0,0 → 1,104
/*! \file lcdconf.h \brief Character LCD driver configuration. */
// File Name : 'lcdconf.h'
// Title : Character LCD driver for HD44780/SED1278 displays
// (usable in mem-mapped, or I/O mode)
// Author : Pascal Stang - Copyright (C) 2000-2002
// Created : 11/22/2000
// Revised : 4/30/2002
// Version : 1.1
// Target MCU : Atmel AVR series
// Editor Tabs : 4
// This code is distributed under the GNU Public License
// which can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
#ifndef LCDCONF_H
#define LCDCONF_H
// Define type of interface used to access the LCD
// To use this mode you must supply the necessary hardware to connect the
// LCD to the CPU's memory bus. The CONTROL and DATA registers of the LCD
// (HD44780 chip) must appear in the CPU's memory map. This mode is faster
// than the port interface but requires a little extra hardware to make it
// work. It is especially useful when your CPU is already configured to
// use an external memory bus for other purposes (like accessing memory).
// This mode allows you to connect the control and data lines of the LCD
// directly to the I/O port pins (no interfacing hardware is needed),
// but it generally runs slower than the LCD_MEMORY_INTERFACE.
// Depending on your needs, when using the LCD_PORT_INTERFACE, the LCD may
// be accessed in 8-bit or 4-bit mode. In 8-bit mode, one whole I/O port
// (pins 0-7) is required for the LCD data lines, but transfers are faster.
// In 4-bit mode, only I/O port pins 4-7 are needed for data lines, but LCD
// access is slower. In either mode, three additional port pins are
// required for the LCD interface control lines (RS, R/W, and E).
// Enable one of the following interfaces to your LCD
// Enter the parameters for your chosen interface'
// if you chose the LCD_PORT_INTERFACE:
// port and pins you will use for control lines
#define LCD_CTRL_RS 2
#define LCD_CTRL_RW 3
#define LCD_CTRL_E 4
// port you will use for data lines
// access mode you will use (default is 8bit unless 4bit is selected)
#define LCD_DATA_4BIT
// if you chose the LCD_MEMORY_INTERFACE:
// CPU memory address of the LCD control register
#define LCD_CTRL_ADDR 0x1000
// CPU memory address of the LCD data register
#define LCD_DATA_ADDR 0x1001
// LCD display geometry
// change these definitions to adapt settings
#define LCD_LINES 2 // visible lines
#define LCD_LINE_LENGTH 16 // line length (in characters)
// cursor position to DDRAM mapping
#define LCD_LINE0_DDRAMADDR 0x00
#define LCD_LINE1_DDRAMADDR 0x40
#define LCD_LINE2_DDRAMADDR 0x14
#define LCD_LINE3_DDRAMADDR 0x54
// LCD delay
// This delay affects how quickly accesses are made to the LCD controller.
// The HD44780 LCD controller requires an access time of at least 1us.
// LCD_DELAY should be scaled to take at least half that time (500us).
// Each NOP takes 1 CPU clock cycle to execute. Thus, at 4MHz, you should
// use at least 2 NOPs, at 8MHz at least 4 NOPs, etc.
// You can also use the delay_us(xx) command for longer access times.
// LCD_DELAY is now automatically set in lcd.h,
// however, if you define it here, this definition will override the automatic setting
// use this for a fail-safe delay
//#define LCD_DELAY delay_us(5);