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<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">
<title> About MLAB Web </title>
<title> For download </title>
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../Web/CSS/MLAB.css" type="text/css" title="MLAB Basic Style">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="../Web/JS/MLAB_Menu.js"></script>
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<h1 class="FirstWord Small"> Why this web was created </h1>
<h1 class="FirstWord Small"> What can you find here? </h1>
The web was created because we believe that we have something to publish.
The main reason was the MLAB project. It is some sort of construction kit
or electronic "lego". MLAB modules proved useable so well that we whish to share
it with the others.
<h1 class="FirstWord Small"> What can you find here </h1>
Everything about MLAB (documentation, design files etc.) and a lot of other
things. Some articles about electronics. Everything is original written by our
<h1 class="FirstWord Small"> Language </h1>
The web is primary in Czech language but some information is translated
into English. When the text is not in English it is presented in Czech.
Schematics, tables, source files and other design data are considered
to be international enough to be valuable even without translated text.
The translation may not be done well. If you can see errors let us know, please.
<h1 class="FirstWord Small"> Who are the authors </h1>
Several keen electronics and hobbyists. Our hobby is our job as well.
The web and MLAB project are noncommercial and they are created in
authors free time (<i>an important information for critics</i>).
<h1 class="FirstWord Small"> Do not you like it? </h1>
Well. We are continuously working on the web design and on the structure of data.
We are not professionals both in graphics and web design so the result is not
perfect. What we know is that we will not spend more time then necessary
on smart web features (moving pictures and so on) not to speak of tuning
the web for old web browsers.
That is why the web design is conservative.
<h1 class="FirstWord Small"> Something does not work? </h1>
Let us know and we will try to mend or improve it (if the result is worth
the effort).
It is better to say us what, why and how to change something then
to say that "<i>there is something wrong and it sometimes does work
<h1 class="FirstWord Small"> How does it work inside? </h1>
The base component is SubVersion system (source code version system, similar
to CVS or SourSafe). Every piece of information is in SubVersion database and
web content is automatically generated. SubVersion is primarily intended for
the authors. Users do not need to install SubVersion client.
Web server is Apache running on Linux.
Web pages are based on HTML4 and CSS2. They are not optimised for any particular
browser and we hope that we avoided successfully all important bugs of
widely used browsers. Try for example Mozilla browser.
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