4,7 → 4,7
tloustka_zebrovani = 5;
tloustka_stredu = 12;
prumer_stredu = 20;
prumer_hridele = 4;
prumer_hridele = 4+1;
polomer_zakriveni = 15;
dokonalost_kruhu = 100;
vyska_loziska = 3;
38,9 → 38,9
cylinder (h = 30, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=20); // hole for top part mounting screw.
cylinder (h = 30, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=20); // hole for mounting screw.
translate([-3 ,3, 0])
translate([-3 ,3, 0]) // hole for mounting nut.
cube([6, 3, 20], center = false);
8,7 → 8,7
TEG_zsize = 8;
mount_hole = 3.5; // mounting screw hole diameter
clearance = 0.175; // spare clearance for printing tolerances.
clearance = 1.0; // spare clearance for printing tolerances.
sealing_ring_width = 3; // width of sealing gab under the cover
wall_thickness = 12; // thickness of the box wall
volume_encore = 10; // space added to the size of internar heatsink
119,4 → 119,5
cover ();
//cover ();