/Designs/Measuring_instruments/RMDS01A/usr/SVAK1_.USR |
0,0 → 1,2423 |
Info1=Configuration file for Spectrum Lab |
Info2=Compilation date Jan 11 2012 |
MenuText=DC Receiver 48k |
InfoText= |
UseRelativePaths=1 |
LockWindows=0 |
EnableDDE=0 |
DebugFlags=0 |
PrefRxAudioCenterFreq=-1 |
PrefTxAudioCenterFreq=-1 |
FrequencyListFile=frequencies\default.txt |
SampleRate=48000 |
UseDifferentOutputSR=0 |
ResampleToNominalOutputSR=0 |
NominalOutputSampleRate=11025 |
BitsPerSample=16 |
SampleRateDivisor=1 |
ResampleQuality1=1 |
ExternalAudioOptions=0 |
AudioInputStreamID= |
AudioOutputStreamID= |
Options=0 |
RcvFromPort=1024 |
SendToPort=1024 |
RcvFromIp= |
SendToIp= |
ConsADCactive=0 |
ConsADCfile=audio.dat |
CmdToStartADCfile=SndInput.exe /sr=11025 /ch=1 /chunk=512 /minsize=512 |
CmdToStopADCfile=SndInput.exe /quit |
ProdDACactive=0 |
MaxServerFileSizeKb=0 |
ProdDACfile= |
CmdToStartDACfile= |
CmdToStopDACfile= |
DuplicateAudioForOutput=0 |
RcvAudioViaCopydata=0 |
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SendCopydataTo= |
AdcFullScaleInputVoltage=1 |
AdcInputImpedance=600 |
AnalysedStream= |
SaveURLHistory=0 |
URLHistory0= |
URLHistory1= |
URLHistory2= |
URLHistory3= |
URLHistory4= |
URLHistory5= |
URLHistory6= |
URLHistory7= |
URLHistory8= |
URLHistory9= |
Options=0 |
OutputStreamConfig= |
OutputStreamReconnTime=30 |
InputAudioLog=logfiles\stream_log_in.ogg |
OutputAudioLog=logfiles\stream_log_out.ogg |
[SDR] |
NcoFreqHz=10700000 |
Options=0 |
TestToneFreq=0 |
Left=232 |
Top=181 |
Width=334 |
Height=127 |
Visible=0 |
FormStyle=0 |
[SDR_IQ] |
Enabled=0 |
RadioType=0 |
FilterNr=3 |
RFgain_dB=0 |
IFgain_dB=24 |
RefFrequency=198000 |
FftCompensationFile= |
BitstreamNr=0 |
RFgain_dB=-10 |
PreselectorNr=11 |
RefFrequency=198000 |
FftCompensationFile= |
Enabled=0 |
Options=0 |
MeasureOnly=0 |
TestPulseOutput=0 |
Algorithm=1 |
PhasesLockedToGPS=0 |
ResampleInputMode=0 |
ConnectTo=1 |
MinRefAmpl=-80 |
RefFrequency=15625 |
RefPeriodicity=0 |
UpdateCycle=10 |
CalibBandwidth=1 |
MaxOffset_ppm=5 |
Averages=200 |
ScopeOpt=0 |
Enabled=0 |
ConnectTo=1 |
MinRefAmpl=-60 |
RefFrequency=2000 |
CalibBandwidth=10 |
MaxFreqOffset=10 |
Averages=200 |
PlayInLoops=0 |
StopAnalyzerOnEOF=1 |
ReconnectBrokenStreams=0 |
PlayUpsampled=1 |
WaveAnalysisSp=2 |
WaveAnalysisScMode=0 |
WaveAnalysisOptions=0 |
WaveAnalysisNumThreads=1 |
WaveAnalysisRawDataType=2 |
WaveAnalysisRawTypeFlags=0 |
WaveAnalysisRawNChannels=0 |
WaveAnalysisRawFileSampleRate=48000 |
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SampleRate=4000 |
BitsPerSample=16 |
AsComplexPairs=0 |
CenterFrequency=0 |
WaveFileFormat=1 |
WaveSaveFileMode=2 |
InfoInHeader=1 |
WriteAuxFile=1 |
MaxFileSize=1400 |
Flags=5 |
FileIndex=129987 |
TrigRecorderFile=c:\meteors\bolides\SVAK1_1375603436943.wav |
TrigRecorderFileMode=0 |
PreTrigSeconds=6 |
PostTrigSeconds=11 |
[SpectrumPlayer] |
Options=0 |
LoopMode=0 |
Gain_dB=0 |
FinMin=0 |
FinMax=3000 |
FoutMin=0 |
StartSoundThread=1 |
StartSoundInput=1 |
StartSoundOutput=1 |
StartSignalGenerator=0 |
SignalGeneratorUnits=0 |
StartDigitalFilter=1 |
DigitalFilterBypass=0 |
FreeRunningSpeedPcnt=100 |
StereoProcessing=1 |
MinimizeLatency=0 |
ChainBothChannels=0 |
IQInputSwapChannels=0 |
IQInputAdjustEnable=0 |
IQAdjustBalance=0 |
IQAdjustPhase=0 |
PrimaryTimeSource=1 |
ManualAnalysisStartTime=0 |
Active=0 |
DemodSource1=1 |
ComplexInput=0 |
ModulatorDest1=3 |
ModulatorDest2=0 |
DecoderLogfile=Term1.txt |
OperMode=1 |
Modulation=8 |
CodesetNr=5 |
BitEncoding=2 |
UseDecoderNr=0 |
BitSyncAlgo=1 |
DisableFilters=0 |
SpecialFlags=0 |
ScopeMode=3 |
ScopeTrigger=0 |
ScopeUpdateTime=500 |
ScopeHorzSecPerDiv=0.1 |
ScopeHorzPixelPerDiv=20 |
ScopeHorzOpt=4 |
ScopeVertOpt=0 |
AutoSwitch2Rx=0 |
AutoSwitch2Tx=0 |
HalfDuplex=1 |
FlipMainAnalyser=1 |
BeaconMode=0 |
fc_rx=2200 |
fc_tx=2200 |
f_shift=170 |
fc_stepwidth=1 |
symbol_rate=50 |
rev_keying=0 |
tx_freq_multiplier=1 |
pulse_shaping=1 |
shape_percent=100 |
output_level=100 |
special_options=0 |
use_afc=1 |
narrow_afc=0 |
afc_tune_range=100 |
squelch_thrsh=25 |
AsyncStartBit=1 |
AsyncDataBits=8 |
AsyncParityBit=0 |
AsyncStopBit=1 |
AsyncMsbFirst=0 |
ChrDisplayMode=0 |
LinefeedAfterPause=0 |
UseSlashZero=1 |
PrintDateOrTime=0 |
RejectedMessages= |
name=DemoDll.dll |
use_it=0 |
name=MS Sans Serif |
height=-11 |
style=0 |
cut_top=0 |
Active=0 |
DemodSource1=1 |
ComplexInput=0 |
ModulatorDest1=3 |
ModulatorDest2=0 |
DecoderLogfile=Term1.txt |
[MODES2] |
OperMode=1 |
Modulation=8 |
CodesetNr=5 |
BitEncoding=2 |
UseDecoderNr=0 |
BitSyncAlgo=1 |
DisableFilters=0 |
SpecialFlags=0 |
ScopeMode=3 |
ScopeTrigger=0 |
ScopeUpdateTime=500 |
ScopeHorzSecPerDiv=0.1 |
ScopeHorzPixelPerDiv=20 |
ScopeHorzOpt=4 |
ScopeVertOpt=0 |
AutoSwitch2Rx=0 |
AutoSwitch2Tx=0 |
HalfDuplex=1 |
FlipMainAnalyser=1 |
BeaconMode=0 |
fc_rx=2200 |
fc_tx=2200 |
f_shift=170 |
fc_stepwidth=1 |
symbol_rate=50 |
rev_keying=0 |
tx_freq_multiplier=1 |
pulse_shaping=1 |
shape_percent=100 |
output_level=100 |
special_options=0 |
use_afc=1 |
narrow_afc=0 |
afc_tune_range=100 |
squelch_thrsh=25 |
AsyncStartBit=1 |
AsyncDataBits=8 |
AsyncParityBit=0 |
AsyncStopBit=1 |
AsyncMsbFirst=0 |
ChrDisplayMode=0 |
LinefeedAfterPause=0 |
UseSlashZero=1 |
PrintDateOrTime=0 |
RejectedMessages= |
name=DemoDll.dll |
use_it=0 |
name=MS Sans Serif |
height=-11 |
style=0 |
cut_top=0 |
Active=0 |
DemodSource1=1 |
ComplexInput=0 |
ModulatorDest1=3 |
ModulatorDest2=0 |
DecoderLogfile=Term1.txt |
[MODES3] |
OperMode=1 |
Modulation=8 |
CodesetNr=5 |
BitEncoding=2 |
UseDecoderNr=0 |
BitSyncAlgo=1 |
DisableFilters=0 |
SpecialFlags=0 |
ScopeMode=3 |
ScopeTrigger=0 |
ScopeUpdateTime=500 |
ScopeHorzSecPerDiv=0.1 |
ScopeHorzPixelPerDiv=20 |
ScopeHorzOpt=4 |
ScopeVertOpt=0 |
AutoSwitch2Rx=0 |
AutoSwitch2Tx=0 |
HalfDuplex=1 |
FlipMainAnalyser=1 |
BeaconMode=0 |
fc_rx=2200 |
fc_tx=2200 |
f_shift=170 |
fc_stepwidth=1 |
symbol_rate=50 |
rev_keying=0 |
tx_freq_multiplier=1 |
pulse_shaping=1 |
shape_percent=100 |
output_level=100 |
special_options=0 |
use_afc=1 |
narrow_afc=0 |
afc_tune_range=100 |
squelch_thrsh=25 |
AsyncStartBit=1 |
AsyncDataBits=8 |
AsyncParityBit=0 |
AsyncStopBit=1 |
AsyncMsbFirst=0 |
ChrDisplayMode=0 |
LinefeedAfterPause=0 |
UseSlashZero=1 |
PrintDateOrTime=0 |
RejectedMessages= |
name=DemoDll.dll |
use_it=0 |
name=MS Sans Serif |
height=-11 |
style=0 |
cut_top=0 |
Active=0 |
DemodSource1=1 |
ComplexInput=0 |
ModulatorDest1=3 |
ModulatorDest2=0 |
DecoderLogfile=Term1.txt |
[MODES4] |
OperMode=1 |
Modulation=8 |
CodesetNr=5 |
BitEncoding=2 |
UseDecoderNr=0 |
BitSyncAlgo=1 |
DisableFilters=0 |
SpecialFlags=0 |
ScopeMode=3 |
ScopeTrigger=0 |
ScopeUpdateTime=500 |
ScopeHorzSecPerDiv=0.1 |
ScopeHorzPixelPerDiv=20 |
ScopeHorzOpt=4 |
ScopeVertOpt=0 |
AutoSwitch2Rx=0 |
AutoSwitch2Tx=0 |
HalfDuplex=1 |
FlipMainAnalyser=1 |
BeaconMode=0 |
fc_rx=2200 |
fc_tx=2200 |
f_shift=170 |
fc_stepwidth=1 |
symbol_rate=50 |
rev_keying=0 |
tx_freq_multiplier=1 |
pulse_shaping=1 |
shape_percent=100 |
output_level=100 |
special_options=0 |
use_afc=1 |
narrow_afc=0 |
afc_tune_range=100 |
squelch_thrsh=25 |
AsyncStartBit=1 |
AsyncDataBits=8 |
AsyncParityBit=0 |
AsyncStopBit=1 |
AsyncMsbFirst=0 |
ChrDisplayMode=0 |
LinefeedAfterPause=0 |
UseSlashZero=1 |
PrintDateOrTime=0 |
RejectedMessages= |
name=DemoDll.dll |
use_it=0 |
name=MS Sans Serif |
height=-11 |
style=0 |
cut_top=0 |
VoxSource=0 |
RelayLeadTime=50 |
FollowUpTime=500 |
VoxTrigLevel=1024 |
AudioLatencyComp=0 |
[DCF77] |
Active=0 |
F_center=650 |
MaxSpectrumBufferFftBins=2048 |
PeriodicUpdateOvw=0 |
ConnectSpectrumTo=1 |
ConnectSpectrumTo_Q=2 |
ConnectSpectrumCh2To=0 |
ConnectSpectrumCh2To_Q=0 |
Same4AllChnls=1 |
RateDivisor=1 |
AntiAlias=1 |
ZeroPadInput=0 |
ApplyFOCalib=0 |
TrigOptions=0 |
TriggeredAverages=0 |
NrOfSamples=32768 |
Average=0 |
BinSmoothing=0 |
WindowFunc=2 |
ComplexFFT=2 |
CenterFrequency=0 |
LoSweepRate=0 |
LoSweepMode=0 |
PhysicalUnit=dBfs |
NeedPhaseInfo=2 |
UserDbOffset=0.0 |
ConnectSpectrumTo=2 |
ConnectSpectrumTo_Q=0 |
ConnectSpectrumCh2To=0 |
ConnectSpectrumCh2To_Q=0 |
Same4AllChnls=1 |
RateDivisor=1 |
AntiAlias=1 |
ZeroPadInput=0 |
ApplyFOCalib=0 |
TrigOptions=0 |
TriggeredAverages=0 |
NrOfSamples=8192 |
Average=0 |
BinSmoothing=0 |
WindowFunc=2 |
ComplexFFT=0 |
CenterFrequency=0 |
LoSweepRate=0 |
LoSweepMode=0 |
PhysicalUnit=dB |
NeedPhaseInfo=0 |
UserDbOffset=0.0 |
ReadCursorMode=1 |
ReadCursorOpts=40 |
PeakDetCursor=1 |
UserCursorExpr1=str("hh:mm:ss.s",cursor.spectrum.time) |
FreqMin=9579.54766321 |
FreqMax=11079.5476632 |
FreqMin2=600 |
FreqMax2=800 |
FreqOffset=0 |
FreqOffset2=0 |
EditFWithoutOffset=0 |
AmplMin=-130 |
AmplMax=0 |
AmplMin2=-130 |
AmplMax2=0 |
CorrelAmplMin=-1 |
CorrelAmplMax=10 |
SpectrumActive=1 |
SpectrumOrient=0 |
SpecGraphArea=100 |
DrawingOptions=0 |
LongTermAvrgOptions=0 |
OnePixelPerBin1=0 |
OnePixelPerBin2=0 |
LogFreqScale=0 |
WaterStripPixels=100 |
SplitFreqScale=0 |
SplitFreqPercent=50 |
CorrelogramVisible=0 |
CorrelogramOptions=0 |
CorrelFmin=0 |
CorrelFmax=0 |
CorrelogramWidthPercent=33 |
CorrelatorLagMin=-0.0853333333333 |
CorrelatorLagMax=0.0853333333333 |
CorrelatorAmplMin=-1 |
CorrelatorAmplMax=10 |
AmplitudeBar=0 |
AmplitudeBarOpts=2 |
AmplitudeBarSize=75 |
AmplitudeBarRange=100 |
AmplBarShowChannelsFromWatchWindow=1 |
SpectrumMirror=0 |
ScaleFontName=Courier New |
ScaleFontSize=8 |
FreqScaleOptions=33 |
FreqScaleFixedSize=0 |
SpectrumStyleNPos=0 |
SpectrumMathOptions=0 |
SpecialDisplayMode=0 |
ReassignmentFlags=0 |
WaterLineWidth=1 |
WaterScrollEnabled=1 |
AutoScrollSpeed=0 |
AutoScrollOverlap=1 |
SmoothScroll=0 |
AmplitudeGrid=1 |
FrequencyGrid=1 |
FreqGridStyle=0 |
TDDisplayOptions=1 |
TDFontName=Arial |
TDFontSize=9 |
SpectrumBgColor=0 |
SpectrumGridColor=8421504 |
SpectrumPenColor0=65535 |
SpectrumPenColor1=16744319 |
SpectrumPenColor2=65280 |
SpectrumPenColor3=8388608 |
SpectrumPenColor4=255 |
SpectrumPenColor5=4227327 |
SpectrumPenColor6=8388863 |
SpectrumPenColor7=16744703 |
FreqscaleBgColor=16777215 |
FreqscaleFgColor=0 |
StationFreqColor=16776960 |
AmplBarBgColor=16711680 |
WaterBadColor=4144959 |
WaterGridColor=16777215 |
WaterLabelTextColor=16777215 |
WaterLabelBkgndColor=0 |
WaterLabelTransparent=1 |
CursorTextColor=8355839 |
CursorBkgndColor=0 |
WaterFreqGrid=0 |
WaterTimeGrid=1 |
WaterTimeLabel=3 |
TDTimeLabel=1 |
UserTimeLabel=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
TimeGridSeconds=15 |
TimeGridSource= |
TimeGridStyle=2 |
ChnIndividualContrast=0 |
WaterColorPalette=palettes\sunrise.pal |
VisualAGCMode=0 |
VisualAGCRef=-100 |
ColorPalContrast=106 |
ColorPalBrightness=159 |
ColorPalSaturation=128 |
WaterColorPalette2=palettes\sunrise.pal |
VisualAGCMode2=0 |
VisualAGCRef2=-100 |
ColorPalContrast2=100 |
ColorPalBrightness2=128 |
ColorPalSaturation2=128 |
WaterColorPalette3=palettes\sunrise.pal |
VisualAGCMode3=0 |
VisualAGCRef3=-100 |
ColorPalContrast3=100 |
ColorPalBrightness3=128 |
ColorPalSaturation3=128 |
WaterScrollInterval=0.15 |
WaterfallAveraging=1 |
PeakInterval=5 |
LTAvrgHalfLife=0 |
ReadCursorMode=1 |
ReadCursorOpts=40 |
PeakDetCursor=1 |
UserCursorExpr1=str("hh:mm:ss.s",cursor.spectrum.time) |
FreqMin=0 |
FreqMax=5000 |
FreqMin2=600 |
FreqMax2=800 |
FreqOffset=0 |
FreqOffset2=0 |
EditFWithoutOffset=0 |
AmplMin=-120 |
AmplMax=0 |
AmplMin2=-120 |
AmplMax2=0 |
CorrelAmplMin=-1 |
CorrelAmplMax=10 |
SpectrumActive=0 |
SpectrumOrient=0 |
SpecGraphArea=100 |
DrawingOptions=0 |
LongTermAvrgOptions=0 |
OnePixelPerBin1=0 |
OnePixelPerBin2=0 |
LogFreqScale=0 |
WaterStripPixels=100 |
SplitFreqScale=0 |
SplitFreqPercent=50 |
CorrelogramVisible=0 |
CorrelogramOptions=0 |
CorrelFmin=0 |
CorrelFmax=0 |
CorrelogramWidthPercent=33 |
CorrelatorLagMin=-0.1 |
CorrelatorLagMax=0.1 |
CorrelatorAmplMin=-1 |
CorrelatorAmplMax=10 |
AmplitudeBar=0 |
AmplitudeBarOpts=2 |
AmplitudeBarSize=75 |
AmplitudeBarRange=100 |
AmplBarShowChannelsFromWatchWindow=0 |
SpectrumMirror=0 |
ScaleFontName=Courier New |
ScaleFontSize=8 |
FreqScaleOptions=1 |
FreqScaleFixedSize=0 |
SpectrumStyleNPos=4 |
SpectrumMathOptions=0 |
SpecialDisplayMode=0 |
ReassignmentFlags=0 |
WaterLineWidth=1 |
WaterScrollEnabled=1 |
AutoScrollSpeed=1 |
AutoScrollOverlap=2 |
SmoothScroll=0 |
AmplitudeGrid=1 |
FrequencyGrid=1 |
FreqGridStyle=1 |
TDDisplayOptions=1 |
TDFontName=Arial |
TDFontSize=9 |
SpectrumBgColor=0 |
SpectrumGridColor=8421504 |
SpectrumPenColor0=65535 |
SpectrumPenColor1=16744319 |
SpectrumPenColor2=65280 |
SpectrumPenColor3=8388608 |
SpectrumPenColor4=255 |
SpectrumPenColor5=4227327 |
SpectrumPenColor6=8388863 |
SpectrumPenColor7=16744703 |
FreqscaleBgColor=16777215 |
FreqscaleFgColor=0 |
StationFreqColor=16776960 |
AmplBarBgColor=16711680 |
WaterBadColor=4144959 |
WaterGridColor=16777215 |
WaterLabelTextColor=16777215 |
WaterLabelBkgndColor=0 |
WaterLabelTransparent=1 |
CursorTextColor=8355839 |
CursorBkgndColor=0 |
WaterFreqGrid=0 |
WaterTimeGrid=3 |
WaterTimeLabel=3 |
TDTimeLabel=1 |
UserTimeLabel=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
TimeGridSeconds=60 |
TimeGridSource= |
TimeGridStyle=1 |
ChnIndividualContrast=0 |
WaterColorPalette=palettes\sunrise.pal |
VisualAGCMode=0 |
VisualAGCRef=-100 |
ColorPalContrast=100 |
ColorPalBrightness=128 |
ColorPalSaturation=128 |
WaterColorPalette2=palettes\sunrise.pal |
VisualAGCMode2=0 |
VisualAGCRef2=-100 |
ColorPalContrast2=100 |
ColorPalBrightness2=128 |
ColorPalSaturation2=128 |
WaterColorPalette3=palettes\sunrise.pal |
VisualAGCMode3=0 |
VisualAGCRef3=-100 |
ColorPalContrast3=100 |
ColorPalBrightness3=128 |
ColorPalSaturation3=128 |
WaterScrollInterval=0.042 |
WaterfallAveraging=1 |
PeakInterval=5 |
LTAvrgHalfLife=0 |
[ColorDF] |
AntennaSetup=1 |
IntensityScaling=0 |
IntensitySource=2 |
ColourSchemeNr=0 |
RotationalDir=0 |
AngleOffset=90 |
ExtraColourSat=0 |
CalibFile= |
UseCalib=0 |
NullingCardioid=0 |
NullDirection=154 |
NullDirection2=23 |
NullDirection3=327.100006104 |
Null_H_E_Weight=1 |
NullPowerCorr=0.5 |
[TDScope] |
Left=142 |
Top=112 |
Width=540 |
Height=427 |
Visible=0 |
FormStyle=0 |
Active=0 |
NrOfChannels=1 |
Mode=0 |
DebugMode=0 |
AutoRanging=0 |
Decimation=1 |
Averages=0 |
UseMovingAverage=1 |
PeakDetect=0 |
Persistance=0 |
SlowFadeImage=0 |
HorzScalePercent=100 |
DispBufSamples=0 |
DispZoomedStart=0 |
TriggerMode=0 |
TriggerSlope=0 |
TriggerSource=0 |
TriggerCoupling=0 |
PretriggerPercent=50 |
TriggerLevel=0 |
TriggerSyncTime=0.07499 |
DispPhaseRange=360 |
BkgndColor=0 |
GridColor=13619151 |
LabelColor=13619151 |
[TDScope_Chn0] |
ShowWhat=4 |
DisplayStyle=2 |
ConnectTo=1 |
RefFrequency=650 |
AmplMin=-32768 |
AmplMax=32767 |
LogScale=0 |
ZeroDecibelValue=32767 |
UseFOCalib=1 |
PenColor=255 |
PhzColor=65280 |
[TDScope_Chn1] |
ShowWhat=4 |
DisplayStyle=2 |
ConnectTo=2 |
RefFrequency=800 |
AmplMin=-32768 |
AmplMax=32767 |
LogScale=0 |
ZeroDecibelValue=32767 |
UseFOCalib=1 |
PenColor=16744319 |
PhzColor=16711935 |
SameLoForPhaseMeters=0 |
Hidden=0 |
ShowInScreenshot=1 |
Name0=VFO |
Type0= |
Color0=255 |
FreqIncludesVFO0=0 |
SetProc0=filter[0].fft.fs=x-filter[0].fft.fc |
GetFunc0=filter[0].fft.fs+filter[0].fft.fc |
Name1=Zero Beat |
Type1= |
Color1=65280 |
FreqIncludesVFO1=0 |
SetProc1=filter[0].fft.fc=filter[0].fft.fc+filter[0].fft.fs-x : filter[0].fft.fs=x |
GetFunc1=filter[0].fft.fs |
Name2=AudioBW |
Type2= |
Color2=16711680 |
FreqIncludesVFO2=0 |
SetProc2=filter[0].fft.bw=2*(x-filter[0].fft.fs-filter[0].fft.fc) |
GetFunc2=filter[0].fft.fs+filter[0].fft.fc+0.5*filter[0].fft.bw |
FileName=spectrum.ref |
Color=16744319 |
Visible=0 |
Subtract=0 |
Time_From=0 |
Time_To=86399 |
TimeInterval=90 |
TimerActive=0 |
PeriodicAction=capture ("C:\\capture\\meteor_svakov_"+str("YYMMDD_hhmm",now)+".jpg") |
PeriodicAction2= |
PeriodicAction3= |
PeriodicAction4= |
PeriodicAction5= |
PeriodicAction6= |
PeriodicAction7= |
PeriodicAction8= |
PeriodicAction9= |
PeriodicAction10= |
PeriodicAction11= |
PeriodicAction12= |
PeriodicAction13= |
PeriodicAction14= |
PeriodicAction15= |
PeriodicAction16= |
PeriodicAction17= |
PeriodicAction18= |
PeriodicAction19= |
PeriodicAction20= |
ScheduleActive=0 |
Options=2 |
InfoOvl=1 |
InfoPos=3 |
InfoStk=1 |
InfoDef0=$"Date="+str("YYYY-MM-DD",now)+" Time="+str("hh:mm",now)+" UTC" |
InfoDef1=$"Freq=143.050000 MHz" |
InfoDef2=$"LO=143.039795 MHz" |
InfoDef3=$"Svákov Observatory at N49.2607 E14.6916" |
InfoDef4= |
InfoDef5= |
InfoDef6= |
InfoDef7= |
InfoDef8= |
InfoDef9= |
SequenceNr=16823 |
SequenceName=..\capture\capture |
UseJpegFormat=1 |
JpegQuality=90 |
Macro0= |
Macro1= |
Macro2= |
Macro3= |
Macro4= |
Macro5= |
Macro6= |
Macro7= |
Macro8= |
Macro9= |
Macro10= |
Macro11= |
Macro12= |
Macro13= |
Macro14= |
Macro15= |
Macro16= |
Macro17= |
Macro18= |
Macro19= |
Macro20= |
Macro21= |
Macro22= |
Macro23= |
Macro24= |
Macro25= |
Macro26= |
Macro27= |
Macro28= |
Macro29= |
Macro30= |
Macro31= |
Macro32= |
Macro33= |
Macro34= |
Macro35= |
Macro36= |
Macro37= |
Macro38= |
Macro39= |
NumEvents=12 |
Time=79200 |
ActionCmd=capture |
Time=0 |
ActionCmd=capture |
Time=14400 |
ActionCmd=capture |
Time=21600 |
ActionCmd=capture |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Active=1 |
EvalIntv=50 |
IF0=initialising |
THEN0=A_init=1:A_still_detect=0:n=0:n_1=0:f=0:f_1=0:aver_amp=0:a=0:mag=0:mag_max=0:hour_count=0:dur_count=0:dur_count_1=0:aver_amp_1=-999:aver_amp_max=-999:t0=0:t0_1=0:t1=0:t1_1=0:t1_2=0:t2=0:t3=0:t4=0:bolide=0 |
IF1=A_init = 1 |
THEN1=A_init=2:id_met="no":id_met2="no":K_station_name="SVAK1_":K_path_scr="c:\\meteors\\capture\\":K_path_audio="c:\\meteors\\bolides\\":K_path_RMOB="C:\\meteors\\RMOB\\":K_path_SDR="C:\\meteors\\data\\" |
IF2=A_init = 2 |
THEN2=A_init=3:K_max_time_btw_met=2:K_max_time_to_scr=100:K_init_cond=50:K_time_to_start_up_waterf=4:K=7:K_min_dur_count_bolid=50 |
IF3=A_init = 3 |
THEN3=A_init=4:A_measurement=0:A_start_detect=0:A_end_detect=0:A_end_detect_end=0:A_write_waterf=0:A_update_SDR_data_file=0:A_update_RMOB_Dur_file=0:A_met_screenshot=0 |
IF4=A_init = 4 |
THEN4=A_init=5:A_no_met_screenshot=0:A_once_hour_20s_before=0:A_once_hour=0:A_once_hour_10s_before=0:A_once_hour_30s_after=0:A_once_hour_40s_after=0:timer3.restart(K_max_time_to_scr) |
IF5=A_init = 5 |
THEN5=A_init=0 |
IF6=never |
THEN6=REM --- A_measurement - (each 50 ms) ---------------------------- |
IF7=always |
THEN7=A_measurement=1:n=noise(9800,10200):f=peak_f(10300,10900):aver_amp=avrg(f-100,f+100):a=(n+K) |
IF8=A_measurement=1 |
THEN8=A_measurement=0:t0=str("YYYYMMDDhh",now):t1=round(now*1000):t2=str("hh",now):t3=str("mmss",now) |
IF9=aver_amp>a |
THEN9=A_still_detect=A_still_detect+1:timer0.restart(K_max_time_btw_met):timer3.restart(K_max_time_to_scr):dur_count=dur_count+1:aver_amp_1=aver_amp |
IF10=aver_amp_1>aver_amp_max |
THEN10=aver_amp_max=aver_amp_1 |
IF11=never |
THEN11=REM --- A_start_detect (an event of begin of meteor) -------------- |
IF12=A_still_detect=1 |
THEN12=A_still_detect=2:A_start_detect=1:t1_1=t1:id_met=(K_station_name+str(t1_1)):sp.print(" ^_t+"+str("ss",time)) |
IF13=A_start_detect=1 |
THEN13=A_start_detect=2:n_1=n:f_1=f |
IF14=A_start_detect=2 |
THEN14=A_start_detect=0: |
IF15=never |
THEN15=REM --- A_end_detect (end of meteor) --- |
IF16=timer0.expired(1) |
THEN16=A_end_detect=1:id_met2=id_met:hour_count=hour_count+1:timer4.restart(K_time_to_start_up_waterf):dur_count1=dur_count: |
IF17=A_end_detect=1 |
THEN17=A_end_detect=2:sp.print(" "+id_met2+" HCount"+str(hour_count)+" nb"+str(round(n_1))+" f"+str(f_1)+" mag"+str(round(n_1-aver_amp_max+10))) |
IF18=A_end_detect=2 |
THEN18=A_end_detect=3:A_update_SDR_data_file=1 |
IF19=A_end_detect=3 |
THEN19=A_end_detect=0 |
IF20=never |
THEN20=REM --- write data to file (project astrozor.cz) --- |
IF21=A_update_SDR_data_file=1 |
THEN21=A_update_SDR_data_file=2:fopen1(K_path_SDR+K_station_name+t0+".dat",a) |
IF22=A_update_SDR_data_file=2 |
THEN22=A_update_SDR_data_file=3:fp1(id_met2+" ; "+str(round(n_1))+" ; "+str(f_1)+" ; "+str(aver_amp_max)+" ; "+str(round(n_1-aver_amp_max+10))+" ; "+str(dur_count_1)+" ; "+str(K_init_cond)+" ; "+str(K_min_dur_count_bolid)) |
IF23=A_update_SDR_data_file=3 |
THEN23=A_update_SDR_data_file=4:fclose1 |
IF24=A_update_SDR_data_file=4 |
THEN24=A_update_SDR_data_file=5:A_end_detect_end=1 |
IF25=A_update_SDR_data_file=5 |
THEN25=A_update_SDR_data_file=0 |
IF26=never |
THEN26=REM --- Cleaning ---------------------------------------------- |
IF27=A_end_detect_end=1 |
THEN27=A_end_detect_end=2:dur_count=0:dur_count_1=0:aver_amp_1=-999:aver_amp_max=-999:rec.trigger=0:A_still_detect=0 |
IF28=( A_end_detect_end=2 )&&( bolide=1 ) |
THEN28=A_end_detect_end=3:capture (K_path_audio+id_met2+".jpg") |
IF29=A_end_detect_end=2 |
THEN29=A_end_detect_end=3:REM exec(K_path_audio+"ftp_up.bat "+id_met2+".wav") |
IF30=A_end_detect_end=3 |
THEN30=A_end_detect_end=0:bolide=0 |
IF31=never |
THEN31=REM --- A_start_detect_bolid (begin of fireball) -------------- |
IF32=dur_count=K_min_dur_count_bolid |
THEN32=rec.filename=K_path_audio+id_met2+".wav":rec.trigger=1:bolide=1 |
IF33=never |
THEN33=REM --- A_met_screenshot (capture a screenshot with meteor) --- |
IF34=timer4.expired(1) |
THEN34=A_met_screenshot=1:capture (K_path_scr+id_met2+".jpg") |
IF35=A_met_screenshot=1 |
THEN35=A_met_screenshot=2:REM exec(K_path_scr+"ftp_up.bat "+id_met2+".jpg") |
IF36=A_met_screenshot=2 |
THEN36=A_met_screenshot=0: |
IF37=never |
THEN37=REM --- A_no_met_screenshot (capture a screenshot without meteor) --- |
IF38=timer3.expired |
THEN38=A_no_met_screenshot=1:t1_2=t1:capture (K_path_scr+K_station_name+str(t1_2)+"no_met.jpg") |
IF39=A_no_met_screenshot=1 |
THEN39=A_no_met_screenshot=2:fopen1(K_path_SDR+K_station_name+t0+".dat",a) |
IF40=A_no_met_screenshot=2 |
THEN40=A_no_met_screenshot=3:fp1(K_station_name+str(t1_2)+"no_met ; "+str(round(n))+" ; ; ; ; ; ; ") |
IF41=A_no_met_screenshot=3 |
THEN41=A_no_met_screenshot=4:fclose1 |
IF42=A_no_met_screenshot=4 |
THEN42=A_no_met_screenshot=5:t1_2=0 |
IF43=A_no_met_screenshot=5 |
THEN43=A_no_met_screenshot=0:timer3.restart(K_max_time_to_scr) |
IF44=never |
THEN44=REM --- A_once_hour_20s_before (an event 1x per hour - 20 seconds) --- |
IF45=val(t3,"####")=5940 |
THEN45=A_once_hour_20s_before=A_once_hour_20s_before+1 |
IF46=A_once_hour_20s_before=1 |
THEN46=A_once_hour=1:fopen4(K_path_RMOB+"RMOB-"+str("YYYYMM",now)+".dat",a):fp4(t0,",",t2,",",hour_count):fclose4:t0_1=t0 |
IF47=A_once_hour=1 |
THEN47=A_once_hour=2:sp.print("Last hour=",hour_count):hour_count=0 |
IF48=A_once_hour=2 |
THEN48=A_once_hour=0 |
IF49=never |
THEN49=REM --- A_once_hour_10s_before (an event 1x per hour - 10 seconds) --- |
IF50=val(t3,"####")=5950 |
THEN50=A_once_hour_10s_before=1:A_once_hour_20s_before=0: |
IF51=A_once_hour_10s_before=1 |
THEN51=A_once_hour_10s_before=0 |
IF52=never |
THEN52=REM --- A_once_hour_30s_after (an event 1x per hour + 30 seconds) --- |
IF53=val(t3,"####")=0030 |
THEN53=A_once_hour_30s_after=A_once_hour_30s_after+1 |
IF54=A_once_hour_30s_after=1 |
THEN54=A_once_hour=1:REM exec(K_path_SDR+"ftp_up.bat "+K_station_name+t0_1+".dat") |
IF55=A_once_hour=1 |
THEN55=A_once_hour=0 |
IF56=never |
THEN56=REM --- A_once_hour_40s_after (an event 1x per hour + 40 seconds) --- |
IF57=val(t3,"####")=0040 |
THEN57=A_once_hour_40s_after=1:A_once_hour_30s_after=0 |
IF58=A_once_hour_40s_after=1 |
THEN58=A_once_hour_40s_after=2:t0_1=0 |
IF59=A_once_hour_40s_after=2 |
THEN59=A_once_hour_40s_after=0 |
IF60= |
THEN60= |
IF61= |
THEN61= |
IF62= |
THEN62= |
IF63= |
THEN63= |
IF64= |
THEN64= |
IF65= |
THEN65= |
IF66= |
THEN66= |
IF67= |
THEN67= |
IF68= |
THEN68= |
IF69= |
THEN69= |
IF70= |
THEN70= |
IF71= |
THEN71= |
IF72= |
THEN72= |
IF73= |
THEN73= |
IF74= |
THEN74= |
IF75= |
THEN75= |
IF76= |
THEN76= |
IF77= |
THEN77= |
IF78= |
THEN78= |
IF79= |
THEN79= |
IF80= |
THEN80= |
IF81= |
THEN81= |
IF82= |
THEN82= |
IF83= |
THEN83= |
IF84= |
THEN84= |
IF85= |
THEN85= |
IF86= |
THEN86= |
IF87= |
THEN87= |
IF88= |
THEN88= |
IF89= |
THEN89= |
IF90= |
THEN90= |
IF91= |
THEN91= |
IF92= |
THEN92= |
IF93= |
THEN93= |
IF94= |
THEN94= |
IF95= |
THEN95= |
IF96= |
THEN96= |
IF97= |
THEN97= |
IF98= |
THEN98= |
IF99= |
THEN99= |
WatchExpression= |
ConnectGeneratorToInput=3 |
ConnectGeneratorToOutput=0 |
InputMonitorSource=1 |
OutputMonitorSource=3 |
TrigMode=0 |
TrigSource=0 |
TrigPolarity=1 |
TrigLevel=0 |
TrigHysteresis=20 |
PretriggerTime=0 |
TrigTimerIntvl=1 |
MixerHilbertLength=37 |
FreqCvtSameLO=0 |
FreqCvtQuadLO=0 |
ConnectSlider1=5 |
Gain0=794.328234724 |
Gain1=1 |
Gain2=1 |
Gain3=1 |
Gain4=1 |
Gain5=1 |
Gain6=0 |
Gain7=0 |
FreqMixerEnabled=0 |
MixerDcReject=0 |
MixerFrequency=19846 |
MixerSideband=0 |
FreqMixerEnabled=0 |
MixerDcReject=0 |
MixerFrequency=0 |
MixerSideband=0 |
Mode=0 |
Options=0 |
Source0=0 |
Source1=0 |
Source2=0 |
Source3=0 |
TriggerLevel=50 |
Hysteresis=1 |
GateTime=1 |
HoldoffTime=0 |
DisplayOptions=3 |
CoeffFile= |
IIR2DesignFile= |
FIR2DesignFile= |
FilterFftSize=16384 |
FftSame4All=1 |
FftShowInGraph=1 |
FftANotchSpeed=0.05 |
FftANotchWidth=5 |
FftANRegionWidth=20 |
FftANotchTransitionWidth=0 |
FftANotchThrsh=4 |
FftANotchBurstReject=3 |
FftANotchRangeFlags1=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd=0 |
FftANotchRangeFlags2=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart2=2000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd2=2500 |
FftANotchRangeFlags3=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart3=3000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd3=3500 |
FftANotchRangeFlags4=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart4=4000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd4=4500 |
FftANotchRangeFlags5=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart5=5000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd5=5500 |
FftDenoiserLvl=-80 |
ChirpRate=0 |
DecimateOutputSRateBy=1 |
GraphMinLevel=-130 |
GraphMaxLevel=0 |
FftFilterType=3 |
FftFilterOptions=256 |
FftFilterFC=398.866608547 |
FftFilterBW=551.815679401 |
FftFilterSW=20 |
FftFreqShift=10218.7144498 |
FftInvertFrom=0 |
FftInvertTo=0 |
FftFilterResponse= |
FftFilterPlugin= |
When2CallPlugin=0 |
PluginWinX=0 |
PluginWinY=0 |
PluginWinWidth=128 |
PluginWinHeight=128 |
SpecialRangeF10=0 |
SpecialRangeF20=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_01=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_01=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_01=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_01=0 |
SpecialRangeType0=0 |
SpecialRangeF11=0 |
SpecialRangeF21=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_11=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_11=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_11=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_11=0 |
SpecialRangeType1=0 |
SpecialRangeF12=0 |
SpecialRangeF22=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_21=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_21=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_21=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_21=0 |
SpecialRangeType2=0 |
SpecialRangeF13=0 |
SpecialRangeF23=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_31=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_31=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_31=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_31=0 |
SpecialRangeType3=0 |
SpecialRangeF14=0 |
SpecialRangeF24=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_41=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_41=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_41=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_41=0 |
SpecialRangeType4=0 |
SpecialRangeF15=0 |
SpecialRangeF25=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_51=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_51=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_51=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_51=0 |
SpecialRangeType5=0 |
SpecialRangeF16=0 |
SpecialRangeF26=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_61=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_61=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_61=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_61=0 |
SpecialRangeType6=0 |
SpecialRangeF17=0 |
SpecialRangeF27=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_71=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_71=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_71=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_71=0 |
SpecialRangeType7=0 |
CoeffFile= |
IIR2DesignFile= |
FIR2DesignFile= |
FilterFftSize=16384 |
FftSame4All=1 |
FftShowInGraph=1 |
FftANotchSpeed=0.05 |
FftANotchWidth=5 |
FftANRegionWidth=20 |
FftANotchTransitionWidth=0 |
FftANotchThrsh=4 |
FftANotchBurstReject=3 |
FftANotchRangeFlags1=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd=0 |
FftANotchRangeFlags2=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart2=2000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd2=2500 |
FftANotchRangeFlags3=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart3=3000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd3=3500 |
FftANotchRangeFlags4=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart4=4000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd4=4500 |
FftANotchRangeFlags5=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart5=5000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd5=5500 |
FftDenoiserLvl=-80 |
ChirpRate=0 |
DecimateOutputSRateBy=1 |
GraphMinLevel=-130 |
GraphMaxLevel=0 |
FftFilterType=3 |
FftFilterOptions=256 |
FftFilterFC=398.866608547 |
FftFilterBW=551.815679401 |
FftFilterSW=20 |
FftFreqShift=10218.7144498 |
FftInvertFrom=0 |
FftInvertTo=0 |
FftFilterResponse= |
FftFilterPlugin= |
When2CallPlugin=0 |
PluginWinX=0 |
PluginWinY=0 |
PluginWinWidth=128 |
PluginWinHeight=128 |
SpecialRangeF10=0 |
SpecialRangeF20=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_01=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_01=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_01=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_01=0 |
SpecialRangeType0=0 |
SpecialRangeF11=0 |
SpecialRangeF21=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_11=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_11=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_11=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_11=0 |
SpecialRangeType1=0 |
SpecialRangeF12=0 |
SpecialRangeF22=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_21=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_21=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_21=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_21=0 |
SpecialRangeType2=0 |
SpecialRangeF13=0 |
SpecialRangeF23=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_31=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_31=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_31=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_31=0 |
SpecialRangeType3=0 |
SpecialRangeF14=0 |
SpecialRangeF24=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_41=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_41=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_41=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_41=0 |
SpecialRangeType4=0 |
SpecialRangeF15=0 |
SpecialRangeF25=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_51=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_51=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_51=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_51=0 |
SpecialRangeType5=0 |
SpecialRangeF16=0 |
SpecialRangeF26=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_61=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_61=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_61=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_61=0 |
SpecialRangeType6=0 |
SpecialRangeF17=0 |
SpecialRangeF27=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_71=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_71=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_71=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_71=0 |
SpecialRangeType7=0 |
UseSineTable=0 |
NoiseLevel=-50 |
NoiseOn=0 |
AmModFreq=1 |
AmModFactor=1 |
AmModCarrier=1 |
AmModWave=0 |
AmDutyCyclePcnt=50 |
FmModWave=0 |
FmModFreq=100 |
FmModDeviation=240.5 |
FmDutyCyclePcnt=50 |
ArbitraryWaveformFile= |
ArbitraryWaveformFormula=sin(2*pi*x) |
LoadAWFromFile=0 |
Enabled0=1 |
AmMod0=0 |
FmMod0=0 |
Wave0=0 |
SinFreq0=900 |
SinAmpl0=0.1 |
Enabled1=1 |
AmMod1=0 |
FmMod1=0 |
Wave1=0 |
SinFreq1=1000 |
SinAmpl1=0.1 |
Enabled2=1 |
AmMod2=0 |
FmMod2=0 |
Wave2=0 |
SinFreq2=1100 |
SinAmpl2=0.1 |
CompType=0 |
BandpassFC=1400 |
BandpassBW=1400 |
BandpassRespType=0 |
AdderInputGainA=1 |
AdderInputGainB=1 |
AdderMultiplierMode=0 |
DCRejectTimeConst=10 |
DelaySeconds=0.5 |
AdderGain=0 |
InputGain=1 |
FeedbackGain=0.9 |
BypassGain=0 |
SignalSource=0 |
DeModType=0 |
DeModOptions=0 |
DeModFC=2500 |
DeModBW=1000 |
DeModFact=1 |
DeModCarr=1 |
DeemphTimeConst=5e-05 |
ChirpRate=0 |
ChirpStartFreq=0 |
ChirpLength=0 |
ChirpFilterOpt=0 |
Limiter_dB_above_FS=-6 |
Limiter_dB_above_AVRG=10 |
NbRampTime=0.002 |
NbTrigLevel=10 |
NbAvrgDetTimeConst=5 |
NbAvrgDetFallTimeConst=0 |
NbPreTriggerTime=0.0005 |
NbPostTriggerTime=0.0005 |
EVE_NB_TrigLevel=1500 |
HumFiltFC=50 |
HumFiltEndStop=0.5 |
HumFiltTrkCycle=0.5 |
HumFiltSlewRate=0.01 |
HumFiltStages=4 |
HumFiltTrackAlgo=11 |
HumFiltFlags=0 |
HumFreqExpr=peak_f(#1,49.8,50.2) |
AGCMode=0 |
AGCFlags=0 |
AGCTargetLevel=-3 |
AGCMinGain=-20 |
AGCMaxGain=80 |
AGCCustomAttack=1 |
AGCCustomDecay=0.1 |
CompType=0 |
BandpassFC=1400 |
BandpassBW=1400 |
BandpassRespType=0 |
AdderInputGainA=1 |
AdderInputGainB=1 |
AdderMultiplierMode=0 |
DCRejectTimeConst=10 |
DelaySeconds=0.5 |
AdderGain=0 |
InputGain=1 |
FeedbackGain=0.9 |
BypassGain=0 |
SignalSource=0 |
DeModType=0 |
DeModOptions=0 |
DeModFC=2500 |
DeModBW=1000 |
DeModFact=1 |
DeModCarr=1 |
DeemphTimeConst=5e-05 |
ChirpRate=0 |
ChirpStartFreq=0 |
ChirpLength=0 |
ChirpFilterOpt=0 |
Limiter_dB_above_FS=-6 |
Limiter_dB_above_AVRG=10 |
NbRampTime=0.002 |
NbTrigLevel=10 |
NbAvrgDetTimeConst=5 |
NbAvrgDetFallTimeConst=0 |
NbPreTriggerTime=0.0005 |
NbPostTriggerTime=0.0005 |
EVE_NB_TrigLevel=1500 |
HumFiltFC=50 |
HumFiltEndStop=0.5 |
HumFiltTrkCycle=0.5 |
HumFiltSlewRate=0.01 |
HumFiltStages=4 |
HumFiltTrackAlgo=11 |
HumFiltFlags=0 |
HumFreqExpr=peak_f(#1,49.8,50.2) |
AGCMode=0 |
AGCFlags=0 |
AGCTargetLevel=-3 |
AGCMinGain=-20 |
AGCMaxGain=80 |
AGCCustomAttack=1 |
AGCCustomDecay=0.1 |
CompType=0 |
BandpassFC=1400 |
BandpassBW=1400 |
BandpassRespType=0 |
AdderInputGainA=1 |
AdderInputGainB=1 |
AdderMultiplierMode=0 |
DCRejectTimeConst=10 |
DelaySeconds=1 |
AdderGain=0 |
InputGain=1 |
FeedbackGain=0 |
BypassGain=1 |
SignalSource=0 |
DeModType=0 |
DeModOptions=0 |
DeModFC=0 |
DeModBW=0 |
DeModFact=1 |
DeModCarr=1 |
DeemphTimeConst=5e-05 |
ChirpRate=2000 |
ChirpStartFreq=500 |
ChirpLength=1 |
ChirpFilterOpt=0 |
Limiter_dB_above_FS=6 |
Limiter_dB_above_AVRG=10 |
NbRampTime=0.01 |
NbTrigLevel=20 |
NbAvrgDetTimeConst=5 |
NbAvrgDetFallTimeConst=0 |
NbPreTriggerTime=0.0005 |
NbPostTriggerTime=0.0005 |
EVE_NB_TrigLevel=1500 |
HumFiltFC=50 |
HumFiltEndStop=0.5 |
HumFiltTrkCycle=0.5 |
HumFiltSlewRate=0.01 |
HumFiltStages=4 |
HumFiltTrackAlgo=12 |
HumFiltFlags=0 |
HumFreqExpr=peak_f(#1,49.8,50.2) |
AGCMode=0 |
AGCFlags=1 |
AGCTargetLevel=-3 |
AGCMinGain=-20 |
AGCMaxGain=70 |
AGCCustomAttack=0.1 |
AGCCustomDecay=0.1 |
CompType=0 |
BandpassFC=1400 |
BandpassBW=1400 |
BandpassRespType=0 |
AdderInputGainA=1 |
AdderInputGainB=1 |
AdderMultiplierMode=0 |
DCRejectTimeConst=10 |
DelaySeconds=0.5 |
AdderGain=0 |
InputGain=1 |
FeedbackGain=0.9 |
BypassGain=0 |
SignalSource=0 |
DeModType=0 |
DeModOptions=0 |
DeModFC=2500 |
DeModBW=1000 |
DeModFact=1 |
DeModCarr=1 |
DeemphTimeConst=5e-05 |
ChirpRate=0 |
ChirpStartFreq=0 |
ChirpLength=0 |
ChirpFilterOpt=0 |
Limiter_dB_above_FS=-6 |
Limiter_dB_above_AVRG=10 |
NbRampTime=0.002 |
NbTrigLevel=10 |
NbAvrgDetTimeConst=5 |
NbAvrgDetFallTimeConst=0 |
NbPreTriggerTime=0.0005 |
NbPostTriggerTime=0.0005 |
EVE_NB_TrigLevel=1500 |
HumFiltFC=50 |
HumFiltEndStop=0.5 |
HumFiltTrkCycle=0.5 |
HumFiltSlewRate=0.01 |
HumFiltStages=4 |
HumFiltTrackAlgo=11 |
HumFiltFlags=0 |
HumFreqExpr=peak_f(#1,49.8,50.2) |
AGCMode=0 |
AGCFlags=0 |
AGCTargetLevel=-3 |
AGCMinGain=-20 |
AGCMaxGain=80 |
AGCCustomAttack=1 |
AGCCustomDecay=0.1 |
PosEmitInterval=60 |
Options=32 |
ExportColumnSeparator=32 |
MsgDisplay=63 |
CommandFileName=command_files\testcmd.txt |
NextWriteTime=0 |
FftExportOptions=0 |
FftExportFormat=0 |
FftExportHeaders=0 |
FftExportSeparator=9 |
FftExportMaxNrBins=1024 |
FftExportMaxFileSize=0 |
FftExportStartFreqHz=0 |
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FftExportTimeFormat=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s |
NrOfColumns=4 |
Active=0 |
SeparatorChr=9 |
FileName=exported.txt |
FileName2= |
Title0=Time |
Exprs0=time |
Format0=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Flags0=0 |
Title1=Noise |
Exprs1=noise_n(500,2500) |
Format1=##0.0# |
Flags1=0 |
Title2=PeakAmpl |
Exprs2=peak_a(500,2500) |
Format2=##0.0# |
Flags2=0 |
Title3=PeakFreq |
Exprs3=peak_f(500,2500) |
Format3=###0.0# |
Flags3=0 |
CmdAfterSpectrum= |
CmdBeforeWrite= |
CmdAfterWrite= |
UsePreciseInterval=1 |
WriteIntervalSec=1 |
PwrFailSafe=0 |
Exprs0=$"Capture now" |
Commands0=capture("capt"+str("YYMMDDhhmm",now)+".jpg") |
Options0=2 |
Hotkey0=0 |
Exprs1=$"Time: "+str("hh:mm:ss.s",now) |
Commands1= |
Options1=2 |
Hotkey1=0 |
Exprs2=$"peak at "+str("###0.00 Hz",peak_f(200,2500)) |
Commands2= |
Options2=2 |
Hotkey2=0 |
Exprs3=$"Pause" |
Commands3=sp.pause=1 // spectrum analyser pause |
Options3=2 |
Hotkey3=0 |
Exprs4=$"Continue" |
Commands4=sp.pause=0 // spectrum analyser resume |
Options4=2 |
Hotkey4=0 |
Exprs5=$"Button #6" |
Commands5= |
Options5=2 |
Hotkey5=0 |
Exprs6=$"Button #7" |
Commands6= |
Options6=2 |
Hotkey6=0 |
Exprs7=$"Button #8" |
Commands7= |
Options7=2 |
Hotkey7=0 |
Exprs0= |
Commands0= |
Options0=0 |
Hotkey0=0 |
Exprs1= |
Commands1= |
Options1=0 |
Hotkey1=0 |
Exprs2= |
Commands2= |
Options2=0 |
Hotkey2=0 |
Exprs3= |
Commands3= |
Options3=0 |
Hotkey3=0 |
Exprs4= |
Commands4= |
Options4=0 |
Hotkey4=0 |
Exprs5= |
Commands5= |
Options5=0 |
Hotkey5=0 |
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[WatchListAndPlotter] |
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[WatchList] |
Title1=Noise |
Expr1=noise_n(500,1000) |
Form1=##0.0 |
MinV1=-100 |
MaxV1=0 |
Title2=Peak1_Ampl |
Expr2=peak_a(500,1000) |
Form2=##0.0 |
MinV2=-100 |
MaxV2=0 |
Title3=Peak1_Freq |
Expr3=peak_f(500,1000) |
Form3=###0.0 |
MinV3=200 |
MaxV3=2700 |
Title4=Peak2_Ampl |
Expr4=peak_a(1000,1500) |
Form4=##0.0 |
MinV4=-100 |
MaxV4=0 |
Title5=Peak2_Freq |
Expr5=peak_f(1000,1500) |
Form5=###0.0 |
MinV5=200 |
MaxV5=2700 |
Title6=Peak3_Ampl |
Expr6=peak_a(1500,2000) |
Form6=##0.0 |
MinV6=-100 |
MaxV6=0 |
Title7=Peak2_Freq |
Expr7=peak_f(1500,2000) |
Form7=###0.0## |
MinV7=200 |
MaxV7=2700 |
Title8= |
Expr8= |
Form8= |
MinV8= |
MaxV8= |
Title9= |
Expr9= |
Form9= |
MinV9= |
MaxV9= |
Title10= |
Expr10= |
Form10= |
MinV10= |
MaxV10= |
Title11= |
Expr11= |
Form11= |
MinV11= |
MaxV11= |
Title12= |
Expr12= |
Form12= |
MinV12= |
MaxV12= |
Title13= |
Expr13= |
Form13= |
MinV13= |
MaxV13= |
Title14= |
Expr14= |
Form14= |
MinV14= |
MaxV14= |
Title15= |
Expr15= |
Form15= |
MinV15= |
MaxV15= |
Title16= |
Expr16= |
Form16= |
MinV16= |
MaxV16= |
Title17= |
Expr17= |
Form17= |
MinV17= |
MaxV17= |
Title18= |
Expr18= |
Form18= |
MinV18= |
MaxV18= |
Title19= |
Expr19= |
Form19= |
MinV19= |
MaxV19= |
Title20= |
Expr20= |
Form20= |
MinV20= |
MaxV20= |
Title21= |
Expr21= |
Form21= |
MinV21= |
MaxV21= |
Title22= |
Expr22= |
Form22= |
MinV22= |
MaxV22= |
Title23= |
Expr23= |
Form23= |
MinV23= |
MaxV23= |
Title24= |
Expr24= |
Form24= |
MinV24= |
MaxV24= |
Title25= |
Expr25= |
Form25= |
MinV25= |
MaxV25= |
Title26= |
Expr26= |
Form26= |
MinV26= |
MaxV26= |
Title27= |
Expr27= |
Form27= |
MinV27= |
MaxV27= |
Title28= |
Expr28= |
Form28= |
MinV28= |
MaxV28= |
Title29= |
Expr29= |
Form29= |
MinV29= |
MaxV29= |
Title30= |
Expr30= |
Form30= |
MinV30= |
MaxV30= |
Title31= |
Expr31= |
Form31= |
MinV31= |
MaxV31= |
Title32= |
Expr32= |
Form32= |
MinV32= |
MaxV32= |
Title33= |
Expr33= |
Form33= |
MinV33= |
MaxV33= |
Title34= |
Expr34= |
Form34= |
MinV34= |
MaxV34= |
Title35= |
Expr35= |
Form35= |
MinV35= |
MaxV35= |
Title36= |
Expr36= |
Form36= |
MinV36= |
MaxV36= |
Title37= |
Expr37= |
Form37= |
MinV37= |
MaxV37= |
Title38= |
Expr38= |
Form38= |
MinV38= |
MaxV38= |
Title39= |
Expr39= |
Form39= |
MinV39= |
MaxV39= |
Title40= |
Expr40= |
Form40= |
MinV40= |
MaxV40= |
Title41= |
Expr41= |
Form41= |
MinV41= |
MaxV41= |
Title42= |
Expr42= |
Form42= |
MinV42= |
MaxV42= |
Title43= |
Expr43= |
Form43= |
MinV43= |
MaxV43= |
Title44= |
Expr44= |
Form44= |
MinV44= |
MaxV44= |
Title45= |
Expr45= |
Form45= |
MinV45= |
MaxV45= |
Title46= |
Expr46= |
Form46= |
MinV46= |
MaxV46= |
Title47= |
Expr47= |
Form47= |
MinV47= |
MaxV47= |
Title48= |
Expr48= |
Form48= |
MinV48= |
MaxV48= |
Title49= |
Expr49= |
Form49= |
MinV49= |
MaxV49= |
Title50= |
Expr50= |
Form50= |
MinV50= |
MaxV50= |
Title51= |
Expr51= |
Form51= |
MinV51= |
MaxV51= |
Title52= |
Expr52= |
Form52= |
MinV52= |
MaxV52= |
Title53= |
Expr53= |
Form53= |
MinV53= |
MaxV53= |
Title54= |
Expr54= |
Form54= |
MinV54= |
MaxV54= |
Title55= |
Expr55= |
Form55= |
MinV55= |
MaxV55= |
Title56= |
Expr56= |
Form56= |
MinV56= |
MaxV56= |
Title57= |
Expr57= |
Form57= |
MinV57= |
MaxV57= |
Title58= |
Expr58= |
Form58= |
MinV58= |
MaxV58= |
Title59= |
Expr59= |
Form59= |
MinV59= |
MaxV59= |
Title60= |
Expr60= |
Form60= |
MinV60= |
MaxV60= |
Title61= |
Expr61= |
Form61= |
MinV61= |
MaxV61= |
Title62= |
Expr62= |
Form62= |
MinV62= |
MaxV62= |
Title63= |
Expr63= |
Form63= |
MinV63= |
MaxV63= |
Title64= |
Expr64= |
Form64= |
MinV64= |
MaxV64= |
Title65= |
Expr65= |
Form65= |
MinV65= |
MaxV65= |
Title66= |
Expr66= |
Form66= |
MinV66= |
MaxV66= |
Title67= |
Expr67= |
Form67= |
MinV67= |
MaxV67= |
Title68= |
Expr68= |
Form68= |
MinV68= |
MaxV68= |
Title69= |
Expr69= |
Form69= |
MinV69= |
MaxV69= |
Title70= |
Expr70= |
Form70= |
MinV70= |
MaxV70= |
Title71= |
Expr71= |
Form71= |
MinV71= |
MaxV71= |
Title72= |
Expr72= |
Form72= |
MinV72= |
MaxV72= |
Title73= |
Expr73= |
Form73= |
MinV73= |
MaxV73= |
Title74= |
Expr74= |
Form74= |
MinV74= |
MaxV74= |
Title75= |
Expr75= |
Form75= |
MinV75= |
MaxV75= |
Title76= |
Expr76= |
Form76= |
MinV76= |
MaxV76= |
Title77= |
Expr77= |
Form77= |
MinV77= |
MaxV77= |
Title78= |
Expr78= |
Form78= |
MinV78= |
MaxV78= |
Title79= |
Expr79= |
Form79= |
MinV79= |
MaxV79= |
Title80= |
Expr80= |
Form80= |
MinV80= |
MaxV80= |
Title81= |
Expr81= |
Form81= |
MinV81= |
MaxV81= |
Title82= |
Expr82= |
Form82= |
MinV82= |
MaxV82= |
Title83= |
Expr83= |
Form83= |
MinV83= |
MaxV83= |
Title84= |
Expr84= |
Form84= |
MinV84= |
MaxV84= |
Title85= |
Expr85= |
Form85= |
MinV85= |
MaxV85= |
Title86= |
Expr86= |
Form86= |
MinV86= |
MaxV86= |
Title87= |
Expr87= |
Form87= |
MinV87= |
MaxV87= |
Title88= |
Expr88= |
Form88= |
MinV88= |
MaxV88= |
Title89= |
Expr89= |
Form89= |
MinV89= |
MaxV89= |
Title90= |
Expr90= |
Form90= |
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Expr91= |
Form91= |
MinV91= |
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Title92= |
Expr92= |
Form92= |
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MaxV92= |
Title93= |
Expr93= |
Form93= |
MinV93= |
MaxV93= |
Title94= |
Expr94= |
Form94= |
MinV94= |
MaxV94= |
Title95= |
Expr95= |
Form95= |
MinV95= |
MaxV95= |
Title96= |
Expr96= |
Form96= |
MinV96= |
MaxV96= |
Title97= |
Expr97= |
Form97= |
MinV97= |
MaxV97= |
Title98= |
Expr98= |
Form98= |
MinV98= |
MaxV98= |
Title99= |
Expr99= |
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MaxV99= |
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/Designs/Measuring_instruments/RMDS01A/usr/SVAK1_.txt |
0,0 → 1,175 |
;Josef Szylar ver 1.6 - 4. 8. 2013 |
;Zmeny: |
;- Opravena chyba s prepisovanim vypisu zacatku |
;- cas necitlivosti upraven na 2 |
;- cas ovaleni upraven na 4 |
;- Doplneno generovani pruklepu screenshotu pri bolidu do adresare s bolidy |
;- Graficka zmena vypisu |
;- Pridan zaznam o intenzite sumu do no_met |
;Časovače |
;timer0 - časovač maximální mezery mezi 2 meteory K_max_time_btw_met |
;timer3 - časovač pro odpočet screenshotu bez meteoru K_max_time_to_scr |
;timer4 - časovač pro odečet screenshotu s meteorem po odvalení několika málo sekund aby nebyl meteor moc nahoře |
;Proměnné: |
;n=0 noise background šum pozadí |
;n_1=0 šum v okamžiku detekce meteoru |
;f=0 frequency of maximum amplitude frekvence na které se nachází maximum |
;aver_amp=0 average amplitude +- 100 Hz průměrná aplituda v rozsahu +- 100Hz od maxima |
;aver_amp_1=-999 je average amplitude aktualizovaná v průběhu měření meteoru |
;aver_amp_max=-999 je maximální hodnota z hodnot v průběhu měření meteoru |
;mag=0 magnitude |
;hour_count=0 count of meteors in hour |
;dur_count=0 maximální délka meteoru (count po dobu existence meteoru) |
;dur_count_1=0 pomocný k uchování hodnoty dur_count |
;t0=0 průběžný čas a datum (aktualizace každých 50ms) v textové formě "YYYYMMDDhh" |
;t0_1 uložený čas pro jméno datového souboru k odeslaní ftp po uplynulé hodině |
;t1=0 čas start aktuální meteor v UNIX timestamp formě |
;t1_1=0 uložený čas pro zápis do RMOB_dur souboru value:event |
;t1_2=0 uložený čas pro odesílání "no meteor" screenshotu |
;t2=0 průběžný čas hour (hodnota průběžné hodiny) v textové formě "hh" |
;t3=0 průběžný čas hodiny minuty a vteřiny v textové formě "mmss" |
;t4=0 čas meteoru s nejdelší dobou aktivity (násobek K_int_cond * dur_count) |
;id_met=0 identifikátor meteoru do screenshotu |
;Konstanty: |
;K_station_name="JOSY_A" station name (devices code - 7 characters maximum, only "A-Z" and "_" - get your unique station code on http://home.robozor.cz) |
;K_path_scr vložit lokální adresář pro screenshoty |
;K_path_audio vložit lokální adresář pro audio soubory |
;K_path_RMOB vložit lokální adresář textové soubory RMOB |
;K_path_SDR vložit lokální adresář textové soubory RMOB |
;K_max_time_btw_met=2 minimalni doba mezi 2 meteory v sekundachjsou (nižší se počítá jako 1 meteor) |
;K_max_time_to_scr=100 maximální doba bez meteoru, která pokud vyprší, udělá screenshot (max doba za kterou odroluje waterfall) |
;K_init_cond=50 interval pro nastavení vyhodnocení scriptu 50ms Evaluate SpectrumLab condition interval (50ms) |
;K_time_to_start_up_waterf=4 vteřiny od okraje screenshot Kolik sekund se má počkat do screenshotu po detekci metreoru (jak daleko od okraje) |
;K=7 - citlivost detekce meteoru |
;K_min_dur_count_bolid=50 detekce bolidu pro audio (2,5 vteřiny) |
;Události |
;A_init (inicializace) |
;A_measurement (kdykoliv po 50 ms) |
;A_still_detect (událost trvání meteoru nebo bolidu) - průběžně |
;A_start_detect (událost detekce začátku meteoru nebo bolidu) |
;A_start_detect_bolid (událost 2,5 vteřiny od detekce meteoru) |
;A_end_detect (událost detekce konce meteoru nebo bolidu) |
;A_end_detect_end (konec cyklu události detekce konce meteoru nebo bolidu) |
;A_write_waterf (událost záznamu popisu detekce do waterfallu) |
;A_update_SDR_data_file (událost generování souboru SDR screenshot při záznamu meteoru) |
;A_update_RMOB_Dur_file (událost generování souborů RBOB) |
;A_met_screenshot (událost generování screenshotu waterfallu pokud je zaznamenán meteor) |
;A_no_met_screenshot (událost generování screenshotu waterfallu pokud není dlouho zaznamenán meteor) |
;A_once_hour_20s_before (událost 1x za hodinu před ukončením hodiny 20 vteřin) |
;A_once_hour |
;A_once_hour_10s_before (událost 1x za hodinu před ukončením hodiny 10 vteřin) |
;A_once_hour_30s_after (událost 1x za hodinu po ukončení hodiny 30 vteřin) |
;-----------------A_init - Inicializace proměnných a konstant-------------------- |
if( initialising ) then A_init=1:A_still_detect=0:n=0:n_1=0:f=0:f_1=0:aver_amp=0:a=0:mag=0:mag_max=0:hour_count=0:dur_count=0:dur_count_1=0:aver_amp_1=-999:aver_amp_max=-999:t0=0:t0_1=0:t1=0:t1_1=0:t1_2=0:t2=0:t3=0:t4=0:bolide=0 |
if( A_init = 1 ) then A_init=2:id_met="no":id_met2="no":K_station_name="SVAK1_":K_path_scr="c:\\meteors\\capture\\":K_path_audio="c:\\meteors\\bolides\\":K_path_RMOB="C:\\meteors\\RMOB\\":K_path_SDR="C:\\meteors\\data\\" |
if( A_init = 2 ) then A_init=3:K_max_time_btw_met=2:K_max_time_to_scr=100:K_init_cond=50:K_time_to_start_up_waterf=4:K=7:K_min_dur_count_bolid=50 |
if( A_init = 3 ) then A_init=4:A_measurement=0:A_start_detect=0:A_end_detect=0:A_end_detect_end=0:A_write_waterf=0:A_update_SDR_data_file=0:A_update_RMOB_Dur_file=0:A_met_screenshot=0 |
if( A_init = 4 ) then A_init=5:A_no_met_screenshot=0:A_once_hour_20s_before=0:A_once_hour=0:A_once_hour_10s_before=0:A_once_hour_30s_after=0:A_once_hour_40s_after=0:timer3.restart(K_max_time_to_scr) |
if( A_init = 5 ) then A_init=0 |
;----------------A_measurement - (po 50 ms)------------------------------------- |
;n=noise(9800,10200) aktualizace a výpočet hodnoty šumu (záleží na nastavení FFT) |
;f=peak_f(10300,10900) max intenzita signálu v daném intervalu frekvencí |
;aver_amp=avrg(f-100,f+100) vrací prům. intenzitu signálu 100 Hz kolem maxima |
;t0=str("YYYYMMDDhh",now) uloží aktuální datum |
;t1=now uloží UNIX time stamp na microsekundy (tečka oddělovač) |
;t2=str("hh",now) uloží aktuální hodinu |
;t3=str("mmss",now) uloží aktuální minutu a vteřinu |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
if( never ) then REM --- A_measurement - (each 50 ms) ---------------------------- |
if( always ) then A_measurement=1:n=noise(9800,10200):f=peak_f(10300,10900):aver_amp=avrg(f-100,f+100):a=(n+K) |
if( A_measurement=1 ) then A_measurement=0:t0=str("YYYYMMDDhh",now):t1=round(now*1000):t2=str("hh",now):t3=str("mmss",now) |
;-----------------A_still_detect (an event of meteor or bolide continue)----------- |
if( aver_amp>a ) then A_still_detect=A_still_detect+1:timer0.restart(K_max_time_btw_met):timer3.restart(K_max_time_to_scr):dur_count=dur_count+1:aver_amp_1=aver_amp |
;-----------------A_aver_amp (udalost aktualizace maximalni hodnoty aver_amp)--- |
if( aver_amp_1>aver_amp_max ) then aver_amp_max=aver_amp_1 |
;-----------------A_start_detect (událost začátku meteoru)---------------------- |
if( never ) then REM --- A_start_detect (an event of begin of meteor) -------------- |
if( A_still_detect=1 ) then A_still_detect=2:A_start_detect=1:t1_1=t1:id_met=(K_station_name+str(t1_1)):sp.print(" ^ t+"+str("ss",time)) |
if( A_start_detect=1 ) then A_start_detect=2:n_1=n:f_1=f |
if( A_start_detect=2 ) then A_start_detect=0: |
;------------A_end_detect (událost detekce konce meteoru nebo bolidu)----------- |
if( never ) then REM --- A_end_detect (end of meteor) --- |
if( timer0.expired(1) ) then A_end_detect=1:id_met2=id_met:hour_count=hour_count+1:timer4.restart(K_time_to_start_up_waterf):dur_count1=dur_count*K_init_cond: |
if( A_end_detect=1 ) then A_end_detect=2:sp.print(" "+id_met2+" HCount"+str(hour_count)+" nb"+str(round(n_1))+" f"+str(f_1)+" dur"+str(dur_count1)+" mag"+str(round(n_1-aver_amp_max+10))) |
if( A_end_detect=2 ) then A_end_detect=3:A_update_SDR_data_file=1 |
if( A_end_detect=3 ) then A_end_detect=0 |
;-----------------A_update_SDR_data_file---------------------------------------- |
;SDR datový soubor záznamu radiometeorů (projekt astrozor.cz) |
;Název souboru:JOSY_A20130123.dat |
if( never ) then REM --- write data to file (project astrozor.cz) --- |
if( A_update_SDR_data_file=1 ) then A_update_SDR_data_file=2:fopen1(K_path_SDR+K_station_name+t0+".dat",a) |
if( A_update_SDR_data_file=2 ) then A_update_SDR_data_file=3:fp1(id_met2+" ; "+str(round(n_1))+" ; "+str(f_1)+" ; "+str(aver_amp_max)+" ; "+str(round(n_1-aver_amp_max+10))+" ; "+str(dur_count_1)+" ; "+str(K_init_cond)+" ; "+str(K_min_dur_count_bolid)) |
if( A_update_SDR_data_file=3 ) then A_update_SDR_data_file=4:fclose1 |
if( A_update_SDR_data_file=4 ) then A_update_SDR_data_file=5:A_end_detect_end=1 |
if( A_update_SDR_data_file=5 ) then A_update_SDR_data_file=0 |
;--------------A_end_detect_end------------------------------------------------- |
;zametení |
if( never ) then REM --- Cleaning ---------------------------------------------- |
if( A_end_detect_end=1 ) then A_end_detect_end=2:dur_count=0:dur_count_1=0:aver_amp_1=-999:aver_amp_max=-999:rec.trigger=0:A_still_detect=0 |
if( A_end_detect_end=2 ) then A_end_detect_end=3:REM exec(K_path_audio+"ftp_up.bat "+id_met2+".wav") |
if( A_end_detect_end=3 ) then A_end_detect_end=0 |
;-----------------A_start_detect_bolid (událost start bolidu)------------------- |
if( never ) then REM --- A_start_detect_bolid (begin of fireball) -------------- |
if( dur_count=K_min_dur_count_bolid ) then rec.filename=K_path_audio+id_met+".wav":rec.trigger=1:bolide=1 |
;---A_met_screenshot (událost generování screenshotu waterfallu pokud je zaznamenán meteor)--- |
if( never ) then REM --- A_met_screenshot (capture a screenshot with meteor) --- |
if( timer4.expired(1) ) then A_met_screenshot=1:capture (K_path_scr+id_met2+".jpg") |
if((A_met_screenshot=1)&&(bolide=1)) then capture (K_path_audio+id_met2+".jpg") |
if( A_met_screenshot=1 ) then A_met_screenshot=2:REM exec(K_path_scr+"ftp_up.bat "+id_met2+".jpg") |
if( A_met_screenshot=2 ) then A_met_screenshot=0:bolide=0 |
;---A_no_met_screenshot (událost generování screenshotu waterfallu pokud není dlouho zaznamenán meteor)--- |
if( never ) then REM --- A_no_met_screenshot (capture a screenshot without meteor) --- |
if( timer3.expired ) then A_no_met_screenshot=1:t1_2=t1:capture (K_path_scr+K_station_name+str(t1_2)+"no_met.jpg") |
if( A_no_met_screenshot=1 ) then A_no_met_screenshot=2:fopen1(K_path_SDR+K_station_name+t0+".dat",a) |
if( A_no_met_screenshot=2 ) then A_no_met_screenshot=3:fp1(K_station_name+str(t1_2)+"no_met ; "+str(round(n))+" ; ; ; ; ; ; ") |
if( A_no_met_screenshot=3 ) then A_no_met_screenshot=4:fclose1 |
if( A_no_met_screenshot=4 ) then A_no_met_screenshot=5:t1_2=0 |
if( A_no_met_screenshot=5 ) then A_no_met_screenshot=0:timer3.restart(K_max_time_to_scr) |
;-A_once_hour_20s_before (událost 1x za hodinu před ukončením hodiny 20 vteřin)- |
;RMOB - soubor pro měření hodinových četností radiometeorů (projekt www.rmob.org) |
;Název souboru:RMOB-201301.dat, kde RMOB je zkratka pro Radio Meteor Observing Bulletin, 2013 je rok a 01 je měsíc |
if( never ) then REM --- A_once_hour_20s_before (an event 1x per hour - 20 seconds) --- |
if( val(t3,"####")=5940 ) then A_once_hour_20s_before=A_once_hour_20s_before+1 |
if( A_once_hour_20s_before=1 ) then A_once_hour=1:fopen4(K_path_RMOB+"RMOB-"+str("YYYYMM",now)+".dat",a):fp4(t0,",",t2,",",hour_count):fclose4:t0_1=t0 |
if( A_once_hour=1 ) then A_once_hour=2:sp.print("Last hour=",hour_count):hour_count=0 |
if( A_once_hour=2 ) then A_once_hour=0 |
;-A_once_hour_10s_before (událost 1x za hodinu před ukončením hodiny 10 vteřin)- |
if( never ) then REM --- A_once_hour_10s_before (an event 1x per hour - 10 seconds) --- |
if( val(t3,"####")=5950 ) then A_once_hour_10s_before=1:A_once_hour_20s_before=0: |
if( A_once_hour_10s_before=1 ) then A_once_hour_10s_before=0 |
;-A_once_hour_30s_after (událost 1x za hodinu po ukončení hodiny 30 vteřin)- |
if( never ) then REM --- A_once_hour_30s_after (an event 1x per hour + 30 seconds) --- |
if( val(t3,"####")=0030 ) then A_once_hour_30s_after=A_once_hour_30s_after+1 |
if( A_once_hour_30s_after=1 ) then A_once_hour=1:REM exec(K_path_SDR+"ftp_up.bat "+K_station_name+t0_1+".dat") |
if( A_once_hour=1 ) then A_once_hour=0 |
;-A_once_hour_40s_after (událost 1x za hodinu po ukončení hodiny 40 vteřin)- |
if( never ) then REM --- A_once_hour_40s_after (an event 1x per hour + 40 seconds) --- |
if( val(t3,"####")=0040 ) then A_once_hour_40s_after=1:A_once_hour_30s_after=0 |
if( A_once_hour_40s_after=1 ) then A_once_hour_40s_after=2:t0_1=0 |
if( A_once_hour_40s_after=2 ) then A_once_hour_40s_after=0 |
/Designs/Measuring_instruments/RMDS01A/usr/analyza_horizontal.USR |
0,0 → 1,2382 |
Info1=Configuration file for Spectrum Lab |
Info2=Compilation date Aug 12 2011 |
MenuText=DC Receiver 48k |
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AudioOutputStreamID= |
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[SDR] |
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FormStyle=0 |
[SDR_IQ] |
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RadioType=0 |
FilterNr=3 |
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IFgain_dB=24 |
RefFrequency=198000 |
FftCompensationFile= |
BitstreamNr=0 |
RFgain_dB=-10 |
PreselectorNr=11 |
RefFrequency=198000 |
FftCompensationFile= |
Enabled=0 |
MeasureOnly=0 |
Algorithm=1 |
PhasesLockedToGPS=0 |
ConnectTo=1 |
MinRefAmpl=-80 |
RefFrequency=15625 |
RefPeriodicity=0 |
UpdateCycle=10 |
CalibBandwidth=1 |
MaxOffset_ppm=5 |
Averages=200 |
ScopeOpt=0 |
Enabled=0 |
ConnectTo=1 |
MinRefAmpl=-60 |
RefFrequency=2000 |
CalibBandwidth=10 |
MaxFreqOffset=10 |
Averages=200 |
PlayInLoops=1 |
StopAnalyzerOnEOF=1 |
ReconnectBrokenStreams=0 |
PlayUpsampled=1 |
WaveAnalysisSp=2 |
WaveAnalysisScMode=0 |
WaveAnalysisOptions=0 |
WaveAnalysisNumThreads=1 |
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WaveAnalysisRawTypeFlags=0 |
WaveAnalysisRawNChannels=0 |
WaveAnalysisRawFileSampleRate=48000 |
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SampleRate=4000 |
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CenterFrequency=0 |
WaveFileFormat=2 |
WaveSaveFileMode=2 |
InfoInHeader=1 |
MaxFileSize=1400 |
Flags=4 |
FileIndex=0 |
TrigRecorderFile=bolid_svakov_21228_164318.wav |
TrigRecorderFileMode=0 |
PreTrigSeconds=5 |
PostTrigSeconds=240 |
[SpectrumPlayer] |
Options=0 |
LoopMode=0 |
Gain_dB=0 |
FinMin=0 |
FinMax=3000 |
FoutMin=0 |
StartSoundThread=1 |
StartSoundInput=1 |
StartSoundOutput=1 |
StartSignalGenerator=0 |
SignalGeneratorUnits=0 |
StartDigitalFilter=1 |
DigitalFilterBypass=0 |
FreeRunningSpeedPcnt=100 |
StereoProcessing=1 |
MinimizeLatency=0 |
ChainBothChannels=0 |
IQInputSwapChannels=0 |
IQInputAdjustEnable=0 |
IQAdjustBalance=0 |
IQAdjustPhase=0 |
PrimaryTimeSource=0 |
ManualAnalysisStartTime=0 |
Active=0 |
DemodSource1=1 |
ComplexInput=0 |
ModulatorDest1=3 |
ModulatorDest2=0 |
DecoderLogfile=Term1.txt |
OperMode=1 |
Modulation=8 |
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BitEncoding=2 |
UseDecoderNr=0 |
BitSyncAlgo=1 |
DisableFilters=0 |
SpecialFlags=0 |
ScopeMode=3 |
ScopeTrigger=0 |
ScopeUpdateTime=500 |
ScopeHorzSecPerDiv=0.1 |
ScopeHorzPixelPerDiv=20 |
ScopeHorzOpt=4 |
ScopeVertOpt=0 |
AutoSwitch2Rx=0 |
AutoSwitch2Tx=0 |
HalfDuplex=1 |
FlipMainAnalyser=1 |
BeaconMode=0 |
fc_rx=2200 |
fc_tx=2200 |
f_shift=170 |
fc_stepwidth=1 |
symbol_rate=50 |
rev_keying=0 |
tx_freq_multiplier=1 |
pulse_shaping=1 |
shape_percent=100 |
output_level=100 |
special_options=0 |
use_afc=1 |
narrow_afc=0 |
afc_tune_range=100 |
squelch_thrsh=25 |
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DecoderLogfile=Term1.txt |
[MODES2] |
OperMode=1 |
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BitEncoding=2 |
UseDecoderNr=0 |
BitSyncAlgo=1 |
DisableFilters=0 |
SpecialFlags=0 |
ScopeMode=3 |
ScopeTrigger=0 |
ScopeUpdateTime=500 |
ScopeHorzSecPerDiv=0.1 |
ScopeHorzPixelPerDiv=20 |
ScopeHorzOpt=4 |
ScopeVertOpt=0 |
AutoSwitch2Rx=0 |
AutoSwitch2Tx=0 |
HalfDuplex=1 |
FlipMainAnalyser=1 |
BeaconMode=0 |
fc_rx=2200 |
fc_tx=2200 |
f_shift=170 |
fc_stepwidth=1 |
symbol_rate=50 |
rev_keying=0 |
tx_freq_multiplier=1 |
pulse_shaping=1 |
shape_percent=100 |
output_level=100 |
special_options=0 |
use_afc=1 |
narrow_afc=0 |
afc_tune_range=100 |
squelch_thrsh=25 |
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RejectedMessages= |
name=DemoDll.dll |
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height=-11 |
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Active=0 |
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ComplexInput=0 |
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ModulatorDest2=0 |
DecoderLogfile=Term1.txt |
[MODES3] |
OperMode=1 |
Modulation=8 |
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BitEncoding=2 |
UseDecoderNr=0 |
BitSyncAlgo=1 |
DisableFilters=0 |
SpecialFlags=0 |
ScopeMode=3 |
ScopeTrigger=0 |
ScopeUpdateTime=500 |
ScopeHorzSecPerDiv=0.1 |
ScopeHorzPixelPerDiv=20 |
ScopeHorzOpt=4 |
ScopeVertOpt=0 |
AutoSwitch2Rx=0 |
AutoSwitch2Tx=0 |
HalfDuplex=1 |
FlipMainAnalyser=1 |
BeaconMode=0 |
fc_rx=2200 |
fc_tx=2200 |
f_shift=170 |
fc_stepwidth=1 |
symbol_rate=50 |
rev_keying=0 |
tx_freq_multiplier=1 |
pulse_shaping=1 |
shape_percent=100 |
output_level=100 |
special_options=0 |
use_afc=1 |
narrow_afc=0 |
afc_tune_range=100 |
squelch_thrsh=25 |
AsyncStartBit=1 |
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name=DemoDll.dll |
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name=MS Sans Serif |
height=-11 |
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ComplexInput=0 |
ModulatorDest1=3 |
ModulatorDest2=0 |
DecoderLogfile=Term1.txt |
[MODES4] |
OperMode=1 |
Modulation=8 |
CodesetNr=5 |
BitEncoding=2 |
UseDecoderNr=0 |
BitSyncAlgo=1 |
DisableFilters=0 |
SpecialFlags=0 |
ScopeMode=3 |
ScopeTrigger=0 |
ScopeUpdateTime=500 |
ScopeHorzSecPerDiv=0.1 |
ScopeHorzPixelPerDiv=20 |
ScopeHorzOpt=4 |
ScopeVertOpt=0 |
AutoSwitch2Rx=0 |
AutoSwitch2Tx=0 |
HalfDuplex=1 |
FlipMainAnalyser=1 |
BeaconMode=0 |
fc_rx=2200 |
fc_tx=2200 |
f_shift=170 |
fc_stepwidth=1 |
symbol_rate=50 |
rev_keying=0 |
tx_freq_multiplier=1 |
pulse_shaping=1 |
shape_percent=100 |
output_level=100 |
special_options=0 |
use_afc=1 |
narrow_afc=0 |
afc_tune_range=100 |
squelch_thrsh=25 |
AsyncStartBit=1 |
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RejectedMessages= |
name=DemoDll.dll |
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name=MS Sans Serif |
height=-11 |
style=0 |
cut_top=0 |
VoxSource=0 |
RelayLeadTime=50 |
FollowUpTime=500 |
VoxTrigLevel=1024 |
AudioLatencyComp=0 |
[DCF77] |
Active=0 |
F_center=650 |
MaxSpectrumBufferFftBins=16000 |
PeriodicUpdateOvw=0 |
ConnectSpectrumTo=1 |
ConnectSpectrumTo_Q=2 |
ConnectSpectrumCh2To=0 |
ConnectSpectrumCh2To_Q=0 |
Same4AllChnls=1 |
RateDivisor=1 |
AntiAlias=1 |
ZeroPadInput=0 |
ApplyFOCalib=0 |
TrigOptions=0 |
TriggeredAverages=0 |
NrOfSamples=4096 |
Average=0 |
BinSmoothing=0 |
WindowFunc=1 |
ComplexFFT=2 |
CenterFrequency=0 |
LoSweepRate=100 |
LoSweepMode=0 |
PhysicalUnit=dBfs |
NeedPhaseInfo=2 |
UserDbOffset=0.0 |
ConnectSpectrumTo=2 |
ConnectSpectrumTo_Q=0 |
ConnectSpectrumCh2To=0 |
ConnectSpectrumCh2To_Q=0 |
Same4AllChnls=1 |
RateDivisor=1 |
AntiAlias=1 |
ZeroPadInput=0 |
ApplyFOCalib=0 |
TrigOptions=0 |
TriggeredAverages=0 |
NrOfSamples=8192 |
Average=0 |
BinSmoothing=0 |
WindowFunc=2 |
ComplexFFT=0 |
CenterFrequency=0 |
LoSweepRate=0 |
LoSweepMode=0 |
PhysicalUnit=dB |
NeedPhaseInfo=0 |
UserDbOffset=0.0 |
ReadCursorMode=1 |
ReadCursorOpts=40 |
PeakDetCursor=0 |
UserCursorExpr1=str("hh:mm:ss.s",cursor.spectrum.time) |
FreqMin=9667.34539252 |
FreqMax=11050.9297217 |
FreqMin2=600 |
FreqMax2=800 |
FreqOffset=0 |
FreqOffset2=0 |
EditFWithoutOffset=0 |
AmplMin=-110.96 |
AmplMax=-34.798 |
AmplMin2=-110.96 |
AmplMax2=-34.798 |
CorrelAmplMin=-1 |
CorrelAmplMax=10 |
SpectrumActive=1 |
SpectrumOrient=1 |
SpecGraphArea=100 |
DrawingOptions=0 |
LongTermAvrgOptions=0 |
OnePixelPerBin1=0 |
OnePixelPerBin2=0 |
LogFreqScale=0 |
WaterStripPixels=100 |
SplitFreqScale=0 |
SplitFreqPercent=50 |
CorrelogramVisible=0 |
CorrelogramOptions=0 |
CorrelFmin=0 |
CorrelFmax=0 |
CorrelogramWidthPercent=33 |
CorrelatorLagMin=-0.000333333333333 |
CorrelatorLagMax=0.000333333333333 |
CorrelatorAmplMin=-1 |
CorrelatorAmplMax=10 |
AmplitudeBar=0 |
AmplitudeBarOpts=2 |
AmplitudeBarSize=200 |
AmplitudeBarRange=1 |
AmplBarShowChannelsFromWatchWindow=1 |
SpectrumMirror=0 |
ScaleFontName=Courier New |
ScaleFontSize=8 |
FreqScaleOptions=33 |
FreqScaleFixedSize=0 |
SpectrumStyleNPos=0 |
SpectrumMathOptions=0 |
SpecialDisplayMode=0 |
ReassignmentFlags=0 |
WaterLineWidth=2 |
WaterScrollEnabled=1 |
AutoScrollSpeed=0 |
AutoScrollOverlap=1 |
SmoothScroll=0 |
AmplitudeGrid=1 |
FrequencyGrid=1 |
FreqGridStyle=1 |
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TDFontSize=9 |
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SpectrumPenColor2=65280 |
SpectrumPenColor3=8388608 |
SpectrumPenColor4=255 |
SpectrumPenColor5=4227327 |
SpectrumPenColor6=8388863 |
SpectrumPenColor7=16744703 |
FreqscaleBgColor=16777215 |
FreqscaleFgColor=0 |
StationFreqColor=16776960 |
AmplBarBgColor=16711680 |
WaterBadColor=4144959 |
WaterGridColor=16777215 |
WaterLabelTextColor=16777215 |
WaterLabelBkgndColor=0 |
WaterLabelTransparent=1 |
CursorTextColor=8355839 |
CursorBkgndColor=0 |
WaterFreqGrid=0 |
WaterTimeGrid=0 |
WaterTimeLabel=3 |
TDTimeLabel=1 |
UserTimeLabel=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
TimeGridSeconds=10 |
TimeGridSource= |
TimeGridStyle=2 |
ChnIndividualContrast=0 |
WaterColorPalette=palettes\sunrise.pal |
VisualAGCMode=0 |
VisualAGCRef=-100 |
ColorPalContrast=67 |
ColorPalBrightness=138 |
ColorPalSaturation=128 |
WaterColorPalette2=palettes\sunrise.pal |
VisualAGCMode2=0 |
VisualAGCRef2=-100 |
ColorPalContrast2=100 |
ColorPalBrightness2=128 |
ColorPalSaturation2=128 |
WaterColorPalette3=palettes\sunrise.pal |
VisualAGCMode3=0 |
VisualAGCRef3=-100 |
ColorPalContrast3=100 |
ColorPalBrightness3=128 |
ColorPalSaturation3=128 |
WaterScrollInterval=0.01 |
WaterfallAveraging=0 |
PeakInterval=5 |
ReadCursorMode=1 |
ReadCursorOpts=40 |
PeakDetCursor=0 |
UserCursorExpr1=str("hh:mm:ss.s",cursor.spectrum.time) |
FreqMin=0 |
FreqMax=5000 |
FreqMin2=600 |
FreqMax2=800 |
FreqOffset=0 |
FreqOffset2=0 |
EditFWithoutOffset=0 |
AmplMin=-120 |
AmplMax=0 |
AmplMin2=-120 |
AmplMax2=0 |
CorrelAmplMin=-1 |
CorrelAmplMax=10 |
SpectrumActive=0 |
SpectrumOrient=0 |
SpecGraphArea=100 |
DrawingOptions=0 |
LongTermAvrgOptions=0 |
OnePixelPerBin1=0 |
OnePixelPerBin2=0 |
LogFreqScale=0 |
WaterStripPixels=100 |
SplitFreqScale=0 |
SplitFreqPercent=50 |
CorrelogramVisible=0 |
CorrelogramOptions=0 |
CorrelFmin=0 |
CorrelFmax=0 |
CorrelogramWidthPercent=33 |
CorrelatorLagMin=-0.1 |
CorrelatorLagMax=0.1 |
CorrelatorAmplMin=-1 |
CorrelatorAmplMax=10 |
AmplitudeBar=0 |
AmplitudeBarOpts=2 |
AmplitudeBarSize=75 |
AmplitudeBarRange=100 |
AmplBarShowChannelsFromWatchWindow=0 |
SpectrumMirror=0 |
ScaleFontName=Courier New |
ScaleFontSize=8 |
FreqScaleOptions=1 |
FreqScaleFixedSize=0 |
SpectrumStyleNPos=4 |
SpectrumMathOptions=0 |
SpecialDisplayMode=0 |
ReassignmentFlags=0 |
WaterLineWidth=1 |
WaterScrollEnabled=1 |
AutoScrollSpeed=1 |
AutoScrollOverlap=2 |
SmoothScroll=0 |
AmplitudeGrid=1 |
FrequencyGrid=1 |
FreqGridStyle=1 |
TDDisplayOptions=1 |
TDFontName=Arial |
TDFontSize=9 |
SpectrumBgColor=0 |
SpectrumGridColor=8421504 |
SpectrumPenColor0=65535 |
SpectrumPenColor1=16744319 |
SpectrumPenColor2=65280 |
SpectrumPenColor3=8388608 |
SpectrumPenColor4=255 |
SpectrumPenColor5=4227327 |
SpectrumPenColor6=8388863 |
SpectrumPenColor7=16744703 |
FreqscaleBgColor=16777215 |
FreqscaleFgColor=0 |
StationFreqColor=16776960 |
AmplBarBgColor=16711680 |
WaterBadColor=4144959 |
WaterGridColor=16777215 |
WaterLabelTextColor=16777215 |
WaterLabelBkgndColor=0 |
WaterLabelTransparent=1 |
CursorTextColor=8355839 |
CursorBkgndColor=0 |
WaterFreqGrid=0 |
WaterTimeGrid=3 |
WaterTimeLabel=3 |
TDTimeLabel=1 |
UserTimeLabel=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
TimeGridSeconds=60 |
TimeGridSource= |
TimeGridStyle=1 |
ChnIndividualContrast=0 |
WaterColorPalette=palettes\sunrise.pal |
VisualAGCMode=0 |
VisualAGCRef=-100 |
ColorPalContrast=100 |
ColorPalBrightness=128 |
ColorPalSaturation=128 |
WaterColorPalette2=palettes\sunrise.pal |
VisualAGCMode2=0 |
VisualAGCRef2=-100 |
ColorPalContrast2=100 |
ColorPalBrightness2=128 |
ColorPalSaturation2=128 |
WaterColorPalette3=palettes\sunrise.pal |
VisualAGCMode3=0 |
VisualAGCRef3=-100 |
ColorPalContrast3=100 |
ColorPalBrightness3=128 |
ColorPalSaturation3=128 |
WaterScrollInterval=0.042 |
WaterfallAveraging=1 |
PeakInterval=5 |
[ColorDF] |
AntennaSetup=1 |
IntensityScaling=0 |
IntensitySource=2 |
ColourSchemeNr=0 |
RotationalDir=0 |
AngleOffset=90 |
ExtraColourSat=0 |
CalibFile= |
UseCalib=0 |
NullingCardioid=0 |
NullDirection=154 |
NullDirection2=23 |
NullDirection3=327.100006104 |
Null_H_E_Weight=1 |
NullPowerCorr=0.5 |
[TDScope] |
Left=142 |
Top=112 |
Width=548 |
Height=431 |
Visible=0 |
FormStyle=0 |
Active=0 |
NrOfChannels=1 |
Mode=0 |
DebugMode=0 |
AutoRanging=0 |
Decimation=1 |
Averages=0 |
UseMovingAverage=1 |
PeakDetect=0 |
Persistance=0 |
SlowFadeImage=0 |
HorzScalePercent=100 |
DispBufSamples=0 |
DispZoomedStart=0 |
TriggerMode=0 |
TriggerSlope=0 |
TriggerSource=0 |
TriggerCoupling=0 |
PretriggerPercent=50 |
TriggerLevel=0 |
TriggerSyncTime=0.07499 |
DispPhaseRange=360 |
BkgndColor=0 |
GridColor=13619151 |
LabelColor=13619151 |
[TDScope_Chn0] |
ShowWhat=4 |
DisplayStyle=2 |
ConnectTo=1 |
RefFrequency=650 |
AmplMin=-32768 |
AmplMax=32767 |
LogScale=0 |
ZeroDecibelValue=32767 |
UseFOCalib=1 |
PenColor=255 |
PhzColor=65280 |
[TDScope_Chn1] |
ShowWhat=4 |
DisplayStyle=2 |
ConnectTo=2 |
RefFrequency=800 |
AmplMin=-32768 |
AmplMax=32767 |
LogScale=0 |
ZeroDecibelValue=32767 |
UseFOCalib=1 |
PenColor=16744319 |
PhzColor=16711935 |
SameLoForPhaseMeters=0 |
Hidden=0 |
ShowInScreenshot=1 |
Name0=VFO |
Type0= |
Color0=255 |
FreqIncludesVFO0=0 |
SetProc0=filter[0].fft.fs=x-filter[0].fft.fc |
GetFunc0=filter[0].fft.fs+filter[0].fft.fc |
Name1=Zero Beat |
Type1= |
Color1=65280 |
FreqIncludesVFO1=0 |
SetProc1=filter[0].fft.fc=filter[0].fft.fc+filter[0].fft.fs-x : filter[0].fft.fs=x |
GetFunc1=filter[0].fft.fs |
Name2=AudioBW |
Type2= |
Color2=16711680 |
FreqIncludesVFO2=0 |
SetProc2=filter[0].fft.bw=2*(x-filter[0].fft.fs-filter[0].fft.fc) |
GetFunc2=filter[0].fft.fs+filter[0].fft.fc+0.5*filter[0].fft.bw |
FileName=spectrum.ref |
Color=16744319 |
Visible=0 |
Subtract=0 |
Time_From=0 |
Time_To=86399 |
TimeInterval=90 |
TimerActive=1 |
PeriodicAction=capture ("C:\\capture\\meteor_svakov_"+str("YYMMDD_hhmm",now)+".jpg") |
PeriodicAction2= |
PeriodicAction3= |
PeriodicAction4= |
PeriodicAction5= |
PeriodicAction6= |
PeriodicAction7= |
PeriodicAction8= |
PeriodicAction9= |
PeriodicAction10= |
PeriodicAction11= |
PeriodicAction12= |
PeriodicAction13= |
PeriodicAction14= |
PeriodicAction15= |
PeriodicAction16= |
PeriodicAction17= |
PeriodicAction18= |
PeriodicAction19= |
PeriodicAction20= |
ScheduleActive=0 |
Options=2 |
InfoOvl=1 |
InfoPos=3 |
InfoStk=1 |
InfoDef0=$"Date="+str("YYYY-MM-DD",now)+" Time="+str("hh:mm",now)+" UTC" |
InfoDef1=$"Freq=143.050000 MHz" |
InfoDef2=$"LO=143.039795 MHz" |
InfoDef3=$"Svákov Observatory at N49.2607 E14.6916" |
InfoDef4= |
InfoDef5= |
InfoDef6= |
InfoDef7= |
InfoDef8= |
InfoDef9= |
SequenceNr=16824 |
SequenceName=..\capture\capture |
UseJpegFormat=1 |
JpegQuality=90 |
Macro0= |
Macro1= |
Macro2= |
Macro3= |
Macro4= |
Macro5= |
Macro6= |
Macro7= |
Macro8= |
Macro9= |
Macro10= |
Macro11= |
Macro12= |
Macro13= |
Macro14= |
Macro15= |
Macro16= |
Macro17= |
Macro18= |
Macro19= |
Macro20= |
Macro21= |
Macro22= |
Macro23= |
Macro24= |
Macro25= |
Macro26= |
Macro27= |
Macro28= |
Macro29= |
Macro30= |
Macro31= |
Macro32= |
Macro33= |
Macro34= |
Macro35= |
Macro36= |
Macro37= |
Macro38= |
Macro39= |
NumEvents=12 |
Time=79200 |
ActionCmd=capture |
Time=0 |
ActionCmd=capture |
Time=14400 |
ActionCmd=capture |
Time=21600 |
ActionCmd=capture |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Time=-1 |
ActionCmd= |
Active=1 |
EvalIntv=50 |
IF0=initialising |
THEN0=F=1:G=1:H=0:A=0:B=0:C=0:D=0:E=0:L=0:K=0:t1=0:t2=0:Z=0:M=-999:P=-999:N=0:rec.trigger=0 |
IF1=always |
THEN1=A=noise(9800,10200):Q=peak_f(10300,10900):B=avrg(Q-100,Q+100):q2=str("YYYYMMDDhh",now):L=str("hh",now):h1=str("mmss",now) |
IF2=B>(A+7) |
THEN2=C=C+1:D=D+1:timer0.restart(3.4):H=H+1:P=B |
IF3=C>Z |
THEN3=Z=C:N=now |
IF4=timer0.expired(1) |
THEN4=H=0:C=0:E=E+1:sp.print(" "+str(E)+" nb"+str(round(X))+" f"+str(Y)+" mag"+str(round(X-M+10))):M=-999:P=-999:rec.trigger=0:REM poznamenej konec meteoru |
IF5=val(h1,"####")=5930 |
THEN5=t2=t2+1 |
IF6=t2=1 |
THEN6=fopen3("RMOB_Dur-"+str("YYYYMM",now)+".dat",a):fp3(q2,", count=",E,", strenght=",D,", maxdur=",Z,", noise=",A,", event=",str("mm",N)):fclose3:fopen4("RMOB-"+str("YYYYMM",now)+".dat",a):fp4(q2,",",L,",",E):fclose4:sp.print("Last hour=",E):C=0:E=0:Z=0:REM z |
IF7=val(h1,"####")=5940 |
THEN7=t2=0 |
IF8=P>M |
IF9=H=1 |
THEN9=H=2:X=A:Y=Q:sp.print("_ t+"+str("ss",time)):REM poznamenej zacatek meteoru |
IF10=C=50 |
THEN10=rec.filename="bolid_svakov_"+str("YMMDD_hhmmss",now)+".wav"):rec.trigger=1:REM audiozaznam, pokud je echo dele jak 2,5s |
IF11= |
THEN11= |
IF12= |
THEN12= |
IF13= |
THEN13= |
IF14= |
THEN14= |
IF15= |
THEN15= |
IF16= |
THEN16= |
IF17= |
THEN17= |
IF18= |
THEN18= |
IF19= |
THEN19= |
IF20= |
THEN20= |
IF21= |
THEN21= |
IF22= |
THEN22= |
IF23= |
THEN23= |
IF24= |
THEN24= |
IF25= |
THEN25= |
IF26= |
THEN26= |
IF27= |
THEN27= |
IF28= |
THEN28= |
IF29= |
THEN29= |
IF30= |
THEN30= |
IF31= |
THEN31= |
IF32= |
THEN32= |
IF33= |
THEN33= |
IF34= |
THEN34= |
IF35= |
THEN35= |
IF36= |
THEN36= |
IF37= |
THEN37= |
IF38= |
THEN38= |
IF39= |
THEN39= |
IF40= |
THEN40= |
IF41= |
THEN41= |
IF42= |
THEN42= |
IF43= |
THEN43= |
IF44= |
THEN44= |
IF45= |
THEN45= |
IF46= |
THEN46= |
IF47= |
THEN47= |
IF48= |
THEN48= |
IF49= |
THEN49= |
IF50= |
THEN50= |
IF51= |
THEN51= |
IF52= |
THEN52= |
IF53= |
THEN53= |
IF54= |
THEN54= |
IF55= |
THEN55= |
IF56= |
THEN56= |
IF57= |
THEN57= |
IF58= |
THEN58= |
IF59= |
THEN59= |
IF60= |
THEN60= |
IF61= |
THEN61= |
IF62= |
THEN62= |
IF63= |
THEN63= |
IF64= |
THEN64= |
IF65= |
THEN65= |
IF66= |
THEN66= |
IF67= |
THEN67= |
IF68= |
THEN68= |
IF69= |
THEN69= |
IF70= |
THEN70= |
IF71= |
THEN71= |
IF72= |
THEN72= |
IF73= |
THEN73= |
IF74= |
THEN74= |
IF75= |
THEN75= |
IF76= |
THEN76= |
IF77= |
THEN77= |
IF78= |
THEN78= |
IF79= |
THEN79= |
IF80= |
THEN80= |
IF81= |
THEN81= |
IF82= |
THEN82= |
IF83= |
THEN83= |
IF84= |
THEN84= |
IF85= |
THEN85= |
IF86= |
THEN86= |
IF87= |
THEN87= |
IF88= |
THEN88= |
IF89= |
THEN89= |
IF90= |
THEN90= |
IF91= |
THEN91= |
IF92= |
THEN92= |
IF93= |
THEN93= |
IF94= |
THEN94= |
IF95= |
THEN95= |
IF96= |
THEN96= |
IF97= |
THEN97= |
IF98= |
THEN98= |
IF99= |
THEN99= |
WatchExpression= |
ConnectGeneratorToInput=3 |
ConnectGeneratorToOutput=0 |
InputMonitorSource=1 |
OutputMonitorSource=3 |
TrigMode=0 |
TrigSource=0 |
TrigPolarity=1 |
TrigLevel=0 |
TrigHysteresis=20 |
PretriggerTime=0 |
TrigTimerIntvl=1 |
MixerHilbertLength=37 |
FreqCvtSameLO=0 |
FreqCvtQuadLO=0 |
ConnectSlider1=1 |
Gain0=1 |
Gain1=1 |
Gain2=1 |
Gain3=1 |
Gain4=1 |
Gain5=1 |
Gain6=0 |
Gain7=0 |
FreqMixerEnabled=0 |
MixerDcReject=0 |
MixerFrequency=700 |
MixerSideband=0 |
FreqMixerEnabled=0 |
MixerDcReject=0 |
MixerFrequency=0 |
MixerSideband=0 |
Mode=0 |
Options=0 |
Source0=0 |
Source1=0 |
Source2=0 |
Source3=0 |
TriggerLevel=50 |
Hysteresis=1 |
GateTime=1 |
HoldoffTime=0 |
DisplayOptions=3 |
CoeffFile= |
IIR2DesignFile= |
FIR2DesignFile= |
FilterFftSize=16384 |
FftSame4All=1 |
FftShowInGraph=1 |
FftANotchSpeed=0.05 |
FftANotchWidth=5 |
FftANRegionWidth=20 |
FftANotchTransitionWidth=0 |
FftANotchThrsh=4 |
FftANotchBurstReject=3 |
FftANotchRangeFlags1=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd=0 |
FftANotchRangeFlags2=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart2=2000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd2=2500 |
FftANotchRangeFlags3=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart3=3000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd3=3500 |
FftANotchRangeFlags4=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart4=4000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd4=4500 |
FftANotchRangeFlags5=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart5=5000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd5=5500 |
FftDenoiserLvl=-80 |
ChirpRate=0 |
DecimateOutputSRateBy=1 |
GraphMinLevel=-130 |
GraphMaxLevel=0 |
FftFilterType=3 |
FftFilterOptions=256 |
FftFilterFC=398.866608547 |
FftFilterBW=551.815679401 |
FftFilterSW=20 |
FftFreqShift=9994.86055679 |
FftInvertFrom=0 |
FftInvertTo=0 |
FftFilterResponse= |
FftFilterPlugin= |
When2CallPlugin=0 |
PluginWinX=0 |
PluginWinY=0 |
PluginWinWidth=128 |
PluginWinHeight=128 |
SpecialRangeF10=0 |
SpecialRangeF20=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_01=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_01=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_01=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_01=0 |
SpecialRangeType0=0 |
SpecialRangeF11=0 |
SpecialRangeF21=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_11=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_11=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_11=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_11=0 |
SpecialRangeType1=0 |
SpecialRangeF12=0 |
SpecialRangeF22=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_21=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_21=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_21=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_21=0 |
SpecialRangeType2=0 |
SpecialRangeF13=0 |
SpecialRangeF23=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_31=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_31=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_31=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_31=0 |
SpecialRangeType3=0 |
SpecialRangeF14=0 |
SpecialRangeF24=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_41=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_41=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_41=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_41=0 |
SpecialRangeType4=0 |
SpecialRangeF15=0 |
SpecialRangeF25=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_51=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_51=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_51=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_51=0 |
SpecialRangeType5=0 |
SpecialRangeF16=0 |
SpecialRangeF26=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_61=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_61=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_61=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_61=0 |
SpecialRangeType6=0 |
SpecialRangeF17=0 |
SpecialRangeF27=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_71=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_71=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_71=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_71=0 |
SpecialRangeType7=0 |
CoeffFile= |
IIR2DesignFile= |
FIR2DesignFile= |
FilterFftSize=16384 |
FftSame4All=1 |
FftShowInGraph=1 |
FftANotchSpeed=0.05 |
FftANotchWidth=5 |
FftANRegionWidth=20 |
FftANotchTransitionWidth=0 |
FftANotchThrsh=4 |
FftANotchBurstReject=3 |
FftANotchRangeFlags1=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd=0 |
FftANotchRangeFlags2=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart2=2000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd2=2500 |
FftANotchRangeFlags3=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart3=3000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd3=3500 |
FftANotchRangeFlags4=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart4=4000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd4=4500 |
FftANotchRangeFlags5=0 |
FftANotchFreqRangeStart5=5000 |
FftANotchFreqRangeEnd5=5500 |
FftDenoiserLvl=-80 |
ChirpRate=0 |
DecimateOutputSRateBy=1 |
GraphMinLevel=-130 |
GraphMaxLevel=0 |
FftFilterType=3 |
FftFilterOptions=256 |
FftFilterFC=398.866608547 |
FftFilterBW=551.815679401 |
FftFilterSW=20 |
FftFreqShift=9994.86055679 |
FftInvertFrom=0 |
FftInvertTo=0 |
FftFilterResponse= |
FftFilterPlugin= |
When2CallPlugin=0 |
PluginWinX=0 |
PluginWinY=0 |
PluginWinWidth=128 |
PluginWinHeight=128 |
SpecialRangeF10=0 |
SpecialRangeF20=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_01=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_01=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_01=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_01=0 |
SpecialRangeType0=0 |
SpecialRangeF11=0 |
SpecialRangeF21=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_11=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_11=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_11=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_11=0 |
SpecialRangeType1=0 |
SpecialRangeF12=0 |
SpecialRangeF22=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_21=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_21=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_21=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_21=0 |
SpecialRangeType2=0 |
SpecialRangeF13=0 |
SpecialRangeF23=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_31=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_31=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_31=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_31=0 |
SpecialRangeType3=0 |
SpecialRangeF14=0 |
SpecialRangeF24=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_41=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_41=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_41=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_41=0 |
SpecialRangeType4=0 |
SpecialRangeF15=0 |
SpecialRangeF25=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_51=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_51=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_51=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_51=0 |
SpecialRangeType5=0 |
SpecialRangeF16=0 |
SpecialRangeF26=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_61=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_61=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_61=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_61=0 |
SpecialRangeType6=0 |
SpecialRangeF17=0 |
SpecialRangeF27=0 |
SpecialRangeP0_71=0 |
SpecialRangeP1_71=0 |
SpecialRangeP2_71=0 |
SpecialRangeP3_71=0 |
SpecialRangeType7=0 |
UseSineTable=0 |
NoiseLevel=-50 |
NoiseOn=0 |
AmModFreq=1 |
AmModFactor=1 |
AmModCarrier=1 |
AmModWave=0 |
AmDutyCyclePcnt=50 |
FmModWave=0 |
FmModFreq=100 |
FmModDeviation=240.5 |
FmDutyCyclePcnt=50 |
ArbitraryWaveformFile= |
ArbitraryWaveformFormula=sin(2*pi*x) |
LoadAWFromFile=0 |
Enabled0=1 |
AmMod0=0 |
FmMod0=0 |
Wave0=0 |
SinFreq0=900 |
SinAmpl0=0.1 |
Enabled1=1 |
AmMod1=0 |
FmMod1=0 |
Wave1=0 |
SinFreq1=1000 |
SinAmpl1=0.1 |
Enabled2=1 |
AmMod2=0 |
FmMod2=0 |
Wave2=0 |
SinFreq2=1100 |
SinAmpl2=0.1 |
CompType=0 |
BandpassFC=1400 |
BandpassBW=1400 |
BandpassRespType=0 |
DelaySeconds=0.5 |
AdderGain=0 |
InputGain=1 |
FeedbackGain=0.9 |
BypassGain=0 |
SignalSource=0 |
DeModType=0 |
DeModOptions=0 |
DeModFC=2500 |
DeModBW=1000 |
DeModFact=1 |
DeModCarr=1 |
DeemphTimeConst=5e-05 |
ChirpRate=0 |
ChirpStartFreq=0 |
ChirpLength=0 |
ChirpFilterOpt=0 |
Limiter_dB_above_FS=-6 |
Limiter_dB_above_AVRG=10 |
NbRampTime=0.002 |
NbTrigLevel=10 |
NbAvrgDetTimeConst=5 |
NbAvrgDetFallTimeConst=0 |
NbPreTriggerTime=0.0005 |
NbPostTriggerTime=0.0005 |
EVE_NB_TrigLevel=1500 |
HumFiltFC=50 |
HumFiltEndStop=0.5 |
HumFiltTrkCycle=0.5 |
HumFiltSlewRate=0.01 |
HumFiltStages=4 |
HumFiltTrackAlgo=11 |
HumFiltFlags=0 |
HumFreqExpr=peak_f(#1,49.8,50.2) |
AGCMode=0 |
AGCFlags=0 |
AGCTargetLevel=-3 |
AGCMinGain=-20 |
AGCMaxGain=80 |
AGCCustomAttack=1 |
AGCCustomDecay=0.1 |
CompType=0 |
BandpassFC=1400 |
BandpassBW=1400 |
BandpassRespType=0 |
DelaySeconds=0.5 |
AdderGain=0 |
InputGain=1 |
FeedbackGain=0.9 |
BypassGain=0 |
SignalSource=0 |
DeModType=0 |
DeModOptions=0 |
DeModFC=2500 |
DeModBW=1000 |
DeModFact=1 |
DeModCarr=1 |
DeemphTimeConst=5e-05 |
ChirpRate=0 |
ChirpStartFreq=0 |
ChirpLength=0 |
ChirpFilterOpt=0 |
Limiter_dB_above_FS=-6 |
Limiter_dB_above_AVRG=10 |
NbRampTime=0.002 |
NbTrigLevel=10 |
NbAvrgDetTimeConst=5 |
NbAvrgDetFallTimeConst=0 |
NbPreTriggerTime=0.0005 |
NbPostTriggerTime=0.0005 |
EVE_NB_TrigLevel=1500 |
HumFiltFC=50 |
HumFiltEndStop=0.5 |
HumFiltTrkCycle=0.5 |
HumFiltSlewRate=0.01 |
HumFiltStages=4 |
HumFiltTrackAlgo=11 |
HumFiltFlags=0 |
HumFreqExpr=peak_f(#1,49.8,50.2) |
AGCMode=0 |
AGCFlags=0 |
AGCTargetLevel=-3 |
AGCMinGain=-20 |
AGCMaxGain=80 |
AGCCustomAttack=1 |
AGCCustomDecay=0.1 |
CompType=0 |
BandpassFC=1400 |
BandpassBW=1400 |
BandpassRespType=0 |
DelaySeconds=1 |
AdderGain=0 |
InputGain=1 |
FeedbackGain=0 |
BypassGain=1 |
SignalSource=0 |
DeModType=0 |
DeModOptions=0 |
DeModFC=0 |
DeModBW=0 |
DeModFact=1 |
DeModCarr=1 |
DeemphTimeConst=5e-05 |
ChirpRate=2000 |
ChirpStartFreq=500 |
ChirpLength=1 |
ChirpFilterOpt=0 |
Limiter_dB_above_FS=6 |
Limiter_dB_above_AVRG=10 |
NbRampTime=0.01 |
NbTrigLevel=20 |
NbAvrgDetTimeConst=5 |
NbAvrgDetFallTimeConst=0 |
NbPreTriggerTime=0.0005 |
NbPostTriggerTime=0.0005 |
EVE_NB_TrigLevel=1500 |
HumFiltFC=50 |
HumFiltEndStop=0.5 |
HumFiltTrkCycle=0.5 |
HumFiltSlewRate=0.01 |
HumFiltStages=4 |
HumFiltTrackAlgo=12 |
HumFiltFlags=0 |
HumFreqExpr=peak_f(#1,49.8,50.2) |
AGCMode=3 |
AGCFlags=1 |
AGCTargetLevel=-3 |
AGCMinGain=-20 |
AGCMaxGain=70 |
AGCCustomAttack=0.1 |
AGCCustomDecay=0.1 |
CompType=0 |
BandpassFC=1400 |
BandpassBW=1400 |
BandpassRespType=0 |
DelaySeconds=0.5 |
AdderGain=0 |
InputGain=1 |
FeedbackGain=0.9 |
BypassGain=0 |
SignalSource=0 |
DeModType=0 |
DeModOptions=0 |
DeModFC=2500 |
DeModBW=1000 |
DeModFact=1 |
DeModCarr=1 |
DeemphTimeConst=5e-05 |
ChirpRate=0 |
ChirpStartFreq=0 |
ChirpLength=0 |
ChirpFilterOpt=0 |
Limiter_dB_above_FS=-6 |
Limiter_dB_above_AVRG=10 |
NbRampTime=0.002 |
NbTrigLevel=10 |
NbAvrgDetTimeConst=5 |
NbAvrgDetFallTimeConst=0 |
NbPreTriggerTime=0.0005 |
NbPostTriggerTime=0.0005 |
EVE_NB_TrigLevel=1500 |
HumFiltFC=50 |
HumFiltEndStop=0.5 |
HumFiltTrkCycle=0.5 |
HumFiltSlewRate=0.01 |
HumFiltStages=4 |
HumFiltTrackAlgo=11 |
HumFiltFlags=0 |
HumFreqExpr=peak_f(#1,49.8,50.2) |
AGCMode=0 |
AGCFlags=0 |
AGCTargetLevel=-3 |
AGCMinGain=-20 |
AGCMaxGain=80 |
AGCCustomAttack=1 |
AGCCustomDecay=0.1 |
PosEmitInterval=60 |
Options=32 |
ExportColumnSeparator=32 |
MsgDisplay=63 |
CommandFileName=command_files\testcmd.txt |
NextWriteTime=0 |
FftExportOptions=0 |
FftExportFormat=0 |
FftExportHeaders=0 |
FftExportSeparator=9 |
FftExportMaxNrBins=1024 |
FftExportMaxFileSize=0 |
FftExportStartFreqHz=0 |
FftExportFileName=FftLog1.txt |
FftExportTimeFormat=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s |
NrOfColumns=4 |
Active=0 |
SeparatorChr=9 |
FileName=exported.txt |
FileName2= |
Title0=Time |
Exprs0=time |
Format0=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Flags0=0 |
Title1=Noise |
Exprs1=noise_n(500,2500) |
Format1=##0.0# |
Flags1=0 |
Title2=PeakAmpl |
Exprs2=peak_a(500,2500) |
Format2=##0.0# |
Flags2=0 |
Title3=PeakFreq |
Exprs3=peak_f(500,2500) |
Format3=###0.0# |
Flags3=0 |
CmdAfterSpectrum= |
CmdBeforeWrite= |
CmdAfterWrite= |
UsePreciseInterval=1 |
WriteIntervalSec=1 |
PwrFailSafe=0 |
Exprs0=$"Capture now" |
Commands0=capture("capt"+str("YYMMDDhhmm",now)+".jpg") |
Options0=2 |
Hotkey0=0 |
Exprs1=$"Time: "+str("hh:mm:ss.s",now) |
Commands1= |
Options1=2 |
Hotkey1=0 |
Exprs2=$"peak at "+str("###0.00 Hz",peak_f(200,2500)) |
Commands2= |
Options2=2 |
Hotkey2=0 |
Exprs3=$"Pause" |
Commands3=sp.pause=1 // spectrum analyser pause |
Options3=2 |
Hotkey3=0 |
Exprs4=$"Continue" |
Commands4=sp.pause=0 // spectrum analyser resume |
Options4=2 |
Hotkey4=0 |
Exprs5=$"Button #6" |
Commands5= |
Options5=2 |
Hotkey5=0 |
Exprs6=$"Button #7" |
Commands6= |
Options6=2 |
Hotkey6=0 |
Exprs7=$"Button #8" |
Commands7= |
Options7=2 |
Hotkey7=0 |
Exprs0= |
Commands0= |
Options0=0 |
Hotkey0=0 |
Exprs1= |
Commands1= |
Options1=0 |
Hotkey1=0 |
Exprs2= |
Commands2= |
Options2=0 |
Hotkey2=0 |
Exprs3= |
Commands3= |
Options3=0 |
Hotkey3=0 |
Exprs4= |
Commands4= |
Options4=0 |
Hotkey4=0 |
Exprs5= |
Commands5= |
Options5=0 |
Hotkey5=0 |
[WatchWindow] |
Left=194 |
Top=127 |
Width=503 |
Height=392 |
Visible=0 |
FormStyle=0 |
[WatchListAndPlotter] |
Flags=0 |
TextExportFlags=0 |
[WatchList] |
Title1=Noise |
Expr1=noise_n(500,1000) |
Form1=##0.0 |
MinV1=-100 |
MaxV1=0 |
Title2=Peak1_Ampl |
Expr2=peak_a(500,1000) |
Form2=##0.0 |
MinV2=-100 |
MaxV2=0 |
Title3=Peak1_Freq |
Expr3=peak_f(500,1000) |
Form3=###0.0 |
MinV3=200 |
MaxV3=2700 |
Title4=Peak2_Ampl |
Expr4=peak_a(1000,1500) |
Form4=##0.0 |
MinV4=-100 |
MaxV4=0 |
Title5=Peak2_Freq |
Expr5=peak_f(1000,1500) |
Form5=###0.0 |
MinV5=200 |
MaxV5=2700 |
Title6=Peak3_Ampl |
Expr6=peak_a(1500,2000) |
Form6=##0.0 |
MinV6=-100 |
MaxV6=0 |
Title7=Peak2_Freq |
Expr7=peak_f(1500,2000) |
Form7=###0.0## |
MinV7=200 |
MaxV7=2700 |
Title8= |
Expr8= |
Form8= |
MinV8= |
MaxV8= |
Title9= |
Expr9= |
Form9= |
MinV9= |
MaxV9= |
Title10= |
Expr10= |
Form10= |
MinV10= |
MaxV10= |
Title11= |
Expr11= |
Form11= |
MinV11= |
MaxV11= |
Title12= |
Expr12= |
Form12= |
MinV12= |
MaxV12= |
Title13= |
Expr13= |
Form13= |
MinV13= |
MaxV13= |
Title14= |
Expr14= |
Form14= |
MinV14= |
MaxV14= |
Title15= |
Expr15= |
Form15= |
MinV15= |
MaxV15= |
Title16= |
Expr16= |
Form16= |
MinV16= |
MaxV16= |
Title17= |
Expr17= |
Form17= |
MinV17= |
MaxV17= |
Title18= |
Expr18= |
Form18= |
MinV18= |
MaxV18= |
Title19= |
Expr19= |
Form19= |
MinV19= |
MaxV19= |
Title20= |
Expr20= |
Form20= |
MinV20= |
MaxV20= |
Title21= |
Expr21= |
Form21= |
MinV21= |
MaxV21= |
Title22= |
Expr22= |
Form22= |
MinV22= |
MaxV22= |
Title23= |
Expr23= |
Form23= |
MinV23= |
MaxV23= |
Title24= |
Expr24= |
Form24= |
MinV24= |
MaxV24= |
Title25= |
Expr25= |
Form25= |
MinV25= |
MaxV25= |
Title26= |
Expr26= |
Form26= |
MinV26= |
MaxV26= |
Title27= |
Expr27= |
Form27= |
MinV27= |
MaxV27= |
Title28= |
Expr28= |
Form28= |
MinV28= |
MaxV28= |
Title29= |
Expr29= |
Form29= |
MinV29= |
MaxV29= |
Title30= |
Expr30= |
Form30= |
MinV30= |
MaxV30= |
Title31= |
Expr31= |
Form31= |
MinV31= |
MaxV31= |
Title32= |
Expr32= |
Form32= |
MinV32= |
MaxV32= |
Title33= |
Expr33= |
Form33= |
MinV33= |
MaxV33= |
Title34= |
Expr34= |
Form34= |
MinV34= |
MaxV34= |
Title35= |
Expr35= |
Form35= |
MinV35= |
MaxV35= |
Title36= |
Expr36= |
Form36= |
MinV36= |
MaxV36= |
Title37= |
Expr37= |
Form37= |
MinV37= |
MaxV37= |
Title38= |
Expr38= |
Form38= |
MinV38= |
MaxV38= |
Title39= |
Expr39= |
Form39= |
MinV39= |
MaxV39= |
Title40= |
Expr40= |
Form40= |
MinV40= |
MaxV40= |
Title41= |
Expr41= |
Form41= |
MinV41= |
MaxV41= |
Title42= |
Expr42= |
Form42= |
MinV42= |
MaxV42= |
Title43= |
Expr43= |
Form43= |
MinV43= |
MaxV43= |
Title44= |
Expr44= |
Form44= |
MinV44= |
MaxV44= |
Title45= |
Expr45= |
Form45= |
MinV45= |
MaxV45= |
Title46= |
Expr46= |
Form46= |
MinV46= |
MaxV46= |
Title47= |
Expr47= |
Form47= |
MinV47= |
MaxV47= |
Title48= |
Expr48= |
Form48= |
MinV48= |
MaxV48= |
Title49= |
Expr49= |
Form49= |
MinV49= |
MaxV49= |
Title50= |
Expr50= |
Form50= |
MinV50= |
MaxV50= |
Title51= |
Expr51= |
Form51= |
MinV51= |
MaxV51= |
Title52= |
Expr52= |
Form52= |
MinV52= |
MaxV52= |
Title53= |
Expr53= |
Form53= |
MinV53= |
MaxV53= |
Title54= |
Expr54= |
Form54= |
MinV54= |
MaxV54= |
Title55= |
Expr55= |
Form55= |
MinV55= |
MaxV55= |
Title56= |
Expr56= |
Form56= |
MinV56= |
MaxV56= |
Title57= |
Expr57= |
Form57= |
MinV57= |
MaxV57= |
Title58= |
Expr58= |
Form58= |
MinV58= |
MaxV58= |
Title59= |
Expr59= |
Form59= |
MinV59= |
MaxV59= |
Title60= |
Expr60= |
Form60= |
MinV60= |
MaxV60= |
Title61= |
Expr61= |
Form61= |
MinV61= |
MaxV61= |
Title62= |
Expr62= |
Form62= |
MinV62= |
MaxV62= |
Title63= |
Expr63= |
Form63= |
MinV63= |
MaxV63= |
Title64= |
Expr64= |
Form64= |
MinV64= |
MaxV64= |
Title65= |
Expr65= |
Form65= |
MinV65= |
MaxV65= |
Title66= |
Expr66= |
Form66= |
MinV66= |
MaxV66= |
Title67= |
Expr67= |
Form67= |
MinV67= |
MaxV67= |
Title68= |
Expr68= |
Form68= |
MinV68= |
MaxV68= |
Title69= |
Expr69= |
Form69= |
MinV69= |
MaxV69= |
Title70= |
Expr70= |
Form70= |
MinV70= |
MaxV70= |
Title71= |
Expr71= |
Form71= |
MinV71= |
MaxV71= |
Title72= |
Expr72= |
Form72= |
MinV72= |
MaxV72= |
Title73= |
Expr73= |
Form73= |
MinV73= |
MaxV73= |
Title74= |
Expr74= |
Form74= |
MinV74= |
MaxV74= |
Title75= |
Expr75= |
Form75= |
MinV75= |
MaxV75= |
Title76= |
Expr76= |
Form76= |
MinV76= |
MaxV76= |
Title77= |
Expr77= |
Form77= |
MinV77= |
MaxV77= |
Title78= |
Expr78= |
Form78= |
MinV78= |
MaxV78= |
Title79= |
Expr79= |
Form79= |
MinV79= |
MaxV79= |
Title80= |
Expr80= |
Form80= |
MinV80= |
MaxV80= |
Title81= |
Expr81= |
Form81= |
MinV81= |
MaxV81= |
Title82= |
Expr82= |
Form82= |
MinV82= |
MaxV82= |
Title83= |
Expr83= |
Form83= |
MinV83= |
MaxV83= |
Title84= |
Expr84= |
Form84= |
MinV84= |
MaxV84= |
Title85= |
Expr85= |
Form85= |
MinV85= |
MaxV85= |
Title86= |
Expr86= |
Form86= |
MinV86= |
MaxV86= |
Title87= |
Expr87= |
Form87= |
MinV87= |
MaxV87= |
Title88= |
Expr88= |
Form88= |
MinV88= |
MaxV88= |
Title89= |
Expr89= |
Form89= |
MinV89= |
MaxV89= |
Title90= |
Expr90= |
Form90= |
MinV90= |
MaxV90= |
Title91= |
Expr91= |
Form91= |
MinV91= |
MaxV91= |
Title92= |
Expr92= |
Form92= |
MinV92= |
MaxV92= |
Title93= |
Expr93= |
Form93= |
MinV93= |
MaxV93= |
Title94= |
Expr94= |
Form94= |
MinV94= |
MaxV94= |
Title95= |
Expr95= |
Form95= |
MinV95= |
MaxV95= |
Title96= |
Expr96= |
Form96= |
MinV96= |
MaxV96= |
Title97= |
Expr97= |
Form97= |
MinV97= |
MaxV97= |
Title98= |
Expr98= |
Form98= |
MinV98= |
MaxV98= |
Title99= |
Expr99= |
Form99= |
MinV99= |
MaxV99= |
Title100= |
Expr100= |
Form100= |
MinV100= |
MaxV100= |
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[WatchHistoryMemory] |
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[WatchHistoryPlotter] |
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CaptureFileName=plot.jpg |
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AxisLabel0=dB uV / m |
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AxisLabel1=Frequency [Hz] |
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