6,19 → 6,19
#define RAM_Tamb 0x06 // Ta address in the RAM
//*High and Low level of clock
// High and Low level of clock
#define HIGHLEV 40 // max. 50us
#define LOWLEV 100 // max. 30ms
#define TBUF 20
//SMBus control signals
// SMBus control signals
#define SCL PIN_B0
#define SDA PIN_B1
#define mSDA_HIGH() output_float(SDA); // SDA float
#define mSDA_LOW() output_low(SDA); // SDA low
#define mSCL_HIGH() output_float(SCL); //output_high(SCL); // SCL high
#define mSCL_LOW() output_low(SCL); // SCL low
#define mSDA_HIGH() output_float(SDA); // SDA float
#define mSDA_LOW() output_low(SDA); // SDA low
#define mSCL_HIGH() output_float(SCL); // SCL float
#define mSCL_LOW() output_low(SCL); // SCL low
#define ACK 0
#define NACK 1
37,18 → 37,19
// disable_interrupts(GLOBAL);
mSDA_HIGH(); // Set SDA line
delay_us( TBUF ); // Wait a few microseconds
delay_us( TBUF ); // Wait a few microseconds
mSCL_HIGH(); // Set SCL line
delay_us( TBUF ); // Generate bus free time between Stop
// and Start condition (Tbuf=4.7us min)
mSDA_LOW(); // Clear SDA line
delay_us( TBUF ); // Hold time after (Repeated) Start
// Condition. After this period, the first clock is generated.
//(Thd:sta=4.0us min)
delay_us( TBUF ); // Generate bus free time between Stop
// and Start condition (Tbuf=4.7us min)
mSDA_LOW(); // Clear SDA line
delay_us( TBUF ); // Hold time after (Repeated) Start Condition.
// After this period, the first clock is generated.
// (Thd:sta=4.0us min)
mSCL_LOW(); // Clear SCL line
// enable_interrupts(GLOBAL);
delay_us( TBUF ); // Wait a few microseconds
delay_us( TBUF ); // Wait a few microseconds
63,12 → 64,12
// disable_interrupts(GLOBAL);
mSCL_LOW(); // Clear SCL line
delay_us( TBUF ); // Wait a few microseconds
mSCL_LOW(); // Clear SCL line
delay_us( TBUF ); // Wait a few microseconds
mSDA_LOW(); // Clear SDA line
delay_us( TBUF ); // Wait a few microseconds
delay_us( TBUF ); // Wait a few microseconds
mSCL_HIGH(); // Set SCL line
delay_us( TBUF ); // Stop condition setup time(Tsu:sto=4.0us min)
delay_us( TBUF ); // Stop condition setup time(Tsu:sto=4.0us min)
mSDA_HIGH(); // Set SDA line
// enable_interrupts(GLOBAL);
99,10 → 100,10
unsigned char Ack_bit;
// disable_interrupts(GLOBAL);
mSDA_HIGH(); //_SDA_IO=1; // SDA-input
mSDA_HIGH(); //_SDA_IO=1; // SDA-input
mSCL_HIGH(); // Set SCL line
delay_us( HIGHLEV ); // High Level of Clock Pulse
if(input(SDA)) Ack_bit=1; // \ Read acknowledgment bit, save it in Ack_bit
if(input(SDA)) Ack_bit=1; // \ Read acknowledgment bit, save it in Ack_bit
else Ack_bit=0; // /
mSCL_LOW(); // Clear SCL line
134,13 → 135,13
for(Bit_counter=8; Bit_counter; Bit_counter--)
if(Tx_buffer&0x80) bit_out=1; // If the current bit of Tx_buffer is 1 set bit_out
else bit_out=0; // else clear bit_out
else bit_out=0; // else clear bit_out
SMB_send_bit(bit_out); // Send the current bit on SDA
Tx_buffer<<=1; // Get next bit for checking
SMB_send_bit(bit_out); // Send the current bit on SDA
Tx_buffer<<=1; // Get next bit for checking
Ack_bit=SMB_Receive_bit(); // Get acknowledgment bit
Ack_bit=SMB_Receive_bit(); // Get acknowledgment bit
return Ack_bit;
161,7 → 162,7
for(Bit_Counter=8; Bit_Counter; Bit_Counter--)
if(SMB_Receive_bit()) // Get a bit from the SDA line
if(SMB_Receive_bit()) // Get a bit from the SDA line
RX_buffer <<= 1; // If the bit is HIGH save 1 in RX_buffer
RX_buffer |=0b00000001;
173,7 → 174,7
SMB_send_bit(ack_nack); // Sends acknowledgment bit
SMB_send_bit(ack_nack); // Sends acknowledgment bit
return RX_buffer;
196,11 → 197,11
BitPosition=47; /* Set maximum bit position at 47 */
BitPosition=47; /* Set maximum bit position at 47 */
//Find first 1 in the transmited message
i=5; /* Set highest index */
i=5; /* Set highest index */
while((pec[i]&(0x80>>j))==0 && i>0)