1,16 → 1,70
x_size = 30; // horizontal outer size of the aquarium pedestal.
y_size = 30; //
x_size = 20; // horizontal outer size of the aquarium pedestal.
y_size = 20; //
thickness = 10; // thickness of the pad bellow aquarium. hairs lenght is 12mm.
rim_height = 10; // height of upper rim for fixing the aquarium in position.
rim_height = 7; // height of upper rim for fixing the aquarium in position.
mount_hole = 3.5;
clear = 0.175;
// aquarium pad
difference () {
cube([x_size, y_size ,thickness]);
intersection() {
union(){ // bottom part with rim/fixing pin
cube([x_size, y_size ,thickness], center = true);
translate ([sqrt(pow(x_size,2) + pow(x_size,2))/4, sqrt(pow(x_size,2) + pow(x_size,2))/4, thickness/2 + rim_height/2])
cube([sqrt(pow(x_size,2) + pow(x_size,2))/2, sqrt(pow(x_size,2) + pow(x_size,2))/2, rim_height], center = true);
// cube([x_size - 2* thickness, y_size - 2* thickness, pedestal_height - rim_height - thickness]);
cube([x_size, y_size ,4*thickness], center = true);
cylinder (h = thickness + rim_height, r= mount_hole, $fn=20); // hole for screw head
translate ([0, 0, -thickness]) // hole for the screw
cylinder (h = thickness + rim_height, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10);
rotate([0,0,-45]) // hole for top part mounting nut
translate ([ 0, -x_size/3, thickness/3])
cube([5.5, 2.5, thickness], center = true);
rotate([90,0,-45]) // hole for top part mounting screw.
translate ([ 0, thickness/4, 0])
cylinder (h = thickness + rim_height, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10);
translate ([0, 0, thickness])
cube([sqrt(pow(x_size,2) + pow(x_size,2))/2, sqrt(pow(x_size,2) + pow(x_size,2))/2, rim_height]);
translate ([0, 0, 3*thickness]) // separate two parts
//Top part
difference () {
translate ([0, -3, rim_height/3])
cube([x_size, y_size ,thickness + rim_height/4 ], center = true);
translate ([0, 0, rim_height/3])
minkowski() {
wall_thickness = 2;
union(){ // copy of bottom part
cube([x_size, y_size ,thickness], center = true);
translate ([sqrt(pow(x_size,2) + pow(x_size,2))/4 -wall_thickness, sqrt(pow(x_size,2) + pow(x_size,2))/4 -wall_thickness, thickness/2 + rim_height/2])
cube([sqrt(pow(x_size,2) + pow(x_size,2))/2, sqrt(pow(x_size,2) + pow(x_size,2))/2, rim_height], center = true);