0,0 → 1,68
2007-12-13 sd-reader
* dual-license the major implementation modules under GPL and LGPL
2007-06-03 sd-reader
* Fix reading beyond cached block (by Benjamin Meier).
* Implement support for reading and writing file modification dates/times.
(Thanks to Torsten Seeboth for testing.)
2007-03-01 sd-reader
* Avoid LFN directory entries for the "." and ".." directory references.
This prevented Windows from deleting directories.
* Handle special case where the 8.3 filename begins with 0xe5.
* Fix return value of fat16_delete_file() when deleting empty files.
* Fix fat16_clear_cluster() which was zeroing only 16 of every 32 bytes.
2007-01-20 sd-reader
* fix directory creation
- correctly create "." and ".." directory entries (8.3 <-> lfn versions)
- correctly clear cluster containing the directory entries for new directory
2006-11-01 sd-reader
* Implement creation and deletion of directories.
* Clear the directory entries of new directory clusters.
* Prevent linkage against printf().
* Make the use of malloc()/free() optional.
2006-09-01 sd-reader
* Fix shortening files.
* Fix free disk space calculation.
2006-08-24 sd-reader
* Improve sleep handling.
* Display extended card information on boot and
when executing the "disk" shell command.
* Correctly determine FAT type by cluster count.
* Fix cluster allocation beyond card capacity.
2006-08-16 sd-reader
* Provide FAT16 capacity and usage information.
* Implement the backspace key in the mini shell.
* Enter idle mode when waiting for uart activity.
* Make the Card Select pin MCU dependent as well.
* Add mini shell commands to documentation.
2006-08-08 sd-reader
* Thanks go to Torsten Seeboth for his ongoing efforts
to test changes, fix regressions and give suggestions.
Many of the changes below were initiated by him.
* Much more reliable card initialization.
* Highly improved performance
- optional write buffering
- better cluster handling
- remove unneeded SPI access when reading from buffered block
- use highest spi frequency after card initialization
* Add superfloppy support.
* Better checks when opening a FAT16 filesystem.
* Provide SPI pin mappings for commonly used ATmegas.
* Fix resizing files, hangs could occur.
* Fix overflow when creating files with names longer than 31 characters.
* Fix numerous other small things.
2006-03-19 sd-reader
* Fix speed regressions.
2006-03-16 sd-reader
* Initial release.