165,7 → 165,6
print " EnableApache={0|1} - Enable to run in Apache\n";
print " SourceDir=path - path to asm source directory\n";
print " SourceAsm=file - name of top level asm source file\n";
print " SvnInfoFileName - name of Svn Info File\n";
print " TemplateDir=path - path to HTML template\n";
print " DestinationDir=path - path to destination HTML\n";
175,11 → 174,12
function Parameters(&$CFG)
// Function process Command Line parameters
// Info
print "Parameters\n";
// Dummy values
$CFG["EnableApache"] = 0; // Do not allow run in Apache
$CFG["SourceDir"] = "";
$CFG["SourceAsm"] = "";
$CFG["SvnInfoFileName"] = "";
$CFG["TemplateDir"] = "";
$CFG["DestinationDir"] = "";
// Default values (in cfg file)
208,13 → 208,6
// Check if alowed to run in Apache
if ($_SERVER["argc"]==0 & ! $CFG["EnableApache"])
return "<b>This Script is configured so that it will not run in Apache.</b>";
// Info
print "Parameters\n";
// Correct paths and existence
foreach($CFG as $Key => $Value)
240,6 → 233,10
print " $Key=$Value\n";
print "\n";
// Check if alowed to run in Apache
if ($_SERVER["argc"]==0 & ! $CFG["Apache"])
return "This Script is configured so that it will not run in Apache.";
// No Error
return "";
431,7 → 428,7
function GenerateWordList($TemplateDir, $SvnInfoFileName, $DestinationDir, &$LabelList, &$WordList)
function GenerateWordList($TemplateDir, $DestinationDir, &$LabelList, &$WordList)
// Creates HTML pages with Word List
// Returns Error String
// IN $TemplateDir - template directory (file WordList.*.html)
452,34 → 449,6
if ($Error!="")
return $Error;
// Find <<SvnInfo>>
if (!preg_match("/( *)(<<SvnInfo>>)/i",$FileContent,$Matches))
return "Missing <<SvnInfo>> in template file";
// Read Svn Info file
$Error=MyReadFileString($SvnInfoFileName, $SvnInfoFile);
if ($Error!="")
// We do not have Svn Info File
// We have Svn Info File
$SvnInfoFile="<tr><th colspan=\"2\">Subversion Info</th></tr>".$SvnInfoFile;
// Put Svn Info into HTML template
$FileContent=str_ireplace("<<SvnInfo>>", $SvnInfoFile, $FileContent);
#print $FileContent;
// Find <<WordList>>
if (!preg_match("/( *)(<<WordList>>)/i",$FileContent,$Matches))
518,7 → 487,6
// Indent and Concatenate lines
foreach($WordListHTML as $Key => $Value)
if ($Key>0)
618,11 → 586,7
Error(CreateWordList($CFG["SourceDir"], $LabelList, $WordList));
// Create HTML WordList
$LabelList, $WordList));
Error(GenerateWordList($CFG["TemplateDir"], $CFG["DestinationDir"], $LabelList, $WordList));
// Copy ASM files and convert them into HTML
Error(GenerateAsmFiles($CFG["TemplateDir"], $CFG["SourceDir"], $SourceAsmFiles, $CFG["DestinationDir"]));
631,8 → 595,7
print "O.K.\n";
// Zpracování readme autora
// Vyplatilo by se udělat samostatny formatovaci a nahrazovaci mechanizmus
// Zpracování readme autora + verze
// Zpracování templejtů do samostatného podprogramu (vyřešit indent...)
// tím se vyřeší i en/cs verze Asm souboru
// Generovat log do souboru místo printu (zvážit) oddělit chyby a varování