.921 492.284 9.378 536.531 8.898 244.534 10.322
+426.078 493.872 7.010 532.845 6.263 252.735 4.072
+426.235 494.068 7.152 533.038 6.188 251.947 7.317
+426.393 500.800 9.252 533.860 8.035 256.289 9.354
+426.550 498.638 10.705 532.848 7.628 252.982 7.429
+426.707 496.516 8.998 532.878 6.988 244.559 4.464
+426.864 497.085 6.170 533.288 6.372 245.135 5.458
+427.022 496.180 7.594 525.902 7.644 253.831 6.419
+427.179 497.561 7.597 530.309 7.279 249.808 8.649
+427.336 495.435 8.348 529.283 7.926 244.118 7.352
+427.492 500.714 7.878 532.522 6.718 247.891 9.575
+427.649 486.447 8.166 525.955 7.706 241.628 10.730
+427.806 502.314 9.389 527.639 6.143 251.106 6.777
+427.963 496.553 8.519 520.916 7.165 252.701 6.932
+428.119 487.275 7.361 534.699 9.799 238.077 5.738
+428.276 510.092 8.421 530.407 8.066 257.320 15.450
+428.433 483.810 10.631 530.714 9.274 236.363 12.851
+428.589 505.108 7.375 532.887 7.925 249.233 9.588
+428.746 493.011 9.743 520.058 8.111 254.942 7.537
+428.902 494.890 7.522 529.820 9.433 245.759 6.086
+429.059 502.258 6.904 527.968 8.386 250.147 5.563
+429.218 487.872 9.560 526.899 7.481 247.291 5.720
+429.375 498.578 15.053 522.139 17.130 244.682 10.441
+429.531 488.245 19.609 521.791 14.765 246.256 21.223
+429.687 496.712 10.847 527.908 10.107 243.852 12.534
+429.845 494.117 7.762 521.249 9.675 260.838 7.631
+430.001 490.611 11.175 524.132 8.178 235.988 9.607
+430.158 493.166 8.309 523.011 8.497 238.519 11.843
+430.314 504.271 7.659 528.100 8.292 257.105 6.603
+430.472 490.842 7.647 522.161 8.262 238.091 9.540
+430.627 503.508 10.339 527.731 9.196 243.110 10.551
+430.785 489.315 9.204 531.967 8.529 242.371 10.059
+430.942 491.513 7.245 524.229 10.027 249.513 8.007
+431.098 493.395 7.860 528.872 7.009 241.595 7.930
+431.255 493.603 9.368 524.108 9.044 258.015 12.487
+431.412 488.176 11.759 526.421 15.172 241.420 12.958
+431.568 500.541 9.504 526.544 9.663 249.914 15.897
+431.724 498.085 8.890 523.875 7.215 252.139 7.110
+431.881 498.530 8.299 527.348 7.236 242.981 6.012
+432.038 494.935 8.914 526.963 7.398 246.469 7.287
+432.195 498.709 9.596 528.129 9.602 250.184 9.291
+432.351 486.937 10.146 526.591 9.434 249.951 8.589
+432.509 498.759 7.870 529.316 7.035 250.709 8.173
+432.665 494.017 7.750 525.973 6.804 250.557 5.893
+432.823 494.070 7.135 528.299 6.822 242.985 5.828
+432.980 499.650 7.453 527.033 7.117 248.409 6.572
+433.137 495.406 7.792 528.660 7.189 248.534 6.943
+433.294 496.674 6.977 529.026 6.432 246.325 6.022
+433.452 496.986 8.879 530.210 6.712 249.583 7.399
+433.609 495.839 8.113 528.322 8.352 250.595 9.387
+433.766 495.598 7.730 529.573 8.844 250.635 7.270
+433.924 495.876 8.142 530.775 6.864 248.086 6.508
+434.081 495.548 7.581 529.367 6.639 249.680 6.895
+434.238 494.315 6.901 528.523 6.385 247.316 6.074
+434.396 489.733 6.913 529.085 8.666 247.253 5.421
+434.553 493.057 6.631 529.130 7.769 247.852 6.086
+434.710 491.590 6.853 530.241 6.450 249.418 6.038
+434.868 491.375 7.396 527.822 7.401 246.324 5.770
+435.026 496.183 7.295 527.678 6.529 249.373 6.774
+435.183 490.151 7.885 529.156 6.629 245.713 7.489
+435.340 493.061 7.445 529.901 6.807 244.967 7.566
+435.497 490.350 7.373 529.179 6.713 247.249 7.735
+435.655 485.873 7.181 529.011 6.570 248.032 6.868
+435.812 490.148 7.221 530.370 7.137 246.410 7.340
+435.970 492.781 8.174 529.773 7.756 248.364 7.351
+436.126 485.517 8.788 528.837 7.938 244.473 8.706
+436.283 489.285 8.404 527.058 6.855 249.114 8.671
+436.440 487.832 8.483 525.970 7.769 256.781 7.207
+436.597 487.988 8.291 528.189 7.534 243.337 7.297
+436.755 491.619 8.434 527.741 7.074 247.293 5.769
+436.912 492.926 7.631 525.977 6.928 256.512 6.882
+437.070 487.389 7.294 528.529 7.261 238.315 7.483
+437.227 491.963 8.276 528.255 7.752 249.553 5.998
+437.384 490.879 7.597 527.822 7.077 249.425 8.191
+437.541 492.978 8.410 527.798 10.217 248.514 9.516
+437.699 494.909 8.367 527.488 8.180 252.205 7.277
+437.855 492.649 8.147 527.464 7.014 244.462 6.432
+438.012 493.346 7.642 527.624 7.491 247.214 5.768
+438.169 489.013 8.547 527.356 7.655 246.022 6.628
+438.326 496.240 7.780 526.123 7.896 249.370 6.512
+438.483 496.912 7.154 525.691 7.693 250.413 8.577
+438.640 493.119 8.501 525.216 7.056 244.654 7.366
+438.797 499.551 6.859 524.722 7.015 248.766 6.488
+438.954 495.905 7.609 525.907 6.384 245.367 7.387
+439.111 494.449 6.813 523.649 6.752 245.723 6.352
+439.268 496.014 6.879 524.426 7.114 249.197 6.229
+439.426 493.790 7.852 525.954 6.744 247.911 7.827
+439.582 495.117 7.084 525.049 7.258 246.549 6.413
+439.739 497.541 8.795 525.500 7.853 247.045 8.132
+439.895 496.115 7.331 525.105 7.276 247.840 8.789
+440.052 494.791 7.026 524.831 6.833 246.648 8.437
+440.209 495.327 7.584 522.698 7.696 246.606 7.977
+440.365 496.053 7.044 522.607 7.184 246.116 6.928
+440.522 497.480 8.136 523.466 7.415 246.191 10.546
+440.679 496.334 7.523 524.364 7.373 247.911 7.618
+440.836 493.553 8.012 524.033 6.871 246.609 7.668
+440.992 492.285 7.078 523.850 7.842 248.606 7.843
+441.149 494.692 6.819 524.238 7.244 248.056 6.210
+441.307 496.066 10.192 522.272 8.369 245.870 9.645
+441.463 496.380 7.313 523.752 6.185 248.338 6.800
+441.620 494.733 6.793 523.757 7.156 249.193 8.288
+441.777 496.667 8.410 523.747 7.973 247.891 8.080
+441.933 496.916 6.512 524.487 6.884 247.088 4.411
+442.091 495.109 6.959 523.654 7.229 245.470 5.970
+442.249 496.891 6.744 523.646 6.378 245.474 5.278
+442.408 494.478 7.353 523.136 7.294 247.924 7.841
+442.564 493.794 7.840 523.371 6.547 246.999 4.999
+442.721 497.238 6.988 523.003 6.999 246.190 7.850
+442.878 493.902 7.165 523.340 7.135 245.101 5.790
+443.035 494.789 7.786 521.753 7.181 251.011 8.359
+443.192 496.707 7.899 522.747 7.322 249.510 5.839
+443.350 495.127 8.433 523.837 7.037 244.975 6.935
+443.508 495.091 7.346 522.328 6.809 246.459 5.328
+443.665 495.820 6.978 521.423 7.272 248.534 6.115
+443.823 496.248 7.533 521.994 7.244 246.295 6.058
+443.981 495.062 7.326 521.259 7.526 245.662 6.869
+444.137 495.590 7.449 521.702 7.058 244.456 6.569
+444.295 496.335 6.796 521.737 6.602 246.834 5.149
+444.453 495.043 6.979 520.457 7.739 249.668 5.507
+444.611 493.220 7.777 520.194 6.818 246.946 6.079
+444.768 494.482 7.476 519.982 7.159 244.619 4.879
+444.926 497.164 8.235 519.509 8.637 247.396 6.852
+445.083 494.291 7.174 519.795 6.901 246.123 4.576
+445.241 495.652 8.090 519.097 8.230 245.421 5.969
+445.398 495.766 8.125 518.471 6.892 248.794 7.033
+445.555 494.967 6.921 517.994 6.981 247.547 6.099
+445.713 494.409 7.194 518.080 7.995 243.985 5.630
+445.871 497.024 8.536 517.220 7.186 247.309 5.337
+446.029 495.670 7.606 516.252 8.017 246.863 6.376
+446.186 494.086 8.685 517.672 8.264 245.538 4.755
+446.343 495.370 7.394 517.526 8.036 242.405 4.511
+446.500 495.733 9.032 515.985 9.117 247.854 7.096
+446.657 494.157 7.530 516.519 7.423 249.368 5.557
+446.815 494.181 8.032 515.475 7.959 245.013 5.113
+446.972 495.401 7.732 514.054 8.829 243.770 7.330
+447.129 497.184 7.977 515.140 7.673 248.327 5.031
+447.286 495.211 7.880 514.651 8.482 248.053 5.472
+447.443 495.362 7.833 516.706 7.239 245.180 5.050
+447.601 495.783 8.105 515.447 7.866 245.231 6.426
+447.758 495.537 7.528 513.574 8.358 247.252 5.577
+447.915 495.145 8.606 514.765 8.950 246.082 5.896
+448.072 495.461 6.334 515.167 6.926 248.080 4.583
+448.230 494.784 8.588 515.401 7.817 247.360 4.638
+448.387 494.567 6.994 516.264 7.683 244.623 4.729
+448.544 494.835 6.545 515.952 7.245 238.876 5.448
+448.702 496.208 7.132 516.329 7.004 246.568 4.302
+448.859 496.912 7.976 516.323 7.621 248.285 4.259
+449.016 496.579 7.518 515.633 8.619 251.092 5.924
+449.174 495.185 9.148 517.086 8.205 246.560 5.250
+449.331 495.311 8.548 517.540 8.449 242.295 7.260
+449.488 495.923 8.605 517.745 7.821 245.282 5.985
+449.645 494.589 7.826 517.707 7.988 250.012 5.323
+449.802 495.495 6.788 519.047 7.807 248.990 5.126
+449.960 495.524 8.067 518.330 8.761 248.369 5.634
+450.117 495.975 7.409 519.233 8.331 246.143 6.976
+450.275 495.659 6.943 519.962 7.166 246.241 6.052
+450.432 495.116 8.420 521.819 7.584 244.082 4.894
+450.589 493.561 6.561 519.948 7.389 247.430 6.085
+450.747 494.855 7.874 520.189 10.314 247.384 5.190
+450.904 494.048 6.779 522.581 6.773 247.023 6.318
+451.062 495.830 9.020 522.005 9.795 249.400 5.437
+451.219 496.778 7.505 522.260 7.113 247.214 4.992
+451.376 495.357 6.502 522.632 6.322 246.572 4.326
+451.534 494.603 6.533 523.446 8.010 246.985 5.552
+451.691 495.176 7.406 524.534 7.109 246.569 5.563
+451.849 494.861 7.162 523.625 7.332 247.825 5.787
+452.006 495.268 7.167 523.466 7.923 247.908 5.066
+452.163 494.312 6.723 523.674 7.135 247.399 5.412
+452.321 494.583 6.574 524.026 7.149 250.814 6.839
+452.478 494.485 6.743 524.370 7.939 246.398 5.987
+452.635 496.974 6.803 524.593 7.140 248.324 5.203
+452.793 495.329 7.287 525.275 7.538 246.463 4.754
+452.950 495.473 6.606 525.002 7.803 247.914 5.933
+453.108 494.514 7.390 524.310 7.206 248.279 5.810
+453.265 494.445 6.955 524.903 7.802 246.912 5.965
+453.424 494.274 6.544 525.399 8.327 248.379 6.291
+453.580 494.102 6.699 525.214 6.792 249.073 5.248
+453.738 494.181 7.035 525.462 7.081 246.880 4.690
+453.896 494.511 6.895 525.074 7.564 247.268 5.888
+454.053 494.505 7.729 524.630 7.684 247.862 4.863
+454.211 495.245 8.040 525.036 8.096 247.538 6.105
+454.367 494.272 7.166 524.960 7.665 246.515 4.978
+454.524 494.742 7.012 525.059 6.591 249.965 4.765
+454.682 494.417 7.843 525.900 8.052 246.159 7.097
+454.839 493.654 7.147 525.019 7.349 245.151 5.581
+454.996 494.856 7.942 525.010 8.637 250.371 6.046
+455.153 495.298 8.012 523.040 9.569 249.093 7.710
+455.310 494.083 6.522 524.210 6.790 244.520 5.770
+455.467 495.120 7.711 523.922 8.175 248.055 4.736
+455.625 493.481 7.741 523.989 7.969 250.260 6.935
+455.781 493.594 7.641 523.659 7.244 245.612 4.467
+455.938 495.425 6.855 524.176 7.830 244.816 4.654
+456.096 494.594 7.560 523.051 7.854 248.248 5.833
+456.253 494.155 7.039 522.580 7.186 247.952 5.925
+456.411 495.361 7.304 523.545 6.084 246.699 6.196
+456.569 493.903 6.138 523.665 6.773 246.897 5.743
+456.726 494.879 7.139 521.346 8.542 247.688 4.094
+456.883 494.578 6.378 521.803 6.854 246.446 5.303
+457.041 495.405 7.029 521.878 6.743 246.914 4.505
+457.199 494.634 7.617 521.408 7.753 246.739 4.428
+457.357 495.046 6.753 520.624 7.693 246.167 4.696
+457.514 494.540 7.769 520.766 6.680 247.671 4.783
+457.672 494.595 5.838 519.907 7.600 247.456 4.969
+457.829 495.135 8.457 519.019 8.841 246.284 5.416
+457.987 494.371 7.445 518.730 7.210 245.722 5.312
+458.144 494.583 7.439 519.447 6.955 246.917 5.324
+458.302 494.315 6.856 516.624 6.740 247.499 4.598
+458.459 494.743 6.300 517.696 6.423 248.145 5.802
+458.617 494.167 6.907 518.127 6.375 246.231 4.045
+458.775 494.771 6.714 517.261 6.723 246.722 5.443
+458.933 495.267 5.983 515.302 7.884 246.307 4.340
+459.089 495.842 6.386 516.253 7.421 246.963 5.603
+459.248 494.048 7.175 519.522 6.791 246.189 5.192
+459.405 495.030 6.173 521.435 6.846 245.881 4.643
+459.564 494.310 6.881 517.534 7.253 247.278 5.322
+459.721 494.133 8.742 513.715 7.337 246.712 5.226
+459.879 494.521 6.648 512.327 7.048 247.247 5.209
+460.037 494.395 6.543 512.593 6.084 245.352 6.182
+460.195 494.094 6.850 510.125 5.940 245.193 5.019
+460.352 494.141 7.573 506.591 8.657 246.261 7.992
+460.508 494.591 5.667 507.245 5.764 243.982 3.560
+460.666 495.015 5.701 505.932 6.245 247.319 5.055
+460.824 494.170 6.468 505.959 6.061 245.293 3.712
+460.983 493.661 5.887 505.919 5.841 246.392 3.956
+461.141 494.756 5.497 506.009 5.528 244.353 4.285
+461.298 495.517 6.823 531.800 6.131 248.663 5.878
+461.455 495.985 8.457 549.218 6.134 249.956 8.049
+461.612 494.439 5.862 545.552 6.204 249.679 5.125
+461.769 492.834 5.620 535.815 5.912 247.666 3.602
+461.928 493.318 5.472 539.668 5.934 250.806 3.211
+462.086 494.083 5.727 540.086 5.695 249.508 3.248
+462.243 493.260 5.233 538.620 5.808 248.115 3.016
+462.401 493.772 5.348 540.666 5.663 249.681 3.532
+462.559 493.407 5.313 538.606 5.645 250.216 3.022
+462.717 493.784 5.485 540.436 5.667 248.852 3.407
+462.875 493.857 5.306 539.004 5.682 249.818 3.735
+463.033 494.068 5.274 539.850 5.708 250.128 3.051
+463.191 493.620 5.333 539.378 5.765 250.301 3.434
+463.349 495.276 5.439 539.723 5.700 248.563 4.974
+463.507 493.192 5.397 539.697 5.711 247.945 4.407
+463.664 493.901 5.283 539.627 5.732 250.609 3.616
+463.822 494.439 5.361 539.316 5.643 250.726 3.176
+463.980 493.624 5.265 539.743 5.742 248.977 3.616
+464.138 494.276 5.286 539.647 5.679 249.279 3.210
+464.296 493.722 5.255 539.296 5.714 249.152 3.065
+464.454 494.027 5.251 539.463 5.708 249.751 3.501
+464.611 494.020 5.240 540.244 5.701 248.867 3.462
+464.769 493.860 5.425 539.002 5.650 249.948 3.949
+464.926 493.438 5.302 539.610 5.628 249.249 3.273
+465.084 493.014 5.282 539.136 5.656 249.932 3.101
+465.242 493.770 5.263 539.821 5.675 250.899 3.522
+465.400 494.357 5.363 539.688 5.708 249.539 3.747
+465.558 495.393 5.303 539.466 5.818 248.895 3.341
+465.716 493.924 5.425 539.684 5.650 249.758 3.041
+465.874 494.189 5.259 539.196 5.669 250.327 3.367
+466.032 494.421 5.349 540.152 5.718 248.903 3.299
+466.190 494.384 5.593 540.221 5.611 250.429 4.588
+466.347 494.473 5.305 539.562 5.854 250.114 6.009
+466.504 494.284 5.382 539.355 5.840 248.141 5.329
+466.662 494.472 5.589 540.733 5.719 249.441 3.944
+466.819 493.044 5.323 539.567 5.714 249.954 4.704
+466.977 493.350 5.330 538.895 5.757 250.079 3.612
+467.134 494.283 5.233 540.249 5.777 249.130 4.234
+467.292 494.122 5.368 539.402 5.738 247.781 5.266
+467.449 493.221 5.323 539.594 5.681 249.827 3.244
+467.607 494.382 5.272 539.406 5.757 249.848 3.154
+467.765 493.543 5.437 540.274 5.770 249.568 3.710
+467.922 493.615 5.304 540.722 5.701 248.965 3.123
+468.080 494.226 5.343 539.377 5.669 249.809 3.224
+468.239 489.582 9.351 505.003 27.861 245.148 9.851
+468.394 494.435 5.949 538.030 5.934 250.241 4.209
+468.552 493.464 5.453 538.190 5.825 249.802 3.596
+468.709 493.734 5.271 538.071 5.714 248.948 3.380
+468.867 493.727 5.184 536.940 5.621 250.699 3.519
+469.025 493.657 5.283 537.299 5.818 248.947 3.514
+469.183 493.036 5.427 538.483 5.646 248.739 3.311
+469.341 493.300 5.351 537.144 5.649 250.247 3.116
+469.498 492.773 5.548 537.661 5.677 250.202 2.975
+469.657 492.977 9.278 537.906 7.301 248.662 11.306
+469.813 493.589 5.532 537.369 5.722 248.936 4.153
+469.970 494.525 5.625 538.583 5.723 249.409 3.034
+470.129 494.005 5.283 538.035 5.747 250.314 3.368
+470.286 494.420 5.332 538.100 5.685 249.893 3.231
+470.444 493.664 5.269 538.241 5.758 248.838 3.031
+470.602 494.116 5.379 538.022 5.730 250.798 3.519
+470.759 493.441 5.273 538.150 5.643 248.258 3.475
+470.917 493.354 5.311 537.731 5.762 248.452 3.494
+471.074 493.473 5.200 538.057 5.763 250.814 3.119
+471.232 493.684 5.249 537.750 5.603 249.568 3.054
+471.390 493.636 5.173 537.527 5.753 248.875 3.225
+471.548 492.746 5.321 538.695 5.672 248.878 3.090
+471.707 492.947 5.414 538.287 5.624 249.478 3.592
+471.864 493.759 5.377 537.602 5.648 250.024 3.015
+472.023 493.637 5.326 537.626 5.701 248.910 3.192
+472.181 492.736 5.231 538.006 5.630 248.699 3.092
+472.339 494.267 5.331 538.060 5.641 249.707 3.328
+472.497 493.942 5.298 537.990 5.797 249.497 3.309
+472.655 493.409 5.248 538.289 5.611 248.534 3.111
+472.813 493.214 5.404 538.643 5.734 250.725 6.912
+472.970 493.362 5.423 538.096 5.732 250.047 5.556
+473.128 493.543 5.486 538.631 5.610 250.300 3.309
+473.286 493.635 5.350 537.756 5.675 248.113 3.072
+473.444 493.556 5.274 537.667 5.758 250.471 3.172
+473.602 493.555 5.197 537.856 5.733 250.414 3.627
+473.760 493.145 5.374 537.928 5.653 248.564 3.573
+473.917 493.841 5.364 538.159 5.720 248.735 3.079
+474.076 493.638 5.308 537.441 5.684 249.117 3.426
+474.234 494.906 5.813 538.614 6.356 248.281 4.940
+474.391 493.969 5.281 538.496 5.678 248.882 3.099
+474.550 494.559 5.323 537.915 5.713 249.898 3.607
+474.708 493.885 5.317 537.479 5.720 249.469 3.321
+474.865 493.008 5.270 536.324 6.861 249.434 3.622
+475.023 493.570 5.283 536.763 5.655 248.494 4.135
+475.180 493.905 5.202 537.897 5.640 249.944 3.344
+475.338 493.979 5.160 537.719 5.647 249.729 3.335
+475.496 493.799 5.282 538.267 5.680 250.027 3.476
+475.654 493.328 5.225 538.042 5.737 248.520 3.333
+475.811 493.753 5.263 537.550 5.684 249.805 3.129
+475.969 493.467 5.419 537.675 5.605 250.438 3.126
+476.127 494.274 5.464 537.896 5.707 249.374 3.086
+476.285 494.732 5.330 538.159 5.718 248.763 3.294
+476.443 493.977 5.194 538.131 5.684 248.807 3.278
+476.601 494.389 5.243 537.181 5.734 250.368 2.999
+476.760 493.733 5.457 538.071 5.643 249.143 3.621
+476.918 493.887 5.257 537.820 5.658 248.721 4.488
+477.075 493.748 5.409 538.058 5.578 249.217 3.111
+477.233 493.657 5.255 537.620 5.785 249.962 3.059
+477.391 493.786 5.230 537.926 5.689 248.799 2.962
+477.549 493.757 5.324 537.599 5.602 249.618 3.178
+477.708 494.557 5.326 538.046 5.716 248.686 2.977
+477.866 494.065 5.379 538.000 5.732 248.696 3.093
+478.024 494.160 5.392 537.940 5.663 250.057 3.348
+478.181 493.971 5.395 537.749 5.647 248.890 3.064
+478.340 494.469 5.402 537.517 5.660 249.808 3.395
+478.498 494.314 5.240 537.165 5.779 250.378 2.923
+478.656 493.793 5.270 538.131 5.653 249.163 3.360
+478.814 494.338 5.318 537.321 5.578 249.481 3.032
+478.971 493.903 5.294 537.653 5.794 249.904 3.141
+479.130 494.029 5.247 537.946 5.590 249.779 3.166
+479.288 493.950 5.222 538.199 5.696 247.887 3.142
+479.446 494.549 5.293 537.972 5.748 249.738 3.120
+479.604 493.905 5.249 537.949 5.755 249.897 3.449
+479.762 494.019 5.344 538.089 5.595 249.228 3.178
+479.919 494.050 5.416 538.030 5.744 249.252 3.202
+480.077 494.210 5.365 537.580 5.729 249.172 3.018
+480.235 494.122 5.206 538.115 5.736 249.871 2.970
+480.393 494.531 5.302 538.071 5.721 249.818 3.127
+480.551 494.425 5.359 538.600 5.660 248.198 3.100
+480.710 494.404 5.345 538.276 5.727 249.212 3.264
+480.867 494.194 5.410 538.562 5.562 249.702 3.107
+481.026 494.691 5.281 538.575 5.655 250.347 3.320
+481.183 494.297 5.325 538.245 5.719 248.963 3.214
+481.341 494.143 5.230 539.072 5.639 248.879 3.091
+481.499 495.031 5.368 538.280 5.719 249.188 2.923
+481.657 495.720 5.383 538.752 5.710 249.601 3.050
+481.815 494.887 5.243 538.087 5.815 249.216 3.251
+481.972 495.548 5.358 538.910 5.704 249.612 3.205
+482.130 494.865 5.373 538.829 5.664 249.356 3.598
+482.288 495.338 5.237 538.598 5.617 248.903 3.310
+482.446 494.793 5.437 538.466 5.593 248.999 2.987
+482.605 494.997 5.313 538.244 5.638 250.090 3.298
+482.762 494.580 5.258 538.392 5.735 248.690 3.260
+482.920 494.235 5.505 538.144 6.014 248.436 4.281
+483.077 494.682 5.304 538.081 5.780 249.724 3.091
+483.235 494.956 5.205 537.000 5.816 250.127 2.971
+483.393 495.319 5.430 538.150 5.618 250.021 3.642
+483.551 494.013 5.680 538.131 5.748 248.700 3.211
+483.710 494.640 5.199 538.271 5.686 250.017 3.509
+483.868 494.676 5.370 538.202 5.685 249.150 3.446
+484.025 494.496 5.261 538.442 6.013 249.601 3.493
+484.183 495.095 5.300 538.824 5.868 249.176 3.125
+484.341 495.721 5.369 537.768 5.762 249.351 2.994
+484.499 495.087 5.329 538.487 5.606 249.153 3.549
+484.656 495.570 5.519 538.474 5.676 248.831 3.689
+484.814 494.855 5.326 538.124 5.650 249.268 3.575
+484.972 496.148 9.399 539.141 7.630 249.392 5.943
+485.129 494.951 7.860 538.681 7.100 249.053 5.165
+485.286 495.029 5.469 538.116 5.747 248.370 4.624
+485.444 495.000 5.352 538.041 5.679 248.843 3.733
+485.601 495.130 5.243 538.560 5.737 249.128 3.530
+485.758 495.231 5.340 538.465 5.758 249.251 3.122
+485.917 495.272 5.331 538.174 5.564 248.542 2.915
+486.074 494.792 5.344 538.111 5.644 249.545 3.463
+486.232 494.487 5.227 538.631 5.673 249.585 3.299
+486.389 494.824 5.328 538.666 5.717 248.895 3.266
+486.547 494.788 5.375 538.056 5.686 248.818 3.328
+486.705 495.557 5.276 538.720 5.723 249.368 2.979
+486.864 495.395 5.271 538.937 5.608 249.893 3.107
+487.022 495.054 5.330 537.849 5.735 248.818 3.343
+487.180 495.210 5.274 538.168 5.726 249.378 2.840
+487.338 494.982 5.201 538.051 5.637 248.963 3.185
+487.495 494.869 5.330 537.430 5.633 249.009 3.154
+487.654 495.288 5.356 538.414 5.658 249.650 3.110
+487.812 495.832 5.247 538.234 5.684 249.956 3.146
+487.971 494.988 5.354 538.242 5.724 249.269 3.131
+488.129 494.709 5.253 538.702 5.638 249.262 3.266
+488.286 494.887 5.367 539.087 5.666 249.112 3.080
+488.444 496.358 5.337 539.100 5.705 249.961 2.914
+488.602 494.773 5.415 538.641 5.714 248.999 3.402
+488.761 496.977 6.352 538.596 5.931 249.540 5.316
+488.919 495.509 5.294 537.166 5.730 248.765 3.206
+489.077 494.935 5.476 537.731 5.660 249.157 3.096
+489.235 494.159 5.403 538.117 5.708 248.641 3.142
+489.393 494.971 5.296 537.701 5.721 249.136 3.182
+489.552 495.389 5.341 537.127 5.690 249.261 3.250
+489.710 494.553 5.359 538.311 5.706 248.962 3.376
+489.868 495.515 5.291 537.763 5.656 249.309 3.383
+490.026 495.685 5.262 537.507 5.693 249.793 2.957
+490.184 494.796 5.316 537.245 5.717 249.547 3.185
+490.342 495.207 5.395 537.522 5.693 249.705 3.094
+490.500 494.992 5.453 537.935 5.623 248.387 2.988
+490.658 495.029 5.207 538.469 5.739 250.353 4.434
+490.816 495.460 5.401 538.234 5.566 248.923 3.235
+490.974 495.734 5.245 537.872 5.685 249.579 3.146
+491.132 495.277 5.307 537.558 5.654 249.355 3.401
+491.290 494.842 5.299 537.995 5.649 249.053 3.461
+491.448 494.428 5.315 537.509 5.613 249.360 3.177
+491.606 495.294 5.339 537.615 5.691 248.973 3.260
+491.764 494.713 5.296 538.146 5.612 249.329 3.132
+491.922 494.717 5.365 537.871 5.768 249.093 3.107
+492.080 495.157 5.316 537.688 5.644 249.160 3.073
+492.238 494.861 5.268 537.586 5.654 249.661 3.073
+492.396 495.138 5.227 537.625 5.778 249.246 3.243
+492.554 495.561 5.268 537.826 5.636 249.092 3.229
+492.712 495.275 5.340 537.888 5.688 249.810 2.983
+492.870 494.742 5.237 537.628 5.734 249.338 3.029
+493.029 495.587 5.286 538.156 5.728 248.753 2.930
+493.187 494.065 5.230 537.801 5.683 249.897 3.038
+493.345 495.410 5.338 537.358 5.660 249.369 2.996
+493.503 495.854 5.281 537.693 5.696 249.473 3.434
+493.661 494.808 5.270 537.806 5.628 249.464 2.893
+493.819 495.198 5.269 537.928 5.714 249.364 3.230
+493.977 495.352 5.270 537.719 5.648 249.143 3.076
+494.135 495.023 5.284 538.267 5.613 249.821 3.021
+494.293 495.110 5.219 538.262 5.651 250.128 3.113
+494.450 495.341 5.300 537.392 5.807 249.011 3.166
+494.609 495.403 5.293 538.324 5.643 248.900 3.200
+494.766 495.174 5.253 537.233 5.648 249.479 2.980
+494.924 495.051 5.206 537.482 5.793 249.374 3.067
+495.082 494.640 5.267 537.724 5.825 248.313 2.981
+495.240 494.826 5.343 537.607 5.627 249.513 3.097
+495.398 495.628 5.263 537.766 5.692 249.865 3.019
+495.557 495.286 5.280 537.817 5.586 249.248 3.167
+495.715 495.442 5.431 538.548 5.739 249.122 3.027
+495.873 495.474 5.232 537.655 5.706 248.991 3.218
+496.032 495.494 5.240 538.396 5.648 249.259 2.996
+496.189 495.594 5.213 538.264 5.636 249.502 2.916
+496.347 495.375 5.273 538.212 5.749 249.555 3.137
+496.505 494.943 5.443 538.042 5.626 248.955 2.942
+496.663 495.149 5.178 538.390 5.693 249.659 3.171
+496.821 495.121 5.272 537.803 5.743 248.916 2.969
+496.979 495.511 5.336 538.178 5.692 249.779 3.367
+497.137 494.995 5.328 538.261 5.727 248.867 3.327
+497.295 494.969 5.171 537.412 5.711 249.938 3.143
+497.454 495.619 5.312 537.604 5.677 248.769 3.060
+497.612 495.446 5.271 538.066 5.654 249.177 3.023
+497.770 495.044 5.233 538.350 5.633 249.581 3.100
+497.928 495.670 5.365 538.083 5.650 248.475 3.047
+498.085 495.896 5.242 538.360 5.604 249.184 3.082
+498.243 496.049 5.287 539.103 5.611 249.631 2.991
+498.401 495.450 5.247 538.351 5.676 250.246 3.136
+498.559 495.554 5.314 538.263 5.671 249.872 2.989
+498.717 495.125 5.295 538.552 5.710 248.788 2.964
+498.875 495.791 5.263 537.775 5.641 249.147 3.520
+499.033 495.147 5.362 537.817 5.705 249.291 3.194
+499.191 495.311 5.309 537.918 5.640 249.132 3.277
+499.349 495.083 5.301 538.329 5.757 249.631 3.737
+499.506 495.840 5.244 538.223 5.714 249.836 3.196
+499.664 494.968 5.264 538.262 5.744 249.268 3.032
+499.822 495.189 5.316 537.662 5.652 249.442 3.162
+499.980 495.961 5.335 538.246 5.619 249.604 3.203
+500.138 495.719 5.340 537.482 5.723 249.236 3.175
+500.296 494.857 5.244 537.854 5.635 249.012 3.146
+500.454 496.008 5.217 538.018 5.700 249.420 3.086
+500.612 495.970 5.256 538.560 5.649 248.884 3.566
+500.770 495.029 5.246 538.055 5.729 249.068 2.986
+500.928 495.640 5.504 537.860 5.619 249.910 3.179
+501.086 495.616 5.326 537.978 5.657 249.569 3.157
+501.245 495.276 5.299 538.119 5.682 249.245 3.002
+501.402 495.512 5.336 537.841 5.692 248.812 3.195
+501.561 495.165 5.336 537.928 5.871 249.268 2.919
+501.719 495.251 5.346 537.489 5.681 248.712 3.079
+501.877 494.832 5.277 538.194 5.624 248.647 3.019
+502.035 495.228 5.352 537.822 5.652 249.016 2.882
+502.193 494.802 5.365 537.718 5.634 249.030 3.119
+502.351 495.158 5.371 537.797 5.624 248.990 3.145
+502.509 494.341 6.700 537.968 7.942 248.499 8.112
+502.665 495.393 6.324 537.199 6.057 249.505 3.506
+502.823 495.043 5.577 537.672 5.655 249.265 3.467
+502.981 494.550 5.463 538.256 5.684 248.532 4.208
+503.139 495.745 5.132 537.412 5.701 248.755 3.548
+503.297 495.057 5.342 538.004 5.610 249.097 3.453
+503.455 495.420 5.247 537.990 5.723 248.650 3.218
+503.613 495.244 5.200 538.340 5.779 249.866 3.171
+503.771 495.542 5.225 538.403 5.720 249.928 2.974
+503.929 495.815 5.397 538.574 5.674 248.549 3.245
+504.087 495.468 5.461 538.395 5.730 249.055 3.181
+504.245 495.994 5.494 537.974 5.666 249.160 3.131
+504.403 495.259 5.432 537.499 5.753 249.161 3.371
+504.561 494.612 5.485 538.115 5.605 249.181 3.134
+504.719 496.056 5.207 538.501 5.662 249.421 2.876
+504.877 495.890 5.347 538.065 5.653 249.864 3.145
+505.035 495.428 5.362 538.350 5.580 248.248 3.604
+505.193 495.244 5.204 538.563 5.606 249.292 3.068
+505.351 495.432 5.270 538.215 5.798 249.632 2.979
+505.509 495.634 5.250 537.782 5.747 249.406 3.008
+505.667 495.106 5.375 538.087 5.705 248.804 3.035
+505.825 495.281 5.366 537.790 5.777 249.588 3.429
+505.983 495.692 5.304 537.887 5.717 249.285 3.933
+506.141 495.336 5.501 538.668 5.640 249.002 3.153
+506.299 495.973 5.296 537.726 5.803 249.520 3.342
+506.457 495.569 5.345 537.687 5.743 248.965 3.123
+506.615 494.925 5.316 538.056 5.572 248.939 2.919
+506.773 495.579 5.557 537.660 5.654 249.429 3.045
+506.932 495.085 7.163 538.196 6.346 250.134 5.664
+507.089 495.040 5.629 538.222 5.856 249.241 3.244
+507.247 495.430 5.281 538.032 5.775 249.252 3.471
+507.405 495.444 5.266 537.640 5.667 248.482 3.165
+507.563 495.174 5.304 538.396 5.767 249.864 2.954
+507.721 495.181 5.373 538.534 5.747 249.178 3.117
+507.879 495.791 5.166 538.515 5.737 249.501 3.065
+508.037 494.977 5.265 538.535 5.673 248.705 3.005
+508.195 496.819 5.787 538.335 5.916 250.277 3.554
+508.353 495.128 5.230 538.593 5.706 249.512 3.260
+508.511 496.161 5.314 538.056 5.692 249.105 3.037
+508.669 495.871 5.312 538.210 5.627 249.471 3.222
+508.826 495.638 5.278 538.622 5.741 248.484 3.038
+508.984 495.826 5.306 538.286 5.639 249.034 3.212
+509.142 495.608 5.309 538.152 5.773 249.580 3.197
+509.301 496.036 5.186 537.901 5.592 248.375 3.110
+509.458 495.310 5.210 538.349 5.646 250.003 3.146
+509.616 495.503 5.259 538.363 5.718 249.700 3.141
+509.774 495.385 5.236 538.243 5.711 249.177 3.186
+509.933 495.213 5.252 537.712 5.650 249.801 3.046
+510.091 495.292 5.384 538.007 5.639 249.518 3.101
+510.248 495.102 5.217 538.340 5.688 248.555 3.007
+510.406 495.151 5.296 538.703 5.647 249.715 3.174
+510.564 496.071 5.344 538.747 5.633 249.087 3.249
+510.721 496.110 5.310 538.487 5.707 249.420 2.882
+510.879 495.481 5.255 537.924 5.722 249.384 3.162
+511.037 495.814 5.439 538.009 5.862 249.893 3.594
+511.195 494.958 5.280 538.280 5.735 248.588 3.406
+511.353 495.439 5.320 537.892 5.688 249.935 2.974
+511.511 495.224 5.250 538.178 5.677 250.039 3.189
+511.669 495.182 5.424 537.871 5.636 248.930 3.097
+511.827 494.991 5.327 537.848 5.583 250.449 3.330
+511.985 495.009 5.130 538.268 5.689 250.204 3.352
+512.143 495.570 5.355 538.332 5.870 247.392 3.184
+512.301 495.475 5.296 537.893 5.631 250.273 2.983
+512.459 495.374 5.349 538.289 5.620 249.472 2.948
+512.617 495.613 5.303 537.812 5.653 249.664 3.371
+512.774 495.866 5.355 538.548 5.625 248.876 3.090
+512.933 495.588 5.304 538.325 5.662 249.718 3.103
+513.091 495.785 5.289 538.543 5.723 249.047 3.406
+513.249 495.497 5.244 537.565 5.698 250.020 3.154
+513.407 495.945 5.381 538.445 5.807 249.440 3.147
+513.565 495.349 5.232 538.094 5.698 249.134 3.012
+513.722 495.153 5.289 537.781 5.628 248.741 3.048
+513.880 496.041 5.291 537.847 5.652 249.097 2.950
+514.038 495.340 5.192 537.748 5.628 249.711 3.325
+514.195 495.423 5.221 538.137 5.648 249.737 3.246
+514.354 495.594 5.275 538.061 5.688 249.117 3.321
+514.511 495.975 5.221 538.840 5.656 248.931 3.129
+514.670 495.989 5.337 538.258 5.643 248.529 3.052
+514.828 495.149 5.241 538.072 5.734 249.555 3.010
+514.986 495.351 5.207 538.210 5.680 249.185 2.874
+515.144 495.683 5.201 538.282 5.728 249.611 3.071
+515.302 496.116 5.314 538.082 5.739 248.876 3.076
+515.460 495.631 5.452 538.660 5.596 248.498 3.037
+515.618 495.256 5.216 538.316 5.635 249.285 3.104
+515.776 496.302 5.285 538.343 5.742 249.072 3.055
+515.934 495.663 5.293 538.183 5.782 249.740 3.154
+516.092 495.456 5.355 537.691 5.672 249.077 3.039
+516.251 494.984 5.207 538.267 5.661 249.380 3.085
+516.409 495.419 5.354 537.772 5.691 249.673 3.034
+516.567 495.294 5.162 538.027 5.713 249.486 3.063
+516.725 495.472 5.217 538.410 5.690 249.104 3.059
+516.883 495.324 5.242 538.054 5.722 249.441 3.054
+517.041 495.793 5.356 538.670 5.667 248.574 3.126
+517.199 495.648 5.279 537.926 5.732 249.295 3.077
+517.357 496.006 5.281 537.969 5.693 249.362 3.207
+517.515 496.180 5.380 537.919 5.602 248.953 3.194
+517.674 495.201 5.249 538.209 5.732 249.349 3.313
+517.832 495.562 5.289 538.132 5.674 250.343 3.050
+517.990 496.035 5.373 538.281 5.599 249.083 3.028
+518.148 494.930 5.268 537.792 5.735 249.080 3.235
+518.305 495.869 5.175 538.098 5.637 249.600 3.219
+518.463 495.458 5.165 538.291 5.553 249.526 3.107
+518.621 495.504 5.336 537.862 5.671 250.025 3.145
+518.780 495.655 5.348 538.088 5.682 249.270 3.347
+518.937 495.816 5.258 537.800 5.661 248.952 3.059
+519.096 495.548 5.325 538.228 5.668 249.139 3.030
+519.253 495.305 5.257 538.162 5.718 248.801 3.013
+519.411 495.223 5.241 538.471 5.667 249.778 2.965
+519.570 495.852 5.306 538.344 5.752 248.657 3.123
+519.728 495.738 5.236 537.893 5.680 248.956 3.151
+519.887 495.257 5.263 538.098 5.640 249.539 3.147
+520.044 494.752 5.240 537.721 5.626 249.285 3.074
+520.203 494.637 5.279 537.607 5.693 249.852 3.200
+520.361 495.936 5.224 538.166 5.625 249.678 2.961
+520.519 495.609 5.299 538.301 5.725 249.366 3.076
+520.677 495.566 5.161 538.143 5.646 248.923 3.184
+520.835 495.765 5.249 538.131 5.724 249.219 3.198
+520.993 495.687 5.315 538.261 5.620 249.212 3.279
+521.151 495.706 5.207 538.392 5.607 249.072 3.158
+521.309 496.227 5.348 538.444 5.694 249.080 2.990
+521.467 495.052 5.359 538.304 5.643 249.630 3.296
+521.624 495.810 5.292 538.513 5.616 249.796 2.986
+521.783 495.648 5.277 538.315 5.743 250.377 3.063
+521.941 495.756 5.301 537.983 5.691 249.283 3.156
+522.099 495.687 5.427 538.319 5.647 248.742 3.259
+522.257 495.996 5.271 538.043 5.736 248.797 2.922
+522.415 495.660 5.375 537.980 5.607 248.848 3.104
+522.573 495.286 5.292 537.819 5.604 249.078 3.051
+522.731 495.582 5.257 537.858 5.696 249.980 3.223
+522.889 495.095 5.268 537.678 5.839 249.809 2.987
+523.048 495.790 5.367 538.166 5.631 249.348 3.150
+523.206 495.437 5.339 538.111 5.655 249.803 3.035
+523.364 495.384 5.298 538.101 5.751 249.318 3.027
+523.522 495.153 5.155 537.841 5.795 249.023 3.181
+523.679 495.281 5.360 538.738 5.681 249.380 3.085
+523.837 495.822 5.297 538.267 5.590 249.113 3.167
+523.995 495.638 5.346 537.942 5.728 249.181 2.939
+524.153 495.916 5.418 538.769 5.619 248.741 3.294
+524.311 495.869 5.294 538.477 5.701 249.277 3.032
+524.469 495.608 5.247 538.004 5.703 250.132 3.178
+524.628 495.336 5.313 537.570 5.709 249.571 3.467
+524.785 495.703 5.289 538.175 5.662 249.935 3.068
+524.943 495.367 5.345 538.561 5.747 249.329 3.037
+525.101 496.123 5.245 537.825 5.679 248.853 3.153
+525.259 495.571 5.302 538.248 5.598 248.958 3.098
+525.417 495.455 5.265 538.092 5.772 249.569 3.011
+525.575 495.384 5.390 538.441 5.613 248.985 2.915
+525.734 495.473 5.305 537.694 5.711 249.779 3.213
+525.892 496.004 5.213 538.037 5.861 249.557 3.012
+526.050 495.690 5.253 537.930 5.603 249.575 3.036
+526.208 495.616 5.425 538.099 5.665 248.835 3.220
+526.366 495.676 5.269 537.671 5.706 249.518 3.062
+526.524 495.576 5.346 537.606 5.734 249.875 3.146
+526.682 495.025 5.378 538.136 5.685 249.198 3.018
+526.840 495.640 5.515 538.221 5.649 248.832 3.094
+526.998 495.586 5.332 537.742 5.590 249.818 3.384
+527.156 495.485 5.260 538.107 5.659 249.098 3.171
+527.313 495.404 5.222 538.321 5.647 249.111 3.082
+527.471 495.864 5.263 538.193 5.691 248.931 2.975
+527.629 495.978 5.273 538.511 5.690 249.749 3.278
+527.787 496.109 5.365 538.065 5.614 249.967 3.053
+527.946 495.571 5.233 538.190 5.706 249.049 3.081
+528.103 495.315 5.318 538.081 5.677 249.170 2.922
+528.261 495.573 5.474 538.020 5.655 248.911 3.173
+528.419 495.525 5.303 537.720 5.629 248.959 3.121
+528.578 495.485 5.333 538.617 5.683 248.979 3.067
+528.736 495.354 5.386 538.826 5.630 249.079 2.990
+528.895 495.473 5.242 538.248 5.654 250.060 3.122
+529.053 495.704 5.313 537.762 5.719 249.540 2.991
+529.211 495.587 5.282 538.497 5.655 249.115 3.156
+529.369 495.305 5.297 537.615 5.724 248.951 3.068
+529.527 494.633 5.324 538.456 5.617 248.669 3.391
+529.685 495.686 5.416 538.184 5.686 249.626 2.963
+529.842 494.956 5.313 537.961 5.682 249.036 3.146
+530.001 495.019 5.293 538.149 5.697 249.500 3.015
+530.158 495.880 5.369 537.801 5.611 249.915 3.112
+530.317 495.028 5.291 538.298 5.690 250.139 2.972
+530.474 495.680 5.274 538.823 5.644 249.921 3.310
+530.633 495.106 5.304 538.118 5.700 248.709 3.223
+530.790 495.531 5.440 537.971 5.700 249.237 3.045
+530.948 494.835 5.396 538.239 5.676 249.612 3.052
+531.106 495.508 5.335 537.922 5.695 250.006 2.912
+531.265 495.135 6.569 537.609 5.954 248.360 4.721
+531.422 495.611 5.546 537.996 5.647 250.013 6.029
+531.579 495.426 5.275 538.180 5.611 249.680 3.237
+531.737 495.224 5.167 537.571 5.711 250.106 3.422
+531.895 495.492 5.432 537.665 5.664 249.831 3.466
+532.052 496.534 5.467 538.046 5.692 249.728 3.177
+532.211 495.565 5.338 538.370 5.633 250.057 3.253
+532.368 494.845 5.368 537.973 5.715 250.050 2.993
+532.527 495.258 5.306 537.809 5.701 249.240 2.987
+532.685 495.532 5.256 538.288 5.602 249.382 3.057
+532.843 495.925 5.420 538.242 5.624 249.623 3.012
+533.001 494.979 5.365 538.092 5.700 249.136 3.222
+533.159 495.369 5.265 538.450 5.610 249.141 3.297
+533.317 495.143 5.356 537.924 5.632 249.811 3.082
+533.475 495.381 5.263 538.539 5.790 249.338 3.058
+533.633 495.583 5.343 538.885 5.666 249.543 3.043
+533.791 496.265 5.290 537.238 5.771 248.995 3.387
+533.950 495.322 5.497 538.272 5.666 249.699 3.403
+534.108 494.643 5.441 538.582 5.780 249.277 3.172
+534.267 495.606 5.356 537.585 6.163 249.292 3.422
+534.425 495.836 5.389 539.395 6.018 249.282 3.334
+534.583 496.738 5.330 539.884 5.812 249.922 3.261
+534.741 494.327 5.517 537.228 6.306 249.179 3.166
+534.899 497.273 5.822 545.042 6.520 251.001 3.665
+535.057 495.782 5.334 540.090 5.770 250.170 3.244
+535.215 496.887 5.324 539.561 5.744 249.741 3.108
+535.373 497.228 5.892 540.565 5.804 249.687 3.041
+535.531 496.312 5.307 540.325 5.712 249.346 2.863
+535.689 496.143 5.251 539.923 5.734 249.163 3.006
+535.847 495.941 5.388 540.769 5.699 250.471 3.229
+536.005 495.499 5.227 540.217 5.725 249.774 3.291
+536.162 496.185 5.277 539.982 5.786 249.847 3.047
+536.320 496.391 5.339 540.079 5.629 249.768 3.221
+536.478 495.934 5.237 540.160 5.693 249.657 3.087
+536.636 496.169 5.293 539.881 5.634 249.416 3.213
+536.794 495.821 5.224 540.298 5.718 249.694 3.298
+536.952 495.858 5.241 539.943 5.697 249.216 3.094
+537.110 496.248 5.233 540.389 5.701 249.572 3.112
+537.268 495.952 5.209 540.133 5.683 249.615 2.869
+537.426 496.129 5.230 540.401 5.684 249.516 3.427
+537.584 496.301 5.249 540.114 5.622 250.275 2.979
+537.741 496.093 5.322 541.141 5.717 249.782 2.892
+537.899 496.110 5.211 540.471 5.735 249.667 3.085
+538.058 496.061 5.257 539.974 5.686 249.726 3.260
+538.216 496.340 5.429 540.569 5.672 250.277 3.047
+538.374 495.963 5.358 539.785 5.775 249.432 2.947
+538.532 496.369 5.314 540.287 5.667 250.094 3.231
+538.690 495.723 5.295 539.722 5.650 250.140 3.244
+538.848 496.057 5.210 540.377 5.696 249.971 3.115
+539.006 496.310 5.405 540.053 5.771 249.389 3.040
+539.164 495.883 5.337 539.510 5.639 249.783 3.004
+539.322 495.368 5.277 539.885 5.610 249.607 3.097
+539.480 495.563 5.328 539.898 5.669 249.656 3.010
+539.638 496.205 5.382 540.039 5.646 249.566 3.286
+539.796 495.572 5.435 540.120 5.778 249.645 3.123
+539.954 496.715 5.362 540.281 5.706 249.756 2.940
+540.112 496.137 5.277 540.152 5.633 249.207 3.082
+540.270 496.261 5.344 540.091 5.764 250.072 3.248
+540.428 495.752 5.360 540.481 5.669 249.940 2.935
+540.586 496.607 5.420 540.544 5.657 249.919 3.167
+540.744 495.976 5.311 539.575 5.741 250.159 3.148
+540.902 495.469 5.372 540.305 5.619 250.211 2.963
+541.060 496.324 5.291 539.983 5.654 249.712 3.311
+541.218 496.123 5.269 540.259 5.683 250.057 3.137
+541.376 496.271 5.335 540.082 5.713 249.740 3.167
+541.534 495.712 5.291 540.230 5.757 249.527 2.878
+541.692 496.207 5.334 540.092 5.669 249.555 3.150
+541.850 495.822 5.400 539.960 5.651 250.165 3.308
+542.008 496.328 5.251 540.349 5.635 249.241 3.080
+542.165 495.833 5.191 540.473 5.699 249.112 3.044
+542.324 496.368 5.391 540.014 5.627 249.801 3.104
+542.482 495.813 5.316 539.950 5.724 250.348 3.163
+542.640 496.598 5.298 540.289 5.700 249.203 3.249
+542.797 496.096 5.323 540.012 5.717 249.762 3.040
+542.955 496.371 7.935 540.290 6.893 249.627 5.586
+543.113 495.903 5.840 539.573 6.080 249.576 3.993
+543.270 496.159 5.886 540.015 5.867 248.665 3.028
+543.429 496.391 5.995 539.760 5.656 249.596 3.101
+543.587 496.623 5.350 540.667 5.657 249.625 3.265
+543.744 496.186 5.319 539.986 5.763 250.236 3.030
+543.902 496.581 5.291 540.279 5.784 250.132 3.129
+544.060 496.495 5.250 539.932 5.770 248.981 3.044
+544.219 495.744 5.400 540.289 5.710 248.799 3.239
+544.377 496.147 5.333 540.673 5.618 249.808 3.241
+544.535 496.861 5.367 540.846 5.716 249.638 3.121
+544.693 495.468 5.421 540.428 5.574 249.976 2.990
+544.852 495.914 5.256 540.384 5.689 250.399 3.098
+545.010 495.939 5.386 539.883 5.714 249.514 3.227
+545.168 495.699 5.348 540.398 5.666 249.225 3.134
+545.326 496.107 5.236 539.724 5.676 250.632 3.294
+545.483 496.281 5.269 540.067 5.696 249.396 3.310
+545.641 496.152 5.353 539.770 5.635 249.333 3.051
+545.799 497.111 5.210 539.837 5.653 249.923 3.124
+545.957 496.201 5.271 540.078 5.619 250.119 2.996
+546.115 496.492 5.199 540.350 5.688 249.601 3.083
+546.273 496.074 5.335 540.543 5.621 249.726 3.014
+546.431 495.900 5.325 539.755 5.701 249.627 3.188
+546.589 496.669 5.195 539.647 5.621 249.386 3.014
+546.747 496.566 5.372 540.046 5.682 249.823 3.152
+546.905 496.825 5.295 540.470 5.689 249.648 2.947
+547.063 495.968 5.265 539.894 5.873 249.936 3.072
+547.222 495.549 5.418 539.859 5.739 250.289 3.058
+547.380 495.915 5.176 540.508 5.644 250.082 3.112
+547.538 496.029 5.297 540.425 5.665 249.640 2.862
+547.696 495.730 5.238 540.114 5.694 249.806 3.153
+547.854 495.847 5.283 539.621 5.648 249.888 3.101
+548.013 495.948 5.330 540.746 5.683 250.228 3.203
+548.170 496.179 5.367 540.887 5.724 249.232 3.036
+548.329 496.281 5.370 539.938 5.682 249.322 3.051
+548.487 495.582 5.396 539.829 5.693 250.113 3.122
+548.645 495.715 5.374 539.958 5.874 248.771 2.944
+548.803 496.667 5.302 539.949 5.737 249.477 3.171
+548.961 496.056 5.258 540.089 5.745 249.594 3.061
+549.119 496.090 5.255 540.320 5.711 249.785 3.218
+549.276 496.150 5.225 540.143 5.641 249.627 3.186
+549.434 495.971 5.396 540.531 5.684 249.736 3.177
+549.593 496.579 5.382 540.285 5.716 249.467 2.943
+549.751 496.365 5.383 540.322 5.741 249.594 3.230
+549.909 496.463 5.331 539.793 5.814 249.595 3.283
+550.067 496.104 5.352 540.018 5.825 249.775 3.080
+550.225 495.811 5.338 540.250 5.648 249.487 3.099
+550.383 496.328 5.311 539.532 5.640 249.054 3.038
+550.541 495.753 5.264 540.195 5.717 250.190 3.217
+550.699 495.397 5.346 540.102 5.682 249.821 3.249
+550.857 495.684 5.308 540.321 5.758 249.168 3.043
+551.015 495.536 5.343 539.823 5.681 250.101 3.004
+551.174 496.145 5.281 540.008 5.718 249.761 2.994
+551.332 496.551 5.266 540.120 5.683 249.957 3.070
+551.490 496.265 5.290 539.881 5.730 249.939 3.009
+551.648 496.352 5.233 540.068 5.655 249.779 3.047
+551.806 496.083 5.284 540.500 5.732 250.437 3.042
+551.964 496.290 5.229 540.315 5.732 249.654 3.009
+552.122 496.402 5.260 540.743 5.691 249.496 3.090
+552.280 496.154 5.237 539.757 5.706 249.584 3.096
+552.438 496.361 5.418 540.517 5.794 249.875 3.156
+552.596 496.453 5.311 539.635 5.691 249.828 3.128
+552.754 496.444 5.279 540.186 5.703 250.148 3.163
+552.912 495.464 5.311 539.461 5.612 249.021 2.974
+553.070 496.534 5.243 540.804 5.724 248.660 3.023
+553.228 496.055 5.245 540.238 5.750 249.156 2.980
+553.386 496.510 5.266 540.022 5.637 249.101 3.096
+553.544 496.755 5.373 540.220 5.638 249.421 3.005
+553.703 496.837 5.307 539.902 5.677 249.534 3.286
+553.860 496.068 5.243 539.779 5.605 249.625 3.181
+554.018 496.220 5.280 540.957 5.596 249.706 3.045
+554.176 496.502 5.286 540.039 5.608 249.717 2.954
+554.333 496.665 5.558 540.450 5.618 249.297 3.449
+554.491 496.646 5.344 539.834 5.599 249.542 3.286
+554.649 495.746 5.260 540.038 5.652 250.025 3.171
+554.807 495.867 5.278 540.140 5.698 250.150 2.918
+554.966 496.998 5.294 540.231 5.749 250.031 3.213
+555.124 496.360 5.332 540.662 5.742 250.180 3.272
+555.282 495.923 5.397 540.526 5.732 249.501 3.184
+555.439 496.569 5.324 540.315 5.672 249.665 2.947
+555.598 496.095 5.292 540.463 5.766 249.696 3.064
+555.756 496.410 5.383 540.374 5.747 248.726 3.018
+555.914 496.004 5.219 539.843 5.660 249.497 3.049
+556.072 496.470 5.252 539.988 5.822 249.574 3.187
+556.230 496.184 5.295 539.580 5.724 249.795 3.032
+556.388 496.071 5.304 540.315 5.591 249.427 3.047
+556.546 496.130 5.305 539.503 5.635 249.944 3.207
+556.704 496.551 5.315 540.555 5.775 248.959 3.071
+556.863 496.445 5.350 540.765 5.689 249.409 2.991
+557.021 496.344 5.261 539.587 5.734 249.984 2.998
+557.180 495.893 5.361 539.716 5.588 250.119 3.000
+557.338 496.278 5.242 539.787 5.682 249.611 3.199
+557.496 496.722 5.360 540.357 5.654 249.766 2.903
+557.654 495.967 5.292 539.593 5.673 249.227 3.189
+557.812 495.799 5.273 539.416 5.686 249.832 3.325
+557.970 496.178 5.347 539.844 5.671 250.608 2.963
+558.128 496.571 5.217 539.958 5.714 249.796 2.857
+558.286 495.975 5.275 539.459 5.606 249.587 3.121
+558.444 495.509 5.240 539.724 5.739 249.725 3.047
+558.602 496.195 5.308 540.097 5.728 249.767 3.051
+558.760 496.341 5.270 539.991 5.712 249.867 3.015
+558.919 496.633 5.408 540.269 5.708 249.268 3.277
+559.076 497.136 5.417 540.402 5.755 249.952 3.092
+559.235 495.941 5.365 540.024 5.746 249.589 3.090
+559.393 496.509 5.333 539.890 5.700 249.515 3.198
+559.551 496.605 5.438 539.678 5.687 248.845 2.924
+559.709 496.706 5.390 540.216 5.761 249.408 2.994
+559.866 496.807 5.363 539.762 5.688 249.974 3.001
+560.025 496.708 5.209 539.977 5.732 249.249 2.887
+560.183 496.307 5.270 540.149 5.614 249.712 3.159
+560.341 497.033 5.232 540.301 5.689 249.537 3.233
+560.498 496.440 5.298 539.713 5.708 249.635 3.144
+560.656 496.404 5.341 540.087 5.760 249.786 3.171
+560.815 496.164 5.280 540.370 5.640 249.657 3.002
+560.973 496.451 5.376 539.753 5.680 249.546 3.246
+561.131 496.694 5.372 540.397 5.719 249.625 3.046
+561.289 496.316 5.319 539.774 5.697 250.116 3.128
+561.447 496.293 5.362 540.627 5.733 249.121 3.064
+561.605 496.452 5.278 540.626 5.674 249.801 3.069
+561.764 496.634 5.277 540.906 5.691 249.828 3.046
+561.922 496.206 5.395 540.489 5.661 249.598 3.064
+562.080 496.962 5.202 540.215 5.618 249.526 3.143
+562.238 496.779 5.318 540.662 5.645 249.125 2.979
+562.396 495.777 5.585 540.506 5.665 249.181 3.003
+562.555 496.437 5.239 540.095 5.692 249.841 3.174
+562.712 496.254 5.317 539.951 5.744 249.358 3.121
+562.871 497.012 5.319 540.639 5.617 249.783 3.095
+563.029 496.650 5.401 540.516 5.710 249.447 2.987
+563.187 495.766 5.398 539.935 5.609 249.814 3.023
+563.345 496.117 5.277 540.099 5.783 249.838 3.137
+563.503 495.951 5.342 539.521 5.726 249.678 3.070
+563.661 496.169 5.488 539.765 5.662 250.136 3.033
+563.819 495.571 5.251 540.177 5.717 250.691 3.113
+563.977 496.835 5.286 541.191 5.675 249.816 2.852
+564.135 496.198 5.272 540.352 5.706 249.698 3.140
+564.294 496.762 5.351 540.803 5.674 249.547 3.114
+564.452 496.637 5.280 540.768 5.739 249.395 3.165
+564.610 496.526 5.391 539.847 5.741 249.313 3.166
+564.769 496.275 5.400 540.278 5.715 250.543 3.481
+564.927 496.782 5.270 540.482 5.683 249.315 3.103
+565.084 496.947 5.373 540.444 5.859 250.053 3.137
+565.243 496.759 5.265 540.094 5.619 249.540 3.054
+565.401 496.117 5.254 540.671 5.662 249.325 3.096
+565.559 496.261 5.261 540.196 5.810 249.803 3.112
+565.717 496.632 5.262 540.582 5.712 249.978 3.138
+565.876 497.046 5.302 540.295 5.713 249.519 3.083
+566.034 496.100 5.319 539.713 5.634 249.995 3.039
+566.192 496.601 5.238 540.557 5.722 250.309 3.095
+566.350 496.166 5.334 540.205 5.646 249.293 3.097
+566.508 496.311 5.555 540.022 5.723 249.952 3.271
+566.666 495.883 5.219 540.170 5.601 249.929 3.045
+566.824 496.568 5.343 540.101 5.740 249.619 3.077
+566.982 496.305 5.325 540.261 5.593 249.876 3.253
+567.140 496.983 5.260 540.182 5.651 249.678 3.151
+567.298 496.489 5.284 540.131 5.698 249.736 3.273
+567.456 496.434 5.205 540.431 5.701 249.877 3.195
+567.614 496.314 5.292 540.464 5.699 249.558 3.171
+567.772 496.343 5.356 540.254 5.697 249.855 3.292
+567.930 496.313 5.278 539.952 5.726 250.008 3.081
+568.089 496.283 5.271 540.149 5.628 249.830 3.038
+568.247 496.382 5.311 540.661 5.771 248.968 3.028
+568.405 496.983 5.270 540.506 5.616 249.949 3.083
+568.564 496.519 5.261 539.755 5.672 250.049 3.042
+568.722 496.845 5.308 540.917 5.688 250.240 3.185
+568.881 496.938 5.232 540.529 5.718 250.322 3.132
+569.039 496.979 5.404 540.465 5.681 249.083 3.217
+569.197 496.859 5.453 540.324 5.662 249.690 3.131
+569.355 496.708 5.287 540.693 5.706 249.246 3.007
+569.513 496.927 5.292 540.227 5.757 249.792 3.470
+569.671 496.999 5.310 540.422 5.680 250.057 3.137
+569.829 496.690 5.244 540.254 5.710 249.040 2.939
+569.987 497.216 5.371 540.312 5.752 248.990 3.167
+570.145 496.222 5.290 540.283 5.679 250.009 3.028
+570.303 496.442 5.309 540.532 5.748 250.410 3.008
+570.461 497.044 5.285 541.085 5.672 249.734 3.299
+570.618 496.780 5.268 541.010 5.686 249.467 2.994
+570.776 496.177 5.219 539.960 5.772 249.344 2.988
+570.934 496.491 5.273 540.969 5.765 249.813 3.045
+571.093 497.014 5.381 540.749 5.707 250.338 3.233
+571.250 497.420 5.352 540.317 5.699 249.883 3.231
+571.408 496.494 5.399 540.063 5.706 249.068 3.047
+571.566 496.774 5.295 540.130 5.695 250.350 3.222
+571.724 496.447 5.282 540.881 5.651 249.783 2.910
+571.882 496.394 5.286 540.108 5.699 249.117 3.419
+572.040 496.964 5.295 540.181 5.671 249.451 3.356
+572.198 496.959 5.294 540.061 5.667 249.404 3.432
+572.356 496.409 5.278 541.050 5.749 249.354 2.898
+572.513 496.074 5.314 540.300 5.661 249.503 3.305
+572.671 496.170 5.273 540.453 5.639 249.315 3.312
+572.829 496.411 5.376 539.824 5.769 249.433 3.087
+572.987 496.534 5.378 540.098 5.670 249.604 3.046
+573.145 496.475 5.280 540.331 5.792 250.046 3.094
+573.304 496.024 5.293 540.083 5.754 249.060 3.158
+573.462 496.490 5.245 540.900 5.688 249.660 3.102
+573.620 496.274 5.271 539.879 5.690 248.886 2.995
+573.778 496.322 5.319 540.708 5.656 249.448 3.126
+573.936 496.233 5.322 540.737 5.810 249.964 3.132
+574.094 496.332 5.343 540.127 5.727 250.069 3.035
+574.252 496.843 5.276 540.021 5.677 249.040 2.986
+574.410 496.328 5.279 540.080 5.679 249.660 3.212
+574.568 495.933 5.209 540.160 5.666 250.366 3.210
+574.726 495.899 5.286 539.991 5.667 249.193 3.063
+574.884 496.039 5.448 540.009 5.754 249.541 2.873
+575.042 496.690 5.329 540.150 5.708 249.735 3.080
+575.199 496.656 5.348 540.121 5.698 250.317 3.014
+575.358 496.946 5.286 540.241 5.618 249.953 3.103
+575.516 496.699 5.317 540.422 5.753 249.489 3.208
+575.674 496.487 5.316 540.834 5.682 249.204 3.024
+575.832 496.324 5.327 540.118 5.690 249.462 3.171
+575.990 496.793 5.369 540.441 5.643 249.834 3.031
+576.148 496.808 5.367 540.004 5.682 249.778 3.219
+576.306 496.598 5.351 540.480 5.712 249.447 2.957
+576.465 496.496 5.324 540.284 5.656 249.654 3.094
+576.623 496.794 5.179 540.072 5.861 249.696 3.157
+576.781 496.798 5.274 539.970 5.731 249.566 3.114
+576.939 497.128 5.399 540.329 5.642 250.085 3.096
+577.097 496.871 5.286 540.563 5.664 249.020 3.140
+577.255 496.008 5.238 540.175 5.811 249.390 3.077
+577.413 496.990 5.290 540.521 5.717 250.283 3.128
+577.571 496.479 5.358 540.565 5.794 250.472 2.972
+577.730 496.474 5.342 539.575 5.653 250.084 3.110
+577.888 496.334 5.253 540.235 5.634 249.860 3.047
+578.046 496.193 5.269 540.122 5.891 249.088 3.050
+578.204 496.531 5.324 540.381 5.716 250.330 3.023
+578.362 496.635 5.332 540.103 5.687 249.823 3.108
+578.520 496.026 5.203 541.161 5.617 249.588 3.046
+578.678 496.420 5.247 540.701 5.666 249.985 3.139
+578.837 497.134 5.350 540.067 5.779 249.729 3.080
+578.994 496.311 5.349 540.320 5.633 249.627 3.099
+579.153 496.543 5.399 540.633 5.657 249.836 3.164
+579.311 496.705 5.244 540.326 5.634 249.638 3.053
+579.469 496.737 5.346 540.113 5.674 249.306 3.024
+579.627 496.847 5.276 540.211 5.711 250.133 3.057
+579.785 497.018 5.218 540.242 5.721 249.501 3.009
+579.943 496.940 5.231 540.412 5.697 250.255 3.131
+580.101 496.779 5.239 540.174 5.760 249.552 2.934
+580.259 496.837 5.447 540.381 5.799 249.715 3.123
+580.417 496.338 5.375 540.163 5.786 249.497 2.995
+580.575 496.943 5.270 539.851 5.870 249.284 3.113
+580.733 496.799 5.326 540.748 5.661 249.682 2.991
+580.891 496.868 5.281 540.457 5.622 249.896 3.045
+581.049 497.728 5.419 541.054 5.725 249.888 3.243
+581.207 497.067 5.300 540.300 5.768 249.388 3.265
+581.365 496.870 5.222 539.903 5.580 249.663 2.973
+581.523 496.328 5.213 540.319 5.720 249.306 3.080
+581.681 496.323 5.254 540.633 5.747 249.533 2.876
+581.839 497.083 5.278 540.026 5.681 249.575 3.190
+581.997 496.670 5.359 539.940 5.733 250.055 2.924
+582.155 496.376 5.301 540.809 5.723 249.610 2.975
+582.313 496.763 5.238 539.968 5.642 249.126 3.234
+582.471 496.227 5.256 539.999 5.631 249.631 2.854
+582.629 496.972 5.339 539.970 5.697 249.396 3.234
+582.787 496.679 5.305 540.449 5.687 250.163 2.956
+582.945 495.986 5.376 540.974 5.751 249.251 2.974
+583.103 496.819 5.263 540.459 5.714 250.712 3.017
+583.261 496.038 5.413 540.324 5.591 250.037 3.042
+583.419 496.880 5.257 540.953 5.814 249.400 3.013
+583.578 496.648 5.312 539.859 5.682 249.594 3.047
+583.736 497.136 5.295 541.328 5.693 249.855 3.101
+583.894 496.791 5.293 540.383 5.643 250.348 2.830
+584.052 496.887 5.302 540.533 5.712 250.333 3.004
+584.210 496.668 5.217 540.465 5.759 249.593 3.011
+584.368 496.936 5.327 540.054 5.725 249.275 3.003
+584.526 496.539 5.249 540.700 5.661 249.452 3.176
+584.684 496.725 5.396 540.527 5.753 250.324 3.003
+584.842 496.747 5.398 540.295 5.761 249.903 2.970
+585.001 496.517 5.265 540.593 5.659 249.499 3.314
+585.158 496.265 5.223 540.746 5.781 249.545 2.948
+585.316 496.442 5.327 540.457 5.778 249.805 3.036
+585.475 496.114 5.324 540.884 5.737 249.898 3.361
+585.632 496.921 5.410 539.988 5.767 249.788 2.931
+585.791 496.669 5.398 540.409 5.692 249.857 2.964
+585.950 496.656 5.234 540.164 5.625 250.058 3.070
+586.108 497.246 5.478 539.951 5.662 250.170 3.202
+586.266 496.812 5.306 539.999 5.599 249.301 3.307
+586.423 496.808 5.330 540.090 5.654 249.983 3.247
+586.582 496.198 5.390 539.720 5.616 250.239 3.140
+586.740 496.452 5.309 540.127 5.734 249.962 2.981
+586.898 496.154 5.302 540.331 5.866 250.099 3.147
+587.057 496.551 5.368 540.263 5.661 249.811 3.238
+587.215 495.725 5.321 539.922 5.700 249.698 3.174
+587.373 496.357 5.285 540.879 5.706 249.657 3.157
+587.531 496.613 5.290 540.538 5.740 249.716 3.225
+587.689 495.856 5.414 541.265 5.702 249.107 3.032
+587.847 496.448 5.291 540.412 5.698 249.691 3.115
+588.005 496.544 5.369 540.714 5.784 249.086 3.297
+588.163 497.225 5.350 540.577 5.700 250.220 2.970
+588.322 496.692 5.376 540.395 5.687 250.372 3.192
+588.479 496.406 5.396 540.304 5.776 249.043 2.911
+588.638 496.854 5.304 540.873 5.678 248.990 3.154
+588.796 495.728 5.275 541.078 5.714 250.059 2.902
+588.954 496.667 5.346 540.840 5.807 250.200 3.219
+589.112 496.586 5.316 540.838 5.663 249.712 3.200
+589.269 496.115 5.369 541.058 5.612 248.927 3.075
+589.427 496.661 5.270 540.180 5.785 249.579 3.094
+589.585 497.456 5.345 540.531 5.795 250.305 3.134
+589.744 496.274 5.647 540.745 5.667 249.823 3.262
+589.902 497.312 5.341 540.397 5.624 249.418 3.094
+590.059 497.533 5.278 540.214 5.569 249.814 3.212
+590.217 497.135 5.294 540.442 5.695 249.858 2.954
+590.375 496.301 5.362 540.394 5.753 249.348 3.407
+590.533 496.773 5.269 540.264 5.725 249.353 3.334
+590.691 496.557 5.272 540.482 5.690 249.733 3.052
+590.849 497.545 5.351 540.664 5.681 250.107 3.002
+591.007 496.015 5.270 540.356 5.663 250.261 3.236
+591.165 496.770 5.310 540.353 5.724 249.472 3.028
+591.323 497.037 5.301 540.363 5.747 250.494 3.089
+591.481 496.650 5.323 540.613 5.666 249.204 3.188
+591.639 497.216 5.304 540.246 5.688 250.212 3.077
+591.797 496.332 5.315 540.472 5.799 249.532 3.615
+591.955 497.033 5.278 540.574 5.665 249.575 3.056
+592.113 496.700 5.361 539.845 5.643 250.325 3.047
+592.271 496.277 5.512 540.218 5.721 249.443 2.933
+592.429 496.632 5.386 540.072 5.627 249.214 3.023
+592.587 496.846 5.216 540.150 5.714 249.782 2.945
+592.745 495.748 5.390 539.731 5.672 249.437 3.242
+592.903 496.607 5.312 540.607 5.825 250.064 3.024
+593.061 496.256 5.252 540.616 5.661 250.360 3.148
+593.219 496.562 5.278 540.416 5.674 249.893 2.864
+593.377 496.625 5.308 540.454 5.714 250.058 3.312
+593.535 496.816 5.322 540.634 5.785 249.790 3.059
+593.694 496.818 5.408 540.306 5.693 250.367 3.028
+593.852 495.728 5.355 540.193 5.699 249.913 3.201
+594.010 496.517 5.274 541.092 5.710 249.399 2.876
+594.168 496.525 5.308 540.920 5.636 250.174 3.065
+594.326 496.275 5.329 540.839 5.748 249.601 3.220
+594.484 496.512 5.358 540.758 5.772 249.726 3.024
+594.642 497.065 5.217 540.897 5.672 249.577 3.099
+594.800 496.390 5.273 540.269 5.791 249.515 3.102
+594.958 496.653 5.469 540.572 5.708 250.145 2.955
+595.116 496.096 5.278 540.415 5.705 249.951 3.105
+595.274 496.721 5.356 540.544 5.828 249.539 3.219
+595.432 496.737 5.300 540.935 5.668 249.275 3.155
+595.591 496.427 5.435 539.859 5.606 249.812 3.048
+595.749 497.034 5.187 540.048 5.661 249.658 3.032
+595.907 496.750 5.251 540.090 5.647 249.856 3.181
+596.064 496.707 5.348 540.371 5.616 249.138 3.064
+596.223 496.497 5.353 539.943 5.698 250.471 2.987
+596.381 496.685 5.298 540.349 5.632 249.594 2.965
+596.539 496.786 5.302 539.953 5.778 249.335 3.203
+596.697 496.987 5.334 540.009 5.714 249.183 3.031
+596.855 496.589 5.274 540.410 5.769 249.851 3.072
+597.013 496.565 5.359 540.244 5.669 250.368 2.802
+597.171 497.015 5.333 540.582 5.691 248.923 3.223
+597.329 497.070 5.233 540.525 5.673 250.609 2.990
+597.487 496.550 5.313 540.205 5.688 249.426 3.113
+597.645 496.575 5.292 540.432 5.647 250.024 3.144
+597.803 496.245 5.205 540.654 5.816 249.790 3.123
+597.962 495.802 5.274 539.866 5.649 249.927 3.391
+598.120 496.038 5.298 540.418 5.690 249.849 3.189
+598.278 496.530 5.292 540.204 5.788 249.768 3.143
+598.436 496.205 5.325 539.702 5.736 250.007 3.011
+598.594 496.252 5.233 540.327 5.649 249.610 3.278
+598.751 496.832 5.232 541.193 5.693 249.906 3.015
+598.909 496.688 5.374 539.642 5.748 249.799 2.845
+599.067 497.036 5.279 540.476 5.603 249.938 3.037
+599.226 496.600 5.302 540.194 5.633 250.319 3.297
+599.383 496.456 5.322 540.181 5.673 250.363 3.070
+599.541 496.724 5.434 540.831 5.685 250.413 3.315
+599.699 496.367 5.360 540.778 5.711 250.614 3.011
+599.858 496.583 5.410 540.667 5.645 249.416 3.262
+600.015 497.015 5.311 540.186 5.664 249.624 2.992
+600.173 497.070 5.516 541.111 5.703 249.306 3.144
+600.331 496.650 5.244 540.841 5.724 249.833 3.019
+600.489 497.556 5.387 540.458 5.617 249.418 2.887
+600.647 496.595 5.269 540.314 5.750 249.474 4.076
+600.804 496.865 5.246 540.253 5.681 249.764 3.501
+600.962 496.358 5.310 540.352 5.651 249.277 3.151
+601.120 496.833 5.245 540.223 5.623 249.692 3.223
+601.278 496.778 5.245 540.532 5.667 249.046 3.268
+601.436 496.617 5.310 540.735 5.683 250.040 2.984
+601.594 496.726 5.265 540.637 5.640 250.010 2.996
+601.752 497.577 5.393 540.416 5.775 249.710 2.945
+601.911 496.405 5.183 540.754 5.738 250.067 3.237
+602.068 497.314 5.254 540.727 5.633 249.610 3.041
+602.226 496.593 5.339 540.397 5.662 250.056 3.049
+602.385 496.735 5.228 540.134 5.775 248.770 3.144
+602.543 496.767 5.199 539.971 5.779 250.147 3.106
+602.701 496.677 5.223 540.689 5.612 250.351 3.156
+602.859 496.526 5.245 540.586 5.702 249.593 3.287
+603.017 496.615 5.249 540.295 5.774 249.055 3.303
+603.175 496.536 5.374 540.103 5.701 250.010 3.236
+603.334 497.045 5.256 539.731 5.717 249.680 3.094
+603.492 496.910 5.280 540.747 5.763 249.696 3.058
+603.650 496.729 5.469 539.927 5.632 248.946 2.922
+603.808 496.957 5.238 540.059 5.723 250.069 3.075
+603.967 496.529 5.209 539.870 5.711 250.290 3.184
+604.125 497.065 5.305 540.578 5.619 250.252 2.903
+604.283 496.820 5.349 540.345 5.711 249.602 2.886
+604.441 496.558 5.406 540.673 5.688 249.726 2.974
+604.599 496.625 5.242 540.546 5.645 249.797 3.128
+604.757 496.566 5.211 539.865 5.632 248.848 3.040
+604.915 496.935 5.225 540.068 5.669 250.218 2.978
+605.073 497.059 5.373 540.070 5.631 249.502 3.062
+605.231 496.600 5.327 540.720 5.717 249.385 3.027
+605.389 496.736 5.317 540.297 5.725 249.313 3.296
+605.547 497.047 5.313 540.793 5.726 250.143 3.092
+605.705 496.490 5.214 541.048 5.702 249.791 3.020
+605.862 497.014 5.328 540.620 5.690 249.827 2.980
+606.020 497.070 5.408 541.006 5.703 249.798 3.064
+606.178 497.190 5.257 540.660 5.752 249.407 3.101
+606.336 496.711 5.264 540.196 5.622 249.924 3.335
+606.495 496.547 5.293 540.192 5.769 249.859 3.006
+606.653 496.955 5.269 540.422 5.725 250.068 3.017
+606.811 496.899 5.331 540.464 5.676 249.540 3.044
+606.969 496.749 5.306 540.264 5.632 249.145 3.129
+607.127 496.637 5.220 540.342 5.731 249.351 3.073
+607.285 496.466 5.443 540.733 5.851 249.733 2.942
+607.444 495.924 5.246 540.477 5.757 249.897 3.196
+607.602 495.849 5.395 539.954 5.686 250.078 3.147
+607.760 496.718 5.382 540.599 5.752 249.600 3.317
+607.917 496.107 5.268 540.136 5.681 249.976 3.052
+608.076 496.391 5.285 539.711 5.699 249.739 3.401
+608.234 496.803 5.360 540.327 5.717 249.437 3.279
+608.391 496.218 5.459 540.203 5.714 249.594 2.954
+608.549 496.322 5.417 540.372 5.707 249.295 3.109
+608.707 496.943 5.300 540.933 5.755 249.162 3.029
+608.865 496.459 5.333 540.469 5.646 249.671 3.208
+609.023 496.794 5.221 540.344 5.653 249.506 3.178
+609.181 496.877 5.459 540.343 5.712 250.125 3.246
+609.339 497.258 5.341 540.243 5.738 249.291 3.301
+609.496 496.602 5.240 540.192 5.693 250.112 2.998
+609.654 496.136 5.383 540.592 5.768 249.621 3.197
+609.812 496.521 5.192 540.926 5.615 250.356 3.176
+609.971 496.685 5.324 540.569 5.799 249.703 3.099
+610.129 496.756 5.256 540.435 5.693 249.107 3.061
+610.287 497.017 5.344 540.434 5.674 249.901 3.125
+610.445 497.030 5.298 540.064 5.670 249.759 3.139
+610.603 496.750 5.268 540.320 5.767 249.637 3.196
+610.761 496.757 5.223 540.483 5.705 249.736 3.078
+610.919 496.997 5.280 540.494 5.583 250.017 3.278
+611.078 496.769 5.338 540.324 5.689 250.540 3.166
+611.236 497.457 5.261 540.703 5.734 249.205 3.210
+611.394 497.084 5.282 540.397 5.759 249.842 3.078
+611.552 496.530 5.351 540.984 5.692 249.568 3.311
+611.710 496.575 5.335 540.699 5.724 250.025 3.199
+611.868 497.015 5.246 540.287 5.674 249.380 3.071
+612.026 497.150 5.239 540.883 5.727 249.803 3.022
+612.184 497.131 5.222 540.828 5.720 249.918 2.881
+612.342 497.071 5.353 540.398 5.784 249.189 3.039
+612.500 497.040 5.283 540.914 5.717 250.041 2.999
+612.658 496.630 5.258 540.789 5.654 249.540 3.093
+612.816 496.976 5.268 540.567 5.686 249.435 3.338
+612.974 496.819 5.452 540.515 5.753 249.574 3.038
+613.132 497.028 5.298 539.935 5.776 249.735 3.035
+613.290 496.600 5.431 539.659 5.674 249.977 3.222
+613.449 496.776 5.275 539.906 5.705 249.399 3.149
+613.607 496.607 5.229 540.549 5.711 249.444 2.991
+613.766 497.566 5.293 540.085 5.765 249.574 3.142
+613.924 496.825 5.329 540.510 5.616 249.695 3.144
+614.082 496.788 5.266 540.845 5.660 249.776 3.183
+614.240 496.737 5.238 540.998 5.682 249.437 2.975
+614.399 496.707 5.290 539.700 5.763 249.204 3.317
+614.556 496.117 5.283 540.327 5.581 249.202 3.015
+614.714 496.721 5.311 540.593 5.652 250.272 3.153
+614.872 497.417 5.383 540.496 5.668 249.452 2.941
+615.031 496.984 5.193 539.894 5.678 249.454 3.066
+615.188 496.439 5.380 540.379 5.699 250.094 3.069
+615.346 496.634 5.339 540.683 5.650 249.730 3.041
+615.504 496.976 5.392 540.446 5.652 250.037 3.073
+615.663 496.719 5.273 540.454 5.737 249.970 3.162
+615.821 496.727 5.247 540.904 5.772 249.209 3.028
+615.979 497.047 5.372 541.319 5.716 250.742 3.085
+616.137 496.820 5.231 540.863 5.666 249.167 3.164
+616.296 496.588 5.264 540.828 5.690 249.741 3.107
+616.454 497.685 5.272 541.138 5.689 249.767 3.342
+616.612 496.836 5.290 540.741 5.667 249.357 3.149
+616.770 496.728 5.277 539.827 5.722 250.603 3.055
+616.928 496.607 5.297 540.358 5.660 249.936 3.105
+617.086 496.876 5.301 540.743 5.831 250.479 3.150
+617.245 496.978 5.310 540.607 5.707 250.044 3.030
+617.403 496.819 5.235 540.576 5.715 249.120 3.086
+617.562 496.818 5.430 540.685 5.699 249.411 3.146
+617.720 497.428 5.298 540.596 5.745 250.414 3.032
+617.878 497.244 5.414 540.996 5.755 249.554 3.307
+618.036 497.182 5.371 540.240 5.767 249.255 3.047
+618.194 497.281 5.275 540.512 5.674 250.032 3.203
+618.352 497.192 5.411 540.235 5.779 249.900 3.384
+618.510 496.422 5.282 540.602 5.671 249.449 3.157
+618.668 496.814 5.206 540.206 5.718 249.754 3.061
+618.826 497.118 5.296 539.992 5.577 249.417 3.044
+618.983 496.781 5.277 540.209 5.757 249.804 3.224
+619.141 496.657 5.239 540.452 5.689 249.698 3.307
+619.299 496.246 5.197 540.094 5.697 249.567 3.003
+619.456 496.702 5.278 540.771 5.648 249.155 3.167
+619.615 497.117 5.308 540.537 5.642 249.881 3.024
+619.773 495.931 5.204 540.355 5.678 249.858 3.055
+619.931 497.079 5.257 540.213 5.638 249.428 3.057
+620.089 496.580 5.305 540.912 5.649 249.674 3.260
+620.247 496.825 5.245 540.389 5.837 249.426 3.029
+620.405 496.198 5.280 540.593 5.698 250.354 3.000
+620.563 495.922 5.259 539.996 5.769 249.103 3.096
+620.722 496.529 5.338 540.580 5.701 249.291 3.108
+620.880 496.425 5.333 540.195 5.689 249.742 3.056
+621.038 496.294 5.238 540.262 5.699 249.747 2.990
+621.196 496.572 5.250 540.292 5.646 249.247 2.977
+621.355 496.985 5.245 540.002 5.785 249.582 3.074
+621.513 496.409 5.293 540.510 5.749 249.515 2.988
+621.671 497.164 5.464 539.535 5.694 249.935 3.239
+621.829 496.931 5.296 540.305 5.696 249.639 3.296
+621.986 496.969 5.421 540.393 5.815 249.886 3.021
+622.145 496.709 5.218 540.454 5.661 250.668 3.175
+622.303 496.987 5.302 540.034 5.672 249.346 2.921
+622.461 497.119 5.261 540.430 5.677 250.063 3.304
+622.619 496.691 5.258 540.204 5.598 248.750 3.175
+622.777 497.206 5.252 540.192 5.655 250.327 3.092
+622.935 496.742 5.291 540.232 5.741 250.053 3.129
+623.093 496.567 5.253 540.242 5.709 249.720 2.984
+623.251 496.755 5.337 540.072 5.706 249.737 3.049
+623.409 496.597 5.286 540.480 5.601 248.947 3.197
+623.567 496.975 5.174 540.134 5.741 249.679 2.981
+623.726 496.499 5.384 540.111 5.734 249.486 3.519
+623.883 496.075 5.275 539.551 5.758 250.214 3.128
+624.041 496.490 5.266 540.515 5.751 249.722 3.080
+624.199 496.694 5.415 539.835 5.676 250.147 2.953
+624.357 496.556 5.233 540.378 5.671 250.431 3.114
+624.515 496.715 5.318 540.743 5.722 249.534 3.149
+624.674 496.757 5.205 540.377 5.661 249.725 2.983
+624.832 496.447 5.339 540.213 5.818 249.627 3.115
+624.990 496.544 5.225 540.122 5.652 249.876 3.185
+625.148 497.075 5.332 540.441 5.754 249.728 3.133
+625.306 497.050 5.327 540.074 5.689 250.167 3.075
+625.464 497.230 5.431 539.540 5.755 249.731 3.145
+625.622 496.382 5.252 540.305 5.689 249.867 3.083
+625.780 497.153 5.304 540.853 5.697 249.968 3.012
+625.938 496.581 5.279 540.408 5.668 249.059 3.015
+626.096 496.385 5.376 539.924 5.778 250.010 3.093
+626.255 496.403 5.370 540.099 5.760 249.390 3.106
+626.413 496.514 5.244 540.761 5.781 249.493 3.139
+626.571 496.845 5.329 540.697 5.673 249.864 2.962
+626.730 496.498 5.283 540.517 5.799 249.598 3.270
+626.888 496.945 5.347 540.815 5.649 250.106 3.096
+627.046 496.149 5.429 540.128 5.673 249.431 3.114
+627.204 497.111 5.398 540.271 5.798 250.004 3.064
+627.362 496.741 5.343 540.722 5.696 249.390 2.998
+627.520 496.677 5.263 540.297 5.712 249.603 3.104
+627.678 497.426 5.247 540.093 5.655 249.636 3.080
+627.836 496.344 5.325 540.301 5.744 250.476 2.958
+627.994 496.423 5.303 540.083 5.826 250.284 2.916
+628.152 496.164 5.320 539.990 5.736 250.092 3.256
+628.310 496.441 5.448 539.859 5.673 250.050 3.358
+628.468 496.484 5.315 540.198 5.724 249.770 3.386
+628.626 496.144 5.342 540.422 5.678 249.717 2.968
+628.784 496.571 5.360 540.354 5.780 249.167 3.325
+628.941 496.125 5.245 540.373 5.797 249.911 3.138
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time[s] X Xerr Y Yerr Z Zerr
+ 0.046 492.210 1.779 535.550 1.935 247.970 2.260
+ 16.875 497.262 5.264 540.735 5.615 249.489 3.082
+ 17.034 497.862 5.340 540.947 5.684 249.964 3.129
+ 17.192 496.998 5.320 541.009 5.646 250.049 3.133
+ 17.351 497.920 5.282 540.500 5.750 250.140 3.076
+ 17.508 497.429 5.319 540.855 5.664 249.851 3.053
+ 17.666 497.284 5.321 540.718 5.675 249.848 3.087
+ 17.825 497.432 5.412 540.907 5.699 249.818 3.159
+ 17.982 497.064 5.463 540.769 5.733 250.048 3.086
+ 18.141 498.320 5.239 540.977 5.655 249.500 3.084
+ 18.299 497.133 5.323 540.109 5.778 250.215 3.232
+ 18.456 497.011 5.320 540.631 5.705 249.822 2.996
+ 18.614 497.790 5.307 541.186 5.626 249.858 3.442
+ 18.772 497.207 5.238 540.621 5.642 249.458 2.983
+ 18.930 497.142 5.198 540.426 5.650 250.304 3.094
+ 19.088 497.691 5.379 540.284 5.599 249.753 3.054
+ 19.246 497.326 5.421 540.482 5.651 250.377 2.912
+ 19.404 497.543 5.319 540.744 5.658 250.003 3.174
+ 19.563 497.085 5.298 540.987 5.744 250.150 3.133
+ 19.721 497.040 5.228 541.009 5.690 249.251 3.134
+ 19.878 497.050 5.304 540.960 5.677 249.702 2.891
+ 20.036 497.770 5.327 540.769 5.761 249.587 3.055
+ 20.195 497.797 5.293 541.047 5.682 249.275 3.262
+ 20.352 497.368 5.469 540.750 5.723 249.752 3.092
+ 20.510 497.343 5.401 541.007 5.781 250.047 3.231
+ 20.668 497.533 5.238 541.310 5.704 250.050 3.146
+ 20.826 497.065 5.368 541.273 5.718 249.930 3.346
+ 20.984 496.390 5.350 540.972 5.706 249.809 2.963
+ 21.143 496.914 5.389 540.879 5.665 250.008 3.327
+ 21.301 496.979 5.272 541.048 5.609 249.220 3.161
+ 21.459 496.699 5.274 541.120 5.690 250.122 3.056
+ 21.617 497.657 5.288 540.831 5.703 250.061 3.271
+ 21.776 496.746 5.255 540.608 5.793 249.290 3.152
+ 21.934 496.797 5.281 540.586 5.735 250.692 3.015
+ 22.092 497.308 5.288 540.745 5.655 249.896 3.268
+ 22.250 497.133 5.288 540.077 5.649 250.029 3.084
+ 22.408 497.201 5.298 540.330 5.750 250.090 3.041
+ 22.566 497.272 5.264 540.413 5.694 250.330 2.938
+ 22.724 497.662 5.242 539.994 5.692 249.373 2.986
+ 22.882 497.136 5.333 540.340 5.604 249.513 3.193
+ 23.039 497.141 5.443 540.433 5.760 250.175 2.967
+ 23.197 497.041 5.351 540.494 5.694 249.381 3.271
+ 23.355 497.210 5.385 540.774 5.727 249.703 3.175
+ 23.513 497.602 5.338 540.827 5.774 249.847 2.929
+ 23.671 497.676 5.413 540.678 5.701 249.438 3.003
+ 23.829 496.896 5.355 540.676 5.698 249.844 3.125
+ 23.988 496.559 5.271 540.506 5.683 249.738 3.191
+ 24.146 496.735 5.207 540.265 5.756 249.617 3.036
+ 24.304 497.067 5.444 539.802 5.696 250.246 3.120
+ 24.462 496.940 5.397 539.738 5.646 249.612 3.117
+ 24.620 497.069 5.339 540.557 5.629 250.676 3.120
+ 24.778 497.120 5.319 540.415 5.611 250.026 3.158
+ 24.936 497.251 5.298 540.414 5.705 249.840 2.979
+ 25.094 496.752 5.274 539.974 5.611 249.628 3.048
+ 25.253 497.677 5.306 540.819 5.707 249.546 3.032
+ 25.411 496.946 5.287 540.768 5.765 250.015 3.039
+ 25.570 496.819 5.248 540.467 5.716 250.130 3.124
+ 25.728 497.378 5.273 539.604 5.724 249.651 3.046
+ 25.886 496.603 5.332 540.626 5.668 250.256 3.132
+ 26.044 497.046 5.330 540.326 5.688 249.732 3.003
+ 26.202 496.850 5.292 540.393 5.652 249.867 2.998
+ 26.360 496.868 5.315 540.553 5.761 249.758 3.042
+ 26.519 496.388 5.269 541.085 5.637 249.477 3.126
+ 26.677 496.663 5.254 540.620 5.796 249.514 3.467
+ 26.835 497.086 5.343 540.286 5.702 249.645 3.100
+ 26.993 496.640 5.313 540.722 5.684 249.156 3.227
+ 27.151 496.706 5.224 540.587 5.697 249.401 3.028
+ 27.309 497.547 5.321 540.515 5.653 249.874 3.042
+ 27.467 497.065 5.427 540.285 5.625 250.008 3.032
+ 27.625 497.270 5.291 541.012 5.670 249.880 3.210
+ 27.784 497.432 5.291 540.960 5.719 249.138 3.257
+ 27.941 496.924 5.388 540.949 5.729 250.201 3.005
+ 28.100 497.469 5.236 540.999 5.674 249.942 2.943
+ 28.258 497.384 5.309 540.800 5.736 250.049 3.071
+ 28.416 496.973 5.314 541.118 5.687 249.820 3.357
+ 28.574 497.099 5.326 540.311 5.673 249.658 3.055
+ 28.732 496.871 5.253 540.333 5.651 250.386 3.141
+ 28.890 496.748 5.425 540.633 5.709 249.973 3.114
+ 29.048 496.567 5.272 540.176 5.755 250.479 3.138
+ 29.207 496.655 5.231 540.761 5.768 249.854 3.095
+ 29.365 496.236 5.363 540.367 5.722 249.808 3.019
+ 29.523 496.732 5.333 539.953 5.750 249.928 3.244
+ 29.681 496.937 5.267 540.139 5.648 249.389 3.004
+ 29.839 496.139 5.270 539.941 5.667 249.253 3.006
+ 29.997 496.531 5.392 540.139 5.748 250.522 3.367
+ 30.154 496.435 5.278 539.681 5.647 249.575 3.033
+ 30.312 496.274 5.272 540.006 5.730 249.685 3.162
+ 30.470 497.062 5.255 540.470 5.641 250.096 3.167
+ 30.629 496.840 5.329 540.324 5.659 249.450 2.932
+ 30.787 496.798 5.359 540.403 5.688 250.184 3.084
+ 30.945 497.218 5.387 540.244 5.617 249.761 3.157
+ 31.103 497.052 5.300 539.872 5.677 250.267 2.904
+ 31.261 496.900 5.285 540.248 5.652 249.802 3.333
+ 31.420 496.429 5.274 539.912 5.656 249.908 2.905
+ 31.578 496.434 5.307 540.309 5.750 249.789 3.176
+ 31.736 496.804 5.276 540.063 5.697 249.767 3.224
+ 31.894 497.028 5.340 540.010 5.701 249.567 2.967
+ 32.051 496.410 5.358 539.530 5.640 249.905 3.109
+ 32.210 497.154 5.168 540.085 5.657 250.089 3.281
+ 32.367 496.531 5.312 539.800 5.734 249.880 2.988
+ 32.525 496.635 5.306 539.738 5.584 249.998 2.951
+ 32.684 496.586 5.316 540.607 5.667 249.830 3.312
+ 32.842 497.075 5.228 539.996 5.600 250.338 3.136
+ 33.000 497.300 5.296 539.699 5.691 249.553 3.084
+ 33.158 496.352 5.293 539.537 5.792 249.865 3.159
+ 33.316 496.343 5.317 539.445 5.744 250.258 3.047
+ 33.474 496.753 5.284 540.264 5.712 250.072 3.024
+ 33.632 496.927 5.224 540.262 5.692 250.140 3.053
+ 33.790 495.999 5.394 540.232 5.793 250.481 3.369
+ 33.948 496.450 5.330 540.112 5.679 249.244 3.057
+ 34.106 496.764 5.376 540.121 5.696 249.832 3.052
+ 34.265 497.157 5.285 540.451 5.744 250.128 3.032
+ 34.423 497.091 5.259 540.574 5.766 249.091 3.190
+ 34.581 496.660 5.206 540.535 5.675 250.550 3.098
+ 34.740 497.016 5.321 540.785 5.710 249.305 3.171
+ 34.897 497.200 5.274 540.617 5.766 249.933 3.040
+ 35.056 496.762 5.208 540.296 5.769 250.099 3.050
+ 35.214 496.917 5.370 539.643 5.620 249.721 3.256
+ 35.372 497.029 5.320 540.096 5.717 250.037 3.033
+ 35.531 497.100 5.447 539.981 5.663 249.990 3.026
+ 35.690 496.951 5.358 539.699 5.740 249.769 3.083
+ 35.848 496.679 5.303 540.277 5.626 248.877 3.170
+ 36.006 497.126 5.416 540.342 5.717 249.878 3.157
+ 36.164 496.891 5.252 540.013 5.785 250.378 3.232
+ 36.322 497.618 5.236 540.370 5.768 250.043 2.972
+ 36.480 496.726 5.284 540.503 5.700 250.060 3.065
+ 36.638 496.427 5.289 540.135 5.672 250.130 3.105
+ 36.796 496.734 5.383 539.731 5.642 249.441 3.321
+ 36.954 496.497 5.255 539.847 5.692 250.394 3.208
+ 37.112 497.005 5.328 540.888 5.756 249.553 3.255
+ 37.270 497.280 5.382 540.008 5.794 249.955 3.437
+ 37.428 497.442 5.414 539.970 5.736 250.169 3.344
+ 37.586 497.194 5.443 540.479 5.743 250.261 3.289
+ 37.744 497.091 5.267 540.194 5.580 250.112 2.963
+ 37.902 497.100 5.342 540.301 5.693 249.911 3.152
+ 38.060 496.951 5.227 540.343 5.879 249.909 3.109
+ 38.219 496.919 5.257 540.483 5.710 249.889 3.169
+ 38.377 497.139 5.338 539.994 5.674 250.228 3.411
+ 38.534 496.321 5.295 539.880 5.650 249.232 3.252
+ 38.692 496.333 5.271 540.248 5.749 249.112 3.226
+ 38.850 496.563 5.232 540.422 5.785 249.531 3.060
+ 39.008 497.035 5.318 540.434 5.871 250.235 3.143
+ 39.166 497.190 5.298 540.164 5.643 249.922 3.159
+ 39.324 496.711 5.382 540.581 5.757 249.809 3.159
+ 39.483 496.597 5.359 539.845 5.645 249.658 3.045
+ 39.641 496.555 5.297 539.828 5.708 249.826 3.151
+ 39.799 496.945 5.347 540.238 5.612 249.628 3.202
+ 39.957 496.909 5.245 539.592 5.655 250.296 3.160
+ 40.115 496.859 5.350 539.775 5.675 249.422 3.120
+ 40.274 496.758 5.233 539.677 5.725 250.204 3.004
+ 40.432 496.027 5.322 540.256 5.602 249.382 3.007
+ 40.590 495.920 5.181 540.212 5.715 249.623 3.093
+ 40.748 497.639 5.285 540.132 5.565 249.456 3.192
+ 40.906 496.976 5.196 539.931 5.657 249.824 3.095
+ 41.064 496.379 5.310 539.829 5.749 250.598 3.018
+ 41.222 496.593 5.279 540.368 5.738 249.866 3.087
+ 41.380 497.145 5.303 540.253 5.661 250.318 3.087
+ 41.538 496.521 5.274 540.362 5.736 250.093 2.967
+ 41.696 496.565 5.270 540.313 5.708 249.500 3.132
+ 41.855 496.485 5.433 539.843 5.692 250.285 3.028
+ 42.013 496.904 5.310 540.368 5.768 249.632 3.058
+ 42.171 496.379 5.328 540.183 5.650 248.876 2.967
+ 42.330 496.993 5.328 540.241 5.626 249.898 3.503
+ 42.488 497.469 5.271 539.642 5.747 249.289 3.141
+ 42.646 497.494 5.279 540.246 5.767 250.342 3.162
+ 42.804 496.655 5.208 539.762 5.635 249.733 2.916
+ 42.962 496.036 5.450 539.707 5.618 250.067 3.222
+ 43.120 495.950 5.416 539.387 5.789 250.330 2.985
+ 43.278 496.559 5.330 540.403 5.699 249.773 3.095
+ 43.436 496.755 5.376 540.104 5.832 249.667 3.221
+ 43.594 497.277 5.246 540.061 5.725 249.796 2.987
+ 43.753 496.792 5.338 540.090 5.723 249.317 3.247
+ 43.911 497.177 5.297 539.781 5.703 249.013 2.913
+ 44.069 497.011 5.201 540.497 5.755 250.370 3.020
+ 44.227 496.110 5.402 540.055 5.748 250.433 3.084
+ 44.385 496.361 5.337 539.930 5.766 250.114 3.281
+ 44.543 496.943 5.392 540.099 5.614 250.401 3.314
+ 44.701 496.549 5.276 539.951 5.614 249.814 3.178
+ 44.859 496.065 5.293 540.019 5.707 250.128 3.264
+ 45.016 497.060 5.319 539.010 5.670 249.921 3.104
+ 45.174 496.440 5.313 539.460 5.662 249.769 2.963
+ 45.332 496.974 5.209 539.634 5.630 250.207 3.102
+ 45.491 496.859 5.266 539.746 5.804 249.262 3.040
+ 45.649 496.478 5.253 540.267 5.857 249.482 3.092
+ 45.807 497.284 5.370 540.862 5.642 249.704 2.995
+ 45.965 497.382 5.452 540.508 5.674 250.197 2.990
+ 46.123 496.543 5.288 540.025 5.799 249.891 2.921
+ 46.281 497.525 5.340 540.590 5.647 249.528 3.309
+ 46.439 496.685 5.357 540.335 5.699 249.545 3.139
+ 46.597 496.616 5.296 540.643 5.739 250.185 2.993
+ 46.755 496.646 5.287 539.816 5.611 249.581 2.944
+ 46.913 496.866 5.328 540.318 5.649 250.275 3.101
+ 47.072 497.188 5.230 539.423 5.712 250.182 3.033
+ 47.229 496.921 5.365 540.664 5.667 249.491 3.151
+ 47.387 496.539 5.278 540.586 5.761 250.494 2.994
+ 47.545 496.865 5.233 540.125 5.802 249.294 3.085
+ 47.704 496.898 5.247 540.241 5.781 250.182 3.157
+ 47.862 497.039 5.440 540.402 5.734 250.411 3.221
+ 48.019 497.180 5.343 540.434 5.740 250.114 3.235
+ 48.177 497.041 5.413 540.764 5.815 250.221 3.101
+ 48.335 497.200 5.323 540.247 5.642 249.962 3.207
+ 48.492 497.162 5.309 540.822 5.845 250.319 3.075
+ 48.650 496.851 5.381 540.608 5.781 249.493 2.979
+ 48.809 496.788 5.399 540.836 5.682 250.244 3.021
+ 48.967 497.807 5.300 540.308 5.678 249.392 3.152
+ 49.126 496.768 5.395 539.693 5.699 249.243 3.253
+ 49.284 496.787 5.267 540.027 5.676 250.172 3.263
+ 49.442 496.927 5.281 540.880 5.654 250.031 3.216
+ 49.600 496.929 5.298 539.928 5.690 250.080 3.174
+ 49.758 497.189 5.333 540.219 5.679 250.120 3.047
+ 49.917 497.071 5.316 540.472 5.743 250.161 3.133
+ 50.075 496.610 5.353 540.314 5.661 249.981 2.994
+ 50.233 497.096 5.302 540.863 5.723 250.669 3.148
+ 50.391 496.721 5.308 540.308 5.730 249.786 2.974
+ 50.549 496.827 5.247 540.513 5.656 249.877 2.982
+ 50.708 496.348 5.213 540.235 5.773 249.668 3.089
+ 50.866 497.653 5.183 540.082 5.678 249.446 3.033
+ 51.024 497.556 5.292 540.180 5.619 250.214 3.118
+ 51.182 497.655 5.290 540.731 5.836 250.372 2.985
+ 51.340 497.286 5.362 540.497 5.796 249.413 3.051
+ 51.498 497.712 5.142 540.235 5.801 250.424 3.210
+ 51.655 496.807 5.326 540.622 5.730 249.974 3.361
+ 51.814 496.708 5.304 540.156 5.675 250.559 3.099
+ 51.972 496.477 5.323 540.311 5.647 250.385 3.102
+ 52.130 496.644 5.216 540.583 5.713 248.963 3.183
+ 52.289 497.236 5.295 540.545 5.739 249.979 3.166
+ 52.447 497.162 5.349 540.155 5.652 249.369 3.076
+ 52.605 497.271 5.227 540.751 5.625 249.773 2.993
+ 52.763 497.162 5.316 540.317 5.650 250.637 2.959
+ 52.921 497.421 5.327 540.133 5.647 249.836 3.121
+ 53.079 497.014 5.392 540.351 5.708 249.188 3.065
+ 53.237 496.930 5.486 540.603 5.599 249.721 3.060
+ 53.395 497.119 5.468 540.926 5.710 251.107 3.142
+ 53.554 497.011 5.279 540.269 5.679 249.541 3.180
+ 53.712 497.340 5.405 539.662 5.701 249.685 3.127
+ 53.870 497.093 5.270 540.246 5.634 249.876 2.927
+ 54.028 497.000 5.398 540.312 5.828 249.208 3.354
+ 54.186 497.190 5.296 540.493 5.638 250.642 3.062
+ 54.344 497.351 5.285 540.334 5.760 250.266 3.153
+ 54.502 497.563 5.293 540.173 5.756 249.392 3.069
+ 54.660 497.075 5.352 540.541 5.799 250.003 3.070
+ 54.818 496.970 5.254 540.705 5.647 249.870 3.159
+ 54.976 496.899 5.385 540.227 5.762 249.938 3.122
+ 55.134 496.889 5.422 540.512 5.734 249.729 3.134
+ 55.293 496.338 5.310 539.925 5.697 250.707 3.246
+ 55.451 497.373 5.328 540.189 5.646 249.837 3.204
+ 55.609 497.123 5.275 540.461 5.700 250.718 2.851
+ 55.767 496.861 5.301 539.934 5.679 249.707 3.079
+ 55.925 497.378 5.200 540.429 5.736 250.357 3.048
+ 56.083 497.213 5.316 539.954 5.645 249.703 3.115
+ 56.242 496.202 5.351 540.269 5.747 249.967 3.175
+ 56.400 496.342 5.362 540.262 5.754 249.909 2.951
+ 56.558 496.973 5.417 540.282 5.705 250.049 3.045
+ 56.716 497.169 5.327 539.462 5.781 249.760 3.112
+ 56.874 497.571 5.308 539.704 5.754 249.717 3.176
+ 57.033 496.645 5.255 539.937 5.612 249.827 3.006
+ 57.191 496.946 5.295 540.079 5.759 250.068 3.007
+ 57.349 496.749 5.404 540.100 5.716 250.170 3.048
+ 57.507 496.787 5.229 540.191 5.661 249.811 2.978
+ 57.665 496.667 5.264 540.171 5.799 249.358 3.446
+ 57.823 497.336 5.438 540.081 5.740 250.793 2.994
+ 57.982 497.833 5.364 540.690 5.738 249.817 2.846
+ 58.140 497.338 5.330 539.986 5.758 249.478 2.983
+ 58.298 497.323 5.297 540.729 5.688 250.194 3.035
+ 58.456 496.393 5.294 540.477 5.680 249.161 3.225
+ 58.614 497.133 5.499 540.844 5.713 249.791 3.224
+ 58.772 497.061 5.262 540.448 5.680 249.327 3.013
+ 58.930 497.320 5.324 540.414 5.624 250.483 3.001
+ 59.088 497.203 5.324 540.234 5.750 250.114 3.132
+ 59.246 497.182 5.284 540.112 5.745 249.881 3.148
+ 59.404 496.391 5.320 540.491 5.649 250.068 3.080
+ 59.562 497.323 5.326 540.544 5.730 250.150 3.228
+ 59.720 497.323 5.497 540.645 5.688 249.621 3.150
+ 59.878 496.543 5.306 539.596 5.662 249.306 2.936
+ 60.036 496.255 5.236 540.006 5.668 249.593 2.987
+ 60.195 496.562 5.367 539.790 5.711 249.765 2.913
+ 60.353 497.335 5.286 540.028 5.629 249.147 3.034
+ 60.511 496.453 5.231 540.070 5.669 250.861 3.092
+ 60.669 497.274 5.332 540.150 5.707 250.388 3.104
+ 60.827 496.882 5.250 539.651 5.720 250.043 3.114
+ 60.985 497.218 5.355 540.156 5.815 249.810 3.153
+ 61.143 496.932 5.196 540.341 5.658 250.028 3.087
+ 61.301 496.519 5.418 540.143 5.654 250.280 3.040
+ 61.459 496.675 5.297 540.031 5.759 249.922 3.341
+ 61.617 497.406 5.274 539.750 5.700 249.879 3.212
+ 61.775 497.774 5.329 539.697 5.713 250.098 3.191
+ 61.934 496.737 5.215 540.477 5.665 250.231 3.282
+ 62.091 496.307 5.319 539.814 5.663 250.642 2.953
+ 62.249 496.353 5.410 540.318 5.756 249.856 3.147
+ 62.408 497.773 5.279 539.713 5.780 249.568 3.144
+ 62.566 496.967 5.389 539.737 5.652 249.715 3.088
+ 62.724 497.359 5.397 540.357 5.640 249.137 3.185
+ 62.881 496.803 5.247 539.573 5.781 249.671 3.078
+ 63.040 497.028 5.338 540.505 5.656 249.846 3.209
+ 63.198 497.330 5.311 540.385 5.747 250.488 3.192
+ 63.355 497.053 5.303 540.113 5.630 250.034 3.169
+ 63.513 496.990 5.357 540.431 5.756 250.190 2.990
+ 63.672 497.239 5.251 540.134 5.716 249.171 2.976
+ 63.830 497.082 5.306 540.691 5.655 250.361 3.190
+ 63.988 497.460 5.449 540.426 5.763 249.913 3.173
+ 64.145 497.274 5.264 540.534 5.817 250.169 3.021
+ 64.304 496.502 5.266 540.435 5.731 249.591 3.013
+ 64.461 496.915 5.226 540.524 5.750 250.605 3.213
+ 64.619 497.059 5.341 540.385 5.746 250.026 3.054
+ 64.777 496.760 5.358 540.433 5.807 249.750 2.932
+ 64.936 497.047 5.378 540.194 5.737 250.147 3.027
+ 65.094 496.370 5.257 540.261 5.725 250.301 2.938
+ 65.252 497.083 5.481 540.682 5.685 249.873 3.003
+ 65.410 496.940 5.349 539.526 5.707 248.888 3.429
+ 65.568 496.669 5.259 539.895 5.677 250.168 3.051
+ 65.726 496.906 5.238 540.439 5.738 249.831 3.127
+ 65.884 496.979 5.268 540.314 5.712 249.788 2.991
+ 66.042 496.779 5.233 540.493 5.852 249.887 2.972
+ 66.201 496.757 5.276 539.444 5.656 250.098 3.153
+ 66.359 497.107 5.321 539.994 5.692 249.911 3.136
+ 66.517 496.571 5.273 540.159 5.672 249.879 3.286
+ 66.675 496.895 5.435 540.041 5.741 249.938 3.182
+ 66.834 497.478 5.263 540.090 5.817 250.439 2.983
+ 66.992 497.674 5.232 540.811 5.691 249.454 3.171
+ 67.150 496.716 5.259 539.788 5.750 249.864 3.155
+ 67.308 496.747 5.255 539.887 5.682 250.248 2.995
+ 67.466 496.757 5.357 539.988 5.655 249.862 2.917
+ 67.624 497.127 5.320 539.919 5.733 250.068 3.216
+ 67.783 497.281 5.309 540.609 5.695 249.710 3.215
+ 67.941 497.022 5.388 540.676 5.646 250.247 3.420
+ 68.099 497.030 5.409 540.166 5.735 249.862 3.035
+ 68.257 496.650 5.318 540.191 5.673 249.448 3.148
+ 68.415 496.936 5.268 539.931 5.616 249.854 3.077
+ 68.573 496.859 5.373 539.829 5.637 249.948 3.293
+ 68.731 497.298 5.344 539.938 5.645 250.419 3.082
+ 68.889 496.852 5.289 540.099 5.607 249.944 3.075
+ 69.047 497.208 5.417 540.871 5.700 249.649 3.183
+ 69.205 496.572 5.289 540.868 5.662 249.586 3.019
+ 69.363 496.985 5.272 540.618 5.737 249.745 3.282
+ 69.521 497.029 5.309 539.836 5.764 249.897 3.292
+ 69.679 496.680 5.229 540.748 5.743 250.228 3.168
+ 69.837 496.666 5.310 540.287 5.675 250.212 3.166
+ 69.995 496.916 5.326 540.722 5.643 249.222 3.089
+ 70.153 497.239 5.288 540.227 5.696 249.692 3.179
+ 70.312 496.592 5.338 540.472 5.663 249.716 3.079
+ 70.470 496.705 5.362 540.434 5.624 249.947 3.007
+ 70.628 497.257 5.300 540.394 5.693 250.189 3.039
+ 70.786 497.002 5.241 540.214 5.711 249.131 3.157
+ 70.944 497.340 5.364 540.702 5.684 250.601 3.219
+ 71.101 497.173 5.347 539.917 5.750 249.686 3.106
+ 71.259 497.021 5.240 540.719 5.639 250.276 2.957
+ 71.417 497.790 5.397 539.707 5.671 250.192 3.227
+ 71.575 497.457 5.330 540.267 5.639 249.761 3.064
+ 71.733 497.274 5.315 539.542 5.684 249.587 3.274
+ 71.891 497.372 5.297 540.195 5.738 249.795 3.199
+ 72.048 496.563 5.259 540.602 5.732 249.737 3.053
+ 72.207 497.025 5.281 540.436 5.696 249.957 3.287
+ 72.365 497.230 5.495 540.184 5.714 250.309 3.072
+ 72.523 496.432 5.216 539.941 5.698 249.433 3.001
+ 72.681 497.294 5.263 539.969 5.700 249.994 3.141
+ 72.839 496.663 5.286 540.499 5.753 249.619 3.245
+ 72.997 496.686 5.244 539.685 5.726 250.156 3.019
+ 73.155 496.876 5.220 540.406 5.635 249.281 3.054
+ 73.313 496.688 5.267 540.384 5.635 249.962 2.960
+ 73.472 496.396 5.291 539.683 5.612 249.999 3.022
+ 73.630 497.244 5.190 540.546 5.691 249.650 3.120
+ 73.788 496.692 5.329 539.995 5.760 250.186 3.050
+ 73.946 497.447 5.306 540.419 5.695 250.341 3.061
+ 74.104 497.044 5.356 540.464 5.683 249.363 3.007
+ 74.262 496.940 5.313 540.494 5.724 250.563 3.277
+ 74.420 496.749 5.523 540.534 5.845 249.905 2.959
+ 74.579 496.877 5.274 540.745 5.748 249.649 3.135
+ 74.737 496.548 5.454 539.887 5.670 249.866 3.262
+ 74.895 497.115 5.219 540.098 5.665 249.958 3.278
+ 75.053 496.801 5.386 540.121 5.694 249.789 3.035
+ 75.211 497.038 5.389 540.241 5.584 249.327 3.175
+ 75.369 497.900 5.387 539.832 5.638 250.273 3.247
+ 75.526 497.379 5.269 540.568 5.687 249.342 3.193
+ 75.684 497.573 5.304 540.605 5.753 250.033 3.121
+ 75.842 497.185 5.301 540.696 5.694 250.090 3.018
+ 76.000 497.271 5.459 540.777 5.668 249.980 3.060
+ 76.159 496.972 5.313 540.767 5.666 249.959 2.996
+ 76.318 496.699 5.287 540.657 5.680 250.029 3.088
+ 76.476 497.347 5.277 540.526 5.674 249.940 3.249
+ 76.634 497.453 5.204 540.715 5.687 249.869 3.078
+ 76.792 497.134 5.368 540.387 5.775 249.168 3.076
+ 76.951 496.811 5.273 540.753 5.745 249.791 3.162
+ 77.109 497.298 5.366 540.947 5.613 249.497 3.082
+ 77.267 496.793 5.219 540.549 5.697 249.734 2.967
+ 77.425 497.617 5.260 540.535 5.701 249.677 3.137
+ 77.583 497.336 5.252 540.485 5.673 249.916 3.230
+ 77.742 496.883 5.255 540.014 5.584 249.719 3.171
+ 77.900 497.148 5.304 539.870 5.694 249.697 3.022
+ 78.058 496.931 5.270 540.228 5.646 249.857 3.017
+ 78.216 497.399 5.336 540.202 5.660 249.508 2.958
+ 78.374 496.784 5.362 540.842 5.800 250.425 3.157
+ 78.532 497.047 5.326 540.068 5.637 249.654 3.149
+ 78.690 497.410 5.390 540.640 5.787 250.456 3.116
+ 78.848 497.224 5.206 540.386 5.754 250.284 3.244
+ 79.006 496.562 5.316 540.813 5.674 250.412 3.027
+ 79.164 496.935 5.359 541.098 5.762 249.954 2.996
+ 79.323 497.009 5.298 541.031 5.633 249.729 3.076
+ 79.481 497.050 5.366 540.570 5.748 249.777 3.029
+ 79.639 497.280 5.355 541.545 5.704 249.427 3.134
+ 79.797 496.802 5.265 540.155 5.713 250.254 3.050
+ 79.955 497.088 5.320 540.521 5.708 249.972 3.164
+ 80.113 497.220 5.295 540.635 5.707 249.679 3.042
+ 80.272 496.752 5.529 540.306 5.692 250.416 3.083
+ 80.430 497.357 5.315 540.473 5.758 249.674 3.214
+ 80.587 497.503 5.269 540.954 5.660 249.636 3.002
+ 80.745 496.575 5.241 539.859 5.708 249.766 3.014
+ 80.904 497.535 5.282 540.328 5.761 249.827 3.319
+ 81.062 497.065 5.317 540.923 5.729 249.708 2.861
+ 81.219 497.540 5.322 540.299 5.674 250.197 3.047
+ 81.377 497.405 5.396 539.983 5.820 250.031 3.207
+ 81.536 496.024 5.284 540.399 5.642 249.480 2.941
+ 81.694 497.250 5.275 540.664 5.711 249.704 2.988
+ 81.852 497.492 5.326 539.886 5.685 250.847 3.111
+ 82.010 496.924 5.276 540.638 5.745 249.818 3.293
+ 82.168 497.399 5.295 541.136 5.781 249.808 3.205
+ 82.326 496.894 5.243 540.171 5.732 250.008 2.974
+ 82.483 496.389 5.290 540.461 5.749 249.650 3.098
+ 82.641 496.903 5.340 540.534 5.730 249.936 3.237
+ 82.799 496.919 5.403 540.245 5.712 249.419 3.056
+ 82.958 496.399 5.349 540.392 5.702 250.344 3.226
+ 83.116 497.374 5.416 540.473 5.819 250.123 3.137
+ 83.274 497.183 5.303 540.924 5.741 250.101 3.227
+ 83.432 496.851 5.374 540.129 5.725 249.601 3.089
+ 83.590 496.978 5.293 540.141 5.701 250.476 3.223
+ 83.748 496.909 5.326 540.491 5.827 249.844 3.039
+ 83.906 496.669 5.299 540.244 5.685 249.828 3.030
+ 84.064 497.196 5.202 540.612 5.663 250.728 2.966
+ 84.222 496.972 5.234 540.546 5.793 249.777 2.980
+ 84.380 497.539 5.192 540.475 5.655 250.767 3.297
+ 84.538 497.335 5.374 540.614 5.683 250.107 3.157
+ 84.696 496.973 5.388 540.676 5.653 250.331 3.049
+ 84.854 497.409 5.352 540.386 5.721 249.843 3.135
+ 85.013 496.994 5.268 540.363 5.748 250.008 3.251
+ 85.171 497.239 5.291 540.523 5.762 250.330 3.201
+ 85.329 496.952 5.299 540.425 5.665 250.073 3.195
+ 85.487 496.899 5.416 540.434 5.670 250.220 3.211
+ 85.646 497.089 5.373 541.154 5.740 249.432 3.027
+ 85.803 497.450 5.299 540.631 5.644 250.284 3.093
+ 85.961 497.054 5.499 540.346 5.687 249.882 3.023
+ 86.119 497.290 5.271 540.583 5.729 250.288 3.266
+ 86.277 497.492 5.243 540.355 5.661 250.072 2.994
+ 86.435 497.344 5.293 541.213 5.707 249.560 3.363
+ 86.593 497.523 5.335 540.642 5.673 250.295 3.106
+ 86.751 497.535 5.344 540.466 5.671 250.282 2.952
+ 86.909 496.625 5.344 540.134 5.668 250.142 2.866
+ 87.067 496.556 5.340 540.461 5.687 250.211 3.143
+ 87.225 496.785 5.293 539.874 5.711 249.652 2.991
+ 87.384 497.437 5.250 539.798 5.598 250.076 3.097
+ 87.542 497.394 5.391 540.628 5.660 249.510 3.225
+ 87.700 496.833 5.504 539.936 5.744 250.295 3.147
+ 87.858 497.398 5.254 541.399 5.714 250.032 3.008
+ 88.016 496.603 5.298 540.954 5.660 249.500 2.975
+ 88.174 496.576 5.457 540.509 5.602 249.935 3.005
+ 88.332 497.795 5.370 540.385 5.656 250.609 3.060
+ 88.490 497.967 5.292 540.213 5.698 249.796 3.191
+ 88.648 496.609 5.264 539.692 5.740 250.577 3.005
+ 88.806 496.766 5.344 540.236 5.715 249.925 3.007
+ 88.965 496.747 5.262 540.142 5.640 250.099 3.207
+ 89.123 496.967 5.429 539.541 5.721 250.151 3.246
+ 89.281 496.679 5.363 540.205 5.664 249.721 3.024
+ 89.439 497.066 5.230 540.222 5.656 249.797 3.169
+ 89.596 496.960 5.390 540.302 5.749 249.437 3.039
+ 89.755 496.719 5.206 540.293 5.684 250.374 3.269
+ 89.912 496.767 5.382 540.103 5.639 250.743 3.025
+ 90.070 497.087 5.263 540.181 5.653 250.037 2.989
+ 90.228 496.830 5.333 540.111 5.704 250.660 3.037
+ 90.386 496.718 5.326 540.071 5.599 249.496 3.119
+ 90.544 496.407 5.325 539.670 5.699 250.315 3.164
+ 90.702 496.284 5.240 540.286 5.648 249.403 3.270
+ 90.860 497.042 5.348 539.992 5.766 250.364 2.982
+ 91.018 497.260 5.260 540.630 5.712 250.043 3.075
+ 91.176 497.262 5.279 540.686 5.703 250.200 3.076
+ 91.335 496.832 5.275 540.206 5.684 249.792 3.175
+ 91.493 497.238 5.287 540.532 5.721 249.717 3.100
+ 91.651 497.222 5.208 540.035 5.712 249.867 3.269
+ 91.809 497.212 5.435 540.690 5.694 249.828 2.953
+ 91.967 497.352 5.355 540.456 5.706 249.868 3.005
+ 92.125 497.023 5.286 540.264 5.797 249.908 3.219
+ 92.283 496.030 5.451 540.282 5.790 249.419 3.123
+ 92.441 496.430 5.456 540.202 5.680 249.664 3.280
+ 92.598 497.544 5.404 540.332 5.645 249.776 3.068
+ 92.757 497.475 5.225 540.153 5.639 250.317 3.229
+ 92.914 497.104 5.405 540.771 5.733 249.913 2.997
+ 93.073 497.181 5.310 540.227 5.664 249.249 2.934
+ 93.230 496.931 5.213 540.612 5.722 250.672 3.184
+ 93.388 496.819 5.392 540.106 5.667 249.156 3.132
+ 93.547 497.568 5.363 540.661 5.771 249.921 3.071
+ 93.705 497.195 5.222 539.846 5.707 249.399 3.123
+ 93.863 497.332 5.354 540.378 5.772 250.064 3.118
+ 94.021 496.983 5.348 540.453 5.664 249.600 3.253
+ 94.179 497.029 5.304 541.054 5.665 249.716 2.932
+ 94.336 497.210 5.267 540.570 5.643 249.367 3.073
+ 94.494 497.202 5.308 540.325 5.613 250.753 3.257
+ 94.652 497.162 5.360 540.713 5.769 250.297 3.123
+ 94.810 496.551 5.253 540.127 5.733 249.792 3.330
+ 94.968 497.025 5.349 540.831 5.644 249.647 3.253
+ 95.126 497.150 5.294 541.298 5.731 250.496 3.303
+ 95.283 497.331 5.235 540.763 5.752 249.584 3.195
+ 95.441 496.923 5.247 540.717 5.785 249.905 3.239
+ 95.600 497.529 5.228 540.167 5.727 250.549 3.176
+ 95.757 497.475 5.229 540.451 5.732 250.295 3.089
+ 95.915 496.944 5.310 540.694 5.688 250.182 3.033
+ 96.073 496.929 5.317 541.257 5.692 249.091 3.026
+ 96.231 497.249 5.403 540.872 5.697 249.980 3.199
+ 96.390 497.442 5.379 540.118 5.829 250.309 3.178
+ 96.548 497.334 5.220 540.121 5.719 250.743 3.007
+ 96.706 496.983 5.426 540.431 5.669 250.087 3.119
+ 96.864 496.999 5.261 540.254 5.608 250.010 3.007
+ 97.022 497.240 5.274 540.392 5.644 250.240 3.150
+ 97.181 497.172 5.346 540.403 5.630 250.662 3.199
+ 97.339 496.721 5.273 540.214 5.705 250.996 3.164
+ 97.498 497.477 5.320 539.402 5.664 250.349 2.995
+ 97.656 496.944 5.368 540.224 5.779 250.363 3.014
+ 97.814 496.329 5.339 539.892 5.681 250.643 2.994
+ 97.972 497.153 5.404 540.449 5.679 250.066 3.179
+ 98.130 497.161 5.290 541.124 5.726 250.480 3.005
+ 98.288 497.251 5.515 540.461 5.729 250.054 3.108
+ 98.447 497.142 5.348 540.814 5.743 249.620 3.062
+ 98.605 497.161 5.309 540.698 5.604 250.306 3.225
+ 98.762 497.031 5.321 540.027 5.703 250.283 2.979
+ 98.920 497.610 5.418 540.650 5.687 250.672 2.933
+ 99.078 497.256 5.370 540.026 5.673 249.746 3.284
+ 99.236 497.162 5.240 540.420 5.630 249.947 3.150
+ 99.394 497.271 5.246 540.354 5.679 249.709 3.173
+ 99.552 498.002 5.285 540.513 5.697 250.907 3.006
+ 99.710 497.580 5.314 540.615 5.737 250.049 3.175
+ 99.868 497.355 5.273 540.496 5.722 249.900 2.931
+100.027 497.353 5.300 540.675 5.728 249.619 3.061
+100.185 497.443 5.324 540.226 5.655 250.556 3.037
+100.343 497.274 5.373 540.952 5.631 250.025 3.134
+100.501 497.092 5.313 540.679 5.728 250.350 3.104
+100.659 497.330 5.340 540.336 5.679 250.413 3.074
+100.817 496.963 5.506 541.013 5.617 250.074 2.995
+100.975 496.859 5.247 540.570 5.802 250.250 3.271
+101.133 496.978 5.277 540.495 5.805 250.202 3.205
+101.291 496.849 5.381 540.194 5.882 249.932 3.153
+101.450 497.278 5.291 539.842 5.753 250.179 3.237
+101.608 496.442 5.336 540.548 5.696 250.011 3.021
+101.766 497.544 5.333 540.745 5.697 249.860 3.280
+101.924 496.885 5.287 540.207 5.742 250.798 3.018
+102.083 496.798 5.311 540.092 5.751 250.437 3.161
+102.241 497.638 5.184 540.210 5.746 248.964 2.946
+102.399 497.146 5.233 540.342 5.720 249.339 3.137
+102.557 496.861 5.270 540.263 5.709 249.493 2.952
+102.715 497.178 5.345 540.212 5.630 250.274 2.972
+102.873 497.461 5.265 541.602 5.767 250.172 3.079
+103.031 496.954 5.307 540.216 5.703 250.511 3.235
+103.189 497.199 5.423 540.642 5.717 250.135 3.115
+103.347 497.012 5.308 540.656 5.681 250.271 3.154
+103.505 497.500 5.247 540.366 5.634 250.162 2.964
+103.663 497.125 5.283 540.633 5.806 250.001 3.201
+103.821 497.381 5.306 540.786 5.729 250.140 3.181
+103.979 497.013 5.377 539.787 5.644 249.981 3.112
+104.137 497.510 5.367 540.537 5.617 249.739 3.324
+104.294 497.225 5.360 540.435 5.662 249.957 3.169
+104.452 497.062 5.372 540.504 5.679 250.309 3.156
+104.610 496.980 5.310 541.045 5.724 250.673 3.147
+104.768 497.339 5.341 540.420 5.739 250.656 3.138
+104.926 497.513 5.323 539.874 5.663 250.296 3.086
+105.084 497.055 5.325 540.628 5.667 249.482 3.076
+105.241 496.890 5.265 540.326 5.727 250.494 3.079
+105.400 496.888 5.370 540.503 5.706 250.304 3.221
+105.558 497.028 5.312 540.865 5.669 250.373 2.956
+105.716 496.880 5.263 540.488 5.708 249.903 3.204
+105.874 497.288 5.337 540.874 5.680 249.489 2.955
+106.032 497.742 5.316 541.058 5.632 250.164 2.977
+106.190 497.217 5.325 540.310 5.667 250.751 3.050
+106.348 497.572 5.188 540.903 5.814 250.057 3.270
+106.506 497.185 5.278 540.549 5.730 250.040 3.313
+106.664 497.831 5.359 540.405 5.681 250.420 3.060
+106.822 497.428 5.267 540.524 5.722 250.044 3.155
+106.980 497.294 5.390 540.585 5.636 249.980 3.117
+107.138 497.142 5.273 540.355 5.743 250.379 3.233
+107.296 497.231 5.235 540.303 5.785 249.873 3.105
+107.454 496.902 5.282 540.493 5.696 249.668 3.172
+107.613 497.189 5.267 540.725 5.625 250.296 3.306
+107.770 497.091 5.307 539.897 5.767 249.912 3.204
+107.928 496.960 5.263 540.079 5.697 250.669 3.153
+108.087 497.329 5.273 540.010 5.757 249.966 3.318
+108.245 497.323 5.314 539.850 5.706 250.399 3.319
+108.403 496.943 5.504 541.078 5.716 250.324 2.999
+108.561 496.629 5.306 540.620 5.644 249.153 3.273
+108.719 496.376 5.299 540.376 5.697 249.861 3.265
+108.877 497.253 5.257 540.183 5.682 250.508 3.263
+109.035 496.832 5.337 539.951 5.680 249.595 3.130
+109.193 497.028 5.338 540.329 5.753 249.745 3.085
+109.351 497.410 5.229 539.943 5.671 249.967 3.179
+109.509 497.354 5.283 540.169 5.764 249.949 2.975
+109.668 496.813 5.227 540.331 5.688 249.629 3.117
+109.826 497.318 5.371 540.633 5.698 250.066 2.955
+109.984 496.903 5.315 540.646 5.636 250.330 3.068
+110.142 496.679 5.340 540.586 5.779 250.123 3.165
+110.300 497.266 5.399 540.225 5.740 250.661 3.182
+110.459 497.292 5.297 540.682 5.690 249.416 3.317
+110.617 497.522 5.330 540.916 5.628 251.114 2.975
+110.775 496.745 5.256 539.799 5.756 250.141 3.026
+110.933 496.947 5.364 539.898 5.604 250.431 3.130
+111.091 496.829 5.258 540.729 5.671 250.184 3.090
+111.249 496.568 5.290 540.247 5.703 249.541 3.152
+111.408 497.095 5.233 540.662 5.649 250.175 2.905
+111.565 497.060 5.335 540.576 5.661 251.071 2.871
+111.723 497.160 5.240 540.425 5.702 249.810 3.129
+111.881 497.861 5.237 540.874 5.735 249.978 2.951
+112.040 497.548 5.347 540.308 5.777 250.469 3.123
+112.198 497.155 5.376 539.993 5.702 249.644 2.914
+112.356 497.061 5.357 540.659 5.680 250.446 3.478
+112.514 497.070 5.317 540.466 5.720 250.404 3.089
+112.672 497.130 5.342 540.164 5.642 250.054 3.081
+112.829 497.291 5.250 540.501 5.771 250.870 3.156
+112.987 497.132 5.236 540.195 5.679 250.608 3.027
+113.145 497.611 5.274 539.972 5.743 250.466 3.009
+113.303 497.496 5.193 540.099 5.785 250.594 3.255
+113.461 497.535 5.381 540.621 5.807 249.695 3.189
+113.619 497.085 5.271 540.496 5.788 250.366 3.223
+113.776 496.680 5.186 540.385 5.693 249.943 3.107
+113.935 497.126 5.346 541.403 5.734 249.799 2.890
+114.093 497.271 5.238 540.374 5.656 249.448 3.060
+114.251 497.302 5.305 540.763 5.671 250.304 3.190
+114.408 497.573 5.248 541.057 5.627 250.593 3.138
+114.566 497.695 5.257 540.570 5.766 249.855 3.073
+114.725 496.967 5.297 540.105 5.684 249.568 3.067
+114.883 497.049 5.254 540.081 5.689 250.505 3.091
+115.041 497.390 5.365 540.610 5.636 250.075 3.108
+115.199 497.963 5.454 540.356 5.675 250.240 3.004
+115.357 497.649 5.308 540.983 5.678 250.252 2.971
+115.515 497.136 5.297 540.739 5.740 250.202 3.090
+115.673 497.601 5.193 540.227 5.694 249.612 2.908
+115.832 497.276 5.298 540.482 5.656 250.196 3.190
+115.989 497.122 5.332 540.554 5.695 250.232 3.316
+116.147 497.251 5.241 540.745 5.710 250.332 3.043
+116.305 497.902 5.332 540.587 5.682 250.123 3.000
+116.463 496.789 5.348 540.445 5.704 249.541 3.202
+116.621 496.867 5.296 540.094 5.694 250.275 3.243
+116.778 497.118 5.330 540.371 5.656 249.552 3.051
+116.936 497.721 5.344 540.553 5.641 250.375 3.103
+117.094 497.777 5.410 540.875 5.738 249.703 3.144
+117.253 497.717 5.417 540.318 5.661 250.537 3.058
+117.411 497.267 5.349 540.883 5.718 250.085 3.043
+117.569 496.572 5.318 540.838 5.635 249.210 3.039
+117.727 497.415 5.271 540.948 5.728 249.392 3.152
+117.885 496.394 5.293 540.509 5.703 249.913 2.963
+118.044 498.214 5.208 540.435 5.635 250.349 3.015
+118.202 497.072 5.351 540.314 5.606 250.653 3.242
+118.359 497.480 5.262 540.493 5.677 249.806 3.122
+118.518 496.884 5.247 540.505 5.637 250.068 3.182
+118.676 497.158 5.303 540.505 5.748 249.910 3.015
+118.834 496.891 5.254 540.455 5.694 250.409 3.122
+118.992 497.008 5.378 540.474 5.709 250.334 2.975
+119.150 497.560 5.291 540.584 5.789 249.883 3.364
+119.308 497.295 5.309 539.595 5.683 250.278 3.123
+119.466 497.423 5.276 540.696 5.767 249.662 3.055
+119.624 496.934 5.274 540.717 5.677 249.986 3.095
+119.783 496.839 5.218 540.417 5.685 250.109 3.106
+119.941 496.558 5.263 540.084 5.664 249.451 3.121
+120.099 496.745 5.279 539.960 5.677 250.464 3.103
+120.257 497.037 5.362 540.289 5.668 249.574 3.085
+120.415 497.300 5.316 540.643 5.731 249.925 3.297
+120.573 497.473 5.297 540.996 5.724 250.389 3.188
+120.731 497.504 5.392 540.200 5.716 250.353 3.091
+120.889 497.235 5.303 540.752 5.689 250.053 3.104
+121.047 497.702 5.318 540.857 5.662 249.840 3.246
+121.204 497.247 5.216 540.208 5.645 250.418 3.164
+121.362 496.842 5.180 540.492 5.669 250.434 3.097
+121.520 497.148 5.260 540.534 5.748 250.294 3.009
+121.678 497.981 5.233 541.055 5.803 250.652 3.336
+121.836 497.039 5.377 540.590 5.699 250.026 2.988
+121.994 497.900 5.250 540.706 5.726 250.700 3.173
+122.152 497.049 5.258 540.597 5.643 250.527 2.980
+122.310 497.040 5.322 540.516 5.687 249.875 3.093
+122.468 497.860 5.320 540.445 5.737 249.638 3.040
+122.626 497.298 5.267 540.674 5.625 250.676 3.159
+122.784 497.453 5.331 541.156 5.768 250.176 3.040
+122.942 497.784 5.306 540.601 5.735 250.241 3.223
+123.100 497.327 5.273 540.616 5.835 250.092 3.033
+123.259 497.683 5.182 541.066 5.645 250.070 2.979
+123.417 497.416 5.306 540.310 5.671 249.680 3.156
+123.575 498.194 5.306 540.883 5.587 250.306 2.923
+123.733 497.151 5.228 540.998 5.654 250.773 3.036
+123.891 497.251 5.247 540.460 5.693 250.047 3.177
+124.049 497.332 5.478 540.454 5.661 249.950 3.082
+124.208 497.493 5.396 540.754 5.759 250.399 3.149
+124.366 497.884 5.352 540.127 5.737 249.884 2.967
+124.524 496.698 5.275 540.631 5.745 250.018 3.208
+124.682 497.477 5.338 540.676 5.725 249.980 3.020
+124.840 496.764 5.239 540.026 5.703 250.869 3.127
+124.999 497.367 5.268 540.370 5.626 250.168 3.146
+125.156 497.023 5.175 539.733 5.567 249.941 3.102
+125.314 497.340 5.321 541.337 5.655 250.209 3.217
+125.472 497.013 5.285 540.333 5.667 250.272 2.999
+125.630 497.400 5.354 540.743 5.748 250.702 3.191
+125.787 497.014 5.342 540.357 5.769 250.277 3.370
+125.945 497.580 5.440 540.893 5.609 249.802 3.018
+126.104 497.405 5.310 540.728 5.731 250.318 3.004
+126.261 497.004 5.313 540.207 5.727 249.423 3.526
+126.419 497.600 5.373 540.642 5.659 250.234 3.084
+126.577 497.606 5.414 540.506 5.721 249.572 3.105
+126.735 497.106 5.341 540.765 5.680 249.845 2.935
+126.893 497.241 5.309 540.737 5.651 250.028 3.327
+127.052 497.342 5.247 540.487 5.735 250.340 2.994
+127.210 497.003 5.297 540.454 5.794 249.563 3.146
+127.368 497.590 5.232 540.884 5.806 250.325 2.968
+127.526 496.745 5.323 540.518 5.728 249.203 3.255
+127.684 497.047 5.258 540.735 5.686 250.272 2.973
+127.842 497.620 5.290 540.747 5.609 250.452 3.189
+128.000 497.656 5.295 540.647 5.763 249.664 3.147
+128.159 497.336 5.276 540.726 5.661 249.106 2.944
+128.317 497.423 5.338 540.637 5.726 249.851 2.925
+128.475 497.334 5.349 540.696 5.765 250.708 2.977
+128.633 498.063 5.328 540.757 5.699 249.927 3.207
+128.791 497.390 5.303 540.927 5.700 250.029 3.158
+128.949 497.153 5.341 540.779 5.686 250.900 3.229
+129.107 497.431 5.331 540.377 5.737 250.349 3.272
+129.265 497.284 5.257 540.823 5.641 250.393 3.163
+129.423 497.422 5.302 540.108 5.737 250.133 3.114
+129.581 497.424 5.301 540.911 5.676 249.801 3.102
+129.740 497.804 5.323 540.509 5.797 249.908 3.016
+129.898 497.178 5.297 540.385 5.635 250.019 3.248
+130.055 498.081 5.408 540.973 5.701 250.060 3.029
+130.214 496.670 5.323 540.379 5.689 250.720 3.271
+130.371 497.156 5.316 540.003 5.672 249.727 3.088
+130.529 497.511 5.350 541.140 5.617 250.277 3.099
+130.687 497.555 5.281 540.861 5.572 249.922 2.994
+130.845 497.455 5.286 540.608 5.679 250.049 3.154
+131.004 497.684 5.201 540.626 5.635 249.730 3.182
+131.162 497.096 5.390 540.326 5.683 249.717 3.453
+131.319 497.280 5.278 540.073 5.768 250.227 3.100
+131.477 497.422 5.274 540.340 5.660 250.422 3.217
+131.635 497.864 5.306 540.993 5.655 250.244 3.079
+131.794 498.088 5.314 540.360 5.733 249.902 3.092
+131.952 497.030 5.330 540.833 5.755 249.599 3.081
+132.110 497.600 5.291 540.328 5.765 249.986 3.140
+132.269 496.976 5.355 540.763 5.725 250.369 3.017
+132.427 497.549 5.255 540.847 5.734 250.293 3.084
+132.585 497.045 5.420 540.518 5.671 250.572 2.961
+132.743 497.020 5.287 540.935 5.662 250.105 3.065
+132.901 497.300 5.325 540.869 5.666 249.421 3.044
+133.059 497.243 5.435 541.228 5.601 249.994 3.103
+133.218 497.632 5.322 540.782 5.634 249.829 3.048
+133.376 497.446 5.302 540.717 5.735 250.568 2.909
+133.534 497.074 5.287 540.837 5.642 250.095 3.104
+133.692 497.460 5.251 540.338 5.645 249.830 3.218
+133.850 497.564 5.307 541.313 5.707 250.618 3.105
+134.008 497.575 5.217 540.803 5.610 250.256 3.147
+134.166 497.285 5.277 540.358 5.651 249.712 3.290
+134.324 497.572 5.256 541.223 5.648 249.797 3.197
+134.481 497.545 5.381 541.212 5.731 249.477 3.146
+134.639 497.115 5.249 540.422 5.642 250.174 2.943
+134.797 497.511 5.366 540.524 5.728 250.431 3.213
+134.955 497.235 5.306 540.705 5.734 250.074 3.123
+135.114 496.472 5.292 539.687 5.737 249.710 2.908
+135.272 497.274 5.368 539.826 5.689 249.577 2.815
+135.430 497.072 5.399 540.168 5.599 250.185 3.150
+135.588 497.340 5.287 540.551 5.706 249.991 3.433
+135.746 496.713 5.269 540.105 5.736 249.429 3.097
+135.904 497.687 5.382 540.711 5.767 250.194 3.164
+136.062 497.056 5.379 540.527 5.711 250.151 3.099
+136.220 497.420 5.373 540.925 5.655 250.411 3.009
+136.378 496.994 5.286 540.569 5.647 249.974 3.130
+136.536 497.309 5.194 540.735 5.664 249.589 3.211
+136.694 497.023 5.366 540.627 5.705 250.515 2.978
+136.852 497.250 5.400 540.036 5.674 250.475 3.024
+137.010 497.222 5.336 540.600 5.737 249.844 3.078
+137.168 497.912 5.257 540.856 5.763 249.938 3.235
+137.327 497.339 5.267 539.988 5.670 249.619 3.054
+137.485 497.513 5.270 540.659 5.694 250.376 3.078
+137.643 496.925 5.344 540.586 5.644 249.343 2.993
+137.801 498.149 5.274 540.585 5.634 250.283 3.030
+137.959 497.221 5.274 540.805 5.716 250.132 3.104
+138.117 496.682 5.288 540.178 5.753 250.161 2.939
+138.275 497.526 5.249 540.531 5.642 249.301 2.817
+138.433 497.865 5.365 540.415 5.831 250.003 3.010
+138.591 497.718 5.327 541.404 5.793 249.850 3.221
+138.749 497.087 5.284 540.124 5.660 250.118 3.003
+138.907 497.620 5.232 540.821 5.661 250.541 3.161
+139.065 497.056 5.298 540.788 5.685 250.215 3.326
+139.222 497.460 5.394 540.707 5.635 249.802 3.327
+139.380 497.534 5.245 540.557 5.650 250.038 2.815
+139.537 497.415 5.375 540.725 5.670 249.760 3.147
+139.695 497.544 5.421 540.767 5.625 250.327 3.117
+139.854 497.745 5.498 540.837 5.675 250.113 3.256
+140.012 497.087 5.268 541.498 5.627 249.731 3.226
+140.170 497.220 5.234 541.095 5.637 249.767 3.126
+140.327 497.242 5.257 540.481 5.793 249.667 3.196
+140.485 497.022 5.332 540.354 5.610 250.506 3.092
+140.643 497.550 5.217 540.433 5.817 249.935 3.313
+140.801 497.515 5.306 540.714 5.695 250.489 3.019
+140.959 497.815 5.320 540.757 5.814 250.664 3.018
+141.117 497.298 5.263 541.407 5.720 250.276 3.224
+141.275 497.403 5.315 540.614 5.643 249.852 3.041
+141.433 497.304 5.336 540.546 5.661 250.368 3.084
+141.591 496.813 5.305 540.505 5.636 250.633 3.056
+141.749 498.188 5.336 540.475 5.692 249.636 3.199
+141.908 496.881 5.313 540.774 5.634 249.606 3.047
+142.066 497.278 5.323 540.467 5.774 249.916 3.342
+142.224 497.272 5.278 540.394 5.642 249.659 3.168
+142.381 498.092 5.416 540.034 5.674 250.126 3.238
+142.539 497.540 5.358 540.900 5.651 250.221 3.091
+142.696 497.285 5.369 540.559 5.681 249.702 3.240
+142.854 497.072 5.308 540.185 5.702 250.677 3.105
+143.012 497.620 5.442 540.581 5.776 249.616 3.310
+143.170 496.706 5.304 540.295 5.737 250.416 3.185
+143.328 496.277 5.246 540.633 5.747 249.664 2.957
+143.487 497.062 5.336 540.346 5.729 249.916 3.211
+143.645 496.770 5.271 540.313 5.761 250.009 3.065
+143.803 496.817 5.312 540.163 5.656 249.990 3.023
+143.961 497.628 5.309 540.771 5.629 249.689 3.362
+144.119 497.466 5.296 540.527 5.785 249.756 3.131
+144.277 496.664 5.370 540.635 5.636 250.317 3.066
+144.435 497.166 5.346 540.946 5.677 250.363 3.200
+144.593 497.471 5.369 540.579 5.658 250.093 3.173
+144.751 496.954 5.235 540.485 5.792 250.350 3.089
+144.910 496.929 5.416 540.754 5.681 250.603 3.285
+145.067 496.839 5.210 540.557 5.689 249.916 3.013
+145.225 497.248 5.233 540.405 5.781 249.759 3.258
+145.383 497.072 5.176 541.174 5.702 250.597 3.553
+145.540 497.470 5.234 540.431 5.668 250.515 3.144
+145.698 497.074 5.230 540.804 5.739 249.715 3.190
+145.856 497.710 5.270 540.958 5.778 249.537 3.170
+146.014 497.257 5.322 540.889 5.642 250.205 3.242
+146.172 498.032 5.325 540.278 5.694 249.342 3.065
+146.330 497.490 5.302 540.412 5.640 250.303 3.100
+146.488 496.884 5.354 540.424 5.717 250.673 3.044
+146.646 497.718 5.270 540.794 5.711 250.636 3.164
+146.804 497.497 5.295 541.008 5.669 249.666 3.224
+146.962 497.665 5.417 540.400 5.686 250.626 3.311
+147.120 497.576 5.187 541.284 5.738 249.706 3.212
+147.279 497.815 5.352 540.442 5.724 250.727 2.924
+147.437 497.438 5.305 540.694 5.771 249.657 3.158
+147.595 497.384 5.238 540.436 5.760 250.596 2.936
+147.753 497.733 5.321 540.454 5.768 250.196 3.220
+147.911 497.177 5.509 539.764 5.676 250.001 2.937
+148.069 497.841 5.386 540.677 5.656 250.820 3.054
+148.227 497.448 5.239 540.706 5.648 250.378 3.222
+148.385 497.534 5.224 540.857 5.678 250.303 3.064
+148.543 497.645 5.419 540.698 5.578 250.023 3.084
+148.701 497.216 5.409 540.437 5.807 249.910 3.186
+148.860 497.542 5.312 540.544 5.691 250.519 3.153
+149.018 497.545 5.272 541.055 5.746 249.755 3.102
+149.176 497.145 5.310 540.870 5.779 249.467 3.241
+149.334 497.681 5.270 540.878 5.702 249.594 2.928
+149.492 497.796 5.311 540.158 5.637 249.955 3.174
+149.650 496.877 5.300 541.141 5.724 250.049 3.202
+149.808 497.908 5.261 540.721 5.691 249.960 3.124
+149.967 496.949 5.359 540.097 5.712 250.299 3.122
+150.125 497.039 5.327 540.321 5.648 250.342 3.130
+150.283 497.070 5.251 540.633 5.712 250.033 2.982
+150.441 498.090 5.230 541.026 5.589 250.230 3.037
+150.599 497.250 5.350 540.970 5.601 249.882 3.295
+150.757 497.402 5.226 540.279 5.747 249.708 3.031
+150.915 497.844 5.410 540.712 5.660 250.287 3.130
+151.073 497.748 5.427 540.517 5.675 250.212 3.167
+151.232 497.767 5.466 540.535 5.726 249.412 2.956
+151.390 497.227 5.387 540.865 5.696 249.684 3.110
+151.548 497.582 5.261 540.498 5.702 249.936 3.020
+151.706 497.555 5.429 541.035 5.639 250.389 3.178
+151.864 497.215 5.420 540.670 5.655 251.073 3.208
+152.022 497.902 5.372 541.026 5.652 250.600 3.118
+152.180 497.749 5.309 541.020 5.696 249.586 3.139
+152.338 497.527 5.448 540.430 5.814 249.555 3.083
+152.496 496.925 5.338 541.034 5.679 249.965 3.068
+152.655 497.299 5.403 540.520 5.670 249.729 3.219
+152.812 497.223 5.240 540.605 5.688 249.607 2.955
+152.971 497.522 5.330 540.936 5.730 249.826 3.386
+153.128 497.135 5.273 540.429 5.692 250.408 3.156
+153.287 497.451 5.278 540.894 5.709 250.404 3.104
+153.445 497.004 5.324 540.528 5.683 250.104 3.028
+153.603 497.120 5.263 540.795 5.749 249.791 3.313
+153.761 497.671 5.391 540.878 5.761 249.927 3.105
+153.920 497.616 5.293 540.448 5.682 250.069 3.201
+154.078 496.946 5.311 540.724 5.690 250.100 2.985
+154.236 497.559 5.313 540.537 5.731 250.351 2.950
+154.394 497.445 5.333 540.555 5.652 250.083 2.975
+154.553 497.844 5.407 540.685 5.701 250.630 3.115
+154.711 497.898 5.358 540.646 5.677 250.396 3.042
+154.869 497.999 5.269 541.376 5.677 250.353 3.094
+155.027 497.990 5.288 540.423 5.607 249.663 3.159
+155.186 497.379 5.221 540.784 5.777 250.296 2.985
+155.344 497.803 5.312 540.807 5.697 250.232 3.168
+155.502 497.618 5.492 541.268 5.755 250.022 2.978
+155.660 497.676 5.421 540.922 5.731 249.960 3.331
+155.818 497.176 5.378 540.789 5.622 249.859 3.249
+155.976 497.171 5.232 540.248 5.739 250.738 3.115
+156.134 497.641 5.373 540.242 5.713 249.847 3.018
+156.292 497.656 5.437 540.882 5.707 250.168 3.206
+156.450 497.556 5.281 540.728 5.714 250.041 3.175
+156.608 497.095 5.207 540.577 5.642 250.470 3.240
+156.766 496.940 5.278 540.645 5.783 249.374 3.290
+156.924 496.909 5.376 540.046 5.782 249.473 2.999
+157.082 496.819 5.268 540.880 5.710 249.744 3.080
+157.240 497.518 5.254 541.228 5.727 249.887 3.084
+157.398 497.055 5.344 540.502 5.728 250.198 3.005
+157.556 497.260 5.391 540.705 5.758 250.142 3.138
+157.714 497.172 5.348 540.297 5.677 249.731 3.151
+157.872 497.431 5.189 539.773 5.696 250.387 2.999
+158.030 497.294 5.389 540.397 5.612 250.563 3.359
+158.187 496.692 5.271 540.144 5.784 249.945 3.377
+158.345 496.716 5.287 540.071 5.644 250.359 3.102
+158.503 497.277 5.314 540.090 5.688 250.113 3.076
+158.661 497.302 5.376 539.910 5.665 250.851 3.262
+158.819 496.713 5.236 541.109 5.752 249.688 3.117
+158.977 497.637 5.228 540.681 5.772 250.526 3.169
+159.135 496.956 5.392 540.116 5.587 250.005 2.850
+159.293 497.249 5.236 540.391 5.662 249.740 3.093
+159.451 497.682 5.391 540.274 5.642 249.927 3.149
+159.609 497.436 5.313 540.922 5.647 249.889 3.409
+159.767 497.564 5.257 540.039 5.693 249.928 3.154
+159.925 497.205 5.375 540.350 5.650 249.899 3.027
+160.084 497.202 5.403 540.533 5.680 250.479 3.079
+160.242 496.822 5.241 540.275 5.749 249.804 3.053
+160.400 496.908 5.253 540.172 5.692 249.738 3.085
+160.558 496.739 5.282 540.171 5.691 250.477 3.088
+160.716 496.827 5.247 539.381 5.744 250.094 3.230
+160.874 496.978 5.382 539.813 5.679 249.730 3.164
+161.032 497.449 5.331 540.428 5.710 249.527 3.121
+161.190 496.974 5.292 540.614 5.724 249.855 3.319
+161.349 496.979 5.299 540.116 5.859 249.838 3.150
+161.507 497.119 5.288 540.521 5.726 250.308 3.058
+161.665 497.451 5.274 540.665 5.666 250.213 3.080
+161.822 497.804 5.496 540.526 5.725 250.202 3.109
+161.980 497.738 5.351 540.535 5.728 250.162 2.997
+162.138 497.557 5.334 540.985 5.619 250.381 2.895
+162.296 497.255 5.260 540.569 5.716 250.223 3.266
+162.454 497.522 5.302 540.125 5.730 250.192 3.205
+162.612 497.615 5.416 540.231 5.710 250.021 3.077
+162.770 497.376 5.418 540.462 5.641 249.790 3.094
+162.928 497.813 5.362 539.944 5.763 250.047 2.971
+163.086 497.528 5.350 540.899 5.678 249.870 3.144
+163.245 497.735 5.328 541.539 5.677 250.298 3.102
+163.403 497.547 5.440 541.405 5.675 250.662 3.184
+163.561 497.635 5.325 540.044 5.596 250.536 2.934
+163.719 497.476 5.445 540.750 5.703 249.435 3.049
+163.877 497.334 5.310 540.387 5.665 250.344 2.899
+164.035 497.513 5.541 540.733 5.628 250.063 3.022
+164.193 497.425 5.396 540.587 5.652 250.200 3.265
+164.351 497.404 5.365 541.055 5.693 249.822 3.523
+164.509 497.474 5.303 540.680 5.684 250.208 3.259
+164.667 497.944 5.302 540.816 5.682 250.252 3.122
+164.825 498.359 5.335 541.338 5.749 250.012 3.110
+164.983 496.983 5.420 541.153 5.686 249.510 3.023
+165.142 498.029 5.256 540.781 5.777 250.065 3.008
+165.299 498.200 5.384 541.307 5.721 250.430 3.352
+165.457 497.812 5.416 540.623 5.762 250.674 3.051
+165.615 497.478 5.380 540.666 5.676 250.676 3.197
+165.773 497.034 5.325 540.716 5.715 249.976 3.119
+165.932 497.800 5.248 540.757 5.784 249.859 3.443
+166.090 497.608 5.208 540.897 5.735 250.038 3.116
+166.248 498.456 5.245 539.889 5.718 249.220 3.375
+166.406 497.484 5.298 540.818 5.700 250.642 3.385
+166.564 498.154 5.285 540.828 5.634 250.466 2.986
+166.722 496.981 5.362 540.738 5.666 249.854 3.140
+166.880 497.809 5.332 540.737 5.585 249.838 2.994
+167.038 497.628 5.331 540.487 5.789 250.378 3.050
+167.197 497.886 5.198 541.004 5.705 249.923 3.116
+167.355 498.108 5.270 540.540 5.644 250.579 3.009
+167.513 497.501 5.342 540.645 5.679 250.105 2.989
+167.671 497.525 5.188 540.866 5.798 250.641 3.221
+167.828 497.435 5.268 540.848 5.723 250.656 3.138
+167.987 497.684 5.262 541.288 5.709 250.016 3.103
+168.145 497.346 5.286 540.652 5.725 249.890 3.250
+168.303 497.793 5.439 540.586 5.784 249.968 3.303
+168.461 497.467 5.292 540.545 5.777 250.009 3.075
+168.619 497.694 5.415 540.355 5.664 249.900 3.054
+168.778 497.436 5.506 540.973 5.655 249.779 3.172
+168.935 497.464 5.292 540.399 5.763 250.697 3.127
+169.094 497.674 5.432 540.294 5.697 249.387 3.204
+169.251 497.586 5.327 540.653 5.688 249.793 3.093
+169.410 497.615 5.305 540.886 5.709 250.287 3.160
+169.568 498.216 5.329 540.588 5.628 249.722 3.139
+169.726 497.702 5.338 540.665 5.733 250.347 3.188
+169.884 497.727 5.332 540.676 5.680 250.073 3.245
+170.042 498.057 5.318 540.486 5.785 250.390 3.038
+170.200 497.400 5.335 540.544 5.688 250.533 3.104
+170.358 497.924 5.350 540.035 5.745 249.445 3.106
+170.516 497.389 5.414 541.150 5.650 249.814 3.023
+170.674 497.713 5.317 540.761 5.649 250.618 3.269
+170.832 497.337 5.234 540.377 5.694 249.626 3.163
+170.990 497.473 5.372 540.483 5.658 250.236 2.960
+171.148 498.064 5.288 541.304 5.725 249.942 3.163
+171.306 497.520 5.375 540.543 5.689 250.319 3.126
+171.464 497.805 5.443 540.875 5.698 250.133 2.999
+171.622 497.688 5.413 540.428 5.790 250.061 3.373
+171.780 497.596 5.413 540.814 5.664 249.980 3.243
+171.938 497.865 5.466 540.688 5.641 249.429 3.336
+172.096 497.898 5.312 541.466 5.710 249.654 2.989
+172.255 498.229 5.315 541.554 5.760 250.206 3.130
+172.413 497.292 5.289 541.195 5.660 250.702 3.277
+172.571 498.212 5.228 540.692 5.782 249.587 2.935
+172.729 496.772 5.378 541.007 5.654 249.875 3.326
+172.887 498.067 5.282 540.780 5.798 250.038 3.309
+173.044 498.090 5.282 541.117 5.671 249.630 3.050
+173.202 497.610 5.297 540.771 5.705 250.266 3.220
+173.360 497.516 5.284 540.527 5.748 250.412 3.043
+173.519 497.365 5.311 540.595 5.710 250.304 3.182
+173.677 497.643 5.261 540.106 5.770 250.843 3.038
+173.835 497.826 5.441 541.251 5.677 250.268 3.164
+173.993 497.058 5.296 541.172 5.667 250.352 3.179
+174.151 497.350 5.297 540.941 5.785 250.143 3.209
+174.309 498.133 5.311 540.189 5.673 249.391 3.402
+174.466 497.101 5.186 541.161 5.669 250.193 3.238
+174.623 497.560 5.287 540.401 5.675 250.011 3.067
+174.781 497.735 5.398 540.854 5.764 249.830 2.988
+174.939 497.987 5.186 540.908 5.753 250.478 3.149
+175.098 497.949 5.443 540.869 5.630 250.234 3.132
+175.256 497.469 5.263 540.908 5.734 250.302 3.209
+175.414 497.434 5.418 540.589 5.741 249.913 3.070
+175.572 497.524 5.334 540.755 5.673 249.599 3.009
+175.730 497.615 5.223 540.897 5.792 249.816 3.050
+175.888 498.126 5.282 541.309 5.731 250.418 3.048
+176.046 497.441 5.293 540.873 5.636 249.794 3.068
+176.205 497.514 5.341 540.078 5.759 249.997 3.057
+176.364 497.755 5.282 541.140 5.614 250.390 3.172
+176.522 497.777 5.298 540.401 5.698 249.953 3.032
+176.680 498.147 5.306 541.264 5.718 249.459 3.007
+176.838 497.691 5.259 541.022 5.684 250.594 3.151
+176.996 498.066 5.341 540.950 5.594 250.015 3.087
+177.154 497.730 5.308 541.309 5.709 249.930 3.129
+177.312 497.197 5.385 540.823 5.643 249.719 3.062
+177.470 497.242 5.302 540.508 5.822 250.027 3.265
+177.628 497.702 5.353 540.385 5.649 250.040 3.108
+177.786 497.497 5.255 540.533 5.738 250.270 3.339
+177.944 497.144 5.334 540.445 5.742 250.042 2.975
+178.103 497.651 5.317 540.594 5.701 250.310 3.001
+178.261 497.446 5.272 540.876 5.622 249.853 3.217
+178.419 498.224 5.356 541.058 5.727 250.118 3.117
+178.577 497.342 5.334 540.420 5.715 250.751 3.086
+178.735 497.863 5.390 541.304 5.610 249.797 3.142
+178.893 498.208 5.250 541.083 5.711 250.678 2.954
+179.051 497.692 5.286 540.500 5.685 250.106 3.191
+179.209 497.047 5.317 540.605 5.754 250.581 3.021
+179.367 496.910 5.286 540.156 5.728 250.415 3.193
+179.525 497.779 5.265 540.801 5.691 250.034 2.986
+179.683 498.047 5.269 540.928 5.661 250.640 3.357
+179.841 497.900 5.315 541.149 5.654 249.996 3.204
+180.000 497.679 5.340 540.911 5.670 250.459 3.253
+180.157 497.326 5.262 540.409 5.700 249.704 3.045
+180.316 497.383 5.364 540.624 5.876 250.267 3.157
+180.474 497.503 5.284 540.776 5.734 250.512 3.100
+180.632 497.495 5.317 540.287 5.787 250.295 3.146
+180.790 497.584 5.219 540.642 5.733 250.092 3.001
+180.948 497.745 5.336 540.856 5.674 249.740 3.062
+181.106 497.957 5.392 540.358 5.720 250.407 3.146
+181.264 497.089 5.330 540.603 5.877 250.094 2.924
+181.422 497.150 5.313 540.996 5.589 249.050 2.997
+181.580 498.051 5.386 540.639 5.708 250.690 2.987
+181.738 497.940 5.312 541.236 5.830 249.956 3.090
+181.897 497.869 5.247 541.072 5.628 250.429 3.148
+182.054 498.158 5.360 540.720 5.698 250.424 2.906
+182.212 497.631 5.291 540.917 5.625 249.844 3.097
+182.371 497.196 5.418 540.319 5.711 249.778 3.203
+182.529 497.952 5.340 540.993 5.610 250.267 3.058
+182.687 497.999 5.308 540.580 5.769 250.552 3.051
+182.845 497.880 5.305 540.855 5.643 249.875 3.093
+183.003 498.748 5.419 541.278 5.662 249.778 3.047
+183.161 497.277 5.301 541.532 5.630 250.167 3.234
+183.319 497.272 5.276 540.555 5.748 249.881 3.142
+183.477 498.302 5.221 541.195 5.666 250.338 3.003
+183.635 496.983 5.281 540.462 5.656 250.183 3.131
+183.793 497.069 5.244 540.854 5.739 250.151 2.957
+183.951 497.810 5.338 540.108 5.844 249.791 3.305
+184.109 497.888 5.381 540.741 5.777 250.287 2.960
+184.267 497.628 5.281 540.257 5.757 250.472 3.074
+184.425 497.656 5.491 541.282 5.650 250.434 3.316
+184.583 498.096 5.512 540.912 5.795 250.104 3.416
+184.740 497.520 5.306 540.279 5.693 249.991 3.066
+184.899 497.275 5.276 540.802 5.835 251.069 3.230
+185.057 497.512 5.195 540.588 5.635 250.260 2.917
+185.215 497.505 5.520 540.956 5.738 249.452 3.321
+185.373 496.715 5.337 540.949 5.707 249.664 3.314
+185.531 498.007 5.273 540.789 5.730 250.406 3.196
+185.689 497.840 5.446 539.978 5.668 249.854 3.042
+185.847 497.658 5.240 540.879 5.638 250.218 3.293
+186.005 497.536 5.254 540.398 5.767 250.512 3.057
+186.164 497.245 5.397 540.814 5.657 249.705 3.221
+186.321 497.642 5.342 540.418 5.858 249.927 3.140
+186.480 497.246 5.376 540.584 5.684 249.339 3.003
+186.638 497.962 5.338 540.705 5.731 249.803 3.113
+186.796 497.579 5.293 540.357 5.667 250.548 3.226
+186.954 497.195 5.320 541.083 5.707 250.135 3.087
+187.112 497.102 5.304 540.070 5.722 250.091 3.009
+187.270 497.951 5.426 540.450 5.661 250.060 2.949
+187.428 497.579 5.315 540.174 5.771 251.040 3.178
+187.586 497.245 5.285 540.531 5.679 250.050 3.087
+187.744 497.402 5.339 540.055 5.648 250.470 3.105
+187.902 497.384 5.278 540.110 5.633 251.344 3.296
+188.060 497.693 5.285 540.581 5.741 250.403 3.126
+188.219 497.497 5.274 540.375 5.694 249.924 3.116
+188.377 497.605 5.179 540.603 5.734 250.129 3.267
+188.535 497.076 5.298 540.636 5.729 249.731 3.202
+188.693 497.210 5.335 540.436 5.709 250.417 3.031
+188.851 497.752 5.273 540.694 5.749 249.734 3.024
+189.010 497.607 5.314 540.886 5.739 250.017 3.047
+189.168 497.696 5.420 540.898 5.595 250.180 3.034
+189.326 497.757 5.284 540.709 5.757 250.541 3.026
+189.484 497.287 5.281 540.647 5.732 249.955 3.040
+189.642 497.252 5.156 540.466 5.668 250.439 3.124
+189.800 497.132 5.331 540.454 5.702 249.764 3.265
+189.958 497.341 5.282 540.444 5.632 250.237 3.005
+190.116 497.813 5.382 540.384 5.668 249.742 3.296
+190.274 497.798 5.331 540.733 5.673 249.667 3.289
+190.431 497.918 5.408 540.467 5.608 250.206 3.111
+190.589 497.429 5.446 540.944 5.637 250.452 3.272
+190.747 497.664 5.220 541.229 5.792 250.004 3.095
+190.905 497.896 5.370 541.312 5.723 250.630 3.000
+191.063 497.789 5.355 540.723 5.749 249.996 3.281
+191.221 498.107 5.324 540.467 5.622 250.140 3.043
+191.379 497.981 5.408 540.894 5.713 250.231 2.911
+191.538 497.119 5.257 541.079 5.670 250.272 3.032
+191.695 497.711 5.428 540.470 5.661 250.702 3.108
+191.853 497.627 5.359 541.024 5.718 250.357 3.077
+192.012 497.226 5.404 541.250 5.757 250.343 3.316
+192.169 498.112 5.394 541.432 5.667 250.023 3.123
+192.327 497.301 5.352 540.474 5.707 249.850 3.249
+192.485 497.713 5.320 541.074 5.640 250.698 3.364
+192.643 497.577 5.419 541.010 5.766 249.767 3.062
+192.801 497.885 5.412 540.880 5.642 249.897 3.078
+192.959 497.688 5.366 540.638 5.613 250.358 3.323
+193.117 497.616 5.327 540.516 5.828 250.863 3.209
+193.275 498.076 5.334 540.785 5.672 250.258 2.929
+193.433 497.590 5.233 540.687 5.634 250.242 2.982
+193.591 497.965 5.386 541.007 5.674 250.352 3.451
+193.748 497.079 5.393 540.780 5.762 250.123 3.150
+193.906 498.170 5.367 540.277 5.723 251.061 3.000
+194.064 497.651 5.353 540.672 5.616 250.360 3.226
+194.222 497.886 5.441 541.066 5.728 250.103 3.063
+194.381 497.588 5.383 540.650 5.615 249.981 2.990
+194.539 497.675 5.322 541.276 5.736 250.519 3.103
+194.697 497.416 5.347 540.702 5.648 249.125 2.978
+194.855 497.914 5.297 541.167 5.658 250.511 3.204
+195.013 497.859 5.455 541.121 5.752 250.165 3.108
+195.171 497.058 5.312 540.851 5.720 250.811 3.045
+195.329 497.060 5.250 540.868 5.685 249.968 3.240
+195.487 497.210 5.386 540.538 5.646 249.639 3.226
+195.645 497.402 5.331 540.715 5.719 250.106 3.257
+195.803 497.494 5.284 540.177 5.702 249.811 3.060
+195.961 496.574 5.419 541.101 5.657 250.408 3.040
+196.119 497.805 5.349 540.301 5.718 250.384 3.328
+196.277 497.538 5.441 540.683 5.726 250.193 3.108
+196.436 497.535 5.361 539.636 5.743 250.251 3.513
+196.593 497.075 5.503 540.726 5.829 250.852 3.112
+196.752 496.820 5.218 540.917 5.678 250.378 3.004
+196.910 496.908 5.338 540.859 5.664 250.773 3.079
+197.068 497.499 5.433 539.858 5.749 249.507 3.018
+197.226 496.855 5.215 541.328 5.593 250.755 2.979
+197.384 497.628 5.339 539.833 5.753 250.007 3.126
+197.543 497.096 5.290 540.268 5.777 250.110 3.037
+197.700 498.190 5.355 541.532 5.623 250.061 3.085
+197.858 497.361 5.369 540.555 5.604 250.210 3.091
+198.016 497.353 5.386 540.825 5.713 249.982 3.011
+198.175 497.303 5.230 540.398 5.784 249.769 2.991
+198.333 497.783 5.257 541.274 5.654 250.227 2.911
+198.491 497.977 5.306 541.002 5.649 249.852 3.044
+198.649 497.889 5.249 540.980 5.670 249.698 2.983
+198.807 498.028 5.243 541.229 5.682 250.007 2.902
+198.966 497.280 5.233 541.312 5.667 250.280 3.010
+199.123 497.462 5.297 541.093 5.679 249.802 2.955
+199.281 497.664 5.293 540.950 5.765 250.378 3.118
+199.439 497.826 5.289 541.569 5.723 249.703 3.067
+199.597 497.758 5.296 541.145 5.785 250.577 3.067
+199.755 497.747 5.384 541.051 5.710 250.515 3.041
+199.913 498.027 5.308 540.970 5.730 249.935 3.098
+200.071 497.460 5.264 540.339 5.597 250.429 3.113
+200.229 498.034 5.297 540.903 5.708 250.594 3.068
+200.388 498.050 5.284 541.299 5.820 250.555 2.923
+200.546 498.230 5.377 540.913 5.622 250.975 3.118
+200.704 498.002 5.200 541.529 5.779 250.389 3.241
+200.861 497.930 5.261 541.905 5.716 250.393 3.122
+201.019 497.399 5.285 542.079 5.833 249.823 3.044
+201.178 497.674 5.309 542.290 5.653 250.518 3.283
+201.335 498.106 5.213 542.283 5.682 250.505 3.088
+201.493 497.781 5.285 542.012 5.691 250.705 3.116
+201.651 497.607 5.256 542.420 5.730 250.437 3.103
+201.809 497.996 5.244 541.874 5.677 250.624 3.180
+201.967 498.209 5.456 542.208 5.740 250.346 3.094
+202.125 497.582 5.405 541.822 5.860 250.553 3.202
+202.283 497.475 5.227 542.438 5.665 250.965 3.256
+202.441 497.854 5.258 541.774 5.656 250.799 3.134
+202.600 498.538 5.237 542.727 5.727 250.648 3.154
+202.758 498.225 5.328 543.077 5.770 250.056 2.971
+202.916 498.492 5.410 542.680 5.730 250.290 3.085
+203.074 498.305 5.329 542.386 5.747 250.932 2.988
+203.232 498.243 5.355 542.313 5.746 250.499 3.134
+203.390 498.442 5.390 542.223 5.759 250.655 3.023
+203.548 498.194 5.315 542.692 5.744 250.906 3.013
+203.707 498.191 5.307 542.736 5.764 249.589 3.014
+203.865 497.341 5.350 541.877 5.834 250.695 2.981
+204.023 496.933 5.277 542.338 5.747 250.766 3.075
+204.181 497.619 5.390 541.983 5.702 249.957 3.052
+204.339 497.346 5.283 541.709 5.763 250.199 3.114
+204.498 498.043 5.388 542.817 5.715 250.352 3.024
+204.656 497.270 5.373 541.628 5.703 251.063 3.267
+204.814 497.282 5.314 541.866 5.708 250.540 2.944
+204.972 497.522 5.343 542.108 5.742 250.515 3.024
+205.130 497.655 5.330 541.691 5.685 250.375 3.204
+205.287 497.996 5.378 541.456 5.641 249.763 2.919
+205.446 498.110 5.371 542.824 5.737 250.557 3.012
+205.604 497.991 5.295 542.278 5.811 250.555 3.412
+205.762 497.839 5.412 543.022 5.622 250.045 3.047
+205.919 497.228 5.430 542.110 5.748 250.230 2.974
+206.077 497.532 5.328 542.041 5.732 250.592 3.222
+206.235 498.445 5.240 542.570 5.657 250.495 3.371
+206.392 497.864 5.352 541.985 5.774 250.694 3.374
+206.550 498.458 5.298 542.739 5.714 250.676 3.144
+206.708 497.974 5.401 543.177 5.688 250.346 3.264
+206.866 497.679 5.271 543.731 5.759 250.363 3.595
+207.024 497.566 5.292 544.377 5.683 250.693 3.358
+207.181 497.655 5.332 545.443 5.864 251.436 3.147
+207.339 497.636 5.436 546.894 5.782 250.594 3.233
+207.498 497.316 5.380 546.149 5.838 251.165 2.843
+207.656 497.573 5.343 546.621 5.741 250.501 3.196
+207.814 497.935 5.480 544.696 5.820 251.195 3.389
+207.972 496.989 5.378 546.067 5.869 251.341 3.238
+208.129 498.389 5.444 548.370 6.235 251.193 4.307
+208.287 498.133 5.562 547.283 5.884 250.611 3.919
+208.444 497.941 5.275 548.772 5.839 251.216 4.576
+208.602 497.679 5.231 548.137 5.743 251.132 3.160
+208.760 497.876 5.592 549.741 5.910 251.521 3.285
+208.918 498.158 5.375 547.817 5.810 251.405 3.800
+209.075 497.511 5.444 548.968 5.730 251.414 3.321
+209.233 497.765 5.434 548.339 5.776 251.114 3.190
+209.391 498.587 5.443 548.093 5.860 252.101 3.272
+209.549 497.925 5.520 550.140 5.935 250.791 3.508
+209.707 497.929 5.882 548.881 5.867 250.447 3.761
+209.865 498.439 5.453 549.588 5.934 251.074 3.292
+210.023 498.154 6.127 548.645 6.144 250.900 3.605
+210.181 498.381 5.728 549.846 5.940 251.349 3.667
+210.339 497.633 5.748 549.558 5.867 251.823 3.825
+210.497 497.816 5.329 549.615 5.845 251.178 3.256
+210.655 498.398 5.897 549.746 5.856 251.311 3.275
+210.813 498.094 5.978 549.647 5.804 250.853 4.161
+210.971 498.221 6.189 549.416 5.795 251.628 3.883
+211.129 497.962 6.216 549.734 5.957 251.056 3.072
+211.288 498.099 5.993 549.607 6.001 251.290 3.621
+211.446 499.031 6.148 550.096 5.809 251.482 3.636
+211.604 498.370 6.549 549.611 6.217 251.244 3.259
+211.762 498.893 5.484 550.026 5.837 250.972 3.893
+211.921 498.208 5.539 549.930 5.937 250.709 3.652
+212.078 498.392 5.607 549.749 5.908 251.797 3.457
+212.236 497.743 5.996 549.767 5.926 251.457 3.846
+212.394 497.937 5.661 549.527 5.956 251.174 3.436
+212.552 498.489 5.398 549.965 5.940 251.551 3.525
+212.710 498.604 5.519 549.559 5.919 251.995 3.340
+212.868 498.406 5.851 549.665 5.945 251.809 3.402
+213.026 497.684 5.694 550.156 6.164 252.368 3.499
+213.184 496.656 8.086 550.371 6.823 251.843 4.179
+213.340 497.346 6.915 550.333 6.432 251.368 3.548
+213.497 498.223 5.422 550.913 5.865 251.983 3.182
+213.656 497.722 6.106 550.479 6.233 250.769 3.624
+213.814 497.767 5.887 550.834 6.603 251.877 3.797
+213.971 498.337 5.446 550.818 6.355 251.458 3.906
+214.128 497.903 6.827 549.638 6.449 251.254 4.417
+214.286 497.639 6.885 549.796 6.204 251.662 3.492
+214.444 497.716 5.520 550.548 5.912 251.426 3.324
+214.602 498.597 5.611 549.765 5.902 250.764 3.077
+214.760 497.585 5.624 550.767 5.985 251.517 3.913
+214.918 497.735 5.938 550.367 6.322 252.015 3.255
+215.077 497.787 5.771 551.273 6.145 251.730 3.812
+215.235 498.207 5.967 550.752 6.070 251.767 3.150
+215.394 497.722 5.942 551.157 5.968 251.847 3.563
+215.551 497.917 5.523 551.061 6.120 251.098 3.567
+215.709 498.639 5.784 552.030 5.925 251.391 3.675
+215.867 499.016 5.432 551.510 5.988 251.453 3.343
+216.024 498.130 5.713 550.685 6.412 251.444 3.808
+216.182 498.431 5.486 551.336 6.434 252.324 3.877
+216.340 498.644 5.367 551.213 6.224 251.383 3.368
+216.497 497.456 5.317 550.852 6.033 252.183 3.328
+216.655 497.064 5.530 551.128 6.172 251.521 3.385
+216.812 498.400 5.703 551.071 6.395 251.845 3.485
+216.970 496.754 5.654 551.520 6.558 251.978 3.716
+217.129 497.587 5.507 550.925 5.919 251.899 3.302
+217.287 498.065 5.681 551.679 6.404 251.089 3.427
+217.446 497.810 5.410 551.806 6.200 252.160 3.612
+217.604 498.168 5.758 551.148 6.409 252.811 3.628
+217.761 497.971 5.643 551.471 6.263 251.758 3.623
+217.919 498.319 5.651 551.634 6.379 250.297 3.413
+218.076 497.753 6.040 551.746 6.325 251.012 3.626
+218.236 497.997 5.784 551.407 6.180 251.810 3.670
+218.394 498.040 5.725 552.064 6.250 251.378 3.490
+218.552 498.030 5.404 551.040 6.420 251.643 3.764
+218.710 498.010 5.549 551.630 5.905 251.666 3.385
+218.868 497.710 5.626 551.836 6.524 250.676 3.609
+219.025 498.077 5.551 552.088 6.366 252.566 3.744
+219.183 498.270 5.707 551.950 6.089 252.155 3.300
+219.341 499.332 5.482 551.819 6.544 251.071 3.550
+219.499 498.533 5.435 552.068 6.465 250.960 4.241
+219.656 498.505 5.550 551.250 6.287 252.299 3.524
+219.814 498.845 5.638 551.042 5.974 251.713 3.577
+219.971 497.998 5.622 551.660 6.017 250.367 3.572
+220.130 498.300 5.462 551.656 6.134 251.423 3.271
+220.288 497.993 5.526 551.296 6.248 252.184 3.162
+220.446 497.749 6.082 551.633 5.989 252.691 3.657
+220.604 497.857 5.497 551.386 6.329 251.346 3.025
+220.762 498.348 5.500 551.873 6.317 252.253 3.626
+220.921 497.713 5.636 552.018 6.206 252.102 3.365
+221.079 497.647 5.581 551.850 6.507 251.811 3.802
+221.237 498.156 5.923 552.458 6.200 251.498 3.420
+221.394 498.181 5.828 551.664 6.406 251.435 4.049
+221.552 497.731 5.457 551.476 6.504 251.944 3.661
+221.710 498.737 5.388 551.934 6.141 251.669 3.437
+221.868 498.267 5.507 551.979 6.277 250.796 3.546
+222.026 498.242 5.542 551.629 6.124 251.937 3.431
+222.184 498.172 5.325 551.736 5.870 251.569 2.999
+222.342 498.091 5.572 552.237 6.102 252.185 3.254
+222.500 498.600 5.404 552.772 6.030 251.621 3.251
+222.658 498.176 5.423 552.137 5.885 252.106 3.404
+222.816 497.221 5.424 552.921 6.294 250.951 3.114
+222.975 498.312 5.550 552.299 5.894 251.569 3.483
+223.133 499.303 5.636 551.763 6.037 251.365 3.509
+223.290 498.203 5.489 551.737 6.116 252.113 3.190
+223.449 499.152 5.558 551.557 5.877 252.161 3.371
+223.606 498.531 5.600 552.155 6.293 252.331 3.116
+223.764 497.875 5.452 551.551 6.082 251.643 3.303
+223.922 498.168 5.329 552.225 6.264 251.816 3.165
+224.081 497.391 5.511 551.632 6.131 251.728 4.092
+224.239 498.153 5.746 552.586 6.402 251.617 4.441
+224.397 498.091 5.735 551.765 6.431 251.806 3.161
+224.555 497.980 5.467 551.917 6.106 251.428 3.580
+224.713 498.919 5.693 553.069 6.157 251.914 3.757
+224.872 499.279 5.756 552.750 7.012 251.569 3.807
+225.029 498.552 5.543 552.427 6.266 250.715 3.353
+225.188 498.405 5.488 552.214 6.082 251.647 3.508
+225.346 497.774 5.579 552.042 6.117 252.506 3.347
+225.504 497.507 5.326 552.480 6.368 251.895 3.302
+225.662 497.815 5.446 552.634 6.049 252.188 3.456
+225.820 498.998 5.571 552.046 6.342 251.571 3.808
+225.978 498.280 5.530 552.370 6.051 251.555 3.485
+226.136 498.232 5.399 552.063 6.086 251.535 3.272
+226.294 497.922 5.587 552.060 6.007 251.315 3.406
+226.453 498.969 5.625 552.040 6.127 252.213 3.332
+226.611 497.629 5.629 551.910 6.295 251.292 3.632
+226.769 498.206 5.325 552.179 5.965 251.352 3.028
+226.927 497.682 5.566 552.291 6.169 251.993 3.595
+227.085 497.816 5.506 552.312 6.565 252.559 3.559
+227.243 498.308 5.600 552.783 6.251 252.305 3.041
+227.402 498.273 5.562 551.717 6.199 251.993 3.500
+227.560 498.002 5.689 551.917 6.152 251.059 3.289
+227.718 497.620 5.463 551.539 6.335 251.800 3.508
+227.876 498.756 5.504 551.645 6.131 252.128 3.355
+228.034 497.777 5.651 551.916 6.588 251.481 3.503
+228.192 497.587 5.880 552.449 5.973 251.234 3.338
+228.350 497.945 5.627 552.434 6.013 252.372 3.419
+228.508 498.039 5.545 552.384 6.034 251.943 3.186
+228.666 498.460 5.430 551.443 6.328 251.779 3.221
+228.825 497.764 5.592 551.574 6.098 251.567 3.691
+228.982 497.897 5.609 551.355 6.826 251.165 3.167
+229.140 498.239 5.363 552.323 6.075 252.011 3.402
+229.298 498.072 5.600 551.033 6.128 251.900 3.121
+229.456 497.460 5.535 550.740 5.890 251.999 3.221
+229.615 497.554 5.828 552.437 6.207 252.450 3.230
+229.773 496.945 5.477 551.924 5.871 251.844 3.822
+229.931 498.159 5.435 551.099 6.007 251.938 3.539
+230.088 498.061 5.421 551.101 6.116 252.069 3.158
+230.247 497.750 5.730 551.451 6.081 251.430 3.692
+230.405 497.897 5.682 551.334 5.984 251.054 3.374
+230.563 497.899 5.924 551.043 6.211 251.870 3.437
+230.721 498.869 5.539 551.190 6.269 251.208 3.370
+230.879 498.468 5.675 550.811 6.009 252.112 3.306
+231.037 498.024 5.552 549.998 6.266 251.491 3.216
+231.196 497.950 5.654 550.550 6.292 251.614 3.300
+231.353 498.319 5.370 550.495 6.406 250.556 3.592
+231.511 497.443 5.511 551.014 6.004 251.785 3.414
+231.669 497.774 5.499 550.610 6.388 250.627 3.349
+231.826 498.277 5.545 550.976 6.081 252.086 3.231
+231.984 497.982 5.673 550.519 6.094 251.440 3.748
+232.142 498.189 5.596 550.935 6.035 252.254 3.497
+232.300 497.491 5.757 550.979 6.138 250.922 3.298
+232.459 498.424 5.431 551.139 5.984 252.839 3.068
+232.617 497.914 5.446 551.271 5.946 251.058 3.977
+232.775 497.809 5.673 551.942 5.880 253.290 3.297
+232.933 497.868 5.849 551.499 6.046 252.142 3.537
+233.091 499.138 5.671 550.985 6.091 251.881 3.581
+233.249 498.061 5.513 551.689 6.266 250.578 3.720
+233.406 498.570 5.595 550.916 6.139 250.965 3.421
+233.565 498.185 5.615 550.749 6.032 252.539 3.141
+233.723 497.671 5.520 550.837 5.905 251.405 3.262
+233.881 498.786 5.741 550.178 6.348 251.674 3.236
+234.039 497.737 5.550 551.641 5.835 251.686 3.890
+234.197 497.297 5.438 550.896 6.002 251.466 3.298
+234.355 497.733 5.747 550.409 5.931 251.634 3.147
+234.514 498.017 5.629 550.904 5.972 252.086 3.114
+234.672 498.730 5.650 550.729 5.883 250.830 3.430
+234.830 498.077 5.787 551.007 6.081 251.548 3.368
+234.988 498.500 5.900 550.290 6.096 250.825 3.283
+235.146 498.355 5.486 550.962 6.086 251.068 3.316
+235.304 497.533 5.697 550.939 6.034 251.320 3.364
+235.462 497.975 5.375 550.469 6.103 251.483 3.175
+235.621 496.999 6.209 551.304 6.662 249.784 3.911
+235.779 498.240 5.638 550.323 6.055 252.277 3.327
+235.936 498.612 5.820 551.493 5.959 251.072 3.318
+236.094 497.106 5.455 551.084 5.909 251.520 3.574
+236.251 497.551 5.467 550.080 5.989 251.865 3.662
+236.409 498.615 5.546 550.610 6.139 252.108 3.805
+236.567 498.296 5.660 550.696 5.985 249.781 3.241
+236.725 499.213 5.532 550.017 5.968 250.167 3.492
+236.883 499.342 5.705 550.900 5.905 249.861 3.353
+237.041 499.203 5.755 550.809 6.029 251.118 3.594
+237.198 498.862 5.709 549.838 6.217 251.151 3.627
+237.357 498.228 5.424 551.518 6.128 250.271 3.303
+237.514 497.072 5.815 551.495 6.044 252.002 2.985
+237.673 498.190 5.858 550.644 6.035 252.210 3.287
+237.831 497.811 5.639 552.866 5.881 252.262 3.809
+237.989 496.768 5.923 551.288 6.010 250.062 5.474
+238.146 497.467 5.920 551.192 6.135 251.830 3.410
+238.304 498.424 5.868 552.032 6.134 251.848 3.712
+238.462 497.904 5.772 552.230 6.219 250.788 3.438
+238.621 497.889 5.581 551.302 6.020 249.617 4.038
+238.778 497.918 5.596 551.963 5.961 251.166 4.075
+238.936 497.529 5.649 552.259 5.839 252.251 3.852
+239.093 496.755 5.589 551.542 6.034 250.822 3.918
+239.251 494.627 5.591 551.575 6.514 251.138 3.858
+239.409 494.526 6.174 552.755 6.239 254.831 4.057
+239.567 495.215 5.908 553.027 6.088 251.868 3.442
+239.725 494.212 6.146 551.840 6.196 252.978 4.736
+239.883 495.252 6.539 552.828 6.117 253.909 3.602
+240.041 494.322 5.985 552.618 6.035 250.149 4.299
+240.198 494.163 5.577 551.416 6.036 253.551 3.450
+240.356 495.361 5.644 551.024 6.056 252.295 3.494
+240.514 494.493 5.824 551.900 5.880 251.282 3.620
+240.672 494.534 6.271 551.309 6.056 249.552 4.491
+240.829 495.365 6.264 550.433 6.143 252.695 3.790
+240.987 493.593 5.627 551.224 6.136 252.646 3.961
+241.145 492.975 5.713 552.532 6.089 252.366 3.911
+241.303 492.179 6.158 550.805 6.114 252.783 3.723
+241.461 493.081 5.887 549.958 6.190 250.487 3.556
+241.618 493.650 5.815 550.989 5.859 252.834 3.722
+241.776 493.386 5.522 550.399 6.349 252.628 4.427
+241.934 492.983 5.728 550.894 6.090 248.986 3.235
+242.093 494.829 5.719 551.079 6.007 250.739 3.634
+242.250 494.868 5.810 551.140 6.107 252.277 3.636
+242.408 494.188 5.352 550.301 5.970 252.272 3.721
+242.566 493.791 5.521 550.133 6.194 251.972 3.366
+242.724 494.827 6.229 551.851 5.964 248.619 3.585
+242.882 496.118 5.998 551.348 5.991 252.176 3.454
+243.040 495.951 5.916 551.003 6.050 253.441 4.304
+243.198 494.269 5.898 550.300 6.096 251.594 3.184
+243.356 493.312 5.858 550.693 6.159 252.235 3.145
+243.514 494.953 5.629 551.376 6.225 252.722 4.226
+243.672 492.959 5.913 550.513 6.109 251.247 5.088
+243.830 495.959 5.824 549.805 6.067 250.802 4.424
+243.988 495.839 5.894 550.058 6.082 250.748 3.598
+244.145 495.028 5.883 550.340 6.178 253.457 3.809
+244.304 495.350 5.530 549.373 6.031 252.374 4.059
+244.461 494.863 5.880 551.983 6.150 249.353 3.683
+244.619 494.288 5.541 548.389 6.074 253.273 4.601
+244.777 494.282 5.553 550.223 6.066 251.162 3.584
+244.935 493.512 6.249 549.422 6.211 252.071 4.906
+245.093 494.645 6.125 549.594 6.233 252.270 4.137
+245.251 493.336 5.819 550.446 6.715 250.782 6.469
+245.409 493.963 6.683 549.174 6.494 252.537 4.965
+245.567 494.429 6.207 550.741 6.192 253.535 3.287
+245.725 495.344 5.692 550.967 6.196 252.355 3.306
+245.883 495.963 5.764 550.419 6.319 249.143 3.564
+246.041 496.639 5.733 550.344 5.874 252.091 3.482
+246.199 496.466 5.631 549.503 6.226 253.630 3.596
+246.357 496.294 5.509 548.935 5.991 250.196 3.501
+246.515 495.713 5.480 549.849 6.267 252.332 3.784
+246.673 494.897 5.767 549.668 5.908 253.873 3.445
+246.832 495.399 6.064 550.216 5.969 251.338 3.731
+246.990 496.784 5.902 550.222 6.041 250.143 3.485
+247.148 496.737 5.820 550.792 5.812 252.551 3.728
+247.306 498.937 6.035 550.218 6.234 253.235 4.345
+247.464 493.399 5.976 550.642 5.991 243.282 4.573
+247.621 499.754 5.693 550.216 6.753 249.832 4.064
+247.780 503.787 6.013 551.622 6.696 258.868 4.378
+247.938 500.727 6.743 552.046 7.185 250.238 6.632
+248.096 496.997 8.685 552.310 6.785 248.282 6.514
+248.254 498.500 7.947 550.073 9.379 259.972 8.510
+248.411 498.655 7.536 550.280 8.266 255.189 4.532
+248.568 495.636 7.276 550.322 8.351 245.431 4.880
+248.725 500.016 6.077 551.203 6.725 250.964 3.396
+248.883 498.710 5.731 550.862 5.987 261.589 5.106
+249.042 497.237 8.802 548.988 6.486 254.375 6.078
+249.200 498.942 6.709 552.159 6.334 246.753 6.590
+249.357 502.339 6.195 550.861 7.133 256.587 4.791
+249.515 498.883 6.744 550.498 8.727 248.685 5.741
+249.673 496.188 6.632 551.465 6.482 248.616 5.464
+249.831 502.911 6.323 550.234 6.057 258.426 3.812
+249.990 498.929 5.723 551.562 6.374 249.154 4.363
+250.147 494.289 5.751 551.175 6.250 246.551 3.496
+250.305 495.712 6.269 550.921 6.373 254.265 3.489
+250.464 504.487 6.471 550.799 6.581 256.762 4.156
+250.623 494.274 5.952 551.858 7.668 249.107 5.032
+250.780 495.112 6.953 551.618 6.202 247.751 3.949
+250.938 506.141 6.478 550.616 5.924 255.887 4.125
+251.097 504.011 6.468 553.716 7.783 250.888 5.684
+251.254 499.110 6.960 551.767 6.207 245.528 4.036
+251.412 506.641 6.033 550.337 7.726 256.345 4.840
+251.570 497.706 7.292 550.443 6.048 257.473 3.640
+251.728 492.107 6.277 551.904 6.054 245.164 3.336
+251.886 497.801 5.568 551.779 6.330 249.051 3.631
+252.045 496.668 6.313 548.367 6.436 258.420 3.661
+252.204 497.526 5.581 549.773 6.703 253.384 3.854
+252.361 498.295 7.711 551.757 9.063 244.053 6.876
+252.518 499.532 9.558 550.567 9.063 244.490 8.718
+252.674 498.665 7.203 552.125 8.078 247.564 4.669
+252.832 495.356 6.910 551.571 6.602 250.805 3.879
+252.989 497.023 6.028 550.025 6.872 251.458 4.312
+253.147 499.130 6.826 553.100 6.537 251.954 3.971
+253.304 495.511 7.846 550.661 7.434 255.149 5.424
+253.461 497.755 6.027 552.176 6.203 249.451 3.984
+253.619 498.327 5.791 551.871 6.693 251.324 4.682
+253.777 498.623 5.611 550.528 7.150 254.353 3.582
+253.935 497.376 5.555 552.165 6.439 252.183 4.195
+254.092 496.773 5.594 550.401 6.823 248.981 3.697
+254.251 500.257 6.119 551.704 5.862 250.649 3.915
+254.409 501.602 6.298 552.507 6.161 250.126 3.399
+254.567 499.656 5.795 551.655 6.584 247.711 3.929
+254.725 497.826 5.760 550.716 6.127 251.107 3.502
+254.882 497.138 5.601 552.547 5.933 251.751 3.587
+255.040 496.741 5.449 552.095 6.134 253.567 3.406
+255.198 495.707 6.013 551.971 6.027 251.665 3.069
+255.356 496.207 5.700 552.219 5.887 248.026 3.308
+255.514 497.252 5.472 552.412 6.284 247.570 4.071
+255.672 498.622 6.716 552.634 6.057 248.485 6.445
+255.829 498.366 5.912 551.336 7.254 252.284 3.976
+255.987 500.513 6.259 550.853 5.980 254.212 3.492
+256.145 498.675 5.611 551.868 5.849 250.312 3.924
+256.302 496.716 5.669 552.258 6.247 247.333 3.371
+256.460 495.857 5.818 550.792 6.082 251.413 3.703
+256.619 498.008 5.815 550.548 6.455 253.564 3.899
+256.776 497.250 5.787 551.145 5.963 253.265 3.561
+256.933 496.302 6.017 549.741 5.868 249.952 3.420
+257.092 498.113 5.959 549.127 5.873 252.419 3.690
+257.250 495.481 5.549 550.851 6.185 251.674 3.504
+257.408 496.144 5.720 550.968 6.152 251.436 3.347
+257.566 499.821 5.642 550.269 6.396 255.714 3.674
+257.724 501.278 5.934 550.512 6.124 252.517 4.113
+257.881 494.892 6.534 550.655 6.446 244.125 4.204
+258.039 506.508 7.536 549.826 7.138 251.261 6.166
+258.196 491.065 8.249 552.298 7.903 252.132 9.071
+258.352 496.950 7.654 549.723 7.775 249.141 9.358
+258.509 497.559 9.894 551.147 6.654 254.241 6.137
+258.666 498.165 6.668 551.351 7.073 253.272 3.813
+258.823 495.431 6.320 551.273 6.219 245.792 3.907
+258.981 499.544 7.358 549.342 7.541 248.787 5.542
+259.139 493.205 7.457 551.243 6.921 245.177 8.322
+259.297 501.072 6.313 549.682 6.716 254.221 4.544
+259.454 494.940 5.952 548.886 6.447 251.182 5.794
+259.612 497.519 8.252 547.198 7.026 254.681 7.681
+259.769 495.465 7.709 550.362 6.574 249.456 5.229
+259.926 499.614 6.374 548.643 7.250 252.804 4.095
+260.083 502.516 6.924 550.016 6.312 251.688 3.876
+260.241 491.275 6.224 549.190 6.013 246.086 5.224
+260.399 500.622 5.933 548.891 6.264 255.570 3.613
+260.558 497.106 5.752 548.598 6.431 256.305 4.995
+260.715 491.811 6.290 549.606 6.115 246.733 4.515
+260.873 500.488 7.445 545.946 6.134 254.507 3.930
+261.031 496.694 6.064 551.739 6.037 246.585 4.677
+261.188 502.206 6.050 546.857 7.838 247.495 5.781
+261.346 503.652 6.311 547.248 6.877 257.964 5.830
+261.504 493.486 7.019 548.442 6.475 244.169 4.851
+261.661 502.054 6.751 548.684 7.611 250.851 7.105
+261.818 503.790 7.993 548.656 6.944 247.608 6.434
+261.976 499.977 5.621 548.716 6.791 254.166 4.176
+262.133 500.649 5.683 546.897 6.518 249.801 4.493
+262.291 493.956 6.419 548.989 6.702 245.708 4.055
+262.449 500.579 6.827 547.309 6.580 249.867 4.643
+262.605 498.925 6.521 546.613 6.458 248.948 5.064
+262.763 496.259 6.969 547.156 6.312 247.379 7.954
+262.920 502.092 6.546 547.091 6.246 252.243 4.588
+263.077 501.910 5.776 548.501 6.185 250.162 4.163
+263.235 499.819 5.735 547.505 6.018 248.501 2.959
+263.393 498.768 5.386 546.515 6.049 251.165 4.655
+263.551 498.157 5.654 547.925 5.974 251.651 4.484
+263.708 496.631 5.577 546.989 6.317 249.556 3.626
+263.867 497.316 5.561 547.809 5.815 250.575 3.847
+264.025 500.753 5.918 544.578 6.082 257.395 3.646
+264.184 498.407 5.910 546.345 6.202 252.473 3.434
+264.342 500.894 5.482 545.433 6.224 246.704 4.176
+264.499 503.208 5.940 546.134 6.147 245.847 4.679
+264.657 500.802 5.690 547.371 6.101 250.128 4.167
+264.816 500.428 5.666 547.113 5.974 253.931 4.173
+264.973 497.534 5.577 544.831 5.841 252.829 3.695
+265.131 497.445 5.796 544.688 6.192 249.298 3.721
+265.289 498.334 5.665 544.296 6.405 249.392 5.271
+265.446 498.293 5.675 544.313 6.248 250.183 4.206
+265.604 499.742 5.804 546.583 6.027 249.381 5.261
+265.762 499.787 5.868 544.935 6.219 248.923 4.384
+265.920 501.647 6.928 543.429 7.666 251.549 8.082
+266.077 498.686 6.744 545.984 6.069 247.865 3.548
+266.235 500.116 5.716 545.289 6.153 250.468 5.145
+266.392 499.981 5.788 545.182 6.383 249.884 3.766
+266.551 499.169 6.135 545.411 5.872 251.008 3.579
+266.709 498.931 5.542 545.154 6.164 252.880 5.209
+266.867 499.859 5.501 544.411 6.061 250.608 4.901
+267.025 499.228 5.858 543.804 6.015 252.186 4.303
+267.183 499.882 5.902 544.758 6.498 248.901 5.505
+267.341 500.688 6.049 544.507 5.896 248.299 3.689
+267.499 499.726 6.027 544.265 6.009 246.573 4.827
+267.656 500.917 7.144 543.212 5.844 251.225 5.762
+267.814 501.979 6.440 542.902 5.929 253.412 4.427
+267.972 501.139 6.025 543.189 6.079 252.584 3.745
+268.130 498.401 7.243 543.661 5.946 246.695 5.416
+268.287 501.134 6.023 544.976 6.185 247.967 3.593
+268.446 500.331 5.575 543.689 5.991 250.709 3.415
+268.604 499.193 5.755 542.576 6.018 253.397 3.975
+268.761 499.611 6.027 543.625 6.185 250.203 3.447
+268.920 500.806 6.144 544.096 6.286 248.652 4.613
+269.077 499.758 5.395 543.541 5.897 250.646 3.437
+269.235 499.137 6.351 543.205 6.046 250.486 3.655
+269.393 499.771 6.172 543.132 6.233 247.584 4.111
+269.550 499.107 5.542 543.031 6.153 250.625 3.635
+269.708 500.371 5.889 544.130 6.090 252.066 4.407
+269.866 498.353 6.074 543.641 6.103 248.830 4.067
+270.023 501.183 5.624 543.326 6.139 249.678 3.603
+270.181 500.511 6.194 542.963 5.889 249.136 4.126
+270.339 501.605 5.821 544.579 5.729 248.851 3.552
+270.497 501.466 5.657 544.395 6.010 250.348 3.537
+270.655 499.484 5.768 545.494 5.990 250.403 4.069
+270.813 501.604 5.982 544.524 6.248 250.064 5.176
+270.970 501.016 5.912 542.515 6.061 252.550 4.027
+271.127 499.670 6.202 542.895 6.059 249.595 4.125
+271.285 500.276 6.126 544.009 6.193 251.625 3.739
+271.443 501.832 5.669 543.670 6.194 248.776 4.027
+271.601 500.218 5.750 543.946 6.181 249.167 3.482
+271.759 500.012 5.766 542.969 6.231 250.271 3.995
+271.917 500.960 6.720 544.039 6.018 246.802 4.888
+272.074 499.749 7.058 542.630 6.500 249.598 6.772
+272.232 499.477 7.621 541.826 6.030 254.556 4.581
+272.389 501.094 7.252 543.228 6.582 250.875 4.305
+272.546 499.381 5.737 543.242 5.904 249.568 4.162
+272.704 498.193 5.798 543.602 6.019 246.725 6.614
+272.862 502.401 6.346 543.036 6.475 247.727 8.374
+273.019 500.164 5.808 542.890 6.440 253.797 4.424
+273.177 500.261 7.401 544.978 6.148 256.167 4.401
+273.336 496.732 6.895 543.789 6.414 253.841 8.581
+273.493 498.347 7.142 545.458 6.276 247.128 5.468
+273.650 498.213 7.019 543.714 6.386 250.141 4.269
+273.808 498.432 6.117 544.037 6.401 253.161 4.000
+273.966 496.744 5.846 543.390 5.725 253.221 6.171
+274.124 496.307 5.517 543.833 5.819 248.612 3.453
+274.281 498.463 6.082 544.968 6.063 248.696 3.421
+274.440 497.364 5.567 543.439 6.178 251.026 3.866
+274.598 498.923 5.855 544.084 5.871 251.490 3.127
+274.756 499.289 5.605 543.000 5.958 249.594 4.069
+274.913 499.462 5.914 544.100 6.251 249.885 3.779
+275.071 496.764 5.651 542.741 6.178 249.418 5.502
+275.229 498.117 5.757 544.237 6.137 252.254 3.666
+275.387 498.351 5.755 542.582 5.883 251.652 4.291
+275.544 496.593 5.730 543.255 6.460 252.526 3.481
+275.702 497.165 5.883 543.252 6.140 249.305 4.145
+275.860 499.601 5.523 543.422 6.018 249.743 4.499
+276.017 497.646 5.848 543.544 5.867 250.017 3.510
+276.175 500.176 5.596 543.155 6.098 250.200 3.839
+276.333 498.831 6.382 543.571 6.381 247.692 3.477
+276.491 497.148 5.489 542.365 6.226 249.966 3.225
+276.649 499.851 5.775 543.933 5.899 250.349 4.105
+276.807 497.808 5.700 543.589 5.802 248.203 4.538
+276.965 499.428 5.755 542.216 5.985 252.852 3.933
+277.122 498.084 5.555 543.122 5.888 249.288 5.075
+277.280 496.340 6.359 542.331 6.169 252.962 5.335
+277.438 496.363 6.260 542.443 7.110 252.379 9.805
+277.595 500.033 5.971 543.104 6.064 250.873 5.832
+277.753 499.050 5.557 543.361 6.023 249.348 4.053
+277.910 498.150 5.549 542.133 6.204 249.373 4.207
+278.068 497.351 5.678 542.961 6.089 248.553 3.540
+278.226 498.623 6.598 543.129 5.940 251.335 5.648
+278.384 499.956 5.698 542.721 5.985 251.523 7.346
+278.541 496.499 5.960 543.597 5.971 242.105 3.548
+278.699 497.125 6.148 541.806 6.123 252.641 5.811
+278.857 498.691 5.670 542.288 5.960 252.516 3.943
+279.015 500.216 6.458 542.282 6.248 254.575 5.455
+279.173 498.382 6.268 542.502 6.739 246.735 4.801
+279.332 501.223 6.198 543.165 6.955 252.607 5.260
+279.490 500.402 10.187 541.951 6.901 255.476 7.382
+279.646 497.944 6.112 542.429 7.183 245.904 9.343
+279.803 495.989 6.143 541.564 6.324 245.449 4.328
+279.962 501.509 6.050 543.435 6.165 254.884 3.827
+280.120 498.595 6.890 543.524 6.327 252.708 4.803
+280.277 499.065 6.317 541.515 7.170 242.327 4.285
+280.435 501.640 8.105 541.165 6.320 255.933 8.099
+280.592 496.246 6.174 542.581 6.104 251.169 4.644
+280.749 499.022 6.387 542.535 7.393 250.211 4.801
+280.907 499.620 7.066 544.335 6.239 249.642 4.273
+281.065 495.446 6.165 542.413 7.031 251.076 4.764
+281.223 505.144 8.512 542.244 9.327 254.200 6.951
+281.380 495.501 7.556 544.602 6.223 242.032 6.160
+281.537 498.035 6.645 543.836 6.613 243.870 6.598
+281.694 497.400 6.244 541.208 6.634 257.578 4.860
+281.853 495.284 5.716 543.502 7.013 247.415 4.697
+282.011 495.402 6.768 542.335 6.024 253.214 4.706
+282.168 496.844 6.468 542.403 8.451 248.142 4.828
+282.325 499.148 10.312 542.794 7.911 250.351 7.393
+282.483 497.871 9.059 543.258 8.213 251.443 6.094
+282.639 495.728 7.289 543.392 8.240 249.884 5.601
+282.797 500.957 6.100 541.653 6.248 251.318 3.623
+282.955 497.269 6.083 543.986 6.030 247.703 4.138
+283.114 497.072 6.344 541.579 7.073 252.777 5.233
+283.272 496.960 6.175 543.825 6.247 250.547 3.465
+283.431 500.079 5.859 544.018 6.327 250.105 4.433
+283.590 498.220 6.008 541.430 6.409 251.751 4.147
+283.747 500.822 5.758 545.724 7.668 250.567 5.271
+283.906 492.928 6.569 543.447 6.044 251.165 6.967
+284.063 498.439 6.048 545.134 6.736 252.221 3.705
+284.221 500.114 5.390 542.531 5.814 248.682 3.492
+284.378 493.711 5.658 542.705 5.924 250.426 3.555
+284.536 498.917 5.859 542.427 6.004 256.074 3.452
+284.695 498.199 5.887 543.204 6.159 247.340 4.058
+284.852 499.682 5.728 542.892 5.803 247.813 4.538
+285.010 498.016 6.012 542.589 5.869 249.588 3.591
+285.169 497.430 5.682 543.015 6.020 249.245 3.700
+285.327 498.144 5.718 541.020 5.859 255.172 4.222
+285.484 497.011 5.760 543.630 5.796 249.211 4.511
+285.642 499.330 5.615 543.586 5.827 248.822 3.913
+285.800 497.363 5.841 542.745 6.087 250.058 3.091
+285.958 497.503 5.596 541.887 6.511 249.490 3.677
+286.116 497.955 6.025 541.208 5.881 251.834 4.231
+286.274 498.159 5.508 542.222 6.068 251.548 4.477
+286.432 497.751 5.888 542.592 5.954 248.895 5.099
+286.589 497.847 6.527 541.595 6.161 249.298 4.980
+286.747 499.248 5.715 541.316 6.261 250.913 4.009
+286.904 497.942 5.722 542.803 6.261 252.209 3.672
+287.063 498.639 5.824 543.118 6.044 251.022 5.677
+287.220 497.956 5.525 542.681 5.814 247.350 3.224
+287.378 497.129 5.681 542.696 5.962 247.603 3.562
+287.537 498.831 5.986 541.697 5.896 253.816 3.724
+287.695 497.958 6.149 542.237 5.889 250.568 3.751
+287.853 497.729 5.713 543.122 6.015 249.075 5.026
+288.011 497.927 5.548 543.541 6.016 249.610 4.102
+288.169 500.009 5.481 542.325 6.151 250.336 4.420
+288.327 498.980 6.195 542.113 6.081 252.073 3.629
+288.485 499.829 5.460 542.281 5.845 250.870 5.822
+288.642 498.428 6.023 541.412 6.143 246.638 4.450
+288.800 498.364 6.201 542.994 5.854 249.116 3.822
+288.958 499.383 6.062 542.800 6.016 251.081 5.064
+289.116 498.883 6.042 541.728 5.996 252.030 3.635
+289.274 498.608 5.774 542.277 5.841 251.180 4.558
+289.432 498.586 5.664 543.452 6.164 245.411 3.931
+289.589 497.785 5.555 543.284 6.016 248.224 5.057
+289.747 498.317 6.277 542.162 6.152 252.662 4.316
+289.905 498.443 6.262 542.641 6.589 251.056 5.871
+290.064 498.974 6.021 542.886 6.065 248.960 4.966
+290.223 498.179 5.743 542.358 5.815 247.759 4.920
+290.380 498.291 5.893 542.333 5.974 249.797 4.453
+290.537 498.332 6.287 541.243 5.912 252.748 3.737
+290.695 497.923 6.272 542.362 6.206 249.917 5.431
+290.853 499.579 5.937 543.093 5.799 249.879 4.120
+291.010 497.375 5.691 543.501 5.808 248.818 3.304
+291.167 498.633 5.591 542.615 5.978 247.368 4.476
+291.325 497.596 5.589 541.406 5.889 251.203 4.679
+291.482 498.435 5.537 541.404 6.125 253.292 3.313
+291.640 497.864 5.470 541.094 5.879 249.292 4.408
+291.798 497.198 5.876 543.151 5.967 249.382 3.956
+291.955 497.892 5.702 542.771 6.122 250.063 3.782
+292.114 499.608 5.568 541.757 5.951 252.330 3.460
+292.271 499.216 5.912 541.997 5.920 250.733 3.103
+292.430 499.322 6.020 542.640 5.870 249.047 4.093
+292.587 498.683 5.753 543.276 5.918 250.310 4.011
+292.744 497.816 5.960 542.282 5.981 252.453 3.681
+292.902 498.768 5.913 541.992 5.981 248.194 3.793
+293.061 499.817 5.508 541.889 5.800 251.001 3.620
+293.218 498.768 5.882 541.608 5.818 251.870 3.675
+293.376 498.887 5.972 541.936 5.884 246.908 4.760
+293.534 498.788 5.548 542.679 6.064 248.049 3.849
+293.692 498.657 5.574 541.886 5.909 250.640 3.863
+293.849 498.176 5.716 541.998 5.928 253.536 3.620
+294.007 498.281 5.659 542.640 5.864 251.535 4.045
+294.165 498.952 5.861 540.766 5.916 247.165 3.357
+294.323 499.169 5.546 542.517 5.976 248.551 3.150
+294.481 497.811 5.777 542.745 6.034 251.965 4.306
+294.639 497.568 5.968 541.617 5.947 251.659 3.978
+294.797 498.295 6.206 542.686 5.821 249.536 3.817
+294.954 499.312 6.199 543.106 6.025 249.855 3.770
+295.112 498.353 6.096 543.151 6.033 249.708 4.274
+295.270 498.553 5.946 543.001 6.058 250.697 5.705
+295.428 498.655 5.768 542.160 6.096 248.146 4.509
+295.586 498.236 5.500 543.401 6.050 249.681 3.977
+295.744 497.752 5.625 542.524 6.166 249.926 3.334
+295.902 497.567 6.001 541.365 5.928 253.629 3.641
+296.060 498.385 5.834 541.333 6.100 250.746 3.524
+296.218 497.003 5.866 541.443 6.213 250.107 3.476
+296.377 499.310 5.860 543.114 5.869 246.661 4.932
+296.534 500.613 6.472 542.991 6.185 252.366 4.417
+296.693 499.666 5.879 541.489 5.856 250.043 4.083
+296.850 499.146 5.832 541.844 6.490 250.540 5.625
+297.008 498.561 6.969 542.858 6.567 247.155 4.808
+297.165 498.055 7.051 542.568 6.078 248.511 3.978
+297.323 497.700 6.032 541.905 6.280 249.745 4.639
+297.480 499.617 5.690 541.449 6.180 254.057 3.650
+297.639 497.636 5.944 543.574 5.918 250.390 4.831
+297.797 498.676 5.780 542.955 5.902 249.983 4.088
+297.955 499.346 5.839 542.299 6.282 248.519 3.745
+298.113 497.603 5.724 543.243 6.090 249.275 4.984
+298.270 498.696 5.746 542.982 6.094 253.132 3.617
+298.429 499.107 5.925 542.919 6.106 250.621 3.845
+298.587 497.591 5.799 543.949 5.838 247.036 3.232
+298.745 498.325 5.828 543.909 6.112 250.790 4.106
+298.903 499.193 6.104 543.579 5.993 252.357 3.684
+299.062 498.422 5.591 542.735 5.847 252.093 4.146
+299.219 497.964 5.501 543.257 5.979 249.890 3.502
+299.377 498.719 5.489 544.812 6.030 248.148 3.236
+299.536 499.977 6.030 543.078 5.930 251.031 3.988
+299.693 498.329 5.520 542.840 5.956 252.340 4.499
+299.851 497.153 5.626 543.158 5.980 250.273 3.588
+300.009 498.351 5.937 543.361 6.199 249.902 3.834
+300.167 498.753 6.247 542.843 6.203 251.839 4.657
+300.325 498.037 7.100 543.778 6.102 252.968 6.030
+300.482 493.950 5.754 543.027 6.015 247.569 3.951
+300.639 491.789 5.648 541.000 6.082 249.255 4.059
+300.796 488.677 5.736 541.220 5.897 251.002 5.919
+300.954 488.326 6.414 540.412 5.908 255.320 3.217
+301.113 490.443 5.640 541.844 6.184 253.613 3.999
+301.270 490.044 5.597 542.108 6.124 248.966 3.791
+301.428 489.420 5.602 542.421 6.145 249.939 3.441
+301.587 490.914 5.735 542.724 5.930 250.489 4.221
+301.745 490.429 5.406 540.857 5.914 252.684 4.035
+301.902 487.404 5.867 542.358 7.644 251.816 4.881
+302.060 487.834 6.222 541.483 6.358 252.998 3.727
+302.218 488.688 5.962 541.854 6.383 249.509 3.739
+302.376 487.536 5.836 542.148 7.307 248.565 4.531
+302.534 491.555 6.171 541.901 7.862 250.125 6.956
+302.690 487.355 6.331 542.909 6.067 244.811 3.132
+302.849 489.053 6.041 540.929 6.815 253.768 5.137
+303.008 489.840 6.345 542.719 7.326 258.167 5.185
+303.165 492.928 7.100 542.887 7.126 249.801 5.172
+303.323 487.299 7.195 543.138 6.381 243.608 5.023
+303.480 490.833 7.622 542.371 7.166 252.876 4.209
+303.638 490.178 8.238 540.673 7.804 259.038 8.941
+303.796 495.251 6.552 540.086 7.473 263.010 8.309
+303.954 487.962 6.824 541.980 6.701 243.390 7.821
+304.111 484.229 8.019 541.579 7.327 249.603 9.807
+304.267 483.282 7.955 543.735 7.925 238.916 7.700
+304.423 491.522 8.775 543.507 7.142 249.639 4.194
+304.581 491.845 7.703 538.715 6.566 264.246 6.884
+304.739 488.838 6.291 542.767 6.355 266.452 4.728
+304.898 489.058 6.861 543.767 7.643 248.014 4.964
+305.056 488.060 7.690 543.517 6.389 241.090 4.644
+305.213 489.610 6.691 543.065 6.365 248.870 4.476
+305.371 489.756 6.314 542.020 6.661 250.368 3.962
+305.530 490.877 6.298 542.060 6.584 266.663 3.464
+305.690 489.818 7.216 540.200 7.438 259.136 5.067
+305.847 489.778 8.722 546.342 11.111 244.781 7.942
+306.003 493.137 7.365 541.063 7.030 248.887 9.256
+306.159 494.421 8.295 542.110 6.847 250.428 6.547
+306.317 485.204 9.181 541.481 6.837 233.544 8.743
+306.473 483.362 7.615 542.594 9.352 253.985 7.134
+306.630 482.693 6.222 541.976 10.458 262.379 7.898
+306.788 488.966 8.378 538.289 7.335 265.973 12.989
+306.945 487.469 13.855 546.233 8.089 259.259 18.170
+307.101 477.194 13.108 542.702 9.375 235.042 21.560
+307.255 479.211 9.909 546.507 8.329 246.510 5.739
+307.413 488.552 12.205 540.625 9.804 268.465 10.759
+307.571 481.715 7.094 536.396 8.235 263.134 11.888
+307.728 480.047 9.813 544.904 7.648 249.381 13.944
+307.885 483.470 14.453 544.269 7.133 245.963 8.764
+308.041 479.554 8.883 539.152 7.510 252.789 12.095
+308.197 475.015 9.105 543.821 7.402 252.267 6.683
+308.354 486.440 9.394 543.818 6.510 248.192 8.478
+308.511 495.294 7.043 542.518 7.603 248.091 7.624
+308.668 488.652 7.730 542.845 7.508 244.850 6.866
+308.824 491.936 9.507 545.428 7.916 245.568 5.282
+308.981 506.939 11.084 546.524 6.363 254.765 7.365
+309.139 491.879 8.685 540.965 7.870 272.077 7.095
+309.296 496.148 6.983 544.069 9.887 246.970 10.209
+309.453 499.091 7.220 546.130 7.432 241.699 5.571
+309.611 497.830 9.443 544.521 8.064 252.187 6.123
+309.768 499.448 14.693 540.425 7.787 252.511 5.378
+309.925 503.614 8.716 542.374 7.084 255.525 10.794
+310.082 505.736 7.110 542.123 7.489 250.125 8.919
+310.239 505.507 7.621 544.581 6.727 242.871 12.062
+310.395 506.335 8.787 543.515 8.506 249.998 7.955
+310.552 496.523 8.904 542.675 8.432 251.370 12.933
+310.709 506.245 11.107 541.906 6.958 248.953 9.956
+310.866 509.362 12.361 543.669 9.651 257.179 6.843
+311.023 504.693 7.897 544.916 7.332 242.141 7.260
+311.179 502.716 7.871 540.409 7.311 245.271 4.844
+311.336 505.727 6.603 546.734 6.765 245.642 4.561
+311.493 504.747 6.697 543.227 6.811 251.176 6.595
+311.650 507.507 7.284 543.032 6.788 258.571 7.490
+311.808 506.865 6.752 544.350 7.158 249.995 11.095
+311.964 510.788 6.665 547.543 7.656 239.759 7.121
+312.122 511.087 9.048 542.095 8.111 252.627 5.431
+312.279 508.770 9.623 544.311 7.223 246.586 8.933
+312.435 509.077 7.277 544.713 7.011 248.945 5.358
+312.592 509.310 7.991 545.107 6.634 249.689 6.059
+312.749 506.183 8.209 542.891 7.251 244.806 6.252
+312.907 509.071 16.111 543.499 7.573 252.218 6.904
+313.063 506.350 8.098 542.805 7.164 247.862 6.294
+313.219 513.613 8.297 540.588 8.708 250.678 9.030
+313.376 513.766 9.644 542.065 7.906 247.576 6.063
+313.533 505.557 13.954 543.200 7.578 244.005 9.979
+313.689 512.445 11.688 537.942 7.511 249.200 7.593
+313.847 503.764 9.167 541.399 6.846 250.972 6.764
+314.004 506.647 10.449 545.984 7.450 247.359 7.754
+314.162 514.446 7.403 542.779 7.294 252.703 10.998
+314.320 509.124 15.237 546.397 8.166 239.697 6.070
+314.475 516.581 7.971 538.924 10.894 245.266 9.924
+314.632 511.005 8.108 542.079 8.628 246.912 8.519
+314.789 503.830 8.048 543.400 7.612 242.539 5.265
+314.946 510.828 7.351 541.394 6.696 249.695 5.909
+315.103 511.158 13.196 544.384 7.665 248.766 5.920
+315.260 513.621 8.146 546.053 7.912 251.427 5.793
+315.417 518.796 6.896 542.620 7.740 241.284 5.581
+315.575 513.527 8.241 544.036 7.339 237.712 6.250
+315.732 520.805 6.394 545.690 7.392 247.477 7.378
+315.890 517.548 7.941 541.436 7.365 249.664 8.865
+316.046 509.115 8.396 543.394 7.012 247.926 4.634
+316.203 509.121 10.361 544.394 7.210 245.389 5.800
+316.362 510.591 .804 543.103 7.842 247.703 5.146
+316.519 516.555 11.139 543.471 6.856 246.577 11.251
+316.676 516.305 5.976 541.854 8.164 245.875 5.756
+316.833 514.683 7.514 540.688 7.065 249.658 4.944
+316.991 512.916 7.631 542.916 7.938 246.626 8.438
+317.148 518.029 7.788 543.639 7.972 247.186 5.530
+317.305 510.760 7.935 543.866 7.198 245.131 9.543
+317.461 514.277 8.902 540.738 7.376 246.991 5.295
+317.619 507.502 7.285 541.477 7.543 245.339 3.751
+317.776 513.235 10.898 545.594 7.718 248.163 10.028
+317.933 514.852 9.434 543.436 7.388 250.191 3.929
+318.091 508.828 8.800 542.554 7.932 243.571 5.911
+318.248 512.628 9.663 542.975 7.871 249.135 6.011
+318.406 512.026 6.651 542.909 7.081 248.771 5.894
+318.564 513.490 7.294 544.609 7.795 247.267 5.282
+318.721 516.684 8.315 544.916 6.962 247.982 9.575
+318.878 515.756 9.772 544.579 6.243 239.539 7.742
+319.035 515.597 8.339 543.945 7.543 247.955 6.958
+319.192 514.206 7.642 543.419 6.973 253.529 7.624
+319.349 513.742 12.437 542.204 7.006 245.545 5.725
+319.507 521.317 8.683 539.312 7.402 257.925 5.379
+319.665 515.213 7.986 542.653 7.222 238.839 6.119
+319.822 514.662 7.270 539.016 8.425 245.108 10.136
+319.979 517.336 7.766 542.850 6.206 246.041 8.552
+320.136 510.023 7.884 542.308 7.238 250.990 5.697
+320.294 516.520 11.704 542.903 7.402 247.539 5.333
+320.453 518.655 8.216 544.129 8.333 248.415 9.256
+320.608 510.556 8.766 544.381 6.690 242.714 6.090
+320.765 515.925 7.410 538.673 6.582 250.067 5.321
+320.923 510.129 7.763 543.016 6.306 255.680 5.085
+321.081 514.361 7.445 543.500 8.266 250.366 9.005
+321.238 517.583 10.664 542.585 8.409 239.333 6.234
+321.395 512.955 12.996 546.435 7.434 245.943 7.201
+321.553 514.569 8.442 542.574 6.971 245.719 6.238
+321.710 513.735 9.331 537.925 8.468 246.337 7.588
+321.867 510.357 9.435 540.839 7.918 249.553 5.812
+322.024 513.253 8.577 545.768 7.362 243.835 6.234
+322.181 507.162 7.606 543.827 6.845 239.398 11.031
+322.338 513.771 9.500 542.338 7.951 250.494 6.785
+322.494 515.637 8.432 544.823 6.924 246.244 4.875
+322.651 517.866 8.018 541.898 7.097 250.572 5.895
+322.809 509.578 7.120 541.279 7.176 244.425 7.150
+322.966 511.245 9.403 543.992 7.563 240.964 9.470
+323.122 521.032 8.613 543.069 7.412 251.319 6.366
+323.279 507.000 7.403 540.600 8.096 249.293 5.824
+323.436 512.560 7.437 541.386 6.668 246.722 5.269
+323.594 510.085 7.903 540.003 6.765 248.097 6.272
+323.751 517.510 6.758 540.410 6.408 251.750 4.448
+323.908 514.345 7.459 542.144 7.414 242.017 4.996
+324.066 510.723 8.246 541.571 7.614 245.010 5.615
+324.224 509.027 7.645 540.295 6.687 249.280 4.686
+324.381 510.760 5.726 541.763 6.975 255.602 4.815
+324.539 508.337 10.332 541.007 6.556 248.136 8.328
+324.695 515.113 6.996 542.420 7.258 242.561 5.888
+324.853 510.781 6.699 540.414 6.944 242.405 3.990
+325.010 511.037 7.180 542.124 7.351 246.954 6.275
+325.168 508.100 7.436 541.501 7.402 248.899 6.061
+325.325 510.761 8.022 545.465 7.823 245.379 5.414
+325.482 511.217 7.919 542.594 7.346 256.183 6.217
+325.639 505.302 7.071 544.326 7.104 238.661 5.098
+325.796 510.383 7.788 538.623 6.380 247.506 6.079
+325.954 508.823 8.076 543.766 7.192 247.195 6.538
+326.110 508.488 8.542 539.697 6.502 243.381 4.811
+326.268 509.164 6.603 541.777 6.666 255.603 5.743
+326.425 509.871 7.678 542.867 7.219 242.646 4.700
+326.581 521.288 6.917 541.878 6.344 248.506 7.276
+326.739 509.422 6.987 541.748 6.861 245.145 5.122
+326.897 509.214 9.304 541.457 6.901 242.921 4.847
+327.054 510.562 7.267 540.364 6.277 252.809 6.858
+327.212 508.755 6.946 541.523 7.054 247.208 4.475
+327.368 512.697 6.109 541.035 7.314 248.992 4.427
+327.527 510.087 8.220 542.550 7.056 237.649 5.143
+327.685 507.470 7.287 539.445 7.934 249.776 5.216
+327.843 510.984 7.470 540.984 6.733 251.707 6.909
+328.000 515.699 8.994 540.919 8.379 250.107 6.477
+328.157 512.107 8.200 540.619 6.422 253.291 6.135
+328.315 508.111 7.241 540.156 7.308 246.042 5.550
+328.474 508.001 8.206 541.181 6.897 248.560 5.058
+328.631 510.210 8.958 540.891 8.034 245.015 7.495
+328.787 512.972 7.018 539.098 7.883 246.110 6.405
+328.944 515.949 8.093 540.071 7.656 246.611 4.057
+329.101 508.069 7.563 540.840 7.789 245.116 6.047
+329.259 506.810 7.319 540.678 7.907 245.621 6.600
+329.416 505.738 7.342 542.806 7.640 246.116 4.872
+329.573 513.297 10.582 543.018 8.861 244.561 6.320
+329.730 510.663 9.169 544.220 8.155 241.285 10.289
+329.887 508.066 10.527 540.172 8.392 236.502 5.562
+330.044 510.780 7.166 539.971 9.464 253.295 5.104
+330.201 503.757 7.856 541.109 7.336 246.602 5.099
+330.358 507.947 8.641 540.821 6.690 247.976 6.247
+330.515 511.169 7.241 538.678 7.995 253.729 5.994
+330.673 513.871 8.471 544.036 8.653 246.197 6.514
+330.830 511.708 8.469 542.270 8.333 244.301 7.658
+330.987 512.437 8.146 544.732 9.114 246.073 5.699
+331.145 508.834 7.948 540.607 6.662 250.930 5.128
+331.302 505.768 8.974 540.006 6.845 251.839 7.281
+331.460 509.297 7.427 540.940 8.255 258.188 7.047
+331.618 503.053 7.042 542.099 8.444 243.591 9.234
+331.774 512.220 11.000 540.681 7.611 247.955 6.700
+331.932 515.002 8.068 540.416 8.214 250.209 4.045
+332.088 514.530 6.660 539.814 7.613 245.642 6.913
+332.246 505.725 8.174 539.778 7.794 248.776 5.187
+332.403 512.407 8.705 544.307 8.372 246.267 5.763
+332.561 512.404 7.683 541.273 7.942 249.122 6.090
+332.718 506.984 7.248 539.842 6.603 249.201 5.913
+332.875 509.369 5.895 540.648 7.109 246.362 7.583
+333.033 507.603 7.371 541.906 7.589 245.233 5.012
+333.190 511.606 11.966 539.249 6.596 249.762 5.510
+333.348 512.126 7.512 541.982 7.355 249.117 5.210
+333.505 513.841 7.813 543.319 6.942 244.251 6.963
+333.662 513.378 8.934 541.143 6.801 242.092 4.225
+333.820 512.383 6.717 540.661 7.364 248.810 4.365
+333.978 511.723 7.698 540.936 6.893 250.318 6.536
+334.135 509.317 6.741 541.929 6.982 243.673 4.459
+334.293 508.093 8.806 540.879 7.845 251.086 9.406
+334.450 512.310 9.501 542.128 6.798 240.450 5.289
+334.607 514.843 7.668 540.561 9.215 246.884 3.918
+334.765 510.818 7.188 542.095 8.226 244.718 4.388
+334.923 509.588 7.158 542.431 7.987 247.627 7.166
+335.079 511.995 7.289 540.174 8.542 248.176 4.379
+335.237 513.240 8.723 539.731 7.375 249.061 8.359
+335.394 516.022 7.618 541.807 9.989 243.920 7.090
+335.551 511.130 6.915 543.078 7.004 245.719 4.700
+335.708 505.281 6.744 539.570 7.353 248.667 4.596
+335.865 510.442 7.989 541.565 7.249 244.256 5.500
+336.022 514.134 8.185 539.125 7.090 256.202 4.013
+336.180 509.361 6.406 541.051 7.789 246.732 4.919
+336.337 511.433 6.816 542.580 8.030 249.117 7.704
+336.493 509.264 7.438 543.905 8.663 244.921 5.647
+336.650 511.622 8.199 542.199 6.513 245.909 6.030
+336.808 509.996 6.947 538.072 7.925 256.789 4.848
+336.966 502.940 7.447 540.430 8.214 244.437 5.805
+337.123 509.459 8.032 539.684 9.099 255.224 3.755
+337.280 507.154 8.441 543.296 8.014 254.052 6.995
+337.436 508.981 8.408 539.373 7.834 248.780 8.163
+337.593 509.349 7.351 539.853 8.038 242.617 5.632
+337.750 512.243 7.562 542.878 8.422 239.336 5.543
+337.908 504.482 10.724 538.548 7.644 251.513 10.844
+338.064 509.524 8.187 542.285 7.097 252.625 6.638
+338.221 513.285 6.589 541.042 8.869 246.686 5.794
+338.379 513.732 7.736 540.830 8.921 236.956 8.711
+338.536 511.057 9.479 541.618 6.959 247.169 7.177
+338.692 515.040 9.553 544.786 6.891 247.651 5.149
+338.851 515.850 10.480 541.117 7.811 250.226 9.423
+339.007 511.488 8.488 542.411 9.114 250.942 4.461
+339.164 515.664 8.611 544.384 9.066 234.909 6.182
+339.321 506.246 9.363 542.683 9.386 242.509 5.268
+339.478 511.032 11.958 540.676 8.258 254.705 7.265
+339.636 513.940 7.792 541.526 10.518 250.007 6.962
+339.794 507.679 10.749 542.305 9.487 250.090 8.557
+339.951 505.716 8.844 538.953 7.391 243.830 5.907
+340.108 505.227 7.083 544.539 9.044 236.258 6.591
+340.265 511.932 6.852 542.555 8.958 252.432 7.806
+340.422 510.189 9.881 540.645 8.076 253.924 4.433
+340.579 512.851 9.232 542.426 8.623 246.489 5.317
+340.736 518.468 8.975 538.594 9.014 248.584 8.597
+340.893 507.354 8.533 542.516 6.660 243.305 4.948
+341.050 504.553 9.950 545.215 8.086 246.173 9.010
+341.207 509.975 7.656 545.052 7.518 254.031 8.320
+341.364 511.919 11.778 545.030 10.608 240.160 17.420
+341.521 510.929 12.390 538.800 6.368 251.901 8.494
+341.678 518.739 13.328 545.098 7.998 240.639 6.428
+341.835 515.407 11.562 547.301 8.277 238.916 9.444
+341.992 519.124 8.409 544.023 9.201 244.099 7.820
+342.148 516.941 10.447 544.430 9.108 249.971 7.280
+342.305 500.209 10.630 542.954 7.587 228.579 9.527
+342.463 512.752 7.818 542.759 8.053 256.055 9.802
+342.620 520.117 7.103 543.567 9.679 249.190 5.189
+342.778 520.831 8.806 545.325 9.826 245.021 8.201
+342.935 512.478 10.665 544.453 8.779 247.030 7.193
+343.092 508.494 8.288 547.504 9.103 235.960 7.840
+343.249 520.375 8.788 541.845 10.062 251.009 8.266
+343.406 509.893 12.844 541.878 7.284 256.150 7.940
+343.563 513.539 9.265 544.058 10.581 252.841 8.365
+343.720 515.105 7.687 544.340 7.828 245.448 7.529
+343.876 519.061 8.165 549.803 7.711 243.014 6.970
+344.034 511.640 8.226 542.898 9.157 248.100 14.964
+344.190 517.326 8.714 542.529 6.980 248.461 8.181
+344.347 511.283 7.382 543.765 6.916 249.514 9.063
+344.504 512.842 6.912 541.137 9.180 248.935 8.265
+344.660 508.778 6.850 539.541 7.988 250.929 6.161
+344.818 512.057 7.598 542.235 9.845 246.639 7.325
+344.975 521.380 8.056 541.682 8.144 244.726 6.913
+345.131 513.023 8.022 543.256 8.219 243.327 6.740
+345.288 517.630 7.833 540.562 7.361 251.503 5.710
+345.446 505.706 7.345 539.535 8.499 249.375 7.834
+345.603 510.787 11.571 542.085 7.719 249.963 5.743
+345.760 515.877 6.701 543.370 7.403 248.339 6.361
+345.919 514.738 10.199 544.413 8.497 238.643 6.245
+346.077 517.377 9.764 541.104 8.554 254.006 8.537
+346.234 509.973 7.792 542.641 8.063 246.730 6.176
+346.391 509.539 8.282 540.486 8.724 239.747 6.015
+346.548 515.455 8.876 540.264 7.919 246.947 6.650
+346.705 512.654 12.428 541.762 7.858 251.649 7.603
+346.862 511.166 8.892 542.537 8.570 243.616 6.340
+347.019 513.161 7.599 541.945 7.001 246.176 7.459
+347.176 513.521 7.328 542.389 7.627 243.291 6.307
+347.334 511.395 6.760 543.193 6.966 246.112 4.610
+347.492 514.614 7.444 545.001 7.854 249.101 8.273
+347.650 510.016 8.653 541.680 8.330 247.651 6.463
+347.807 514.770 9.085 541.366 8.736 250.156 5.554
+347.965 513.297 7.396 542.963 7.386 242.541 6.090
+348.123 512.033 8.713 543.499 8.197 252.265 7.314
+348.280 517.550 7.126 543.465 7.686 250.022 5.487
+348.437 517.215 9.809 542.894 8.653 253.260 4.793
+348.594 510.222 8.637 543.259 7.689 245.082 8.595
+348.750 513.292 10.393 540.932 8.490 249.390 5.448
+348.908 516.552 12.972 544.079 7.995 253.473 13.304
+349.065 507.385 7.798 541.710 7.336 243.854 6.193
+349.222 508.663 8.041 539.717 6.529 251.948 5.059
+349.380 511.616 14.433 541.517 7.352 250.049 5.009
+349.537 504.176 13.209 540.775 7.646 253.820 9.027
+349.694 511.651 7.977 542.857 6.993 244.388 9.933
+349.849 511.606 9.558 542.478 8.457 246.743 6.562
+350.005 508.196 6.310 541.474 7.583 247.377 7.493
+350.162 505.682 9.004 540.244 7.913 251.523 5.726
+350.319 510.556 7.179 543.072 7.986 244.825 8.307
+350.475 509.305 13.066 541.550 7.838 251.568 7.894
+350.631 505.573 11.784 541.665 6.755 249.145 4.479
+350.788 503.255 7.783 540.916 6.900 250.901 5.894
+350.945 506.622 8.818 542.389 7.532 244.169 4.578
+351.102 510.376 13.510 540.453 9.519 247.921 7.455
+351.258 506.353 9.319 541.274 7.766 253.179 5.881
+351.415 506.413 10.378 541.252 8.787 244.201 9.599
+351.571 508.604 7.635 541.062 9.184 247.862 7.132
+351.728 498.646 7.382 541.840 6.414 249.118 8.458
+351.885 513.766 8.267 539.178 7.052 251.371 5.984
+352.043 502.067 10.645 539.941 7.019 246.263 7.546
+352.200 499.280 23.238 541.919 7.071 250.612 5.375
+352.356 497.322 9.466 538.909 8.780 252.086 7.496
+352.513 501.703 8.468 543.079 9.272 251.840 7.145
+352.669 505.977 7.462 538.900 9.629 252.678 5.665
+352.827 502.079 8.957 539.879 7.731 248.236 5.187
+352.983 500.180 6.714 541.658 7.751 246.202 7.963
+353.141 501.701 7.681 543.096 9.777 255.652 6.440
+353.297 505.957 7.607 543.801 7.040 248.366 9.289
+353.454 494.059 11.964 538.668 9.617 254.073 12.921
+353.609 495.340 11.488 539.346 7.352 250.300 7.096
+353.766 499.793 8.611 541.633 9.560 251.993 6.408
+353.924 500.117 7.855 540.866 7.398 250.239 11.751
+354.080 504.381 9.559 543.128 7.073 241.392 5.349
+354.237 502.993 9.190 538.861 7.837 245.933 10.546
+354.395 504.780 7.593 540.088 9.255 263.879 8.366
+354.552 498.517 11.650 541.841 10.309 245.368 5.746
+354.710 501.635 14.596 539.348 11.544 254.943 6.507
+354.867 501.836 6.701 542.203 7.200 247.929 8.599
+355.025 498.338 11.148 543.902 7.019 244.329 7.935
+355.182 505.083 6.887 538.159 6.669 259.053 3.853
+355.340 496.580 8.492 542.001 7.442 244.530 7.957
+355.497 499.005 8.850 538.000 7.942 258.475 4.733
+355.655 501.330 13.148 539.220 7.165 247.014 13.982
+355.811 500.623 9.884 542.422 7.361 246.200 8.705
+355.969 498.276 8.577 540.554 7.882 246.292 4.775
+356.125 501.612 7.705 540.875 7.831 248.892 4.539
+356.282 500.016 9.692 539.358 9.762 250.048 8.911
+356.439 493.770 9.572 545.133 7.706 241.190 7.797
+356.597 499.237 6.641 538.691 8.131 258.491 7.418
+356.754 495.252 8.373 541.716 7.914 253.054 9.541
+356.912 498.512 8.440 538.697 9.553 252.690 10.247
+357.069 499.395 9.200 542.767 6.940 252.556 7.048
+357.225 493.064 7.750 541.507 6.940 246.125 5.576
+357.383 501.340 7.305 539.975 7.222 254.211 9.437
+357.540 500.153 8.685 542.979 7.440 246.932 5.418
+357.698 499.821 8.012 541.539 6.642 250.489 6.965
+357.854 496.678 12.132 541.545 8.246 258.444 5.920
+358.012 497.716 10.709 544.185 8.506 244.774 12.300
+358.169 500.037 10.586 540.851 10.234 250.107 10.239
+358.327 499.800 10.323 542.438 9.952 252.481 9.417
+358.484 496.908 7.634 541.264 7.762 251.634 4.809
+358.641 498.919 7.700 539.982 6.981 250.056 4.458
+358.798 502.099 7.184 543.599 6.186 242.410 12.068
+358.955 496.181 7.514 542.326 7.879 245.024 4.049
+359.113 501.071 5.846 537.723 6.857 259.230 5.358
+359.271 497.380 6.243 541.147 6.231 247.152 4.368
+359.428 495.943 6.132 541.891 6.438 250.571 6.379
+359.586 500.259 8.754 543.889 8.711 250.385 7.074
+359.743 497.772 8.114 541.748 8.196 240.523 5.710
+359.900 505.407 7.435 543.027 7.698 253.245 4.728
+360.058 499.364 7.799 541.720 7.077 256.102 6.949
+360.215 496.203 7.762 541.687 6.403 251.611 5.901
+360.373 501.122 6.373 541.846 6.606 258.906 6.813
+360.531 497.531 7.103 541.138 7.607 248.709 6.144
+360.689 497.125 7.821 540.621 8.505 258.327 7.200
+360.845 499.071 6.954 542.796 6.810 248.683 7.686
+361.002 501.880 8.788 541.338 9.070 240.206 7.542
+361.159 507.568 6.925 537.693 7.556 261.842 10.479
+361.316 498.865 20.660 537.647 11.459 245.308 25.998
+361.472 482.608 9.654 541.856 7.063 243.523 5.132
+361.630 496.306 9.463 539.148 7.598 254.425 14.901
+361.786 496.213 11.970 539.921 9.341 252.864 19.028
+361.942 499.762 10.399 539.989 7.489 258.028 6.952
+362.101 498.337 9.410 541.359 7.176 247.680 10.173
+362.257 503.923 8.463 543.793 7.420 242.666 4.684
+362.415 492.589 10.248 541.138 8.113 249.086 6.175
+362.572 503.405 12.654 541.561 8.250 257.420 15.786
+362.728 508.374 11.275 541.085 7.662 247.864 8.116
+362.885 493.973 10.156 540.940 8.251 248.068 7.928
+363.042 497.489 9.303 541.879 7.383 252.450 7.400
+363.199 498.854 6.658 541.218 6.961 252.124 6.001
+363.356 501.908 9.460 540.152 6.185 257.321 10.265
+363.513 498.819 10.039 540.941 7.809 248.693 6.261
+363.671 494.358 9.561 542.539 7.501 242.836 8.325
+363.828 505.073 6.655 541.935 6.968 255.868 4.017
+363.986 498.760 9.582 541.369 6.718 248.408 6.746
+364.142 493.707 7.311 540.133 7.087 244.044 7.155
+364.299 492.587 6.836 539.521 7.351 250.630 8.021
+364.456 488.235 10.497 540.585 10.787 248.416 13.643
+364.613 497.172 8.738 541.015 8.403 251.744 6.853
+364.770 498.731 11.476 542.330 7.870 245.457 13.528
+364.926 492.677 7.109 543.933 8.370 244.364 11.414
+365.083 503.626 7.303 541.019 8.261 243.173 6.934
+365.241 492.666 9.131 543.690 6.962 246.311 7.159
+365.397 492.416 8.927 543.066 8.621 253.353 10.694
+365.554 494.114 9.377 541.270 7.225 254.663 7.159
+365.711 501.611 6.014 543.592 6.419 250.556 6.339
+365.868 504.866 11.369 544.506 9.839 234.905 7.900
+366.025 503.518 8.407 542.975 7.681 247.339 10.068
+366.182 499.025 7.122 543.129 8.105 258.533 6.670
+366.339 495.820 7.439 542.631 6.675 252.405 6.062
+366.496 502.288 10.801 541.026 6.704 251.524 3.801
+366.654 496.822 8.125 544.200 8.378 249.295 5.495
+366.811 501.758 6.872 542.712 7.022 251.492 6.427
+366.968 496.457 9.261 540.167 9.396 247.934 8.076
+367.124 493.754 9.449 544.511 7.048 252.349 6.476
+367.282 501.507 7.159 542.035 8.934 253.953 9.246
+367.438 496.945 8.750 544.380 8.146 250.089 7.382
+367.595 493.559 7.757 542.513 7.409 250.870 8.281
+367.753 498.015 7.979 545.545 7.109 264.618 8.229
+367.910 493.460 7.023 542.655 6.788 250.116 4.570
+368.067 496.234 8.933 545.486 7.602 252.751 7.735
+368.224 498.632 9.487 546.814 8.867 244.837 6.488
+368.381 492.466 10.276 549.828 8.666 244.548 11.427
+368.538 495.784 10.204 546.328 6.808 249.695 12.599
+368.696 493.027 7.190 543.293 7.742 256.187 8.382
+368.853 495.230 6.131 546.013 7.140 251.081 5.684
+369.011 493.622 6.672 547.540 8.630 250.380 5.658
+369.169 499.216 9.085 543.235 8.008 254.063 8.106
+369.325 495.332 11.316 549.962 11.150 243.130 14.996
+369.481 501.493 6.291 547.509 7.708 240.551 4.170
+369.639 493.975 13.786 546.735 7.755 241.035 11.165
+369.796 500.359 11.470 548.637 7.315 267.740 8.018
+369.953 491.433 6.514 547.916 8.877 248.157 5.712
+370.111 499.314 6.277 547.389 8.274 247.851 7.625
+370.268 492.913 8.490 541.773 6.884 248.758 6.514
+370.425 493.299 8.495 551.607 7.823 247.207 4.437
+370.582 502.813 8.072 545.956 8.792 254.552 8.553
+370.740 498.758 18.582 543.929 9.137 244.795 9.556
+370.896 496.557 9.510 545.709 9.512 250.447 8.518
+371.052 499.815 7.659 547.287 8.699 251.804 5.660
+371.209 496.438 9.720 548.582 10.624 250.858 8.999
+371.365 489.794 7.772 543.895 9.020 247.788 4.857
+371.522 495.217 7.952 549.899 7.478 243.707 6.024
+371.679 501.732 9.813 548.569 8.131 251.787 6.753
+371.835 496.777 11.241 547.125 7.848 245.707 9.464
+371.991 496.807 9.976 546.641 9.771 255.987 8.190
+372.148 499.088 8.065 548.806 7.119 248.909 6.148
+372.305 489.560 6.694 543.818 7.733 245.339 10.702
+372.462 491.855 7.668 545.148 6.446 256.703 6.987
+372.619 507.598 14.712 546.781 11.157 246.767 13.166
+372.776 490.756 7.527 548.957 7.060 249.047 6.057
+372.934 494.577 6.305 544.139 8.113 255.440 7.211
+373.092 502.785 7.514 548.621 7.070 238.784 6.696
+373.249 492.947 7.536 547.116 8.165 248.187 5.919
+373.406 501.679 14.826 543.601 8.995 255.571 8.080
+373.562 493.046 9.038 548.986 8.018 247.825 6.015
+373.720 489.980 6.528 544.129 6.924 256.678 5.625
+373.879 488.159 7.088 545.021 7.093 243.596 5.565
+374.036 486.731 7.535 543.990 6.846 247.536 4.126
+374.194 494.947 9.049 544.979 8.260 252.195 5.457
+374.352 489.779 7.911 550.499 7.246 247.571 5.048
+374.509 487.117 7.376 544.485 7.554 253.945 5.349
+374.667 490.081 9.346 547.804 9.541 246.989 12.873
+374.824 490.470 10.194 545.268 9.821 259.989 11.904
+374.982 485.754 7.810 545.862 6.410 256.889 5.568
+375.139 492.867 9.041 547.798 7.086 251.538 5.579
+375.296 484.288 8.892 546.898 7.411 248.445 3.626
+375.453 491.132 7.397 547.269 8.308 251.514 5.257
+375.610 485.591 8.617 545.722 6.919 251.765 5.818
+375.767 492.635 7.309 546.317 9.328 254.507 5.698
+375.924 486.996 11.753 544.063 7.509 251.395 6.711
+376.081 490.290 6.533 546.570 6.940 253.053 8.256
+376.238 490.422 8.381 548.335 8.251 249.930 6.924
+376.394 494.884 7.076 543.333 7.549 253.499 5.163
+376.552 487.368 6.188 546.223 6.794 246.125 5.973
+376.710 487.423 7.154 545.882 7.086 249.981 4.587
+376.868 487.974 8.262 544.738 6.913 249.079 6.432
+377.026 481.299 7.843 547.987 7.498 252.500 6.913
+377.182 485.203 6.253 543.729 6.700 248.785 3.876
+377.340 488.602 6.550 545.827 8.582 251.027 5.630
+377.497 490.756 6.315 547.138 6.840 249.040 3.935
+377.655 485.437 6.888 544.711 7.061 249.560 7.067
+377.812 488.514 6.099 544.217 8.040 244.995 4.826
+377.970 490.985 7.997 543.362 7.839 256.429 4.108
+378.127 482.679 9.513 543.543 7.657 251.444 4.998
+378.284 489.716 6.199 542.495 6.938 257.344 3.784
+378.442 488.907 6.336 546.185 7.319 247.963 4.402
+378.600 490.819 7.939 547.291 7.608 243.179 3.979
+378.756 479.808 6.100 540.913 8.115 242.951 6.389
+378.913 488.608 8.309 544.069 8.183 249.579 9.540
+379.070 482.196 13.316 545.180 9.492 256.305 14.305
+379.226 486.262 6.646 542.851 7.777 257.693 4.935
+379.384 494.452 7.591 547.918 6.445 243.416 4.117
+379.541 488.684 7.377 545.989 6.766 244.234 6.036
+379.699 480.726 8.177 543.429 7.330 251.472 4.922
+379.856 481.757 8.133 546.284 6.717 251.464 7.694
+380.013 495.437 6.398 542.042 7.861 261.494 8.490
+380.169 486.804 8.154 543.690 10.418 245.714 11.749
+380.325 492.598 7.930 543.976 7.518 247.707 4.996
+380.483 491.916 8.131 546.799 8.005 252.897 5.576
+380.640 488.199 7.687 543.958 6.561 251.998 4.716
+380.798 487.772 8.193 545.549 6.812 251.080 5.274
+380.954 488.207 6.910 545.945 7.709 245.860 5.145
+381.112 485.972 7.327 543.689 8.257 249.588 6.080
+381.270 489.069 6.437 544.326 7.167 253.805 7.131
+381.427 491.990 10.951 545.703 7.072 252.658 4.928
+381.584 488.059 7.583 543.347 7.553 245.206 5.591
+381.742 486.230 7.325 545.493 8.198 254.622 5.393
+381.900 486.902 12.854 544.175 7.269 253.316 5.155
+382.057 485.839 8.106 543.251 7.276 253.673 4.039
+382.214 487.418 8.355 544.182 7.322 250.966 5.209
+382.371 488.854 7.286 543.171 8.596 241.839 5.287
+382.528 487.058 7.811 543.161 7.675 250.738 4.285
+382.686 489.790 8.278 543.101 7.543 255.327 7.517
+382.843 489.417 7.524 543.911 8.397 249.063 4.544
+383.000 488.684 6.643 543.499 7.499 245.830 5.144
+383.157 486.306 6.411 543.945 6.793 249.558 6.300
+383.314 484.453 7.337 543.049 9.230 254.745 5.608
+383.472 487.964 8.627 543.650 6.779 253.387 4.750
+383.629 486.779 8.037 542.666 7.294 251.683 4.271
+383.786 489.087 8.463 543.596 8.847 245.946 4.469
+383.943 490.390 8.942 544.106 8.090 249.639 5.596
+384.101 483.674 6.507 544.081 7.201 254.916 6.357
+384.259 486.556 6.225 542.590 7.353 247.109 5.896
+384.417 485.015 8.722 543.606 8.858 249.301 5.833
+384.574 489.210 7.100 543.576 7.606 255.253 5.612
+384.731 485.242 7.135 543.175 7.223 246.072 4.615
+384.888 480.572 8.991 542.581 7.227 248.190 9.326
+385.045 487.705 9.314 542.395 6.748 254.941 5.400
+385.203 485.377 7.779 543.564 8.502 249.539 5.026
+385.359 483.733 7.033 543.975 8.024 251.315 5.287
+385.516 489.747 6.718 540.789 9.171 253.103 4.453
+385.674 487.757 9.015 541.187 14.545 252.451 5.199
+385.830 480.927 6.715 546.351 7.074 243.224 10.180
+385.988 486.759 7.747 543.353 9.007 246.882 8.486
+386.145 491.817 8.073 543.403 7.460 247.928 9.759
+386.301 490.298 7.017 541.824 10.697 248.109 9.468
+386.458 487.933 7.659 544.108 8.970 250.961 9.378
+386.615 487.669 6.863 544.511 9.102 246.279 7.145
+386.772 483.996 7.465 544.865 7.588 255.512 6.985
+386.929 483.570 7.044 542.728 8.490 253.425 6.988
+387.086 488.335 10.911 541.887 8.254 254.114 5.240
+387.244 488.193 6.348 542.948 6.295 251.301 5.302
+387.402 487.901 6.452 542.539 7.342 247.283 4.957
+387.560 483.609 6.188 545.715 8.748 243.702 4.757
+387.718 490.566 7.458 541.867 9.914 253.377 10.049
+387.875 486.795 10.003 543.418 9.232 247.763 6.722
+388.032 479.197 7.656 541.224 8.266 251.467 6.137
+388.189 491.192 6.308 541.622 9.542 248.834 5.511
+388.347 486.572 6.620 541.026 9.203 251.108 6.501
+388.504 485.935 6.130 543.140 9.469 253.871 8.865
+388.661 490.889 7.875 541.881 7.153 249.098 4.394
+388.818 483.518 6.093 541.948 7.678 252.971 5.922
+388.977 485.345 7.255 543.079 8.689 249.629 4.428
+389.134 489.413 6.120 544.900 8.256 247.226 5.673
+389.292 491.244 6.880 540.289 7.369 253.542 5.587
+389.449 489.692 7.324 543.652 7.065 245.775 3.713
+389.607 495.267 9.271 543.486 7.506 251.637 4.446
+389.764 489.382 6.887 540.934 6.630 251.616 4.783
+389.921 491.873 7.053 542.909 7.726 249.446 5.224
+390.079 491.608 7.332 543.029 7.405 247.284 6.438
+390.236 491.726 6.782 541.950 6.492 253.662 8.948
+390.394 486.747 10.213 541.009 8.254 255.106 12.863
+390.551 493.857 6.975 543.330 7.179 250.521 8.343
+390.708 493.418 6.399 539.183 7.497 256.655 6.184
+390.866 491.444 7.471 540.901 7.032 245.646 3.800
+391.024 491.454 7.981 543.929 7.831 242.706 4.945
+391.181 495.384 7.833 542.989 7.872 252.647 4.949
+391.337 496.043 6.021 543.289 7.867 248.826 9.033
+391.493 491.590 6.545 542.643 6.530 250.238 4.326
+391.650 492.655 6.604 541.646 6.754 248.382 6.025
+391.807 495.776 6.268 542.716 7.416 248.603 5.418
+391.965 492.477 6.073 542.837 6.257 252.756 4.953
+392.122 491.394 7.208 542.008 6.341 250.497 7.104
+392.279 491.784 7.919 542.080 6.251 253.334 3.979
+392.436 496.627 7.518 541.940 6.692 252.653 3.742
+392.593 498.766 5.968 544.229 6.406 252.906 4.937
+392.751 494.797 6.339 542.012 6.574 244.159 4.788
+392.909 497.408 6.438 542.740 6.194 252.961 4.063
+393.066 499.384 7.746 542.677 6.689 255.199 4.098
+393.223 496.513 6.824 542.396 6.697 252.302 4.296
+393.381 493.425 12.801 540.734 7.376 251.373 8.725
+393.537 498.934 6.053 543.757 8.638 247.623 4.358
+393.695 498.829 6.306 541.557 6.480 254.176 5.440
+393.853 498.888 6.170 541.635 7.059 254.771 4.489
+394.011 496.278 8.469 543.426 7.014 248.787 4.588
+394.169 495.722 13.140 543.184 7.992 252.707 6.031
+394.325 500.917 7.478 543.761 7.091 250.467 7.197
+394.483 496.509 7.112 541.687 7.978 248.914 8.175
+394.639 500.405 10.071 544.576 7.334 253.079 4.649
+394.796 499.124 7.651 541.905 6.202 250.940 5.275
+394.955 494.091 7.843 544.579 7.739 243.989 4.948
+395.112 498.790 6.890 540.165 8.501 251.979 5.678
+395.270 498.527 9.907 542.961 9.357 248.889 7.944
+395.426 499.165 12.487 541.909 7.441 253.238 5.539
+395.583 501.351 10.379 540.899 8.707 236.962 10.345
+395.740 499.463 12.753 544.749 8.367 247.889 5.284
+395.897 496.624 9.680 542.157 8.495 256.828 6.012
+396.055 501.156 10.623 542.851 8.037 257.178 6.095
+396.212 499.611 7.342 540.368 6.987 252.751 5.244
+396.370 492.506 11.460 543.643 7.061 233.647 6.774
+396.527 498.185 13.705 542.536 8.942 250.236 10.869
+396.684 496.441 7.091 540.255 8.875 251.432 10.792
+396.842 510.304 8.602 540.752 8.138 254.514 13.773
+396.998 493.073 12.161 540.857 6.220 240.865 5.522
+397.156 501.530 15.489 542.168 11.400 250.438 8.916
+397.313 504.475 6.860 542.031 6.561 253.964 4.020
+397.470 504.124 8.401 542.510 9.191 259.919 5.383
+397.629 497.361 8.144 541.275 6.227 253.339 11.314
+397.785 491.513 12.296 540.802 7.797 240.553 12.842
+397.942 496.495 9.674 540.378 8.109 259.055 8.734
+398.099 492.955 10.707 540.263 9.307 256.000 17.800
+398.256 508.129 16.587 540.822 13.887 242.480 28.005
+398.411 498.821 10.504 544.538 7.731 230.194 11.724
+398.568 498.888 10.130 540.135 7.708 246.751 6.725
+398.725 504.438 8.889 541.661 9.123 259.827 7.946
+398.882 496.894 8.789 540.356 8.706 243.818 6.717
+399.038 496.049 7.651 542.383 7.121 251.158 13.445
+399.195 498.980 40.123 543.693 13.559 231.551 66.843
+399.348 498.399 18.292 539.147 12.578 254.195 19.630
+399.505 506.254 15.718 541.581 8.584 261.822 8.292
+399.662 496.012 7.774 542.335 7.200 237.268 15.355
+399.818 497.460 11.566 541.163 7.380 243.292 11.107
+399.974 502.804 14.473 545.741 10.156 242.442 8.858
+400.131 493.158 8.019 541.117 9.972 254.264 13.011
+400.288 497.771 10.852 542.101 11.380 254.322 9.460
+400.444 497.917 9.410 542.261 9.558 245.323 10.417
+400.601 500.589 8.327 543.332 6.492 248.273 7.856
+400.758 493.265 7.098 543.143 8.744 251.652 7.303
+400.915 496.252 7.925 543.311 10.706 254.416 6.751
+401.073 501.932 6.807 539.653 8.148 265.674 6.040
+401.230 499.069 8.974 541.386 7.396 254.446 7.058
+401.388 494.720 7.814 542.253 7.833 244.984 7.421
+401.544 501.037 10.877 542.202 7.723 238.699 10.522
+401.702 498.510 9.717 542.292 11.642 246.267 12.136
+401.859 494.285 13.307 539.062 8.892 265.412 11.241
+402.016 498.032 8.984 540.420 11.197 251.384 8.830
+402.173 501.990 11.755 544.134 8.051 242.753 5.671
+402.330 499.239 9.394 543.391 8.732 243.287 9.320
+402.487 498.632 10.507 540.733 8.912 249.592 9.280
+402.644 495.686 8.790 540.077 9.300 256.965 8.296
+402.801 503.716 15.756 539.960 6.983 259.969 6.700
+402.957 496.677 9.420 541.649 8.423 242.509 7.422
+403.114 494.486 7.731 540.876 6.967 252.455 6.339
+403.271 503.784 10.172 539.938 9.692 256.714 7.217
+403.428 496.687 14.292 538.699 10.261 247.557 8.962
+403.584 503.786 11.224 541.987 9.165 253.115 8.567
+403.741 495.767 9.139 539.339 7.522 242.961 6.734
+403.898 495.077 10.557 539.633 12.647 251.169 7.579
+404.056 501.680 8.211 538.796 6.748 259.981 5.846
+404.213 498.086 11.270 539.498 6.687 251.559 6.182
+404.370 492.330 10.444 542.705 10.170 243.205 10.176
+404.527 492.533 9.965 541.977 9.923 248.832 8.427
+404.684 498.165 6.727 539.839 8.226 257.018 4.171
+404.842 500.551 7.747 538.818 7.880 263.920 7.427
+404.999 495.245 7.068 539.748 8.033 245.919 6.361
+405.156 496.772 6.231 540.067 7.761 249.879 6.380
+405.314 498.777 9.383 541.700 7.976 246.648 7.506
+405.470 493.757 7.516 540.827 7.723 247.196 8.443
+405.627 498.157 11.209 537.608 6.819 260.352 8.375
+405.783 495.391 10.854 538.896 7.005 250.523 8.618
+405.941 491.223 6.731 540.139 6.596 249.365 6.393
+406.098 497.982 10.499 542.741 8.111 249.523 6.437
+406.256 499.239 7.612 540.077 6.663 252.035 4.544
+406.413 496.992 6.367 541.320 7.546 249.310 5.709
+406.571 495.859 8.489 537.483 7.823 249.033 6.945
+406.727 506.508 7.718 540.064 6.372 253.430 4.793
+406.885 493.635 10.017 539.700 7.191 249.434 5.015
+407.042 499.316 6.981 539.887 6.802 246.084 5.077
+407.199 499.483 6.718 540.118 6.504 253.400 5.804
+407.357 497.004 7.192 539.511 7.029 250.964 5.091
+407.514 499.140 7.867 541.315 6.896 244.619 3.711
+407.671 498.791 6.879 539.113 7.640 247.876 5.372
+407.829 503.337 7.403 540.221 6.806 251.948 4.129
+407.986 499.253 6.173 538.902 7.184 249.409 3.482
+408.144 500.322 6.140 540.309 7.046 249.804 5.412
+408.302 497.363 7.069 539.033 8.230 250.068 4.425
+408.459 501.913 7.980 541.410 8.045 253.370 7.113
+408.615 493.879 7.457 539.154 7.627 247.673 8.109
+408.772 498.978 9.656 539.031 10.220 252.466 7.346
+408.929 503.949 9.387 541.940 7.241 248.164 8.729
+409.084 495.519 8.806 541.589 7.828 246.761 7.319
+409.241 496.435 7.082 539.385 8.644 249.887 5.782
+409.399 499.234 7.581 540.723 7.823 253.388 6.192
+409.556 493.742 7.501 539.077 7.703 251.773 7.626
+409.713 492.347 7.896 537.070 8.279 251.247 9.197
+409.869 497.453 9.608 538.730 9.661 251.172 10.941
+410.025 500.834 12.431 538.577 9.171 250.391 5.957
+410.182 491.718 7.576 540.715 8.512 245.993 5.614
+410.339 509.787 8.855 541.427 7.937 247.959 8.656
+410.495 501.517 6.662 539.804 6.679 251.719 6.716
+410.652 494.935 9.310 540.728 7.541 240.637 11.630
+410.809 500.109 8.903 540.927 12.108 243.296 8.361
+410.965 500.951 8.126 537.899 8.352 248.802 7.620
+411.121 501.069 8.677 540.859 8.952 249.248 7.600
+411.278 498.080 7.458 538.118 7.826 270.222 5.811
+411.436 499.690 7.367 539.641 7.102 262.172 7.373
+411.593 494.986 7.843 539.646 7.756 233.291 6.853
+411.750 496.559 7.501 540.616 7.740 254.662 13.742
+411.906 509.115 12.806 539.126 12.669 241.536 9.805
+412.063 490.201 11.435 535.061 11.549 257.545 11.216
+412.221 511.982 10.093 540.860 7.718 255.285 11.592
+412.379 495.189 8.008 543.048 7.190 246.132 4.816
+412.537 490.491 8.275 538.640 8.187 259.461 12.613
+412.694 502.674 7.836 542.176 8.160 252.934 6.138
+412.850 502.176 8.418 539.961 7.978 233.709 9.031
+413.006 494.581 11.335 542.099 7.764 239.117 8.923
+413.163 504.175 8.474 539.451 7.068 255.131 4.809
+413.321 504.981 8.808 538.504 7.664 261.551 4.940
+413.478 495.809 7.211 541.225 7.346 246.405 5.887
+413.636 498.928 7.345 541.942 8.652 239.424 6.512
+413.794 496.369 8.196 538.619 8.443 259.084 5.968
+413.952 496.443 7.921 538.336 8.105 262.280 7.790
+414.108 496.854 7.937 540.423 7.528 244.422 5.446
+414.265 497.438 6.746 540.314 7.962 246.534 5.213
+414.423 500.554 7.463 538.733 6.975 249.855 4.816
+414.580 496.835 7.146 538.747 6.893 251.488 4.437
+414.738 495.558 7.187 539.537 7.346 254.314 5.539
+414.895 503.415 10.578 539.625 9.091 247.453 9.641
+415.051 486.904 11.798 540.026 7.739 247.174 11.766
+415.209 496.869 8.486 538.490 8.898 250.841 5.576
+415.366 498.368 7.446 538.124 8.379 250.478 5.822
+415.523 496.133 6.683 538.991 7.073 252.914 5.709
+415.681 495.871 6.482 540.590 8.609 241.009 4.954
+415.838 498.298 10.076 538.295 8.470 252.590 5.104
+415.995 493.573 7.084 540.083 7.987 252.105 7.761
+416.152 495.455 9.471 539.830 6.996 244.651 5.850
+416.309 499.344 8.094 540.428 8.345 246.626 6.141
+416.466 492.193 6.430 537.964 7.180 246.466 8.213
+416.623 495.132 7.033 540.399 6.955 249.814 10.257
+416.780 490.021 6.146 540.154 7.138 250.208 5.582
+416.938 500.300 7.731 539.851 8.216 252.742 8.156
+417.094 498.413 6.255 539.068 7.038 255.037 3.616
+417.253 496.124 8.994 544.640 9.662 245.060 14.777
+417.409 494.531 6.918 541.596 7.214 250.270 7.457
+417.566 496.565 6.778 540.216 8.153 250.592 5.483
+417.723 495.275 6.803 540.462 8.446 248.075 7.990
+417.879 496.112 10.911 541.244 7.940 248.230 5.749
+418.036 497.871 7.675 540.822 6.469 251.662 7.404
+418.193 496.648 6.459 537.968 7.315 253.016 4.733
+418.351 497.596 6.144 541.009 6.985 245.900 4.513
+418.508 496.685 6.027 540.120 6.904 249.799 5.015
+418.666 502.856 6.080 540.511 7.366 246.888 3.831
+418.824 498.088 6.595 539.345 7.091 250.538 6.261
+418.981 490.060 5.991 539.393 7.719 247.375 7.102
+419.139 494.440 6.524 541.374 6.909 255.183 5.196
+419.297 497.584 10.335 538.123 7.062 258.631 7.933
+419.453 499.355 6.083 541.281 7.574 252.866 5.843
+419.611 500.683 8.665 541.392 8.277 244.008 4.278
+419.769 498.926 8.088 541.043 6.948 249.110 8.101
+419.926 489.259 10.441 539.080 7.920 253.391 5.780
+420.083 499.132 8.624 539.690 6.631 253.073 4.834
+420.241 503.281 9.647 540.776 7.269 253.560 4.540
+420.397 495.732 10.194 539.517 8.721 243.125 7.965
+420.553 504.427 6.990 540.835 8.633 251.001 5.382
+420.709 505.924 8.593 540.648 8.614 243.710 6.161
+420.866 495.619 8.223 540.776 6.857 242.967 7.404
+421.023 497.586 6.164 537.057 8.345 251.079 3.796
+421.182 495.265 7.051 539.140 7.543 256.180 5.400
+421.340 496.992 10.853 537.521 8.946 258.291 5.640
+421.498 502.600 7.307 541.105 7.087 238.982 4.898
+421.656 506.096 8.232 542.231 8.744 241.759 9.432
+421.812 500.141 7.023 540.722 7.494 248.837 4.396
+421.969 499.671 6.566 538.517 8.174 253.268 4.563
+422.127 497.486 7.842 538.015 6.996 260.112 5.186
+422.285 494.624 7.762 539.240 8.544 246.311 6.442
+422.442 490.576 7.644 538.652 7.803 248.863 4.572
+422.599 501.075 5.646 540.676 6.957 251.788 4.643
+422.757 496.460 7.689 539.216 7.747 249.747 4.805
+422.914 499.894 7.361 540.402 7.514 251.837 5.107
+423.072 498.379 7.258 540.924 7.835 243.878 6.722
+423.228 498.663 6.469 539.449 6.748 252.378 6.060
+423.386 494.806 6.840 538.704 6.716 253.663 5.629
+423.543 498.538 9.616 539.607 8.428 251.596 6.205
+423.700 497.705 7.226 540.796 7.306 248.696 4.518
+423.857 500.617 6.865 541.598 7.120 244.226 5.343
+424.015 498.026 6.540 540.196 7.946 246.492 5.131
+424.172 500.980 6.367 538.142 7.094 257.484 5.469
+424.331 499.169 7.578 539.771 10.919 250.974 5.199
+424.489 501.401 9.386 539.237 7.845 257.949 5.913
+424.645 497.284 6.893 539.922 8.212 244.869 7.332
+424.801 497.902 6.540 539.919 6.794 247.188 5.305
+424.959 496.719 8.270 540.069 7.513 246.351 5.579
+425.117 494.577 7.351 537.780 8.589 247.103 8.428
+425.274 493.715 8.426 535.007 7.688 253.031 8.528
+425.431 503.027 6.865 537.420 7.064 253.620 7.859
+425.587 495.630 6.272 541.174 6.906 243.806 3.899
+425.745 494.086 8.569 541.781 10.011 233.898 12.458
+425.901 494.450 11.513 541.217 11.188 252.128 8.625
+426.059 497.444 8.352 536.982 9.059 256.351 4.890
+426.217 501.664 7.825 539.469 11.349 247.723 10.344
+426.373 502.076 7.588 541.734 8.021 250.717 4.554
+426.530 500.150 7.580 539.507 6.775 249.737 4.356
+426.688 500.081 6.269 541.055 7.323 244.887 5.531
+426.845 493.890 7.226 541.790 10.072 240.348 7.399
+427.002 496.758 7.055 539.708 10.949 247.953 5.079
+427.159 504.867 8.226 540.077 10.700 249.909 6.860
+427.317 504.388 7.886 542.180 7.866 248.989 6.278
+427.474 510.033 6.353 543.221 7.132 246.709 4.196
+427.631 502.680 7.159 542.302 8.097 239.137 6.479
+427.788 504.486 7.735 542.823 10.314 251.581 5.588
+427.946 499.564 7.823 541.758 8.039 246.825 7.020
+428.102 496.505 8.297 543.017 8.640 244.328 7.260
+428.259 500.295 7.430 540.620 7.051 258.763 5.584
+428.417 503.882 9.067 539.406 7.652 256.487 6.210
+428.575 503.368 9.818 543.124 8.911 252.984 12.380
+428.731 504.543 8.157 545.911 6.555 234.039 6.328
+428.887 499.365 9.963 543.079 8.307 248.220 7.326
+429.044 495.963 6.499 542.590 7.613 256.662 6.187
+429.203 500.459 8.671 541.496 7.352 268.966 9.069
+429.361 497.424 7.197 543.225 7.372 249.289 5.421
+429.518 497.474 7.094 544.142 7.818 245.962 5.036
+429.676 498.614 7.156 544.461 8.115 250.119 5.854
+429.833 498.826 6.566 543.674 7.472 251.381 6.251
+429.991 491.488 6.761 542.276 7.028 258.733 4.676
+430.149 501.744 7.762 543.872 6.869 252.687 4.819
+430.306 506.857 10.781 545.048 8.175 247.266 5.493
+430.463 502.388 7.006 542.690 7.966 250.442 5.912
+430.619 494.683 7.186 544.576 9.854 237.134 7.856
+430.776 495.266 12.801 543.655 9.951 242.561 8.222
+430.933 503.312 7.402 542.946 6.994 264.535 5.791
+431.092 494.853 8.001 543.539 7.059 256.765 6.619
+431.248 504.788 12.592 543.815 7.480 253.887 6.147
+431.405 502.157 6.878 546.018 7.131 241.748 4.959
+431.563 494.001 6.770 546.240 7.432 242.647 4.692
+431.720 501.310 7.627 542.982 6.675 252.806 4.395
+431.877 495.743 6.439 542.909 8.545 254.418 5.084
+432.035 499.877 6.673 542.309 7.780 249.844 4.850
+432.192 496.448 6.827 543.813 7.150 246.378 3.965
+432.348 500.384 6.626 543.058 6.738 248.723 4.569
+432.506 501.683 6.765 542.500 7.171 253.537 6.936
+432.663 507.576 6.796 544.015 7.268 245.485 6.027
+432.821 496.275 7.630 545.860 7.018 243.184 4.831
+432.979 503.492 8.509 543.288 6.849 256.421 7.201
+433.137 506.244 7.132 541.402 7.804 257.214 6.694
+433.295 498.862 7.049 544.134 7.959 245.532 5.849
+433.452 496.048 9.858 546.461 7.382 244.255 4.212
+433.609 506.070 7.828 543.784 8.173 252.902 6.953
+433.766 508.960 8.241 541.077 6.857 260.999 4.532
+433.925 503.449 6.488 546.320 6.421 249.810 4.646
+434.083 503.354 6.250 547.143 8.244 242.048 4.423
+434.241 506.163 7.078 548.371 6.636 244.370 6.030
+434.400 497.601 7.074 544.083 6.261 259.413 5.240
+434.558 509.736 10.882 547.720 9.549 250.474 12.641
+434.715 506.057 7.341 546.577 7.101 251.564 4.138
+434.872 502.480 10.197 549.385 9.452 241.775 14.762
+435.029 503.224 6.212 547.573 7.752 252.257 11.100
+435.186 498.862 7.094 547.345 6.694 253.212 4.365
+435.343 499.888 6.286 550.433 6.751 250.652 3.543
+435.502 497.158 5.978 547.944 6.993 253.186 5.905
+435.659 501.611 7.473 550.839 11.065 247.421 11.520
+435.816 503.186 7.014 548.198 8.496 257.194 7.993
+435.973 502.681 6.974 548.562 7.946 254.831 7.405
+436.130 500.326 7.771 548.235 6.666 253.848 4.106
+436.287 497.263 6.782 548.952 7.933 247.658 9.115
+436.444 501.652 8.381 552.159 8.083 247.456 8.116
+436.601 503.406 7.786 546.141 7.655 262.564 15.341
+436.758 499.594 8.404 549.181 7.685 256.475 6.562
+436.915 497.725 10.480 548.751 6.998 249.944 7.376
+437.072 498.687 6.590 550.327 8.340 258.289 7.289
+437.229 496.666 8.356 550.513 7.131 241.972 5.018
+437.386 494.266 6.774 549.805 7.398 244.299 4.662
+437.544 499.382 7.001 553.358 7.143 259.753 7.503
+437.702 495.133 10.470 546.393 8.687 258.827 10.193
+437.859 501.961 7.716 550.723 6.832 260.058 9.658
+438.017 494.539 8.595 554.997 9.631 240.350 7.354
+438.173 502.265 7.401 552.040 9.254 250.663 6.548
+438.331 499.262 7.229 547.700 8.192 260.796 5.281
+438.489 501.012 6.990 548.157 6.683 255.487 5.732
+438.646 500.860 7.167 553.171 6.783 243.184 7.764
+438.803 491.488 8.163 552.131 8.954 240.671 9.434
+438.959 495.774 7.487 548.751 7.392 245.236 9.036
+439.117 506.587 8.082 549.867 8.639 272.122 11.088
+439.274 499.995 8.206 548.968 6.922 257.241 5.323
+439.433 500.280 6.975 549.479 6.134 245.332 5.132
+439.590 499.002 7.235 550.784 6.989 242.773 5.637
+439.748 505.950 6.566 552.057 7.575 241.957 7.112
+439.906 499.479 7.303 548.760 7.227 257.109 7.065
+440.064 497.544 8.528 549.917 6.851 264.131 7.938
+440.221 494.465 9.414 551.239 7.143 245.911 9.436
+440.377 496.384 7.918 551.132 6.631 249.179 5.002
+440.534 496.613 7.306 548.891 6.865 255.931 8.100
+440.691 494.306 6.686 549.079 7.147 250.109 4.929
+440.848 507.003 11.199 549.950 6.942 255.951 12.879
+441.007 502.570 7.449 552.909 7.882 243.769 14.064
+441.163 496.455 10.894 546.959 7.058 245.617 7.952
+441.320 500.544 11.620 552.259 7.440 245.766 7.297
+441.477 500.285 6.965 549.502 7.104 259.407 8.326
+441.635 490.582 6.959 547.475 7.143 256.364 5.745
+441.794 498.615 7.727 550.034 6.905 252.573 9.364
+441.950 498.706 7.352 552.600 6.825 254.175 5.687
+442.109 501.827 8.082 551.636 7.438 247.081 8.210
+442.264 493.298 9.332 544.726 8.099 249.400 16.213
+442.421 498.163 9.858 552.377 9.440 260.284 9.811
+442.577 497.391 7.422 549.283 7.646 254.752 6.511
+442.735 496.533 7.228 547.982 6.390 254.147 6.605
+442.892 502.025 7.227 552.769 8.140 243.181 13.194
+443.048 496.460 11.501 547.897 7.217 251.711 10.189
+443.205 497.534 10.234 547.079 8.004 250.597 14.295
+443.362 492.815 8.367 551.430 6.996 253.286 6.640
+443.520 503.658 13.280 550.004 8.033 251.672 14.167
+443.675 493.066 9.699 549.540 7.886 250.036 4.878
+443.832 494.190 6.720 550.395 6.665 236.470 5.748
+443.990 504.521 7.134 548.674 6.846 268.614 8.104
+444.148 500.745 7.717 552.216 8.165 249.986 10.560
+444.304 497.437 6.280 548.522 6.937 247.019 5.663
+444.461 492.054 6.959 553.385 8.050 243.980 4.685
+444.619 499.250 6.831 547.613 6.836 259.919 4.289
+444.777 496.162 8.244 546.416 6.329 254.249 8.498
+444.935 504.171 7.783 548.164 8.112 254.512 8.821
+445.091 498.001 8.378 551.461 7.505 238.785 12.435
+445.247 491.380 7.535 551.234 7.052 234.357 10.590
+445.404 497.133 6.731 549.342 7.167 270.613 6.280
+445.563 500.591 8.371 547.903 9.090 263.096 9.705
+445.720 499.305 7.033 547.219 7.557 257.521 6.841
+445.877 500.263 12.472 557.192 11.061 239.315 16.103
+446.033 500.262 7.671 548.232 7.584 250.093 6.039
+446.191 499.892 8.954 550.672 6.374 260.790 5.635
+446.349 495.649 7.024 549.846 6.645 252.977 5.191
+446.507 497.036 7.694 548.268 6.536 246.349 5.627
+446.665 499.470 10.570 549.992 6.588 254.233 4.819
+446.822 501.354 9.149 548.550 7.481 250.292 6.911
+446.979 495.383 7.208 549.005 7.353 245.702 6.208
+447.136 498.523 9.784 547.800 6.862 249.237 10.497
+447.293 493.655 11.561 546.708 6.530 245.522 7.592
+447.449 498.656 10.913 551.137 7.380 252.145 8.176
+447.608 493.016 7.503 548.511 6.790 256.871 9.567
+447.765 495.090 10.073 545.465 7.833 259.938 4.385
+447.922 505.340 6.689 551.974 7.966 249.459 6.206
+448.080 501.103 7.806 549.719 7.954 245.494 5.580
+448.237 489.561 9.455 548.207 6.557 237.674 4.480
+448.395 498.735 6.291 551.582 6.451 257.426 5.792
+448.554 505.907 6.635 549.985 6.484 262.304 5.138
+448.712 502.519 8.121 548.139 6.555 249.323 4.740
+448.869 495.385 7.200 551.251 6.296 258.983 4.241
+449.027 498.533 7.084 553.012 7.246 238.149 4.394
+449.184 500.025 14.511 548.920 7.792 249.921 8.130
+449.341 492.360 9.304 548.089 8.214 256.119 8.447
+449.497 503.673 9.752 549.091 8.662 251.751 7.202
+449.655 496.676 7.977 549.020 6.460 254.967 9.183
+449.811 493.016 7.519 548.090 9.217 250.699 6.793
+449.968 500.140 9.556 548.681 7.739 249.797 7.118
+450.125 504.071 7.389 548.566 7.284 255.967 4.579
+450.282 496.080 7.358 547.475 7.950 244.809 5.665
+450.440 500.100 7.330 546.934 6.729 255.208 4.392
+450.598 500.661 7.857 549.089 7.379 249.072 6.913
+450.755 496.596 9.546 546.770 7.624 250.410 6.549
+450.912 494.675 7.385 549.597 6.902 249.814 5.274
+451.069 496.736 6.636 546.206 6.885 255.558 3.662
+451.227 491.827 7.049 546.012 7.148 250.135 5.733
+451.384 494.588 7.284 548.770 7.992 248.231 5.358
+451.541 488.455 9.038 549.307 7.814 254.902 6.744
+451.699 495.904 7.437 547.243 8.226 254.279 6.960
+451.857 492.169 6.618 547.852 7.588 256.972 6.012
+452.014 494.401 7.367 548.948 7.412 243.719 4.389
+452.172 497.894 9.559 549.639 8.990 254.557 6.222
+452.329 494.978 6.918 546.746 7.286 256.035 5.824
+452.488 487.659 7.063 544.827 7.836 246.860 5.632
+452.646 504.646 7.206 550.318 7.915 252.698 5.458
+452.803 492.896 7.983 549.043 7.678 245.877 6.188
+452.960 492.469 7.200 546.640 7.117 253.658 6.476
+453.118 492.704 6.501 547.296 7.946 251.736 4.586
+453.275 494.637 7.015 546.773 7.822 252.067 5.163
+453.432 491.566 7.089 548.207 6.686 249.340 4.591
+453.590 486.005 11.441 545.082 6.282 253.963 7.302
+453.748 494.210 8.201 546.990 7.796 255.529 5.728
+453.905 489.482 7.473 547.959 6.875 249.615 4.092
+454.062 491.014 8.277 547.439 7.643 248.286 6.064
+454.219 487.850 8.770 547.674 8.420 241.712 6.619
+454.377 488.338 7.750 546.706 8.603 260.747 7.496
+454.534 488.633 7.791 546.477 7.058 249.967 4.362
+454.691 490.536 6.945 549.544 7.691 252.349 4.036
+454.848 492.615 9.908 549.735 7.173 242.693 6.099
+455.005 491.716 8.895 550.397 8.100 247.216 5.077
+455.161 488.957 9.220 549.034 9.548 251.802 6.350
+455.318 488.219 7.643 547.670 7.421 251.378 3.977
+455.475 491.522 6.290 546.096 8.093 250.783 6.423
+455.632 485.345 9.502 547.491 8.034 250.667 6.106
+455.789 491.343 8.222 547.874 10.027 250.046 6.582
+455.946 489.173 7.038 545.628 8.727 248.420 5.553
+456.104 489.881 7.421 547.606 7.875 254.904 7.329
+456.261 489.758 9.794 545.376 9.133 252.179 7.313
+456.417 487.957 8.770 547.583 8.084 251.631 6.355
+456.574 487.639 8.957 548.645 8.820 247.056 5.526
+456.730 489.156 8.687 550.686 9.545 250.570 7.839
+456.886 487.381 7.704 546.016 10.912 252.785 7.964
+457.043 488.253 8.621 549.860 7.474 253.037 5.429
+457.200 488.562 7.822 547.868 8.155 251.860 6.351
+457.357 486.265 8.813 546.918 8.942 255.428 6.632
+457.514 488.142 7.486 546.589 9.461 250.754 6.586
+457.671 490.101 7.571 547.925 7.623 251.437 5.412
+457.829 485.601 8.297 546.289 7.063 253.124 6.549
+457.986 487.906 8.413 546.192 7.010 250.921 4.479
+458.143 492.499 8.910 545.482 7.555 255.189 6.715
+458.300 487.535 8.762 545.534 7.372 249.101 4.492
+458.457 487.335 9.089 545.445 7.729 254.381 7.480
+458.614 486.253 7.970 549.184 8.301 248.733 5.144
+458.771 489.622 8.932 548.621 10.536 249.977 7.103
+458.928 488.866 7.720 547.286 8.844 251.689 5.291
+459.085 484.718 20.101 546.742 11.226 253.466 9.669
+459.241 488.017 12.146 546.737 9.901 252.504 6.993
+459.398 496.500 8.875 545.357 8.366 255.165 6.905
+459.555 488.855 9.705 546.053 7.528 250.021 4.839
+459.712 491.628 7.090 546.070 7.025 251.660 6.397
+459.869 491.186 8.602 545.150 7.135 256.116 3.330
+460.027 490.571 8.904 546.231 7.204 252.081 5.719
+460.185 486.245 7.561 544.632 8.787 245.810 6.717
+460.342 486.822 8.229 543.596 8.784 255.418 5.196
+460.498 489.118 7.399 545.786 8.227 253.884 4.831
+460.656 490.361 8.817 545.097 9.633 255.308 5.006
+460.813 491.373 7.570 546.071 9.744 245.713 6.215
+460.970 490.513 6.841 545.620 9.202 253.107 6.522
+461.128 489.965 7.195 545.886 7.780 250.831 6.142
+461.285 487.499 7.518 544.208 9.747 254.008 6.169
+461.443 493.795 6.410 544.362 9.260 251.840 4.226
+461.600 488.757 7.823 546.223 8.214 248.298 5.425
+461.757 492.727 8.263 545.032 6.816 254.192 4.761
+461.915 492.537 10.476 547.830 7.314 250.821 5.004
+462.073 491.585 9.352 544.268 8.161 253.898 5.445
+462.230 483.645 8.051 546.262 8.595 247.048 5.080
+462.387 496.146 9.448 545.052 10.680 253.200 4.996
+462.545 485.751 10.614 545.160 7.611 253.932 5.436
+462.703 487.697 10.091 547.111 10.578 251.519 7.244
+462.861 480.707 10.216 545.591 10.279 254.715 7.165
+463.019 489.717 6.363 541.866 9.917 254.117 6.413
+463.176 484.367 9.361 546.158 9.720 246.051 4.958
+463.334 486.763 8.852 544.841 8.057 255.270 5.859
+463.492 484.867 9.573 545.368 9.977 252.802 7.069
+463.649 483.418 7.872 544.683 10.600 251.668 10.102
+463.805 483.284 8.287 549.246 9.847 255.556 7.122
+463.963 489.092 7.111 543.712 8.518 255.595 6.940
+464.120 485.540 8.125 544.077 8.577 257.035 5.540
+464.277 485.615 8.214 548.130 8.118 248.930 6.395
+464.434 487.156 8.423 547.831 7.191 247.009 8.021
+464.590 481.381 15.453 544.508 10.059 248.810 9.906
+464.747 486.323 17.360 545.065 11.374 255.248 8.998
+464.904 490.643 9.466 543.490 8.970 255.002 5.320
+465.062 482.286 7.290 546.004 10.950 243.610 7.592
+465.219 493.622 8.914 543.770 8.580 252.196 8.356
+465.375 487.526 9.013 545.137 8.626 252.321 5.245
+465.533 488.655 8.810 546.061 8.209 251.193 5.886
+465.690 493.416 9.254 545.940 7.459 250.321 5.428
+465.846 490.274 9.839 544.139 7.753 250.393 5.856
+466.004 495.562 8.334 546.931 6.370 250.633 4.897
+466.161 488.405 9.799 545.919 7.295 243.826 7.180
+466.318 495.244 9.529 545.969 7.142 254.028 6.153
+466.476 498.322 11.089 544.719 9.887 247.510 12.227
+466.633 493.173 7.710 544.887 8.141 250.275 7.413
+466.789 494.621 7.089 545.208 7.214 248.442 7.155
+466.946 501.846 6.201 544.802 6.907 249.844 4.547
+467.104 493.408 7.739 544.598 6.796 250.428 5.459
+467.262 493.384 7.218 543.756 6.809 253.694 5.570
+467.419 495.483 7.324 544.487 7.921 244.486 7.934
+467.575 498.254 6.839 545.174 7.108 246.814 5.011
+467.733 497.712 7.044 544.101 7.615 256.758 4.507
+467.891 499.407 7.326 543.991 8.511 250.267 6.033
+468.047 502.404 6.858 545.179 7.257 247.122 4.656
+468.205 496.714 7.558 543.531 8.923 259.271 8.438
+468.363 499.987 11.145 544.795 9.540 256.452 7.600
+468.519 498.799 7.872 544.128 7.188 248.774 7.718
+468.676 492.288 14.215 546.471 9.109 230.507 9.922
+468.832 494.152 10.771 543.284 8.064 249.645 7.031
+468.990 507.581 8.555 546.072 8.520 261.416 7.654
+469.148 501.595 7.855 541.830 6.629 257.084 5.246
+469.305 495.215 9.009 546.978 7.047 244.890 7.064
+469.462 490.122 9.253 543.889 7.580 243.118 10.562
+469.619 495.701 11.437 544.768 9.093 249.471 11.777
+469.776 498.887 8.411 544.277 9.405 252.684 9.607
+469.933 498.008 12.620 543.922 9.507 261.206 8.869
+470.090 501.200 10.333 544.739 7.283 253.332 7.550
+470.247 496.052 8.207 546.287 6.941 235.913 4.928
+470.404 498.120 9.342 546.282 7.302 245.719 6.430
+470.562 502.231 9.013 543.662 8.605 266.177 8.795
+470.719 501.802 9.714 541.206 8.022 251.381 5.706
+470.876 494.468 10.691 548.602 7.739 235.173 10.683
+471.033 502.504 8.039 545.376 7.376 244.311 9.927
+471.189 503.715 12.029 543.283 9.464 261.663 8.057
+471.347 493.417 12.464 543.602 7.545 253.306 10.381
+471.503 500.194 10.513 543.516 8.557 246.423 6.121
+471.661 499.291 6.632 545.575 8.288 247.384 6.633
+471.817 492.982 7.364 543.435 6.775 256.053 5.236
+471.976 498.109 7.905 544.264 6.704 257.910 10.199
+472.133 500.321 7.063 544.872 7.302 245.589 7.904
+472.289 493.753 8.609 546.658 7.509 246.065 4.541
+472.447 498.417 11.298 544.436 7.324 252.300 7.332
+472.604 501.624 9.666 543.164 9.477 255.503 10.669
+472.761 499.206 10.735 544.211 8.354 253.675 13.962
+472.917 500.392 10.325 543.462 7.585 243.396 5.281
+473.075 497.953 11.000 543.784 9.047 243.463 6.382
+473.233 499.379 8.403 545.247 6.763 253.394 6.063
+473.390 496.423 7.827 541.822 7.169 259.133 6.735
+473.547 500.714 12.361 542.168 9.575 252.911 8.906
+473.703 500.567 11.964 545.401 10.240 240.109 9.982
+473.860 495.285 8.308 542.854 8.162 247.861 5.775
+474.017 502.082 10.928 541.918 6.460 260.568 5.194
+474.175 500.370 7.612 542.099 8.073 249.705 6.589
+474.333 494.423 7.814 543.061 6.560 251.367 6.197
+474.490 501.454 8.672 545.550 7.192 246.203 5.710
+474.647 501.294 15.983 543.095 7.964 250.482 9.149
+474.802 495.532 9.170 546.531 7.033 247.584 5.072
+474.959 496.345 7.735 546.115 9.710 248.795 6.738
+475.116 500.623 9.931 541.501 7.294 256.967 5.669
+475.274 503.706 9.782 545.875 7.809 255.539 9.691
+475.432 496.207 13.839 543.568 8.181 240.805 22.604
+475.588 499.462 9.379 543.185 7.637 245.408 7.104
+475.744 499.464 10.921 543.741 7.674 250.104 10.206
+475.902 496.984 6.740 543.497 7.197 264.181 7.579
+476.059 497.339 9.696 542.955 7.558 251.111 9.780
+476.216 498.063 12.834 545.089 8.502 243.351 10.534
+476.372 501.050 10.101 543.591 7.641 252.083 4.988
+476.530 493.870 15.309 541.895 9.042 253.340 7.356
+476.687 500.838 6.248 542.539 6.744 255.043 4.517
+476.845 499.968 8.213 546.195 8.929 250.300 5.835
+477.002 497.489 6.478 545.362 6.216 249.592 5.537
+477.159 496.934 7.264 543.653 7.212 243.585 3.769
+477.317 496.039 9.009 544.586 7.274 254.285 5.878
+477.474 496.620 6.218 544.515 8.162 245.692 5.611
+477.632 501.926 6.496 542.945 8.405 258.496 8.520
+477.789 491.489 19.586 545.479 12.032 243.154 9.665
+477.946 502.034 7.694 542.144 6.774 259.321 11.340
+478.103 501.830 12.019 544.491 6.598 250.773 8.070
+478.259 495.828 7.395 541.644 6.818 249.567 5.586
+478.416 502.188 8.783 546.056 7.101 243.355 8.133
+478.573 500.991 10.158 543.710 7.856 255.833 6.192
+478.730 499.039 10.959 542.047 8.006 251.778 6.598
+478.886 500.350 9.493 544.130 6.742 245.927 5.921
+479.044 501.873 7.134 546.441 6.686 246.139 5.769
+479.201 498.988 8.225 543.484 7.291 250.211 5.085
+479.359 498.129 9.178 544.814 8.738 249.292 11.779
+479.515 505.661 9.229 544.748 7.538 249.732 5.749
+479.673 498.866 7.657 544.127 6.891 248.507 7.701
+479.829 494.068 9.458 544.391 6.721 253.105 8.376
+479.987 496.910 8.841 545.334 6.402 254.401 8.336
+480.144 501.699 9.654 544.993 6.408 255.424 11.886
+480.300 497.887 10.887 543.949 7.291 245.484 5.790
+480.458 503.288 7.106 545.219 7.824 242.684 6.451
+480.615 497.602 6.979 544.512 8.941 257.106 9.504
+480.773 495.086 7.398 542.975 7.742 259.801 5.225
+480.932 502.490 8.018 542.799 6.713 258.918 3.837
+481.090 504.784 10.963 545.578 6.698 240.859 8.389
+481.246 496.347 9.388 544.665 7.850 241.958 5.525
+481.404 498.403 8.095 542.326 6.849 262.379 4.719
+481.562 500.474 8.369 541.173 7.021 251.443 4.946
+481.718 499.344 8.954 544.581 7.217 237.874 9.954
+481.875 493.643 7.997 542.915 8.145 230.138 13.486
+482.031 495.516 7.502 543.439 7.376 268.611 9.002
+482.188 500.685 9.354 542.004 6.608 255.126 11.087
+482.346 511.006 16.951 542.270 12.116 261.621 15.651
+482.501 501.810 10.451 548.432 8.759 237.636 10.814
+482.658 495.768 8.707 542.944 6.915 229.016 6.896
+482.816 499.517 8.335 541.839 7.093 274.810 9.971
+482.972 502.625 9.522 540.998 8.445 265.138 6.747
+483.129 498.866 11.038 544.410 7.935 240.571 6.376
+483.286 498.998 8.248 547.474 7.845 238.525 5.567
+483.443 499.160 11.823 545.474 8.570 254.515 5.350
+483.602 503.771 9.303 542.954 7.013 268.595 8.376
+483.759 498.937 6.199 543.349 8.417 241.745 6.515
+483.916 499.389 7.394 543.123 6.607 249.987 5.115
+484.073 497.343 7.892 544.251 7.606 250.049 5.073
+484.231 501.133 10.610 544.302 7.151 256.820 10.958
+484.388 495.561 10.441 543.933 9.180 254.498 5.438
+484.545 503.425 11.823 543.699 6.499 251.935 4.397
+484.703 497.264 9.722 546.377 7.213 242.119 6.656
+484.860 496.442 7.077 544.813 6.773 246.131 6.713
+485.017 497.184 7.568 542.678 6.494 249.391 7.487
+485.174 503.671 7.807 541.866 7.415 255.753 5.179
+485.332 496.736 9.085 543.858 6.585 250.567 4.924
+485.489 498.157 11.578 544.708 8.113 251.885 5.613
+485.647 496.061 9.866 543.857 8.066 245.078 6.374
+485.803 501.520 7.294 545.588 8.561 246.940 7.564
+485.961 503.965 6.810 543.575 6.825 251.949 6.247
+486.118 493.439 9.169 542.635 7.206 255.519 6.433
+486.275 497.874 7.888 544.786 6.616 251.855 6.457
+486.432 497.768 7.586 543.957 8.024 243.318 4.833
+486.589 496.547 10.213 545.039 6.377 253.333 6.747
+486.747 496.255 7.672 542.000 6.885 267.733 4.660
+486.905 508.662 13.841 542.810 7.496 256.527 6.455
+487.063 500.146 9.736 545.028 7.016 240.625 5.851
+487.221 496.291 9.385 543.850 8.376 255.416 10.901
+487.378 501.982 11.259 541.918 7.380 266.394 8.260
+487.535 498.699 9.593 540.789 8.071 249.323 6.897
+487.692 493.047 7.742 543.807 7.838 242.113 8.521
+487.848 500.960 10.254 545.028 6.943 243.421 5.601
+488.006 503.609 7.649 540.610 6.822 262.884 8.639
+488.162 497.336 8.544 543.536 6.193 245.238 3.697
+488.319 498.873 10.298 541.405 7.163 243.952 9.613
+488.476 497.678 9.699 543.534 6.092 248.809 6.171
+488.633 494.856 9.106 541.705 8.549 254.678 5.034
+488.790 496.808 8.837 542.807 6.724 251.886 4.117
+488.947 501.238 7.360 542.828 7.704 252.588 6.127
+489.104 500.952 7.274 544.378 7.289 249.875 5.052
+489.263 501.159 8.872 544.393 6.839 252.188 6.948
+489.420 497.091 8.241 544.824 8.183 239.941 9.405
+489.576 503.940 9.035 541.758 8.452 252.279 7.744
+489.734 496.619 7.867 542.617 7.965 259.762 7.695
+489.891 494.546 7.290 541.626 6.908 254.277 6.550
+490.048 499.465 6.970 544.466 8.352 242.082 5.932
+490.206 496.944 6.904 543.584 6.457 246.980 4.033
+490.364 501.569 11.658 542.845 7.037 259.959 6.034
+490.522 497.875 7.957 541.988 6.949 257.369 6.360
+490.678 500.568 10.072 543.979 8.279 241.843 5.774
+490.835 496.815 7.751 542.179 7.283 245.618 7.601
+490.992 496.128 7.601 542.281 9.674 256.236 6.171
+491.150 497.691 8.357 541.162 8.346 257.032 8.014
+491.307 499.986 10.396 540.841 9.029 246.880 10.147
+491.465 503.309 13.055 544.128 8.674 259.088 10.842
+491.622 501.053 16.393 543.331 9.809 236.750 15.233
+491.777 490.150 9.364 543.333 6.907 247.467 4.535
+491.934 505.911 14.291 541.343 11.026 238.734 18.490
+492.090 498.959 13.353 541.593 8.535 244.087 11.849
+492.247 501.399 11.666 548.466 7.062 264.330 15.610
+492.403 498.344 9.065 544.734 7.706 252.303 7.400
+492.560 501.073 11.534 541.397 9.389 238.483 9.715
+492.716 493.800 8.165 547.554 8.993 240.004 7.833
+492.873 506.888 7.700 542.545 9.987 267.880 10.227
+493.030 501.148 8.355 543.015 8.154 263.908 3.991
+493.187 499.601 11.028 546.070 8.678 234.189 8.748
+493.343 494.856 11.438 543.670 7.204 240.671 10.877
+493.500 493.218 11.105 542.676 6.962 260.066 5.257
+493.659 503.202 7.871 542.706 6.983 261.700 5.090
+493.817 500.872 7.646 545.377 7.880 247.047 9.518
+493.973 499.818 8.098 543.943 8.795 244.540 6.907
+494.129 500.848 6.788 543.459 6.589 253.095 4.568
+494.287 501.988 6.861 541.964 6.524 255.320 5.307
+494.445 494.629 8.422 545.399 6.772 243.733 5.387
+494.602 496.836 7.161 542.804 6.598 240.437 6.802
+494.759 504.578 6.345 542.898 6.664 258.714 3.908
+494.919 502.025 6.252 542.359 8.098 256.137 5.203
+495.076 500.660 10.273 544.073 6.184 249.601 5.120
+495.234 503.866 6.436 545.050 7.439 247.686 5.022
+495.391 496.928 7.495 543.430 7.723 246.076 6.308
+495.548 492.689 9.360 541.884 6.655 254.210 4.882
+495.706 497.316 8.046 543.288 6.861 253.862 4.424
+495.863 498.493 10.506 541.942 8.233 251.348 7.713
+496.020 489.264 8.989 545.889 7.508 238.173 9.773
+496.177 499.442 15.200 544.328 10.013 259.871 13.792
+496.334 495.024 9.912 541.663 6.915 266.468 10.401
+496.490 492.770 7.823 540.546 6.944 253.754 8.058
+496.647 492.317 8.611 547.125 6.877 237.727 11.414
+496.803 496.373 6.882 543.511 6.910 249.597 6.392
+496.961 490.953 10.217 542.885 6.600 256.316 6.734
+497.119 497.989 7.678 543.178 6.193 256.313 5.355
+497.277 493.369 8.523 545.351 7.915 249.213 4.698
+497.434 489.943 11.365 544.813 7.247 244.732 5.354
+497.592 497.079 9.239 542.978 9.064 255.517 7.235
+497.749 492.860 6.898 543.289 7.360 258.555 6.918
+497.906 495.948 9.310 545.002 6.367 249.995 4.188
+498.064 492.609 8.804 544.360 7.458 249.909 4.855
+498.221 482.786 7.589 544.013 9.776 254.109 7.165
+498.379 486.907 7.467 543.800 10.275 253.231 9.176
+498.536 492.079 11.322 545.938 9.779 253.652 8.584
+498.693 491.600 7.335 543.509 6.676 249.626 4.353
+498.850 485.516 5.933 544.945 7.358 252.126 6.630
+499.009 485.615 9.808 543.099 8.066 257.541 6.143
+499.165 488.446 8.027 542.301 8.478 250.575 4.738
+499.322 489.034 8.708 545.633 7.852 240.365 10.115
+499.478 486.200 9.721 547.116 7.191 251.443 7.149
+499.635 494.702 9.246 540.521 9.937 265.204 6.447
+499.793 494.567 7.879 539.745 8.257 251.792 7.550
+499.949 475.255 11.898 544.137 9.891 233.937 4.650
+500.107 483.192 9.745 542.471 8.435 253.309 6.639
+500.264 485.611 8.292 541.174 8.014 255.533 5.934
+500.421 483.406 16.933 540.911 8.332 255.635 5.892
+500.578 479.154 11.181 550.079 7.269 245.696 8.664
+500.735 488.801 6.759 544.040 8.596 262.326 6.364
+500.893 489.608 7.761 544.470 8.702 251.843 5.123
+501.050 484.116 6.213 545.464 7.504 251.408 5.147
+501.207 484.271 7.996 544.064 7.658 247.904 8.193
+501.365 490.882 6.496 541.940 7.509 258.199 5.958
+501.522 488.608 9.613 546.159 7.788 245.292 4.401
+501.679 488.316 7.376 544.161 7.976 251.072 5.857
+501.836 490.593 10.598 544.271 6.950 247.820 5.739
+501.994 485.565 8.208 544.042 7.555 248.068 9.915
+502.150 488.475 8.239 543.580 7.734 250.400 5.466
+502.307 490.614 7.643 545.005 7.732 254.634 5.481
+502.465 483.956 9.732 544.880 7.999 245.426 5.814
+502.621 483.049 9.425 543.438 8.807 250.084 8.751
+502.778 493.190 8.865 543.874 7.505 261.070 6.011
+502.935 490.301 7.442 543.058 7.242 249.260 6.119
+503.092 486.733 7.429 545.580 6.792 248.852 4.125
+503.250 492.177 8.592 545.805 6.558 252.958 7.145
+503.407 490.511 7.450 544.018 6.740 260.549 5.969
+503.565 493.725 8.388 543.340 7.572 249.325 7.850
+503.721 492.657 9.325 545.163 7.123 248.593 4.825
+503.878 491.206 7.422 544.251 6.658 254.905 5.564
+504.036 494.222 7.348 543.812 6.777 255.239 6.608
+504.193 490.872 8.999 544.118 8.696 246.232 8.082
+504.350 492.018 9.077 545.451 7.271 250.672 7.214
+504.507 496.130 8.679 543.054 7.786 251.396 6.222
+504.664 490.641 6.662 544.340 6.750 244.613 4.744
+504.821 498.616 8.249 546.393 7.789 253.356 5.833
+504.978 497.256 8.631 544.503 6.968 255.773 5.357
+505.136 496.212 8.729 543.475 7.031 252.777 4.788
+505.293 499.472 12.379 547.714 7.445 248.577 5.635
+505.451 500.404 10.006 546.947 6.894 250.575 6.714
+505.607 497.034 10.899 545.979 8.354 244.885 4.832
+505.766 507.410 9.916 543.589 9.096 255.478 10.678
+505.923 499.864 7.696 545.085 7.231 248.354 6.751
+506.080 494.268 10.047 544.430 7.078 241.613 6.164
+506.237 500.142 7.059 544.164 7.062 250.766 6.642
+506.394 503.781 8.189 542.411 7.784 253.877 6.449
+506.551 491.107 9.382 544.214 7.123 251.838 7.174
+506.707 497.421 10.950 543.452 7.067 251.648 5.881
+506.865 498.254 8.667 543.414 6.871 252.826 8.252
+507.022 500.672 6.138 545.184 7.206 257.458 5.905
+507.180 497.736 9.732 544.821 6.995 250.244 5.689
+507.338 494.527 9.048 544.258 8.017 254.302 5.909
+507.495 503.575 7.789 545.252 6.871 252.373 5.727
+507.652 498.185 6.538 543.192 7.281 249.603 5.036
+507.810 501.021 11.239 542.972 7.849 242.666 9.658
+507.967 495.390 8.326 544.719 6.464 246.566 8.957
+508.123 508.693 7.143 544.027 6.276 251.055 6.018
+508.281 501.007 6.594 545.600 7.316 249.690 7.408
+508.438 497.010 7.871 545.246 6.686 245.826 5.642
+508.595 503.390 6.800 545.562 6.199 246.518 7.235
+508.752 496.413 6.679 543.605 7.383 257.225 5.718
+508.911 492.364 8.517 542.336 7.998 254.222 16.471
+509.067 501.003 11.497 546.223 8.511 246.932 6.092
+509.224 499.900 7.089 542.512 6.182 250.099 4.387
+509.382 500.959 6.010 546.015 6.330 244.931 3.875
+509.541 504.259 7.472 545.350 6.394 256.429 5.407
+509.699 494.482 6.859 543.323 6.683 243.404 7.846
+509.856 503.454 11.808 543.243 6.591 259.994 6.632
+510.014 496.714 10.475 545.392 6.824 250.979 7.350
+510.172 499.107 7.177 544.003 7.039 249.029 5.162
+510.331 502.181 7.500 545.370 9.247 254.300 7.449
+510.488 493.381 8.553 542.733 7.640 253.083 6.188
+510.645 497.933 10.458 543.107 9.281 249.220 6.286
+510.802 503.969 9.460 545.431 7.894 247.522 5.065
+510.958 500.129 7.427 544.304 7.141 250.515 4.345
+511.116 499.911 7.327 544.023 7.849 248.585 5.573
+511.273 502.419 6.278 544.980 8.574 253.335 6.127
+511.431 495.244 7.101 542.819 7.383 248.613 6.866
+511.587 498.272 9.540 545.068 7.453 245.816 5.293
+511.744 503.122 10.610 543.860 6.593 252.538 5.069
+511.902 500.511 12.465 543.298 7.788 256.085 5.983
+512.059 498.545 6.848 545.623 7.181 248.360 4.783
+512.217 495.285 7.765 544.466 9.039 248.133 5.768
+512.374 499.702 9.776 542.634 7.080 253.581 10.343
+512.532 502.737 9.103 545.256 7.423 250.905 10.405
+512.689 502.627 10.371 543.902 6.327 254.889 6.786
+512.846 501.856 7.077 546.639 7.571 252.348 7.942
+513.003 500.228 13.272 544.776 11.548 247.173 10.549
+513.159 490.242 8.077 542.507 8.354 229.521 7.775
+513.315 500.882 8.239 542.795 7.098 260.695 10.788
+513.473 510.898 8.119 543.798 7.565 269.926 4.918
+513.631 503.049 9.749 543.038 7.159 247.689 6.862
+513.788 494.140 14.604 548.640 9.767 228.956 7.588
+513.944 496.541 8.553 542.256 7.978 245.999 4.682
+514.101 487.175 7.402 540.122 7.710 261.580 7.771
+514.259 489.441 8.264 540.431 7.584 266.245 10.178
+514.416 509.934 14.681 548.164 7.539 241.042 18.541
+514.572 507.469 8.860 547.801 7.747 247.990 9.363
+514.730 496.614 8.452 546.738 6.606 260.239 8.527
+514.886 500.756 7.974 541.637 7.411 251.252 5.623
+515.044 493.877 11.273 543.396 7.463 253.812 8.312
+515.200 491.308 9.857 543.554 7.173 238.858 4.641
+515.358 502.263 10.785 545.325 7.470 253.848 10.802
+515.515 503.582 8.070 543.263 6.581 259.868 6.551
+515.673 501.545 10.069 543.632 8.054 249.948 5.511
+515.829 499.825 8.483 544.096 6.712 255.819 5.187
+515.986 498.278 10.215 544.271 9.067 245.588 7.346
+516.142 494.972 7.940 543.092 7.944 256.695 6.157
+516.300 496.259 8.162 541.400 6.753 256.757 6.829
+516.457 499.562 12.916 543.494 7.721 251.857 6.903
+516.613 496.615 7.285 544.855 7.576 240.718 5.765
+516.770 507.436 7.117 545.758 6.732 236.807 4.824
+516.928 510.624 6.160 545.267 8.144 248.138 6.577
+517.086 502.056 7.135 543.102 7.999 255.821 7.343
+517.242 495.740 7.438 539.861 10.244 256.258 8.327
+517.399 496.167 13.285 544.228 8.133 251.182 8.073
+517.555 497.091 9.841 543.962 8.060 245.341 8.722
+517.711 501.870 6.560 545.059 11.423 250.493 7.314
+517.868 506.898 8.886 546.040 7.529 252.964 5.323
+518.026 500.159 8.453 542.740 6.348 252.989 7.838
+518.183 499.241 9.047 543.637 7.973 254.979 4.735
+518.340 498.282 9.952 545.526 7.390 250.039 6.895
+518.497 500.112 6.289 543.445 6.627 251.080 6.133
+518.655 496.141 11.171 544.824 8.069 252.330 6.697
+518.812 502.831 11.520 542.548 8.249 251.003 7.784
+518.969 505.328 10.869 542.495 7.190 252.630 6.964
+519.126 503.093 6.564 544.524 6.581 245.286 4.580
+519.283 502.910 6.567 546.725 7.046 246.612 6.894
+519.440 496.349 8.113 545.477 8.122 246.096 8.047
+519.597 499.693 7.563 543.044 7.499 256.650 5.831
+519.756 503.036 8.893 544.380 7.009 259.906 8.599
+519.913 500.450 8.746 544.923 9.013 247.679 8.438
+520.069 494.784 8.179 546.199 8.168 239.636 7.435
+520.225 498.167 8.155 543.942 7.200 249.216 4.823
+520.383 495.421 8.519 541.299 7.154 265.162 7.808
+520.540 497.114 8.587 542.883 9.292 250.591 13.150
+520.696 495.491 9.907 545.288 7.549 244.705 6.368
+520.853 501.884 9.602 545.392 9.390 246.597 9.413
+521.009 497.418 11.963 543.714 7.449 245.465 4.359
+521.167 496.644 7.306 542.707 7.515 259.534 7.763
+521.325 493.626 9.149 544.857 10.472 264.815 8.353
+521.482 500.436 15.039 545.578 9.454 241.588 8.686
+521.638 496.064 8.746 545.175 7.490 242.255 9.944
+521.794 501.800 7.439 546.051 6.359 250.972 9.610
+521.952 502.268 7.647 539.570 8.225 266.969 7.788
+522.110 502.882 7.637 542.835 6.897 249.179 9.368
+522.266 499.168 9.174 548.798 6.732 240.921 4.204
+522.423 504.721 7.781 542.918 7.283 252.829 7.136
+522.581 501.007 7.858 543.859 7.307 258.518 6.876
+522.738 497.820 15.779 544.698 8.528 250.905 5.829
+522.895 501.238 8.038 546.287 8.339 246.979 5.916
+523.053 501.842 9.010 544.032 7.659 253.289 4.448
+523.210 493.298 8.592 544.940 10.369 253.582 9.145
+523.367 497.133 9.943 543.479 6.991 254.425 6.104
+523.524 497.581 15.491 544.644 7.547 248.494 9.207
+523.681 501.085 14.268 546.996 8.021 237.404 21.121
+523.837 498.240 12.726 544.110 8.678 255.604 9.287
+523.995 500.882 7.077 543.991 6.484 260.556 5.347
+524.153 495.828 8.849 543.279 6.362 246.645 6.654
+524.310 498.868 13.027 544.782 6.937 243.356 8.733
+524.467 502.768 12.567 544.997 7.974 255.023 6.819
+524.625 498.367 8.671 543.240 8.506 252.340 5.654
+524.782 499.263 9.852 543.542 7.728 252.683 8.172
+524.939 494.802 11.449 544.745 7.798 244.266 7.949
+525.095 500.378 8.257 544.727 8.049 250.272 6.362
+525.252 499.193 9.815 541.517 7.444 252.232 8.625
+525.408 497.511 13.103 544.705 7.312 254.542 7.640
+525.566 504.795 12.154 543.787 7.031 253.465 10.774
+525.724 501.627 8.550 544.867 7.270 253.604 5.804
+525.882 504.856 6.894 544.528 6.926 254.356 8.846
+526.039 496.138 7.077 544.935 7.842 247.843 5.178
+526.196 504.561 7.217 542.679 9.188 252.618 8.151
+526.352 500.075 7.323 544.646 7.078 252.946 6.227
+526.509 499.730 8.452 545.786 8.185 244.029 8.404
+526.667 503.197 5.987 544.867 6.885 257.130 5.457
+526.825 502.652 10.018 546.038 8.257 248.011 6.883
+526.982 498.576 6.659 544.600 7.445 246.740 6.935
+527.139 497.085 8.255 545.676 7.350 249.727 4.615
+527.296 499.000 10.344 543.816 6.713 253.377 6.164
+527.454 499.760 6.472 542.188 8.944 258.663 8.991
+527.611 497.957 8.980 545.141 8.380 248.706 7.663
+527.767 499.319 9.164 545.121 6.835 244.947 5.724
+527.925 498.753 7.259 544.881 7.932 251.269 5.824
+528.082 497.487 7.720 546.058 7.244 257.082 8.896
+528.239 501.114 6.882 542.880 8.011 250.780 10.957
+528.395 501.711 10.127 545.578 7.469 249.187 5.396
+528.552 500.337 7.029 544.835 7.900 244.201 7.599
+528.709 497.613 8.090 545.078 6.393 249.772 5.643
+528.866 499.576 9.049 543.950 8.101 255.057 10.156
+529.023 501.835 6.544 543.719 6.720 253.120 7.634
+529.180 494.828 9.624 543.817 6.708 247.781 4.127
+529.337 500.608 8.297 546.658 8.130 249.997 11.868
+529.493 495.956 7.694 546.006 7.808 249.140 10.741
+529.651 497.529 8.715 544.880 8.000 253.111 7.746
+529.807 497.455 7.459 546.138 7.635 243.811 7.078
+529.965 502.314 7.317 544.181 7.164 254.308 4.640
+530.122 500.103 7.014 543.291 6.115 252.573 7.031
+530.279 495.651 8.117 545.802 6.600 250.465 7.290
+530.437 495.156 9.875 544.968 8.038 248.864 6.669
+530.593 499.941 10.522 545.209 7.001 247.588 8.071
+530.749 501.099 8.015 544.062 7.596 249.605 14.535
+530.905 504.541 9.788 545.500 6.795 256.266 5.973
+531.063 498.745 7.531 543.665 7.561 252.592 5.828
+531.221 497.287 9.580 545.136 8.150 247.245 6.370
+531.377 496.582 7.874 544.521 7.669 250.372 6.582
+531.534 500.545 6.386 544.705 7.908 251.573 5.728
+531.692 502.265 7.071 543.747 7.529 252.045 8.535
+531.848 497.282 8.870 545.757 7.902 249.500 6.682
+532.004 501.882 8.522 546.607 8.524 246.575 8.553
+532.162 504.798 13.426 544.436 8.795 257.285 5.604
+532.319 501.158 7.597 541.774 7.218 254.212 5.883
+532.477 499.611 9.740 545.207 9.611 247.062 9.616
+532.633 495.596 6.819 542.482 8.014 249.560 6.003
+532.791 494.205 8.221 544.214 6.584 252.985 5.633
+532.948 498.362 8.531 544.212 7.320 256.089 7.376
+533.106 503.403 7.623 544.872 7.404 252.640 6.015
+533.263 496.764 7.104 542.968 7.065 243.886 6.353
+533.421 497.337 8.134 546.259 6.775 253.028 11.152
+533.578 504.153 6.882 544.302 6.989 254.560 3.801
+533.736 497.441 10.017 543.733 11.546 249.235 9.367
+533.892 498.014 9.074 544.687 7.224 245.232 5.708
+534.049 503.290 7.684 543.856 6.791 248.372 4.811
+534.206 501.862 8.859 543.928 9.152 252.243 6.029
+534.364 496.858 7.298 545.359 8.034 250.542 5.053
+534.521 502.498 8.121 543.813 8.375 253.395 5.112
+534.678 501.545 11.145 543.398 8.978 249.043 7.254
+534.835 498.585 6.682 545.314 6.953 246.740 4.902
+534.992 499.545 9.497 545.823 9.428 249.087 8.424
+535.149 497.195 7.853 542.808 7.211 255.960 5.287
+535.307 495.322 9.401 545.628 6.870 249.759 5.187
+535.464 503.593 8.976 544.776 7.436 248.657 5.809
+535.621 498.555 11.144 545.087 7.701 250.636 3.943
+535.778 500.305 10.307 545.030 8.248 256.226 5.669
+535.936 500.893 7.002 543.950 6.914 255.252 6.506
+536.094 496.799 7.963 544.399 9.149 252.882 6.110
+536.252 498.678 12.958 544.344 8.546 244.228 4.398
+536.409 501.626 9.208 543.263 7.372 253.232 7.431
+536.566 502.686 8.071 544.032 8.225 251.942 7.191
+536.722 500.146 6.608 544.810 6.920 249.589 5.631
+536.879 500.381 9.278 543.968 7.384 247.185 6.627
+537.036 495.703 7.376 546.539 9.075 249.421 9.885
+537.193 498.157 7.713 544.055 8.397 251.354 6.148
+537.351 498.111 8.145 544.130 10.882 258.333 8.794
+537.507 502.591 6.824 542.671 9.484 253.113 9.698
+537.664 497.685 7.322 544.046 6.874 245.711 7.394
+537.820 497.726 13.483 545.950 8.627 248.757 16.189
+537.975 498.807 7.484 542.979 7.785 247.697 7.081
+538.132 498.078 10.736 542.079 9.204 253.947 8.415
+538.289 502.190 6.862 543.770 7.901 254.399 6.803
+538.446 503.361 7.314 542.427 7.216 252.914 5.535
+538.603 496.053 9.942 545.414 7.775 244.589 6.500
+538.760 498.450 10.883 543.594 7.290 246.345 6.862
+538.918 500.034 10.776 544.596 9.271 252.643 8.313
+539.075 503.410 7.367 543.856 8.291 257.956 10.900
+539.232 496.404 6.818 543.258 6.665 247.629 4.503
+539.390 498.774 6.362 543.292 7.695 249.926 5.357
+539.548 497.957 5.923 546.052 6.139 246.149 6.655
+539.706 497.579 6.991 543.280 7.601 255.781 7.235
+539.862 500.245 6.998 544.392 8.353 249.837 7.630
+540.019 504.942 8.124 543.764 6.891 253.958 7.411
+540.176 500.479 10.109 542.547 6.807 251.259 6.510
+540.332 500.374 5.765 543.575 6.937 247.572 7.529
+540.489 497.173 12.545 544.335 10.779 245.215 7.629
+540.646 498.581 9.260 545.223 7.162 244.582 10.004
+540.803 502.335 12.618 543.612 8.307 257.545 12.066
+540.960 498.973 9.473 543.616 7.485 253.325 7.069
+541.117 499.079 8.595 545.806 7.577 248.743 6.214
+541.274 504.160 8.233 546.948 7.352 251.647 8.046
+541.431 494.831 9.138 544.359 7.010 253.316 6.774
+541.588 501.598 9.798 543.593 6.968 255.663 6.438
+541.745 498.336 7.005 542.986 8.149 251.146 6.919
+541.902 497.743 12.883 543.419 9.346 245.571 7.328
+542.058 494.217 9.075 543.624 8.510 238.665 8.053
+542.215 493.122 8.904 543.846 9.053 256.816 7.803
+542.372 505.101 9.606 543.808 6.695 253.718 5.167
+542.529 503.631 8.118 543.988 6.985 247.807 4.415
+542.686 499.696 12.259 546.049 7.039 247.438 5.157
+542.844 501.747 12.236 545.700 7.806 244.594 5.977
+543.001 504.387 7.308 541.347 8.385 254.705 6.850
+543.158 493.353 9.879 545.033 9.384 242.067 6.021
+543.315 503.013 9.944 545.270 8.145 256.610 7.473
+543.473 503.860 9.179 543.282 6.667 260.876 5.973
+543.630 506.808 14.405 544.702 7.534 245.958 10.261
+543.787 495.198 11.056 546.567 7.263 233.869 5.529
+543.944 504.732 9.408 545.345 9.839 257.268 6.088
+544.101 504.997 8.764 544.513 6.495 253.762 6.085
+544.259 509.260 6.367 543.975 7.092 255.507 5.303
+544.417 501.682 7.270 547.179 6.727 239.625 7.063
+544.574 503.486 6.223 544.171 9.111 245.446 8.704
+544.731 503.754 6.530 543.671 6.688 255.284 3.917
+544.888 502.877 7.078 543.266 8.777 251.352 7.564
+545.045 501.948 8.217 543.542 8.025 254.293 7.655
+545.200 505.259 6.915 544.835 6.948 250.252 6.710
+545.358 503.682 7.602 545.408 6.285 247.962 4.971
+545.516 499.356 9.232 544.384 7.383 250.609 7.420
+545.673 507.533 11.079 544.073 6.261 257.266 6.040
+545.831 505.645 9.025 545.190 7.051 253.502 4.282
+545.989 501.596 7.363 542.751 8.043 244.235 12.500
+546.144 505.405 9.203 547.127 7.377 244.802 5.941
+546.301 512.414 10.269 543.911 9.648 250.818 5.508
+546.458 508.424 7.331 544.259 7.332 251.368 4.189
+546.615 509.624 7.862 547.402 8.686 236.933 6.666
+546.771 509.166 8.381 545.294 7.345 250.689 4.840
+546.928 510.521 11.403 543.733 6.270 252.376 4.632
+547.085 507.715 6.952 545.897 6.756 243.773 5.418
+547.242 514.787 8.661 546.969 8.563 248.907 6.199
+547.400 509.937 8.816 543.139 6.548 249.509 7.901
+547.558 506.779 8.965 544.581 6.392 247.185 5.097
+547.716 513.417 10.440 544.435 6.436 249.131 4.659
+547.873 512.604 8.474 545.354 6.711 245.071 7.541
+548.030 517.056 7.431 542.403 7.812 255.720 7.923
+548.188 499.360 8.726 544.374 7.272 246.167 5.201
+548.345 515.263 7.827 545.543 7.222 251.561 5.225
+548.503 514.182 8.936 540.045 7.358 244.885 5.510
+548.661 511.421 7.280 547.790 7.221 251.458 5.196
+548.819 505.714 7.597 544.698 6.604 247.954 4.592
+548.976 515.487 15.505 546.537 7.674 243.969 11.826
+549.132 508.574 8.385 541.585 7.410 249.779 7.271
+549.289 511.445 9.877 546.005 8.111 248.447 6.654
+549.446 512.044 17.035 540.150 8.189 242.404 15.700
+549.602 511.600 7.515 543.231 7.323 246.264 7.297
+549.759 507.966 12.676 542.652 7.292 250.182 4.846
+549.917 509.609 7.658 543.696 8.314 249.911 7.895
+550.073 508.716 6.898 542.247 7.429 251.869 6.482
+550.230 504.237 7.790 543.142 6.810 246.238 7.743
+550.387 507.452 8.801 544.991 6.599 254.022 6.917
+550.544 508.274 7.395 545.719 6.522 250.870 5.176
+550.701 504.432 8.874 543.357 6.960 250.678 5.833
+550.859 501.434 9.120 546.703 7.081 251.056 8.228
+551.015 507.344 7.686 544.187 7.029 248.730 4.444
+551.172 513.703 11.387 545.791 11.714 246.017 11.685
+551.331 503.547 15.223 543.877 7.069 245.390 7.872
+551.487 506.565 8.005 544.788 8.814 253.933 7.002
+551.643 506.005 9.206 541.758 8.172 256.539 4.650
+551.801 501.620 9.361 543.727 7.451 242.975 6.277
+551.958 498.326 7.523 545.577 7.962 241.739 6.072
+552.115 505.153 12.821 540.815 7.346 249.217 15.941
+552.271 509.681 11.723 540.978 7.311 254.262 9.419
+552.429 505.316 9.038 544.319 7.365 250.772 5.446
+552.586 501.243 8.793 544.633 6.870 242.477 5.718
+552.744 505.872 7.339 543.056 6.511 249.504 4.034
+552.901 498.798 7.456 541.400 6.354 251.845 5.869
+553.059 502.498 8.204 539.904 6.697 256.008 7.525
+553.216 507.905 5.972 541.629 6.336 249.960 3.514
+553.374 504.599 6.991 543.686 7.030 240.639 6.611
+553.530 503.046 6.296 540.576 6.315 250.186 3.934
+553.688 500.750 9.333 543.085 7.245 251.191 4.342
+553.845 500.377 7.559 538.950 6.756 255.281 7.570
+554.003 499.613 7.292 542.899 8.094 242.502 6.426
+554.159 491.796 9.928 541.039 9.828 242.805 6.185
+554.316 505.308 8.231 539.230 6.657 251.858 5.848
+554.474 506.003 9.662 540.942 11.743 259.768 9.518
+554.631 496.740 10.121 539.529 7.399 251.577 7.913
+554.787 498.657 9.577 541.415 8.150 238.165 6.581
+554.944 499.526 9.674 541.794 7.828 252.011 7.000
+555.101 495.505 7.988 537.568 7.088 251.810 5.447
+555.258 487.295 9.491 536.915 8.395 255.278 6.809
+555.415 502.562 9.193 539.579 10.595 245.142 11.125
+555.572 505.415 9.806 538.015 7.604 244.591 10.437
+555.729 504.924 9.484 540.220 6.830 245.905 6.464
+555.886 503.279 7.164 540.772 7.262 251.179 7.551
+556.042 493.422 10.476 536.297 9.295 253.831 5.708
+556.200 499.064 9.729 538.243 8.844 246.988 6.570
+556.356 503.380 21.355 542.272 13.307 240.989 23.173
+556.511 506.053 16.340 541.262 11.686 253.529 9.531
+556.668 492.360 16.869 538.692 9.799 248.745 13.042
+556.824 512.673 8.922 540.936 10.332 257.307 10.195
+556.982 510.346 14.820 540.639 7.533 260.163 14.420
+557.139 491.893 12.773 542.006 9.127 239.891 10.830
+557.296 487.428 8.942 540.940 7.759 249.778 11.957
+557.455 514.174 11.572 538.689 7.371 266.297 4.935
+557.613 498.031 14.963 539.956 7.946 255.873 11.459
+557.770 497.990 16.422 543.939 10.636 231.328 8.214
+557.927 502.379 13.766 539.609 8.252 259.983 12.528
+558.084 511.793 8.887 536.826 8.566 275.789 8.283
+558.240 496.338 11.916 540.138 7.753 248.017 8.563
+558.396 497.033 14.325 541.861 8.727 231.250 7.023
+558.553 505.840 10.955 539.858 10.054 252.082 13.886
+558.710 508.188 9.480 537.858 7.750 262.880 8.763
+558.867 500.001 14.865 542.508 7.234 254.618 9.911
+559.023 496.230 7.187 542.285 7.398 231.066 5.898
+559.181 501.212 7.723 539.972 8.747 251.990 6.298
+559.338 497.552 9.108 537.599 7.541 269.559 9.404
+559.496 490.185 11.248 539.376 7.478 253.205 14.112
+559.652 502.031 15.011 541.373 8.116 250.042 11.048
+559.808 493.760 11.008 540.923 9.434 249.130 7.020
+559.965 503.507 11.373 539.799 8.379 254.511 7.681
+560.122 499.005 10.672 539.368 7.560 254.205 14.612
+560.279 498.310 7.304 537.963 6.789 254.992 7.362
+560.437 502.603 8.653 540.629 6.848 247.929 6.212
+560.594 499.326 12.184 538.226 10.498 248.949 8.057
+560.751 502.623 8.807 541.052 7.189 252.399 5.565
+560.908 495.496 8.867 539.470 7.354 254.863 8.424
+561.064 490.755 7.094 539.344 6.775 249.988 8.327
+561.221 497.387 7.691 540.173 7.037 249.929 7.484
+561.378 494.193 7.411 539.161 7.557 247.429 7.803
+561.534 496.611 6.980 538.441 7.899 252.364 7.452
+561.691 492.196 7.372 541.604 7.685 250.343 4.807
+561.848 493.192 8.382 537.166 10.784 251.153 8.417
+562.005 483.132 12.240 538.611 7.882 249.011 7.654
+562.162 494.751 7.407 535.706 7.473 253.570 12.239
+562.319 490.217 11.015 540.737 6.506 252.225 6.120
+562.476 483.302 7.376 539.877 6.930 249.162 9.128
+562.633 489.033 8.192 539.458 7.627 255.371 6.397
+562.791 487.780 7.933 541.704 7.275 252.033 6.852
+562.947 478.637 7.784 538.987 7.629 249.810 6.284
+563.105 491.006 9.592 540.679 6.845 253.488 8.324
+563.263 484.180 7.277 540.786 6.934 255.524 8.884
+563.420 485.271 6.969 537.987 7.543 253.915 5.336
+563.577 485.822 8.301 539.949 6.976 245.479 6.294
+563.734 488.698 7.836 540.339 9.027 254.484 7.359
+563.891 484.517 8.270 540.453 8.898 254.674 7.009
+564.049 483.975 9.151 542.624 7.720 260.446 5.507
+564.206 478.949 6.396 542.056 6.946 249.544 6.203
+564.364 478.659 7.862 539.590 8.220 259.175 6.525
+564.521 485.706 7.119 542.945 7.205 246.601 11.963
+564.678 479.277 8.807 537.239 9.284 252.126 5.189
+564.835 485.062 6.287 538.552 8.098 257.751 5.082
+564.993 484.410 7.935 541.495 7.238 243.127 7.771
+565.150 481.954 8.018 541.144 8.265 253.341 4.390
+565.307 482.489 7.334 540.741 9.615 253.693 9.030
+565.465 486.604 8.856 538.287 10.831 261.316 16.501
+565.622 487.866 8.803 539.722 6.437 254.893 4.566
+565.780 474.748 11.671 538.907 8.671 234.108 7.437
+565.936 473.077 7.468 541.089 10.283 251.401 9.300
+566.093 485.580 9.041 538.520 11.370 254.384 7.804
+566.250 484.595 8.689 535.955 9.041 273.853 4.737
+566.408 485.555 7.509 543.769 8.288 236.898 7.560
+566.564 481.035 7.948 540.507 7.745 240.669 8.195
+566.719 488.850 8.553 539.785 8.538 252.746 6.736
+566.876 487.538 7.197 541.037 7.534 248.307 11.472
+567.034 489.495 6.707 537.370 9.304 257.233 5.345
+567.192 485.084 9.015 539.353 6.805 252.682 10.777
+567.349 483.570 10.598 538.623 7.951 249.076 6.834
+567.505 485.435 7.523 543.686 6.672 247.970 6.588
+567.662 486.544 6.969 541.036 7.153 250.439 4.339
+567.819 481.695 7.928 539.030 8.178 249.834 6.416
+567.976 484.347 12.130 538.420 7.490 253.188 8.024
+568.133 487.623 8.451 539.324 6.770 255.431 4.728
+568.290 480.926 6.339 539.463 8.776 247.754 10.685
+568.447 485.319 7.504 539.654 11.104 254.147 6.569
+568.604 485.313 7.998 540.406 8.870 252.511 7.530
+568.760 482.893 7.839 539.434 8.211 253.635 5.135
+568.917 482.028 8.640 539.264 9.402 252.556 6.312
+569.074 479.030 8.148 539.472 8.073 246.725 6.151
+569.231 488.800 10.521 539.774 8.331 249.637 7.165
+569.388 484.378 6.926 540.287 6.700 252.496 6.712
+569.545 488.153 7.264 542.032 6.858 250.845 7.318
+569.702 486.521 9.036 538.820 7.833 258.078 3.974
+569.860 483.055 6.528 540.498 7.311 248.870 6.898
+570.017 483.740 6.139 540.615 7.208 247.838 8.282
+570.174 487.087 7.218 545.276 7.173 246.298 7.323
+570.331 490.060 8.122 538.962 7.037 253.092 6.631
+570.489 489.560 7.252 540.159 6.974 256.270 5.384
+570.647 490.145 6.341 543.351 6.854 245.352 6.301
+570.805 495.721 8.165 539.673 7.399 247.863 10.888
+570.961 484.957 8.173 543.136 6.807 246.768 5.265
+571.118 487.899 6.447 543.131 6.659 247.717 5.383
+571.277 489.609 7.927 540.041 6.575 260.847 7.709
+571.434 495.736 6.918 541.830 6.728 252.858 5.703
+571.591 489.967 6.801 540.998 6.778 248.188 5.768
+571.750 491.219 8.655 539.040 6.354 254.191 5.589
+571.907 490.932 6.732 540.310 6.933 251.041 5.115
+572.065 493.189 9.517 537.973 7.059 256.890 4.884
+572.223 495.821 6.460 540.229 6.438 251.458 4.349
+572.381 495.258 7.589 542.012 6.919 244.824 5.756
+572.539 497.902 8.440 541.290 8.450 251.828 11.045
+572.696 495.079 6.984 540.603 6.808 252.288 7.063
+572.853 492.230 5.443 538.466 6.360 255.102 6.512
+573.011 493.582 6.311 539.734 7.010 249.791 7.582
+573.168 506.105 8.317 540.337 6.226 254.187 4.348
+573.325 494.801 10.016 540.843 6.513 244.171 5.074
+573.483 499.388 10.121 540.458 7.048 245.511 8.967
+573.639 502.013 6.836 541.154 6.962 256.335 4.910
+573.797 502.190 7.236 540.221 8.019 244.033 7.249
+573.955 499.331 6.241 539.272 7.552 252.550 4.524
+574.112 500.163 8.128 540.422 7.153 250.975 7.190
+574.269 500.071 7.735 537.864 7.101 255.029 8.106
+574.425 495.800 8.223 541.958 7.232 244.080 6.573
+574.583 498.188 8.690 542.539 6.848 248.490 6.120
+574.740 503.641 5.607 539.135 7.165 245.684 4.855
+574.898 498.066 6.959 538.881 8.526 257.616 7.098
+575.055 501.110 8.746 540.788 6.798 239.586 5.400
+575.212 501.271 7.795 539.237 7.242 259.785 7.770
+575.369 503.362 9.504 542.122 8.250 249.587 9.122
+575.526 493.723 8.515 539.231 7.744 245.775 13.373
+575.682 501.277 13.143 541.062 8.354 255.977 7.638
+575.838 500.902 10.920 541.550 7.053 243.269 7.870
+575.995 496.649 8.723 538.465 10.228 251.552 8.092
+576.151 501.946 6.948 541.414 7.848 255.745 6.193
+576.309 497.229 7.186 540.964 7.332 244.057 6.834
+576.465 495.212 8.388 539.249 6.670 250.060 4.824
+576.622 499.062 8.178 542.472 8.306 253.950 7.155
+576.779 502.240 9.604 539.284 6.359 252.959 7.481
+576.936 500.462 7.948 539.172 6.518 251.009 4.966
+577.093 498.594 8.960 540.641 6.297 246.710 5.653
+577.251 500.985 6.267 540.246 6.770 252.907 5.371
+577.409 499.189 11.136 541.242 7.625 245.099 8.148
+577.566 496.381 13.402 540.472 8.767 249.811 11.272
+577.723 499.583 7.983 538.774 7.563 255.298 12.843
+577.879 499.175 9.356 541.077 6.703 245.742 5.601
+578.037 500.891 9.704 541.400 6.447 247.077 8.069
+578.193 502.208 9.452 541.904 6.092 243.000 10.886
+578.350 503.272 12.229 541.779 9.077 252.710 8.844
+578.507 498.152 7.614 538.707 7.814 255.637 5.426
+578.664 500.591 7.177 542.117 6.852 252.886 5.328
+578.821 495.775 6.223 539.831 6.641 246.948 7.315
+578.978 495.427 8.849 540.648 6.726 242.309 5.337
+579.136 505.234 9.756 537.816 6.189 256.933 7.423
+579.294 500.522 7.432 540.228 6.274 259.259 7.341
+579.451 497.975 6.600 540.152 6.180 249.282 4.267
+579.609 496.829 7.450 540.371 7.544 245.712 6.763
+579.767 500.158 6.412 540.813 6.291 249.067 8.540
+579.925 498.241 6.445 540.428 7.527 256.250 6.358
+580.083 496.162 7.225 540.414 6.832 254.972 6.317
+580.240 504.221 7.339 540.624 7.376 245.619 5.490
+580.398 496.572 6.466 540.756 6.391 250.276 4.525
+580.555 502.515 9.537 542.577 9.221 246.262 7.938
+580.711 499.385 10.083 540.275 7.193 246.072 6.099
+580.869 504.253 7.561 538.082 7.054 244.370 6.940
+581.026 496.202 12.287 540.060 8.155 260.923 9.286
+581.183 501.462 14.633 539.180 6.961 252.869 9.215
+581.339 501.584 10.487 541.621 7.625 239.218 9.210
+581.496 501.205 8.997 542.256 6.473 247.162 5.853
+581.653 500.652 8.011 537.042 7.237 251.191 8.512
+581.810 503.826 6.710 541.430 6.989 255.161 5.816
+581.968 498.558 7.000 539.104 6.614 249.971 8.507
+582.125 499.075 10.261 538.451 7.842 247.839 12.142
+582.283 499.960 7.268 539.534 6.534 256.188 4.217
+582.441 500.499 10.500 539.635 7.056 255.541 5.909
+582.598 502.345 8.711 539.596 6.528 242.645 3.882
+582.756 495.123 7.229 540.786 6.231 245.526 5.513
+582.914 509.981 11.226 539.937 6.919 257.235 8.683
+583.072 498.729 12.846 539.149 9.252 256.262 8.411
+583.229 499.407 9.763 541.141 7.372 246.402 7.416
+583.386 501.744 8.266 543.641 9.105 250.974 8.853
+583.543 505.117 8.651 538.466 8.173 239.509 8.989
+583.698 504.741 9.236 543.884 10.168 243.115 14.009
+583.855 498.997 8.867 535.688 9.398 248.931 10.189
+584.012 503.550 8.229 540.956 8.013 243.419 15.066
+584.169 504.215 8.816 540.059 6.520 253.544 11.107
+584.325 486.282 8.703 541.420 7.655 245.845 6.736
+584.482 499.872 9.967 540.934 7.061 248.728 6.462
+584.639 504.888 8.377 542.649 8.586 260.887 7.546
+584.796 499.218 6.953 543.356 7.562 246.708 5.392
+584.953 498.662 13.020 539.793 9.157 243.817 8.222
+585.109 496.696 9.504 539.728 7.011 260.248 4.892
+585.267 506.427 8.371 542.147 7.015 248.072 10.870
+585.423 501.124 13.081 538.891 10.948 245.550 12.195
+585.580 503.971 10.641 539.968 9.602 247.115 17.532
+585.736 499.279 14.311 540.539 11.372 239.481 12.386
+585.892 501.232 12.741 540.205 8.660 256.584 13.993
+586.049 496.032 12.319 541.132 8.930 257.355 8.938
+586.206 496.600 11.844 540.091 6.758 247.083 11.928
+586.363 499.076 12.929 545.541 6.944 230.320 6.943
+586.520 501.840 10.584 540.145 7.521 255.243 7.476
+586.678 500.318 7.098 538.701 8.164 263.782 6.811
+586.836 507.673 7.430 537.537 8.256 259.017 7.611
+586.994 492.326 6.723 542.615 7.246 234.570 8.694
+587.151 490.103 8.253 540.746 6.508 238.935 5.931
+587.309 501.581 8.133 540.687 7.398 263.199 5.998
+587.467 500.655 8.583 537.846 6.938 266.682 6.391
+587.624 499.516 7.475 541.138 6.859 246.416 6.913
+587.781 505.345 11.516 544.781 8.684 236.594 6.971
+587.938 509.983 10.151 541.207 7.666 248.395 20.817
+588.096 495.819 10.143 536.662 8.016 259.883 6.777
+588.254 497.398 9.246 539.006 7.042 251.998 6.421
+588.411 507.614 9.520 544.360 9.849 245.259 13.010
+588.567 496.356 8.127 537.093 7.937 248.732 6.896
+588.723 492.523 8.726 541.770 7.261 239.067 6.530
+588.881 501.175 11.991 540.457 7.643 260.760 8.721
+589.038 511.871 8.120 539.014 8.108 247.917 6.706
+589.194 497.298 13.167 539.620 12.447 255.089 16.166
+589.350 494.343 21.929 543.176 10.547 251.600 19.913
+589.506 504.923 9.783 538.621 9.459 251.746 5.582
+589.663 501.459 10.460 540.186 8.409 247.447 8.900
+589.820 506.284 7.508 542.331 6.838 248.584 12.069
+589.978 512.042 13.428 538.633 8.701 255.655 13.246
+590.134 510.820 9.631 540.746 9.141 247.726 8.346
+590.291 500.058 8.772 540.167 8.583 243.537 6.281
+590.448 488.100 6.831 540.951 8.401 211.655 7.510
+590.606 511.931 9.322 537.569 12.155 265.676 11.137
+590.764 508.899 8.371 537.925 6.635 268.856 7.628
+590.922 500.529 10.931 541.569 6.040 256.958 8.102
+591.079 499.225 9.205 546.785 7.309 236.279 6.848
+591.236 506.012 10.636 543.607 7.019 243.312 7.660
+591.394 506.790 7.553 538.116 6.940 263.523 4.042
+591.552 492.987 7.834 539.561 6.892 260.865 6.841
+591.709 488.869 11.016 540.415 8.758 245.098 5.601
+591.866 501.898 10.054 541.084 8.479 244.631 10.137
+592.023 493.479 10.684 539.790 7.191 246.146 6.861
+592.180 503.564 9.384 543.148 7.175 243.561 5.654
+592.337 505.565 6.854 542.081 6.547 253.065 5.965
+592.495 500.025 10.102 543.620 9.590 241.560 11.044
+592.653 501.380 8.820 542.796 7.244 245.685 6.716
+592.809 501.043 10.371 543.788 7.088 254.686 8.004
+592.968 505.950 7.762 544.767 6.695 249.566 10.013
+593.124 506.359 8.036 544.347 8.466 247.395 4.195
+593.281 508.433 10.264 547.243 7.600 239.323 6.111
+593.440 508.544 7.537 544.802 6.973 254.933 10.228
+593.597 506.225 8.525 544.758 7.800 252.719 12.354
+593.754 505.132 7.862 547.507 6.600 249.497 8.188
+593.910 510.291 10.953 548.295 7.424 242.915 4.535
+594.067 511.022 9.349 543.153 6.398 254.549 7.070
+594.225 512.350 7.719 545.131 6.489 250.025 5.788
+594.382 508.573 10.138 550.171 7.418 239.900 8.428
+594.539 512.615 11.222 543.611 7.339 254.719 6.281
+594.697 510.696 7.492 545.546 7.677 255.917 6.051
+594.855 509.657 7.559 545.915 7.988 244.139 6.397
+595.011 505.706 8.370 544.419 7.811 247.911 8.595
+595.168 512.607 10.393 545.544 7.537 252.379 4.049
+595.325 511.786 7.707 544.745 8.117 251.693 5.094
+595.482 509.927 9.647 546.687 7.230 253.176 6.561
+595.640 508.599 9.892 542.716 8.065 252.111 5.857
+595.797 517.226 10.013 544.077 9.235 258.121 10.176
+595.954 508.092 7.325 546.700 8.004 246.671 6.650
+596.110 515.890 14.798 545.467 8.284 245.406 11.944
+596.268 512.559 10.328 544.174 8.402 249.724 6.810
+596.425 511.965 8.171 545.691 8.203 255.597 4.735
+596.582 507.709 7.189 541.477 7.829 253.015 4.745
+596.739 511.787 6.971 543.404 7.580 255.120 6.639
+596.896 513.947 11.074 544.084 9.199 244.681 6.456
+597.053 507.429 9.537 547.530 7.112 235.626 13.926
+597.208 501.364 8.604 544.075 7.356 241.866 7.604
+597.366 509.023 9.361 543.740 6.424 257.888 6.639
+597.524 506.890 10.210 550.317 7.735 258.418 11.584
+597.681 508.938 7.791 546.673 7.994 243.864 5.344
+597.838 511.059 7.022 554.456 7.650 243.028 7.343
+597.994 511.560 7.503 547.774 6.740 238.490 4.447
+598.152 507.385 7.237 545.137 7.924 256.544 6.752
+598.309 506.593 8.482 544.661 7.621 258.355 9.422
+598.466 509.145 8.793 547.746 6.939 244.593 5.953
+598.623 508.901 7.873 547.697 7.159 245.435 4.875
+598.780 508.609 7.760 547.877 6.995 246.044 5.722
+598.937 509.716 10.582 546.868 6.671 251.630 7.079
+599.094 510.627 11.116 548.888 8.753 252.366 4.324
+599.251 515.506 7.644 547.118 6.741 238.703 4.485
+599.408 516.875 6.009 548.281 6.831 251.457 4.933
+599.566 512.688 11.591 547.202 6.600 252.624 4.230
+599.724 509.986 12.825 550.352 7.197 249.786 10.471
+599.881 512.699 8.405 543.993 9.398 249.187 9.810
+600.038 513.867 6.396 547.860 7.477 244.131 6.062
+600.195 513.908 9.673 549.848 7.465 253.261 5.138
+600.354 517.409 9.040 546.528 9.027 254.882 7.202
+600.510 509.394 8.725 547.585 6.805 244.118 5.796
+600.668 517.644 9.265 548.825 8.922 243.801 7.707
+600.826 513.436 6.788 548.288 7.383 248.248 5.927
+600.983 515.754 7.082 547.202 7.862 250.842 5.017
+601.141 514.217 7.856 545.862 7.679 244.458 6.532
+601.299 513.102 8.596 548.678 6.690 244.304 5.077
+601.457 514.031 7.785 544.206 6.560 251.353 4.838
+601.615 512.580 9.218 548.582 7.882 250.383 4.502
+601.772 511.865 8.970 545.345 7.570 249.213 9.253
+601.927 515.568 11.397 547.473 6.865 252.572 8.876
+602.084 516.045 10.441 550.354 9.390 248.355 5.104
+602.242 514.440 6.388 551.053 6.508 245.303 5.462
+602.401 515.564 7.445 547.260 6.914 248.633 6.563
+602.558 521.335 10.872 548.832 8.061 250.176 5.972
+602.715 516.023 9.125 546.628 7.052 242.101 6.761
+602.873 513.820 8.790 546.116 7.295 256.781 6.057
+603.031 514.528 6.764 545.671 6.237 245.437 6.880
+603.188 515.645 8.497 543.836 7.351 251.594 5.628
+603.347 512.886 8.654 544.198 7.332 255.645 4.777
+603.505 518.108 8.551 546.722 7.894 242.286 8.194
+603.661 520.791 8.462 544.417 8.006 241.532 4.576
+603.818 514.557 8.759 545.894 7.384 245.005 5.688
+603.975 514.475 6.826 546.259 6.894 247.410 6.817
+604.133 515.664 8.870 544.422 6.936 256.844 7.532
+604.290 511.756 10.535 545.764 7.123 248.328 6.381
+604.449 513.937 6.538 545.707 7.537 254.493 6.661
+604.606 511.489 6.779 548.687 7.242 243.214 6.165
+604.764 516.854 10.134 543.376 7.145 248.862 4.660
+604.921 513.708 12.437 543.603 7.233 251.738 4.591
+605.079 512.417 9.247 544.526 7.784 248.627 5.967
+605.236 509.884 9.270 544.445 6.644 242.916 4.550
+605.394 514.728 8.787 543.014 6.894 253.549 4.600
+605.552 510.747 8.014 546.410 6.990 249.815 5.109
+605.708 511.987 7.195 545.624 6.518 244.688 4.713
+605.866 512.839 6.432 545.316 6.746 251.836 5.526
+606.024 513.658 13.445 545.783 8.568 249.088 9.748
+606.181 512.336 6.860 545.417 6.591 244.490 5.618
+606.339 510.143 8.673 543.204 8.254 250.554 6.563
+606.495 510.151 10.453 543.732 7.378 244.855 4.842
+606.652 511.751 6.320 543.227 7.524 251.418 4.680
+606.811 515.587 8.583 545.382 9.647 246.794 9.082
+606.967 521.085 6.722 543.263 7.118 253.397 7.989
+607.124 510.500 9.416 544.122 8.280 248.473 5.047
+607.281 517.305 7.193 543.601 7.165 249.964 4.598
+607.438 513.453 8.077 545.776 7.150 241.679 7.352
+607.595 513.174 10.268 545.127 7.495 251.636 5.538
+607.753 513.261 7.800 544.451 6.943 241.546 6.190
+607.911 511.212 9.806 542.394 8.938 249.285 4.895
+608.068 512.252 9.509 545.884 7.189 253.452 8.156
+608.224 512.542 8.030 548.898 8.125 242.344 6.697
+608.382 513.725 7.393 540.849 7.126 256.963 6.530
+608.540 507.107 10.329 553.798 9.491 235.109 7.465
+608.696 517.251 9.115 540.678 8.417 244.641 4.749
+608.855 507.122 8.202 548.446 8.391 256.836 6.395
+609.013 510.941 14.672 542.724 6.682 254.348 6.040
+609.170 512.899 9.996 535.877 7.571 259.313 9.470
+609.326 511.909 6.974 546.008 7.707 245.153 5.042
+609.484 513.369 8.858 541.150 7.938 249.771 5.835
+609.641 511.933 8.834 542.001 9.276 238.487 8.070
+609.798 509.909 6.803 537.580 7.220 254.594 6.623
+609.955 520.109 8.882 539.535 8.032 246.395 4.719
+610.112 519.301 11.599 541.795 7.538 247.253 9.681
+610.268 516.133 7.651 534.888 6.892 253.772 3.693
+610.426 513.561 9.368 541.708 7.628 232.337 11.629
+610.582 520.425 7.670 544.367 7.241 247.533 13.069
+610.739 508.464 10.960 540.233 7.037 253.525 7.440
+610.896 503.604 9.514 545.052 9.472 230.615 5.284
+611.053 500.896 6.714 543.760 7.273 234.596 9.730
+611.210 516.629 10.012 533.647 8.796 277.405 15.915
+611.368 515.376 12.701 544.286 9.198 241.744 12.192
+611.524 513.343 10.464 543.732 9.317 236.817 9.735
+611.681 511.613 9.351 542.997 8.630 233.318 5.628
+611.837 512.276 7.289 541.670 8.315 253.183 8.035
+611.994 514.542 8.399 534.086 7.412 266.731 8.586
+612.152 511.745 8.632 539.420 8.844 250.227 7.099
+612.309 505.687 7.881 539.964 7.176 243.912 10.023
+612.466 510.546 6.706 538.279 7.282 249.379 5.711
+612.623 513.855 6.233 543.022 7.784 246.783 8.747
+612.781 514.938 11.972 533.160 8.139 252.417 9.320
+612.938 508.879 6.818 541.001 7.527 248.794 4.490
+613.096 506.598 7.814 544.100 7.834 242.137 5.998
+613.253 509.456 7.586 538.741 7.142 253.541 4.618
+613.410 505.674 7.310 540.147 7.645 248.925 6.747
+613.568 510.086 8.926 540.461 7.624 241.569 6.774
+613.725 511.020 7.733 540.094 7.296 250.325 4.413
+613.882 501.860 6.889 537.531 8.291 249.983 5.108
+614.040 500.808 9.496 540.105 8.325 250.919 8.572
+614.197 505.828 7.559 540.211 7.548 252.149 4.661
+614.354 503.668 8.982 539.832 7.708 246.311 4.750
+614.511 505.706 8.263 538.688 8.668 251.293 6.336
+614.669 501.287 7.612 538.997 6.640 250.652 4.218
+614.826 495.822 6.823 541.220 7.493 244.476 6.090
+614.984 504.378 7.961 536.582 7.006 258.464 9.314
+615.140 497.733 7.129 542.665 6.556 245.024 4.318
+615.298 499.877 13.059 538.696 9.017 251.500 5.487
+615.455 502.148 10.076 540.827 6.859 247.715 5.320
+615.612 496.811 8.247 539.848 7.350 251.027 4.964
+615.770 494.698 10.462 538.538 7.948 251.340 6.035
+615.927 499.717 10.950 541.765 6.922 245.373 8.821
+616.083 502.227 9.326 540.037 8.124 252.493 5.693
+616.240 502.052 8.533 539.360 6.227 249.724 5.622
+616.398 492.640 6.496 541.333 6.448 244.677 5.687
+616.556 501.166 7.935 539.263 7.045 252.466 9.915
+616.712 500.061 10.322 538.622 9.773 251.724 5.230
+616.869 495.170 7.478 538.016 8.058 250.987 6.735
+617.027 502.781 9.849 543.100 7.427 246.189 5.951
+617.184 501.567 6.950 542.111 7.320 248.941 6.500
+617.342 503.525 5.774 538.791 7.124 252.949 5.486
+617.499 503.235 7.538 542.358 6.321 248.329 4.115
+617.657 501.922 6.883 539.673 9.603 251.133 8.396
+617.814 495.889 9.572 540.886 7.840 250.191 9.965
+617.971 499.778 10.224 539.128 6.306 255.431 5.483
+618.129 504.547 7.509 541.251 6.941 253.624 7.642
+618.286 499.815 8.739 539.622 7.151 251.696 7.463
+618.443 503.138 6.851 539.296 6.691 252.316 3.767
+618.600 502.001 6.326 541.813 7.965 249.473 7.365
+618.757 501.540 9.214 541.318 8.125 243.844 6.879
+618.914 498.155 5.905 539.703 6.912 249.618 4.588
+619.072 495.141 8.218 538.817 6.578 254.096 5.759
+619.230 503.141 6.575 539.418 6.912 253.680 4.333
+619.387 501.411 7.664 540.194 6.574 241.666 5.963
+619.545 504.614 8.760 541.801 6.604 249.306 7.005
+619.702 497.666 6.563 542.938 6.586 247.133 6.208
+619.859 499.666 7.565 540.099 6.593 247.811 6.728
+620.016 495.106 8.435 540.621 7.996 251.718 4.885
+620.172 496.281 7.059 539.946 8.253 251.747 5.408
+620.329 496.232 6.350 542.019 7.611 253.007 11.729
+620.486 494.082 7.224 540.920 7.613 252.770 6.414
+620.644 498.120 7.389 540.159 8.453 250.477 5.388
+620.801 493.231 6.359 542.401 6.418 243.204 3.899
+620.959 490.272 6.914 540.424 6.583 250.132 4.940
+621.117 482.822 7.493 538.754 10.868 248.821 9.544
+621.274 491.958 7.335 542.737 7.268 254.348 4.877
+621.432 483.849 8.006 542.907 7.154 249.083 9.654
+621.589 498.478 6.592 541.419 7.729 255.760 8.626
+621.746 489.784 7.723 545.564 9.020 243.147 7.832
+621.902 489.537 7.031 542.515 7.183 251.281 4.298
+622.059 483.655 10.478 541.025 9.395 253.902 6.441
+622.216 485.046 8.100 547.860 11.934 251.609 9.420
+622.372 495.650 6.307 544.848 7.794 252.906 7.376
+622.530 492.566 8.261 541.048 7.800 248.319 5.392
+622.688 487.465 11.699 544.220 8.351 245.753 9.971
+622.845 489.934 10.850 545.412 11.978 246.627 7.492
+623.002 485.949 8.842 543.504 7.606 253.836 6.969
+623.159 484.239 8.419 543.425 8.006 251.528 6.222
+623.316 489.022 7.314 544.484 9.843 255.535 8.632
+623.473 483.570 9.983 541.954 7.964 249.265 10.417
+623.629 473.435 9.215 544.509 7.348 243.572 13.808
+623.785 483.744 7.367 541.555 11.008 250.265 7.064
+623.942 482.977 7.362 544.615 9.276 253.282 9.738
+624.099 485.079 7.184 543.286 7.562 250.672 8.806
+624.256 481.920 7.357 546.133 9.198 252.516 9.920
+624.414 486.009 8.158 543.051 6.824 255.985 11.355
+624.571 481.330 8.160 545.230 8.281 249.759 6.793
+624.727 484.293 9.174 542.342 8.180 249.777 5.770
+624.884 485.802 6.635 541.343 10.323 253.487 4.138
+625.042 476.948 7.791 544.913 8.802 249.864 5.938
+625.199 485.039 8.078 541.859 9.189 254.858 4.524
+625.356 482.120 9.353 543.108 7.318 253.118 4.485
+625.514 488.141 7.158 546.241 9.939 254.161 8.743
+625.670 489.071 6.665 540.932 7.849 254.731 4.575
+625.828 487.210 8.526 546.379 8.394 249.057 5.587
+625.986 474.052 9.041 543.653 9.349 251.020 6.011
+626.143 482.010 7.990 545.036 9.891 249.030 7.803
+626.299 480.730 9.965 542.160 8.089 243.420 4.384
+626.456 487.887 6.974 543.141 7.338 257.644 5.895
+626.613 481.678 7.589 542.541 7.819 248.456 6.190
+626.770 480.416 10.780 542.335 11.028 259.474 10.152
+626.930 481.484 9.573 545.033 8.515 259.214 11.313
+627.088 475.804 11.040 540.710 13.987 237.602 6.223
+627.244 486.538 8.951 540.567 13.973 247.166 6.585
+627.402 488.665 11.031 546.625 10.152 245.861 9.210
+627.559 474.156 11.454 544.476 12.886 254.638 8.641
+627.716 477.541 9.843 540.804 10.744 258.306 10.480
+627.873 483.505 9.313 543.998 9.131 252.683 5.878
+628.031 480.055 7.137 544.780 10.802 245.846 6.403
+628.189 477.510 7.825 543.057 11.261 246.688 6.639
+628.345 488.735 9.610 542.370 12.188 253.856 8.289
+628.502 482.287 8.530 542.963 10.095 257.008 8.027
+628.660 483.262 9.863 542.219 9.048 248.330 5.492
+628.816 479.572 7.439 544.002 8.512 249.553 4.631
+628.974 488.415 7.368 540.910 8.351 252.915 6.020
+629.132 484.064 10.986 543.429 8.973 248.559 8.628
+629.288 478.120 7.039 542.244 7.505 248.345 5.259
+629.446 486.401 10.053 540.642 9.578 255.823 8.818
+629.602 486.794 6.387 541.586 7.830 252.588 8.942
+629.759 489.298 6.744 541.716 8.872 257.785 6.364
+629.917 472.793 11.285 545.377 9.431 244.317 12.125
+630.073 480.157 8.766 540.133 10.590 252.473 7.623
+630.230 482.641 8.258 539.941 7.663 249.874 7.594
+630.386 480.936 7.674 546.419 7.963 249.958 6.744
+630.543 481.139 6.129 545.064 7.226 247.389 9.638
+630.700 478.101 6.752 543.390 6.828 250.943 5.052
+630.857 475.531 6.496 539.793 6.961 257.889 4.594
+631.014 484.015 7.043 544.008 8.007 249.568 4.505
+631.172 482.500 7.039 545.600 8.529 248.075 6.442
+631.329 483.325 6.306 543.706 8.761 241.310 4.538
+631.487 485.643 7.827 543.577 10.276 259.863 9.159
+631.644 482.696 8.519 543.905 8.945 253.058 6.663
+631.801 478.867 8.399 543.979 7.200 250.150 6.607
+631.958 480.578 7.244 544.359 8.139 247.331 6.523
+632.115 477.275 6.838 540.043 10.473 256.603 7.922
+632.273 483.202 6.730 540.370 7.272 256.036 5.013
+632.432 472.782 7.436 544.073 6.523 241.690 6.472
+632.588 483.317 8.103 541.530 8.478 252.886 3.468
+632.745 481.983 8.853 542.035 7.309 253.328 4.959
+632.903 480.259 8.044 542.270 8.566 245.953 8.972
+633.059 478.952 8.338 543.222 7.843 250.719 8.731
+633.214 474.419 6.342 542.192 8.489 246.767 7.266
+633.372 485.114 7.755 545.501 9.003 252.157 6.736
+633.528 474.851 7.794 543.725 8.803 245.931 6.832
+633.684 478.098 6.995 543.337 8.499 253.339 6.517
+633.842 483.401 7.418 545.313 11.996 252.233 6.692
+633.999 489.184 6.683 540.113 6.982 256.692 5.548
+634.157 475.201 8.998 547.401 9.326 240.986 18.911
+634.313 485.462 8.495 544.174 10.328 250.379 13.610
+634.470 482.574 8.741 541.501 11.881 255.163 6.325
+634.627 481.585 7.273 542.505 8.094 255.591 6.318
+634.784 478.625 9.774 543.855 10.035 241.525 7.995
+634.940 481.066 8.601 547.238 8.972 245.825 5.556
+635.097 483.690 7.125 541.112 7.219 252.808 5.465
+635.255 483.746 8.017 544.061 8.356 251.138 14.709
+635.411 475.977 7.803 542.850 13.800 246.101 6.127
+635.567 480.309 10.539 542.428 11.286 249.991 7.984
+635.724 481.433 6.342 543.414 7.345 248.419 4.572
+635.882 487.924 7.574 543.204 7.162 254.234 7.134
+636.039 480.929 7.216 544.222 8.132 244.632 7.361
+636.195 480.259 10.410 541.562 8.440 248.596 5.750
+636.352 472.362 8.201 542.255 9.021 255.525 7.880
+636.509 481.203 7.048 542.622 8.253 256.165 7.416
+636.667 483.572 8.496 543.286 7.171 253.081 6.322
+636.824 484.485 9.181 546.702 9.977 239.990 6.914
+636.980 479.194 9.981 538.847 8.190 253.149 7.292
+637.136 488.331 8.875 541.258 14.832 248.721 6.253
+637.293 491.943 7.961 543.332 9.268 254.827 12.174
+637.449 472.769 11.390 544.973 8.866 242.168 8.188
+637.606 481.267 7.922 542.579 7.216 255.981 9.591
+637.762 482.972 7.721 541.505 11.312 257.969 5.912
+637.920 475.839 7.252 543.515 7.878 241.289 6.525
+638.078 484.898 9.479 547.075 11.336 247.812 8.319
+638.234 485.089 7.152 544.230 8.861 251.928 5.363
+638.392 484.370 9.405 539.632 7.715 258.899 5.111
+638.550 477.443 13.119 547.186 12.567 244.669 10.390
+638.707 477.474 6.565 545.811 9.207 252.006 6.501
+638.865 485.454 8.994 540.288 9.007 252.920 6.483
+639.022 473.064 6.966 546.532 10.102 247.439 16.478
+639.178 479.190 9.414 541.535 7.399 253.234 6.286
+639.336 481.431 8.579 543.135 6.769 254.882 5.151
+639.493 483.864 7.759 541.921 6.549 253.738 7.434
+639.650 482.358 7.416 543.239 9.365 253.447 8.461
+639.807 482.423 10.560 543.462 8.645 247.674 4.789
+639.964 485.874 10.414 542.494 9.155 250.706 8.602
+640.121 480.268 10.386 542.235 7.839 250.657 7.951
+640.277 476.232 8.830 544.652 6.482 252.526 5.767
+640.435 483.922 12.291 541.576 7.008 255.375 12.416
+640.592 482.219 6.718 540.575 8.550 253.513 4.207
+640.750 480.732 7.326 542.475 7.637 247.635 6.700
+640.907 482.257 6.873 542.614 6.603 255.976 5.374
+641.065 485.302 6.582 541.926 7.361 249.689 7.745
+641.221 485.533 8.659 543.409 7.162 248.746 5.679
+641.378 487.545 7.201 543.944 7.619 252.027 5.604
+641.536 487.415 6.945 542.779 6.884 255.110 4.063
+641.693 485.484 5.929 543.007 6.851 250.211 6.236
+641.850 485.944 7.398 543.180 8.392 247.112 7.063
+642.007 489.579 7.934 543.941 8.843 253.841 4.656
+642.165 488.105 6.674 543.269 7.846 254.458 8.771
+642.322 483.941 9.356 541.622 8.112 246.274 7.005
+642.479 486.749 8.025 542.786 7.257 253.762 10.475
+642.636 490.867 7.042 544.337 8.744 258.867 4.547
+642.793 489.928 7.731 540.613 7.946 251.088 5.082
+642.950 493.509 7.953 543.636 7.269 246.830 7.109
+643.107 497.465 7.343 545.956 8.148 249.938 5.686
+643.263 491.404 7.528 543.219 7.074 250.089 3.848
+643.421 490.244 6.980 541.992 6.812 251.410 5.852
+643.579 492.592 7.255 544.330 6.767 254.044 4.897
+643.736 493.415 6.098 542.003 6.396 253.650 4.965
+643.895 492.894 6.569 541.540 6.649 250.636 4.254
+644.052 496.448 7.491 542.675 6.628 249.786 6.536
+644.209 497.994 6.914 542.646 6.446 254.337 4.478
+644.367 496.259 6.345 543.686 6.851 251.183 4.638
+644.524 494.322 9.433 544.216 7.129 250.721 8.742
+644.681 492.123 6.550 541.312 6.989 250.337 4.786
+644.838 496.021 7.503 541.753 7.395 251.703 7.660
+644.995 500.070 7.936 541.587 7.874 255.777 8.781
+645.150 500.130 8.070 541.395 7.771 245.417 14.596
+645.306 507.261 19.321 540.204 8.630 252.774 22.380
+645.461 497.262 16.225 542.062 10.030 236.387 20.556
+645.616 490.682 10.889 541.360 11.634 238.133 13.400
+645.774 496.726 11.318 542.513 11.861 252.431 11.747
+645.931 495.137 9.667 541.955 7.109 256.044 8.946
+646.087 494.751 10.310 542.799 9.227 242.450 18.230
+646.243 496.027 9.338 547.738 9.275 237.914 12.544
+646.399 493.970 15.403 544.477 6.952 251.739 8.205
+646.556 499.249 9.600 541.284 7.638 252.507 13.756
+646.712 500.642 9.601 540.492 7.177 262.865 9.055
+646.869 499.116 7.988 545.955 9.052 247.728 9.079
+647.025 500.391 10.806 542.809 8.484 250.007 6.132
+647.183 502.503 8.478 543.548 9.929 253.010 7.901
+647.339 498.475 9.724 542.475 7.389 243.650 6.351
+647.496 498.294 8.622 543.164 8.627 246.196 11.708
+647.652 495.613 12.150 541.731 8.663 247.491 10.833
+647.809 500.476 8.349 542.267 8.576 244.994 7.940
+647.965 501.074 7.108 541.852 7.817 251.549 10.216
+648.122 499.390 8.329 543.798 7.380 253.075 7.462
+648.278 496.934 8.556 542.858 6.352 243.150 5.143
+648.436 502.589 7.732 544.138 7.992 243.601 10.316
+648.592 504.765 9.421 543.021 6.059 256.306 5.519
+648.750 499.427 6.368 543.100 7.530 248.573 5.761
+648.908 501.634 6.725 544.521 7.889 246.365 6.000
+649.066 499.036 9.764 544.055 6.888 253.843 6.954
+649.224 498.200 7.125 541.680 7.007 257.678 5.335
+649.383 499.892 11.417 543.196 7.582 250.606 6.375
+649.539 498.228 9.910 546.112 6.742 245.416 5.301
+649.697 502.152 11.273 541.871 8.589 257.074 6.706
+649.854 503.851 8.242 542.208 7.006 245.330 8.809
+650.011 498.428 7.435 542.772 7.507 248.483 7.219
+650.167 504.344 7.038 543.407 7.622 246.464 5.460
+650.325 498.973 7.718 543.114 8.738 245.564 6.150
+650.482 500.999 9.060 541.501 6.844 255.925 7.379
+650.640 496.490 7.921 544.855 6.862 246.479 4.275
+650.798 501.044 7.542 544.308 6.594 256.884 6.601
+650.955 500.690 7.037 543.933 7.103 252.558 5.677
+651.113 500.416 8.315 542.599 7.238 244.525 4.857
+651.270 501.694 7.942 540.336 7.540 253.635 4.408
+651.427 498.916 7.401 544.663 7.564 249.546 5.122
+651.584 504.349 6.417 542.926 6.680 246.035 5.245
+651.743 498.063 6.292 543.129 8.316 252.970 7.437
+651.901 497.850 8.965 541.301 8.823 257.919 6.633
+652.058 511.018 13.896 543.883 8.775 256.029 10.660
+652.216 495.550 8.938 543.668 8.711 249.920 15.231
+652.372 500.795 8.324 540.826 7.129 256.139 4.768
+652.530 500.817 9.683 545.118 6.273 249.851 6.106
+652.688 501.658 11.097 541.141 7.681 253.268 5.161
+652.846 502.496 10.488 542.111 8.368 244.282 6.123
+653.003 504.325 9.073 542.901 10.003 252.082 9.067
+653.159 497.843 10.127 542.889 8.359 245.500 6.031
+653.316 492.718 7.171 542.558 8.346 250.785 4.970
+653.474 502.437 8.308 543.745 7.319 256.707 6.646
+653.630 493.564 6.759 541.487 8.569 249.637 5.102
+653.788 500.475 7.087 543.354 6.910 250.716 5.472
+653.945 498.084 8.985 545.113 8.017 239.927 7.587
+654.102 503.030 7.467 542.241 7.381 259.819 6.849
+654.259 501.180 6.268 541.702 7.335 259.458 5.807
+654.417 498.061 8.317 544.757 6.358 246.494 4.718
+654.574 498.580 6.272 544.137 7.582 247.734 7.052
+654.732 499.255 7.867 543.721 6.615 255.327 6.347
+654.890 500.392 7.045 543.187 6.841 254.543 6.732
+655.046 501.753 7.288 542.541 7.853 248.125 5.146
+655.204 496.077 6.988 543.365 8.495 241.881 8.969
+655.360 498.950 9.491 544.603 8.439 249.818 9.490
+655.517 502.679 7.414 543.136 8.684 252.828 7.300
+655.674 499.076 6.064 543.731 6.915 253.298 4.899
+655.832 499.030 7.935 543.547 6.437 250.883 6.106
+655.989 500.220 8.382 544.785 8.615 245.728 7.712
+656.146 504.992 7.542 543.467 6.774 260.777 9.803
+656.304 495.729 13.319 544.214 11.584 244.487 14.132
+656.461 495.757 9.976 544.922 8.917 225.884 12.548
+656.619 504.057 10.166 540.989 8.917 279.138 14.192
+656.776 502.520 8.749 540.619 8.859 271.311 9.581
+656.933 499.115 6.647 541.806 6.553 241.723 13.091
+657.089 499.121 10.291 546.508 8.288 237.917 5.235
+657.247 498.791 8.491 544.715 8.620 244.799 11.864
+657.404 504.227 7.337 540.207 7.610 275.818 7.499
+657.562 500.282 7.427 542.932 6.894 265.228 6.914
+657.720 495.842 7.878 544.969 6.525 238.122 3.834
+657.878 502.638 7.324 544.669 6.144 245.971 6.903
+658.036 502.376 7.020 543.086 6.249 258.699 4.535
+658.194 500.823 6.611 541.300 6.207 256.627 7.442
+658.352 496.408 6.838 542.313 6.529 250.176 6.061
+658.509 505.854 11.723 547.163 7.466 248.931 6.890
+658.666 502.208 10.191 544.051 7.834 251.249 5.174
+658.823 506.662 10.203 543.530 6.720 254.082 7.240
+658.980 504.186 12.756 545.005 7.232 247.560 7.569
+659.137 500.121 7.234 541.610 6.243 245.275 5.942
+659.294 504.021 8.414 545.136 7.390 247.562 5.756
+659.452 502.050 12.296 541.991 7.423 254.705 6.179
+659.608 503.800 8.231 544.519 6.444 251.697 5.241
+659.766 505.658 11.912 543.265 8.311 246.876 7.756
+659.922 503.976 7.846 543.062 7.461 250.458 3.821
+660.080 505.909 6.653 544.380 8.465 256.924 11.243
+660.238 506.479 8.094 542.183 8.395 248.659 7.198
+660.394 511.874 8.877 547.491 8.229 246.076 9.428
+660.550 503.168 7.434 543.965 8.606 249.660 8.735
+660.706 502.771 12.596 545.529 8.065 248.766 6.413
+660.863 503.017 8.339 543.545 8.473 251.067 6.361
+661.020 505.320 7.918 541.485 8.127 253.510 7.769
+661.176 500.473 7.116 541.284 8.075 250.595 4.556
+661.332 505.364 8.567 543.942 7.803 251.375 6.126
+661.490 504.243 12.326 547.059 8.300 241.903 8.676
+661.648 505.192 7.356 539.150 8.213 257.739 9.776
+661.803 504.201 16.378 542.701 8.142 249.217 10.030
+661.960 505.942 10.912 546.587 7.628 248.292 8.483
+662.117 504.769 7.482 544.285 7.126 252.352 5.791
+662.275 507.307 7.745 544.232 8.124 254.443 5.819
+662.431 502.573 8.550 543.562 8.078 246.284 5.054
+662.588 508.715 8.963 544.345 9.578 239.772 11.929
+662.745 506.847 12.207 541.513 8.365 253.167 7.768
+662.902 505.648 10.910 543.535 8.998 254.811 9.207
+663.059 508.986 8.445 544.275 7.382 250.858 4.970
+663.216 508.169 7.417 541.702 7.060 245.908 6.765
+663.374 513.501 10.475 543.067 8.627 245.389 10.177
+663.530 513.735 12.092 540.950 8.090 250.833 5.161
+663.687 510.087 10.404 545.529 9.851 249.998 5.657
+663.844 514.500 15.416 544.085 10.167 243.630 8.544
+664.001 516.495 8.918 540.970 9.762 257.886 7.997
+664.157 498.965 7.142 540.509 8.930 244.698 7.458
+664.314 507.869 7.779 546.865 8.234 247.847 7.688
+664.470 515.488 7.428 545.418 9.262 250.338 6.005
+664.628 507.874 8.621 538.744 8.526 253.403 7.167
+664.784 510.238 6.576 539.607 7.833 249.054 5.360
+664.942 508.572 9.524 544.366 10.145 245.120 7.845
+665.099 516.315 18.528 541.363 12.990 235.001 22.840
+665.254 511.623 10.018 542.823 7.753 252.560 6.101
+665.413 511.636 7.948 545.338 9.460 243.975 7.689
+665.569 501.676 6.635 546.143 10.359 251.489 7.496
+665.726 508.406 9.771 545.471 8.153 250.224 4.926
+665.882 507.604 9.395 547.554 8.507 240.242 4.270
+666.040 515.696 10.593 545.005 10.028 263.742 8.365
+666.197 516.027 8.737 543.670 8.153 250.157 6.803
+666.355 509.060 8.561 553.316 11.647 240.011 8.749
+666.511 502.420 15.536 547.123 11.048 241.160 9.755
+666.669 510.384 9.247 547.891 11.375 252.611 8.761
+666.826 512.053 15.754 546.459 9.721 265.116 9.732
+666.982 505.660 14.771 548.294 10.525 246.961 6.378
+667.139 513.516 11.869 546.473 14.542 238.529 6.074
+667.295 512.965 15.534 544.194 9.225 239.705 8.779
+667.454 513.339 10.505 542.022 9.988 270.057 6.216
+667.613 514.933 12.490 544.250 8.858 254.420 10.118
+667.770 508.509 9.232 548.152 10.637 237.014 10.170
+667.928 514.855 9.742 548.281 8.829 248.260 10.993
+668.085 504.608 8.803 545.842 9.094 245.792 6.770
+668.243 524.496 9.009 543.178 11.355 258.637 9.617
+668.400 513.144 10.172 547.541 9.110 249.576 7.870
+668.557 510.061 9.503 544.295 8.720 239.945 9.629
+668.713 514.380 7.900 547.883 8.306 240.659 8.172
+668.869 509.693 8.664 550.488 9.323 248.846 6.761
+669.026 511.056 9.322 544.694 10.554 263.228 8.529
+669.183 508.220 12.212 546.537 9.208 248.102 10.017
+669.340 516.292 9.112 548.445 8.009 236.221 8.738
+669.497 516.552 7.554 544.744 9.152 255.082 7.047
+669.654 513.025 9.011 545.907 7.971 247.660 4.423
+669.811 511.730 6.748 546.429 7.462 252.726 5.357
+669.969 512.607 7.695 544.614 8.867 248.867 8.382
+670.126 507.076 9.602 547.836 7.332 244.208 7.181
+670.283 516.000 6.690 545.928 7.390 253.562 9.608
+670.440 514.160 8.824 548.079 11.625 245.965 7.589
+670.597 515.331 8.324 544.840 8.810 236.229 12.104
+670.755 514.363 11.053 547.498 9.850 260.202 12.818
+670.912 512.103 8.459 544.485 8.665 251.882 8.244
+671.069 505.381 7.295 546.944 8.660 247.708 10.740
+671.225 516.143 9.978 549.609 7.217 247.897 7.852
+671.382 514.931 9.672 544.566 7.724 249.548 6.985
+671.540 519.359 7.577 543.315 9.504 251.225 14.369
+671.695 520.573 7.810 547.093 7.254 243.362 8.306
+671.852 512.625 7.647 545.601 8.601 247.513 6.595
+672.009 514.516 11.035 544.766 10.432 246.935 8.032
+672.166 516.415 9.642 543.477 8.897 247.649 7.752
+672.323 512.784 11.577 544.084 9.947 246.086 16.126
+672.479 512.507 9.491 547.310 9.041 240.880 8.084
+672.636 520.065 10.776 547.643 8.164 253.478 6.888
+672.794 505.420 8.725 545.606 10.545 252.064 6.170
+672.951 513.304 8.770 543.696 10.351 247.720 7.170
+673.109 507.823 9.430 547.717 8.805 241.297 7.123
+673.265 510.448 9.226 543.207 9.111 254.982 6.331
+673.423 517.674 7.048 543.132 9.156 258.979 6.934
+673.582 516.296 10.366 540.591 9.458 242.269 6.790
+673.739 509.013 7.148 545.496 8.570 241.072 5.253
+673.896 516.600 7.461 544.784 7.391 242.810 6.342
+674.054 516.106 8.152 543.207 8.373 262.508 8.689
+674.211 512.641 9.527 543.742 9.729 253.155 7.149
+674.367 515.196 7.660 546.707 11.625 236.741 8.837
+674.524 510.412 9.208 545.317 10.780 244.467 8.780
+674.682 515.294 13.807 542.873 10.600 252.804 9.617
+674.839 508.842 7.171 545.118 9.039 250.228 5.444
+674.996 513.648 7.191 541.731 8.307 250.622 4.891
+675.153 508.206 10.811 547.567 8.423 247.346 7.525
+675.309 517.592 8.626 547.795 9.531 243.763 8.206
+675.466 509.145 9.021 546.008 11.046 245.187 9.324
+675.623 512.881 9.763 547.730 9.079 244.411 9.761
+675.779 519.048 10.278 545.897 7.871 245.394 5.744
+675.937 512.690 6.649 545.359 8.140 251.543 11.383
+676.094 514.806 7.629 548.803 7.863 249.325 5.617
+676.251 510.718 8.560 548.148 8.338 239.033 5.589
+676.408 517.577 10.017 543.121 9.648 254.180 7.096
+676.565 504.995 6.663 545.331 6.710 249.961 6.462
+676.722 516.709 8.178 550.493 8.825 250.659 7.966
+676.879 509.787 6.900 544.884 8.729 244.936 10.405
+677.035 515.157 9.144 547.688 9.321 246.569 6.623
+677.192 510.461 8.085 548.386 9.446 247.495 7.153
+677.348 514.944 8.160 546.193 9.912 250.804 7.467
+677.506 510.709 8.618 546.352 9.661 250.178 7.385
+677.662 510.737 9.662 545.393 10.193 245.981 9.451
+677.818 521.217 12.726 546.834 9.890 254.089 19.017
+677.975 507.382 7.082 546.818 10.376 240.150 10.206
+678.133 512.933 7.244 542.898 8.502 247.211 7.187
+678.290 515.179 7.284 549.159 8.758 246.072 6.015
+678.448 508.821 10.523 544.251 7.895 253.040 8.383
+678.604 512.408 8.508 544.402 8.927 250.640 7.170
+678.761 521.274 6.770 546.764 8.074 245.616 12.039
+678.918 521.022 8.437 547.137 8.947 247.016 8.485
+679.076 510.990 8.131 543.771 9.466 242.270 7.866
+679.231 517.519 9.943 548.697 8.137 244.142 5.724
+679.388 515.235 6.977 548.177 8.441 252.131 7.191
+679.545 511.792 7.024 543.231 8.550 250.001 9.174
+679.703 514.357 8.214 546.662 8.920 247.270 9.298
+679.859 520.613 20.570 546.626 9.314 246.992 8.258
+680.016 508.686 10.735 544.356 9.871 247.779 8.947
+680.174 511.266 7.908 543.813 8.912 250.097 6.374
+680.331 516.262 8.623 548.338 8.899 243.991 6.222
+680.488 510.492 10.317 547.333 7.036 250.709 7.613
+680.646 515.074 10.219 543.883 8.925 249.027 9.826
+680.803 529.870 15.757 548.568 10.123 257.420 14.709
+680.960 510.948 18.591 545.825 8.612 250.084 21.605
+681.116 505.309 16.414 545.668 10.900 237.340 13.188
+681.272 514.543 11.203 546.266 11.500 250.503 6.663
+681.429 514.365 16.853 545.902 8.256 251.735 7.858
+681.585 507.633 6.816 543.299 8.148 255.337 18.198
+681.740 509.136 10.216 543.473 8.632 244.123 8.684
+681.897 515.971 7.499 547.514 7.156 246.811 8.950
+682.054 517.149 12.596 544.995 6.917 243.358 10.248
+682.211 509.731 10.997 544.340 9.515 255.003 10.634
+682.369 513.187 10.110 544.843 7.073 249.130 8.269
+682.526 511.271 9.966 542.428 8.393 246.711 10.241
+682.682 503.362 14.484 543.254 8.715 246.117 7.726
+682.838 509.753 9.657 546.202 7.336 246.261 13.797
+682.995 512.217 8.367 544.312 8.847 253.672 8.857
+683.152 511.352 7.571 544.773 7.027 252.626 7.950
+683.308 513.803 14.896 545.657 7.164 238.436 5.353
+683.465 513.158 9.688 546.096 8.144 241.444 8.627
+683.622 503.671 6.870 543.531 7.542 251.154 8.270
+683.779 508.076 9.744 539.325 8.168 255.321 6.283
+683.937 506.400 15.177 545.333 10.900 257.983 12.066
+684.093 509.814 13.502 545.693 13.240 242.649 38.127
+684.248 506.218 14.769 544.977 7.621 236.576 10.324
+684.404 506.172 8.498 543.189 8.941 249.325 9.312
+684.561 504.121 11.394 543.101 7.228 251.743 8.655
+684.718 509.221 7.555 542.571 9.201 253.977 6.423
+684.876 501.222 10.611 544.075 7.515 253.479 8.407
+685.033 505.472 10.608 544.020 7.801 252.044 7.768
+685.190 508.174 10.543 546.200 7.156 249.190 6.205
+685.347 503.701 7.933 543.812 7.806 250.541 6.969
+685.503 504.727 12.916 543.218 6.775 246.615 8.814
+685.659 503.167 12.632 542.242 8.006 252.906 6.907
+685.816 503.851 8.274 546.312 7.200 246.709 11.835
+685.972 502.408 10.152 542.893 8.635 251.747 10.972
+686.129 502.724 22.994 547.209 11.547 235.307 19.922
+686.286 507.497 16.107 541.962 7.724 259.233 15.117
+686.442 498.705 8.695 544.379 6.631 248.192 5.911
+686.599 503.907 8.428 543.163 6.583 243.751 8.498
+686.755 504.259 9.981 542.121 9.110 245.837 8.913
+686.912 500.112 10.361 546.911 8.750 238.528 7.450
+687.070 499.201 9.165 544.229 7.322 251.185 11.083
+687.227 499.902 13.712 544.862 6.104 244.361 13.525
+687.383 501.439 8.746 546.428 7.007 246.663 8.013
+687.539 501.294 8.472 541.234 7.153 246.746 6.351
+687.696 497.062 7.062 547.232 7.096 242.247 6.500
+687.853 494.630 6.463 544.222 7.097 257.902 7.002
+688.011 501.826 6.805 543.642 6.363 260.519 6.826
+688.169 500.028 6.846 550.876 7.271 251.215 5.798
+688.327 498.160 9.693 544.238 8.300 251.072 10.470
+688.483 498.991 6.482 547.602 7.224 249.280 5.071
+688.640 503.879 7.584 544.666 6.477 254.912 4.480
+688.799 495.718 6.580 544.036 7.197 257.989 4.923
+688.956 497.047 7.953 544.130 6.802 248.269 6.976
+689.113 498.170 7.455 545.601 6.429 248.192 4.893
+689.271 494.521 11.875 547.536 9.086 241.321 10.702
+689.427 490.615 10.945 545.425 8.812 260.113 6.159
+689.585 489.356 6.681 541.334 7.163 255.551 6.284
+689.743 492.763 6.915 543.713 6.110 253.745 5.870
+689.901 492.317 7.121 548.587 8.844 251.017 4.405
+690.059 487.103 7.081 541.295 7.380 248.560 5.297
+690.216 491.601 7.591 541.283 7.665 251.995 8.979
+690.373 483.406 7.076 543.312 8.154 259.420 5.351
+690.530 493.144 7.910 545.643 7.506 250.704 6.364
+690.687 484.251 6.495 541.246 8.023 247.487 7.841
+690.843 489.382 6.755 545.552 8.704 253.774 6.039
+691.001 492.033 6.752 547.205 7.684 251.027 6.574
+691.158 481.760 6.501 543.192 7.547 250.370 9.983
+691.315 491.167 7.068 541.072 8.751 254.133 9.682
+691.472 495.121 7.218 544.760 8.746 245.001 7.318
+691.628 483.351 8.285 545.247 8.450 245.220 9.262
+691.784 485.383 7.641 548.462 7.756 251.112 7.497
+691.941 486.153 6.078 545.294 9.166 253.171 6.148
+692.099 485.501 7.284 538.063 10.106 259.101 7.198
+692.256 483.885 9.908 546.940 9.373 247.041 5.933
+692.414 483.778 11.340 551.749 7.153 243.520 9.974
+692.572 476.307 6.194 538.977 9.501 259.545 7.616
+692.730 486.633 9.134 534.529 7.195 259.565 6.938
+692.888 482.486 13.440 541.975 7.892 258.085 12.959
+693.043 474.914 8.815 543.779 8.672 244.570 6.249
+693.200 471.379 8.961 545.557 7.905 246.165 9.826
+693.356 479.833 11.112 538.395 7.703 267.071 9.041
+693.514 481.288 11.417 540.864 8.548 264.840 8.628
+693.672 477.872 8.857 553.578 10.470 252.768 10.538
+693.829 474.458 8.107 536.765 7.027 249.977 7.281
+693.986 486.444 11.892 543.197 13.469 251.509 10.771
+694.142 481.834 9.533 542.512 8.772 250.565 10.544
+694.299 478.578 7.824 540.075 12.295 251.345 8.587
+694.456 484.525 8.434 544.540 12.950 251.203 8.683
+694.613 485.135 13.006 543.405 12.985 242.962 6.118
+694.771 485.421 10.200 544.344 15.742 254.619 9.738
+694.927 475.534 7.515 544.803 13.670 242.896 8.880
+695.082 479.785 12.237 543.608 7.635 246.568 10.042
+695.240 483.437 9.023 539.956 7.780 254.895 8.837
+695.397 466.104 10.461 543.929 8.908 242.918 14.006
+695.554 472.551 7.881 541.439 9.898 251.709 5.704
+695.710 483.035 8.004 542.854 8.684 252.217 6.966
+695.868 475.580 10.199 541.078 8.145 255.812 7.804
+696.024 467.395 8.886 538.580 8.474 247.028 11.129
+696.181 483.244 11.399 547.425 8.440 259.400 7.835
+696.338 477.242 6.756 541.904 7.653 252.634 5.333
+696.496 482.562 8.572 541.959 10.499 246.446 9.144
+696.652 483.185 7.958 541.349 9.548 246.804 8.726
+696.809 473.061 11.531 540.473 7.454 243.698 9.530
+696.965 483.970 8.448 544.414 9.862 259.577 7.816
+697.122 472.439 9.555 541.524 9.963 248.955 9.369
+697.279 483.744 6.041 546.735 7.335 252.179 5.362
+697.436 484.557 6.404 543.717 8.313 241.211 4.090
+697.594 476.365 6.725 546.607 8.282 243.242 4.154
+697.751 481.253 8.608 542.446 10.178 244.492 7.452
+697.907 460.092 12.747 543.144 11.711 251.704 8.355
+698.065 479.640 15.369 535.451 12.660 262.997 9.757
+698.222 482.926 10.354 542.514 11.351 254.099 13.614
+698.379 481.169 7.210 541.755 9.685 246.781 6.616
+698.536 481.431 6.114 542.957 6.362 249.737 7.622
+698.694 482.274 7.837 545.859 7.417 244.537 6.736
+698.852 477.622 8.154 540.598 9.662 261.075 8.776
+699.008 464.886 11.907 544.566 15.196 246.710 10.003
+699.166 477.428 8.925 541.635 10.642 252.127 6.338
+699.323 481.834 8.749 542.586 13.026 250.961 8.459
+699.479 479.328 7.081 541.285 8.947 245.949 7.074
+699.636 485.383 7.938 547.612 9.637 246.089 5.179
+699.794 476.823 6.725 540.316 8.301 246.200 11.780
+699.951 477.348 8.276 541.103 8.892 257.362 9.259
+700.108 478.993 11.232 543.711 11.480 251.053 10.518
+700.264 472.739 8.757 543.297 9.105 252.250 5.527
+700.421 487.857 10.164 542.403 9.423 251.402 4.978
+700.578 480.418 9.398 546.074 7.720 242.024 7.076
+700.734 485.854 8.528 542.380 13.528 248.710 6.885
+700.890 492.038 8.766 543.813 7.346 253.217 6.778
+701.046 478.850 6.703 542.738 7.451 244.172 6.533
+701.203 487.018 6.277 540.307 8.141 253.721 6.269
+701.361 492.780 6.827 546.893 7.947 258.017 6.223
+701.519 486.997 7.434 544.189 6.424 253.110 5.441
+701.677 478.460 9.477 543.201 8.581 247.321 5.256
+701.834 492.294 7.462 546.192 7.073 247.583 4.985
+701.991 500.372 8.026 542.451 8.262 255.595 6.804
+702.147 488.663 8.223 543.694 7.412 246.486 4.921
+702.305 483.416 7.505 544.186 8.066 248.514 6.372
+702.462 488.954 7.187 540.561 11.078 255.135 7.425
+702.620 493.479 6.453 543.145 8.434 262.541 4.049
+702.778 489.194 6.981 541.831 6.854 256.935 6.451
+702.936 497.741 7.923 546.288 6.869 250.199 5.932
+703.094 490.837 8.567 543.112 7.353 247.322 11.654
+703.250 494.078 9.162 545.681 7.737 249.343 12.138
+703.407 496.530 7.015 543.806 6.873 253.193 7.321
+703.564 490.885 7.597 540.178 7.292 252.841 5.185
+703.723 495.268 6.259 543.321 6.635 249.898 8.496
+703.880 495.372 10.580 544.463 10.365 245.158 9.374
+704.038 497.463 9.861 542.594 8.041 264.711 6.500
+704.194 496.714 9.816 545.096 8.652 252.827 16.344
+704.350 496.017 9.681 541.491 9.069 253.418 20.459
+704.508 498.110 6.703 542.674 8.112 255.964 6.445
+704.665 501.221 6.727 545.186 7.532 253.689 5.568
+704.823 499.482 8.783 543.141 7.021 250.206 6.564
+704.979 499.644 7.881 543.271 8.268 254.062 5.570
+705.137 497.326 7.723 544.332 7.625 245.250 5.334
+705.294 503.163 7.875 541.063 7.883 251.842 4.763
+705.451 498.511 10.816 546.420 7.551 248.448 7.030
+705.608 494.795 7.783 542.114 7.272 255.144 5.761
+705.766 506.457 21.517 544.841 9.085 246.771 6.975
+705.923 500.034 8.689 545.918 8.437 249.677 7.916
+706.079 503.620 10.124 544.739 8.021 249.616 8.686
+706.235 492.226 8.142 543.897 7.416 246.716 4.669
+706.393 500.532 8.454 541.689 7.154 263.557 10.113
+706.550 494.855 10.354 544.576 7.011 254.135 10.040
+706.707 497.078 11.463 545.125 7.311 252.941 9.259
+706.864 500.330 7.334 544.251 7.962 248.989 8.362
+707.020 493.423 9.736 543.042 7.282 246.649 8.315
+707.176 501.144 7.478 540.830 8.689 251.356 7.871
+707.333 508.391 14.173 544.658 8.932 253.153 8.123
+707.489 498.493 9.496 546.186 7.517 238.111 9.317
+707.645 492.644 8.219 540.851 7.119 245.841 7.228
+707.802 506.026 9.662 546.168 7.178 258.038 6.751
+707.961 503.730 8.363 542.821 8.616 247.690 11.166
+708.117 499.727 8.056 543.018 6.535 250.216 9.324
+708.273 506.077 15.349 545.750 7.062 250.992 9.567
+708.429 497.390 14.592 543.467 7.202 237.499 8.832
+708.586 499.164 12.993 546.224 7.982 260.685 13.431
+708.743 504.851 10.607 541.082 7.101 261.186 14.241
+708.898 500.168 10.381 547.080 8.997 241.021 6.991
+709.055 501.071 9.730 543.810 6.982 249.270 6.899
+709.211 507.560 12.215 543.398 9.699 247.152 6.975
+709.368 506.405 18.961 549.824 8.657 245.351 8.679
+709.524 512.454 17.067 547.918 12.708 257.883 7.388
+709.681 509.524 11.087 538.689 10.466 246.648 7.832
+709.838 511.595 9.581 548.866 7.605 248.146 5.782
+709.996 510.606 8.854 546.318 7.096 246.711 13.042
+710.152 508.006 9.515 546.663 7.507 256.927 11.665
+710.309 511.910 10.334 548.026 10.279 250.149 15.841
+710.466 505.429 8.179 544.780 8.081 241.701 5.614
+710.622 513.244 7.675 544.697 7.106 249.307 4.543
+710.780 518.342 6.745 546.287 7.120 249.323 7.374
+710.937 515.683 8.787 544.242 8.232 254.093 6.141
+711.094 515.256 8.787 543.992 9.483 242.690 12.016
+711.251 523.262 9.606 547.680 8.832 240.436 6.214
+711.408 518.462 8.598 542.556 8.305 245.804 6.494
+711.565 516.894 6.945 543.525 7.896 260.068 8.620
+711.722 520.739 6.994 544.075 8.086 248.950 7.580
+711.879 517.937 9.811 542.420 8.342 246.369 5.730
+712.036 518.399 13.331 546.474 9.712 251.943 7.293
+712.193 518.424 10.355 545.414 8.587 234.239 7.594
+712.351 520.764 12.998 540.784 11.560 255.432 6.542
+712.508 516.757 13.496 545.937 8.279 247.664 8.421
+712.665 516.767 9.015 545.649 9.985 249.316 9.120
+712.821 521.337 12.393 539.086 8.041 241.983 6.781
+712.978 515.223 11.621 545.750 9.750 246.079 8.409
+713.134 527.582 8.046 544.837 8.377 252.100 5.361
+713.291 519.655 10.197 545.048 7.250 247.671 7.907
+713.448 519.576 8.957 548.780 8.818 235.046 8.833
+713.605 516.945 8.833 543.687 10.082 248.480 7.318
+713.761 517.849 7.870 539.776 7.354 240.444 8.508
+713.918 520.798 7.592 543.867 9.745 253.544 5.506
+714.076 512.858 8.059 539.908 7.153 249.195 6.052
+714.233 512.408 8.420 547.919 7.643 238.781 7.670
+714.390 526.314 15.974 542.899 10.446 246.587 7.818
+714.545 515.963 9.454 539.629 6.740 249.595 5.500
+714.703 515.749 10.063 546.726 7.276 240.505 11.953
+714.859 522.847 6.983 542.497 7.496 249.045 6.697
+715.018 522.798 9.918 540.475 7.535 260.100 6.715
+715.176 515.438 7.416 545.574 7.674 249.901 6.155
+715.334 528.784 10.056 543.175 9.474 248.129 9.972
+715.491 515.977 9.465 545.181 8.672 244.481 17.273
+715.647 532.029 9.410 539.061 9.648 249.484 11.025
+715.804 516.930 6.950 543.090 8.325 254.954 5.703
+715.962 513.099 9.066 544.861 7.488 250.229 4.460
+716.120 514.211 8.912 543.808 7.420 244.972 8.810
+716.276 512.112 8.487 541.608 7.585 238.499 6.519
+716.432 525.711 9.297 545.626 11.227 242.825 12.365
+716.589 521.797 10.453 545.406 9.091 253.768 9.741
+716.746 524.388 7.149 541.614 8.119 246.787 8.982
+716.903 519.523 7.947 547.756 10.201 242.737 6.155
+717.060 521.855 14.170 542.017 9.371 255.087 5.835
+717.217 518.258 9.651 540.340 9.141 243.460 10.309
+717.373 520.292 6.992 544.883 10.355 242.254 9.207
+717.530 526.483 8.697 537.908 9.610 248.362 13.202
+717.686 512.034 14.660 541.049 9.378 246.073 8.671
+717.843 518.390 8.432 541.910 10.000 253.850 8.105
+718.000 520.513 9.667 543.429 8.864 244.618 6.190
+718.157 517.035 11.575 539.254 8.766 245.656 9.930
+718.315 509.850 10.812 544.832 11.063 243.296 8.634
+718.471 514.938 15.587 545.068 8.064 244.402 9.124
+718.628 525.999 9.359 542.930 7.720 252.404 7.883
+718.785 516.950 8.459 544.189 7.310 246.664 5.940
+718.943 520.219 9.170 544.011 9.039 245.716 7.532
+719.100 522.422 11.419 540.560 8.658 244.047 11.674
+719.256 518.174 8.141 539.825 7.825 248.190 8.099
+719.413 517.551 9.473 543.748 9.174 243.271 5.064
+719.571 528.885 12.257 542.167 8.372 250.522 7.002
+719.728 511.018 8.394 539.111 7.354 247.515 7.651
+719.885 517.540 7.102 545.131 7.861 242.205 4.889
+720.042 521.645 6.194 542.741 7.444 247.652 6.831
+720.200 520.146 9.713 540.887 9.620 252.426 9.659
+720.356 519.681 8.606 544.518 8.743 240.234 10.037
+720.513 512.316 8.424 550.535 9.363 240.872 9.102
+720.669 521.823 9.672 541.345 7.613 244.778 8.719
+720.826 524.798 8.351 542.273 8.680 248.587 5.019
+720.984 521.918 6.951 545.042 6.497 246.415 5.913
+721.141 517.049 7.668 540.150 8.115 247.264 6.536
+721.298 523.080 14.286 546.151 8.834 241.692 6.880
+721.455 510.420 7.346 544.851 7.286 249.026 4.427
+721.611 527.874 18.971 548.048 11.304 249.310 18.674
+721.768 513.208 9.570 542.150 8.198 250.443 13.357
+721.924 519.742 7.894 545.391 7.364 243.334 4.225
+722.081 518.227 7.209 541.584 7.513 240.753 4.516
+722.240 524.552 9.693 539.235 8.562 261.957 8.110
+722.396 521.315 10.397 543.752 10.483 239.439 8.423
+722.554 515.653 8.937 540.557 9.140 239.034 6.097
+722.711 513.386 6.638 543.185 7.720 249.840 4.044
+722.867 516.493 9.255 544.001 8.569 237.458 4.214
+723.025 526.334 7.019 544.010 7.606 245.754 7.252
+723.182 517.513 9.832 542.750 8.496 247.897 8.088
+723.338 520.275 8.977 539.927 7.157 256.669 4.768
+723.496 514.762 7.484 546.729 7.606 242.556 7.519
+723.653 536.017 8.256 543.617 7.484 250.145 4.214
+723.810 514.910 7.712 540.416 8.659 244.021 7.147
+723.966 528.809 8.648 543.004 7.919 247.480 10.743
+724.123 513.328 7.885 542.830 7.669 248.234 6.981
+724.280 520.203 9.120 545.368 8.828 247.272 5.034
+724.437 521.772 7.567 544.723 8.083 246.262 6.026
+724.595 517.897 16.720 539.247 7.607 244.702 10.844
+724.751 525.409 13.740 539.782 10.350 248.937 13.628
+724.908 518.064 12.088 541.597 9.575 237.259 5.873
+725.066 525.850 9.355 545.036 7.550 253.602 7.297
+725.223 515.148 11.148 541.040 7.167 251.426 10.044
+725.381 524.281 12.666 541.120 10.852 251.184 6.167
+725.539 526.962 14.508 545.321 9.536 237.411 14.549
+725.695 526.029 13.448 541.933 9.852 244.894 12.252
+725.852 521.820 14.430 539.389 8.824 249.538 13.734
+726.007 519.398 10.142 540.643 7.725 246.165 6.600
+726.164 521.314 8.028 545.196 8.176 246.731 5.082
+726.321 515.813 8.925 541.132 7.546 246.547 5.004
+726.479 510.388 7.155 541.131 10.538 245.585 10.132
+726.636 526.993 14.068 547.671 9.736 240.385 14.342
+726.793 512.250 10.064 544.486 8.137 241.553 12.987
+726.950 527.622 9.896 544.514 7.617 253.465 10.134
+727.107 521.126 8.958 541.765 7.063 249.314 6.328
+727.264 515.571 7.068 540.627 8.050 246.343 8.484
+727.421 514.715 10.766 542.606 8.903 244.403 10.780
+727.578 515.207 8.940 540.916 7.903 245.364 10.736
+727.735 526.942 8.254 544.399 7.518 255.993 10.005
+727.892 516.299 8.290 545.134 8.343 238.459 7.993
+728.048 517.433 8.015 542.171 8.676 244.204 5.749
+728.205 523.164 10.156 541.061 8.510 250.682 8.183
+728.362 517.891 6.920 546.450 9.333 240.166 5.945
+728.520 516.368 7.739 544.144 7.471 243.341 9.360
+728.677 516.793 9.844 540.881 9.245 249.043 7.564
+728.835 520.888 12.375 539.178 8.105 248.660 15.426
+728.992 519.039 10.954 543.311 8.240 250.316 13.073
+729.149 520.650 10.658 544.013 8.176 248.673 8.357
+729.306 520.126 6.841 541.960 9.033 246.406 7.899
+729.463 538.971 14.848 540.469 9.944 247.224 9.758
+729.619 508.509 7.853 545.884 7.209 241.562 5.613
+729.776 519.385 10.630 542.098 7.507 244.965 10.956
+729.933 529.603 8.047 543.491 8.415 255.739 15.162
+730.089 515.416 9.496 545.965 10.837 243.687 6.968
+730.247 525.054 6.937 543.829 8.120 250.666 4.696
+730.404 520.750 8.671 539.678 7.558 239.246 10.156
+730.562 521.447 10.639 543.346 7.177 249.792 12.638
+730.719 516.434 8.521 542.623 9.266 250.297 9.633
+730.875 521.324 9.682 544.056 6.848 245.303 6.138
+731.032 516.713 6.618 541.220 6.866 251.213 5.207
+731.190 508.307 8.224 543.092 7.466 246.242 5.896
+731.347 519.593 11.076 543.010 8.819 253.732 11.133
+731.503 516.496 9.813 543.970 8.123 250.167 6.463
+731.661 519.115 10.374 543.949 7.441 246.311 6.470
+731.818 512.361 8.691 543.399 8.163 252.813 7.840
+731.975 521.533 8.697 541.574 7.232 239.828 9.501
+732.131 511.425 9.059 541.885 7.460 249.668 5.150
+732.288 514.334 9.353 543.448 7.257 251.126 6.411
+732.446 513.153 7.219 542.364 6.705 249.181 5.115
+732.604 512.701 12.332 543.283 8.188 244.421 7.775
+732.760 511.967 11.400 542.432 7.887 242.174 11.529
+732.918 513.469 12.173 542.004 7.248 248.251 7.077
+733.076 508.794 12.313 542.070 6.882 257.742 4.929
+733.234 504.088 7.266 540.800 7.390 248.057 5.478
+733.391 507.030 8.855 544.988 6.647 247.180 6.807
+733.549 507.840 7.770 544.589 7.416 248.671 4.869
+733.707 506.378 7.627 540.876 6.635 249.666 4.500
+733.864 513.653 9.819 544.498 7.771 247.876 13.001
+734.021 507.376 10.931 544.785 7.555 251.188 6.407
+734.179 506.203 8.490 543.537 7.366 246.781 6.701
+734.336 500.762 7.675 541.745 6.760 253.587 7.524
+734.493 500.347 7.142 541.067 6.787 254.475 5.058
+734.651 506.163 9.668 542.850 7.535 249.984 8.378
+734.808 503.841 6.983 540.508 7.280 247.919 9.061
+734.964 502.748 11.807 541.965 8.381 243.889 6.019
+735.123 502.907 8.983 540.749 7.210 255.138 6.802
+735.279 505.259 12.879 539.147 8.543 253.701 8.238
+735.436 502.052 6.772 540.241 8.400 251.487 7.623
+735.593 500.680 15.609 543.312 7.925 247.674 5.224
+735.749 501.346 8.432 542.643 7.086 250.636 3.874
+735.906 503.653 8.761 541.456 8.156 246.546 8.016
+736.061 496.766 11.176 541.644 6.715 251.875 5.020
+736.219 501.447 11.581 542.606 6.934 248.688 5.960
+736.377 498.564 7.727 542.476 7.297 251.056 5.862
+736.535 498.375 10.932 540.864 6.394 253.410 5.260
+736.693 504.203 11.410 541.468 7.087 249.354 5.243
+736.850 498.272 6.599 540.514 7.332 251.063 5.807
+737.008 499.392 5.838 543.625 6.686 246.690 4.346
+737.166 502.014 8.101 541.036 6.988 247.196 7.428
+737.323 495.490 7.753 542.720 8.152 254.932 6.044
+737.480 496.584 7.476 543.697 6.758 250.569 8.498
+737.636 501.265 6.380 542.027 7.629 250.155 4.174
+737.793 494.552 10.962 541.750 6.732 251.101 5.780
+737.951 493.865 9.677 542.467 6.818 250.911 5.760
+738.109 498.428 6.404 541.974 6.282 248.969 5.646
+738.267 497.844 6.400 542.919 7.564 251.769 5.964
+738.425 484.778 7.246 544.939 7.847 245.887 9.038
+738.581 493.857 6.349 540.069 7.298 253.318 4.811
+738.739 485.638 5.863 542.600 6.775 249.823 4.781
+738.897 487.676 5.933 542.136 6.108 253.608 5.161
+739.055 490.746 7.129 540.121 7.037 250.046 8.740
+739.213 486.187 6.400 542.261 7.046 252.570 8.224
+739.370 490.361 9.030 543.572 6.552 256.245 7.861
+739.527 482.073 10.011 542.795 7.361 245.762 4.956
+739.684 485.540 6.414 545.828 7.704 250.727 4.372
+739.842 485.875 6.404 541.818 7.130 257.127 4.534
+740.000 484.548 7.556 540.348 7.496 253.541 5.479
+740.158 484.685 7.309 543.963 7.017 250.075 4.847
+740.315 485.856 6.696 540.629 7.427 250.050 5.097
+740.473 480.988 9.816 540.836 8.825 251.120 10.453
+740.630 483.849 7.350 540.068 8.243 254.591 7.310
+740.787 485.288 7.705 542.380 11.362 251.865 6.133
+740.944 479.202 6.201 544.473 8.258 251.808 5.634
+741.101 489.122 6.807 543.074 8.180 253.548 4.948
+741.259 487.151 6.443 544.570 8.522 248.365 5.324
+741.416 482.971 9.219 544.925 7.483 254.013 5.161
+741.574 482.819 10.663 543.859 7.777 251.180 5.379
+741.732 479.818 7.996 541.588 6.550 254.671 5.880
+741.890 484.448 6.921 542.275 6.540 256.076 4.755
+742.048 481.334 7.234 543.682 6.687 250.010 4.984
+742.205 485.083 7.158 541.386 7.751 249.120 3.922
+742.362 477.540 6.514 539.993 6.978 247.691 6.402
+742.520 484.685 7.567 542.690 6.801 251.056 5.486
+742.677 485.466 7.510 541.516 7.679 254.180 4.432
+742.835 484.694 8.385 541.605 7.568 254.451 6.551
+742.992 481.886 6.336 542.976 7.280 247.934 5.489
+743.149 484.358 5.977 541.919 8.160 250.689 5.133
+743.307 480.343 8.059 543.429 8.997 249.706 6.018
+743.464 492.313 7.867 542.474 8.210 256.647 5.134
+743.622 474.573 8.852 542.094 6.886 245.326 6.264
+743.779 483.065 7.570 541.131 7.697 257.513 5.309
+743.938 482.650 6.702 543.871 7.133 253.255 6.701
+744.095 481.386 6.549 543.868 7.546 249.832 4.432
+744.253 486.383 6.395 543.608 7.071 252.798 3.511
+744.411 484.583 7.142 542.636 8.103 251.267 8.123
+744.568 478.125 8.256 542.796 6.991 257.682 7.934
+744.724 480.101 8.729 543.978 6.772 254.566 6.127
+744.882 484.081 6.017 542.109 6.756 258.215 4.044
+745.040 480.190 5.941 542.041 7.832 250.072 6.462
+745.198 486.991 6.277 541.120 7.832 256.090 5.785
+745.356 482.709 6.571 542.511 7.809 250.780 4.629
+745.514 488.867 7.152 544.855 6.951 253.467 7.361
+745.671 478.098 8.306 539.818 7.602 252.384 5.782
+745.828 480.821 6.663 544.108 9.287 250.343 7.113
+745.985 488.808 6.362 542.311 7.842 255.393 7.172
+746.143 482.608 5.827 541.803 7.010 251.973 5.515
+746.301 482.216 6.617 543.438 6.853 247.219 4.591
+746.459 487.372 7.083 540.984 6.292 251.582 11.922
+746.616 472.133 8.118 546.449 7.913 244.295 8.264
+746.772 478.771 14.333 540.374 7.879 253.332 10.815
+746.929 473.897 8.890 539.523 7.840 264.283 7.070
+747.085 475.559 8.787 543.545 7.608 252.432 9.612
+747.242 492.515 6.080 542.435 7.914 261.894 8.741
+747.399 484.975 17.407 549.614 7.833 226.808 16.627
+747.553 468.529 7.455 542.356 7.432 236.388 9.638
+747.710 492.495 7.665 544.943 6.801 270.263 15.342
+747.868 488.034 8.808 543.749 8.146 269.142 10.713
+748.025 479.440 7.825 541.487 8.035 257.301 6.924
+748.181 468.924 11.424 549.504 6.665 238.523 6.960
+748.338 484.009 6.101 545.375 8.282 250.225 5.261
+748.496 483.290 7.198 541.273 7.181 263.612 6.345
+748.654 493.272 8.390 543.052 7.075 263.266 11.445
+748.811 482.562 7.237 546.130 7.843 244.382 4.132
+748.967 479.605 6.877 542.331 6.322 250.903 4.516
+749.125 484.866 7.157 545.713 7.908 255.339 5.397
+749.283 478.028 6.655 539.117 6.638 257.593 3.862
+749.441 485.570 6.287 543.451 6.948 256.535 5.037
+749.600 478.675 7.381 545.414 7.997 247.655 7.946
+749.756 484.396 7.981 541.814 9.071 252.856 7.578
+749.913 490.603 6.250 539.158 6.790 262.498 5.715
+750.071 481.826 7.272 542.681 6.316 253.755 7.065
+750.229 486.658 8.363 544.846 6.433 236.777 7.559
+750.385 481.676 7.652 543.838 8.028 258.187 10.123
+750.542 494.426 6.893 544.048 6.601 257.921 7.636
+750.699 485.134 9.373 542.040 6.657 251.159 10.656
+750.856 490.551 9.414 545.500 8.306 243.371 12.680
+751.014 489.255 6.772 540.705 6.911 238.623 7.203
+751.171 493.612 8.436 545.447 6.698 254.246 5.485
+751.330 496.396 6.314 541.794 7.219 261.842 5.232
+751.488 493.774 7.253 541.078 6.072 254.328 4.929
+751.646 500.447 6.626 547.570 8.458 240.983 6.305
+751.803 496.334 12.247 545.465 7.794 242.639 12.811
+751.960 494.353 10.407 543.904 8.497 247.196 9.362
+752.116 498.823 7.316 544.469 7.161 253.621 6.614
+752.273 496.238 6.091 544.224 6.897 251.476 4.546
+752.432 495.792 9.622 545.042 6.928 252.984 10.590
+752.588 499.517 10.840 540.820 8.993 255.509 9.861
+752.744 499.695 14.168 544.708 7.123 247.885 9.655
+752.900 500.386 8.498 544.997 7.882 251.918 5.341
+753.057 501.733 7.148 543.240 8.469 257.689 7.381
+753.214 498.607 10.922 543.662 8.118 248.246 7.757
+753.370 507.466 11.715 541.756 7.072 244.732 11.335
+753.527 498.504 7.714 546.537 7.614 242.367 6.187
+753.684 502.615 8.589 541.905 7.930 250.033 13.897
+753.840 494.126 11.585 547.549 8.823 247.500 19.654
+753.996 494.221 6.791 543.675 7.218 255.685 5.987
+754.154 498.092 8.283 543.476 7.234 254.996 7.490
+754.311 499.610 12.425 550.464 6.857 244.670 8.314
+754.468 501.986 11.147 543.014 9.591 257.326 7.985
+754.625 493.139 7.560 545.060 7.769 252.353 6.900
+754.782 502.231 10.457 545.220 7.350 246.343 6.846
+754.938 499.072 8.620 544.842 6.309 247.793 3.978
+755.096 504.790 7.126 545.708 6.933 255.257 5.388
+755.254 505.097 8.699 547.037 7.681 249.722 6.927
+755.411 503.531 8.486 545.540 6.960 252.427 8.168
+755.567 511.615 6.475 547.115 7.354 249.864 6.286
+755.725 509.726 7.722 544.971 6.580 247.258 5.325
+755.883 508.697 7.581 543.209 7.933 254.012 5.980
+756.040 512.207 7.919 546.412 7.423 249.330 7.922
+756.196 512.982 8.500 544.874 6.511 246.653 8.237
+756.354 512.039 7.114 545.368 7.431 255.326 12.335
+756.511 514.970 9.112 543.003 7.813 248.893 5.130
+756.669 518.669 6.937 544.290 7.829 248.378 4.277
+756.825 517.556 14.086 541.323 10.930 253.853 6.368
+756.982 520.165 11.761 545.833 12.260 247.408 8.085
+757.138 520.201 8.879 543.158 7.832 251.224 11.253
+757.296 521.622 9.867 546.701 7.770 254.432 6.702
+757.453 519.236 12.501 547.107 8.237 247.134 7.319
+757.608 523.202 9.603 540.891 7.114 251.151 9.469
+757.766 520.332 8.094 544.089 7.556 252.041 12.238
+757.923 516.413 11.574 543.860 8.146 248.540 9.527
+758.080 519.344 8.431 542.268 8.047 247.905 5.617
+758.237 513.883 14.958 544.812 11.964 246.729 8.996
+758.395 527.278 10.646 545.208 7.659 251.857 10.508
+758.553 519.642 12.428 543.522 11.100 243.308 11.726
+758.710 520.976 11.205 546.575 9.626 247.003 14.493
+758.867 518.699 8.831 548.405 7.240 248.300 6.379
+759.024 522.737 10.974 544.504 7.344 251.713 4.886
+759.181 516.127 7.579 543.325 6.585 249.887 4.846
+759.339 522.431 8.089 547.593 8.144 246.998 6.163
+759.496 515.284 14.113 545.116 10.951 240.060 10.225
+759.653 522.232 15.860 546.181 9.078 249.660 9.973
+759.808 521.372 11.030 545.971 7.318 252.326 4.649
+759.967 517.273 8.003 540.269 8.700 251.123 5.713
+760.124 516.462 9.006 542.132 7.571 249.111 4.111
+760.281 512.104 8.399 547.051 7.041 247.261 7.923
+760.438 508.721 10.179 540.620 7.897 244.242 6.372
+760.595 513.467 7.031 541.346 6.536 250.122 7.385
+760.753 510.544 8.810 541.553 6.559 259.511 3.598
+760.911 507.585 9.656 540.365 7.083 251.935 6.023
+761.068 507.705 7.799 542.943 6.252 250.189 4.699
+761.226 510.007 8.582 543.369 8.394 249.281 3.935
+761.383 502.650 9.840 542.223 6.386 246.832 5.964
+761.540 502.276 8.925 540.942 8.026 253.858 9.267
+761.697 501.042 7.097 541.229 8.366 259.188 7.514
+761.854 501.120 10.196 541.852 8.617 255.571 10.396
+762.012 503.091 9.100 541.618 8.632 245.685 18.105
+762.168 495.930 8.179 543.856 8.185 244.226 10.443
+762.324 495.739 11.800 536.078 7.723 254.622 9.337
+762.480 507.107 18.930 540.140 9.033 247.566 28.008
+762.636 515.451 14.649 544.951 7.903 252.865 7.490
+762.794 497.524 11.721 542.849 9.258 241.528 15.878
+762.949 498.435 12.195 542.148 7.454 238.155 14.200
+763.105 491.784 12.476 544.281 7.488 242.961 8.922
+763.263 499.317 12.585 538.062 8.988 269.029 8.348
+763.420 496.533 9.875 539.650 8.419 258.020 7.704
+763.577 495.805 14.811 546.606 11.428 248.260 15.676
+763.733 489.758 9.100 546.276 9.049 231.992 17.538
+763.889 499.197 12.214 541.402 8.233 265.539 13.296
+764.047 492.982 8.279 546.454 11.246 263.305 11.427
+764.204 489.529 10.345 539.184 9.032 240.653 11.321
+764.361 496.165 11.287 541.241 9.082 240.876 7.920
+764.518 498.341 13.841 545.522 6.637 256.048 7.086
+764.675 516.013 7.869 544.725 7.802 258.490 19.484
+764.832 506.290 8.268 542.547 7.359 243.404 10.762
+764.988 497.882 11.281 548.785 8.572 240.494 8.366
+765.145 507.988 13.304 538.687 8.033 253.034 6.202
+765.303 491.989 10.160 544.306 6.996 256.260 12.267
+765.460 500.289 9.460 539.923 7.748 253.682 10.726
+765.617 501.302 10.909 544.159 7.304 240.826 11.021
+765.774 501.613 9.432 544.631 7.522 244.768 10.035
+765.931 508.726 11.996 541.326 7.533 249.227 10.071
+766.089 506.567 13.384 543.203 6.838 257.242 13.560
+766.246 503.065 10.200 541.562 8.411 248.502 15.069
+766.402 492.760 10.329 542.535 10.235 244.055 9.793
+766.559 491.897 9.246 542.235 8.834 245.750 15.598
+766.715 504.199 10.316 543.862 9.558 255.437 9.879
+766.872 503.702 10.933 541.768 9.360 254.954 7.045
+767.029 499.967 11.696 544.267 9.177 250.039 7.725
+767.186 500.989 8.952 544.982 7.956 246.670 5.417
+767.344 499.939 6.792 544.069 10.333 251.006 7.530
+767.501 491.739 9.853 541.150 8.014 254.470 10.137
+767.658 502.397 10.408 541.301 8.465 258.584 17.784
+767.815 486.034 8.988 543.283 7.571 250.825 10.229
+767.972 497.400 7.570 539.502 8.888 250.108 8.677
+768.129 503.274 9.378 546.345 8.543 252.861 7.255
+768.285 515.092 6.669 545.273 6.863 245.588 10.295
+768.443 515.390 8.509 541.792 6.939 254.005 11.957
+768.602 507.973 9.486 542.848 7.669 263.390 7.334
+768.759 513.839 10.485 545.088 9.156 226.743 13.549
+768.915 502.888 10.915 542.810 8.673 234.777 12.853
+769.073 528.108 10.125 543.568 6.516 278.827 9.070
+769.231 515.661 8.204 539.945 7.219 252.268 10.310
+769.388 507.936 7.870 540.099 7.848 254.652 9.672
+769.545 512.649 8.687 549.241 6.406 218.546 5.683
+769.703 519.496 9.668 539.532 10.066 250.035 6.354
+769.861 526.025 8.458 540.005 7.576 268.320 11.738
+770.019 514.060 18.502 539.430 10.459 255.013 9.377
+770.176 512.070 9.600 542.874 7.056 239.260 12.805
+770.333 505.100 8.752 540.928 9.109 232.872 12.250
+770.489 507.671 16.879 539.719 11.418 247.268 13.051
+770.646 501.046 11.371 539.887 8.364 259.712 6.461
+770.803 499.890 8.496 540.478 8.157 252.417 5.733
+770.960 500.278 9.288 539.274 8.342 247.914 5.514
+771.117 496.472 10.355 544.942 9.714 249.569 12.050
+771.275 490.974 11.899 538.919 7.257 254.005 9.219
+771.433 498.719 11.472 539.439 8.124 250.070 15.836
+771.589 502.527 12.587 541.394 7.385 254.840 16.702
+771.745 499.655 12.082 541.664 7.871 244.538 7.337
+771.902 495.806 15.543 542.256 7.730 254.655 8.952
+772.059 499.138 8.085 539.302 6.853 252.166 8.648
+772.215 499.991 7.353 543.203 7.710 247.791 5.698
+772.372 503.479 8.515 539.322 8.213 252.077 5.981
+772.530 496.194 15.025 543.843 9.589 244.110 13.806
+772.686 503.382 14.213 544.398 8.459 252.231 10.283
+772.842 500.433 8.459 542.614 6.810 247.382 6.653
+772.999 500.094 8.231 543.796 8.030 242.953 9.855
+773.155 496.030 7.255 540.388 9.665 254.909 7.431
+773.313 500.590 10.376 542.823 7.967 255.659 8.740
+773.470 504.745 13.705 541.518 8.837 248.136 8.996
+773.627 493.177 9.604 540.705 7.941 249.151 8.500
+773.783 499.111 10.360 542.557 8.316 253.161 8.694
+773.940 502.871 10.134 540.405 9.188 255.691 9.190
+774.097 498.718 9.813 541.104 7.723 254.676 10.332
+774.254 499.657 7.635 544.941 8.010 246.046 8.891
+774.409 497.976 8.029 540.589 6.727 244.420 8.410
+774.566 495.479 14.110 542.435 8.923 252.894 9.554
+774.723 502.604 9.543 541.504 8.402 252.928 6.458
+774.879 500.966 9.655 541.095 7.502 247.999 8.309
+775.036 501.379 6.352 541.701 7.605 253.630 5.735
+775.193 490.023 9.446 543.317 7.994 234.856 7.558
+775.349 502.710 9.191 540.983 6.716 260.438 7.160
+775.507 497.627 10.552 543.719 7.385 244.464 6.323
+775.665 507.426 9.265 541.667 6.604 255.484 20.193
+775.821 491.954 11.696 543.016 7.805 243.594 8.944
+775.977 504.309 15.382 541.890 8.262 253.555 17.258
+776.133 498.673 13.216 542.578 7.318 255.625 8.925
+776.290 497.636 6.869 543.485 8.200 255.106 7.278
+776.447 496.916 7.082 540.944 6.892 249.081 9.927
+776.604 502.149 6.769 542.329 8.721 253.280 10.579
+776.760 497.651 12.852 541.463 7.339 248.142 7.218
+776.918 496.056 9.508 536.074 6.899 257.281 4.627
+777.075 499.860 9.478 542.930 7.744 250.282 5.501
+777.233 498.598 14.032 541.729 8.525 246.142 7.817
+777.390 501.196 9.830 539.647 7.004 256.111 5.452
+777.547 500.862 9.961 543.336 8.402 249.861 6.940
+777.704 497.718 7.667 541.133 6.679 256.498 9.863
+777.861 497.847 8.287 542.741 7.054 245.405 7.700
+778.017 498.198 7.210 541.837 8.706 252.404 10.275
+778.174 498.652 7.828 540.808 7.352 250.234 5.090
+778.331 501.976 8.339 541.648 7.612 261.602 8.548
+778.489 499.759 7.993 542.446 6.938 247.586 5.487
+778.645 500.927 5.941 541.364 6.820 247.825 5.057
+778.803 497.429 7.063 540.673 7.287 244.998 3.958
+778.961 500.164 8.610 539.836 6.546 250.160 6.481
+779.118 498.451 7.897 539.138 6.070 255.871 5.696
+779.275 498.444 7.482 540.931 6.664 250.318 9.109
+779.432 499.464 7.575 542.479 7.030 250.353 7.396
+779.589 501.594 6.083 541.824 7.121 248.363 5.541
+779.746 500.395 7.858 543.028 7.122 248.063 5.290
+779.903 501.103 7.090 542.660 6.953 247.460 7.348
+780.060 495.181 7.524 541.526 7.859 251.584 6.401
+780.217 499.411 11.752 539.955 6.604 256.785 5.850
+780.376 501.794 9.748 541.449 6.342 252.147 6.658
+780.532 499.437 7.755 540.114 6.710 249.211 7.934
+780.688 498.394 5.950 542.041 7.897 248.522 6.141
+780.846 500.133 8.434 540.770 9.774 249.615 7.342
+781.003 501.141 7.874 539.987 8.303 255.106 8.311
+781.160 500.541 18.073 542.459 8.569 249.611 12.773
+781.316 501.955 7.743 539.324 6.154 247.106 10.513
+781.474 496.979 8.846 541.473 6.378 258.161 5.834
+781.632 496.789 5.774 541.954 6.515 254.331 6.868
+781.789 498.117 8.688 542.449 6.431 240.053 8.341
+781.946 504.591 7.787 541.974 7.504 253.790 10.373
+782.102 500.045 8.379 542.459 7.754 247.567 7.049
+782.259 499.880 7.175 542.434 7.076 250.005 10.029
+782.415 503.328 9.051 541.764 7.668 252.590 6.196
+782.573 499.923 6.245 539.247 6.328 251.405 6.597
+782.730 497.379 6.659 541.922 6.908 248.014 4.782
+782.888 500.523 6.835 541.359 6.696 248.640 7.774
+783.045 494.385 10.255 540.753 7.696 248.216 11.097
+783.202 499.103 9.187 542.237 6.742 248.042 6.996
+783.359 498.851 7.144 541.362 6.506 246.420 6.917
+783.515 498.258 7.370 542.523 6.770 251.264 4.475
+783.673 501.512 8.609 539.625 7.666 253.282 6.309
+783.830 496.645 9.512 541.406 7.116 248.342 8.436
+783.987 495.696 9.776 540.754 6.773 251.953 6.488
+784.145 495.927 9.508 542.207 6.709 248.839 11.369
+784.302 504.169 8.339 541.412 8.795 252.768 7.887
+784.458 496.011 7.160 541.024 8.075 252.197 5.231
+784.616 500.030 7.549 542.720 7.420 254.062 6.148
+784.774 500.240 9.438 540.727 10.069 253.280 8.991
+784.931 498.742 7.167 543.777 6.805 242.982 8.525
+785.088 502.867 11.040 539.577 8.135 255.689 7.009
+785.245 495.528 7.770 542.195 7.243 246.756 8.746
+785.401 499.315 7.210 541.652 7.132 250.137 6.509
+785.559 499.373 6.925 541.526 6.681 245.911 5.039
+785.717 501.573 6.337 540.285 6.295 253.569 6.277
+785.875 499.225 6.154 540.422 7.846 252.885 4.374
+786.033 499.112 7.423 541.294 7.298 249.928 9.027
+786.190 499.341 11.389 540.853 8.878 255.289 7.146
+786.346 503.513 8.726 542.478 7.107 246.782 6.570
+786.504 501.885 11.460 540.864 11.237 256.017 7.658
+786.662 496.178 11.256 540.148 7.976 255.380 4.978
+786.819 500.391 7.797 541.661 9.132 241.743 5.098
+786.977 503.024 7.923 539.026 7.992 262.807 7.431
+787.133 497.570 11.742 540.900 7.178 239.288 11.341
+787.289 505.885 9.377 541.169 7.287 252.822 7.240
+787.446 499.408 6.319 541.921 7.077 251.928 6.722
+787.604 496.764 6.782 540.129 7.217 251.629 5.715
+787.762 503.597 9.651 541.711 7.641 252.346 7.793
+787.919 496.335 11.879 542.987 8.535 244.053 5.298
+788.077 500.203 7.333 541.019 7.084 255.770 6.090
+788.235 496.192 8.835 543.040 7.127 254.547 6.024
+788.392 500.541 8.626 541.240 7.544 246.805 5.647
+788.549 501.675 14.156 539.632 8.081 250.718 9.667
+788.705 500.086 10.102 542.726 8.704 241.877 11.410
+788.862 498.700 7.982 540.177 7.420 255.838 5.324
+789.020 498.117 7.287 541.281 7.363 247.838 6.345
+789.178 496.051 8.785 540.832 8.167 249.148 12.905
+789.334 502.180 6.727 543.868 8.106 243.301 7.522
+789.490 501.871 10.803 543.348 8.197 247.833 12.727
+789.648 492.248 9.829 542.453 7.801 252.518 7.072
+789.805 506.222 8.993 542.894 7.055 258.065 6.278
+789.963 491.122 11.907 547.299 10.047 236.890 9.241
+790.120 508.751 11.753 539.923 11.744 264.698 12.335
+790.277 503.057 10.601 542.699 7.551 259.997 9.447
+790.435 499.790 10.395 540.147 8.923 253.849 9.443
+790.591 500.487 8.807 541.621 7.838 246.998 5.522
+790.749 506.474 13.940 542.856 10.007 247.700 7.719
+790.906 499.704 12.604 540.738 8.110 250.697 9.213
+791.062 501.797 13.064 539.637 6.463 247.257 9.630
+791.219 503.898 10.694 540.816 8.874 240.962 6.927
+791.376 506.679 15.185 545.658 14.211 238.489 22.712
+791.531 495.136 9.191 542.286 9.080 246.644 11.675
+791.688 502.381 8.572 542.252 9.070 253.836 18.990
+791.844 490.593 11.113 542.022 6.310 245.248 8.054
+792.000 488.395 6.672 544.470 8.437 239.462 9.593
+792.157 504.834 8.649 539.584 6.870 264.174 11.651
+792.315 499.468 8.260 541.425 6.659 260.651 5.943
+792.473 503.834 16.614 544.324 8.181 235.946 19.025
+792.628 488.138 11.547 544.063 7.581 244.659 19.662
+792.784 488.071 7.823 542.660 8.643 256.846 11.471
+792.942 501.280 9.046 539.356 9.804 260.428 5.852
+793.099 503.422 7.768 541.013 8.542 259.624 12.449
+793.256 492.564 9.211 546.560 8.540 219.136 9.729
+793.413 499.915 17.908 542.725 10.106 255.391 16.003
+793.568 507.499 7.981 539.837 7.508 281.343 10.600
+793.726 503.585 12.968 543.998 9.554 243.393 18.456
+793.881 495.985 9.619 543.500 7.023 227.743 15.511
+794.037 502.429 9.858 546.735 8.531 244.987 5.570
+794.196 491.644 7.589 539.107 6.883 277.839 8.818
+794.352 507.376 8.223 541.531 9.337 271.148 7.740
+794.510 498.543 11.228 548.275 6.719 239.681 9.462
+794.667 500.055 10.466 546.752 7.826 232.006 10.071
+794.824 498.710 8.008 540.627 8.456 254.580 8.403
+794.981 501.577 9.332 543.356 9.806 257.955 8.050
+795.137 505.065 7.369 543.473 11.223 257.769 7.639
+795.295 498.170 7.470 547.194 7.467 236.257 4.947
+795.452 498.291 6.620 540.941 7.304 253.682 8.728
+795.609 496.942 7.058 545.009 7.366 253.266 10.076
+795.767 503.189 6.714 546.450 6.645 248.392 12.446
+795.924 499.411 7.141 544.844 7.914 248.613 6.543
+796.081 496.914 6.759 545.468 6.806 246.606 7.465
+796.238 505.819 7.900 542.824 7.787 250.296 6.133
+796.396 496.388 6.184 543.698 6.606 256.432 9.242
+796.553 493.353 11.057 544.317 7.167 248.814 8.697
+796.710 493.803 8.543 541.903 7.257 248.038 8.617
+796.867 499.678 6.298 546.469 7.249 251.810 4.378
+797.025 503.426 7.945 544.884 7.703 253.838 6.376
+797.182 499.324 8.821 548.298 8.675 246.598 7.685
+797.338 503.983 6.585 542.273 7.170 252.606 6.984
+797.495 499.029 9.042 542.082 6.937 252.026 5.003
+797.652 497.910 5.888 542.490 8.156 247.140 4.238
+797.810 492.839 7.311 543.904 7.607 247.961 8.435
+797.967 498.008 7.726 541.169 7.619 261.009 5.383
+798.126 495.460 8.817 542.041 7.896 248.850 6.722
+798.282 500.374 6.562 542.540 7.047 249.018 4.882
+798.439 503.263 9.022 543.905 7.455 247.660 5.289
+798.597 500.802 8.047 544.289 7.163 251.416 7.659
+798.754 496.008 8.810 540.602 7.110 259.304 5.335
+798.912 496.430 9.849 544.726 6.689 247.053 15.659
+799.068 498.094 7.124 545.567 7.383 246.410 7.602
+799.225 498.000 7.931 542.945 7.091 249.294 4.930
+799.382 500.230 6.914 540.979 8.050 256.802 7.282
+799.540 502.182 7.007 542.839 7.301 254.588 6.595
+799.697 502.461 6.528 543.478 8.624 254.725 4.570
+799.855 496.354 8.364 545.694 7.434 244.417 6.952
+800.012 504.403 10.212 544.806 6.387 252.004 5.357
+800.170 503.544 10.067 544.978 7.095 254.590 7.768
+800.326 495.915 8.762 546.369 7.015 230.725 8.170
+800.484 501.899 8.261 542.283 6.569 260.067 10.971
+800.642 498.849 9.902 547.802 7.850 255.180 10.624
+800.799 497.438 6.564 544.208 6.522 258.081 6.476
+800.957 496.894 8.407 548.482 8.061 236.690 7.059
+801.113 493.978 10.635 549.204 10.275 232.066 10.617
+801.272 504.239 6.929 543.532 7.871 267.880 6.934
+801.430 502.922 7.293 545.445 7.331 268.198 6.431
+801.587 493.009 9.066 551.634 7.181 226.102 7.118
+801.745 495.210 8.250 547.146 6.826 246.811 7.408
+801.902 498.742 8.631 550.121 7.888 254.628 9.435
+802.059 497.417 8.435 541.031 6.732 261.036 4.693
+802.217 493.954 7.957 545.990 6.188 256.830 4.292
+802.374 499.569 11.395 552.879 7.417 237.268 5.517
+802.533 508.535 8.588 544.598 8.205 249.512 13.403
+802.690 507.925 11.300 545.836 7.523 271.405 5.783
+802.848 493.989 8.036 546.508 8.579 257.274 7.407
+803.006 507.419 7.478 544.615 7.011 261.042 9.378
+803.163 504.644 10.821 548.486 9.198 240.100 16.855
+803.318 500.356 10.905 546.544 7.515 248.751 10.898
+803.476 503.223 9.842 542.955 7.337 256.597 4.135
+803.634 494.522 9.457 546.099 8.952 257.236 8.291
+803.791 492.865 9.019 544.871 8.654 249.992 11.682
+803.948 490.338 8.537 543.758 7.075 257.829 8.304
+804.105 478.803 8.363 544.637 7.842 227.958 13.142
+804.262 487.948 6.687 548.406 6.607 251.489 9.740
+804.419 490.129 7.009 546.954 7.164 278.344 10.339
+804.577 482.021 7.368 540.249 8.308 254.513 4.976
+804.735 483.800 6.124 542.612 6.625 234.955 9.624
+804.892 478.727 7.273 548.376 8.139 242.369 5.644
+805.050 482.617 8.896 549.013 8.206 274.763 6.214
+805.208 499.006 8.053 539.570 6.469 282.567 6.799
+805.366 482.160 7.478 549.255 9.117 232.985 9.744
+805.522 491.431 7.535 549.062 7.285 234.219 9.471
+805.678 484.494 8.512 550.960 7.695 230.692 5.336
+805.836 490.805 12.855 541.199 8.440 255.566 6.427
+805.994 495.718 9.848 545.832 8.128 273.215 5.524
+806.152 486.067 7.261 550.848 8.855 242.172 7.521
+806.309 483.190 7.526 543.628 7.231 237.251 5.167
+806.467 477.131 11.645 543.826 8.102 253.602 7.836
+806.624 483.301 6.419 541.898 7.978 262.986 9.544
+806.781 487.363 8.041 548.619 8.564 255.219 8.219
+806.938 484.963 7.662 544.476 7.357 260.032 6.681
+807.096 486.239 7.540 541.904 7.534 240.350 15.176
+807.251 484.102 8.262 543.219 7.235 253.673 5.462
+807.409 484.671 10.056 541.112 6.986 260.096 9.129
+807.565 486.506 6.604 543.811 6.432 255.270 4.714
+807.723 479.865 9.649 552.848 7.127 248.342 4.202
+807.880 480.598 6.369 542.948 7.463 257.963 8.950
+808.037 482.576 9.253 539.189 7.140 250.809 4.408
+808.194 484.195 10.277 545.541 7.675 250.308 8.433
+808.351 480.212 8.199 545.355 6.456 255.883 7.920
+808.508 477.752 7.405 544.663 7.331 251.138 6.103
+808.666 479.947 7.591 549.286 7.093 252.201 6.918
+808.824 480.529 7.723 544.332 7.685 255.282 6.264
+808.981 481.295 6.788 543.173 6.320 245.932 8.843
+809.139 481.872 10.986 547.841 6.527 258.029 9.541
+809.295 481.348 6.780 543.038 7.900 248.600 5.358
+809.453 483.083 9.851 543.780 6.341 260.436 8.647
+809.610 478.820 7.257 547.167 7.794 246.814 10.122
+809.766 477.298 8.283 547.021 7.064 249.958 4.988
+809.924 481.433 6.993 543.850 7.429 252.999 5.364
+810.082 476.164 8.575 541.158 6.886 237.470 10.945
+810.240 493.651 9.747 541.621 8.650 258.824 9.191
+810.397 466.386 9.029 541.876 6.892 237.638 8.320
+810.553 483.783 8.366 546.658 9.588 256.866 8.359
+810.709 478.467 6.532 542.586 7.330 246.868 4.519
+810.866 484.104 6.539 545.335 6.786 253.198 4.462
+811.024 486.821 9.675 551.643 8.518 246.382 14.237
+811.180 486.218 7.941 546.666 8.749 256.603 5.728
+811.337 473.322 7.175 545.606 8.479 241.846 6.742
+811.494 479.883 7.326 545.146 8.305 247.508 4.792
+811.652 485.328 9.412 542.551 9.903 263.275 4.521
+811.810 476.933 8.006 547.335 7.787 247.682 8.055
+811.966 491.919 7.840 544.123 7.946 263.176 4.835
+812.123 489.319 7.671 548.111 6.559 241.841 8.619
+812.280 489.253 7.294 545.111 9.732 248.688 7.303
+812.436 484.712 15.551 544.201 8.474 251.706 8.686
+812.592 471.227 11.054 547.342 11.232 239.487 14.280
+812.749 474.292 6.769 540.063 9.027 249.804 10.180
+812.907 488.712 8.813 543.660 6.666 269.348 5.446
+813.065 480.737 9.489 539.686 9.263 254.223 10.154
+813.222 484.837 11.040 541.626 7.686 254.442 8.982
+813.379 489.198 10.982 552.076 7.519 246.914 14.334
+813.535 481.862 10.359 547.620 11.351 227.409 7.410
+813.693 477.638 9.659 544.216 11.490 261.294 7.324
+813.850 487.006 7.681 545.452 8.600 251.112 7.938
+814.007 483.990 7.330 544.174 7.955 257.801 8.167
+814.164 482.209 6.440 545.141 10.554 253.058 10.596
+814.322 487.582 7.587 544.971 7.489 244.310 8.187
+814.478 491.645 8.255 545.299 8.185 239.603 5.995
+814.635 482.606 6.365 543.283 6.817 251.996 6.349
+814.793 483.656 8.049 543.192 8.192 255.889 6.342
+814.950 485.386 8.519 544.162 8.326 267.148 5.888
+815.108 479.383 8.529 543.051 6.641 253.491 6.537
+815.265 483.693 8.274 545.980 8.305 248.284 4.462
+815.422 477.166 7.094 543.519 7.567 237.092 11.825
+815.579 483.041 7.950 541.415 7.307 258.310 8.948
+815.736 478.400 8.130 546.474 8.134 251.063 8.797
+815.891 484.074 7.427 541.654 8.592 253.670 7.108
+816.049 482.890 7.645 542.266 8.025 253.606 5.542
+816.206 485.309 10.518 543.252 7.591 255.256 5.716
+816.364 479.333 6.510 540.142 9.721 254.552 6.578
+816.522 488.423 9.283 544.521 6.938 259.235 6.968
+816.679 487.184 10.229 543.045 8.525 244.272 6.333
+816.836 482.331 9.227 545.570 7.534 247.232 8.329
+816.994 489.123 7.062 543.385 7.351 248.252 6.960
+817.151 479.511 6.988 545.423 8.827 246.442 9.581
+817.308 475.005 7.428 540.994 7.235 261.094 7.232
+817.465 488.100 10.338 549.600 10.178 242.570 7.836
+817.622 489.531 8.913 540.856 6.514 253.615 5.260
+817.780 480.755 7.101 542.418 7.670 250.536 5.474
+817.937 483.887 6.583 546.514 7.479 241.895 4.959
+818.095 485.738 7.378 543.435 10.997 256.399 5.224
+818.253 497.147 10.836 544.964 6.945 252.974 10.835
+818.411 478.431 7.222 545.219 6.965 249.549 7.978
+818.567 488.144 6.922 543.742 8.249 254.405 6.967
+818.724 485.051 6.521 543.457 10.659 242.104 8.341
+818.882 484.860 7.277 547.874 7.166 247.401 8.215
+819.038 490.428 8.497 545.098 6.667 245.814 6.219
+819.195 479.814 9.769 541.941 7.800 254.688 6.315
+819.353 483.218 7.903 541.569 7.974 253.556 5.888
+819.509 483.142 6.488 547.735 8.439 244.865 7.002
+819.667 477.321 7.157 548.427 8.383 248.178 5.013
+819.824 488.623 10.301 541.674 8.636 251.401 7.117
+819.981 494.706 9.082 542.796 7.955 252.494 6.327
+820.138 488.707 9.932 546.828 8.357 245.584 7.039
+820.295 482.127 10.834 547.668 10.887 252.005 11.120
+820.453 487.191 8.527 542.596 8.955 252.520 5.450
+820.610 482.241 6.632 544.796 8.494 255.115 7.734
+820.767 486.632 8.229 543.748 8.710 243.761 5.336
+820.924 490.506 6.638 544.177 8.364 245.847 5.473
+821.082 484.955 7.150 543.291 7.285 249.948 6.700
+821.239 488.199 7.033 546.163 7.692 250.329 7.066
+821.395 480.792 6.517 542.191 9.474 249.513 11.018
+821.552 482.317 6.282 546.111 7.391 250.095 5.346
+821.709 481.743 7.259 545.981 7.431 252.470 4.047
+821.867 483.837 8.245 544.869 6.987 254.484 5.492
+822.025 480.748 9.470 547.168 8.030 247.454 7.788
+822.181 482.417 10.228 541.271 8.498 247.694 8.904
+822.338 479.464 10.888 546.552 8.483 252.866 8.435
+822.495 484.074 7.979 542.325 8.076 259.518 6.243
+822.652 476.070 8.102 543.453 8.269 251.285 7.276
+822.809 484.990 8.920 545.644 9.208 250.592 6.126
+822.966 485.849 7.310 546.656 8.909 245.125 7.234
+823.123 480.498 8.194 543.736 8.298 246.791 10.048
+823.279 479.235 8.019 546.347 8.645 254.297 8.309
+823.435 490.982 10.043 539.203 7.163 252.292 5.944
+823.593 484.469 7.614 547.952 9.194 250.132 6.324
+823.750 481.964 8.857 543.679 7.599 247.311 5.123
+823.907 476.409 9.185 541.686 7.893 253.993 9.256
+824.064 488.514 10.511 540.996 7.485 257.389 11.062
+824.221 481.385 7.452 542.740 6.453 249.003 8.738
+824.378 483.783 11.691 545.817 11.335 245.490 9.396
+824.534 483.237 9.609 542.648 7.799 245.364 4.323
+824.692 480.432 9.178 542.066 8.288 258.233 7.591
+824.848 479.744 8.487 545.730 9.279 251.602 6.130
+825.005 480.517 6.567 545.227 9.131 249.756 5.717
+825.163 486.545 8.629 542.512 7.352 247.117 12.091
+825.320 482.045 13.867 546.645 7.955 241.931 13.607
+825.476 482.110 8.937 540.946 9.115 252.209 8.197
+825.632 485.781 12.901 544.619 10.783 253.292 6.793
+825.789 474.737 7.528 542.446 9.395 256.912 4.983
+825.947 485.617 8.637 544.994 9.868 247.369 9.412
+826.103 485.886 8.352 542.830 7.909 248.033 6.193
+826.260 476.628 6.557 543.198 8.140 251.460 7.214
+826.416 478.796 7.229 543.072 8.485 248.264 6.052
+826.574 481.707 7.925 545.470 7.711 256.432 5.380
+826.731 478.697 8.257 541.674 7.986 253.234 8.733
+826.887 478.387 7.936 545.086 7.267 238.532 7.621
+827.044 495.503 8.204 544.390 8.322 258.225 6.654
+827.201 480.905 9.296 542.834 8.942 249.382 8.327
+827.358 475.759 10.835 543.998 7.305 252.633 6.064
+827.516 484.877 10.043 546.980 10.693 259.986 9.458
+827.673 485.458 8.664 543.519 9.619 249.129 8.915
+827.829 479.324 7.219 546.015 8.504 247.401 6.753
+827.986 482.853 8.956 545.790 10.685 239.494 6.159
+828.143 482.208 7.763 541.737 10.031 253.374 8.833
+828.300 481.432 7.960 545.207 9.731 254.673 10.181
+828.457 485.634 7.171 547.762 7.144 250.536 5.176
+828.614 476.426 9.069 542.857 6.548 251.085 7.233
+828.772 479.124 7.910 544.808 8.316 240.940 4.234
+828.929 483.981 9.761 546.238 9.132 256.929 6.849
+829.086 475.429 7.585 539.652 7.399 250.929 7.700
+829.242 486.164 6.696 547.286 8.916 248.299 8.715
+829.399 476.241 9.869 543.152 10.591 249.563 7.484
+829.555 474.682 6.220 539.301 6.864 250.735 4.794
+829.713 479.976 6.652 545.203 9.670 247.577 13.477
+829.870 483.719 8.298 542.752 9.089 249.015 11.266
+830.027 487.777 8.092 546.147 7.535 253.370 6.571
+830.184 482.827 8.865 545.621 6.706 252.983 6.003
+830.342 487.478 8.380 545.766 7.099 251.349 6.837
+830.498 485.904 7.516 543.477 8.955 251.413 8.632
+830.655 478.829 6.858 542.874 7.076 249.294 4.957
+830.812 476.168 6.880 544.268 7.126 244.692 6.339
+830.970 498.041 9.078 541.532 6.906 258.016 6.249
+831.128 488.530 9.851 547.285 8.322 241.830 4.909
+831.284 474.535 7.863 543.972 7.096 245.438 5.687
+831.442 487.195 10.502 540.869 7.173 252.784 5.002
+831.599 484.672 7.523 543.918 7.864 266.277 7.765
+831.756 486.366 8.923 545.479 6.861 242.002 7.076
+831.912 480.983 8.136 547.034 7.694 245.570 6.189
+832.069 479.869 7.335 541.760 8.370 242.225 9.279
+832.227 493.668 8.644 544.817 7.002 250.042 7.941
+832.384 496.846 9.900 542.288 7.104 286.350 8.186
+832.540 482.198 9.067 547.452 7.395 226.443 9.306
+832.696 477.112 11.901 543.854 7.635 243.344 14.560
+832.853 479.431 7.957 544.038 6.852 246.193 8.183
+833.011 505.494 7.356 543.090 6.729 278.201 8.332
+833.168 493.044 7.227 542.531 6.798 262.392 14.254
+833.325 480.620 10.066 547.325 7.934 228.823 6.606
+833.480 486.116 9.039 545.033 8.258 228.498 10.348
+833.637 502.631 10.020 542.140 7.459 259.625 14.396
+833.794 496.246 7.719 541.251 7.868 265.536 8.846
+833.950 489.342 8.239 543.422 6.837 249.295 4.679
+834.107 486.383 10.579 547.504 6.398 232.132 6.060
+834.265 490.973 10.374 543.565 7.548 254.951 10.620
+834.423 496.649 6.488 540.635 6.837 274.729 6.403
+834.582 498.136 9.760 545.736 7.872 255.257 11.624
+834.737 501.701 11.058 548.397 7.711 243.402 16.384
+834.893 491.837 9.770 549.554 7.584 231.784 6.608
+835.051 494.558 8.017 539.135 7.167 261.217 5.793
+835.209 501.715 7.135 541.441 8.007 267.302 5.661
+835.367 494.857 9.520 545.824 7.016 249.643 7.022
+835.523 491.588 11.611 543.908 7.628 230.126 6.411
+835.679 495.195 8.470 545.849 6.754 233.201 9.246
+835.837 502.112 7.637 543.948 6.669 267.732 5.289
+835.995 495.451 8.777 540.999 7.432 262.037 7.311
+836.152 489.234 7.137 543.720 6.327 245.220 4.637
+836.311 492.252 8.350 545.437 10.209 255.422 7.496
+836.468 490.152 6.279 545.784 8.481 252.564 7.268
+836.626 493.771 6.742 544.757 7.361 246.855 8.453
+836.782 503.867 8.523 543.077 8.245 255.088 10.898
+836.940 500.018 7.604 542.180 7.767 258.310 7.884
+837.097 501.580 11.100 545.561 8.973 240.883 12.625
+837.253 491.455 7.187 543.845 6.778 242.568 6.522
+837.411 502.834 6.654 545.018 6.128 255.305 6.949
+837.569 504.798 10.801 543.600 11.347 254.663 8.560
+837.727 501.498 8.915 539.316 6.704 260.396 7.285
+837.884 496.905 9.603 544.233 6.645 240.444 6.975
+838.040 503.949 8.278 543.932 7.716 231.094 6.290
+838.199 503.499 12.388 541.819 9.578 251.110 12.074
+838.356 492.305 11.551 542.808 9.996 263.761 6.057
+838.514 495.413 10.969 541.978 7.105 257.727 6.912
+838.671 501.194 7.614 544.139 7.882 250.167 4.317
+838.828 499.461 8.301 544.451 10.349 235.241 6.394
+838.984 497.764 8.809 542.944 7.327 245.272 7.898
+839.141 503.817 8.950 540.279 8.034 260.662 12.327
+839.298 506.458 7.803 541.542 7.317 250.356 6.934
+839.455 506.134 6.469 537.175 6.925 254.963 4.349
+839.613 497.391 11.773 542.241 7.828 236.959 6.494
+839.771 492.603 6.809 542.942 7.209 253.379 10.765
+839.929 501.496 7.707 537.989 7.427 264.573 5.540
+840.087 500.914 10.234 541.199 6.432 252.635 6.073
+840.244 494.879 12.848 542.912 10.217 246.036 6.775
+840.401 499.298 6.534 541.509 7.013 242.530 5.670
+840.558 503.933 10.299 541.535 8.695 250.685 6.415
+840.715 497.459 9.628 538.215 9.270 253.756 10.679
+840.872 498.154 6.643 538.962 7.149 252.677 6.321
+841.029 496.911 8.321 541.999 7.045 248.816 8.551
+841.187 496.809 7.253 541.270 6.644 243.798 9.848
+841.342 503.798 9.125 539.622 7.015 245.048 12.016
+841.499 504.798 7.085 540.546 7.887 249.850 6.275
+841.656 500.348 7.293 538.005 11.484 250.318 11.094
+841.813 499.773 8.982 542.210 7.006 253.603 4.857
+841.970 498.017 7.834 541.062 7.637 248.776 8.601
+842.127 498.060 7.776 540.850 8.808 250.767 7.837
+842.284 502.720 9.346 541.318 6.843 254.347 5.288
+842.442 498.587 9.354 539.973 7.407 251.353 5.906
+842.599 505.485 11.672 539.699 7.231 252.663 6.017
+842.756 503.774 10.314 541.737 7.657 239.336 13.746
+842.914 500.527 8.872 541.647 7.361 248.503 14.060
+843.071 497.135 8.002 539.536 8.150 246.415 8.392
+843.228 498.171 7.928 541.165 6.339 258.644 8.249
+843.385 500.571 10.460 540.531 8.438 241.876 6.067
+843.543 497.645 8.345 538.735 8.238 250.438 7.798
+843.699 497.386 9.622 541.867 8.419 244.484 12.757
+843.855 497.203 10.077 538.878 7.063 249.944 8.125
+844.013 499.672 10.349 541.438 7.325 255.279 8.435
+844.170 501.476 7.605 542.274 7.833 243.792 5.999
+844.328 499.074 7.739 539.882 6.416 253.117 6.056
+844.485 493.210 7.389 541.138 7.508 253.901 6.802
+844.643 491.382 13.471 538.451 9.359 250.059 15.970
+844.799 497.943 9.610 542.794 7.203 254.920 11.023
+844.956 499.419 7.972 540.428 7.209 250.449 6.996
+845.113 503.004 8.562 541.354 10.986 249.164 7.255
+845.271 504.850 9.073 544.223 7.834 261.331 17.420
+845.428 489.868 12.360 536.212 7.143 237.683 12.880
+845.584 494.018 9.032 540.382 8.490 252.516 12.138
+845.741 494.060 7.130 543.153 6.266 246.115 7.890
+845.898 495.910 8.737 536.531 6.790 256.481 10.098
+846.055 506.789 6.818 541.505 7.518 257.104 5.916
+846.213 506.377 10.246 545.125 7.999 242.771 7.942
+846.369 487.923 7.787 538.421 8.742 236.627 9.806
+846.525 492.149 9.592 541.224 7.953 252.616 6.911
+846.681 495.851 10.161 539.802 10.593 253.596 6.536
+846.838 491.938 9.727 537.808 7.205 258.505 9.694
+846.995 493.779 9.605 539.998 9.002 248.175 7.030
+847.151 502.877 8.595 541.680 6.770 256.221 5.117
+847.310 500.548 8.462 542.456 7.394 245.442 11.131
+847.466 495.115 7.563 538.184 6.879 247.114 5.434
+847.623 499.871 7.350 543.531 7.161 243.701 7.074
+847.780 493.558 7.653 539.755 12.657 247.677 8.213
+847.937 501.735 7.179 537.397 9.217 272.606 9.120
+848.093 493.727 9.192 544.374 7.679 237.026 8.679
+848.249 500.197 10.591 542.263 7.590 241.160 6.000
+848.405 497.662 8.532 541.522 6.480 232.831 6.971
+848.563 496.416 12.046 538.505 10.684 260.358 4.912
+848.722 499.144 10.010 538.315 7.398 278.743 5.138
+848.881 499.041 9.047 541.203 6.522 258.017 17.478
+849.037 496.270 7.755 542.782 7.598 228.520 10.255
+849.194 496.022 9.654 543.227 8.012 250.525 8.012
+849.350 496.560 9.346 539.512 7.869 264.015 7.454
+849.508 502.065 10.530 534.805 7.360 264.020 7.894
+849.666 496.870 9.720 543.438 7.994 242.540 17.207
+849.821 494.118 11.817 541.754 7.903 243.495 5.148
+849.978 491.991 7.474 540.077 7.406 247.984 6.929
+850.135 497.919 6.580 540.130 6.626 262.949 4.957
+850.294 496.729 10.698 541.581 7.837 249.159 5.746
+850.451 500.987 7.902 541.555 6.911 241.391 9.880
+850.607 495.429 6.224 541.115 6.861 255.093 7.760
+850.765 496.604 6.683 540.101 6.151 246.870 7.411
+850.923 499.536 7.222 542.071 7.886 247.868 7.287
+851.079 493.295 8.489 540.880 10.119 249.688 11.996
+851.236 495.142 9.082 539.278 9.528 240.706 7.168
+851.393 503.161 7.004 542.512 11.583 267.747 6.782
+851.550 492.501 6.762 540.485 6.717 252.787 5.085
+851.708 500.685 7.582 542.584 6.434 239.057 4.726
+851.866 497.186 6.894 541.485 7.118 250.780 10.855
+852.023 497.281 9.913 542.614 7.270 253.207 11.604
+852.180 502.152 10.136 538.316 8.449 266.782 9.104
+852.337 500.471 8.237 542.493 8.965 241.697 4.475
+852.494 499.784 6.455 542.274 6.159 247.426 5.556
+852.653 492.897 6.954 538.642 6.661 256.234 5.163
+852.811 499.669 8.123 542.576 9.424 248.912 6.706
+852.966 505.406 6.271 540.885 6.763 244.759 5.643
+853.125 504.724 8.446 542.008 8.751 247.137 11.693
+853.281 494.037 9.082 541.690 6.831 238.871 8.525
+853.438 502.890 9.933 540.386 7.533 260.998 7.945
+853.595 498.908 6.796 541.903 6.623 253.800 4.954
+853.753 497.399 8.344 539.779 6.346 252.438 4.566
+853.910 493.904 9.393 543.357 7.987 246.804 8.921
+854.066 508.809 9.014 542.083 6.570 249.608 7.159
+854.224 498.698 6.981 541.160 7.093 253.976 7.492
+854.381 501.247 10.080 542.261 7.090 249.659 8.984
+854.538 500.392 7.597 540.602 6.856 240.346 4.400
+854.696 500.193 6.898 538.376 6.787 264.873 7.115
+854.854 498.882 6.665 541.653 7.176 255.528 8.154
+855.011 498.508 9.444 540.956 8.544 244.915 7.726
+855.167 498.695 9.039 541.179 8.736 246.919 10.084
+855.323 495.786 7.092 543.481 7.540 251.789 5.972
+855.481 502.587 8.200 539.474 9.818 251.347 8.488
+855.638 499.745 6.900 540.954 6.495 257.373 7.770
+855.795 496.537 10.365 538.629 7.514 250.903 8.603
+855.951 495.085 6.664 544.736 6.543 240.049 6.686
+856.110 503.770 10.180 542.677 8.358 253.430 4.405
+856.267 499.587 7.533 541.536 6.785 251.264 4.351
+856.425 495.015 8.336 540.465 7.228 261.762 5.270
+856.583 491.930 7.155 543.134 7.384 247.907 9.002
+856.740 503.929 12.219 542.341 7.306 248.189 9.620
+856.896 496.779 7.747 538.923 11.183 257.311 10.019
+857.055 497.517 13.699 541.559 9.930 244.843 12.775
+857.210 498.735 9.394 540.865 10.011 238.688 8.364
+857.367 498.817 7.831 541.858 8.455 258.386 8.137
+857.524 500.338 9.549 539.968 7.705 255.733 5.612
+857.681 494.483 12.801 541.209 6.584 249.287 6.159
+857.838 495.094 8.689 543.752 9.236 237.512 8.121
+857.994 498.621 6.537 541.677 7.732 243.045 11.804
+858.153 502.206 8.362 538.656 6.724 265.180 4.232
+858.311 503.932 7.807 540.186 6.894 252.621 8.251
+858.468 496.779 7.301 543.321 7.168 235.616 5.206
+858.625 498.747 8.856 541.543 7.356 246.626 7.157
+858.782 500.477 7.283 540.145 8.601 249.026 8.745
+858.939 501.254 8.110 537.391 8.079 264.370 6.586
+859.096 499.092 7.274 541.214 7.231 252.123 10.014
+859.253 500.130 8.163 542.212 8.613 240.591 7.416
+859.410 499.011 7.895 540.082 7.677 245.765 8.326
+859.566 494.190 9.390 540.330 8.506 251.047 9.046
+859.723 501.651 9.212 539.813 8.760 256.790 7.284
+859.880 500.506 7.464 540.818 7.115 253.997 5.153
+860.037 497.445 8.175 542.718 7.065 245.479 8.166
+860.193 498.804 10.024 541.277 6.711 252.224 4.072
+860.350 495.888 12.992 541.392 7.887 248.512 7.658
+860.506 500.058 8.234 541.964 8.585 246.835 6.315
+860.663 496.080 9.431 539.579 7.329 249.048 7.549
+860.820 498.600 9.131 540.555 7.607 251.710 6.972
+860.977 496.876 9.719 540.625 8.410 246.717 8.556
+861.134 498.348 8.835 542.256 7.861 241.437 7.134
+861.290 493.683 8.439 539.872 7.720 254.904 12.009
+861.447 499.986 10.650 540.348 7.015 252.339 8.115
+861.604 498.129 6.903 542.203 8.389 251.673 7.869
+861.761 497.501 7.820 541.762 6.345 248.716 6.983
+861.918 499.485 11.086 543.427 8.524 248.237 7.253
+862.074 500.144 11.798 541.964 7.611 245.872 6.688
+862.232 504.571 6.552 540.769 7.600 257.818 6.578
+862.389 501.815 7.935 541.367 6.649 241.518 6.096
+862.547 500.648 8.128 542.943 7.595 246.995 3.885
+862.705 499.626 7.208 542.799 7.454 244.519 6.106
+862.862 510.306 9.611 541.368 7.297 249.495 10.128
+863.019 502.243 8.720 540.733 7.943 250.874 5.953
+863.176 506.232 10.728 547.497 9.102 247.698 6.124
+863.333 506.062 7.232 541.025 6.562 251.597 6.654
+863.491 506.070 7.699 544.660 7.802 256.086 5.613
+863.649 501.760 7.823 540.836 7.518 249.710 7.766
+863.805 504.367 8.594 546.978 8.346 242.667 6.156
+863.962 509.653 10.586 542.989 8.381 248.296 7.419
+864.120 503.666 7.808 538.739 7.648 255.522 4.128
+864.277 501.086 9.681 541.807 8.177 247.825 6.669
+864.433 505.620 8.259 544.038 7.514 252.078 5.822
+864.591 502.896 7.145 543.290 6.579 246.630 8.618
+864.748 504.478 10.164 539.573 8.086 251.526 6.502
+864.905 506.414 7.476 540.955 8.460 250.725 7.989
+865.061 511.724 8.069 543.229 6.744 242.207 4.642
+865.219 512.347 6.375 539.792 7.934 252.572 6.601
+865.376 509.323 9.893 543.427 9.466 250.675 6.355
+865.533 508.833 7.242 545.834 9.245 241.776 6.429
+865.690 507.318 7.443 541.468 9.297 247.367 8.894
+865.846 508.163 11.166 539.774 7.961 250.973 5.365
+866.004 507.381 7.198 539.127 6.862 249.869 6.098
+866.162 514.273 7.471 544.091 8.160 246.798 5.531
+866.319 511.202 8.576 541.561 7.930 241.998 7.528
+866.475 510.622 7.048 541.475 8.123 250.209 9.822
+866.632 507.366 7.021 538.854 7.038 253.352 4.798
+866.790 508.073 9.641 541.828 6.778 246.113 5.885
+866.947 512.420 6.175 544.248 7.743 241.561 7.017
+867.105 508.694 7.584 537.772 7.569 251.495 9.176
+867.262 504.876 9.229 539.017 7.533 244.554 7.215
+867.418 501.558 6.994 538.500 6.430 249.455 4.916
+867.576 510.675 8.660 542.965 7.753 254.324 11.918
+867.733 508.426 8.215 538.319 8.495 241.333 8.743
+867.889 508.304 11.741 540.373 8.750 248.903 15.631
+868.046 508.683 10.362 541.313 7.540 247.219 14.197
+868.202 507.166 8.471 539.823 6.983 244.622 5.692
+868.360 512.851 7.069 540.998 7.337 255.726 5.783
+868.519 516.668 9.361 540.310 8.781 246.287 10.318
+868.677 499.486 14.083 545.693 9.171 239.742 10.417
+868.833 504.134 10.420 540.347 6.645 251.657 6.023
+868.990 508.501 11.563 538.453 7.124 252.206 9.303
+869.146 506.635 7.600 541.344 8.130 243.512 10.572
+869.303 509.306 7.538 539.723 8.208 254.655 6.175
+869.460 503.683 9.159 543.217 9.645 240.776 8.498
+869.616 508.926 7.845 543.612 10.590 245.727 6.215
+869.773 506.419 8.907 539.936 7.362 256.157 8.549
+869.930 503.224 7.605 541.859 9.518 245.681 9.571
+870.086 502.552 6.371 538.758 6.850 246.856 5.982
+870.244 506.345 6.641 540.667 7.266 253.808 6.468
+870.403 502.373 8.200 542.176 7.575 249.618 5.979
+870.560 508.203 7.965 540.161 7.529 254.896 5.044
+870.717 502.622 6.995 539.201 7.675 244.798 5.316
+870.873 511.306 8.333 543.752 7.680 242.298 6.153
+871.032 503.703 8.963 539.087 6.856 253.152 6.636
+871.188 505.607 10.266 537.660 7.505 253.511 5.400
+871.346 502.846 6.469 540.386 6.926 249.755 6.180
+871.504 510.578 8.063 543.093 8.204 238.547 4.398
+871.660 508.165 8.891 539.211 8.825 253.805 5.251
+871.817 516.801 8.172 538.512 8.282 254.368 7.278
+871.974 506.918 9.884 540.655 6.771 241.803 7.161
+872.130 508.429 9.271 543.906 7.372 242.038 8.775
+872.286 514.334 8.456 540.449 8.118 250.270 6.507
+872.443 510.633 6.971 541.504 7.771 248.622 5.250
+872.600 508.136 8.441 539.575 7.937 252.786 5.481
+872.757 504.041 6.676 540.545 7.259 248.117 6.740
+872.914 505.400 8.503 537.875 8.345 240.941 6.742
+873.070 506.074 7.910 541.088 7.104 247.949 6.655
+873.226 508.080 8.687 540.310 7.409 251.819 4.175
+873.384 510.280 7.121 541.543 7.369 247.778 8.571
+873.541 511.062 11.527 540.495 8.300 248.477 7.302
+873.698 512.670 8.624 539.094 6.618 247.704 5.244
+873.855 515.836 6.462 540.071 7.240 248.397 9.745
+874.012 506.318 7.298 540.150 7.765 251.783 5.990
+874.170 504.683 6.422 539.701 7.331 249.717 5.429
+874.328 503.296 7.756 539.457 8.281 243.937 6.254
+874.485 508.322 6.975 540.604 8.014 251.509 5.515
+874.642 502.423 8.814 540.456 8.544 243.005 7.267
+874.799 508.364 8.129 538.184 7.366 250.210 6.263
+874.956 507.373 9.224 538.451 6.266 239.402 9.620
+875.113 505.563 7.193 539.164 7.654 248.994 5.864
+875.271 507.995 7.464 544.271 6.700 245.149 7.669
+875.429 510.229 8.385 541.972 7.101 248.081 9.135
+875.586 503.592 8.038 540.009 8.239 249.240 9.702
+875.742 506.935 10.575 543.080 8.399 244.072 6.267
+875.899 503.779 6.246 541.340 8.813 245.810 6.973
+876.056 509.717 8.837 543.353 7.251 253.048 5.370
+876.213 499.937 11.573 541.503 7.950 249.560 5.785
+876.370 509.669 6.595 540.025 6.969 244.065 4.189
+876.527 506.096 10.967 541.930 7.345 243.410 6.683
+876.685 506.260 8.222 541.949 8.267 244.134 8.850
+876.840 508.732 6.947 539.229 8.460 257.051 5.203
+876.998 500.517 8.587 542.602 8.422 248.800 8.257
+877.155 505.925 6.950 542.086 7.741 244.558 6.786
+877.312 504.469 6.608 540.030 7.905 246.855 6.097
+877.469 508.074 6.390 542.020 7.387 253.778 4.678
+877.627 503.800 8.165 540.080 7.752 253.097 5.933
+877.784 507.018 7.154 543.090 7.041 241.601 5.866
+877.942 504.900 7.193 542.770 7.727 248.896 5.217
+878.100 502.119 8.555 539.427 7.951 246.938 7.678
+878.256 504.271 8.282 539.984 8.627 248.789 6.339
+878.414 501.472 8.126 540.409 7.237 251.687 8.530
+878.571 504.484 8.322 540.324 8.242 251.666 9.284
+878.727 509.364 7.925 541.273 7.443 248.486 5.991
+878.884 506.413 7.340 540.842 6.687 253.154 6.605
+879.041 503.334 8.574 539.628 8.108 242.201 8.080
+879.197 500.983 6.422 540.006 6.906 244.832 5.097
+879.355 504.969 7.743 541.220 7.646 252.748 5.374
+879.513 509.849 6.726 540.852 6.669 253.407 5.294
+879.670 508.928 8.677 539.408 8.151 252.364 12.632
+879.827 506.449 7.125 539.144 8.142 249.033 8.865
+879.983 505.234 7.247 542.371 8.376 247.440 7.847
+880.139 504.682 7.125 539.693 7.975 252.664 5.988
+880.296 505.526 6.555 539.787 7.367 253.226 5.961
+880.454 504.725 8.232 539.117 8.816 238.622 9.248
+880.610 502.957 7.448 541.581 7.722 245.036 9.074
+880.767 503.629 8.443 539.355 8.021 252.040 4.907
+880.923 494.556 10.587 541.703 6.426 242.460 5.198
+881.081 506.195 7.060 539.677 7.145 254.364 8.666
+881.239 507.212 9.368 541.436 7.622 253.263 10.285
+881.395 510.712 7.437 539.634 7.820 246.852 5.782
+881.552 502.457 7.681 540.136 7.323 240.678 4.584
+881.708 504.854 8.645 541.481 7.553 244.516 5.009
+881.866 500.948 8.191 540.054 7.532 250.665 8.523
+882.023 498.959 7.963 538.770 6.910 257.336 5.786
+882.180 504.779 8.907 541.097 6.947 249.833 6.887
+882.336 496.857 8.228 540.891 7.776 239.158 5.022
+882.494 505.058 6.933 540.189 6.577 251.511 4.739
+882.651 507.250 7.063 539.701 6.703 251.325 6.624
+882.809 503.212 7.067 540.807 7.275 246.803 6.357
+882.965 504.292 8.045 538.968 6.868 245.848 7.301
+883.122 502.112 7.864 539.459 8.951 250.128 7.491
+883.278 505.611 7.770 541.084 7.006 253.471 6.237
+883.435 504.116 8.630 540.190 7.672 249.414 5.648
+883.592 500.581 8.179 541.861 7.420 247.204 8.129
+883.748 503.245 7.336 540.778 7.787 253.732 4.812
+883.906 498.082 8.209 539.267 7.369 248.787 14.821
+884.062 500.540 7.392 541.382 7.930 248.397 8.067
+884.218 503.555 7.169 542.003 6.918 238.933 8.786
+884.374 505.035 7.719 544.210 7.456 244.949 7.182
+884.530 507.430 7.298 540.592 6.807 248.749 6.191
+884.689 500.544 7.585 542.135 7.123 245.297 8.820
+884.845 502.165 7.795 540.571 7.148 245.792 7.683
+885.002 498.711 8.043 541.615 8.211 250.757 8.995
+885.158 502.777 6.564 540.316 8.956 249.287 8.342
+885.315 503.287 7.029 539.553 9.246 247.132 9.730
+885.471 501.302 6.445 541.265 7.623 247.861 7.487
+885.628 502.803 7.099 539.952 8.142 250.318 6.125
+885.785 504.348 9.550 539.019 7.087 252.123 15.514
+885.941 500.923 12.782 540.170 9.786 249.731 8.312
+886.098 503.479 8.576 542.211 7.753 251.397 6.877
+886.254 505.034 10.699 542.542 7.562 248.593 5.496
+886.412 502.230 6.258 540.735 7.418 249.415 4.578
+886.569 499.422 7.809 540.997 7.785 249.504 8.436
+886.726 496.074 7.594 541.080 7.741 252.075 7.222
+886.882 502.480 7.086 540.570 7.267 248.460 4.198
+887.039 499.714 8.602 539.925 7.379 250.264 9.056
+887.196 504.207 8.141 540.759 7.467 247.112 7.197
+887.352 502.602 7.232 540.217 8.735 245.551 5.387
+887.510 500.496 7.454 539.732 7.892 250.215 6.170
+887.667 500.444 7.188 538.827 7.077 250.552 5.857
+887.824 498.934 6.506 540.718 7.504 247.515 6.548
+887.982 501.609 7.109 538.547 7.153 249.565 5.698
+888.139 493.676 7.075 539.275 8.733 248.825 6.005
+888.296 496.686 7.046 538.302 7.154 255.378 7.116
+888.454 490.726 6.372 538.513 9.061 254.393 8.367
+888.611 494.957 6.690 537.945 7.852 254.003 6.613
+888.768 496.979 8.576 539.609 7.954 249.390 10.943
+888.924 499.379 7.104 539.116 9.909 241.083 6.081
+889.082 500.093 7.210 542.191 9.190 249.900 6.685
+889.238 497.721 6.512 538.301 7.828 250.359 5.710
+889.396 494.837 7.091 541.523 7.059 250.113 7.091
+889.553 496.028 6.998 540.295 7.990 249.221 5.317
+889.709 496.840 6.766 539.303 7.987 253.502 5.203
+889.867 499.788 9.314 540.373 10.888 247.345 6.074
+890.024 494.507 10.490 539.923 8.752 253.503 9.649
+890.181 499.615 8.463 539.409 12.791 246.225 5.446
+890.338 496.566 6.138 539.814 8.002 250.562 5.047
+890.495 497.505 6.306 540.908 7.462 249.165 4.866
+890.653 501.555 6.622 539.649 6.822 260.291 4.104
+890.811 492.975 9.548 542.836 8.158 249.772 6.036
+890.968 500.209 7.027 540.618 6.746 248.067 7.746
+891.125 493.712 6.538 538.606 8.341 250.160 4.746
+891.282 498.817 7.180 539.396 8.275 254.141 5.921
+891.439 499.298 6.415 540.244 7.262 249.721 6.245
+891.597 492.083 6.285 538.822 7.178 245.057 5.204
+891.755 502.160 7.319 541.798 6.598 252.900 7.170
+891.912 494.831 7.741 541.048 7.305 241.709 8.486
+892.069 497.938 6.257 540.210 6.611 256.087 8.293
+892.226 498.399 7.539 539.932 6.812 248.700 5.820
+892.383 496.804 7.007 539.699 7.113 242.227 4.715
+892.540 499.948 9.096 542.657 8.119 251.662 5.638
+892.696 494.139 8.553 540.666 7.555 250.596 7.442
+892.853 498.831 7.795 540.836 6.788 247.875 9.197
+893.010 493.388 7.307 541.038 6.595 246.988 9.365
+893.167 500.093 7.790 543.590 7.862 250.579 9.868
+893.323 496.381 6.940 541.765 7.379 246.445 5.999
+893.480 501.803 10.984 542.897 9.846 245.334 7.361
+893.637 503.358 11.243 540.559 9.073 249.613 8.827
+893.793 497.533 7.981 540.805 8.811 255.356 10.633
+893.949 496.015 6.936 540.808 6.447 249.033 3.996
+894.108 496.040 6.368 541.048 6.945 249.010 4.960
+894.266 498.730 9.205 540.460 6.729 250.780 6.437
+894.423 503.047 5.840 543.154 8.278 259.747 5.189
+894.581 495.340 8.739 541.081 8.542 249.667 5.771
+894.738 497.603 10.336 540.960 8.701 242.526 7.468
+894.895 497.256 9.953 542.449 7.503 244.885 10.359
+895.053 496.902 7.937 540.434 7.117 257.768 6.027
+895.211 497.149 7.787 539.994 8.576 257.807 6.858
+895.369 498.961 10.509 541.719 7.297 244.578 6.806
+895.526 498.299 7.426 540.957 8.428 249.025 9.850
+895.682 498.583 7.019 540.699 7.022 254.250 6.621
+895.839 496.545 6.542 541.847 7.605 257.592 5.523
+895.998 496.005 9.062 539.438 6.995 254.035 5.204
+896.156 498.770 9.719 541.684 6.536 244.830 9.205
+896.313 500.647 7.695 540.236 10.753 245.608 10.145
+896.470 501.166 6.657 540.222 6.424 254.376 3.965
+896.628 501.221 7.806 540.322 6.820 249.383 5.810
+896.784 500.842 5.753 540.363 6.877 254.723 5.946
+896.943 502.888 7.672 540.683 8.237 249.367 5.875
+897.099 499.268 7.254 541.806 7.069 245.463 4.978
+897.257 495.632 6.708 541.868 7.766 248.044 7.486
+897.414 493.596 7.372 540.998 6.957 247.060 8.092
+897.571 497.785 10.238 538.120 7.403 257.240 8.506
+897.728 500.947 7.225 538.851 7.415 253.342 5.981
+897.886 502.489 6.434 541.248 6.798 248.923 6.746
+898.043 500.634 7.108 542.192 7.344 247.409 4.738
+898.201 496.146 6.693 540.681 6.322 250.194 3.980
+898.359 498.091 6.812 541.856 6.357 256.521 4.381
+898.516 501.480 10.757 539.648 7.409 250.145 4.883
+898.673 504.554 8.008 542.256 7.651 252.151 4.336
+898.830 496.575 6.591 540.752 6.362 238.811 4.729
+898.988 497.305 7.191 539.137 6.555 261.538 7.477
+899.145 497.143 6.478 541.731 6.438 251.005 7.564
+899.303 497.671 8.544 540.387 8.188 250.450 6.368
+899.460 495.916 6.471 542.363 7.190 248.864 4.556
+899.617 499.929 8.771 540.833 7.696 244.998 7.712
+899.775 503.039 8.194 541.678 6.211 259.760 8.551
+899.932 496.970 7.990 541.816 6.791 245.947 6.358
+900.089 499.979 6.122 541.168 6.563 249.179 5.469
+900.247 500.969 6.161 541.721 6.457 241.721 5.185
+900.405 500.749 6.530 542.137 7.222 252.117 4.577
+900.563 498.527 6.776 541.981 6.273 254.891 6.720
+900.720 498.535 6.172 539.529 6.250 246.998 4.903
+900.878 498.335 7.471 541.875 6.998 243.390 6.092
+901.036 497.703 5.907 540.398 7.183 248.743 7.244
+901.194 501.247 5.930 540.914 6.233 254.077 4.712
+901.352 501.492 6.447 540.019 6.589 250.010 3.760
+901.509 495.975 7.091 538.940 8.844 249.770 7.048
+901.665 495.999 7.819 541.359 6.266 249.447 6.214
+901.824 500.970 6.917 540.153 7.882 255.374 6.055
+901.981 506.009 11.302 541.051 7.836 238.723 9.699
+902.139 502.770 7.840 538.170 7.025 258.477 13.436
+902.296 498.187 7.195 538.021 12.263 262.444 9.838
+902.453 493.491 9.010 542.110 8.178 232.184 6.641
+902.610 494.044 6.875 541.951 7.862 255.641 9.631
+902.767 500.560 7.069 539.099 11.251 261.056 8.808
+902.925 500.065 8.980 538.351 6.615 261.150 14.128
+903.082 499.220 7.623 542.783 7.765 243.261 7.643
+903.238 496.302 11.968 539.237 6.734 245.182 5.646
+903.395 499.813 8.408 542.812 6.826 249.281 6.924
+903.551 495.238 6.524 538.468 6.960 254.082 3.746
+903.710 497.822 6.849 534.954 6.511 257.830 4.427
+903.868 497.948 7.449 539.109 7.004 248.078 6.485
+904.025 496.769 7.598 545.811 8.286 241.280 10.314
+904.182 500.037 6.357 539.558 9.836 256.872 4.792
+904.340 500.460 9.559 537.625 10.347 253.558 7.135
+904.497 492.424 7.950 538.376 6.915 245.415 9.165
+904.653 490.064 7.222 541.403 8.677 247.924 7.045
+904.810 497.200 6.967 538.254 8.560 253.259 5.274
+904.968 499.052 7.749 539.212 12.078 249.122 7.667
+905.124 497.240 8.509 543.072 13.783 247.701 6.755
+905.280 496.522 7.234 541.380 8.400 246.857 5.622
+905.438 492.135 6.405 541.653 8.045 248.458 4.532
+905.594 499.091 9.360 540.776 7.993 253.564 6.002
+905.752 496.310 8.065 543.547 9.840 254.725 11.083
+905.908 488.613 9.381 540.125 10.186 249.367 6.614
+906.065 493.906 6.610 539.851 11.252 249.033 6.461
+906.222 494.639 7.687 540.778 12.498 248.170 8.616
+906.379 496.826 7.247 540.257 9.555 250.591 5.631
+906.536 490.928 7.766 537.852 13.632 252.505 11.123
+906.694 496.379 8.182 535.978 8.039 255.535 7.996
+906.850 496.143 7.911 544.089 7.743 248.015 7.679
+907.006 492.631 9.642 539.710 7.368 247.110 6.638
+907.163 493.196 8.125 538.057 7.145 262.191 8.262
+907.320 494.012 9.562 537.950 9.131 253.101 5.666
+907.477 494.710 6.417 542.219 7.252 247.821 5.125
+907.635 498.267 7.510 542.262 8.339 252.128 4.533
+907.792 493.982 6.336 539.782 9.090 246.201 4.715
+907.950 494.039 8.123 538.477 8.343 250.922 8.321
+908.106 498.830 6.991 540.414 6.329 257.289 4.834
+908.264 489.998 7.159 538.804 7.752 247.512 6.771
+908.421 486.970 7.762 538.568 8.458 242.765 5.201
+908.579 496.719 7.861 538.265 7.537 254.627 4.351
+908.736 493.267 6.832 541.432 6.909 254.586 3.810
+908.894 493.292 7.452 540.574 9.556 250.785 5.048
+909.051 493.802 6.645 540.375 7.694 247.007 4.855
+909.208 498.418 6.719 541.133 7.610 244.610 4.096
+909.366 494.034 7.787 542.171 7.879 248.426 5.737
+909.523 500.400 7.122 538.951 7.884 252.304 5.924
+909.680 500.944 7.118 539.209 7.597 251.063 4.265
+909.837 491.399 7.316 540.852 7.130 251.250 8.222
+909.994 493.254 6.755 542.738 7.785 249.082 5.603
+910.151 493.812 9.681 539.737 8.054 247.460 6.620
+910.308 494.248 6.474 542.847 9.530 250.074 6.043
+910.465 495.902 6.574 540.828 7.618 248.780 5.195
+910.622 496.079 7.499 541.468 7.701 251.007 6.038
+910.780 502.600 9.107 542.574 8.974 248.400 6.640
+910.937 493.986 11.156 536.415 10.327 254.584 16.321
+911.093 491.359 9.622 539.374 8.012 243.055 8.947
+911.249 490.363 8.001 540.743 7.251 240.420 14.139
+911.405 491.113 11.193 542.947 7.693 251.854 11.312
+911.562 490.101 12.737 538.189 7.252 256.008 9.233
+911.720 489.991 7.162 540.821 8.217 249.760 7.223
+911.877 495.939 6.771 539.418 8.501 251.727 6.437
+912.034 500.099 8.495 541.494 7.742 248.977 4.472
+912.192 498.681 9.997 540.005 8.129 248.839 7.165
+912.349 495.906 11.304 538.410 10.707 243.928 15.800
+912.505 496.349 9.320 542.354 8.633 250.109 7.908
+912.662 491.973 7.943 543.933 8.928 244.921 7.678
+912.818 486.809 8.889 539.139 7.822 254.899 3.784
+912.975 489.848 9.972 538.881 11.438 252.369 18.726
+913.131 494.578 8.791 540.828 8.575 250.273 6.090
+913.288 496.745 7.815 542.498 7.629 249.422 6.118
+913.445 496.867 6.997 541.585 8.241 246.494 6.459
+913.602 505.278 8.007 542.995 8.174 245.904 4.582
+913.759 500.662 8.453 541.780 9.214 245.889 5.830
+913.915 501.896 8.397 540.957 9.187 247.818 6.500
+914.072 504.149 6.769 542.929 8.451 251.158 5.145
+914.230 492.921 8.511 543.809 8.356 246.771 14.178
+914.387 493.749 10.225 539.758 9.915 248.947 11.393
+914.544 497.887 8.491 539.887 10.700 253.999 7.475
+914.701 498.968 6.329 540.918 9.299 255.840 4.223
+914.860 499.239 7.627 541.819 7.869 244.298 4.681
+915.017 500.952 7.013 541.478 10.221 245.003 5.262
+915.175 503.849 8.859 540.484 8.369 247.460 7.353
+915.332 505.148 8.372 538.954 9.620 253.314 6.733
+915.488 499.541 6.941 541.849 8.216 250.663 5.290
+915.646 496.305 8.102 539.198 8.788 249.806 10.633
+915.802 492.053 7.701 541.712 7.936 245.478 6.346
+915.958 493.820 8.679 543.367 10.146 254.054 8.287
+916.117 497.948 6.868 538.893 8.158 257.760 6.018
+916.274 493.459 6.942 541.348 7.075 240.457 6.723
+916.431 500.844 7.960 542.323 7.582 239.304 4.670
+916.588 502.808 8.435 542.173 7.788 256.073 5.148
+916.746 500.518 8.182 541.861 8.584 251.210 8.708
+916.903 499.165 7.581 540.598 7.106 244.022 4.538
+917.061 503.361 6.796 539.926 8.627 258.470 5.868
+917.218 497.253 9.276 541.189 8.083 248.524 7.452
+917.374 492.852 7.107 540.721 8.360 250.395 8.073
+917.531 496.738 6.332 542.097 7.324 256.373 4.543
+917.688 499.747 7.037 540.441 8.609 246.683 4.599
+917.846 502.347 7.252 541.254 9.009 247.096 6.308
+918.003 504.563 6.692 540.822 9.036 252.111 4.494
+918.160 504.205 7.167 542.738 7.090 243.291 4.849
+918.317 500.552 7.762 542.267 8.238 245.722 5.532
+918.474 498.335 7.038 539.322 7.392 254.997 5.257
+918.632 492.933 7.931 543.693 7.110 253.940 6.159
+918.788 490.139 6.880 539.707 8.053 250.149 7.050
+918.945 497.571 6.764 538.537 10.085 256.951 5.430
+919.103 497.945 6.677 539.515 8.840 253.409 5.055
+919.261 499.149 6.534 539.815 7.464 248.054 5.345
+919.418 500.661 6.920 540.048 8.308 248.850 5.600
+919.575 503.946 6.944 542.610 8.195 243.098 4.629
+919.732 503.759 7.460 541.206 11.230 246.961 5.151
+919.889 502.327 6.738 541.852 6.413 247.859 4.985
+920.047 495.893 7.435 539.748 8.245 250.228 4.006
+920.204 492.428 8.010 538.257 8.511 254.892 6.288
+920.360 493.054 8.151 541.292 7.371 248.988 5.587
+920.518 495.180 7.420 539.682 9.244 253.429 5.218
+920.675 490.521 6.589 539.156 7.729 253.824 5.177
+920.833 494.795 8.143 542.441 8.202 247.728 4.358
+920.989 502.947 6.665 540.094 8.123 245.977 5.150
+921.147 504.159 7.707 539.531 8.575 251.459 5.214
+921.304 501.301 8.116 540.965 8.655 244.144 5.279
+921.461 498.193 6.765 541.589 9.628 246.881 4.819
+921.618 497.701 6.393 539.815 9.325 253.518 5.473
+921.776 496.707 7.244 539.838 7.849 249.765 6.055
+921.933 492.517 6.910 538.608 8.230 252.107 5.813
+922.090 494.185 7.222 540.506 8.691 248.741 6.042
+922.247 493.871 6.478 539.535 8.278 253.377 4.594
+922.406 497.048 6.588 539.495 8.920 256.953 6.383
+922.563 497.700 8.026 540.905 7.327 244.889 6.159
+922.720 501.637 6.593 541.249 8.232 249.818 6.202
+922.878 500.586 7.722 541.262 7.544 249.728 5.775
+923.035 500.785 6.483 541.442 8.298 249.207 3.865
+923.193 494.487 7.388 539.804 8.947 249.742 7.472
+923.349 495.664 6.341 539.058 7.700 253.597 5.062
+923.507 496.276 6.785 540.610 7.184 252.336 4.704
+923.664 494.562 6.490 539.956 7.934 247.943 5.283
+923.822 494.765 7.359 540.059 7.958 255.559 4.980
+923.980 499.757 6.778 540.290 7.317 253.305 3.939
+924.137 498.447 6.084 540.073 7.534 244.543 7.651
+924.294 496.434 6.413 539.850 6.912 248.075 4.385
+924.452 494.564 7.047 541.168 7.855 252.110 6.395
+924.609 498.535 6.551 538.691 7.291 251.761 7.979
+924.766 498.025 6.357 542.556 6.654 246.717 4.372
+924.924 499.930 6.816 539.935 6.944 249.807 5.146
+925.082 500.029 5.991 541.079 6.979 254.588 3.975
+925.239 499.960 7.109 541.280 6.717 250.315 5.754
+925.396 494.079 6.888 539.622 8.242 242.323 5.428
+925.554 493.690 7.118 538.966 7.498 256.233 4.950
+925.713 496.656 6.721 538.969 8.260 258.542 8.172
+925.870 493.856 6.315 538.809 6.837 245.495 6.750
+926.028 498.338 7.418 539.958 6.761 250.694 6.482
+926.185 500.623 6.738 539.799 7.009 250.486 4.804
+926.342 504.266 6.475 540.378 6.984 253.164 4.374
+926.500 507.942 7.110 541.473 7.031 241.951 7.837
+926.656 507.519 5.785 540.874 6.391 240.149 6.173
+926.814 495.745 6.276 540.048 6.206 249.291 5.188
+926.973 496.757 5.751 539.920 6.743 252.862 4.278
+927.130 494.837 6.279 539.439 6.780 254.508 4.378
+927.289 494.538 6.377 540.434 6.144 251.545 4.275
+927.446 495.605 6.565 539.724 7.037 251.395 5.337
+927.604 499.816 6.036 540.997 6.309 246.553 4.542
+927.763 497.498 5.869 539.800 6.066 246.615 4.414
+927.921 502.095 7.212 541.038 6.253 247.696 7.716
+928.078 500.381 6.510 540.380 6.502 252.766 4.510
+928.235 500.533 5.678 542.003 6.327 248.577 4.687
+928.393 500.085 6.451 541.440 6.531 247.265 5.227
+928.551 501.420 6.106 540.064 6.527 248.982 3.750
+928.710 497.084 5.891 540.890 6.509 252.819 4.606
+928.869 495.790 6.206 540.478 6.905 249.368 5.030
+929.026 498.407 6.869 541.664 7.023 246.433 4.949
+929.183 498.864 7.563 538.726 7.143 253.734 5.574
+929.341 501.388 6.551 539.147 7.176 253.197 5.316
+929.498 498.173 7.035 542.481 6.223 246.482 5.207
+929.656 501.251 7.271 541.404 6.614 245.774 5.713
+929.813 496.972 7.961 539.724 6.785 252.527 3.430
+929.971 501.469 6.331 539.867 7.186 255.495 4.427
+930.130 501.074 7.317 539.788 6.806 246.544 4.185
+930.287 500.780 7.467 542.477 6.808 246.795 4.487
+930.444 504.647 6.555 539.134 7.544 249.847 6.386
+930.601 500.046 6.856 541.831 7.271 251.408 5.227
+930.759 496.970 10.352 539.888 7.697 247.944 4.998
+930.917 502.399 8.590 540.318 7.284 249.289 5.147
+931.074 495.774 8.675 540.203 8.094 250.672 8.040
+931.230 498.317 9.741 540.682 6.973 253.826 7.218
+931.387 496.903 7.743 540.016 8.366 246.458 5.608
+931.544 498.519 7.308 541.790 7.632 248.074 5.923
+931.702 503.565 6.537 539.008 7.736 262.740 5.510
+931.861 495.285 6.345 540.930 6.906 252.407 11.405
+932.018 500.152 10.621 541.669 8.457 237.574 8.138
+932.175 498.741 7.491 539.066 7.247 250.375 7.377
+932.332 506.357 9.964 541.720 6.486 261.543 4.373
+932.490 499.743 6.169 542.707 6.072 242.625 5.311
+932.648 501.377 7.009 541.977 7.843 244.976 6.441
+932.805 501.153 7.318 540.249 7.679 254.409 5.398
+932.962 501.921 7.072 542.832 7.718 248.524 4.651
+933.119 499.349 8.354 541.208 7.116 252.365 6.262
+933.277 494.233 6.532 537.612 6.838 251.163 5.396
+933.435 500.702 6.722 539.826 8.977 246.411 7.492
+933.592 506.937 6.998 543.288 8.744 247.924 6.517
+933.749 506.689 6.871 543.702 8.267 248.349 7.942
+933.905 505.106 6.741 541.707 8.264 249.773 5.185
+934.062 505.031 7.473 541.057 7.338 250.147 5.048
+934.220 503.710 7.357 542.310 7.155 241.691 5.015
+934.377 501.747 7.643 539.193 7.317 256.586 6.874
+934.535 497.927 7.076 541.611 8.500 254.365 5.736
+934.693 501.539 7.059 540.986 6.817 250.713 4.794
+934.851 505.085 6.830 541.739 6.493 249.797 4.920
+935.008 504.960 6.906 542.117 7.582 245.467 7.964
+935.165 505.969 7.122 541.601 9.967 245.584 7.220
+935.322 505.879 7.703 540.416 7.281 256.515 7.056
+935.480 506.258 6.430 541.754 9.471 249.765 5.155
+935.637 508.602 6.384 542.787 7.302 241.557 4.902
+935.795 507.876 7.263 539.697 8.022 251.565 4.858
+935.951 510.228 6.643 541.107 6.979 256.485 5.053
+936.110 502.212 6.546 541.551 6.814 243.024 10.410
+936.267 497.402 11.652 542.025 6.496 240.250 6.297
+936.425 502.434 8.986 541.020 7.044 261.602 7.100
+936.582 498.374 7.020 539.820 7.159 258.516 5.801
+936.740 502.303 6.662 542.238 7.545 244.645 6.072
+936.897 509.393 7.587 540.732 7.524 245.586 4.172
+937.056 509.274 6.626 540.507 7.373 253.945 5.936
+937.214 514.792 8.050 542.085 8.055 251.859 8.196
+937.370 512.407 9.375 543.910 7.822 232.508 5.233
+937.527 507.984 8.738 542.389 8.275 245.285 5.255
+937.685 505.859 7.841 538.193 10.155 258.932 8.743
+937.841 503.768 7.107 541.701 8.226 255.279 4.681
+937.998 498.527 6.439 542.117 7.482 241.012 6.032
+938.157 501.615 8.635 541.041 6.903 252.950 7.908
+938.314 505.266 6.306 541.250 7.737 258.759 4.225
+938.472 506.232 6.749 539.752 7.533 249.017 6.867
+938.630 508.892 7.495 542.407 8.866 243.670 8.780
+938.786 510.748 7.424 541.204 8.593 247.776 5.844
+938.943 512.927 6.908 541.132 9.776 251.067 6.378
+939.100 512.879 6.988 541.431 7.542 247.030 5.460
+939.258 510.268 7.408 543.134 8.250 247.200 5.506
+939.415 504.892 6.630 540.771 7.855 247.402 4.730
+939.574 506.399 6.244 542.017 6.470 252.214 4.898
+939.732 502.624 8.125 540.590 10.530 257.652 7.731
+939.889 505.466 6.535 541.176 7.352 251.186 7.118
+940.046 503.304 6.303 539.621 9.361 244.321 6.738
+940.204 504.443 6.897 540.186 8.450 251.043 6.693
+940.361 509.534 6.434 539.381 7.617 257.320 6.172
+940.519 509.485 6.649 540.223 6.405 246.723 4.375
+940.676 507.784 6.361 540.772 7.318 240.507 4.432
+940.834 507.727 6.334 541.147 7.487 254.315 5.616
+940.993 513.447 6.749 540.741 8.048 254.083 6.836
+941.150 512.914 7.667 541.117 9.375 239.450 5.287
+941.308 507.169 8.208 542.691 8.214 239.164 5.641
+941.465 506.201 7.432 538.976 8.321 256.691 6.547
+941.623 504.562 6.973 539.689 6.560 258.596 7.089
+941.780 500.975 8.156 539.936 8.193 249.116 6.887
+941.937 504.259 7.034 542.189 7.833 245.441 5.869
+942.094 505.352 7.698 540.921 7.961 251.444 5.581
+942.251 507.093 6.563 539.309 8.352 256.764 4.555
+942.408 511.100 6.770 541.343 10.066 251.107 7.245
+942.565 510.671 7.742 540.583 10.800 245.461 7.341
+942.721 510.446 8.997 540.945 8.444 244.724 5.637
+942.879 510.834 7.969 541.889 10.752 251.157 8.293
+943.035 510.078 7.115 541.448 6.871 254.511 5.158
+943.193 509.260 6.824 542.524 7.401 240.285 5.406
+943.351 504.042 6.517 541.635 7.889 246.172 5.160
+943.508 504.370 9.050 539.436 6.978 259.331 6.617
+943.666 506.203 7.544 540.064 7.145 256.143 4.834
+943.823 502.182 8.454 541.980 7.723 241.581 5.232
+943.981 505.121 9.011 541.049 8.207 245.415 7.220
+944.137 507.241 6.633 540.350 6.366 255.214 3.696
+944.296 504.972 6.539 539.113 8.706 250.782 8.330
+944.452 509.499 7.264 541.261 8.386 247.797 5.890
+944.610 509.945 6.912 541.122 8.719 242.307 6.370
+944.767 510.419 8.415 542.431 10.874 245.663 8.851
+944.924 511.324 8.088 541.014 6.869 258.436 4.747
+945.082 514.563 7.160 541.840 7.684 247.634 10.571
+945.240 499.265 9.392 541.568 7.851 239.186 7.565
+945.396 500.272 7.362 540.355 8.206 249.301 10.842
+945.554 502.542 6.625 539.733 7.525 261.053 4.481
+945.712 503.505 6.927 539.237 9.157 255.490 6.384
+945.870 506.135 6.889 542.412 8.169 251.264 4.916
+946.026 513.241 7.524 541.574 8.815 239.802 5.110
+946.183 514.402 5.998 540.355 7.570 247.348 3.844
+946.341 509.414 6.634 538.763 6.600 249.993 5.465
+946.499 514.914 6.584 543.267 7.454 243.269 6.973
+946.656 513.319 8.317 542.772 7.449 238.042 8.635
+946.814 512.003 7.155 538.387 7.580 254.030 5.232
+946.973 510.260 6.362 539.983 8.113 258.850 5.925
+947.131 503.332 7.940 542.219 8.163 242.178 6.761
+947.286 506.513 7.442 541.652 7.718 247.901 5.844
+947.443 505.395 6.072 540.186 6.958 255.799 5.018
+947.602 504.534 6.796 539.271 8.783 257.048 7.848
+947.759 506.315 7.147 542.412 8.926 248.840 6.638
+947.915 508.843 6.894 541.344 8.847 241.918 7.730
+948.072 516.458 7.686 541.303 10.065 244.459 7.488
+948.228 519.804 8.724 541.813 9.161 248.504 6.921
+948.385 520.028 7.130 543.018 8.063 247.125 6.185
+948.542 516.190 7.399 543.370 7.893 242.021 5.326
+948.700 510.921 6.859 540.453 6.914 249.070 4.561
+948.857 504.909 6.918 541.334 7.542 253.220 4.400
+949.015 501.149 7.165 541.513 6.628 258.212 4.916
+949.173 503.271 6.760 539.675 6.940 250.672 5.099
+949.330 505.212 6.282 541.266 7.139 249.346 5.770
+949.488 505.092 6.094 541.022 7.537 250.243 4.402
+949.646 507.780 6.088 539.430 7.692 252.172 4.432
+949.804 510.747 6.525 542.394 7.825 250.991 6.325
+949.962 512.407 8.571 541.634 13.332 246.059 10.115
+950.118 511.684 6.758 540.486 9.028 244.480 4.351
+950.275 513.846 7.351 542.414 8.735 244.144 5.952
+950.432 512.398 9.159 541.494 8.081 251.351 5.526
+950.590 513.994 7.487 543.175 8.245 251.943 6.135
+950.748 508.909 7.160 543.371 7.977 247.969 5.421
+950.905 503.679 8.584 540.273 10.743 243.029 7.573
+951.062 501.126 6.828 540.972 8.120 247.680 5.216
+951.219 502.181 7.731 540.359 7.549 261.716 6.395
+951.377 503.511 7.225 540.303 8.246 259.027 4.281
+951.535 505.225 8.561 540.603 8.829 237.690 6.302
+951.693 507.352 6.328 541.516 8.423 246.156 4.684
+951.850 510.653 8.009 540.335 8.276 258.271 5.096
+952.008 512.936 6.161 541.503 7.116 252.942 4.543
+952.166 509.039 7.709 541.725 6.754 239.839 4.672
+952.324 511.530 6.948 541.807 7.622 241.748 7.204
+952.481 510.695 6.602 541.328 7.497 252.737 4.903
+952.639 511.716 6.868 539.403 8.286 256.267 6.262
+952.797 510.677 7.650 541.724 7.260 248.732 6.498
+952.954 507.626 7.641 542.737 9.613 238.497 7.346
+953.112 506.206 7.597 542.487 8.331 252.545 6.335
+953.270 503.292 6.187 537.964 6.204 265.925 6.718
+953.428 507.202 8.208 539.989 7.204 252.089 6.611
+953.585 506.912 7.322 542.389 8.156 243.200 7.550
+953.742 508.749 6.430 541.393 8.099 249.812 5.866
+953.899 510.907 6.979 540.874 7.802 252.038 6.484
+954.057 512.209 8.250 540.758 7.245 252.100 5.854
+954.214 510.912 9.607 541.807 10.640 244.931 7.029
+954.371 509.299 7.499 540.438 7.349 244.969 4.652
+954.529 509.263 6.949 540.364 6.973 247.399 4.794
+954.686 508.362 7.198 541.333 8.353 255.514 6.143
+954.845 507.033 6.463 540.633 7.331 257.245 4.628
+955.003 502.270 6.778 542.036 6.935 241.052 4.264
+955.161 503.742 7.310 541.090 7.540 244.370 6.048
+955.318 505.327 7.417 541.501 7.868 261.023 5.572
+955.477 507.883 6.311 540.095 8.456 258.570 5.174
+955.635 507.038 7.105 542.061 7.478 242.025 4.148
+955.793 506.510 6.840 541.580 6.449 241.900 4.800
+955.951 507.195 6.030 540.065 6.926 255.679 5.091
+956.110 507.931 6.324 540.610 7.529 254.436 4.485
+956.268 507.169 7.267 540.076 6.585 247.504 4.657
+956.425 503.931 6.401 541.450 6.311 243.565 4.501
+956.583 503.679 6.288 541.064 8.255 252.395 5.707
+956.742 505.996 6.190 540.800 6.837 258.543 4.439
+956.900 503.850 6.394 540.778 7.493 250.775 5.027
+957.058 503.638 5.848 541.187 7.620 243.437 5.505
+957.215 503.316 6.654 541.091 6.753 248.454 4.771
+957.372 505.043 12.232 540.431 7.410 255.224 5.308
+957.530 502.800 7.149 540.194 6.664 253.212 3.841
+957.687 504.768 7.091 541.042 6.759 246.822 4.545
+957.844 504.797 6.794 540.310 6.473 244.458 4.363
+958.002 505.708 5.987 541.743 6.528 250.024 3.624
+958.160 505.477 6.182 540.477 6.961 254.200 4.111
+958.317 502.374 6.221 541.214 6.754 251.832 4.274
+958.474 502.363 6.373 541.532 6.799 246.408 5.912
+958.631 503.803 7.650 541.375 6.592 248.714 4.442
+958.788 501.988 7.934 542.253 7.298 250.427 6.801
+958.944 501.119 7.007 540.812 7.169 251.704 4.459
+959.102 499.241 6.959 541.478 8.837 254.507 5.933
+959.259 501.912 5.642 540.854 7.225 253.285 4.579
+959.417 502.439 6.429 541.058 9.576 241.052 7.333
+959.574 502.304 9.869 542.390 9.534 244.390 7.000
+959.731 501.173 6.941 540.493 7.247 257.263 4.422
+959.889 502.891 6.792 540.915 8.677 258.672 6.380
+960.047 500.918 8.471 541.379 7.527 239.906 6.692
+960.204 501.859 6.334 540.693 6.643 243.879 5.748
+960.362 500.978 7.904 539.767 7.743 258.218 4.818
+960.520 502.079 7.102 540.527 7.380 257.702 4.807
+960.677 500.120 7.674 540.065 6.634 246.967 4.705
+960.835 499.671 7.772 542.050 7.566 244.009 5.948
+960.991 500.446 6.292 543.410 7.853 250.100 4.820
+961.148 499.324 7.105 539.974 7.134 254.321 4.554
+961.305 500.113 8.336 541.329 11.500 251.223 10.404
+961.462 501.111 6.940 541.483 8.817 249.792 7.283
+961.619 499.961 7.599 543.414 8.299 250.327 5.161
+961.776 499.579 7.701 540.824 7.470 250.283 5.360
+961.934 498.845 8.778 540.538 9.089 244.552 6.559
+962.091 501.068 6.628 540.525 9.136 251.115 5.723
+962.248 500.750 10.214 541.385 7.028 257.221 6.650
+962.406 498.587 6.363 542.093 6.909 248.342 5.816
+962.563 498.185 6.220 541.891 6.672 244.523 4.624
+962.721 500.531 6.397 539.509 6.996 253.885 4.620
+962.879 498.905 6.730 541.375 7.822 256.158 4.103
+963.037 500.239 6.546 541.723 8.333 248.591 6.768
+963.194 500.782 6.497 541.017 8.094 250.985 4.836
+963.351 501.317 8.198 541.280 6.997 249.639 5.106
+963.508 499.243 7.249 541.692 6.545 245.046 3.541
+963.666 500.382 7.158 543.027 6.425 249.190 4.300
+963.824 504.953 5.963 540.190 7.083 262.191 5.282
+963.983 500.349 7.006 541.421 7.255 250.641 4.044
+964.140 497.893 9.041 541.434 8.133 237.306 4.810
+964.296 497.299 9.245 542.134 7.371 244.983 4.674
+964.455 501.563 7.315 541.651 7.831 261.359 4.499
+964.612 498.155 6.645 541.056 6.866 256.633 4.421
+964.770 496.221 8.662 540.560 7.800 242.796 4.880
+964.928 497.832 7.124 541.825 7.862 244.897 4.035
+965.085 498.898 7.228 542.328 6.807 258.979 4.656
+965.243 499.639 6.404 541.963 7.319 254.759 4.954
+965.400 500.256 6.581 540.139 7.524 250.537 5.818
+965.557 500.702 9.059 542.731 7.858 249.835 4.298
+965.714 499.217 8.191 541.797 8.051 245.938 5.662
+965.871 499.262 6.941 543.118 7.252 250.149 4.530
+966.028 502.682 7.488 542.591 7.454 254.071 3.916
+966.186 499.996 6.488 541.356 8.280 257.020 7.956
+966.343 496.540 10.975 544.573 7.847 245.390 5.352
+966.501 492.915 12.608 544.825 7.466 236.193 4.772
+966.658 499.779 8.004 542.718 7.348 256.821 5.060
+966.816 498.537 8.185 544.787 8.092 264.118 4.841
+966.973 496.775 6.900 546.508 7.550 250.941 6.172
+967.131 494.537 8.388 548.825 7.383 239.539 5.142
+967.288 495.885 7.925 549.838 8.903 249.975 4.847
+967.445 498.698 6.735 545.958 8.027 265.349 5.588
+967.604 499.497 7.145 542.309 7.826 257.293 6.106
+967.762 498.595 7.064 545.893 6.962 241.312 5.076
+967.919 499.085 7.081 547.449 6.837 243.993 4.589
+968.076 498.880 6.602 545.374 7.293 251.929 6.078
+968.234 501.148 6.854 544.413 7.051 256.879 5.145
+968.393 499.881 6.135 545.904 8.096 248.498 7.138
+968.549 505.118 6.865 548.179 7.088 255.165 6.096
+968.707 501.151 6.714 547.901 6.697 251.951 6.827
+968.864 496.611 6.257 548.729 6.831 244.989 4.751
+969.022 494.866 6.411 546.207 7.225 250.819 4.071
+969.180 498.138 7.031 546.312 6.769 258.378 4.025
+969.338 494.561 6.257 547.903 6.701 253.883 4.510
+969.496 492.755 6.876 550.359 7.134 248.418 5.527
+969.653 499.387 6.997 548.743 7.408 256.444 6.339
+969.811 498.323 8.337 549.067 9.142 252.714 6.238
+969.968 500.793 6.762 550.890 7.075 243.397 4.905
+970.125 502.648 6.682 548.339 7.335 247.973 5.156
+970.284 503.556 8.302 550.253 8.189 253.249 5.508
+970.441 502.775 8.597 549.912 8.754 248.862 6.811
+970.598 503.817 8.219 552.139 8.830 252.998 4.837
+970.756 500.918 9.385 549.901 9.349 251.630 10.645
+970.913 493.089 6.626 549.659 8.000 248.076 7.525
+971.069 493.850 7.522 549.856 6.316 250.470 5.468
+971.228 500.218 6.455 551.088 6.651 264.334 4.522
+971.386 497.152 5.864 550.950 6.958 257.693 4.579
+971.544 495.521 6.916 553.079 6.876 246.026 4.644
+971.701 496.435 6.161 553.300 6.946 252.110 4.400
+971.860 499.584 5.978 550.493 6.501 260.011 3.955
+972.018 502.365 5.881 551.034 6.327 251.540 4.190
+972.176 503.063 7.982 551.120 6.346 249.025 5.633
+972.333 503.620 7.395 552.281 7.887 245.670 4.250
+972.490 502.926 6.630 551.492 6.722 242.176 4.199
+972.647 501.859 6.787 551.274 6.457 254.031 3.747
+972.806 498.928 6.502 549.692 7.854 260.850 3.963
+972.964 497.279 6.297 550.047 7.853 254.908 5.341
+973.122 499.972 6.933 553.570 7.581 242.929 8.014
+973.279 500.289 6.613 550.795 6.649 249.139 4.708
+973.437 499.562 6.578 549.578 6.797 258.521 4.291
+973.595 500.115 5.995 549.465 7.220 250.875 4.177
+973.753 496.851 6.715 552.884 7.419 244.798 5.571
+973.911 498.518 7.194 549.928 6.999 250.277 4.335
+974.069 501.795 5.779 549.969 7.138 258.072 3.290
+974.229 501.517 6.189 548.639 6.386 254.160 3.575
+974.387 499.015 6.629 548.926 6.705 249.471 4.624
+974.545 498.380 5.951 548.509 8.084 249.864 4.971
+974.702 500.843 6.564 548.915 6.344 245.938 3.734
+974.861 502.858 6.593 547.939 6.740 253.309 3.981
+975.019 499.008 6.799 546.839 7.480 259.293 4.781
+975.176 496.650 6.757 547.808 7.918 250.562 5.949
+975.333 498.596 6.855 550.078 8.125 243.305 5.453
+975.491 503.225 6.513 548.100 6.757 254.333 4.609
+975.650 501.892 6.373 548.931 7.633 258.383 4.960
+975.809 499.268 8.740 547.339 6.669 246.373 4.368
+975.965 496.862 7.303 548.383 8.091 244.193 5.580
+976.122 496.968 6.473 548.603 6.390 255.271 4.040
+976.281 499.739 6.154 547.046 6.724 262.622 4.943
+976.439 499.837 8.317 546.900 7.152 250.726 4.530
+976.596 499.348 6.239 548.369 7.193 238.047 4.046
+976.754 501.433 6.977 548.533 6.214 248.540 4.443
+976.912 502.464 7.569 545.125 7.780 262.805 6.207
+977.070 498.864 5.788 546.691 7.075 256.218 4.421
+977.228 495.838 6.796 548.826 6.570 239.072 4.358
+977.385 497.758 7.096 548.768 7.377 247.270 6.685
+977.543 501.327 7.052 546.797 6.587 263.742 4.307
+977.701 500.103 7.093 545.898 7.860 253.517 5.542
+977.858 500.401 6.047 548.069 7.952 243.445 5.018
+978.015 502.724 6.766 548.440 8.004 248.144 6.132
+978.173 502.327 7.827 546.074 6.889 256.241 7.152
+978.330 501.393 6.239 544.840 6.341 260.102 4.011
+978.489 498.623 6.886 546.718 7.252 250.541 5.230
+978.646 498.046 8.697 548.167 6.480 246.795 4.452
+978.803 499.350 6.157 546.311 6.466 246.357 4.143
+978.961 502.693 5.946 545.263 6.320 255.763 4.057
+979.119 502.547 6.603 546.202 6.437 251.147 4.377
+979.277 499.785 7.913 547.612 6.586 243.261 4.489
+979.434 503.917 6.344 544.556 6.456 252.742 3.587
+979.593 502.149 6.199 545.425 6.537 251.747 3.999
+979.750 499.491 6.148 545.364 6.555 251.287 3.951
+979.908 498.614 7.474 546.393 7.854 252.742 5.511
+980.065 499.936 6.124 547.483 7.665 250.927 3.985
+980.222 499.799 5.813 547.234 6.346 252.759 4.370
+980.380 499.088 6.407 545.662 7.635 252.147 4.688
+980.538 499.540 7.039 546.086 8.578 248.421 6.155
+980.695 504.425 6.802 546.331 7.122 255.644 4.276
+980.853 503.124 6.538 546.363 6.148 251.236 3.974
+981.010 499.141 5.975 546.093 6.320 243.712 3.439
+981.167 498.631 8.654 545.361 8.315 252.387 5.477
+981.326 503.476 6.342 544.903 6.148 258.913 4.327
+981.485 500.594 6.839 546.509 7.083 249.549 4.240
+981.642 500.215 6.977 547.025 6.546 238.565 4.056
+981.799 501.502 6.323 545.850 6.833 253.875 4.582
+981.958 500.475 6.039 545.098 6.968 267.008 3.964
+982.117 500.184 5.801 544.901 6.688 246.980 6.016
+982.275 497.791 6.222 547.249 6.771 236.769 4.598
+982.432 503.067 6.607 545.402 6.761 253.787 4.246
+982.591 504.000 8.120 544.294 6.627 262.907 5.440
+982.750 499.730 7.515 543.393 6.784 251.869 7.032
+982.906 500.907 6.226 546.293 7.026 239.248 5.941
+983.064 502.149 7.070 544.723 6.475 237.052 5.790
+983.223 504.271 5.810 541.187 6.803 266.170 4.076
+983.382 501.702 6.123 544.241 6.623 264.511 4.390
+983.540 495.667 6.167 547.262 6.779 238.405 4.096
+983.698 497.426 6.508 545.342 6.965 238.534 4.834
+983.855 503.284 8.526 544.343 8.298 262.755 5.293
+984.014 501.692 6.325 543.653 6.935 261.637 4.362
+984.172 499.686 6.649 546.606 6.049 242.586 4.397
+984.330 500.646 6.523 547.866 6.046 245.485 4.079
+984.488 504.466 9.010 548.088 6.576 256.434 7.909
+984.645 502.604 6.332 546.000 6.527 256.594 4.488
+984.803 500.476 6.101 546.590 6.804 244.765 3.901
+984.961 497.574 7.526 546.515 6.445 252.837 5.819
+985.118 500.285 6.809 546.125 7.283 252.588 6.617
+985.275 498.012 6.149 546.111 6.247 247.505 6.631
+985.433 497.050 6.106 545.631 6.245 253.645 4.155
+985.592 503.000 6.278 546.226 6.247 266.436 4.320
+985.751 499.820 6.366 546.552 7.021 252.154 4.852
+985.908 500.908 6.838 544.745 6.273 234.811 5.921
+986.066 502.629 7.034 546.727 6.785 243.938 3.921
+986.224 498.506 6.800 544.927 6.365 255.369 6.582
+986.382 501.435 7.099 544.759 6.459 263.663 4.032
+986.539 504.534 7.242 546.657 6.184 244.216 5.585
+986.697 496.755 7.244 546.666 6.678 242.342 4.387
+986.855 497.327 6.647 543.666 7.161 265.363 8.572
+987.013 500.073 6.624 544.186 6.493 256.993 6.182
+987.171 500.290 10.932 547.581 6.430 244.699 7.318
+987.327 501.022 7.596 546.395 7.065 245.977 4.898
+987.484 500.410 8.200 545.284 6.571 253.279 4.211
+987.642 498.794 6.794 544.722 7.945 253.302 4.439
+987.799 498.648 8.534 543.787 7.699 252.303 4.612
+987.955 498.246 6.991 547.307 7.343 244.053 3.918
+988.113 504.052 6.170 545.023 7.401 250.810 4.121
+988.271 500.730 6.519 543.300 7.426 253.448 4.336
+988.429 494.467 6.362 543.683 7.270 249.694 4.985
+988.587 492.644 6.816 543.066 7.896 248.676 3.929
+988.744 497.226 8.954 545.760 8.297 256.486 8.300
+988.901 496.882 7.984 543.777 7.655 248.014 5.169
+989.058 494.908 8.206 543.407 7.825 244.750 5.767
+989.215 493.259 6.693 542.444 7.508 254.997 5.529
+989.373 494.622 7.609 542.574 8.284 256.150 5.331
+989.531 494.766 6.322 542.555 7.558 251.761 5.226
+989.689 497.437 6.744 543.785 8.646 246.657 4.254
+989.846 496.864 7.507 546.277 8.811 243.806 5.694
+990.003 493.698 6.323 543.272 8.713 248.978 5.850
+990.161 495.777 7.942 541.972 8.671 251.479 7.792
+990.318 495.587 6.719 542.559 6.700 254.324 6.610
+990.475 492.775 6.769 542.295 7.391 251.373 5.352
+990.633 491.537 7.300 543.313 7.617 254.023 7.473
+990.790 489.885 10.072 542.083 7.702 252.840 7.689
+990.947 490.898 7.718 542.710 7.976 251.018 5.890
+991.105 492.459 6.877 543.707 9.650 250.530 5.103
+991.262 495.544 6.400 541.777 9.711 249.245 5.906
+991.419 494.865 8.379 542.497 8.627 251.252 6.369
+991.577 493.548 7.952 543.015 9.452 255.682 6.263
+991.733 490.625 6.812 543.530 9.111 247.776 7.186
+991.890 494.866 8.312 539.605 8.834 250.607 5.680
+992.046 490.988 7.586 541.496 7.786 252.776 6.306
+992.204 493.399 8.089 542.014 7.463 251.577 5.839
+992.361 493.324 6.510 540.140 7.492 249.405 4.873
+992.519 492.983 6.213 542.801 6.740 248.794 4.887
+992.676 495.659 7.385 542.128 9.305 253.027 6.362
+992.834 493.806 6.896 540.981 7.705 251.720 5.098
+992.992 493.228 8.801 543.399 8.346 249.197 5.603
+993.149 491.692 6.846 543.074 8.665 247.941 7.222
+993.305 494.836 6.869 543.110 8.100 252.129 5.235
+993.462 494.418 6.572 542.521 7.636 251.591 6.672
+993.620 493.154 7.786 543.395 7.256 254.935 4.579
+993.778 492.571 7.835 542.374 9.281 253.599 7.448
+993.933 489.685 8.305 541.703 8.830 248.606 6.366
+994.090 492.136 6.803 543.097 7.952 247.416 4.461
+994.247 498.701 8.411 543.211 7.982 260.344 6.303
+994.404 494.977 8.137 543.932 8.196 254.083 7.308
+994.561 490.809 8.006 545.169 6.683 240.530 5.497
+994.718 493.018 7.714 546.781 7.098 242.035 6.011
+994.877 498.210 6.865 545.027 6.851 272.700 6.374
+995.035 490.122 6.425 547.110 8.431 260.127 5.094
+995.193 485.931 6.483 549.141 6.647 237.261 7.026
+995.350 491.579 7.928 546.391 7.079 251.552 4.202
+995.507 490.975 8.748 546.634 7.089 265.615 6.188
+995.664 490.659 7.542 545.726 7.406 246.856 6.268
+995.822 490.986 12.530 546.317 9.821 242.898 11.496
+995.979 492.389 10.687 549.903 7.324 250.238 5.505
+996.138 491.273 7.339 543.529 8.276 258.222 6.141
+996.296 491.812 7.078 545.615 6.205 257.772 9.270
+996.453 494.638 9.257 547.756 7.770 252.137 7.888
+996.610 486.856 7.439 548.107 6.949 231.891 6.274
+996.768 491.458 6.739 543.541 7.158 252.478 5.491
+996.926 496.974 6.939 548.255 7.411 275.594 5.535
+997.086 487.989 6.630 544.062 7.276 249.125 6.797
+997.243 486.019 9.834 545.580 6.332 233.671 6.634
+997.401 492.840 7.761 544.625 7.705 249.706 10.332
+997.558 497.998 9.047 543.436 7.944 269.207 7.769
+997.715 492.600 6.765 541.514 7.483 252.792 9.979
+997.872 489.556 8.292 546.695 6.671 237.067 6.110
+998.029 495.415 8.079 545.376 7.483 247.000 4.924
+998.187 494.404 7.381 541.903 7.873 257.590 7.301
+998.345 490.354 6.747 543.459 6.626 254.685 6.450
+998.502 489.653 6.535 544.374 7.005 247.426 6.226
+998.660 488.696 7.916 543.483 6.775 240.334 8.767
+998.816 492.747 6.603 538.004 6.683 256.883 4.806
+998.975 493.787 6.072 541.220 7.315 266.018 6.912
+999.133 490.357 6.017 544.462 6.764 243.710 5.584
+999.291 489.193 6.967 544.424 7.284 241.367 7.721
+999.448 494.541 7.914 541.124 7.647 256.433 4.411
+999.606 496.045 7.675 540.701 7.085 261.924 8.895
+999.763 493.820 6.508 543.537 6.366 248.149 5.411
+999.920 492.828 8.152 545.055 6.774 241.061 6.105
+1000.077 496.848 7.893 544.680 7.446 249.890 5.883
+1000.235 491.278 7.539 541.116 7.024 263.148 10.539
+1000.393 491.082 6.758 541.011 7.944 260.181 5.549
+1000.550 488.210 6.187 545.450 6.925 238.151 7.658
+1000.708 487.402 6.847 547.044 7.582 238.771 6.055
+1000.867 495.034 6.153 538.790 7.240 270.327 3.911
+1001.026 492.190 6.256 542.358 6.962 260.073 4.996
+1001.185 490.471 7.357 544.793 7.206 237.440 6.725
+1001.342 497.504 6.131 542.928 6.519 248.964 4.379
+1001.501 498.295 6.756 540.709 7.511 262.449 6.503
+1001.659 492.982 6.547 543.177 7.387 245.104 6.483
+1001.817 491.479 6.438 544.661 7.364 241.051 6.174
+1001.975 494.704 8.803 543.376 8.489 254.570 5.968
+1002.132 496.347 6.920 541.483 7.264 260.595 8.932
+1002.289 491.023 7.059 542.904 8.682 252.486 6.598
+1002.446 489.470 6.223 544.259 7.121 245.214 4.526
+1002.604 489.564 6.424 546.342 8.153 245.932 7.580
+1002.762 496.235 7.132 541.653 6.912 263.449 4.411
+1002.921 494.292 7.399 544.346 7.540 256.484 5.811
+1003.078 489.252 7.321 544.893 6.851 242.484 5.738
+1003.236 493.412 6.719 543.449 6.758 244.534 5.895
+1003.394 495.924 7.339 544.274 7.176 256.675 4.379
+1003.552 493.809 6.434 543.692 7.177 258.156 5.611
+1003.711 490.838 6.798 547.247 6.962 243.431 7.702
+1003.868 489.528 6.624 544.352 7.375 234.894 4.776
+1004.026 495.535 8.372 544.183 6.615 262.708 6.941
+1004.184 494.065 6.347 544.901 7.455 264.487 6.041
+1004.343 486.750 7.277 545.159 7.032 237.504 6.446
+1004.499 485.247 6.195 544.591 6.936 240.735 7.742
+1004.658 495.992 5.804 544.676 6.704 270.957 3.630
+1004.817 489.690 7.859 545.036 6.821 248.899 5.321
+1004.975 486.186 7.129 546.340 6.530 241.159 4.692
+1005.133 494.281 7.770 545.563 7.610 256.421 6.194
+1005.292 492.692 7.017 545.925 7.570 259.624 5.922
+1005.450 488.276 8.265 542.699 6.398 245.226 7.993
+1005.607 493.262 8.199 547.577 7.995 243.742 4.326
+1005.764 496.992 10.833 543.795 7.534 257.277 7.231
+1005.923 494.180 7.085 542.898 6.428 261.792 4.704
+1006.080 495.711 5.873 544.409 7.461 242.177 3.807
+1006.238 491.827 7.190 545.584 7.929 249.671 11.460
+1006.395 490.808 9.596 541.825 9.071 253.596 11.534
+1006.552 483.388 7.076 541.698 6.755 247.515 8.206
+1006.709 487.963 6.169 544.997 7.397 257.115 3.849
+1006.869 491.499 6.963 543.000 6.886 263.031 8.492
+1007.026 492.185 6.805 542.100 7.203 250.050 5.542
+1007.184 494.991 8.698 544.171 8.371 247.200 6.050
+1007.341 499.819 8.219 544.641 6.942 251.382 10.217
+1007.498 501.278 7.015 542.076 7.512 255.343 12.925
+1007.655 495.732 7.090 543.280 6.798 250.103 9.328
+1007.812 490.947 6.240 545.262 7.152 239.521 3.615
+1007.970 491.859 6.400 543.832 7.471 249.145 5.481
+1008.129 497.098 6.003 541.718 6.488 264.831 5.530
+1008.287 490.541 7.318 545.747 6.248 245.578 5.706
+1008.445 488.285 7.716 544.457 7.127 240.365 6.042
+1008.604 494.842 7.247 543.224 8.129 268.833 6.063
+1008.763 492.538 7.835 543.702 6.701 260.588 4.859
+1008.920 487.865 7.730 543.697 7.185 247.345 3.932
+1009.077 493.238 7.084 546.717 7.247 244.953 5.708
+1009.235 490.462 8.225 544.067 6.911 245.809 5.243
+1009.394 498.074 7.076 542.480 6.354 267.168 7.222
+1009.551 493.220 7.729 545.464 7.639 254.131 6.548
+1009.709 489.752 7.103 546.024 6.894 237.511 4.299
+1009.866 493.207 5.986 541.750 6.661 245.785 4.606
+1010.024 493.822 9.485 542.427 7.300 259.587 4.924
+1010.183 490.968 7.504 544.174 6.863 262.505 4.947
+1010.340 487.529 7.163 543.711 8.366 245.545 6.490
+1010.498 485.005 8.701 543.337 7.726 241.065 4.336
+1010.656 490.930 5.966 543.043 7.362 263.220 6.055
+1010.816 485.399 6.644 541.690 7.283 259.342 4.139
+1010.974 484.744 6.333 543.156 7.234 254.673 6.076
+1011.133 489.467 6.734 543.701 7.093 255.416 4.645
+1011.290 492.024 7.922 544.467 7.863 248.254 6.339
+1011.446 495.990 7.590 541.894 7.469 252.732 6.320
+1011.605 496.799 9.521 544.669 10.227 251.497 8.118
+1011.761 492.868 7.313 546.586 7.405 237.474 6.841
+1011.918 492.218 9.538 542.485 9.883 243.694 4.845
+1012.076 490.692 8.317 542.324 10.503 262.386 5.614
+1012.235 485.036 7.747 543.233 8.887 262.173 5.512
+1012.392 485.800 8.682 541.852 9.637 250.221 5.883
+1012.549 491.298 7.034 543.748 9.192 255.452 6.822
+1012.707 495.513 6.858 541.777 7.754 251.444 7.536
+1012.863 495.405 7.280 542.347 7.961 244.234 5.085
+1013.021 499.214 8.124 543.623 9.381 251.262 6.564
+1013.178 498.512 7.280 544.136 8.410 251.732 6.844
+1013.335 500.165 7.120 542.141 8.158 248.947 5.580
+1013.493 497.841 7.917 541.351 6.792 251.659 4.356
+1013.649 494.028 7.139 542.763 7.305 248.336 5.398
+1013.806 493.930 7.303 543.767 7.845 246.943 5.837
+1013.963 497.639 6.901 541.957 7.038 255.789 5.747
+1014.122 495.266 8.548 542.669 6.548 258.657 5.266
+1014.279 494.522 11.442 544.366 9.292 246.356 5.530
+1014.436 494.625 7.978 544.233 8.551 245.043 6.057
+1014.594 500.646 6.691 545.002 7.490 258.530 4.469
+1014.753 498.116 8.868 544.870 6.713 246.805 5.262
+1014.910 502.701 8.502 543.688 7.896 245.328 6.656
+1015.068 503.867 7.310 543.896 7.401 258.103 7.660
+1015.224 496.868 9.123 546.589 7.012 248.611 5.860
+1015.381 492.328 9.791 543.966 9.812 241.016 5.710
+1015.539 501.713 5.870 542.449 6.404 257.500 6.655
+1015.696 498.627 7.883 543.634 6.936 257.745 8.153
+1015.853 496.426 8.783 543.206 6.755 255.627 7.107
+1016.010 496.964 6.887 547.522 6.452 236.666 6.186
+1016.167 500.969 6.488 547.225 6.980 247.746 4.112
+1016.325 499.519 9.213 544.012 6.683 267.677 7.208
+1016.482 502.715 7.553 545.660 6.948 250.896 4.886
+1016.639 504.157 7.591 549.846 6.593 238.569 4.143
+1016.796 505.521 7.925 543.838 7.043 249.745 4.354
+1016.953 508.045 6.226 544.978 8.333 251.617 4.819
+1017.111 506.670 6.262 545.299 7.787 248.616 4.649
+1017.269 503.906 6.430 547.183 7.294 244.686 4.106
+1017.427 499.189 6.513 543.061 6.750 241.136 4.658
+1017.585 504.071 8.474 541.030 8.016 266.631 7.197
+1017.744 502.450 7.235 543.870 6.791 260.066 5.958
+1017.902 497.484 6.387 544.728 7.974 245.040 6.386
+1018.059 513.584 6.961 545.117 6.396 244.640 4.898
+1018.218 509.645 7.292 548.651 6.743 244.076 4.634
+1018.376 510.426 7.277 543.976 6.455 255.380 4.319
+1018.533 507.584 5.970 545.679 6.722 248.653 5.491
+1018.691 506.545 6.515 544.986 7.783 248.476 4.469
+1018.849 509.845 8.407 542.289 7.036 256.194 4.456
+1019.006 510.328 7.426 544.273 7.643 250.671 3.995
+1019.164 509.693 9.394 544.862 7.781 247.476 5.785
+1019.321 508.336 6.776 545.388 6.761 252.594 3.360
+1019.479 509.643 5.978 544.573 7.636 248.865 6.687
+1019.636 510.176 6.112 545.285 6.637 246.978 7.463
+1019.794 507.201 6.446 547.002 6.622 253.469 3.693
+1019.952 508.402 7.108 542.430 7.551 255.244 6.713
+1020.109 510.204 8.012 545.414 7.225 246.452 7.089
+1020.265 511.572 8.280 543.484 7.004 248.764 5.010
+1020.422 510.005 5.840 545.044 7.198 248.797 4.216
+1020.580 513.540 6.279 545.690 6.293 252.977 4.483
+1020.739 508.395 7.889 545.036 7.392 249.799 4.898
+1020.897 512.004 6.384 542.710 8.166 249.678 5.577
+1021.055 514.290 6.576 547.957 6.844 252.686 4.956
+1021.214 514.212 8.674 545.249 8.574 250.636 6.003
+1021.372 503.462 8.843 543.942 9.300 248.456 8.029
+1021.528 510.484 7.652 545.509 7.872 248.524 7.813
+1021.685 513.184 6.072 545.255 6.316 251.805 4.279
+1021.844 512.721 6.474 544.132 6.558 252.258 3.419
+1022.001 511.317 6.440 545.521 6.863 245.412 4.315
+1022.159 516.893 7.012 545.585 6.212 252.164 3.853
+1022.317 515.978 9.354 544.745 6.331 251.031 3.874
+1022.475 513.629 6.537 542.837 7.029 250.940 6.508
+1022.633 512.536 7.133 546.118 6.069 245.879 3.689
+1022.791 512.995 7.555 544.331 7.424 251.118 6.178
+1022.950 512.690 7.350 544.083 7.001 252.451 4.958
+1023.107 512.016 6.651 543.650 6.796 248.814 5.434
+1023.265 520.050 8.494 545.076 7.974 245.468 4.224
+1023.421 519.850 6.881 544.770 6.690 249.154 3.773
+1023.580 518.958 9.200 544.737 6.302 247.301 7.259
+1023.737 518.909 7.649 545.747 6.681 249.533 4.421
+1023.895 517.039 6.388 544.167 6.228 247.115 4.125
+1024.054 514.870 6.378 544.881 7.260 248.991 5.651
+1024.213 514.018 6.343 543.588 6.424 251.549 3.549
+1024.371 514.500 6.897 545.165 6.579 252.475 4.563
+1024.529 514.875 7.771 543.451 6.675 253.004 5.879
+1024.688 517.208 6.693 545.694 7.624 249.280 4.325
+1024.845 521.252 6.443 543.757 7.091 249.492 5.023
+1025.003 517.602 7.071 543.497 6.415 244.774 8.037
+1025.160 520.236 7.777 544.965 7.846 246.857 6.157
+1025.317 516.822 6.356 545.409 6.848 246.258 4.062
+1025.475 520.558 6.684 545.054 7.233 250.452 3.330
+1025.633 515.455 6.864 543.830 7.040 252.954 3.836
+1025.791 510.454 7.027 544.468 6.585 251.349 3.798
+1025.949 512.824 6.264 542.974 7.067 252.283 4.112
+1026.107 515.118 6.487 543.959 7.439 252.162 3.926
+1026.264 515.461 7.513 543.759 7.542 250.801 4.998
+1026.422 518.404 7.066 546.047 7.443 245.568 6.515
+1026.580 518.724 6.229 547.390 7.184 242.545 4.755
+1026.738 522.057 6.760 543.803 7.981 259.725 7.773
+1026.896 522.050 7.758 543.408 7.448 249.967 8.130
+1027.052 517.910 8.112 545.064 6.978 239.499 8.931
+1027.209 515.099 6.774 544.780 6.516 246.634 4.527
+1027.367 516.901 6.061 542.857 6.654 257.966 4.330
+1027.526 514.539 6.273 543.328 6.654 251.039 3.707
+1027.685 513.715 6.376 543.843 7.580 246.380 4.158
+1027.843 514.347 6.090 543.978 7.180 249.863 3.667
+1028.002 514.313 6.731 544.309 7.443 254.738 5.455
+1028.160 515.873 6.165 543.523 7.543 250.357 5.056
+1028.319 518.428 8.244 545.725 7.977 240.773 6.083
+1028.475 520.984 6.434 544.417 7.843 246.517 5.613
+1028.634 518.969 5.953 541.504 7.602 255.225 5.061
+1028.792 519.099 7.454 543.095 6.736 250.282 4.056
+1028.950 516.311 6.641 544.091 9.516 243.372 5.114
+1029.107 516.023 7.371 543.541 8.205 249.273 5.323
+1029.266 515.410 6.608 540.355 12.050 254.372 7.263
+1029.423 515.454 7.665 542.673 8.745 253.053 5.669
+1029.581 515.454 6.398 544.266 8.948 245.150 4.698
+1029.738 516.974 8.366 541.822 7.865 246.821 5.167
+1029.897 515.979 6.552 541.858 8.661 251.478 5.420
+1030.055 513.999 6.770 542.468 7.815 253.254 4.766
+1030.213 517.870 6.228 541.864 10.355 248.992 6.280
+1030.372 519.728 9.469 543.618 9.610 245.549 6.655
+1030.529 511.017 9.318 543.486 9.396 252.545 8.784
+1030.686 516.580 7.435 542.054 7.324 256.055 5.038
+1030.844 515.955 6.244 545.960 8.529 243.760 5.017
+1031.002 515.879 8.314 544.569 7.763 247.617 4.744
+1031.160 515.568 6.022 544.345 9.859 251.296 5.141
+1031.318 519.925 6.975 542.233 7.173 254.982 4.606
+1031.476 515.819 7.846 545.752 9.215 243.059 5.430
+1031.633 518.348 7.385 543.667 9.745 247.370 5.834
+1031.791 514.123 7.787 544.506 8.294 249.443 5.450
+1031.948 518.031 6.140 547.285 6.397 250.814 4.377
+1032.106 517.830 6.318 545.992 7.098 249.088 3.807
+1032.265 513.168 8.704 544.300 8.350 247.090 6.226
+1032.423 514.231 6.456 544.763 6.689 251.740 3.586
+1032.581 516.712 7.567 544.387 8.672 249.817 6.235
+1032.740 514.657 5.997 544.443 6.201 246.238 3.474
+1032.898 518.676 6.123 543.334 7.114 249.722 4.642
+1033.057 518.496 6.681 544.143 5.947 254.807 4.836
+1033.215 516.255 6.410 544.311 6.477 248.358 3.479
+1033.373 515.422 6.227 544.003 7.604 246.553 5.011
+1033.531 517.094 6.732 545.740 8.285 251.285 6.163
+1033.690 514.971 6.483 544.157 7.931 252.092 6.767
+1033.848 518.439 6.600 545.031 6.252 248.180 5.770
+1034.006 519.094 7.707 545.550 8.199 248.831 4.040
+1034.163 517.740 6.877 542.065 7.081 250.598 4.948
+1034.321 518.797 5.958 546.080 6.941 252.126 3.817
+1034.479 519.428 8.626 543.180 8.616 243.811 6.327
+1034.636 516.524 6.087 543.411 7.343 248.668 5.429
+1034.795 518.985 7.320 542.474 8.887 257.906 6.377
+1034.953 519.329 6.435 543.554 7.993 250.329 5.145
+1035.111 517.333 7.054 545.385 7.154 240.163 5.886
+1035.269 515.953 5.763 542.553 7.808 250.761 5.637
+1035.427 521.669 7.908 540.735 10.053 256.627 6.877
+1035.584 517.576 7.604 544.537 6.360 246.066 6.421
+1035.741 516.395 6.645 541.615 6.656 245.490 4.306
+1035.899 521.574 7.319 543.026 7.205 250.664 5.722
+1036.057 511.435 6.418 542.230 7.582 252.326 4.744
+1036.215 520.864 7.656 542.922 6.689 256.543 4.739
+1036.373 515.228 7.092 541.599 7.729 247.565 6.485
+1036.530 515.932 6.399 543.396 6.840 254.045 5.343
+1036.689 517.069 5.895 542.354 7.746 252.940 4.977
+1036.847 515.440 8.251 544.653 9.403 248.259 4.668
+1037.004 517.544 8.000 543.426 11.017 248.692 6.455
+1037.161 518.005 6.484 542.164 7.257 252.756 5.194
+1037.319 519.530 7.059 546.611 8.675 242.497 8.127
+1037.475 527.585 6.997 547.926 9.843 250.545 9.650
+1037.632 519.565 6.783 544.319 7.315 251.595 9.260
+1037.790 508.295 17.320 544.413 7.913 240.305 23.229
+1037.945 525.493 8.908 542.744 7.638 248.463 10.320
+1038.102 517.485 9.354 541.797 9.067 255.934 7.314
+1038.260 513.144 6.934 542.948 6.735 254.949 6.122
+1038.419 514.341 7.155 543.859 6.185 249.199 5.185
+1038.577 511.963 6.748 542.568 7.458 247.742 4.520
+1038.735 517.959 7.008 543.415 7.922 251.797 5.977
+1038.892 521.889 6.552 544.814 9.424 253.598 6.065
+1039.050 521.088 6.427 544.608 8.273 242.216 6.467
+1039.207 524.610 8.903 542.666 8.787 243.892 5.969
+1039.365 520.066 7.638 544.446 7.913 246.368 5.311
+1039.523 520.080 7.278 544.764 6.187 255.993 4.427
+1039.682 516.420 6.076 542.677 6.433 248.039 3.870
+1039.841 514.804 6.942 543.376 6.454 243.690 4.159
+1040.000 512.468 6.931 541.023 6.875 255.856 4.118
+1040.159 514.374 7.759 545.610 7.530 255.248 4.125
+1040.316 516.093 6.666 544.296 6.701 244.892 5.253
+1040.474 518.640 6.041 544.773 9.716 245.198 4.808
+1040.632 519.206 7.086 542.617 9.887 252.192 7.120
+1040.789 521.712 8.389 545.256 8.196 250.871 7.348
+1040.946 521.637 6.403 543.432 6.790 242.158 4.287
+1041.104 519.666 6.219 543.204 7.316 246.151 4.947
+1041.262 515.156 7.717 543.222 7.812 254.881 3.934
+1041.420 517.071 6.756 545.682 6.989 252.438 4.063
+1041.578 513.010 6.303 544.006 6.807 249.054 4.554
+1041.737 516.870 8.081 544.290 8.419 251.680 6.402
+1041.895 514.728 7.516 543.883 8.210 256.316 6.464
+1042.053 516.737 6.730 544.258 7.531 249.603 6.997
+1042.210 519.937 7.336 544.922 7.766 248.976 5.571
+1042.368 519.479 7.318 545.499 7.510 245.919 4.839
+1042.525 521.634 7.759 544.425 7.102 244.469 6.488
+1042.682 519.906 7.055 544.334 8.366 251.014 5.438
+1042.840 518.699 7.670 545.913 8.988 248.090 6.583
+1042.997 517.527 6.689 545.529 7.078 246.770 6.569
+1043.155 517.785 5.980 544.305 7.556 249.037 6.701
+1043.313 520.537 6.954 543.903 8.377 257.530 6.299
+1043.471 518.275 7.435 543.639 6.772 244.595 5.500
+1043.628 512.862 6.592 542.876 8.007 249.875 5.682
+1043.786 514.378 7.623 542.038 7.650 257.388 4.897
+1043.944 518.473 6.854 543.430 7.558 255.863 5.212
+1044.102 518.714 6.800 545.114 6.176 241.968 5.483
+1044.261 520.037 7.030 544.441 7.218 244.559 4.413
+1044.419 520.380 7.796 542.584 7.282 253.485 6.019
+1044.576 521.253 7.832 543.615 9.176 249.244 5.830
+1044.732 522.072 7.365 543.586 8.058 243.852 5.486
+1044.890 519.750 6.641 543.445 8.112 247.578 5.000
+1045.047 519.717 6.560 541.704 6.436 255.855 4.701
+1045.205 514.247 6.322 542.147 6.712 248.638 3.967
+1045.363 513.622 7.046 542.771 6.619 244.276 5.115
+1045.522 514.536 6.238 544.177 7.164 247.002 6.795
+1045.681 515.455 6.187 543.711 7.057 258.100 6.180
+1045.840 514.774 7.214 544.417 7.811 250.441 5.230
+1045.998 523.587 6.106 546.764 6.932 241.704 3.869
+1046.156 517.435 7.836 543.737 7.701 241.717 6.712
+1046.313 522.944 6.811 543.947 7.194 249.647 5.312
+1046.471 520.319 7.067 544.829 7.328 247.196 4.860
+1046.628 521.323 7.703 543.488 7.148 251.551 4.962
+1046.785 518.803 7.204 542.724 5.913 249.655 4.378
+1046.944 514.398 6.971 542.847 6.883 247.256 4.088
+1047.102 511.424 6.308 544.028 6.194 251.092 4.832
+1047.259 510.004 5.656 543.610 6.249 253.790 3.620
+1047.417 515.740 9.463 543.696 7.020 251.217 5.015
+1047.575 518.457 6.821 544.207 8.442 244.122 6.456
+1047.733 520.874 6.605 543.562 7.838 249.301 3.509
+1047.890 524.278 7.066 542.585 7.182 252.913 3.552
+1048.048 522.052 6.767 545.865 10.805 246.299 7.135
+1048.205 518.490 6.741 542.658 8.063 245.213 7.088
+1048.362 518.474 7.905 541.636 8.462 248.602 4.449
+1048.520 520.984 7.814 543.376 7.709 256.286 5.718
+1048.678 518.299 8.479 547.083 8.976 252.232 6.510
+1048.835 518.473 7.084 544.670 7.229 241.962 5.870
+1048.992 516.804 7.913 543.586 8.438 246.509 6.369
+1049.149 520.168 6.840 543.225 6.831 256.515 4.936
+1049.307 516.391 9.089 543.122 7.186 255.615 8.157
+1049.465 517.814 7.067 548.111 8.717 238.676 6.349
+1049.622 518.548 6.886 543.631 6.960 247.126 4.731
+1049.780 521.235 6.206 542.216 6.938 255.771 5.820
+1049.938 523.922 6.655 543.292 6.538 249.537 5.723
+1050.096 520.659 6.371 543.212 7.410 237.945 4.024
+1050.254 519.826 7.569 544.832 7.211 243.519 7.579
+1050.412 525.378 6.966 541.408 7.531 260.885 5.714
+1050.571 516.983 7.393 542.284 6.068 254.938 7.738
+1050.728 512.029 6.042 544.792 7.444 244.269 4.690
+1050.886 517.740 7.534 544.018 6.547 242.462 3.256
+1051.045 515.987 7.561 543.220 7.338 252.024 5.013
+1051.204 519.079 6.696 543.092 8.112 255.220 7.180
+1051.361 519.310 6.493 545.470 6.556 243.202 5.176
+1051.519 517.823 8.151 543.844 6.799 245.422 5.694
+1051.676 521.158 6.509 542.578 6.814 253.914 4.502
+1051.834 520.181 7.083 543.555 7.069 254.039 6.079
+1051.992 519.301 6.530 544.005 6.290 244.450 4.163
+1052.150 519.983 6.853 543.440 7.285 239.964 4.754
+1052.308 521.119 6.732 544.694 6.592 248.699 4.587
+1052.467 522.381 6.563 543.197 6.764 260.897 8.082
+1052.624 516.273 6.471 543.552 6.024 246.288 4.116
+1052.782 511.372 7.064 544.125 6.558 240.712 9.285
+1052.939 512.063 6.552 543.201 7.170 253.987 6.366
+1053.098 519.260 7.105 542.692 6.382 260.469 5.652
+1053.257 519.822 6.663 544.917 7.267 241.724 7.569
+1053.413 522.558 6.438 544.349 6.900 239.307 4.427
+1053.572 520.745 7.103 543.883 9.847 251.343 5.100
+1053.730 522.787 6.651 542.658 9.643 257.383 7.744
+1053.887 524.297 7.581 544.036 6.882 239.623 4.009
+1054.044 519.123 7.124 544.930 7.196 248.286 4.913
+1054.203 517.361 7.575 543.369 6.879 251.802 8.207
+1054.360 515.783 6.957 541.333 8.589 254.518 9.160
+1054.517 517.287 6.580 543.743 7.279 241.885 4.224
+1054.675 515.082 6.104 544.257 6.701 246.798 4.072
+1054.833 514.950 7.741 540.682 8.926 256.948 5.834
+1054.992 516.999 6.651 541.216 9.320 246.539 7.462
+1055.150 520.500 7.377 544.082 7.461 244.035 5.383
+1055.308 522.435 7.136 544.020 6.384 253.330 4.102
+1055.465 519.964 6.166 541.820 6.781 251.603 5.389
+1055.624 517.929 7.287 544.968 7.643 242.796 5.258
+1055.782 521.829 6.500 546.269 8.471 246.307 4.289
+1055.940 522.678 6.561 543.222 6.741 253.713 5.037
+1056.098 517.586 6.348 545.102 7.016 248.297 4.494
+1056.256 516.015 8.114 543.611 10.527 244.803 7.083
+1056.413 515.600 6.212 546.816 8.304 251.708 4.934
+1056.572 516.716 7.349 542.678 6.533 258.577 4.524
+1056.730 520.487 7.536 544.026 8.362 248.845 11.527
+1056.888 515.674 7.159 544.790 6.753 243.488 4.502
+1057.045 520.596 7.217 544.528 7.513 256.144 4.734
+1057.203 524.906 7.766 545.835 6.938 255.761 4.632
+1057.362 519.269 9.493 545.598 8.589 244.167 7.270
+1057.518 523.802 6.414 547.486 7.523 241.101 5.950
+1057.677 520.428 6.489 546.094 7.817 252.011 11.213
+1057.834 519.604 7.732 547.011 8.592 252.990 5.690
+1057.993 521.996 7.545 546.650 6.363 242.529 6.827
+1058.150 513.690 8.841 544.876 7.356 245.655 9.257
+1058.308 510.646 7.311 543.268 7.241 259.486 6.787
+1058.466 514.976 5.969 541.992 6.146 256.484 5.285
+1058.624 521.149 6.420 546.630 6.340 240.954 4.812
+1058.783 516.481 8.354 545.016 8.151 246.549 6.153
+1058.940 521.044 7.231 543.650 6.457 253.325 4.653
+1059.098 520.890 6.258 543.446 7.182 250.373 4.712
+1059.256 519.898 8.092 544.944 7.344 244.563 6.650
+1059.412 522.089 8.070 542.629 8.219 247.045 5.488
+1059.571 517.420 7.226 542.356 7.745 248.980 4.119
+1059.729 516.744 9.405 543.633 9.003 250.549 6.943
+1059.885 522.777 7.837 543.056 6.424 249.725 6.104
+1060.043 518.917 6.055 544.920 7.110 245.537 5.078
+1060.201 515.919 6.282 541.979 6.736 248.565 5.078
+1060.360 516.089 7.159 543.359 7.368 254.745 4.616
+1060.517 517.860 7.320 543.953 8.280 251.287 5.200
+1060.674 518.788 6.128 544.119 8.362 245.792 6.518
+1060.832 521.917 6.059 542.471 8.136 247.997 5.386
+1060.991 522.089 6.856 545.354 7.367 249.979 4.913
+1061.149 521.500 6.104 545.963 7.707 248.489 5.526
+1061.307 519.195 8.696 545.869 8.827 244.564 4.950
+1061.464 519.681 6.419 543.608 7.328 246.805 4.920
+1061.622 521.466 6.984 545.116 7.387 252.538 4.993
+1061.780 519.844 8.374 545.701 10.610 247.425 6.312
+1061.937 519.358 7.039 546.697 7.649 243.194 8.409
+1062.094 516.443 6.249 543.707 7.122 253.961 5.054
+1062.253 515.154 8.739 544.267 7.750 260.309 7.511
+1062.411 515.681 7.438 543.352 6.501 243.843 4.024
+1062.568 515.776 6.946 543.703 8.715 244.758 6.527
+1062.725 518.917 6.603 544.097 6.678 251.407 4.773
+1062.883 520.829 6.338 544.191 6.878 251.974 4.906
+1063.041 522.598 6.632 547.011 7.503 243.799 5.117
+1063.199 520.496 6.096 545.800 6.433 241.478 6.180
+1063.357 515.815 6.484 549.298 6.998 245.164 6.224
+1063.517 516.808 6.057 544.643 6.220 260.311 4.520
+1063.676 515.038 6.138 543.716 6.666 254.043 5.451
+1063.834 511.850 6.363 545.747 8.320 238.200 5.079
+1063.993 509.868 6.970 545.077 7.244 256.712 7.184
+1064.151 512.518 6.054 542.770 6.821 262.027 4.726
+1064.310 514.305 6.295 545.027 6.842 246.630 6.022
+1064.468 512.663 6.257 544.620 7.281 239.266 6.519
+1064.626 513.876 9.127 544.496 8.150 250.672 4.792
+1064.783 517.538 5.980 543.225 6.868 256.586 3.706
+1064.942 513.575 7.294 542.552 6.631 248.975 4.827
+1065.100 511.585 7.152 544.375 7.306 244.419 3.927
+1065.258 509.645 6.468 546.183 7.074 248.264 5.016
+1065.416 509.776 5.974 545.551 7.111 255.342 3.952
+1065.574 507.927 7.288 545.805 7.224 255.943 4.751
+1065.732 505.299 8.800 548.748 7.255 251.509 5.051
+1065.889 505.343 6.385 548.787 6.807 245.415 4.606
+1066.046 510.683 7.355 548.217 6.882 251.934 4.248
+1066.204 510.436 6.100 546.092 6.879 256.669 4.218
+1066.362 506.784 6.189 547.581 6.663 248.586 4.782
+1066.521 510.337 5.883 547.685 6.771 242.055 4.368
+1066.679 508.383 6.127 549.756 6.943 247.690 4.522
+1066.838 505.933 6.281 549.667 7.522 256.796 5.102
+1066.997 506.319 6.702 548.966 7.597 257.768 5.289
+1067.155 504.213 6.172 552.159 6.368 246.967 4.176
+1067.313 504.462 7.313 549.431 7.830 250.359 4.743
+1067.471 504.924 7.736 549.684 8.383 258.453 4.571
+1067.629 502.209 7.116 548.876 7.587 253.444 5.832
+1067.786 503.832 6.455 551.718 7.909 254.114 5.685
+1067.943 502.928 6.883 553.797 7.475 247.521 4.896
+1068.101 505.029 6.341 550.238 7.117 249.685 5.412
+1068.260 505.430 7.674 549.712 8.013 256.086 5.977
+1068.417 503.804 6.281 552.237 7.807 250.900 4.984
+1068.576 504.958 6.713 552.682 6.895 244.099 5.465
+1068.734 504.039 6.226 551.146 7.520 250.811 5.388
+1068.893 501.790 8.474 548.761 8.047 257.908 6.091
+1069.050 500.637 6.343 549.747 8.447 250.749 6.933
+1069.207 497.516 6.793 553.947 6.812 248.557 4.640
+1069.366 497.235 6.142 550.559 7.703 259.685 5.342
+1069.524 501.262 6.794 551.075 6.498 257.886 5.769
+1069.683 499.792 9.012 553.170 7.934 244.758 11.965
+1069.839 502.757 7.837 550.551 7.056 249.057 8.349
+1069.996 500.837 6.433 550.665 8.204 257.080 4.829
+1070.155 502.768 6.516 550.826 7.611 252.250 4.920
+1070.313 501.957 7.216 553.978 6.879 250.732 6.879
+1070.470 498.749 5.917 551.809 8.014 247.607 4.979
+1070.628 496.657 7.274 551.808 6.968 254.696 8.804
+1070.786 496.516 8.034 550.028 7.961 262.697 7.125
+1070.942 494.625 6.946 556.400 8.496 242.536 4.737
+1071.099 493.796 8.464 552.974 7.358 240.155 5.457
+1071.257 494.877 7.904 552.619 7.195 258.181 6.284
+1071.415 492.848 6.294 552.076 7.286 257.951 8.827
+1071.573 490.848 6.462 552.510 7.493 242.619 4.495
+1071.731 494.388 7.219 551.565 7.084 253.636 3.963
+1071.888 496.823 6.723 552.165 6.921 255.406 5.014
+1072.046 497.798 6.361 552.941 6.756 251.664 8.618
+1072.202 497.178 7.742 553.459 7.118 243.476 10.796
+1072.359 495.741 6.678 551.684 6.712 250.874 6.532
+1072.516 494.267 6.766 549.596 7.499 263.388 6.324
+1072.675 490.612 6.119 553.806 7.001 252.703 6.096
+1072.832 496.386 6.974 555.658 8.984 242.657 6.848
+1072.990 493.353 12.340 554.046 6.710 257.726 9.373
+1073.147 491.403 8.120 552.940 6.881 256.337 5.541
+1073.305 495.974 6.751 554.119 6.992 250.643 5.750
+1073.462 492.129 6.125 551.161 7.726 251.026 5.957
+1073.621 495.921 7.054 553.271 8.525 245.030 5.461
+1073.779 489.909 7.547 554.722 8.624 248.660 5.687
+1073.936 488.199 6.838 552.477 7.233 252.806 6.488
+1074.094 486.762 7.103 549.954 8.168 254.328 11.388
+1074.252 495.037 7.194 556.849 6.492 259.023 4.820
+1074.411 502.620 9.569 552.578 7.199 259.410 6.733
+1074.567 490.876 10.995 550.425 8.299 247.294 10.946
+1074.725 492.898 7.525 555.494 7.372 247.702 8.644
+1074.881 488.379 7.708 554.725 8.105 243.497 8.290
+1075.039 485.673 10.217 554.337 8.159 255.415 7.439
+1075.196 492.156 5.880 550.943 7.282 262.154 6.735
+1075.354 483.891 9.125 552.769 12.885 254.891 9.033
+1075.510 489.498 7.483 552.107 7.492 249.558 7.308
+1075.667 483.335 8.482 552.221 9.404 248.245 14.163
+1075.823 488.243 9.317 552.042 7.488 252.282 10.694
+1075.981 494.692 7.661 552.460 9.202 259.142 15.455
+1076.137 487.697 8.561 549.014 9.256 260.031 9.153
+1076.294 492.117 7.752 551.680 10.199 246.950 10.274
+1076.451 492.311 8.632 553.066 9.183 243.179 8.633
+1076.607 494.103 7.086 553.920 8.607 250.041 7.064
+1076.765 493.391 10.479 552.859 13.581 252.930 9.616
+1076.922 489.813 7.824 553.188 12.947 254.399 5.389
+1077.079 492.478 7.312 548.201 6.609 263.604 10.797
+1077.236 492.884 8.717 551.422 8.170 250.176 5.583
+1077.394 494.988 7.047 553.724 9.375 246.621 7.664
+1077.551 495.889 6.976 554.327 8.970 247.576 12.042
+1077.709 496.348 7.295 551.213 6.753 255.495 9.321
+1077.865 491.143 6.857 548.922 7.801 245.974 6.921
+1078.023 499.711 6.603 550.099 8.028 250.789 7.897
+1078.181 494.977 6.062 548.821 10.702 258.347 8.963
+1078.338 491.249 8.734 548.958 12.244 245.323 5.807
+1078.495 495.132 8.617 549.979 9.134 240.033 7.237
+1078.653 490.911 12.865 548.039 6.959 255.710 5.176
+1078.812 493.559 10.074 549.870 8.674 265.047 6.812
+1078.970 490.915 8.883 547.418 8.364 263.670 10.023
+1079.128 495.849 8.265 548.014 8.726 248.546 9.316
+1079.284 497.288 8.741 551.880 7.319 244.045 9.384
+1079.440 497.512 8.813 551.848 8.895 248.920 7.423
+1079.597 492.635 8.837 550.938 6.968 246.309 10.201
+1079.754 493.596 7.968 547.759 7.824 255.103 6.813
+1079.912 489.535 8.366 550.777 7.448 256.081 4.814
+1080.070 494.315 8.267 548.887 8.362 259.030 8.101
+1080.228 491.913 7.512 547.878 8.625 246.890 6.655
+1080.385 491.169 9.415 548.858 9.325 258.208 11.497
+1080.542 494.581 9.853 548.698 11.988 250.072 9.404
+1080.700 497.725 8.266 549.257 7.644 243.970 6.568
+1080.856 498.917 6.695 548.952 10.138 247.229 5.981
+1081.014 501.299 6.122 546.939 8.601 252.412 5.068
+1081.173 493.273 6.370 549.669 8.975 252.944 11.649
+1081.331 496.492 7.756 548.996 9.199 246.599 9.752
+1081.488 496.975 7.193 546.770 11.178 255.726 7.478
+1081.645 494.909 6.278 549.267 11.386 256.007 10.587
+1081.805 495.079 10.972 548.492 11.915 253.250 10.931
+1081.962 492.130 7.056 549.384 9.700 246.892 7.398
+1082.119 497.661 7.498 549.323 8.298 253.368 7.136
+1082.276 491.756 8.488 549.293 8.047 253.763 5.941
+1082.433 497.117 7.123 550.013 7.102 250.047 5.501
+1082.592 501.971 6.777 548.390 6.407 256.000 8.812
+1082.749 496.879 6.095 549.313 6.999 246.270 4.004
+1082.907 493.458 5.964 548.053 7.205 245.032 7.658
+1083.064 501.874 6.454 545.870 6.968 251.160 5.715
+1083.222 496.308 8.242 546.748 6.367 255.501 6.043
+1083.379 497.993 7.289 547.427 6.292 256.995 7.517
+1083.538 495.639 6.414 547.924 7.472 248.879 6.283
+1083.695 496.206 7.540 548.209 7.184 245.408 5.441
+1083.853 493.842 6.862 547.392 7.606 249.264 8.354
+1084.010 493.998 6.356 546.834 6.671 251.592 7.377
+1084.168 494.060 7.349 547.568 7.110 254.995 5.553
+1084.327 493.980 7.649 546.605 7.650 258.549 5.991
+1084.485 500.319 13.392 548.276 7.221 248.425 11.675
+1084.642 501.753 9.134 544.892 8.629 243.504 6.930
+1084.798 502.447 7.682 550.519 8.242 240.555 5.886
+1084.956 502.464 7.242 548.125 7.351 249.695 12.055
+1085.113 497.744 7.426 546.281 7.205 251.376 6.321
+1085.270 496.127 6.696 545.632 7.332 255.743 5.039
+1085.428 501.761 8.805 545.986 7.622 254.757 5.755
+1085.585 497.117 9.541 547.019 6.607 244.897 6.951
+1085.742 501.021 9.650 547.310 6.552 249.199 4.200
+1085.901 504.510 7.200 546.403 7.665 260.722 12.716
+1086.058 496.765 6.576 546.894 7.613 246.417 7.044
+1086.215 501.787 5.958 546.868 7.119 248.104 5.030
+1086.373 499.937 7.009 544.968 8.059 249.481 6.072
+1086.530 499.209 6.474 546.559 7.491 248.114 4.802
+1086.687 502.362 6.393 544.385 8.110 252.101 6.020
+1086.846 497.113 7.359 544.893 7.760 258.011 9.087
+1087.003 493.261 7.627 545.389 6.630 248.100 5.295
+1087.161 498.852 6.829 543.793 8.233 250.161 7.323
+1087.318 502.448 8.681 545.238 8.267 253.221 4.921
+1087.474 494.554 7.249 545.292 7.115 248.792 4.389
+1087.632 496.965 6.984 544.442 7.716 246.197 6.796
+1087.789 495.249 7.894 545.404 6.890 246.462 5.502
+1087.946 501.652 6.810 545.964 8.398 248.594 5.501
+1088.104 503.786 6.883 546.479 6.862 252.105 6.481
+1088.262 501.237 6.858 544.534 7.228 250.521 7.601
+1088.418 499.042 6.527 545.585 6.787 251.285 5.242
+1088.576 498.970 10.684 544.415 6.221 247.742 7.978
+1088.733 491.769 7.106 544.004 7.055 251.387 7.173
+1088.891 499.177 10.629 544.400 8.800 256.543 4.646
+1089.048 499.101 6.155 542.314 8.048 250.375 4.674
+1089.206 502.501 8.260 544.843 7.107 250.943 5.207
+1089.363 505.215 7.878 545.768 7.269 251.879 6.550
+1089.521 506.262 6.714 543.957 7.712 241.908 5.875
+1089.678 504.512 9.918 543.689 7.992 253.779 5.295
+1089.836 504.375 7.827 544.726 6.794 249.837 9.203
+1089.992 499.733 9.848 541.747 7.947 255.078 7.583
+1090.149 495.837 7.157 544.207 11.432 241.250 8.912
+1090.306 500.158 6.804 544.112 7.681 250.152 4.888
+1090.464 499.211 6.801 544.341 8.221 254.261 5.649
+1090.622 504.492 7.272 545.113 9.494 245.802 8.767
+1090.778 506.874 8.868 544.151 8.872 248.758 7.704
+1090.935 498.028 8.210 546.461 7.670 256.847 5.986
+1091.093 499.220 8.077 544.684 7.900 250.448 8.496
+1091.248 500.902 7.694 542.896 7.629 252.844 9.444
+1091.405 501.249 19.513 544.489 7.841 237.788 13.606
+1091.561 507.682 10.614 547.104 7.229 251.117 11.280
+1091.718 500.666 8.085 546.361 10.651 245.861 12.738
+1091.875 504.076 14.437 544.093 9.619 244.318 8.649
+1092.031 503.680 10.129 544.420 11.698 258.493 8.208
+1092.188 503.236 7.471 545.474 9.185 255.514 8.516
+1092.345 499.452 9.879 548.764 8.108 237.035 5.268
+1092.502 498.304 8.139 541.607 8.529 251.070 5.218
+1092.659 500.023 10.180 546.846 7.141 252.420 7.396
+1092.817 503.610 12.063 546.668 7.143 244.814 5.071
+1092.975 500.656 8.766 541.296 7.805 249.448 6.973
+1093.132 500.976 7.122 546.573 7.148 261.174 6.537
+1093.291 503.079 7.007 547.555 7.213 249.341 5.796
+1093.448 504.210 7.293 544.215 7.620 238.563 5.603
+1093.606 498.562 8.441 545.652 8.562 246.665 5.465
+1093.763 496.795 8.274 541.286 7.858 263.196 11.766
+1093.921 501.877 8.860 541.002 6.636 252.541 5.267
+1094.078 503.428 7.588 543.800 7.613 243.515 7.622
+1094.235 505.594 6.728 547.648 7.061 255.375 6.468
+1094.393 504.735 7.919 546.986 8.125 251.263 7.389
+1094.550 504.717 9.483 543.559 6.739 247.862 9.060
+1094.707 501.797 6.981 544.755 6.425 244.258 5.429
+1094.866 501.058 6.545 544.987 7.698 259.772 4.716
+1095.024 498.320 7.484 545.759 7.507 256.017 7.015
+1095.182 502.333 8.602 544.887 7.403 247.240 5.410
+1095.340 502.333 8.157 544.818 7.013 241.712 7.754
+1095.496 501.723 6.757 545.008 6.605 250.827 3.919
+1095.654 502.197 5.742 544.420 6.769 250.578 5.513
+1095.812 499.662 7.905 543.784 7.629 254.465 7.170
+1095.969 502.756 6.447 545.217 6.553 251.694 4.395
+1096.127 499.587 5.812 543.512 6.873 253.336 4.760
+1096.285 500.735 6.612 545.375 7.500 245.473 5.249
+1096.443 499.027 7.912 544.123 8.376 257.184 5.748
+1096.601 502.300 11.434 545.981 9.491 253.811 8.603
+1096.757 499.963 7.118 543.989 6.543 249.088 3.824
+1096.914 504.659 7.928 544.580 6.350 249.670 5.046
+1097.072 500.046 6.938 545.465 6.884 255.046 5.981
+1097.230 500.750 6.614 544.944 6.839 253.760 6.205
+1097.388 502.857 8.795 544.679 8.193 251.267 5.954
+1097.546 498.818 6.276 544.186 6.676 251.362 4.724
+1097.703 498.508 9.923 544.581 7.773 250.683 8.430
+1097.860 500.465 9.766 543.285 7.184 247.736 5.205
+1098.018 501.174 6.654 545.062 7.571 253.677 6.472
+1098.175 498.591 6.338 546.310 7.153 249.236 6.788
+1098.334 502.115 6.769 544.843 6.581 254.152 5.213
+1098.492 504.151 8.372 543.558 7.259 249.791 5.766
+1098.649 499.511 7.110 544.105 6.941 246.607 6.625
+1098.807 500.845 7.695 543.961 7.419 253.706 5.490
+1098.965 496.868 7.310 544.919 7.368 251.127 7.716
+1099.122 501.878 9.491 543.389 7.605 252.761 8.238
+1099.279 501.508 10.279 543.303 6.832 242.417 14.882
+1099.436 502.715 6.902 543.743 6.650 250.494 5.658
+1099.593 502.847 6.772 544.407 8.397 252.144 6.911
+1099.751 502.308 7.865 545.174 7.301 251.311 6.058
+1099.909 499.393 6.436 545.471 6.873 245.263 4.697
+1100.066 501.123 7.104 544.564 6.985 254.962 9.359
+1100.224 503.161 8.189 543.555 8.070 254.679 7.202
+1100.379 502.971 9.022 544.545 6.812 247.136 5.450
+1100.537 501.879 8.083 545.555 6.114 253.501 13.869
+1100.694 500.638 8.124 544.915 8.812 250.735 5.048
+1100.851 501.146 7.240 544.379 6.564 251.667 7.219
+1101.008 498.111 7.678 543.873 6.280 254.526 4.027
+1101.166 498.801 6.228 544.368 6.653 253.045 5.372
+1101.324 503.648 5.918 545.033 6.146 249.550 4.554
+1101.482 508.056 6.185 545.040 7.806 250.145 7.500
+1101.640 499.990 6.347 545.260 6.411 252.891 4.063
+1101.798 500.289 6.169 542.702 7.078 251.308 4.207
+1101.956 498.552 9.104 542.907 8.243 246.053 4.252
+1102.113 499.635 8.234 544.189 6.804 253.770 3.718
+1102.270 498.476 8.295 545.331 8.364 249.197 7.057
+1102.426 502.414 7.005 543.743 8.246 246.312 6.365
+1102.583 501.814 6.609 544.907 6.682 250.343 4.480
+1102.741 498.778 8.991 544.729 7.318 250.913 8.277
+1102.897 499.937 8.211 544.017 7.565 246.069 5.259
+1103.055 502.939 7.209 544.510 7.634 252.410 6.467
+1103.213 501.199 6.451 545.275 8.166 253.834 6.406
+1103.370 498.832 7.473 543.022 7.062 238.538 4.741
+1103.527 497.698 8.342 545.010 7.963 245.275 7.635
+1103.685 498.277 6.048 543.390 7.202 260.422 6.078
+1103.843 496.492 9.107 544.533 7.219 253.204 5.186
+1104.000 503.014 6.923 543.445 7.827 249.042 6.560
+1104.158 501.210 6.608 547.104 7.008 239.600 5.490
+1104.315 501.762 10.359 545.011 9.750 257.006 8.214
+1104.473 502.317 7.732 544.480 8.483 264.920 5.102
+1104.631 499.203 7.237 543.474 6.509 254.619 5.466
+1104.789 498.252 7.726 544.604 7.632 245.146 5.244
+1104.947 501.012 7.772 547.346 7.083 245.501 5.920
+1105.105 500.630 6.409 544.483 8.402 257.115 6.701
+1105.263 502.256 6.646 544.664 8.682 254.921 7.055
+1105.421 503.672 7.335 545.106 7.458 238.299 8.403
+1105.578 502.066 6.532 545.071 6.565 250.653 4.356
+1105.735 499.620 11.971 543.750 8.337 252.416 7.946
+1105.892 498.206 8.898 541.447 8.019 254.324 10.155
+1106.048 502.652 9.446 542.154 7.973 251.893 5.381
+1106.205 504.316 9.480 545.761 7.325 253.598 6.232
+1106.363 503.383 7.820 544.207 9.585 239.226 7.955
+1106.519 498.563 7.247 543.102 9.319 244.682 6.186
+1106.677 499.215 6.775 543.701 6.230 262.046 3.669
+1106.836 500.072 6.438 543.487 7.694 250.490 5.319
+1106.993 496.320 9.402 545.094 8.415 248.384 8.146
+1107.149 500.603 10.165 542.771 6.926 247.903 8.087
+1107.306 504.246 8.350 545.797 7.323 249.549 6.037
+1107.464 501.062 7.143 543.658 8.016 248.505 4.894
+1107.621 498.260 7.046 541.156 7.668 256.555 6.229
+1107.780 500.472 6.415 544.321 6.556 252.785 6.271
+1107.938 499.894 6.657 542.883 8.974 246.937 4.746
+1108.096 502.819 6.702 543.188 7.046 255.169 6.181
+1108.254 501.128 7.456 542.361 6.400 253.931 4.693
+1108.412 505.161 6.557 542.863 8.880 254.389 8.409
+1108.569 502.351 6.303 542.838 6.792 248.823 6.155
+1108.727 501.663 6.714 541.698 7.194 249.528 4.172
+1108.884 509.746 8.005 544.697 7.717 250.685 5.169
+1109.043 507.767 7.389 543.057 7.077 258.316 4.671
+1109.200 503.467 7.062 544.960 8.829 246.143 5.221
+1109.358 502.264 6.804 544.109 8.132 246.961 10.101
+1109.515 508.672 6.088 543.871 6.738 258.699 4.694
+1109.674 494.056 8.285 542.498 7.504 249.427 11.869
+1109.831 510.150 6.671 544.625 6.234 252.724 3.934
+1109.989 510.671 6.509 545.036 6.061 247.307 6.836
+1110.146 506.036 6.654 548.180 7.013 244.603 4.373
+1110.304 508.280 7.082 543.341 6.713 254.806 4.365
+1110.462 509.922 7.728 544.683 7.377 255.108 5.093
+1110.620 509.459 8.695 548.166 7.491 242.021 6.270
+1110.778 526.734 11.953 545.411 9.177 244.160 13.970
+1110.934 505.637 9.060 544.544 8.008 247.701 8.834
+1111.090 509.496 6.136 540.825 8.990 249.707 7.028
+1111.248 512.095 8.628 548.808 10.685 244.247 6.437
+1111.406 512.391 6.581 542.658 9.839 257.272 7.174
+1111.563 509.864 7.887 541.646 9.526 251.982 6.503
+1111.721 514.068 9.995 547.266 7.254 251.499 8.573
+1111.877 514.840 9.358 544.442 7.885 240.025 6.427
+1112.034 512.788 8.472 548.154 8.483 246.060 7.568
+1112.191 524.167 13.231 543.861 10.966 244.210 13.569
+1112.349 511.921 13.468 543.298 10.518 234.292 18.006
+1112.505 521.919 8.777 547.463 11.678 250.512 7.389
+1112.662 511.469 10.162 543.904 10.465 254.835 9.320
+1112.820 512.944 8.025 542.359 9.233 269.408 10.026
+1112.977 510.029 7.313 544.913 7.648 248.754 12.740
+1113.134 505.120 6.616 544.489 11.347 242.097 10.122
+1113.292 508.131 14.813 548.854 8.418 238.100 11.830
+1113.448 514.051 6.812 544.858 8.186 235.661 6.444
+1113.606 519.780 6.590 544.348 8.219 257.846 5.163
+1113.765 513.067 7.907 542.153 6.811 264.368 6.413
+1113.923 503.130 6.742 549.301 7.803 245.553 6.501
+1114.081 514.681 8.621 545.873 7.859 241.835 6.433
+1114.237 518.276 8.201 542.638 7.185 246.298 4.362
+1114.394 519.062 8.107 538.896 9.004 250.062 6.383
+1114.551 517.800 10.957 542.639 8.006 249.790 5.007
+1114.708 515.408 7.715 544.996 7.971 245.077 6.467
+1114.866 515.344 7.749 548.120 7.262 254.020 6.205
+1115.025 519.503 11.602 544.591 8.576 260.860 7.637
+1115.182 514.245 5.947 543.496 7.756 240.918 5.607
+1115.340 517.192 7.361 545.485 8.453 230.149 5.565
+1115.498 519.311 7.639 546.044 8.578 246.931 8.456
+1115.655 512.403 6.982 542.590 9.260 244.659 7.534
+1115.812 514.034 7.817 541.936 7.644 256.236 8.788
+1115.970 514.600 7.516 545.509 8.748 252.062 5.663
+1116.128 512.126 9.141 546.015 8.014 242.310 11.444
+1116.285 509.851 9.127 546.280 9.089 255.263 8.153
+1116.443 508.388 6.049 544.532 7.196 247.942 4.797
+1116.600 515.623 8.214 546.195 8.440 246.039 5.199
+1116.758 518.286 7.304 545.612 7.886 246.660 5.471
+1116.916 517.412 7.397 543.766 7.088 252.346 6.653
+1117.073 517.214 7.913 546.277 8.859 245.213 6.329
+1117.230 515.732 6.651 544.122 7.814 245.022 14.003
+1117.387 510.007 7.101 547.021 8.095 248.780 10.570
+1117.544 514.340 10.064 546.150 8.017 249.617 8.423
+1117.701 516.213 7.545 546.091 9.913 251.636 9.910
+1117.859 516.032 8.275 545.900 6.788 243.886 5.217
+1118.017 513.100 8.536 541.559 7.709 250.968 5.551
+1118.175 521.901 7.031 544.345 8.285 254.649 8.240
+1118.333 516.249 8.199 541.683 9.358 253.946 7.807
+1118.490 512.192 6.711 543.236 6.811 246.419 7.633
+1118.647 514.611 7.608 544.852 8.205 239.614 6.739
+1118.804 522.396 10.287 544.428 8.615 252.406 8.325
+1118.961 516.704 9.909 544.204 7.542 256.464 6.389
+1119.119 510.807 10.647 544.922 8.282 244.394 7.785
+1119.276 510.278 7.912 543.109 9.526 252.043 6.408
+1119.433 503.502 9.210 547.061 7.911 247.150 6.331
+1119.589 504.725 7.548 541.320 8.148 243.171 7.749
+1119.746 509.587 9.614 544.193 8.066 253.371 7.393
+1119.904 517.875 7.807 543.292 7.907 262.953 6.246
+1120.062 517.858 8.571 544.712 7.069 246.519 4.799
+1120.220 511.538 11.391 547.967 7.871 246.185 6.357
+1120.377 506.385 6.903 545.669 7.603 243.551 5.846
+1120.535 511.433 6.432 543.446 7.605 246.035 8.450
+1120.692 509.414 7.648 541.974 7.515 249.950 5.702
+1120.849 511.494 8.516 546.319 9.634 249.219 8.971
+1121.007 508.644 8.609 543.663 6.997 248.172 8.980
+1121.164 516.516 8.910 544.206 8.464 241.761 8.595
+1121.320 522.685 9.857 544.392 8.918 250.597 7.604
+1121.477 514.726 8.572 544.064 8.460 266.386 9.614
+1121.635 517.257 10.270 547.920 6.986 240.063 10.092
+1121.792 519.162 8.947 546.019 8.810 245.180 5.730
+1121.950 516.671 13.367 544.520 7.586 248.441 7.092
+1122.107 508.326 7.861 542.725 7.709 250.764 9.749
+1122.264 514.793 9.643 541.597 8.423 258.617 6.859
+1122.421 508.338 7.476 542.796 7.007 248.806 6.816
+1122.579 507.103 11.760 543.408 9.134 256.908 6.391
+1122.736 517.951 11.550 546.614 8.233 233.559 9.008
+1122.894 531.459 9.886 543.766 9.483 262.545 6.615
+1123.051 532.184 15.398 540.807 12.014 265.835 20.000
+1123.208 511.731 18.399 544.218 11.217 229.488 21.902
+1123.364 517.907 14.245 543.772 7.828 235.944 6.019
+1123.523 506.899 7.354 540.967 8.280 263.329 10.179
+1123.681 506.599 15.989 543.429 8.673 256.773 10.657
+1123.837 523.226 9.497 539.504 9.746 256.117 11.463
+1123.994 513.992 13.560 546.645 9.315 240.821 8.344
+1124.151 507.669 11.924 545.526 8.559 244.268 9.129
+1124.308 522.706 11.484 539.805 13.071 244.082 15.383
+1124.465 513.717 13.259 544.728 9.465 252.170 9.980
+1124.622 503.787 7.619 542.787 9.749 256.721 9.492
+1124.779 510.267 8.522 540.697 7.624 251.487 8.197
+1124.935 519.762 8.468 544.037 9.319 237.884 8.745
+1125.091 527.407 9.035 545.070 6.970 252.798 5.338
+1125.250 516.934 9.648 544.390 6.951 251.318 10.987
+1125.408 506.939 9.646 539.454 7.343 244.463 10.263
+1125.564 527.259 10.817 545.504 7.465 248.314 13.386
+1125.721 513.192 7.731 540.875 6.568 245.833 8.107
+1125.878 511.361 7.066 539.808 8.239 249.458 4.982
+1126.036 519.693 7.989 538.738 7.681 253.324 10.096
+1126.193 512.247 11.737 542.127 7.643 249.513 8.191
+1126.350 520.032 10.650 541.341 7.397 247.955 7.904
+1126.507 515.000 10.702 541.563 9.116 243.739 12.957
+1126.664 518.780 12.772 541.975 7.075 241.667 11.186
+1126.822 521.637 9.422 541.319 7.614 248.246 6.889
+1126.979 512.986 7.078 545.123 6.810 249.772 7.146
+1127.137 521.019 10.757 541.981 7.043 248.857 8.281
+1127.294 513.250 8.188 540.199 8.662 241.298 9.335
+1127.450 509.412 8.147 543.322 7.457 232.873 11.565
+1127.607 522.434 16.555 542.863 8.889 257.868 16.726
+1127.763 519.304 11.761 543.208 6.640 251.618 6.618
+1127.921 518.173 8.800 542.002 6.891 251.986 6.572
+1128.078 522.771 7.361 542.320 7.034 243.989 9.134
+1128.235 515.977 9.690 545.863 7.725 232.829 6.298
+1128.393 520.009 19.755 544.648 8.609 249.858 26.731
+1128.549 518.410 10.626 538.686 10.715 260.408 16.427
+1128.706 505.314 7.741 540.286 8.528 257.704 7.807
+1128.863 519.053 9.993 539.812 8.164 248.517 11.268
+1129.020 516.130 10.987 544.308 11.772 243.325 15.689
+1129.177 517.351 13.589 545.013 9.022 259.683 11.231
+1129.335 517.903 13.088 543.300 8.757 258.096 8.554
+1129.492 510.149 25.434 546.153 13.568 236.000 20.575
+1129.647 500.711 19.279 543.391 11.331 233.460 15.378
+1129.802 526.977 12.584 540.584 9.649 255.324 13.352
+1129.959 523.999 15.725 543.255 9.377 249.303 10.532
+1130.115 522.710 9.367 543.012 7.728 244.043 12.073
+1130.272 515.707 10.728 542.380 6.491 238.330 5.756
+1130.430 507.007 16.051 542.493 7.362 230.513 8.893
+1130.585 522.000 8.571 544.014 7.506 252.655 8.307
+1130.742 518.870 7.777 538.610 6.363 262.506 5.265
+1130.901 515.718 6.303 544.426 6.182 256.035 3.989
+1131.061 519.307 8.788 545.334 8.421 237.830 14.817
+1131.217 526.603 7.693 546.133 7.118 233.508 8.943
+1131.373 528.526 7.223 546.651 6.985 247.265 5.281
+1131.532 523.675 9.212 540.326 7.427 262.902 8.353
+1131.690 511.966 8.062 543.853 8.131 249.089 5.500
+1131.847 514.279 7.148 542.778 7.800 247.890 6.221
+1132.005 516.252 9.488 542.587 8.069 252.588 9.181
+1132.161 515.652 7.556 543.515 8.448 248.275 6.437
+1132.318 523.316 6.973 541.595 7.080 250.222 7.992
+1132.476 511.053 9.201 539.956 9.013 246.612 8.386
+1132.632 516.160 15.886 541.189 14.128 247.476 8.374
+1132.787 516.261 13.568 541.511 7.443 245.614 7.203
+1132.944 518.652 10.814 540.825 7.597 248.356 5.841
+1133.102 520.136 10.116 539.538 10.195 245.963 15.153
+1133.260 521.261 8.657 541.695 7.703 245.899 11.417
+1133.417 515.062 9.560 546.297 9.143 244.819 7.132
+1133.574 516.420 12.476 542.353 8.280 252.678 12.116
+1133.731 515.754 11.257 538.743 8.386 256.926 5.621
+1133.890 515.877 10.660 543.157 6.682 242.299 9.144
+1134.047 522.538 11.072 542.441 9.404 243.773 12.432
+1134.204 513.745 7.831 541.644 6.596 250.387 10.152
+1134.361 510.057 9.450 538.636 6.856 245.213 15.491
+1134.518 518.420 7.603 543.646 8.895 252.872 6.423
+1134.675 509.134 7.838 539.216 7.494 243.348 7.957
+1134.831 511.441 6.885 543.022 7.172 248.693 9.900
+1134.988 509.214 8.303 541.810 6.911 251.466 6.164
+1135.145 509.052 6.250 541.038 6.903 252.254 5.993
+1135.303 512.530 6.203 538.920 6.574 248.102 7.975
+1135.461 510.775 6.492 538.869 6.818 243.121 4.035
+1135.619 505.877 9.313 541.778 7.134 250.571 7.988
+1135.776 501.828 12.600 537.217 8.516 253.765 9.006
+1135.933 511.298 14.181 536.852 9.048 252.307 11.522
+1136.089 503.143 7.343 543.948 9.043 243.093 5.775
+1136.246 505.961 7.274 537.059 8.003 245.380 6.848
+1136.403 500.989 9.501 543.840 8.483 249.013 4.554
+1136.562 506.979 12.939 535.178 14.002 256.770 9.442
+1136.719 500.369 8.736 539.521 7.343 255.587 4.362
+1136.876 496.333 8.246 539.775 7.770 234.625 7.986
+1137.033 498.793 10.004 545.017 9.812 249.416 11.226
+1137.191 506.417 8.874 544.410 8.174 263.354 5.039
+1137.348 499.624 7.676 542.104 7.037 250.033 5.691
+1137.505 502.216 9.029 541.271 8.040 244.120 5.372
+1137.662 498.792 8.395 541.602 8.192 249.471 5.636
+1137.819 500.637 7.248 541.746 7.802 246.424 5.333
+1137.976 503.116 6.897 539.917 6.734 249.174 8.946
+1138.133 500.601 8.033 542.479 7.551 250.701 6.037
+1138.290 504.006 7.920 540.624 6.442 243.897 8.467
+1138.447 501.540 6.536 539.406 6.989 251.298 5.680
+1138.605 502.945 10.193 539.734 7.142 251.243 6.388
+1138.764 495.619 7.314 540.607 7.296 258.892 7.426
+1138.921 497.506 6.656 540.596 6.321 251.438 8.645
+1139.078 502.795 6.051 540.716 6.519 251.804 9.488
+1139.236 503.157 7.928 541.257 8.109 245.198 10.215
+1139.392 503.721 7.061 538.342 7.919 246.212 5.989
+1139.550 497.727 6.504 540.453 6.588 246.012 5.992
+1139.708 496.677 7.576 540.634 7.340 251.720 6.729
+1139.866 503.966 7.309 539.986 6.364 262.257 7.058
+1140.024 497.079 7.745 540.989 7.005 248.372 6.484
+1140.181 499.190 7.778 541.279 7.751 250.743 6.414
+1140.339 498.661 9.431 540.082 8.445 249.777 7.035
+1140.496 494.226 7.228 542.180 7.330 250.707 5.704
+1140.655 502.502 6.759 540.651 6.213 264.917 6.355
+1140.813 493.515 9.137 543.196 6.919 242.319 14.065
+1140.969 491.995 6.183 541.612 7.663 245.913 8.474
+1141.127 499.280 8.748 543.886 6.502 248.979 7.581
+1141.284 495.702 6.555 543.428 6.444 250.749 4.944
+1141.442 496.467 6.670 543.534 6.610 255.117 4.932
+1141.599 496.904 10.879 543.885 6.132 247.491 6.974
+1141.757 497.439 6.657 541.048 6.660 247.374 5.956
+1141.914 497.284 10.117 540.720 8.041 252.893 5.374
+1142.072 495.152 8.353 546.067 6.763 254.248 4.363
+1142.229 498.371 11.740 543.100 7.431 245.312 4.020
+1142.386 491.853 8.988 542.751 6.444 250.683 4.161
+1142.543 502.468 5.754 542.107 6.399 256.126 4.641
+1142.702 499.004 9.891 541.861 7.080 254.071 11.878
+1142.859 494.940 8.286 542.118 6.152 247.940 5.302
+1143.017 499.799 8.057 542.891 7.376 252.569 4.620
+1143.174 500.688 6.354 545.259 7.103 249.935 6.141
+1143.332 501.446 6.625 541.192 7.176 253.759 7.858
+1143.489 494.734 7.373 541.561 6.848 251.117 9.278
+1143.646 496.027 8.113 541.765 6.943 247.171 5.693
+1143.804 503.540 7.923 542.307 6.333 254.191 6.183
+1143.961 499.335 6.367 541.213 6.670 250.861 6.138
+1144.119 498.873 6.903 541.222 6.159 250.738 5.301
+1144.277 501.428 9.328 543.332 7.900 245.167 6.042
+1144.433 503.744 6.878 542.233 6.892 249.121 7.330
+1144.591 500.497 7.931 541.942 8.059 254.091 5.616
+1144.748 496.705 8.588 542.619 7.320 250.370 6.605
+1144.904 501.497 7.619 541.706 7.440 249.453 4.662
+1145.061 504.035 6.697 543.187 6.323 250.934 4.823
+1145.219 501.860 7.367 542.461 7.353 250.799 4.870
+1145.376 499.838 6.282 541.304 5.816 252.028 3.635
+1145.535 496.558 5.850 542.103 6.478 253.910 3.869
+1145.693 499.215 6.192 542.701 6.904 246.219 5.340
+1145.851 500.642 7.892 541.747 6.416 254.192 12.625
+1146.007 500.486 7.577 542.047 6.201 248.431 9.411
+1146.164 503.604 6.759 542.470 6.221 247.934 5.460
+1146.322 502.076 7.413 542.264 6.110 249.549 5.663
+1146.479 499.380 6.398 542.632 6.408 249.285 4.270
+1146.638 501.733 6.358 542.316 6.161 255.802 4.737
+1146.795 499.807 6.497 541.673 6.499 248.028 4.928
+1146.953 504.428 7.442 543.546 6.946 248.730 5.151
+1147.111 497.284 7.011 542.515 7.346 244.687 5.812
+1147.268 503.922 8.174 541.025 7.365 256.766 6.334
+1147.426 501.479 6.560 542.400 6.539 247.487 4.695
+1147.584 499.994 7.621 540.114 6.821 255.254 7.406
+1147.741 503.809 7.757 541.321 7.043 250.552 6.412
+1147.899 497.888 6.802 541.673 7.059 243.825 6.225
+1148.058 500.578 5.715 540.746 6.539 260.558 5.172
+1148.217 501.615 7.900 541.577 6.473 249.685 10.060
+1148.373 502.646 10.814 541.975 6.440 249.256 8.299
+1148.531 502.856 8.011 541.769 6.294 245.102 10.913
+1148.688 499.448 8.537 541.547 6.580 249.951 4.404
+1148.846 502.504 6.175 542.055 6.318 243.219 6.912
+1149.003 505.335 6.568 540.210 7.408 251.302 4.446
+1149.161 501.303 7.411 541.782 6.929 254.173 10.330
+1149.318 502.213 6.653 542.907 6.686 237.961 5.173
+1149.477 496.472 7.257 540.999 6.128 249.139 7.800
+1149.635 499.754 6.713 541.090 6.604 258.321 6.579
+1149.792 502.787 6.642 541.331 6.346 249.373 4.120
+1149.950 498.347 7.299 540.583 6.422 243.763 7.936
+1150.107 503.683 8.738 538.465 6.864 254.117 6.180
+1150.265 503.916 6.520 543.764 6.114 254.161 5.354
+1150.423 498.809 6.114 542.257 6.133 240.371 4.280
+1150.582 500.298 6.730 539.252 6.714 255.603 5.039
+1150.741 503.143 6.034 541.372 6.903 258.596 5.474
+1150.899 500.991 7.890 541.683 6.060 251.866 4.336
+1151.057 495.589 8.745 542.296 7.393 234.948 6.642
+1151.214 501.635 8.702 542.683 6.429 257.199 8.982
+1151.372 500.946 8.297 541.476 7.245 255.162 6.640
+1151.529 497.889 7.982 537.684 6.673 244.061 7.565
+1151.686 499.098 7.335 541.046 6.588 246.620 4.903
+1151.843 499.511 6.313 542.220 6.221 251.256 4.306
+1152.000 500.655 5.718 543.092 6.156 255.602 4.560
+1152.159 504.106 5.803 538.991 6.669 255.436 4.379
+1152.317 499.411 7.255 543.109 6.225 253.904 9.411
+1152.475 502.194 5.970 543.651 6.293 233.779 7.020
+1152.632 502.422 7.451 541.796 6.729 244.807 9.605
+1152.789 505.304 11.559 538.978 10.946 264.878 12.846
+1152.947 504.043 7.294 541.149 7.018 260.068 5.289
+1153.106 497.610 6.171 539.471 6.079 244.420 4.041
+1153.264 504.326 8.678 542.154 6.364 247.514 5.222
+1153.422 499.563 9.305 541.331 6.271 254.165 5.232
+1153.580 496.975 6.503 539.823 6.531 252.851 8.029
+1153.737 501.889 7.551 540.148 6.467 254.568 9.152
+1153.896 504.328 6.474 542.481 6.827 241.955 4.731
+1154.053 499.473 7.708 541.874 5.937 250.189 4.533
+1154.211 502.264 6.556 538.368 6.427 252.951 5.545
+1154.369 499.542 5.858 540.343 6.064 252.869 4.539
+1154.528 498.475 6.769 541.393 6.654 251.358 6.090
+1154.685 499.154 6.590 539.853 6.488 243.643 4.570
+1154.843 500.601 6.108 540.248 6.390 257.006 6.797
+1155.001 499.746 7.498 542.662 6.141 253.740 4.930
+1155.159 498.367 5.668 541.046 6.908 248.857 7.371
+1155.317 501.633 6.720 540.710 5.993 249.558 5.978
+1155.475 502.356 5.755 542.097 5.775 256.655 3.755
+1155.633 498.423 6.388 540.391 5.944 248.846 4.222
+1155.791 499.854 6.209 541.314 6.083 248.378 6.585
+1155.949 500.508 6.546 543.063 5.977 246.553 8.312
+1156.106 499.865 5.918 541.670 6.116 253.055 5.093
+1156.264 495.278 5.916 540.696 6.648 250.290 5.995
+1156.422 501.322 9.802 542.377 6.422 252.642 8.346
+1156.578 501.603 7.167 542.743 7.093 254.356 7.660
+1156.735 497.866 6.301 541.957 6.332 246.383 4.047
+1156.894 506.508 5.823 540.199 6.187 250.233 4.909
+1157.052 502.555 8.401 540.182 8.551 253.572 4.663
+1157.209 502.185 8.672 542.321 6.430 237.885 7.577
+1157.365 500.761 7.566 540.603 7.172 237.228 6.899
+1157.524 499.677 6.827 536.786 10.571 273.972 6.671
+1157.682 500.456 7.623 540.927 7.195 260.969 7.091
+1157.840 502.194 7.308 540.569 5.915 248.729 3.928
+1157.998 499.161 5.699 542.165 5.872 242.567 3.828
+1158.156 502.381 6.297 542.381 6.692 254.995 4.419
+1158.315 499.463 6.145 541.413 6.895 251.789 3.790
+1158.473 503.244 6.929 537.624 6.085 256.327 4.011
+1158.631 500.472 5.895 542.046 6.040 249.733 5.762
+1158.788 499.044 6.978 542.560 6.978 242.967 5.125
+1158.946 499.770 6.561 541.655 6.555 257.129 5.465
+1159.105 502.937 6.082 539.876 5.767 254.041 4.233
+1159.263 500.149 6.387 541.318 6.133 247.520 5.230
+1159.421 499.791 6.068 541.093 6.008 244.565 3.811
+1159.579 500.927 5.737 541.460 6.573 251.945 3.618
+1159.738 493.729 6.311 541.834 5.961 251.169 5.218
+1159.896 490.567 6.831 539.828 6.385 251.591 5.468
+1160.055 491.385 7.987 540.748 6.791 256.475 6.208
+1160.212 490.333 7.130 537.977 6.406 254.534 7.203
+1160.369 490.193 5.738 541.889 6.199 249.705 4.618
+1160.527 496.722 5.914 541.108 6.182 248.097 4.730
+1160.685 492.827 11.285 540.371 7.634 243.010 15.110
+1160.841 491.058 14.794 541.013 12.817 241.340 12.790
+1160.998 493.420 10.818 544.320 6.872 249.503 8.358
+1161.155 491.324 8.464 541.493 7.444 253.805 10.208
+1161.312 489.193 6.994 540.475 6.994 250.858 6.348
+1161.470 488.711 7.317 541.734 7.445 252.458 5.182
+1161.629 483.707 6.242 540.907 6.407 252.634 9.409
+1161.786 493.527 15.398 539.849 7.672 262.996 16.411
+1161.942 504.985 7.148 542.048 6.155 254.829 9.802
+1162.100 498.029 9.261 543.290 8.216 248.308 9.049
+1162.256 496.470 6.523 539.533 6.358 253.073 6.496
+1162.414 502.254 9.172 539.895 7.704 260.620 5.267
+1162.572 503.732 7.646 544.049 6.933 231.036 5.841
+1162.730 499.487 10.077 541.730 7.085 242.240 4.637
+1162.888 494.854 9.191 537.547 8.448 259.552 7.866
+1163.045 501.338 8.646 539.845 8.733 250.005 13.486
+1163.201 493.523 9.280 542.318 8.633 252.790 9.091
+1163.357 497.825 6.887 539.153 6.536 251.237 10.469
+1163.515 498.298 9.302 542.061 6.959 239.812 5.357
+1163.672 501.153 6.843 541.770 6.024 249.008 7.655
+1163.830 499.571 6.727 540.137 8.431 258.660 8.761
+1163.987 492.895 9.879 541.481 8.911 246.016 8.009
+1164.143 506.019 8.322 542.274 6.105 249.240 8.736
+1164.300 512.220 6.907 542.952 7.268 257.052 6.922
+1164.458 503.382 9.712 541.969 10.578 246.860 16.585
+1164.614 494.353 13.288 541.059 10.588 237.508 10.210
+1164.772 497.873 11.608 540.160 7.923 267.545 7.548
+1164.930 497.008 7.239 541.081 7.127 260.305 8.000
+1165.086 505.590 13.988 541.100 9.096 248.473 9.212
+1165.242 499.135 6.715 539.461 7.109 249.204 6.498
+1165.399 494.091 9.871 538.164 7.890 248.452 8.649
+1165.554 500.430 7.417 539.311 7.580 251.784 5.758
+1165.712 505.794 8.128 541.073 7.423 260.727 5.882
+1165.870 502.277 9.135 539.620 8.294 257.217 7.048
+1166.026 499.882 7.693 541.876 6.122 232.332 6.657
+1166.184 496.438 9.333 540.438 7.106 252.553 8.209
+1166.341 490.034 7.331 541.244 7.120 251.735 6.794
+1166.499 503.680 8.771 538.992 7.093 261.197 6.826
+1166.658 505.966 8.535 541.280 7.485 260.912 6.803
+1166.815 509.329 7.558 545.272 6.893 244.679 6.289
+1166.972 512.323 7.834 542.122 8.243 249.616 8.998
+1167.129 506.203 11.109 542.631 6.946 248.786 14.314
+1167.286 513.142 12.922 541.736 9.311 251.957 17.055
+1167.442 507.431 7.234 540.707 6.762 247.949 8.711
+1167.599 503.584 6.682 539.067 6.345 247.999 5.581
+1167.756 510.205 10.185 538.800 7.064 251.780 5.236
+1167.915 514.142 9.199 541.268 6.557 250.647 5.913
+1168.073 510.251 6.593 542.522 7.124 250.586 5.794
+1168.229 510.632 9.985 541.895 7.255 246.725 4.863
+1168.387 514.316 7.875 542.849 6.556 244.637 5.977
+1168.544 518.533 10.003 540.778 7.641 251.076 6.870
+1168.701 520.635 7.875 541.277 7.556 243.090 5.444
+1168.858 518.576 9.423 542.652 9.520 240.990 6.241
+1169.015 506.785 8.045 541.476 8.112 252.839 7.143
+1169.172 503.437 8.902 539.534 7.230 259.248 5.947
+1169.329 500.694 8.324 538.035 6.696 252.102 6.205
+1169.487 507.066 6.793 538.340 6.235 266.441 6.819
+1169.646 501.590 9.100 539.453 6.542 258.354 9.571
+1169.803 511.495 7.815 538.494 7.321 247.773 5.494
+1169.960 510.394 9.619 541.905 7.014 251.277 6.371
+1170.118 511.064 8.448 540.639 7.747 250.252 6.302
+1170.275 501.330 6.765 540.646 7.047 242.962 8.093
+1170.432 498.973 7.763 538.956 7.511 244.839 7.255
+1170.588 499.559 6.958 540.739 7.257 251.228 8.503
+1170.745 502.185 7.465 539.667 6.671 254.852 4.625
+1170.903 499.101 7.851 538.966 7.486 254.058 6.440
+1171.060 500.741 6.592 543.279 6.535 236.890 6.146
+1171.218 504.947 8.608 540.812 8.228 245.938 8.672
+1171.375 502.509 6.609 540.008 7.357 255.789 4.075
+1171.533 504.335 7.239 539.880 5.891 255.367 3.918
+1171.690 502.123 6.911 539.348 7.772 248.693 5.071
+1171.848 500.511 7.737 540.303 8.635 244.626 4.382
+1172.006 503.705 7.577 538.953 6.889 260.866 6.089
+1172.164 506.747 7.459 540.279 6.770 248.668 5.596
+1172.321 502.167 7.526 541.202 8.132 245.656 5.746
+1172.478 499.001 5.777 540.312 6.305 243.026 4.675
+1172.637 503.010 7.730 539.623 6.531 258.220 4.813
+1172.795 498.180 9.586 540.416 8.290 248.952 9.334
+1172.953 497.981 6.108 540.554 8.565 254.739 8.147
+1173.110 499.209 8.354 541.085 8.730 240.537 8.026
+1173.266 504.152 10.085 540.370 7.725 247.935 11.267
+1173.424 501.601 8.981 537.843 8.570 258.149 7.622
+1173.581 503.476 9.234 540.568 7.512 252.131 6.308
+1173.738 502.374 8.606 540.445 8.556 246.251 7.249
+1173.895 500.613 5.978 540.334 8.375 255.092 5.770
+1174.053 501.806 6.401 539.533 6.550 248.000 6.341
+1174.212 500.408 7.723 541.355 6.602 256.980 5.832
+1174.370 497.494 6.020 539.553 8.574 246.489 5.135
+1174.528 498.715 11.252 538.925 12.592 247.884 10.017
+1174.685 507.217 8.914 542.609 9.868 256.498 8.391
+1174.842 501.342 6.378 540.336 8.567 248.095 5.474
+1175.000 500.263 8.498 540.443 7.344 252.840 8.233
+1175.157 501.192 6.446 538.864 7.999 251.528 5.750
+1175.314 502.472 5.965 540.988 6.786 252.975 4.937
+1175.472 499.774 5.731 539.199 6.027 252.739 3.795
+1175.630 499.807 5.867 540.272 6.249 248.247 3.697
+1175.789 503.668 6.919 538.792 6.551 251.742 4.518
+1175.947 501.136 8.500 540.408 6.086 251.637 9.193
+1176.103 499.611 7.659 539.254 7.126 248.086 6.737
+1176.261 500.666 7.232 541.412 6.455 246.190 4.953
+1176.419 501.786 6.235 541.914 6.150 248.081 3.838
+1176.578 501.777 6.313 541.029 7.386 254.350 5.089
+1176.736 500.117 6.787 538.420 6.192 247.463 5.113
+1176.894 498.591 6.581 542.464 7.424 245.764 4.767
+1177.051 499.025 7.649 539.804 6.836 254.347 5.396
+1177.210 504.900 8.764 540.368 7.805 258.163 9.605
+1177.367 498.839 8.107 540.853 6.551 252.581 8.270
+1177.524 499.358 7.479 543.758 7.700 248.375 5.508
+1177.681 501.943 7.916 540.227 6.701 248.703 4.310
+1177.838 503.239 11.773 543.672 9.768 245.887 14.758
+1177.995 502.112 22.706 541.196 8.933 247.978 31.869
+1178.150 503.921 13.285 539.882 8.109 244.649 10.297
+1178.308 494.309 11.435 538.698 7.325 250.166 6.488
+1178.465 504.973 9.929 540.177 7.045 256.871 7.978
+1178.623 495.259 12.815 541.281 7.938 252.918 6.563
+1178.780 496.202 8.115 542.892 6.754 246.119 7.509
+1178.937 499.472 6.439 540.489 7.091 251.061 7.948
+1179.094 499.014 7.392 539.884 6.683 251.150 8.413
+1179.251 502.020 5.802 539.218 6.215 253.081 4.894
+1179.409 501.320 6.890 541.382 6.573 246.670 5.722
+1179.566 501.983 6.460 540.683 6.345 247.226 4.028
+1179.724 501.369 6.641 541.866 7.622 252.632 5.970
+1179.881 500.023 8.281 539.928 7.228 251.786 4.959
+1180.039 497.490 7.817 540.989 6.494 253.677 7.059
+1180.196 496.844 9.101 540.729 6.150 250.276 3.415
+1180.353 498.928 5.921 541.277 5.974 252.042 5.643
+1180.510 499.049 6.433 540.752 6.280 242.510 4.079
+1180.668 500.990 8.201 540.907 6.325 254.355 5.720
+1180.825 501.409 6.417 542.179 6.325 246.343 3.796
+1180.983 497.754 6.803 541.801 7.174 249.833 5.868
+1181.140 495.887 9.328 542.478 7.596 251.208 9.238
+1181.297 497.788 5.717 540.954 6.357 258.452 9.215
+1181.455 494.897 7.421 541.919 7.254 242.774 5.045
+1181.613 499.099 7.577 543.409 6.875 246.197 8.252
+1181.770 499.560 6.477 542.344 7.019 249.002 6.298
+1181.927 502.585 5.947 542.083 6.739 247.860 9.268
+1182.084 501.045 7.134 543.250 6.641 251.238 4.243
+1182.242 497.490 6.303 543.502 7.083 249.752 4.834
+1182.400 498.514 7.993 545.115 6.708 248.747 4.528
+1182.558 500.855 8.457 541.461 6.914 254.107 7.699
+1182.715 498.778 6.928 544.384 7.155 256.811 9.424
+1182.872 499.707 7.834 541.553 7.761 252.638 8.156
+1183.028 503.677 8.670 545.375 7.141 244.526 4.735
+1183.185 499.406 7.112 544.893 6.837 251.695 4.400
+1183.343 501.194 7.993 544.639 6.931 258.436 5.625
+1183.501 498.392 8.393 545.076 6.279 254.314 4.584
+1183.659 498.774 8.214 543.830 6.551 247.793 5.840
+1183.817 502.177 6.010 545.358 6.600 250.327 4.782
+1183.975 497.901 6.829 545.943 7.917 252.483 6.695
+1184.132 501.319 7.052 544.669 6.480 255.314 4.709
+1184.289 503.813 5.974 544.606 6.448 250.543 3.884
+1184.447 500.718 6.100 546.666 6.155 248.255 5.523
+1184.606 502.237 6.331 544.916 6.221 253.882 4.324
+1184.764 501.592 5.701 544.349 6.119 253.048 5.281
+1184.922 498.265 7.011 545.553 6.535 249.400 4.612
+1185.080 501.042 6.588 546.885 6.104 247.774 3.836
+1185.237 500.340 7.493 546.928 6.989 248.247 4.687
+1185.395 504.133 5.909 544.819 6.158 251.822 3.296
+1185.553 497.631 6.682 544.328 7.057 253.318 4.968
+1185.711 497.266 6.472 544.453 7.046 249.363 6.021
+1185.869 502.442 6.478 545.314 5.861 255.773 3.867
+1186.027 501.804 8.062 545.103 6.563 249.417 3.326
+1186.185 499.168 5.591 547.311 6.098 239.914 4.966
+1186.342 503.301 6.640 546.243 6.121 252.079 4.489
+1186.499 501.003 5.744 545.032 6.267 251.690 3.635
+1186.657 498.380 6.582 546.110 6.301 249.376 4.006
+1186.814 497.383 7.036 545.691 6.033 254.863 3.993
+1186.972 502.803 6.740 548.676 6.863 254.448 4.697
+1187.130 499.848 7.465 548.506 6.767 249.984 9.468
+1187.287 504.098 7.824 547.505 6.726 249.639 6.756
+1187.444 500.481 6.496 549.345 6.593 249.916 5.373
+1187.602 500.134 6.577 547.743 6.589 253.789 5.491
+1187.761 500.681 6.833 547.797 6.443 256.827 5.134
+1187.920 501.656 6.352 548.498 6.130 254.978 7.484
+1188.077 497.196 6.674 549.655 6.205 243.859 5.622
+1188.235 500.712 8.133 548.406 6.541 251.058 7.359
+1188.392 503.167 5.998 546.304 7.189 258.140 5.015
+1188.550 498.471 6.759 548.463 6.675 255.701 4.193
+1188.708 502.114 6.059 548.194 7.074 255.597 5.407
+1188.866 503.281 6.630 551.232 6.592 246.635 6.763
+1189.023 503.312 6.258 548.622 7.144 244.646 4.224
+1189.182 499.123 7.052 548.456 6.580 256.786 5.687
+1189.339 496.671 6.532 547.764 7.112 255.127 5.245
+1189.498 504.636 7.457 549.107 7.938 251.871 5.970
+1189.655 505.946 8.180 549.111 6.456 254.748 7.252
+1189.812 499.629 8.559 550.131 7.406 240.697 9.811
+1189.969 495.646 10.615 547.051 6.869 246.347 10.076
+1190.128 501.796 9.862 548.060 6.829 267.123 4.577
+1190.286 499.217 7.890 545.560 8.822 256.231 10.638
+1190.443 497.852 8.301 546.485 7.121 251.522 5.829
+1190.600 504.338 9.371 553.864 8.661 240.015 4.054
+1190.758 502.683 6.439 550.588 7.552 250.470 5.202
+1190.916 500.746 6.722 545.466 7.375 261.404 6.412
+1191.074 503.747 7.949 548.644 6.976 257.284 7.148
+1191.231 497.777 11.366 547.766 7.067 237.642 8.550
+1191.388 501.057 6.306 550.277 6.693 242.456 7.712
+1191.546 506.680 7.542 545.502 6.739 271.704 5.591
+1191.704 494.246 7.785 550.945 6.450 260.617 7.634
+1191.860 496.912 8.649 546.859 7.288 249.326 5.505
+1192.017 500.629 7.338 550.148 6.741 239.643 8.564
+1192.174 501.436 6.794 550.111 6.791 254.856 4.036
+1192.332 499.434 9.253 542.461 7.725 260.308 10.928
+1192.489 500.314 11.115 548.324 7.033 251.583 8.066
+1192.646 504.663 9.030 545.653 8.732 246.535 13.991
+1192.802 498.686 11.266 548.516 11.274 239.845 9.818
+1192.959 494.036 7.795 550.635 9.147 253.058 9.006
+1193.116 502.310 8.486 546.426 6.700 251.000 8.473
+1193.273 508.793 8.227 542.524 6.744 268.260 8.671
+1193.431 497.957 8.082 545.985 7.409 247.602 5.715
+1193.588 501.369 10.250 546.669 6.865 246.806 13.945
+1193.745 500.753 8.207 546.246 6.883 255.778 5.791
+1193.903 509.877 9.266 546.372 7.154 252.667 12.739
+1194.060 503.268 8.941 542.803 6.465 255.706 8.915
+1194.218 503.102 6.716 545.498 7.308 251.907 11.286
+1194.375 496.661 8.800 545.435 6.679 250.019 4.692
+1194.532 504.976 8.138 544.814 8.388 243.000 6.269
+1194.690 502.319 9.357 543.398 7.578 262.340 10.115
+1194.848 500.793 12.925 542.144 9.616 245.113 8.892
+1195.004 502.197 8.219 543.921 8.882 236.761 12.782
+1195.161 500.422 10.330 548.739 7.817 242.937 10.575
+1195.319 494.244 8.259 546.367 8.134 242.249 16.345
+1195.475 507.312 10.616 538.973 8.341 267.262 6.076
+1195.633 499.973 6.367 546.239 6.538 248.282 11.619
+1195.790 501.919 7.809 544.362 6.248 245.692 6.562
+1195.947 498.529 8.307 541.103 8.170 250.496 5.966
+1196.103 502.515 11.783 544.651 9.685 253.364 6.027
+1196.261 504.635 8.803 541.886 7.280 258.343 6.877
+1196.419 501.566 6.614 544.768 6.300 246.363 5.886
+1196.577 499.895 9.681 545.237 6.758 251.973 8.952
+1196.735 505.228 6.921 542.562 8.001 250.629 8.087
+1196.891 504.952 8.123 542.455 7.676 252.536 6.194
+1197.048 486.919 16.022 543.044 8.294 244.075 9.489
+1197.204 498.719 11.821 543.060 7.371 254.880 8.965
+1197.361 503.137 7.844 544.440 8.959 252.808 5.335
+1197.519 503.601 6.899 543.074 7.149 259.278 4.643
+1197.677 505.276 10.136 542.690 6.971 251.432 6.601
+1197.834 507.362 8.602 545.757 7.536 235.514 8.901
+1197.991 512.423 13.858 544.137 7.744 254.765 12.447
+1198.147 509.434 13.182 544.261 8.802 242.317 14.046
+1198.303 506.594 6.900 543.462 8.052 247.653 6.442
+1198.461 513.216 6.529 541.574 6.704 260.946 4.287
+1198.620 513.432 7.251 542.625 6.151 250.739 5.335
+1198.779 514.964 7.061 542.566 7.141 251.727 5.727
+1198.936 521.719 7.735 543.105 6.659 244.857 6.170
+1199.094 520.057 11.572 546.891 9.973 244.998 5.389
+1199.252 524.540 12.379 547.889 11.731 247.950 11.490
+1199.409 520.695 11.154 541.438 9.483 247.949 10.911
+1199.567 516.567 7.079 542.514 7.264 251.069 5.133
+1199.726 521.965 9.422 545.305 7.264 254.270 5.931
+1199.883 523.599 12.195 547.503 8.660 245.612 11.549
+1200.040 512.246 12.616 541.625 9.012 236.536 7.658
+1200.196 525.792 9.397 546.366 11.829 243.965 11.197
+1200.353 514.157 7.878 545.503 9.437 246.589 6.049
+1200.511 523.381 18.101 542.575 7.992 251.725 10.738
+1200.668 514.063 12.553 549.555 10.461 251.427 4.534
+1200.824 522.000 9.227 540.845 10.023 244.684 8.910
+1200.981 515.360 7.759 540.678 10.292 246.626 9.936
+1201.137 530.233 9.800 545.006 7.844 250.816 9.293
+1201.294 509.872 11.108 537.730 10.021 244.738 9.349
+1201.451 522.398 9.618 538.327 8.646 255.647 8.355
+1201.609 520.614 9.725 545.893 9.547 244.146 8.923
+1201.765 522.566 8.564 538.829 7.954 240.711 9.710
+1201.922 524.575 7.515 538.808 8.697 256.387 4.651
+1202.080 513.565 7.881 547.358 8.952 245.243 6.478
+1202.237 539.975 11.604 541.133 9.044 255.172 10.060
+1202.394 510.719 7.992 537.261 7.883 241.101 5.895
+1202.551 520.217 7.106 542.662 9.221 238.701 5.660
+1202.709 527.972 7.901 543.216 7.874 254.207 6.321
+1202.865 517.399 18.596 540.422 10.231 246.562 12.902
+1203.023 523.364 11.106 542.684 8.267 248.175 6.635
+1203.180 528.243 7.611 544.146 8.156 242.601 6.889
+1203.336 521.882 10.205 543.061 7.407 246.026 10.396
+1203.494 519.238 8.621 538.090 9.167 250.430 8.347
+1203.651 524.012 8.485 543.631 8.270 238.534 8.101
+1203.807 521.400 9.969 542.226 10.349 251.655 6.885
+1203.965 521.604 12.575 539.122 9.390 247.616 5.046
+1204.123 519.766 12.526 546.371 9.094 232.956 9.991
+1204.279 525.667 6.831 540.703 8.419 253.049 5.682
+1204.437 526.216 9.188 542.857 6.871 254.610 9.518
+1204.593 518.912 6.676 543.678 6.746 241.876 5.827
+1204.751 520.259 6.914 540.516 7.027 253.208 6.162
+1204.909 526.692 8.782 546.065 7.752 246.352 4.816
+1205.066 522.326 7.303 539.650 7.107 245.463 5.659
+1205.224 522.143 7.821 537.496 7.010 248.074 6.071
+1205.381 520.241 12.621 541.675 7.304 244.280 6.688
+1205.538 518.602 9.728 541.576 7.924 249.232 6.665
+1205.694 521.776 10.534 540.295 10.070 255.192 5.860
+1205.853 519.317 8.404 547.383 7.675 242.421 6.693
+1206.010 528.553 7.918 540.353 8.171 250.584 7.599
+1206.166 522.065 7.764 540.763 8.471 251.165 7.416
+1206.324 532.180 19.911 545.767 10.751 243.801 28.055
+1206.480 518.381 14.009 542.007 8.692 257.908 7.091
+1206.638 519.463 22.265 544.820 13.346 244.519 34.145
+1206.793 519.264 9.959 542.128 8.502 248.255 8.176
+1206.949 524.732 7.094 534.421 8.242 243.752 11.295
+1207.106 520.117 14.029 535.114 8.842 250.067 19.098
+1207.262 521.681 11.279 537.351 13.942 267.460 16.887
+1207.418 519.666 10.237 542.263 8.045 232.944 10.047
+1207.576 522.986 7.975 541.072 8.225 247.249 13.254
+1207.733 528.589 11.439 537.900 11.115 252.212 6.423
+1207.891 518.065 8.673 544.089 7.317 247.822 5.806
+1208.049 518.110 6.757 541.410 8.792 258.658 6.166
+1208.207 511.871 7.390 542.224 7.072 240.036 9.276
+1208.364 523.468 10.298 541.782 7.524 245.600 10.023
+1208.522 514.524 15.987 537.537 8.855 249.146 8.230
+1208.678 520.675 9.158 542.545 7.650 247.791 8.080
+1208.835 524.636 8.235 545.415 7.981 249.257 5.883
+1208.993 516.806 17.361 537.394 12.951 247.102 14.950
+1209.149 515.898 9.455 544.444 7.698 233.641 7.000
+1209.306 523.909 11.331 541.224 7.679 243.686 9.539
+1209.464 519.959 7.896 533.922 7.852 254.736 8.955
+1209.620 524.879 6.903 544.509 6.757 247.207 5.131
+1209.778 522.578 11.765 537.455 7.230 242.372 11.897
+1209.935 523.265 10.259 542.274 8.964 243.333 10.240
+1210.092 516.412 12.730 542.512 8.085 246.843 10.110
+1210.249 522.264 9.845 535.725 9.676 265.638 6.789
+1210.406 516.302 8.856 545.397 10.390 230.836 10.179
+1210.563 518.593 13.195 543.824 7.412 238.338 6.082
+1210.720 532.606 14.249 543.718 10.083 251.793 9.380
+1210.877 521.286 14.733 538.027 7.791 248.127 14.271
+1211.033 516.962 17.648 538.980 10.856 243.321 9.710
+1211.189 522.359 9.903 542.059 9.317 238.273 7.097
+1211.346 528.943 21.033 542.390 12.961 247.182 13.033
+1211.502 522.559 11.114 540.373 9.296 258.231 9.077
+1211.659 515.615 9.127 542.393 8.854 245.592 8.468
+1211.815 537.206 9.240 539.473 8.418 247.415 6.197
+1211.973 521.322 9.931 538.574 8.865 255.404 12.046
+1212.129 515.173 9.824 545.065 8.040 244.444 9.266
+1212.286 532.721 17.431 541.960 7.154 257.794 13.195
+1212.443 524.627 29.801 542.279 10.459 239.237 22.678
+1212.599 522.616 7.957 537.562 7.984 259.912 10.306
+1212.755 527.006 14.049 540.195 9.614 245.739 4.736
+1212.912 525.800 9.042 544.592 7.521 246.417 8.473
+1213.070 517.098 9.955 540.176 9.935 256.634 8.071
+1213.227 509.131 12.752 538.181 7.608 252.196 11.311
+1213.385 524.931 9.344 540.421 8.240 255.551 8.393
+1213.543 520.599 11.037 540.694 8.139 235.555 7.603
+1213.700 517.296 11.750 537.037 9.759 251.535 10.846
+1213.858 510.302 8.138 541.490 7.351 257.185 8.931
+1214.015 508.233 12.289 538.354 7.202 244.301 9.178
+1214.171 507.052 11.123 539.763 7.304 253.733 6.083
+1214.329 503.360 10.684 543.697 7.131 238.317 8.246
+1214.485 505.533 7.898 533.647 9.102 252.743 4.624
+1214.644 498.115 10.478 539.606 7.735 266.317 6.297
+1214.802 496.741 7.018 541.636 8.897 240.663 11.007
+1214.959 493.217 8.916 536.276 9.065 247.516 8.145
+1215.114 493.512 7.588 544.612 6.487 233.265 5.445
+1215.272 497.235 6.588 536.476 7.000 255.612 7.166
+1215.430 480.512 10.140 535.274 8.006 258.066 13.795
+1215.586 486.915 8.326 540.952 7.481 249.540 8.868
+1215.743 477.599 8.485 542.129 8.905 251.735 9.999
+1215.899 491.576 7.506 539.861 6.709 246.377 3.568
+1216.058 491.955 8.516 540.458 9.108 261.893 6.239
+1216.216 488.279 6.671 545.594 8.344 260.148 5.581
+1216.375 485.212 9.252 547.606 7.250 242.601 14.433
+1216.531 478.152 10.202 542.286 11.416 254.616 10.767
+1216.689 477.751 9.519 539.312 8.611 253.826 9.159
+1216.845 480.157 7.657 539.113 8.625 242.928 5.887
+1217.003 486.621 8.310 538.281 7.807 257.459 6.606
+1217.160 485.066 8.215 536.442 6.447 249.814 11.131
+1217.318 465.980 13.488 536.334 12.683 254.948 17.967
+1217.474 483.249 14.262 541.623 8.152 253.179 27.435
+1217.630 479.952 7.364 541.396 8.154 244.361 7.071
+1217.787 476.259 7.230 538.324 6.747 253.023 9.032
+1217.944 479.292 11.426 537.313 11.067 246.690 8.983
+1218.100 478.542 6.359 540.063 7.020 252.036 5.915
+1218.259 487.565 9.046 535.960 10.220 258.570 9.134
+1218.416 458.975 6.277 543.289 9.010 239.825 11.645
+1218.574 477.059 7.888 538.562 10.037 257.918 11.959
+1218.731 474.940 10.364 536.425 7.837 255.549 12.134
+1218.888 487.759 6.695 539.004 8.899 247.945 11.220
+1219.045 478.567 8.126 540.360 8.494 245.179 13.100
+1219.201 483.275 8.336 539.853 9.665 249.221 7.562
+1219.358 476.352 10.423 540.198 9.257 258.932 8.908
+1219.516 465.173 6.205 537.382 8.325 261.829 6.561
+1219.675 482.061 9.630 537.633 9.292 251.698 8.035
+1219.831 474.810 14.347 538.716 15.252 244.457 7.608
+1219.987 492.678 11.362 541.217 9.461 248.174 5.987
+1220.145 482.216 8.550 541.062 8.079 246.431 6.669
+1220.302 487.462 8.365 537.200 12.489 254.524 5.032
+1220.459 469.884 6.718 539.702 9.930 247.555 4.639
+1220.617 469.878 7.787 539.197 8.606 265.355 6.608
+1220.774 478.958 9.058 536.622 8.842 254.853 8.722
+1220.931 480.889 11.798 540.116 10.300 242.048 8.960
+1221.088 475.948 8.309 539.571 9.478 247.840 6.115
+1221.245 488.289 10.147 538.545 8.574 255.358 7.403
+1221.402 479.042 9.259 539.195 7.752 248.633 8.673
+1221.559 475.460 7.323 538.832 8.324 258.586 6.228
+1221.718 471.634 9.996 535.288 9.591 255.215 7.134
+1221.875 479.176 12.269 537.302 9.918 266.862 7.885
+1222.031 482.871 16.971 539.413 7.404 253.828 8.477
+1222.187 486.908 6.218 541.684 8.067 240.998 4.842
+1222.344 461.209 7.595 539.446 11.729 234.930 21.625
+1222.501 482.172 15.213 536.444 10.894 256.489 9.343
+1222.658 479.171 10.096 540.494 7.863 253.034 7.208
+1222.816 450.551 8.691 533.225 9.883 239.810 38.585
+1222.971 479.695 11.064 541.402 9.566 245.888 12.619
+1223.128 490.577 9.896 542.884 11.263 250.228 9.811
+1223.285 478.845 11.569 538.138 8.022 263.442 11.639
+1223.442 470.718 15.166 539.541 11.153 243.484 10.498
+1223.600 477.957 12.375 543.125 7.969 254.294 5.745
+1223.757 477.429 7.046 538.531 7.392 255.592 8.288
+1223.914 469.374 11.790 539.955 8.959 251.815 9.686
+1224.071 486.933 9.655 538.589 8.769 246.418 4.676
+1224.228 485.549 9.454 538.445 8.424 253.544 8.467
+1224.384 477.435 9.427 539.474 9.769 241.305 16.791
+1224.540 479.234 14.311 533.474 10.527 261.123 14.581
+1224.697 477.902 14.735 540.044 12.201 249.561 11.354
+1224.855 466.739 8.523 537.080 10.207 257.145 10.039
+1225.013 474.877 8.760 540.580 8.702 255.231 9.242
+1225.171 485.028 12.623 540.645 8.536 252.902 5.782
+1225.328 474.950 9.151 542.196 8.095 238.639 15.964
+1225.484 476.209 18.029 538.892 10.695 254.556 11.747
+1225.640 484.282 11.996 538.449 7.827 251.875 6.724
+1225.797 473.052 9.419 538.114 8.810 253.048 6.108
+1225.954 482.150 8.607 540.451 8.552 249.330 7.151
+1226.111 484.041 7.308 534.644 8.076 246.453 7.779
+1226.269 485.660 8.222 538.336 8.197 256.674 6.180
+1226.426 454.666 7.293 535.523 8.319 245.366 7.845
+1226.582 484.936 9.050 539.145 8.162 258.403 5.947
+1226.740 483.259 8.244 537.971 10.114 244.404 8.660
+1226.897 467.742 7.697 536.689 8.222 258.354 7.888
+1227.053 482.207 9.439 541.666 9.640 248.763 7.733
+1227.210 484.882 15.234 539.726 10.923 253.047 8.960
+1227.367 479.468 7.897 540.507 8.880 243.400 7.665
+1227.523 481.974 8.903 540.785 10.776 245.114 7.721
+1227.681 484.659 9.463 536.727 6.984 263.971 5.612
+1227.839 486.676 9.042 537.417 8.169 247.349 6.921
+1227.996 482.336 7.436 539.864 7.486 250.113 9.107
+1228.152 481.633 8.109 540.628 7.782 245.181 5.679
+1228.310 457.326 7.281 540.416 9.587 228.211 26.121
+1228.466 487.213 16.054 535.444 8.692 273.782 11.451
+1228.623 486.792 15.798 539.354 9.439 256.147 10.677
+1228.779 461.227 13.393 541.053 9.664 223.691 23.560
+1228.935 483.042 9.836 540.780 7.519 259.246 7.895
+1229.093 480.010 9.788 539.057 12.297 267.212 5.258
+1229.251 477.510 8.224 538.240 8.171 257.002 11.153
+1229.408 478.175 19.331 540.722 10.732 255.920 7.641
+1229.565 478.661 9.209 539.757 9.835 255.219 5.416
+1229.723 470.216 15.560 537.047 10.960 253.922 11.915
+1229.881 476.532 14.609 537.610 9.101 262.779 13.659
+1230.037 458.575 11.407 544.566 11.139 227.277 10.948
+1230.193 486.885 11.445 537.855 8.293 262.962 21.541
+1230.350 455.878 9.487 537.238 8.297 245.249 53.497
+1230.506 479.688 14.516 535.212 11.923 267.812 11.817
+1230.663 476.556 14.426 540.062 8.675 251.188 12.662
+1230.819 470.905 7.642 540.970 9.279 242.481 4.386
+1230.977 470.159 12.748 540.799 13.693 257.754 8.738
+1231.133 478.121 8.171 538.768 9.004 254.467 12.563
+1231.290 477.711 12.088 537.317 11.371 251.634 12.095
+1231.447 475.837 14.505 536.033 7.485 262.566 11.586
+1231.603 481.118 9.355 537.760 9.331 254.395 6.860
+1231.761 473.541 7.805 541.697 7.053 245.763 10.959
+1231.917 474.605 10.154 536.237 7.536 243.267 16.483
+1232.073 476.236 11.001 541.252 9.715 246.352 12.514
+1232.230 488.392 7.086 536.122 8.082 256.743 11.501
+1232.387 471.873 15.458 541.921 7.902 243.567 17.567
+1232.543 473.878 8.953 536.039 11.156 250.595 19.082
+1232.700 484.728 10.449 540.930 9.964 256.805 11.206
+1232.858 483.457 7.345 539.699 9.444 259.628 4.946
+1233.015 474.564 13.160 544.137 9.323 246.506 14.911
+1233.171 486.105 10.353 539.521 7.589 246.805 12.107
+1233.329 489.361 8.073 542.235 8.735 252.578 12.673
+1233.486 476.623 10.966 540.392 8.729 234.905 22.350
+1233.643 496.726 7.042 544.043 7.662 262.089 9.644
+1233.801 496.867 6.776 544.270 6.959 241.740 9.577
+1233.958 498.298 7.898 538.462 6.318 259.557 8.263
+1234.115 485.083 7.251 543.894 6.644 239.975 9.815
+1234.273 497.300 9.883 540.099 7.550 244.759 8.021
+1234.429 498.913 8.464 542.411 8.069 257.237 15.839
+1234.585 491.489 7.903 542.174 6.937 249.822 5.609
+1234.742 494.374 6.993 540.091 7.070 253.148 8.698
+1234.900 504.163 5.965 539.801 6.358 260.641 4.459
+1235.058 490.521 6.722 542.268 8.968 240.916 9.241
+1235.215 503.205 8.380 540.952 7.827 263.369 10.158
+1235.373 490.522 9.076 538.199 8.680 250.203 8.565
+1235.529 499.985 8.911 540.592 6.469 259.662 16.163
+1235.687 500.689 7.693 539.325 7.178 252.336 5.839
+1235.844 495.906 6.494 539.693 6.313 250.493 4.657
+1236.002 505.319 6.751 541.616 8.098 254.244 5.111
+1236.158 508.383 10.442 541.626 7.321 247.012 4.961
+1236.316 520.343 10.502 542.276 7.300 245.620 18.551
+1236.472 502.733 11.273 538.152 8.645 251.556 5.931
+1236.629 510.627 7.008 542.111 6.575 250.565 6.777
+1236.786 509.546 6.709 540.441 6.964 248.275 6.330
+1236.944 513.145 6.784 541.474 6.659 242.792 5.085
+1237.102 517.441 8.989 537.514 7.193 252.857 4.463
+1237.259 521.344 7.889 542.245 7.777 242.398 10.326
+1237.417 523.333 11.159 537.822 6.990 257.824 12.387
+1237.574 518.693 9.876 542.088 8.840 241.658 9.021
+1237.730 522.607 7.378 543.380 9.192 236.626 8.551
+1237.887 527.866 9.090 539.343 8.615 253.746 11.065
+1238.045 506.618 8.822 537.473 7.900 252.597 8.118
+1238.201 512.966 9.890 536.294 8.840 248.755 6.639
+1238.358 523.269 10.721 547.803 9.666 233.867 9.974
+1238.516 527.402 10.715 542.588 7.663 237.148 23.863
+1238.672 520.724 12.092 532.765 10.666 253.591 7.163
+1238.830 523.547 7.120 543.797 8.161 246.745 7.578
+1238.986 522.225 7.925 546.678 11.776 246.557 6.242
+1239.143 528.332 6.809 536.306 7.034 250.485 8.391
+1239.300 523.183 14.671 545.663 7.350 243.334 11.270
+1239.457 520.281 9.739 538.336 9.349 240.583 11.262
+1239.614 526.802 7.477 541.173 8.771 249.715 7.720
+1239.771 528.298 8.064 538.191 6.916 245.197 6.711
+1239.928 526.673 8.107 535.251 7.418 249.201 12.545
+1240.085 520.976 11.057 539.582 7.656 245.662 7.321
+1240.242 542.249 15.041 537.135 14.390 252.706 16.715
+1240.398 511.022 14.825 533.661 14.693 247.237 33.140
+1240.553 523.860 8.839 539.416 8.552 238.632 17.838
+1240.709 530.408 9.115 538.944 8.951 243.686 15.489
+1240.866 524.004 17.673 539.059 14.241 242.066 12.640
+1241.021 527.490 14.873 541.630 10.000 256.670 21.718
+1241.178 521.944 11.968 537.556 8.670 243.136 11.980
+1241.336 528.009 23.753 536.905 9.595 234.361 24.650
+1241.493 526.390 15.271 545.669 11.681 249.493 11.109
+1241.649 528.183 9.454 541.146 7.768 249.784 5.529
+1241.807 524.691 8.297 538.011 9.036 252.957 9.532
+1241.964 518.336 14.871 544.220 10.405 242.149 5.467
+1242.122 512.743 18.140 541.742 8.054 241.931 10.450
+1242.277 526.317 14.134 540.537 9.434 242.109 11.380
+1242.434 520.733 10.902 541.155 8.386 249.981 10.163
+1242.591 525.827 9.367 541.301 9.159 247.319 6.108
+1242.750 522.538 9.377 544.563 7.781 252.603 11.135
+1242.906 516.465 6.822 538.495 9.492 239.356 11.257
+1243.063 520.344 7.412 537.065 7.586 246.913 6.503
+1243.221 541.213 9.988 536.140 9.381 255.069 11.160
+1243.378 518.812 9.191 536.511 9.115 234.160 11.632
+1243.535 523.268 17.489 542.515 8.876 243.501 7.223
+1243.691 520.292 9.600 540.915 7.809 244.285 10.381
+1243.848 522.942 9.901 532.239 7.669 247.612 6.445
+1244.005 515.919 15.173 541.162 8.134 244.496 11.610
+1244.162 521.969 13.567 538.901 7.683 243.765 13.421
+1244.318 534.849 24.684 546.499 12.528 239.147 42.074
+1244.473 516.298 14.940 538.475 8.923 236.971 11.027
+1244.629 524.513 17.689 536.744 7.864 248.849 9.806
+1244.786 523.435 8.273 543.357 9.145 254.388 11.308
+1244.943 518.554 11.485 538.843 8.430 257.873 9.642
+1245.100 521.225 18.574 540.348 10.630 237.858 12.291
+1245.257 532.222 30.378 543.113 17.067 228.798 20.166
+1245.412 518.502 11.548 534.051 11.661 247.137 14.166
+1245.568 514.825 9.040 539.280 10.256 246.251 9.046
+1245.726 523.948 14.140 535.962 8.526 249.372 14.609
+1245.881 525.039 11.660 537.869 8.716 248.743 7.962
+1246.038 526.360 15.733 541.828 8.196 251.857 11.448
+1246.195 525.723 18.579 540.488 9.957 246.248 20.321
+1246.351 525.417 9.568 535.554 10.001 244.822 14.636
+1246.509 516.744 15.025 542.465 10.649 249.698 7.344
+1246.666 523.427 11.520 534.824 9.770 256.127 8.619
+1246.823 525.334 6.940 538.818 9.460 251.201 8.495
+1246.980 531.973 13.512 537.388 11.343 243.372 10.114
+1247.136 545.029 19.266 544.603 15.635 239.383 16.167
+1247.291 529.900 22.797 543.786 8.678 255.583 8.066
+1247.447 522.409 7.413 541.567 7.148 248.795 7.009
+1247.605 510.974 30.876 543.165 12.322 261.628 68.969
+1247.758 516.389 15.070 538.811 9.120 243.896 13.327
+1247.914 521.903 11.398 536.488 9.253 242.408 7.125
+1248.071 517.189 7.923 541.884 9.213 246.204 9.043
+1248.228 527.581 12.235 537.318 8.345 250.112 6.370
+1248.386 518.445 15.242 539.253 10.028 249.021 21.914
+1248.542 520.334 11.551 547.532 8.116 242.290 4.699
+1248.699 503.393 24.323 540.965 9.130 237.572 18.649
+1248.855 522.524 16.189 538.279 8.448 243.875 15.295
+1249.011 522.095 14.592 541.692 14.006 257.598 14.148
+1249.167 511.821 9.429 543.287 7.227 249.256 7.860
+1249.324 529.948 11.737 540.722 8.269 259.602 6.529
+1249.482 517.129 11.926 541.107 8.717 241.106 10.602
+1249.639 520.131 14.986 536.581 9.934 253.101 11.536
+1249.797 526.131 10.254 541.675 12.789 256.061 11.039
+1249.955 514.571 11.564 538.496 7.942 251.370 7.360
+1250.113 518.705 7.723 534.805 8.961 261.483 7.017
+1250.271 510.247 13.515 541.648 7.027 239.934 6.695
+1250.427 516.302 7.897 538.966 7.415 242.189 9.602
+1250.584 520.513 15.454 538.239 7.223 258.421 9.971
+1250.741 507.425 6.834 539.642 8.429 240.884 9.244
+1250.898 517.714 16.266 540.666 8.347 257.398 7.231
+1251.054 507.717 12.210 540.026 8.978 249.674 6.393
+1251.211 509.457 7.814 539.870 6.762 250.906 7.741
+1251.368 512.524 13.961 541.878 8.485 252.729 11.721
+1251.525 501.465 18.405 542.158 11.179 244.617 9.720
+1251.681 510.364 12.188 536.191 6.591 250.926 8.951
+1251.838 508.463 15.533 537.951 8.724 244.409 11.074
+1251.995 501.854 13.059 537.789 10.869 249.544 11.874
+1252.152 502.878 15.951 538.398 8.871 255.515 4.416
+1252.309 501.738 7.646 540.144 6.957 250.555 5.487
+1252.466 501.797 6.586 536.811 7.120 246.825 7.933
+1252.622 503.248 9.749 539.508 8.422 246.368 7.865
+1252.778 505.292 7.520 538.515 7.929 246.853 6.304
+1252.935 503.252 8.918 537.995 7.306 255.748 6.474
+1253.093 505.542 8.038 538.380 7.219 249.857 9.474
+1253.249 496.645 9.857 538.803 6.573 240.168 6.362
+1253.406 504.446 8.731 538.468 7.281 249.221 6.164
+1253.563 505.284 9.992 540.144 7.153 250.402 9.177
+1253.719 499.352 6.373 540.851 6.921 247.704 6.241
+1253.876 497.283 10.837 540.708 7.172 243.717 10.022
+1254.033 505.192 8.082 540.597 7.027 256.217 11.067
+1254.191 505.072 9.493 540.946 6.691 246.262 11.441
+1254.349 499.120 8.546 539.069 6.638 252.722 7.476
+1254.506 509.361 7.805 535.880 8.009 262.387 6.195
+1254.664 496.153 7.782 541.388 7.244 246.273 5.090
+1254.821 503.881 7.926 539.243 7.185 251.062 10.968
+1254.978 498.908 6.647 540.492 10.147 233.540 9.782
+1255.135 489.799 6.963 539.495 6.474 249.885 8.345
+1255.293 507.688 7.066 538.735 7.782 262.258 12.404
+1255.450 499.026 8.280 538.337 6.558 241.462 8.041
+1255.605 497.850 5.603 539.503 7.091 253.934 6.572
+1255.763 500.608 9.998 545.405 6.257 235.149 8.989
+1255.919 498.726 7.314 539.424 6.526 253.631 7.214
+1256.077 503.637 7.008 535.244 6.326 259.646 6.729
+1256.235 498.326 8.579 538.752 7.498 247.346 8.189
+1256.392 499.103 5.912 540.297 6.147 244.713 8.451
+1256.550 502.561 8.279 537.313 6.809 245.517 6.940
+1256.707 496.265 6.288 538.223 6.542 258.295 6.248
+1256.867 501.622 7.030 537.942 6.123 255.772 6.007
+1257.025 503.116 7.613 535.799 6.102 251.517 10.274
+1257.182 506.321 7.637 537.348 8.863 249.595 6.428
+1257.339 506.863 9.181 538.183 6.583 248.345 3.695
+1257.496 497.838 6.822 538.541 6.074 248.023 6.022
+1257.654 495.858 8.363 537.605 8.333 257.990 4.324
+1257.812 500.058 5.784 538.356 6.801 252.639 5.531
+1257.971 502.740 8.992 540.003 6.377 246.476 4.601
+1258.129 500.257 9.122 538.880 6.913 249.104 8.737
+1258.285 497.692 9.491 538.188 9.780 252.871 10.600
+1258.443 505.146 7.530 539.701 7.912 254.458 13.221
+1258.600 501.881 10.746 538.547 6.567 254.394 13.040
+1258.757 500.118 10.687 537.785 8.216 253.923 12.585
+1258.914 500.561 15.702 540.847 7.488 249.929 15.945
+1259.070 500.995 11.181 540.508 6.640 248.839 6.192
+1259.229 497.209 7.664 538.505 6.684 252.228 6.718
+1259.386 504.302 7.470 537.955 7.897 254.862 8.258
+1259.543 505.113 8.872 540.119 7.794 253.208 15.977
+1259.699 500.201 9.650 538.801 6.361 247.602 7.537
+1259.856 497.392 7.295 539.298 7.285 248.436 6.516
+1260.013 504.153 7.335 539.563 6.508 250.804 8.964
+1260.170 504.081 6.139 540.255 6.878 250.018 6.206
+1260.328 505.030 7.332 539.372 6.139 249.740 6.625
+1260.485 502.260 6.459 540.963 6.751 244.687 7.431
+1260.642 498.082 6.957 538.209 6.301 251.316 8.548
+1260.798 499.740 5.766 539.832 7.094 247.653 4.634
+1260.957 498.247 6.321 538.608 6.277 253.756 7.089
+1261.116 497.832 8.447 537.596 7.531 255.307 6.420
+1261.273 507.048 8.818 540.576 8.204 243.623 15.302
+1261.429 503.590 7.440 541.885 6.588 246.186 6.902
+1261.586 499.585 9.541 537.968 6.287 252.951 6.520
+1261.745 498.745 6.285 539.939 6.980 256.989 7.237
+1261.903 500.187 7.402 539.229 6.202 255.319 4.918
+1262.060 501.241 9.618 540.952 7.340 236.293 6.856
+1262.217 501.332 7.468 537.599 6.019 252.862 4.767
+1262.375 501.953 7.709 538.976 6.661 246.418 10.292
+1262.532 490.829 7.684 538.979 7.600 244.524 6.751
+1262.690 496.308 6.888 537.639 7.285 256.025 4.254
+1262.848 502.263 7.902 539.516 6.645 248.000 5.603
+1263.005 498.602 8.612 540.465 6.228 248.640 7.215
+1263.162 495.706 6.504 540.244 6.135 249.726 6.838
+1263.320 495.927 6.980 541.152 7.022 249.277 7.677
+1263.477 495.949 8.131 539.681 6.184 261.042 6.502
+1263.635 488.089 7.308 540.586 6.385 247.820 6.130
+1263.792 495.770 8.098 538.855 11.278 244.708 9.043
+1263.949 490.607 7.242 537.768 7.218 255.047 6.865
+1264.107 495.386 6.563 538.907 7.381 255.780 9.069
+1264.264 499.793 7.524 538.729 9.783 254.377 7.381
+1264.422 490.427 9.249 539.187 10.493 257.283 5.945
+1264.580 495.624 9.692 543.221 8.890 232.662 10.049
+1264.736 497.396 9.771 539.442 8.231 252.326 8.070
+1264.893 493.174 7.914 532.634 8.207 261.843 6.624
+1265.049 492.741 8.436 540.586 9.228 242.018 5.797
+1265.207 502.497 9.534 541.445 8.793 252.900 10.468
+1265.364 493.935 8.498 536.404 8.608 242.988 10.817
+1265.521 493.299 8.635 542.164 8.431 255.029 7.766
+1265.679 493.913 8.189 537.751 7.156 261.200 4.537
+1265.836 484.949 7.585 535.927 8.372 253.052 4.403
+1265.993 487.579 9.987 540.059 9.211 241.490 7.318
+1266.150 501.015 8.686 537.690 7.350 251.824 5.180
+1266.308 480.440 14.823 537.226 12.070 246.498 21.587
+1266.464 485.634 15.196 535.162 9.302 252.805 8.727
+1266.619 490.526 7.248 536.881 7.295 248.868 9.812
+1266.777 492.205 7.567 542.808 8.572 256.098 8.790
+1266.934 493.882 7.053 539.018 7.321 235.051 9.037
+1267.090 479.758 9.751 541.590 8.074 248.360 7.822
+1267.247 498.187 8.457 537.395 7.529 253.823 9.606
+1267.404 489.451 6.377 539.314 8.641 254.068 6.019
+1267.562 477.544 7.468 542.223 6.660 250.580 5.830
+1267.719 491.665 7.721 537.812 7.405 248.895 5.560
+1267.876 488.306 6.921 545.068 7.923 242.798 4.920
+1268.033 479.803 7.292 538.240 8.631 250.467 8.671
+1268.189 493.828 8.901 541.602 10.464 240.974 7.397
+1268.347 486.158 10.617 539.446 7.432 254.659 13.223
+1268.505 483.061 10.141 538.784 8.693 256.366 10.936
+1268.663 488.540 11.293 540.137 11.154 259.383 5.837
+1268.822 472.585 7.128 537.161 6.705 255.213 6.861
+1268.979 491.765 12.987 541.251 11.483 234.842 11.816
+1269.137 487.357 12.229 540.392 7.285 239.748 7.367
+1269.294 481.633 8.111 536.814 8.510 265.397 17.487
+1269.451 490.906 9.665 539.668 7.400 251.394 6.236
+1269.608 485.919 11.394 540.996 8.019 250.103 8.158
+1269.765 483.619 7.967 543.080 8.526 238.441 6.165
+1269.922 475.686 7.344 541.120 7.473 244.274 8.382
+1270.079 489.646 9.405 539.171 9.665 253.762 6.687
+1270.236 489.346 8.948 538.331 7.318 273.317 9.872
+1270.393 482.663 9.367 539.913 6.825 238.223 8.132
+1270.549 483.676 6.099 539.119 7.956 244.742 9.737
+1270.705 477.526 7.541 537.621 7.398 252.737 4.428
+1270.863 470.425 8.549 537.896 8.506 260.607 6.884
+1271.021 487.574 11.209 541.879 7.150 256.836 9.920
+1271.178 495.005 9.408 540.408 10.419 245.908 11.524
+1271.335 480.130 7.465 543.034 8.241 244.859 9.998
+1271.492 479.861 7.729 543.420 8.992 249.548 10.121
+1271.649 482.588 8.373 538.274 7.836 254.895 4.466
+1271.806 474.945 6.777 539.682 6.974 254.978 6.259
+1271.964 479.849 25.091 539.676 12.278 243.539 28.387
+1272.120 499.128 7.303 536.036 7.134 256.705 18.600
+1272.276 491.811 10.115 544.300 8.492 243.897 7.640
+1272.433 477.948 8.918 537.123 8.768 241.238 8.071
+1272.589 479.709 11.885 542.631 9.948 249.902 17.103
+1272.746 489.627 8.217 537.636 9.933 265.889 9.662
+1272.904 474.056 7.253 540.656 8.557 257.358 6.730
+1273.061 480.440 7.443 543.186 6.984 243.193 14.185
+1273.218 488.854 8.859 541.311 9.668 249.491 8.069
+1273.374 491.778 11.061 539.153 8.961 239.514 16.165
+1273.530 483.507 12.182 543.101 7.423 248.615 4.721
+1273.688 483.575 8.221 539.961 7.581 253.856 8.846
+1273.845 484.075 9.939 539.259 7.895 251.638 7.761
+1274.001 474.850 8.933 537.372 8.029 255.246 6.197
+1274.158 491.478 11.738 538.193 7.092 249.682 4.274
+1274.316 489.534 8.433 538.672 7.595 242.306 8.112
+1274.472 479.245 7.968 541.126 8.078 239.763 12.361
+1274.629 498.792 7.010 539.061 7.290 252.597 9.611
+1274.786 495.737 7.204 538.190 7.927 248.196 6.783
+1274.943 481.587 7.445 540.701 7.770 245.082 5.781
+1275.100 492.985 8.070 542.057 6.101 254.700 13.333
+1275.257 496.599 9.455 537.440 7.177 277.887 8.308
+1275.414 493.066 9.269 545.564 7.654 239.818 12.234
+1275.571 483.110 8.290 538.525 7.535 236.468 6.923
+1275.727 493.241 6.256 539.285 6.796 257.074 4.999
+1275.885 498.682 10.327 537.892 7.232 258.520 7.174
+1276.043 493.706 8.732 538.868 7.787 253.715 10.673
+1276.200 491.647 6.437 540.458 6.831 243.257 4.749
+1276.358 504.996 9.812 539.364 6.548 238.732 9.717
+1276.514 490.930 8.218 538.363 7.375 245.867 8.754
+1276.671 497.229 13.791 540.323 8.203 258.948 10.328
+1276.828 499.532 11.198 539.733 7.529 244.679 9.750
+1276.986 499.205 7.895 539.247 7.939 246.576 7.255
+1277.142 500.112 8.067 541.572 6.701 240.955 6.317
+1277.298 501.691 8.298 539.825 8.673 256.059 6.355
+1277.457 502.046 10.238 539.688 7.194 248.530 5.472
+1277.614 507.160 7.517 540.497 9.528 249.185 13.935
+1277.771 496.891 7.719 542.215 6.946 243.491 7.832
+1277.928 504.438 8.019 541.182 8.525 253.624 11.613
+1278.085 508.254 8.839 539.941 6.583 257.656 13.861
+1278.243 509.592 8.938 536.999 7.476 260.186 7.714
+1278.401 503.395 14.142 549.380 7.620 235.311 14.997
+1278.557 506.704 7.503 540.333 6.418 253.483 7.658
+1278.715 508.527 7.311 540.543 6.696 265.534 6.340
+1278.873 502.615 8.394 538.885 6.568 248.745 8.401
+1279.029 511.956 6.153 540.848 7.105 243.727 7.364
+1279.187 503.349 10.453 543.758 7.623 239.897 10.429
+1279.345 510.783 10.486 536.517 8.101 257.119 12.967
+1279.502 507.047 9.136 536.655 6.755 250.551 7.425
+1279.659 502.440 6.383 544.406 7.954 243.215 6.524
+1279.816 506.214 8.281 540.544 8.375 252.072 10.847
+1279.973 517.922 9.379 543.605 6.676 251.930 10.806
+1280.130 514.799 8.603 545.156 8.671 247.459 16.030
+1280.286 510.608 6.707 540.181 7.591 249.174 6.527
+1280.444 514.526 9.150 543.191 10.805 244.451 8.489
+1280.601 512.025 8.174 540.361 8.081 241.594 6.542
+1280.757 510.480 8.720 536.633 8.633 252.785 9.212
+1280.914 513.414 21.930 540.006 9.909 245.947 18.599
+1281.071 504.134 9.069 544.140 9.486 249.379 6.346
+1281.228 520.881 11.399 537.721 8.010 253.303 9.952
+1281.385 525.918 12.942 534.007 10.533 255.503 9.106
+1281.543 512.739 10.306 547.160 11.186 235.625 10.360
+1281.700 513.437 10.520 538.951 8.494 230.626 16.600
+1281.856 518.024 9.216 541.729 9.521 258.046 13.740
+1282.014 520.640 9.472 539.407 8.279 258.760 9.876
+1282.171 507.856 9.435 537.134 7.699 245.697 8.429
+1282.327 510.948 8.796 537.291 7.862 245.587 9.619
+1282.483 509.639 17.103 540.423 8.599 253.515 16.333
+1282.639 512.086 9.581 536.954 7.646 254.315 9.561
+1282.796 520.430 9.705 539.639 10.318 240.543 10.527
+1282.953 506.244 10.220 542.866 12.058 240.995 8.374
+1283.110 513.662 7.499 536.648 10.676 256.759 7.070
+1283.269 509.836 9.220 538.206 7.159 240.937 8.628
+1283.426 518.168 8.679 537.312 8.554 255.109 6.567
+1283.583 509.831 11.433 542.903 8.421 244.591 7.685
+1283.739 507.048 8.295 537.609 7.179 242.785 5.006
+1283.897 511.820 8.067 541.486 9.417 248.027 6.643
+1284.055 515.998 7.678 539.004 6.993 254.110 9.629
+1284.213 509.350 6.767 539.280 8.164 247.221 12.580
+1284.369 512.123 8.606 540.432 7.884 249.632 9.789
+1284.526 515.021 10.863 543.764 7.924 243.756 9.373
+1284.683 510.470 6.861 536.927 9.158 246.967 6.706
+1284.841 514.294 8.284 541.059 7.976 244.189 9.227
+1284.998 513.063 8.690 545.710 8.666 243.681 5.346
+1285.155 523.010 10.586 539.597 6.783 249.506 9.273
+1285.313 509.090 8.430 539.056 7.499 252.815 9.531
+1285.469 524.030 7.975 542.500 8.942 246.928 6.608
+1285.625 511.470 11.457 540.385 11.055 236.269 6.173
+1285.783 524.744 9.286 539.933 9.560 240.642 7.227
+1285.940 520.647 12.198 539.459 8.853 242.216 10.964
+1286.097 518.816 13.279 537.954 7.529 250.982 8.536
+1286.254 520.858 12.042 540.949 7.475 243.479 12.349
+1286.411 516.348 8.001 540.109 6.472 251.854 5.878
+1286.569 523.033 8.736 540.971 9.514 254.098 11.204
+1286.726 520.220 13.256 540.969 8.288 241.331 8.578
+1286.883 518.502 9.369 539.929 8.353 247.563 8.513
+1287.040 521.805 9.036 532.329 9.526 254.565 11.544
+1287.197 513.848 7.775 544.263 11.069 238.755 8.707
+1287.354 514.438 15.448 538.992 8.076 254.187 9.984
+1287.510 521.194 7.638 541.610 8.172 248.631 4.796
+1287.667 515.461 9.309 538.366 9.565 246.016 6.670
+1287.824 520.444 7.023 537.903 8.359 248.490 6.684
+1287.981 511.704 7.836 541.549 10.401 242.904 5.667
+1288.139 512.407 7.555 537.645 9.004 249.129 8.211
+1288.296 509.314 9.849 541.766 8.229 244.011 4.768
+1288.453 516.653 8.268 539.057 8.229 247.360 7.040
+1288.611 513.916 7.364 537.740 9.083 255.893 7.049
+1288.769 511.829 8.084 540.747 7.973 238.148 6.523
+1288.926 513.608 8.091 541.667 9.252 239.081 9.500
+1289.082 512.376 8.245 539.706 8.329 249.990 6.357
+1289.241 524.763 13.677 536.837 8.921 263.239 18.390
+1289.397 518.067 8.696 544.238 8.812 246.752 13.984
+1289.555 516.120 9.257 541.632 9.208 249.207 11.916
+1289.712 512.221 9.191 540.866 9.911 239.902 9.108
+1289.869 509.602 8.352 542.148 7.650 241.939 6.513
+1290.026 514.116 9.087 539.621 11.110 253.079 7.562
+1290.183 515.081 13.989 536.426 8.844 256.210 11.648
+1290.340 513.940 8.179 538.434 7.597 248.472 7.555
+1290.497 516.939 8.205 540.314 7.352 246.564 6.714
+1290.654 511.689 8.283 538.793 9.246 232.575 7.080
+1290.811 512.206 7.226 540.698 8.388 246.825 6.832
+1290.969 509.312 7.662 538.707 6.801 257.598 7.247
+1291.126 507.973 7.053 538.877 6.550 249.096 12.952
+1291.284 502.359 7.655 539.838 8.091 244.420 5.547
+1291.441 509.423 9.812 539.948 8.748 245.314 11.830
+1291.597 502.764 8.587 541.129 6.614 245.983 5.169
+1291.755 512.867 8.798 538.831 6.479 252.739 11.706
+1291.912 505.118 7.506 541.218 7.304 242.337 10.519
+1292.068 501.731 15.782 539.212 7.522 244.933 9.408
+1292.225 502.287 7.301 540.582 7.479 252.209 10.346
+1292.382 506.112 8.117 539.145 7.038 251.662 7.622
+1292.539 507.871 8.399 539.861 6.948 249.116 6.095
+1292.697 505.528 7.166 540.188 7.345 249.851 9.291
+1292.854 495.885 6.308 539.191 6.151 251.018 11.017
+1293.012 500.088 6.941 540.352 6.837 247.660 9.935
+1293.170 507.000 9.808 535.253 6.515 263.736 5.036
+1293.328 500.890 8.137 539.922 7.891 245.737 5.867
+1293.485 499.018 10.493 540.699 6.942 249.977 9.558
+1293.642 504.560 10.331 538.917 9.087 256.169 18.496
+1293.798 499.345 10.660 539.479 6.918 243.311 8.295
+1293.956 502.493 6.648 541.554 8.582 249.623 9.006
+1294.112 509.024 7.351 540.435 7.407 247.896 5.888
+1294.271 500.710 7.748 541.084 6.114 246.348 5.403
+1294.428 500.627 7.068 537.520 6.901 245.023 10.887
+1294.585 500.496 7.216 540.045 7.184 254.210 8.025
+1294.743 504.265 8.985 540.110 6.862 248.422 13.099
+1294.900 504.522 9.864 538.541 7.119 251.394 14.902
+1295.056 501.585 8.857 539.465 7.418 250.073 7.890
+1295.212 503.245 8.122 539.374 6.428 251.780 5.910
+1295.369 498.702 9.387 540.493 6.507 244.997 8.483
+1295.526 498.627 14.123 538.194 8.085 241.479 17.004
+1295.681 497.636 14.330 540.162 9.539 248.174 23.559
+1295.837 499.726 9.421 539.691 8.206 252.351 13.285
+1295.993 497.987 9.269 540.847 8.279 252.523 7.521
+1296.150 500.149 10.298 540.008 7.763 247.375 7.254
+1296.308 491.631 9.254 543.230 9.155 246.573 9.708
+1296.465 501.006 14.228 540.732 8.977 257.915 5.916
+1296.622 498.330 10.577 538.527 9.977 250.459 7.170
+1296.779 503.863 9.928 541.145 9.411 252.804 11.073
+1296.936 502.298 17.489 540.311 8.883 249.128 34.316
+1297.091 499.833 8.701 540.463 8.594 243.641 15.651
+1297.247 502.558 8.411 540.624 7.110 254.306 5.850
+1297.405 495.475 7.179 537.046 7.565 250.293 10.564
+1297.562 503.544 15.641 539.730 9.830 249.322 8.887
+1297.718 501.565 11.055 540.707 7.992 247.913 18.888
+1297.875 501.275 6.529 540.187 7.119 252.779 6.710
+1298.033 499.502 7.876 538.731 6.939 247.717 10.097
+1298.190 497.795 8.256 539.117 6.243 256.277 4.230
+1298.348 501.288 7.337 538.451 7.682 253.472 8.312
+1298.505 500.762 7.365 539.654 7.991 251.094 6.410
+1298.663 491.717 11.313 538.646 6.975 247.050 5.108
+1298.820 498.487 8.551 538.126 7.854 248.020 5.809
+1298.978 489.914 6.861 541.111 7.008 255.590 5.778
+1299.136 495.989 7.948 537.741 8.506 253.725 7.431
+1299.293 489.399 7.975 537.277 7.118 249.707 9.681
+1299.449 500.884 6.463 537.962 6.478 259.387 7.294
+1299.607 486.058 11.402 544.129 8.334 236.523 12.005
+1299.764 491.580 9.506 536.341 8.397 248.145 5.318
+1299.921 481.185 8.274 537.293 8.374 256.401 8.413
+1300.078 489.841 8.558 544.823 9.518 245.004 6.327
+1300.236 486.968 7.870 538.308 7.577 258.320 10.740
+1300.393 479.569 8.163 541.223 7.289 241.293 8.283
+1300.549 491.985 7.364 540.312 10.427 244.232 8.114
+1300.705 471.059 10.241 537.273 8.552 239.472 14.291
+1300.862 479.700 8.769 538.462 7.796 254.824 11.972
+1301.019 493.047 7.291 539.094 8.278 259.618 5.823
+1301.176 485.160 7.108 544.441 8.675 242.166 6.417
+1301.333 479.401 7.040 537.414 7.403 250.191 8.765
+1301.490 484.194 7.047 539.284 7.546 246.631 6.383
+1301.648 483.531 12.144 534.792 6.789 258.426 11.797
+1301.806 478.025 8.467 536.008 7.887 249.264 16.838
+1301.962 488.310 6.769 546.070 7.664 253.292 12.869
+1302.119 474.843 8.614 540.320 7.056 241.742 6.003
+1302.277 474.588 7.096 539.203 7.700 256.407 7.477
+1302.435 486.855 7.042 537.852 7.510 259.734 7.403
+1302.592 485.288 9.403 537.908 9.287 250.857 14.253
+1302.748 476.662 8.351 544.859 7.878 241.798 8.026
+1302.904 477.826 6.721 541.098 10.354 238.957 10.074
+1303.062 478.768 7.690 534.771 8.122 260.459 5.626
+1303.220 480.557 7.763 540.327 8.892 255.404 5.289
+1303.378 485.155 8.259 536.193 7.874 258.104 6.723
+1303.535 477.981 7.653 540.122 6.894 246.291 7.654
+1303.692 483.799 8.681 544.371 6.531 242.632 10.268
+1303.849 481.198 10.877 540.503 11.557 251.776 10.696
+1304.007 482.232 7.056 536.825 8.111 265.457 5.375
+1304.165 479.242 9.592 538.298 8.742 249.554 8.449
+1304.322 481.902 12.505 540.673 7.966 248.005 10.005
+1304.479 476.009 9.790 535.056 9.368 256.100 14.243
+1304.637 481.590 6.956 540.440 10.333 251.441 12.804
+1304.795 482.675 11.277 536.664 7.904 252.394 16.150
+1304.952 496.226 8.307 541.816 7.264 257.863 5.520
+1305.110 482.952 8.776 542.138 7.531 243.178 6.080
+1305.268 478.179 6.771 533.951 9.695 257.651 9.859
+1305.425 482.281 8.585 539.939 11.477 252.816 10.625
+1305.582 485.752 10.346 540.149 7.589 254.888 4.864
+1305.739 482.047 7.760 539.951 6.998 250.058 8.384
+1305.897 481.120 7.297 539.399 7.528 244.060 8.678
+1306.053 478.121 7.573 540.394 7.143 253.920 4.936
+1306.211 479.251 8.030 539.803 8.573 256.599 5.501
+1306.369 484.422 7.007 545.778 6.875 252.606 6.672
+1306.526 481.904 7.709 540.027 8.746 251.686 8.918
+1306.683 481.549 10.743 538.600 8.463 253.596 13.894
+1306.841 483.115 6.824 539.856 11.013 260.505 8.715
+1306.998 482.411 9.800 538.538 8.679 253.775 9.099
+1307.155 482.684 8.244 540.615 9.970 251.637 5.994
+1307.312 484.926 7.795 536.886 10.720 254.276 8.193
+1307.470 490.119 7.780 539.948 10.847 254.362 5.191
+1307.628 486.581 7.345 539.309 13.966 251.593 7.363
+1307.783 477.295 6.240 539.233 9.690 245.885 5.946
+1307.942 484.902 7.238 539.262 8.628 256.698 5.510
+1308.100 482.049 7.426 539.552 8.290 255.007 6.152
+1308.258 480.030 8.235 537.825 11.345 250.230 5.751
+1308.416 491.790 11.001 541.418 7.575 249.352 7.235
+1308.573 478.607 8.832 538.874 7.588 244.603 8.467
+1308.730 476.666 7.949 535.518 7.466 253.436 6.447
+1308.887 486.916 9.008 538.495 12.344 253.154 5.674
+1309.044 487.009 7.824 539.034 8.537 251.831 6.543
+1309.201 478.050 6.693 539.310 7.044 243.688 8.517
+1309.357 483.670 6.458 539.533 10.076 255.776 5.327
+1309.516 485.806 6.105 535.935 8.807 257.027 4.477
+1309.674 473.678 8.072 537.489 8.729 251.710 6.484
+1309.831 482.546 9.274 539.354 8.204 241.627 7.453
+1309.988 486.965 8.000 538.003 7.060 254.826 4.604
+1310.145 478.389 8.465 533.700 8.404 249.308 9.044
+1310.302 483.723 7.387 538.477 9.266 257.553 6.383
+1310.460 478.387 7.214 537.254 10.560 247.535 6.944
+1310.617 484.943 12.227 535.692 8.018 252.365 16.003
+1310.773 477.029 8.550 533.657 9.102 246.103 19.079
+1310.929 484.280 8.057 535.876 8.103 253.921 5.646
+1311.087 483.582 6.391 534.808 6.704 250.859 5.931
+1311.245 487.325 8.557 533.658 8.277 250.918 5.927
+1311.403 479.713 10.368 537.946 7.748 252.429 8.204
+1311.561 487.947 7.876 533.809 9.139 256.934 6.230
+1311.717 479.769 9.378 539.488 8.281 246.149 7.903
+1311.874 483.087 8.441 535.724 8.290 253.791 6.542
+1312.031 484.080 8.529 532.057 9.458 250.797 11.921
+1312.187 474.580 8.525 533.450 10.242 245.187 5.790
+1312.345 488.775 7.007 531.414 9.108 253.471 8.727
+1312.502 486.907 9.388 530.684 10.883 247.584 12.059
+1312.659 492.069 7.859 533.436 7.648 249.255 13.802
+1312.816 484.870 11.469 532.154 7.198 249.272 6.189
+1312.974 492.698 12.560 530.171 8.841 247.532 5.565
+1313.131 488.967 7.046 529.841 7.177 252.225 4.413
+1313.289 486.499 7.655 533.448 7.020 245.422 6.432
+1313.445 499.005 7.762 530.854 7.113 250.774 5.317
+1313.603 485.980 7.177 527.368 7.234 245.457 12.012
+1313.761 499.309 7.639 534.143 7.909 254.594 6.877
+1313.918 488.333 6.940 529.471 8.481 252.235 7.386
+1314.075 494.083 7.890 534.614 8.127 251.302 7.915
+1314.231 497.440 7.319 532.676 7.814 248.023 8.669
+1314.388 498.134 6.951 526.986 7.379 250.280 8.159
+1314.545 497.291 8.282 529.769 7.707 245.422 8.822
+1314.702 494.642 7.882 531.717 7.107 251.384 7.765
+1314.858 498.286 8.950 531.607 6.856 249.283 6.710
+1315.015 502.612 8.134 529.936 6.728 250.792 13.563
+1315.171 502.506 11.555 531.259 6.925 246.267 6.025
+1315.328 502.375 7.772 531.562 8.743 251.142 6.838
+1315.485 492.733 8.787 529.785 7.232 248.781 8.678
+1315.642 505.997 8.424 529.767 8.969 252.167 11.662
+1315.800 505.830 14.801 531.157 8.259 248.591 19.275
+1315.956 491.078 13.241 527.401 9.462 236.125 15.439
+1316.111 511.040 11.421 527.054 9.116 248.401 14.832
+1316.268 495.540 8.636 530.270 10.053 246.164 11.719
+1316.424 503.495 10.064 531.272 10.054 251.411 6.272
+1316.582 489.914 8.330 528.612 8.019 249.954 12.228
+1316.739 505.199 7.872 531.116 9.332 247.739 18.043
+1316.896 503.392 16.814 540.801 7.769 255.827 17.293
+1317.051 496.883 10.782 534.088 9.490 241.658 10.613
+1317.208 498.808 8.294 533.640 8.100 253.726 8.372
+1317.365 500.408 7.225 537.806 10.137 253.847 6.005
+1317.523 502.424 8.345 546.718 6.641 254.888 6.208
+1317.681 494.694 8.777 541.667 6.725 250.378 7.598
+1317.839 501.956 8.409 536.916 7.486 251.723 6.972
+1317.996 500.979 11.136 539.289 9.032 244.677 17.231
+1318.152 490.239 12.955 537.843 7.785 244.406 9.540
+1318.309 499.142 9.824 535.478 8.042 257.364 6.847
+1318.466 508.061 10.225 536.854 8.524 248.933 10.143
+1318.624 502.400 9.790 538.358 7.214 252.709 7.391
+1318.781 496.094 12.897 543.193 6.823 253.337 10.176
+1318.938 501.840 11.942 539.832 8.161 254.303 8.323
+1319.096 504.208 7.286 538.288 8.287 248.803 9.057
+1319.253 503.572 12.966 538.412 8.859 245.878 28.159
+1319.408 499.595 11.328 541.824 7.611 250.958 15.683
+1319.565 494.635 9.416 541.078 6.938 250.999 15.383
+1319.722 501.536 7.408 538.990 7.238 252.810 10.690
+1319.880 500.555 6.508 540.429 7.229 252.108 14.150
+1320.037 501.925 9.430 539.724 6.412 249.101 8.792
+1320.194 509.639 12.070 541.167 6.530 252.941 10.664
+1320.352 495.996 8.420 540.841 8.792 242.369 13.223
+1320.508 500.000 13.469 539.378 8.379 249.643 18.105
+1320.663 504.269 10.333 540.653 6.040 254.736 6.862
+1320.822 502.672 10.093 538.376 6.557 258.567 9.080
+1320.979 497.036 7.264 540.273 6.616 243.315 6.403
+1321.136 497.780 8.105 540.972 7.561 251.023 8.240
+1321.293 506.267 12.204 538.539 8.668 257.320 8.638
+1321.450 498.522 7.170 540.235 10.158 242.083 6.703
+1321.607 502.575 6.704 541.162 9.069 255.250 10.136
+1321.765 503.735 7.223 538.691 7.918 246.922 10.858
+1321.922 501.717 7.261 538.407 6.672 249.169 7.613
+1322.080 499.077 6.551 540.994 6.119 243.521 5.572
+1322.239 502.060 8.456 539.750 6.341 246.115 7.084
+1322.396 504.400 6.775 541.027 6.639 246.001 5.077
+1322.554 504.854 11.894 541.820 7.563 245.980 13.932
+1322.710 501.218 7.558 540.368 6.908 248.609 5.733
+1322.868 499.552 11.520 538.613 8.768 254.166 5.444
+1323.025 498.415 6.466 539.836 6.267 248.461 5.055
+1323.184 502.664 7.310 540.628 6.816 247.384 6.813
+1323.341 496.706 9.605 541.266 6.851 247.023 12.694
+1323.497 498.517 10.488 538.942 6.720 250.690 5.845
+1323.654 502.845 6.985 541.379 6.093 244.836 11.506
+1323.812 502.868 8.762 541.423 6.838 251.168 5.644
+1323.970 499.148 12.296 539.624 6.360 243.141 10.326
+1324.127 501.151 8.455 538.146 7.552 245.131 12.657
+1324.285 502.181 7.322 541.011 7.679 256.271 10.728
+1324.443 501.381 7.833 536.840 8.990 263.902 14.149
+1324.601 501.363 7.719 542.518 6.907 231.259 7.278
+1324.758 500.023 12.359 540.295 8.005 243.242 11.039
+1324.915 501.760 7.838 538.913 6.714 253.252 6.185
+1325.074 502.817 6.893 537.059 6.312 260.912 5.470
+1325.233 500.388 7.461 539.190 6.811 243.809 4.169
+1325.390 501.083 6.762 541.181 6.476 240.658 5.334
+1325.548 501.840 6.956 539.511 6.773 247.236 6.740
+1325.705 512.508 7.873 537.745 6.780 258.172 5.490
+1325.863 501.555 6.834 540.107 6.644 243.991 5.616
+1326.021 504.285 6.338 539.411 7.629 246.339 4.658
+1326.178 506.432 6.905 537.014 6.436 256.483 5.000
+1326.337 501.254 6.929 539.670 6.853 253.714 3.816
+1326.495 498.932 7.263 539.386 6.584 246.627 4.890
+1326.652 506.929 7.358 539.043 6.958 250.856 6.676
+1326.810 511.039 7.477 539.770 7.170 256.308 8.483
+1326.967 507.420 8.917 540.877 6.345 254.593 5.137
+1327.125 507.564 6.384 535.488 6.176 249.195 7.698
+1327.283 502.895 7.566 539.234 9.023 248.531 6.358
+1327.440 507.849 6.169 541.962 7.793 249.495 6.134
+1327.598 511.678 8.117 540.219 8.664 247.454 5.048
+1327.755 506.856 7.460 539.152 8.029 253.314 7.386
+1327.912 510.898 8.105 540.421 7.202 247.043 6.035
+1328.071 504.899 8.169 538.524 12.718 263.570 8.663
+1328.228 509.319 11.153 537.905 8.612 241.215 19.135
+1328.385 511.103 9.028 536.389 9.956 257.002 11.892
+1328.543 508.071 8.690 538.213 8.717 239.910 8.732
+1328.699 512.330 7.968 538.322 8.093 240.499 8.479
+1328.856 519.723 9.028 535.173 7.972 255.665 8.656
+1329.012 508.627 11.265 539.151 8.270 239.466 7.914
+1329.169 500.816 11.458 539.921 6.768 240.984 13.729
+1329.326 509.578 7.266 538.069 8.796 255.219 7.103
+1329.483 511.285 9.761 539.070 8.559 251.602 8.351
+1329.639 508.502 8.072 538.340 8.683 245.026 12.504
+1329.796 509.795 7.598 538.883 6.697 239.890 11.207
+1329.953 512.578 8.218 538.908 8.835 246.908 14.926
+1330.110 504.975 9.708 538.339 8.951 250.689 10.091
+1330.266 516.459 6.409 539.693 6.585 252.866 4.755
+1330.424 505.964 10.233 537.697 8.047 245.088 6.838
+1330.581 505.469 7.567 539.557 9.103 243.590 6.888
+1330.738 507.224 7.043 542.005 7.502 246.795 5.484
+1330.896 508.592 7.517 543.960 7.833 248.297 11.065
+1331.053 505.305 9.214 538.579 8.697 248.062 6.237
+1331.211 502.883 9.362 540.305 7.155 246.080 4.172
+1331.367 513.948 6.400 538.973 7.866 249.810 5.791
+1331.526 509.359 8.574 540.529 7.677 255.368 10.642
+1331.684 507.563 8.191 541.385 7.199 248.303 8.757
+1331.840 504.005 6.647 538.823 7.078 246.103 5.440
+1331.998 510.980 7.260 537.298 7.012 244.391 5.722
+1332.156 505.789 13.564 537.483 6.748 254.443 6.824
+1332.313 505.287 7.394 540.394 7.671 252.214 6.404
+1332.470 506.692 7.194 536.564 6.705 244.412 5.287
+1332.628 501.216 7.311 537.715 7.058 248.554 5.898
+1332.786 509.962 8.005 540.277 7.239 250.045 7.918
+1332.943 506.659 9.828 538.012 7.068 250.200 6.291
+1333.100 503.876 8.214 539.550 7.019 245.822 7.334
+1333.256 504.618 8.685 538.545 6.766 249.258 4.315
+1333.413 504.436 7.886 537.175 6.444 249.612 5.502
+1333.570 502.474 11.141 536.751 7.112 248.626 6.582
+1333.727 503.904 6.916 537.377 6.265 251.966 5.121
+1333.885 500.839 6.287 541.453 7.210 244.849 5.741
+1334.043 506.788 8.323 540.124 6.499 246.968 6.219
+1334.200 507.737 7.508 538.371 7.437 254.059 7.475
+1334.357 501.837 7.963 539.793 6.380 245.980 5.511
+1334.515 506.958 12.546 537.288 8.483 252.449 14.333
+1334.672 495.799 9.336 539.612 7.330 249.254 14.956
+1334.828 500.808 8.139 539.416 7.212 248.252 7.157
+1334.985 504.998 6.405 538.114 7.044 254.542 6.389
+1335.143 499.820 8.327 539.491 7.627 251.685 6.072
+1335.300 503.928 11.261 537.364 7.489 250.106 5.323
+1335.458 497.809 8.189 540.613 6.786 239.931 4.505
+1335.615 502.048 11.195 536.666 14.007 259.839 5.941
+1335.773 500.730 12.807 540.716 8.965 231.708 12.991
+1335.928 495.727 8.116 539.887 13.366 240.767 14.734
+1336.084 506.187 9.187 539.028 10.120 268.747 4.795
+1336.242 502.551 8.117 537.530 6.673 252.897 4.813
+1336.399 502.475 7.096 538.395 6.538 248.968 4.118
+1336.557 499.914 7.535 544.874 6.295 224.069 6.316
+1336.714 501.759 7.906 538.718 6.823 253.620 8.441
+1336.871 498.387 6.949 536.907 6.812 263.076 9.492
+1337.029 502.853 8.732 539.149 8.687 259.720 8.220
+1337.186 498.398 6.967 540.151 6.252 241.627 5.927
+1337.344 499.024 7.038 542.891 6.420 242.376 5.535
+1337.502 502.660 6.730 537.259 8.209 259.523 4.952
+1337.660 501.176 7.784 539.342 9.558 249.275 6.579
+1337.817 501.741 9.925 538.713 7.006 264.252 12.723
+1337.974 500.357 12.353 540.137 10.894 241.042 7.044
+1338.131 504.493 8.702 540.671 9.296 248.600 5.242
+1338.289 507.194 7.620 539.076 6.300 246.136 7.359
+1338.446 503.021 8.698 540.760 7.789 247.691 8.949
+1338.603 500.650 6.415 536.627 6.744 258.146 7.149
+1338.761 498.486 8.425 539.506 6.151 244.781 11.317
+1338.918 501.754 7.952 539.255 7.386 246.967 7.097
+1339.075 506.057 6.413 540.272 6.495 243.859 8.361
+1339.232 503.220 7.158 540.662 7.092 254.248 5.405
+1339.390 502.802 8.630 539.226 7.395 252.942 8.711
+1339.548 499.598 7.531 538.342 6.857 251.809 4.882
+1339.705 499.596 6.418 539.253 6.372 239.058 7.412
+1339.862 505.645 7.297 538.122 8.457 254.850 5.306
+1340.020 496.856 9.117 541.281 10.314 242.718 5.556
+1340.177 500.718 6.544 541.402 6.821 246.957 5.435
+1340.336 502.677 8.923 536.724 6.873 260.889 12.831
+1340.495 503.866 10.204 539.137 8.065 260.928 12.990
+1340.651 505.018 10.356 537.871 7.795 250.489 4.256
+1340.809 502.900 7.540 543.508 6.690 237.684 7.281
+1340.966 497.839 10.311 540.665 7.870 243.636 7.664
+1341.123 492.628 8.275 538.746 7.036 261.306 8.179
+1341.280 498.326 6.223 537.387 7.047 259.863 7.367
+1341.438 508.883 10.521 539.843 11.758 240.828 11.868
+1341.594 504.458 12.003 541.308 7.058 243.908 9.869
+1341.751 508.344 8.643 540.683 9.818 238.219 10.770
+1341.908 504.373 9.520 538.276 8.853 269.202 11.736
+1342.065 495.043 7.191 536.462 8.844 249.592 7.759
+1342.222 488.190 9.217 542.194 6.485 239.925 12.902
+1342.379 509.241 12.710 537.222 7.895 255.039 12.009
+1342.536 499.462 14.639 538.952 8.324 245.430 22.262
+1342.693 491.464 11.547 537.579 6.706 250.264 9.623
+1342.851 515.894 7.203 539.645 6.946 258.032 10.778
+1343.009 497.929 7.908 542.176 7.797 239.700 8.501
+1343.165 491.119 6.956 540.341 6.602 254.127 6.838
+1343.323 500.521 7.094 538.523 7.583 256.121 8.952
+1343.480 510.445 9.504 538.595 7.629 251.551 13.944
+1343.636 504.604 7.989 541.306 9.241 239.105 8.659
+1343.792 500.806 6.832 539.423 7.532 247.431 5.558
+1343.950 500.728 7.123 540.314 7.025 254.124 7.459
+1344.108 500.617 11.588 537.353 6.769 243.171 15.857
+1344.265 500.846 10.433 540.763 8.005 247.251 9.794
+1344.421 500.978 12.058 544.007 8.287 245.672 13.132
+1344.579 504.919 14.187 537.870 7.887 259.626 17.608
+1344.735 504.159 8.903 535.688 8.139 257.436 8.937
+1344.891 495.561 9.898 543.716 7.279 236.054 9.903
+1345.047 492.785 8.168 543.437 6.813 239.170 6.720
+1345.205 502.237 8.300 534.974 12.548 266.641 10.025
+1345.362 491.602 7.359 539.719 9.046 263.326 5.164
+1345.520 492.106 11.414 538.657 6.243 252.713 16.130
+1345.676 491.161 8.657 542.896 7.761 244.317 7.326
+1345.833 489.051 7.187 540.849 6.335 248.143 7.641
+1345.991 494.770 6.585 541.398 7.371 253.551 6.502
+1346.149 490.357 8.319 540.174 7.114 257.465 8.102
+1346.305 490.763 8.836 538.331 6.623 251.464 5.154
+1346.463 480.417 8.801 540.243 7.110 243.544 5.844
+1346.620 485.264 10.092 540.482 6.471 252.555 5.670
+1346.778 482.952 12.804 542.644 7.518 256.575 8.928
+1346.936 490.929 8.089 537.006 6.878 249.835 13.116
+1347.092 485.079 8.607 541.450 7.256 247.398 4.026
+1347.249 495.240 7.635 545.874 7.251 249.333 6.721
+1347.406 482.542 9.867 538.888 6.482 252.963 10.571
+1347.562 471.025 10.473 538.748 7.478 255.399 10.272
+1347.720 477.520 7.755 539.447 6.705 257.944 5.837
+1347.879 488.025 8.406 540.194 7.213 258.619 7.524
+1348.037 490.980 5.926 539.722 6.373 257.046 6.052
+1348.195 480.639 8.946 542.357 6.971 237.400 8.104
+1348.352 494.836 12.099 539.683 7.509 246.864 5.853
+1348.509 488.778 6.760 538.496 7.143 251.218 7.270
+1348.667 475.597 9.890 539.405 7.045 253.662 12.001
+1348.824 476.626 9.549 538.914 7.501 250.476 11.194
+1348.982 483.026 11.024 538.069 8.258 255.814 10.053
+1349.140 477.360 12.050 538.670 6.492 253.218 14.652
+1349.296 479.683 12.414 540.486 10.107 251.792 6.844
+1349.454 482.756 8.071 537.954 6.286 251.157 10.081
+1349.610 491.777 5.918 542.459 6.913 251.191 3.845
+1349.769 486.807 16.311 546.844 8.980 252.461 14.793
+1349.924 478.858 8.635 539.238 8.225 250.204 11.035
+1350.082 482.178 7.304 539.142 7.547 249.922 4.186
+1350.240 468.141 13.222 537.811 9.661 254.559 10.061
+1350.398 479.481 11.263 538.918 7.402 260.185 8.026
+1350.555 484.084 10.101 543.699 10.012 244.621 11.235
+1350.711 481.310 6.694 536.417 9.036 247.886 5.218
+1350.871 491.103 11.101 537.134 8.058 265.938 11.642
+1351.028 481.301 7.448 539.911 6.754 250.269 14.971
+1351.184 484.933 6.452 541.179 8.315 246.472 17.230
+1351.340 461.069 14.375 537.581 9.685 239.624 7.459
+1351.496 489.080 16.139 539.865 7.558 265.166 13.682
+1351.652 472.860 11.256 540.838 8.576 251.471 14.597
+1351.809 470.098 12.211 540.108 8.841 254.134 13.958
+1351.966 482.911 9.892 538.801 8.780 261.761 9.144
+1352.123 483.349 13.432 545.088 8.074 221.177 28.270
+1352.278 478.473 8.549 538.610 9.164 256.771 8.573
+1352.436 481.164 6.091 537.486 8.078 268.937 7.531
+1352.593 474.861 9.770 539.774 7.883 252.769 7.887
+1352.749 471.088 11.151 540.057 8.018 248.097 7.637
+1352.906 484.090 9.817 543.260 9.121 246.761 8.425
+1353.063 484.330 11.420 540.102 8.397 254.867 5.527
+1353.222 488.343 15.012 536.541 7.437 269.818 6.346
+1353.380 488.033 9.903 545.275 7.676 233.248 5.998
+1353.538 478.610 6.916 543.202 7.588 237.312 5.877
+1353.696 477.496 7.573 537.832 7.190 260.033 5.031
+1353.855 484.335 6.280 537.768 7.222 262.380 5.643
+1354.014 485.273 8.722 541.037 8.156 257.823 4.968
+1354.172 483.382 7.992 543.300 7.315 238.998 8.573
+1354.328 486.803 9.716 542.523 7.345 245.320 7.768
+1354.486 480.508 9.520 537.095 6.978 262.743 9.195
+1354.643 486.265 7.612 542.831 7.379 250.657 15.960
+1354.800 479.582 14.867 537.988 7.784 258.716 7.767
+1354.957 469.605 9.479 540.119 7.557 253.067 6.217
+1355.115 474.746 15.583 540.231 8.288 253.300 15.444
+1355.272 493.517 10.407 539.242 7.681 249.163 12.206
+1355.429 481.915 8.278 539.002 7.739 250.271 14.540
+1355.586 468.159 12.946 536.930 10.646 239.812 15.902
+1355.742 487.331 12.985 542.959 7.935 256.458 13.131
+1355.900 476.603 10.917 543.299 7.281 259.164 7.896
+1356.057 478.206 6.798 539.803 7.328 252.541 7.911
+1356.214 480.442 8.585 538.758 9.721 250.245 8.316
+1356.370 481.124 8.887 540.297 8.051 250.272 15.041
+1356.527 484.081 7.115 541.083 7.664 256.272 5.448
+1356.684 485.970 10.502 541.610 6.602 247.962 9.252
+1356.841 484.759 12.104 537.566 9.371 248.179 10.080
+1356.998 483.027 10.030 539.255 7.564 241.891 9.347
+1357.154 479.890 7.668 542.032 9.060 252.878 7.712
+1357.311 479.438 7.318 540.480 8.236 253.598 8.850
+1357.468 478.284 7.757 540.134 7.513 242.736 8.085
+1357.625 488.912 9.186 539.341 7.555 259.387 10.382
+1357.783 474.149 17.390 541.723 9.362 245.093 12.074
+1357.939 487.061 8.930 537.547 9.031 256.610 5.911
+1358.097 490.040 8.303 542.705 8.520 251.516 5.315
+1358.254 483.720 8.157 544.147 8.611 244.615 9.963
+1358.409 472.737 7.888 538.991 7.297 243.956 6.670
+1358.566 471.257 14.700 544.039 8.689 252.019 8.019
+1358.722 488.012 9.296 537.450 7.743 254.100 8.502
+1358.879 489.450 7.652 541.824 8.530 253.111 11.251
+1359.036 480.464 9.686 544.628 9.108 241.551 6.547
+1359.193 483.894 7.981 543.276 9.641 247.495 7.033
+1359.350 483.069 7.805 540.332 8.217 254.394 5.325
+1359.508 477.410 6.791 541.803 9.482 253.513 5.768
+1359.666 477.474 9.430 539.658 6.727 257.205 5.876
+1359.824 487.554 10.876 543.086 8.391 251.982 8.491
+1359.983 488.315 9.849 542.570 8.010 259.729 7.822
+1360.140 477.003 8.663 539.995 7.982 240.747 12.044
+1360.297 487.840 10.383 543.389 8.073 250.917 5.891
+1360.455 486.318 7.186 538.623 7.985 250.569 5.650
+1360.612 480.873 11.205 539.556 8.990 251.925 5.601
+1360.769 483.388 10.767 540.365 8.311 252.729 7.238
+1360.927 480.823 8.347 542.373 7.841 248.267 7.100
+1361.084 484.788 10.399 538.073 6.901 247.462 9.027
+1361.240 472.627 10.332 541.860 6.446 242.784 8.979
+1361.398 483.806 8.414 541.138 6.633 253.997 8.528
+1361.555 480.158 10.457 542.161 8.446 247.479 7.044
+1361.712 473.881 13.897 539.391 7.640 248.714 5.107
+1361.870 483.158 8.367 539.514 8.428 252.257 23.305
+1362.026 484.531 9.127 539.695 8.463 253.292 7.623
+1362.183 488.805 5.658 540.316 6.752 253.252 5.925
+1362.341 484.168 9.136 541.853 7.419 246.102 8.021
+1362.497 485.731 9.346 541.638 8.821 255.181 14.564
+1362.654 479.897 7.822 539.556 7.488 258.941 9.422
+1362.811 477.149 8.379 539.695 9.252 250.779 7.281
+1362.968 478.521 6.239 539.547 8.468 251.937 6.085
+1363.126 482.755 7.113 540.325 9.264 254.549 4.017
+1363.282 483.397 7.083 542.393 7.424 251.715 4.358
+1363.440 477.174 9.603 544.184 7.112 249.187 5.332
+1363.598 484.221 11.565 538.781 7.089 251.841 12.608
+1363.755 492.022 9.470 539.327 10.378 252.848 5.153
+1363.912 475.940 6.878 541.393 7.244 252.368 6.145
+1364.070 478.689 8.024 540.454 7.437 257.483 5.604
+1364.228 481.456 7.767 540.824 7.430 253.194 7.505
+1364.385 486.704 10.426 544.198 8.618 247.551 4.875
+1364.542 476.997 8.925 539.822 6.597 249.695 7.688
+1364.699 462.769 13.826 538.438 8.246 247.607 36.217
+1364.854 481.277 12.676 544.974 8.844 265.186 21.746
+1365.011 467.322 6.764 540.609 8.648 250.721 9.585
+1365.168 491.763 9.562 538.416 10.791 262.197 12.342
+1365.326 486.567 11.198 542.764 8.360 240.121 9.098
+1365.483 486.265 7.712 543.157 6.780 258.611 6.756
+1365.641 481.372 10.196 540.011 9.269 250.526 7.060
+1365.797 460.523 11.920 537.570 12.362 247.865 9.963
+1365.955 491.155 24.881 539.215 10.639 269.848 16.199
+1366.110 485.521 16.097 541.332 7.932 228.638 28.281
+1366.265 488.755 12.407 538.673 9.142 233.046 8.149
+1366.422 489.247 8.008 539.526 8.052 260.310 6.035
+1366.579 490.622 6.871 539.785 8.525 259.563 6.758
+1366.736 491.746 10.135 539.877 8.104 243.335 8.177
+1366.892 481.527 9.820 546.188 8.026 246.763 18.477
+1367.048 473.875 11.945 538.751 9.237 257.307 11.610
+1367.204 493.398 7.417 539.397 9.996 248.433 9.990
+1367.360 488.054 8.591 539.794 7.602 248.594 5.286
+1367.518 477.410 11.305 546.408 6.597 242.865 21.862
+1367.676 483.434 8.824 542.154 6.989 244.488 6.605
+1367.832 490.484 6.743 539.231 6.899 256.764 4.694
+1367.990 475.294 8.079 538.962 7.870 259.417 9.074
+1368.147 486.132 16.132 545.989 9.824 264.154 20.731
+1368.303 485.721 8.542 540.249 11.310 243.421 12.123
+1368.461 479.867 8.352 544.972 8.671 239.904 6.432
+1368.618 479.278 7.026 539.019 9.051 247.979 12.985
+1368.775 477.712 7.621 543.320 7.988 245.999 7.958
+1368.932 483.477 7.335 538.243 8.171 264.410 8.602
+1369.088 481.724 6.895 543.852 7.681 253.814 11.243
+1369.246 457.217 6.656 536.528 7.765 254.558 22.239
+1369.403 479.112 8.861 543.585 7.619 253.495 11.698
+1369.560 482.721 10.995 541.175 7.443 249.134 10.656
+1369.717 484.977 8.072 537.531 6.734 251.071 15.342
+1369.873 476.739 9.082 544.545 7.365 247.630 17.687
+1370.029 485.547 8.977 541.245 7.963 253.766 19.719
+1370.185 483.465 9.664 544.482 8.409 253.217 10.090
+1370.343 471.394 5.849 542.024 7.925 248.412 11.409
+1370.501 477.234 6.192 539.090 10.484 253.714 18.780
+1370.657 489.872 8.185 543.700 11.476 251.607 9.096
+1370.814 493.818 7.954 538.157 7.601 253.796 6.078
+1370.972 476.348 7.957 543.671 8.675 240.887 8.809
+1371.128 483.493 12.110 541.186 9.092 243.898 11.333
+1371.285 492.884 12.297 539.591 10.686 260.109 18.436
+1371.441 470.658 9.712 541.515 7.579 246.081 9.539
+1371.598 486.646 22.094 542.485 8.299 263.580 23.810
+1371.755 486.886 11.613 544.824 8.839 244.035 10.169
+1371.913 488.118 10.154 534.078 7.117 254.890 5.870
+1372.070 477.801 10.623 541.310 7.212 245.668 6.296
+1372.227 472.878 9.742 545.643 7.734 253.436 17.446
+1372.383 480.788 10.234 536.066 8.739 252.874 18.795
+1372.541 497.697 8.624 541.750 8.216 250.768 24.032
+1372.698 462.947 7.914 541.667 12.564 259.827 22.235
+1372.855 487.089 11.806 539.856 10.153 259.198 18.558
+1373.011 486.990 10.196 542.868 11.303 250.752 5.731
+1373.170 484.099 8.294 540.068 9.242 238.527 8.584
+1373.328 478.401 7.563 543.400 8.136 248.255 8.326
+1373.484 487.404 7.913 541.584 7.717 260.372 9.578
+1373.641 490.914 12.037 539.655 9.264 251.013 15.490
+1373.797 478.859 9.742 541.616 7.780 246.290 8.177
+1373.954 483.278 16.579 544.666 11.729 249.352 9.277
+1374.111 488.192 10.093 544.536 7.342 251.533 7.767
+1374.269 489.561 7.818 537.505 7.801 259.655 7.044
+1374.426 491.495 8.940 542.695 8.325 242.356 12.750
+1374.582 479.634 7.696 544.147 7.352 226.053 14.266
+1374.740 486.676 12.722 538.181 7.908 262.300 14.322
+1374.896 471.446 20.148 542.991 12.278 256.723 17.146
+1375.053 487.864 19.519 543.080 7.381 252.937 11.333
+1375.210 484.888 8.969 539.700 9.557 251.809 5.811
+1375.367 483.258 9.653 541.607 9.268 242.968 7.944
+1375.523 487.232 8.671 540.646 8.318 252.889 8.000
+1375.679 459.162 10.525 548.746 7.452 234.708 30.007
+1375.836 489.241 12.906 542.957 9.057 260.007 11.129
+1375.993 480.682 10.835 541.689 8.710 246.360 10.345
+1376.150 478.046 7.777 542.497 7.754 253.483 15.197
+1376.307 483.250 6.962 539.895 7.222 255.554 4.856
+1376.465 490.582 8.056 541.249 8.412 258.595 7.387
+1376.622 473.195 7.834 537.692 8.264 244.175 12.662
+1376.778 481.422 9.195 544.376 7.324 243.461 27.655
+1376.935 479.044 8.203 542.703 7.485 256.834 7.017
+1377.093 482.650 7.171 540.397 9.849 262.498 7.534
+1377.251 480.446 8.284 535.924 6.535 258.145 5.436
+1377.410 486.314 7.795 544.829 7.571 245.821 7.407
+1377.567 491.873 7.137 539.118 8.107 248.988 7.408
+1377.724 484.918 6.988 540.101 7.649 247.699 4.883
+1377.882 492.099 8.073 542.521 8.522 259.527 5.960
+1378.039 489.211 9.388 538.315 9.155 245.955 5.284
+1378.197 487.542 9.958 541.713 8.843 253.439 11.180
+1378.355 485.085 9.039 539.727 7.155 262.084 5.645
+1378.513 503.420 7.980 546.017 8.026 242.250 11.153
+1378.669 499.744 7.701 543.310 6.694 241.362 7.754
+1378.826 487.257 8.931 545.183 7.393 241.353 5.753
+1378.983 487.812 7.914 539.591 6.895 254.133 6.103
+1379.141 497.468 7.656 541.706 7.950 262.051 7.921
+1379.298 501.464 7.374 541.107 8.504 260.360 8.734
+1379.455 498.124 7.000 545.151 6.582 246.033 11.021
+1379.612 496.461 8.470 545.981 12.229 241.300 11.399
+1379.770 501.744 11.172 542.179 6.617 256.803 9.363
+1379.927 489.517 6.708 539.971 6.775 261.528 4.838
+1380.085 493.595 6.594 541.549 6.615 253.815 5.780
+1380.243 501.606 9.458 543.915 12.240 252.198 14.141
+1380.399 504.836 11.818 542.549 10.692 236.742 13.401
+1380.555 501.058 15.219 541.385 10.570 225.497 9.131
+1380.713 505.460 7.845 540.693 7.680 266.245 12.618
+1380.870 501.174 8.635 540.836 6.368 258.352 7.196
+1381.028 498.441 6.531 541.418 6.338 252.303 5.371
+1381.187 495.274 9.535 542.224 8.783 242.583 10.193
+1381.344 499.332 6.401 543.862 6.744 243.675 9.995
+1381.501 510.633 7.021 540.538 7.773 255.756 6.993
+1381.659 499.886 8.465 539.275 7.591 265.487 4.922
+1381.817 498.448 8.578 541.312 6.649 253.144 8.088
+1381.974 492.774 16.435 543.893 13.498 243.211 21.419
+1382.129 501.727 23.696 539.658 7.678 251.892 17.322
+1382.285 503.277 10.758 540.106 7.567 257.678 5.699
+1382.444 498.262 7.172 542.261 6.368 244.816 4.510
+1382.601 497.072 8.209 542.212 7.331 247.368 7.176
+1382.759 492.900 8.575 538.382 8.515 259.793 11.439
+1382.917 501.379 17.083 540.913 9.261 244.727 9.799
+1383.074 499.193 8.172 540.799 9.500 260.567 13.748
+1383.231 512.902 8.285 540.798 7.347 257.705 6.003
+1383.390 496.909 19.279 544.998 10.294 240.727 8.281
+1383.546 488.129 9.838 544.590 6.890 237.557 4.606
+1383.704 506.881 12.582 543.486 6.837 258.475 11.275
+1383.861 499.528 6.693 538.524 6.520 263.514 6.986
+1384.019 501.655 7.001 541.335 7.304 260.225 7.390
+1384.176 500.836 11.458 544.283 6.313 240.992 15.290
+1384.334 504.598 12.257 545.522 8.700 248.399 4.915
+1384.491 500.685 14.279 540.105 6.938 236.974 15.582
+1384.647 502.796 7.298 542.371 7.100 252.779 8.740
+1384.806 499.277 6.078 541.323 6.277 266.507 5.566
+1384.964 500.562 7.259 544.413 6.197 238.935 7.413
+1385.122 509.035 8.475 542.334 6.415 245.929 14.787
+1385.277 505.640 13.694 545.763 9.409 248.289 11.888
+1385.433 501.006 13.740 541.227 8.301 248.172 9.110
+1385.590 507.340 8.714 542.222 9.113 248.571 7.329
+1385.747 502.713 7.261 546.762 8.322 262.595 7.819
+1385.904 500.997 11.661 542.547 8.154 250.036 7.582
+1386.061 507.050 8.455 542.025 8.969 244.190 12.040
+1386.218 509.350 8.053 541.470 7.506 247.701 6.845
+1386.376 506.353 8.911 542.664 7.120 247.067 14.429
+1386.532 510.953 8.783 537.686 6.670 256.290 6.599
+1386.690 507.599 7.411 545.726 7.463 254.742 7.316
+1386.846 506.076 12.358 544.657 7.926 239.847 6.724
+1387.003 507.950 6.834 541.556 7.914 250.778 5.913
+1387.161 512.279 7.004 544.335 7.428 250.317 5.095
+1387.320 510.972 6.876 541.683 6.914 251.663 5.138
+1387.478 510.209 6.460 540.976 6.573 255.986 5.958
+1387.636 504.612 7.330 542.269 6.790 241.189 9.089
+1387.792 509.706 8.948 544.262 7.445 244.521 8.764
+1387.949 509.637 6.856 541.282 6.430 253.145 4.938
+1388.108 511.896 6.786 540.382 7.193 252.561 8.662
+1388.265 512.669 8.206 540.773 6.220 256.135 4.935
+1388.423 505.266 7.281 542.337 6.430 235.731 3.982
+1388.580 511.602 7.059 538.123 7.171 254.027 4.462
+1388.738 509.696 8.017 541.971 6.624 246.760 6.084
+1388.896 509.797 7.254 540.749 6.658 251.617 5.834
+1389.054 510.227 7.874 539.517 7.092 252.306 6.555
+1389.211 503.492 8.952 542.955 7.263 249.823 4.599
+1389.368 510.194 9.729 540.649 7.710 246.478 11.995
+1389.526 508.401 8.105 538.806 7.046 252.804 9.847
+1389.683 510.014 8.028 540.468 6.732 246.788 5.200
+1389.841 513.150 8.958 540.654 7.134 252.357 4.334
+1389.998 507.691 7.011 541.386 7.295 245.153 6.797
+1390.155 509.357 10.220 540.843 8.048 249.401 10.074
+1390.311 509.113 9.753 541.658 7.410 248.714 4.095
+1390.469 510.261 7.073 540.036 6.761 254.187 5.151
+1390.627 509.072 7.421 540.380 8.242 249.481 6.868
+1390.784 509.080 9.202 540.183 9.364 249.784 9.106
+1390.940 515.640 9.060 542.361 6.839 252.857 6.851
+1391.098 504.756 7.571 543.253 8.972 245.078 6.519
+1391.255 498.887 7.063 540.842 9.780 239.190 6.164
+1391.413 511.088 6.920 540.858 7.079 245.661 8.748
+1391.570 505.610 10.067 541.808 11.116 249.386 6.034
+1391.728 497.166 7.099 540.408 8.063 240.743 4.084
+1391.886 501.811 9.198 537.864 10.760 263.157 11.313
+1392.043 505.648 7.466 543.688 7.484 260.001 9.803
+1392.200 510.426 7.055 542.906 7.767 248.330 7.647
+1392.357 508.674 8.313 543.989 7.971 241.353 9.946
+1392.513 507.626 8.726 546.759 9.294 240.573 5.145
+1392.671 496.586 6.922 541.557 8.397 247.825 8.766
+1392.829 503.025 7.083 536.785 6.880 271.038 5.620
+1392.987 506.860 9.715 541.957 7.008 252.270 12.512
+1393.144 496.708 11.364 546.229 8.298 237.502 28.384
+1393.300 520.337 11.012 546.262 8.722 240.115 16.020
+1393.456 545.313 16.467 583.422 12.734 251.121 7.463
+1393.613 512.573 11.476 543.954 9.882 252.861 8.092
+1393.772 511.715 7.354 540.769 7.687 259.218 6.864
+1393.929 505.597 7.978 549.427 8.409 241.162 7.435
+1394.085 511.875 13.373 542.604 7.942 240.971 16.959
+1394.242 510.288 8.986 541.456 7.915 256.559 8.743
+1394.398 502.752 8.876 542.934 6.997 249.195 5.258
+1394.556 509.767 8.182 543.729 7.600 253.311 7.847
+1394.714 515.327 12.214 545.787 7.116 257.353 12.486
+1394.872 505.263 9.803 543.827 7.117 234.153 9.937
+1395.028 504.702 7.121 543.098 6.462 243.731 8.456
+1395.185 509.697 7.061 546.901 6.579 253.017 8.720
+1395.343 500.517 7.646 540.969 7.059 262.100 8.955
+1395.501 506.245 7.656 543.259 6.824 266.841 8.829
+1395.657 498.552 6.580 545.462 6.609 248.368 5.481
+1395.815 497.335 7.034 545.404 7.670 235.403 7.833
+1395.972 500.423 8.930 541.974 8.123 260.494 9.001
+1396.129 486.294 9.835 541.699 6.286 242.304 14.689
+1396.286 493.433 16.322 540.457 6.838 259.723 6.841
+1396.444 496.914 6.627 539.684 6.333 260.587 13.091
+1396.601 497.439 13.893 544.526 10.321 240.465 20.824
+1396.758 498.134 6.276 542.345 6.919 242.594 4.991
+1396.916 498.971 10.071 545.213 7.166 254.085 5.294
+1397.073 497.079 9.893 541.802 6.632 261.370 8.947
+1397.231 493.870 12.607 540.278 6.228 256.953 4.401
+1397.389 490.178 10.824 540.702 6.808 246.009 7.246
+1397.546 496.181 7.612 546.267 7.185 238.880 7.067
+1397.704 497.721 6.534 541.802 6.389 263.128 5.753
+1397.862 493.577 8.467 543.068 5.924 244.911 8.581
+1398.020 499.745 5.820 538.400 6.364 252.359 11.094
+1398.177 501.967 10.924 546.904 6.388 242.263 4.494
+1398.334 494.649 10.322 546.119 8.095 240.172 8.118
+1398.491 504.846 7.922 543.591 7.099 269.511 6.924
+1398.649 499.428 8.103 547.515 7.263 257.655 9.049
+1398.806 493.684 8.972 546.055 7.798 232.756 5.034
+1398.963 495.366 6.332 549.140 6.811 240.887 4.350
+1399.120 503.443 6.891 547.291 7.121 248.758 6.010
+1399.278 505.384 9.550 542.942 7.769 261.907 5.602
+1399.437 498.743 9.036 546.189 7.560 259.699 5.840
+1399.595 494.977 8.750 552.651 7.681 241.837 10.432
+1399.752 494.339 7.951 545.576 6.973 242.708 7.474
+1399.909 497.273 7.055 544.945 8.176 259.367 8.052
+1400.065 502.392 9.157 548.229 6.959 257.523 5.879
+1400.223 494.614 8.757 546.342 6.648 253.585 8.152
+1400.380 500.226 9.406 547.593 9.156 246.955 6.255
+1400.537 496.722 8.126 548.506 7.082 242.529 12.021
+1400.695 498.317 10.176 541.905 7.459 278.555 10.084
+1400.853 500.413 8.060 545.999 7.737 264.965 11.072
+1401.011 498.294 13.308 549.390 8.603 231.729 9.414
+1401.166 494.562 11.527 545.643 7.594 237.357 9.447
+1401.322 475.805 7.019 546.616 7.707 246.743 7.923
+1401.478 508.208 13.810 541.606 9.191 270.727 17.205
+1401.635 504.702 9.516 544.936 8.069 270.287 9.314
+1401.791 498.657 11.184 548.699 6.763 245.662 10.184
+1401.948 493.346 9.875 546.207 8.067 218.496 6.119
+1402.106 499.503 14.090 546.162 7.482 257.824 5.405
+1402.264 500.115 10.013 540.821 7.957 278.308 6.114
+1402.422 492.981 13.811 541.578 9.508 261.863 5.897
+1402.579 500.179 9.005 548.725 9.129 238.778 6.063
+1402.735 504.751 9.939 547.387 9.180 236.277 6.259
+1402.892 503.507 8.850 544.603 9.151 255.932 8.560
+1403.049 502.905 9.226 543.076 7.745 251.239 10.013
+1403.206 502.479 7.327 542.960 8.477 256.302 5.560
+1403.365 501.554 11.302 544.039 8.241 253.133 5.672
+1403.523 502.635 9.898 545.210 7.096 236.271 6.829
+1403.680 515.026 9.386 545.042 7.519 250.922 8.261
+1403.837 507.170 7.007 544.830 6.858 255.829 6.123
+1403.995 506.251 8.981 544.198 9.691 249.368 8.974
+1404.152 512.352 10.004 545.692 7.630 244.943 7.096
+1404.309 513.753 12.801 542.287 8.137 250.779 11.316
+1404.465 514.017 9.005 544.412 11.063 242.677 16.996
+1404.622 516.180 8.870 546.184 8.805 241.936 12.731
+1404.778 522.841 10.820 537.691 7.983 252.869 6.985
+1404.936 519.898 11.300 540.467 9.237 249.778 7.760
+1405.092 521.579 10.184 543.484 7.790 247.807 11.156
+1405.250 513.595 12.905 552.364 12.777 239.398 7.656
+1405.406 514.226 13.006 535.633 8.806 251.663 4.316
+1405.563 510.502 12.516 546.366 8.519 243.136 6.951
+1405.719 511.905 11.192 537.403 9.588 257.231 12.168
+1405.876 508.159 11.493 542.924 9.239 231.602 6.245
+1406.033 513.491 10.440 542.299 10.922 241.646 10.143
+1406.191 507.784 9.236 540.753 9.038 255.926 9.318
+1406.348 528.227 14.405 539.267 11.083 258.599 8.251
+1406.505 519.452 9.853 543.782 9.191 241.176 9.569
+1406.661 511.764 17.247 545.317 9.558 228.351 8.905
+1406.817 523.967 8.462 543.743 9.677 248.263 5.629
+1406.975 515.889 11.926 538.707 9.501 262.242 6.361
+1407.133 508.908 12.786 541.067 8.833 254.702 8.261
+1407.289 506.689 11.475 546.480 7.621 227.537 11.169
+1407.446 518.346 9.560 542.314 10.102 248.755 7.995
+1407.604 513.963 6.824 543.203 7.244 261.937 6.107
+1407.762 512.779 9.555 542.902 10.431 239.099 5.222
+1407.920 511.747 8.392 545.339 7.918 237.391 5.979
+1408.077 511.217 9.108 545.303 7.727 256.843 5.140
+1408.235 514.672 11.234 539.473 7.497 256.568 5.247
+1408.395 504.996 7.025 541.984 8.513 259.435 5.949
+1408.553 509.410 6.774 548.319 8.092 230.664 7.214
+1408.709 510.384 9.263 540.073 7.478 235.696 6.705
+1408.868 515.673 7.084 538.560 7.386 261.257 5.365
+1409.027 514.496 8.617 540.615 6.822 265.212 9.126
+1409.183 525.675 7.437 542.136 6.591 252.272 5.137
+1409.342 508.106 9.655 543.311 9.004 247.082 8.097
+1409.498 513.451 11.722 541.363 8.010 233.720 8.771
+1409.653 516.724 7.699 539.243 7.336 247.047 5.729
+1409.811 511.087 7.239 539.182 7.498 254.260 4.410
+1409.968 515.290 7.852 536.111 7.610 259.022 4.774
+1410.127 513.962 9.385 541.361 7.282 246.640 7.580
+1410.284 513.309 7.916 542.733 7.218 243.416 6.959
+1410.441 517.833 12.041 540.877 7.072 238.254 9.630
+1410.597 518.998 9.054 540.868 7.159 248.902 5.472
+1410.754 515.110 8.523 538.098 9.433 251.259 4.668
+1410.912 506.431 9.390 541.161 6.683 252.592 4.718
+1411.068 521.314 10.344 541.811 11.056 250.595 17.774
+1411.226 520.033 9.538 538.598 6.978 243.355 10.180
+1411.383 514.600 8.521 543.576 8.822 243.383 7.538
+1411.539 522.296 10.833 541.955 7.349 250.783 4.640
+1411.697 513.433 7.495 538.739 8.642 245.297 5.942
+1411.855 515.024 9.550 539.917 7.914 246.042 6.286
+1412.013 510.540 8.336 537.909 8.286 245.480 6.146
+1412.170 514.845 12.958 541.589 8.434 249.754 6.021
+1412.328 515.418 8.654 539.825 10.860 255.477 5.565
+1412.487 509.294 7.374 538.768 7.975 244.584 4.330
+1412.643 510.192 8.713 538.197 9.856 246.575 5.733
+1412.801 511.072 8.133 541.952 10.118 246.875 5.641
+1412.959 503.250 8.176 540.129 8.884 249.098 7.856
+1413.115 514.212 8.160 541.001 8.898 252.441 8.573
+1413.272 510.102 8.994 540.010 7.755 238.954 7.391
+1413.429 513.731 9.538 537.200 6.890 250.549 4.762
+1413.587 509.637 7.252 541.752 6.958 242.625 5.641
+1413.744 514.976 7.457 541.427 9.573 243.806 6.300
+1413.902 514.689 7.622 539.254 8.155 253.488 5.516
+1414.060 514.366 9.936 538.522 7.501 247.914 10.411
+1414.217 516.443 10.963 540.225 7.304 259.469 5.289
+1414.376 511.424 9.178 542.112 7.254 240.944 6.984
+1414.533 511.194 8.340 537.631 10.052 239.749 5.200
+1414.691 508.151 9.071 541.446 9.072 246.757 7.830
+1414.847 510.681 7.610 537.244 7.349 246.227 5.042
+1415.006 512.206 7.530 537.162 8.598 262.832 4.828
+1415.164 508.972 7.307 543.721 6.488 246.158 7.517
+1415.321 507.449 7.059 539.297 6.445 242.701 6.082
+1415.478 508.594 7.071 544.453 7.678 239.057 6.219
+1415.634 514.085 7.217 541.974 6.450 250.100 6.196
+1415.793 509.240 6.451 538.429 7.540 253.761 6.109
+1415.951 506.552 7.468 539.624 7.885 257.817 7.379
+1416.108 499.685 6.481 539.166 6.814 243.048 6.271
+1416.266 511.166 6.728 541.371 7.312 246.590 5.329
+1416.423 510.701 7.777 542.743 7.621 245.985 5.726
+1416.581 511.287 8.073 540.807 8.087 249.099 6.646
+1416.738 512.092 6.655 539.368 7.521 256.681 5.968
+1416.896 505.040 6.502 542.153 6.611 233.796 8.174
+1417.052 514.130 8.617 539.751 6.975 244.437 5.962
+1417.209 512.981 8.501 541.027 8.089 245.454 7.067
+1417.366 509.779 7.518 539.980 8.342 245.084 5.719
+1417.524 511.207 8.809 538.159 6.906 252.830 5.777
+1417.681 515.182 7.120 542.131 7.049 248.168 5.812
+1417.839 517.691 7.595 542.021 7.271 241.351 9.119
+1417.996 520.926 9.257 543.020 7.528 246.233 5.472
+1418.154 519.349 7.012 541.990 8.868 243.462 5.181
+1418.312 517.963 7.791 538.569 7.424 254.374 7.762
+1418.469 519.319 8.801 541.535 7.234 256.463 4.558
+1418.628 513.263 8.809 542.445 7.086 241.534 5.146
+1418.785 514.202 8.134 541.054 7.409 242.055 8.086
+1418.942 516.192 7.200 540.770 7.547 243.990 5.902
+1419.099 522.662 10.297 539.047 8.004 252.769 5.449
+1419.257 508.936 8.000 538.830 6.877 249.317 5.104
+1419.414 514.249 7.349 541.548 6.982 250.883 4.540
+1419.572 516.732 8.578 539.435 7.271 237.148 6.091
+1419.730 510.807 8.157 539.734 7.452 241.991 4.971
+1419.888 510.658 6.188 538.827 6.638 252.619 5.954
+1420.046 513.246 10.872 539.308 6.876 252.956 6.739
+1420.203 510.252 9.108 539.643 7.888 246.129 7.149
+1420.360 515.312 8.981 541.416 7.247 240.341 5.481
+1420.518 510.473 9.675 540.554 8.349 246.613 5.184
+1420.675 506.414 10.269 539.665 7.587 248.566 7.827
+1420.831 510.774 8.634 541.686 6.682 250.735 5.257
+1420.990 513.937 9.399 538.726 7.984 258.847 7.553
+1421.147 519.679 9.664 539.957 9.828 234.998 8.282
+1421.304 514.116 10.059 544.369 8.394 248.259 7.527
+1421.461 506.891 9.087 537.553 8.467 244.342 9.047
+1421.618 511.528 6.867 538.715 8.234 250.483 8.047
+1421.776 513.475 6.672 542.657 6.826 249.924 6.178
+1421.934 508.364 7.107 538.986 7.794 250.269 7.627
+1422.090 518.243 7.044 542.089 7.882 249.562 5.775
+1422.248 509.822 13.744 542.861 9.206 235.545 6.707
+1422.404 523.418 9.638 538.918 6.906 254.855 11.628
+1422.561 514.844 11.632 539.529 9.566 249.448 3.821
+1422.718 515.678 8.814 541.735 10.483 255.694 4.980
+1422.877 513.596 10.368 541.147 8.005 254.516 8.366
+1423.035 505.385 10.746 541.091 6.915 239.155 4.478
+1423.192 523.163 8.618 538.931 8.255 255.531 6.387
+1423.350 508.681 7.804 538.319 7.253 237.045 5.674
+1423.508 507.646 6.687 535.563 6.960 251.810 4.245
+1423.665 511.066 7.905 541.155 7.078 242.838 7.348
+1423.821 510.930 6.621 538.811 7.187 241.808 15.556
+1423.978 519.589 9.986 537.498 7.844 257.458 5.497
+1424.136 522.625 12.304 544.445 8.891 241.574 4.533
+1424.294 503.776 10.928 539.704 7.624 239.805 5.896
+1424.451 509.087 10.361 539.197 6.856 242.958 4.690
+1424.609 508.800 8.064 538.282 7.385 240.359 10.476
+1424.766 515.858 8.938 540.872 8.411 263.023 11.167
+1424.924 517.618 7.618 538.388 7.098 268.430 7.162
+1425.082 512.936 6.911 546.323 7.018 233.784 9.836
+1425.239 509.239 7.671 543.423 6.941 246.657 4.994
+1425.396 492.912 10.122 537.684 8.174 225.916 8.687
+1425.554 512.959 9.725 536.116 7.821 274.189 5.948
+1425.714 498.359 12.066 538.491 7.712 254.091 7.020
+1425.871 479.323 10.729 536.154 7.395 231.230 11.082
+1426.028 502.223 12.902 543.561 8.173 253.042 7.972
+1426.185 496.242 10.642 539.275 6.783 241.420 13.912
+1426.342 509.402 7.587 532.542 8.000 284.324 10.418
+1426.499 487.174 9.199 543.455 6.478 226.333 15.782
+1426.656 496.731 9.613 539.124 7.063 258.093 13.908
+1426.812 493.617 8.722 539.291 7.124 248.250 10.532
+1426.969 502.996 11.004 538.202 6.690 262.072 7.814
+1427.126 502.700 8.629 542.912 6.911 242.820 6.931
+1427.282 502.837 7.562 543.099 8.596 235.898 6.493
+1427.439 498.688 7.366 538.201 6.408 248.598 5.722
+1427.598 501.576 9.507 537.892 6.888 254.966 10.884
+1427.755 495.815 6.878 539.839 6.442 249.889 4.705
+1427.914 499.438 8.175 539.018 6.681 251.998 4.215
+1428.070 500.304 8.724 538.630 6.626 252.250 6.040
+1428.227 502.283 7.368 540.306 6.208 250.902 4.379
+1428.385 503.472 7.056 538.793 6.385 251.259 4.195
+1428.542 500.024 7.072 541.388 6.830 243.352 6.734
+1428.700 502.200 8.127 537.533 7.639 256.943 5.545
+1428.859 501.632 6.859 540.255 6.196 250.849 6.828
+1429.017 499.096 7.083 539.742 7.128 253.728 4.876
+1429.174 500.840 8.161 541.367 6.192 247.417 4.465
+1429.331 504.268 6.645 539.183 6.818 249.524 8.470
+1429.488 501.972 5.971 540.141 7.162 249.865 6.918
+1429.646 498.739 8.370 540.871 7.178 245.418 5.766
+1429.803 499.387 6.083 539.108 6.726 249.154 4.805
+1429.961 504.763 9.827 537.661 7.797 254.141 11.500
+1430.118 496.187 10.322 541.016 8.100 245.961 9.721
+1430.274 510.901 6.722 540.380 7.039 248.419 4.654
+1430.432 514.899 6.328 541.433 6.655 249.524 5.290
+1430.591 519.649 7.261 539.354 7.802 255.605 8.427
+1430.747 514.616 11.409 541.243 7.480 248.376 10.025
+1430.904 518.906 8.233 542.832 6.740 251.163 4.934
+1431.062 513.459 8.369 538.378 8.983 247.601 6.658
+1431.219 510.254 8.097 541.053 7.244 249.606 5.101
+1431.376 511.842 9.240 538.950 8.447 250.966 5.021
+1431.534 526.258 12.541 539.409 8.469 246.269 5.383
+1431.691 515.432 13.926 539.434 7.717 248.472 9.047
+1431.848 514.104 12.442 542.384 9.591 230.564 5.202
+1432.005 514.521 10.951 538.163 9.361 246.345 6.366
+1432.162 515.425 6.408 538.161 7.669 263.713 7.234
+1432.320 520.044 7.050 539.001 7.075 250.917 6.435
+1432.478 515.930 9.667 541.250 9.814 245.319 9.049
+1432.634 528.469 8.704 539.222 8.377 234.693 4.787
+1432.791 520.534 7.656 542.252 7.507 245.316 7.815
+1432.948 512.955 9.325 533.652 8.554 256.993 6.223
+1433.107 511.219 6.828 536.416 7.446 253.519 5.170
+1433.264 514.742 7.029 542.094 6.487 247.875 4.446
+1433.422 518.927 9.282 536.961 7.500 250.448 6.466
+1433.580 524.619 10.039 543.409 6.934 243.164 6.658
+1433.739 515.066 8.043 537.324 6.592 255.101 4.689
+1433.896 521.460 8.134 534.793 7.296 248.401 5.172
+1434.054 515.364 7.242 537.268 6.888 244.144 7.795
+1434.211 505.983 7.047 536.732 6.186 243.241 6.785
+1434.370 505.299 9.377 535.907 7.277 237.082 6.176
+1434.527 521.693 8.455 539.199 7.369 251.370 7.170
+1434.685 523.597 7.337 534.372 6.724 257.393 5.569
+1434.843 518.656 8.112 539.103 7.024 245.693 6.763
+1434.999 518.126 10.241 544.161 7.760 230.196 5.790
+1435.157 515.641 7.271 540.711 7.990 248.092 5.217
+1435.315 505.346 6.735 535.787 7.278 258.660 4.773
+1435.474 511.013 7.487 540.427 6.747 254.286 9.205
+1435.631 515.620 7.633 538.404 6.591 250.752 5.050
+1435.789 511.516 7.153 538.604 7.527 241.757 4.849
+1435.947 518.475 6.069 537.446 6.548 250.387 5.019
+1436.106 510.694 7.672 538.664 6.846 253.363 4.396
+1436.264 510.697 6.008 540.176 7.052 248.173 4.196
+1436.422 509.317 8.229 538.291 6.663 249.841 4.297
+1436.579 512.683 9.866 538.633 6.574 253.098 5.664
+1436.737 507.116 8.407 537.636 7.127 249.241 6.903
+1436.895 503.821 7.141 540.836 7.005 244.602 5.386
+1437.052 510.608 7.549 537.748 6.290 250.236 5.654
+1437.211 503.106 7.191 538.337 7.458 252.382 5.064
+1437.369 508.021 6.669 538.233 7.595 250.903 7.609
+1437.526 506.140 10.154 539.542 6.965 248.909 6.973
+1437.683 503.191 8.350 539.585 6.751 242.069 7.327
+1437.840 507.041 6.236 538.755 6.522 247.540 4.324
+1437.997 507.780 7.935 539.477 6.573 246.425 6.415
+1438.154 500.987 7.186 540.014 6.157 250.034 5.888
+1438.312 505.779 10.145 536.400 8.176 250.110 6.933
+1438.469 504.747 11.778 539.484 8.951 247.551 7.284
+1438.626 499.197 9.995 540.634 6.232 246.755 12.379
+1438.783 498.422 8.473 540.796 6.825 256.367 7.027
+1438.941 500.904 7.059 537.238 10.347 262.933 9.995
+1439.099 502.539 11.375 539.452 7.772 243.899 4.293
+1439.257 503.445 8.832 541.014 10.114 247.909 9.842
+1439.414 508.834 8.470 537.590 9.152 252.139 8.758
+1439.571 507.188 11.594 536.746 11.316 251.071 8.019
+1439.728 500.521 8.001 538.227 9.827 257.700 5.811
+1439.885 497.995 9.509 540.032 7.198 238.747 8.109
+1440.042 498.830 8.337 543.070 7.498 238.987 11.762
+1440.199 505.068 8.842 537.200 7.429 253.849 5.767
+1440.357 505.260 7.792 535.822 7.153 256.838 7.353
+1440.515 498.372 8.298 538.598 6.358 247.888 11.548
+1440.672 502.753 10.679 542.306 7.145 246.528 8.071
+1440.828 498.987 8.986 540.663 9.299 242.065 6.643
+1440.986 501.229 6.359 539.006 7.023 262.570 6.068
+1441.145 498.762 6.136 537.990 6.765 243.995 5.877
+1441.303 500.227 7.699 540.139 6.623 253.359 4.631
+1441.462 499.922 7.793 540.521 7.015 260.133 7.615
+1441.619 501.579 10.121 541.885 9.100 250.371 8.057
+1441.777 507.945 11.408 536.638 10.703 262.803 12.549
+1441.935 481.399 17.640 542.796 9.749 220.348 10.895
+1442.091 498.144 13.820 538.668 8.618 250.273 10.465
+1442.248 497.101 6.618 539.986 7.511 260.652 5.800
+1442.407 504.781 7.272 537.819 6.375 262.756 7.267
+1442.566 495.157 11.531 539.248 13.420 239.027 7.572
+1442.722 500.661 9.830 542.062 7.113 248.140 8.752
+1442.879 494.736 6.852 536.570 8.593 250.151 5.007
+1443.036 497.057 7.784 536.565 6.473 255.511 5.778
+1443.194 496.940 6.021 543.445 7.670 244.855 5.037
+1443.353 503.469 8.504 535.314 8.072 260.008 9.052
+1443.509 501.754 7.347 538.783 14.604 248.530 7.967
+1443.665 496.787 9.461 542.427 6.717 247.125 10.492
+1443.822 499.047 6.330 540.294 9.920 248.491 8.771
+1443.979 501.570 11.321 542.243 6.911 255.714 8.372
+1444.135 495.005 16.014 538.852 8.245 245.507 9.233
+1444.292 499.080 9.024 537.928 7.137 253.995 5.834
+1444.450 498.040 8.619 539.779 6.113 248.809 11.412
+1444.606 499.770 10.446 538.527 8.438 251.098 7.591
+1444.763 497.807 9.548 538.745 8.066 245.521 8.466
+1444.919 490.918 12.008 539.077 9.075 242.185 7.754
+1445.077 505.649 6.204 540.730 7.852 268.311 5.413
+1445.235 497.586 8.197 540.037 8.420 250.483 10.031
+1445.393 499.585 9.638 538.440 7.608 252.444 6.972
+1445.549 500.625 14.513 540.214 10.039 250.164 8.308
+1445.706 501.986 11.743 538.492 13.124 254.641 13.614
+1445.861 494.989 11.711 535.764 7.946 234.876 5.288
+1446.019 500.879 8.971 537.787 9.810 262.088 9.159
+1446.177 500.578 7.040 538.117 7.097 243.730 4.231
+1446.335 505.125 9.193 534.011 6.386 253.287 10.829
+1446.492 497.891 7.438 544.090 8.222 246.222 10.382
+1446.649 500.489 8.309 539.920 7.006 248.972 5.992
+1446.807 499.364 10.930 539.629 7.358 254.639 6.704
+1446.965 506.643 9.058 540.416 8.554 248.956 8.157
+1447.121 499.486 10.147 539.154 8.660 244.179 4.693
+1447.279 500.014 9.327 543.281 6.476 245.691 4.727
+1447.438 506.500 9.920 539.782 9.661 255.176 6.029
+1447.595 497.945 9.924 536.677 7.406 253.261 6.679
+1447.752 502.699 8.998 540.426 6.730 248.692 12.167
+1447.909 498.287 10.095 538.774 6.694 245.326 10.633
+1448.066 498.332 8.359 538.067 6.450 254.053 7.660
+1448.223 500.013 8.285 540.880 7.204 247.520 5.962
+1448.382 502.240 7.598 536.888 6.963 261.565 5.764
+1448.541 497.392 10.916 540.248 7.926 241.935 7.590
+1448.697 503.843 9.342 539.442 6.444 248.429 9.213
+1448.854 501.198 7.890 537.724 6.429 252.714 8.023
+1449.011 498.332 9.236 538.787 6.652 252.607 7.928
+1449.167 499.223 8.266 537.137 7.096 250.206 5.792
+1449.325 500.222 7.934 540.811 6.558 243.642 8.567
+1449.481 498.662 12.074 537.518 8.228 247.566 10.942
+1449.637 488.546 11.029 541.215 8.073 244.035 11.566
+1449.794 499.865 7.882 538.012 6.811 257.480 9.166
+1449.951 498.998 8.261 538.030 8.960 253.844 4.958
+1450.108 495.800 9.156 537.440 6.329 253.458 5.753
+1450.266 500.518 15.083 541.434 6.404 250.654 6.487
+1450.423 501.775 8.697 540.394 8.600 256.936 8.207
+1450.580 500.197 9.887 540.473 7.612 246.819 11.714
+1450.736 497.972 8.691 540.834 8.516 249.468 10.681
+1450.894 504.649 7.029 539.478 6.830 255.394 5.123
+1451.052 499.936 10.363 538.034 7.799 248.813 8.589
+1451.209 501.819 7.621 536.440 6.822 246.158 7.508
+1451.366 505.068 8.745 540.134 6.921 250.411 4.817
+1451.524 500.750 7.041 536.781 7.068 250.154 6.984
+1451.682 497.427 10.010 539.637 7.131 251.811 9.714
+1451.839 500.844 8.253 538.906 7.590 247.518 5.091
+1451.997 499.898 7.572 539.929 6.875 256.355 4.471
+1452.156 497.389 14.845 538.549 12.019 250.723 11.723
+1452.313 503.623 9.114 540.045 7.080 252.187 6.419
+1452.471 502.336 7.394 538.530 8.690 255.931 5.702
+1452.629 503.753 10.422 538.495 6.199 255.629 8.457
+1452.787 495.527 7.685 542.105 6.749 242.006 5.047
+1452.944 499.705 6.554 538.751 7.801 250.050 6.984
+1453.101 499.207 13.584 536.807 9.186 246.770 6.462
+1453.258 501.662 7.131 539.548 6.242 264.207 6.816
+1453.416 497.226 11.157 539.425 11.567 256.442 8.549
+1453.573 503.552 9.541 538.884 7.346 243.934 5.339
+1453.731 497.765 14.444 542.448 11.659 246.679 12.991
+1453.886 499.777 9.563 541.894 8.165 237.206 10.694
+1454.043 505.857 9.891 538.848 7.728 268.162 4.260
+1454.202 490.448 14.414 540.278 8.970 243.631 13.294
+1454.358 504.194 9.277 538.082 9.704 245.006 11.157
+1454.515 502.261 7.917 544.240 9.295 244.650 7.140
+1454.672 512.742 9.934 539.042 6.658 264.156 8.694
+1454.828 507.977 10.332 538.990 7.683 242.551 7.240
+1454.986 511.409 12.155 545.309 8.390 248.015 7.828
+1455.143 509.504 11.324 538.143 7.706 232.830 5.827
+1455.301 517.815 7.915 540.051 6.362 260.018 8.588
+1455.458 522.288 13.941 540.120 8.262 255.720 20.608
+1455.614 521.532 9.623 537.741 8.384 250.477 6.449
+1455.772 522.015 8.666 542.967 8.749 249.914 6.995
+1455.929 513.380 8.006 540.219 7.407 240.989 8.256
+1456.087 520.443 9.467 536.402 8.379 259.639 7.075
+1456.244 527.194 10.438 543.084 8.200 245.966 8.502
+1456.401 522.622 9.869 536.050 7.547 249.889 6.706
+1456.559 514.416 6.999 538.680 6.755 249.298 6.198
+1456.717 524.974 9.935 543.186 7.749 253.103 7.069
+1456.874 517.859 14.059 536.881 8.522 253.721 3.914
+1457.031 518.808 7.698 541.508 8.896 244.497 5.311
+1457.188 533.968 11.794 542.935 7.018 244.545 12.035
+1457.345 512.199 10.210 537.709 9.403 247.995 11.816
+1457.503 515.522 8.524 537.927 7.504 245.679 12.551
+1457.660 510.015 7.364 539.289 7.561 254.146 5.142
+1457.818 522.180 9.471 541.062 8.214 252.471 7.119
+1457.974 521.941 8.637 540.650 7.403 249.434 7.159
+1458.131 514.809 11.826 540.736 7.473 241.624 7.026
+1458.288 524.208 7.167 540.127 7.352 251.526 9.510
+1458.446 514.842 11.094 539.811 7.201 253.595 6.770
+1458.603 516.998 8.194 535.238 8.313 253.385 8.248
+1458.760 521.400 9.180 542.692 7.474 239.253 7.049
+1458.916 518.284 9.966 540.176 6.589 243.332 6.587
+1459.074 523.012 10.796 537.621 7.484 249.273 15.138
+1459.231 520.450 9.510 542.956 7.034 253.622 7.903
+1459.388 518.754 7.159 538.989 7.787 252.306 6.400
+1459.546 516.587 7.612 537.389 7.121 249.123 5.778
+1459.705 518.535 10.108 541.473 7.849 242.451 8.395
+1459.862 518.725 8.987 536.384 7.384 253.324 5.982
+1460.020 505.187 9.469 538.283 7.606 249.123 7.798
+1460.176 509.681 7.373 541.152 6.308 255.831 5.766
+1460.334 512.006 6.077 536.221 6.878 247.208 5.981
+1460.493 512.250 7.050 539.772 6.157 261.202 6.301
+1460.652 502.562 8.544 537.667 7.105 245.492 4.332
+1460.809 507.245 14.278 537.396 8.022 248.304 4.999
+1460.966 502.442 10.608 539.814 7.023 246.613 6.008
+1461.123 503.774 8.987 537.368 6.856 248.716 6.430
+1461.281 506.957 7.646 538.293 8.354 259.647 9.804
+1461.438 496.049 6.634 543.923 8.184 244.826 7.190
+1461.595 495.120 7.027 539.379 7.300 244.538 6.024
+1461.752 501.311 8.408 539.673 6.656 255.835 11.314
+1461.910 499.943 10.547 537.306 6.822 248.738 6.021
+1462.068 501.799 8.458 541.253 7.566 253.447 9.593
+1462.225 504.028 11.523 540.312 8.056 249.094 6.716
+1462.381 502.510 10.148 539.853 6.928 246.570 11.247
+1462.539 497.595 13.438 541.158 8.948 257.375 13.652
+1462.696 499.496 8.810 540.921 11.082 244.833 10.403
+1462.853 499.684 19.729 539.809 10.825 249.118 11.973
+1463.010 499.206 13.273 540.878 7.680 241.811 7.909
+1463.166 496.072 14.597 542.168 9.582 250.148 9.495
+1463.323 501.080 14.577 536.281 9.949 267.381 17.680
+1463.479 502.210 14.980 537.372 11.793 247.853 8.969
+1463.635 496.402 16.824 540.913 7.850 238.708 10.726
+1463.791 501.024 11.753 540.999 9.671 258.087 9.459
+1463.949 504.920 8.755 537.520 7.878 253.680 6.492
+1464.106 498.399 9.289 539.805 8.144 255.246 7.236
+1464.263 501.664 8.195 541.148 6.660 243.112 6.278
+1464.420 500.826 7.444 538.241 10.176 248.771 11.205
+1464.578 501.418 10.692 537.252 7.169 256.377 6.055
+1464.736 498.094 8.397 537.952 6.844 249.073 4.941
+1464.893 504.060 6.844 539.999 6.233 257.250 6.437
+1465.051 501.190 7.285 540.260 7.353 239.622 5.494
+1465.208 497.171 8.524 536.552 6.560 255.096 5.258
+1465.367 504.221 9.143 540.865 7.383 250.790 8.330
+1465.524 499.622 6.306 540.458 7.103 245.647 5.391
+1465.682 494.226 7.404 537.634 6.717 252.186 4.594
+1465.839 497.362 7.760 539.816 6.805 251.411 4.471
+1465.996 493.133 6.430 537.428 7.125 252.194 5.134
+1466.154 502.791 8.370 542.094 7.744 245.751 4.783
+1466.311 496.477 9.688 538.301 7.142 248.197 8.423
+1466.468 499.604 6.652 538.773 6.238 250.152 4.851
+1466.626 498.986 11.253 539.427 7.054 249.361 5.674
+1466.784 503.029 8.201 541.484 6.610 255.723 4.782
+1466.942 499.380 11.046 540.424 12.326 251.597 8.029
+1467.098 494.633 6.413 537.504 8.073 248.255 6.293
+1467.255 500.606 10.293 540.275 10.510 250.792 5.677
+1467.413 497.426 6.794 540.242 8.461 243.367 5.624
+1467.570 500.084 5.968 536.192 6.719 256.043 4.173
+1467.729 502.240 9.305 539.711 8.255 252.440 7.792
+1467.885 497.372 6.119 538.557 6.776 251.634 5.806
+1468.044 499.423 8.826 540.495 6.456 248.786 4.742
+1468.201 499.334 9.425 540.894 7.689 241.457 6.811
+1468.357 496.013 6.771 540.349 7.231 251.374 4.271
+1468.515 494.050 7.893 539.193 6.384 254.323 4.788
+1468.671 497.700 7.356 541.092 6.362 249.383 5.120
+1468.829 495.597 7.091 537.900 6.130 258.623 4.038
+1468.987 490.356 7.941 540.039 7.270 248.116 9.383
+1469.144 493.243 6.671 538.780 6.780 255.611 6.268
+1469.301 495.692 10.049 539.377 9.127 257.436 8.934
+1469.459 492.906 9.831 539.173 7.413 249.014 5.622
+1469.616 490.269 6.743 539.161 7.182 247.080 4.382
+1469.774 488.992 7.504 537.201 7.494 251.740 6.886
+1469.931 488.690 8.484 539.512 8.856 253.117 3.770
+1470.088 485.226 6.983 536.735 6.480 252.411 3.890
+1470.246 479.322 9.663 537.337 8.747 245.494 8.112
+1470.402 487.283 7.226 541.783 6.394 250.604 4.730
+1470.560 486.022 6.277 535.357 6.784 250.336 5.685
+1470.718 488.050 12.485 539.133 10.930 251.363 9.525
+1470.876 489.120 7.549 541.761 7.743 254.993 7.094
+1471.034 475.661 8.274 536.227 7.528 252.449 4.482
+1471.192 480.326 9.950 540.452 7.524 251.564 8.804
+1471.349 491.223 7.553 540.474 7.794 249.045 7.620
+1471.507 482.812 9.827 538.484 7.117 254.120 7.978
+1471.663 482.578 9.524 542.474 6.607 245.131 8.543
+1471.820 492.205 8.720 532.074 8.398 263.621 9.953
+1471.977 483.642 7.803 537.830 8.232 251.196 7.980
+1472.134 480.096 9.617 538.918 6.823 252.491 6.058
+1472.291 487.510 8.858 533.149 7.836 252.434 5.772
+1472.448 486.135 8.240 535.341 7.238 249.004 5.923
+1472.607 492.861 12.352 526.343 9.565 260.140 5.444
+1472.765 489.308 9.936 522.983 7.240 245.521 7.954
+1472.922 485.193 8.379 541.919 8.241 250.935 8.989
+1473.079 482.331 9.988 522.329 8.273 252.049 11.722
+1473.236 486.183 9.029 528.753 9.539 256.840 6.137
+1473.393 482.001 8.552 530.757 8.829 242.388 6.857
+1473.550 494.680 8.600 521.907 7.624 255.283 5.597
+1473.707 482.096 10.891 531.039 9.224 239.692 6.479
+1473.865 498.400 8.058 524.460 7.262 258.576 7.912
+1474.022 484.924 9.825 516.464 8.182 251.355 8.808
+1474.178 488.989 10.183 527.704 8.559 251.423 6.387
+1474.335 484.649 10.453 521.077 10.493 250.694 5.828
+1474.493 492.816 7.694 521.720 10.631 246.176 6.845
+1474.651 496.728 12.885 520.617 9.905 248.561 7.979
+1474.808 492.867 8.680 516.386 7.492 254.045 8.625
+1474.965 500.388 9.534 524.353 11.332 231.810 15.145
+1475.122 488.403 10.979 514.723 9.288 244.688 8.584
+1475.280 496.444 12.109 521.317 8.795 257.276 6.681
+1475.438 487.704 11.355 526.113 7.994 249.222 11.385
+1475.594 500.437 7.979 516.881 10.627 244.942 11.536
+1475.751 493.544 12.044 527.818 8.722 248.629 9.496
+1475.908 498.065 9.128 517.558 7.953 230.656 8.852
+1476.064 503.630 10.762 521.305 9.711 256.186 9.227
+1476.221 492.996 11.962 518.923 10.568 256.601 5.625
+1476.380 495.730 11.068 523.139 10.811 228.186 7.212
+1476.538 497.627 11.670 522.171 8.993 259.781 6.734
+1476.695 499.406 8.250 518.041 10.048 252.047 8.106
+1476.853 498.004 11.845 520.240 8.754 242.660 10.685
+1477.010 503.320 10.815 519.822 9.178 257.546 11.775
+1477.169 491.463 7.635 523.178 7.685 248.865 6.958
+1477.326 491.664 9.099 515.071 9.415 231.828 6.074
+1477.484 507.816 8.314 516.080 10.113 265.568 5.884
+1477.642 497.008 10.395 514.800 9.151 245.685 13.241
+1477.799 494.350 9.092 520.438 7.635 242.706 7.909
+1477.955 507.313 11.054 521.584 9.429 241.897 10.049
+1478.112 475.213 7.430 517.165 9.212 239.748 8.968
+1478.270 506.552 7.644 510.301 8.595 279.187 7.429
+1478.428 503.525 9.821 521.113 11.571 238.121 10.709
+1478.584 501.295 15.963 520.351 10.442 227.671 8.670
+1478.740 495.452 8.492 517.133 9.893 243.306 5.629
+1478.899 498.724 10.811 519.621 10.018 248.823 6.520
+1479.056 485.697 8.571 514.156 11.051 255.518 10.617
+1479.214 497.677 17.776 515.221 11.593 252.865 9.854
+1479.371 496.056 11.364 518.692 11.339 258.158 7.510
+1479.529 499.710 10.757 518.657 10.332 240.201 11.918
+1479.686 506.837 10.472 521.316 9.417 238.112 8.550
+1479.844 495.458 9.526 515.513 7.714 251.911 7.170
+1480.001 498.044 10.598 527.865 8.527 241.569 10.152
+1480.159 501.450 8.324 519.498 9.562 250.675 8.656
+1480.315 494.754 11.011 512.795 12.046 255.336 15.458
+1480.473 500.817 12.705 523.857 8.874 257.523 8.810
+1480.630 495.548 13.143 521.528 10.185 236.985 10.620
+1480.787 500.395 11.498 521.755 10.533 252.349 12.302
+1480.945 493.024 10.023 521.887 8.458 247.273 7.387
+1481.102 501.650 9.537 522.438 9.195 260.652 8.590
+1481.259 497.566 10.778 520.734 12.346 240.096 9.490
+1481.416 497.835 9.017 522.027 9.932 241.321 16.354
+1481.573 504.688 9.798 527.170 13.327 265.353 12.066
+1481.730 495.986 9.279 525.601 12.133 243.203 8.093
+1481.886 498.039 10.466 526.666 9.583 239.952 8.908
+1482.043 497.220 10.245 522.856 12.428 258.689 7.421
+1482.201 497.432 8.689 529.078 10.957 238.796 7.933
+1482.357 493.734 8.717 526.650 9.550 249.307 9.201
+1482.514 495.557 9.810 526.106 8.679 258.713 7.211
+1482.671 497.645 10.672 524.761 9.072 245.607 8.830
+1482.828 499.316 9.863 527.147 9.979 248.916 8.051
+1482.984 506.723 9.747 522.231 9.232 251.489 7.695
+1483.141 491.857 8.543 529.442 7.339 248.724 8.683
+1483.298 500.018 10.801 524.784 7.494 253.667 7.466
+1483.456 496.250 8.172 528.287 8.861 247.366 6.069
+1483.613 491.612 7.962 529.562 9.236 236.693 5.916
+1483.770 500.656 9.197 523.715 9.350 262.076 9.648
+1483.927 495.136 8.289 524.477 8.096 257.800 6.761
+1484.084 495.911 9.213 528.414 9.949 240.018 7.976
+1484.240 500.419 8.461 528.234 9.438 251.620 7.557
+1484.397 506.824 12.815 525.782 9.053 264.146 13.484
+1484.553 496.098 10.043 528.867 10.154 251.241 8.390
+1484.710 493.521 12.538 526.878 9.433 221.512 16.035
+1484.867 501.285 10.108 525.268 8.773 274.055 10.219
+1485.025 495.502 8.192 527.902 9.448 266.930 9.232
+1485.182 494.175 9.957 526.499 7.200 222.769 8.631
+1485.338 503.781 9.835 532.455 8.736 248.187 10.326
+1485.496 498.987 8.855 523.324 9.359 272.841 6.301
+1485.654 492.669 10.112 529.813 8.394 232.938 11.565
+1485.812 490.716 9.904 533.808 9.204 220.329 7.751
+1485.970 496.507 8.581 524.858 9.481 279.733 8.483
+1486.128 495.965 12.178 530.718 8.139 259.537 6.363
+1486.285 494.619 10.585 529.687 8.736 232.915 7.658
+1486.442 493.636 9.543 530.056 8.371 253.199 7.368
+1486.599 491.316 9.576 526.420 8.730 249.102 8.055
+1486.756 500.693 8.931 529.244 9.443 256.091 5.941
+1486.914 500.047 9.948 532.402 8.042 249.150 11.288
+1487.071 498.300 12.033 527.164 7.507 239.781 7.060
+1487.229 505.073 10.542 531.861 9.805 259.267 6.811
+1487.387 493.910 9.941 533.968 8.673 244.722 7.536
+1487.542 494.789 8.779 528.549 7.674 239.957 8.555
+1487.700 492.517 7.374 536.965 7.143 256.619 5.654
+1487.858 497.895 7.613 530.189 7.564 246.976 6.821
+1488.016 491.659 7.982 530.151 7.528 246.699 5.043
+1488.172 500.776 6.956 529.241 7.315 255.367 5.382
+1488.330 499.417 8.574 529.762 8.319 239.033 9.470
+1488.487 505.204 10.938 531.537 8.703 250.290 8.523
+1488.645 503.402 6.808 530.915 6.871 259.642 4.827
+1488.802 496.224 8.858 531.159 7.881 243.196 5.665
+1488.959 494.192 8.994 530.711 7.992 233.601 5.957
+1489.117 497.501 8.343 526.097 7.856 254.516 6.045
+1489.274 497.915 7.635 528.461 9.097 269.555 7.338
+1489.431 495.089 6.680 533.224 7.404 239.065 8.709
+1489.588 498.720 6.323 534.102 6.617 236.680 8.477
+1489.746 506.677 7.916 529.481 7.043 268.306 5.829
+1489.904 506.926 8.238 530.424 7.522 250.743 7.005
+1490.061 507.019 9.367 534.824 6.738 230.747 5.305
+1490.218 502.750 6.548 530.708 7.602 248.607 6.332
+1490.377 506.277 7.378 527.387 7.201 268.096 5.628
+1490.535 499.452 8.691 531.693 7.446 249.211 7.367
+1490.692 501.424 10.366 536.657 10.229 235.912 7.697
+1490.850 497.754 9.975 529.336 10.610 266.569 7.083
+1491.009 504.367 7.083 529.023 7.887 261.865 5.134
+1491.166 510.553 9.200 531.000 7.497 241.258 5.685
+1491.324 507.725 7.986 532.150 6.689 233.972 5.044
+1491.481 512.057 7.113 533.201 8.197 249.969 6.018
+1491.640 514.300 8.478 533.592 7.780 253.489 8.023
+1491.797 513.523 7.197 529.746 6.635 246.604 5.399
+1491.955 504.955 8.488 532.747 7.681 238.516 5.115
+1492.113 515.289 7.572 534.067 7.002 255.925 5.549
+1492.273 508.882 6.571 532.320 7.640 260.019 4.638
+1492.431 508.188 8.346 531.413 7.640 237.400 5.359
+1492.589 507.871 7.492 533.474 7.960 242.804 7.863
+1492.746 509.718 6.210 530.844 6.486 265.668 5.085
+1492.904 513.807 7.308 531.868 7.868 244.456 6.162
+1493.061 519.098 7.872 534.788 8.427 232.244 6.006
+1493.219 519.761 7.949 530.697 7.620 253.702 6.083
+1493.377 516.857 7.473 534.037 7.182 255.117 6.571
+1493.535 516.358 6.707 531.530 7.098 239.171 5.299
+1493.693 513.453 6.555 532.145 7.202 237.161 4.677
+1493.852 515.714 7.742 532.211 6.833 260.161 3.925
+1494.010 506.427 7.569 532.162 7.906 250.101 4.793
+1494.166 511.964 8.893 530.981 7.092 238.351 6.013
+1494.324 516.799 8.962 530.979 6.818 256.013 8.522
+1494.483 519.708 6.343 530.549 6.943 258.080 5.907
+1494.641 516.827 6.864 529.275 7.019 236.990 4.897
+1494.798 517.608 7.448 533.082 6.751 234.509 5.083
+1494.956 517.566 7.210 533.230 6.805 256.175 5.366
+1495.115 517.425 6.644 529.572 6.546 256.971 5.734
+1495.273 512.964 8.333 533.785 6.827 237.149 4.368
+1495.431 509.809 6.338 533.607 7.301 241.271 6.881
+1495.589 516.138 7.407 530.606 6.933 258.302 3.929
+1495.748 520.561 6.798 532.446 8.329 260.443 5.247
+1495.906 517.385 6.666 534.964 6.200 240.094 4.936
+1496.064 514.263 6.223 533.769 6.577 242.060 4.577
+1496.223 516.162 7.047 533.437 6.180 252.180 3.666
+1496.381 517.381 7.513 533.304 6.504 254.241 4.368
+1496.540 516.993 6.480 533.983 7.334 245.652 5.954
+1496.698 516.290 6.263 535.639 6.099 240.186 4.693
+1496.856 515.782 7.114 532.056 6.387 246.731 5.490
+1497.014 521.797 6.706 532.300 6.255 261.227 5.005
+1497.173 517.878 6.518 534.923 8.683 249.582 7.485
+1497.331 514.838 7.200 535.329 7.063 232.525 5.213
+1497.489 518.038 6.919 533.673 6.679 244.125 4.499
+1497.647 522.180 5.849 535.216 7.040 265.781 5.022
+1497.806 517.531 6.794 534.042 6.714 249.627 6.404
+1497.964 516.965 5.893 536.540 6.634 229.606 4.369
+1498.122 519.839 7.067 534.875 7.184 252.506 7.049
+1498.281 518.038 8.567 533.018 7.667 266.935 5.039
+1498.438 518.380 6.371 534.880 6.154 247.219 5.197
+1498.596 517.983 8.029 537.168 7.360 235.472 5.277
+1498.753 520.389 6.578 536.491 7.269 249.414 5.130
+1498.912 518.433 7.784 533.684 8.428 259.054 7.077
+1499.070 515.994 7.619 535.516 7.458 247.640 6.209
+1499.227 520.430 7.034 537.605 6.160 235.356 5.875
+1499.385 519.554 7.431 536.626 6.536 249.033 4.009
+1499.543 520.395 6.887 534.686 6.561 259.710 5.060
+1499.701 520.384 6.533 537.456 7.137 242.907 5.551
+1499.859 518.453 7.279 539.924 6.671 231.879 5.435
+1500.017 521.864 6.848 536.799 6.564 254.768 4.956
+1500.177 525.568 7.354 534.218 6.442 263.827 4.001
+1500.334 520.155 6.239 537.042 5.965 242.868 5.088
+1500.492 519.021 6.274 538.100 7.007 230.458 4.817
+1500.651 521.660 6.363 537.261 7.508 259.634 6.293
+1500.810 521.116 6.359 535.332 7.294 264.676 4.471
+1500.968 516.421 5.890 538.433 6.576 235.856 5.208
+1501.126 517.404 7.504 538.364 6.647 240.268 4.350
+1501.284 520.514 6.641 537.133 6.811 258.102 4.010
+1501.442 523.335 6.200 534.981 6.318 255.751 3.530
+1501.601 521.443 6.953 538.329 5.911 241.317 6.428
+1501.758 516.944 7.144 537.933 6.451 241.923 3.910
+1501.917 519.139 6.926 534.429 6.235 260.409 4.758
+1502.076 517.161 6.462 534.454 6.108 255.134 4.592
+1502.233 517.621 6.518 537.554 6.266 239.621 4.156
+1502.392 514.956 6.232 538.285 6.494 243.716 4.294
+1502.551 518.809 5.986 537.102 6.491 260.187 3.317
+1502.710 517.508 6.664 536.211 6.201 256.171 4.095
+1502.868 520.525 6.015 537.112 6.203 241.071 4.668
+1503.026 511.225 7.084 538.711 6.543 237.710 7.476
+1503.183 519.282 6.676 535.247 7.088 256.837 6.555
+1503.341 517.102 6.323 536.962 6.596 254.818 4.984
+1503.500 523.171 7.260 538.389 6.297 244.478 4.064
+1503.657 521.781 6.745 539.283 6.758 244.714 4.906
+1503.815 513.747 8.121 537.312 6.019 252.317 4.054
+1503.973 516.577 7.698 534.283 6.644 250.783 5.706
+1504.130 517.685 6.100 540.082 6.183 246.617 3.790
+1504.288 516.246 6.176 537.650 5.917 251.636 3.447
+1504.447 514.062 5.860 539.386 6.523 249.556 5.197
+1504.605 520.380 7.108 536.643 6.556 249.205 4.220
+1504.762 520.973 6.190 537.666 6.336 249.022 4.512
+1504.920 520.349 6.702 535.256 6.871 255.700 3.508
+1505.078 519.823 6.631 538.532 6.824 248.447 4.424
+1505.236 521.788 6.971 538.335 6.410 242.594 4.398
+1505.393 521.787 6.658 538.123 6.985 244.525 4.312
+1505.551 519.527 6.607 536.561 6.386 254.305 4.911
+1505.710 519.365 6.507 536.375 6.992 256.473 4.143
+1505.868 517.813 6.207 538.883 6.646 243.894 3.959
+1506.026 517.288 5.624 538.068 6.139 239.608 3.702
+1506.185 517.062 6.077 536.800 6.131 259.426 3.923
+1506.343 518.870 7.130 536.308 6.225 260.294 4.701
+1506.502 518.468 6.922 538.133 6.438 237.302 5.083
+1506.660 516.504 6.151 539.181 6.401 239.553 4.483
+1506.818 516.805 6.163 537.931 5.969 260.845 4.620
+1506.978 517.928 6.067 536.319 6.985 259.148 5.498
+1507.137 513.779 5.632 537.493 5.942 238.241 4.939
+1507.296 511.837 6.719 538.375 6.241 239.132 3.619
+1507.455 516.188 6.600 538.403 6.635 259.051 4.384
+1507.614 517.211 6.453 536.554 6.150 257.650 3.606
+1507.773 514.112 6.250 536.885 6.195 245.576 4.471
+1507.931 514.941 5.823 537.878 6.401 239.415 3.628
+1508.090 513.899 6.650 538.468 5.789 243.774 4.450
+1508.249 512.989 6.233 536.754 6.653 261.677 4.567
+1508.408 513.009 6.069 536.097 5.967 258.076 4.093
+1508.568 510.620 6.757 539.511 6.742 237.070 4.672
+1508.725 508.386 5.738 539.725 6.663 239.610 4.756
+1508.884 512.173 6.275 537.437 6.777 261.536 5.196
+1509.043 511.461 6.223 535.754 6.252 258.485 4.009
+1509.202 509.924 6.399 538.837 6.552 241.944 4.095
+1509.360 509.019 6.313 539.588 7.132 240.759 4.307
+1509.519 511.340 5.676 537.285 6.514 261.607 3.794
+1509.678 510.673 6.309 537.262 6.261 252.276 4.441
+1509.835 508.156 5.785 538.712 6.714 241.062 3.557
+1509.993 509.191 6.170 538.807 6.216 247.740 3.986
+1510.151 507.691 6.182 538.198 6.166 252.837 3.958
+1510.308 508.176 6.645 538.652 6.540 250.968 3.529
+1510.467 506.211 6.749 537.036 6.887 247.189 3.956
+1510.624 506.572 5.881 538.890 6.385 248.401 4.244
+1510.781 507.025 6.526 538.408 6.525 251.464 3.656
+1510.940 506.250 6.840 539.454 6.487 248.114 4.069
+1511.097 506.332 6.125 536.814 6.302 251.131 3.652
+1511.255 506.473 6.180 539.028 7.086 251.721 4.376
+1511.413 504.094 5.758 539.290 7.196 248.617 5.757
+1511.571 505.731 6.261 539.423 6.111 252.736 4.179
+1511.729 505.037 7.873 538.534 6.333 248.047 6.113
+1511.886 504.320 6.340 539.815 6.568 248.440 3.710
+1512.045 506.113 7.169 540.178 7.142 249.164 5.311
+1512.203 505.821 7.297 537.191 6.408 255.011 4.599
+1512.360 505.918 5.778 540.342 7.808 250.840 4.153
+1512.518 500.779 6.211 539.723 6.233 239.488 4.601
+1512.676 500.427 6.881 538.547 6.240 248.314 5.263
+1512.834 502.994 6.171 536.445 6.265 258.463 3.769
+1512.993 502.609 5.826 540.114 6.251 251.684 4.073
+1513.151 500.376 6.519 540.601 6.289 241.466 4.089
+1513.309 501.343 7.015 539.196 6.145 251.394 4.414
+1513.467 500.363 7.024 537.202 6.489 255.043 4.102
+1513.625 500.683 5.586 540.022 6.356 250.030 3.941
+1513.782 500.456 6.142 539.880 6.022 251.030 3.731
+1513.941 502.064 6.221 540.218 6.433 254.200 4.824
+1514.099 499.610 5.609 539.562 6.038 248.612 3.707
+1514.258 499.226 5.777 538.945 6.409 247.876 4.690
+1514.416 502.252 5.964 537.929 5.935 257.228 3.579
+1514.575 500.282 5.796 541.449 6.361 252.162 3.839
+1514.733 499.082 6.013 541.964 6.459 246.531 4.295
+1514.892 501.880 6.417 538.419 6.908 250.225 5.342
+1515.050 499.638 6.324 541.924 6.965 250.802 3.948
+1515.208 496.366 7.181 539.539 7.003 246.048 6.802
+1515.365 498.943 6.658 540.185 6.701 254.340 5.285
+1515.524 500.659 6.786 539.541 6.409 262.103 4.871
+1515.681 495.876 5.837 538.335 6.089 242.341 5.273
+1515.839 495.268 8.706 540.323 6.511 238.083 4.694
+1515.998 500.632 7.357 538.433 6.662 262.950 3.531
+1516.158 502.416 6.412 540.434 6.854 266.709 4.099
+1516.315 497.654 6.596 541.834 6.481 235.827 5.301
+1516.473 496.866 6.323 539.368 6.411 239.588 4.445
+1516.632 500.018 10.152 538.283 6.407 261.485 4.962
+1516.791 499.470 6.641 540.232 6.233 261.024 3.820
+1516.949 494.314 7.311 539.572 6.705 240.240 5.913
+1517.106 496.243 8.873 540.645 6.449 243.042 4.094
+1517.263 493.772 7.543 540.216 6.527 254.580 5.549
+1517.422 496.477 6.830 540.592 6.519 259.165 5.226
+1517.580 493.554 7.492 539.436 7.015 245.881 7.069
+1517.737 494.495 8.029 538.874 6.696 244.758 5.910
+1517.894 495.044 6.365 538.988 7.512 250.127 5.219
+1518.053 495.440 6.637 538.659 7.470 255.941 5.846
+1518.212 496.144 7.504 538.016 8.628 257.229 5.771
+1518.371 493.341 9.113 537.730 7.762 257.282 7.313
+1518.528 490.633 8.556 540.107 7.465 240.762 6.950
+1518.684 489.816 6.478 540.521 6.543 239.547 5.166
+1518.844 494.908 8.275 538.315 6.864 257.185 6.364
+1519.003 493.669 6.891 537.813 7.613 264.071 5.389
+1519.161 491.296 7.456 539.708 6.135 253.230 4.522
+1519.318 488.352 7.874 538.987 6.355 242.312 4.938
+1519.475 490.013 6.436 540.089 6.193 248.413 4.002
+1519.634 494.860 7.175 537.621 6.219 265.774 4.755
+1519.793 491.138 8.262 539.776 6.328 257.877 7.322
+1519.951 490.881 7.458 542.547 6.776 244.228 5.649
+1520.108 491.468 8.813 540.995 6.922 241.612 6.120
+1520.265 494.934 8.035 540.649 7.135 248.846 4.233
+1520.424 490.379 7.062 537.926 6.845 256.838 5.873
+1520.583 490.473 6.385 537.109 6.579 260.518 5.132
+1520.742 487.434 7.061 540.471 6.929 254.505 4.305
+1520.900 488.144 6.139 539.554 7.019 250.455 4.237
+1521.057 490.231 6.255 539.895 7.044 248.904 5.799
+1521.215 490.912 6.456 539.269 6.365 255.209 8.203
+1521.372 491.509 7.195 539.062 6.664 253.282 6.662
+1521.529 497.545 9.711 540.680 6.507 248.312 7.564
+1521.685 493.705 9.382 538.876 6.918 239.233 5.574
+1521.842 492.637 6.498 539.688 6.428 251.752 3.506
+1522.001 494.696 7.470 538.406 6.362 261.607 4.064
+1522.160 490.607 6.402 537.224 6.313 256.006 4.190
+1522.318 485.436 6.398 540.172 6.970 241.840 4.969
+1522.476 485.074 7.259 538.561 6.988 252.168 4.225
+1522.634 490.910 6.608 539.185 6.674 259.261 4.401
+1522.793 491.709 6.483 539.501 6.378 256.352 3.868
+1522.951 490.927 6.645 539.565 6.189 245.023 3.813
+1523.109 490.349 6.468 540.725 6.371 243.920 5.583
+1523.266 495.363 5.745 538.867 6.369 255.119 3.863
+1523.425 493.223 7.479 539.308 7.506 249.321 4.669
+1523.583 494.752 6.641 540.383 6.582 250.003 4.982
+1523.742 491.507 6.474 539.943 6.331 250.270 5.852
+1523.900 489.065 6.750 538.589 6.530 249.002 4.491
+1524.058 490.980 6.482 540.185 6.650 248.400 3.524
+1524.216 490.279 7.375 538.101 6.391 255.204 4.967
+1524.375 490.782 6.775 539.121 6.989 255.342 4.812
+1524.532 489.007 6.909 540.901 6.958 249.083 6.447
+1524.689 485.210 6.852 539.269 7.004 249.270 4.279
+1524.847 490.672 6.030 538.692 6.959 258.322 4.803
+1525.006 487.996 6.500 538.787 6.310 258.673 4.538
+1525.164 491.580 7.318 539.387 7.044 253.606 4.473
+1525.321 493.625 6.550 541.583 6.615 240.236 4.372
+1525.479 493.216 8.266 539.115 6.575 249.332 5.585
+1525.637 492.402 6.057 539.821 6.153 253.873 3.582
+1525.796 491.554 6.071 540.128 6.314 255.838 4.279
+1525.954 491.805 8.120 539.321 6.657 250.398 4.418
+1526.110 489.968 8.429 539.353 6.621 247.283 3.614
+1526.268 491.209 6.813 539.213 6.583 254.292 5.392
+1526.426 491.012 6.537 539.382 6.571 256.962 4.158
+1526.585 488.330 6.787 539.033 6.386 254.229 4.140
+1526.743 488.203 6.340 539.120 6.778 248.592 7.093
+1526.900 489.172 6.712 539.841 6.226 244.715 5.500
+1527.058 489.861 8.341 538.978 7.021 250.597 5.017
+1527.216 491.488 6.663 540.169 6.858 254.196 3.828
+1527.374 490.884 6.940 538.751 6.496 254.651 5.519
+1527.532 487.808 8.566 540.097 7.835 246.436 4.962
+1527.689 487.818 5.975 541.181 6.148 246.214 3.588
+1527.847 490.358 6.925 539.261 6.489 256.252 4.359
+1528.006 491.283 6.280 538.032 6.139 259.582 4.373
+1528.165 492.892 6.773 538.780 6.370 254.275 3.431
+1528.323 489.658 5.883 538.797 6.652 241.092 4.651
+1528.480 488.206 6.391 539.658 6.943 247.280 4.334
+1528.639 494.672 7.200 537.926 6.625 263.642 4.406
+1528.798 487.476 6.760 537.139 6.946 260.246 5.717
+1528.956 488.254 7.876 541.161 6.722 244.232 5.235
+1529.113 486.902 6.327 538.971 6.734 243.382 4.084
+1529.272 489.239 10.425 539.989 7.776 261.103 5.593
+1529.431 489.302 8.732 539.229 7.114 259.851 4.237
+1529.589 485.973 6.019 538.882 6.541 248.718 4.240
+1529.747 488.609 6.919 539.788 6.666 246.747 5.025
+1529.904 485.946 6.255 539.357 6.488 253.697 3.505
+1530.063 489.649 6.557 538.653 6.058 257.767 3.640
+1530.221 486.266 6.633 537.336 6.437 252.047 4.851
+1530.379 490.922 5.948 540.493 6.084 249.610 3.732
+1530.538 484.449 7.316 539.435 6.911 247.636 4.948
+1530.695 490.784 6.078 538.824 6.079 253.036 4.888
+1530.854 487.367 5.645 538.198 6.242 254.040 3.902
+1531.013 489.253 7.067 538.452 6.382 248.780 7.196
+1531.171 485.292 6.100 540.044 6.706 247.697 4.206
+1531.328 484.192 5.957 539.910 6.978 246.077 4.424
+1531.486 488.681 7.183 538.069 6.558 257.350 4.107
+1531.645 486.606 6.569 538.020 6.583 263.123 4.932
+1531.802 486.476 7.149 540.160 6.329 252.931 5.577
+1531.960 485.504 6.774 538.521 6.124 244.299 4.577
+1532.119 491.025 8.012 538.875 6.659 257.343 7.740
+1532.277 490.290 7.655 539.118 6.573 261.973 5.400
+1532.436 484.112 7.813 539.161 6.886 250.299 5.332
+1532.594 480.711 8.006 539.121 7.852 242.703 7.515
+1532.749 492.167 5.941 538.651 6.172 248.037 5.769
+1532.909 493.561 7.407 537.666 6.029 265.160 6.702
+1533.067 482.255 6.920 538.936 6.492 256.411 7.488
+1533.224 485.992 5.524 538.749 6.185 253.544 5.296
+1533.382 487.430 7.463 539.407 6.336 246.275 4.935
+1533.539 485.724 7.325 539.084 6.015 247.052 3.731
+1533.697 491.757 7.556 538.450 6.225 258.000 3.363
+1533.856 490.497 6.150 539.004 6.674 259.640 5.292
+1534.015 483.865 6.199 538.020 6.111 252.546 3.787
+1534.173 487.868 9.969 540.050 6.153 242.235 5.213
+1534.331 488.648 6.651 538.390 7.082 251.752 5.847
+1534.489 482.996 8.207 536.943 6.874 258.257 6.876
+1534.647 486.110 8.741 536.379 7.307 257.552 6.222
+1534.805 481.611 8.895 540.323 6.458 251.815 5.663
+1534.962 481.146 9.999 541.543 7.073 248.318 9.706
+1535.119 485.321 8.882 539.035 7.626 252.243 7.510
+1535.276 490.713 8.429 537.710 6.397 258.202 4.619
+1535.434 488.857 6.053 539.047 6.547 255.612 4.698
+1535.592 481.778 10.587 538.070 7.517 244.856 5.695
+1535.749 485.297 7.826 539.260 7.036 245.338 6.555
+1535.906 485.813 6.062 540.192 6.289 254.383 4.580
+1536.066 489.938 7.678 537.972 6.750 265.533 4.994
+1536.224 485.799 8.632 540.759 7.512 248.305 8.132
+1536.381 485.698 7.290 539.317 6.968 241.993 5.934
+1536.538 485.627 8.753 539.483 6.905 251.209 6.278
+1536.696 483.876 7.890 538.934 6.436 256.722 6.669
+1536.854 485.738 6.522 537.519 7.353 261.377 5.062
+1537.012 482.407 6.232 538.655 6.582 248.393 4.709
+1537.170 483.844 7.893 540.456 6.684 245.753 5.198
+1537.328 488.258 8.350 538.714 7.112 253.857 5.580
+1537.486 482.872 7.750 537.717 7.127 256.368 6.267
+1537.644 490.038 8.194 539.007 7.592 258.123 5.438
+1537.802 486.680 6.736 539.190 7.002 251.841 6.121
+1537.960 483.616 7.253 539.931 7.423 249.968 5.040
+1538.118 482.446 8.499 538.909 7.045 251.569 5.408
+1538.276 483.974 8.700 538.159 6.749 258.645 5.295
+1538.434 484.619 7.013 538.881 6.774 252.486 4.909
+1538.591 487.276 8.989 539.538 7.446 251.644 6.497
+1538.748 489.112 9.070 538.955 8.957 252.296 6.364
+1538.905 486.581 7.844 539.159 7.712 248.882 5.966
+1539.062 483.785 7.059 539.331 6.657 244.918 5.686
+1539.220 487.667 9.116 538.193 7.495 258.449 5.180
+1539.379 487.066 10.055 537.251 7.306 266.834 5.006
+1539.537 485.310 7.342 539.362 7.631 250.458 4.735
+1539.694 483.003 9.502 538.833 7.069 239.654 6.327
+1539.851 485.530 6.388 538.918 6.594 254.646 4.276
+1540.010 484.095 8.317 538.929 6.990 263.366 5.399
+1540.168 483.540 8.443 538.679 6.940 249.903 5.068
+1540.325 485.035 6.654 538.396 6.707 243.369 5.422
+1540.484 487.240 7.496 539.944 7.253 252.913 5.679
+1540.642 488.832 7.721 538.259 6.427 258.119 7.681
+1540.799 489.288 6.321 538.102 7.309 252.711 5.974
+1540.957 486.462 8.291 537.701 7.286 247.607 7.289
+1541.113 485.264 8.477 539.397 7.146 250.056 6.625
+1541.271 485.602 8.065 537.584 7.327 254.520 5.281
+1541.428 487.716 7.773 538.155 6.967 256.435 8.307
+1541.585 490.267 8.342 536.541 6.782 255.554 6.096
+1541.743 487.462 6.991 537.805 7.108 248.605 4.909
+1541.900 485.084 7.729 537.318 7.600 248.756 7.618
+1542.058 491.750 7.166 539.743 6.318 258.157 5.095
+1542.216 489.617 6.927 537.187 7.110 253.921 6.484
+1542.373 488.206 6.838 537.771 6.929 247.509 5.574
+1542.531 488.862 7.641 538.997 6.937 246.205 5.591
+1542.690 491.638 7.952 537.830 7.551 254.712 5.168
+1542.848 492.116 7.759 536.898 6.946 257.307 5.631
+1543.006 490.131 6.890 537.959 7.130 246.263 5.651
+1543.164 489.251 6.596 538.579 6.396 244.062 3.932
+1543.322 488.802 6.162 537.715 6.309 255.590 4.354
+1543.481 490.008 6.733 537.387 6.871 257.675 5.035
+1543.639 487.950 5.672 536.763 6.525 250.696 5.169
+1543.797 490.769 6.383 538.107 7.067 246.257 4.156
+1543.955 491.437 7.517 538.221 7.430 249.862 5.200
+1544.113 491.374 6.359 537.682 6.399 253.488 4.097
+1544.272 493.183 6.761 537.576 6.898 256.414 4.131
+1544.430 492.431 7.154 538.915 7.014 249.854 6.043
+1544.587 492.334 6.814 538.509 7.534 245.778 5.286
+1544.745 495.823 6.269 537.905 6.953 253.547 4.931
+1544.903 495.558 6.524 537.699 6.129 251.175 5.035
+1545.061 493.795 6.960 539.737 6.302 250.241 4.345
+1545.219 492.277 6.669 538.977 6.552 248.542 3.807
+1545.377 494.952 6.079 537.859 6.455 253.775 4.226
+1545.536 496.339 6.808 537.498 6.362 254.607 4.077
+1545.694 497.183 6.237 539.805 5.951 252.986 4.065
+1545.852 495.231 6.220 540.068 6.316 250.359 5.325
+1546.010 495.332 5.772 537.910 6.925 245.653 4.588
+1546.168 495.653 8.251 537.599 7.291 249.556 4.684
+1546.325 496.066 6.958 537.346 7.364 253.435 4.637
+1546.483 498.300 6.643 538.753 6.723 255.754 4.979
+1546.642 495.913 7.654 539.417 6.398 252.627 3.930
+1546.800 498.649 6.970 538.894 6.801 252.706 4.940
+1546.957 494.186 8.986 536.728 6.659 247.067 6.427
+1547.114 494.621 6.967 541.687 6.632 245.650 9.557
+1547.272 495.996 7.415 536.186 6.679 255.646 5.275
+1547.431 495.160 7.447 537.201 8.844 255.556 6.344
+1547.588 496.151 6.268 535.202 6.367 241.925 7.321
+1547.746 500.061 6.728 537.562 6.504 252.959 6.243
+1547.903 488.300 6.292 538.385 6.216 249.009 3.491
+1548.061 488.463 7.923 535.473 6.465 249.400 8.925
+1548.218 489.114 6.827 538.434 5.829 256.914 3.432
+1548.377 487.591 8.014 539.164 6.384 251.629 8.427
+1548.534 493.425 7.622 542.971 8.735 251.566 8.753
+1548.690 491.654 7.617 540.689 7.285 244.425 5.487
+1548.848 482.496 9.307 535.396 6.656 253.224 8.256
+1549.005 479.305 10.577 539.014 7.112 258.202 7.508
+1549.163 487.663 6.579 540.220 7.057 251.612 4.549
+1549.319 490.436 6.086 542.902 6.471 241.056 3.977
+1549.477 489.604 6.705 539.869 6.217 252.560 6.327
+1549.636 483.476 7.508 539.638 6.071 257.565 5.885
+1549.794 491.554 11.360 539.216 8.488 255.425 8.110
+1549.950 479.005 6.356 539.462 6.196 239.584 4.172
+1550.108 491.350 7.654 538.204 8.148 250.555 5.595
+1550.265 487.853 9.633 542.312 7.782 242.285 6.967
+1550.421 487.498 8.455 538.493 6.626 258.342 5.242
+1550.580 487.165 7.442 537.865 9.386 267.713 6.768
+1550.739 482.921 9.674 539.348 6.434 241.917 7.211
+1550.896 485.079 6.740 540.183 7.212 244.379 7.384
+1551.053 485.840 9.949 541.271 10.290 242.953 7.387
+1551.211 496.528 8.550 536.992 7.708 268.379 7.845
+1551.369 494.825 7.684 540.530 6.561 263.253 4.143
+1551.528 497.328 9.777 541.535 7.633 252.062 5.392
+1551.686 498.263 7.398 541.785 7.131 245.730 9.991
+1551.842 494.312 10.338 539.967 6.981 244.917 5.952
+1552.000 495.813 7.781 541.569 7.342 245.249 4.261
+1552.157 500.028 8.303 540.485 6.579 253.392 5.657
+1552.315 511.080 9.058 538.074 7.212 251.533 8.468
+1552.471 502.580 6.272 537.820 6.276 248.775 4.071
+1552.628 498.635 6.617 534.898 7.346 241.017 4.503
+1552.786 493.586 6.346 535.919 6.338 248.110 4.641
+1552.945 500.185 7.128 537.789 6.243 263.701 5.559
+1553.104 496.721 7.707 536.658 6.928 260.977 4.997
+1553.262 495.447 6.666 538.996 6.072 244.269 6.098
+1553.420 495.894 7.262 538.410 6.602 240.702 3.890
+1553.578 501.948 7.011 537.284 7.849 250.637 4.124
+1553.734 508.009 5.955 537.752 6.025 254.296 3.912
+1553.892 511.540 7.887 540.127 6.666 255.952 3.879
+1554.050 501.135 9.680 538.181 7.493 243.909 10.265
+1554.207 503.061 8.547 540.571 7.379 237.649 5.668
+1554.365 504.980 9.335 541.705 7.104 252.466 7.149
+1554.522 507.149 6.501 539.867 6.217 266.384 6.092
+1554.680 505.011 7.811 541.288 6.832 250.733 6.384
+1554.837 504.150 6.276 539.182 6.532 238.057 5.338
+1554.995 503.381 7.039 537.461 6.421 239.200 3.809
+1555.153 504.353 7.795 535.204 6.794 258.152 4.637
+1555.312 509.983 7.221 537.532 6.336 259.501 5.213
+1555.471 510.339 6.729 535.835 6.297 261.855 3.792
+1555.631 507.613 11.258 541.898 6.429 254.188 9.240
+1555.787 515.246 11.931 542.059 9.034 232.721 10.419
+1555.945 513.212 9.878 540.040 9.485 242.747 9.468
+1556.102 507.932 9.347 534.130 7.270 253.947 5.720
+1556.260 515.579 8.188 538.801 6.540 251.209 6.122
+1556.417 511.235 6.181 537.918 6.438 243.342 4.473
+1556.576 511.492 6.175 541.809 5.861 244.223 3.302
+1556.734 512.725 7.533 540.738 6.546 251.822 4.567
+1556.891 508.807 6.956 537.667 6.588 254.118 3.862
+1557.049 514.698 8.108 537.136 6.339 251.131 3.744
+1557.207 507.727 7.167 539.751 6.066 246.491 4.543
+1557.364 506.027 6.686 538.977 6.018 249.384 5.263
+1557.522 507.440 6.884 539.699 6.114 251.033 5.156
+1557.680 507.084 6.758 539.377 6.010 246.220 5.882
+1557.838 503.920 8.329 536.593 6.249 243.192 6.757
+1557.994 503.309 7.740 539.486 6.201 248.531 5.961
+1558.153 504.213 6.485 537.544 6.410 260.575 4.485
+1558.311 502.262 6.913 542.665 6.655 246.965 4.726
+1558.468 497.942 6.272 543.166 6.370 238.789 5.120
+1558.626 499.649 6.427 536.761 6.462 252.527 3.997
+1558.784 496.366 6.406 540.487 5.871 252.375 5.038
+1558.942 494.583 6.173 539.264 5.932 254.483 4.179
+1559.100 493.875 7.125 537.812 8.222 251.154 4.674
+1559.257 495.578 6.182 540.278 6.141 250.631 3.961
+1559.415 492.415 5.734 542.882 5.951 249.706 3.367
+1559.574 496.294 6.224 540.528 5.981 259.667 6.175
+1559.732 495.952 7.145 540.525 6.550 256.626 5.590
+1559.891 486.209 12.533 541.705 7.353 232.876 8.919
+1560.047 492.472 6.126 541.687 7.402 244.348 4.768
+1560.206 489.764 6.255 538.896 6.535 264.063 4.576
+1560.365 494.737 5.922 540.929 6.127 263.870 3.928
+1560.523 489.767 5.405 538.219 5.881 243.128 4.024
+1560.681 493.807 5.648 541.202 5.796 244.361 3.735
+1560.839 491.308 6.939 541.742 6.034 256.203 3.562
+1560.998 480.543 6.095 538.847 5.925 255.142 3.723
+1561.155 481.305 9.632 540.128 6.609 256.241 7.071
+1561.313 485.443 6.135 543.691 6.281 255.462 5.436
+1561.472 483.114 9.219 541.966 7.694 247.654 5.665
+1561.628 475.951 5.980 540.739 6.765 246.126 3.949
+1561.787 492.779 6.391 537.957 6.588 269.091 9.117
+1561.946 488.617 6.936 538.679 6.139 261.880 4.638
+1562.104 488.526 7.460 540.876 7.160 244.198 5.272
+1562.261 486.025 6.741 539.098 6.068 229.822 6.122
+1562.420 491.290 6.205 536.951 6.960 257.678 8.769
+1562.579 488.932 5.909 540.959 7.811 265.496 8.418
+1562.736 490.399 7.056 542.029 6.267 256.745 7.836
+1562.893 488.464 7.372 540.500 6.521 235.427 5.878
+1563.051 485.754 6.375 537.925 6.656 253.554 4.162
+1563.210 491.177 6.260 539.309 6.473 270.055 5.882
+1563.368 486.621 6.677 535.293 6.491 255.470 4.262
+1563.526 478.946 6.394 540.363 6.168 236.954 5.376
+1563.684 482.189 5.663 538.853 6.609 252.739 4.819
+1563.844 486.491 6.778 536.428 6.047 264.037 3.888
+1564.002 484.094 6.794 535.154 6.982 257.490 5.407
+1564.160 486.471 6.639 537.991 6.425 241.564 5.528
+1564.318 490.394 9.707 537.209 6.527 251.935 4.598
+1564.476 489.914 6.773 537.062 7.045 251.059 4.807
+1564.634 490.429 6.231 535.110 5.966 255.110 3.901
+1564.793 489.794 7.178 533.921 6.270 250.731 5.540
+1564.951 485.207 7.490 537.729 7.440 247.417 4.405
+1565.108 486.712 5.770 538.427 6.592 247.724 4.198
+1565.266 485.697 6.300 535.484 6.590 257.087 4.740
+1565.425 486.517 6.587 535.384 6.927 267.250 4.217
+1565.584 487.605 6.092 537.713 6.218 247.082 4.952
+1565.742 483.546 5.966 540.047 6.319 236.580 4.483
+1565.899 483.485 6.333 534.120 6.856 252.355 5.240
+1566.058 487.264 6.848 533.661 6.430 265.853 6.155
+1566.217 487.222 6.934 535.466 6.287 256.988 4.637
+1566.375 484.192 7.022 536.334 6.500 235.109 4.666
+1566.532 493.372 6.893 536.073 6.857 251.151 5.474
+1566.691 489.263 6.066 531.580 6.717 259.891 4.868
+1566.849 477.862 7.044 534.375 6.598 252.188 6.254
+1567.007 488.778 6.598 535.083 6.925 245.751 3.989
+1567.164 487.457 7.271 536.090 7.612 251.117 4.716
+1567.321 483.174 6.273 531.501 6.120 256.161 4.926
+1567.480 482.971 6.431 533.315 6.148 251.451 4.427
+1567.639 488.919 6.143 532.793 6.179 256.254 4.199
+1567.797 482.069 7.569 532.688 6.211 252.182 4.219
+1567.955 486.760 5.927 534.866 6.566 250.281 4.094
+1568.113 488.187 5.972 534.488 7.027 249.292 3.948
+1568.270 485.231 6.143 532.715 6.586 249.492 4.281
+1568.428 492.092 6.896 533.317 7.419 253.114 4.797
+1568.586 487.380 6.803 535.873 6.581 254.001 4.584
+1568.744 488.853 7.342 533.518 7.246 248.400 5.494
+1568.901 495.928 6.061 535.125 6.837 252.774 3.895
+1569.059 489.099 9.135 533.011 8.343 253.797 5.534
+1569.217 493.571 7.153 533.020 7.233 251.628 4.027
+1569.374 492.655 7.691 535.820 6.262 246.416 3.932
+1569.532 493.116 6.650 534.648 7.045 250.634 4.446
+1569.690 488.711 7.030 532.396 7.421 250.696 6.270
+1569.848 487.057 6.066 530.744 6.448 255.996 4.704
+1570.006 496.370 6.460 534.167 6.878 258.319 4.381
+1570.164 492.003 7.099 534.641 6.568 252.433 4.569
+1570.322 493.750 6.599 534.366 6.906 248.434 4.776
+1570.479 492.747 8.420 532.203 6.746 245.204 6.590
+1570.636 491.157 6.894 534.512 8.100 249.522 5.649
+1570.793 494.301 8.148 530.805 6.496 253.015 5.262
+1570.950 489.143 6.480 532.488 6.365 250.120 5.541
+1571.108 497.841 6.780 535.714 7.049 247.491 4.574
+1571.266 490.578 7.401 533.347 7.445 249.174 5.255
+1571.424 497.275 6.437 534.163 6.850 252.031 4.413
+1571.582 494.152 6.839 533.231 6.756 245.960 5.449
+1571.740 492.751 7.087 533.202 7.465 252.469 5.264
+1571.898 497.477 6.525 532.202 7.374 258.454 5.607
+1572.056 495.624 7.820 529.162 8.139 250.214 4.597
+1572.213 494.686 7.830 533.871 9.065 245.462 5.222
+1572.371 493.846 7.227 532.608 7.569 251.744 10.366
+1572.528 492.488 7.480 530.466 7.502 257.777 4.466
+1572.686 490.034 8.229 536.054 7.169 247.677 4.892
+1572.844 492.240 12.434 533.380 7.540 242.316 16.907
+1573.000 494.692 8.194 534.573 8.080 239.943 7.254
+1573.156 497.247 8.357 533.025 7.675 251.609 6.750
+1573.313 496.062 7.338 532.250 7.388 256.056 6.643
+1573.471 495.240 7.070 535.722 6.969 251.720 5.125
+1573.629 494.882 7.129 532.197 7.946 254.877 4.784
+1573.786 492.898 7.045 533.142 6.665 253.838 4.278
+1573.944 494.999 6.780 534.661 8.191 247.438 6.435
+1574.102 489.830 6.515 533.656 8.542 249.634 4.395
+1574.259 491.338 7.307 533.016 8.104 254.516 4.222
+1574.416 491.583 6.510 533.480 7.414 252.115 4.463
+1574.573 496.655 8.137 533.664 8.175 251.121 5.356
+1574.730 496.976 7.290 535.536 7.735 251.791 4.699
+1574.887 496.039 7.230 535.205 8.062 245.697 4.752
+1575.044 494.740 8.008 532.402 6.846 247.267 5.391
+1575.201 499.337 8.872 533.104 7.820 254.562 7.417
+1575.358 490.733 6.963 531.691 8.046 249.025 5.204
+1575.516 495.217 6.362 533.216 6.830 256.450 4.140
+1575.673 491.602 6.347 535.712 7.608 247.934 4.537
+1575.831 493.636 6.200 534.327 6.806 251.279 4.336
+1575.989 492.876 8.089 532.613 7.404 251.862 4.692
+1576.146 495.648 6.466 534.926 6.462 250.888 3.719
+1576.305 492.336 7.232 534.159 7.003 250.738 4.357
+1576.462 495.783 7.165 533.611 7.526 253.447 4.673
+1576.619 494.157 6.257 532.716 8.194 251.824 4.283
+1576.777 494.361 6.305 531.727 6.198 251.068 4.186
+1576.936 493.063 6.364 534.407 6.651 249.820 4.698
+1577.094 490.510 8.163 535.174 6.967 247.418 4.730
+1577.251 494.395 9.368 532.251 7.953 253.344 6.402
+1577.407 496.353 6.965 535.492 8.097 250.433 5.910
+1577.564 494.323 7.415 532.975 7.698 250.514 7.484
+1577.721 500.453 7.014 533.059 6.798 254.915 4.762
+1577.878 496.854 6.882 533.800 7.501 250.939 3.908
+1578.036 492.408 7.548 535.978 8.329 240.159 6.937
+1578.193 495.664 6.989 533.939 6.578 251.401 5.089
+1578.352 493.336 8.885 536.169 7.418 251.664 4.236
+1578.509 496.973 8.819 533.081 8.458 251.326 5.171
+1578.666 495.119 7.684 533.720 6.939 254.973 4.559
+1578.824 494.951 5.945 534.927 6.156 247.419 5.084
+1578.982 495.729 7.171 533.879 7.133 251.644 4.697
+1579.140 496.687 6.649 535.868 8.211 253.596 8.058
+1579.297 497.986 7.465 534.998 6.690 250.686 4.503
+1579.454 495.539 9.359 532.640 8.363 252.406 4.260
+1579.611 498.615 6.323 533.656 6.868 248.684 4.092
+1579.769 499.566 7.071 535.626 7.327 250.216 4.322
+1579.927 500.125 6.433 534.516 7.385 248.012 4.346
+1580.084 501.991 7.921 535.905 7.556 250.540 4.674
+1580.242 501.359 8.011 535.399 7.868 253.585 6.866
+1580.398 498.323 6.840 532.184 8.216 249.745 6.329
+1580.556 500.333 7.032 533.261 8.695 246.677 4.497
+1580.713 498.163 7.070 533.012 6.505 256.896 4.210
+1580.871 503.421 8.553 534.160 7.453 241.288 8.968
+1581.027 501.194 8.494 534.811 7.274 247.642 5.464
+1581.184 499.211 6.797 534.808 7.416 248.956 4.549
+1581.341 497.972 7.038 532.448 6.466 247.389 5.536
+1581.499 498.969 7.790 532.844 7.095 254.993 6.052
+1581.657 501.719 6.268 534.618 6.682 252.729 4.260
+1581.815 502.927 6.444 534.426 6.578 251.237 4.419
+1581.973 503.409 6.894 535.404 6.139 248.412 3.625
+1582.131 501.894 7.222 534.474 6.093 247.054 4.358
+1582.288 502.918 6.531 533.824 6.506 249.610 4.789
+1582.446 504.109 6.145 533.128 7.201 253.736 3.943
+1582.604 501.311 6.600 532.341 6.950 252.657 4.488
+1582.761 503.983 6.206 534.203 6.482 249.556 3.754
+1582.920 506.629 6.720 537.412 6.517 246.955 7.561
+1583.077 506.806 7.515 535.124 6.374 248.609 4.651
+1583.234 506.908 7.740 534.371 6.761 248.786 4.179
+1583.392 507.669 6.885 535.043 5.970 251.217 4.148
+1583.550 501.756 7.249 533.440 7.050 249.902 4.466
+1583.707 499.747 7.485 534.634 7.186 248.629 5.021
+1583.864 501.817 7.050 535.646 7.272 249.676 4.392
+1584.021 504.638 6.424 534.546 6.185 250.196 4.027
+1584.179 503.626 6.677 534.585 6.826 251.291 4.879
+1584.337 502.906 6.482 534.425 6.221 248.872 4.495
+1584.495 504.399 6.607 533.194 6.518 247.748 4.047
+1584.653 506.204 6.567 533.662 6.293 249.877 4.766
+1584.811 504.392 6.544 535.146 6.150 248.988 4.371
+1584.969 503.473 6.002 535.611 6.585 252.189 3.795
+1585.126 500.974 6.651 535.446 6.937 249.481 4.270
+1585.284 503.399 6.133 536.714 6.410 251.004 3.735
+1585.443 505.304 7.130 536.227 6.427 249.380 3.964
+1585.600 504.583 5.970 536.012 6.440 248.373 3.760
+1585.758 506.365 6.136 536.100 6.384 250.503 4.341
+1585.916 508.453 6.207 536.221 6.598 250.655 4.527
+1586.074 502.414 6.814 537.292 6.602 246.566 4.331
+1586.231 503.794 6.558 537.673 6.329 249.955 4.733
+1586.390 503.667 6.613 537.216 6.205 250.879 4.188
+1586.547 502.246 6.133 537.812 6.653 252.598 3.454
+1586.706 502.352 7.055 537.858 6.731 248.226 4.539
+1586.863 502.433 7.616 539.308 6.572 248.062 4.831
+1587.020 504.944 7.699 538.963 6.771 251.530 4.494
+1587.178 504.819 7.139 540.269 6.818 253.555 4.370
+1587.336 505.348 7.376 539.602 7.864 247.405 4.827
+1587.493 506.013 6.404 540.996 6.466 249.394 4.849
+1587.651 503.570 7.373 539.800 5.862 253.333 4.778
+1587.808 505.275 6.364 539.508 6.198 249.963 3.680
+1587.967 503.952 5.511 539.055 5.831 248.999 3.180
+1588.126 503.279 6.013 539.790 5.880 251.790 3.809
+1588.285 503.932 8.526 538.317 5.967 253.397 5.596
+1588.443 507.259 5.941 540.053 6.340 254.113 4.003
+1588.601 505.542 6.113 541.000 6.588 247.331 4.992
+1588.758 506.685 7.171 541.170 6.959 245.093 7.357
+1588.916 505.746 5.876 542.171 6.885 248.500 4.581
+1589.073 504.837 5.877 541.581 5.913 248.665 4.067
+1589.231 504.258 7.342 540.265 5.792 249.856 4.180
+1589.389 502.922 5.794 540.092 5.978 252.388 3.193
+1589.547 502.539 6.367 538.491 6.093 255.323 3.953
+1589.705 503.265 5.438 537.764 5.898 249.313 4.275
+1589.863 503.762 5.836 539.337 6.054 248.783 3.541
+1590.021 505.757 6.190 536.533 6.029 250.187 3.749
+1590.180 505.467 7.306 537.415 6.853 247.221 4.322
+1590.337 508.064 5.860 537.534 6.343 251.132 3.783
+1590.496 505.370 6.071 535.705 5.957 246.941 3.615
+1590.654 503.493 5.901 533.807 6.550 256.289 4.641
+1590.813 501.824 6.853 534.978 6.294 251.212 4.728
+1590.971 501.268 7.437 534.509 6.365 249.342 3.981
+1591.128 502.802 7.477 535.415 7.041 252.343 5.452
+1591.286 505.778 6.462 537.294 7.086 254.243 3.971
+1591.443 506.517 6.609 535.363 6.222 249.552 4.788
+1591.601 504.035 8.832 538.493 7.924 235.605 8.110
+1591.756 502.280 7.632 535.225 6.480 246.316 4.840
+1591.913 502.702 5.943 534.872 6.926 252.203 4.294
+1592.071 500.447 9.229 534.918 8.017 247.762 6.693
+1592.228 500.994 6.655 534.399 6.127 255.327 4.602
+1592.386 502.299 6.235 535.404 6.333 254.603 4.136
+1592.545 504.013 5.560 534.644 6.080 250.836 5.446
+1592.703 504.450 6.502 535.836 7.550 244.278 5.554
+1592.860 505.564 6.322 534.028 6.178 248.752 4.682
+1593.017 505.465 6.420 535.050 5.928 246.737 4.995
+1593.175 503.204 6.149 535.120 6.791 241.507 6.298
+1593.332 503.042 7.537 536.931 6.590 250.915 4.978
+1593.490 501.610 6.530 533.859 6.919 252.849 5.695
+1593.648 504.286 7.661 532.688 6.873 249.418 4.912
+1593.806 503.042 6.153 535.896 6.356 249.134 3.697
+1593.964 504.740 8.275 533.459 6.875 254.431 4.523
+1594.122 504.227 6.867 532.634 7.040 250.014 4.193
+1594.280 505.762 6.690 533.536 6.239 249.160 5.416
+1594.438 506.267 6.409 535.395 6.488 246.891 4.327
+1594.595 504.432 6.562 533.434 6.789 248.588 4.787
+1594.753 505.774 7.058 534.614 6.697 247.985 6.090
+1594.911 504.707 7.449 535.216 7.876 246.189 5.311
+1595.068 503.357 7.244 532.262 7.420 249.011 4.559
+1595.225 499.753 7.187 535.742 7.073 248.260 4.270
+1595.383 500.847 6.180 533.627 6.939 254.962 4.642
+1595.542 502.358 7.010 535.686 6.867 251.379 5.204
+1595.700 500.093 6.534 533.186 6.887 246.133 3.711
+1595.857 501.230 6.229 533.001 6.556 250.991 4.038
+1596.016 504.292 6.797 533.850 6.144 251.399 3.652
+1596.174 505.442 5.833 533.738 6.485 248.394 4.200
+1596.332 503.324 6.358 534.257 6.921 246.213 3.721
+1596.489 502.733 6.481 535.742 6.353 250.082 4.417
+1596.648 503.757 6.277 531.767 6.677 249.490 6.153
+1596.805 502.847 6.213 535.147 6.813 246.754 3.783
+1596.963 502.268 6.386 536.051 6.701 249.807 4.575
+1597.121 502.262 6.315 533.410 6.154 247.948 3.589
+1597.279 503.002 6.738 531.634 6.519 252.169 4.067
+1597.436 501.430 6.353 532.676 6.074 251.001 4.205
+1597.595 502.524 6.472 533.326 6.547 246.180 3.916
+1597.752 505.045 6.230 532.463 6.737 248.991 5.131
+1597.910 505.720 6.255 532.054 6.239 250.169 3.804
+1598.068 504.407 7.639 532.730 6.140 248.121 4.332
+1598.226 502.764 6.698 533.847 6.372 247.271 3.914
+1598.384 505.677 6.615 533.318 6.551 248.862 4.583
+1598.541 506.086 5.914 530.393 6.288 252.408 4.811
+1598.700 504.100 6.039 535.314 5.983 253.694 4.058
+1598.857 502.051 6.414 534.133 6.213 246.626 4.321
+1599.015 503.050 5.883 532.891 6.337 248.686 3.684
+1599.173 503.700 6.470 535.829 6.461 252.046 4.511
+1599.331 504.257 6.217 533.888 6.346 253.390 4.195
+1599.490 502.822 6.899 533.718 6.454 247.193 4.082
+1599.648 504.288 6.126 534.357 6.437 248.901 5.147
+1599.806 505.142 6.188 535.433 5.777 249.069 3.789
+1599.964 504.991 5.702 535.594 6.136 250.710 3.363
+1600.123 505.239 5.686 533.156 6.420 248.657 4.515
+1600.281 505.022 6.286 534.851 6.106 247.896 5.054
+1600.440 504.680 6.370 538.078 6.069 249.828 4.713
+1600.597 504.706 6.421 533.220 5.978 248.238 5.782
+1600.755 506.297 6.034 533.652 6.096 250.872 3.778
+1600.913 506.773 6.001 535.526 5.992 251.638 3.284
+1601.071 504.227 5.789 535.275 6.507 250.526 4.354
+1601.229 503.612 6.323 534.832 6.838 247.485 5.230
+1601.387 504.226 7.234 533.328 6.317 250.434 6.504
+1601.544 504.942 7.053 536.183 5.920 253.064 3.701
+1601.703 504.429 6.121 536.701 5.881 250.370 4.204
+1601.861 504.434 6.026 537.707 6.202 248.823 4.287
+1602.019 504.684 6.159 536.437 6.042 249.878 3.993
+1602.177 504.026 5.714 536.574 5.882 251.598 3.457
+1602.335 503.800 6.398 535.885 5.906 250.016 3.730
+1602.493 503.788 5.950 535.608 6.081 248.710 3.276
+1602.651 504.717 6.370 536.956 6.070 249.087 4.062
+1602.809 504.477 5.941 532.499 6.496 249.790 4.024
+1602.967 504.944 5.662 530.215 6.218 249.707 3.606
+1603.126 504.239 6.068 532.682 6.211 248.637 3.428
+1603.284 505.182 5.739 528.966 5.805 249.046 3.845
+1603.442 504.981 6.476 527.859 6.185 247.740 3.782
+1603.600 505.839 6.293 528.078 6.007 248.857 3.303
+1603.758 505.778 6.229 528.780 6.064 248.888 4.401
+1603.917 504.517 6.360 526.497 5.923 248.798 3.550
+1604.075 504.675 5.652 524.055 6.844 250.228 4.128
+1604.233 503.936 5.865 523.810 6.135 245.712 3.858
+1604.392 506.139 6.683 521.978 6.315 248.557 3.763
+1604.550 504.871 6.042 520.899 6.018 246.805 4.088
+1604.708 504.358 6.026 523.659 5.782 248.468 5.345
+1604.866 504.143 6.137 522.476 6.083 247.914 3.720
+1605.024 504.151 6.097 519.614 6.103 247.299 4.281
+1605.183 504.311 5.962 515.296 5.788 245.813 4.287
+1605.342 503.773 5.659 518.032 6.087 247.948 3.413
+1605.500 503.917 5.591 521.850 5.653 248.589 4.097
+1605.658 504.529 6.046 518.958 5.673 247.465 3.249
+1605.816 503.875 6.270 520.079 5.656 247.354 3.634
+1605.974 504.628 5.743 523.340 5.776 249.443 3.868
+1606.132 505.306 5.456 518.233 5.609 246.984 3.054
+1606.291 504.723 5.693 510.442 5.969 244.719 3.617
+1606.449 504.077 5.571 530.984 10.518 249.167 3.275
+1606.608 502.680 6.359 547.909 6.369 252.881 4.932
+1606.765 503.556 5.728 540.709 5.837 252.418 3.523
+1606.923 504.135 5.791 542.357 5.793 249.864 3.227
+1607.081 503.951 5.427 540.563 5.754 248.498 3.376
+1607.240 504.389 5.398 541.405 5.706 251.675 3.314
+1607.398 504.103 5.410 540.964 5.734 250.176 3.346
+1607.556 503.341 5.513 541.239 5.696 250.651 3.219
+1607.714 504.613 5.349 540.562 5.679 250.796 3.223
+1607.872 504.196 5.595 541.375 5.843 250.887 3.043
+1608.031 504.311 5.497 540.743 5.774 250.468 3.170
+1608.189 504.833 5.344 541.737 5.674 250.854 3.246
+1608.346 504.178 5.385 541.257 5.680 250.808 3.447
+1608.504 504.501 5.382 541.312 5.838 249.838 3.442
+1608.662 505.075 5.437 540.823 5.737 250.458 3.490
+1608.820 504.580 5.405 541.488 5.702 250.294 3.055
+1608.978 504.235 5.443 541.144 5.753 250.232 3.030
+1609.136 504.052 5.369 541.201 5.762 250.332 3.237
+1609.295 504.770 5.396 540.992 5.735 250.393 3.274
+1609.453 504.727 5.432 541.159 5.592 250.603 3.274
+1609.611 504.467 5.381 541.641 5.706 250.346 3.279
+1609.769 504.444 5.498 541.406 5.776 250.463 3.115
+1609.927 505.034 5.475 541.374 5.750 250.414 3.396
+1610.085 504.090 5.372 540.823 5.712 250.794 3.233
+1610.243 504.080 5.350 540.908 5.746 250.157 3.052
+1610.401 504.850 5.335 540.599 5.698 250.531 3.109
+1610.559 504.548 5.440 541.946 5.735 250.375 2.964
+1610.717 504.325 5.405 540.779 5.600 251.183 3.284
+1610.876 503.663 5.481 540.947 5.657 250.831 2.913
+1611.034 504.396 5.285 541.059 5.650 250.408 3.283
+1611.191 504.404 5.307 541.690 5.716 250.524 3.179
+1611.349 504.574 5.401 541.096 5.651 250.255 3.391
+1611.507 504.205 5.491 541.261 5.729 251.112 3.271
+1611.665 504.462 5.368 541.182 5.688 250.481 3.270
+1611.823 504.394 5.381 541.561 5.714 250.984 3.095
+1611.982 504.684 5.313 541.115 5.770 249.739 3.230
+1612.140 504.526 5.355 541.231 5.727 249.897 3.273
+1612.298 504.825 5.404 540.872 5.727 250.128 3.420
+1612.456 504.238 5.351 541.588 5.708 250.591 3.379
+1612.614 504.232 5.375 542.105 5.746 249.835 3.221
+1612.772 504.402 5.317 542.381 5.739 250.958 3.083
+1612.930 504.474 5.530 541.263 5.724 250.949 3.382
+1613.088 504.694 5.589 541.542 5.740 250.449 3.107
+1613.247 504.347 5.336 541.615 5.701 250.134 2.967
+1613.405 504.143 5.546 542.086 5.661 250.561 3.028
+1613.563 504.001 5.406 541.040 5.694 250.255 3.453
+1613.720 504.440 5.374 541.620 5.713 249.942 3.213
+1613.879 504.714 5.341 541.276 5.663 251.129 2.973
+1614.037 503.637 5.469 541.412 5.810 251.051 3.282
+1614.195 504.106 5.371 541.364 5.732 250.550 3.030
+1614.353 504.121 5.301 541.033 5.786 250.455 3.326
+1614.510 504.081 5.354 542.350 5.655 250.464 3.044
+1614.668 504.570 5.368 542.923 5.800 250.034 3.572
+1614.826 504.165 5.444 542.659 5.789 251.180 3.424
+1614.984 503.531 5.400 540.376 5.733 250.961 3.399
+1615.143 503.975 5.481 541.013 5.699 250.259 3.083
+1615.301 503.869 5.453 540.490 5.637 251.162 3.134
+1615.459 504.778 5.372 539.754 5.688 250.811 3.171
+1615.617 504.327 5.374 540.507 5.826 249.828 3.004
+1615.776 505.413 5.400 540.875 5.748 250.208 2.997
+1615.934 504.494 5.404 540.228 5.784 250.242 3.113
+1616.092 504.324 5.304 540.942 5.670 249.852 3.173
+1616.250 503.863 5.357 540.959 5.780 250.108 2.996
+1616.409 503.868 5.371 541.529 5.731 251.461 3.624
+1616.567 504.008 5.370 541.125 5.794 250.034 3.048
+1616.725 504.450 5.651 540.841 5.947 250.320 3.146
+1616.883 504.404 5.321 540.978 5.840 250.113 3.256
+1617.041 504.164 5.417 540.869 5.611 250.081 3.221
+1617.200 503.811 5.392 540.958 5.697 250.870 3.150
+1617.358 504.198 5.414 541.509 5.677 250.208 3.373
+1617.516 504.272 5.300 540.435 5.753 250.592 3.156
+1617.674 504.412 5.473 541.194 5.624 249.805 3.248
+1617.833 504.504 5.469 541.102 5.741 251.168 2.870
+1617.991 504.695 5.436 541.201 5.648 250.191 3.350
+1618.148 504.107 5.474 540.832 5.759 250.591 3.105
+1618.306 504.961 5.417 541.318 5.654 250.765 3.294
+1618.464 504.249 5.347 541.623 5.780 250.357 3.411
+1618.622 504.642 5.256 541.526 5.766 250.683 3.087
+1618.780 504.526 5.397 541.705 5.643 250.766 3.065
+1618.938 504.715 5.336 541.307 5.687 250.657 2.962
+1619.096 504.267 5.378 541.403 5.728 250.696 3.129
+1619.255 504.502 5.285 541.374 5.707 250.546 3.036
+1619.413 504.205 5.395 540.813 5.692 249.825 3.251
+1619.571 504.892 5.294 541.198 5.773 250.198 3.471
+1619.729 504.789 5.424 541.672 5.844 250.662 2.955
+1619.888 504.627 5.391 541.346 5.853 250.826 3.193
+1620.046 504.656 5.372 541.253 5.665 250.698 3.083
+1620.204 504.356 5.310 541.372 5.757 250.467 3.247
+1620.362 504.453 5.302 542.013 5.611 250.704 3.103
+1620.520 504.384 5.452 541.240 5.678 250.907 3.150
+1620.678 504.733 5.268 541.422 5.619 250.769 3.341
+1620.836 504.217 5.366 541.614 5.615 250.647 3.141
+1620.995 504.052 5.358 541.086 5.725 250.876 3.387
+1621.152 504.370 5.481 541.480 5.650 250.248 3.166
+1621.311 504.383 5.405 541.594 5.687 250.502 3.140
+1621.468 504.663 5.323 541.256 5.685 250.845 3.429
+1621.626 504.076 5.281 540.892 5.746 250.688 3.178
+1621.784 504.600 5.309 541.269 5.721 250.586 3.032
+1621.943 504.646 5.338 541.152 5.759 250.295 3.131
+1622.101 504.166 5.434 541.081 5.836 251.042 3.081
+1622.259 504.571 5.344 541.800 5.644 250.920 3.127
+1622.418 503.795 5.477 541.508 5.674 251.199 3.160
+1622.576 503.627 5.493 541.145 5.697 250.422 3.038
+1622.734 504.646 5.415 541.651 5.710 250.274 3.195
+1622.892 504.036 5.293 540.776 5.670 251.492 2.910
+1623.050 504.590 5.518 540.577 5.711 250.434 3.202
+1623.208 504.765 5.385 541.775 5.726 251.304 3.272
+1623.367 504.497 5.344 540.767 5.616 250.603 3.158
+1623.525 503.775 5.406 541.787 5.640 250.036 2.930
+1623.683 504.247 5.329 541.397 5.761 250.420 3.115
+1623.842 504.462 5.307 541.544 5.731 250.704 3.324
+1624.000 504.354 5.335 541.435 5.724 250.857 3.164
+1624.158 504.323 5.362 541.094 5.759 250.218 3.158
+1624.316 504.873 5.362 541.691 5.665 250.652 3.131
+1624.474 504.708 5.429 541.806 5.812 250.386 2.977
+1624.632 504.167 5.319 541.728 5.733 250.003 3.429
+1624.790 504.431 5.535 541.527 5.741 250.630 3.050
+1624.949 504.794 5.423 541.725 5.681 250.776 3.143
+1625.107 505.038 5.311 542.087 5.708 250.937 2.890
+1625.265 504.430 5.268 542.120 5.888 250.279 3.012
+1625.423 504.774 5.405 541.501 5.695 250.762 3.091
+1625.581 504.127 5.419 541.115 5.701 250.847 3.342
+1625.739 504.411 5.372 541.831 5.744 250.208 3.184
+1625.897 504.114 5.348 541.728 5.647 250.112 3.180
+1626.055 504.041 5.367 541.557 5.675 250.601 3.099
+1626.213 504.370 5.286 541.195 5.674 251.386 3.150
+1626.371 504.183 5.399 541.672 5.837 250.893 3.279
+1626.529 504.361 5.312 540.756 5.781 250.508 3.123
+1626.687 504.183 5.312 541.077 5.688 250.515 3.178
+1626.845 504.491 5.361 541.120 5.736 250.765 3.047
+1627.003 504.044 5.288 541.291 5.776 250.227 2.978
+1627.161 504.210 5.342 541.663 5.713 250.742 3.033
+1627.319 504.172 5.382 541.506 5.694 250.247 3.059
+1627.477 504.421 5.373 541.645 5.723 251.382 3.275
+1627.635 504.064 5.431 541.566 5.786 250.873 2.971
+1627.794 504.620 5.406 541.235 5.674 250.208 3.240
+1627.952 504.096 5.496 541.222 5.778 250.572 3.014
+1628.111 504.050 5.401 541.282 5.738 250.185 3.042
+1628.269 504.160 5.378 541.302 5.711 249.521 2.962
+1628.427 504.111 5.293 541.133 5.621 251.035 3.180
+1628.585 504.131 5.287 541.691 5.699 250.940 3.284
+1628.743 504.371 5.253 541.386 5.684 250.319 3.182
+1628.900 504.283 5.459 541.483 5.579 250.493 3.145
+1629.058 504.722 5.400 541.734 5.651 250.724 2.930
+1629.216 504.547 5.444 540.517 5.686 250.487 3.118
+1629.375 504.105 5.345 541.375 5.652 250.334 3.009
+1629.533 504.391 5.344 541.303 5.755 250.423 3.277
+1629.691 503.953 5.357 541.193 5.665 250.214 3.058
+1629.849 504.189 5.400 541.042 5.718 250.812 3.318
+1630.007 504.251 5.344 540.700 5.732 250.918 3.054
+1630.165 504.672 5.372 540.657 5.680 250.769 3.386
+1630.324 504.116 5.354 541.096 5.660 250.157 3.297
+1630.481 504.081 5.365 541.211 5.608 250.491 3.179
+1630.639 504.440 5.316 541.152 5.722 250.394 3.167
+1630.797 504.694 5.328 541.571 5.704 249.923 3.106
+1630.956 504.336 5.504 541.715 5.761 249.939 3.077
+1631.114 504.233 5.404 541.077 5.755 250.269 2.960
+1631.273 504.422 5.431 540.430 5.660 250.042 3.028
+1631.431 504.104 5.372 540.764 5.742 250.400 3.076
+1631.589 504.131 5.352 540.787 5.669 250.644 3.154
+1631.748 504.671 5.380 541.227 5.680 250.376 3.142
+1631.906 504.176 5.361 541.642 5.776 251.033 3.168
+1632.065 504.191 5.320 541.576 5.799 249.880 3.199
+1632.223 504.691 5.309 541.045 5.725 249.788 3.167
+1632.381 504.026 5.279 541.690 5.730 250.427 3.076
+1632.539 503.920 5.465 541.247 5.760 250.164 3.035
+1632.697 504.539 5.381 541.782 5.877 250.711 3.268
+1632.856 504.965 5.363 540.967 5.674 250.087 2.923
+1633.014 504.209 5.326 541.269 5.657 250.670 3.058
+1633.172 504.822 5.264 540.912 5.736 250.216 3.163
+1633.331 504.618 5.288 541.149 5.659 249.992 3.148
+1633.489 504.156 5.374 541.301 5.702 250.459 2.857
+1633.647 504.001 5.473 541.403 5.783 249.894 2.924
+1633.805 504.370 5.346 541.254 5.706 250.758 2.935
+1633.964 504.133 5.291 540.812 5.683 250.307 3.163
+1634.122 503.881 5.352 541.308 5.902 250.123 3.137
+1634.280 504.428 5.341 540.373 5.704 251.091 3.161
+1634.438 504.144 5.247 541.143 5.680 250.700 3.104
+1634.596 504.051 5.391 540.801 5.720 250.697 3.337
+1634.754 504.020 5.339 541.448 5.704 250.486 3.200
+1634.912 503.880 5.464 541.054 5.648 250.154 3.397
+1635.070 504.538 5.295 542.170 5.647 251.181 3.189
+1635.228 504.725 5.451 541.291 5.750 250.911 3.433
+1635.386 504.107 5.360 540.702 5.648 250.159 3.056
+1635.544 503.871 5.313 541.287 5.679 251.131 2.907
+1635.702 504.208 5.419 540.802 5.719 249.921 3.176
+1635.860 503.532 5.294 541.128 5.687 250.759 3.111
+1636.018 503.815 5.310 541.221 5.613 250.237 3.115
+1636.176 504.088 5.402 541.022 5.638 250.522 3.124
+1636.335 504.010 5.477 541.560 5.670 250.405 2.997
+1636.493 504.180 5.383 541.085 5.806 251.074 3.312
+1636.651 504.031 5.463 541.230 5.627 251.250 3.136
+1636.809 503.880 5.416 540.852 5.713 251.042 2.976
+1636.967 504.508 5.407 540.838 5.779 250.150 3.321
+1637.125 504.225 5.398 541.328 5.625 250.441 3.097
+1637.283 504.332 5.248 541.613 5.753 250.674 3.381
+1637.441 503.443 5.283 541.036 5.687 250.556 2.944
+1637.599 504.504 5.364 540.890 5.600 250.495 3.296
+1637.756 504.365 5.415 540.998 5.686 250.614 3.223
+1637.914 503.773 5.364 540.650 5.620 250.066 3.147
+1638.073 504.137 5.382 541.146 5.810 250.900 3.028
+1638.232 504.221 5.323 541.761 5.703 251.099 3.624
+1638.390 504.482 5.347 541.497 5.725 249.641 3.246
+1638.548 503.804 5.322 541.295 5.733 250.286 3.146
+1638.706 503.818 5.443 541.653 5.711 249.432 3.004
+1638.864 504.268 5.270 541.306 5.651 250.184 3.081
+1639.022 504.102 5.442 541.193 5.668 249.931 3.027
+1639.180 504.951 5.384 541.542 5.788 250.349 3.211
+1639.338 504.469 5.333 540.995 5.657 251.033 3.215
+1639.496 503.904 5.417 541.190 5.723 250.720 3.179
+1639.655 504.219 5.420 541.561 5.733 250.237 3.098
+1639.813 504.572 5.412 541.365 5.700 250.442 2.993
+1639.971 504.355 5.378 541.723 5.784 250.464 3.119
+1640.129 504.093 5.331 540.927 5.702 250.644 3.087
+1640.288 504.550 5.355 541.649 5.767 250.316 3.208
+1640.446 504.435 5.394 541.726 5.647 249.843 3.160
+1640.604 503.964 5.435 541.637 5.761 250.288 3.272
+1640.762 503.699 5.435 540.876 5.690 251.032 3.282
+1640.920 504.437 5.395 540.278 5.648 250.430 3.100
+1641.078 503.934 5.409 541.192 5.684 250.604 3.343
+1641.236 504.539 5.376 540.491 5.744 250.706 3.472
+1641.394 504.155 5.328 541.224 5.610 250.417 3.198
+1641.552 503.981 5.296 540.532 5.709 250.584 3.137
+1641.710 504.449 5.323 541.215 5.893 250.935 3.121
+1641.869 504.414 5.331 540.922 5.767 250.549 3.183
+1642.027 504.294 5.317 541.489 5.724 250.335 2.979
+1642.186 503.933 5.378 541.034 5.707 250.713 3.242
+1642.343 504.609 5.312 542.170 5.709 250.137 3.065
+1642.501 504.406 5.334 541.401 5.703 250.631 3.122
+1642.659 504.704 5.282 541.184 5.743 250.626 3.226
+1642.817 503.997 5.370 541.461 5.693 250.486 3.325
+1642.975 504.720 5.449 541.184 5.700 250.574 3.059
+1643.133 504.587 5.398 540.791 5.704 249.865 3.070
+1643.291 504.205 5.326 541.448 5.671 250.528 3.090
+1643.449 504.282 5.383 541.484 5.653 250.525 3.205
+1643.607 504.442 5.389 541.064 5.752 250.135 3.122
+1643.765 504.304 5.312 541.270 5.726 250.211 3.056
+1643.923 504.103 5.333 541.202 5.725 250.202 2.941
+1644.081 504.381 5.328 541.192 5.746 250.662 3.055
+1644.239 504.573 5.326 541.311 5.688 250.406 3.138
+1644.398 504.385 5.351 540.523 5.647 250.074 2.914
+1644.556 503.993 5.387 541.685 5.811 249.520 3.509
+1644.714 503.899 5.351 540.736 5.808 250.405 3.134
+1644.872 504.099 5.387 541.237 5.658 250.844 3.065
+1645.030 503.921 5.313 541.452 5.634 250.768 3.089
+1645.188 504.269 5.369 541.544 5.647 251.037 3.285
+1645.346 504.652 5.376 541.155 5.716 250.040 3.034
+1645.504 504.306 5.435 541.341 5.692 250.230 3.090
+1645.662 503.773 5.326 541.173 5.699 250.512 3.157
+1645.821 504.607 5.481 541.771 5.705 250.485 2.904
+1645.978 504.336 5.434 541.787 5.713 250.494 2.899
+1646.136 504.023 5.395 541.508 5.670 250.714 3.206
+1646.294 504.240 5.255 542.065 5.715 250.087 3.106
+1646.452 504.672 5.411 540.800 5.737 250.800 3.063
+1646.611 504.276 5.357 541.048 5.653 250.758 3.313
+1646.769 504.082 5.307 541.690 5.612 250.817 2.973
+1646.927 504.560 5.230 541.696 5.741 250.378 3.216
+1647.085 503.985 5.452 541.377 5.779 249.963 3.088
+1647.243 504.159 5.420 540.913 5.841 249.869 3.039
+1647.402 503.821 5.386 541.179 5.635 249.948 3.339
+1647.560 503.698 5.385 541.051 5.732 250.379 3.211
+1647.718 503.957 5.439 541.110 5.764 250.283 3.133
+1647.876 504.099 5.351 541.841 5.776 250.232 3.280
+1648.034 504.511 5.368 541.448 5.780 251.112 3.355
+1648.192 504.105 5.365 541.004 5.711 250.871 3.273
+1648.350 503.661 5.573 541.110 5.702 249.818 3.386
+1648.508 503.356 5.339 541.231 5.722 250.908 3.050
+1648.665 503.783 5.342 540.942 5.776 250.329 3.209
+1648.824 504.117 5.330 540.779 5.825 250.083 3.074
+1648.982 504.291 5.338 541.857 5.638 250.740 3.164
+1649.140 504.442 5.443 541.298 5.722 250.397 3.010
+1649.298 503.864 5.417 541.003 5.795 250.294 3.196
+1649.456 504.008 5.401 541.380 5.654 250.332 3.060
+1649.614 504.140 5.350 541.223 5.739 250.583 3.101
+1649.772 504.371 5.381 541.292 5.718 250.015 3.099
+1649.931 504.153 5.358 540.233 5.607 250.470 2.918
+1650.088 503.911 5.305 541.212 5.753 250.874 3.253
+1650.246 504.299 5.276 541.732 5.855 250.308 3.129
+1650.405 504.083 5.376 541.027 5.817 250.823 3.066
+1650.563 503.590 5.351 541.080 5.650 250.348 3.096
+1650.721 503.995 5.261 540.600 5.675 250.943 3.116
+1650.879 504.340 5.318 540.746 5.685 250.349 3.389
+1651.036 503.663 5.335 541.247 5.677 250.263 3.151
+1651.195 503.976 5.394 541.162 5.776 250.192 2.982
+1651.353 504.579 5.318 540.911 5.601 250.471 3.051
+1651.511 504.025 5.344 540.629 5.719 251.054 3.203
+1651.669 504.140 5.373 541.346 5.711 250.020 3.100
+1651.828 504.511 5.435 542.003 5.798 250.070 3.075
+1651.986 504.545 5.299 541.680 5.597 250.330 3.192
+1652.144 504.165 5.297 541.366 5.647 250.323 3.061
+1652.302 504.621 5.291 541.063 5.679 249.923 3.093
+1652.460 504.126 5.343 541.160 5.662 250.779 3.179
+1652.618 504.351 5.395 541.091 5.824 250.667 3.033
+1652.776 504.243 5.340 540.960 5.738 249.896 3.262
+1652.934 504.762 5.432 541.929 5.698 250.619 3.119
+1653.093 503.817 5.323 541.299 5.777 249.846 3.047
+1653.251 504.548 5.410 540.913 5.643 250.308 3.048
+1653.409 504.155 5.430 540.979 5.723 249.593 3.160
+1653.567 504.531 5.417 541.279 5.692 249.395 3.283
+1653.725 503.945 5.367 541.782 5.679 250.203 3.188
+1653.883 504.459 5.321 540.377 5.771 250.012 3.028
+1654.042 504.994 5.382 541.323 5.707 250.130 3.259
+1654.200 504.149 5.362 540.963 5.781 250.881 3.011
+1654.359 504.591 5.417 541.189 5.726 250.158 3.190
+1654.517 503.665 5.410 540.771 5.642 250.241 3.144
+1654.675 504.066 5.353 540.577 5.821 250.462 3.203
+1654.833 504.110 5.428 541.145 5.610 250.694 2.991
+1654.991 504.271 5.439 541.231 5.680 250.586 2.952
+1655.149 504.972 5.434 541.572 5.710 250.985 3.041
+1655.307 504.809 5.308 541.645 5.710 250.629 3.070
+1655.466 504.378 5.305 540.866 5.793 250.196 3.183
+1655.624 503.933 5.342 541.798 5.668 250.531 3.064
+1655.783 504.169 5.223 541.178 5.702 250.045 3.004
+1655.941 504.401 5.411 541.541 5.725 251.290 3.107
+1656.099 504.034 5.345 540.895 5.813 249.842 3.273
+1656.256 504.480 5.388 541.429 5.610 249.988 3.242
+1656.414 503.864 5.375 540.804 5.686 250.059 3.334
+1656.573 504.308 5.322 541.138 5.648 250.320 3.190
+1656.731 504.923 5.317 541.431 5.637 250.683 3.211
+1656.888 504.539 5.452 541.044 5.797 249.826 3.062
+1657.047 503.795 5.398 541.590 5.720 250.348 3.266
+1657.205 504.567 5.415 541.436 5.707 250.023 3.361
+1657.363 504.275 5.394 541.294 5.683 251.280 3.059
+1657.521 504.392 5.358 541.183 5.698 250.172 3.046
+1657.679 504.424 5.356 540.821 5.722 250.351 3.210
+1657.837 504.784 5.386 541.128 5.722 250.053 3.261
+1657.995 504.737 5.319 539.981 5.738 250.960 3.343
+1658.153 504.397 5.370 540.979 5.708 250.949 2.940
+1658.312 504.774 5.409 540.499 5.773 249.959 3.169
+1658.470 504.007 5.336 540.815 5.730 250.839 3.201
+1658.628 504.230 5.469 540.878 5.782 250.598 3.170
+1658.787 504.432 5.405 541.048 5.722 250.416 3.066
+1658.945 504.354 5.390 541.590 5.744 250.264 3.399
+1659.103 504.133 5.368 540.916 5.722 249.972 3.157
+1659.261 503.841 5.436 540.679 5.668 250.109 3.109
+1659.420 503.678 5.429 541.346 5.724 249.801 3.124
+1659.578 503.786 5.384 540.673 5.721 250.508 3.232
+1659.736 503.997 5.281 541.396 5.648 250.745 3.130
+1659.894 503.600 5.371 541.324 5.705 250.597 3.077
+1660.052 504.256 5.330 541.603 5.656 249.995 3.028
+1660.211 504.232 5.325 541.146 5.866 250.289 3.042
+1660.369 505.122 5.351 541.091 5.744 250.052 3.071
+1660.527 504.221 5.399 541.351 5.689 250.220 3.058
+1660.685 504.142 5.349 541.143 5.812 249.982 3.044
+1660.844 503.571 5.453 541.501 5.788 249.739 3.151
+1661.003 504.625 5.270 541.225 5.737 250.397 3.141
+1661.161 504.156 5.368 541.202 5.660 250.583 3.166
+1661.319 503.951 5.392 541.482 5.628 250.655 3.160
+1661.477 504.709 5.296 541.524 5.768 249.966 3.021
+1661.636 504.867 5.400 541.545 5.676 250.069 3.399
+1661.794 505.098 5.355 541.815 5.759 250.180 3.057
+1661.952 504.371 5.412 541.508 5.761 250.941 3.131
+1662.111 503.963 5.449 541.695 5.800 250.799 2.933
+1662.269 504.089 5.404 541.757 5.622 250.418 3.297
+1662.426 504.490 5.297 541.657 5.728 249.954 3.352
+1662.584 504.684 5.353 541.616 5.727 250.179 2.960
+1662.743 504.626 5.451 540.896 5.767 250.811 2.903
+1662.901 504.506 5.391 542.159 5.731 250.508 3.080
+1663.059 504.395 5.370 541.361 5.620 250.265 2.952
+1663.217 504.394 5.468 541.533 5.686 250.382 3.163
+1663.376 503.774 5.304 541.545 5.635 251.033 3.393
+1663.534 504.407 5.390 541.595 5.778 250.460 3.141
+1663.692 504.684 5.326 541.936 5.776 250.854 3.200
+1663.850 504.776 5.374 542.429 5.700 250.428 3.060
+1664.008 505.087 5.405 541.464 5.683 250.694 2.953
+1664.166 503.770 5.294 541.294 5.769 251.376 3.022
+1664.325 504.727 5.371 541.213 5.644 250.203 3.084
+1664.483 504.937 5.365 541.552 5.871 250.832 3.159
+1664.641 503.829 5.400 541.715 5.697 250.908 3.051
+1664.800 505.098 5.306 541.567 5.724 250.429 3.090
+1664.958 504.631 5.345 541.705 5.804 250.694 3.105
+1665.116 504.276 5.363 541.037 5.676 250.596 3.293
+1665.274 504.512 5.362 541.670 5.639 250.885 3.500
+1665.431 504.695 5.388 541.826 5.711 250.178 3.058
+1665.590 504.517 5.437 541.578 5.680 250.371 3.428
+1665.748 504.075 5.320 541.665 5.718 250.793 2.975
+1665.906 504.340 5.370 541.986 5.676 250.617 3.128
+1666.064 504.313 5.285 540.969 5.723 250.646 3.130
+1666.222 504.543 5.301 541.209 5.669 250.176 3.059
+1666.380 503.885 5.386 542.062 5.725 250.351 3.047
+1666.538 504.628 5.252 541.600 5.671 250.783 3.226
+1666.696 504.316 5.390 541.156 5.708 250.737 3.099
+1666.855 504.273 5.423 540.681 5.725 250.897 3.030
+1667.013 504.602 5.336 541.326 5.719 250.308 3.065
+1667.171 504.656 5.323 541.233 5.745 250.063 3.054
+1667.328 504.776 5.452 541.602 5.722 251.260 3.369
+1667.486 504.777 5.334 542.116 5.777 250.242 3.128
+1667.645 504.937 5.407 541.441 5.752 250.042 3.061
+1667.803 504.969 5.441 542.254 5.640 250.380 3.240
+1667.961 504.409 5.550 541.902 5.675 250.773 3.050
+1668.119 504.684 5.322 541.099 5.657 250.117 3.172
+1668.277 504.106 5.383 541.331 5.761 250.721 3.253
+1668.435 503.781 5.428 541.203 5.691 250.347 3.171
+1668.593 505.107 5.350 541.572 5.687 250.643 3.144
+1668.751 504.261 5.351 540.985 5.679 250.476 3.138
+1668.910 503.932 5.422 541.199 5.668 250.424 2.892
+1669.068 504.399 5.331 541.602 5.744 250.914 3.161
+1669.226 504.434 5.316 541.726 5.713 250.279 3.081
+1669.384 504.334 5.389 542.227 5.714 250.122 2.986
+1669.542 504.673 5.260 541.122 5.640 250.861 3.335
+1669.700 503.956 5.410 541.231 5.778 250.408 2.987
+1669.858 503.899 5.429 541.772 5.671 249.604 3.156
+1670.016 504.549 5.374 540.897 5.646 250.766 3.099
+1670.174 504.555 5.357 540.749 5.720 251.157 3.177
+1670.333 504.125 5.404 541.807 5.692 250.901 3.141
+1670.491 504.101 5.318 540.728 5.677 250.159 2.953
+1670.649 503.731 5.424 541.197 5.710 250.061 3.225
+1670.807 504.537 5.303 541.952 5.747 251.240 3.182
+1670.966 504.375 5.342 540.869 5.670 250.722 3.032
+1671.124 504.823 5.285 541.288 5.649 250.337 3.131
+1671.282 504.648 5.389 541.502 5.662 250.023 3.381
+1671.440 504.906 5.499 541.415 5.708 250.510 2.986
+1671.598 504.209 5.411 541.094 5.790 250.525 3.022
+1671.756 504.112 5.376 541.221 5.642 250.615 3.239
+1671.913 503.911 5.329 540.762 5.713 250.086 3.014
+1672.072 504.859 5.325 540.817 5.744 250.590 3.120
+1672.230 504.218 5.410 540.988 5.599 250.125 3.177
+1672.388 503.382 5.424 541.219 5.637 250.541 3.110
+1672.546 503.953 5.360 541.412 5.631 250.215 3.172
+1672.704 504.219 5.381 541.084 5.659 250.142 3.297
+1672.862 504.612 5.384 540.990 5.841 250.141 3.099
+1673.021 504.116 5.378 541.539 5.744 251.141 3.160
+1673.179 505.051 5.464 540.935 5.761 250.521 3.117
+1673.338 504.590 5.425 541.269 5.758 249.845 3.319
+1673.496 504.895 5.371 541.472 5.658 250.568 3.024
+1673.654 504.129 5.372 541.414 5.746 250.235 3.136
+1673.812 503.191 5.348 541.104 5.712 250.592 3.496
+1673.969 504.301 5.287 541.111 5.738 250.735 3.101
+1674.127 504.283 5.319 541.471 5.672 250.097 3.150
+1674.286 504.042 5.448 541.994 5.667 250.590 3.123
+1674.444 504.510 5.289 541.190 5.672 250.475 3.060
+1674.602 504.375 5.328 541.301 5.776 250.044 3.200
+1674.760 504.373 5.247 541.783 5.666 250.260 3.025
+1674.918 504.603 5.378 541.207 5.720 250.842 3.247
+1675.076 503.976 5.361 541.242 5.696 250.548 3.278
+1675.235 504.319 5.522 541.242 5.738 250.485 3.174
+1675.393 503.663 5.559 541.172 5.651 250.334 3.091
+1675.551 504.586 5.315 541.451 5.703 250.723 3.218
+1675.709 504.605 5.348 541.484 5.646 251.247 2.887
+1675.867 504.766 5.331 541.454 5.706 249.902 2.927
+1676.026 504.747 5.400 541.514 5.655 250.349 3.031
+1676.184 503.977 5.405 541.435 5.664 249.583 3.146
+1676.342 505.209 5.425 541.294 5.700 251.535 3.421
+1676.500 504.302 5.348 541.523 5.644 251.075 3.068
+1676.658 504.163 5.458 542.205 5.768 250.020 3.227
+1676.816 504.251 5.513 541.442 5.656 251.090 3.022
+1676.975 504.452 5.313 541.164 5.699 250.870 3.005
+1677.133 504.864 5.319 541.531 5.752 250.638 3.386
+1677.291 504.778 5.350 541.205 5.731 251.006 3.451
+1677.449 504.067 5.366 541.692 5.721 250.830 3.301
+1677.607 504.030 5.377 541.236 5.877 250.598 3.170
+1677.765 504.390 5.367 541.172 5.599 250.226 3.193
+1677.923 504.573 5.286 541.151 5.667 250.372 3.297
+1678.081 504.045 5.383 541.431 5.723 249.483 3.299
+1678.239 504.430 5.352 541.614 5.775 250.064 3.144
+1678.397 504.814 5.392 541.566 5.628 250.490 3.256
+1678.555 504.758 5.343 541.515 5.772 249.974 3.046
+1678.714 504.157 5.351 541.215 5.729 250.659 3.010
+1678.872 503.941 5.378 541.372 5.733 250.996 3.122
+1679.031 504.089 5.310 541.673 5.803 250.809 3.001
+1679.189 503.880 5.488 541.396 5.789 249.598 3.031
+1679.347 503.898 5.512 541.144 5.766 250.526 3.264
+1679.505 504.669 5.363 542.131 5.692 250.095 3.055
+1679.663 504.416 5.457 541.531 5.689 250.900 2.962
+1679.821 504.434 5.349 540.935 5.628 250.339 3.523
+1679.980 504.424 5.308 541.089 5.917 250.323 3.267
+1680.138 504.464 5.303 541.570 5.724 251.573 2.998
+1680.296 504.244 5.305 541.645 5.673 249.965 3.058
+1680.455 503.862 5.432 541.536 5.676 250.769 3.112
+1680.613 504.528 5.386 541.115 5.686 250.267 3.167
+1680.771 504.115 5.362 541.441 5.671 250.242 3.088
+1680.929 504.031 5.325 541.714 5.678 251.352 3.080
+1681.087 504.220 5.350 540.837 5.666 250.323 3.164
+1681.245 504.792 5.410 540.968 5.624 250.453 3.045
+1681.403 504.417 5.298 541.429 5.666 250.774 3.028
+1681.562 504.754 5.292 542.194 5.671 250.317 3.130
+1681.720 504.167 5.374 541.872 5.641 250.903 3.043
+1681.878 504.901 5.394 541.708 5.647 249.969 3.046
+1682.036 504.689 5.429 541.617 5.680 250.119 3.069
+1682.195 503.986 5.296 541.726 5.752 251.061 3.277
+1682.353 504.039 5.344 541.347 5.649 250.620 2.973
+1682.511 503.840 5.365 541.503 5.760 250.856 2.947
+1682.669 504.468 5.247 541.455 5.693 250.938 3.249
+1682.827 504.244 5.459 540.754 5.623 250.419 2.877
+1682.985 504.542 5.373 541.207 5.813 250.604 3.184
+1683.143 504.055 5.275 541.012 5.698 250.626 3.204
+1683.301 504.920 5.445 541.150 5.674 249.936 2.967
+1683.459 504.409 5.448 541.381 5.691 250.389 3.175
+1683.618 504.044 5.495 541.303 5.731 250.683 3.322
+1683.776 504.070 5.403 541.003 5.729 250.266 3.204
+1683.934 504.880 5.391 541.000 5.687 249.912 3.153
+1684.092 504.438 5.459 540.830 5.677 251.239 3.078
+1684.250 503.704 5.301 541.368 5.615 250.052 3.271
+1684.409 504.787 5.398 541.013 5.757 250.790 2.979
+1684.567 504.327 5.390 541.170 5.742 250.197 3.086
+1684.725 504.263 5.299 541.071 5.647 250.782 3.218
+1684.883 504.302 5.346 540.860 5.734 250.327 3.255
+1685.041 504.323 5.428 541.368 5.828 250.333 3.044
+1685.199 504.103 5.352 542.023 5.652 250.003 3.196
+1685.357 504.581 5.347 540.870 5.646 250.280 3.200
+1685.515 503.955 5.464 540.988 5.677 250.362 3.007
+1685.674 504.649 5.334 541.279 5.676 250.493 3.492
+1685.832 503.796 5.339 541.722 5.719 250.584 3.141
+1685.990 504.217 5.337 540.637 5.646 250.575 3.066
+1686.148 504.562 5.432 541.436 5.711 250.085 3.056
+1686.306 504.215 5.379 541.784 5.641 250.360 3.248
+1686.464 504.292 5.360 541.567 5.707 250.313 3.349
+1686.622 504.112 5.377 540.945 5.741 250.933 3.176
+1686.780 504.381 5.390 541.539 5.765 250.279 3.327
+1686.939 504.033 5.378 541.375 5.674 250.192 3.072
+1687.097 504.320 5.342 541.333 5.736 250.111 3.101
+1687.256 504.463 5.353 541.193 5.686 249.781 3.136
+1687.413 504.024 5.389 540.912 5.772 250.607 2.989
+1687.572 504.400 5.529 541.029 5.777 250.026 3.087
+1687.730 504.034 5.337 541.250 5.772 250.370 3.250
+1687.888 504.620 5.397 541.182 5.733 250.703 3.179
+1688.046 503.826 5.442 540.801 5.713 251.067 3.208
+1688.204 504.108 5.328 541.098 5.721 250.410 3.113
+1688.362 504.131 5.304 541.371 5.711 250.784 3.236
+1688.520 504.051 5.444 541.473 5.632 250.107 3.080
+1688.678 504.950 5.374 541.364 5.698 250.331 2.931
+1688.836 504.389 5.383 542.123 5.861 249.743 3.031
+1688.994 504.323 5.355 541.831 5.673 250.407 3.127
+1689.152 504.653 5.309 541.658 5.870 250.384 2.880
+1689.310 504.816 5.335 541.516 5.706 250.333 3.119
+1689.468 505.028 5.361 541.355 5.714 250.033 3.337
+1689.627 504.810 5.411 542.163 5.702 251.200 3.379
+1689.785 504.738 5.403 541.531 5.701 251.082 3.068
+1689.943 504.817 5.443 541.385 5.658 250.350 3.165
+1690.101 504.498 5.307 541.353 5.636 250.243 3.136
+1690.259 504.415 5.501 541.673 5.714 250.182 3.078
+1690.417 504.704 5.280 541.356 5.681 250.491 3.195
+1690.575 503.847 5.337 542.063 5.636 249.714 3.029
+1690.733 504.018 5.372 540.830 5.680 250.917 3.187
+1690.891 504.220 5.332 541.778 5.635 250.219 3.082
+1691.049 504.462 5.385 541.177 5.707 250.172 2.860
+1691.207 504.234 5.427 540.851 5.601 249.901 3.065
+1691.365 504.052 5.362 541.188 5.724 250.239 3.420
+1691.523 504.690 5.315 541.461 5.682 250.532 3.164
+1691.681 503.706 5.451 540.994 5.644 250.105 3.032
+1691.840 504.897 5.326 541.730 5.664 250.561 3.021
+1691.998 504.999 5.387 541.727 5.758 250.215 3.030
+1692.156 504.660 5.403 541.397 5.675 250.732 3.133
+1692.314 503.986 5.353 541.454 5.666 251.237 2.895
+1692.472 504.989 5.382 541.434 5.763 249.992 3.234
+1692.631 504.879 5.437 541.574 5.606 250.739 3.330
+1692.788 504.118 5.418 540.955 5.704 251.337 2.957
+1692.947 504.261 5.492 541.599 5.728 250.993 3.163
+1693.105 503.602 5.369 541.066 5.683 250.639 3.025
+1693.263 503.966 5.400 541.120 5.713 250.616 3.143
+1693.421 503.839 5.317 540.431 5.648 250.806 3.157
+1693.579 504.768 5.303 541.694 5.597 250.968 3.139
+1693.738 505.157 5.262 541.537 5.701 250.089 3.003
+1693.896 504.091 5.425 541.695 5.838 250.250 3.000
+1694.054 504.660 5.409 541.967 5.656 250.882 3.246
+1694.213 504.466 5.509 540.819 5.922 249.588 3.004
+1694.371 504.294 5.328 541.178 5.680 250.225 3.235
+1694.529 504.413 5.420 541.171 5.645 250.972 3.132
+1694.688 504.664 5.329 541.281 5.683 250.559 3.219
+1694.846 504.836 5.339 541.732 5.667 250.255 3.433
+1695.003 504.408 5.423 541.387 5.709 250.182 3.171
+1695.161 504.464 5.446 540.993 5.698 251.181 3.019
+1695.320 505.084 5.365 541.669 5.763 249.981 3.168
+1695.478 504.170 5.420 541.496 5.640 250.519 3.103
+1695.636 504.931 5.384 541.455 5.777 250.095 2.952
+1695.795 504.519 5.428 541.504 5.751 250.240 3.256
+1695.953 504.465 5.397 541.245 5.736 250.632 2.999
+1696.111 504.004 5.367 541.392 5.733 250.356 2.947
+1696.269 504.360 5.321 541.493 5.706 250.573 3.068
+1696.427 504.513 5.217 541.875 5.643 249.765 2.968
+1696.585 504.465 5.379 541.618 5.694 250.867 3.071
+1696.743 504.114 5.326 541.716 5.689 250.398 2.995
+1696.901 504.581 5.427 541.637 5.702 250.504 3.132
+1697.060 504.305 5.447 541.446 5.711 250.115 2.995
+1697.218 504.733 5.263 541.914 5.739 250.231 3.202
+1697.376 504.727 5.268 541.239 5.710 250.462 3.009
+1697.535 504.477 5.323 541.562 5.679 250.304 3.300
+1697.692 504.264 5.426 541.805 5.745 249.653 3.061
+1697.851 504.812 5.431 541.358 5.726 251.256 3.416
+1698.008 504.338 5.534 541.043 5.815 250.142 3.228
+1698.166 504.603 5.318 541.850 5.806 250.811 3.195
+1698.325 504.916 5.311 541.618 5.742 250.098 3.167
+1698.483 504.059 5.359 542.096 5.712 250.691 3.173
+1698.641 505.040 5.246 541.571 5.761 250.746 3.347
+1698.798 504.330 5.456 541.455 5.715 250.377 3.069
+1698.956 504.523 5.393 541.784 5.876 251.393 2.984
+1699.115 504.435 5.434 541.087 5.719 250.063 3.179
+1699.273 504.744 5.325 541.640 5.626 250.470 2.963
+1699.431 504.137 5.414 541.406 5.629 250.254 3.066
+1699.589 503.831 5.381 541.024 5.766 250.492 3.189
+1699.747 504.708 5.370 541.900 5.732 251.404 3.037
+1699.906 504.147 5.348 541.239 5.723 248.984 3.195
+1700.064 504.311 5.285 541.292 5.748 250.349 3.209
+1700.223 504.493 5.407 541.612 5.754 251.253 3.177
+1700.381 504.584 5.325 541.436 5.740 249.752 3.255
+1700.539 504.535 5.406 541.274 5.728 249.607 2.935
+1700.697 504.235 5.229 541.572 5.754 250.606 3.064
+1700.855 504.622 5.309 541.835 5.721 250.866 3.109
+1701.013 504.226 5.401 541.218 5.663 249.928 3.370
+1701.171 504.942 5.386 541.572 5.668 249.989 3.002
+1701.330 505.359 5.315 541.995 5.672 251.089 3.122
+1701.488 504.973 5.404 541.060 5.692 249.990 3.199
+1701.646 504.589 5.402 541.550 5.642 250.529 3.240
+1701.804 504.465 5.368 541.975 5.705 250.255 3.418
+1701.962 504.684 5.379 541.469 5.829 251.022 3.005
+1702.121 503.996 5.323 541.574 5.652 251.100 3.400
+1702.279 503.990 5.348 542.035 5.748 250.341 3.350
+1702.436 504.629 5.350 541.900 5.595 250.653 3.055
+1702.595 504.296 5.412 542.269 5.780 250.726 3.183
+1702.753 504.332 5.410 541.532 5.701 250.587 2.939
+1702.911 504.213 5.388 540.985 5.689 250.245 3.103
+1703.069 504.452 5.368 541.199 5.723 250.092 3.063
+1703.227 504.334 5.408 541.592 5.667 250.570 3.391
+1703.385 504.253 5.361 541.015 5.794 250.805 3.027
+1703.543 504.282 5.301 541.630 5.678 250.448 3.105
+1703.702 505.192 5.293 542.056 5.727 250.574 3.202
+1703.859 504.651 5.413 541.760 5.717 250.305 3.270
+1704.018 504.486 5.337 541.447 5.670 250.953 3.282
+1704.176 504.924 5.475 541.934 5.675 251.039 3.093
+1704.335 504.649 5.353 542.159 5.625 250.380 3.081
+1704.493 504.786 5.289 541.741 5.782 250.653 3.236
+1704.651 504.867 5.397 541.877 5.777 250.566 3.158
+1704.809 504.988 5.280 541.558 5.826 250.145 2.991
+1704.967 504.389 5.318 541.065 5.856 250.661 3.054
+1705.125 504.393 5.406 541.640 5.682 250.186 3.292
+1705.283 504.464 5.359 541.426 5.841 250.401 3.147
+1705.441 504.044 5.250 541.784 5.738 249.624 3.123
+1705.599 504.580 5.281 540.867 5.699 250.626 3.197
+1705.757 503.875 5.331 541.478 5.808 250.886 3.428
+1705.915 504.288 5.373 541.384 5.684 250.938 3.082
+1706.073 504.722 5.463 541.763 5.714 250.829 3.148
+1706.232 504.347 5.442 541.347 5.744 250.278 3.266
+1706.390 504.743 5.420 541.123 5.729 250.252 3.044
+1706.548 504.227 5.363 541.301 5.737 249.612 2.894
+1706.706 503.792 5.328 541.213 5.676 249.806 3.099
+1706.864 504.217 5.288 541.492 5.729 249.888 3.224
+1707.022 504.752 5.419 541.754 5.803 250.308 3.042
+1707.180 504.877 5.383 542.297 5.737 250.253 3.129
+1707.338 504.298 5.287 541.683 5.709 250.082 3.121
+1707.496 504.433 5.443 542.056 5.768 250.810 2.991
+1707.654 504.504 5.271 541.050 5.693 250.388 3.058
+1707.812 504.045 5.313 541.670 5.680 250.773 3.194
+1707.971 504.590 5.266 541.546 5.737 250.167 3.145
+1708.129 505.065 5.302 541.675 5.748 251.121 3.233
+1708.287 504.550 5.491 541.846 5.741 250.471 3.037
+1708.445 504.475 5.392 541.858 5.607 250.104 3.074
+1708.603 505.164 5.277 541.888 5.659 250.651 3.175
+1708.761 505.021 5.408 541.498 5.702 249.846 3.299
+1708.919 504.500 5.309 541.605 5.752 250.408 2.980
+1709.078 504.615 5.304 541.536 5.749 250.184 3.257
+1709.235 504.456 5.406 541.345 5.775 250.681 3.024
+1709.394 504.354 5.455 541.743 5.696 250.406 3.217
+1709.552 505.023 5.266 541.457 5.703 250.714 3.006
+1709.710 504.540 5.384 541.724 5.666 250.797 3.275
+1709.868 505.075 5.327 541.907 5.702 250.917 2.938
+1710.027 504.020 5.340 541.559 5.729 250.849 3.178
+1710.184 504.420 5.315 541.695 5.845 250.298 3.224
+1710.343 504.324 5.314 541.327 5.704 250.262 3.128
+1710.500 504.543 5.342 541.213 5.819 250.682 3.163
+1710.659 504.455 5.340 541.272 5.743 250.286 3.005
+1710.817 504.474 5.386 541.302 5.770 249.902 3.178
+1710.975 504.644 5.350 542.103 5.679 250.329 3.147
+1711.133 504.246 5.292 541.331 5.692 250.833 3.207
+1711.291 504.712 5.406 541.563 5.696 251.088 3.129
+1711.450 504.277 5.311 541.705 5.724 250.110 3.102
+1711.608 504.952 5.269 541.847 5.761 250.781 3.187
+1711.766 504.239 5.350 540.588 5.695 250.157 3.104
+1711.925 504.732 5.411 541.505 5.745 250.901 3.075
+1712.083 504.677 5.398 541.685 5.761 250.419 3.120
+1712.242 504.386 5.382 541.306 5.702 250.254 2.904
+1712.400 504.073 5.441 541.893 5.701 250.502 3.105
+1712.558 504.420 5.297 541.848 5.684 249.745 2.925
+1712.716 504.134 5.329 541.398 5.690 250.427 3.206
+1712.874 504.911 5.369 541.594 5.624 249.894 3.044
+1713.032 504.179 5.322 541.686 5.604 251.298 3.082
+1713.190 504.571 5.421 541.166 5.705 250.133 3.284
+1713.348 504.355 5.367 541.711 5.663 250.691 3.300
+1713.506 504.513 5.280 541.577 5.723 249.976 3.097
+1713.664 504.655 5.402 541.595 5.623 250.009 3.039
+1713.823 504.806 5.311 541.486 5.714 249.960 3.111
+1713.981 504.928 5.461 541.334 5.702 250.759 3.085
+1714.140 504.699 5.413 541.903 5.661 250.147 3.085
+1714.298 504.777 5.356 541.759 5.708 250.771 3.091
+1714.456 504.897 5.433 541.897 5.697 249.937 3.242
+1714.614 504.499 5.291 541.359 5.723 250.409 3.034
+1714.773 504.085 5.333 541.453 5.596 250.454 3.062
+1714.930 504.810 5.488 541.634 5.666 250.184 3.176
+1715.088 505.058 5.403 541.526 5.731 250.561 3.110
+1715.246 504.520 5.349 541.575 5.756 250.635 3.090
+1715.404 504.265 5.385 541.675 5.651 250.166 3.147
+1715.562 504.842 5.443 541.556 5.635 250.911 2.966
+1715.721 504.498 5.319 541.885 5.598 250.169 2.908
+1715.878 504.565 5.370 541.848 5.625 250.911 3.228
+1716.036 504.405 5.367 541.548 5.764 250.929 3.149
+1716.195 504.564 5.283 541.285 5.721 250.169 3.043
+1716.353 504.685 5.348 542.002 5.704 249.871 3.324
+1716.511 504.246 5.419 541.020 5.927 250.018 3.077
+1716.670 504.572 5.330 541.210 5.597 250.680 3.258
+1716.827 505.215 5.451 541.612 5.703 249.946 3.257
+1716.986 504.742 5.405 542.016 5.797 250.469 3.242
+1717.143 505.127 5.543 541.720 5.809 250.454 3.200
+1717.302 505.111 5.443 541.527 5.708 250.614 3.057
+1717.460 505.261 5.327 541.625 5.611 250.706 3.159
+1717.618 504.222 5.320 541.936 5.704 249.967 3.087
+1717.777 504.312 5.318 542.309 5.719 250.299 3.401
+1717.934 504.883 5.378 541.723 5.768 249.903 3.191
+1718.093 504.598 5.405 542.047 5.822 250.949 2.985
+1718.252 504.706 5.432 541.860 5.719 250.849 3.194
+1718.410 504.957 5.317 541.968 5.678 249.828 3.232
+1718.568 505.019 5.333 541.689 5.719 250.768 3.068
+1718.726 505.240 5.366 541.566 5.847 250.277 3.262
+1718.883 504.842 5.294 541.605 5.658 250.322 3.087
+1719.041 505.258 5.438 541.686 5.795 249.323 3.239
+1719.199 504.392 5.518 541.976 5.738 250.553 3.061
+1719.358 504.873 5.333 540.999 5.646 250.875 2.988
+1719.516 504.798 5.285 541.890 5.725 250.138 3.031
+1719.674 504.118 5.380 541.648 5.895 250.121 3.428
+1719.832 504.181 5.412 541.586 5.758 250.921 3.255
+1719.990 504.391 5.301 541.706 5.726 250.959 3.066
+1720.149 504.274 5.506 541.197 5.726 250.329 3.338
+1720.307 504.742 5.447 541.542 5.641 250.083 3.192
+1720.465 504.837 5.331 542.035 5.814 249.960 3.153
+1720.624 504.208 5.383 542.230 5.773 249.969 3.152
+1720.782 504.292 5.335 541.852 5.765 250.189 3.111
+1720.941 504.342 5.346 541.828 5.688 250.051 3.197
+1721.099 504.603 5.422 540.978 5.732 250.160 3.078
+1721.257 504.726 5.362 541.269 5.692 250.421 3.044
+1721.415 504.037 5.483 541.412 5.726 249.914 3.035
+1721.573 504.530 5.368 541.894 5.744 250.979 3.074
+1721.732 504.855 5.311 542.149 5.658 249.939 3.050
+1721.890 504.698 5.438 541.491 5.686 250.639 3.368
+1722.048 504.717 5.298 541.294 5.683 250.166 3.060
+1722.206 504.397 5.379 541.383 5.643 250.091 2.925
+1722.364 504.544 5.320 541.623 5.725 250.380 3.184
+1722.522 504.215 5.330 541.436 5.766 250.543 3.302
+1722.681 504.972 5.356 541.444 5.692 250.975 3.179
+1722.839 504.699 5.359 542.134 5.640 250.109 3.009
+1722.997 504.767 5.328 541.501 5.743 250.881 3.051
+1723.156 504.597 5.369 541.205 5.682 250.378 3.185
+1723.314 504.506 5.397 541.522 5.661 250.643 3.119
+1723.472 504.775 5.393 541.975 5.693 250.696 3.104
+1723.631 504.517 5.406 541.489 5.644 250.396 3.153
+1723.789 504.635 5.313 541.744 5.674 250.223 3.015
+1723.947 504.606 5.243 541.597 5.663 250.182 3.046
+1724.105 504.886 5.298 541.176 5.674 251.221 3.023
+1724.263 504.758 5.362 541.401 5.712 250.402 3.359
+1724.421 504.877 5.392 541.844 5.716 250.684 3.224
+1724.579 505.248 5.303 541.088 5.728 250.206 3.211
+1724.738 504.812 5.434 541.570 5.693 250.402 3.189
+1724.896 504.508 5.254 541.165 5.670 250.784 3.035
+1725.054 504.045 5.390 540.721 5.775 250.297 3.065
+1725.212 505.040 5.380 541.897 5.699 250.082 3.008
+1725.370 504.710 5.447 541.819 5.786 250.740 3.267
+1725.528 505.097 5.357 542.118 5.705 250.927 3.038
+1725.686 504.810 5.445 541.771 5.670 250.789 3.168
+1725.845 504.648 5.394 542.207 5.630 249.977 3.264
+1726.003 504.266 5.357 541.352 5.884 250.039 3.058
+1726.161 504.702 5.270 541.303 5.706 250.690 2.994
+1726.320 504.847 5.491 541.853 5.769 250.346 3.094
+1726.478 504.368 5.564 541.138 5.715 250.343 3.101
+1726.636 504.393 5.346 541.761 5.722 251.023 2.986
+1726.795 504.403 5.487 541.487 5.752 250.510 3.175
+1726.953 504.264 5.243 541.784 5.686 251.455 3.043
+1727.111 505.202 5.394 541.697 5.761 250.924 3.108
+1727.269 504.952 5.415 541.827 5.620 250.459 2.973
+1727.427 504.429 5.271 541.428 5.675 250.204 2.926
+1727.585 504.094 5.367 540.984 5.805 250.712 3.125
+1727.743 504.471 5.403 541.279 5.808 250.067 3.051
+1727.902 504.164 5.434 541.382 5.691 250.010 3.046
+1728.060 504.661 5.380 541.613 5.655 250.270 3.241
+1728.218 504.816 5.333 541.296 5.672 250.792 2.951
+1728.376 504.318 5.351 541.303 5.742 250.497 3.286
+1728.534 504.663 5.292 542.123 5.666 249.845 3.177
+1728.692 504.406 5.360 541.261 5.762 250.498 3.215
+1728.850 504.344 5.391 541.612 5.597 250.575 3.114
+1729.008 504.323 5.327 541.716 5.784 250.085 2.997
+1729.167 504.563 5.387 541.617 5.699 250.090 3.180
+1729.325 504.695 5.382 541.276 5.771 250.410 2.972
+1729.483 503.867 5.464 541.472 5.656 250.134 3.140
+1729.641 504.848 5.299 541.174 5.708 250.491 3.222
+1729.799 504.738 5.377 541.111 5.737 249.784 2.959
+1729.957 504.437 5.471 541.641 5.712 250.097 3.006
+1730.115 504.354 5.351 541.176 5.704 250.371 3.185
+1730.273 504.373 5.433 541.791 5.701 250.683 3.104
+1730.432 504.373 5.289 541.427 5.760 250.556 3.404
+1730.590 504.503 5.454 541.934 5.713 249.925 3.006
+1730.748 503.905 5.354 541.779 5.695 250.109 3.265
+1730.906 505.139 5.402 541.757 5.744 250.111 2.948
+1731.065 504.331 5.247 541.497 5.711 250.471 3.024
+1731.223 503.963 5.225 541.735 5.669 251.084 3.126
+1731.381 504.599 5.409 541.137 5.773 250.370 3.063
+1731.539 504.666 5.347 541.301 5.676 250.443 3.095
+1731.697 504.316 5.402 542.093 5.706 250.724 3.162
+1731.855 504.233 5.378 541.510 5.733 250.687 3.135
+1732.013 504.412 5.353 541.625 5.731 250.896 3.415
+1732.171 504.634 5.284 541.636 5.701 250.399 3.573
+1732.329 504.526 5.427 541.656 5.704 250.464 3.250
+1732.487 505.075 5.385 541.556 5.646 250.754 3.346
+1732.645 504.920 5.392 541.575 5.706 250.577 3.393
+1732.803 504.069 5.319 541.525 5.767 249.765 3.031
+1732.961 504.470 5.277 541.445 5.642 250.317 3.109
+1733.119 504.554 5.357 541.514 5.727 250.193 3.062
+1733.278 504.205 5.349 542.005 5.703 250.181 3.097
+1733.436 504.302 5.534 541.570 5.892 250.381 3.175
+1733.594 504.723 5.521 541.735 5.685 250.453 3.155
+1733.752 504.197 5.437 542.077 5.657 250.644 3.058
+1733.910 505.061 5.442 541.470 5.768 250.156 3.096
+1734.068 504.190 5.397 541.404 5.703 250.791 3.040
+1734.226 504.651 5.272 542.054 5.660 250.377 3.121
+1734.384 504.416 5.314 541.630 5.650 250.853 3.205
+1734.542 504.154 5.355 541.656 5.642 250.718 2.993
+1734.700 504.861 5.411 541.516 5.734 250.577 3.419
+1734.858 504.638 5.369 541.245 5.696 250.945 2.919
+1735.017 504.516 5.449 541.472 5.884 250.009 3.093
+1735.175 504.785 5.297 541.334 5.714 250.350 3.190
+1735.333 505.117 5.346 541.503 5.650 250.913 3.080
+1735.491 504.551 5.370 541.475 5.723 250.509 2.962
+1735.650 505.075 5.292 541.934 5.776 250.595 3.190
+1735.807 505.190 5.260 542.469 5.700 250.205 3.318
+1735.965 505.011 5.276 540.934 5.603 251.112 2.863
+1736.123 504.850 5.355 541.489 5.724 250.781 3.458
+1736.281 505.108 5.352 541.644 5.679 250.767 3.072
+1736.439 505.071 5.377 542.316 5.627 250.027 3.209
+1736.597 504.600 5.347 541.663 5.659 250.180 2.984
+1736.756 503.916 5.353 541.496 5.738 251.081 3.105
+1736.914 504.479 5.349 541.555 5.722 250.260 3.067
+1737.072 504.634 5.378 541.185 5.722 250.942 2.984
+1737.230 503.736 5.357 542.191 5.685 250.539 3.225
+1737.388 504.827 5.289 541.342 5.710 250.815 3.005
+1737.546 504.418 5.355 541.373 5.673 250.738 3.093
+1737.704 504.664 5.405 540.743 5.618 250.317 3.111
+1737.863 504.146 5.270 541.567 5.717 250.853 3.100
+1738.021 504.131 5.416 541.285 5.637 250.258 3.328
+1738.179 504.101 5.290 541.702 5.639 250.912 3.222
+1738.336 505.211 5.358 541.887 5.820 250.519 3.235
+1738.494 504.822 5.368 541.299 5.710 250.415 3.460
+1738.652 504.638 5.284 541.913 5.766 251.024 3.376
+1738.811 504.556 5.364 542.329 5.733 250.690 2.957
+1738.969 504.475 5.335 542.553 5.778 250.806 3.351
+1739.128 505.154 5.290 542.235 5.745 250.948 3.158
+1739.286 504.521 5.459 541.762 5.646 250.329 3.271
+1739.443 504.465 5.366 541.587 5.733 250.533 3.164
+1739.602 505.304 5.353 541.875 5.648 250.525 2.965
+1739.760 504.223 5.440 542.238 5.657 250.185 3.276
+1739.918 504.612 5.275 541.832 5.731 250.641 3.042
+1740.076 504.406 5.412 541.538 5.711 250.416 3.073
+1740.234 504.394 5.307 541.865 5.752 250.564 3.073
+1740.392 504.943 5.275 542.118 5.759 250.035 3.185
+1740.550 504.199 5.439 541.551 5.658 250.740 3.065
+1740.708 504.392 5.399 541.605 5.732 250.557 3.437
+1740.866 504.503 5.487 542.236 5.793 250.705 3.230
+1741.024 504.465 5.308 541.542 5.752 250.757 3.122
+1741.183 504.014 5.416 541.415 5.650 250.537 2.883
+1741.341 504.160 5.250 540.984 5.693 249.975 3.057
+1741.499 503.961 5.322 541.639 5.683 250.159 3.018
+1741.657 504.269 5.296 541.296 5.694 251.181 2.935
+1741.816 504.472 5.449 542.103 5.742 250.201 3.240
+1741.973 505.624 5.373 541.791 5.753 250.472 2.961
+1742.131 504.616 5.315 541.538 5.748 249.934 3.152
+1742.289 504.796 5.311 542.105 5.656 250.299 3.044
+1742.447 505.148 5.401 541.681 5.683 250.333 3.222
+1742.605 504.271 5.305 541.686 5.662 250.053 3.202
+1742.763 504.712 5.384 541.526 5.637 250.060 3.006
+1742.922 504.057 5.472 541.975 5.625 251.140 3.098
+1743.080 504.660 5.379 542.179 5.796 250.301 2.968
+1743.238 504.816 5.506 542.141 5.754 250.883 3.085
+1743.396 505.058 5.354 541.601 5.742 250.198 3.176
+1743.554 504.810 5.412 542.106 5.719 250.162 3.228
+1743.713 504.308 5.334 541.811 5.762 250.461 3.337
+1743.871 504.043 5.378 541.388 5.598 250.284 2.953
+1744.029 504.180 5.352 541.623 5.766 250.532 3.084
+1744.187 504.691 5.380 541.876 5.644 250.865 2.933
+1744.346 504.306 5.370 541.358 5.725 250.408 3.175
+1744.504 504.843 5.349 541.323 5.634 250.274 3.054
+1744.662 504.498 5.393 541.573 5.768 249.822 3.316
+1744.820 504.585 5.265 541.055 5.695 250.918 3.253
+1744.978 504.325 5.269 541.200 5.806 250.979 3.159
+1745.137 504.373 5.445 541.932 5.665 250.239 3.214
+1745.295 504.493 5.488 542.339 5.674 250.892 3.227
+1745.453 504.334 5.451 542.213 5.663 250.398 3.110
+1745.611 504.443 5.419 541.702 5.758 250.844 2.975
+1745.770 504.344 5.343 542.477 5.704 250.988 3.271
+1745.928 503.993 5.361 541.114 5.672 250.049 3.141
+1746.086 504.600 5.382 541.561 5.682 250.450 3.133
+1746.245 504.546 5.343 541.165 5.728 249.944 3.319
+1746.403 504.825 5.314 541.511 5.763 250.699 3.017
+1746.561 504.668 5.458 541.685 5.683 250.947 3.113
+1746.720 504.826 5.409 541.926 5.745 249.829 3.061
+1746.878 504.928 5.373 542.359 5.779 250.198 3.251
+1747.036 504.449 5.371 542.133 5.646 250.602 2.974
+1747.194 504.314 5.327 541.141 5.828 250.466 3.023
+1747.353 504.253 5.386 541.221 5.725 250.454 3.046
+1747.511 505.122 5.368 541.292 5.638 251.124 2.981
+1747.669 504.871 5.383 541.462 5.727 249.631 2.938
+1747.827 504.508 5.462 541.384 5.736 250.896 3.100
+1747.986 504.585 5.449 540.973 5.737 250.718 3.334
+1748.144 504.795 5.303 541.589 5.661 250.387 3.160
+1748.302 504.347 5.345 541.385 5.748 250.243 3.262
+1748.460 503.943 5.367 541.233 5.665 250.512 3.031
+1748.618 503.769 5.456 541.032 5.767 250.505 3.193
+1748.776 504.337 5.333 541.210 5.742 250.095 3.101
+1748.934 504.323 5.328 541.582 5.736 250.660 3.031
+1749.093 504.453 5.338 541.595 5.772 251.266 3.076
+1749.251 505.044 5.356 541.866 5.660 250.352 2.954
+1749.409 504.640 5.290 542.328 5.676 250.473 3.029
+1749.567 504.086 5.342 541.643 5.831 249.824 3.061
+1749.725 504.390 5.345 541.746 5.658 250.458 2.959
+1749.883 504.573 5.332 542.007 5.759 250.754 2.969
+1750.041 504.265 5.256 541.940 5.687 250.497 3.152
+1750.199 504.692 5.351 541.619 5.666 250.624 2.983
+1750.357 504.396 5.396 541.726 5.717 250.556 3.135
+1750.515 504.214 5.413 541.487 5.691 251.195 3.129
+1750.673 504.222 5.330 541.864 5.641 250.301 3.081
+1750.832 504.622 5.406 541.698 5.699 250.743 3.147
+1750.990 504.476 5.360 542.267 5.788 250.637 3.237
+1751.148 504.774 5.428 542.112 5.713 250.626 3.160
+1751.306 504.357 5.262 541.181 5.666 250.576 3.163
+1751.464 504.253 5.314 541.371 5.662 250.735 3.148
+1751.622 504.272 5.353 541.593 5.775 250.337 3.256
+1751.781 504.282 5.406 542.545 5.713 251.283 2.976
+1751.939 504.322 5.375 542.205 5.708 250.802 3.243
+1752.097 504.623 5.357 541.682 5.769 250.898 3.260
+1752.256 504.396 5.362 542.086 5.680 251.078 2.966
+1752.414 505.044 5.444 542.110 5.642 251.000 3.061
+1752.572 504.700 5.388 541.721 5.792 250.480 3.067
+1752.730 504.277 5.395 541.457 5.710 250.464 3.173
+1752.888 503.742 5.375 541.384 5.739 249.914 3.270
+1753.046 504.767 5.471 541.773 5.653 250.579 3.283
+1753.204 504.537 5.252 541.757 5.644 250.795 3.063
+1753.362 504.945 5.475 541.967 5.592 249.967 3.104
+1753.521 504.779 5.360 541.529 5.659 250.539 3.272
+1753.678 504.547 5.324 541.665 5.636 250.365 3.088
+1753.837 504.865 5.359 541.936 5.717 250.393 3.450
+1753.995 504.508 5.319 541.439 5.668 250.613 3.188
+1754.153 504.585 5.407 542.284 5.750 250.906 3.066
+1754.311 504.145 5.301 541.722 5.792 250.049 3.231
+1754.469 504.891 5.284 541.837 5.788 251.190 3.182
+1754.627 504.268 5.391 542.128 5.648 251.131 3.137
+1754.785 504.392 5.296 541.571 5.695 250.211 3.081
+1754.943 504.614 5.391 542.075 5.612 251.002 3.018
+1755.102 504.556 5.209 542.330 5.791 250.790 3.190
+1755.260 504.525 5.446 542.063 5.676 250.197 2.891
+1755.417 504.445 5.292 541.810 5.692 250.242 3.077
+1755.576 504.934 5.344 541.438 5.684 250.332 2.860
+1755.734 504.549 5.430 542.074 5.739 250.823 2.902
+1755.892 504.375 5.357 541.680 5.658 250.748 3.090
+1756.050 505.043 5.325 542.406 5.742 249.377 3.098
+1756.208 505.270 5.323 542.214 5.725 250.183 3.126
+1756.366 504.382 5.348 541.432 5.664 250.881 2.955
+1756.524 504.213 5.418 541.784 5.802 250.788 2.859
+1756.682 505.202 5.347 541.907 5.734 250.897 3.011
+1756.840 504.832 5.354 541.809 5.710 250.569 3.005
+1756.998 504.668 5.353 541.428 5.732 250.565 3.129
+1757.156 505.116 5.458 541.884 5.658 249.735 2.887
+1757.314 504.471 5.321 542.408 5.613 251.017 3.105
+1757.472 504.964 5.431 541.554 5.723 250.100 2.943
+1757.631 505.009 5.409 541.645 5.738 250.291 3.349
+1757.789 504.720 5.374 542.006 5.787 250.492 3.294
+1757.947 505.247 5.366 541.860 5.760 251.164 3.218
+1758.104 504.462 5.301 542.158 5.719 250.501 3.136
+1758.263 504.334 5.403 541.901 5.694 250.785 3.224
+1758.421 505.083 5.395 541.809 5.701 250.577 2.924
+1758.578 505.030 5.404 541.698 5.688 250.475 3.213
+1758.736 504.690 5.366 541.727 5.792 250.824 3.008
+1758.895 504.996 5.332 542.047 5.774 250.918 3.103
+1759.053 504.870 5.346 541.380 5.742 250.489 2.999
+1759.211 504.758 5.298 542.613 5.785 250.604 3.188
+1759.369 503.857 5.337 541.626 5.750 250.586 3.058
+1759.527 504.288 5.397 541.606 5.802 250.715 3.197
+1759.685 504.222 5.368 541.696 5.735 250.797 3.138
+1759.843 504.362 5.455 541.627 5.754 250.987 3.136
+1760.003 504.923 5.305 541.866 5.776 250.509 3.042
+1760.161 504.179 5.485 541.598 5.708 250.865 3.371
+1760.319 504.581 5.252 541.596 5.718 250.228 3.230
+1760.477 504.245 5.364 542.056 5.820 250.632 3.196
+1760.635 504.642 5.376 541.930 5.638 251.156 3.170
+1760.793 503.726 5.374 541.389 5.854 251.211 3.120
+1760.952 504.937 5.372 541.323 5.728 250.272 3.129
+1761.110 504.739 5.470 541.423 5.700 249.902 2.970
+1761.268 504.337 5.475 542.284 5.726 250.129 2.911
+1761.426 504.893 5.316 541.232 5.737 250.201 2.861
+1761.584 504.649 5.421 541.512 5.591 250.662 3.061
+1761.743 504.816 5.372 542.335 5.758 251.276 3.203
+1761.900 504.608 5.376 542.633 5.626 250.062 3.237
+1762.059 504.556 5.469 541.896 5.642 250.350 2.936
+1762.217 505.035 5.231 541.759 5.755 250.173 3.086
+1762.375 505.190 5.406 542.097 5.785 250.161 2.997
+1762.533 504.921 5.509 541.441 5.738 250.401 3.118
+1762.691 504.709 5.306 542.324 5.725 250.304 3.151
+1762.850 504.667 5.391 541.753 5.778 250.973 3.339
+1763.008 504.326 5.373 541.647 5.752 250.289 3.284
+1763.166 504.873 5.427 542.046 5.675 250.502 3.086
+1763.324 504.368 5.382 541.820 5.655 250.825 3.012
+1763.482 504.683 5.348 541.638 5.699 250.428 3.259
+1763.640 504.246 5.328 542.136 5.677 250.754 2.946
+1763.798 504.902 5.263 542.071 5.716 250.557 3.081
+1763.956 504.469 5.397 541.850 5.694 250.105 3.072
+1764.115 504.614 5.336 542.368 5.678 250.061 3.053
+1764.273 504.546 5.362 542.103 5.747 250.720 3.280
+1764.431 504.085 5.330 541.931 5.690 250.537 3.189
+1764.589 504.560 5.418 541.919 5.633 250.765 3.014
+1764.747 505.085 5.351 542.509 5.687 250.307 3.284
+1764.905 504.270 5.278 541.725 5.713 250.813 3.203
+1765.063 504.132 5.283 541.847 5.719 250.468 2.971
+1765.220 503.821 5.393 541.708 5.769 250.184 3.186
+1765.378 503.998 5.396 541.477 5.678 250.261 3.143
+1765.537 504.480 5.357 541.384 5.724 250.742 3.238
+1765.695 504.124 5.329 541.753 5.638 250.547 3.314
+1765.853 504.651 5.483 542.137 5.666 250.415 2.973
+1766.011 504.626 5.300 541.411 5.697 250.614 2.984
+1766.169 504.196 5.465 541.684 5.700 250.236 2.979
+1766.327 504.672 5.287 542.216 5.692 250.442 3.059
+1766.486 504.816 5.307 541.802 5.705 250.934 3.035
+1766.644 503.958 5.305 541.668 5.839 250.329 3.271
+1766.802 504.629 5.440 542.096 5.786 250.583 3.088
+1766.960 504.766 5.409 541.131 5.702 250.425 3.164
+1767.118 504.287 5.291 541.901 5.714 250.704 3.090
+1767.277 504.572 5.349 541.349 5.710 250.037 3.145
+1767.435 504.685 5.346 542.573 5.721 250.300 3.413
+1767.593 504.906 5.313 542.145 5.786 250.113 2.973
+1767.751 504.309 5.340 541.711 5.677 250.201 3.010
+1767.909 504.513 5.351 541.717 5.631 250.822 2.972
+1768.068 504.085 5.354 541.437 5.771 251.028 2.959
+1768.226 504.670 5.316 541.384 5.637 250.120 2.983
+1768.384 504.676 5.479 541.333 5.676 250.841 3.120
+1768.542 504.026 5.518 541.613 5.741 250.438 3.055
+1768.700 504.820 5.336 541.506 5.698 250.624 3.177
+1768.858 504.388 5.432 541.345 5.641 250.506 3.108
+1769.016 504.473 5.407 541.463 5.700 251.315 3.182
+1769.175 504.534 5.386 541.994 5.749 250.343 3.084
+1769.333 504.955 5.345 542.500 5.728 250.633 3.301
+1769.491 505.149 5.371 542.155 5.731 250.536 3.260
+1769.649 505.021 5.472 541.641 5.703 250.535 3.210
+1769.806 504.520 5.498 541.466 5.655 250.455 3.095
+1769.965 504.815 5.449 541.754 5.741 250.844 3.142
+1770.123 504.368 5.334 541.197 5.805 250.268 3.055
+1770.281 505.093 5.571 541.822 5.712 250.822 3.184
+1770.440 504.660 5.339 542.148 5.689 250.348 3.108
+1770.598 504.526 5.360 542.061 5.658 250.373 3.215
+1770.756 503.735 5.400 541.520 5.861 250.383 3.186
+1770.914 504.347 5.303 541.705 5.736 250.463 3.169
+1771.072 505.313 5.330 541.987 5.670 250.224 3.045
+1771.230 504.713 5.349 542.159 5.685 250.422 2.962
+1771.388 504.237 5.284 541.751 5.688 250.374 3.172
+1771.546 504.742 5.418 541.767 5.631 250.373 3.114
+1771.704 504.167 5.329 541.787 5.680 249.933 2.872
+1771.863 504.391 5.355 541.387 5.863 250.189 3.026
+1772.021 504.623 5.297 541.664 5.714 250.941 3.083
+1772.179 504.436 5.329 542.206 5.814 250.199 3.028
+1772.337 504.254 5.476 541.212 5.637 250.502 3.085
+1772.495 504.422 5.407 541.832 5.744 249.825 3.223
+1772.653 503.814 5.464 541.858 5.696 251.288 3.001
+1772.812 504.938 5.328 541.598 5.648 250.502 3.153
+1772.970 504.719 5.353 542.026 5.673 250.425 3.383
+1773.127 504.337 5.293 542.020 5.713 250.904 3.154
+1773.286 504.583 5.338 541.830 5.919 250.439 3.171
+1773.444 504.485 5.297 541.778 5.652 250.644 3.122
+1773.602 504.464 5.283 541.617 5.643 250.726 3.032
+1773.760 504.984 5.318 542.176 5.695 250.687 3.217
+1773.918 504.079 5.318 541.831 5.789 250.396 3.243
+1774.076 504.900 5.265 541.888 5.671 250.913 3.025
+1774.235 504.299 5.400 541.428 5.622 250.949 3.010
+1774.393 504.873 5.378 541.344 5.649 250.939 3.118
+1774.551 504.628 5.307 541.173 5.675 250.599 3.174
+1774.709 504.396 5.367 541.691 5.754 250.996 3.099
+1774.868 504.654 5.519 541.357 5.686 250.899 3.126
+1775.027 504.556 5.482 541.593 5.696 250.249 3.093
+1775.186 503.645 5.390 541.176 5.721 251.232 3.234
+1775.343 504.076 5.284 541.451 5.745 250.432 3.010
+1775.501 504.660 5.282 541.604 5.691 250.114 2.994
+1775.659 504.876 5.450 541.786 5.657 250.421 2.981
+1775.817 504.198 5.370 541.737 5.682 249.614 3.410
+1775.975 504.602 5.354 541.377 5.650 250.006 3.072
+1776.133 504.976 5.477 541.763 5.679 251.260 3.226
+1776.291 504.139 5.431 541.287 5.669 250.262 3.133
+1776.450 503.881 5.339 541.412 5.830 250.332 2.905
+1776.608 504.668 5.361 541.474 5.833 250.413 3.008
+1776.767 504.116 5.395 541.474 5.698 250.094 3.116
+1776.925 503.951 5.339 541.894 5.645 250.470 3.153
+1777.083 504.709 5.440 542.039 5.665 249.924 3.114
+1777.241 504.877 5.491 541.710 5.666 250.379 3.294
+1777.399 504.418 5.288 541.947 5.756 250.593 3.051
+1777.557 504.244 5.331 541.649 5.698 250.085 3.397
+1777.715 504.232 5.334 541.836 5.789 250.540 2.961
+1777.873 504.282 5.346 541.658 5.610 250.635 3.054
+1778.031 504.532 5.334 541.656 5.662 250.686 2.968
+1778.189 504.805 5.460 542.296 5.674 250.766 3.270
+1778.347 504.228 5.380 542.053 5.664 250.177 3.060
+1778.506 505.252 5.294 542.750 5.625 250.221 2.993
+1778.663 504.052 5.492 541.977 5.738 250.732 3.298
+1778.821 504.460 5.393 541.169 5.711 250.377 2.952
+1778.980 504.664 5.331 542.211 5.732 249.853 3.322
+1779.138 504.586 5.353 541.932 5.799 250.188 3.171
+1779.296 504.295 5.341 542.239 5.721 250.251 3.188
+1779.454 504.942 5.385 542.322 5.730 250.232 3.193
+1779.612 504.509 5.352 541.733 5.618 250.362 2.997
+1779.770 504.445 5.336 541.687 5.725 250.323 3.233
+1779.929 504.854 5.323 541.286 5.730 250.823 3.231
+1780.087 504.888 5.490 542.342 5.750 250.668 3.207
+1780.245 504.538 5.396 541.773 5.706 250.686 3.038
+1780.404 504.955 5.377 542.547 5.743 250.296 3.275
+1780.562 504.909 5.412 542.815 5.714 250.462 3.225
+1780.720 504.619 5.370 542.008 5.694 251.064 3.240
+1780.878 505.536 5.281 541.850 5.619 251.170 2.833
+1781.036 504.785 5.336 542.218 5.774 250.391 3.113
+1781.194 504.487 5.479 541.522 5.696 250.333 3.116
+1781.352 504.514 5.403 541.705 5.634 250.783 3.232
+1781.510 504.305 5.415 541.947 5.677 251.037 3.085
+1781.668 504.103 5.393 541.529 5.673 250.250 3.345
+1781.826 504.361 5.391 541.755 5.719 250.072 2.954
+1781.984 504.463 5.312 541.777 5.603 250.900 3.294
+1782.143 504.914 5.366 541.727 5.657 250.299 2.939
+1782.302 505.069 5.220 542.157 5.669 250.773 3.240
+1782.459 504.300 5.390 541.841 5.712 250.277 3.083
+1782.617 504.253 5.293 541.638 5.689 250.452 3.201
+1782.776 503.972 5.245 541.786 5.687 250.474 2.949
+1782.934 504.259 5.333 542.077 5.716 250.134 3.080
+1783.092 504.022 5.312 541.570 5.673 250.441 2.972
+1783.249 504.360 5.414 540.845 5.654 250.914 3.048
+1783.408 504.543 5.391 541.028 5.662 250.439 3.101
+1783.566 504.255 5.278 542.180 5.668 250.434 3.126
+1783.724 504.412 5.416 541.721 5.577 250.704 3.282
+1783.881 504.304 5.364 541.347 5.640 250.317 2.946
+1784.039 504.353 5.400 542.173 5.706 249.783 3.216
+1784.198 504.873 5.347 541.721 5.680 250.437 3.032
+1784.357 504.158 5.357 541.257 5.700 250.444 3.096
+1784.514 504.971 5.303 542.092 5.866 249.954 3.108
+1784.673 504.229 5.312 541.650 5.628 250.169 3.160
+1784.831 505.002 5.331 542.006 5.674 250.641 3.246
+1784.988 504.450 5.392 542.040 5.749 250.476 3.167
+1785.146 504.864 5.353 541.910 5.634 250.604 3.305
+1785.304 504.328 5.317 542.069 5.761 250.976 3.170
+1785.463 504.593 5.405 541.480 5.716 250.269 3.092
+1785.621 504.085 5.372 541.764 5.620 250.432 3.371
+1785.778 504.470 5.319 541.527 5.835 250.974 3.069
+1785.937 504.444 5.367 541.875 5.756 250.539 3.041
+1786.095 504.784 5.460 541.588 5.655 250.175 3.152
+1786.253 503.927 5.350 541.735 5.826 250.511 3.216
+1786.411 504.689 5.346 541.797 5.702 250.415 3.273
+1786.569 504.546 5.359 542.058 5.750 250.654 2.928
+1786.727 505.325 5.438 541.850 5.685 250.216 3.083
+1786.886 504.583 5.400 541.868 5.766 250.362 3.111
+1787.044 505.585 5.316 542.348 5.748 250.403 3.367
+1787.202 504.765 5.487 542.063 5.648 251.054 3.183
+1787.360 504.827 5.406 542.500 5.676 250.350 3.273
+1787.518 504.498 5.378 542.295 5.616 250.263 3.093
+1787.676 505.155 5.322 541.573 5.705 251.042 3.154
+1787.834 504.641 5.314 541.405 5.730 250.430 3.312
+1787.992 504.496 5.388 541.764 5.674 250.434 3.045
+1788.150 504.355 5.325 542.017 5.750 250.134 2.940
+1788.308 504.573 5.372 541.670 5.741 250.001 2.981
+1788.466 504.695 5.420 541.966 5.776 250.180 3.070
+1788.625 504.037 5.418 541.669 5.723 250.051 3.311
+1788.783 504.620 5.324 541.596 5.708 250.330 3.116
+1788.941 504.946 5.321 541.896 5.702 250.263 3.229
+1789.099 503.949 5.327 541.609 5.676 250.382 2.967
+1789.257 504.739 5.318 542.456 5.724 251.123 2.916
+1789.416 505.097 5.378 542.034 5.880 250.941 3.054
+1789.574 504.840 5.345 541.830 5.743 250.399 3.366
+1789.732 504.628 5.356 541.668 5.632 250.824 3.027
+1789.890 505.636 5.374 542.146 5.698 251.058 3.029
+1790.048 504.226 5.435 541.561 5.666 250.760 3.054
+1790.206 504.742 5.390 541.275 5.736 250.977 3.133
+1790.365 504.337 5.284 542.242 5.663 250.669 3.263
+1790.523 504.763 5.381 541.992 5.790 250.966 3.116
+1790.681 504.147 5.413 542.069 5.774 250.249 3.083
+1790.839 504.441 5.453 541.000 5.752 250.762 3.142
+1790.998 504.704 5.393 541.240 5.708 251.117 3.096
+1791.156 504.747 5.306 541.312 5.750 250.191 2.909
+1791.314 504.327 5.386 541.563 5.657 250.171 3.190
+1791.472 504.573 5.333 541.835 5.693 250.631 3.018
+1791.630 504.665 5.543 541.168 5.781 251.086 3.076
+1791.788 503.886 5.439 541.901 5.672 250.620 3.007
+1791.946 504.498 5.251 541.739 5.683 250.146 3.113
+1792.104 504.485 5.289 541.607 5.669 250.781 3.149
+1792.262 504.994 5.362 541.696 5.633 250.947 3.196
+1792.420 504.859 5.395 541.887 5.735 250.169 3.225
+1792.579 504.578 5.433 541.978 5.742 250.281 3.303
+1792.737 504.545 5.330 541.659 5.691 250.452 2.903
+1792.895 504.715 5.383 541.846 5.676 250.304 3.269
+1793.054 504.607 5.297 542.308 5.672 250.753 3.116
+1793.212 504.586 5.332 542.013 5.783 250.667 3.059
+1793.370 504.765 5.376 542.340 5.694 250.406 3.097
+1793.528 504.287 5.411 541.573 5.739 250.894 3.034
+1793.686 504.612 5.414 542.515 5.746 250.408 3.121
+1793.845 505.136 5.372 542.075 5.707 250.774 3.125
+1794.002 504.761 5.437 541.360 5.737 250.767 3.283
+1794.161 504.807 5.274 541.603 5.774 250.617 3.134
+1794.319 504.368 5.263 541.766 5.742 250.556 3.160
+1794.477 505.433 5.427 542.457 5.836 250.715 3.010
+1794.636 504.784 5.333 542.144 5.675 250.037 3.084
+1794.794 504.507 5.456 541.551 5.694 250.000 3.076
+1794.953 504.505 5.405 541.875 5.661 250.540 3.281
+1795.111 504.955 5.379 541.468 5.757 250.185 3.306
+1795.268 504.399 5.468 541.574 5.721 250.881 3.315
+1795.427 504.194 5.424 542.045 5.697 251.758 3.059
+1795.585 504.472 5.402 541.130 5.683 250.517 3.319
+1795.743 503.694 5.340 541.621 5.790 251.135 3.135
+1795.901 504.267 5.344 541.586 5.730 250.961 3.094
+1796.060 504.232 5.366 541.935 5.807 250.489 3.075
+1796.218 505.292 5.362 542.049 5.667 250.954 3.030
+1796.376 504.262 5.416 541.430 5.719 249.709 3.016
+1796.535 503.912 5.383 541.404 5.836 251.107 3.113
+1796.693 504.919 5.366 541.634 5.734 250.341 2.906
+1796.851 505.119 5.418 541.996 5.702 250.963 3.236
+1797.010 504.631 5.425 541.510 5.767 250.349 3.189
+1797.168 504.846 5.477 542.205 5.682 249.893 2.909
+1797.327 504.158 5.322 541.662 5.741 250.948 3.154
+1797.485 504.731 5.581 541.526 5.766 250.319 3.074
+1797.643 504.657 5.354 541.635 5.660 250.813 3.178
+1797.802 504.396 5.330 541.716 5.710 251.028 3.026
+1797.960 505.134 5.409 541.777 5.723 249.990 3.084
+1798.118 504.501 5.331 541.867 5.793 250.629 3.118
+1798.277 504.925 5.440 542.228 5.792 250.256 3.216
+1798.435 505.209 5.335 542.352 5.717 250.372 3.042
+1798.593 505.262 5.262 541.553 5.701 250.523 3.054
+1798.751 504.562 5.396 541.645 5.628 250.345 3.057
+1798.910 504.675 5.501 542.126 5.706 250.443 3.098
+1799.068 504.586 5.431 541.471 5.786 250.614 3.100
+1799.226 504.525 5.417 541.974 5.694 250.636 3.214
+1799.384 503.765 5.349 541.899 5.739 250.736 3.313
+1799.542 504.287 5.378 541.039 5.669 250.367 3.122
+1799.700 504.072 5.360 541.250 5.632 250.193 3.358
+1799.858 504.910 5.253 542.272 5.759 250.311 3.445
+1800.016 504.229 5.401 541.322 5.765 250.083 3.047
+1800.174 504.092 5.410 541.533 5.710 251.230 3.217
+1800.332 504.390 5.241 541.115 5.806 250.902 3.360
+1800.490 505.073 5.318 541.871 5.680 251.139 3.109
+1800.648 504.900 5.358 541.918 5.750 250.101 3.080
+1800.806 504.469 5.454 541.669 5.799 250.731 3.251
+1800.965 504.884 5.295 542.446 5.722 251.397 3.203
+1801.122 504.588 5.300 542.004 5.781 250.233 3.121
+1801.281 504.415 5.319 541.740 5.782 251.172 3.007
+1801.439 504.704 5.271 542.277 5.720 250.651 3.374
+1801.597 503.997 5.451 541.492 5.707 250.456 3.173
+1801.755 504.090 5.358 541.524 5.626 250.284 3.089
+1801.913 504.390 5.329 542.015 5.748 250.922 3.154
+1802.071 504.223 5.393 541.730 5.717 250.139 3.011
+1802.229 504.382 5.307 541.727 5.709 249.901 3.177
+1802.387 503.893 5.432 541.307 5.690 251.479 3.024
+1802.545 504.608 5.319 541.403 5.627 250.234 3.350
+1802.703 504.076 5.397 541.564 5.688 250.662 3.221
+1802.861 504.470 5.447 541.155 5.808 250.626 3.093
+1803.019 504.284 5.436 541.541 5.653 250.346 3.042
+1803.178 504.312 5.415 541.155 5.677 251.013 3.273
+1803.336 504.613 5.422 541.971 5.780 250.590 3.192
+1803.494 504.446 5.402 542.049 5.701 250.635 3.116
+1803.652 504.274 5.340 541.700 5.734 250.856 3.109
+1803.810 504.072 5.319 541.437 5.734 250.648 3.151
+1803.968 504.850 5.304 541.664 5.781 250.666 3.334
+1804.126 504.338 5.450 542.426 5.613 250.706 3.156
+1804.284 504.063 5.381 541.584 5.763 250.927 3.031
+1804.442 504.670 5.351 541.625 5.683 250.589 3.179
+1804.600 504.536 5.398 541.866 5.621 250.705 3.085
+1804.759 504.235 5.352 541.948 5.708 250.347 3.124
+1804.916 504.182 5.295 541.689 5.698 250.293 2.985
+1805.074 504.041 5.377 541.776 5.693 250.282 3.218
+1805.233 503.990 5.347 541.577 5.676 250.362 3.185
+1805.391 504.649 5.455 541.475 5.657 250.543 3.284
+1805.549 504.426 5.389 541.714 5.738 250.365 3.036
+1805.707 504.284 5.280 541.437 5.612 250.743 2.995
+1805.865 504.922 5.507 542.314 5.664 250.397 3.259
+1806.024 504.299 5.460 541.663 5.785 250.654 3.177
+1806.182 504.803 5.341 541.786 5.695 250.206 3.183
+1806.340 504.498 5.360 542.057 5.765 249.992 2.988
+1806.498 504.745 5.270 541.840 5.772 250.059 3.032
+1806.656 504.527 5.406 541.828 5.697 250.740 3.273
+1806.814 504.975 5.491 541.798 5.731 250.247 3.280
+1806.973 504.219 5.401 541.618 5.835 250.912 3.253
+1807.131 504.392 5.362 541.626 5.746 251.569 3.170
+1807.289 504.693 5.456 541.916 5.682 250.665 3.469
+1807.447 504.146 5.501 541.479 5.699 250.766 3.097
+1807.606 504.131 5.381 541.394 5.782 250.547 2.892
+1807.764 504.691 5.314 541.784 5.701 250.545 3.276
+1807.922 504.616 5.434 542.057 5.709 250.815 3.084
+1808.080 504.826 5.353 542.210 5.766 251.038 3.075
+1808.238 504.798 5.463 541.402 5.737 250.190 3.215
+1808.396 504.638 5.310 541.634 5.736 250.691 3.223
+1808.554 504.456 5.408 541.826 5.624 250.376 3.107
+1808.712 504.924 5.441 541.108 5.687 250.023 3.310
+1808.870 504.489 5.325 541.301 5.672 250.240 3.159
+1809.028 504.904 5.332 541.983 5.650 250.622 3.198
+1809.186 504.949 5.444 542.009 5.697 251.316 3.199
+1809.344 504.479 5.342 541.650 5.674 250.803 3.228
+1809.502 504.474 5.279 541.616 5.742 250.018 3.072
+1809.661 504.514 5.295 541.316 5.731 250.070 3.042
+1809.819 504.425 5.315 541.793 5.758 249.770 3.163
+1809.978 504.364 5.327 541.928 5.767 250.467 3.007
+1810.136 504.003 5.355 541.219 5.767 250.244 3.353
+1810.294 504.610 5.305 541.782 5.699 249.992 3.189
+1810.453 504.366 5.379 541.437 5.705 250.449 3.155
+1810.611 504.413 5.406 541.814 5.690 250.964 3.143
+1810.769 505.084 5.285 541.328 5.697 250.609 3.169
+1810.927 504.590 5.412 541.313 5.672 250.796 3.424
+1811.085 505.025 5.331 541.173 5.807 250.397 3.089
+1811.243 504.540 5.485 542.281 5.798 251.194 3.105
+1811.402 504.565 5.387 541.542 5.712 250.861 3.039
+1811.560 505.135 5.359 542.285 5.674 250.418 2.975
+1811.718 505.291 5.517 542.352 5.703 251.254 3.136
+1811.876 504.662 5.387 542.113 5.754 250.162 3.066
+1812.034 504.826 5.280 541.561 5.712 249.861 3.344
+1812.192 504.438 5.344 541.285 5.725 249.958 2.958
+1812.350 503.624 5.417 541.482 5.708 250.799 3.068
+1812.508 504.666 5.351 541.174 5.639 250.318 3.153
+1812.666 504.746 5.355 540.541 5.756 250.413 2.954
+1812.824 504.797 5.411 541.725 5.660 250.364 3.357
+1812.982 504.858 5.608 541.897 6.011 249.743 3.827
+1813.140 504.558 5.340 541.409 5.644 250.697 2.925
+1813.299 504.865 5.459 541.484 5.754 249.817 3.475
+1813.456 504.498 5.442 541.054 5.641 250.718 3.025
+1813.615 503.675 5.342 541.560 5.722 250.277 3.240
+1813.772 504.286 5.239 541.365 5.665 250.202 3.239
+1813.931 504.042 5.360 541.173 5.641 250.592 3.455
+1814.089 504.830 5.341 541.661 5.677 250.425 3.242
+1814.246 505.108 5.368 541.376 5.700 250.924 3.411
+1814.404 504.851 5.302 542.243 5.729 250.249 3.195
+1814.562 504.358 5.491 541.442 5.673 250.502 3.063
+1814.720 504.953 5.394 541.874 5.683 249.945 3.549
+1814.878 505.109 5.338 541.868 5.664 250.549 3.091
+1815.036 505.141 5.384 542.838 5.831 249.865 3.122
+1815.195 505.141 5.351 541.508 5.697 250.278 3.202
+1815.352 504.481 5.334 542.015 5.765 250.212 2.991
+1815.510 504.864 5.334 541.940 5.703 251.202 3.112
+1815.669 503.988 5.265 540.969 5.803 251.132 3.160
+1815.827 505.409 5.392 541.299 5.722 250.871 3.205
+1815.985 505.024 5.460 542.143 5.646 251.028 3.289
+1816.142 504.770 5.370 541.881 5.770 250.860 3.119
+1816.301 505.187 5.447 541.978 5.911 250.128 3.250
+1816.459 504.181 5.386 540.849 5.899 250.841 3.209
+1816.617 505.351 5.334 541.808 5.715 250.868 3.187
+1816.775 504.483 5.407 541.568 5.697 251.248 3.175
+1816.933 504.964 5.363 541.635 5.755 250.452 3.314
+1817.092 504.449 5.355 542.126 5.817 250.214 3.152
+1817.249 504.874 5.348 542.321 5.693 250.242 2.982
+1817.407 505.268 5.488 542.053 5.724 250.262 3.079
+1817.565 504.962 5.360 541.860 5.678 250.922 3.299
+1817.723 504.879 5.433 541.928 5.672 250.769 3.650
+1817.881 505.298 5.414 542.149 5.710 250.267 3.051
+1818.039 505.173 5.312 541.621 5.717 250.732 3.117
+1818.197 504.811 13.126 542.626 19.485 247.797 21.431
+1818.353 504.828 8.730 539.086 10.105 253.298 15.016
+1818.511 505.328 6.433 542.290 8.407 248.982 7.214
+1818.667 505.363 5.467 541.913 5.732 250.049 3.973
+1818.825 504.853 5.423 541.439 5.668 251.260 3.288
+1818.983 505.048 5.393 541.704 5.662 250.702 3.222
+1819.141 505.050 5.367 542.037 5.646 250.077 3.090
+1819.299 504.850 5.316 542.320 5.633 250.770 3.031
+1819.457 504.428 5.325 541.633 5.723 250.757 3.081
+1819.615 504.834 5.307 542.396 5.705 250.777 3.156
+1819.773 504.778 5.493 541.464 5.772 250.477 3.133
+1819.932 504.497 5.346 541.814 5.749 251.094 3.167
+1820.090 504.785 5.322 542.548 5.712 250.100 2.947
+1820.248 505.137 5.329 541.745 5.796 250.591 3.202
+1820.406 504.541 5.242 541.247 5.743 250.535 3.073
+1820.564 504.695 5.424 541.762 5.706 250.485 3.084
+1820.722 505.347 5.446 542.077 5.773 250.874 3.021
+1820.880 504.983 5.333 541.580 5.669 250.818 3.122
+1821.039 505.489 5.432 541.555 5.773 250.498 3.221
+1821.197 505.254 5.229 541.745 5.738 250.845 3.075
+1821.355 504.562 5.394 541.637 5.716 250.448 3.060
+1821.513 505.535 5.329 542.056 5.743 251.004 3.219
+1821.672 504.835 5.426 541.690 5.770 250.150 3.269
+1821.830 504.898 5.307 541.786 5.691 250.711 3.172
+1821.988 504.759 5.397 541.657 5.749 250.917 3.073
+1822.147 504.797 5.355 541.286 5.778 250.189 3.245
+1822.304 505.458 5.344 541.832 5.665 249.951 3.150
+1822.463 504.534 5.409 542.328 5.720 250.529 2.880
+1822.621 505.095 5.306 541.983 5.667 249.865 3.109
+1822.779 504.750 5.379 541.609 5.706 250.508 3.540
+1822.937 504.667 5.330 542.156 5.678 250.235 3.315
+1823.095 505.056 5.353 541.511 5.693 250.512 3.275
+1823.253 504.950 5.304 541.515 5.682 250.725 3.125
+1823.411 504.279 5.489 541.915 5.608 250.567 3.118
+1823.570 505.322 5.313 542.529 5.760 250.135 2.961
+1823.728 505.333 5.379 541.885 5.683 250.431 3.046
+1823.886 505.063 5.333 542.118 5.842 250.454 3.158
+1824.044 505.190 5.465 541.821 5.682 250.104 2.998
+1824.202 504.671 5.328 541.708 5.692 250.141 3.281
+1824.360 503.936 5.365 541.717 5.663 250.881 3.154
+1824.518 503.589 5.350 541.477 5.644 250.188 3.160
+1824.676 504.455 5.437 541.804 5.744 250.551 3.163
+1824.835 504.424 5.335 541.628 5.716 251.185 2.969
+1824.993 505.304 5.343 542.056 5.717 250.561 2.976
+1825.151 504.223 5.392 541.370 5.761 250.585 3.309
+1825.309 504.892 5.363 541.043 5.692 250.675 3.156
+1825.467 504.728 5.309 541.820 5.688 250.886 3.159
+1825.625 504.617 5.344 541.068 5.790 250.868 3.040
+1825.783 504.786 5.345 541.210 5.691 250.288 3.095
+1825.941 505.177 5.326 541.152 5.692 250.202 3.038
+1826.099 504.941 5.332 541.661 5.645 250.322 3.204
+1826.257 504.609 5.442 542.666 5.690 250.323 3.422
+1826.415 504.906 5.378 541.606 5.964 250.423 3.009
+1826.574 504.649 5.492 541.936 5.709 250.604 3.583
+1826.731 504.836 5.305 542.149 5.643 250.376 3.148
+1826.889 504.538 5.325 542.081 5.683 250.873 3.082
+1827.047 504.845 5.281 541.880 5.709 250.488 3.306
+1827.205 504.928 5.404 542.238 5.629 251.054 2.976
+1827.363 505.169 5.306 542.242 5.643 250.340 3.365
+1827.521 504.831 5.397 541.302 5.817 250.253 3.123
+1827.679 504.808 5.333 541.933 5.925 250.602 3.404
+1827.838 505.448 5.335 541.539 5.717 250.266 3.320
+1827.995 505.294 5.489 541.305 5.757 250.852 3.064
+1828.153 504.822 5.527 541.703 5.685 250.378 3.207
+1828.312 504.458 5.314 541.657 5.732 250.373 3.184
+1828.470 504.844 5.333 541.516 5.872 250.673 3.430
+1828.628 504.428 5.471 542.335 5.711 251.056 3.021
+1828.786 504.634 5.454 541.773 5.777 251.070 3.073
+1828.944 504.406 5.405 541.197 5.789 250.540 3.113
+1829.102 504.624 5.316 542.142 5.611 250.905 2.976
+1829.260 504.256 5.399 542.101 5.668 250.519 3.156
+1829.418 505.062 5.516 542.231 5.706 250.035 3.225
+1829.576 504.740 5.415 542.112 5.672 250.330 3.245
+1829.735 504.457 5.315 541.001 5.686 250.103 3.317
+1829.892 504.254 5.456 542.320 5.724 250.601 3.086
+1830.051 504.782 5.323 541.803 5.717 250.596 3.101
+1830.209 505.037 5.345 541.578 5.717 250.925 2.933
+1830.367 504.040 5.536 541.695 5.780 250.819 3.248
+1830.525 504.370 5.376 541.987 5.747 250.428 3.089
+1830.683 504.103 5.300 541.489 5.756 250.254 3.443
+1830.841 504.461 5.425 541.804 5.709 249.932 2.920
+1830.999 504.334 5.386 541.438 5.572 250.019 3.343
+1831.157 504.083 5.412 542.094 5.783 250.710 3.058
+1831.315 504.740 5.387 541.891 5.780 251.177 3.083
+1831.473 505.127 5.356 542.428 5.700 250.571 3.037
+1831.631 505.411 5.344 542.014 5.703 250.265 3.130
+1831.789 505.084 5.388 542.170 5.753 250.562 3.136
+1831.947 505.060 5.355 542.731 5.655 250.325 2.984
+1832.106 504.510 5.429 541.917 5.710 250.193 3.228
+1832.264 504.835 5.323 542.669 5.696 251.081 3.184
+1832.422 504.788 5.377 542.206 5.716 250.270 3.290
+1832.579 505.257 5.329 542.502 5.677 251.462 3.036
+1832.737 504.672 5.417 542.785 5.672 250.444 3.141
+1832.895 504.856 5.351 542.017 5.853 250.624 3.107
+1833.053 505.378 5.452 541.980 5.676 250.026 4.500
+1833.211 504.483 5.459 542.239 5.694 250.060 3.075
+1833.369 504.654 5.389 542.242 5.631 251.010 3.003
+1833.527 504.896 5.334 542.612 5.712 250.640 3.306
+1833.685 504.728 5.358 542.396 5.757 249.966 3.272
+1833.844 505.367 5.412 542.034 5.875 250.339 3.212
+1834.002 504.543 5.441 541.780 5.686 250.393 3.066
+1834.161 505.155 5.403 542.167 5.801 250.253 3.276
+1834.318 504.891 5.844 541.441 5.828 250.432 4.141
+1834.476 505.178 5.342 541.614 5.679 251.254 3.127
+1834.635 504.571 5.415 542.316 5.765 250.552 3.198
+1834.793 504.595 5.385 542.333 5.661 250.275 3.500
+1834.950 504.585 5.408 541.333 5.832 250.342 3.107
+1835.109 504.755 5.303 541.953 5.826 251.163 3.148
+1835.267 505.397 5.453 542.489 5.712 250.731 3.209
+1835.425 505.234 5.399 542.154 5.752 251.157 3.211
+1835.583 505.322 5.357 542.991 5.773 250.581 3.381
+1835.741 505.913 5.495 542.799 5.765 250.405 3.057
+1835.899 504.359 5.383 542.128 5.763 251.314 3.014
+1836.057 504.683 5.350 542.781 5.630 250.103 3.180
+1836.215 504.906 5.360 542.327 5.768 249.581 3.404
+1836.373 504.229 5.411 542.113 5.676 250.705 3.273
+1836.531 504.372 5.259 541.961 5.668 250.847 2.927
+1836.689 504.363 5.319 541.919 5.807 251.268 3.279
+1836.846 505.003 5.370 541.699 5.743 250.582 2.979
+1837.004 505.050 5.422 542.137 5.627 249.865 2.910
+1837.163 504.970 5.368 542.481 5.632 251.358 2.836
+1837.321 503.939 5.349 542.344 5.734 250.613 2.964
+1837.479 504.839 5.408 542.093 5.738 250.726 3.186
+1837.636 504.498 5.356 542.991 5.640 250.977 3.288
+1837.794 505.165 5.414 542.299 5.684 250.339 3.043
+1837.952 505.101 5.374 542.023 5.682 250.633 3.280
+1838.110 504.411 5.320 542.450 5.691 250.556 2.984
+1838.268 505.044 5.411 541.934 5.714 250.435 3.274
+1838.426 504.810 5.410 542.179 5.670 250.494 3.355
+1838.583 505.088 5.390 542.391 5.786 250.884 3.041
+1838.742 504.620 5.458 542.124 5.738 251.088 2.962
+1838.900 504.636 5.464 542.001 5.617 251.250 3.196
+1839.057 505.176 5.540 542.660 5.690 250.012 3.069
+1839.216 504.581 5.376 542.286 5.821 250.130 3.426
+1839.374 504.475 5.439 542.572 5.693 250.601 3.222
+1839.532 505.324 5.348 542.795 5.687 250.446 3.016
+1839.690 505.103 5.314 541.778 5.748 249.964 3.237
+1839.848 504.411 5.381 541.777 5.651 250.649 2.989
+1840.007 505.324 5.303 542.657 5.672 250.516 3.097
+1840.165 504.953 5.393 542.586 5.720 251.095 3.085
+1840.323 504.519 5.333 542.055 5.811 250.440 3.321
+1840.481 505.185 5.401 542.350 5.771 251.074 3.126
+1840.639 504.741 5.245 542.193 5.719 251.510 3.206
+1840.797 505.187 5.325 541.652 5.717 250.825 3.072
+1840.955 504.501 5.352 542.126 5.725 250.678 3.211
+1841.113 504.865 5.422 542.121 5.720 249.956 2.954
+1841.271 504.588 5.405 542.171 5.700 250.209 2.893
+1841.429 505.075 5.352 542.091 5.785 251.022 3.109
+1841.587 504.270 5.251 541.731 5.640 250.460 3.147
+1841.745 505.652 5.339 542.287 5.693 250.624 3.193
+1841.903 504.956 5.364 542.232 5.686 250.166 3.194
+1842.061 504.529 5.290 542.062 5.818 251.161 3.027
+1842.219 504.655 5.438 542.110 5.735 250.501 3.098
+1842.377 505.246 5.356 542.061 5.735 250.145 3.314
+1842.535 504.792 5.357 541.970 5.780 250.321 3.353
+1842.693 505.487 5.328 542.469 5.831 250.913 3.021
+1842.851 504.814 5.465 541.874 5.640 250.329 3.027
+1843.009 505.288 5.411 542.038 5.621 250.403 3.129
+1843.167 504.402 5.407 542.190 5.707 250.334 3.109
+1843.325 504.454 5.370 542.001 5.679 250.453 3.135
+1843.483 504.464 5.326 541.910 5.759 250.364 3.300
+1843.641 504.984 5.406 542.219 5.738 250.443 3.143
+1843.799 504.019 5.333 541.892 5.706 250.194 2.987
+1843.957 504.450 5.342 542.149 5.711 250.461 3.003
+1844.115 504.964 5.460 541.701 5.681 250.544 3.160
+1844.273 504.699 5.280 541.797 5.791 250.595 3.152
+1844.432 504.597 5.407 541.558 5.667 250.365 3.019
+1844.590 504.625 5.314 541.755 5.712 250.763 3.049
+1844.748 504.966 5.226 541.737 5.824 251.097 2.934
+1844.906 505.179 5.377 542.517 5.721 250.941 3.189
+1845.064 504.911 5.280 542.165 5.706 250.369 3.026
+1845.222 504.819 5.434 541.821 5.731 250.873 3.124
+1845.380 504.858 5.431 541.368 5.862 251.348 3.135
+1845.539 504.818 5.372 542.003 5.733 250.923 3.159
+1845.697 504.928 5.512 541.350 5.690 250.369 3.016
+1845.855 504.449 5.300 542.013 5.710 250.163 3.236
+1846.013 504.674 5.361 541.500 5.707 251.181 3.319
+1846.171 504.466 5.349 541.645 5.749 250.251 3.085
+1846.329 504.844 5.320 541.866 5.687 250.872 3.042
+1846.488 505.148 5.394 541.358 5.787 251.438 3.202
+1846.645 504.701 5.348 541.933 5.681 250.234 3.076
+1846.804 504.717 5.502 541.879 5.784 250.732 2.908
+1846.962 504.927 5.403 541.388 5.780 250.647 3.096
+1847.121 505.059 5.310 542.233 5.639 250.376 2.894
+1847.278 505.450 5.356 542.412 5.663 250.923 3.132
+1847.437 504.754 5.349 542.464 5.653 250.309 3.145
+1847.595 504.717 5.314 542.194 5.657 250.543 3.076
+1847.753 504.887 5.387 542.811 5.703 250.735 3.142
+1847.911 505.058 5.299 541.888 5.687 250.997 3.012
+1848.070 505.320 5.378 542.338 5.688 250.629 3.086
+1848.228 505.243 5.408 542.283 5.730 250.646 3.033
+1848.386 504.792 5.457 541.652 5.722 250.386 3.182
+1848.544 505.027 5.372 542.126 5.734 250.423 2.953
+1848.702 505.110 5.424 541.691 5.650 249.814 3.014
+1848.861 505.061 5.411 542.176 5.692 250.438 3.187
+1849.018 505.360 5.340 542.101 5.737 250.494 3.101
+1849.176 505.173 5.378 541.701 5.659 250.264 3.161
+1849.334 505.081 5.363 542.347 5.636 250.142 2.948
+1849.492 505.570 5.321 542.403 5.778 250.211 3.127
+1849.650 505.045 5.288 542.194 5.775 250.932 3.210
+1849.808 504.830 5.398 542.051 5.684 250.159 3.050
+1849.966 505.128 5.506 542.390 5.761 249.951 3.244
+1850.125 505.031 5.380 542.093 5.699 250.729 3.368
+1850.282 504.290 5.380 541.861 5.663 251.007 3.104
+1850.440 505.122 5.331 541.818 5.739 251.020 3.074
+1850.599 504.971 5.421 541.688 5.733 250.630 3.575
+1850.757 505.299 5.417 542.276 5.746 250.556 3.024
+1850.915 504.763 5.358 541.742 5.796 250.755 3.118
+1851.073 504.977 5.344 542.327 5.687 250.897 3.235
+1851.231 505.009 5.438 542.013 5.709 250.399 3.260
+1851.388 505.170 5.410 542.190 5.668 250.613 2.987
+1851.546 505.131 5.264 541.901 5.664 249.986 3.235
+1851.704 504.801 5.320 542.159 5.810 250.629 3.108
+1851.863 505.388 5.316 541.741 5.757 249.886 3.117
+1852.021 504.743 5.454 542.467 5.859 250.248 3.061
+1852.179 504.797 5.331 542.224 5.752 250.082 3.241
+1852.337 504.968 5.325 542.442 5.813 250.570 3.165
+1852.496 504.709 5.428 541.794 5.716 250.955 3.024
+1852.654 504.977 5.313 542.228 5.620 250.569 3.038
+1852.812 504.699 5.400 541.902 5.719 250.885 3.139
+1852.971 504.467 5.317 541.769 5.714 250.448 3.148
+1853.129 505.114 5.449 541.897 5.693 249.544 3.151
+1853.287 504.701 5.462 541.159 5.725 250.835 3.077
+1853.445 504.377 5.360 541.691 5.738 250.748 3.055
+1853.604 505.223 5.275 541.986 5.677 250.027 3.039
+1853.762 505.322 5.437 542.469 5.744 250.180 3.157
+1853.920 504.113 5.460 541.944 5.721 250.551 2.902
+1854.078 505.211 5.397 541.879 5.727 250.435 3.000
+1854.236 505.302 5.399 541.958 5.712 250.824 3.021
+1854.394 505.043 5.407 541.779 5.674 251.268 3.139
+1854.553 504.820 5.314 542.037 5.740 250.442 3.065
+1854.710 504.918 5.349 541.610 5.668 251.004 3.079
+1854.869 504.679 5.297 541.946 5.683 250.600 3.206
+1855.027 505.206 5.389 542.009 5.680 250.226 3.026
+1855.185 504.972 5.388 541.420 5.691 250.412 3.323
+1855.343 505.509 5.384 541.494 5.781 250.424 3.323
+1855.501 505.065 5.462 542.084 5.680 250.974 3.104
+1855.660 504.410 5.436 542.020 5.724 250.539 3.109
+1855.818 504.734 5.408 541.730 5.705 250.925 3.010
+1855.976 505.597 5.295 541.637 5.695 250.159 3.268
+1856.134 505.025 5.354 541.886 5.765 251.601 3.191
+1856.292 504.910 5.402 541.958 5.714 250.746 3.290
+1856.450 505.079 5.325 542.379 5.654 250.547 3.050
+1856.608 504.930 5.371 541.903 5.685 250.815 3.116
+1856.767 505.349 5.333 542.149 5.653 250.988 3.079
+1856.925 505.263 5.342 542.211 5.667 250.579 3.050
+1857.083 505.172 5.328 542.252 5.751 250.425 3.517
+1857.240 505.321 5.351 542.792 5.668 250.684 3.158
+1857.399 504.653 5.384 542.437 5.672 250.596 3.112
+1857.557 505.016 5.397 542.234 5.728 250.225 3.277
+1857.715 505.140 5.424 542.422 5.630 250.952 3.173
+1857.873 505.551 5.312 542.584 5.688 250.989 3.086
+1858.032 505.575 5.415 542.555 5.696 250.199 3.116
+1858.190 504.935 5.395 542.095 5.740 250.252 3.259
+1858.348 504.719 5.444 542.411 5.792 251.482 3.295
+1858.506 505.137 5.287 542.634 5.759 250.424 2.981
+1858.664 506.011 5.330 541.766 5.799 250.144 3.000
+1858.822 504.820 5.341 541.637 5.673 250.581 3.132
+1858.981 504.678 5.342 542.086 5.624 250.185 3.032
+1859.139 505.466 5.364 542.470 5.698 250.211 3.210
+1859.297 505.344 5.469 541.964 5.778 249.692 3.068
+1859.455 504.723 5.381 542.299 5.751 250.566 2.996
+1859.613 505.287 5.456 542.223 5.671 250.375 3.035
+1859.771 504.902 5.386 542.042 5.691 250.123 3.290
+1859.929 505.199 5.413 542.340 5.773 249.891 3.167
+1860.087 505.702 5.337 542.293 5.641 250.238 3.449
+1860.245 504.737 5.541 541.873 5.656 250.462 2.946
+1860.403 505.297 5.344 542.498 5.656 250.204 3.159
+1860.561 505.553 5.391 542.745 5.727 250.382 3.169
+1860.719 504.855 5.366 542.297 5.691 250.553 3.171
+1860.877 505.818 5.400 542.153 5.706 251.265 3.140
+1861.036 504.868 5.362 542.481 5.694 250.752 3.126
+1861.193 504.878 5.445 542.144 5.705 250.197 3.162
+1861.352 505.238 5.413 542.561 5.696 250.812 3.119
+1861.510 504.702 5.447 542.135 5.786 251.458 3.016
+1861.668 505.457 5.364 541.981 5.799 250.364 3.163
+1861.826 505.614 5.392 542.309 5.804 250.673 3.054
+1861.984 505.006 5.465 541.833 5.647 251.076 3.179
+1862.142 504.480 5.339 542.168 5.771 250.180 3.118
+1862.300 505.334 5.326 541.951 5.699 250.551 3.007
+1862.458 505.023 5.299 542.419 5.691 250.525 3.006
+1862.616 505.640 5.395 541.924 5.703 251.055 2.957
+1862.775 505.236 5.377 542.209 5.696 250.210 3.214
+1862.932 504.932 5.319 542.262 5.764 249.982 3.067
+1863.091 504.559 5.497 542.112 5.688 249.789 3.142
+1863.249 504.935 5.560 542.031 5.738 250.617 3.153
+1863.407 505.009 5.323 542.160 5.790 250.196 3.123
+1863.565 504.640 5.350 541.271 5.692 250.221 3.140
+1863.723 505.156 5.338 542.432 5.785 250.332 3.118
+1863.881 505.071 5.440 542.154 5.709 250.623 3.263
+1864.039 505.820 5.342 542.421 5.742 250.116 3.234
+1864.197 504.748 5.431 541.894 5.775 249.981 3.185
+1864.356 505.127 5.290 542.108 5.799 250.149 3.097
+1864.513 505.101 5.251 541.921 5.674 250.421 3.135
+1864.671 505.331 5.414 542.009 5.733 250.494 3.193
+1864.829 505.593 5.361 541.710 5.884 250.564 3.132
+1864.987 505.515 5.371 542.287 5.707 250.155 3.017
+1865.145 505.035 5.373 542.062 5.704 250.641 3.171
+1865.303 505.510 5.458 541.700 5.701 250.606 3.100
+1865.461 505.285 5.348 542.677 5.709 250.096 2.980
+1865.619 504.882 5.406 541.976 5.718 250.510 3.244
+1865.777 504.818 5.413 542.609 5.687 250.775 3.097
+1865.936 505.458 5.420 542.936 5.626 250.577 3.097
+1866.094 505.324 5.541 542.509 5.615 250.745 3.049
+1866.252 505.113 5.382 542.385 5.708 250.927 3.226
+1866.410 504.521 5.299 543.003 5.718 250.169 3.066
+1866.568 505.065 5.438 542.480 5.783 250.091 3.056
+1866.726 505.660 5.324 542.854 5.756 250.730 3.116
+1866.884 505.596 5.460 542.598 5.671 250.627 3.392
+1867.042 504.946 5.438 542.716 5.736 250.236 3.003
+1867.200 505.309 5.400 542.187 5.695 251.202 2.965
+1867.358 505.023 5.602 542.511 5.775 250.512 2.981
+1867.517 504.920 5.285 541.955 5.906 250.855 3.023
+1867.675 504.819 5.324 542.259 5.675 250.898 3.189
+1867.833 504.938 5.344 542.472 5.716 250.219 2.983
+1867.991 504.319 5.354 541.904 5.820 250.732 2.989
+1868.149 504.703 5.295 542.439 5.764 251.157 3.042
+1868.307 505.307 5.365 541.994 5.790 250.611 3.334
+1868.465 505.493 5.403 542.530 5.619 250.156 3.021
+1868.623 504.684 5.391 541.845 5.707 250.921 3.121
+1868.782 505.526 5.308 541.928 5.636 251.149 3.219
+1868.940 504.695 5.361 542.039 5.717 250.271 3.070
+1869.098 504.906 5.273 542.650 5.728 250.592 3.207
+1869.256 504.619 5.401 542.236 5.730 250.415 3.121
+1869.414 504.886 5.434 541.472 5.668 250.714 3.039
+1869.573 504.658 5.374 541.524 5.758 251.047 2.866
+1869.731 504.186 5.329 542.325 5.771 250.340 3.040
+1869.889 505.021 5.436 542.353 5.765 250.923 2.998
+1870.047 505.280 5.351 542.143 5.686 250.719 3.114
+1870.205 504.532 5.401 541.641 5.805 250.527 3.347
+1870.363 505.135 5.315 541.336 5.712 250.495 3.172
+1870.521 505.081 5.503 542.143 5.706 250.204 3.099
+1870.679 504.600 5.427 541.891 5.697 250.322 3.204
+1870.837 504.876 5.350 541.649 5.718 250.493 3.071
+1870.995 504.018 5.372 541.166 5.611 249.784 3.022
+1871.153 505.210 5.355 541.511 5.654 249.757 3.474
+1871.311 504.722 5.367 540.575 5.754 250.387 3.113
+1871.469 504.867 5.318 541.695 5.650 250.133 3.114
+1871.628 504.288 5.412 542.037 5.663 250.421 3.067
+1871.786 505.052 5.447 541.560 5.739 250.964 3.307
+1871.943 504.760 5.392 542.065 5.813 250.689 3.076
+1872.102 504.877 5.425 541.250 5.872 250.506 3.470
+1872.260 505.248 5.343 541.252 5.703 250.705 2.965
+1872.417 504.062 5.291 541.592 5.720 249.787 3.182
+1872.576 505.280 5.339 541.135 5.750 250.647 3.213
+1872.734 504.832 5.403 541.921 5.745 250.406 3.173
+1872.892 504.038 5.249 541.369 5.686 250.364 3.357
+1873.050 504.620 5.356 541.543 5.692 250.473 3.261
+1873.207 504.436 5.314 541.255 5.736 250.474 3.121
+1873.366 504.464 5.430 541.092 5.684 249.924 3.246
+1873.524 504.334 5.360 541.371 5.712 250.739 2.981
+1873.682 504.983 5.382 541.003 5.714 250.917 3.057
+1873.841 505.049 5.284 541.270 5.706 249.959 3.105
+1873.999 504.570 5.442 540.932 5.692 250.519 3.235
+1874.157 504.995 5.305 541.509 5.691 250.475 3.092
+1874.315 504.759 5.350 541.135 5.643 250.094 3.177
+1874.474 505.017 5.339 541.551 5.651 250.800 3.311
+1874.632 504.330 5.442 541.145 5.817 249.678 3.011
+1874.790 505.033 5.308 541.141 5.621 251.006 3.003
+1874.948 504.630 5.474 541.921 5.790 250.330 3.011
+1875.107 505.326 5.352 541.589 5.741 250.513 3.052
+1875.265 504.433 5.367 542.135 5.723 250.015 3.182
+1875.424 505.104 5.297 541.551 5.711 250.700 3.067
+1875.582 504.821 5.501 541.835 5.719 251.037 3.100
+1875.740 504.708 5.465 541.278 5.651 250.660 3.014
+1875.899 504.907 5.326 541.572 5.643 250.546 3.026
+1876.057 504.539 5.365 540.925 5.669 250.415 3.130
+1876.215 504.875 5.420 540.929 5.675 250.514 3.104
+1876.373 504.518 5.499 541.479 5.623 251.005 3.144
+1876.531 504.585 5.364 541.434 5.630 250.580 3.299
+1876.689 504.805 5.274 541.144 5.710 250.285 3.383
+1876.847 505.048 5.320 541.161 5.754 250.392 3.181
+1877.004 505.040 5.409 540.691 5.691 250.343 3.060
+1877.162 505.080 5.362 541.107 5.641 251.393 3.359
+1877.320 505.150 5.314 540.961 5.696 250.503 3.182
+1877.478 505.101 5.359 541.589 5.668 249.885 3.238
+1877.636 504.560 5.488 541.405 5.775 250.358 3.040
+1877.795 504.435 5.384 541.714 5.657 250.233 3.406
+1877.953 504.484 5.313 541.227 5.723 249.582 2.952
+1878.111 504.644 5.341 541.152 5.790 250.505 3.174
+1878.269 504.746 5.304 541.151 5.668 250.635 3.220
+1878.427 503.987 5.334 541.121 5.707 250.796 3.096
+1878.585 504.509 5.456 541.291 5.652 250.447 3.060
+1878.743 504.305 5.265 541.432 5.697 250.504 3.223
+1878.901 504.633 5.498 541.034 5.703 249.745 3.142
+1879.060 504.676 5.344 541.220 5.644 250.647 3.435
+1879.217 504.656 5.456 541.052 5.694 250.396 3.091
+1879.375 505.036 5.357 541.280 5.666 250.253 3.101
+1879.533 504.100 5.369 541.732 5.599 250.042 3.339
+1879.691 504.371 5.224 541.177 5.792 250.670 3.015
+1879.850 504.543 5.378 541.021 5.821 250.576 3.034
+1880.008 505.125 5.324 541.930 5.805 250.085 3.085
+1880.166 504.701 5.370 541.489 5.768 250.400 3.040
+1880.324 504.627 5.358 541.224 5.668 250.304 3.070
+1880.482 504.876 5.535 541.372 5.652 250.903 3.203
+1880.640 504.458 5.395 541.783 5.732 250.519 3.317
+1880.798 504.944 5.285 541.507 5.710 250.935 3.249
+1880.956 504.899 5.473 541.225 5.725 250.689 3.056
+1881.115 504.949 5.248 541.882 5.665 250.276 3.101
+1881.273 504.869 5.490 541.048 5.744 250.342 3.205
+1881.431 504.198 5.507 541.230 5.679 250.683 3.180
+1881.589 505.462 5.446 540.952 5.734 251.196 3.307
+1881.747 505.134 5.368 541.099 5.676 249.891 3.156
+1881.906 504.341 5.335 541.141 5.654 250.788 3.351
+1882.064 504.573 5.305 541.211 5.727 250.137 3.030
+1882.222 504.715 5.392 541.382 5.688 249.861 3.034
+1882.380 504.197 5.319 541.053 5.658 250.738 3.010
+1882.538 504.802 5.305 541.400 5.674 249.787 3.004
+1882.696 504.778 5.424 541.254 5.710 250.327 3.056
+1882.854 505.107 5.368 541.082 5.702 250.533 3.288
+1883.012 504.761 5.399 541.550 5.712 250.355 3.086
+1883.170 504.697 5.348 541.035 5.739 250.203 3.370
+1883.328 504.537 5.361 541.800 5.766 250.332 2.976
+1883.486 504.965 5.384 541.658 5.766 250.693 3.085
+1883.645 504.389 5.461 541.636 5.715 250.646 2.953
+1883.803 505.293 5.402 541.616 5.676 250.466 3.121
+1883.961 504.812 5.364 541.286 5.757 249.424 3.102
+1884.119 505.118 5.335 541.152 5.675 250.844 3.204
+1884.277 505.521 5.391 541.931 5.712 250.468 3.116
+1884.435 504.965 5.317 541.599 5.756 250.434 3.152
+1884.593 505.269 5.419 541.816 5.709 250.334 3.167
+1884.751 505.382 5.380 542.038 5.722 250.543 3.063
+1884.909 505.233 5.474 542.460 5.740 250.415 3.252
+1885.067 504.872 5.403 542.954 5.711 250.414 3.351
+1885.225 504.438 5.411 542.019 5.727 251.034 3.289
+1885.383 504.964 5.386 541.650 5.759 250.530 2.990
+1885.541 504.479 5.348 541.406 5.766 250.585 3.018
+1885.699 504.874 5.350 541.904 5.805 250.255 3.047
+1885.857 505.118 5.311 541.799 5.911 250.582 3.075
+1886.016 504.801 5.331 541.878 5.715 250.085 3.153
+1886.174 504.858 5.394 542.058 5.631 250.730 2.858
+1886.332 504.798 5.423 541.380 5.648 249.887 3.225
+1886.490 504.748 5.362 541.453 5.673 250.098 3.265
+1886.648 504.117 5.297 541.664 5.694 251.061 3.124
+1886.806 504.871 5.285 541.056 5.712 250.300 2.984
+1886.964 504.968 5.284 541.570 5.754 250.463 3.493
+1887.122 504.669 5.341 541.095 5.676 250.324 3.006
+1887.281 505.316 5.398 541.411 5.662 250.503 3.262
+1887.439 504.853 5.436 541.624 5.803 250.065 3.153
+1887.597 504.458 5.316 540.906 5.739 250.570 3.026
+1887.755 504.834 5.324 541.569 5.654 250.325 3.317
+1887.913 504.828 5.412 541.115 5.692 250.003 3.208
+1888.072 504.728 5.378 541.681 5.711 250.370 3.203
+1888.230 504.867 5.435 541.116 5.766 249.863 2.999
+1888.388 504.088 5.350 541.741 5.678 249.988 3.565
+1888.546 504.200 5.346 541.127 5.686 250.669 3.044
+1888.704 504.702 5.523 541.311 5.689 250.366 3.162
+1888.862 504.807 5.418 540.803 5.796 250.203 3.440
+1889.020 504.148 5.377 541.178 5.736 250.262 3.256
+1889.178 504.371 5.375 541.201 5.759 250.502 3.023
+1889.336 504.523 5.543 541.172 5.743 249.855 3.212
+1889.494 504.815 5.393 541.721 5.679 250.388 3.206
+1889.653 504.578 5.360 541.537 5.682 249.793 3.460
+1889.811 504.305 5.452 541.655 5.717 250.247 2.971
+1889.969 505.053 5.359 541.076 5.664 249.632 3.087
+1890.127 504.430 5.350 540.880 5.755 250.906 3.186
+1890.285 504.404 5.334 541.528 5.725 250.459 3.127
+1890.443 504.974 5.385 541.275 5.711 250.714 3.094
+1890.602 503.909 5.475 541.182 5.763 250.717 3.278
+1890.760 504.749 5.325 541.121 5.801 249.697 3.376
+1890.918 504.877 5.300 541.041 5.717 250.376 3.091
+1891.076 504.318 5.299 541.630 5.755 250.323 3.393
+1891.234 504.643 5.367 541.406 5.718 249.773 2.977
+1891.392 504.466 5.400 540.704 5.808 250.747 3.147
+1891.551 504.434 5.335 540.967 5.674 250.607 3.149
+1891.709 504.894 5.518 541.739 5.678 250.416 3.013
+1891.867 505.618 5.343 541.687 5.648 250.514 3.432
+1892.025 505.336 5.314 541.706 5.819 250.545 3.042
+1892.183 504.673 5.388 541.267 5.670 250.995 3.176
+1892.342 505.066 5.400 541.232 5.680 250.679 3.006
+1892.500 504.470 5.304 541.172 5.672 249.696 2.986
+1892.658 505.074 5.349 541.411 5.652 250.186 3.207
+1892.816 505.100 5.449 541.644 5.715 249.961 3.281
+1892.975 504.501 5.416 541.546 5.686 250.349 3.199
+1893.133 505.155 5.378 542.005 5.692 250.093 3.275
+1893.291 504.661 5.487 541.030 5.780 250.070 3.237
+1893.449 504.276 5.389 541.690 5.735 250.480 3.173
+1893.607 505.252 5.362 541.286 5.624 249.784 3.075
+1893.765 505.152 5.383 541.442 5.641 250.257 3.240
+1893.923 504.461 5.357 542.354 5.613 250.762 3.104
+1894.081 504.834 5.351 541.363 5.932 249.797 3.164
+1894.240 505.178 5.444 541.083 5.767 249.607 3.032
+1894.398 505.091 5.499 541.520 5.754 250.546 3.270
+1894.556 504.970 5.472 540.785 5.684 250.505 3.052
+1894.714 504.699 5.428 541.017 5.628 250.675 3.022
+1894.872 505.177 5.344 541.100 5.776 250.886 3.111
+1895.030 504.371 5.353 541.011 5.706 250.348 3.083
+1895.188 504.653 5.270 541.400 5.610 250.073 3.276
+1895.346 504.206 5.433 541.304 5.778 250.050 3.056
+1895.505 504.762 5.244 541.513 5.647 250.200 3.332
+1895.663 505.157 5.298 540.875 5.743 250.492 3.011
+1895.821 505.111 5.358 541.758 5.729 250.184 3.214
+1895.979 505.121 5.338 541.377 5.727 250.041 3.050
+1896.138 505.371 5.388 541.243 5.700 250.130 3.007
+1896.296 504.983 5.357 541.192 5.703 250.141 3.131
+1896.454 505.309 5.421 540.972 5.695 250.241 3.054
+1896.612 505.343 5.302 541.779 5.637 250.422 3.025
+1896.770 505.323 5.511 541.447 5.730 250.194 2.994
+1896.928 504.893 5.439 542.084 5.663 249.861 3.128
+1897.086 504.839 5.451 541.390 5.649 250.648 3.090
+1897.245 504.738 5.457 541.783 5.683 250.766 3.357
+1897.403 505.077 5.352 541.407 5.791 250.747 2.944
+1897.561 504.990 5.383 542.124 5.688 251.117 3.147
+1897.719 504.999 5.356 541.381 5.769 250.571 3.140
+1897.878 505.170 5.365 542.103 5.646 250.765 2.961
+1898.036 504.551 5.380 541.591 5.780 250.827 3.141
+1898.194 504.935 5.366 541.816 5.768 250.538 2.996
+1898.353 504.309 5.411 541.448 5.644 251.225 3.168
+1898.511 505.293 5.385 541.694 5.658 250.202 2.980
+1898.669 505.252 5.445 541.816 5.737 249.982 3.306
+1898.828 504.812 5.301 541.238 5.870 250.369 3.114
+1898.986 504.918 5.370 541.362 5.702 249.823 3.086
+1899.144 504.969 5.343 541.703 5.757 250.318 3.220
+1899.302 504.869 5.342 541.967 5.680 250.133 3.082
+1899.460 505.078 5.409 541.419 5.689 249.881 3.061
+1899.618 504.940 5.437 541.694 5.703 250.368 3.236
+1899.776 504.669 5.419 541.017 5.702 250.683 3.039
+1899.934 505.526 5.427 541.650 5.611 250.636 3.085
+1900.093 505.225 5.368 541.416 5.709 250.106 3.053
+1900.251 504.792 5.295 540.834 5.628 250.051 3.169
+1900.409 505.577 5.348 541.458 5.676 251.190 2.940
+1900.567 504.515 5.330 541.564 5.689 250.881 3.127
+1900.725 505.305 5.455 541.645 5.687 250.408 2.990
+1900.884 505.123 5.398 541.116 5.786 250.434 3.267
+1901.041 504.311 5.387 541.941 5.692 249.794 3.161
+1901.199 504.733 5.314 541.269 5.787 250.427 3.144
+1901.357 505.377 5.423 541.892 5.760 250.764 3.194
+1901.515 505.043 5.388 541.889 5.747 250.057 3.193
+1901.673 504.680 5.268 541.549 5.704 250.530 3.181
+1901.831 504.926 5.358 541.635 5.761 250.465 3.378
+1901.989 504.869 5.310 541.086 5.656 250.734 3.100
+1902.148 505.238 5.303 541.140 5.628 250.477 3.164
+1902.306 504.902 5.463 541.161 5.729 250.804 3.326
+1902.463 504.419 5.357 540.411 5.764 250.088 3.170
+1902.621 504.444 5.428 541.294 5.607 250.880 3.266
+1902.780 504.874 5.446 541.333 5.752 250.038 3.219
+1902.938 505.008 5.385 541.603 5.733 250.800 3.076
+1903.096 504.570 5.428 541.626 5.709 250.178 3.038
+1903.254 504.675 5.330 541.786 5.720 249.901 3.003
+1903.412 505.036 5.236 541.498 5.708 250.949 3.116
+1903.571 504.630 5.333 541.285 5.733 250.389 3.089
+1903.729 504.806 5.346 541.882 5.691 250.783 3.084
+1903.888 504.668 5.442 541.328 5.764 250.247 3.069
+1904.046 504.766 5.283 540.923 5.751 249.982 3.272
+1904.204 504.597 5.327 541.139 5.698 250.849 3.270
+1904.363 504.466 5.409 541.681 5.803 250.558 3.136
+1904.521 505.174 5.297 541.726 5.739 250.675 3.243
+1904.679 504.501 5.374 541.147 5.589 249.936 2.906
+1904.837 504.155 5.356 541.601 5.662 249.859 3.563
+1904.995 505.001 5.332 541.426 5.694 250.538 3.033
+1905.153 505.060 5.279 541.074 5.739 250.215 3.150
+1905.311 504.980 5.326 541.520 5.638 250.282 3.064
+1905.469 504.629 5.325 541.595 5.636 250.392 3.165
+1905.627 504.586 5.345 541.606 5.776 250.753 3.322
+1905.785 504.875 5.344 541.586 5.705 250.367 3.311
+1905.943 504.838 5.298 541.335 5.784 250.333 3.229
+1906.101 504.878 5.288 541.323 5.741 250.783 3.054
+1906.259 504.848 5.434 541.333 5.640 250.707 3.170
+1906.417 504.978 5.401 541.383 5.710 250.727 3.091
+1906.575 504.449 5.310 541.253 5.644 250.857 3.491
+1906.733 505.294 5.321 541.992 5.805 250.488 3.142
+1906.891 505.092 5.339 541.219 5.804 250.294 3.101
+1907.049 504.580 5.477 541.032 5.683 249.852 3.132
+1907.207 504.535 5.279 541.730 5.712 250.468 3.100
+1907.365 505.025 5.287 541.467 5.847 250.984 3.040
+1907.523 505.670 5.370 542.114 5.734 250.339 3.224
+1907.681 504.676 5.372 541.791 5.676 250.293 3.071
+1907.839 504.986 5.439 541.208 5.737 250.442 3.313
+1907.997 505.239 5.347 541.442 5.716 250.984 3.194
+1908.154 504.992 5.344 541.334 5.762 250.979 3.106
+1908.313 505.159 5.319 541.243 5.783 251.039 3.223
+1908.471 504.951 5.441 540.652 5.681 250.470 3.117
+1908.629 504.999 5.372 541.256 5.630 250.384 3.019
+1908.787 504.440 5.379 541.162 5.779 251.003 3.152
+1908.946 505.044 5.419 541.141 5.770 250.800 3.172
+1909.104 505.180 5.374 541.001 5.786 250.368 3.254
+1909.262 505.061 5.413 541.160 5.656 250.133 3.246
+1909.419 505.440 5.233 541.901 5.818 250.071 3.215
+1909.577 505.134 5.364 541.919 5.704 251.110 3.294
+1909.735 505.441 5.334 541.529 5.734 250.241 3.298
+1909.893 505.144 5.343 541.505 5.819 250.932 3.050
+1910.051 504.341 5.340 541.795 5.651 250.659 3.216
+1910.209 504.843 5.302 541.088 5.723 250.446 3.062
+1910.366 504.668 5.372 540.950 5.697 250.454 2.853
+1910.525 504.666 5.318 541.089 5.707 250.594 3.123
+1910.683 504.996 5.356 541.380 5.694 250.475 3.119
+1910.841 504.950 5.390 541.443 5.732 250.084 3.133
+1910.999 504.969 5.296 541.434 5.721 250.190 3.041
+1911.157 505.029 5.257 541.404 5.659 249.891 3.078
+1911.316 504.790 5.431 541.444 5.695 250.258 3.323
+1911.474 504.867 5.339 541.194 5.694 250.512 3.103
+1911.632 505.168 5.345 541.072 5.750 249.885 3.251
+1911.790 504.971 5.307 541.530 5.685 250.508 3.051
+1911.948 504.549 5.337 541.635 5.677 249.905 3.005
+1912.107 504.885 5.339 541.646 5.631 250.389 3.191
+1912.265 504.548 5.400 541.056 5.802 250.323 3.267
+1912.423 504.795 5.457 541.240 5.740 250.943 3.071
+1912.582 504.097 5.374 541.182 5.668 250.719 3.159
+1912.740 504.851 5.391 541.361 5.763 251.007 3.242
+1912.898 504.898 5.358 541.753 5.666 250.350 3.110
+1913.056 504.839 5.478 540.537 5.703 250.803 3.039
+1913.214 504.918 5.299 541.575 5.760 251.358 3.117
+1913.373 504.289 5.360 541.545 5.748 250.573 3.183
+1913.531 504.752 5.420 541.705 5.745 251.065 3.053
+1913.689 505.297 5.331 541.767 5.640 250.590 3.212
+1913.847 504.852 5.516 541.577 5.717 250.165 2.953
+1914.005 504.358 5.334 541.425 5.669 250.051 3.040
+1914.163 504.643 5.353 541.264 5.607 250.430 3.292
+1914.321 505.096 5.465 541.442 5.664 250.504 3.170
+1914.479 504.171 5.343 541.484 5.753 249.945 3.033
+1914.638 504.451 5.398 541.134 5.722 250.109 3.427
+1914.795 504.724 5.301 541.551 5.827 250.241 3.302
+1914.953 504.887 5.448 541.375 5.671 250.052 3.106
+1915.111 504.788 5.426 541.543 5.709 249.860 3.007
+1915.270 504.537 5.328 541.175 5.611 250.988 3.145
+1915.428 504.765 5.338 541.281 5.671 250.209 2.961
+1915.586 504.787 5.347 541.602 5.752 250.182 3.190
+1915.744 504.867 5.389 541.226 5.710 250.091 3.020
+1915.902 504.658 5.393 541.212 5.733 251.380 3.098
+1916.060 504.746 5.482 541.462 5.732 250.243 3.205
+1916.218 504.737 5.328 541.874 5.717 250.102 3.178
+1916.377 504.707 5.422 541.178 5.630 250.181 3.309
+1916.535 505.077 5.409 541.621 5.642 250.491 3.037
+1916.693 505.080 5.345 541.276 5.684 250.614 3.245
+1916.850 505.360 5.329 541.392 5.691 250.386 3.014
+1917.009 504.903 5.303 541.403 5.713 249.963 2.859
+1917.167 505.029 5.425 541.844 5.654 249.729 3.043
+1917.325 504.550 5.394 541.338 5.661 251.217 3.110
+1917.484 505.275 5.380 541.053 5.696 250.372 3.223
+1917.642 504.972 5.370 541.370 5.675 250.563 3.150
+1917.800 505.499 5.327 541.033 5.650 250.415 3.152
+1917.958 504.894 5.370 540.850 5.711 250.104 3.132
+1918.116 504.659 5.305 541.398 5.651 250.531 3.247
+1918.274 504.486 5.364 541.254 5.711 249.775 3.116
+1918.432 504.534 5.377 541.772 5.685 250.837 3.311
+1918.591 504.945 5.331 541.467 5.751 249.758 3.264
+1918.749 504.719 5.386 541.314 5.629 250.737 3.069
+1918.907 504.357 5.413 541.343 5.774 250.057 3.094
+1919.066 504.833 5.391 541.173 5.726 250.300 3.116
+1919.224 504.968 5.289 541.331 5.767 250.203 3.025
+1919.382 504.579 5.361 540.663 5.721 250.502 3.228
+1919.540 504.585 5.428 540.866 5.665 250.355 3.040
+1919.698 504.035 5.469 540.828 5.759 250.423 3.304
+1919.856 503.980 5.422 540.688 5.710 251.234 3.141
+1920.014 504.459 5.479 541.386 5.717 250.072 3.081
+1920.173 504.504 5.311 541.143 5.701 250.890 3.333
+1920.331 504.045 5.445 541.341 5.691 249.798 3.316
+1920.488 504.640 5.314 540.943 5.700 250.608 2.972
+1920.647 504.946 5.336 541.159 5.627 249.986 3.257
+1920.805 505.129 5.483 541.821 5.708 250.679 3.298
+1920.963 504.881 5.396 541.408 5.757 250.716 3.119
+1921.121 504.798 5.538 541.894 5.679 251.017 2.914
+1921.279 504.268 5.317 541.709 5.680 250.370 3.085
+1921.438 504.902 5.333 541.367 5.768 249.883 3.092
+1921.596 505.699 5.375 541.683 5.717 250.398 3.071
+1921.754 505.097 5.454 541.986 5.703 250.374 3.432
+1921.912 504.641 5.388 541.669 5.683 250.723 3.088
+1922.070 504.646 5.402 541.056 5.794 251.217 3.612
+1922.228 505.016 5.551 541.700 5.716 249.712 3.011
+1922.386 505.160 5.363 541.557 5.680 250.377 3.280
+1922.543 504.681 5.322 541.115 5.690 250.743 3.164
+1922.702 504.626 5.487 541.281 5.703 250.777 3.296
+1922.860 504.646 5.308 541.412 5.829 250.717 3.158
+1923.018 504.596 5.392 541.794 5.731 250.207 3.123
+1923.177 505.465 5.305 541.908 5.704 250.352 3.281
+1923.334 504.854 5.360 541.289 5.686 250.983 3.295
+1923.493 503.828 5.399 541.913 5.722 250.039 3.128
+1923.651 504.898 5.422 541.519 5.726 251.090 3.032
+1923.810 504.639 5.358 541.105 5.660 250.270 3.473
+1923.967 504.936 5.383 541.151 5.761 250.632 3.078
+1924.125 504.059 5.292 541.131 5.739 250.206 2.995
+1924.283 505.170 5.308 540.801 5.768 250.982 3.138
+1924.442 504.281 5.383 541.368 5.627 250.769 2.988
+1924.600 504.052 5.407 541.083 5.666 250.547 3.093
+1924.758 505.160 5.339 540.680 5.665 250.315 3.710
+1924.916 505.051 5.340 541.226 5.686 249.913 3.163
+1925.074 504.880 5.421 540.662 5.844 251.079 3.226
+1925.232 505.118 5.421 541.756 5.758 250.810 3.199
+1925.390 504.541 5.422 541.657 5.686 250.908 3.100
+1925.548 504.705 5.448 540.826 5.756 250.529 2.995
+1925.706 505.427 5.369 541.628 5.584 250.515 3.134
+1925.865 505.204 5.358 541.096 5.675 250.605 3.323
+1926.022 504.772 5.404 541.401 5.604 250.156 3.296
+1926.180 504.797 5.339 541.284 5.715 250.641 3.123
+1926.338 505.168 5.371 541.722 5.801 250.306 3.262
+1926.496 504.391 5.396 541.017 5.725 250.723 3.224
+1926.654 504.603 5.363 541.100 5.831 249.977 3.019
+1926.813 504.496 5.454 541.021 5.787 249.879 3.216
+1926.971 504.805 5.334 541.600 5.683 250.948 3.173
+1927.129 504.848 5.342 541.806 5.663 250.709 3.049
+1927.288 504.528 5.360 541.278 5.668 250.617 3.115
+1927.446 504.335 5.329 541.832 5.644 250.306 3.187
+1927.604 504.583 5.361 541.648 5.672 250.003 2.975
+1927.763 505.145 5.333 541.616 5.642 250.260 2.941
+1927.921 505.061 5.400 540.746 5.668 249.672 3.147
+1928.079 504.870 5.432 541.327 5.705 250.756 3.044
+1928.238 505.078 5.360 541.663 5.659 250.777 3.089
+1928.396 505.310 5.321 541.506 5.765 250.867 3.095
+1928.554 504.803 5.555 541.025 5.644 250.958 3.085
+1928.713 504.628 5.404 541.590 5.720 251.289 3.157
+1928.871 504.726 5.320 541.406 5.695 250.642 3.144
+1929.028 504.987 5.354 541.314 5.641 250.176 3.250
+1929.186 504.829 5.319 541.553 5.690 250.871 3.375
+1929.344 504.308 5.360 541.325 5.554 250.718 3.042
+1929.502 504.463 5.317 540.863 5.811 250.837 3.278
+1929.661 504.324 5.348 541.178 5.691 249.968 3.203
+1929.819 504.743 5.370 540.571 5.824 250.259 3.204
+1929.977 505.007 5.300 541.345 5.718 250.952 3.106
+1930.135 504.910 5.291 541.863 5.649 249.809 3.011
+1930.293 504.709 5.399 541.298 5.661 250.918 3.265
+1930.451 504.807 5.416 542.023 5.702 250.959 3.250
+1930.609 504.928 5.326 541.290 5.761 250.239 3.120
+1930.767 504.929 5.270 541.083 5.655 250.122 3.168
+1930.925 505.139 5.384 541.990 5.683 250.811 3.207
+1931.083 505.111 5.367 541.479 5.762 249.878 3.259
+1931.242 505.271 5.354 540.854 5.682 251.078 3.089
+1931.400 504.682 5.468 541.788 5.680 250.670 3.355
+1931.558 504.746 5.323 541.837 5.858 250.466 3.292
+1931.716 504.967 5.273 541.058 5.773 249.894 3.312
+1931.874 504.559 5.358 541.540 5.706 250.188 2.999
+1932.032 504.375 5.460 540.885 5.667 250.081 2.960
+1932.190 504.763 5.468 541.138 5.654 250.950 3.006
+1932.348 504.787 5.358 541.241 5.653 250.249 3.074
+1932.506 504.997 5.326 541.142 5.762 250.262 3.185
+1932.664 505.100 5.335 541.041 5.775 250.562 3.249
+1932.822 504.721 5.377 540.940 5.704 250.385 3.089
+1932.981 505.057 5.415 541.459 5.668 251.033 3.310
+1933.138 504.780 5.293 541.214 5.719 250.220 3.050
+1933.296 505.127 5.382 541.642 5.666 250.522 3.174
+1933.454 504.071 5.315 541.716 5.759 250.195 3.141
+1933.612 504.560 5.325 541.537 5.668 250.391 3.120
+1933.771 504.235 5.313 541.195 5.832 250.133 3.444
+1933.928 504.252 5.485 541.242 5.748 250.541 3.174
+1934.086 504.502 5.277 541.042 5.708 251.285 3.220
+1934.244 504.835 5.372 541.340 5.684 249.702 3.281
+1934.402 504.938 5.314 541.333 5.721 250.447 3.066
+1934.560 504.769 5.429 541.783 5.676 250.124 3.027
+1934.718 505.137 5.422 541.957 5.672 250.001 3.109
+1934.877 504.521 5.368 541.379 5.799 250.040 3.199
+1935.035 504.905 5.304 541.723 5.723 249.860 3.127
+1935.194 505.359 5.307 541.427 5.704 250.168 3.237
+1935.352 505.463 5.344 541.544 5.738 250.441 3.139
+1935.510 505.094 5.365 540.945 5.668 250.654 3.120
+1935.668 504.821 5.348 541.459 5.652 249.736 3.249
+1935.826 504.768 5.372 541.514 5.682 250.227 3.110
+1935.984 504.797 5.422 541.495 5.732 251.032 3.044
+1936.142 504.758 5.365 541.725 5.705 250.450 3.042
+1936.300 504.987 5.315 541.507 5.836 250.674 3.148
+1936.459 504.559 5.375 540.665 5.738 250.416 3.166
+1936.617 504.395 5.406 541.096 5.802 250.774 3.247
+1936.775 504.784 5.256 541.371 5.742 251.057 3.075
+1936.933 504.587 5.337 541.393 5.622 250.050 3.164
+1937.091 504.955 5.389 541.293 5.693 250.630 3.153
+1937.250 504.329 5.272 541.073 5.776 250.576 3.247
+1937.408 504.503 5.359 540.900 5.653 250.605 3.278
+1937.566 505.015 5.331 540.939 5.736 250.906 3.088
+1937.724 505.090 5.357 541.469 5.646 249.949 3.133
+1937.882 504.710 5.454 541.154 5.687 250.089 3.185
+1938.040 504.797 5.377 541.391 5.701 251.100 3.028
+1938.199 504.548 5.474 541.264 5.676 250.681 3.530
+1938.357 504.335 5.327 541.482 5.725 249.906 3.053
+1938.515 504.713 5.276 541.224 5.745 249.999 3.164
+1938.674 504.797 5.414 541.622 5.644 250.650 3.055
+1938.832 504.248 5.336 541.136 5.744 250.206 2.934
+1938.991 504.702 5.363 541.221 5.754 250.742 3.347
+1939.148 504.597 5.327 541.402 5.819 250.297 3.263
+1939.306 505.106 5.388 541.434 5.707 249.973 3.061
+1939.465 504.921 5.329 541.714 5.696 250.299 3.047
+1939.623 504.629 5.375 541.307 5.681 250.342 3.498
+1939.781 504.826 5.403 541.053 5.677 250.743 2.988
+1939.939 504.788 5.239 541.700 5.716 250.747 3.067
+1940.097 504.697 5.359 541.907 5.670 250.187 3.241
+1940.255 504.537 5.357 541.389 5.778 250.931 3.225
+1940.414 505.105 5.414 541.174 5.885 250.119 3.120
+1940.572 504.921 5.396 541.311 5.684 250.331 3.258
+1940.730 504.989 5.371 541.443 5.736 250.283 3.504
+1940.887 504.779 5.310 541.214 5.621 250.182 3.049
+1941.045 504.357 5.393 541.442 5.758 250.381 3.099
+1941.204 505.323 5.353 541.294 5.709 250.243 3.111
+1941.362 504.903 5.383 542.243 5.690 250.512 2.955
+1941.520 505.219 5.364 541.022 5.730 250.365 3.120
+1941.678 505.202 5.384 541.690 5.742 250.883 3.092
+1941.837 505.152 5.349 541.036 5.756 250.468 3.008
+1941.995 505.321 5.343 541.060 5.649 250.534 3.329
+1942.152 505.303 5.364 541.400 5.674 250.255 3.050
+1942.310 505.503 5.278 541.104 5.694 250.492 2.927
+1942.468 504.745 5.391 541.381 5.736 251.314 3.308
+1942.626 504.787 5.459 542.403 5.858 250.193 3.164
+1942.784 504.807 5.293 541.304 5.788 250.321 3.275
+1942.943 504.898 5.343 541.483 5.701 250.143 3.270
+1943.101 504.959 5.406 541.554 5.755 249.961 3.128
+1943.259 505.179 5.360 541.045 5.702 250.069 3.161
+1943.417 504.881 5.515 541.820 5.717 250.610 3.318
+1943.575 505.518 5.319 541.578 5.717 250.326 3.176
+1943.733 505.125 5.359 542.035 5.706 250.893 2.957
+1943.891 504.531 5.387 541.360 5.679 250.248 3.073
+1944.049 504.725 5.436 541.253 5.697 250.232 3.143
+1944.207 504.997 5.379 541.442 5.614 250.282 2.934
+1944.365 505.210 5.412 541.884 5.741 249.802 3.015
+1944.523 505.122 5.354 541.408 5.693 250.398 3.254
+1944.681 505.281 5.460 541.454 5.700 250.103 3.333
+1944.839 504.742 5.323 541.654 5.735 250.581 3.308
+1944.997 505.197 5.353 541.106 5.680 249.815 3.129
+1945.156 505.272 5.313 541.791 5.682 251.328 3.133
+1945.314 505.472 5.483 541.858 5.714 250.693 3.073
+1945.472 505.034 5.384 541.838 5.711 250.826 3.429
+1945.630 504.830 5.440 540.988 5.746 250.718 3.029
+1945.789 505.008 5.472 540.919 5.726 250.407 3.233
+1945.947 505.080 5.288 541.809 5.704 250.104 3.021
+1946.105 504.410 5.319 540.928 5.706 250.691 3.060
+1946.263 504.454 5.286 541.309 5.691 250.436 3.047
+1946.422 504.564 5.466 541.773 5.771 250.934 3.319
+1946.580 504.975 5.370 541.477 5.740 250.669 3.254
+1946.738 504.539 5.410 541.404 5.722 250.386 3.086
+1946.896 504.455 5.344 541.374 5.721 250.593 3.164
+1947.054 504.344 5.434 541.193 5.742 250.145 3.210
+1947.212 504.503 5.361 541.511 5.834 250.841 3.268
+1947.371 504.975 5.449 542.205 5.682 250.308 3.145
+1947.528 504.909 5.370 541.372 5.731 250.053 2.809
+1947.686 505.079 5.368 541.643 5.641 250.940 3.376
+1947.845 504.560 5.440 541.696 5.676 250.499 3.305
+1948.003 504.445 5.304 540.837 5.759 250.134 3.024
+1948.161 504.954 5.326 541.678 5.699 250.611 3.071
+1948.319 504.979 5.560 542.096 5.824 250.626 3.092
+1948.477 504.529 5.367 541.551 5.644 249.866 3.119
+1948.636 505.405 5.348 541.725 5.685 250.798 3.081
+1948.794 504.994 5.325 541.007 5.622 250.258 3.187
+1948.952 504.690 5.322 541.300 5.809 249.812 3.062
+1949.110 505.116 5.401 541.713 5.686 250.408 2.909
+1949.268 505.061 5.385 541.647 5.760 250.634 3.027
+1949.427 504.500 5.375 542.066 5.708 250.446 3.155
+1949.584 505.745 5.263 541.450 5.721 250.534 2.959
+1949.743 504.307 5.259 541.264 5.767 250.535 3.350
+1949.901 504.433 5.339 541.442 5.703 250.675 3.221
+1950.059 505.254 5.402 541.534 5.772 250.296 3.342
+1950.217 504.882 5.326 541.335 5.756 250.312 3.133
+1950.375 505.078 5.412 541.183 5.685 250.193 3.541
+1950.533 504.470 5.482 541.731 5.708 250.471 3.106
+1950.691 504.794 5.308 541.517 5.718 250.574 3.310
+1950.849 505.298 5.421 541.685 5.685 250.635 3.119
+1951.007 504.753 5.357 542.256 5.656 250.416 3.137
+1951.165 505.447 5.298 540.882 5.714 250.444 3.050
+1951.324 504.464 5.250 541.448 5.642 250.134 3.329
+1951.481 504.554 5.375 540.924 5.666 250.621 3.172
+1951.639 504.585 5.376 541.409 5.626 250.476 3.047
+1951.797 504.735 5.321 541.354 5.645 249.904 3.100
+1951.956 504.627 5.332 541.163 5.709 250.579 3.026
+1952.114 504.776 5.407 540.821 5.671 250.555 3.250
+1952.273 504.147 5.474 541.388 5.862 250.515 3.223
+1952.431 504.971 5.409 540.553 5.828 250.595 3.072
+1952.590 504.859 5.330 541.475 5.694 250.205 3.374
+1952.748 504.838 5.371 540.544 5.700 250.422 2.879
+1952.906 504.658 5.363 540.865 5.691 250.474 3.146
+1953.064 504.586 5.420 541.848 5.700 250.814 2.937
+1953.222 504.435 5.285 540.828 5.718 250.638 3.265
+1953.380 504.794 5.543 541.398 5.860 250.146 3.180
+1953.538 505.197 5.346 541.274 5.747 249.731 3.107
+1953.697 504.912 5.361 541.352 5.700 250.687 3.229
+1953.855 504.809 5.553 541.383 5.663 250.026 3.126
+1954.013 504.868 5.458 541.373 5.680 250.330 2.982
+1954.171 504.558 5.438 541.703 5.670 249.823 3.308
+1954.330 504.665 5.416 541.717 5.712 250.388 2.959
+1954.488 504.666 5.383 542.067 5.675 249.943 3.039
+1954.646 504.786 5.346 541.040 5.749 250.149 2.924
+1954.804 504.697 5.326 541.520 5.766 250.581 3.284
+1954.962 504.936 5.376 541.615 5.725 250.435 3.234
+1955.120 504.549 5.485 540.976 5.625 250.704 3.093
+1955.279 504.645 5.304 541.659 5.691 250.207 3.065
+1955.437 504.966 5.396 541.446 5.666 249.882 3.113
+1955.596 505.309 5.354 541.414 5.773 250.368 2.996
+1955.754 504.483 5.325 541.634 5.683 250.713 3.025
+1955.911 504.624 5.292 540.986 5.739 250.367 3.222
+1956.070 504.606 5.452 541.769 5.637 250.913 3.189
+1956.228 504.806 5.404 541.427 5.798 250.019 3.216
+1956.386 504.868 5.305 541.844 5.832 250.440 3.037
+1956.544 504.708 5.373 541.088 5.755 250.084 3.189
+1956.702 504.097 5.336 541.100 5.689 249.530 3.194
+1956.860 504.731 5.428 541.541 5.703 250.515 3.210
+1957.018 504.817 5.343 541.195 5.690 250.335 3.075
+1957.176 504.528 5.315 541.342 5.684 250.063 3.236
+1957.334 504.935 5.349 540.853 5.661 251.260 3.161
+1957.492 504.589 5.346 541.468 5.795 250.872 3.159
+1957.651 504.675 5.371 540.954 5.696 250.708 3.084
+1957.809 504.686 5.440 541.159 5.769 250.087 3.103
+1957.968 504.596 5.317 540.901 5.612 250.010 3.066
+1958.126 504.785 5.390 541.139 5.644 250.600 3.043
+1958.284 504.327 5.366 541.101 5.660 250.476 3.131
+1958.442 504.593 5.289 541.411 5.772 250.424 3.386
+1958.600 504.445 5.351 541.134 5.775 250.274 2.974
+1958.758 504.764 5.275 541.601 5.674 250.632 3.393
+1958.916 504.767 5.334 540.966 5.612 250.666 3.593
+1959.074 504.447 5.366 541.239 5.692 250.556 3.251
+1959.232 504.914 5.471 541.572 5.692 250.195 3.294
+1959.390 505.219 5.347 541.295 5.677 250.281 3.008
+1959.548 504.672 5.312 541.043 5.650 250.372 3.126
+1959.706 504.906 5.361 541.900 5.660 250.053 3.372
+1959.864 505.309 5.320 541.739 5.702 251.390 2.920
+1960.023 505.143 5.330 541.427 5.721 250.423 3.082
+1960.181 505.171 5.448 541.674 5.682 250.424 3.056
+1960.339 504.551 5.441 540.926 5.708 250.554 3.123
+1960.497 504.485 5.383 541.099 5.654 250.285 2.964
+1960.655 504.744 5.460 541.341 5.607 250.472 3.303
+1960.813 505.177 5.307 541.603 5.706 249.144 3.341
+1960.971 504.461 5.389 541.176 5.698 250.841 3.123
+1961.129 504.694 5.283 540.691 5.790 250.828 3.290
+1961.288 504.686 5.351 541.126 5.697 249.778 3.103
+1961.446 504.676 5.352 541.131 5.796 249.617 3.341
+1961.603 504.946 5.418 541.541 5.665 250.326 2.991
+1961.761 504.909 5.270 541.715 5.753 250.813 2.993
+1961.920 504.319 5.301 541.227 5.780 250.368 3.005
+1962.078 504.773 5.378 540.992 5.691 250.183 3.001
+1962.237 504.387 5.310 541.030 5.720 249.861 3.041
+1962.395 505.313 5.349 541.130 5.770 250.598 2.998
+1962.553 504.773 5.401 541.341 5.812 250.116 3.039
+1962.711 504.597 5.335 541.993 5.671 250.201 3.299
+1962.869 505.356 5.460 541.360 5.647 250.092 2.932
+1963.027 504.373 5.392 541.453 5.652 249.180 3.154
+1963.185 504.923 5.335 541.224 5.613 250.221 3.453
+1963.343 504.579 5.378 541.802 5.773 250.402 3.135
+1963.501 504.775 5.392 541.738 5.709 250.474 3.227
+1963.660 504.837 5.420 540.807 5.664 250.234 3.189
+1963.818 504.798 5.384 540.978 5.659 250.482 3.156
+1963.976 504.888 5.362 541.539 5.658 250.194 3.027
+1964.134 504.548 5.319 541.415 5.620 250.231 3.307
+1964.292 505.025 5.340 540.914 5.737 250.322 3.041
+1964.450 504.640 5.396 540.959 5.683 249.923 3.223
+1964.608 504.646 5.307 541.259 5.647 250.159 3.251
+1964.766 504.856 5.425 541.082 5.801 250.401 3.067
+1964.925 504.968 5.414 541.670 5.693 250.224 3.048
+1965.083 504.499 5.535 541.416 5.679 251.002 3.135
+1965.241 504.455 5.247 541.214 5.750 250.920 3.638
+1965.399 504.934 5.354 541.902 5.628 250.169 2.990
+1965.557 505.449 5.343 541.379 5.734 250.961 3.311
+1965.715 504.534 5.405 540.893 5.742 250.489 3.446
+1965.873 504.785 5.463 541.829 5.663 250.644 3.032
+1966.031 504.457 5.359 541.948 5.726 250.536 3.457
+1966.190 504.614 5.384 541.109 5.648 251.005 2.981
+1966.348 504.826 5.308 541.611 5.713 250.610 3.163
+1966.506 504.958 5.468 541.256 5.755 250.496 3.232
+1966.664 505.059 5.459 541.392 5.645 250.595 3.215
+1966.822 504.320 5.424 540.793 5.778 250.535 3.311
+1966.980 504.173 5.378 541.248 5.737 250.645 3.255
+1967.138 504.621 5.363 541.492 5.678 250.126 3.252
+1967.296 504.876 5.352 541.834 5.776 250.191 3.106
+1967.454 505.398 5.451 541.698 5.626 251.071 3.082
+1967.612 504.744 5.317 541.337 5.742 250.680 3.234
+1967.770 504.877 5.396 541.533 5.705 250.276 3.101
+1967.929 504.498 5.390 541.765 5.617 250.262 3.191
+1968.086 504.635 5.332 541.737 5.611 250.232 3.133
+1968.245 504.756 5.345 541.057 5.684 250.612 3.190
+1968.403 504.727 5.390 540.760 5.649 250.666 3.097
+1968.561 504.087 5.390 541.307 5.602 250.506 3.326
+1968.719 505.250 5.253 541.223 5.726 250.435 3.006
+1968.877 504.812 5.441 541.532 5.670 250.754 3.123
+1969.036 504.908 5.350 541.085 5.661 250.627 3.087
+1969.194 504.539 5.376 541.700 5.730 250.036 3.034
+1969.352 505.385 5.312 541.937 5.825 250.380 3.075
+1969.510 504.923 5.386 541.359 5.618 250.773 3.244
+1969.669 505.179 5.415 542.053 5.661 249.957 3.097
+1969.827 504.311 5.438 541.090 5.734 250.619 3.058
+1969.986 505.553 5.348 541.691 5.723 250.186 3.212
+1970.143 504.355 5.376 541.726 5.725 250.751 3.259
+1970.301 504.423 5.384 540.877 5.785 250.487 3.169
+1970.460 504.564 5.326 540.938 5.720 250.454 3.307
+1970.618 504.885 5.369 541.859 5.691 249.964 3.098
+1970.776 504.778 5.322 541.688 5.628 250.219 3.154
+1970.935 504.967 5.425 541.156 5.705 250.632 3.375
+1971.093 504.879 5.468 542.041 5.621 249.966 2.930
+1971.251 504.608 5.315 540.850 5.852 250.039 3.019
+1971.409 504.796 5.387 541.688 5.681 250.220 2.948
+1971.568 504.977 5.311 541.526 5.787 250.472 3.374
+1971.726 505.079 5.380 541.605 5.695 250.384 3.199
+1971.884 504.840 5.394 541.726 5.771 250.713 3.061
+1972.043 504.918 5.306 541.617 5.701 249.767 3.055
+1972.201 505.349 5.393 541.636 5.710 250.747 3.462
+1972.359 504.633 5.473 541.076 5.718 251.307 3.001
+1972.517 505.376 5.348 541.250 5.785 250.873 3.096
+1972.675 505.523 5.391 541.252 5.719 250.458 3.175
+1972.833 505.235 5.348 541.802 5.780 249.964 2.932
+1972.991 503.822 5.346 540.938 5.641 250.399 3.193
+1973.149 505.128 5.295 541.479 5.666 249.884 3.086
+1973.307 505.091 5.432 541.694 5.763 250.968 3.180
+1973.465 504.850 5.507 541.477 5.695 250.579 3.040
+1973.623 505.258 5.271 541.434 5.644 250.585 3.288
+1973.781 503.942 5.376 541.394 5.652 250.535 3.125
+1973.939 504.479 5.299 541.144 5.745 250.365 3.104
+1974.097 504.784 5.340 541.301 5.648 251.013 3.032
+1974.255 504.787 5.287 540.643 5.749 250.920 2.939
+1974.413 505.077 5.428 541.046 5.672 249.959 3.073
+1974.571 504.440 5.352 541.690 5.726 250.339 3.225
+1974.729 504.564 5.309 541.596 5.707 250.423 3.003
+1974.887 505.415 5.339 541.646 5.750 250.474 3.209
+1975.045 505.224 5.309 541.216 5.656 250.364 3.126
+1975.203 504.432 5.375 540.992 5.724 250.353 3.025
+1975.361 504.084 5.282 541.019 5.609 250.383 3.245
+1975.519 505.020 5.333 541.540 5.807 250.333 3.083
+1975.677 504.850 5.293 541.445 5.772 250.663 3.316
+1975.835 504.828 5.340 541.814 5.707 250.826 3.168
+1975.993 505.028 5.350 542.058 5.710 250.518 3.133
+1976.151 505.430 5.405 541.930 5.769 250.495 3.137
+1976.309 504.484 5.399 541.149 5.685 251.154 3.105
+1976.468 504.934 5.387 541.251 5.746 249.991 3.065
+1976.626 504.919 5.341 541.432 5.647 250.059 2.928
+1976.785 504.849 5.405 541.144 5.742 250.860 3.027
+1976.943 505.068 5.435 541.811 5.718 250.278 3.176
+1977.101 504.850 5.487 541.328 5.705 250.182 3.092
+1977.259 504.858 5.440 540.843 5.616 250.421 3.122
+1977.417 505.068 5.435 540.708 5.671 250.544 3.173
+1977.575 505.560 5.399 542.167 5.651 250.695 3.129
+1977.733 504.945 5.377 541.781 5.694 250.137 3.117
+1977.891 504.449 5.287 541.307 5.722 250.291 3.317
+1978.049 504.734 5.348 541.213 5.737 250.332 3.144
+1978.207 505.117 5.431 541.202 5.684 250.673 3.144
+1978.365 505.011 5.406 541.022 5.722 249.856 3.028
+1978.523 505.160 5.448 541.550 5.693 250.738 2.947
+1978.681 504.381 5.383 541.115 5.638 250.347 3.159
+1978.840 504.783 5.403 541.441 5.766 250.433 2.927
+1978.998 504.627 5.374 541.334 5.682 250.434 2.921
+1979.156 504.856 5.336 541.133 5.833 250.244 3.076
+1979.314 504.408 5.293 540.101 5.698 251.462 3.143
+1979.472 504.434 5.385 541.341 5.699 250.734 3.126
+1979.630 504.334 5.373 540.803 5.676 250.377 3.026
+1979.789 504.583 5.342 541.268 5.795 249.903 3.170
+1979.947 504.475 5.444 541.032 5.672 250.989 3.158
+1980.106 505.054 5.297 541.220 5.717 250.419 3.121
+1980.263 504.690 5.314 541.332 5.653 251.014 3.053
+1980.422 504.386 5.487 541.853 5.724 250.670 3.161
+1980.580 504.943 5.436 541.538 5.804 250.396 3.376
+1980.738 505.159 5.449 541.305 5.612 250.483 3.309
+1980.897 504.621 5.484 541.093 5.746 250.144 3.188
+1981.055 504.906 5.363 540.920 5.685 250.471 3.371
+1981.213 504.909 5.391 541.329 5.724 251.124 3.106
+1981.371 505.099 5.347 541.123 5.673 250.081 3.360
+1981.529 504.810 5.270 541.861 5.682 250.770 3.195
+1981.687 505.448 5.370 541.508 5.723 250.637 3.023
+1981.845 504.824 5.350 541.215 5.800 250.756 3.248
+1982.003 504.898 5.341 541.642 5.812 250.797 3.103
+1982.161 505.379 5.322 541.926 5.811 250.148 3.246
+1982.319 504.483 5.295 541.759 5.695 251.281 2.984
+1982.477 505.564 5.407 541.437 5.717 250.092 3.168
+1982.636 505.455 5.345 542.034 5.766 250.130 2.997
+1982.794 505.464 5.417 541.300 5.858 250.981 3.156
+1982.952 505.374 5.444 542.113 5.664 250.949 3.169
+1983.111 504.793 5.307 541.601 5.640 250.619 3.164
+1983.269 505.138 5.490 541.036 5.860 250.016 3.383
+1983.427 504.881 5.360 541.780 5.625 250.370 3.159
+1983.585 504.638 5.377 541.677 5.718 250.913 3.238
+1983.743 505.126 5.427 541.676 5.782 251.209 2.984
+1983.901 504.701 5.381 541.516 5.684 250.862 3.279
+1984.059 504.477 5.392 541.085 5.655 251.008 3.184
+1984.218 505.144 5.353 541.770 5.669 250.650 3.146
+1984.376 505.041 5.350 541.667 5.679 250.516 3.002
+1984.534 504.980 5.343 541.576 5.668 250.305 3.078
+1984.692 504.549 5.350 541.575 5.706 250.643 3.007
+1984.850 504.985 5.454 542.365 5.698 250.476 3.141
+1985.008 504.999 5.279 541.743 5.703 250.534 2.966
+1985.166 504.890 5.340 541.487 5.663 250.275 3.074
+1985.324 504.538 5.416 541.254 5.681 250.152 3.125
+1985.482 504.575 5.337 540.692 5.723 250.301 3.036
+1985.640 504.935 5.401 541.306 5.660 250.413 2.909
+1985.798 504.359 5.358 541.283 5.647 250.514 3.124
+1985.956 504.843 5.371 541.622 5.724 250.675 2.989
+1986.115 504.508 5.401 541.256 5.733 250.696 3.052
+1986.273 504.705 5.349 541.602 5.604 249.796 3.186
+1986.431 504.327 5.317 541.936 5.729 250.517 3.221
+1986.589 504.933 5.352 541.919 5.635 249.995 3.194
+1986.747 504.879 5.432 540.869 5.705 250.129 3.140
+1986.906 504.598 5.375 542.278 5.666 250.251 3.115
+1987.064 504.935 5.411 541.032 5.703 250.642 3.069
+1987.223 505.339 5.331 541.020 5.678 250.346 3.358
+1987.380 505.463 5.336 541.260 5.686 250.233 3.262
+1987.538 505.474 5.373 541.952 5.704 250.192 2.985
+1987.696 504.524 5.360 541.359 5.743 250.441 2.845
+1987.854 504.715 5.336 540.893 5.730 250.034 3.117
+1988.013 504.607 5.329 541.509 5.701 250.250 3.158
+1988.171 505.136 5.324 541.465 5.785 250.332 3.203
+1988.329 504.851 5.401 541.514 5.759 249.873 3.009
+1988.487 505.048 5.303 541.905 5.754 250.848 3.008
+1988.645 505.440 5.282 541.089 5.701 249.938 3.402
+1988.803 504.904 5.392 542.020 5.642 250.719 3.273
+1988.962 504.699 5.370 541.730 5.689 250.337 3.017
+1989.120 504.686 5.409 541.297 5.610 250.483 3.169
+1989.278 505.196 5.368 541.533 5.731 250.184 3.204
+1989.436 505.142 5.548 541.425 5.702 250.131 3.080
+1989.594 505.001 5.333 541.874 5.711 250.891 3.051
+1989.752 504.640 5.365 541.728 5.775 250.298 3.072
+1989.910 504.976 5.360 541.347 5.661 250.943 3.064
+1990.069 504.739 5.367 541.073 5.729 249.769 3.163
+1990.227 504.477 5.306 541.570 5.715 250.857 3.044
+1990.385 505.504 5.355 542.215 5.689 250.088 3.211
+1990.543 505.115 5.367 541.342 5.651 250.030 3.259
+1990.701 504.711 5.392 541.563 5.689 250.660 3.010
+1990.860 504.627 5.558 541.455 5.740 251.496 3.094
+1991.018 504.816 5.381 541.494 5.682 250.104 3.232
+1991.176 504.618 5.421 541.485 5.673 250.691 3.067
+1991.334 504.926 5.313 542.064 5.713 251.586 3.267
+1991.492 505.219 5.388 541.490 5.715 250.565 3.009
+1991.650 505.242 5.423 541.924 5.780 250.475 3.185
+1991.808 505.102 5.341 542.439 5.698 249.804 3.089
+1991.966 504.801 5.533 541.754 5.680 250.798 3.290
+1992.124 505.158 5.287 542.407 5.686 250.548 3.320
+1992.281 504.951 5.343 542.194 5.693 250.235 3.291
+1992.439 505.309 5.367 541.441 5.747 250.382 3.099
+1992.597 504.473 5.268 541.674 5.673 249.853 3.158
+1992.756 504.954 5.419 542.066 5.699 250.838 3.007
+1992.914 504.819 5.319 541.310 5.902 250.728 3.137
+1993.072 504.928 5.330 541.123 5.680 250.417 2.947
+1993.231 505.389 5.261 541.371 5.624 250.324 3.062
+1993.389 505.233 5.307 541.373 5.727 250.273 3.250
+1993.546 504.512 5.425 541.423 5.763 249.992 3.202
+1993.705 505.125 5.380 540.874 5.741 250.349 3.029
+1993.863 504.781 5.367 541.328 5.671 250.083 3.351
+1994.021 505.647 5.270 541.783 5.688 250.340 3.250
+1994.179 505.226 5.393 542.067 5.725 250.813 3.200
+1994.336 505.052 5.376 541.640 5.747 250.158 3.446
+1994.494 504.650 5.350 541.286 5.694 250.071 3.023
+1994.653 504.656 5.357 541.442 5.755 250.800 3.033
+1994.811 504.796 5.349 541.104 5.879 250.458 3.062
+1994.969 504.488 5.352 541.121 5.703 250.414 2.911
+1995.127 504.204 5.346 541.611 5.704 250.754 3.469
+1995.285 504.202 5.323 541.536 5.679 250.597 3.223
+1995.443 504.432 5.396 541.435 5.701 250.255 3.160
+1995.601 504.884 5.340 541.274 5.702 250.082 3.092
+1995.759 504.228 5.358 541.192 5.591 250.770 3.084
+1995.917 504.622 5.393 541.441 5.698 250.417 3.281
+1996.075 504.796 5.384 541.224 5.689 250.904 3.179
+1996.233 504.717 5.359 541.592 5.671 250.849 3.104
+1996.392 504.757 5.282 541.566 5.648 250.328 3.019
+1996.550 505.197 5.301 541.205 5.714 250.433 3.125
+1996.707 505.512 5.214 541.572 5.729 250.314 3.073
+1996.866 505.665 5.349 541.965 5.822 250.313 3.062
+1997.024 504.946 5.395 541.579 5.701 250.633 3.237
+1997.182 505.369 5.339 541.025 5.722 251.256 3.491
+1997.339 505.033 5.385 541.910 5.820 250.392 3.206
+1997.497 505.240 5.338 540.899 5.763 250.093 3.354
+1997.655 504.542 5.266 541.289 5.786 250.960 3.403
+1997.813 505.055 5.431 541.672 5.650 250.799 3.040
+1997.971 505.000 5.382 541.426 5.724 250.428 3.203
+1998.129 504.810 5.295 541.454 5.645 249.854 3.255
+1998.287 504.718 5.350 542.034 5.795 250.758 3.369
+1998.445 504.267 5.407 541.550 5.888 251.017 3.180
+1998.604 504.482 5.369 541.915 5.725 250.710 3.280
+1998.761 505.434 5.344 542.329 5.787 250.427 3.234
+1998.919 505.144 5.333 541.733 5.786 250.484 3.103
+1999.078 505.451 5.375 541.337 5.765 249.884 3.173
+1999.236 505.524 5.327 541.593 5.654 250.588 3.044
+1999.394 505.275 5.433 541.706 5.679 249.505 3.152
+1999.552 505.302 5.418 541.887 5.717 250.865 2.952
+1999.711 505.183 5.411 541.778 5.638 249.918 3.164
+1999.869 504.631 5.357 541.727 5.710 250.299 3.105
+2000.027 504.536 5.360 541.717 5.640 250.133 3.261
+2000.185 505.025 5.364 541.607 5.714 250.821 3.094
+2000.343 504.750 5.377 541.766 5.667 250.738 3.054
+2000.501 504.897 5.305 541.197 5.681 250.297 3.229
+2000.659 504.779 5.406 541.762 5.711 251.383 3.160
+2000.817 505.167 5.293 541.667 5.677 250.093 3.271
+2000.975 504.901 5.380 541.596 5.623 250.040 2.860
+2001.133 504.539 5.357 542.176 5.693 250.500 3.097
+2001.291 505.075 5.278 541.381 5.695 250.705 3.251
+2001.449 504.920 5.389 541.553 5.729 249.867 2.972
+2001.608 505.059 5.383 541.635 5.732 250.818 3.043
+2001.766 504.780 5.383 542.226 5.684 250.438 3.428
+2001.923 504.697 5.433 541.582 5.661 250.704 3.100
+2002.082 506.207 5.320 541.745 5.742 250.387 3.141
+2002.240 505.082 5.442 541.757 5.714 250.403 3.177
+2002.398 504.870 5.390 541.597 5.615 249.944 3.012
+2002.556 504.768 5.369 541.276 5.629 249.979 3.049
+2002.715 505.717 5.306 541.052 5.738 250.589 3.067
+2002.873 504.707 5.348 541.780 5.620 250.975 3.067
+2003.032 505.137 5.289 541.607 5.712 250.669 3.263
+2003.190 505.451 5.443 541.876 5.909 251.046 3.090
+2003.348 505.184 5.422 541.598 5.764 250.250 3.202
+2003.506 505.111 5.375 541.566 5.685 250.672 2.997
+2003.664 505.191 5.438 541.625 5.659 250.966 3.116
+2003.823 505.201 5.417 541.556 5.803 250.519 3.041
+2003.981 505.202 5.307 541.645 5.690 249.845 3.033
+2004.139 505.192 5.379 541.436 5.698 250.088 3.191
+2004.297 504.851 5.429 541.584 5.746 250.700 3.186
+2004.456 504.848 5.311 541.675 5.635 251.027 3.318
+2004.614 504.948 5.345 541.536 5.918 250.020 3.041
+2004.772 504.749 5.339 541.645 5.729 250.080 2.999
+2004.931 505.237 5.330 541.426 5.703 250.450 3.209
+2005.088 505.102 5.393 541.244 5.738 250.084 3.306
+2005.246 505.731 5.292 541.772 5.637 250.600 3.086
+2005.404 505.147 5.357 541.427 5.737 251.036 3.241
+2005.562 505.061 5.389 542.034 5.728 250.240 3.267
+2005.720 504.820 5.380 541.640 5.647 250.772 3.240
+2005.878 504.908 5.402 541.526 5.794 249.347 3.426
+2006.036 504.899 5.366 541.355 5.678 251.063 3.076
+2006.194 504.859 5.344 541.723 5.658 250.300 3.430
+2006.352 504.398 5.354 542.027 5.750 250.393 3.056
+2006.510 504.484 5.400 541.330 5.669 250.533 3.270
+2006.668 505.094 5.360 541.743 5.618 250.915 3.174
+2006.826 505.050 5.328 541.487 5.684 250.729 3.253
+2006.984 505.450 5.488 541.734 5.686 250.587 3.146
+2007.142 504.594 5.279 541.477 5.796 250.475 3.099
+2007.301 505.025 5.355 541.594 5.645 250.144 3.225
+2007.459 505.120 5.445 541.946 5.706 250.261 3.124
+2007.617 504.801 5.429 540.939 5.648 250.702 3.206
+2007.775 504.968 5.432 541.819 5.669 250.747 3.060
+2007.933 505.209 5.403 540.668 5.720 250.757 2.968
+2008.091 504.142 5.433 541.496 5.726 250.707 3.007
+2008.250 505.521 5.378 541.105 5.704 250.107 3.185
+2008.408 503.995 5.393 541.531 5.793 251.171 3.422
+2008.566 504.369 5.297 541.045 5.704 250.671 3.043
+2008.724 504.453 5.411 541.300 5.652 250.066 3.018
+2008.883 505.404 5.386 541.593 5.618 250.580 3.007
+2009.041 503.974 5.345 540.356 5.708 250.845 3.231
+2009.198 504.329 5.378 541.893 5.724 250.038 2.956
+2009.357 504.963 5.400 541.389 5.747 250.490 3.016
+2009.515 504.419 5.378 541.303 5.747 251.184 3.135
+2009.674 504.614 5.337 541.683 5.714 250.381 3.072
+2009.832 504.226 5.281 541.166 5.762 250.013 3.059
+2009.991 504.652 5.314 541.421 5.688 250.300 2.985
+2010.149 504.776 5.381 540.994 5.672 250.583 2.949
+2010.307 504.767 5.323 540.370 5.697 250.065 3.125
+2010.465 504.847 5.422 540.873 5.671 250.640 3.145
+2010.623 504.178 5.332 540.798 5.617 250.706 3.219
+2010.781 505.461 5.325 541.068 5.795 250.967 3.018
+2010.940 504.594 5.425 541.040 5.666 250.829 3.264
+2011.098 504.766 5.435 541.650 5.635 250.298 3.142
+2011.256 504.447 5.321 541.866 5.657 251.253 3.058
+2011.415 504.744 5.427 541.218 5.713 250.682 3.113
+2011.573 504.967 5.317 541.782 5.736 250.056 3.054
+2011.731 504.709 5.325 542.007 5.771 249.850 3.095
+2011.889 504.777 5.288 541.700 5.676 250.518 3.089
+2012.047 505.137 5.426 541.817 5.748 250.335 3.032
+2012.205 504.881 5.416 540.958 5.758 250.223 3.102
+2012.363 505.618 5.368 541.319 5.715 250.792 3.083
+2012.522 505.066 5.360 541.773 5.717 249.977 3.187
+2012.680 504.890 5.370 541.447 5.709 251.089 2.886
+2012.838 504.428 5.269 542.054 5.736 250.820 3.094
+2012.996 504.794 5.427 541.400 5.688 250.998 2.993
+2013.155 505.097 5.371 541.124 5.751 250.430 3.135
+2013.313 504.861 5.415 541.351 5.654 250.494 3.246
+2013.471 505.068 5.393 541.323 5.691 250.274 2.978
+2013.630 504.920 5.363 540.693 5.750 250.822 3.098
+2013.788 504.469 5.312 541.676 5.736 249.928 2.982
+2013.946 504.484 5.319 541.616 5.681 250.569 2.998
+2014.105 505.324 5.339 541.416 5.691 250.735 3.145
+2014.263 504.513 5.426 541.154 5.725 250.477 2.918
+2014.421 504.425 5.339 541.191 5.759 250.104 2.965
+2014.579 505.144 5.375 540.931 5.756 250.491 3.353
+2014.737 504.571 5.374 541.219 5.768 250.114 3.100
+2014.895 504.115 5.481 541.082 5.721 250.521 3.110
+2015.053 504.721 5.339 541.400 5.616 250.585 3.096
+2015.211 505.177 5.354 541.644 5.733 251.025 3.220
+2015.369 504.861 5.245 541.086 5.737 250.090 3.274
+2015.527 504.658 5.355 541.200 5.736 250.510 3.092
+2015.685 504.076 5.360 540.642 5.713 250.545 3.110
+2015.843 504.360 5.383 541.016 5.802 250.505 3.236
+2016.000 504.323 5.398 541.370 5.750 250.925 3.187
+2016.159 504.853 5.365 541.413 5.597 250.219 3.237
+2016.316 504.748 5.401 541.214 5.759 250.682 3.232
+2016.474 504.477 5.312 541.172 5.716 250.816 3.123
+2016.632 504.714 5.432 541.401 5.735 250.208 3.286
+2016.790 504.587 5.301 541.104 5.769 249.662 3.494
+2016.948 504.645 5.388 541.161 5.652 251.186 3.047
+2017.106 504.786 5.370 541.671 5.740 250.851 3.173
+2017.263 504.137 5.484 541.516 5.795 250.758 3.246
+2017.421 504.121 5.374 541.615 5.720 250.567 3.247
+2017.580 504.271 5.445 541.046 5.719 250.265 3.301
+2017.737 504.372 5.333 540.670 5.760 250.272 3.373
+2017.895 504.623 5.353 541.266 5.703 250.122 3.509
+2018.053 504.396 5.388 541.192 5.819 249.931 3.221
+2018.212 504.994 5.397 541.472 5.798 250.029 3.065
+2018.371 504.809 5.383 541.284 5.672 249.950 3.313
+2018.528 504.948 5.421 541.392 5.635 249.389 3.228
+2018.686 504.769 5.524 541.283 5.711 250.433 3.158
+2018.845 504.177 5.476 540.622 5.674 250.644 3.183
+2019.003 504.771 5.285 541.196 5.716 250.706 3.156
+2019.161 505.087 5.396 540.632 5.688 251.187 3.108
+2019.318 504.830 5.370 541.146 5.737 250.281 3.070
+2019.476 504.908 5.305 541.381 5.590 251.162 3.344
+2019.634 505.299 5.353 541.123 5.707 250.151 3.165
+2019.792 505.483 5.409 541.981 5.750 250.661 3.192
+2019.951 504.704 5.362 541.809 5.782 250.296 3.122
+2020.109 504.467 5.362 541.568 5.660 250.572 3.163
+2020.267 504.624 5.463 541.315 5.737 250.115 3.267
+2020.426 504.636 5.395 541.253 5.690 250.621 3.212
+2020.583 504.816 5.506 541.552 5.782 250.366 3.049
+2020.742 504.528 5.373 541.595 5.705 250.113 3.141
+2020.900 504.515 5.331 541.886 5.660 249.871 2.964
+2021.058 504.805 5.347 541.898 5.686 251.338 3.322
+2021.216 505.218 5.514 541.379 5.870 250.353 2.991
+2021.374 504.922 5.287 541.273 5.719 250.493 3.227
+2021.531 504.509 5.428 541.212 5.640 250.104 2.965
+2021.689 504.465 5.431 541.452 5.757 250.961 3.040
+2021.848 504.724 5.369 540.994 5.692 250.629 3.203
+2022.007 503.987 5.419 541.580 5.727 250.536 3.260
+2022.165 504.279 5.295 541.075 5.677 250.205 3.050
+2022.323 504.742 5.407 541.540 5.776 250.902 3.231
+2022.481 504.627 5.347 541.545 5.716 250.129 3.360
+2022.639 505.086 5.385 541.735 5.802 250.331 3.334
+2022.797 505.010 5.298 541.577 5.720 250.153 3.042
+2022.955 504.920 5.583 541.135 5.811 250.571 3.191
+2023.113 504.509 5.446 541.441 5.611 250.855 3.553
+2023.271 504.455 5.423 541.234 5.769 251.228 3.629
+2023.429 504.774 5.367 541.282 5.701 250.162 3.212
+2023.587 505.027 5.372 541.512 5.682 250.021 3.050
+2023.745 504.530 5.438 540.705 5.701 250.140 3.062
+2023.904 504.335 5.370 541.297 5.578 251.051 3.332
+2024.061 504.423 5.326 540.873 5.615 251.000 2.938
+2024.220 504.694 5.281 541.638 5.679 250.940 3.156
+2024.379 504.526 5.473 541.216 5.691 250.179 3.059
+2024.537 504.665 5.348 541.242 5.886 251.081 3.076
+2024.695 504.536 5.538 541.402 5.753 250.460 3.235
+2024.853 504.535 5.406 541.264 5.612 250.604 3.169
+2025.011 504.185 5.491 541.342 5.723 250.416 3.181
+2025.169 504.971 5.310 540.983 5.780 250.854 3.052
+2025.327 504.619 5.455 540.719 5.817 249.768 2.990
+2025.486 504.126 5.487 541.327 5.794 250.987 3.427
+2025.643 504.871 5.551 541.183 5.658 250.409 3.482
+2025.802 504.378 5.245 541.041 5.720 249.724 3.023
+2025.960 504.653 5.306 541.230 5.711 250.277 3.320
+2026.117 504.966 5.338 541.502 5.702 250.352 2.968
+2026.276 504.559 5.376 541.305 5.709 250.573 3.363
+2026.434 504.345 5.463 541.653 5.711 250.105 2.911
+2026.592 504.503 5.431 541.316 5.761 250.811 3.392
+2026.750 504.325 5.319 541.233 5.757 251.068 3.107
+2026.908 504.673 5.329 541.772 5.706 250.310 3.228
+2027.066 504.596 5.388 541.307 5.850 250.373 3.267
+2027.224 504.825 5.428 541.223 5.740 250.673 3.154
+2027.383 505.038 5.480 541.512 5.732 251.246 3.414
+2027.541 504.900 5.351 540.345 5.666 250.322 3.172
+2027.699 504.699 5.332 541.513 5.712 250.373 3.243
+2027.857 504.887 5.294 541.495 5.705 250.813 3.043
+2028.016 504.258 5.410 540.844 5.762 250.408 3.095
+2028.174 504.152 5.359 541.138 5.804 250.804 3.165
+2028.332 504.821 5.341 541.291 5.727 250.188 3.323
+2028.490 504.648 5.276 540.942 5.684 250.731 3.129
+2028.648 504.206 5.438 541.399 5.700 250.697 2.915
+2028.806 505.352 5.432 541.544 5.685 249.797 3.018
+2028.965 505.083 5.488 541.445 5.668 249.848 3.004
+2029.123 504.330 5.356 541.884 5.666 250.698 3.197
+2029.281 505.483 5.287 541.688 5.782 250.547 3.169
+2029.439 504.824 5.346 541.356 5.707 250.765 2.964
+2029.597 504.948 5.353 541.963 5.751 250.307 3.320
+2029.755 504.249 5.438 541.739 5.783 250.303 3.017
+2029.913 504.482 5.382 541.337 5.704 250.363 3.244
+2030.071 504.564 5.357 541.953 5.714 250.633 3.156
+2030.230 505.195 5.292 541.899 5.655 251.086 3.278
+2030.388 505.472 5.559 541.939 5.633 250.360 3.045
+2030.546 504.614 5.388 541.529 5.623 251.153 3.152
+2030.704 505.526 5.330 541.995 5.625 250.531 3.169
+2030.862 504.845 5.287 541.330 5.820 250.255 3.121
+2031.020 504.738 5.401 542.233 5.710 250.722 3.084
+2031.178 505.457 5.302 541.792 5.811 250.747 3.070
+2031.336 504.764 5.425 541.377 5.736 250.817 2.976
+2031.495 505.007 5.340 541.623 5.691 250.508 3.211
+2031.653 504.580 5.404 541.966 5.664 250.155 3.063
+2031.811 504.655 5.498 541.699 5.773 250.211 3.095
+2031.968 504.776 5.355 541.587 5.653 251.062 3.040
+2032.127 505.117 5.378 541.315 5.701 250.430 3.307
+2032.284 504.911 5.474 541.843 5.726 251.064 3.437
+2032.442 505.179 5.457 541.698 5.681 250.420 3.053
+2032.601 504.971 5.460 541.277 5.678 249.794 3.091
+2032.759 504.669 5.317 541.442 5.741 250.637 3.075
+2032.917 504.786 5.346 541.734 5.661 250.776 3.193
+2033.075 504.507 5.548 541.817 5.720 251.217 3.035
+2033.233 504.835 5.249 541.578 5.701 250.182 3.242
+2033.391 504.688 5.401 541.955 5.798 250.411 3.111
+2033.549 505.426 5.346 541.579 5.834 250.654 2.986
+2033.707 505.024 5.423 541.375 5.764 250.666 3.133
+2033.866 504.720 5.261 541.753 5.626 250.216 2.899
+2034.024 504.817 5.391 541.487 5.608 249.872 3.129
+2034.182 504.678 5.392 542.144 5.728 250.198 3.387
+2034.339 504.886 5.320 541.491 5.686 250.592 3.200
+2034.497 504.768 5.428 540.924 5.743 250.115 3.091
+2034.656 504.647 5.506 541.059 5.698 250.371 3.179
+2034.814 505.016 5.487 541.800 5.659 251.083 3.126
+2034.972 504.660 5.299 541.768 5.774 250.660 3.138
+2035.130 505.076 5.287 541.677 5.788 250.216 3.099
+2035.288 505.090 5.380 541.756 5.764 250.232 3.142
+2035.446 504.960 5.417 541.757 5.628 250.682 3.176
+2035.604 504.489 5.409 541.707 5.674 249.906 3.359
+2035.762 505.054 5.385 541.177 5.648 251.199 3.061
+2035.920 504.520 5.383 541.401 5.770 250.482 3.088
+2036.078 504.255 5.319 541.194 5.648 250.404 3.086
+2036.236 504.692 5.313 541.292 5.659 250.864 3.062
+2036.394 504.767 5.371 541.823 5.667 251.168 3.022
+2036.552 504.867 5.437 541.348 5.730 248.991 2.966
+2036.711 504.798 5.432 541.153 5.949 250.679 3.132
+2036.870 505.548 5.313 541.761 5.733 250.246 2.975
+2037.028 504.315 5.459 541.657 5.778 249.522 3.046
+2037.186 504.933 5.459 541.516 5.947 250.685 3.023
+2037.345 505.069 5.414 541.095 5.763 250.666 3.352
+2037.502 504.450 5.346 541.611 5.739 250.456 3.018
+2037.660 504.304 5.449 541.486 5.730 250.904 3.202
+2037.819 505.493 5.340 540.804 5.716 250.469 2.955
+2037.977 505.155 5.461 541.358 5.689 250.114 3.208
+2038.134 505.171 5.274 541.493 5.805 250.411 3.149
+2038.292 505.031 5.383 540.725 5.737 249.924 3.309
+2038.451 504.520 5.369 541.517 5.766 250.349 3.055
+2038.609 504.525 5.295 541.715 5.635 251.373 3.104
+2038.767 505.305 5.305 541.327 5.790 250.423 3.203
+2038.925 504.513 5.303 541.313 5.695 250.174 3.251
+2039.083 505.225 5.276 541.243 5.605 250.601 3.453
+2039.241 504.382 5.326 540.842 5.619 250.526 2.949
+2039.399 504.423 5.371 540.878 5.674 251.315 3.119
+2039.557 504.634 5.284 541.028 5.597 251.003 3.063
+2039.715 504.906 5.430 541.470 5.705 249.620 2.928
+2039.873 504.769 5.369 541.134 5.646 250.586 3.038
+2040.031 504.597 5.389 541.291 5.684 250.645 3.117
+2040.190 504.036 5.531 540.962 5.824 249.816 3.081
+2040.348 504.860 5.487 540.869 5.726 250.918 3.156
+2040.506 504.738 5.344 541.178 5.664 250.569 3.100
+2040.664 504.807 5.353 541.261 5.745 251.225 3.209
+2040.822 504.958 5.461 541.362 5.720 250.182 3.217
+2040.981 504.769 5.323 541.343 5.726 250.421 3.173
+2041.139 504.997 5.417 541.403 5.644 250.614 3.034
+2041.297 504.480 5.343 540.684 5.611 250.226 3.355
+2041.454 505.104 5.335 540.816 5.728 250.542 3.304
+2041.612 504.771 5.306 541.508 5.630 251.125 2.907
+2041.770 504.577 5.320 540.675 5.711 250.701 3.082
+2041.928 505.005 5.349 541.926 5.699 250.427 3.127
+2042.086 505.120 5.328 541.599 5.707 251.434 3.032
+2042.245 505.011 5.384 541.516 5.627 250.404 3.026
+2042.403 504.550 5.397 541.735 5.725 250.644 3.154
+2042.561 505.005 5.388 541.257 5.676 250.766 3.148
+2042.719 504.360 5.410 541.022 5.721 250.897 3.063
+2042.877 505.183 5.418 541.530 5.637 250.758 2.909
+2043.036 505.161 5.455 541.065 5.736 250.767 3.026
+2043.193 505.061 5.326 541.480 5.655 250.637 3.072
+2043.352 504.880 5.288 541.264 5.734 250.586 3.230
+2043.510 504.998 5.420 541.422 5.682 250.495 3.054
+2043.668 504.940 5.422 541.544 5.694 250.264 2.945
+2043.826 505.239 5.265 541.805 5.710 250.692 3.224
+2043.984 504.472 5.454 540.828 5.709 251.146 3.032
+2044.142 504.524 5.314 540.958 5.714 250.501 3.187
+2044.300 505.055 5.259 540.909 5.728 250.585 3.166
+2044.458 504.730 5.470 540.899 5.736 250.645 2.838
+2044.617 505.137 5.384 541.429 5.725 250.736 2.983
+2044.775 504.991 5.375 541.064 5.722 249.877 3.190
+2044.933 505.279 5.304 541.590 5.711 251.188 3.221
+2045.090 504.662 5.461 541.515 5.839 250.531 3.179
+2045.249 504.656 5.413 541.545 5.786 250.395 3.005
+2045.407 504.456 5.354 541.025 5.798 250.463 3.102
+2045.565 504.434 5.437 541.320 5.852 250.564 3.309
+2045.723 504.424 5.342 541.363 5.773 250.475 3.144
+2045.881 504.774 5.284 541.683 5.692 250.314 3.272
+2046.039 505.027 5.357 540.896 5.665 249.713 3.381
+2046.197 505.040 5.328 541.259 5.674 250.597 2.957
+2046.354 504.950 5.351 541.252 5.680 250.875 3.330
+2046.512 504.649 5.272 541.472 5.684 250.088 3.123
+2046.670 504.756 5.268 541.214 5.656 249.860 3.347
+2046.828 504.627 5.301 540.872 5.704 250.288 3.135
+2046.987 504.986 5.278 541.428 5.643 250.442 2.980
+2047.145 505.079 5.307 540.864 5.756 249.554 3.274
+2047.303 504.370 5.428 540.938 5.672 250.325 2.930
+2047.461 504.863 5.342 541.289 5.712 249.323 2.859
+2047.619 504.278 5.380 540.742 5.762 250.683 3.204
+2047.777 504.462 5.441 541.367 5.780 250.346 3.367
+2047.935 504.424 5.267 541.243 5.759 250.713 3.074
+2048.093 504.174 5.531 540.882 5.808 250.667 3.168
+2048.252 504.271 5.264 541.188 5.648 251.076 3.044
+2048.411 504.382 5.307 541.771 5.676 251.120 3.184
+2048.569 505.003 5.409 541.227 5.644 249.961 3.028
+2048.727 504.880 5.405 541.062 5.713 250.479 3.179
+2048.884 504.648 5.452 540.760 5.800 250.454 3.280
+2049.043 504.626 5.354 540.857 5.670 249.784 3.192
+2049.201 504.126 5.364 541.198 5.706 250.417 3.157
+2049.359 504.341 5.376 541.322 5.611 250.714 3.208
+2049.517 504.773 5.417 541.213 5.667 250.797 3.229
+2049.675 505.247 5.401 541.622 5.740 249.548 3.188
+2049.833 504.502 5.354 540.626 5.832 250.585 3.122
+2049.991 505.325 5.356 541.336 5.679 250.875 3.103
+2050.150 504.743 5.481 541.633 5.785 250.088 3.233
+2050.307 504.997 5.335 541.136 5.796 249.970 2.864
+2050.466 504.769 5.303 541.551 5.796 250.199 3.055
+2050.625 505.147 5.386 540.715 5.676 250.462 3.184
+2050.783 504.271 5.352 541.067 5.758 250.844 3.081
+2050.941 504.442 5.348 541.340 5.649 249.778 3.188
+2051.099 504.334 5.352 540.663 5.702 249.717 3.336
+2051.257 504.733 5.337 541.306 5.676 250.847 3.256
+2051.415 504.417 5.411 541.163 5.680 250.428 3.338
+2051.573 504.594 5.339 540.721 5.651 250.754 2.911
+2051.731 504.785 5.451 540.787 5.710 250.937 3.116
+2051.889 505.167 5.314 540.767 5.770 250.439 3.007
+2052.048 504.511 5.408 541.357 5.762 250.854 2.993
+2052.206 504.455 5.403 541.163 5.636 250.788 2.995
+2052.364 505.264 5.283 541.391 5.675 250.087 3.202
+2052.523 504.652 5.384 540.524 5.699 251.020 3.007
+2052.681 504.176 5.355 541.445 5.785 250.480 3.051
+2052.839 504.221 5.396 541.524 5.666 250.094 2.999
+2052.998 504.172 5.366 541.065 5.659 250.980 3.268
+2053.156 504.681 5.402 540.590 5.667 250.099 3.156
+2053.314 504.426 5.350 540.825 5.636 250.681 3.184
+2053.472 504.574 5.427 540.848 5.574 250.056 3.051
+2053.630 504.715 5.342 540.888 5.741 250.600 2.943
+2053.788 504.927 5.338 541.118 5.681 251.506 3.209
+2053.947 504.019 5.366 540.711 5.710 249.595 3.184
+2054.105 504.590 5.335 541.237 5.892 251.305 3.140
+2054.263 504.295 5.428 540.942 5.664 250.193 2.985
+2054.421 504.402 5.396 540.909 5.650 250.951 3.089
+2054.580 504.494 5.337 541.519 5.735 251.119 3.123
+2054.739 504.975 5.362 541.735 5.715 250.311 3.070
+2054.897 503.969 5.443 540.987 5.672 250.503 2.984
+2055.055 503.909 5.350 541.439 5.740 251.415 3.130
+2055.213 504.569 5.513 541.174 5.706 250.074 3.269
+2055.371 504.575 5.382 541.681 5.678 250.570 3.075
+2055.530 504.005 5.445 541.336 5.721 250.995 3.034
+2055.688 504.630 5.355 541.503 5.678 250.799 3.144
+2055.846 504.926 5.373 541.035 5.739 250.198 3.121
+2056.004 504.449 5.375 541.290 5.740 251.212 3.213
+2056.163 504.704 5.365 541.163 5.662 249.982 2.999
+2056.321 504.997 5.486 540.851 5.757 250.229 2.950
+2056.479 504.700 5.406 540.708 5.672 250.492 3.245
+2056.637 504.627 5.563 540.797 5.624 250.514 3.027
+2056.796 504.266 5.311 540.718 5.621 250.895 3.158
+2056.954 504.852 5.407 540.757 5.724 250.008 3.284
+2057.112 504.688 5.513 541.147 5.642 250.820 3.138
+2057.270 504.586 5.385 540.821 5.718 250.398 3.151
+2057.428 504.445 5.361 541.698 5.604 250.824 2.868
+2057.586 504.264 5.345 540.987 5.652 250.558 3.171
+2057.745 505.412 5.297 541.389 5.750 250.125 3.158
+2057.903 504.734 5.372 541.193 5.688 250.771 3.132
+2058.061 504.577 5.433 540.322 5.752 251.357 3.100
+2058.219 504.725 5.381 541.023 5.647 250.633 3.092
+2058.378 504.327 5.321 540.790 5.689 250.186 3.117
+2058.536 504.763 5.442 541.077 5.623 250.541 3.177
+2058.693 504.487 5.329 541.230 5.715 250.395 3.285
+2058.851 504.574 5.314 541.022 5.749 250.833 3.005
+2059.010 504.755 5.378 540.870 5.699 251.218 3.316
+2059.168 504.727 5.285 541.058 5.653 250.582 3.055
+2059.326 504.727 5.397 540.880 5.708 250.995 3.034
+2059.485 505.007 5.434 541.158 5.755 250.119 3.114
+2059.643 504.110 5.347 540.801 5.628 250.221 3.026
+2059.801 504.861 5.349 541.078 5.703 250.352 3.086
+2059.959 504.518 5.384 540.660 5.637 250.603 3.285
+2060.117 504.085 5.430 540.716 5.706 251.156 3.169
+2060.275 504.450 5.375 540.927 5.673 250.631 3.236
+2060.433 504.414 5.396 540.909 5.666 250.626 3.067
+2060.592 504.174 5.408 540.449 5.700 250.526 3.215
+2060.750 504.551 5.318 540.434 5.700 250.675 3.331
+2060.908 505.165 5.350 541.034 5.605 250.676 3.086
+2061.065 505.131 5.404 541.190 5.660 250.536 3.038
+2061.223 504.251 5.451 540.622 5.686 250.115 2.985
+2061.381 504.922 5.388 540.686 5.675 250.281 3.201
+2061.540 504.439 5.483 541.276 5.738 250.452 2.991
+2061.698 504.274 5.453 541.342 5.720 251.164 3.117
+2061.856 504.492 5.345 541.543 5.754 250.941 3.576
+2062.014 504.664 5.490 540.725 5.617 250.539 3.188
+2062.172 505.056 5.399 541.307 5.623 249.935 3.149
+2062.331 504.700 5.410 540.633 5.733 250.889 2.987
+2062.489 505.887 5.395 541.096 5.584 249.958 2.932
+2062.648 504.658 5.395 541.591 5.713 250.809 3.033
+2062.806 504.796 5.516 541.515 5.676 250.388 3.075
+2062.965 504.488 5.395 540.655 5.717 250.923 3.248
+2063.123 505.324 5.341 541.436 5.665 250.139 3.034
+2063.282 504.743 5.303 541.404 5.678 250.241 3.176
+2063.440 504.787 5.307 541.454 5.654 250.832 3.124
+2063.598 504.837 5.419 541.334 5.654 249.728 3.085
+2063.757 503.988 5.289 541.513 5.689 250.127 3.201
+2063.915 505.559 5.315 541.555 5.685 250.601 3.222
+2064.073 504.635 5.396 540.885 5.656 250.746 3.550
+2064.231 505.376 5.361 541.318 5.658 250.457 2.952
+2064.389 504.473 5.402 541.653 5.687 250.484 2.934
+2064.547 504.494 5.317 541.736 5.654 250.324 3.040
+2064.705 504.834 5.407 542.107 5.674 250.423 2.999
+2064.863 504.498 5.273 541.631 5.633 250.254 2.962
+2065.021 504.275 5.343 541.386 5.703 251.582 3.113
+2065.179 504.812 5.490 541.553 5.638 250.625 3.144
+2065.338 503.998 5.414 541.035 5.658 250.686 3.144
+2065.496 504.180 5.349 541.280 5.741 249.936 2.927
+2065.654 505.151 5.364 541.572 5.705 250.619 3.245
+2065.812 504.571 5.365 540.815 5.800 250.126 3.006
+2065.970 504.155 5.401 541.558 5.771 250.641 3.270
+2066.129 504.701 5.374 541.385 5.846 250.106 3.394
+2066.287 504.917 5.420 541.473 5.699 249.761 3.191
+2066.445 504.659 5.362 541.074 5.666 250.547 3.403
+2066.603 504.256 5.307 540.840 5.662 249.855 2.990
+2066.761 505.042 5.307 541.608 5.795 250.438 3.114
+2066.919 505.300 5.307 541.116 5.762 250.414 3.297
+2067.077 505.013 5.412 540.881 5.670 250.934 2.962
+2067.236 505.030 5.374 541.158 5.637 250.379 3.119
+2067.394 504.460 5.378 541.111 5.709 250.773 3.057
+2067.552 504.584 5.360 541.201 5.741 250.377 3.249
+2067.710 504.345 5.452 540.812 5.694 250.823 3.050
+2067.868 504.493 5.446 541.558 5.749 250.888 2.991
+2068.026 504.384 5.321 541.315 5.674 250.618 3.251
+2068.184 504.953 5.392 540.673 5.663 250.676 2.966
+2068.342 504.459 5.411 541.696 5.784 250.536 3.113
+2068.501 504.234 5.416 541.477 5.702 249.865 3.182
+2068.659 504.532 5.395 541.964 5.643 250.628 3.133
+2068.817 505.265 5.402 541.499 5.748 251.056 3.064
+2068.975 504.572 5.442 541.605 5.667 250.770 3.100
+2069.134 505.395 5.417 541.366 5.678 250.637 3.240
+2069.292 504.974 5.434 541.243 5.745 250.236 3.052
+2069.450 504.299 5.326 541.312 5.690 250.492 3.087
+2069.608 504.253 5.276 541.143 5.621 250.494 3.063
+2069.766 505.012 5.315 542.151 5.846 250.794 3.020
+2069.924 504.780 5.270 541.621 5.871 250.877 3.079
+2070.082 504.927 5.378 542.126 5.788 250.648 3.091
+2070.240 504.709 5.422 541.461 5.740 249.716 2.920
+2070.398 504.867 5.362 541.634 5.671 250.487 3.121
+2070.556 505.018 5.449 541.306 5.702 250.314 3.404
+2070.714 505.040 5.323 541.453 5.756 250.843 3.380
+2070.872 504.650 5.335 541.464 5.928 250.568 3.287
+2071.030 505.846 5.474 541.274 5.765 250.585 3.176
+2071.188 504.988 5.452 541.102 5.735 249.845 3.000
+2071.346 504.579 5.358 540.671 5.659 251.008 3.103
+2071.505 504.415 5.354 541.006 5.684 251.030 3.342
+2071.663 504.294 5.413 541.690 5.714 250.350 3.039
+2071.821 505.213 5.388 541.436 5.751 250.623 3.192
+2071.979 505.282 5.377 541.264 5.737 250.436 3.200
+2072.137 504.672 5.372 540.292 5.786 249.974 3.082
+2072.295 505.226 5.377 541.593 5.713 250.369 3.301
+2072.453 504.362 5.396 540.906 5.664 250.263 3.087
+2072.611 504.253 5.316 541.429 5.766 250.732 3.010
+2072.769 504.892 5.579 540.944 5.653 250.057 2.928
+2072.928 504.989 5.303 540.719 5.635 250.020 3.085
+2073.086 504.789 5.493 541.417 5.785 250.050 3.049
+2073.245 504.637 5.394 540.914 5.653 250.280 2.960
+2073.403 505.246 5.359 541.289 5.669 250.402 3.035
+2073.561 504.632 5.352 541.712 5.762 250.904 3.144
+2073.719 505.106 5.274 541.447 5.695 249.929 3.098
+2073.878 504.311 5.320 541.364 5.767 250.519 3.131
+2074.036 504.863 5.310 540.523 5.701 250.255 3.043
+2074.194 505.038 5.491 541.935 5.774 250.132 3.117
+2074.352 504.490 5.307 540.219 5.755 250.501 3.081
+2074.510 503.874 5.313 541.262 5.671 249.735 3.035
+2074.668 505.178 5.400 540.852 5.702 251.267 2.992
+2074.827 505.211 5.408 541.068 5.784 251.042 3.046
+2074.984 504.012 5.308 540.950 5.724 250.700 2.948
+2075.142 504.740 5.417 540.779 5.645 251.237 3.010
+2075.301 504.837 5.344 540.587 5.728 249.712 3.239
+2075.459 504.838 5.454 541.845 5.734 251.067 3.193
+2075.617 504.408 5.373 541.528 5.749 250.270 3.105
+2075.775 504.414 5.375 541.715 5.777 250.182 3.101
+2075.933 504.614 5.314 541.547 5.772 250.191 3.158
+2076.092 504.476 5.356 541.235 5.698 250.431 3.197
+2076.250 505.324 5.347 540.762 5.781 250.134 3.063
+2076.408 505.253 5.341 541.387 5.625 250.181 3.230
+2076.566 504.542 5.332 541.563 5.789 250.941 3.043
+2076.725 505.145 5.378 541.615 5.680 250.359 3.043
+2076.883 504.431 5.352 541.666 5.762 250.313 3.259
+2077.042 504.414 5.370 541.176 5.770 250.613 3.140
+2077.200 504.734 5.260 541.691 5.773 250.216 3.121
+2077.358 505.497 5.299 541.326 5.699 251.072 3.137
+2077.515 505.155 5.353 541.513 5.656 250.560 3.100
+2077.674 504.781 5.388 541.955 5.700 250.955 3.178
+2077.832 504.847 5.297 541.659 5.620 250.019 3.179
+2077.991 504.538 5.330 541.626 5.722 250.940 3.252
+2078.150 504.435 5.294 541.716 5.687 250.359 3.219
+2078.308 504.734 5.302 541.067 5.783 250.423 3.159
+2078.466 504.727 5.507 541.890 5.834 250.824 3.112
+2078.625 504.017 5.420 541.168 5.757 249.588 3.159
+2078.783 504.770 5.484 541.211 5.791 250.945 3.221
+2078.941 504.807 5.329 541.192 5.628 250.859 2.984
+2079.099 504.998 5.399 540.722 5.673 250.278 3.031
+2079.258 504.380 5.320 541.527 5.683 251.462 3.020
+2079.416 504.803 5.316 541.765 5.715 250.184 3.023
+2079.574 504.988 5.480 541.767 5.775 250.721 2.886
+2079.733 505.049 5.362 542.587 5.668 250.637 3.114
+2079.891 504.830 5.259 542.645 5.742 250.116 2.949
+2080.049 504.368 5.261 542.596 5.715 251.241 2.947
+2080.207 504.913 5.322 543.286 5.708 250.482 3.149
+2080.365 504.199 5.437 543.232 5.820 250.034 3.359
+2080.523 504.892 5.559 543.232 5.675 251.030 3.056
+2080.681 504.958 5.500 545.212 5.695 250.820 3.136
+2080.840 504.679 5.318 545.342 5.753 250.518 3.082
+2080.998 504.546 5.379 546.983 5.830 251.705 3.276
+2081.157 504.275 5.306 546.759 5.758 251.067 3.206
+2081.315 504.632 5.348 545.027 5.813 251.390 3.112
+2081.473 504.656 5.342 546.820 5.676 251.153 3.148
+2081.631 504.336 5.509 547.748 5.789 251.771 3.252
+2081.790 504.473 5.567 547.037 5.741 251.437 3.276
+2081.948 505.194 5.540 546.940 5.761 251.154 3.254
+2082.106 504.161 5.506 546.759 5.789 250.821 3.149
+2082.264 505.131 5.520 547.797 5.716 252.308 3.232
+2082.422 505.591 5.477 548.388 5.797 252.223 3.180
+2082.580 504.845 5.424 548.043 5.863 251.362 3.425
+2082.738 505.068 5.506 546.570 5.798 251.443 3.191
+2082.897 504.390 5.379 546.025 5.781 252.044 3.201
+2083.055 504.803 5.310 547.540 5.889 251.680 3.115
+2083.213 504.228 5.430 547.895 5.734 251.456 3.324
+2083.371 504.662 5.344 546.279 5.640 251.274 3.597
+2083.529 504.716 5.350 547.032 5.736 250.472 3.439
+2083.687 504.477 5.411 547.420 5.761 251.714 3.489
+2083.844 504.794 5.569 547.354 5.809 252.687 3.164
+2084.003 504.277 5.359 547.163 5.747 251.706 3.142
+2084.161 504.512 5.644 547.001 5.747 251.587 3.432
+2084.319 504.845 5.441 547.450 5.870 251.065 3.643
+2084.477 504.928 5.461 547.794 5.745 252.320 3.523
+2084.635 505.469 5.266 547.458 5.793 251.873 3.943
+2084.792 504.994 5.692 548.694 5.907 251.088 4.070
+2084.950 505.190 5.396 546.866 5.844 251.720 3.235
+2085.108 506.021 5.489 548.208 5.846 251.007 3.584
+2085.266 504.490 5.638 547.372 5.738 251.780 3.616
+2085.424 505.064 5.469 548.363 5.853 250.467 3.365
+2085.581 506.260 5.412 548.303 5.751 250.484 3.348
+2085.739 506.202 5.736 548.433 5.859 250.104 3.309
+2085.897 505.472 5.616 550.314 6.008 251.911 3.463
+2086.055 505.314 5.580 549.763 5.941 251.639 3.327
+2086.213 505.763 5.573 550.327 5.941 251.886 3.904
+2086.371 505.037 5.449 549.663 5.900 251.488 3.074
+2086.530 505.630 5.631 551.416 5.824 251.504 3.161
+2086.688 505.216 5.988 553.104 5.948 250.675 3.529
+2086.846 506.382 5.662 551.181 5.822 252.486 4.909
+2087.003 505.893 5.370 552.721 5.757 251.704 3.693
+2087.161 505.598 5.325 552.137 5.783 250.977 3.661
+2087.318 505.946 5.788 551.961 5.873 251.329 3.525
+2087.477 504.889 5.621 551.559 5.879 251.893 3.551
+2087.635 505.368 5.479 550.895 5.919 251.668 3.103
+2087.793 505.633 5.786 552.609 5.827 250.826 3.383
+2087.951 505.486 5.568 551.456 5.929 252.568 3.210
+2088.109 505.434 5.444 551.224 5.973 251.315 3.027
+2088.267 506.894 6.151 551.642 5.907 251.693 3.335
+2088.425 505.698 5.638 550.956 6.016 251.476 3.330
+2088.583 504.567 5.641 551.999 6.030 251.314 3.564
+2088.742 504.645 6.222 552.270 5.822 251.883 3.398
+2088.900 504.416 6.180 551.862 6.063 250.878 3.242
+2089.059 503.444 5.855 552.298 5.829 251.508 3.404
+2089.217 504.304 5.488 551.783 5.830 254.165 3.226
+2089.375 504.863 6.108 552.137 6.045 252.261 3.153
+2089.533 504.728 5.630 550.361 5.829 250.902 3.668
+2089.692 505.527 5.550 551.773 6.056 252.309 4.103
+2089.849 505.615 5.390 551.027 6.012 250.653 3.234
+2090.007 505.656 5.614 551.740 5.922 251.106 3.666
+2090.165 505.816 5.918 552.117 5.939 252.121 3.403
+2090.324 506.918 5.828 551.711 6.067 252.171 3.150
+2090.482 504.549 5.555 552.047 5.891 252.281 3.319
+2090.640 504.965 6.181 551.940 6.224 250.512 3.648
+2090.798 505.159 5.827 552.149 6.302 249.735 3.142
+2090.956 505.031 6.024 551.531 6.008 253.577 3.351
+2091.115 505.160 5.533 551.675 6.024 253.775 3.413
+2091.273 504.471 6.040 551.546 6.331 251.897 3.866
+2091.431 505.084 7.178 552.655 5.839 250.248 5.392
+2091.588 506.220 5.485 553.246 5.889 247.802 3.404
+2091.746 505.352 5.463 551.552 5.972 252.958 3.809
+2091.905 505.583 6.013 552.405 6.043 254.699 3.469
+2092.063 504.485 5.543 552.614 6.069 251.817 4.306
+2092.221 504.224 5.480 553.426 6.333 251.148 3.540
+2092.379 504.142 5.498 552.754 5.827 251.501 3.396
+2092.537 505.521 5.648 552.237 5.842 253.435 3.546
+2092.695 505.795 5.699 552.072 5.938 252.094 3.474
+2092.853 503.507 5.859 552.690 6.081 250.330 3.430
+2093.011 503.915 5.574 552.846 5.875 252.653 3.486
+2093.168 503.959 5.817 551.768 6.020 253.936 3.575
+2093.327 504.069 5.931 552.407 6.224 252.089 4.004
+2093.485 502.800 5.743 552.194 5.957 250.780 3.907
+2093.643 503.158 5.377 553.251 6.184 250.807 3.352
+2093.801 505.261 5.529 552.522 5.936 251.558 3.190
+2093.960 505.622 5.818 551.535 5.984 251.725 3.214
+2094.118 505.666 6.130 553.735 5.871 253.577 3.670
+2094.276 503.616 5.969 552.997 6.009 249.995 3.434
+2094.435 503.376 6.166 551.830 6.075 251.049 3.199
+2094.594 503.973 5.686 552.708 6.007 253.230 3.564
+2094.752 503.149 5.506 551.797 5.822 254.822 3.346
+2094.911 502.351 5.438 552.738 6.120 251.448 3.441
+2095.068 503.693 5.651 553.117 5.981 250.444 3.973
+2095.226 504.176 5.679 553.191 5.998 250.614 3.618
+2095.383 505.411 5.561 552.951 5.940 253.306 3.298
+2095.542 505.604 5.410 552.889 5.983 254.183 3.513
+2095.700 506.096 5.958 553.598 5.942 250.671 3.002
+2095.858 505.750 5.790 553.726 5.894 248.096 3.216
+2096.017 503.887 5.951 553.497 6.232 250.470 4.741
+2096.175 503.588 6.262 552.065 6.629 250.864 5.512
+2096.333 502.625 5.870 552.560 5.905 253.468 3.618
+2096.491 500.596 6.171 553.205 6.284 249.994 6.055
+2096.649 501.065 5.804 553.952 6.509 251.769 4.053
+2096.806 501.540 5.942 552.789 5.915 257.207 3.454
+2096.965 503.115 5.424 552.698 5.882 252.552 5.493
+2097.123 503.871 6.042 552.677 5.768 249.745 3.044
+2097.282 505.388 5.558 552.786 6.033 249.797 3.842
+2097.440 505.753 5.891 552.637 5.885 251.107 3.343
+2097.598 506.207 5.508 552.366 6.175 253.641 3.969
+2097.756 504.932 5.766 552.213 6.442 252.546 3.400
+2097.914 503.889 5.788 552.852 5.932 250.805 3.199
+2098.073 501.958 5.826 552.468 5.936 250.698 3.504
+2098.231 503.249 5.378 553.174 6.040 254.426 3.098
+2098.389 503.342 5.667 553.321 5.943 253.404 4.594
+2098.547 502.663 5.937 552.853 5.861 252.164 3.161
+2098.706 504.046 5.618 552.758 5.943 255.921 3.343
+2098.865 507.020 5.530 552.087 5.944 257.109 3.618
+2099.023 504.740 6.050 552.841 6.363 248.161 3.508
+2099.181 504.817 5.509 552.988 5.869 246.391 3.429
+2099.339 505.128 5.966 553.949 6.137 249.073 3.536
+2099.497 506.311 5.882 553.579 6.553 252.220 3.975
+2099.655 504.083 6.801 551.625 6.524 252.742 4.655
+2099.813 505.160 5.949 552.936 6.263 259.977 4.163
+2099.972 505.861 5.687 552.749 6.046 253.479 4.252
+2100.131 503.068 5.927 553.817 6.095 251.134 3.575
+2100.289 502.230 6.568 553.338 6.421 250.881 4.185
+2100.447 506.832 5.615 551.813 6.316 248.998 3.693
+2100.606 502.688 7.512 553.168 6.134 243.440 3.945
+2100.763 504.096 5.631 553.121 5.929 251.954 5.057
+2100.921 505.530 6.414 552.571 6.163 258.219 5.195
+2101.079 504.405 6.031 551.525 6.001 258.272 3.818
+2101.238 504.604 5.874 552.265 6.294 254.802 4.375
+2101.396 505.996 5.498 552.722 5.993 250.018 3.583
+2101.554 507.940 6.070 553.217 5.933 249.160 4.608
+2101.713 505.259 6.600 552.912 6.054 249.041 4.603
+2101.871 509.252 5.867 552.509 5.999 254.030 3.651
+2102.029 508.222 5.970 552.615 6.020 250.510 3.771
+2102.186 507.402 5.732 551.116 6.187 252.175 4.254
+2102.345 506.334 6.805 552.401 6.228 253.341 3.465
+2102.503 503.923 7.139 552.314 6.811 245.893 4.714
+2102.661 504.439 7.449 553.083 6.444 248.388 9.312
+2102.818 506.484 7.525 552.570 6.583 251.893 6.212
+2102.976 506.974 9.374 552.025 6.809 251.748 4.490
+2103.133 509.749 6.938 552.240 6.779 253.077 3.739
+2103.291 515.047 6.078 550.032 6.224 248.620 4.842
+2103.450 507.800 6.138 551.580 6.465 254.916 4.624
+2103.609 509.788 6.856 551.595 5.946 254.439 4.945
+2103.766 505.047 5.656 550.646 6.180 251.034 4.138
+2103.924 505.570 5.622 549.926 5.948 255.020 3.556
+2104.083 505.065 8.884 550.349 6.483 246.280 5.567
+2104.240 506.530 5.681 551.223 7.232 248.512 5.279
+2104.398 506.025 7.896 550.232 8.153 259.575 5.672
+2104.556 508.750 7.805 549.722 6.063 262.285 4.353
+2104.714 509.667 6.977 550.337 6.700 247.962 4.289
+2104.871 508.876 6.367 549.773 5.956 241.689 4.298
+2105.029 508.888 8.289 549.947 7.640 248.196 4.531
+2105.186 506.628 6.079 550.609 6.598 250.361 3.860
+2105.344 506.926 5.812 548.876 6.323 251.653 3.812
+2105.502 509.109 5.808 548.998 6.330 253.426 3.984
+2105.661 506.711 7.181 545.990 6.711 256.054 4.840
+2105.820 503.137 5.899 547.789 6.055 251.950 3.477
+2105.978 501.771 5.875 548.858 6.485 252.259 3.919
+2106.136 500.147 6.162 550.178 6.610 249.422 4.383
+2106.294 502.861 6.074 549.011 6.587 239.184 4.039
+2106.452 505.858 7.994 545.450 9.510 246.951 7.921
+2106.609 506.488 5.961 545.984 6.661 263.699 3.629
+2106.769 502.464 6.593 547.909 6.286 262.617 4.300
+2106.928 502.164 5.606 550.129 5.915 253.436 3.595
+2107.086 501.941 7.636 549.191 6.038 237.784 4.055
+2107.243 503.079 7.191 546.872 5.984 249.497 3.934
+2107.401 500.720 7.008 547.018 6.297 259.545 3.895
+2107.560 502.627 6.380 547.600 6.156 262.335 4.085
+2107.717 501.956 6.012 547.276 6.553 247.463 4.627
+2107.875 502.949 6.900 547.082 6.322 243.044 5.026
+2108.033 506.909 5.760 548.550 6.000 254.170 3.443
+2108.191 504.309 6.281 547.865 6.169 256.371 3.800
+2108.350 502.343 5.641 547.038 5.789 244.333 4.464
+2108.507 502.083 5.866 546.080 5.958 242.853 4.288
+2108.665 507.140 5.754 545.260 6.006 267.078 4.361
+2108.825 504.591 6.022 543.822 6.443 266.970 4.739
+2108.984 503.085 5.626 546.968 5.885 240.429 7.449
+2109.141 501.910 7.267 549.059 6.292 224.794 6.227
+2109.298 501.749 6.828 545.070 6.053 252.847 3.918
+2109.457 506.377 6.066 542.250 6.483 278.238 4.845
+2109.617 501.733 6.954 543.642 6.214 267.412 5.078
+2109.774 495.537 10.527 548.266 7.070 225.914 7.083
+2109.931 497.545 6.581 546.512 6.168 235.749 3.463
+2110.090 502.105 8.059 545.075 6.605 256.827 5.564
+2110.249 505.331 7.169 544.040 6.549 270.478 5.440
+2110.407 503.783 6.342 545.460 5.951 252.404 4.191
+2110.565 504.047 7.929 545.624 6.821 246.884 4.699
+2110.722 504.800 6.103 542.966 6.180 255.558 4.582
+2110.881 511.078 6.333 545.289 5.906 248.815 5.557
+2111.039 519.250 16.925 547.913 10.515 231.528 17.675
+2111.194 514.692 7.173 545.559 6.868 249.695 4.789
+2111.353 513.547 6.597 544.755 7.671 262.566 5.770
+2111.512 514.095 6.879 546.417 6.423 244.275 6.331
+2111.670 511.090 9.589 548.124 6.310 240.852 8.174
+2111.827 501.410 7.330 544.551 7.221 250.838 4.290
+2111.985 507.704 9.551 540.065 7.013 267.008 5.278
+2112.144 510.677 8.466 542.980 7.677 250.520 5.789
+2112.302 504.206 5.975 545.879 6.725 247.045 5.154
+2112.460 505.932 9.992 544.208 7.918 247.170 7.212
+2112.617 512.499 10.515 545.692 7.475 255.401 5.373
+2112.775 511.865 10.783 542.876 6.778 254.404 4.063
+2112.932 515.628 6.875 544.278 6.233 243.534 4.268
+2113.091 514.416 6.565 543.752 5.870 250.005 5.382
+2113.249 514.794 6.192 540.847 6.169 253.170 4.473
+2113.408 511.107 6.276 543.208 6.546 249.571 4.834
+2113.565 509.001 7.499 545.992 6.464 249.595 4.923
+2113.724 514.570 10.152 541.759 8.968 251.025 4.880
+2113.882 504.395 9.564 544.887 8.142 254.050 6.239
+2114.039 520.014 7.842 545.238 7.636 245.470 12.523
+2114.197 513.690 10.899 549.312 6.624 246.634 5.624
+2114.354 512.166 8.404 542.223 8.920 253.886 6.567
+2114.512 515.271 6.989 544.322 6.427 250.848 3.823
+2114.671 513.622 7.145 544.073 6.091 246.718 3.757
+2114.829 509.336 6.313 543.840 5.973 245.097 3.800
+2114.987 509.083 7.053 542.018 6.324 251.550 4.547
+2115.145 511.460 6.183 541.660 6.330 257.325 3.644
+2115.305 513.684 12.459 544.306 12.087 258.383 14.806
+2115.462 514.526 10.156 545.073 6.655 250.073 4.639
+2115.620 509.525 7.859 545.710 6.423 246.030 5.831
+2115.779 517.975 7.436 540.337 7.183 255.780 7.076
+2115.937 506.819 11.615 538.823 7.008 248.117 11.318
+2116.095 509.698 12.143 541.478 6.698 246.711 13.509
+2116.252 501.737 10.412 539.894 7.071 251.897 6.743
+2116.409 500.597 8.385 541.779 6.705 255.548 6.210
+2116.567 501.235 9.033 543.907 7.198 248.415 6.568
+2116.723 497.102 7.287 543.809 7.753 250.574 4.136
+2116.880 495.221 5.993 540.308 6.272 249.945 3.955
+2117.039 499.302 6.591 540.283 5.873 258.959 3.434
+2117.197 495.333 6.846 541.752 5.989 247.279 5.398
+2117.355 494.483 8.432 540.847 8.919 244.032 6.230
+2117.512 501.004 7.471 542.308 6.318 247.050 4.430
+2117.671 501.710 9.069 543.323 7.273 258.280 7.011
+2117.828 498.397 10.796 544.783 8.211 251.852 8.938
+2117.984 484.294 6.365 542.807 6.524 244.128 5.132
+2118.142 484.282 10.566 542.678 6.521 244.131 6.483
+2118.300 497.472 6.964 540.816 6.635 260.951 4.153
+2118.460 497.054 8.048 541.328 6.681 266.469 5.316
+2118.617 499.490 7.586 544.073 6.526 253.424 3.771
+2118.776 493.864 11.312 543.820 6.682 241.194 6.668
+2118.933 489.718 7.452 544.258 6.376 251.441 5.014
+2119.090 490.547 7.418 542.162 6.106 257.994 3.735
+2119.249 480.325 6.699 540.261 6.002 250.159 4.249
+2119.407 488.323 6.865 544.382 6.155 252.491 7.129
+2119.565 482.923 7.093 544.713 5.986 252.934 6.033
+2119.723 483.479 6.369 540.027 6.529 260.199 7.069
+2119.881 482.334 6.707 542.050 6.458 257.402 3.708
+2120.040 486.683 6.566 539.090 5.985 256.654 6.972
+2120.198 485.996 6.810 541.431 6.951 253.306 5.895
+2120.356 492.630 6.426 541.974 6.118 248.353 5.444
+2120.514 492.516 6.137 544.259 6.208 241.123 4.254
+2120.672 492.705 6.417 544.162 6.305 242.471 7.705
+2120.830 494.567 8.194 544.001 7.156 256.644 6.361
+2120.989 487.155 8.115 541.130 7.510 257.586 4.716
+2121.147 486.351 8.919 542.271 6.243 254.975 4.132
+2121.305 491.293 8.169 543.122 6.468 252.219 5.978
+2121.463 488.183 6.149 541.441 5.987 242.572 5.173
+2121.622 490.201 6.183 543.764 6.125 259.565 6.763
+2121.781 499.322 5.901 541.647 6.907 265.295 4.215
+2121.939 501.313 6.567 544.916 6.111 257.542 5.624
+2122.097 494.203 7.745 544.309 6.154 237.435 7.313
+2122.254 494.252 7.233 546.753 6.117 241.944 5.571
+2122.413 503.832 6.915 541.707 7.012 261.039 5.552
+2122.572 500.518 9.005 544.457 6.641 256.500 6.413
+2122.728 497.595 8.589 543.794 6.274 239.195 4.222
+2122.887 497.815 6.579 540.028 6.836 251.861 5.286
+2123.046 501.158 6.765 542.220 6.257 265.028 5.322
+2123.205 501.101 8.133 540.312 6.404 253.510 3.850
+2123.362 500.861 6.785 542.273 6.253 243.595 4.386
+2123.520 502.668 8.857 543.162 6.801 247.815 6.705
+2123.677 506.466 8.477 541.041 6.225 255.918 5.428
+2123.836 504.104 7.037 544.440 6.425 251.319 5.474
+2123.994 506.921 8.244 541.064 6.401 251.753 3.962
+2124.151 505.869 7.512 539.420 6.823 251.027 4.430
+2124.308 500.768 6.344 540.534 7.519 246.010 5.543
+2124.467 502.107 8.292 541.235 7.668 250.870 6.009
+2124.624 502.131 6.960 541.042 7.538 256.458 4.911
+2124.782 501.141 6.955 541.780 6.518 257.454 3.918
+2124.941 502.461 6.715 543.107 6.403 254.424 5.432
+2125.098 504.054 6.116 544.211 6.060 242.814 4.721
+2125.257 503.000 6.378 541.712 6.629 249.488 4.302
+2125.414 505.220 6.942 541.157 6.044 260.104 4.125
+2125.572 505.972 8.307 541.611 6.476 254.621 4.152
+2125.730 503.279 8.178 545.086 8.381 241.396 7.562
+2125.886 505.602 7.678 541.841 6.095 246.863 4.014
+2126.044 501.656 12.512 538.578 7.224 252.448 6.118
+2126.202 499.036 6.872 539.595 6.839 259.354 5.597
+2126.361 504.240 8.273 540.596 7.763 252.393 6.086
+2126.518 499.792 7.399 537.666 6.569 255.023 4.034
+2126.675 495.417 8.419 538.416 6.522 246.350 9.078
+2126.832 503.304 9.596 541.834 6.877 250.283 5.922
+2126.990 513.393 8.985 540.678 7.149 250.732 9.743
+2127.147 502.343 8.820 539.026 7.286 244.857 6.985
+2127.303 504.253 8.447 539.750 6.577 254.278 4.822
+2127.461 504.962 7.266 539.837 6.326 247.982 6.665
+2127.618 502.599 7.109 540.248 6.403 247.009 4.527
+2127.778 501.236 6.707 539.842 7.225 253.760 5.127
+2127.936 504.222 8.502 539.648 6.323 257.567 4.021
+2128.094 496.882 7.281 542.796 8.184 247.995 5.581
+2128.250 501.958 6.827 541.088 6.886 247.319 4.574
+2128.408 506.399 6.402 540.000 6.496 253.063 4.166
+2128.566 504.214 11.992 540.230 6.810 248.000 8.707
+2128.723 505.562 8.225 540.282 8.943 246.160 6.121
+2128.880 502.385 7.683 539.352 7.690 251.241 6.671
+2129.038 510.683 13.245 541.493 7.439 240.582 15.197
+2129.195 500.666 6.174 539.844 6.708 262.045 8.756
+2129.352 504.746 13.441 541.398 7.285 248.670 11.520
+2129.509 504.737 10.734 540.514 7.103 253.716 7.445
+2129.667 498.817 10.156 541.985 6.746 246.077 5.225
+2129.824 499.778 8.296 540.239 6.663 250.060 5.868
+2129.982 498.977 7.361 540.322 6.112 254.340 4.875
+2130.141 501.559 7.494 540.043 6.812 259.103 4.397
+2130.299 500.745 7.811 541.050 7.066 248.201 4.942
+2130.456 502.387 6.609 540.290 6.431 244.952 3.938
+2130.614 496.573 6.771 538.893 6.624 244.309 7.632
+2130.772 510.055 8.835 539.218 6.861 258.643 9.682
+2130.928 509.550 10.692 540.602 6.348 252.696 6.748
+2131.086 499.425 6.301 538.936 6.244 250.387 5.488
+2131.245 514.404 13.134 538.099 8.575 241.483 6.834
+2131.402 505.144 7.824 540.911 7.011 253.244 6.500
+2131.560 499.361 15.957 539.619 7.845 254.162 7.579
+2131.715 503.693 7.704 538.006 7.033 252.471 6.083
+2131.873 498.676 7.391 539.000 6.673 247.684 4.596
+2132.030 496.526 6.497 539.810 6.978 248.716 4.516
+2132.189 500.775 8.110 539.278 7.337 260.247 6.585
+2132.347 496.617 6.379 538.082 8.381 258.462 5.469
+2132.505 496.666 7.473 540.310 7.540 244.614 6.683
+2132.662 492.776 6.798 538.953 7.135 242.226 4.455
+2132.820 501.717 7.946 538.049 7.466 253.992 6.965
+2132.977 499.797 8.807 537.080 8.474 261.829 10.438
+2133.134 501.727 9.064 542.090 7.003 246.188 7.993
+2133.290 500.267 8.371 540.081 7.437 246.761 8.312
+2133.446 501.912 7.669 538.680 7.139 242.457 4.774
+2133.604 497.749 8.347 537.016 6.993 258.644 5.090
+2133.762 502.477 6.883 536.870 6.199 259.656 6.667
+2133.920 496.244 10.711 539.548 6.878 251.086 5.930
+2134.078 497.702 7.721 539.725 6.613 245.230 5.455
+2134.235 496.167 9.827 539.687 8.443 245.782 7.748
+2134.392 496.051 8.729 539.466 7.132 256.197 5.055
+2134.550 491.560 9.872 538.504 12.636 258.622 10.823
+2134.707 495.695 7.286 539.365 7.560 254.876 6.102
+2134.864 497.567 6.696 539.543 7.678 240.938 5.170
+2135.021 496.145 9.794 541.195 7.758 242.679 4.703
+2135.179 499.871 7.834 538.692 6.789 260.916 6.146
+2135.337 499.128 9.032 539.497 6.874 258.719 6.397
+2135.495 498.381 7.629 540.345 6.939 248.947 4.998
+2135.653 499.933 7.272 541.003 6.985 236.839 7.466
+2135.809 502.399 7.435 541.830 6.602 248.848 6.286
+2135.966 494.184 11.097 539.908 7.171 253.548 5.554
+2136.125 499.001 6.519 540.099 11.393 257.155 8.433
+2136.282 495.850 6.855 540.131 7.901 250.601 5.692
+2136.440 495.568 9.087 542.131 9.547 245.436 4.974
+2136.597 494.475 6.111 541.771 8.349 249.364 5.142
+2136.756 496.834 10.824 538.667 7.314 258.953 8.355
+2136.914 494.398 9.275 539.106 7.953 256.309 7.568
+2137.071 495.954 10.909 541.461 7.385 248.723 6.302
+2137.228 494.579 6.764 542.434 6.532 246.307 7.026
+2137.385 498.125 9.984 540.814 8.220 256.243 5.991
+2137.544 495.081 9.430 540.008 9.142 254.132 7.167
+2137.702 496.240 9.356 543.100 7.481 249.701 7.381
+2137.858 499.152 6.615 543.951 7.723 246.617 5.031
+2138.016 498.881 8.041 542.529 6.682 250.226 5.389
+2138.174 497.728 10.184 541.405 6.658 251.102 12.408
+2138.331 496.307 6.093 541.044 6.738 250.991 4.455
+2138.490 496.863 9.833 540.320 8.133 251.529 5.637
+2138.647 497.178 8.791 540.703 7.136 251.565 4.260
+2138.804 493.261 7.759 542.267 8.718 252.215 8.732
+2138.962 495.312 8.146 540.342 8.683 256.352 7.496
+2139.118 496.043 12.286 542.073 8.231 252.553 9.602
+2139.275 494.600 7.739 540.790 7.752 247.855 5.916
+2139.432 496.676 8.992 542.898 7.191 247.298 6.530
+2139.589 495.936 6.268 542.219 7.433 260.173 5.805
+2139.749 497.029 7.134 541.732 7.008 256.531 9.524
+2139.906 492.880 6.470 540.247 7.297 243.725 5.427
+2140.064 503.818 9.010 542.632 6.832 243.657 11.489
+2140.221 500.118 8.862 541.056 7.114 256.676 8.692
+2140.379 497.111 7.926 541.970 7.903 249.836 5.134
+2140.536 495.781 7.923 541.669 8.837 250.218 5.918
+2140.693 492.837 7.517 540.486 10.154 247.742 8.460
+2140.850 495.778 10.401 542.364 9.691 255.347 9.335
+2141.007 492.427 11.824 542.833 9.016 255.733 9.913
+2141.164 494.314 9.465 543.588 6.158 254.127 7.310
+2141.322 496.013 8.758 543.475 7.732 247.241 6.707
+2141.479 494.740 10.164 544.944 9.636 248.542 9.314
+2141.636 494.447 7.084 546.429 7.574 255.615 5.204
+2141.794 497.504 8.315 547.504 8.456 254.396 8.029
+2141.950 498.125 10.721 546.805 7.259 249.983 7.026
+2142.107 492.621 9.365 547.998 8.724 241.209 8.479
+2142.264 494.776 6.460 545.800 7.796 254.882 4.932
+2142.423 496.647 18.593 547.708 12.632 254.898 12.855
+2142.579 490.946 8.490 548.217 7.294 246.189 5.891
+2142.737 492.699 7.934 547.292 7.232 248.661 4.608
+2142.895 495.307 6.455 545.612 9.173 258.346 8.110
+2143.053 495.613 7.887 546.296 8.003 258.153 6.891
+2143.210 493.776 6.176 546.573 7.049 251.111 5.224
+2143.368 493.667 6.730 546.425 6.962 250.391 6.853
+2143.526 495.906 8.202 546.904 8.356 249.603 7.356
+2143.682 498.499 8.461 546.059 8.295 254.066 6.501
+2143.839 498.975 7.839 545.640 7.108 248.740 10.393
+2143.997 498.439 9.362 548.916 7.547 245.487 8.524
+2144.154 500.394 7.633 546.719 7.153 250.214 4.754
+2144.312 499.593 7.333 544.597 7.526 253.802 7.956
+2144.469 498.415 23.249 546.216 13.483 250.058 12.872
+2144.625 497.024 8.583 545.902 7.718 254.780 5.343
+2144.784 495.520 8.056 545.199 7.403 257.647 5.807
+2144.942 496.985 9.673 545.412 7.363 253.876 9.336
+2145.099 493.589 8.960 546.674 7.151 246.128 6.633
+2145.256 497.775 9.526 545.656 7.461 256.741 8.417
+2145.414 499.107 9.762 546.246 8.452 258.387 9.237
+2145.571 498.731 8.553 546.312 7.880 244.903 6.335
+2145.727 501.147 9.937 547.373 8.648 243.319 7.151
+2145.884 504.491 6.911 544.913 8.615 257.713 8.765
+2146.042 501.854 8.780 545.349 9.208 257.417 5.358
+2146.200 502.198 10.491 547.893 7.026 251.964 6.823
+2146.359 506.592 9.348 547.439 8.086 246.839 9.645
+2146.514 499.045 7.189 547.274 7.485 251.318 7.340
+2146.672 501.870 8.157 546.462 6.551 261.003 5.250
+2146.830 502.648 6.537 547.364 7.502 255.170 6.636
+2146.987 498.096 6.713 549.673 6.766 242.101 5.859
+2147.145 498.381 7.061 547.816 7.954 250.411 6.824
+2147.302 498.493 7.804 547.218 7.227 263.664 5.089
+2147.461 504.184 7.882 549.142 6.527 251.976 5.051
+2147.618 503.601 7.996 548.751 7.680 249.869 7.397
+2147.774 499.966 8.861 546.717 7.603 244.338 8.316
+2147.931 505.149 6.511 548.647 6.739 252.303 4.026
+2148.089 506.301 8.760 548.046 8.252 263.033 8.054
+2148.246 506.703 13.640 549.650 7.278 250.690 7.308
+2148.403 501.957 9.767 548.866 8.388 240.816 10.124
+2148.559 501.719 6.748 546.498 7.176 252.078 5.880
+2148.718 501.947 7.242 546.115 7.685 264.580 6.707
+2148.876 505.009 8.978 549.271 8.431 256.615 7.461
+2149.032 494.960 7.761 548.612 9.070 234.016 6.047
+2149.190 503.139 8.564 546.836 8.100 250.500 6.215
+2149.347 502.801 7.951 545.018 8.408 267.325 6.425
+2149.505 502.848 10.959 546.900 7.670 263.733 8.533
+2149.663 501.768 8.462 547.749 7.039 243.407 7.644
+2149.819 498.657 7.298 548.437 6.522 240.034 5.124
+2149.977 517.556 8.893 546.364 7.689 256.390 8.203
+2150.134 506.175 9.113 547.273 9.279 248.523 15.457
+2150.290 500.051 8.284 549.922 7.708 234.355 13.798
+2150.447 504.140 7.869 544.299 8.483 258.413 6.061
+2150.605 508.061 6.498 543.423 7.112 259.194 6.388
+2150.763 496.240 6.793 547.294 6.250 243.331 7.057
+2150.920 494.922 6.785 547.363 7.534 242.613 5.107
+2151.078 502.829 7.540 544.093 6.466 260.276 5.881
+2151.238 502.828 7.642 542.501 7.767 258.742 9.994
+2151.395 502.388 6.759 546.705 9.408 232.907 16.734
+2151.552 505.703 11.580 547.067 7.555 243.799 10.067
+2151.710 509.867 7.989 543.130 7.040 253.688 5.243
+2151.867 504.908 9.020 544.521 6.816 246.836 8.188
+2152.023 504.699 9.273 543.665 7.113 248.258 6.322
+2152.180 507.737 6.850 545.926 7.672 250.882 4.771
+2152.338 506.857 6.821 542.659 7.272 257.818 4.644
+2152.496 500.078 7.901 542.516 8.129 258.318 6.254
+2152.653 503.870 6.830 542.365 7.032 254.453 6.206
+2152.811 501.108 6.694 542.593 7.570 240.404 6.327
+2152.968 508.851 7.721 543.676 7.499 258.114 6.905
+2153.126 508.918 8.508 544.376 6.613 257.961 6.858
+2153.285 504.249 8.194 542.483 8.180 240.849 9.770
+2153.440 504.032 8.899 543.724 6.235 243.978 7.089
+2153.598 514.420 11.114 544.337 6.725 259.309 7.053
+2153.756 509.014 8.833 544.903 8.902 246.713 7.449
+2153.912 506.840 9.728 543.479 8.521 243.417 8.314
+2154.069 506.778 7.619 543.244 6.876 260.224 5.995
+2154.228 503.227 7.319 544.072 8.191 259.812 8.150
+2154.385 502.352 6.760 545.740 6.811 245.218 5.179
+2154.542 504.563 8.071 545.377 7.390 240.722 8.584
+2154.699 510.435 8.410 542.413 8.197 258.527 10.091
+2154.856 509.354 7.061 543.534 7.404 258.115 8.693
+2155.012 502.933 7.348 545.215 7.803 243.491 4.984
+2155.169 509.469 10.254 544.712 9.470 241.754 7.147
+2155.326 507.964 7.579 542.647 6.677 253.197 5.799
+2155.486 503.999 6.834 544.046 8.068 264.572 4.956
+2155.644 509.780 9.527 545.150 9.272 254.225 12.293
+2155.801 508.307 10.441 542.561 7.289 246.112 8.806
+2155.958 501.223 7.787 541.815 7.533 256.191 8.596
+2156.116 500.872 6.981 543.848 6.766 253.571 7.154
+2156.273 504.158 6.932 543.748 6.857 244.305 6.168
+2156.430 505.101 7.139 544.837 6.736 249.843 6.200
+2156.588 508.151 7.296 542.018 6.914 257.448 5.430
+2156.747 507.271 8.139 544.910 6.236 249.404 7.656
+2156.903 502.372 7.119 545.329 7.507 244.734 5.457
+2157.061 507.863 6.916 541.943 7.228 257.837 3.904
+2157.219 509.778 10.382 542.999 6.560 249.958 11.863
+2157.376 507.217 6.966 543.680 7.198 240.349 5.883
+2157.534 506.812 8.125 543.306 6.575 254.113 7.761
+2157.692 502.888 7.193 542.383 7.530 260.991 6.577
+2157.851 503.418 6.498 542.413 6.372 251.959 6.059
+2158.009 501.934 7.203 544.044 6.933 240.679 4.714
+2158.167 506.209 6.745 543.780 6.278 247.516 4.337
+2158.325 503.342 6.841 543.367 6.805 257.255 5.259
+2158.484 505.813 6.528 544.763 6.345 242.822 8.414
+2158.640 508.478 8.345 542.467 7.465 247.808 4.455
+2158.797 506.614 6.415 541.504 6.246 259.038 5.004
+2158.956 505.536 6.740 544.105 7.543 245.030 4.707
+2159.113 504.465 6.432 543.951 7.038 242.640 4.009
+2159.271 510.784 7.041 541.379 6.621 259.926 5.230
+2159.429 510.477 7.490 543.453 6.996 252.469 6.843
+2159.586 508.834 6.700 544.284 6.589 242.604 4.434
+2159.745 508.268 6.871 544.602 6.881 249.556 7.814
+2159.902 506.372 6.437 543.646 6.525 264.115 6.373
+2160.061 506.553 6.247 544.186 6.717 250.631 4.087
+2160.219 505.855 6.565 545.091 6.566 240.006 4.480
+2160.376 505.688 6.705 544.431 6.808 252.520 5.132
+2160.534 508.886 6.532 544.164 6.973 254.945 4.651
+2160.692 501.938 8.543 545.131 7.034 258.169 6.159
+2160.850 506.499 8.196 543.711 8.077 253.951 6.616
+2161.007 504.685 6.366 542.587 7.578 241.929 5.248
+2161.165 504.586 5.805 544.175 6.623 253.809 6.759
+2161.323 503.695 6.070 543.141 6.346 249.388 6.248
+2161.481 502.707 7.142 544.271 6.249 239.543 3.672
+2161.639 502.697 6.859 543.232 6.754 254.705 6.929
+2161.797 496.977 7.349 541.392 5.937 257.807 5.334
+2161.956 498.709 6.920 541.103 8.370 256.278 5.594
+2162.114 502.987 8.785 543.941 10.410 242.092 7.467
+2162.272 504.509 7.874 544.319 7.062 246.470 4.477
+2162.429 499.015 6.955 545.183 6.880 253.694 5.048
+2162.587 499.230 7.409 545.491 7.502 250.246 5.555
+2162.745 502.882 7.148 542.444 6.809 250.682 6.015
+2162.902 502.748 6.999 541.984 6.486 247.426 4.185
+2163.060 503.527 8.582 539.189 7.052 255.454 4.915
+2163.218 498.815 7.017 542.901 6.216 252.834 5.555
+2163.376 498.158 6.636 543.379 7.263 248.198 4.588
+2163.533 497.961 6.962 542.373 6.896 254.022 4.090
+2163.692 497.479 8.213 542.443 7.108 258.520 5.461
+2163.849 497.904 7.298 542.914 6.635 246.545 7.145
+2164.007 502.599 6.012 542.509 7.046 253.525 4.173
+2164.165 504.276 6.615 541.395 6.603 251.585 5.900
+2164.322 503.692 6.611 544.924 6.566 243.985 4.282
+2164.481 503.047 8.865 543.509 7.381 254.809 6.481
+2164.638 497.470 7.768 542.285 6.525 256.008 7.336
+2164.796 494.094 9.581 541.562 6.787 241.250 4.980
+2164.952 494.971 6.151 543.675 7.307 251.492 5.496
+2165.111 499.529 7.255 540.796 6.878 269.784 6.125
+2165.269 499.635 10.591 539.998 7.681 256.117 8.079
+2165.426 496.436 7.073 541.440 6.580 236.681 4.077
+2165.584 505.604 9.556 539.504 8.355 253.946 9.163
+2165.741 509.336 12.001 541.095 8.695 259.539 7.742
+2165.898 500.743 12.492 542.741 8.340 236.995 9.923
+2166.054 498.667 11.448 541.867 8.157 244.729 8.022
+2166.211 500.816 8.961 538.488 6.576 269.367 4.481
+2166.370 498.818 9.111 540.244 7.235 251.373 7.820
+2166.527 498.758 8.693 543.092 7.126 245.303 8.630
+2166.684 500.557 6.938 540.470 6.591 250.003 3.965
+2166.842 504.635 10.270 540.224 8.008 251.210 6.985
+2166.999 503.846 10.219 542.552 9.147 241.172 6.486
+2167.156 502.498 7.659 540.765 6.562 255.011 4.740
+2167.314 505.335 6.285 541.457 7.034 254.790 5.897
+2167.472 506.813 9.726 543.474 8.896 245.757 5.806
+2167.629 504.828 7.287 543.094 6.440 251.457 5.223
+2167.787 501.298 10.503 543.101 9.314 245.694 5.283
+2167.945 498.933 7.724 542.871 6.379 245.386 5.055
+2168.103 502.269 7.182 541.468 9.448 261.393 6.008
+2168.262 499.812 8.149 539.344 8.410 255.623 5.578
+2168.419 502.008 6.515 541.033 6.842 250.336 6.488
+2168.576 504.610 9.590 543.720 7.016 247.653 5.377
+2168.734 505.926 9.413 540.787 7.207 252.426 4.947
+2168.892 506.379 7.570 544.297 7.439 248.064 6.631
+2169.049 503.403 10.493 542.143 10.050 248.740 6.883
+2169.205 500.104 7.783 539.431 8.186 252.477 4.642
+2169.362 499.361 8.129 541.834 7.577 248.554 5.391
+2169.519 501.763 7.175 542.238 8.202 247.145 5.163
+2169.677 503.287 6.012 541.332 6.621 263.351 4.175
+2169.837 501.742 6.681 541.093 6.631 260.863 4.293
+2169.995 498.887 6.947 541.991 6.991 243.808 5.261
+2170.152 498.488 6.961 542.819 8.874 239.738 6.768
+2170.309 498.174 7.673 540.388 8.141 251.487 7.183
+2170.466 500.321 6.658 542.033 6.314 258.094 4.990
+2170.625 503.413 8.454 540.720 6.386 258.490 5.265
+2170.783 505.034 6.631 542.937 7.217 241.764 4.281
+2170.941 501.250 10.083 542.529 7.168 241.197 6.929
+2171.098 505.412 10.286 542.215 8.391 254.612 5.518
+2171.256 502.064 8.147 540.792 6.249 254.336 7.419
+2171.414 497.730 9.909 541.377 6.316 250.063 4.076
+2171.571 498.077 7.178 539.743 6.908 253.190 5.216
+2171.729 500.850 11.451 540.677 9.765 255.231 5.988
+2171.885 502.818 7.766 542.216 8.193 248.242 7.960
+2172.042 506.278 7.579 540.362 7.035 248.022 6.895
+2172.199 502.952 7.264 539.453 6.689 258.370 4.581
+2172.358 498.679 9.005 544.214 6.772 241.173 4.882
+2172.514 502.676 7.666 542.592 7.404 241.931 5.146
+2172.673 507.506 7.073 537.716 6.422 273.999 4.553
+2172.832 503.745 8.821 542.377 8.560 242.930 9.060
+2172.987 504.197 9.845 543.693 6.932 228.589 5.954
+2173.145 509.252 9.940 541.787 7.411 266.825 8.569
+2173.302 502.732 7.197 539.157 7.327 254.298 5.397
+2173.460 494.857 7.103 543.511 9.028 227.503 4.727
+2173.618 502.868 8.389 539.735 6.918 272.245 4.682
+2173.777 501.778 7.031 540.097 7.470 261.242 6.584
+2173.934 486.607 8.359 542.331 7.958 232.572 5.850
+2174.092 508.296 7.894 539.733 6.350 261.145 6.872
+2174.250 507.972 9.899 540.147 6.913 264.751 8.043
+2174.407 502.139 7.782 544.491 7.296 236.687 8.099
+2174.564 502.071 7.212 543.424 8.530 241.896 6.469
+2174.721 502.070 10.862 540.894 9.213 252.638 7.107
+2174.878 498.560 7.900 543.478 9.024 255.696 5.998
+2175.035 497.595 6.900 544.514 8.244 247.316 7.408
+2175.192 498.446 9.894 538.955 7.308 259.253 5.052
+2175.350 498.034 7.481 543.159 8.006 257.042 8.542
+2175.508 495.700 7.613 544.051 8.847 233.690 6.044
+2175.665 501.037 7.494 542.230 9.432 245.526 5.478
+2175.823 504.700 8.265 541.502 9.450 260.445 5.083
+2175.981 503.537 5.887 542.515 7.115 260.314 5.084
+2176.139 501.985 9.532 544.215 6.479 249.223 6.619
+2176.296 500.089 6.351 542.762 6.147 244.152 4.476
+2176.454 502.190 7.548 546.367 8.176 246.101 7.530
+2176.611 507.061 6.655 547.663 6.014 256.421 3.534
+2176.769 506.580 7.062 544.186 6.688 264.404 6.800
+2176.927 501.725 9.945 546.081 7.252 246.684 4.493
+2177.084 497.287 7.373 544.200 7.775 243.636 5.200
+2177.242 503.102 7.742 547.722 7.489 259.776 6.112
+2177.400 498.291 8.225 544.887 6.454 243.337 4.976
+2177.558 502.302 7.732 544.848 7.151 251.273 6.311
+2177.717 504.293 7.930 545.708 7.321 263.212 5.793
+2177.875 503.482 7.044 544.777 6.551 246.562 8.792
+2178.031 502.724 8.457 548.057 7.546 239.275 5.627
+2178.189 504.417 8.405 542.660 7.000 255.202 5.820
+2178.347 503.564 9.916 545.616 8.366 261.752 6.774
+2178.504 501.205 7.487 547.316 6.635 247.837 4.639
+2178.661 501.932 8.367 545.123 7.397 248.298 6.057
+2178.818 501.419 7.762 544.771 6.515 251.742 3.841
+2178.976 504.434 7.033 546.447 6.321 257.157 4.437
+2179.134 501.994 6.353 545.424 6.945 247.041 4.510
+2179.292 500.669 8.253 543.974 7.838 244.680 6.184
+2179.449 501.806 7.082 546.549 6.711 255.686 4.425
+2179.607 501.298 7.682 547.615 6.991 254.726 6.431
+2179.764 498.863 7.197 546.916 6.550 247.207 5.428
+2179.922 499.788 6.007 546.149 7.221 245.562 7.798
+2180.079 502.767 7.345 546.201 6.951 252.345 5.675
+2180.239 505.487 10.391 546.202 6.934 261.263 4.903
+2180.395 498.284 14.407 546.112 7.572 242.472 6.695
+2180.552 499.122 8.464 545.581 7.282 247.494 4.617
+2180.709 501.521 6.738 544.895 7.598 261.824 5.264
+2180.868 498.155 10.829 548.789 6.126 252.558 5.042
+2181.026 500.771 7.458 547.417 6.543 254.235 5.312
+2181.183 500.887 7.971 550.354 6.213 254.642 4.531
+2181.340 500.968 8.280 551.053 7.822 242.366 6.752
+2181.497 504.999 6.951 552.990 6.843 248.523 4.980
+2181.656 498.910 8.328 546.889 6.342 258.015 3.674
+2181.814 499.909 6.888 549.398 8.137 260.730 5.240
+2181.972 502.129 7.530 552.654 7.495 255.487 5.284
+2182.130 501.261 9.244 552.856 6.853 239.784 4.212
+2182.287 502.602 6.561 553.098 6.840 249.027 4.525
+2182.446 506.996 6.255 549.331 6.850 267.960 6.895
+2182.604 500.319 9.240 552.583 7.457 250.579 6.413
+2182.760 500.603 8.972 549.485 6.942 251.135 5.404
+2182.917 502.636 8.160 551.854 6.478 249.541 5.412
+2183.074 499.546 8.127 553.928 7.129 248.705 4.666
+2183.232 503.875 8.439 552.339 6.482 258.267 6.089
+2183.390 502.688 6.780 550.853 7.215 259.442 4.966
+2183.548 502.566 8.094 551.058 7.227 239.494 6.531
+2183.703 501.195 7.082 551.360 7.067 240.414 4.500
+2183.862 502.632 11.785 554.983 7.869 264.314 6.254
+2184.020 504.796 8.805 549.189 8.140 258.773 5.787
+2184.177 506.877 9.992 551.161 7.982 248.097 5.208
+2184.334 502.768 9.473 550.241 6.649 256.831 6.621
+2184.491 496.907 9.067 550.852 7.091 231.078 5.117
+2184.649 502.009 8.377 552.238 7.621 255.190 5.466
+2184.807 503.400 9.408 546.412 8.868 259.921 8.322
+2184.965 503.744 8.581 549.754 8.975 258.719 5.993
+2185.122 506.977 9.050 551.477 7.364 260.077 4.617
+2185.280 504.259 10.988 555.694 7.900 241.810 9.605
+2185.436 504.622 8.388 553.167 6.922 244.068 5.992
+2185.595 506.036 10.402 554.491 6.997 263.020 4.411
+2185.754 502.820 6.838 548.684 7.893 252.720 7.169
+2185.910 501.208 6.850 550.256 6.568 249.977 6.022
+2186.068 502.022 8.743 549.432 7.250 254.369 7.162
+2186.224 501.980 8.257 552.604 9.456 244.953 7.308
+2186.381 504.699 7.383 550.426 9.132 258.839 5.714
+2186.539 504.467 8.332 552.674 6.268 258.318 6.525
+2186.697 504.054 7.093 553.426 8.586 248.353 6.541
+2186.854 499.590 8.174 551.534 6.799 247.863 5.635
+2187.011 500.035 5.968 549.365 8.432 256.698 5.371
+2187.170 506.000 5.810 550.433 6.890 256.097 5.083
+2187.329 503.810 6.424 549.844 6.735 245.090 3.691
+2187.487 501.838 6.008 551.068 6.038 248.740 4.230
+2187.645 499.988 8.115 552.440 7.012 247.697 7.696
+2187.802 501.769 8.501 551.734 7.804 249.357 4.204
+2187.960 503.167 8.053 554.337 6.889 254.483 5.783
+2188.117 503.531 7.141 551.993 7.075 244.634 4.272
+2188.274 498.685 7.631 556.069 7.012 247.416 6.781
+2188.431 503.136 7.909 550.970 6.504 260.954 4.863
+2188.591 500.841 8.037 556.989 7.397 245.809 13.570
+2188.747 492.378 6.605 548.399 6.620 252.888 4.375
+2188.905 500.243 9.873 552.304 6.470 252.888 5.650
+2189.063 509.332 8.463 552.253 7.149 249.208 14.926
+2189.219 502.453 19.105 549.672 9.021 248.042 21.336
+2189.376 497.894 11.329 547.726 6.941 259.060 6.561
+2189.534 498.559 9.374 552.717 6.272 246.100 7.377
+2189.691 502.455 6.400 554.437 7.696 256.121 5.737
+2189.850 507.384 6.637 549.774 6.577 264.991 7.918
+2190.007 504.093 16.530 552.617 10.445 243.129 17.630
+2190.163 502.110 11.522 549.846 7.277 254.451 17.453
+2190.320 498.921 11.062 549.498 7.456 251.654 9.973
+2190.478 503.509 7.601 553.825 6.694 264.986 5.512
+2190.637 504.775 6.785 551.518 6.737 264.429 6.677
+2190.795 498.557 9.226 553.945 6.766 239.124 4.086
+2190.952 505.235 9.589 548.349 6.528 243.521 7.118
+2191.110 503.472 12.305 548.393 6.824 254.475 6.869
+2191.268 498.554 9.169 549.694 7.009 252.214 7.428
+2191.424 502.945 10.680 549.986 8.164 259.122 12.027
+2191.581 497.229 8.165 554.029 7.658 247.181 5.268
+2191.739 502.712 6.107 551.770 6.244 251.081 5.140
+2191.897 508.717 7.036 555.957 6.855 247.410 8.009
+2192.054 505.787 8.598 549.529 6.535 253.884 5.008
+2192.212 500.627 9.989 551.515 6.598 251.898 7.974
+2192.369 501.996 7.124 551.855 6.752 248.979 7.777
+2192.526 504.910 8.331 550.348 6.637 251.789 5.354
+2192.683 500.949 9.461 552.243 6.531 256.357 7.949
+2192.840 505.329 10.275 552.562 8.625 251.043 7.280
+2192.998 503.863 5.883 550.975 7.310 253.210 5.458
+2193.157 500.578 10.357 552.969 6.932 251.732 5.922
+2193.315 503.535 9.914 545.079 7.094 262.137 6.947
+2193.472 499.165 12.099 549.040 6.750 244.041 7.509
+2193.629 507.141 13.685 554.260 6.733 246.510 4.632
+2193.786 498.491 11.478 552.652 9.196 244.935 11.450
+2193.943 498.984 6.139 550.246 7.109 249.529 6.901
+2194.102 501.109 10.286 550.972 7.431 258.055 7.013
+2194.259 502.361 14.405 551.369 7.934 246.100 7.765
+2194.415 499.123 21.416 552.953 9.978 249.571 9.425
+2194.572 506.371 6.293 552.939 7.418 249.965 10.233
+2194.730 497.863 8.460 549.009 9.630 251.529 9.086
+2194.888 499.428 13.579 552.490 7.052 251.475 6.400
+2195.045 501.554 16.069 551.484 7.909 256.004 7.313
+2195.201 499.185 11.461 550.464 8.226 249.940 5.850
+2195.358 506.521 11.123 550.294 6.948 250.449 9.751
+2195.516 504.515 8.212 552.093 6.772 258.234 6.800
+2195.673 502.865 12.982 552.101 8.057 248.262 7.551
+2195.830 505.128 6.968 550.061 6.449 250.132 9.013
+2195.986 504.631 8.788 552.050 6.243 247.491 4.779
+2196.143 499.806 11.867 550.470 7.463 243.894 9.752
+2196.300 500.418 9.846 551.474 8.876 251.538 6.849
+2196.457 501.394 6.892 553.144 6.793 256.255 5.153
+2196.615 504.153 10.161 553.641 6.223 254.482 7.639
+2196.773 504.221 9.843 552.566 9.883 238.454 13.315
+2196.929 494.892 6.865 547.985 8.211 250.884 6.177
+2197.087 508.258 11.692 547.829 8.007 252.258 6.327
+2197.244 501.772 7.707 554.608 6.947 258.182 16.704
+2197.401 493.937 8.580 553.466 7.335 245.831 10.143
+2197.558 500.489 6.809 549.704 7.407 259.988 7.617
+2197.716 503.654 14.000 552.247 8.431 244.659 11.903
+2197.872 508.396 10.156 551.962 6.767 248.766 7.709
+2198.029 503.124 11.292 551.669 6.123 254.317 11.531
+2198.187 496.991 7.272 553.426 7.141 249.473 5.019
+2198.345 501.819 8.684 549.834 7.162 253.584 8.221
+2198.502 499.448 11.078 550.198 8.612 259.195 14.183
+2198.658 504.314 8.732 552.002 9.183 255.432 11.102
+2198.815 500.713 14.383 552.800 10.185 247.794 10.931
+2198.972 497.737 8.759 548.198 7.378 253.217 4.861
+2199.130 509.907 8.265 548.532 6.858 253.572 7.986
+2199.287 499.869 12.878 549.325 9.390 251.135 11.081
+2199.443 495.118 7.311 550.953 8.275 249.251 9.887
+2199.600 502.381 13.354 551.049 6.277 240.342 7.701
+2199.757 503.623 11.678 548.770 7.480 252.993 7.132
+2199.914 498.866 9.978 548.597 9.767 258.399 7.196
+2200.071 503.938 6.843 550.376 6.308 246.654 6.422
+2200.229 505.039 8.299 551.963 7.194 249.716 8.139
+2200.386 504.550 9.576 548.379 6.987 250.767 7.433
+2200.543 500.725 7.871 553.173 6.762 247.737 8.705
+2200.700 505.827 10.178 549.981 6.579 252.537 7.449
+2200.857 500.328 11.833 549.679 9.297 254.735 6.801
+2201.014 501.593 9.040 550.326 6.540 250.077 5.766
+2201.172 501.725 10.778 553.663 7.238 247.170 7.080
+2201.329 509.007 7.527 547.816 7.220 263.121 6.737
+2201.487 491.540 11.568 550.988 10.793 250.131 10.978
+2201.645 499.265 8.158 548.749 7.766 259.491 10.769
+2201.803 504.292 14.565 550.677 8.145 240.804 15.882
+2201.958 501.662 9.254 551.636 9.359 246.088 9.086
+2202.115 499.186 8.888 549.586 8.847 253.560 9.185
+2202.272 502.421 13.052 547.195 8.615 260.425 8.881
+2202.430 496.634 8.682 546.662 6.913 256.134 5.311
+2202.588 508.346 7.811 548.586 6.907 254.571 4.134
+2202.746 497.783 8.429 550.355 6.885 239.485 14.363
+2202.902 502.417 8.845 546.563 9.117 251.014 6.543
+2203.060 504.144 16.848 546.225 7.895 255.540 9.515
+2203.217 499.691 8.053 553.182 7.479 247.125 14.004
+2203.373 495.357 13.782 545.661 8.265 256.941 10.113
+2203.529 497.883 8.775 548.606 7.721 241.599 5.104
+2203.686 503.058 7.561 551.956 6.917 250.336 10.114
+2203.844 493.900 8.554 545.259 8.543 260.633 7.565
+2204.001 499.419 13.170 547.662 6.891 245.546 6.973
+2204.157 492.214 7.256 547.066 7.255 247.605 11.648
+2204.314 496.352 11.110 549.430 6.329 252.056 4.246
+2204.472 500.273 6.124 547.624 6.738 256.110 7.103
+2204.630 488.882 7.489 550.996 8.880 246.701 5.488
+2204.789 497.008 7.614 546.360 7.046 256.267 4.361
+2204.946 494.390 8.970 545.243 8.353 251.002 8.825
+2205.104 497.173 6.902 546.192 7.092 260.610 5.787
+2205.261 491.641 10.865 551.602 7.015 253.046 5.230
+2205.420 487.516 7.083 547.956 7.552 253.520 9.453
+2205.578 496.305 6.242 548.519 6.595 251.575 5.692
+2205.736 488.953 6.188 545.705 6.867 251.385 7.142
+2205.893 494.429 6.686 546.757 7.136 254.823 4.953
+2206.051 487.564 9.416 545.397 9.048 255.628 7.428
+2206.207 489.995 6.688 545.874 6.868 251.236 6.759
+2206.365 496.069 11.459 551.618 6.882 242.002 16.509
+2206.521 481.150 16.808 546.996 7.674 248.750 9.625
+2206.677 494.591 9.125 543.800 6.483 253.667 4.562
+2206.834 493.495 7.608 542.498 7.163 254.886 5.426
+2206.992 490.555 6.665 544.865 7.052 254.788 4.636
+2207.151 484.535 10.096 549.718 7.038 237.477 11.482
+2207.307 495.685 8.801 547.117 7.632 252.114 7.469
+2207.464 484.586 10.245 544.421 7.234 256.301 8.445
+2207.622 495.445 7.354 546.184 6.178 248.743 5.449
+2207.779 484.524 7.446 547.801 6.961 247.697 8.544
+2207.936 489.685 7.356 544.718 7.185 256.857 8.100
+2208.094 490.526 6.393 547.387 7.149 250.628 6.926
+2208.252 489.555 10.899 544.063 7.873 260.926 17.081
+2208.408 486.385 9.232 548.840 8.710 233.679 20.772
+2208.565 500.903 10.329 544.758 7.512 258.806 5.855
+2208.722 490.889 7.890 544.097 7.130 257.268 5.704
+2208.880 486.868 5.599 548.501 7.417 244.262 6.022
+2209.038 491.608 10.555 547.485 8.477 248.462 6.776
+2209.195 483.396 19.108 547.874 10.282 245.254 23.100
+2209.350 480.294 21.782 546.508 9.935 251.192 12.869
+2209.506 490.382 9.530 545.105 6.910 255.261 7.644
+2209.663 485.743 9.976 540.921 6.981 251.422 7.172
+2209.820 485.227 15.743 546.959 9.137 252.194 17.045
+2209.976 487.292 7.630 546.909 6.860 248.211 9.159
+2210.134 484.822 21.607 543.009 7.742 261.032 18.486
+2210.291 487.048 17.955 544.640 10.814 256.520 9.554
+2210.447 490.310 9.276 545.246 9.115 250.735 17.610
+2210.602 490.133 7.974 543.362 7.640 249.307 5.650
+2210.759 488.201 11.406 545.133 8.160 251.283 13.222
+2210.916 485.282 7.522 539.751 7.458 254.282 5.226
+2211.074 493.992 11.506 541.197 8.153 256.872 8.800
+2211.231 490.690 11.111 546.212 8.088 230.288 9.642
+2211.388 491.776 8.332 540.272 7.583 253.592 4.914
+2211.546 486.337 8.549 545.462 6.666 256.755 6.864
+2211.704 489.283 7.722 537.874 7.261 256.027 7.083
+2211.861 490.452 7.413 547.338 7.335 249.960 11.783
+2212.018 483.784 8.475 543.383 9.084 243.979 5.444
+2212.175 491.757 7.881 537.513 7.524 253.929 4.647
+2212.333 493.367 8.028 539.875 7.285 250.919 4.485
+2212.490 497.913 15.535 543.168 8.497 236.449 18.668
+2212.646 486.819 16.760 535.901 7.606 258.364 14.561
+2212.802 495.038 7.495 541.749 8.785 249.353 7.305
+2212.959 488.890 11.151 541.587 7.926 247.673 7.393
+2213.117 491.588 12.364 543.265 7.247 244.696 5.158
+2213.274 499.935 8.332 540.532 7.591 241.126 12.658
+2213.431 492.829 8.739 543.905 7.877 256.911 7.172
+2213.587 484.458 10.674 538.129 8.580 242.259 15.133
+2213.744 491.764 11.822 541.751 9.774 245.742 12.542
+2213.901 486.287 10.466 542.557 7.897 258.137 6.090
+2214.059 496.422 7.836 539.605 8.450 240.741 10.262
+2214.217 491.994 10.536 536.976 10.688 233.657 10.701
+2214.374 491.649 9.585 543.459 7.916 266.576 7.815
+2214.531 476.956 7.768 539.024 7.141 261.615 7.070
+2214.688 488.459 8.453 536.320 7.899 259.996 10.777
+2214.846 485.424 10.878 546.073 8.144 242.449 10.060
+2215.002 484.294 9.474 541.730 7.329 253.344 9.628
+2215.159 489.492 10.790 536.347 9.359 256.613 9.835
+2215.316 496.644 8.795 535.323 7.716 265.576 5.585
+2215.474 487.726 16.556 526.413 10.666 234.875 9.217
+2215.630 482.967 9.862 531.424 8.723 257.778 8.345
+2215.788 493.009 15.253 529.234 12.877 253.227 11.221
+2215.945 489.680 11.511 534.892 7.416 258.812 9.036
+2216.102 488.676 15.428 538.769 10.252 244.118 11.551
+2216.258 495.916 10.183 534.207 9.249 254.821 8.794
+2216.416 491.599 9.743 530.112 8.759 264.988 4.884
+2216.573 495.266 13.679 533.601 9.157 227.629 15.928
+2216.728 493.272 9.535 526.156 9.680 248.646 11.167
+2216.887 496.042 10.242 532.591 9.985 258.146 7.448
+2217.044 492.060 10.757 538.256 11.166 251.061 7.343
+2217.202 499.770 14.852 535.502 9.187 255.870 12.384
+2217.359 489.847 12.050 522.975 9.328 253.428 14.651
+2217.514 497.588 13.257 530.999 11.944 219.794 11.721
+2217.672 486.005 16.911 518.350 9.511 263.257 8.795
+2217.829 500.110 10.321 517.863 9.891 252.912 11.667
+2217.986 480.781 9.918 528.048 7.908 243.179 5.929
+2218.144 503.747 8.634 522.870 7.848 259.001 6.220
+2218.302 486.507 7.936 527.498 8.115 222.660 12.364
+2218.459 508.975 8.255 524.565 8.054 265.606 7.133
+2218.617 479.489 13.664 519.065 9.004 243.736 11.297
+2218.773 505.454 8.241 525.660 9.714 249.897 10.033
+2218.931 513.314 10.417 527.136 9.290 254.258 11.737
+2219.088 476.893 9.809 522.331 8.364 240.492 13.678
+2219.244 518.668 7.905 524.883 9.656 247.584 10.704
+2219.402 502.776 11.485 530.518 11.299 251.625 9.408
+2219.559 496.727 11.391 520.635 8.939 249.276 7.987
+2219.716 500.337 9.795 522.556 8.629 255.972 8.369
+2219.872 519.863 14.149 528.555 10.425 242.809 14.335
+2220.029 493.028 13.730 527.215 8.941 239.818 12.277
+2220.186 517.410 12.490 525.952 14.896 255.448 9.461
+2220.344 496.854 14.777 524.549 8.727 237.604 16.606
+2220.500 499.528 23.948 525.725 8.144 261.246 26.095
+2220.656 510.895 20.033 519.717 11.193 259.652 11.787
+2220.813 494.939 8.607 527.177 10.183 239.096 8.927
+2220.970 501.999 10.209 525.141 11.444 253.480 12.383
+2221.128 504.590 10.590 530.671 8.384 229.844 12.867
+2221.285 507.145 16.372 516.036 12.436 251.828 18.171
+2221.441 486.121 10.453 515.500 13.451 255.748 10.906
+2221.597 504.981 13.430 525.945 9.198 244.337 11.016
+2221.755 510.819 17.014 528.799 14.145 245.683 28.990
+2221.910 493.938 15.702 528.768 8.542 245.966 13.958
+2222.065 487.609 14.983 526.427 13.077 243.089 7.664
+2222.221 505.936 18.297 520.644 13.075 250.450 9.398
+2222.377 507.179 9.824 519.516 10.815 254.074 8.823
+2222.534 506.301 11.942 526.205 9.337 245.920 9.325
+2222.691 496.813 8.119 531.932 11.456 247.309 7.387
+2222.847 507.998 10.749 522.969 10.721 246.893 15.521
+2223.004 503.250 17.321 524.889 8.087 233.188 15.110
+2223.160 503.452 10.695 521.828 11.254 261.371 8.159
+2223.319 508.894 12.947 524.508 14.307 247.863 12.827
+2223.474 498.188 12.488 525.535 9.700 248.388 9.621
+2223.631 507.101 11.184 518.545 8.608 247.913 7.509
+2223.788 500.431 10.519 523.645 9.947 232.949 9.151
+2223.946 503.844 10.015 526.316 8.899 268.899 9.339
+2224.102 498.018 11.430 529.853 9.675 259.139 12.024
+2224.260 503.760 9.675 536.638 8.996 251.471 13.448
+2224.417 505.197 11.234 528.086 9.208 254.164 10.640
+2224.575 505.912 8.058 525.700 7.202 249.791 7.317
+2224.732 502.069 9.632 527.717 8.562 251.397 9.209
+2224.889 484.260 8.694 532.077 9.651 239.404 7.933
+2225.045 512.752 15.752 527.710 12.543 242.594 12.129
+2225.203 491.127 11.842 519.897 9.302 275.035 8.439
+2225.360 509.911 18.317 532.389 11.360 245.160 23.672
+2225.517 503.469 12.061 537.533 8.845 220.131 21.587
+2225.674 504.814 18.268 526.565 10.682 268.631 15.073
+2225.831 510.968 9.498 532.125 10.663 267.726 8.323
+2225.988 490.849 13.523 538.081 8.898 235.487 9.627
+2226.144 498.038 15.116 536.400 13.315 248.814 10.392
+2226.303 500.600 9.291 528.994 10.800 261.338 9.048
+2226.461 497.935 11.127 525.340 11.738 228.713 8.122
+2226.618 511.439 18.825 529.443 11.428 244.477 19.296
+2226.774 499.074 10.939 527.674 10.075 281.334 11.761
+2226.932 503.360 12.961 532.266 8.662 250.333 16.353
+2227.087 506.573 14.618 539.842 10.169 230.873 13.369
+2227.245 502.065 12.541 530.048 12.051 270.468 9.906
+2227.403 497.350 11.923 528.900 10.263 252.964 10.413
+2227.559 504.713 9.888 536.059 10.235 228.579 8.936
+2227.717 508.177 8.836 533.500 8.709 257.175 9.817
+2227.874 505.521 7.924 533.415 10.341 249.051 10.394
+2228.031 497.195 8.657 534.994 8.067 241.310 6.606
+2228.187 500.291 10.962 529.389 10.063 253.593 10.071
+2228.346 502.342 8.874 534.973 8.124 267.235 7.313
+2228.503 493.683 9.653 535.139 8.004 234.252 8.743
+2228.659 502.226 10.393 536.941 9.465 246.382 9.253
+2228.815 497.912 8.993 533.199 7.828 256.043 5.730
+2228.973 507.949 10.155 536.172 9.685 239.710 7.516
+2229.129 510.419 9.827 535.591 8.447 248.177 9.581
+2229.285 501.444 10.611 531.166 8.841 247.821 11.397
+2229.444 498.074 9.914 539.921 9.254 249.768 8.787
+2229.600 498.470 9.693 535.359 7.884 249.677 6.608
+2229.757 508.804 10.509 531.893 8.765 257.946 7.066
+2229.915 497.798 9.073 533.699 7.956 253.389 8.573
+2230.072 503.518 8.722 538.237 8.697 241.053 7.424
+2230.228 507.015 10.102 533.092 9.974 248.700 6.853
+2230.387 506.210 9.938 531.191 9.243 270.247 6.850
+2230.545 498.152 9.583 537.551 8.334 237.392 9.837
+2230.701 503.651 10.496 534.175 8.548 254.213 7.985
+2230.859 509.226 9.464 539.161 9.260 247.122 13.204
+2231.015 503.042 9.865 534.121 8.557 242.121 6.880
+2231.173 502.050 7.708 536.521 7.293 252.611 6.085
+2231.332 499.440 7.759 532.555 8.646 258.436 5.213
+2231.489 506.964 9.434 535.335 8.641 253.594 11.043
+2231.647 503.069 12.421 536.623 8.644 248.155 9.284
+2231.803 497.000 8.165 534.226 8.687 250.831 5.646
+2231.960 503.640 7.544 535.832 7.580 253.678 6.385
+2232.117 498.466 7.377 539.218 9.591 253.616 7.351
+2232.274 501.664 9.338 538.772 8.841 251.236 6.149
+2232.431 500.376 8.929 536.327 7.393 248.972 6.225
+2232.588 498.273 7.067 538.163 8.136 251.659 5.401
+2232.746 496.082 8.810 537.241 7.764 260.066 6.955
+2232.903 497.790 7.542 538.612 8.766 247.480 7.243
+2233.060 500.247 9.051 536.166 8.935 252.344 9.498
+2233.216 496.352 9.551 538.501 8.572 247.663 7.493
+2233.373 497.193 8.929 537.605 7.732 247.936 5.020
+2233.530 503.222 7.261 536.616 7.129 253.049 4.511
+2233.688 503.772 7.907 539.436 7.000 251.430 5.364
+2233.845 497.627 6.511 538.324 6.947 247.204 6.328
+2234.003 497.756 8.032 538.453 7.819 247.932 5.663
+2234.160 494.547 8.054 537.154 8.059 252.899 5.206
+2234.318 501.795 6.741 537.351 7.131 257.159 6.509
+2234.475 497.038 7.652 536.503 6.402 247.281 4.700
+2234.633 499.130 6.766 535.545 6.428 256.122 4.510
+2234.791 500.931 7.227 530.755 6.959 252.381 4.914
+2234.949 498.329 7.935 532.547 8.464 243.233 4.914
+2235.105 498.613 7.797 537.295 6.738 254.622 5.823
+2235.263 499.476 6.546 537.153 6.566 252.306 5.030
+2235.421 499.464 11.239 537.441 8.127 247.233 7.263
+2235.577 497.194 7.937 536.334 6.955 246.422 4.377
+2235.735 497.701 7.603 536.723 7.340 255.704 5.549
+2235.893 500.367 6.729 535.427 7.205 247.597 5.791
+2236.050 501.703 7.290 536.044 6.216 247.075 5.195
+2236.209 497.627 8.087 535.660 6.600 258.050 4.644
+2236.366 494.496 11.021 535.066 6.777 251.880 6.763
+2236.523 496.085 9.041 535.910 6.401 248.268 9.189
+2236.680 498.810 7.564 535.079 7.267 257.002 4.793
+2236.839 496.528 7.995 534.880 6.099 254.470 5.224
+2236.997 495.445 7.423 535.288 5.941 246.164 4.731
+2237.154 501.444 5.954 535.742 6.129 247.571 3.799
+2237.312 500.674 5.804 535.917 6.094 253.565 3.827
+2237.470 498.116 5.791 536.809 6.030 251.805 4.055
+2237.628 497.401 6.340 535.258 6.792 248.888 4.134
+2237.786 498.294 7.297 534.582 6.326 255.128 4.501
+2237.944 494.072 7.254 535.125 6.292 253.001 5.120
+2238.103 493.760 6.586 536.731 6.242 248.290 7.267
+2238.260 498.277 6.577 537.227 7.150 250.322 6.631
+2238.418 498.532 6.194 536.262 6.792 251.063 4.073
+2238.576 499.855 6.705 536.452 6.929 251.270 4.452
+2238.732 499.498 6.297 538.004 6.245 248.212 4.452
+2238.890 499.515 6.463 536.550 6.373 249.782 4.706
+2239.048 498.705 5.910 537.245 5.979 247.037 3.513
+2239.207 497.027 7.179 536.852 6.144 254.720 6.894
+2239.364 494.630 6.726 534.878 6.058 253.217 3.584
+2239.522 490.286 6.963 536.458 5.993 245.862 5.572
+2239.679 493.862 6.426 536.434 6.060 251.108 4.803
+2239.838 497.138 6.249 536.504 6.275 262.401 3.625
+2239.997 498.971 6.982 536.615 6.060 249.384 9.868
+2240.154 498.809 7.116 538.316 6.653 235.543 8.060
+2240.311 502.418 8.966 538.523 6.523 248.385 5.405
+2240.468 500.114 8.581 538.985 6.079 254.363 3.751
+2240.626 493.731 7.101 538.109 6.526 244.643 5.692
+2240.784 494.397 6.117 538.081 6.066 245.366 3.608
+2240.942 497.934 6.101 538.030 6.390 257.543 4.911
+2241.101 495.099 6.407 538.780 6.068 256.555 6.088
+2241.259 493.111 5.652 538.587 6.103 251.545 4.686
+2241.417 495.651 6.209 538.175 5.981 252.115 4.978
+2241.576 496.076 6.220 538.691 6.745 256.331 4.823
+2241.734 496.350 6.168 540.517 6.268 252.393 5.042
+2241.892 496.103 6.201 540.365 6.641 244.163 5.085
+2242.049 498.441 6.574 539.603 6.209 244.241 4.204
+2242.207 501.094 6.845 539.506 6.266 254.842 3.755
+2242.366 497.141 5.777 539.635 5.920 254.458 3.393
+2242.524 497.941 5.853 540.246 6.318 248.414 3.272
+2242.682 494.569 5.951 540.592 6.330 251.614 4.221
+2242.840 496.705 5.897 539.295 6.110 254.356 4.013
+2242.999 497.177 5.910 541.293 6.225 252.223 5.085
+2243.157 499.141 6.349 541.083 6.479 251.902 3.762
+2243.315 501.301 6.166 539.690 6.146 252.499 4.658
+2243.473 499.473 6.412 540.007 6.883 249.765 3.676
+2243.631 499.704 6.429 540.880 6.728 252.637 4.638
+2243.789 497.987 6.931 540.468 7.608 249.776 5.101
+2243.947 500.039 8.433 540.184 7.412 249.157 3.826
+2244.104 499.210 7.172 541.841 7.487 249.981 5.917
+2244.262 498.292 6.608 539.918 6.643 253.559 5.105
+2244.420 499.852 7.829 539.029 7.347 253.865 5.600
+2244.578 496.058 6.354 540.570 6.686 250.288 4.378
+2244.736 497.480 6.858 539.875 6.562 254.432 3.876
+2244.893 497.264 7.692 539.878 7.954 253.804 4.454
+2245.051 497.022 8.319 539.998 6.683 251.738 4.059
+2245.209 500.420 7.186 540.450 6.252 247.267 5.621
+2245.367 499.214 6.735 542.214 6.788 246.452 5.025
+2245.524 500.782 6.323 541.552 6.438 254.834 4.196
+2245.682 498.137 6.098 541.305 6.806 254.278 4.392
+2245.840 500.961 6.979 541.503 6.335 245.202 4.038
+2245.998 502.989 6.391 541.235 6.492 251.062 3.827
+2246.156 500.729 7.391 541.462 6.514 253.510 5.951
+2246.314 497.547 8.016 540.744 6.460 250.405 4.098
+2246.470 497.945 11.404 541.787 7.574 248.304 5.313
+2246.628 501.369 9.302 541.527 7.320 252.533 6.653
+2246.786 502.863 8.334 542.505 8.268 252.735 5.097
+2246.943 502.548 6.940 541.025 6.741 243.717 7.800
+2247.100 502.675 9.097 542.210 6.516 245.587 4.848
+2247.257 499.136 7.473 541.752 7.880 253.265 6.395
+2247.414 500.561 6.971 539.967 6.808 253.562 5.157
+2247.571 501.725 7.363 542.299 6.518 251.135 6.090
+2247.729 500.367 8.248 541.673 6.900 245.091 6.196
+2247.886 501.003 7.958 541.226 7.104 247.210 7.160
+2248.043 500.200 7.087 541.022 6.600 252.922 5.362
+2248.201 505.182 8.073 542.110 6.639 255.779 6.513
+2248.359 501.491 8.092 542.841 7.071 244.597 10.045
+2248.515 501.684 6.403 541.968 6.544 251.706 5.027
+2248.674 504.266 6.415 542.309 6.118 252.787 4.902
+2248.832 505.512 7.103 542.453 6.909 253.787 4.266
+2248.989 503.245 8.574 541.354 6.966 250.867 4.856
+2249.146 501.162 8.821 543.723 6.877 243.438 5.663
+2249.303 500.881 6.550 540.987 6.480 251.564 8.741
+2249.461 502.048 10.915 542.709 7.810 256.655 7.009
+2249.619 501.730 10.137 541.727 7.262 247.526 8.010
+2249.776 505.307 11.850 543.717 6.696 249.305 5.212
+2249.933 503.183 9.285 540.597 6.995 251.933 5.769
+2250.091 502.151 8.860 541.396 6.405 248.749 9.583
+2250.247 506.321 11.603 542.784 6.705 246.327 4.660
+2250.405 507.473 6.455 543.377 6.202 253.603 7.249
+2250.562 503.934 8.005 543.363 6.697 251.106 5.096
+2250.720 499.769 7.192 541.593 6.832 251.721 5.437
+2250.877 502.887 7.885 543.385 7.326 251.557 7.242
+2251.034 506.298 8.736 540.893 8.248 254.475 6.807
+2251.191 501.593 8.062 544.019 11.029 251.554 5.523
+2251.349 500.455 8.312 541.280 6.809 245.215 6.009
+2251.506 505.214 9.127 541.912 8.305 255.512 8.362
+2251.664 502.992 7.073 540.449 7.227 257.685 4.600
+2251.821 507.099 10.977 542.534 10.764 237.026 13.484
+2251.977 503.751 6.394 543.375 7.318 245.830 6.627
+2252.137 501.917 9.257 540.723 7.445 268.688 6.348
+2252.294 505.649 9.492 541.647 6.919 249.376 5.485
+2252.452 503.876 6.998 542.546 7.133 237.213 6.102
+2252.610 502.068 8.469 541.905 6.369 254.522 5.379
+2252.769 499.800 7.606 541.429 7.315 262.835 7.068
+2252.926 499.738 6.721 542.504 7.756 250.218 4.085
+2253.083 499.907 6.913 544.765 7.183 238.252 5.062
+2253.240 506.269 6.548 542.867 8.098 248.912 6.600
+2253.398 503.632 8.662 541.228 6.317 270.609 3.959
+2253.556 501.426 11.377 545.952 7.155 245.286 6.765
+2253.714 503.804 8.853 543.769 6.575 232.672 7.950
+2253.871 503.628 7.832 541.247 6.297 257.826 8.926
+2254.028 507.476 7.404 542.812 6.183 256.808 4.885
+2254.187 504.024 6.801 542.128 7.425 252.468 4.682
+2254.344 500.320 9.038 542.011 6.452 241.914 6.990
+2254.501 502.033 9.443 541.190 6.467 245.889 6.219
+2254.659 503.460 6.475 540.801 6.253 260.678 5.366
+2254.817 502.014 8.607 542.948 6.962 251.696 6.946
+2254.974 499.240 8.065 541.379 7.044 246.646 6.245
+2255.131 503.892 6.338 540.733 7.034 253.676 5.105
+2255.289 502.139 7.478 542.197 6.606 244.586 7.729
+2255.446 504.071 10.118 542.152 8.117 240.855 6.464
+2255.603 507.000 8.440 542.341 7.706 255.848 5.164
+2255.762 505.550 6.557 541.983 6.415 256.138 5.636
+2255.921 500.355 6.838 541.619 6.333 248.701 3.455
+2256.079 501.383 6.744 541.466 7.555 249.097 3.852
+2256.237 502.673 7.707 542.934 6.103 254.500 5.825
+2256.395 500.026 7.491 541.079 6.436 255.505 4.330
+2256.552 500.270 7.172 543.850 7.550 247.115 4.814
+2256.709 503.472 8.252 543.448 7.778 249.261 4.885
+2256.866 501.774 6.343 541.794 6.320 255.772 4.146
+2257.025 502.027 8.887 542.388 6.218 255.257 6.314
+2257.182 502.800 6.146 543.753 6.709 245.472 8.249
+2257.339 500.738 8.129 542.437 7.616 251.084 5.211
+2257.496 504.177 6.916 540.394 6.154 256.530 3.467
+2257.654 504.081 9.432 542.374 6.113 249.645 5.003
+2257.812 502.120 6.792 542.583 6.427 243.636 3.856
+2257.969 502.981 8.277 544.185 7.522 250.506 4.478
+2258.127 505.059 6.104 541.951 7.443 257.095 3.913
+2258.286 502.670 7.576 542.479 6.787 252.100 4.890
+2258.443 497.356 12.673 542.714 9.471 249.761 6.509
+2258.599 495.873 7.367 541.357 7.007 250.817 6.001
+2258.757 503.688 11.193 541.323 7.049 258.538 7.807
+2258.915 500.976 11.414 542.383 7.067 254.955 4.518
+2259.072 501.619 6.901 542.073 6.586 248.449 4.283
+2259.230 504.626 7.816 543.290 6.570 250.954 4.231
+2259.389 506.486 7.964 542.093 7.394 252.979 4.680
+2259.547 506.984 6.264 542.770 7.386 249.929 4.282
+2259.704 503.499 7.634 542.947 8.174 244.309 4.939
+2259.862 503.615 7.731 543.459 6.239 250.213 5.372
+2260.020 502.816 6.986 541.034 7.754 255.822 7.399
+2260.178 501.508 8.035 540.350 7.896 251.258 5.707
+2260.334 502.545 6.130 543.083 6.325 250.252 4.018
+2260.492 500.135 6.552 543.180 6.136 252.652 4.980
+2260.651 501.521 8.607 542.441 7.026 253.256 6.672
+2260.808 500.655 7.265 542.754 6.739 252.262 5.309
+2260.966 501.796 8.160 542.537 7.500 246.422 7.881
+2261.122 503.177 6.706 544.505 6.470 249.934 3.896
+2261.280 506.271 7.141 542.215 6.448 252.549 4.664
+2261.437 505.752 6.899 543.452 6.813 248.025 5.099
+2261.594 504.047 7.858 543.494 6.369 248.880 5.298
+2261.752 504.080 9.056 543.465 6.501 252.458 5.071
+2261.909 503.570 6.631 542.794 6.539 253.604 4.477
+2262.067 502.285 9.032 544.528 6.670 249.276 5.253
+2262.224 502.922 7.008 541.215 7.918 248.962 4.402
+2262.382 500.409 10.421 542.872 7.038 253.199 5.107
+2262.540 502.264 7.249 541.778 7.238 251.082 5.394
+2262.698 505.312 10.542 544.217 6.670 251.760 6.637
+2262.855 502.083 8.131 542.902 8.291 249.267 4.817
+2263.013 504.720 6.107 543.239 6.635 247.972 4.476
+2263.171 504.557 6.243 542.642 6.228 252.259 3.903
+2263.329 504.795 6.775 542.526 6.231 253.342 4.840
+2263.488 504.577 8.134 543.785 7.193 243.113 4.315
+2263.645 505.585 7.044 542.537 6.365 246.021 3.884
+2263.804 502.665 10.754 541.525 7.108 262.610 4.335
+2263.961 502.196 8.761 540.825 7.188 249.526 5.821
+2264.118 499.612 7.982 541.938 6.537 243.275 4.816
+2264.276 500.146 6.931 541.809 6.078 258.012 4.690
+2264.434 503.571 7.471 541.268 6.420 260.220 5.280
+2264.592 503.635 8.421 543.632 8.216 246.912 6.301
+2264.749 503.356 8.485 541.736 6.545 247.439 4.541
+2264.906 506.733 7.509 543.227 6.496 251.924 5.348
+2265.064 507.257 8.201 541.922 6.236 254.099 3.953
+2265.222 502.872 6.358 541.949 7.696 246.271 4.151
+2265.379 501.938 6.623 541.889 6.172 248.432 4.298
+2265.539 504.419 7.743 541.208 6.943 254.384 4.915
+2265.696 503.084 9.636 542.532 7.967 252.873 5.102
+2265.853 505.430 11.043 542.115 7.080 252.338 3.968
+2266.010 500.364 6.606 543.581 6.448 247.573 4.061
+2266.167 503.013 7.531 543.215 6.236 248.915 5.205
+2266.326 504.140 7.619 540.222 6.349 253.979 5.320
+2266.485 504.711 8.541 540.942 6.157 255.769 6.846
+2266.642 503.777 7.164 541.889 6.439 249.347 4.243
+2266.799 502.707 6.606 543.988 6.228 250.193 4.823
+2266.957 506.377 7.213 542.069 6.035 250.731 4.154
+2267.114 504.883 8.485 542.730 7.683 254.927 4.281
+2267.271 503.778 11.000 542.207 6.271 249.269 4.211
+2267.428 503.557 6.809 542.132 6.425 242.132 4.974
+2267.585 502.835 5.676 542.661 6.045 251.261 4.411
+2267.745 503.618 6.161 542.676 6.186 262.672 4.295
+2267.903 502.386 8.125 542.066 6.514 247.866 4.628
+2268.060 503.723 9.735 542.800 6.621 241.888 4.481
+2268.217 504.487 10.192 541.638 6.953 254.268 4.743
+2268.375 507.004 8.077 541.596 6.507 260.132 5.246
+2268.534 500.790 6.577 541.196 7.306 246.641 4.684
+2268.691 502.847 6.276 542.362 6.538 245.236 4.979
+2268.849 503.148 7.007 541.863 6.368 255.242 5.095
+2269.007 502.061 6.298 541.338 6.056 256.302 4.680
+2269.166 502.190 7.112 543.743 7.747 243.593 6.607
+2269.323 503.501 9.263 542.827 6.056 244.235 5.162
+2269.482 505.705 6.795 544.018 6.127 257.012 4.407
+2269.640 505.747 8.991 539.310 7.122 254.390 6.136
+2269.797 501.387 6.935 542.203 6.989 243.723 5.112
+2269.955 502.113 7.229 543.522 6.951 249.037 3.755
+2270.113 504.521 5.966 542.645 6.442 258.680 4.090
+2270.271 501.825 8.163 542.926 7.146 253.096 4.619
+2270.428 503.068 8.811 542.989 7.203 239.720 5.614
+2270.586 501.110 6.479 542.719 8.050 250.827 4.341
+2270.744 505.481 7.022 542.097 6.538 262.778 4.455
+2270.902 503.384 6.472 542.141 6.088 250.707 4.963
+2271.060 503.143 6.033 543.881 6.517 242.677 3.677
+2271.218 505.671 8.240 542.288 6.993 252.726 3.992
+2271.376 503.366 5.850 543.112 5.884 257.567 5.111
+2271.534 502.633 6.465 541.581 7.041 251.695 4.645
+2271.692 501.316 6.317 542.765 6.592 249.366 4.052
+2271.849 501.643 6.439 542.927 6.113 247.963 4.479
+2272.007 500.606 6.505 543.379 5.884 249.579 3.786
+2272.164 501.686 6.095 541.263 6.821 253.935 5.489
+2272.323 503.106 6.927 543.232 7.068 254.749 3.778
+2272.480 503.061 7.700 541.722 6.447 249.727 4.417
+2272.638 502.630 6.436 543.137 6.737 247.377 4.152
+2272.796 505.416 5.968 541.621 7.046 251.363 3.757
+2272.954 505.154 7.988 542.166 6.899 257.193 5.615
+2273.112 502.441 6.228 541.591 7.011 253.641 4.034
+2273.269 503.344 6.747 543.466 6.440 242.446 4.816
+2273.427 505.713 6.092 543.214 6.355 247.724 4.829
+2273.584 505.427 7.547 540.992 7.031 258.387 5.782
+2273.743 502.844 7.744 541.399 7.292 252.363 5.350
+2273.901 502.588 6.831 542.074 6.829 249.043 4.957
+2274.058 503.935 8.870 542.830 6.339 253.660 5.293
+2274.215 498.499 7.358 542.778 7.391 248.516 5.416
+2274.372 501.245 7.339 540.777 8.463 251.495 4.611
+2274.529 503.372 7.646 542.007 7.366 253.044 4.300
+2274.687 506.533 6.879 542.800 6.430 247.050 5.060
+2274.844 504.675 6.579 543.248 5.972 252.450 4.639
+2275.002 502.746 6.169 542.052 6.400 250.694 4.759
+2275.160 502.707 6.979 541.900 6.676 248.736 4.888
+2275.318 503.037 6.801 542.169 7.360 252.527 4.497
+2275.476 504.750 7.622 543.301 6.265 253.555 4.684
+2275.634 504.197 7.281 541.923 6.355 246.515 5.189
+2275.791 503.142 8.438 542.599 6.546 248.215 4.155
+2275.949 502.241 6.086 541.066 6.093 257.612 4.818
+2276.107 503.512 6.582 541.020 7.139 252.046 4.781
+2276.264 502.675 6.230 544.460 6.267 244.540 6.150
+2276.423 500.756 6.678 543.254 7.008 240.925 4.801
+2276.580 499.697 7.104 544.092 6.570 252.869 3.562
+2276.739 505.077 6.426 543.061 6.777 265.698 4.433
+2276.896 502.530 7.286 544.870 7.142 242.457 5.909
+2277.054 502.575 7.085 546.408 6.221 238.784 4.172
+2277.212 504.345 6.061 546.124 7.137 256.847 4.360
+2277.371 506.083 7.662 545.331 7.826 262.238 5.524
+2277.530 502.020 6.892 547.353 6.328 243.002 5.271
+2277.687 501.830 5.863 547.063 6.655 240.020 3.710
+2277.846 502.138 7.435 545.640 6.442 250.880 3.976
+2278.004 503.831 6.348 542.776 7.379 260.438 5.971
+2278.163 503.888 6.959 545.347 7.148 260.554 6.298
+2278.321 503.848 7.682 547.853 8.059 254.045 8.065
+2278.477 503.818 8.958 547.398 6.108 239.380 5.267
+2278.634 504.398 6.828 546.564 8.635 243.143 5.681
+2278.793 503.884 7.011 548.485 7.324 262.701 4.544
+2278.952 507.528 6.877 547.584 7.316 264.267 7.462
+2279.109 500.915 8.712 548.655 8.562 236.662 7.960
+2279.265 503.589 8.995 547.626 7.648 241.556 6.041
+2279.424 506.235 6.337 545.786 8.529 259.955 5.923
+2279.582 503.682 7.317 545.237 7.636 262.869 5.434
+2279.741 501.926 6.719 547.512 7.183 250.468 5.227
+2279.898 500.529 7.694 546.485 7.185 243.274 4.930
+2280.056 502.175 7.737 548.634 7.053 247.872 5.648
+2280.214 506.931 6.967 546.526 6.801 266.028 5.023
+2280.373 503.599 9.413 547.155 7.432 255.220 4.984
+2280.531 502.636 8.641 548.891 7.510 239.672 4.937
+2280.688 503.196 7.148 550.978 6.121 247.726 3.268
+2280.846 506.642 7.075 545.229 6.376 258.817 5.346
+2281.004 503.006 7.600 547.832 6.519 254.888 5.804
+2281.162 501.730 6.341 547.858 6.419 248.648 4.418
+2281.320 502.617 7.157 548.268 6.682 256.426 6.077
+2281.479 503.576 6.356 548.022 7.724 253.514 4.409
+2281.637 503.755 6.401 548.510 6.013 246.415 4.638
+2281.795 499.267 6.933 550.105 6.600 247.214 5.199
+2281.953 503.342 5.922 549.521 6.261 249.482 3.947
+2282.111 503.493 7.354 551.885 6.451 255.784 4.938
+2282.268 500.864 7.243 551.108 8.087 253.487 5.348
+2282.426 500.908 7.810 553.871 7.837 238.994 7.146
+2282.583 503.779 6.666 549.978 8.045 249.839 5.989
+2282.742 503.817 6.144 551.489 7.469 265.708 5.521
+2282.900 501.048 6.733 550.404 6.998 253.737 4.621
+2283.057 498.260 6.411 555.184 6.725 242.237 4.802
+2283.214 504.262 7.884 550.891 6.989 254.632 5.066
+2283.372 506.732 7.202 547.589 6.487 262.916 5.637
+2283.531 502.867 6.826 553.775 7.150 253.579 4.029
+2283.687 503.638 6.807 554.977 6.850 247.515 4.504
+2283.845 502.736 7.481 553.879 6.537 248.235 5.792
+2284.003 505.667 6.556 550.228 7.271 261.352 5.854
+2284.161 504.456 7.611 553.242 7.046 255.603 6.387
+2284.319 500.744 6.932 553.512 6.753 245.656 3.625
+2284.476 500.317 9.500 549.785 7.261 248.076 4.932
+2284.634 502.083 6.380 550.107 6.166 257.810 4.542
+2284.792 501.250 6.856 552.041 6.469 262.578 4.873
+2284.951 501.352 6.656 555.380 6.692 253.345 3.799
+2285.109 499.863 10.081 554.853 7.488 237.833 5.410
+2285.266 504.358 13.637 553.508 6.624 246.698 5.940
+2285.424 506.153 7.213 550.125 7.903 261.627 5.672
+2285.582 503.661 6.846 552.531 6.933 252.226 4.665
+2285.739 505.086 6.489 553.275 7.066 243.062 4.682
+2285.897 503.230 7.535 552.062 6.764 260.570 3.948
+2286.055 504.112 7.788 550.290 6.147 263.755 3.602
+2286.213 501.431 6.325 553.543 6.779 239.697 5.893
+2286.371 502.454 7.000 556.925 6.275 243.197 5.156
+2286.529 500.104 6.337 553.479 6.569 262.812 4.984
+2286.688 504.211 6.463 549.624 6.343 259.988 4.228
+2286.847 501.552 6.263 551.506 6.251 245.799 3.875
+2287.005 501.835 6.937 554.795 6.721 250.998 3.708
+2287.164 500.458 6.704 555.468 6.761 253.079 4.405
+2287.322 502.094 6.832 553.524 7.190 250.560 4.642
+2287.480 501.071 7.840 553.015 7.817 256.185 5.846
+2287.638 501.650 7.325 553.890 6.686 251.951 4.766
+2287.796 505.376 8.461 551.549 7.740 247.639 5.354
+2287.954 502.123 7.034 555.475 7.160 256.096 4.508
+2288.112 501.881 6.199 553.194 6.164 257.620 4.884
+2288.271 504.338 6.701 552.852 6.758 254.716 3.823
+2288.429 500.353 7.732 552.188 6.765 245.837 5.645
+2288.586 501.383 9.211 553.931 7.763 242.588 6.434
+2288.744 502.943 6.398 553.559 5.880 260.945 3.621
+2288.904 503.029 5.796 553.805 6.500 264.669 4.203
+2289.062 505.210 7.502 551.328 6.675 249.266 4.743
+2289.220 503.432 8.330 553.173 6.833 245.172 6.626
+2289.377 502.364 8.636 554.801 6.624 258.031 4.076
+2289.535 500.503 6.928 554.028 6.618 250.880 4.355
+2289.692 503.835 11.213 556.600 7.670 241.058 5.537
+2289.850 501.718 8.036 554.556 7.496 256.270 5.313
+2290.008 505.637 7.903 552.425 6.604 260.282 4.592
+2290.167 501.686 6.089 556.184 7.248 253.812 4.961
+2290.325 502.106 6.549 556.131 6.307 249.188 4.581
+2290.483 503.581 5.676 552.861 8.570 254.581 4.392
+2290.641 501.235 9.496 553.378 6.945 257.785 5.517
+2290.799 500.302 7.215 555.013 6.333 252.177 4.596
+2290.957 503.243 11.795 554.080 8.027 253.421 5.538
+2291.114 503.942 7.260 554.600 6.298 255.354 4.246
+2291.271 507.129 7.015 553.936 8.120 241.943 6.681
+2291.428 510.141 7.682 552.589 6.784 256.629 3.964
+2291.587 505.161 7.535 554.255 7.502 254.896 6.063
+2291.745 502.811 6.833 555.052 8.866 239.538 5.286
+2291.903 500.738 6.323 550.250 6.388 259.755 4.038
+2292.062 501.547 6.883 554.502 6.458 255.087 7.738
+2292.219 500.295 7.101 556.175 6.797 245.570 5.958
+2292.376 501.163 7.730 555.341 6.925 254.445 3.831
+2292.533 501.911 8.969 555.333 7.300 251.414 5.769
+2292.691 507.949 6.953 557.733 7.423 258.684 3.693
+2292.849 502.879 11.639 553.597 10.797 251.556 9.647
+2293.007 501.568 7.603 555.636 6.730 252.065 5.174
+2293.166 504.125 9.174 553.246 8.078 264.210 5.648
+2293.323 500.701 9.223 552.002 8.016 252.722 6.560
+2293.481 502.187 6.997 555.220 6.446 249.437 3.829
+2293.638 501.871 6.617 553.442 7.221 248.334 6.388
+2293.796 502.318 6.836 550.804 7.036 255.123 6.499
+2293.954 502.983 9.032 553.628 7.257 250.191 4.985
+2294.111 501.619 7.751 552.256 10.469 252.031 9.618
+2294.267 500.526 7.746 556.402 6.801 236.710 5.896
+2294.425 502.285 7.334 551.184 6.620 250.217 6.334
+2294.583 505.242 6.906 560.561 6.827 264.342 6.088
+2294.741 502.382 7.936 550.355 7.594 252.383 5.853
+2294.898 504.343 7.223 556.863 7.915 244.363 7.660
+2295.054 503.833 7.802 551.578 6.902 245.883 4.799
+2295.212 502.638 7.388 551.175 6.865 262.778 6.246
+2295.370 508.886 6.872 555.751 8.352 259.227 6.745
+2295.528 507.298 7.800 550.597 6.672 251.282 9.112
+2295.684 501.903 7.430 553.876 7.017 245.392 4.939
+2295.842 503.489 7.420 553.098 7.011 264.743 4.008
+2296.000 504.444 7.140 557.601 7.483 248.357 7.121
+2296.157 509.904 8.246 548.886 6.711 238.333 5.707
+2296.315 506.179 7.504 550.408 6.039 262.043 9.062
+2296.473 500.691 7.517 558.934 6.525 258.180 6.436
+2296.631 498.697 6.995 555.389 6.978 240.361 4.199
+2296.789 508.257 8.226 552.353 6.742 254.243 4.225
+2296.947 503.362 11.802 553.053 8.657 256.792 9.812
+2297.103 502.273 7.894 554.450 7.336 252.427 5.147
+2297.260 506.112 9.930 552.464 7.308 247.324 7.037
+2297.417 506.161 9.311 556.064 7.747 252.083 5.334
+2297.575 502.721 7.496 550.930 9.266 263.330 6.704
+2297.732 502.867 9.076 554.429 6.627 256.523 5.076
+2297.890 500.988 6.320 553.804 6.257 251.845 5.132
+2298.049 502.569 7.451 553.038 6.586 251.218 3.897
+2298.207 503.655 8.839 550.060 6.972 255.052 5.564
+2298.365 502.826 6.850 553.500 6.314 251.750 5.008
+2298.523 504.488 6.466 553.565 7.566 251.447 5.770
+2298.682 502.794 6.105 554.595 7.511 257.414 4.080
+2298.840 502.077 9.051 550.656 7.084 255.344 5.014
+2298.998 502.870 7.947 556.056 6.479 253.833 5.788
+2299.155 504.008 10.610 553.720 8.727 250.068 4.759
+2299.313 504.810 6.348 552.607 7.301 251.380 4.529
+2299.471 504.328 8.406 553.526 6.082 251.573 4.681
+2299.629 504.483 6.804 554.535 6.542 256.275 6.596
+2299.788 502.044 6.183 554.315 6.904 253.762 5.719
+2299.946 499.670 7.482 554.913 6.997 253.227 4.797
+2300.104 501.606 7.310 554.119 6.154 254.322 5.186
+2300.262 502.466 6.889 554.811 7.764 255.443 5.293
+2300.420 504.014 13.716 549.598 8.911 253.534 8.847
+2300.576 501.100 10.656 552.606 8.791 248.145 7.658
+2300.733 506.091 7.594 551.416 6.549 254.951 5.297
+2300.892 509.210 8.570 551.794 8.287 249.729 7.344
+2301.049 501.742 7.310 549.578 7.447 255.337 6.245
+2301.207 500.777 10.718 555.485 6.887 260.633 5.873
+2301.366 498.267 7.462 553.134 7.586 250.656 6.144
+2301.524 503.482 7.114 555.661 6.950 250.736 5.387
+2301.682 503.324 6.679 552.016 8.500 251.297 5.233
+2301.839 500.243 10.462 553.570 7.249 252.602 8.635
+2301.997 503.472 7.948 556.155 6.398 251.106 4.266
+2302.154 502.154 9.639 554.271 8.013 245.981 8.318
+2302.310 503.051 7.960 550.722 7.949 249.819 6.718
+2302.466 503.010 12.237 552.967 7.844 246.618 8.369
+2302.623 504.850 7.654 550.389 6.875 250.886 5.708
+2302.781 499.538 7.887 551.853 6.884 255.828 5.266
+2302.938 502.015 11.469 552.198 8.360 250.378 8.930
+2303.096 502.240 9.107 554.562 7.389 254.133 5.413
+2303.254 504.292 8.974 555.555 7.283 252.831 9.836
+2303.410 496.322 10.138 551.725 7.024 246.218 7.645
+2303.568 504.013 8.115 555.287 7.891 254.462 6.770
+2303.724 510.240 8.385 552.822 7.224 253.114 7.452
+2303.882 500.822 8.404 552.048 7.047 243.891 6.871
+2304.038 507.038 7.222 551.250 8.074 257.708 8.653
+2304.195 503.240 11.704 552.772 7.673 256.277 7.231
+2304.352 500.052 12.424 554.227 6.632 254.062 6.183
+2304.510 499.480 8.154 554.062 7.038 253.280 5.701
+2304.667 502.794 9.615 553.680 8.535 259.842 5.648
+2304.826 504.507 16.527 555.376 8.826 250.318 9.488
+2304.981 501.975 12.054 550.203 11.896 249.323 7.326
+2305.138 504.099 7.755 551.992 6.688 255.513 4.449
+2305.296 500.911 7.409 551.469 6.544 251.465 6.524
+2305.453 503.409 7.571 549.254 7.344 244.494 5.591
+2305.611 505.304 10.805 553.652 7.784 256.114 6.545
+2305.769 500.743 7.861 552.706 6.820 252.231 5.484
+2305.928 504.837 11.289 547.777 7.421 256.082 11.870
+2306.085 505.058 8.255 550.997 8.733 250.590 7.856
+2306.242 498.030 6.229 549.560 8.591 248.765 12.241
+2306.399 495.950 9.821 547.915 7.742 254.397 4.502
+2306.557 504.639 11.188 555.749 6.789 260.583 5.625
+2306.716 504.386 11.410 550.487 6.885 253.665 8.263
+2306.873 507.183 9.284 553.654 7.490 241.376 11.390
+2307.029 503.131 9.519 547.596 7.396 252.293 5.203
+2307.187 506.621 7.802 549.476 8.061 259.122 8.673
+2307.345 501.866 8.037 546.364 7.455 259.651 7.646
+2307.502 501.008 10.446 548.673 11.485 250.756 8.014
+2307.660 500.350 8.871 553.886 6.275 237.847 13.360
+2307.816 500.443 9.268 547.638 8.853 248.708 6.833
+2307.973 497.574 10.018 550.396 8.188 246.867 9.236
+2308.130 499.945 11.958 542.434 13.215 259.858 10.065
+2308.287 507.969 9.505 548.324 6.747 255.028 8.150
+2308.445 498.089 12.683 545.713 9.207 252.380 8.983
+2308.602 503.400 11.329 547.307 8.021 249.993 7.048
+2308.759 502.624 12.830 544.923 6.789 239.219 10.171
+2308.917 500.506 12.585 543.189 7.949 266.042 12.079
+2309.075 503.435 12.990 547.661 10.498 251.390 11.812
+2309.232 500.744 7.000 541.566 7.523 250.743 7.293
+2309.390 504.117 6.913 544.685 8.264 255.067 9.098
+2309.547 506.691 16.500 541.116 9.705 253.170 8.256
+2309.703 504.056 14.445 545.691 7.626 246.991 4.012
+2309.861 502.310 9.234 545.726 6.833 253.749 13.259
+2310.017 504.773 15.721 544.777 7.673 242.297 10.106
+2310.172 503.137 11.196 541.187 7.795 249.592 7.384
+2310.331 504.291 9.117 542.951 7.367 257.535 5.926
+2310.489 504.122 6.820 540.989 7.186 254.335 8.687
+2310.646 499.881 8.389 541.299 7.564 237.463 8.197
+2310.802 506.578 17.242 543.423 7.999 247.944 9.756
+2310.958 500.015 9.593 542.624 7.352 257.299 11.774
+2311.116 502.290 11.018 541.406 7.490 254.503 13.087
+2311.273 502.212 9.245 542.764 7.397 253.345 9.084
+2311.430 504.332 12.044 544.247 7.077 245.953 12.065
+2311.588 501.023 8.816 541.862 7.962 253.979 8.335
+2311.745 499.560 9.502 541.128 8.443 249.579 8.528
+2311.901 500.915 8.704 542.691 7.393 246.825 4.687
+2312.059 501.969 11.688 540.706 6.561 248.448 8.514
+2312.217 500.369 6.248 540.687 7.159 247.204 5.216
+2312.375 506.703 8.605 541.206 7.185 260.432 6.541
+2312.532 505.287 12.127 541.352 7.192 244.164 10.554
+2312.689 498.532 6.185 545.313 7.727 231.301 8.068
+2312.846 501.705 8.586 542.353 10.192 259.833 7.308
+2313.005 505.787 10.752 539.523 7.085 268.068 8.313
+2313.163 500.247 6.657 540.235 6.305 246.850 5.503
+2313.321 503.012 9.304 543.162 7.030 242.358 10.686
+2313.477 496.630 9.516 544.511 9.403 244.663 5.996
+2313.635 507.356 10.553 540.695 10.125 255.476 8.959
+2313.792 501.053 9.846 541.007 7.679 249.994 6.913
+2313.950 502.770 11.026 544.280 9.123 247.659 6.834
+2314.107 511.237 15.120 542.082 8.248 251.086 14.277
+2314.263 505.022 12.360 542.170 6.992 246.180 8.554
+2314.421 501.270 13.828 539.701 10.614 263.021 8.376
+2314.579 500.422 12.095 541.657 11.821 243.210 11.717
+2314.736 497.664 9.397 542.216 6.569 241.042 6.031
+2314.893 506.816 11.233 540.812 9.935 246.870 12.637
+2315.050 506.238 12.051 544.678 10.034 251.548 16.766
+2315.206 496.832 19.193 539.566 10.621 244.825 13.178
+2315.363 497.478 9.277 544.515 13.042 244.378 9.012
+2315.519 501.514 10.512 544.325 7.834 255.663 9.453
+2315.676 501.195 10.025 541.453 7.327 250.546 9.903
+2315.833 505.892 17.528 539.164 9.497 265.515 8.498
+2315.990 506.188 11.993 545.231 7.733 247.555 16.330
+2316.145 506.401 9.794 542.242 7.669 244.795 10.840
+2316.303 499.164 7.666 541.132 7.044 250.927 4.630
+2316.461 504.911 6.339 543.021 6.912 254.869 9.624
+2316.618 504.299 11.055 540.520 8.862 245.808 7.331
+2316.776 499.213 14.151 542.965 11.429 249.118 8.692
+2316.933 503.592 14.377 542.519 7.765 252.451 16.131
+2317.088 506.005 9.049 543.815 9.665 246.404 15.855
+2317.245 508.790 9.544 540.268 6.444 265.294 6.022
+2317.402 504.947 11.329 542.292 8.123 241.452 9.001
+2317.559 494.609 10.827 545.883 10.957 223.944 12.832
+2317.716 499.086 14.306 543.838 9.082 265.689 14.023
+2317.875 502.760 11.408 541.738 7.730 260.006 5.732
+2318.033 506.367 7.792 540.167 7.766 246.220 5.088
+2318.191 505.443 9.843 544.771 6.344 240.252 5.717
+2318.348 501.764 9.141 545.007 8.053 244.812 8.134
+2318.505 502.347 7.141 539.030 6.447 268.798 6.551
+2318.665 507.103 7.123 542.560 7.355 265.058 8.042
+2318.824 505.881 7.036 543.545 8.183 242.610 11.550
+2318.980 498.128 6.416 543.505 7.264 242.546 6.029
+2319.139 498.521 6.448 539.645 6.264 264.025 7.133
+2319.298 506.395 6.640 541.266 6.413 260.640 4.612
+2319.456 501.054 8.148 541.522 6.563 253.076 4.388
+2319.613 498.880 8.581 541.935 7.209 239.860 5.479
+2319.769 507.528 9.014 542.349 7.250 249.608 10.011
+2319.927 512.275 7.560 538.203 8.398 263.786 4.859
+2320.085 501.512 10.714 542.452 10.719 238.977 9.070
+2320.242 510.385 7.625 541.374 7.497 248.619 9.138
+2320.398 508.053 8.150 540.133 7.439 252.386 8.818
+2320.555 503.140 10.148 538.271 6.405 254.643 4.805
+2320.713 503.561 7.584 535.802 8.330 253.606 5.240
+2320.872 503.835 10.544 542.228 8.887 240.376 7.446
+2321.029 508.758 10.033 537.562 7.360 249.443 9.335
+2321.186 501.307 6.560 536.125 7.127 252.574 4.066
+2321.344 504.583 7.749 535.491 6.402 251.655 4.765
+2321.501 506.995 8.770 532.854 7.296 250.316 5.485
+2321.659 505.709 6.855 530.208 7.102 249.233 6.073
+2321.816 500.437 9.357 529.222 8.533 244.672 6.661
+2321.974 507.054 6.876 535.832 8.658 255.206 5.470
+2322.131 507.550 13.929 531.278 9.310 260.452 6.224
+2322.290 494.695 9.990 534.332 11.445 247.004 9.935
+2322.447 505.767 7.699 528.013 11.761 243.900 7.965
+2322.604 497.117 8.404 533.550 8.814 256.199 5.975
+2322.761 509.291 9.175 531.955 9.386 256.342 5.442
+2322.920 498.812 10.808 526.949 12.291 242.203 10.043
+2323.077 500.938 7.961 528.829 9.313 259.882 6.671
+2323.234 514.419 11.131 532.128 9.262 252.148 8.046
+2323.390 488.644 12.524 523.601 17.667 230.741 10.108
+2323.547 498.706 11.491 525.416 8.688 252.587 12.800
+2323.704 503.267 10.685 526.814 11.632 248.425 9.935
+2323.861 504.972 7.811 525.058 8.114 250.174 9.667
+2324.019 509.599 10.290 516.510 7.863 265.751 9.197
+2324.175 496.766 8.824 524.455 12.257 233.917 9.143
+2324.332 508.127 9.033 525.584 11.330 229.209 12.895
+2324.490 501.601 9.391 521.115 8.710 276.462 9.094
+2324.647 496.156 8.684 527.371 7.037 226.444 6.886
+2324.804 501.791 17.227 521.853 12.748 250.444 15.754
+2324.960 499.947 9.685 522.958 10.937 281.794 7.304
+2325.118 506.809 13.327 532.099 11.801 208.087 13.624
+2325.274 502.438 9.855 520.511 8.933 223.850 6.909
+2325.432 506.444 9.075 521.935 8.825 282.508 8.094
+2325.589 497.094 9.404 526.189 9.186 240.545 8.344
+2325.745 498.871 8.844 519.441 11.606 239.705 8.197
+2325.902 509.838 15.197 515.864 10.219 273.947 10.270
+2326.059 501.058 9.359 523.468 8.662 239.639 9.304
+2326.215 506.730 12.769 518.384 8.349 224.816 9.571
+2326.373 506.667 11.480 514.133 8.554 267.678 7.166
+2326.530 502.606 7.794 523.681 8.893 246.626 5.525
+2326.688 504.546 12.466 519.826 8.094 239.526 10.173
+2326.845 500.585 10.507 515.188 11.781 248.915 7.475
+2327.002 499.875 9.878 519.731 9.308 251.709 7.178
+2327.160 500.608 12.001 516.987 8.948 257.427 7.293
+2327.317 501.316 8.460 517.759 7.547 233.334 10.891
+2327.474 510.153 7.979 524.407 10.932 245.443 9.209
+2327.631 508.111 10.966 520.924 10.375 265.214 9.094
+2327.789 504.651 11.537 517.939 9.271 231.682 7.966
+2327.947 502.986 8.879 519.049 8.586 246.366 9.783
+2328.104 503.519 10.503 522.380 8.514 262.793 7.953
+2328.261 504.375 11.678 521.213 8.346 248.457 7.481
+2328.418 503.933 9.986 521.512 9.533 238.664 7.119
+2328.575 505.279 8.344 520.165 10.971 261.776 11.165
+2328.733 501.632 8.368 523.801 8.293 256.577 6.993
+2328.890 502.056 8.195 524.718 9.207 239.115 6.553
+2329.047 506.510 13.768 524.907 8.398 247.621 11.065
+2329.204 499.525 12.164 525.439 12.201 241.436 9.788
+2329.363 508.345 9.667 524.254 9.773 259.464 10.837
+2329.520 506.733 9.553 528.352 9.980 241.954 12.200
+2329.677 504.977 11.292 526.703 10.922 241.089 8.579
+2329.836 504.699 8.933 528.857 11.297 263.230 9.563
+2329.993 498.227 8.669 528.808 9.980 235.142 10.093
+2330.150 502.192 11.948 531.738 8.495 229.021 7.595
+2330.308 504.372 9.625 526.097 11.061 265.860 7.121
+2330.466 502.013 9.841 522.680 8.848 269.448 7.409
+2330.623 505.960 8.814 533.466 8.608 234.714 10.415
+2330.779 507.849 9.164 531.944 8.570 235.857 8.096
+2330.935 512.848 10.826 531.579 9.292 250.598 7.200
+2331.094 504.638 8.184 528.845 9.345 259.576 5.958
+2331.252 499.606 7.979 532.228 10.877 241.505 9.929
+2331.408 502.876 9.311 530.792 9.464 237.425 6.291
+2331.566 504.778 9.988 527.817 8.669 266.934 10.451
+2331.724 501.477 10.092 533.248 8.745 259.909 8.247
+2331.881 504.534 8.427 531.802 8.880 238.459 6.338
+2332.038 511.385 8.583 533.908 8.229 247.204 7.367
+2332.196 507.273 8.300 532.429 8.800 256.272 7.286
+2332.353 501.172 8.186 531.124 8.720 250.222 8.555
+2332.509 498.701 8.481 532.511 7.859 241.652 6.848
+2332.667 503.657 10.860 533.105 10.461 256.896 9.571
+2332.824 503.486 7.944 533.491 7.521 255.449 6.556
+2332.980 504.894 7.892 534.594 10.762 240.004 9.252
+2333.137 505.829 8.406 532.756 8.459 244.580 9.565
+2333.294 505.348 8.767 530.317 9.139 253.405 9.745
+2333.451 505.063 8.606 532.623 8.997 250.314 7.502
+2333.608 502.180 8.429 533.186 8.228 243.793 6.863
+2333.765 498.411 9.554 533.311 7.490 251.807 5.486
+2333.922 506.244 9.513 532.043 8.732 258.188 7.912
+2334.079 500.962 8.244 535.450 8.220 238.471 7.699
+2334.235 505.549 8.613 531.804 10.673 250.064 9.169
+2334.393 509.555 7.875 532.378 8.516 260.560 7.354
+2334.550 501.695 9.406 533.923 8.836 253.475 6.261
+2334.707 499.627 9.341 536.889 10.073 237.304 9.214
+2334.864 499.986 11.249 532.648 9.811 242.473 9.687
+2335.022 502.229 10.439 534.186 9.973 255.034 9.259
+2335.180 498.422 7.610 532.311 8.578 260.940 6.434
+2335.338 497.774 10.918 534.543 7.404 239.639 6.903
+2335.495 498.697 10.377 531.425 9.339 239.006 5.388
+2335.654 502.107 8.199 531.684 7.916 272.220 6.474
+2335.811 496.841 8.745 533.496 7.192 258.542 6.374
+2335.969 495.008 10.636 535.395 8.515 228.405 8.138
+2336.125 492.230 8.230 537.784 7.555 235.574 8.292
+2336.283 495.892 7.765 532.397 9.605 266.225 7.597
+2336.442 497.589 8.060 529.024 9.317 259.562 6.125
+2336.598 488.325 10.051 535.420 7.865 239.065 7.796
+2336.754 489.873 11.154 534.744 8.847 245.330 7.742
+2336.911 494.778 7.196 529.707 7.101 261.023 4.956
+2337.070 493.467 8.151 532.707 7.048 254.020 8.815
+2337.226 489.094 7.916 536.767 7.366 237.230 5.544
+2337.384 494.731 7.124 537.317 9.066 253.032 6.652
+2337.542 497.397 8.365 535.543 8.393 262.220 6.085
+2337.700 486.964 9.713 533.375 7.739 254.422 8.111
+2337.856 485.839 8.124 534.083 7.376 242.704 6.750
+2338.013 487.038 10.871 533.520 9.099 255.827 8.953
+2338.171 482.980 7.241 531.205 7.167 258.508 7.231
+2338.329 485.129 7.125 532.242 7.219 248.485 7.836
+2338.486 490.931 8.711 535.292 6.953 245.364 7.887
+2338.644 495.109 8.063 533.752 8.510 263.913 5.773
+2338.802 488.101 7.427 534.847 6.910 256.319 6.842
+2338.960 486.631 6.946 536.408 6.950 236.923 4.696
+2339.117 485.366 8.934 535.744 8.199 244.689 6.034
+2339.274 485.583 7.203 533.827 7.172 255.236 6.037
+2339.432 484.765 8.787 534.188 6.738 258.242 14.343
+2339.589 484.887 8.044 535.801 8.031 251.722 7.278
+2339.745 478.818 7.300 536.338 6.687 243.717 5.531
+2339.903 488.738 8.972 534.223 7.028 255.577 5.890
+2340.060 487.027 7.276 536.572 6.263 255.435 6.003
+2340.219 486.730 6.708 536.845 7.467 249.034 6.585
+2340.376 486.437 6.231 536.378 6.661 253.700 4.325
+2340.534 487.054 8.641 535.193 7.242 254.197 7.408
+2340.691 487.820 7.002 536.241 8.587 253.101 10.294
+2340.848 487.328 11.021 535.432 7.188 247.171 6.978
+2341.006 491.573 6.731 536.294 7.075 248.471 7.144
+2341.163 488.475 8.127 536.563 7.807 246.844 7.336
+2341.319 488.524 7.321 534.745 6.966 260.128 7.245
+2341.476 484.395 7.487 532.897 6.187 257.031 3.986
+2341.635 486.224 6.612 533.699 6.670 253.240 6.719
+2341.792 482.772 7.848 535.517 6.436 252.692 4.909
+2341.949 487.137 7.062 534.505 7.123 256.976 6.756
+2342.108 487.161 9.040 533.765 7.112 253.509 6.264
+2342.265 491.631 10.367 530.327 7.467 256.215 7.425
+2342.423 490.926 9.759 533.513 7.897 251.902 6.901
+2342.580 493.309 7.205 536.355 8.263 242.179 6.753
+2342.737 490.693 6.884 533.963 7.351 250.361 7.064
+2342.894 491.166 11.658 531.379 6.490 255.913 5.146
+2343.051 486.051 9.631 532.503 6.280 247.089 4.909
+2343.210 486.290 7.283 533.415 6.074 248.430 5.282
+2343.368 486.372 7.212 532.334 7.362 254.434 4.195
+2343.526 484.053 6.846 531.273 7.183 256.544 5.458
+2343.684 482.320 6.392 531.172 8.070 255.385 4.680
+2343.842 485.983 5.705 531.141 5.981 259.073 5.962
+2344.000 487.629 7.737 533.701 6.090 249.980 6.920
+2344.157 487.946 8.629 533.687 6.464 244.879 6.055
+2344.315 492.239 8.504 533.656 6.773 254.878 4.554
+2344.472 488.282 10.465 531.396 7.043 256.578 12.554
+2344.629 490.182 7.362 534.124 6.344 246.235 5.286
+2344.787 489.361 13.773 534.591 6.317 247.702 4.656
+2344.944 487.353 6.569 534.206 6.330 252.837 4.273
+2345.101 486.453 7.914 533.932 6.678 257.758 6.330
+2345.260 486.664 7.432 532.659 7.239 258.417 5.466
+2345.418 485.726 6.629 535.196 6.873 246.534 5.389
+2345.576 487.197 8.949 535.632 6.754 246.745 6.185
+2345.733 487.932 7.625 533.726 7.189 256.477 5.912
+2345.892 487.239 6.852 533.437 6.393 261.894 3.754
+2346.050 485.502 6.113 534.024 6.547 251.298 5.159
+2346.208 485.925 8.514 536.120 6.328 243.943 6.403
+2346.365 489.639 7.359 536.181 7.193 245.979 15.546
+2346.522 489.506 10.110 535.681 6.227 255.299 4.946
+2346.679 487.845 6.847 534.976 6.628 248.633 6.475
+2346.836 484.668 5.906 535.969 6.586 248.076 3.728
+2346.994 486.146 8.284 536.749 6.574 252.200 3.796
+2347.152 486.721 6.546 536.627 6.739 252.832 5.380
+2347.310 485.607 8.827 536.436 6.278 254.418 4.389
+2347.467 481.966 6.525 536.374 6.377 252.574 4.402
+2347.626 487.559 7.265 537.493 6.487 261.865 5.157
+2347.784 481.105 7.233 537.634 6.445 256.348 5.954
+2347.942 487.571 7.986 537.146 6.548 244.883 5.076
+2348.099 487.075 6.495 537.581 5.758 246.698 4.609
+2348.257 487.450 6.618 537.045 6.204 258.687 5.477
+2348.416 486.964 5.926 536.460 6.851 257.666 4.671
+2348.574 486.309 6.575 537.304 6.531 245.446 6.492
+2348.732 490.723 6.085 537.883 6.182 247.604 4.885
+2348.890 487.257 7.588 537.218 6.717 261.046 5.714
+2349.049 487.332 9.198 536.072 6.844 259.490 7.027
+2349.206 483.703 7.046 537.760 6.233 246.184 4.189
+2349.364 484.657 8.362 538.537 6.947 248.591 4.659
+2349.522 483.246 7.916 538.715 6.356 252.545 4.616
+2349.680 485.732 8.170 537.237 7.716 257.445 7.879
+2349.837 483.927 7.868 537.692 6.877 259.064 6.444
+2349.995 484.219 6.561 537.917 6.330 250.420 5.454
+2350.153 486.502 7.651 539.859 6.193 249.244 5.159
+2350.312 490.245 6.944 538.298 7.182 256.282 5.005
+2350.470 490.432 7.351 538.543 6.524 253.682 5.360
+2350.628 486.164 6.576 536.895 6.344 248.526 5.136
+2350.786 488.921 8.387 539.689 7.159 249.185 3.912
+2350.944 489.899 8.449 539.726 7.392 256.761 5.404
+2351.102 486.889 6.662 537.157 7.076 254.647 5.627
+2351.259 488.868 6.277 537.801 6.077 250.476 3.421
+2351.418 487.778 7.391 539.008 6.658 250.594 5.647
+2351.576 488.847 5.868 538.720 6.242 255.195 3.738
+2351.735 491.418 7.763 537.607 7.035 252.251 4.789
+2351.892 490.304 6.481 538.036 6.416 249.492 4.092
+2352.050 490.163 7.354 538.180 6.602 251.794 5.207
+2352.208 491.981 6.889 537.461 6.535 254.737 3.958
+2352.365 491.329 5.914 537.434 6.379 251.787 4.253
+2352.524 495.233 7.442 538.774 7.719 252.707 5.005
+2352.681 492.702 6.552 538.967 6.729 246.407 4.581
+2352.839 490.947 6.661 538.029 6.625 248.494 4.990
+2352.998 492.679 7.547 536.740 8.244 255.924 4.287
+2353.156 495.016 6.324 538.667 6.739 254.869 4.630
+2353.313 493.440 8.033 538.906 6.797 249.838 4.980
+2353.471 490.974 6.171 538.379 6.532 245.688 4.323
+2353.629 493.839 6.752 537.273 6.922 253.956 4.966
+2353.788 498.018 5.801 537.952 6.400 259.199 4.016
+2353.947 493.950 6.364 538.319 7.430 252.152 4.402
+2354.104 495.069 6.114 538.243 6.907 248.141 5.498
+2354.263 492.640 7.089 538.312 6.210 250.061 4.749
+2354.421 496.176 6.739 538.273 6.373 255.610 3.825
+2354.579 497.251 6.735 538.282 7.462 252.116 3.921
+2354.736 498.222 6.474 538.002 6.836 246.961 4.897
+2354.894 497.152 7.040 539.540 6.652 249.209 4.419
+2355.051 497.571 6.557 537.885 6.666 250.432 4.364
+2355.209 496.825 6.600 539.898 7.030 249.704 5.606
+2355.367 495.738 8.908 540.069 7.107 252.977 7.448
+2355.524 499.477 8.020 537.900 6.890 258.959 4.380
+2355.681 497.524 10.632 538.149 6.704 246.009 4.988
+2355.839 496.635 5.932 538.531 6.949 245.270 4.495
+2355.997 497.656 5.937 537.345 6.112 252.482 4.443
+2356.156 503.686 7.035 538.123 5.953 259.444 4.508
+2356.314 497.496 6.858 538.741 6.445 247.104 5.429
+2356.472 500.985 5.943 538.497 6.243 243.471 4.572
+2356.630 500.199 6.988 538.515 5.995 253.844 5.193
+2356.787 502.702 5.830 538.685 6.388 255.838 3.703
+2356.946 499.637 6.137 540.046 7.597 245.668 4.709
+2357.104 502.986 8.877 538.860 7.276 249.516 5.947
+2357.263 501.959 6.615 539.198 6.661 250.875 5.366
+2357.421 499.219 6.506 539.962 6.915 249.878 5.420
+2357.578 502.652 7.295 537.879 6.329 252.378 5.591
+2357.735 502.446 6.714 539.088 6.758 250.863 5.352
+2357.893 501.524 7.174 539.091 6.316 250.408 4.667
+2358.051 500.025 6.185 538.091 6.007 248.954 5.219
+2358.209 503.220 8.187 538.660 7.106 252.979 5.212
+2358.368 502.622 6.938 537.156 6.054 254.059 4.131
+2358.526 502.086 5.968 539.121 5.966 247.500 4.298
+2358.683 498.960 6.007 539.871 7.124 249.185 5.597
+2358.841 504.479 7.757 538.578 6.070 254.171 4.850
+2358.999 504.204 7.490 537.705 7.677 254.311 6.052
+2359.157 505.182 6.513 541.087 6.357 246.313 4.370
+2359.315 505.701 6.083 539.650 6.407 245.013 4.342
+2359.473 503.177 7.609 539.836 7.067 250.880 5.354
+2359.632 500.751 5.895 538.818 6.145 256.298 4.756
+2359.790 502.317 6.990 539.388 6.530 254.123 4.782
+2359.948 500.703 6.503 539.533 5.946 245.271 4.778
+2360.105 502.307 5.973 540.945 6.191 245.642 3.360
+2360.264 503.803 6.321 538.419 6.656 255.446 4.064
+2360.422 500.468 6.684 539.554 6.293 253.864 4.949
+2360.580 501.934 6.017 539.805 6.564 244.538 4.572
+2360.738 502.009 5.833 540.418 6.243 245.395 6.179
+2360.896 502.060 7.152 539.734 6.275 255.883 3.932
+2361.055 501.900 8.023 539.197 6.664 256.118 4.223
+2361.213 504.589 6.765 539.292 6.426 250.111 4.150
+2361.371 505.905 7.436 542.283 6.807 245.351 4.313
+2361.528 502.869 7.146 539.042 6.844 249.853 5.446
+2361.685 503.438 7.057 538.930 7.367 252.148 3.664
+2361.843 505.894 6.038 539.609 6.287 254.491 4.020
+2362.002 506.299 6.716 539.776 6.339 253.304 6.071
+2362.160 503.013 7.081 541.077 7.012 245.853 3.848
+2362.318 501.890 6.304 540.160 8.365 247.158 5.354
+2362.476 506.538 5.815 539.571 7.035 254.241 4.817
+2362.634 504.925 6.352 539.885 6.468 255.652 4.783
+2362.793 507.599 5.912 540.608 7.043 247.816 5.218
+2362.951 506.586 6.762 541.796 6.594 245.108 4.220
+2363.109 507.815 7.347 538.698 6.569 252.511 4.113
+2363.266 508.158 7.128 539.997 6.900 252.715 4.196
+2363.424 509.181 6.890 540.870 6.608 248.667 4.043
+2363.582 506.241 6.958 540.158 7.496 248.436 4.568
+2363.739 507.702 6.471 540.471 6.598 248.844 4.002
+2363.896 508.487 6.604 538.764 7.197 252.258 5.101
+2364.054 509.944 6.913 540.507 7.365 249.622 5.724
+2364.212 508.279 6.249 538.285 6.703 249.886 5.705
+2364.370 510.852 6.929 539.602 6.603 252.788 4.836
+2364.527 507.568 6.591 539.106 6.307 249.237 4.513
+2364.685 509.955 6.234 538.171 6.679 248.752 4.285
+2364.843 508.809 6.584 539.321 6.330 251.167 4.280
+2365.002 512.348 6.865 541.873 6.724 249.331 5.698
+2365.160 510.753 6.871 538.968 6.635 252.663 4.709
+2365.318 510.777 8.826 540.159 7.580 245.206 5.379
+2365.475 512.347 7.080 540.491 6.642 246.212 4.529
+2365.633 512.913 7.303 538.924 6.619 250.582 5.945
+2365.792 512.849 8.657 540.539 6.662 253.665 4.969
+2365.949 511.838 6.147 538.865 6.355 252.736 3.867
+2366.108 511.718 8.179 539.798 6.395 243.677 4.078
+2366.265 511.347 7.287 539.988 6.751 246.606 4.534
+2366.422 513.453 5.960 538.079 6.586 253.366 4.956
+2366.581 514.164 7.327 540.110 7.437 255.763 5.929
+2366.739 512.821 8.247 541.391 7.048 247.567 7.015
+2366.897 512.678 7.248 541.584 7.349 243.245 6.591
+2367.054 514.656 7.403 542.025 7.555 248.992 4.159
+2367.212 517.936 7.404 540.470 6.336 254.029 3.545
+2367.371 513.339 8.170 541.444 6.667 249.810 4.987
+2367.528 519.053 9.188 540.564 7.008 248.628 5.764
+2367.685 511.480 6.487 541.545 7.121 246.656 5.310
+2367.842 517.564 7.590 542.185 6.876 246.326 5.571
+2368.000 513.735 7.142 539.231 6.490 251.653 5.319
+2368.159 511.867 7.507 538.822 6.484 256.866 3.613
+2368.318 515.418 6.543 541.018 6.668 250.018 4.856
+2368.475 521.024 6.906 540.960 7.188 246.750 7.401
+2368.632 519.930 6.726 540.129 9.468 248.627 8.209
+2368.790 517.199 8.857 539.481 6.708 257.176 5.733
+2368.948 515.972 6.702 539.564 6.406 252.011 5.291
+2369.107 516.059 7.046 540.485 7.011 245.130 5.365
+2369.264 515.010 8.281 542.074 7.736 243.191 6.705
+2369.423 516.720 8.144 540.600 8.289 253.301 6.596
+2369.579 516.417 7.686 539.616 6.649 256.803 4.838
+2369.738 515.564 7.092 541.016 7.540 245.778 5.808
+2369.896 513.225 7.331 541.530 6.700 240.357 7.040
+2370.053 515.542 8.316 542.205 6.892 250.753 5.359
+2370.212 519.195 6.930 539.282 6.672 262.407 5.278
+2370.371 516.572 6.983 541.062 6.329 250.124 5.184
+2370.529 517.495 6.816 541.180 6.817 240.701 4.818
+2370.686 516.735 7.551 541.691 6.374 243.967 4.467
+2370.845 516.907 6.976 540.457 6.998 255.499 4.497
+2371.003 518.049 6.544 539.864 6.959 250.945 5.212
+2371.161 519.200 7.180 540.158 7.000 247.969 5.739
+2371.320 512.512 6.204 540.861 7.927 243.099 4.310
+2371.477 512.005 6.305 538.688 6.284 251.901 4.044
+2371.636 516.460 7.018 539.436 6.423 254.249 4.445
+2371.795 516.474 7.605 540.404 6.317 251.812 4.079
+2371.953 517.024 6.946 539.554 6.887 246.818 3.727
+2372.111 514.480 7.455 540.055 6.748 250.538 5.820
+2372.268 516.304 6.020 541.590 6.540 250.075 3.955
+2372.426 518.633 6.695 540.525 7.645 250.580 5.284
+2372.584 516.126 6.088 540.095 6.490 247.135 4.309
+2372.743 514.421 7.402 540.261 7.583 247.611 4.302
+2372.900 517.264 6.886 541.992 8.176 249.346 4.398
+2373.058 517.992 8.460 541.120 6.425 250.633 4.816
+2373.216 517.040 6.917 539.331 6.771 248.246 6.391
+2373.373 516.200 6.569 542.273 8.278 244.182 6.833
+2373.531 513.202 6.536 540.342 7.401 248.761 5.813
+2373.689 515.982 6.107 541.093 6.029 257.527 3.669
+2373.849 512.869 6.562 538.710 6.413 250.835 4.459
+2374.007 516.678 6.068 541.947 6.860 243.938 5.340
+2374.165 514.486 6.890 540.269 6.311 247.409 5.126
+2374.324 513.604 6.191 539.532 6.025 254.824 4.077
+2374.482 515.956 6.986 540.005 7.288 254.338 4.859
+2374.639 516.709 7.319 541.000 5.993 244.293 5.023
+2374.797 518.437 6.804 540.780 7.007 248.012 3.971
+2374.956 518.754 6.854 539.397 7.192 253.320 5.689
+2375.114 516.647 7.578 540.514 7.352 256.003 5.276
+2375.274 515.886 7.541 539.065 7.211 244.920 4.796
+2375.432 513.388 6.781 540.970 7.098 244.369 7.582
+2375.590 517.674 6.208 541.009 6.412 255.553 4.596
+2375.748 520.166 8.555 539.930 7.312 252.955 5.888
+2375.906 515.761 8.107 540.559 6.169 247.579 6.179
+2376.063 516.707 7.741 541.345 6.385 247.035 5.003
+2376.221 513.967 7.532 540.133 7.036 249.840 4.500
+2376.379 517.889 7.428 541.211 7.636 254.498 5.405
+2376.537 518.348 6.359 539.752 6.254 246.095 3.715
+2376.695 515.403 5.863 539.227 6.422 243.580 3.870
+2376.854 517.924 6.357 542.742 6.759 252.235 4.078
+2377.012 511.229 7.368 538.887 6.864 255.882 5.214
+2377.169 516.082 6.919 537.748 6.300 250.328 4.287
+2377.327 516.270 7.142 539.357 6.807 247.783 4.960
+2377.485 516.162 7.390 540.993 6.430 251.927 4.918
+2377.643 521.081 7.103 539.730 6.570 254.389 5.777
+2377.801 512.730 6.828 540.807 6.266 241.593 6.048
+2377.959 517.807 6.498 541.218 6.520 249.515 3.837
+2378.117 514.028 6.729 540.682 6.831 250.345 5.493
+2378.275 517.710 6.544 540.046 6.522 251.303 4.807
+2378.432 518.557 7.810 540.390 6.191 243.973 4.637
+2378.590 519.015 7.308 540.103 6.355 248.389 4.386
+2378.749 519.210 7.726 540.131 6.022 252.113 5.688
+2378.907 516.132 7.983 540.521 6.788 249.021 5.838
+2379.065 514.041 9.703 539.375 6.899 246.380 6.310
+2379.222 516.670 7.008 540.943 7.868 250.553 5.406
+2379.380 515.356 8.749 540.299 7.172 248.805 6.547
+2379.538 514.963 8.324 540.013 6.060 251.308 5.143
+2379.696 514.099 7.507 540.880 7.235 249.233 5.043
+2379.854 517.381 6.927 540.128 6.134 257.972 4.578
+2380.014 514.323 6.773 541.301 6.433 242.689 5.084
+2380.172 519.313 8.166 541.053 6.641 244.516 6.435
+2380.330 514.513 6.734 539.740 6.933 250.395 4.484
+2380.489 516.505 7.400 541.377 7.020 256.024 5.362
+2380.647 518.535 6.274 541.013 6.711 246.080 4.450
+2380.806 515.215 6.730 539.750 6.196 237.710 5.067
+2380.964 519.872 8.725 540.127 6.418 250.077 9.999
+2381.121 518.988 8.582 540.711 7.036 254.950 7.265
+2381.279 517.340 6.357 540.127 6.388 249.669 5.042
+2381.437 513.743 6.367 539.721 6.289 246.246 4.089
+2381.595 516.627 7.062 541.107 6.138 247.972 4.546
+2381.753 516.176 9.324 540.021 7.275 251.219 7.375
+2381.911 515.861 9.310 538.860 6.863 255.142 7.657
+2382.068 519.048 10.171 539.918 6.750 254.941 6.137
+2382.226 512.340 6.562 540.199 6.616 249.099 8.280
+2382.384 510.883 9.904 541.782 7.149 235.041 9.161
+2382.541 513.278 8.388 540.707 7.046 252.950 6.185
+2382.699 520.182 9.653 539.837 8.015 257.149 4.797
+2382.857 518.841 7.447 543.188 7.354 250.701 6.197
+2383.015 518.008 6.983 543.401 6.142 241.797 4.348
+2383.174 514.170 6.485 541.874 7.581 248.657 5.170
+2383.332 518.231 6.829 541.708 6.564 256.736 4.383
+2383.490 518.702 7.543 543.367 7.224 253.707 7.301
+2383.648 519.217 7.296 541.893 7.157 241.167 6.501
+2383.805 515.952 6.616 544.718 6.236 244.901 4.252
+2383.964 518.889 9.641 543.077 7.446 251.959 6.306
+2384.121 515.468 6.603 540.480 6.130 255.409 4.030
+2384.279 516.564 7.261 540.604 7.056 254.024 5.354
+2384.437 516.665 6.638 542.706 8.110 245.810 5.574
+2384.595 519.916 6.682 543.407 6.526 247.598 5.748
+2384.754 513.999 7.859 541.274 7.744 249.086 7.080
+2384.911 515.250 6.014 541.502 6.376 255.220 4.333
+2385.069 517.692 6.802 542.435 7.004 251.372 4.766
+2385.227 519.806 7.984 543.684 7.508 240.373 5.215
+2385.384 520.768 6.917 542.806 7.544 245.193 6.571
+2385.542 519.437 7.488 541.138 6.609 257.571 5.663
+2385.700 518.424 7.784 542.381 7.252 251.045 4.915
+2385.858 512.834 9.575 542.593 6.890 240.990 6.599
+2386.015 514.218 7.287 541.936 6.752 246.539 5.205
+2386.174 517.362 7.678 541.489 7.916 258.035 4.925
+2386.332 515.553 6.480 541.715 7.200 253.230 4.472
+2386.489 515.335 6.564 540.947 7.069 243.202 6.247
+2386.647 512.063 8.611 544.009 6.389 248.502 4.266
+2386.805 515.280 6.611 541.950 6.340 257.835 5.741
+2386.964 514.652 7.138 541.339 6.869 255.988 4.295
+2387.122 513.936 6.358 540.633 6.715 244.629 5.332
+2387.281 515.249 7.071 541.676 6.294 245.256 3.954
+2387.439 515.452 6.423 542.356 6.311 254.552 4.501
+2387.597 518.314 6.789 541.023 7.566 251.865 6.767
+2387.755 516.603 8.653 542.010 7.142 245.688 5.026
+2387.913 516.416 6.749 540.500 6.924 245.606 4.880
+2388.070 513.624 6.133 543.035 8.259 245.586 5.132
+2388.228 514.606 8.807 541.230 10.008 253.645 7.044
+2388.387 509.876 6.262 541.032 8.035 255.726 5.483
+2388.544 508.798 7.466 541.500 6.335 248.167 5.456
+2388.702 508.908 6.475 541.665 6.620 241.151 5.658
+2388.860 514.869 9.387 541.836 7.234 253.451 5.121
+2389.019 512.148 8.127 540.548 7.147 263.754 5.256
+2389.177 507.681 7.029 541.285 6.898 245.277 5.127
+2389.334 507.446 7.647 543.492 6.244 239.852 3.893
+2389.492 513.254 6.340 542.465 6.765 257.108 4.096
+2389.651 511.912 7.396 541.084 6.771 254.041 5.015
+2389.809 510.869 6.121 540.700 6.789 243.310 4.555
+2389.967 509.778 8.478 541.947 6.683 243.433 5.491
+2390.125 509.467 9.406 540.509 6.917 256.484 4.581
+2390.283 508.554 6.459 541.375 6.373 254.654 5.302
+2390.441 509.355 11.139 540.083 8.462 244.306 6.328
+2390.599 507.573 7.011 541.880 6.413 248.333 4.297
+2390.757 503.715 6.659 540.458 6.373 252.033 4.124
+2390.915 504.227 7.803 541.284 7.117 254.570 4.810
+2391.072 506.382 7.758 541.332 6.827 254.065 5.454
+2391.231 507.253 6.235 542.143 6.099 251.410 4.916
+2391.388 504.082 7.932 541.521 6.350 251.764 5.611
+2391.545 503.460 9.221 541.565 6.827 246.517 4.321
+2391.702 507.714 10.016 540.885 8.114 249.375 4.413
+2391.860 508.157 6.220 540.808 6.952 248.493 4.751
+2392.017 504.131 7.051 540.098 6.836 250.404 4.250
+2392.176 503.211 12.323 539.891 7.124 248.654 12.026
+2392.333 504.692 8.217 538.459 6.672 252.516 5.127
+2392.490 504.986 6.591 540.104 6.217 248.055 4.067
+2392.648 505.249 5.846 538.331 6.649 253.160 3.718
+2392.806 499.792 6.412 540.733 5.975 252.791 3.826
+2392.964 498.317 9.254 537.557 7.161 247.687 5.278
+2393.121 499.483 7.656 537.805 6.334 255.646 4.129
+2393.279 495.464 9.595 535.328 11.459 251.156 6.584
+2393.436 489.584 8.770 534.683 7.163 249.311 5.607
+2393.593 493.725 7.588 534.466 6.512 251.443 9.400
+2393.751 488.647 7.024 534.594 7.799 245.854 5.210
+2393.909 489.866 11.603 534.516 7.035 249.518 6.304
+2394.066 498.258 10.369 533.445 7.577 255.895 7.250
+2394.224 497.332 7.852 532.204 7.168 259.188 5.036
+2394.382 496.783 10.036 537.222 9.433 239.841 9.362
+2394.539 491.597 11.028 536.092 7.863 236.018 8.189
+2394.696 491.196 7.806 534.160 6.664 264.900 5.700
+2394.853 492.502 8.383 545.981 7.314 253.999 5.325
+2395.011 491.195 8.979 541.979 7.386 244.050 5.825
+2395.169 491.911 7.716 539.829 6.561 245.650 4.781
+2395.327 488.269 10.000 536.148 8.756 251.576 9.143
+2395.484 486.962 9.335 530.791 12.239 261.915 9.869
+2395.641 483.569 8.537 535.817 9.021 252.049 5.967
+2395.798 480.045 9.087 536.318 7.235 244.870 6.633
+2395.956 482.710 13.290 536.523 8.267 254.658 8.987
+2396.113 486.347 8.500 534.305 7.673 264.216 5.843
+2396.271 488.913 7.474 532.063 7.125 260.592 4.479
+2396.429 484.439 7.830 531.750 6.809 239.715 3.965
+2396.585 494.664 6.657 534.147 7.268 244.577 5.881
+2396.743 513.086 9.947 539.381 10.817 259.275 6.823
+2396.901 519.750 11.338 535.063 8.013 247.772 6.910
+2397.057 509.807 8.735 537.790 8.456 232.697 7.160
+2397.215 491.088 12.450 532.858 8.572 244.717 19.577
+2397.371 502.890 9.205 536.688 14.247 254.607 22.892
+2397.528 506.758 11.367 540.636 12.412 257.606 15.885
+2397.684 505.327 9.495 535.956 7.593 256.186 6.884
+2397.842 493.283 9.019 534.549 8.374 248.781 7.678
+2397.999 508.022 9.186 535.485 6.865 255.757 7.697
+2398.157 508.730 10.633 538.674 6.871 251.867 5.074
+2398.315 501.577 8.780 537.126 7.449 252.208 6.438
+2398.472 522.055 7.752 537.411 6.815 254.442 6.709
+2398.630 513.960 7.174 535.224 6.671 244.204 6.051
+2398.788 521.629 21.871 537.772 13.642 235.252 18.604
+2398.944 518.316 13.688 535.577 11.618 235.222 11.666
+2399.101 514.693 16.874 536.225 9.716 255.912 11.494
+2399.258 518.366 11.554 534.632 7.570 262.449 6.759
+2399.415 509.183 9.157 545.356 7.979 242.814 10.478
+2399.572 508.111 7.477 539.713 7.582 244.308 7.423
+2399.730 515.861 7.262 534.547 7.277 262.143 6.374
+2399.887 523.348 7.265 536.025 7.009 254.651 7.622
+2400.045 512.333 9.777 539.320 9.083 238.576 11.419
+2400.202 513.123 11.383 540.243 8.847 239.105 14.775
+2400.358 515.371 13.984 537.342 6.677 249.611 8.052
+2400.515 511.603 7.414 537.303 6.821 251.186 5.303
+2400.672 507.406 6.876 541.883 7.151 247.341 6.178
+2400.829 505.134 8.156 540.648 6.513 252.013 5.781
+2400.988 503.691 7.729 537.516 7.364 254.210 9.924
+2401.144 500.536 5.956 541.065 6.274 245.262 7.875
+2401.301 513.865 11.007 544.740 8.318 248.612 6.673
+2401.460 505.268 7.399 538.187 8.304 253.546 7.022
+2401.617 508.452 9.602 537.571 8.131 254.535 8.138
+2401.773 508.844 6.736 540.705 6.580 245.285 5.179
+2401.931 509.658 15.984 542.967 6.546 246.082 12.244
+2402.088 501.716 10.844 546.869 9.705 238.110 8.812
+2402.244 502.267 6.393 543.698 6.692 257.011 4.624
+2402.403 502.492 7.344 540.727 7.487 262.460 7.137
+2402.560 500.594 8.532 541.897 8.162 249.464 5.569
+2402.717 500.565 8.130 538.859 6.860 243.804 4.482
+2402.874 496.845 6.582 539.818 5.993 249.888 5.300
+2403.033 504.718 10.795 539.198 6.922 265.448 10.950
+2403.190 499.057 8.280 543.932 7.348 250.994 5.992
+2403.348 503.130 9.494 545.049 7.890 249.529 10.519
+2403.506 500.581 8.460 539.260 7.927 245.335 7.894
+2403.663 495.015 6.205 543.322 6.104 257.683 4.732
+2403.822 493.450 7.056 539.133 6.947 257.846 5.295
+2403.980 492.934 6.296 540.371 5.908 250.118 3.557
+2404.138 493.199 7.713 540.143 6.487 252.851 5.539
+2404.297 493.972 6.348 541.841 6.076 259.048 4.512
+2404.456 496.379 5.591 542.418 5.959 249.680 4.482
+2404.614 491.593 6.377 541.724 6.281 253.646 6.132
+2404.772 497.365 8.678 541.057 6.808 252.776 5.360
+2404.930 496.933 7.552 543.160 7.466 245.127 7.240
+2405.087 496.849 8.488 540.371 6.691 243.341 7.264
+2405.244 499.708 7.429 540.923 6.389 251.193 4.294
+2405.401 497.937 6.935 541.599 6.002 255.371 3.642
+2405.559 497.749 7.116 541.816 6.189 260.983 3.721
+2405.718 498.047 9.293 543.948 6.840 244.919 8.703
+2405.876 501.020 6.035 541.209 6.184 243.699 4.729
+2406.033 502.760 7.108 543.742 5.987 251.327 4.692
+2406.191 498.987 5.974 541.277 5.946 258.043 3.816
+2406.350 501.549 5.699 541.962 6.221 258.420 3.300
+2406.509 501.725 8.047 543.939 5.858 244.004 3.638
+2406.666 501.607 7.079 542.189 6.394 243.220 4.439
+2406.823 501.016 6.386 542.261 6.789 255.952 3.513
+2406.982 502.370 7.285 541.622 6.364 255.849 6.444
+2407.139 499.263 6.752 542.966 6.574 252.888 5.710
+2407.296 500.032 6.922 543.299 6.795 251.108 3.574
+2407.454 501.240 7.262 542.393 6.398 254.471 3.865
+2407.612 502.182 6.051 541.894 6.020 248.834 6.169
+2407.769 502.801 5.883 540.579 6.384 252.988 3.222
+2407.928 505.328 6.497 541.555 5.792 250.099 3.737
+2408.086 506.163 5.599 543.265 6.310 255.621 5.308
+2408.245 502.631 5.848 542.472 6.123 241.306 7.996
+2408.402 504.906 7.388 542.604 6.102 253.963 4.553
+2408.560 501.869 6.180 541.076 5.872 246.659 5.067
+2408.718 506.918 9.143 540.740 6.917 260.246 5.908
+2408.876 503.339 7.803 542.007 6.356 251.942 4.451
+2409.034 502.513 7.233 542.490 5.960 252.169 4.847
+2409.191 500.475 6.721 543.134 6.917 249.531 5.668
+2409.349 499.334 6.645 541.231 5.969 254.115 4.275
+2409.507 502.453 5.616 541.932 5.858 252.571 3.550
+2409.664 503.764 5.932 541.779 5.961 251.515 3.374
+2409.823 502.927 6.152 542.817 6.327 250.025 3.618
+2409.982 501.809 7.116 541.658 6.172 250.530 3.682
+2410.139 504.388 8.792 540.766 6.990 248.455 4.624
+2410.297 501.003 6.693 542.147 6.160 248.774 4.705
+2410.454 502.580 9.539 540.951 8.018 246.357 9.123
+2410.611 505.545 8.289 542.509 6.474 251.713 3.276
+2410.768 504.255 5.460 541.955 5.933 250.367 4.347
+2410.926 502.782 5.713 542.739 6.111 250.323 3.571
+2411.084 502.717 5.723 542.047 6.016 251.183 5.877
+2411.243 505.117 5.840 541.810 5.944 254.961 3.520
+2411.401 501.811 6.483 541.248 5.792 250.189 4.265
+2411.558 500.358 6.606 542.532 5.872 247.941 3.866
+2411.717 502.763 5.661 540.495 5.919 254.579 3.367
+2411.875 501.917 5.684 543.115 6.023 252.675 4.144
+2412.032 500.109 6.165 541.971 6.042 247.566 3.658
+2412.191 502.311 5.632 542.589 5.844 251.555 4.050
+2412.348 506.503 5.526 541.435 5.938 255.715 4.243
+2412.506 504.265 5.816 541.914 5.953 249.967 3.472
+2412.664 503.872 8.062 542.419 5.988 248.069 4.146
+2412.822 499.908 5.758 541.454 5.901 249.780 4.138
+2412.980 503.189 6.358 540.924 6.413 254.907 4.406
+2413.137 499.911 6.334 541.139 6.333 253.499 4.635
+2413.296 497.179 7.417 541.371 6.649 247.075 3.746
+2413.453 498.421 5.853 541.433 6.699 252.520 3.643
+2413.611 489.654 6.748 541.574 6.095 252.135 4.265
+2413.769 496.406 6.075 540.445 5.934 251.621 5.614
+2413.927 494.984 6.845 538.634 6.306 255.106 4.213
+2414.086 495.689 5.976 539.976 6.637 255.471 4.359
+2414.244 495.536 8.825 540.279 9.554 249.814 6.297
+2414.400 496.855 12.231 542.702 15.802 242.438 7.993
+2414.556 498.488 7.693 536.947 6.143 250.744 3.770
+2414.714 501.934 7.031 540.459 5.950 250.877 4.483
+2414.872 499.969 8.949 541.824 7.752 252.198 5.219
+2415.029 498.769 7.522 542.478 6.137 247.522 3.472
+2415.186 500.247 5.960 540.534 6.423 251.805 4.495
+2415.345 504.682 6.320 544.745 6.101 250.158 6.493
+2415.503 501.686 6.038 542.297 6.450 254.501 3.719
+2415.661 497.116 9.036 543.043 6.577 253.665 7.176
+2415.818 493.861 7.629 542.640 6.745 248.236 5.188
+2415.975 490.018 6.296 542.876 6.707 253.862 4.569
+2416.133 498.480 6.410 543.618 6.612 252.028 6.709
+2416.291 500.624 7.156 542.546 7.558 255.020 4.808
+2416.449 499.796 7.087 543.185 5.951 251.400 4.517
+2416.606 505.827 7.225 543.171 6.212 248.374 3.744
+2416.763 508.298 6.857 543.581 5.881 251.113 3.464
+2416.921 506.803 7.031 541.525 5.947 245.791 5.698
+2417.079 506.258 5.865 541.295 6.446 251.337 3.513
+2417.238 506.092 7.599 543.273 6.278 243.883 17.210
+2417.395 500.400 10.721 542.862 7.107 248.248 4.613
+2417.553 504.784 7.220 540.878 8.076 254.772 14.127
+2417.709 496.207 10.903 541.778 6.579 262.097 8.861
+2417.867 503.392 12.104 544.337 9.138 251.441 7.856
+2418.023 509.443 9.518 541.063 6.114 245.784 3.929
+2418.180 508.104 10.514 543.500 7.177 245.717 5.436
+2418.338 507.601 6.521 543.275 6.534 249.167 4.142
+2418.496 508.646 7.030 540.972 6.439 250.511 3.567
+2418.654 506.596 5.965 540.809 6.219 250.945 3.655
+2418.812 505.746 6.232 541.898 6.474 253.709 3.657
+2418.970 504.747 6.544 542.129 6.734 249.607 4.299
+2419.128 502.827 10.416 540.201 9.021 251.176 9.168
+2419.285 503.448 7.603 542.652 6.734 254.891 7.355
+2419.441 503.514 6.049 539.706 7.320 248.208 4.974
+2419.598 504.755 8.558 542.847 6.719 250.552 4.962
+2419.755 504.177 5.999 543.348 6.162 251.005 4.391
+2419.914 505.941 7.225 540.823 9.481 248.130 6.415
+2420.072 505.759 8.158 544.208 6.400 246.841 4.756
+2420.229 503.847 10.320 541.662 6.331 248.128 5.576
+2420.386 505.008 11.225 543.996 6.493 249.861 9.266
+2420.543 503.070 8.697 543.330 6.707 253.238 6.022
+2420.701 507.980 5.654 543.193 6.758 250.352 4.130
+2420.859 506.779 6.233 543.912 6.194 249.723 3.760
+2421.017 504.557 6.221 542.509 6.010 249.987 3.753
+2421.176 501.305 6.427 542.925 6.013 254.469 3.621
+2421.334 502.833 6.488 543.749 6.566 254.874 4.242
+2421.492 503.808 6.144 544.177 6.162 250.928 4.524
+2421.650 500.928 6.696 543.721 6.006 247.329 3.977
+2421.808 503.149 9.782 542.747 6.789 258.533 6.749
+2421.965 501.471 8.157 542.717 6.876 257.505 6.257
+2422.123 506.824 6.702 543.577 6.190 255.655 4.454
+2422.282 507.438 7.874 544.335 6.092 244.896 3.624
+2422.439 506.714 8.763 542.993 6.966 252.138 4.281
+2422.596 503.657 5.716 543.440 6.419 248.341 4.879
+2422.754 499.816 7.063 543.954 6.921 248.243 5.458
+2422.912 502.228 5.628 541.789 6.169 250.072 3.350
+2423.070 501.022 6.286 541.387 6.516 253.600 3.633
+2423.228 500.340 6.128 543.383 6.016 251.276 4.195
+2423.387 502.113 6.487 542.463 6.544 255.272 4.904
+2423.545 501.101 6.445 540.844 6.204 258.122 4.266
+2423.704 503.671 6.150 542.178 6.931 254.101 5.837
+2423.862 505.656 6.550 543.391 6.557 245.481 5.658
+2424.019 507.986 7.721 544.264 6.556 248.704 4.267
+2424.176 507.359 5.882 543.102 6.093 250.467 3.567
+2424.334 504.463 6.095 542.391 6.306 247.144 3.453
+2424.492 502.054 5.866 543.184 6.020 243.931 3.523
+2424.650 499.390 5.998 543.401 6.188 247.419 3.642
+2424.809 501.743 5.930 541.694 6.466 262.304 3.467
+2424.969 502.737 6.580 541.336 6.006 263.893 4.937
+2425.127 498.807 8.022 542.423 6.360 251.648 4.573
+2425.284 497.038 5.977 543.994 7.945 239.206 10.724
+2425.442 502.200 6.054 540.769 6.004 253.332 6.107
+2425.601 504.562 6.475 541.537 6.415 261.493 5.104
+2425.759 505.795 5.882 544.205 5.866 247.724 3.812
+2425.917 507.308 5.975 544.142 6.644 239.597 3.674
+2426.075 504.443 5.995 543.181 6.470 245.845 4.352
+2426.233 504.394 6.098 540.471 6.235 258.608 4.524
+2426.392 507.253 12.210 541.404 6.481 249.256 8.181
+2426.549 507.012 9.674 541.024 7.996 254.812 5.007
+2426.707 501.510 12.976 542.310 6.546 250.018 9.583
+2426.863 502.685 6.330 542.263 6.048 251.370 5.385
+2427.021 500.406 6.993 541.822 6.361 248.483 5.942
+2427.179 498.594 5.912 540.228 6.059 255.574 3.820
+2427.338 495.455 6.671 539.062 7.615 258.395 6.093
+2427.496 504.614 6.869 541.710 6.466 252.473 4.634
+2427.654 499.076 6.155 542.847 6.366 239.294 5.062
+2427.812 504.080 6.314 541.988 6.444 248.622 6.000
+2427.971 506.390 6.790 540.139 6.443 261.036 5.631
+2428.129 507.603 6.674 543.281 6.373 252.540 6.113
+2428.287 507.716 7.658 543.032 6.640 241.705 4.779
+2428.444 508.677 8.924 542.510 6.517 244.307 5.953
+2428.602 507.356 6.037 542.315 6.565 256.973 4.420
+2428.761 501.873 8.462 542.273 6.418 251.859 3.983
+2428.918 500.578 5.808 542.042 6.536 243.018 4.080
+2429.075 501.555 5.990 542.600 6.160 247.220 6.204
+2429.234 505.925 7.861 542.326 6.285 258.372 7.810
+2429.391 502.269 6.169 541.403 5.970 256.343 5.092
+2429.549 499.862 6.491 542.154 6.017 246.733 5.068
+2429.707 498.858 6.707 542.391 6.748 243.227 5.965
+2429.864 500.358 7.695 541.834 5.861 254.432 5.377
+2430.022 505.513 7.965 541.818 6.601 257.154 5.541
+2430.179 504.975 7.013 541.338 6.005 248.691 5.842
+2430.338 503.549 5.886 543.483 5.787 244.056 3.790
+2430.496 506.385 6.995 543.034 6.169 251.540 3.281
+2430.654 506.983 7.602 540.990 6.006 253.685 3.680
+2430.812 505.289 7.731 542.259 6.827 250.256 5.071
+2430.969 504.622 6.471 542.272 6.022 251.132 3.773
+2431.127 505.856 7.235 543.172 6.358 247.041 5.245
+2431.284 499.898 5.963 543.161 6.021 249.830 3.123
+2431.442 501.329 6.226 541.091 6.841 251.478 6.446
+2431.600 502.183 6.942 541.470 6.366 257.034 4.636
+2431.758 502.971 6.256 543.124 6.501 246.250 3.350
+2431.917 503.589 6.187 543.711 5.989 248.982 3.676
+2432.075 504.345 5.972 541.127 6.206 255.009 4.355
+2432.235 503.473 5.598 541.281 6.424 257.300 4.227
+2432.393 502.484 8.069 542.622 6.230 245.823 4.072
+2432.550 503.574 5.672 542.846 6.314 244.598 4.181
+2432.708 506.565 6.838 543.008 6.274 254.376 3.824
+2432.866 503.525 5.942 541.960 5.885 250.183 3.731
+2433.024 501.365 5.851 541.459 5.903 253.501 4.703
+2433.182 502.943 5.769 542.204 5.973 255.615 4.076
+2433.340 504.929 7.848 542.622 6.190 253.836 4.597
+2433.497 505.559 5.833 542.926 6.872 243.968 4.271
+2433.655 504.395 8.375 543.209 7.142 243.139 4.516
+2433.813 506.324 6.636 540.832 6.778 260.961 4.762
+2433.972 505.023 6.601 542.938 6.935 259.079 5.003
+2434.130 501.290 6.060 543.329 6.015 246.920 3.557
+2434.289 500.882 11.745 542.813 6.989 236.739 9.165
+2434.446 515.128 15.190 545.448 7.580 256.877 4.597
+2434.604 503.771 9.214 542.714 6.656 255.698 11.110
+2434.760 505.387 7.176 543.407 6.884 252.167 6.008
+2434.917 501.533 6.459 543.174 6.640 247.411 4.516
+2435.075 504.165 7.262 541.991 6.253 242.364 7.227
+2435.232 507.981 6.504 542.929 6.137 255.323 4.459
+2435.391 508.049 6.467 542.899 6.490 254.473 4.646
+2435.549 504.170 5.974 541.809 6.530 248.194 3.661
+2435.707 500.541 5.962 541.428 5.881 251.831 4.215
+2435.865 501.875 6.318 541.704 6.280 254.088 3.284
+2436.023 503.448 6.575 541.177 6.025 256.820 6.522
+2436.182 506.164 6.820 542.941 5.934 242.748 7.693
+2436.339 507.171 7.391 541.989 5.918 246.177 4.059
+2436.497 505.291 6.223 542.749 6.532 257.111 4.754
+2436.656 504.382 6.439 542.797 6.002 257.161 4.651
+2436.814 504.123 7.046 541.618 6.728 246.141 6.286
+2436.972 505.951 6.956 541.996 6.628 242.621 4.083
+2437.129 507.419 7.136 543.520 5.946 252.516 4.222
+2437.287 505.484 7.407 541.315 6.017 256.735 3.747
+2437.445 501.794 6.473 543.053 5.809 247.307 3.952
+2437.602 502.207 5.866 542.260 6.229 250.063 3.463
+2437.761 504.632 6.003 541.982 6.047 256.670 3.402
+2437.921 506.346 5.863 542.089 5.893 254.466 4.333
+2438.079 502.933 6.500 542.680 5.909 243.694 3.335
+2438.237 503.799 6.171 542.076 5.963 252.496 3.261
+2438.396 502.768 5.647 541.000 5.790 259.215 3.634
+2438.555 502.717 6.538 543.610 6.126 255.412 4.048
+2438.713 504.417 6.797 542.756 5.950 242.314 4.308
+2438.870 507.564 9.262 541.667 6.153 249.893 4.012
+2439.028 505.705 7.230 542.426 6.282 256.598 4.330
+2439.186 503.317 5.673 541.834 6.261 254.826 5.304
+2439.344 505.883 5.707 543.538 5.860 244.938 4.685
+2439.502 502.618 6.120 541.905 5.771 248.219 5.191
+2439.660 505.736 6.143 540.929 5.936 256.992 3.777
+2439.821 504.667 5.981 542.259 5.727 253.059 4.066
+2439.978 504.376 6.191 541.062 5.979 249.350 3.176
+2440.137 501.443 7.213 541.950 6.283 246.613 4.193
+2440.294 502.884 5.654 541.629 6.026 250.546 3.526
+2440.453 506.168 6.904 542.256 6.139 253.145 4.276
+2440.611 505.481 6.213 542.852 6.127 251.301 4.143
+2440.769 505.584 6.008 540.938 6.764 253.073 4.333
+2440.927 502.325 5.704 541.349 6.066 249.410 3.743
+2441.085 503.333 6.864 543.383 6.332 244.624 3.756
+2441.243 505.703 8.275 542.273 6.586 252.206 3.958
+2441.401 507.167 6.622 539.982 5.861 260.742 4.170
+2441.559 502.071 6.015 541.849 6.063 255.957 3.584
+2441.718 500.550 6.700 543.728 6.165 245.729 5.883
+2441.876 501.045 5.901 541.687 5.920 242.757 3.829
+2442.034 504.280 5.584 541.456 5.988 254.137 3.171
+2442.193 506.942 5.567 541.174 6.265 256.521 3.055
+2442.352 504.829 5.729 542.311 5.917 248.385 3.612
+2442.509 503.288 5.743 544.963 6.043 245.373 4.210
+2442.668 504.232 6.870 541.749 5.935 251.183 3.698
+2442.826 504.122 6.191 542.207 5.994 258.881 3.834
+2442.986 504.101 6.360 540.422 6.423 256.398 4.599
+2443.144 503.541 7.942 543.364 7.467 238.264 10.146
+2443.301 500.525 6.880 543.353 6.064 248.262 6.742
+2443.458 500.125 20.830 542.303 7.166 251.082 19.135
+2443.616 502.431 8.822 542.313 6.507 256.740 6.064
+2443.773 501.414 8.786 543.893 8.048 247.347 11.547
+2443.929 502.504 7.430 542.118 6.903 245.003 5.084
+2444.088 502.065 9.527 543.061 8.810 252.390 7.669
+2444.246 503.570 10.203 540.880 6.724 261.643 7.348
+2444.404 502.335 9.070 541.448 8.087 248.156 6.929
+2444.559 501.673 9.987 543.624 9.171 240.141 6.379
+2444.717 503.516 9.737 541.356 7.538 259.151 7.005
+2444.875 503.005 14.285 540.833 8.920 257.601 10.781
+2445.033 505.180 12.008 541.198 7.127 248.816 9.753
+2445.190 503.431 6.626 542.202 7.473 246.368 4.232
+2445.347 503.074 7.276 540.972 7.230 254.463 7.310
+2445.505 500.470 7.270 541.489 6.923 256.164 4.928
+2445.663 507.964 6.716 542.674 7.360 252.091 4.497
+2445.820 500.429 10.867 543.066 7.611 245.360 6.808
+2445.977 501.784 7.274 542.830 8.394 246.893 5.060
+2446.134 499.307 9.098 541.868 6.949 249.508 6.199
+2446.292 502.833 8.038 543.078 6.588 259.175 6.814
+2446.450 504.298 7.410 539.570 6.492 258.401 6.105
+2446.608 503.352 9.009 541.945 6.245 241.964 6.372
+2446.765 501.933 7.588 544.079 6.054 244.319 3.418
+2446.924 503.169 6.598 540.720 6.397 259.243 4.477
+2447.082 519.141 10.321 542.757 6.589 261.072 5.525
+2447.242 503.321 6.003 541.807 7.016 245.690 4.470
+2447.399 504.493 12.557 542.738 6.783 233.916 10.700
+2447.557 505.924 9.249 541.817 6.524 249.909 6.517
+2447.715 506.349 6.785 541.678 7.239 260.699 5.213
+2447.874 501.863 8.623 540.096 6.280 248.317 7.095
+2448.031 502.068 6.249 543.841 5.763 246.283 3.441
+2448.189 505.190 7.827 544.028 6.333 251.222 3.753
+2448.347 504.461 5.715 541.470 6.140 254.752 3.764
+2448.506 501.564 6.601 540.744 6.230 257.517 3.668
+2448.665 503.025 8.235 540.837 6.627 252.905 6.891
+2448.822 503.480 10.231 545.098 6.356 238.549 8.405
+2448.979 508.204 10.081 542.801 6.401 254.405 4.396
+2449.138 506.472 6.381 542.638 6.803 251.644 5.853
+2449.296 502.894 7.185 540.696 6.353 250.066 4.347
+2449.454 503.869 6.339 544.887 7.014 248.270 4.612
+2449.612 503.068 6.449 542.838 6.553 252.362 4.341
+2449.769 503.820 5.984 540.168 6.724 253.123 4.446
+2449.927 503.378 7.098 540.951 6.206 253.351 5.065
+2450.085 503.063 6.228 541.959 6.542 250.043 4.976
+2450.244 501.930 7.677 541.699 6.167 253.880 6.602
+2450.402 505.759 13.248 542.747 6.391 252.678 8.353
+2450.559 504.547 8.449 538.947 7.658 251.056 5.121
+2450.716 501.755 9.323 540.499 6.738 248.400 6.059
+2450.874 499.587 9.185 541.635 7.447 247.664 5.929
+2451.032 508.425 8.760 542.926 7.395 257.756 7.550
+2451.189 499.304 7.237 541.259 6.838 252.217 6.255
+2451.346 503.433 7.286 541.682 7.047 247.652 4.319
+2451.503 505.264 7.885 542.026 6.318 247.966 4.372
+2451.661 502.402 5.922 542.120 6.498 251.629 4.487
+2451.820 503.624 8.830 541.851 6.278 258.436 4.140
+2451.977 504.156 7.463 540.788 6.226 247.464 3.388
+2452.135 501.851 6.126 542.577 6.306 246.224 4.376
+2452.293 502.948 6.276 543.865 6.883 253.542 4.349
+2452.452 501.449 6.643 540.578 6.442 256.345 4.420
+2452.610 503.164 6.320 539.765 5.939 251.983 4.597
+2452.767 503.331 7.027 543.007 6.047 243.169 4.108
+2452.925 502.853 8.477 542.150 7.984 248.491 5.563
+2453.082 505.468 5.969 541.841 6.639 255.024 5.446
+2453.240 501.954 9.595 541.898 7.215 253.690 10.060
+2453.397 505.869 10.174 540.889 8.176 246.026 7.101
+2453.554 505.178 6.672 544.248 7.085 245.600 6.710
+2453.712 504.631 6.571 541.532 6.720 257.516 5.235
+2453.870 505.166 7.583 541.175 6.905 253.185 4.412
+2454.028 501.891 6.461 540.911 6.273 251.841 4.331
+2454.186 501.268 6.887 542.739 6.520 250.278 4.308
+2454.344 504.302 6.397 543.717 6.589 250.682 4.378
+2454.502 504.913 8.485 542.237 6.804 251.366 4.461
+2454.659 504.359 6.957 541.542 6.821 249.333 9.071
+2454.816 501.613 10.332 543.405 6.152 251.033 4.157
+2454.973 502.016 7.262 542.674 6.191 250.760 4.875
+2455.131 504.250 6.774 541.746 6.862 253.737 5.755
+2455.288 505.782 8.214 540.757 6.119 253.527 4.174
+2455.446 504.337 6.597 542.517 6.026 247.725 4.913
+2455.603 504.223 6.993 541.835 6.923 244.977 5.417
+2455.761 503.732 11.585 541.928 8.425 255.439 7.101
+2455.918 503.327 7.896 541.709 7.241 253.404 4.564
+2456.075 503.533 6.176 541.637 6.492 250.384 4.394
+2456.233 504.735 6.610 542.516 6.153 250.343 4.474
+2456.390 502.587 6.848 541.615 6.263 251.263 3.782
+2456.549 503.195 6.033 540.936 5.963 258.382 3.253
+2456.707 505.122 5.739 542.499 6.592 253.843 4.579
+2456.865 504.041 7.303 539.915 6.342 250.238 6.497
+2457.022 507.080 6.283 543.619 5.906 248.502 4.438
+2457.181 505.200 6.459 542.826 6.882 249.845 7.698
+2457.338 503.222 6.312 541.878 6.647 250.298 4.315
+2457.496 500.662 6.514 541.768 6.072 250.362 4.528
+2457.654 502.636 6.777 542.297 6.103 247.733 3.581
+2457.812 503.616 6.726 542.133 6.289 254.347 4.148
+2457.970 503.776 6.057 543.061 6.368 255.983 5.861
+2458.129 504.547 6.961 542.500 7.564 248.309 4.584
+2458.287 505.555 7.141 541.905 6.097 246.703 4.017
+2458.444 505.105 6.722 541.049 5.971 251.407 5.390
+2458.603 505.211 6.395 541.510 6.064 254.794 3.400
+2458.761 504.222 6.528 542.185 6.500 250.917 5.805
+2458.918 503.602 8.045 543.871 6.431 250.769 4.325
+2459.075 504.716 7.151 542.468 6.503 250.887 4.692
+2459.233 505.687 6.189 543.314 6.214 248.858 4.103
+2459.392 499.906 11.288 540.913 8.181 259.658 7.040
+2459.549 502.319 6.663 540.159 8.353 252.236 6.118
+2459.707 505.713 11.286 543.231 6.224 252.612 6.914
+2459.864 503.067 8.914 543.432 6.205 243.036 4.736
+2460.022 505.780 7.503 543.094 6.103 248.320 4.872
+2460.179 506.607 8.606 540.961 6.585 257.073 5.465
+2460.338 504.366 6.653 540.739 6.081 258.340 5.993
+2460.496 503.733 6.597 542.337 6.127 251.003 5.159
+2460.654 501.967 9.155 542.973 6.935 245.960 4.565
+2460.811 501.989 8.075 542.389 6.542 241.929 6.977
+2460.968 501.049 6.493 541.503 5.944 254.219 4.095
+2461.127 504.070 7.880 540.675 6.736 267.792 7.578
+2461.284 500.240 8.476 541.676 6.671 253.537 6.173
+2461.442 501.332 10.628 543.236 10.012 235.015 7.422
+2461.598 505.663 8.334 541.912 7.364 241.640 7.406
+2461.756 509.446 12.662 540.489 6.878 262.636 5.501
+2461.915 502.734 10.041 539.124 5.989 263.096 4.334
+2462.073 501.357 6.981 542.391 6.213 241.661 5.150
+2462.230 501.123 8.522 543.783 7.235 237.156 5.078
+2462.388 501.571 8.858 542.017 6.653 256.231 6.172
+2462.548 505.525 6.296 539.170 6.579 264.832 3.970
+2462.706 500.735 7.315 541.411 5.787 248.588 4.832
+2462.864 501.757 11.012 542.154 6.847 244.655 8.601
+2463.021 503.237 7.331 541.991 7.262 247.846 4.278
+2463.179 505.152 8.537 540.639 7.328 258.458 4.864
+2463.337 504.171 9.260 540.686 5.995 252.734 4.148
+2463.494 506.891 9.371 541.456 6.180 251.387 6.283
+2463.651 501.938 5.816 543.534 7.045 249.673 4.581
+2463.809 500.619 6.996 542.905 6.397 240.046 5.839
+2463.967 500.586 6.018 541.199 6.394 253.100 5.698
+2464.126 509.345 7.621 539.282 6.422 264.141 6.282
+2464.284 503.073 5.843 543.392 6.275 250.041 7.038
+2464.441 501.380 6.036 542.064 6.332 236.130 4.866
+2464.599 502.563 6.683 542.040 6.204 251.661 4.686
+2464.758 501.605 6.584 539.580 6.607 265.546 4.343
+2464.917 501.046 6.307 539.365 6.916 254.105 6.622
+2465.074 499.460 6.073 542.813 5.966 241.161 3.835
+2465.233 505.794 6.582 541.758 6.263 258.381 3.962
+2465.392 505.048 5.806 540.577 6.033 257.053 4.133
+2465.550 502.240 7.765 541.905 6.707 242.590 3.927
+2465.708 503.232 5.920 542.309 6.464 245.425 4.077
+2465.866 505.392 5.915 540.633 6.061 257.654 5.810
+2466.025 506.123 6.381 541.976 5.962 251.256 5.281
+2466.183 502.241 5.913 542.889 6.059 240.322 3.930
+2466.341 504.282 6.523 540.978 6.329 243.813 4.453
+2466.500 499.622 6.486 540.999 6.173 263.198 4.659
+2466.659 498.516 6.118 540.080 6.475 256.412 4.483
+2466.817 499.775 6.095 541.360 6.248 251.094 4.278
+2466.975 505.787 6.395 542.023 6.422 245.510 3.988
+2467.133 503.607 7.059 542.620 6.477 247.265 4.000
+2467.290 499.956 6.056 541.576 5.893 263.612 4.201
+2467.450 507.889 5.691 540.215 6.277 255.266 5.364
+2467.608 503.748 5.994 541.412 5.801 241.362 4.283
+2467.766 504.947 6.596 543.934 6.182 238.733 3.504
+2467.924 507.469 6.688 542.729 6.268 257.977 4.164
+2468.083 505.364 9.398 539.357 6.166 261.629 4.181
+2468.241 503.713 8.013 540.893 6.425 247.666 4.564
+2468.398 500.797 6.243 541.089 6.368 241.566 4.344
+2468.557 508.398 9.479 542.270 7.190 252.715 5.417
+2468.715 508.964 6.988 541.192 7.277 261.277 6.273
+2468.874 511.639 5.970 539.042 6.439 251.382 4.675
+2469.031 508.036 6.761 543.210 6.384 243.943 3.758
+2469.190 505.600 6.069 542.992 6.464 246.299 4.316
+2469.347 506.796 7.072 542.279 6.459 249.493 4.291
+2469.505 513.208 6.960 540.112 6.224 255.504 4.892
+2469.663 508.752 7.207 539.371 7.287 253.765 6.131
+2469.820 507.417 6.869 539.583 6.735 247.297 6.256
+2469.978 503.514 6.134 540.615 6.411 243.892 6.985
+2470.135 504.365 7.930 539.576 6.419 252.368 8.266
+2470.294 510.013 5.965 538.985 6.604 263.263 4.393
+2470.452 508.290 6.163 539.309 6.510 245.052 4.085
+2470.610 507.722 7.172 541.573 6.347 243.920 4.778
+2470.767 509.617 9.082 541.645 6.951 252.149 5.726
+2470.926 511.336 7.583 539.746 6.393 257.101 6.900
+2471.083 511.313 10.565 539.397 6.921 250.401 4.850
+2471.241 508.233 6.930 539.714 6.555 239.614 5.645
+2471.398 509.502 5.981 541.007 7.129 244.776 4.662
+2471.556 511.255 5.673 540.400 5.954 258.457 4.331
+2471.715 507.472 7.118 538.744 6.359 259.274 4.088
+2471.874 504.624 6.729 538.807 6.484 247.912 4.664
+2472.032 506.106 7.429 540.138 6.338 242.759 4.359
+2472.190 510.021 7.865 540.821 6.351 250.167 6.693
+2472.347 511.850 7.613 540.038 6.809 257.891 5.431
+2472.505 506.718 7.352 540.680 6.598 250.718 6.303
+2472.662 503.397 5.739 540.286 6.043 244.337 4.725
+2472.820 510.284 8.027 541.052 6.382 252.033 4.403
+2472.977 510.752 8.437 540.560 6.560 250.050 4.204
+2473.136 510.287 9.100 538.135 6.563 250.700 6.308
+2473.293 505.882 7.027 540.861 7.503 252.967 9.467
+2473.450 507.648 12.016 539.618 6.196 245.319 5.146
+2473.607 505.826 7.611 539.296 6.101 249.643 3.864
+2473.765 507.768 5.666 537.753 6.276 259.056 4.778
+2473.924 507.997 6.064 538.887 5.769 254.810 3.286
+2474.082 504.790 5.799 540.178 5.855 243.688 3.442
+2474.241 503.767 5.477 539.631 5.728 246.296 3.657
+2474.399 504.387 6.317 539.556 6.017 255.792 4.295
+2474.557 505.823 6.623 538.935 6.283 250.667 3.982
+2474.715 506.218 6.384 540.409 6.117 248.836 5.036
+2474.873 507.082 7.831 539.304 6.613 253.058 6.399
+2475.030 503.620 7.899 539.803 5.918 250.290 4.116
+2475.188 504.356 6.681 539.278 6.076 246.552 4.218
+2475.345 506.073 6.719 538.502 6.699 246.105 4.780
+2475.503 508.600 5.844 538.305 6.004 251.611 3.940
+2475.661 504.346 5.718 540.533 6.507 254.586 5.157
+2475.819 505.163 7.045 539.495 6.346 249.515 3.935
+2475.975 504.651 7.417 540.044 5.900 245.335 3.959
+2476.133 503.296 5.922 539.160 6.073 251.613 5.208
+2476.291 504.532 6.195 540.351 5.989 256.796 4.189
+2476.450 502.475 5.707 539.313 6.122 252.877 3.850
+2476.608 504.944 5.533 539.603 5.912 242.538 3.533
+2476.766 503.699 6.218 538.916 6.181 247.375 3.576
+2476.925 503.017 5.969 540.289 6.168 255.923 5.173
+2477.084 502.140 5.819 540.593 6.304 256.139 4.403
+2477.243 503.061 6.225 539.035 5.747 253.321 4.159
+2477.400 501.990 5.945 541.500 6.193 244.193 3.954
+2477.558 506.839 6.589 543.175 6.809 245.051 4.806
+2477.715 515.868 7.388 540.451 6.288 251.550 7.480
+2477.874 516.878 11.869 540.124 7.685 250.305 10.917
+2478.031 506.768 16.971 543.111 16.727 254.683 16.308
+2478.186 509.587 7.747 544.971 6.866 250.076 8.541
+2478.345 522.975 8.757 540.149 11.355 251.670 11.148
+2478.502 516.719 7.180 541.781 8.144 252.536 4.401
+2478.660 511.817 9.588 541.307 6.543 246.145 5.332
+2478.817 506.928 6.910 536.513 6.282 242.531 5.673
+2478.975 511.769 6.866 541.895 6.279 255.995 4.391
+2479.134 511.267 6.891 543.459 6.272 254.959 3.928
+2479.292 511.272 6.032 545.884 6.321 249.319 7.104
+2479.450 513.212 13.830 539.428 7.037 251.913 8.298
+2479.606 519.672 7.251 541.514 7.416 249.469 8.320
+2479.763 510.036 8.464 539.285 6.894 248.674 6.635
+2479.920 520.110 8.426 538.272 7.091 254.776 6.827
+2480.079 516.321 11.739 540.922 8.073 244.177 7.161
+2480.236 533.003 7.590 540.249 8.188 243.681 6.951
+2480.393 523.800 9.522 542.112 10.289 243.826 9.017
+2480.551 517.218 10.119 542.691 7.003 246.478 5.411
+2480.709 513.092 6.748 536.086 7.185 247.664 7.270
+2480.867 507.090 10.850 538.170 7.205 249.426 7.444
+2481.024 501.570 6.987 537.701 7.281 245.234 4.053
+2481.182 504.505 6.416 536.037 6.085 256.702 3.823
+2481.341 500.735 6.329 535.650 6.682 260.797 3.937
+2481.500 499.507 6.735 536.686 6.805 255.327 4.773
+2481.657 495.115 8.727 541.196 6.272 247.693 6.952
+2481.814 499.281 11.715 538.112 10.141 256.466 8.467
+2481.972 502.562 10.572 538.141 7.751 249.674 11.906
+2482.129 502.055 10.646 538.661 7.917 255.806 8.350
+2482.286 507.580 7.670 541.016 6.030 252.378 7.257
+2482.444 498.315 8.012 536.360 7.128 246.203 8.327
+2482.599 500.543 7.673 539.933 7.839 244.012 5.448
+2482.757 497.135 6.644 542.069 7.286 248.810 7.229
+2482.914 489.351 6.245 539.490 6.276 256.688 3.938
+2483.072 484.213 5.904 539.455 6.159 250.936 4.483
+2483.231 480.832 6.097 539.874 6.655 250.299 4.101
+2483.389 476.238 6.237 538.928 7.392 259.183 10.108
+2483.547 467.322 8.221 537.979 7.254 256.631 10.790
+2483.705 485.163 14.613 535.599 9.022 259.416 10.968
+2483.862 484.641 8.554 542.536 6.377 250.684 6.844
+2484.018 491.566 10.788 537.975 7.498 252.696 7.971
+2484.176 488.825 6.347 538.019 6.778 244.296 5.312
+2484.334 492.088 7.636 541.800 6.325 253.112 5.002
+2484.492 484.750 7.091 543.198 7.637 248.691 9.889
+2484.649 493.457 10.132 540.622 6.630 250.256 5.493
+2484.807 489.584 8.771 538.946 6.579 248.612 3.765
+2484.964 497.835 5.722 540.299 6.057 257.636 3.764
+2485.124 493.418 6.236 543.463 6.427 247.726 4.364
+2485.281 491.974 9.062 539.174 6.608 253.897 5.037
+2485.439 492.469 7.493 543.801 6.129 250.119 3.732
+2485.597 501.044 6.451 542.618 6.645 252.411 5.469
+2485.754 497.800 7.081 541.406 6.681 244.874 4.465
+2485.912 500.738 8.041 542.154 6.369 251.808 3.296
+2486.070 497.007 8.979 539.821 7.441 251.408 5.089
+2486.227 496.000 6.271 540.478 5.910 255.084 3.798
+2486.386 495.790 6.781 541.454 6.415 246.200 4.291
+2486.544 498.697 6.336 542.404 6.375 254.732 5.704
+2486.703 503.186 6.582 541.544 6.182 256.707 4.259
+2486.861 501.051 5.968 541.575 5.912 251.497 3.700
+2487.019 500.900 6.937 540.985 6.622 248.165 4.653
+2487.177 503.559 7.459 540.319 6.441 249.931 4.000
+2487.334 504.805 6.940 540.243 5.984 250.979 3.273
+2487.493 505.588 6.296 542.572 6.061 248.829 3.358
+2487.652 505.075 6.795 542.555 6.196 249.148 4.987
+2487.809 501.680 6.522 539.945 6.378 252.291 4.452
+2487.967 501.786 6.800 541.729 6.715 249.602 3.841
+2488.125 501.377 7.783 541.227 7.124 250.026 4.703
+2488.282 501.683 6.196 541.532 6.826 251.880 3.782
+2488.440 504.886 6.061 540.975 6.689 257.608 3.922
+2488.599 501.158 6.668 541.219 6.175 248.996 3.880
+2488.757 501.011 10.179 542.692 6.349 242.089 5.001
+2488.915 502.530 8.170 541.717 6.283 253.040 4.555
+2489.072 503.255 5.691 542.287 6.139 256.380 3.743
+2489.231 502.492 6.673 539.062 6.418 251.143 4.263
+2489.389 502.914 6.665 539.790 6.151 244.121 4.459
+2489.547 502.699 5.820 541.408 6.310 250.181 4.146
+2489.706 503.627 6.231 541.374 6.905 256.021 3.753
+2489.864 504.326 5.945 540.393 6.529 252.880 3.576
+2490.023 502.283 7.735 541.264 6.064 246.988 3.432
+2490.181 502.752 6.002 541.312 5.948 246.409 3.778
+2490.339 501.757 6.940 540.323 6.174 252.114 4.142
+2490.497 501.117 6.570 540.763 6.412 255.881 4.200
+2490.656 502.331 5.965 540.207 6.379 256.928 3.929
+2490.815 504.463 7.321 541.152 7.915 245.609 6.880
+2490.972 502.414 6.240 542.791 6.451 243.696 4.305
+2491.130 501.184 6.401 542.048 6.359 250.217 4.170
+2491.289 502.261 5.755 540.860 6.264 258.402 3.981
+2491.447 502.062 6.342 540.928 6.006 253.944 3.886
+2491.605 502.430 6.374 541.139 6.382 246.639 4.125
+2491.763 503.034 5.991 541.601 6.401 246.766 4.148
+2491.922 503.430 5.809 541.596 6.006 254.317 3.913
+2492.079 501.864 6.179 540.626 6.256 253.663 4.337
+2492.239 502.808 5.864 541.806 6.301 252.046 3.606
+2492.397 502.378 6.600 540.918 6.853 246.630 4.405
+2492.554 505.233 6.477 542.299 6.325 248.796 4.209
+2492.711 503.952 7.289 540.973 6.768 253.007 5.409
+2492.870 502.809 5.996 542.409 6.519 254.230 4.026
+2493.028 502.628 5.966 540.474 6.187 252.772 4.827
+2493.186 502.076 6.732 541.874 6.100 244.607 3.992
+2493.343 504.030 6.537 541.928 6.228 249.976 4.435
+2493.502 504.830 6.661 539.899 7.387 254.009 4.125
+2493.660 503.388 6.603 541.529 6.463 255.270 5.131
+2493.818 505.043 5.738 543.515 7.212 252.462 5.837
+2493.976 501.040 6.966 543.275 6.185 246.324 3.402
+2494.133 503.790 11.450 542.712 6.864 246.963 4.289
+2494.292 504.787 6.963 541.117 6.865 256.169 4.008
+2494.450 507.307 8.297 542.301 6.165 254.761 5.846
+2494.608 506.713 6.633 543.153 6.856 245.957 4.122
+2494.765 510.277 6.504 541.771 6.187 245.759 5.718
+2494.923 512.932 7.072 541.677 7.151 252.977 4.958
+2495.082 512.519 6.977 540.966 6.558 254.589 5.205
+2495.239 509.285 9.107 541.459 8.171 249.685 6.684
+2495.395 517.322 8.170 541.124 6.871 250.076 5.243
+2495.553 514.143 8.269 541.911 6.965 251.350 3.771
+2495.711 513.591 7.766 544.789 7.395 246.563 4.976
+2495.869 510.335 6.359 541.648 7.090 250.145 5.912
+2496.027 510.583 6.173 543.156 6.723 255.671 5.405
+2496.185 511.525 8.137 545.281 6.753 256.306 5.770
+2496.343 514.035 10.000 538.852 10.018 253.883 9.072
+2496.501 516.900 6.045 542.118 8.926 248.038 7.304
+2496.658 518.199 10.488 540.811 7.831 251.100 6.455
+2496.816 517.452 8.072 543.418 6.697 248.331 6.453
+2496.973 519.254 8.008 542.244 8.105 248.193 5.726
+2497.129 521.032 8.014 540.612 7.725 250.041 5.006
+2497.287 523.800 7.956 539.346 8.984 246.190 6.650
+2497.443 518.058 11.278 539.713 7.962 245.391 5.790
+2497.600 523.940 8.075 539.397 7.147 250.463 6.113
+2497.757 515.999 7.316 537.304 6.932 253.134 4.838
+2497.916 514.800 6.710 538.753 6.732 252.541 5.055
+2498.074 509.758 7.051 537.377 7.546 245.325 5.936
+2498.231 512.357 6.630 539.633 6.355 251.253 4.878
+2498.391 512.063 7.119 539.176 7.557 253.102 3.976
+2498.548 510.500 7.036 537.991 7.659 250.721 5.617
+2498.706 510.555 6.687 540.859 6.287 246.987 5.067
+2498.864 511.735 6.023 539.778 6.274 251.589 4.023
+2499.022 508.827 7.506 540.017 7.418 247.215 5.974
+2499.179 507.388 8.026 539.970 7.380 249.222 6.352
+2499.336 512.733 15.144 538.779 13.398 250.832 8.055
+2499.493 509.287 7.988 540.447 6.135 255.248 5.407
+2499.650 505.002 6.946 541.874 6.673 248.182 4.879
+2499.807 504.190 5.524 540.888 6.369 248.901 4.804
+2499.966 505.991 7.243 540.218 6.523 252.359 3.645
+2500.124 504.489 6.444 539.342 6.534 252.963 3.651
+2500.281 503.484 6.429 540.153 5.995 249.919 4.244
+2500.438 503.584 5.562 539.101 5.769 251.199 3.264
+2500.596 502.855 6.431 538.341 5.884 253.522 4.324
+2500.754 503.168 9.029 537.923 6.458 251.795 3.776
+2500.911 504.721 5.673 539.999 5.823 250.477 3.283
+2501.069 501.007 5.750 539.270 5.885 246.144 5.473
+2501.227 501.070 5.971 540.682 5.824 249.981 3.721
+2501.385 503.290 6.304 541.896 6.214 254.669 3.907
+2501.544 502.852 6.385 539.029 6.115 249.996 3.445
+2501.703 501.698 5.936 539.520 6.032 248.659 4.290
+2501.861 502.727 7.312 539.155 6.153 253.016 4.117
+2502.018 504.437 9.200 538.781 6.461 256.810 4.645
+2502.176 501.414 6.877 541.587 5.955 249.168 4.888
+2502.334 504.144 6.186 540.655 6.095 249.361 3.720
+2502.492 503.761 5.817 537.696 6.128 249.143 4.133
+2502.650 504.457 6.118 539.037 5.939 252.491 5.282
+2502.808 503.274 6.699 540.020 5.901 249.524 5.270
+2502.965 502.822 6.141 540.680 6.283 247.975 4.507
+2503.124 502.858 5.980 539.036 6.373 249.409 4.088
+2503.282 502.468 5.903 540.190 6.160 251.954 4.394
+2503.440 500.204 7.277 539.931 6.307 249.449 4.826
+2503.599 501.082 7.139 540.799 7.174 253.454 5.344
+2503.756 502.020 6.514 540.528 6.746 252.434 4.323
+2503.914 501.460 7.321 540.695 7.484 248.684 6.296
+2504.071 500.694 6.006 540.686 6.649 250.006 4.861
+2504.229 501.166 5.960 538.786 6.342 255.980 5.033
+2504.388 502.251 6.706 538.657 6.356 248.659 4.847
+2504.546 502.472 6.197 540.226 6.126 250.616 4.296
+2504.704 501.554 7.051 540.322 6.401 255.176 4.820
+2504.862 505.945 6.568 539.373 7.065 250.431 3.969
+2505.019 503.189 6.725 540.333 6.366 245.014 4.833
+2505.177 506.641 6.708 540.013 6.338 253.080 3.369
+2505.335 504.726 6.979 539.960 6.439 254.810 3.963
+2505.493 501.867 6.918 540.669 6.260 249.758 4.096
+2505.651 501.798 6.180 541.716 6.190 247.107 5.069
+2505.809 503.158 6.571 540.807 6.106 252.571 4.745
+2505.967 500.821 6.895 540.388 6.347 257.165 3.881
+2506.126 500.838 5.975 540.973 5.876 251.971 4.163
+2506.285 500.718 6.052 540.769 6.069 249.329 3.868
+2506.443 503.447 6.286 539.217 6.978 253.233 4.141
+2506.600 500.474 6.147 541.392 6.282 250.422 3.767
+2506.759 505.274 6.342 540.324 5.987 254.874 3.886
+2506.918 505.232 7.988 539.133 5.954 248.108 4.310
+2507.075 504.812 6.450 541.821 6.561 249.391 5.691
+2507.232 503.098 6.853 542.178 7.792 245.673 5.653
+2507.390 501.541 6.066 539.651 6.087 255.106 5.486
+2507.549 503.325 6.979 538.656 6.858 255.831 4.502
+2507.706 502.353 6.841 540.316 6.243 247.858 4.851
+2507.864 502.973 5.976 540.343 6.236 247.618 4.025
+2508.022 503.179 5.914 540.573 7.021 252.116 4.418
+2508.180 504.001 6.496 540.435 7.566 254.041 4.271
+2508.338 504.400 6.413 538.964 6.347 252.470 4.666
+2508.496 503.074 6.430 540.379 6.125 248.554 4.198
+2508.654 504.040 6.346 539.823 6.177 248.855 4.255
+2508.812 504.860 7.025 540.018 6.602 249.188 3.886
+2508.970 504.248 5.840 539.520 6.050 251.651 3.774
+2509.129 503.982 6.598 539.815 6.285 250.096 3.869
+2509.286 502.789 6.321 540.188 6.099 254.111 3.951
+2509.444 504.217 5.905 540.591 6.859 246.361 4.956
+2509.602 504.562 6.006 539.545 6.148 249.713 3.616
+2509.760 505.075 6.243 540.705 5.805 255.537 3.928
+2509.918 504.880 6.758 539.347 6.209 254.415 3.928
+2510.076 505.388 7.460 541.403 6.421 245.574 4.728
+2510.234 506.663 6.543 540.524 6.330 245.625 4.026
+2510.392 506.516 5.902 539.815 6.174 251.166 4.061
+2510.550 507.865 5.969 540.078 6.770 254.281 3.811
+2510.708 507.678 6.467 540.400 6.392 249.562 4.299
+2510.866 505.576 6.769 539.944 6.191 245.435 4.790
+2511.024 506.265 7.567 540.029 6.678 250.174 5.192
+2511.182 507.732 6.300 538.800 6.553 253.661 3.976
+2511.340 507.977 5.795 541.138 6.399 256.986 4.235
+2511.499 508.489 6.405 541.341 5.871 248.299 4.851
+2511.656 505.754 6.049 540.123 7.394 241.803 4.887
+2511.814 507.697 6.098 541.481 6.662 249.238 4.440
+2511.972 508.797 6.716 540.434 6.175 256.482 3.816
+2512.130 508.138 6.239 539.714 6.249 249.734 4.209
+2512.289 511.541 6.274 541.427 6.214 247.447 4.238
+2512.447 510.635 5.912 540.914 6.132 249.674 4.202
+2512.605 513.106 6.604 541.289 5.923 250.336 5.204
+2512.764 511.311 6.410 539.682 6.156 250.963 4.321
+2512.922 509.003 7.095 539.936 6.242 251.419 3.826
+2513.081 508.610 5.856 540.139 6.266 250.164 3.976
+2513.238 511.956 7.458 540.291 6.503 249.061 5.323
+2513.395 510.039 6.434 538.923 6.259 247.090 4.264
+2513.554 510.780 5.816 538.699 6.138 257.890 4.072
+2513.712 514.497 6.116 539.737 6.303 253.028 6.859
+2513.871 511.615 6.505 542.967 6.936 240.160 6.338
+2514.028 512.606 6.310 540.879 6.293 246.921 3.571
+2514.188 513.526 6.423 539.508 7.045 258.379 3.921
+2514.347 516.025 6.439 540.685 6.671 256.813 3.626
+2514.506 515.070 6.042 541.806 6.398 242.868 3.611
+2514.665 514.950 6.844 541.858 6.193 244.768 3.690
+2514.824 514.049 5.869 540.988 6.211 255.067 3.493
+2514.982 513.490 6.042 540.209 6.275 252.420 3.649
+2515.140 512.904 6.507 540.092 6.118 250.704 3.746
+2515.299 515.119 6.278 542.231 6.661 245.467 4.461
+2515.457 514.871 6.511 541.452 6.843 250.874 4.432
+2515.615 515.818 6.656 540.684 6.137 250.268 4.154
+2515.773 515.808 7.101 539.276 7.185 254.672 4.868
+2515.931 518.828 6.359 538.362 6.215 251.016 5.803
+2516.089 516.818 6.372 540.343 7.474 250.030 5.932
+2516.248 518.148 6.827 541.673 6.186 243.500 4.008
+2516.405 516.541 6.028 541.356 6.363 249.825 4.455
+2516.563 517.705 7.239 541.853 6.233 253.188 4.016
+2516.722 515.957 6.713 541.828 8.303 252.461 4.906
+2516.879 514.649 6.244 541.898 6.645 246.344 4.352
+2517.038 517.006 6.577 540.299 6.787 249.503 4.871
+2517.196 521.840 6.691 541.823 6.850 253.615 3.951
+2517.353 517.588 7.499 541.068 6.129 249.226 3.666
+2517.511 518.615 6.006 541.330 7.287 250.342 4.103
+2517.668 516.876 7.175 542.303 7.193 249.393 4.794
+2517.827 520.408 6.151 542.093 8.197 250.263 4.953
+2517.985 517.174 6.204 542.251 6.915 245.052 4.596
+2518.143 517.511 7.478 541.522 6.845 251.280 5.750
+2518.300 521.255 7.640 540.815 6.580 256.302 4.338
+2518.459 515.672 7.198 539.828 7.289 249.713 5.844
+2518.617 517.276 8.158 541.488 6.841 246.157 5.685
+2518.775 517.112 7.637 540.504 6.015 252.601 5.310
+2518.933 520.481 6.067 540.495 6.463 251.796 3.569
+2519.092 520.954 6.648 542.134 6.900 248.597 4.435
+2519.250 519.359 6.425 539.941 6.502 248.866 4.302
+2519.408 518.163 6.214 539.869 6.262 254.238 3.870
+2519.567 519.921 6.944 541.658 7.113 248.492 4.635
+2519.724 518.209 7.131 543.036 6.756 244.614 3.732
+2519.882 519.482 6.180 539.720 6.546 249.016 5.169
+2520.040 516.274 8.148 541.427 8.795 248.860 5.287
+2520.199 520.112 6.948 541.144 6.723 255.998 5.034
+2520.357 517.561 7.573 541.701 6.710 250.050 4.716
+2520.515 518.065 5.933 540.677 6.619 251.150 4.514
+2520.673 519.650 6.307 541.296 6.334 249.751 4.205
+2520.831 518.296 9.972 541.583 7.798 238.417 5.273
+2520.989 515.173 6.189 540.905 7.040 249.744 4.761
+2521.147 518.001 6.504 540.899 7.880 255.427 5.192
+2521.304 517.950 6.728 539.929 8.076 250.724 5.853
+2521.462 517.849 6.323 540.919 6.744 244.237 4.441
+2521.621 518.608 9.155 539.249 7.620 250.372 5.245
+2521.778 517.786 7.925 540.842 6.630 251.933 4.533
+2521.935 519.547 8.338 540.988 7.016 251.319 4.581
+2522.094 515.325 7.609 541.539 6.645 248.143 4.719
+2522.251 518.443 7.010 542.375 7.136 249.891 5.009
+2522.409 520.014 7.610 540.793 7.579 249.318 4.963
+2522.566 518.620 7.538 541.548 7.612 247.953 5.407
+2522.724 515.496 6.244 540.685 9.290 254.349 5.786
+2522.882 517.415 7.732 540.276 7.063 251.863 4.301
+2523.041 516.724 9.831 542.602 9.388 243.848 5.452
+2523.197 519.617 7.250 541.696 7.521 241.628 4.481
+2523.355 518.526 6.470 540.357 8.596 252.766 4.475
+2523.514 517.655 7.577 541.723 7.170 253.527 5.478
+2523.672 518.036 8.276 540.787 6.933 252.625 6.090
+2523.830 516.860 6.979 540.397 7.533 244.966 4.510
+2523.987 518.608 7.498 541.384 6.751 247.239 4.539
+2524.144 518.216 7.307 540.323 7.818 256.182 5.394
+2524.303 518.862 7.742 539.003 7.477 255.801 4.301
+2524.461 516.408 6.511 540.380 6.362 243.708 4.426
+2524.619 518.294 6.536 539.683 6.895 245.887 5.127
+2524.777 518.953 7.145 541.336 7.548 248.958 4.782
+2524.935 517.659 6.984 541.523 6.332 252.389 4.236
+2525.093 520.096 8.656 540.685 6.514 248.603 6.064
+2525.251 515.881 6.763 540.846 6.958 245.496 4.830
+2525.410 517.588 7.790 540.888 7.589 246.854 5.614
+2525.567 517.335 8.684 540.778 6.938 251.638 4.627
+2525.725 517.943 6.539 539.987 7.178 250.136 4.416
+2525.883 517.269 6.993 539.329 6.800 251.371 4.891
+2526.041 518.412 7.387 541.753 6.669 247.623 6.059
+2526.199 517.204 6.655 540.937 6.685 248.106 3.850
+2526.357 516.822 7.463 541.799 6.936 250.921 5.138
+2526.515 516.028 8.157 542.178 7.006 251.629 5.175
+2526.673 518.170 7.410 543.171 7.643 250.676 5.389
+2526.831 516.181 7.586 543.151 6.384 246.636 4.417
+2526.989 518.421 6.851 540.771 6.742 249.766 4.267
+2527.146 520.304 7.128 540.537 7.574 251.377 5.501
+2527.304 522.903 6.348 540.975 8.323 250.453 4.156
+2527.462 518.199 7.042 542.879 6.537 247.204 6.061
+2527.620 514.222 8.663 540.808 7.357 245.542 4.516
+2527.777 518.032 6.356 540.658 7.516 252.525 4.213
+2527.935 520.980 7.417 541.826 6.361 256.115 3.865
+2528.094 518.679 6.982 542.288 6.643 250.311 3.581
+2528.251 518.066 8.393 542.722 6.943 247.333 5.140
+2528.409 517.830 6.296 541.397 7.079 247.683 4.712
+2528.567 517.498 6.469 541.044 6.953 252.586 3.585
+2528.725 517.655 6.166 541.350 7.063 252.385 4.698
+2528.883 519.656 6.431 541.163 6.641 248.743 4.909
+2529.042 518.476 6.928 542.621 6.393 246.297 4.467
+2529.199 515.754 6.576 541.676 6.336 249.032 4.495
+2529.358 516.017 7.870 539.916 7.263 250.810 4.383
+2529.514 516.890 8.030 541.479 7.105 250.898 5.016
+2529.672 516.438 7.640 540.614 7.512 249.419 5.338
+2529.830 516.034 8.037 541.166 6.740 249.844 4.574
+2529.988 514.520 9.449 541.011 7.019 248.778 4.384
+2530.144 516.265 6.337 540.910 6.457 249.707 3.641
+2530.302 515.792 6.882 541.619 6.373 252.957 4.409
+2530.460 516.567 7.743 540.976 7.416 250.469 4.647
+2530.618 515.105 7.634 541.459 7.281 248.054 4.386
+2530.776 514.521 6.662 539.644 6.712 248.550 4.265
+2530.934 514.815 6.926 541.036 6.806 250.325 4.784
+2531.092 514.228 6.432 540.720 6.504 252.273 4.017
+2531.251 514.492 6.933 540.627 7.599 250.032 5.184
+2531.409 513.755 6.661 541.056 7.149 244.160 4.489
+2531.567 512.717 6.958 541.600 6.386 248.251 3.880
+2531.725 510.197 8.063 539.366 7.402 255.332 6.506
+2531.882 511.692 7.356 540.723 6.853 251.853 5.916
+2532.039 511.947 7.671 540.107 6.650 244.108 5.146
+2532.197 513.119 6.378 540.601 6.347 245.041 6.360
+2532.355 512.941 6.531 539.826 6.416 254.810 4.376
+2532.514 509.749 6.557 541.468 6.450 253.808 3.896
+2532.672 511.017 7.195 540.274 6.926 250.438 4.028
+2532.830 511.610 6.993 540.082 6.645 247.384 4.808
+2532.989 512.476 6.772 541.840 6.518 246.763 3.840
+2533.147 511.164 7.103 540.258 6.252 253.177 5.139
+2533.306 508.681 6.509 540.782 7.201 253.741 4.918
+2533.464 510.146 6.530 539.747 6.239 246.367 4.532
+2533.622 507.301 6.129 540.987 6.713 246.973 3.944
+2533.780 507.873 7.618 541.129 6.824 249.159 4.232
+2533.938 508.448 7.612 540.251 7.069 252.191 6.126
+2534.096 510.444 5.966 540.942 6.051 252.781 4.394
+2534.254 507.654 6.648 540.709 6.379 256.237 4.601
+2534.412 505.096 6.655 540.087 6.290 250.042 4.120
+2534.570 507.810 6.390 540.860 5.994 238.080 4.249
+2534.728 509.758 7.241 540.358 6.232 247.890 3.967
+2534.887 510.947 7.026 539.253 6.405 260.798 4.157
+2535.046 510.189 6.429 540.502 6.105 254.528 4.772
+2535.204 507.061 8.120 540.725 6.314 239.345 4.935
+2535.361 503.870 6.171 539.777 7.095 245.423 5.330
+2535.519 506.878 6.537 539.357 6.352 260.274 3.604
+2535.678 503.828 6.394 538.973 6.149 257.692 4.296
+2535.837 503.098 5.951 539.909 6.054 244.916 4.474
+2535.995 504.931 6.025 541.049 6.648 247.149 3.439
+2536.154 502.309 6.591 540.680 6.134 253.341 4.587
+2536.312 504.213 6.729 540.416 6.106 256.033 3.819
+2536.471 506.812 5.907 539.804 5.923 253.370 4.143
+2536.629 506.688 6.591 540.378 5.813 246.133 4.372
+2536.787 508.216 8.023 542.723 6.445 246.211 5.439
+2536.945 505.072 6.357 540.727 6.571 251.742 3.758
+2537.103 505.590 6.904 539.527 6.804 250.877 4.099
+2537.260 504.815 6.583 540.565 5.933 248.598 4.039
+2537.418 506.308 7.009 540.645 6.619 252.396 5.079
+2537.576 502.713 6.409 540.256 7.497 253.913 5.210
+2537.734 503.727 6.540 539.802 6.195 248.329 4.857
+2537.891 502.237 6.404 540.808 7.011 252.583 4.081
+2538.049 500.282 6.239 539.578 6.099 257.625 3.840
+2538.208 501.132 6.351 541.285 6.543 246.496 4.063
+2538.366 503.331 6.703 541.812 6.645 249.004 5.081
+2538.524 506.233 6.441 540.068 6.275 253.190 3.933
+2538.682 506.322 6.774 539.990 6.682 257.581 3.738
+2538.841 502.943 6.305 541.609 6.948 242.335 4.908
+2538.999 503.789 6.961 540.586 6.426 244.883 5.081
+2539.156 506.117 5.797 541.155 6.263 253.968 4.779
+2539.315 504.991 6.621 539.801 6.159 259.069 4.147
+2539.474 502.289 5.791 540.568 5.789 250.910 3.567
+2539.632 501.942 6.112 541.285 6.406 245.649 5.298
+2539.790 500.899 6.201 540.362 6.160 253.066 4.274
+2539.948 501.199 6.970 539.743 6.091 256.370 4.047
+2540.106 501.612 6.494 540.217 6.721 250.683 4.507
+2540.263 502.936 5.981 540.242 6.427 246.936 3.950
+2540.421 507.079 6.583 541.432 6.144 250.389 3.692
+2540.579 503.710 6.677 539.954 6.861 247.083 3.662
+2540.737 504.547 7.065 540.089 6.854 248.190 3.811
+2540.895 502.895 5.867 539.081 6.085 252.691 4.167
+2541.053 507.319 6.534 540.240 6.726 255.686 4.301
+2541.211 503.303 6.186 540.452 6.741 250.136 4.483
+2541.369 502.653 6.375 541.054 5.919 243.811 4.126
+2541.527 500.906 6.244 540.140 6.555 251.228 3.745
+2541.686 503.249 5.619 539.671 6.110 261.272 3.491
+2541.845 501.962 6.671 539.666 5.954 254.032 4.087
+2542.002 502.309 6.010 541.266 6.160 245.900 4.688
+2542.161 503.773 5.966 541.462 6.269 246.939 4.755
+2542.318 505.917 6.124 542.384 6.173 251.809 3.728
+2542.477 504.799 6.040 540.513 6.407 255.218 4.355
+2542.635 505.178 6.330 540.005 6.697 251.992 3.698
+2542.794 505.241 6.582 541.210 6.787 243.069 4.456
+2542.951 506.192 6.347 541.442 6.404 244.310 5.773
+2543.110 503.801 6.065 540.384 6.168 258.133 4.634
+2543.269 503.698 7.324 539.813 6.094 259.691 4.142
+2543.427 502.637 7.245 541.248 6.681 244.736 6.003
+2543.584 498.766 10.895 540.832 6.297 242.367 4.596
+2543.741 504.607 6.656 541.138 6.831 257.623 3.648
+2543.900 502.956 7.143 539.991 6.364 256.636 3.793
+2544.059 503.659 6.194 541.109 6.119 247.836 4.268
+2544.217 503.356 7.294 541.571 7.345 249.278 5.014
+2544.375 503.013 6.573 541.655 6.686 251.222 4.922
+2544.532 505.140 6.332 542.436 6.097 249.682 3.864
+2544.691 504.181 6.002 540.814 6.625 251.716 3.685
+2544.849 502.801 6.140 540.638 6.111 254.627 4.509
+2545.007 502.548 7.108 541.136 6.106 246.286 5.416
+2545.165 502.305 6.190 543.491 6.477 247.272 3.687
+2545.324 503.713 6.557 540.944 6.392 252.722 4.754
+2545.483 504.867 5.964 540.949 6.249 261.527 3.985
+2545.642 502.728 7.458 542.329 7.235 247.925 5.871
+2545.799 499.577 7.626 544.413 6.456 236.289 3.563
+2545.957 500.575 6.533 541.684 6.934 250.472 4.027
+2546.115 504.615 7.850 542.716 6.250 259.934 4.494
+2546.273 501.626 6.905 542.417 6.707 252.989 4.321
+2546.431 501.176 5.513 543.234 6.328 245.639 3.857
+2546.588 501.341 6.694 541.832 7.309 248.856 4.989
+2546.746 504.293 6.932 541.858 6.820 252.668 4.589
+2546.904 503.913 6.450 541.388 5.898 253.586 3.797
+2547.061 504.609 6.268 542.323 6.738 252.695 4.767
+2547.219 503.546 6.541 541.653 6.028 249.026 4.491
+2547.378 501.085 7.340 543.086 6.774 246.580 4.479
+2547.535 503.240 6.794 542.370 6.134 250.375 4.125
+2547.694 503.402 5.518 541.263 6.380 256.693 4.862
+2547.852 502.304 6.343 541.072 5.958 251.586 4.250
+2548.010 502.793 6.796 543.350 6.269 247.245 5.359
+2548.168 500.937 6.591 542.613 6.731 245.542 4.892
+2548.326 502.849 5.773 542.606 6.840 253.945 4.147
+2548.485 502.668 6.736 542.036 6.188 256.329 3.607
+2548.643 503.636 6.285 541.500 6.368 255.243 3.910
+2548.801 499.996 6.278 543.055 6.584 246.882 4.014
+2548.960 502.030 6.541 543.090 6.878 245.318 3.929
+2549.118 503.400 6.788 543.070 6.708 252.673 4.596
+2549.276 506.594 6.391 542.020 6.024 259.156 4.098
+2549.434 503.665 6.342 542.020 6.974 251.181 4.507
+2549.592 502.136 7.420 544.250 7.198 242.491 4.212
+2549.749 501.881 7.030 542.992 6.239 248.594 3.847
+2549.908 504.778 6.132 542.780 5.994 261.515 3.837
+2550.067 502.457 6.551 541.667 8.473 254.015 5.524
+2550.225 501.444 5.671 545.776 6.166 245.940 4.001
+2550.383 501.174 7.199 546.147 6.534 243.909 3.981
+2550.540 503.091 6.584 547.661 7.392 256.539 5.245
+2550.699 504.700 8.563 549.896 7.695 260.265 4.700
+2550.856 502.267 6.235 547.429 6.662 253.782 4.338
+2551.014 501.992 6.427 547.684 6.316 244.307 3.624
+2551.172 502.430 6.825 547.856 6.644 245.493 3.349
+2551.331 502.714 6.974 544.788 6.585 254.824 4.370
+2551.490 504.497 6.417 547.197 6.565 259.918 3.940
+2551.648 502.515 6.079 548.152 6.517 247.939 4.032
+2551.805 499.975 7.242 550.451 6.286 242.479 4.501
+2551.963 499.969 6.530 547.394 6.409 255.254 3.789
+2552.122 503.679 7.450 546.464 6.360 266.242 4.526
+2552.280 502.776 10.179 547.634 6.582 248.162 5.839
+2552.437 504.517 7.708 549.516 6.203 234.981 5.463
+2552.595 502.525 6.375 548.695 6.169 251.739 3.810
+2552.754 501.995 6.440 547.277 6.828 264.527 5.191
+2552.913 505.229 7.252 545.762 6.509 258.855 4.580
+2553.071 502.242 6.522 548.407 7.320 245.428 5.078
+2553.228 499.452 6.070 549.144 6.220 241.794 3.392
+2553.386 501.334 6.325 547.761 6.289 252.327 3.648
+2553.545 505.403 6.683 546.827 6.050 267.983 4.374
+2553.704 504.184 5.863 548.178 6.173 256.639 5.416
+2553.862 500.371 7.002 550.721 6.150 233.696 5.578
+2554.019 503.403 5.637 548.247 5.970 246.446 4.081
+2554.178 505.204 5.834 546.712 6.165 267.564 3.385
+2554.337 501.692 7.776 546.007 7.142 258.275 4.422
+2554.496 501.056 6.675 549.970 6.196 244.282 7.397
+2554.653 501.300 7.017 550.439 6.384 242.262 5.158
+2554.811 502.743 6.847 548.284 6.993 256.572 6.829
+2554.969 501.617 6.188 546.802 6.382 268.325 4.868
+2555.128 500.906 6.732 550.128 6.559 254.633 4.639
+2555.285 499.979 6.058 553.601 6.412 239.886 4.622
+2555.443 505.529 7.962 551.316 6.446 246.668 6.817
+2555.600 503.455 6.477 549.933 6.169 258.836 4.766
+2555.759 505.604 6.828 554.329 6.367 260.968 5.063
+2555.919 503.886 8.258 551.183 6.887 255.279 6.397
+2556.076 499.728 6.556 555.231 6.079 237.122 4.440
+2556.234 499.597 6.591 550.182 6.556 255.411 5.132
+2556.394 504.575 7.633 552.661 8.123 267.454 7.016
+2556.551 501.745 7.720 552.336 7.177 251.974 5.642
+2556.708 499.727 6.905 554.143 6.419 237.969 5.728
+2556.866 503.497 8.064 553.821 7.535 256.079 9.134
+2557.025 509.175 7.569 555.038 7.295 267.200 5.943
+2557.183 504.661 7.573 552.720 7.972 246.952 4.835
+2557.340 503.036 7.111 556.607 7.427 241.549 4.786
+2557.497 506.240 6.853 555.696 7.207 250.255 5.008
+2557.656 509.102 6.053 553.957 8.720 261.842 4.916
+2557.815 503.191 6.562 552.109 6.493 251.278 6.235
+2557.972 498.231 6.268 554.711 6.675 247.352 4.311
+2558.130 504.812 6.309 553.697 6.465 257.013 3.899
+2558.289 500.238 8.621 554.817 8.095 253.900 7.866
+2558.445 501.992 6.620 554.148 6.504 249.779 4.488
+2558.602 501.590 7.280 556.621 6.534 254.337 4.316
+2558.759 501.655 6.963 553.206 6.115 254.383 4.508
+2558.918 505.586 6.962 551.442 6.928 260.263 4.579
+2559.076 503.045 9.398 553.284 6.672 246.792 5.309
+2559.233 504.830 7.237 554.582 6.721 245.257 4.692
+2559.391 504.168 8.826 553.515 7.189 257.432 5.285
+2559.549 503.531 6.809 554.835 6.388 256.934 6.449
+2559.707 501.625 8.945 554.748 6.481 246.619 5.933
+2559.865 507.686 8.391 553.247 7.239 258.376 10.319
+2560.023 506.906 7.345 553.472 6.309 264.573 4.198
+2560.182 498.949 6.360 553.984 6.899 244.025 4.627
+2560.340 498.919 7.852 554.239 8.682 243.440 7.300
+2560.497 504.389 6.358 552.012 6.668 256.874 4.392
+2560.657 504.183 7.534 552.950 6.575 261.718 4.188
+2560.815 502.871 10.026 553.019 8.487 250.027 5.768
+2560.973 505.098 7.098 553.980 7.744 247.980 5.587
+2561.131 504.291 6.354 551.209 8.256 253.529 4.830
+2561.289 504.722 5.835 553.922 6.815 252.625 4.998
+2561.447 505.167 6.705 556.169 6.818 257.666 3.919
+2561.605 503.271 9.292 553.251 7.648 247.256 5.069
+2561.762 500.252 7.201 551.712 7.305 248.532 5.530
+2561.921 504.762 12.829 553.887 7.356 261.015 5.708
+2562.079 506.237 6.481 556.588 6.731 254.740 6.030
+2562.237 501.592 6.930 553.206 6.885 248.137 3.988
+2562.393 501.705 6.487 554.572 6.594 249.361 4.758
+2562.552 506.547 6.925 552.735 6.591 262.723 4.312
+2562.711 499.415 5.838 554.917 6.676 252.747 4.570
+2562.868 505.944 6.925 555.119 7.814 245.487 5.729
+2563.026 501.949 7.376 550.931 8.071 256.534 5.508
+2563.184 505.159 8.247 552.309 7.108 255.415 4.063
+2563.341 507.761 7.251 555.273 6.375 247.964 5.271
+2563.499 506.527 7.698 553.772 6.208 251.579 5.228
+2563.657 501.045 6.569 552.827 6.817 247.465 5.073
+2563.814 502.930 5.936 553.978 7.347 252.644 4.992
+2563.974 503.289 7.925 554.129 7.457 256.796 3.663
+2564.131 499.302 8.484 554.261 7.679 253.527 4.942
+2564.289 501.303 8.636 553.892 6.911 245.175 6.034
+2564.447 505.903 11.359 552.199 6.744 253.181 6.989
+2564.604 506.129 13.608 555.442 8.384 256.411 13.300
+2564.760 503.911 10.149 554.954 8.366 245.484 11.360
+2564.917 502.579 7.610 555.799 7.145 250.584 4.472
+2565.075 499.605 8.134 551.588 7.444 259.545 5.462
+2565.233 501.256 8.019 554.325 6.720 255.695 5.778
+2565.389 506.412 10.710 553.613 6.852 247.406 4.517
+2565.547 501.744 7.355 553.346 7.208 249.484 4.232
+2565.704 503.457 8.997 555.533 6.660 247.534 6.844
+2565.862 504.144 7.351 552.415 6.874 264.045 5.923
+2566.020 498.531 10.529 553.664 7.083 259.000 9.292
+2566.177 497.665 7.883 554.246 7.794 253.990 8.323
+2566.335 504.546 7.490 553.232 7.252 244.389 5.721
+2566.492 499.305 6.910 553.632 6.143 251.683 4.014
+2566.651 507.623 7.778 553.266 6.489 260.826 5.634
+2566.808 505.246 7.908 555.082 6.195 246.958 5.256
+2566.967 501.692 6.915 552.950 7.406 253.909 5.845
+2567.125 502.616 6.888 553.139 6.680 262.209 4.570
+2567.283 493.566 7.232 549.921 6.991 253.192 7.090
+2567.441 497.135 7.413 552.909 7.442 241.351 15.527
+2567.597 508.331 7.061 549.119 6.921 258.353 6.468
+2567.754 501.193 6.619 549.981 6.644 257.473 4.926
+2567.913 499.072 9.061 553.529 7.323 251.614 5.652
+2568.071 505.170 9.873 551.675 6.987 257.486 5.253
+2568.228 501.911 12.892 553.766 7.815 254.894 8.196
+2568.385 498.289 8.101 553.367 6.807 257.908 9.894
+2568.542 499.882 9.338 550.403 9.857 250.719 10.509
+2568.699 497.178 14.314 554.464 12.975 235.307 10.461
+2568.855 500.971 9.212 553.184 7.789 248.143 8.911
+2569.012 507.029 7.887 553.821 8.491 256.101 8.544
+2569.170 511.150 10.187 551.338 7.357 267.571 10.967
+2569.327 493.271 10.922 553.343 8.624 237.745 9.238
+2569.484 489.652 7.583 549.503 7.051 251.207 9.147
+2569.642 501.446 7.340 555.835 8.586 257.432 6.353
+2569.800 504.494 7.055 552.868 8.813 268.684 6.603
+2569.958 502.604 8.698 550.588 8.245 263.206 5.294
+2570.115 501.846 7.204 550.775 7.129 246.892 5.772
+2570.273 502.248 6.321 557.477 8.175 242.948 4.611
+2570.431 503.592 6.475 554.754 7.241 252.079 9.860
+2570.589 498.565 8.724 546.587 7.482 267.540 6.297
+2570.747 498.285 7.578 549.635 7.263 263.815 8.137
+2570.904 503.242 9.616 557.306 7.527 243.328 6.999
+2571.061 504.882 8.700 554.213 9.601 234.863 6.845
+2571.218 509.198 11.186 551.642 6.707 267.468 6.449
+2571.377 504.662 10.832 550.166 8.207 265.364 5.848
+2571.535 505.236 8.646 553.201 7.248 244.813 6.084
+2571.692 505.482 7.234 553.452 6.570 244.748 4.635
+2571.850 505.234 7.821 554.754 6.086 258.587 6.671
+2572.008 504.982 6.917 550.197 7.100 261.195 5.064
+2572.165 500.979 6.624 551.882 6.710 256.812 3.942
+2572.324 503.739 8.938 553.688 7.645 245.978 8.269
+2572.480 495.947 13.920 555.566 7.832 223.229 13.445
+2572.636 497.069 9.219 551.715 8.361 248.622 4.639
+2572.793 504.520 7.386 551.037 7.004 266.066 6.563
+2572.952 500.635 7.978 551.600 6.565 262.940 5.379
+2573.109 506.856 9.673 551.866 6.968 248.609 8.969
+2573.266 507.628 14.614 557.328 8.784 243.016 17.275
+2573.422 503.626 10.180 553.723 8.515 247.870 7.521
+2573.580 496.476 7.587 552.027 8.363 265.688 7.153
+2573.737 499.954 7.923 550.840 7.694 253.296 6.260
+2573.895 505.649 9.755 553.758 7.235 250.873 6.502
+2574.051 506.866 7.208 550.867 6.788 250.428 4.150
+2574.209 506.228 12.850 551.738 7.143 256.904 5.797
+2574.367 496.662 8.920 553.667 7.658 257.389 7.106
+2574.524 494.956 7.021 554.926 6.364 250.663 5.441
+2574.682 503.879 8.132 553.009 7.514 255.626 9.948
+2574.839 507.528 8.158 549.350 7.115 257.516 8.165
+2574.996 505.605 8.286 551.593 6.844 250.515 4.316
+2575.153 502.646 6.618 553.426 7.329 249.005 5.000
+2575.311 503.056 8.178 554.234 7.943 247.060 5.437
+2575.468 507.400 8.871 550.322 6.453 259.230 7.365
+2575.626 500.034 8.520 550.003 7.191 261.002 7.958
+2575.783 500.410 7.294 551.970 6.624 249.110 7.839
+2575.940 500.234 6.936 554.259 6.893 246.071 5.437
+2576.097 508.302 6.088 552.162 6.909 248.140 4.131
+2576.256 502.293 6.674 550.401 6.701 258.041 7.902
+2576.413 503.242 7.920 553.044 7.495 254.640 5.237
+2576.571 501.872 9.062 550.990 7.094 252.196 8.935
+2576.727 502.808 9.391 551.219 6.909 250.732 5.785
+2576.885 495.398 8.555 552.432 7.602 255.957 4.838
+2577.042 503.314 7.412 551.774 6.671 254.009 6.894
+2577.200 503.273 8.506 549.507 6.829 251.940 4.712
+2577.357 504.462 7.182 551.595 6.155 255.779 4.440
+2577.515 503.604 8.287 551.966 8.110 251.437 4.346
+2577.672 500.246 6.585 552.969 6.930 246.734 4.542
+2577.830 497.812 7.720 551.519 6.373 254.067 6.129
+2577.988 510.288 10.542 549.105 8.655 246.200 10.207
+2578.146 500.502 11.075 552.601 7.295 252.472 6.688
+2578.303 502.085 7.119 550.526 6.601 253.484 6.144
+2578.461 502.590 6.962 552.505 7.149 253.864 5.992
+2578.619 505.465 7.537 552.925 6.701 251.718 5.415
+2578.777 498.974 7.746 553.949 6.569 245.357 9.408
+2578.934 500.569 10.650 546.479 8.623 261.343 7.701
+2579.092 503.405 14.742 552.774 7.631 254.723 11.942
+2579.249 501.474 16.224 549.167 7.074 254.627 13.413
+2579.404 502.444 7.636 549.301 7.785 252.916 7.196
+2579.561 503.514 6.781 550.343 6.584 249.679 6.893
+2579.719 501.345 8.574 551.543 7.811 251.826 9.461
+2579.875 499.253 9.423 552.945 7.062 251.618 8.321
+2580.033 501.982 8.321 544.769 6.382 253.136 7.004
+2580.190 494.859 7.573 549.487 7.708 243.721 14.375
+2580.346 500.868 10.154 551.214 6.486 255.117 4.917
+2580.504 500.548 6.474 548.172 6.735 255.571 3.991
+2580.661 497.925 8.139 547.631 7.391 249.975 4.553
+2580.818 498.409 8.144 551.176 8.017 247.709 6.529
+2580.975 495.284 7.985 549.371 6.896 247.917 4.379
+2581.133 490.592 12.268 551.843 8.525 263.929 12.154
+2581.290 498.585 7.742 543.618 7.762 257.669 5.782
+2581.449 497.975 7.711 549.356 6.678 254.206 5.133
+2581.606 499.909 8.000 553.893 7.359 246.512 7.042
+2581.762 497.209 7.643 549.649 6.398 247.435 4.565
+2581.920 499.962 9.141 547.016 7.127 260.934 8.381
+2582.077 497.609 10.486 547.440 6.578 253.849 14.043
+2582.234 496.026 10.076 552.814 10.125 243.928 7.022
+2582.391 495.570 6.554 552.438 6.691 251.069 6.286
+2582.547 494.365 9.640 548.554 6.950 254.310 5.901
+2582.704 498.123 9.008 550.905 6.730 252.473 5.245
+2582.862 513.271 8.620 548.169 7.146 252.464 5.557
+2583.020 483.612 12.419 554.201 10.444 242.194 9.410
+2583.177 484.396 10.477 548.962 7.708 245.711 18.868
+2583.334 497.214 7.682 547.979 7.354 271.107 5.128
+2583.492 493.742 6.581 547.589 7.007 254.091 6.996
+2583.650 494.387 8.188 548.665 6.583 237.590 7.320
+2583.806 500.393 7.321 551.466 6.905 253.695 4.207
+2583.963 501.353 7.982 549.474 6.713 244.137 6.418
+2584.121 480.273 9.037 546.894 7.458 256.871 9.322
+2584.278 500.522 8.386 546.409 7.459 258.338 7.549
+2584.436 497.295 9.105 547.334 9.812 262.143 8.313
+2584.593 489.963 10.057 545.913 7.596 250.441 6.426
+2584.750 502.059 8.786 547.219 7.639 239.464 6.881
+2584.907 500.240 6.982 546.772 7.281 258.184 7.765
+2585.064 487.432 9.820 545.577 11.228 245.671 13.494
+2585.221 490.704 13.097 542.065 9.214 259.516 7.025
+2585.377 497.217 7.481 545.850 7.783 256.295 5.483
+2585.536 485.692 8.998 545.718 7.303 242.752 6.001
+2585.693 495.686 9.659 543.217 7.018 248.397 6.348
+2585.850 496.946 8.427 546.512 7.193 253.033 6.183
+2586.008 496.619 11.185 540.515 7.472 255.640 5.500
+2586.166 491.286 8.485 545.205 7.171 253.666 5.378
+2586.324 490.662 8.530 542.592 7.971 245.086 4.521
+2586.481 490.706 6.173 543.395 6.590 257.480 6.131
+2586.640 493.817 10.996 545.004 10.252 245.774 14.126
+2586.798 488.738 8.685 542.120 7.346 248.217 7.162
+2586.955 490.347 9.781 545.821 11.077 244.562 7.883
+2587.111 493.603 9.124 542.978 8.531 259.265 5.773
+2587.269 484.946 9.781 540.969 7.821 256.672 6.837
+2587.426 495.949 8.157 541.999 7.073 249.176 5.678
+2587.584 496.039 7.887 543.200 7.376 244.511 11.184
+2587.740 489.840 8.488 542.232 7.210 249.245 7.372
+2587.897 481.228 8.444 538.962 6.931 253.612 11.832
+2588.054 493.392 10.515 540.519 8.292 256.186 7.187
+2588.212 499.743 8.850 540.035 7.470 248.251 6.080
+2588.369 490.577 8.258 541.160 8.036 241.362 11.205
+2588.525 497.045 8.819 543.801 7.377 241.873 8.854
+2588.682 494.780 9.206 539.568 7.793 259.828 7.473
+2588.840 487.687 7.339 541.665 7.433 259.518 6.208
+2588.998 488.436 7.929 541.316 8.719 247.795 5.513
+2589.156 500.284 7.399 542.693 7.994 245.447 5.925
+2589.313 493.512 7.930 542.757 7.188 248.544 5.555
+2589.471 493.455 8.395 543.707 7.126 246.035 6.290
+2589.628 500.864 8.121 543.287 6.692 259.350 5.439
+2589.786 496.488 10.104 543.152 7.038 244.313 10.162
+2589.944 489.704 8.530 545.031 8.478 243.503 14.094
+2590.100 494.917 10.134 539.870 8.439 251.655 5.667
+2590.257 490.689 9.822 539.468 7.802 253.256 7.207
+2590.414 497.296 14.578 542.144 7.714 251.942 6.532
+2590.571 497.643 8.019 543.251 6.614 240.109 12.216
+2590.727 484.866 11.101 541.572 8.363 249.081 11.745
+2590.884 495.628 11.627 540.335 7.879 252.720 15.236
+2591.040 489.486 11.597 539.673 9.844 256.387 8.367
+2591.198 492.254 6.723 539.006 8.151 252.483 5.026
+2591.355 497.212 7.826 543.450 7.633 242.194 6.062
+2591.511 495.712 8.419 539.834 7.376 246.271 7.758
+2591.668 484.327 14.701 540.338 10.570 244.982 7.730
+2591.826 493.523 7.286 539.583 6.908 265.829 7.964
+2591.983 496.635 20.828 541.065 7.593 252.028 12.901
+2592.139 483.966 11.301 543.500 7.303 250.290 10.586
+2592.296 484.499 7.723 542.345 8.138 240.052 8.020
+2592.452 494.205 8.937 537.453 8.935 255.210 9.473
+2592.608 483.772 6.328 544.134 8.146 252.752 6.458
+2592.765 487.327 8.077 538.051 7.511 242.487 12.778
+2592.921 487.383 11.509 542.900 7.863 242.734 12.515
+2593.078 492.013 13.365 541.699 6.614 251.727 8.964
+2593.234 498.770 10.053 543.667 6.093 241.157 6.824
+2593.392 493.507 14.361 539.736 7.119 241.331 7.637
+2593.548 481.635 8.065 545.347 8.827 246.983 13.845
+2593.705 489.606 11.625 541.263 7.257 255.529 13.938
+2593.863 498.676 8.055 537.442 8.787 259.975 8.065
+2594.019 491.456 9.128 543.984 7.154 233.349 9.666
+2594.175 494.674 15.135 538.609 8.886 252.763 5.593
+2594.332 499.996 8.348 540.296 6.521 234.147 5.696
+2594.490 495.000 12.258 542.193 9.837 254.491 13.984
+2594.646 485.980 11.322 534.982 8.517 255.454 6.827
+2594.804 500.839 17.984 533.429 10.349 256.224 13.946
+2594.961 490.108 10.462 538.304 8.211 235.422 8.731
+2595.117 487.061 11.579 534.653 6.646 245.914 5.736
+2595.275 507.200 11.643 531.856 9.487 253.449 13.408
+2595.431 503.092 9.490 539.848 10.214 258.474 15.188
+2595.588 487.890 8.368 534.328 8.961 247.854 4.870
+2595.745 500.778 8.085 531.663 8.135 257.118 7.449
+2595.903 485.997 10.249 527.166 10.087 255.341 8.732
+2596.059 498.860 8.528 522.961 9.681 243.773 5.901
+2596.218 497.938 7.957 528.209 8.799 256.107 8.990
+2596.375 497.239 8.988 526.422 8.002 249.711 6.899
+2596.531 494.982 12.938 530.144 9.417 237.957 7.554
+2596.688 500.539 8.500 522.151 8.032 264.419 7.695
+2596.845 486.155 9.232 530.821 7.514 237.444 7.461
+2597.002 508.421 10.849 524.368 8.027 253.804 8.681
+2597.159 496.164 10.880 527.353 8.129 255.558 10.200
+2597.316 495.471 10.152 526.863 8.203 246.155 6.992
+2597.472 499.634 9.049 525.698 8.986 227.991 11.553
+2597.629 500.086 8.401 526.237 7.731 253.049 6.376
+2597.787 500.860 10.317 520.232 8.633 268.240 6.170
+2597.945 506.278 10.605 524.042 10.517 242.882 7.843
+2598.102 492.592 9.781 525.940 7.868 227.828 10.534
+2598.260 477.235 11.170 516.259 9.455 259.138 6.413
+2598.418 502.182 14.951 519.292 8.070 254.051 8.703
+2598.575 500.621 11.240 520.742 8.398 258.890 5.941
+2598.733 507.646 10.383 519.477 12.560 244.708 8.158
+2598.889 499.286 12.695 522.074 10.781 240.877 6.950
+2599.048 500.272 9.137 524.130 11.642 257.608 8.780
+2599.206 499.272 9.772 519.091 9.451 250.406 8.709
+2599.362 490.962 10.591 522.180 8.660 246.564 7.259
+2599.519 513.019 14.342 527.701 9.979 245.745 9.826
+2599.676 512.040 11.673 521.677 9.419 239.777 9.833
+2599.834 509.530 10.825 521.236 9.596 244.307 11.087
+2599.991 491.125 10.992 517.722 11.394 240.833 8.520
+2600.148 507.421 9.720 522.687 10.324 251.798 8.122
+2600.305 493.224 8.105 520.456 9.506 256.217 8.071
+2600.462 504.442 10.484 517.384 9.739 244.202 7.779
+2600.619 513.924 8.334 522.393 8.697 242.752 5.672
+2600.777 513.559 9.090 519.153 10.953 242.567 7.596
+2600.934 497.655 9.764 521.871 8.310 249.205 7.827
+2601.091 504.276 10.558 519.588 12.955 242.582 9.670
+2601.248 503.762 8.231 515.785 8.984 246.185 6.738
+2601.405 512.707 9.473 519.817 9.014 243.841 7.155
+2601.562 499.247 9.216 518.408 9.014 248.128 6.525
+2601.719 508.442 10.551 521.064 11.181 243.481 8.912
+2601.876 511.854 8.750 522.260 9.741 243.204 7.831
+2602.033 503.348 12.865 520.342 10.523 252.382 10.540
+2602.191 509.033 9.446 517.493 11.154 254.303 13.940
+2602.347 502.970 11.425 518.284 11.374 243.363 12.661
+2602.504 512.479 10.073 521.362 10.432 248.793 8.087
+2602.662 501.374 11.541 522.643 11.255 249.667 13.828
+2602.819 524.643 10.218 522.946 10.117 251.476 18.051
+2602.976 514.066 12.275 524.269 9.802 229.604 10.614
+2603.133 512.410 9.813 519.462 9.293 260.536 9.930
+2603.292 512.574 10.078 525.534 14.300 250.155 12.585
+2603.448 502.575 11.066 519.925 8.263 241.471 7.481
+2603.605 512.615 13.655 522.889 10.690 262.584 10.973
+2603.763 508.166 10.882 522.718 10.374 250.885 10.021
+2603.921 509.511 9.466 528.167 9.821 240.328 10.426
+2604.079 511.435 9.945 525.801 9.762 256.233 10.501
+2604.236 518.074 11.189 526.868 10.629 239.332 9.316
+2604.393 503.590 12.531 525.028 11.930 240.243 9.269
+2604.551 509.805 11.201 523.660 11.466 264.872 9.495
+2604.708 509.078 11.361 525.536 9.666 240.858 7.748
+2604.865 505.740 10.184 523.535 10.965 233.688 9.753
+2605.023 507.537 11.017 523.795 9.797 262.206 10.511
+2605.181 510.885 8.115 527.198 9.817 253.762 8.876
+2605.337 510.518 11.223 531.072 9.629 235.467 10.163
+2605.496 509.385 10.330 524.810 12.328 259.694 6.878
+2605.654 509.753 10.777 529.808 10.085 257.146 10.969
+2605.812 504.477 13.060 531.388 14.949 230.591 10.963
+2605.968 507.084 8.616 527.333 9.390 252.095 7.876
+2606.125 513.380 9.429 529.523 8.185 254.930 9.851
+2606.282 504.753 9.957 527.875 10.038 245.389 7.607
+2606.439 509.557 10.305 526.958 8.558 251.983 8.916
+2606.596 510.075 10.218 530.809 9.946 246.339 10.147
+2606.753 506.220 9.654 526.858 10.204 244.273 8.137
+2606.911 502.872 9.281 527.028 8.012 254.052 8.941
+2607.067 509.578 9.348 526.830 9.814 249.780 7.886
+2607.223 505.775 10.483 528.158 9.066 244.817 7.662
+2607.381 512.067 9.780 527.371 11.752 251.738 8.195
+2607.538 503.200 11.189 527.663 9.100 241.987 7.742
+2607.695 510.042 9.919 529.906 10.587 251.449 7.016
+2607.852 502.530 8.378 527.519 10.075 254.184 6.656
+2608.009 503.415 9.321 532.395 9.815 238.221 10.280
+2608.167 506.464 8.323 526.714 8.365 257.642 8.193
+2608.324 506.484 8.460 531.107 9.990 261.056 6.573
+2608.482 508.974 11.049 531.961 8.726 240.530 6.889
+2608.639 501.799 9.107 532.619 8.136 237.865 7.484
+2608.796 515.098 7.695 527.166 8.328 265.528 5.906
+2608.954 496.560 10.676 532.781 9.707 243.415 6.831
+2609.111 501.455 10.357 531.517 9.717 239.824 7.482
+2609.269 512.804 8.490 528.225 8.622 266.038 7.219
+2609.427 507.318 9.007 534.802 10.428 243.560 7.431
+2609.584 500.913 7.809 534.898 9.370 236.655 7.482
+2609.742 512.379 12.288 528.679 11.480 265.646 7.800
+2609.900 501.913 9.646 534.506 10.404 233.066 8.716
+2610.056 499.299 10.273 531.265 8.079 250.250 6.481
+2610.214 505.843 8.313 530.642 8.540 247.432 7.164
+2610.370 497.768 8.976 530.176 7.729 240.744 7.202
+2610.528 513.737 10.351 531.981 7.628 262.997 7.455
+2610.687 498.537 8.999 529.399 9.417 250.190 7.891
+2610.845 507.765 8.258 530.814 8.264 257.741 8.224
+2611.002 510.997 11.268 532.948 9.221 241.497 9.049
+2611.158 505.380 9.223 529.509 8.165 240.024 9.051
+2611.315 507.683 7.892 535.025 8.325 250.760 5.938
+2611.472 500.436 8.308 530.200 8.447 249.567 6.695
+2611.630 501.994 8.320 532.472 9.344 253.605 7.511
+2611.787 499.850 7.011 535.904 7.797 246.126 5.795
+2611.945 505.338 8.777 532.209 7.063 261.691 7.589
+2612.102 499.933 9.975 539.082 7.462 240.146 10.661
+2612.259 505.049 7.702 533.490 7.516 252.591 6.841
+2612.417 508.080 10.367 529.624 10.222 264.085 14.934
+2612.575 505.350 8.713 540.476 8.282 241.930 7.812
+2612.731 507.043 11.084 535.754 8.619 253.449 8.203
+2612.888 509.320 8.075 538.067 7.332 246.894 6.579
+2613.045 507.973 11.466 533.350 9.918 254.448 8.306
+2613.202 503.029 9.777 538.623 10.960 239.664 6.409
+2613.359 507.570 9.343 534.716 8.606 242.746 7.301
+2613.517 509.345 9.267 533.457 9.238 261.797 9.051
+2613.674 507.043 7.757 537.424 8.289 244.667 4.654
+2613.831 505.160 8.039 533.944 8.128 250.276 5.395
+2613.988 506.601 14.933 534.969 8.972 246.732 7.322
+2614.144 509.326 7.319 528.279 6.665 253.527 6.574
+2614.302 507.263 8.477 532.142 7.526 254.925 5.802
+2614.460 507.072 7.944 535.161 8.043 243.929 5.726
+2614.617 508.190 7.041 531.511 8.196 248.669 5.028
+2614.775 506.971 7.259 534.985 7.929 248.376 5.186
+2614.932 504.079 7.404 538.939 8.961 247.733 5.039
+2615.090 504.760 7.267 535.209 7.259 255.317 5.511
+2615.249 503.147 6.283 530.022 7.672 257.553 4.947
+2615.407 509.691 8.213 538.370 7.656 249.745 7.598
+2615.563 507.166 6.562 536.603 8.169 249.117 7.279
+2615.719 509.411 8.527 536.216 9.643 248.721 6.120
+2615.877 506.024 9.685 536.032 10.826 247.107 6.359
+2616.034 508.750 7.936 536.240 8.848 248.521 4.772
+2616.191 507.497 9.864 535.892 8.017 245.645 8.004
+2616.347 507.885 8.360 534.968 10.067 253.876 6.090
+2616.506 507.068 8.360 537.289 6.823 258.518 4.578
+2616.664 501.580 7.549 535.812 8.797 242.025 6.713
+2616.822 496.805 9.019 534.098 8.026 253.810 5.947
+2616.979 500.178 8.438 537.131 7.728 259.888 6.933
+2617.137 501.621 8.375 537.971 7.558 243.748 9.219
+2617.293 502.286 7.481 535.649 8.069 243.587 5.123
+2617.451 499.322 7.664 533.726 8.543 255.265 5.628
+2617.608 504.123 7.317 536.777 6.821 254.522 4.643
+2617.765 502.011 7.459 534.587 8.365 242.195 5.562
+2617.923 499.060 7.941 534.515 8.088 245.831 4.706
+2618.080 500.100 8.868 535.675 6.662 260.268 6.139
+2618.238 499.651 7.187 537.796 7.495 251.682 5.430
+2618.396 502.706 7.243 535.308 7.211 243.356 4.448
+2618.553 502.977 6.354 534.983 6.803 251.833 4.249
+2618.711 501.739 9.243 534.349 7.977 253.808 4.255
+2618.867 497.377 7.440 537.053 7.736 244.088 4.109
+2619.024 501.463 7.583 534.780 7.571 248.610 5.605
+2619.182 499.574 8.119 535.007 7.928 251.616 4.610
+2619.338 497.515 8.329 535.000 10.814 250.136 7.517
+2619.495 501.545 6.502 535.520 6.919 250.931 4.617
+2619.652 500.515 7.470 534.855 7.275 252.919 4.880
+2619.810 501.075 6.388 535.418 7.057 248.679 6.632
+2619.967 496.850 8.615 536.354 7.838 248.176 5.473
+2620.125 497.608 10.272 533.363 8.158 252.141 6.015
+2620.283 500.296 7.117 534.083 7.076 249.871 5.793
+2620.440 500.782 8.938 535.850 8.208 247.558 5.662
+2620.597 497.357 6.968 536.558 7.745 246.205 5.259
+2620.755 495.443 9.732 532.685 9.553 253.052 9.105
+2620.912 502.234 9.965 535.356 7.577 256.000 7.156
+2621.071 498.842 9.894 535.793 10.980 247.290 6.928
+2621.228 501.298 9.750 537.278 8.540 244.712 4.632
+2621.386 497.413 7.655 534.302 8.123 253.667 7.465
+2621.543 497.944 8.483 533.323 6.760 245.466 5.087
+2621.701 503.879 8.853 534.173 6.820 253.054 4.155
+2621.858 500.148 8.321 535.451 8.304 250.600 5.016
+2622.016 498.681 7.371 536.344 6.514 247.866 4.773
+2622.174 495.156 6.623 534.603 7.032 246.208 6.003
+2622.332 498.071 8.676 535.166 8.522 254.952 7.800
+2622.490 494.940 8.553 534.281 8.010 256.839 5.973
+2622.647 499.609 9.440 536.972 12.712 246.568 7.430
+2622.804 499.286 11.008 536.959 9.390 249.755 7.574
+2622.962 500.932 8.322 534.769 7.139 257.887 5.737
+2623.119 498.429 7.955 536.237 8.665 251.338 4.700
+2623.276 499.904 10.425 538.032 9.005 241.243 8.585
+2623.433 496.429 11.006 537.060 8.617 250.922 7.156
+2623.591 494.864 7.488 534.760 8.025 255.819 5.181
+2623.748 495.008 7.299 538.517 8.334 249.138 6.208
+2623.905 496.970 7.017 536.105 7.396 242.551 6.812
+2624.062 500.859 7.902 535.441 8.674 256.365 6.337
+2624.220 497.648 7.268 536.004 7.437 250.313 6.294
+2624.378 497.316 7.913 536.360 8.011 246.583 6.270
+2624.535 498.103 9.924 536.053 8.898 253.225 7.777
+2624.692 500.001 8.724 536.820 9.272 253.842 6.782
+2624.849 496.390 6.711 538.838 8.434 243.038 5.661
+2625.006 500.323 7.506 537.488 6.993 246.630 6.979
+2625.164 499.793 7.021 537.564 8.581 262.746 5.611
+2625.322 495.417 11.126 535.995 8.897 258.197 7.384
+2625.480 492.554 7.475 539.139 8.041 237.272 5.374
+2625.637 495.515 9.140 538.481 8.929 245.932 7.573
+2625.795 497.365 12.316 538.444 9.850 254.219 9.467
+2625.952 499.783 8.360 538.024 9.136 256.952 7.265
+2626.109 502.287 8.214 537.910 8.219 254.419 7.328
+2626.266 501.032 9.109 537.159 8.662 243.754 7.553
+2626.423 498.270 8.880 538.321 9.202 251.787 6.106
+2626.580 496.142 9.517 541.503 9.173 254.707 5.972
+2626.738 496.641 10.170 540.795 7.223 244.107 10.095
+2626.894 494.796 9.106 537.348 9.270 248.101 12.911
+2627.051 495.207 7.863 538.483 6.396 261.501 5.935
+2627.207 496.952 6.097 537.844 7.219 251.175 7.052
+2627.365 498.179 7.824 541.448 6.558 242.931 4.719
+2627.522 498.321 8.534 539.694 7.056 249.629 4.523
+2627.680 496.973 8.135 539.717 6.754 256.276 5.674
+2627.838 497.589 7.069 538.617 6.730 253.722 4.554
+2627.996 498.135 7.696 539.546 6.551 255.497 5.351
+2628.154 498.531 8.694 541.175 7.021 250.364 5.093
+2628.311 498.355 8.175 540.071 7.100 247.133 5.308
+2628.469 504.803 9.123 540.710 6.723 249.341 5.059
+2628.627 503.948 7.398 541.107 6.600 254.953 10.152
+2628.784 498.279 7.125 537.171 6.571 248.469 5.670
+2628.942 496.552 6.027 539.511 6.057 247.804 3.928
+2629.100 494.445 7.857 539.625 6.919 251.408 4.966
+2629.257 490.774 5.776 540.506 6.108 253.794 4.072
+2629.416 493.347 8.273 540.285 6.615 251.847 6.047
+2629.572 493.553 7.503 539.512 6.674 250.228 5.202
+2629.730 496.495 7.724 539.995 6.937 254.472 5.058
+2629.888 494.834 6.660 538.659 6.111 256.194 5.190
+2630.047 491.358 6.525 539.706 6.640 243.151 5.091
+2630.204 496.833 7.933 539.937 6.057 242.671 3.936
+2630.362 495.878 6.370 542.469 6.837 251.786 7.971
+2630.519 494.008 7.203 539.524 6.566 257.737 4.983
+2630.677 494.040 5.996 539.945 6.402 253.837 4.865
+2630.836 495.810 5.688 539.189 6.345 249.608 5.267
+2630.993 492.208 5.992 538.311 6.705 251.246 5.567
+2631.151 493.262 6.357 539.763 6.223 252.532 4.279
+2631.309 491.622 8.772 540.337 7.050 256.475 8.710
+2631.467 488.766 9.081 539.953 6.715 249.324 6.074
+2631.624 488.277 7.714 539.119 6.631 246.853 5.175
+2631.782 495.662 6.234 537.971 7.389 265.068 5.176
+2631.941 495.126 7.808 538.089 6.253 256.360 6.103
+2632.098 494.301 6.537 540.341 6.575 234.863 7.096
+2632.256 496.263 8.852 539.243 6.562 243.628 9.614
+2632.412 500.502 8.397 538.202 6.995 260.466 5.863
+2632.571 491.765 8.849 540.662 7.501 252.134 5.673
+2632.728 491.047 9.483 540.316 6.430 244.891 5.303
+2632.885 487.100 6.704 536.813 6.180 248.338 5.065
+2633.044 495.341 6.541 536.658 6.485 263.263 4.386
+2633.202 493.733 7.150 541.446 6.494 255.592 3.991
+2633.360 495.747 6.077 540.714 6.869 241.545 5.658
+2633.518 494.337 7.337 537.947 7.251 249.115 6.953
+2633.677 504.683 7.891 537.539 6.410 263.811 5.933
+2633.834 490.306 7.169 540.655 6.785 242.878 8.980
+2633.991 487.643 7.282 541.436 6.610 234.338 3.878
+2634.150 493.176 6.279 538.574 6.245 254.773 6.418
+2634.308 492.451 7.128 537.115 6.984 264.907 5.219
+2634.467 491.144 7.307 541.731 7.147 255.399 4.157
+2634.624 489.881 8.988 541.487 7.362 242.724 5.109
+2634.782 489.468 8.048 536.294 6.344 258.187 6.487
+2634.940 494.694 6.259 537.393 6.876 265.881 4.740
+2635.098 493.697 8.535 542.733 6.824 244.628 4.536
+2635.256 492.777 9.859 543.577 6.997 246.896 5.339
+2635.414 497.777 10.307 541.215 7.274 254.468 12.174
+2635.572 494.137 9.759 539.302 6.888 245.434 6.697
+2635.728 493.431 8.404 540.153 8.578 243.684 7.588
+2635.885 488.594 7.047 540.771 7.744 256.326 4.251
+2636.044 490.165 7.698 539.777 7.914 261.283 6.404
+2636.202 483.711 7.226 540.577 6.513 252.022 6.966
+2636.360 484.617 6.417 539.445 7.567 256.850 4.629
+2636.518 491.926 10.724 539.834 8.089 257.618 4.868
+2636.676 489.959 9.690 540.658 7.686 248.406 7.226
+2636.832 496.429 8.075 538.846 8.596 245.864 6.528
+2636.989 501.954 7.968 539.488 7.251 253.208 6.413
+2637.146 491.409 8.516 538.344 7.094 249.542 8.668
+2637.302 492.734 9.492 540.813 7.298 249.245 5.721
+2637.460 490.407 9.758 540.048 6.858 249.222 12.587
+2637.617 486.634 10.613 537.400 12.612 262.422 5.969
+2637.776 490.466 8.666 538.714 8.169 261.964 5.288
+2637.934 485.984 9.872 540.317 7.148 249.969 6.509
+2638.092 492.349 8.875 537.723 7.047 258.939 9.782
+2638.250 490.193 7.547 535.687 7.883 261.129 8.744
+2638.407 490.261 9.830 538.246 8.711 240.311 7.090
+2638.563 492.992 6.989 540.022 7.508 240.613 6.396
+2638.721 495.759 6.445 537.130 7.032 260.986 5.298
+2638.880 496.767 7.980 536.421 8.434 261.069 5.844
+2639.037 492.587 11.196 537.694 9.623 246.660 6.990
+2639.194 498.175 8.219 538.527 7.778 244.956 5.441
+2639.351 500.781 12.455 539.565 8.202 252.189 7.189
+2639.508 494.427 8.415 539.405 9.757 257.161 5.728
+2639.666 487.744 7.937 538.064 9.628 244.431 4.971
+2639.822 486.557 7.373 539.120 8.963 244.614 5.761
+2639.980 493.335 7.527 540.531 8.794 262.646 5.882
+2640.138 490.673 8.375 538.845 8.069 259.066 7.150
+2640.295 492.676 7.663 540.198 8.537 237.040 6.714
+2640.452 493.736 9.443 541.472 8.303 244.950 6.251
+2640.610 503.087 7.106 539.024 6.474 263.629 5.326
+2640.767 498.350 8.620 538.570 6.154 248.046 6.127
+2640.925 494.943 7.508 540.485 6.888 235.420 6.428
+2641.082 495.669 7.831 541.654 7.047 250.604 4.598
+2641.240 498.496 6.785 537.726 6.691 260.556 5.760
+2641.397 495.644 9.029 540.667 7.816 249.105 4.578
+2641.554 495.686 6.791 541.136 7.616 244.871 6.183
+2641.712 492.676 8.053 541.071 9.219 257.328 6.049
+2641.869 492.426 8.150 538.590 8.260 255.553 5.122
+2642.027 493.934 10.239 539.006 9.657 250.585 6.087
+2642.186 494.209 8.824 540.260 8.227 251.825 5.815
+2642.344 492.762 9.919 540.262 9.026 254.688 4.527
+2642.502 494.507 7.564 541.942 8.790 250.046 5.201
+2642.660 496.745 10.620 543.109 7.756 249.980 6.574
+2642.817 497.777 8.061 541.441 8.451 250.999 6.520
+2642.974 494.387 7.677 539.494 7.509 249.150 5.212
+2643.132 493.623 9.254 539.975 10.426 257.181 7.289
+2643.289 495.566 9.463 541.509 10.849 252.871 7.138
+2643.446 496.215 7.955 541.125 8.481 246.668 4.908
+2643.603 493.882 9.723 541.231 11.265 254.206 7.033
+2643.760 494.848 7.844 538.732 8.570 256.582 6.500
+2643.917 492.508 8.237 539.767 7.560 253.065 6.047
+2644.076 492.735 6.781 541.677 7.442 251.240 5.281
+2644.232 490.587 6.941 542.816 6.551 250.762 5.019
+2644.390 492.595 10.175 538.878 7.304 255.327 5.540
+2644.548 495.315 6.616 539.988 6.769 253.873 4.507
+2644.706 495.403 7.605 541.679 8.548 257.378 7.002
+2644.864 499.084 7.260 540.506 6.757 256.333 4.708
+2645.022 494.890 6.395 540.805 7.167 240.353 4.677
+2645.180 494.778 7.655 541.268 7.471 243.803 4.849
+2645.338 502.927 7.422 540.732 6.935 266.308 5.291
+2645.497 494.019 7.655 540.947 6.961 259.383 5.979
+2645.655 494.810 6.981 538.689 6.565 242.073 6.373
+2645.812 494.398 7.278 540.036 7.089 243.480 4.826
+2645.971 501.024 6.347 540.610 6.953 270.244 6.487
+2646.130 498.720 6.782 540.996 7.280 252.892 9.257
+2646.287 501.547 7.525 542.750 6.986 235.548 9.525
+2646.445 499.475 6.944 539.477 7.169 252.155 7.579
+2646.603 500.534 6.332 537.094 7.407 272.551 7.335
+2646.761 499.825 7.900 540.891 8.708 247.315 7.832
+2646.916 497.418 8.061 544.528 6.304 231.243 4.603
+2647.074 502.454 6.556 540.535 6.019 245.372 4.416
+2647.233 503.954 7.195 538.675 7.149 272.423 4.811
+2647.392 502.109 6.208 539.256 5.886 262.214 5.139
+2647.550 501.641 7.530 541.792 6.440 228.672 6.866
+2647.707 502.326 6.316 540.918 6.345 242.866 4.520
+2647.866 507.243 6.320 538.129 6.932 267.838 5.224
+2648.024 502.332 7.421 541.021 6.453 249.968 6.995
+2648.181 501.093 7.288 541.150 6.659 238.219 5.485
+2648.338 504.890 7.642 540.841 7.803 248.602 8.364
+2648.496 500.549 6.736 537.958 7.130 253.876 5.915
+2648.654 501.085 7.450 538.319 6.139 253.128 3.750
+2648.812 501.740 6.216 543.303 6.292 246.631 4.424
+2648.970 502.057 5.959 540.603 6.352 248.106 3.309
+2649.128 503.720 6.432 538.656 6.427 258.361 5.202
+2649.287 502.897 5.962 539.186 5.832 246.443 4.912
+2649.445 506.019 6.135 541.841 6.191 236.964 4.363
+2649.603 507.030 6.576 542.588 6.118 250.009 5.497
+2649.762 504.200 6.305 539.216 6.668 263.120 7.629
+2649.918 501.712 7.394 541.042 6.616 244.961 5.812
+2650.076 501.487 7.180 541.380 6.598 245.869 5.136
+2650.234 501.394 5.779 540.163 6.235 261.898 5.940
+2650.393 504.374 6.950 538.771 6.257 256.629 5.408
+2650.551 501.783 7.122 542.407 6.022 239.156 4.224
+2650.709 505.247 7.180 541.174 6.799 244.601 4.837
+2650.868 505.212 7.037 541.011 6.356 266.896 6.258
+2651.026 504.132 6.165 540.210 6.389 248.898 4.851
+2651.183 503.351 6.788 543.902 5.942 233.729 4.232
+2651.341 506.963 7.263 540.829 7.073 252.347 6.396
+2651.499 505.559 7.060 539.438 6.836 258.393 5.411
+2651.657 502.095 9.467 540.094 6.040 253.913 3.872
+2651.815 502.430 10.315 542.501 9.545 251.359 6.598
+2651.972 497.864 12.458 543.065 9.374 244.003 7.982
+2652.128 503.288 9.070 540.090 7.457 254.510 5.839
+2652.286 509.242 6.644 544.551 6.227 247.225 5.429
+2652.443 511.332 6.004 544.115 5.915 243.912 5.628
+2652.602 513.473 7.160 541.511 6.083 261.839 3.840
+2652.760 507.144 5.924 542.535 6.137 240.418 3.864
+2652.918 506.211 6.739 543.265 6.093 242.414 3.710
+2653.077 503.102 5.850 540.382 5.951 261.504 4.678
+2653.235 495.521 7.364 543.413 7.186 251.615 5.527
+2653.392 493.135 6.449 540.354 6.695 251.236 4.533
+2653.550 493.731 7.036 541.613 6.759 256.392 5.922
+2653.708 497.137 7.356 541.436 7.733 247.943 6.816
+2653.865 509.311 10.814 542.594 7.136 260.439 9.950
+2654.023 517.883 8.981 545.046 6.144 253.024 6.565
+2654.181 511.718 8.025 545.660 8.986 237.260 5.716
+2654.338 514.067 6.492 542.866 6.969 244.642 5.221
+2654.497 516.170 6.259 545.568 6.014 251.876 4.482
+2654.655 506.451 6.925 543.225 7.394 241.678 5.091
+2654.812 495.954 6.741 542.312 7.830 249.176 6.651
+2654.970 502.259 9.466 543.413 7.149 267.201 9.269
+2655.127 501.022 7.734 540.744 6.860 262.292 9.640
+2655.285 493.210 10.045 541.397 6.624 246.472 7.181
+2655.441 504.502 12.504 543.104 6.484 245.864 14.719
+2655.598 505.835 7.223 542.131 6.158 267.198 6.805
+2655.755 504.518 7.442 541.831 6.042 249.422 10.091
+2655.912 508.355 8.278 543.808 6.586 233.644 4.754
+2656.070 509.063 7.004 545.998 6.429 241.706 5.494
+2656.228 505.780 6.155 540.140 6.667 261.877 5.565
+2656.388 499.197 6.566 541.471 7.148 257.608 5.387
+2656.547 497.782 8.006 542.734 7.223 248.926 5.559
+2656.704 498.517 7.996 541.317 6.733 251.699 5.377
+2656.861 501.235 7.201 541.193 6.374 260.957 3.880
+2657.020 500.682 6.909 542.301 6.020 246.109 6.867
+2657.177 499.796 10.040 543.993 6.007 246.211 4.909
+2657.335 500.277 7.588 543.669 6.524 251.372 4.327
+2657.493 503.812 7.635 540.996 6.361 250.473 6.598
+2657.650 504.578 7.443 542.710 6.377 254.414 4.242
+2657.808 503.365 6.868 542.267 5.926 255.144 4.075
+2657.966 504.083 5.967 543.252 6.447 241.201 4.142
+2658.123 504.710 6.252 544.802 5.772 247.162 3.326
+2658.283 506.667 6.240 540.418 6.153 263.911 4.081
+2658.441 503.616 6.717 541.754 6.119 252.959 5.715
+2658.599 503.536 6.149 544.377 5.891 246.469 4.288
+2658.757 504.725 7.046 543.483 6.535 251.664 5.131
+2658.915 508.837 6.678 542.674 7.924 255.576 5.214
+2659.073 507.488 6.197 543.796 6.482 249.395 5.034
+2659.230 508.854 6.096 544.558 7.531 247.543 5.138
+2659.387 512.308 6.119 542.645 6.464 246.645 3.876
+2659.546 509.363 6.669 542.636 6.368 247.376 5.054
+2659.704 509.723 6.224 542.346 6.479 253.593 4.866
+2659.862 507.037 7.158 543.233 7.791 254.765 5.566
+2660.019 505.640 6.762 542.132 6.551 245.797 3.921
+2660.177 509.976 6.601 542.681 6.115 250.987 4.572
+2660.336 511.449 7.568 542.976 6.243 253.769 4.460
+2660.494 507.724 6.751 541.289 6.331 247.567 5.320
+2660.652 509.317 6.302 542.362 6.553 254.185 4.127
+2660.810 512.263 8.071 542.743 6.756 255.471 6.560
+2660.967 509.632 9.499 543.097 6.557 248.974 7.257
+2661.123 510.736 7.801 542.321 6.171 250.209 4.726
+2661.281 513.507 7.169 541.883 6.794 249.102 4.247
+2661.438 514.245 7.102 543.108 6.637 245.421 5.328
+2661.597 510.492 6.366 542.121 6.229 248.434 4.960
+2661.757 511.174 7.023 540.681 6.527 267.144 5.065
+2661.915 509.281 8.836 541.886 6.591 248.891 3.948
+2662.072 504.702 8.150 542.018 6.539 236.048 5.329
+2662.229 506.617 7.312 541.210 7.186 260.330 4.331
+2662.387 509.036 7.040 539.392 6.753 256.583 7.971
+2662.544 508.360 7.942 539.603 7.066 242.885 6.755
+2662.701 510.083 8.426 540.146 7.487 244.798 9.329
+2662.857 510.730 15.552 540.141 7.667 252.408 7.304
+2663.014 508.797 6.666 537.721 6.559 253.564 5.694
+2663.172 507.428 6.685 539.767 7.002 248.105 3.399
+2663.330 509.404 7.729 539.987 6.098 243.161 4.774
+2663.488 515.064 6.479 537.589 6.131 254.721 4.356
+2663.647 512.990 6.633 535.335 6.599 254.877 4.526
+2663.805 506.989 8.039 537.593 6.884 240.458 5.646
+2663.962 502.919 7.217 536.926 6.824 238.524 5.817
+2664.120 508.599 7.290 536.239 7.502 261.945 4.579
+2664.279 507.806 7.319 536.182 7.810 262.479 6.092
+2664.437 502.268 8.631 533.081 6.599 232.784 7.252
+2664.594 511.212 6.884 532.800 7.071 252.517 6.180
+2664.752 513.282 7.437 532.848 6.664 260.815 6.873
+2664.910 511.812 8.480 533.218 7.149 244.148 6.218
+2665.067 507.548 7.051 531.132 8.944 241.291 5.741
+2665.224 507.345 7.371 531.671 6.705 254.252 6.308
+2665.382 509.213 7.698 533.696 7.975 246.362 6.073
+2665.540 503.072 8.008 531.657 7.500 245.323 4.566
+2665.696 502.480 6.573 531.746 6.725 254.253 5.272
+2665.854 505.074 7.406 534.547 10.080 252.302 6.845
+2666.012 505.650 7.022 531.275 7.858 249.923 4.996
+2666.169 503.806 7.862 530.122 7.448 252.229 6.665
+2666.325 504.198 6.651 530.631 9.468 245.832 7.050
+2666.482 510.892 7.737 530.436 6.334 249.818 7.400
+2666.640 510.039 6.928 531.554 6.453 254.178 4.500
+2666.797 509.650 7.452 532.705 7.404 246.001 4.533
+2666.955 502.856 7.736 534.027 7.946 244.490 5.688
+2667.112 503.718 7.329 534.320 7.286 254.534 7.082
+2667.270 502.847 8.269 529.873 9.344 254.555 5.990
+2667.427 499.908 7.454 534.288 6.731 246.545 4.647
+2667.585 501.479 6.782 531.812 6.919 251.365 4.881
+2667.742 501.904 7.737 531.508 7.965 256.893 5.471
+2667.900 502.699 7.262 531.385 7.449 250.778 5.767
+2668.057 505.877 6.402 532.283 6.553 240.557 4.692
+2668.215 505.778 7.161 530.502 6.587 248.635 4.970
+2668.373 503.647 7.393 529.315 7.478 253.116 5.930
+2668.531 505.246 6.441 531.713 6.364 252.141 4.521
+2668.688 503.102 7.045 530.847 6.720 245.211 5.150
+2668.846 501.091 7.779 531.988 7.178 251.242 4.625
+2669.003 512.560 7.705 530.429 7.580 254.072 5.937
+2669.162 497.715 6.972 529.124 6.847 245.960 5.222
+2669.319 500.837 6.180 527.621 6.906 248.389 4.770
+2669.477 502.008 6.481 529.406 6.707 248.413 4.943
+2669.635 504.550 7.256 528.514 7.118 253.214 4.652
+2669.792 504.665 7.047 529.415 8.382 251.112 5.281
+2669.949 504.796 8.033 528.084 7.343 247.291 5.368
+2670.107 503.298 6.938 529.510 6.340 244.392 4.875
+2670.264 506.863 7.005 529.875 6.577 253.083 5.175
+2670.423 504.958 6.318 528.458 6.882 254.760 4.181
+2670.581 505.059 7.587 527.464 7.514 250.437 5.584
+2670.739 502.780 7.745 529.404 7.245 243.844 4.192
+2670.897 500.977 8.319 528.434 7.882 246.958 5.279
+2671.055 504.269 6.765 527.714 8.484 254.419 5.208
+2671.212 500.552 7.374 526.637 7.437 249.924 5.056
+2671.370 505.665 8.259 526.856 7.215 254.269 5.692
+2671.527 502.086 8.744 526.468 8.240 246.502 6.468
+2671.683 503.040 7.530 525.904 8.245 246.735 6.530
+2671.841 501.430 8.038 526.449 8.343 248.157 5.919
+2671.998 507.164 9.199 523.354 8.487 251.501 6.228
+2672.156 504.251 6.438 522.883 6.994 252.345 4.835
+2672.313 505.872 7.941 523.658 6.848 245.223 4.832
+2672.469 502.668 7.637 522.726 7.365 244.992 5.993
+2672.628 503.436 9.020 523.637 7.927 247.399 6.215
+2672.785 502.954 7.631 522.386 7.622 252.604 6.062
+2672.943 505.029 8.966 521.933 7.139 253.186 5.784
+2673.100 503.640 7.857 520.889 7.626 248.361 5.129
+2673.257 502.206 8.244 521.188 8.791 244.473 5.147
+2673.415 503.332 8.861 519.641 8.367 248.124 5.294
+2673.572 502.413 10.247 518.256 8.493 250.311 5.658
+2673.730 504.214 9.799 517.252 9.566 249.363 6.800
+2673.887 501.562 8.157 518.002 8.515 249.983 6.812
+2674.044 501.795 7.734 520.120 9.603 249.869 5.865
+2674.202 504.798 9.795 518.001 8.795 249.878 8.341
+2674.359 500.608 7.473 518.300 7.927 245.308 4.732
+2674.516 504.236 9.593 516.793 8.160 246.873 7.423
+2674.673 503.072 7.069 517.217 9.172 247.968 6.398
+2674.830 502.340 9.692 518.052 8.289 247.049 8.839
+2674.987 503.973 8.018 518.670 8.382 246.970 6.290
+2675.145 503.549 7.670 516.056 7.579 252.719 6.525
+2675.303 503.875 9.198 523.140 7.732 244.967 5.592
+2675.461 504.488 8.730 516.251 7.543 247.059 6.310
+2675.619 502.324 8.716 519.302 8.788 248.290 5.845
+2675.777 502.273 8.253 520.433 8.201 246.232 5.249
+2675.933 503.582 9.729 517.054 8.018 247.982 7.186
+2676.091 504.485 9.688 518.990 8.272 248.769 6.268
+2676.248 503.524 7.687 519.809 10.309 246.897 6.029
+2676.406 505.425 8.316 518.708 8.766 250.529 7.320
+2676.563 504.544 7.866 518.007 11.589 247.445 6.712
+2676.720 504.825 8.770 518.710 8.072 247.824 5.356
+2676.877 503.998 9.579 518.667 9.617 250.558 6.186
+2677.034 504.170 11.397 520.936 7.903 249.695 6.625
+2677.192 502.371 7.418 520.749 7.715 246.057 6.729
+2677.349 503.493 8.158 520.157 7.917 249.440 6.057
+2677.506 502.874 7.875 521.261 8.280 250.644 6.950
+2677.663 501.928 8.264 522.132 7.447 249.996 4.997
+2677.821 504.139 6.751 522.731 7.785 246.440 5.309
+2677.978 503.251 6.420 520.017 7.603 250.304 5.014
+2678.137 502.332 7.686 521.230 8.290 248.483 4.868
+2678.294 503.773 8.593 523.052 7.140 246.174 5.131
+2678.451 506.107 6.798 521.090 7.302 249.831 5.058
+2678.609 504.511 7.948 520.621 8.185 249.938 4.891
+2678.765 504.045 7.049 522.756 8.166 249.559 7.269
+2678.923 502.280 6.719 521.207 7.031 248.435 5.461
+2679.081 504.192 6.956 523.452 8.683 248.074 7.649
+2679.238 502.622 6.934 523.364 6.740 247.280 4.194
+2679.395 504.206 9.037 521.423 7.562 250.152 6.113
+2679.554 505.202 9.720 524.914 8.737 249.571 4.492
+2679.711 504.212 9.243 525.419 7.568 249.385 5.862
+2679.868 503.112 6.570 524.264 6.558 247.923 3.957
+2680.025 503.701 8.684 521.962 7.123 249.099 4.197
+2680.182 504.197 8.157 522.099 6.414 248.471 4.347
+2680.340 503.902 7.057 521.641 6.657 250.054 4.498
+2680.497 503.679 6.496 520.256 6.790 246.750 4.431
+2680.655 504.246 6.419 519.992 6.374 248.097 4.467
+2680.814 503.752 7.665 519.459 6.323 248.000 4.221
+2680.972 505.617 6.415 519.624 5.840 247.170 5.058
+2681.131 504.646 6.738 519.186 7.638 249.131 4.184
+2681.288 503.906 6.547 517.991 7.019 246.581 5.229
+2681.447 504.289 6.327 517.069 6.055 249.215 4.754
+2681.605 504.092 6.349 518.100 5.777 248.972 3.346
+2681.763 503.830 6.139 519.531 6.152 248.449 5.890
+2681.921 504.338 6.165 521.055 6.073 247.474 3.259
+2682.080 504.993 6.476 519.200 5.623 248.904 3.856
+2682.238 503.559 5.747 516.752 5.874 247.059 3.507
+2682.396 504.545 5.911 515.337 5.674 246.880 3.510
+2682.554 504.495 7.068 527.403 8.381 248.628 5.275
+2682.712 503.955 8.084 556.134 6.721 248.216 5.576
+2682.870 503.669 7.377 546.031 7.304 256.022 4.873
+2683.028 503.726 6.107 539.340 6.286 250.180 3.330
+2683.186 504.037 5.620 544.703 5.867 250.541 3.549
+2683.344 503.230 5.386 542.137 5.725 251.735 3.601
+2683.502 503.092 5.658 544.301 5.714 251.037 3.272
+2683.660 503.030 5.685 544.563 5.752 252.900 3.143
+2683.819 504.270 6.337 542.295 6.610 250.299 4.114
+2683.977 503.872 6.344 543.713 6.313 251.073 3.761
+2684.135 504.138 5.460 542.427 5.785 252.620 4.587
+2684.293 503.431 5.520 543.234 5.737 250.166 3.074
+2684.451 503.114 5.453 543.332 5.761 252.501 3.481
+2684.609 503.751 5.659 543.393 5.702 252.585 3.471
+2684.767 503.447 5.538 542.993 5.768 250.485 3.939
+2684.925 503.354 5.499 543.440 5.797 251.004 4.186
+2685.083 504.363 5.390 543.434 5.790 252.590 3.491
+2685.241 503.763 5.585 543.424 5.795 249.985 3.750
+2685.398 503.577 5.402 543.504 5.716 250.239 3.322
+2685.556 503.265 5.369 543.225 5.776 252.752 3.315
+2685.714 503.602 5.373 542.912 5.734 251.977 3.199
+2685.873 503.516 5.395 543.259 5.811 249.899 3.073
+2686.032 503.855 5.317 543.272 5.755 251.669 3.047
+2686.190 503.988 5.423 543.512 5.759 251.136 3.427
+2686.348 504.079 5.355 542.745 5.759 250.861 3.390
+2686.505 503.600 5.405 543.607 5.762 251.728 3.441
+2686.663 503.636 5.366 543.636 5.788 251.377 3.346
+2686.821 503.916 5.388 543.806 5.705 252.393 3.063
+2686.979 503.389 5.457 543.418 5.773 250.803 3.067
+2687.137 504.333 5.552 544.034 5.735 251.128 3.578
+2687.295 503.533 5.346 543.160 5.677 250.771 3.382
+2687.453 503.395 5.314 543.631 5.789 251.017 3.328
+2687.612 503.944 5.450 543.286 5.751 252.250 3.312
+2687.769 504.739 5.404 543.532 5.641 251.492 3.084
+2687.927 503.707 5.497 543.755 5.749 251.044 3.094
+2688.085 503.717 5.472 544.237 5.915 251.190 3.108
+2688.244 503.757 5.334 543.642 5.732 250.941 3.202
+2688.402 503.917 5.392 543.386 5.737 251.049 3.293
+2688.560 503.669 5.385 543.083 5.808 252.190 3.117
+2688.718 504.076 5.481 543.350 5.675 251.141 3.139
+2688.876 504.200 5.320 543.613 5.712 250.921 3.220
+2689.035 504.152 5.405 543.446 5.732 251.189 3.378
+2689.192 503.831 5.303 543.164 5.838 251.011 3.264
+2689.350 504.078 5.437 543.531 5.679 250.990 3.185
+2689.508 503.960 5.327 543.605 5.814 251.799 3.485
+2689.666 504.159 5.484 543.286 5.713 251.288 2.955
+2689.824 504.561 5.337 543.312 5.664 251.932 3.279
+2689.982 503.745 5.422 543.873 5.798 251.359 3.178
+2690.141 504.407 5.437 543.588 5.727 251.653 3.370
+2690.298 503.844 5.403 544.085 5.782 251.196 3.500
+2690.457 504.298 5.403 544.440 5.729 251.221 3.360
+2690.614 504.573 5.308 543.654 5.710 251.402 3.179
+2690.773 503.825 5.476 543.756 5.778 252.134 3.495
+2690.931 504.318 5.468 543.527 5.722 251.291 3.375
+2691.088 503.003 5.401 544.115 5.669 251.032 3.105
+2691.246 503.840 5.384 543.621 5.740 250.790 3.050
+2691.405 503.588 5.449 543.906 5.808 251.647 3.176
+2691.563 503.525 5.350 542.629 5.881 251.246 3.336
+2691.721 503.565 5.335 544.116 5.711 252.102 2.928
+2691.880 503.375 5.709 546.951 5.898 252.281 3.094
+2692.037 503.853 5.404 544.059 5.744 251.402 3.726
+2692.195 503.478 5.496 543.690 5.807 251.614 3.167
+2692.353 503.944 5.421 543.906 5.816 251.136 3.262
+2692.512 504.739 5.475 540.909 5.672 251.271 3.539
+2692.670 504.277 5.527 541.889 5.687 250.372 3.260
+2692.827 504.132 5.498 541.539 5.799 251.113 3.314
+2692.986 503.941 5.557 542.595 5.780 250.951 3.557
+2693.144 503.729 5.487 543.716 5.678 251.429 3.291
+2693.302 504.377 5.399 544.107 5.851 251.714 3.301
+2693.460 504.053 5.315 543.021 5.778 251.297 3.293
+2693.618 504.010 5.513 543.680 5.771 251.212 3.510
+2693.776 504.510 5.478 544.036 5.870 251.372 3.604
+2693.933 504.075 5.355 543.200 5.849 250.943 3.247
+2694.092 503.850 5.546 543.352 5.961 252.099 3.394
+2694.250 503.898 5.539 543.753 5.692 251.251 3.291
+2694.408 504.469 5.412 543.667 5.643 251.232 3.327
+2694.566 504.464 5.935 543.616 7.102 251.372 4.110
+2694.723 504.294 5.454 544.316 5.876 251.093 3.076
+2694.882 504.132 5.330 543.283 5.781 250.930 3.631
+2695.040 503.531 5.301 543.352 5.715 251.019 3.105
+2695.198 503.645 5.428 543.293 6.050 251.370 3.400
+2695.356 503.466 5.402 543.003 5.708 251.303 3.359
+2695.514 504.244 5.401 543.360 5.847 251.463 3.452
+2695.672 503.892 5.434 544.273 5.844 250.634 3.147
+2695.830 503.708 5.393 544.372 5.750 251.626 3.125
+2695.988 504.097 5.288 543.513 5.789 251.456 3.576
+2696.146 504.381 5.549 543.695 5.735 250.354 3.340
+2696.304 504.073 5.457 543.787 5.826 251.383 3.534
+2696.462 504.600 5.324 543.447 5.760 251.603 3.190
+2696.620 504.066 5.363 543.834 5.814 251.856 3.324
+2696.778 504.300 5.429 543.858 5.772 251.258 3.360
+2696.935 504.233 5.378 543.218 5.700 251.142 3.188
+2697.093 503.822 5.469 543.292 5.805 251.561 3.094
+2697.251 503.768 5.457 543.023 5.679 251.185 3.170
+2697.409 503.757 5.524 543.090 5.884 251.531 3.044
+2697.567 503.637 5.486 543.591 5.792 250.625 3.206
+2697.726 504.026 5.324 543.385 5.854 251.876 3.390
+2697.883 503.550 5.384 543.853 5.689 250.808 3.018
+2698.042 503.975 5.330 542.718 5.885 250.828 3.705
+2698.199 503.989 5.476 542.887 5.685 251.548 3.345
+2698.358 503.709 5.409 543.418 5.711 251.275 3.176
+2698.516 503.607 5.332 543.754 5.673 252.072 3.337
+2698.674 504.276 5.338 543.567 5.763 250.500 3.183
+2698.832 503.772 5.275 542.885 5.730 250.785 3.236
+2698.990 503.777 5.425 543.308 5.756 251.677 3.028
+2699.148 504.387 5.411 543.383 5.689 251.466 3.121
+2699.306 503.923 5.468 543.713 5.776 250.564 3.044
+2699.464 503.759 5.414 543.257 5.747 251.665 3.061
+2699.622 504.267 5.395 543.222 5.735 251.806 3.143
+2699.781 503.852 5.261 543.522 5.714 251.158 3.109
+2699.939 503.578 5.427 543.685 5.713 250.981 3.130
+2700.097 504.075 5.504 543.026 5.739 251.779 3.331
+2700.256 504.160 5.714 542.930 5.686 251.927 3.731
+2700.414 504.411 5.371 542.549 5.667 251.769 3.422
+2700.571 503.684 5.302 543.645 5.736 251.917 3.146
+2700.729 503.796 5.294 543.266 5.704 251.289 3.256
+2700.888 504.507 5.307 543.492 5.631 251.162 3.423
+2701.045 503.685 5.236 543.165 5.806 251.651 2.974
+2701.203 503.916 5.364 543.451 5.685 251.456 3.093
+2701.361 503.939 5.365 543.354 5.779 250.854 3.290
+2701.519 503.509 5.387 543.063 5.837 250.628 3.158
+2701.677 503.885 5.381 543.460 5.716 251.196 3.152
+2701.835 504.028 5.366 542.994 5.704 250.781 3.395
+2701.993 504.430 5.346 543.050 5.630 250.877 3.056
+2702.150 503.684 5.421 542.790 5.781 251.528 2.978
+2702.308 504.146 5.374 542.748 5.651 252.075 3.035
+2702.467 504.071 5.398 543.187 5.674 251.250 3.138
+2702.625 503.510 5.394 543.571 5.657 251.962 3.026
+2702.783 503.335 5.303 543.105 5.819 251.329 3.046
+2702.941 503.723 5.387 543.611 5.710 252.003 3.121
+2703.099 504.077 5.367 543.436 5.775 251.420 3.178
+2703.257 504.290 5.752 543.894 7.435 251.604 4.174
+2703.415 504.362 5.378 543.899 5.965 250.726 3.486
+2703.572 504.533 5.393 543.699 6.024 250.977 3.288
+2703.731 504.215 5.375 543.467 5.743 251.419 3.328
+2703.888 503.482 5.337 543.494 5.807 250.894 3.236
+2704.046 503.684 5.321 543.284 5.718 251.208 3.076
+2704.205 504.256 5.282 543.362 5.803 252.052 3.085
+2704.363 504.232 5.377 543.103 5.657 251.380 3.142
+2704.521 504.052 5.416 543.561 5.724 251.653 3.107
+2704.679 503.460 5.452 543.515 5.685 252.016 3.079
+2704.837 504.274 5.369 543.535 5.708 251.510 3.438
+2704.995 504.262 5.331 543.765 5.724 251.525 3.029
+2705.153 503.952 5.337 543.717 5.741 251.015 3.094
+2705.311 504.009 5.404 543.517 5.681 251.140 3.148
+2705.469 503.810 5.502 543.685 5.726 251.541 3.052
+2705.627 504.368 5.433 544.106 5.834 250.925 3.207
+2705.786 504.483 5.381 542.991 5.666 251.389 3.225
+2705.944 504.074 5.362 543.349 5.693 251.293 3.211
+2706.102 503.230 5.365 542.913 5.775 251.542 3.234
+2706.259 504.122 5.346 543.359 5.732 251.235 3.207
+2706.417 504.011 5.276 543.013 5.745 251.562 3.193
+2706.575 504.240 5.336 543.500 5.794 251.915 2.977
+2706.733 503.692 5.336 543.595 5.766 252.209 3.181
+2706.892 503.916 5.325 543.586 5.695 251.852 3.046
+2707.050 504.439 5.328 543.625 5.681 252.138 3.114
+2707.208 503.764 5.510 543.446 5.739 251.301 3.037
+2707.366 504.247 5.473 543.744 5.678 251.463 3.095
+2707.524 504.102 5.405 543.537 5.693 251.704 2.986
+2707.682 504.081 5.339 543.715 5.779 250.797 3.078
+2707.840 503.850 5.331 543.047 5.775 251.348 3.153
+2707.998 503.718 5.490 543.090 5.784 251.113 3.334
+2708.157 503.877 5.354 542.900 5.681 252.111 3.213
+2708.314 504.388 5.296 543.129 5.711 251.881 3.134
+2708.472 504.303 5.337 543.191 5.704 251.258 3.155
+2708.631 504.293 5.484 543.461 5.645 251.182 3.363
+2708.789 503.863 5.285 543.774 5.748 250.781 3.099
+2708.947 504.108 5.328 542.667 5.657 251.407 3.304
+2709.105 504.031 5.318 543.216 5.668 251.794 3.040
+2709.262 503.860 5.307 543.722 5.806 252.397 3.213
+2709.421 503.928 5.370 542.937 5.682 251.444 3.079
+2709.579 503.849 5.413 543.239 5.795 251.534 3.187
+2709.737 503.778 5.407 542.652 5.793 250.905 3.147
+2709.896 503.707 5.321 542.926 5.707 251.789 3.171
+2710.054 503.667 5.370 543.229 5.677 251.917 3.033
+2710.212 503.736 5.360 542.512 5.819 251.269 3.081
+2710.371 503.797 5.392 543.095 5.649 252.012 3.115
+2710.529 503.018 5.316 542.881 5.725 251.180 3.032
+2710.687 503.680 5.365 543.168 5.746 252.051 3.199
+2710.845 503.726 5.391 543.231 5.704 251.970 3.117
+2711.004 503.617 5.353 542.952 5.647 251.349 2.984
+2711.162 504.026 5.275 543.169 5.707 251.343 3.277
+2711.320 503.870 5.325 543.121 5.667 251.493 3.174
+2711.478 503.728 5.385 542.491 5.740 251.534 3.014
+2711.636 503.877 5.411 543.314 5.680 251.285 3.046
+2711.794 503.728 5.323 542.843 5.732 251.512 3.148
+2711.952 504.327 5.422 543.948 5.691 251.485 3.025
+2712.111 504.323 5.456 543.779 5.729 250.934 2.967
+2712.269 504.633 5.484 543.407 5.721 251.149 2.933
+2712.427 503.956 5.326 543.704 5.843 252.221 3.038
+2712.586 504.029 5.433 542.837 5.767 250.812 3.266
+2712.744 503.040 5.420 543.648 5.672 251.838 3.198
+2712.902 504.140 5.320 543.486 5.841 251.868 3.028
+2713.060 504.021 5.300 543.494 5.728 250.958 3.034
+2713.218 504.880 5.383 543.594 5.684 251.419 3.091
+2713.376 504.108 5.454 543.746 5.715 251.434 3.431
+2713.533 503.801 5.377 544.057 5.685 251.554 3.228
+2713.691 504.758 5.271 542.980 5.762 251.385 3.117
+2713.849 503.857 5.458 543.969 5.707 251.303 3.060
+2714.007 504.188 5.292 543.239 5.752 251.333 3.108
+2714.166 503.661 5.356 543.542 5.793 251.943 3.130
+2714.324 503.866 5.316 542.445 5.643 250.579 3.102
+2714.482 504.028 5.420 543.834 5.733 251.215 3.079
+2714.640 503.440 8.156 543.678 7.075 251.622 8.451
+2714.797 504.224 6.428 543.776 5.980 251.736 4.042
+2714.954 504.222 5.463 543.367 5.719 250.867 3.323
+2715.112 504.442 5.508 543.333 5.661 251.648 3.300
+2715.269 503.704 5.577 543.153 5.694 250.776 2.980
+2715.427 503.647 5.485 543.091 5.734 251.127 3.166
+2715.585 504.416 5.295 543.351 5.750 251.421 3.070
+2715.743 503.984 5.280 543.703 5.679 251.454 2.908
+2715.901 504.279 5.303 543.867 5.760 250.904 3.218
+2716.059 503.422 5.417 543.018 5.741 251.579 3.382
+2716.217 504.394 5.367 542.680 5.675 250.995 3.094
+2716.376 504.364 5.524 543.886 5.723 251.849 3.241
+2716.534 503.943 5.352 543.528 5.814 251.018 3.058
+2716.692 504.339 5.437 543.405 5.792 251.850 3.147
+2716.851 504.223 5.457 543.184 5.740 252.038 2.992
+2717.009 503.882 5.412 543.341 5.733 251.060 3.114
+2717.167 503.728 5.439 543.433 5.683 251.520 3.138
+2717.326 503.807 5.491 543.324 5.650 252.145 3.107
+2717.484 503.788 5.346 542.473 5.697 252.051 3.134
+2717.642 503.637 5.468 543.454 5.747 250.810 3.114
+2717.800 503.996 5.464 543.494 5.799 250.808 2.939
+2717.959 504.570 5.292 543.415 5.740 251.048 3.283
+2718.117 504.335 5.308 543.354 5.760 251.450 3.209
+2718.275 503.933 5.384 544.153 5.779 251.744 3.388
+2718.432 503.859 5.297 543.171 5.759 251.957 3.191
+2718.591 504.458 5.447 543.171 5.693 250.989 3.331
+2718.749 504.514 5.412 544.051 5.704 251.369 3.019
+2718.908 504.385 5.392 543.510 5.680 250.953 3.234
+2719.066 504.263 5.552 543.415 5.732 250.859 3.341
+2719.223 504.382 5.324 543.414 5.710 251.218 2.939
+2719.381 503.943 5.371 543.024 5.754 251.772 3.111
+2719.539 504.039 5.427 543.310 5.752 251.257 3.129
+2719.697 503.920 5.343 543.703 5.702 251.242 3.170
+2719.855 504.339 5.344 543.967 5.663 251.212 3.046
+2720.013 504.383 5.453 543.439 5.761 251.622 3.106
+2720.172 503.923 5.442 543.574 5.801 251.376 3.157
+2720.330 503.829 5.392 543.615 5.726 250.723 2.970
+2720.488 503.928 5.323 543.306 5.765 251.267 3.135
+2720.647 504.349 5.369 543.133 5.729 251.222 3.196
+2720.805 503.663 5.350 543.021 5.692 251.362 3.390
+2720.962 504.746 5.341 543.890 5.740 251.483 3.269
+2721.121 503.987 5.351 543.328 5.770 251.954 3.138
+2721.279 503.639 5.495 543.243 5.768 251.719 3.070
+2721.437 503.656 5.297 543.332 5.679 251.137 2.883
+2721.595 504.316 5.510 543.203 5.716 251.771 2.905
+2721.753 504.423 5.378 543.632 5.816 251.467 3.216
+2721.911 504.354 5.379 543.136 5.658 251.254 3.032
+2722.069 503.973 5.346 544.151 5.716 251.132 3.090
+2722.227 504.169 5.369 543.191 5.760 251.181 3.377
+2722.385 503.571 5.301 543.472 5.690 252.021 3.059
+2722.543 504.095 5.353 543.744 5.719 251.420 3.023
+2722.702 503.690 5.293 543.547 5.694 251.134 3.110
+2722.859 503.806 5.505 543.595 5.702 251.661 3.100
+2723.018 503.808 5.263 543.736 5.714 251.216 3.069
+2723.176 503.748 5.472 543.357 5.789 251.702 3.128
+2723.334 503.907 5.382 543.563 5.705 251.857 3.146
+2723.493 504.099 5.280 543.515 5.644 250.608 3.047
+2723.650 504.041 5.365 543.675 5.732 251.876 3.068
+2723.809 504.070 5.326 543.606 5.695 251.828 3.215
+2723.967 503.430 5.486 542.876 5.653 252.128 3.196
+2724.125 503.694 5.326 542.878 5.727 251.171 3.166
+2724.283 503.986 5.433 543.018 5.640 250.471 3.259
+2724.441 503.999 5.281 543.700 5.746 251.874 3.281
+2724.598 504.260 5.454 543.657 5.626 251.158 3.116
+2724.757 504.242 5.277 543.736 5.692 251.991 3.136
+2724.915 503.592 5.460 543.767 5.752 250.599 3.000
+2725.073 504.155 5.376 543.237 5.661 250.586 2.998
+2725.231 504.211 5.358 544.282 5.720 251.825 2.999
+2725.390 503.832 5.313 543.242 5.706 251.448 3.105
+2725.548 504.128 5.312 543.792 5.938 252.244 3.227
+2725.706 503.961 5.280 543.398 5.860 251.132 3.039
+2725.864 504.249 5.306 543.874 5.731 251.051 3.084
+2726.022 503.672 5.460 543.668 5.763 251.490 3.429
+2726.180 504.186 5.298 543.196 5.805 251.354 3.062
+2726.337 504.191 5.343 543.232 5.650 251.453 2.911
+2726.496 504.222 5.393 543.402 5.775 251.484 3.195
+2726.653 503.992 5.332 543.074 5.716 251.004 3.110
+2726.812 503.749 5.326 543.480 5.786 250.860 3.201
+2726.970 504.557 5.303 543.394 5.728 250.858 3.165
+2727.128 503.875 5.427 543.414 5.829 250.628 3.304
+2727.286 504.348 5.305 543.184 5.768 252.066 2.974
+2727.444 504.053 5.400 543.711 5.692 251.340 3.190
+2727.602 503.900 5.370 543.397 5.716 249.803 2.987
+2727.760 503.679 5.385 543.354 5.772 251.318 3.041
+2727.918 504.406 5.321 543.053 5.858 252.573 3.164
+2728.077 503.954 5.344 543.520 5.790 250.835 3.071
+2728.235 504.029 5.331 543.915 5.768 250.998 3.373
+2728.393 503.790 5.363 542.889 5.666 252.030 3.173
+2728.552 503.367 5.403 543.148 5.731 252.240 3.348
+2728.710 504.203 5.458 543.181 5.668 251.492 3.038
+2728.869 504.142 5.350 543.681 5.684 251.014 3.116
+2729.027 504.141 5.227 543.266 5.782 251.160 3.238
+2729.184 504.161 5.304 543.792 5.699 251.051 3.205
+2729.343 504.001 5.213 543.298 5.714 251.390 3.377
+2729.500 504.450 5.409 544.493 5.710 251.043 3.018
+2729.658 504.444 5.503 542.985 5.752 251.650 2.990
+2729.817 504.594 5.315 543.709 5.817 252.086 3.523
+2729.975 504.516 5.415 543.207 5.737 251.220 3.128
+2730.133 503.945 5.389 543.682 5.716 251.142 3.265
+2730.291 504.279 5.498 543.616 5.746 251.341 3.157
+2730.449 504.162 5.414 543.946 5.646 251.283 3.327
+2730.607 504.411 5.534 543.879 5.851 252.262 3.212
+2730.765 503.374 5.413 543.548 5.801 252.192 3.290
+2730.923 503.243 5.541 543.315 5.738 250.851 2.908
+2731.081 503.552 5.401 543.453 5.900 252.088 2.972
+2731.239 504.285 5.439 543.174 5.793 250.970 3.215
+2731.397 504.182 5.347 543.131 5.615 251.329 3.256
+2731.555 503.711 5.387 542.821 5.676 251.463 3.280
+2731.713 503.627 5.347 543.728 5.751 250.964 3.154
+2731.872 503.466 5.275 543.617 5.687 251.709 3.052
+2732.029 503.964 5.337 543.256 5.768 251.177 3.120
+2732.188 503.309 5.500 542.932 5.720 250.941 3.151
+2732.346 503.443 5.360 542.769 5.751 252.259 3.172
+2732.504 502.784 5.410 543.287 5.887 251.252 3.209
+2732.662 505.177 5.541 543.452 5.745 252.532 3.366
+2732.820 503.091 5.249 543.764 5.766 250.105 3.069
+2732.978 503.840 5.398 543.337 5.739 251.771 3.303
+2733.137 503.688 5.332 543.163 5.727 252.107 3.313
+2733.294 503.736 5.325 543.401 5.780 251.321 3.202
+2733.452 503.617 5.295 543.474 5.676 251.503 3.308
+2733.610 503.836 5.521 542.994 5.812 251.215 3.333
+2733.768 504.238 5.439 543.730 5.745 251.702 2.943
+2733.926 504.042 5.316 543.247 5.658 251.487 3.033
+2734.084 503.430 5.446 543.572 5.771 250.844 3.200
+2734.242 503.954 5.245 543.675 5.764 251.948 3.075
+2734.401 503.979 5.268 543.676 5.714 251.189 3.238
+2734.558 503.229 5.319 543.646 5.667 252.001 3.039
+2734.716 503.972 5.308 542.876 5.767 250.770 3.133
+2734.874 503.819 5.386 542.568 5.672 251.687 2.992
+2735.032 504.018 5.340 543.465 5.675 251.416 3.069
+2735.190 503.900 5.286 543.354 5.783 251.684 2.963
+2735.348 504.659 5.322 543.363 5.762 251.186 3.158
+2735.507 504.316 5.409 543.683 5.724 251.081 3.015
+2735.665 504.343 5.402 543.576 5.822 251.470 2.987
+2735.823 503.143 5.406 543.755 5.765 252.294 3.477
+2735.980 503.771 5.244 543.337 5.746 251.942 3.154
+2736.139 503.097 5.388 543.183 5.708 251.769 3.116
+2736.297 504.181 5.373 543.691 5.756 251.217 3.195
+2736.455 503.901 5.436 543.287 5.740 251.432 3.095
+2736.613 503.659 5.316 543.602 5.728 251.164 3.021
+2736.771 503.726 5.396 543.046 5.734 251.241 3.335
+2736.929 503.207 5.369 543.100 5.745 251.542 3.400
+2737.087 504.512 5.382 543.581 5.800 250.865 3.297
+2737.245 503.845 5.371 542.925 5.763 250.818 3.037
+2737.403 503.518 5.356 543.299 5.757 251.748 3.186
+2737.562 503.885 5.403 543.063 5.819 251.307 3.150
+2737.720 504.438 5.530 543.390 5.857 251.553 3.613
+2737.877 503.834 6.276 543.394 5.968 251.245 4.423
+2738.036 506.038 8.420 543.564 8.402 252.542 8.135
+2738.193 502.850 9.951 543.915 7.292 251.115 7.029
+2738.350 503.768 5.726 544.239 5.744 251.741 3.409
+2738.508 504.447 5.713 544.712 5.827 251.697 3.083
+2738.667 503.694 5.441 545.327 5.723 252.017 3.172
+2738.825 503.836 5.391 546.163 5.802 252.200 3.581
+2738.983 503.778 5.332 546.851 5.757 252.052 3.365
+2739.141 503.837 5.398 547.908 5.740 251.050 3.310
+2739.299 504.498 5.377 547.539 5.765 252.600 3.156
+2739.457 503.235 5.365 547.765 5.819 252.596 3.169
+2739.616 503.942 5.383 546.067 5.712 251.495 3.103
+2739.773 503.169 5.404 547.310 5.779 251.404 3.069
+2739.932 503.561 5.369 547.703 5.854 251.504 3.116
+2740.090 503.225 5.279 547.917 5.751 251.655 3.185
+2740.248 503.562 5.371 548.419 5.732 251.866 3.286
+2740.406 504.325 5.515 548.144 5.762 251.098 3.144
+2740.564 503.893 5.383 548.551 5.830 251.921 3.099
+2740.722 503.339 5.449 546.655 5.749 252.179 3.559
+2740.881 504.433 5.502 548.136 5.697 251.611 3.165
+2741.039 503.854 5.897 547.991 5.999 251.836 3.533
+2741.197 504.168 5.932 548.459 5.848 251.408 5.939
+2741.355 503.931 5.856 548.184 5.898 251.384 3.966
+2741.512 503.899 6.087 548.351 5.955 251.413 3.950
+2741.671 504.139 5.591 548.593 5.816 252.364 3.462
+2741.829 503.981 5.463 548.085 5.770 251.903 3.234
+2741.987 504.149 5.296 549.060 5.722 251.299 3.355
+2742.144 506.091 9.823 547.980 6.786 251.133 5.982
+2742.302 503.940 6.995 548.289 6.321 251.441 3.902
+2742.459 503.759 5.572 548.242 5.834 251.774 3.161
+2742.618 503.417 5.454 547.172 5.854 252.397 3.191
+2742.776 503.384 5.388 548.151 5.760 252.063 3.458
+2742.933 503.663 5.350 548.291 5.882 251.640 3.714
+2743.091 504.526 5.319 548.702 5.825 251.826 3.564
+2743.249 503.565 5.734 548.247 5.768 252.448 3.787
+2743.407 502.885 5.985 548.022 5.804 251.914 3.477
+2743.565 503.618 5.412 548.960 5.807 252.119 3.598
+2743.723 503.766 5.646 549.189 5.757 252.301 3.436
+2743.881 504.027 5.636 548.961 5.824 251.223 3.440
+2744.039 504.080 5.625 550.519 5.819 250.732 3.429
+2744.197 503.650 6.145 550.585 5.875 252.197 3.467
+2744.355 503.256 5.966 550.245 6.283 252.922 3.841
+2744.513 503.512 6.837 552.512 5.957 252.139 4.141
+2744.671 503.065 6.104 551.075 5.929 252.691 3.911
+2744.829 504.310 5.826 552.420 6.010 253.036 4.274
+2744.987 504.643 5.467 553.634 6.011 252.700 4.047
+2745.144 503.816 6.471 554.756 6.117 252.017 3.730
+2745.302 503.668 5.608 552.287 5.942 251.950 3.911
0,0 → 1,14
Simple test of accelerometer module (GSENSE01A + PIC18F4550)
Jednoduche demo modulu GSENSE01A spolecne s PIC18F4550.
This construction takes data from accelerometer and compute sum of quadratic error to determine accuracy then send result to the PC via USB. Its simple - this construction was created during trip on train :)
Mikroprocesor přímo čte hodnoty z akcelerometru a počítá střední kvadratickou odchylku jako odhad chyby. Potom odešle data do PC přes USB pro další zpracování. Zřízení bylo zkonstruováno během cesty vlakem.
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