/Designs/Measuring_instruments/ABL01A/SW/Pozemni stanice/Autovypoustec STM32F10x/keil/lst/ch.map
0,0 → 1,1185
ARM Linker, 5.03 [Build 24] [MDK-ARM Lite]
Section Cross References
board.o(.text) refers to hal_lld.o(.text) for stm32_clock_init
cstartup.o(MSTACK) refers (Special) to heapauxi.o(.text) for __use_two_region_memory
cstartup.o(CSTACK) refers (Special) to heapauxi.o(.text) for __use_two_region_memory
cstartup.o(HEAP) refers (Special) to heapauxi.o(.text) for __use_two_region_memory
cstartup.o(.text) refers (Special) to heapauxi.o(.text) for __use_two_region_memory
cstartup.o(.text) refers to board.o(.text) for __early_init
cstartup.o(.text) refers to cstartup.o(CSTACK) for __initial_sp
cstartup.o(.text) refers to __main.o(!!!main) for __main
cstartup.o(.text) refers to cstartup.o(HEAP) for Heap_Mem
chcoreasm_v7m.o(.text) refers to chthreads.o(.text) for chThdExit
chcoreasm_v7m.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.text) for chSchDoReschedule
chcore_v7m.o(.text) refers to chsys.o(.text) for chSysTimerHandlerI
chcore_v7m.o(.text) refers to nvic.o(.text) for nvicSetSystemHandlerPriority
chcore_v7m.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.bss) for rlist
chcore_v7m.o(.text) refers to chcoreasm_v7m.o(.text) for _port_switch_from_isr
vectors.o(RESET) refers to cstartup.o(MSTACK) for __initial_msp
vectors.o(RESET) refers to cstartup.o(.text) for Reset_Handler
vectors.o(RESET) refers to vectors.o(.text) for NMIVector
vectors.o(RESET) refers to chcore_v7m.o(.text) for SVCallVector
vectors.o(RESET) refers to gpt_lld.o(.text) for VectorB0
vectors.o(RESET) refers to pwm_lld.o(.text) for VectorB4
vectors.o(RESET) refers to serial_lld.o(.text) for VectorD4
chcond.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.text) for chSchWakeupS
chcond.o(.text) refers to chmtx.o(.text) for chMtxUnlockS
chcond.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.bss) for rlist
chdynamic.o(.text) refers to chmempools.o(.text) for chPoolFree
chdynamic.o(.text) refers to chheap.o(.text) for chHeapFree
chdynamic.o(.text) refers to chthreads.o(.text) for chThdCreateI
chdynamic.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.text) for chSchWakeupS
chevents.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.text) for chSchReadyI
chevents.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.bss) for rlist
chheap.o(.text) refers to chmtx.o(.text) for chMtxInit
chheap.o(.text) refers to chmemcore.o(.text) for chCoreAlloc
chheap.o(.text) refers to chheap.o(.bss) for .bss
chmboxes.o(.text) refers to chsem.o(.text) for chSemInit
chmboxes.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.text) for chSchRescheduleS
chmemcore.o(.text) refers to chmemcore.o(.data) for .data
chmsg.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.text) for chSchReadyI
chmsg.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.bss) for rlist
chmtx.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.text) for chSchReadyI
chmtx.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.bss) for rlist
chqueues.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.text) for chSchReadyI
chqueues.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.bss) for rlist
chregistry.o(.text) refers to chdynamic.o(.text) for chThdRelease
chregistry.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.bss) for rlist
chschd.o(.text) refers to chcoreasm_v7m.o(.text) for _port_switch
chschd.o(.text) refers to chvt.o(.text) for chVTSetI
chschd.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.bss) for .bss
chsem.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.text) for chSchReadyI
chsem.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.bss) for rlist
chsys.o(.text) refers to chcore_v7m.o(.text) for _port_init
chsys.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.text) for _scheduler_init
chsys.o(.text) refers to chvt.o(.text) for _vt_init
chsys.o(.text) refers to chmemcore.o(.text) for _core_init
chsys.o(.text) refers to chheap.o(.text) for _heap_init
chsys.o(.text) refers to chthreads.o(.text) for _thread_init
chsys.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.bss) for rlist
chsys.o(.text) refers to chsys.o(.bss) for .bss
chsys.o(.text) refers to chregistry.o(.constdata) for ch_debug
chsys.o(.text) refers to chvt.o(.bss) for vtlist
chthreads.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.text) for chSchWakeupS
chthreads.o(.text) refers to chdynamic.o(.text) for chThdRelease
chthreads.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.bss) for rlist
chthreads.o(.text) refers to chcoreasm_v7m.o(.text) for _port_thread_start
chthreads.o(.text) refers to chvt.o(.bss) for vtlist
chvt.o(.text) refers to chvt.o(.bss) for .bss
gpt.o(.text) refers to gpt_lld.o(.text) for gpt_lld_init
hal.o(.text) refers to hal_lld.o(.text) for hal_lld_init
hal.o(.text) refers to tm.o(.text) for tmInit
hal.o(.text) refers to pal_lld.o(.text) for _pal_lld_init
hal.o(.text) refers to gpt.o(.text) for gptInit
hal.o(.text) refers to pwm.o(.text) for pwmInit
hal.o(.text) refers to serial.o(.text) for sdInit
hal.o(.text) refers to board.o(.text) for boardInit
hal.o(.text) refers to board.o(.constdata) for pal_default_config
pal.o(.text) refers to pal_lld.o(.text) for _pal_lld_setgroupmode
pwm.o(.text) refers to pwm_lld.o(.text) for pwm_lld_init
serial.o(.text) refers to chqueues.o(.text) for chOQWriteTimeout
serial.o(.text) refers to serial_lld.o(.text) for sd_lld_init
serial.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.text) for chSchRescheduleS
serial.o(.text) refers to chevents.o(.text) for chEvtBroadcastFlagsI
serial.o(.text) refers to serial.o(.constdata) for .constdata
serial.o(.constdata) refers to serial.o(.text) for write
tm.o(.text) refers to tm.o(.data) for .data
pwm_lld.o(.text) refers to chcore_v7m.o(.text) for _port_irq_epilogue
pwm_lld.o(.text) refers to pwm.o(.text) for pwmObjectInit
pwm_lld.o(.text) refers to nvic.o(.text) for nvicEnableVector
pwm_lld.o(.text) refers to pwm_lld.o(.bss) for .bss
serial_lld.o(.text) refers to chcore_v7m.o(.text) for _port_irq_epilogue
serial_lld.o(.text) refers to serial.o(.text) for sdObjectInit
serial_lld.o(.text) refers to nvic.o(.text) for nvicEnableVector
serial_lld.o(.text) refers to chevents.o(.text) for chEvtBroadcastFlagsI
serial_lld.o(.text) refers to chqueues.o(.text) for chOQGetI
serial_lld.o(.text) refers to serial_lld.o(.bss) for .bss
serial_lld.o(.text) refers to serial_lld.o(.constdata) for .constdata
gpt_lld.o(.text) refers to chcore_v7m.o(.text) for _port_irq_epilogue
gpt_lld.o(.text) refers to gpt.o(.text) for gptObjectInit
gpt_lld.o(.text) refers to nvic.o(.text) for nvicEnableVector
gpt_lld.o(.text) refers to gpt_lld.o(.bss) for .bss
pal_lld.o(.text) refers to pal_lld.o(.constdata) for .constdata
main.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.text) for chSchReadyI
main.o(.text) refers to chthreads.o(.text) for chThdSleep
main.o(.text) refers to chprintf.o(.text) for chprintf
main.o(.text) refers to gpt.o(.text) for gptStartOneShot
main.o(.text) refers to chqueues.o(.text) for chIQReadTimeout
main.o(.text) refers to strstr.o(.text) for strstr
main.o(.text) refers to strncpy.o(.text) for strncpy
main.o(.text) refers to gps_dekoduj.o(.text) for dekoduj_zpravu_GPS
main.o(.text) refers to main.o(.data) for .data
main.o(.text) refers to chschd.o(.bss) for rlist
main.o(.text) refers to serial_lld.o(.bss) for SD1
main.o(.text) refers to gpt_lld.o(.bss) for GPTD2
main.o(.text) refers to main.o(.constdata) for .constdata
main.o(.text) refers to gps_dekoduj.o(.bss) for GPGGA_informace
main.o(.text) refers to strcmpv7m.o(.text) for strcmp
main.o(.text) refers to rt_memcpy_w.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy4
main.o(.text) refers to hal.o(.text) for halInit
main.o(.text) refers to chsys.o(.text) for chSysInit
main.o(.text) refers to serial.o(.text) for sdStart
main.o(.text) refers to pal_lld.o(.text) for _pal_lld_setgroupmode
main.o(.text) refers to main.o(.bss) for .bss
main.o(.constdata) refers to main.o(.text) for gpt2cb
gps_dekoduj.o(.text) refers to gps_dekoduj.o(.bss) for .bss
strncpy.o(.text) refers to rt_memclr.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr
__main.o(!!!main) refers to rtentry.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000000) for __rt_entry
rtentry.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000000) refers (Special) to rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000A) for __rt_entry_li
rtentry.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000000) refers (Special) to rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000D) for __rt_entry_main
rtentry.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000000) refers (Special) to rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000C) for __rt_entry_postli_1
rtentry.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000000) refers (Special) to rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000009) for __rt_entry_postsh_1
rtentry.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000000) refers (Special) to rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000002) for __rt_entry_presh_1
rtentry.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000000) refers (Special) to rtentry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000005) for __rt_entry_sh
rt_memclr.o(.text) refers to rt_memclr_w.o(.text) for _memset_w
rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000008) refers to boardinit2.o(.text) for _platform_post_stackheap_init
rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000A) refers to libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) for __rt_lib_init
rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000B) refers to boardinit3.o(.text) for _platform_post_lib_init
rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000D) refers to main.o(.text) for main
rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000D) refers to exit.o(.text) for exit
rtentry2.o(.ARM.exidx) refers to rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000001) for .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000001
rtentry2.o(.ARM.exidx) refers to rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000008) for .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000008
rtentry2.o(.ARM.exidx) refers to rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000A) for .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000A
rtentry2.o(.ARM.exidx) refers to rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000B) for .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000B
rtentry2.o(.ARM.exidx) refers to rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000D) for .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000D
rtentry4.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000004) refers to sys_stackheap_outer.o(.text) for __user_setup_stackheap
rtentry4.o(.ARM.exidx) refers to rtentry4.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000004) for .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000004
rtentry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000005) refers to rtentry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00002716) for __lit__00000000
rtentry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00002716) refers to cstartup.o(CSTACK) for __initial_sp
rtentry5.o(__vectab_stack_and_reset_sym_area) refers to cstartup.o(CSTACK) for __initial_sp
rtentry5.o(__vectab_stack_and_reset_sym_area) refers to __main.o(!!!main) for __main
rtentry5.o(.ARM.exidx) refers to rtentry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000005) for .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000005
rtentry5.o(.ARM.exidx) refers to rtentry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00002716) for .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00002716
sys_stackheap_outer.o(.text) refers to libspace.o(.text) for __user_perproc_libspace
sys_stackheap_outer.o(.text) refers to cstartup.o(.text) for __user_initial_stackheap
exit.o(.text) refers to rtexit.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000000) for __rt_exit
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002C) for __rt_lib_init_alloca_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002A) for __rt_lib_init_argv_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000019) for __rt_lib_init_atexit_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001F) for __rt_lib_init_clock_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000030) for __rt_lib_init_cpp_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002E) for __rt_lib_init_exceptions_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000002) for __rt_lib_init_fp_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001D) for __rt_lib_init_fp_trap_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000021) for __rt_lib_init_getenv_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000008) for __rt_lib_init_heap_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000F) for __rt_lib_init_lc_collate_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000011) for __rt_lib_init_lc_ctype_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000013) for __rt_lib_init_lc_monetary_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000015) for __rt_lib_init_lc_numeric_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000017) for __rt_lib_init_lc_time_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000C) for __rt_lib_init_rand_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000031) for __rt_lib_init_return
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001B) for __rt_lib_init_signal_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000023) for __rt_lib_init_stdio_1
libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000) refers (Special) to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000A) for __rt_lib_init_user_alloc_1
libspace.o(.text) refers to libspace.o(.bss) for __libspace_start
rtexit.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000000) refers (Special) to rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000004) for __rt_exit_exit
rtexit.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000000) refers (Special) to rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000003) for __rt_exit_ls
rtexit.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000000) refers (Special) to rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000002) for __rt_exit_prels_1
rtexit.o(.ARM.exidx) refers (Special) to rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000004) for __rt_exit_exit
rtexit.o(.ARM.exidx) refers (Special) to rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000003) for __rt_exit_ls
rtexit.o(.ARM.exidx) refers (Special) to rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000002) for __rt_exit_prels_1
rtexit.o(.ARM.exidx) refers to rtexit.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000000) for .ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000000
libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000E) refers to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000D) for .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000D
libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000010) refers to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000D) for .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000D
libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000012) refers to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000D) for .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000D
libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000014) refers to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000D) for .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000D
libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000016) refers to libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000D) for .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000D
libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000024) refers to argv_veneer.o(.emb_text) for __ARM_argv_veneer
libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000025) refers to argv_veneer.o(.emb_text) for __ARM_argv_veneer
rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000003) refers to libshutdown.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000000) for __rt_lib_shutdown
rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000004) refers to sys_exit.o(.text) for _sys_exit
rtexit2.o(.ARM.exidx) refers to rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000001) for .ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000001
rtexit2.o(.ARM.exidx) refers to rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000003) for .ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000003
rtexit2.o(.ARM.exidx) refers to rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000004) for .ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000004
argv_veneer.o(.emb_text) refers to no_argv.o(.text) for __ARM_get_argv
sys_exit.o(.text) refers (Special) to use_no_semi.o(.text) for __I$use$semihosting
sys_exit.o(.text) refers (Special) to indicate_semi.o(.text) for __semihosting_library_function
_get_argv_nomalloc.o(.text) refers (Special) to hrguard.o(.text) for __heap_region$guard
_get_argv_nomalloc.o(.text) refers to defsig_rtmem_outer.o(.text) for __rt_SIGRTMEM
_get_argv_nomalloc.o(.text) refers to sys_command.o(.text) for _sys_command_string
libshutdown.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000000) refers (Special) to libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000006) for __rt_lib_shutdown_fp_trap_1
libshutdown.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000000) refers (Special) to libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000E) for __rt_lib_shutdown_heap_1
libshutdown.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000000) refers (Special) to libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000F) for __rt_lib_shutdown_return
libshutdown.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000000) refers (Special) to libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000009) for __rt_lib_shutdown_signal_1
libshutdown.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000000) refers (Special) to libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000003) for __rt_lib_shutdown_stdio_1
libshutdown.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000000) refers (Special) to libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000B) for __rt_lib_shutdown_user_alloc_1
sys_command.o(.text) refers (Special) to use_no_semi.o(.text) for __I$use$semihosting
sys_command.o(.text) refers (Special) to indicate_semi.o(.text) for __semihosting_library_function
defsig_rtmem_outer.o(.text) refers to defsig_rtmem_inner.o(.text) for __rt_SIGRTMEM_inner
defsig_rtmem_outer.o(.text) refers to defsig_exit.o(.text) for __sig_exit
defsig_rtmem_formal.o(.text) refers to rt_raise.o(.text) for __rt_raise
rt_raise.o(.text) refers to __raise.o(.text) for __raise
rt_raise.o(.text) refers to sys_exit.o(.text) for _sys_exit
defsig_exit.o(.text) refers to sys_exit.o(.text) for _sys_exit
defsig_rtmem_inner.o(.text) refers to defsig_general.o(.text) for __default_signal_display
__raise.o(.text) refers to defsig.o(CL$$defsig) for __default_signal_handler
defsig_general.o(.text) refers to sys_wrch.o(.text) for _ttywrch
sys_wrch.o(.text) refers (Special) to use_no_semi.o(.text) for __I$use$semihosting
sys_wrch.o(.text) refers (Special) to indicate_semi.o(.text) for __semihosting_library_function
defsig.o(CL$$defsig) refers to defsig_rtmem_inner.o(.text) for __rt_SIGRTMEM_inner
defsig_abrt_inner.o(.text) refers to defsig_general.o(.text) for __default_signal_display
defsig_fpe_inner.o(.text) refers to defsig_general.o(.text) for __default_signal_display
defsig_rtred_inner.o(.text) refers to defsig_general.o(.text) for __default_signal_display
defsig_stak_inner.o(.text) refers to defsig_general.o(.text) for __default_signal_display
defsig_pvfn_inner.o(.text) refers to defsig_general.o(.text) for __default_signal_display
defsig_cppl_inner.o(.text) refers to defsig_general.o(.text) for __default_signal_display
defsig_segv_inner.o(.text) refers to defsig_general.o(.text) for __default_signal_display
defsig_other.o(.text) refers to defsig_general.o(.text) for __default_signal_display
Removing Unused input sections from the image.
Removing board.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
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Removing chcore.o(.text), (4 bytes).
Removing chcond.o(.text), (468 bytes).
Removing chmboxes.o(.text), (602 bytes).
Removing chmsg.o(.text), (132 bytes).
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Removing pal.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
Removing pal.o(.text), (62 bytes).
Removing pwm.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
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Removing tm.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
Removing tm.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
Removing uart.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
Removing uart.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
Removing mac_lld.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
Removing mac_lld.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
Removing pwm_lld.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
Removing pwm_lld.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
Removing serial_lld.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
Removing serial_lld.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
Removing stm32_dma.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
Removing stm32_dma.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
Removing adc_lld.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
Removing adc_lld.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
Removing gpt_lld.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
Removing gpt_lld.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
Removing pal_lld.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
Removing pal_lld.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
Removing hal_lld.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
Removing hal_lld.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
Removing main.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
Removing main.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
65 unused section(s) (total 2112 bytes) removed from the image.
Image Symbol Table
Local Symbols
Symbol Name Value Ov Type Size Object(Section)
../clib/angel/boardlib.s 0x00000000 Number 0 boardshut.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/angel/boardlib.s 0x00000000 Number 0 boardinit3.o ABSOLUTE
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../clib/angel/boardlib.s 0x00000000 Number 0 boardinit1.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/angel/dclz77c.s 0x00000000 Number 0 __dclz77c.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/angel/handlers.s 0x00000000 Number 0 __scatter_zi.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/angel/kernel.s 0x00000000 Number 0 rtentry4.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/angel/kernel.s 0x00000000 Number 0 rtentry2.o ABSOLUTE
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../clib/angel/kernel.s 0x00000000 Number 0 rtexit.o ABSOLUTE
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../clib/angel/rt.s 0x00000000 Number 0 rt_raise.o ABSOLUTE
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../clib/angel/sys.s 0x00000000 Number 0 sys_stackheap_outer.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/angel/sys.s 0x00000000 Number 0 indicate_semi.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/angel/sys.s 0x00000000 Number 0 use_no_semi.o ABSOLUTE
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../clib/angel/sysapp.c 0x00000000 Number 0 sys_exit.o ABSOLUTE
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../clib/armsys.c 0x00000000 Number 0 no_argv.o ABSOLUTE
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../clib/libinit.s 0x00000000 Number 0 libshutdown.o ABSOLUTE
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../clib/memcpset.s 0x00000000 Number 0 strncpy.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/memcpset.s 0x00000000 Number 0 rt_memcpy_w.o ABSOLUTE
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../clib/signal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 defsig_rtmem_inner.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/signal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 defsig_exit.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/signal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 defsig_fpe_inner.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/signal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 defsig_rtred_inner.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/signal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 defsig_rtmem_formal.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/signal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 defsig_rtmem_outer.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/signal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 defsig_stak_inner.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/signal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 defsig_pvfn_inner.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/signal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 defsig_segv_inner.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/signal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 defsig_cppl_inner.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/signal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 __raise.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/signal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 defsig_general.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/signal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 defsig_other.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/signal.s 0x00000000 Number 0 defsig.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/stdlib.c 0x00000000 Number 0 exit.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/string.c 0x00000000 Number 0 strstr.o ABSOLUTE
../fplib/fpinit.s 0x00000000 Number 0 fpinit.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\boards\MLAB_STM32F10xRxT01A\board.c 0x00000000 Number 0 board.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\platforms\STM32F1xx\hal_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 hal_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\platforms\STM32L1xx\adc_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 adc_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\platforms\STM32L1xx\stm32_dma.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32_dma.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\platforms\STM32\GPIOv1\pal_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 pal_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\platforms\STM32\USARTv1\serial_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 serial_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\platforms\STM32\gpt_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 gpt_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\platforms\STM32\mac_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 mac_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\platforms\STM32\pwm_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 pwm_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\adc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 adc.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\can.c 0x00000000 Number 0 can.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\ext.c 0x00000000 Number 0 ext.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\gpt.c 0x00000000 Number 0 gpt.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\hal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 hal.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\i2c.c 0x00000000 Number 0 i2c.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\icu.c 0x00000000 Number 0 icu.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\mac.c 0x00000000 Number 0 mac.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\mmc_spi.c 0x00000000 Number 0 mmc_spi.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\pal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 pal.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\pwm.c 0x00000000 Number 0 pwm.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\rtc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 rtc.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\sdc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 sdc.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\serial.c 0x00000000 Number 0 serial.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\serial_usb.c 0x00000000 Number 0 serial_usb.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\spi.c 0x00000000 Number 0 spi.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\tm.c 0x00000000 Number 0 tm.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\uart.c 0x00000000 Number 0 uart.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\hal\src\usb.c 0x00000000 Number 0 usb.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chcond.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chcond.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chdebug.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chdebug.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chdynamic.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chdynamic.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chevents.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chevents.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chheap.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chheap.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chlists.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chlists.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chmboxes.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chmboxes.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chmemcore.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chmemcore.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chmempools.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chmempools.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chmsg.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chmsg.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chmtx.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chmtx.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chqueues.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chqueues.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chregistry.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chregistry.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chschd.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chschd.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chsem.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chsem.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chsys.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chsys.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chthreads.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chthreads.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\kernel\src\chvt.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chvt.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\ports\RVCT\ARMCMx\chcore.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chcore.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\ports\RVCT\ARMCMx\chcore_v7m.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chcore_v7m.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\ports\common\ARMCMx\nvic.c 0x00000000 Number 0 nvic.o ABSOLUTE
..\..\..\os\various\chprintf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 chprintf.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\boards\\MLAB_STM32F10xRxT01A\\board.c 0x00000000 Number 0 board.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\platforms\\STM32F1xx\\hal_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 hal_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\platforms\\STM32L1xx\\adc_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 adc_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\platforms\\STM32L1xx\\stm32_dma.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32_dma.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\platforms\\STM32\\GPIOv1\\pal_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 pal_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\platforms\\STM32\\USARTv1\\serial_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 serial_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\platforms\\STM32\\gpt_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 gpt_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\platforms\\STM32\\mac_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 mac_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\platforms\\STM32\\pwm_lld.c 0x00000000 Number 0 pwm_lld.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\adc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 adc.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\can.c 0x00000000 Number 0 can.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\ext.c 0x00000000 Number 0 ext.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\gpt.c 0x00000000 Number 0 gpt.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\hal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 hal.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\i2c.c 0x00000000 Number 0 i2c.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\icu.c 0x00000000 Number 0 icu.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\mac.c 0x00000000 Number 0 mac.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\mmc_spi.c 0x00000000 Number 0 mmc_spi.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\pal.c 0x00000000 Number 0 pal.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\pwm.c 0x00000000 Number 0 pwm.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\rtc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 rtc.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\sdc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 sdc.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\serial.c 0x00000000 Number 0 serial.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\serial_usb.c 0x00000000 Number 0 serial_usb.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\spi.c 0x00000000 Number 0 spi.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\tm.c 0x00000000 Number 0 tm.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\uart.c 0x00000000 Number 0 uart.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\hal\\src\\usb.c 0x00000000 Number 0 usb.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vectors.s 0x00000000 Number 0 vectors.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s 0x00000000 Number 0 chcoreasm_v7m.o ABSOLUTE
..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s 0x00000000 Number 0 cstartup.o ABSOLUTE
..\\main.c 0x00000000 Number 0 main.o ABSOLUTE
..\main.c 0x00000000 Number 0 main.o ABSOLUTE
GPS_dekoduj.c 0x00000000 Number 0 gps_dekoduj.o ABSOLUTE
dc.s 0x00000000 Number 0 dc.o ABSOLUTE
kom_uziv.c 0x00000000 Number 0 kom_uziv.o ABSOLUTE
RESET 0x08000000 Section 244 vectors.o(RESET)
!!!main 0x080000f4 Section 8 __main.o(!!!main)
!!!scatter 0x080000fc Section 52 __scatter.o(!!!scatter)
!!dclz77c 0x08000130 Section 100 __dclz77c.o(!!dclz77c)
!!handler_zi 0x08000194 Section 28 __scatter_zi.o(!!handler_zi)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000 0x080001b0 Section 2 libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000002 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000002)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000008 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000008)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000A 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000A)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000C 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000C)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000F 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000F)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000011 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000011)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000013 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000013)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000015 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000015)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000017 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000017)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000019 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000019)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001B 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001B)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001D 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001D)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001F 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001F)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000021 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000021)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000023 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000023)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002A 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002A)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002C 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002C)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002E 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002E)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000030 0x080001b2 Section 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000030)
.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000031 0x080001b2 Section 2 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000031)
.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000000 0x080001b4 Section 2 libshutdown.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000000)
.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000003 0x080001b6 Section 0 libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000003)
.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000006 0x080001b6 Section 0 libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000006)
.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000009 0x080001b6 Section 0 libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000009)
.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000B 0x080001b6 Section 0 libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000B)
.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000E 0x080001b6 Section 0 libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000E)
.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000F 0x080001b6 Section 2 libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000F)
.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000000 0x080001b8 Section 0 rtentry.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000000)
.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000002 0x080001b8 Section 0 rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000002)
.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000005 0x080001b8 Section 4 rtentry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000005)
.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000009 0x080001bc Section 0 rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000009)
.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000A 0x080001bc Section 4 rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000A)
.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000C 0x080001c0 Section 0 rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000C)
.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000D 0x080001c0 Section 8 rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000D)
.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00002716 0x080001c8 Section 4 rtentry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00002716)
__lit__00000000 0x080001c8 Data 4 rtentry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00002716)
.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000000 0x080001cc Section 2 rtexit.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000000)
.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000002 0x080001ce Section 0 rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000002)
.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000003 0x080001ce Section 4 rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000003)
.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000004 0x080001d2 Section 6 rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000004)
.text 0x080001d8 Section 0 board.o(.text)
.text 0x080001e0 Section 64 cstartup.o(.text)
.text 0x08000220 Section 36 chcoreasm_v7m.o(.text)
.text 0x08000244 Section 0 chcore_v7m.o(.text)
.text 0x0800033c Section 2 vectors.o(.text)
.text 0x08000340 Section 0 nvic.o(.text)
.text 0x080003e0 Section 0 chdynamic.o(.text)
.text 0x080004c8 Section 0 chevents.o(.text)
.text 0x08000800 Section 0 chheap.o(.text)
.text 0x08000950 Section 0 chmemcore.o(.text)
.text 0x080009bc Section 0 chmempools.o(.text)
.text 0x08000a50 Section 0 chmtx.o(.text)
.text 0x08000c74 Section 0 chqueues.o(.text)
.text 0x08000fa8 Section 0 chschd.o(.text)
wakeup 0x08000ffb Thumb Code 96 chschd.o(.text)
.text 0x08001270 Section 0 chsys.o(.text)
.text 0x08001330 Section 0 chthreads.o(.text)
.text 0x08001598 Section 0 chvt.o(.text)
.text 0x0800162c Section 0 gpt.o(.text)
.text 0x08001700 Section 0 hal.o(.text)
.text 0x08001770 Section 0 pwm.o(.text)
.text 0x080017fc Section 0 serial.o(.text)
write 0x080017fd Thumb Code 10 serial.o(.text)
read 0x08001807 Thumb Code 10 serial.o(.text)
put 0x08001811 Thumb Code 10 serial.o(.text)
get 0x0800181b Thumb Code 10 serial.o(.text)
putt 0x08001825 Thumb Code 6 serial.o(.text)
gett 0x0800182b Thumb Code 6 serial.o(.text)
writet 0x08001831 Thumb Code 6 serial.o(.text)
readt 0x08001837 Thumb Code 6 serial.o(.text)
.text 0x08001910 Section 0 tm.o(.text)
tm_start 0x08001911 Thumb Code 8 tm.o(.text)
tm_stop 0x08001919 Thumb Code 38 tm.o(.text)
.text 0x08001990 Section 0 chprintf.o(.text)
.text 0x08001c44 Section 0 pwm_lld.o(.text)
.text 0x08001f14 Section 0 serial_lld.o(.text)
notify1 0x08001f15 Thumb Code 12 serial_lld.o(.text)
notify2 0x08001f21 Thumb Code 12 serial_lld.o(.text)
serve_interrupt 0x0800201f Thumb Code 240 serial_lld.o(.text)
.text 0x0800213c Section 0 gpt_lld.o(.text)
.text 0x08002260 Section 0 pal_lld.o(.text)
.text 0x0800239c Section 0 hal_lld.o(.text)
.text 0x08002478 Section 0 main.o(.text)
gpt2cb 0x08002479 Thumb Code 32 main.o(.text)
Thread1 0x08002499 Thumb Code 38 main.o(.text)
Thread_odpal 0x080024bf Thumb Code 808 main.o(.text)
Thread_GPS 0x080027e7 Thumb Code 996 main.o(.text)
.text 0x08002ee8 Section 0 gps_dekoduj.o(.text)
.text 0x08002fc0 Section 0 strstr.o(.text)
.text 0x08002fe4 Section 100 rt_memcpy_w.o(.text)
.text 0x08003048 Section 86 strncpy.o(.text)
.text 0x080030a0 Section 128 strcmpv7m.o(.text)
.text 0x08003120 Section 0 heapauxi.o(.text)
.text 0x08003126 Section 68 rt_memclr.o(.text)
.text 0x0800316a Section 78 rt_memclr_w.o(.text)
.text 0x080031b8 Section 0 exit.o(.text)
.text 0x080031c4 Section 0 sys_exit.o(.text)
.text 0x080031d0 Section 2 use_no_semi.o(.text)
.text 0x080031d2 Section 0 indicate_semi.o(.text)
.constdata 0x080031d4 Section 84 board.o(.constdata)
.constdata 0x08003228 Section 22 chregistry.o(.constdata)
.constdata 0x08003240 Section 32 serial.o(.constdata)
vmt 0x08003240 Data 32 serial.o(.constdata)
.constdata 0x08003260 Section 12 serial_lld.o(.constdata)
default_config 0x08003260 Data 12 serial_lld.o(.constdata)
.constdata 0x0800326c Section 18 pal_lld.o(.constdata)
cfgtab 0x0800326c Data 18 pal_lld.o(.constdata)
.constdata 0x08003280 Section 175 main.o(.constdata)
gpt2cfg 0x08003280 Data 8 main.o(.constdata)
USART2_config 0x08003288 Data 12 main.o(.constdata)
.data 0x20000000 Section 8 chmemcore.o(.data)
nextmem 0x20000000 Data 4 chmemcore.o(.data)
endmem 0x20000004 Data 4 chmemcore.o(.data)
.data 0x20000008 Section 4 tm.o(.data)
measurement_offset 0x20000008 Data 4 tm.o(.data)
.data 0x2000000c Section 368 main.o(.data)
.bss 0x20000180 Section 32 chheap.o(.bss)
default_heap 0x20000180 Data 32 chheap.o(.bss)
.bss 0x200001a0 Section 28 chschd.o(.bss)
.bss 0x200001c0 Section 264 chsys.o(.bss)
mainthread 0x200001c0 Data 72 chsys.o(.bss)
.bss 0x200002c8 Section 16 chvt.o(.bss)
.bss 0x200002d8 Section 40 pwm_lld.o(.bss)
.bss 0x20000300 Section 240 serial_lld.o(.bss)
.bss 0x200003f0 Section 16 gpt_lld.o(.bss)
.bss 0x20000400 Section 1552 main.o(.bss)
waThread1 0x20000400 Data 304 main.o(.bss)
waThread_odpal 0x20000530 Data 304 main.o(.bss)
waThread_GPS 0x20000660 Data 944 main.o(.bss)
.bss 0x20000a10 Section 45 gps_dekoduj.o(.bss)
CSTACK 0x20000a40 Section 1024 cstartup.o(CSTACK)
proc_stack_mem 0x20000a40 Data 1024 cstartup.o(CSTACK)
HEAP 0x20000e40 Section 1024 cstartup.o(HEAP)
Heap_Mem 0x20000e40 Data 1024 cstartup.o(HEAP)
MSTACK 0x20001240 Section 1024 cstartup.o(MSTACK)
Global Symbols
Symbol Name Value Ov Type Size Object(Section)
BuildAttributes$$THM_ISAv4$P$D$K$B$S$PE$A:L22UL41UL21$X:L11$S22US41US21$IEEE1$IW$USESV6$~STKCKD$USESV7$~SHL$OTIME$ROPI$EBA8$UX$STANDARDLIB$REQ8$PRES8$EABIv2 0x00000000 Number 0 anon$$obj.o ABSOLUTE
__ARM_use_no_argv 0x00000000 Number 0 main.o ABSOLUTE
__ARM_exceptions_init - Undefined Weak Reference
__alloca_initialize - Undefined Weak Reference
__cpp_initialize__aeabi_ - Undefined Weak Reference
__cxa_finalize - Undefined Weak Reference
__rt_locale - Undefined Weak Reference
__sigvec_lookup - Undefined Weak Reference
_atexit_init - Undefined Weak Reference
_call_atexit_fns - Undefined Weak Reference
_clock_init - Undefined Weak Reference
_fp_trap_init - Undefined Weak Reference
_fp_trap_shutdown - Undefined Weak Reference
_get_lc_collate - Undefined Weak Reference
_get_lc_ctype - Undefined Weak Reference
_get_lc_monetary - Undefined Weak Reference
_get_lc_numeric - Undefined Weak Reference
_get_lc_time - Undefined Weak Reference
_getenv_init - Undefined Weak Reference
_handle_redirection - Undefined Weak Reference
_init_alloc - Undefined Weak Reference
_init_user_alloc - Undefined Weak Reference
_initio - Undefined Weak Reference
_rand_init - Undefined Weak Reference
_signal_finish - Undefined Weak Reference
_signal_init - Undefined Weak Reference
_terminate_alloc - Undefined Weak Reference
_terminate_user_alloc - Undefined Weak Reference
_terminateio - Undefined Weak Reference
__Vectors 0x08000000 Data 0 vectors.o(RESET)
__main 0x080000f5 Thumb Code 8 __main.o(!!!main)
__scatterload 0x080000fd Thumb Code 0 __scatter.o(!!!scatter)
__scatterload_rt2 0x080000fd Thumb Code 44 __scatter.o(!!!scatter)
__scatterload_rt2_thumb_only 0x080000fd Thumb Code 0 __scatter.o(!!!scatter)
__scatterload_null 0x0800010b Thumb Code 0 __scatter.o(!!!scatter)
__decompress 0x08000131 Thumb Code 100 __dclz77c.o(!!dclz77c)
__decompress2 0x08000131 Thumb Code 0 __dclz77c.o(!!dclz77c)
__scatterload_zeroinit 0x08000195 Thumb Code 28 __scatter_zi.o(!!handler_zi)
__rt_lib_init 0x080001b1 Thumb Code 0 libinit.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000)
__rt_lib_init_alloca_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002C)
__rt_lib_init_argv_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002A)
__rt_lib_init_atexit_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000019)
__rt_lib_init_clock_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001F)
__rt_lib_init_cpp_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000030)
__rt_lib_init_exceptions_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002E)
__rt_lib_init_fp_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000002)
__rt_lib_init_fp_trap_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001D)
__rt_lib_init_getenv_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000021)
__rt_lib_init_heap_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000008)
__rt_lib_init_lc_collate_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000F)
__rt_lib_init_lc_ctype_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000011)
__rt_lib_init_lc_monetary_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000013)
__rt_lib_init_lc_numeric_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000015)
__rt_lib_init_lc_time_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000017)
__rt_lib_init_rand_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000C)
__rt_lib_init_return 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000031)
__rt_lib_init_signal_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001B)
__rt_lib_init_stdio_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000023)
__rt_lib_init_user_alloc_1 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 0 libinit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000A)
__rt_lib_shutdown 0x080001b5 Thumb Code 0 libshutdown.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000000)
__rt_lib_shutdown_fp_trap_1 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000006)
__rt_lib_shutdown_heap_1 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000E)
__rt_lib_shutdown_return 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000F)
__rt_lib_shutdown_signal_1 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000009)
__rt_lib_shutdown_stdio_1 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000003)
__rt_lib_shutdown_user_alloc_1 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 libshutdown2.o(.ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000B)
__rt_entry 0x080001b9 Thumb Code 0 rtentry.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000000)
__rt_entry_presh_1 0x080001b9 Thumb Code 0 rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000002)
__rt_entry_sh 0x080001b9 Thumb Code 0 rtentry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000005)
__rt_entry_li 0x080001bd Thumb Code 0 rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000A)
__rt_entry_postsh_1 0x080001bd Thumb Code 0 rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000009)
__rt_entry_main 0x080001c1 Thumb Code 0 rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000D)
__rt_entry_postli_1 0x080001c1 Thumb Code 0 rtentry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000C)
__rt_exit 0x080001cd Thumb Code 0 rtexit.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000000)
__rt_exit_ls 0x080001cf Thumb Code 0 rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000003)
__rt_exit_prels_1 0x080001cf Thumb Code 0 rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000002)
__rt_exit_exit 0x080001d3 Thumb Code 0 rtexit2.o(.ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000004)
__early_init 0x080001d9 Thumb Code 4 board.o(.text)
boardInit 0x080001dd Thumb Code 2 board.o(.text)
Reset_Handler 0x080001e1 Thumb Code 26 cstartup.o(.text)
__user_initial_stackheap 0x080001fd Thumb Code 0 cstartup.o(.text)
_port_switch 0x08000221 Thumb Code 16 chcoreasm_v7m.o(.text)
_port_thread_start 0x08000231 Thumb Code 14 chcoreasm_v7m.o(.text)
_port_switch_from_isr 0x0800023f Thumb Code 6 chcoreasm_v7m.o(.text)
_port_exit_from_isr 0x08000243 Thumb Code 0 chcoreasm_v7m.o(.text)
_port_irq_epilogue 0x08000245 Thumb Code 74 chcore_v7m.o(.text)
SysTickVector 0x0800028f Thumb Code 88 chcore_v7m.o(.text)
SVCallVector 0x080002e7 Thumb Code 18 chcore_v7m.o(.text)
_port_init 0x080002f9 Thumb Code 44 chcore_v7m.o(.text)
BusFaultVector 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
DebugMonitorVector 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
HardFaultVector 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
MemManageVector 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
NMIVector 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
PendSVVector 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
UsageFaultVector 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector1C 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector20 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector24 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector28 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector34 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector40 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector44 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector48 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector4C 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector50 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector54 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector58 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector5C 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector60 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector64 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector68 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector6C 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector70 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector74 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector78 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector7C 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector80 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector84 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector88 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector8C 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector90 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector94 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector98 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
Vector9C 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorA0 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorA4 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorA8 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorAC 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorBC 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorC0 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorC4 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorC8 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorCC 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorD0 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorDC 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorE0 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorE4 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorE8 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorEC 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
VectorF0 0x0800033d Thumb Code 0 vectors.o(.text)
_unhandled_exception 0x0800033d Thumb Code 2 vectors.o(.text)
nvicEnableVector 0x08000341 Thumb Code 64 nvic.o(.text)
nvicDisableVector 0x08000381 Thumb Code 52 nvic.o(.text)
nvicSetSystemHandlerPriority 0x080003b5 Thumb Code 34 nvic.o(.text)
chThdAddRef 0x080003e1 Thumb Code 20 chdynamic.o(.text)
chThdRelease 0x080003f5 Thumb Code 86 chdynamic.o(.text)
chThdCreateFromHeap 0x0800044b Thumb Code 62 chdynamic.o(.text)
chThdCreateFromMemoryPool 0x08000489 Thumb Code 64 chdynamic.o(.text)
chEvtRegisterMask 0x080004c9 Thumb Code 30 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtUnregister 0x080004e7 Thumb Code 42 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtGetAndClearEvents 0x08000511 Thumb Code 32 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtAddEvents 0x08000531 Thumb Code 24 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtSignalI 0x08000549 Thumb Code 50 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtBroadcastFlagsI 0x0800057b Thumb Code 78 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtGetAndClearFlags 0x080005c9 Thumb Code 20 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtSignal 0x080005dd Thumb Code 60 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtBroadcastFlags 0x08000619 Thumb Code 90 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtGetAndClearFlagsI 0x08000673 Thumb Code 10 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtDispatch 0x0800067d Thumb Code 48 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtWaitOne 0x080006ad Thumb Code 50 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtWaitAny 0x080006df Thumb Code 46 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtWaitAll 0x0800070d Thumb Code 46 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtWaitOneTimeout 0x0800073b Thumb Code 68 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtWaitAnyTimeout 0x0800077f Thumb Code 64 chevents.o(.text)
chEvtWaitAllTimeout 0x080007bf Thumb Code 62 chevents.o(.text)
_heap_init 0x08000801 Thumb Code 18 chheap.o(.text)
chHeapInit 0x08000813 Thumb Code 20 chheap.o(.text)
chHeapAlloc 0x08000827 Thumb Code 128 chheap.o(.text)
chHeapFree 0x080008a7 Thumb Code 106 chheap.o(.text)
chHeapStatus 0x08000911 Thumb Code 54 chheap.o(.text)
_core_init 0x08000951 Thumb Code 20 chmemcore.o(.text)
chCoreAllocI 0x08000965 Thumb Code 26 chmemcore.o(.text)
chCoreAlloc 0x0800097f Thumb Code 40 chmemcore.o(.text)
chCoreStatus 0x080009a7 Thumb Code 10 chmemcore.o(.text)
chPoolInit 0x080009bd Thumb Code 10 chmempools.o(.text)
chPoolFreeI 0x080009c7 Thumb Code 8 chmempools.o(.text)
chPoolFree 0x080009cf Thumb Code 20 chmempools.o(.text)
chPoolLoadArray 0x080009e3 Thumb Code 40 chmempools.o(.text)
chPoolAllocI 0x08000a0b Thumb Code 28 chmempools.o(.text)
chPoolAlloc 0x08000a27 Thumb Code 40 chmempools.o(.text)
chMtxInit 0x08000a51 Thumb Code 10 chmtx.o(.text)
chMtxLockS 0x08000a5b Thumb Code 210 chmtx.o(.text)
chMtxLock 0x08000b2d Thumb Code 20 chmtx.o(.text)
chMtxTryLockS 0x08000b41 Thumb Code 30 chmtx.o(.text)
chMtxTryLock 0x08000b5f Thumb Code 42 chmtx.o(.text)
chMtxUnlock 0x08000b89 Thumb Code 86 chmtx.o(.text)
chMtxUnlockS 0x08000bdf Thumb Code 74 chmtx.o(.text)
chMtxUnlockAll 0x08000c29 Thumb Code 72 chmtx.o(.text)
chIQInit 0x08000c75 Thumb Code 32 chqueues.o(.text)
chIQResetI 0x08000c95 Thumb Code 46 chqueues.o(.text)
chIQPutI 0x08000cc3 Thumb Code 70 chqueues.o(.text)
chIQGetTimeout 0x08000d09 Thumb Code 108 chqueues.o(.text)
chIQReadTimeout 0x08000d75 Thumb Code 148 chqueues.o(.text)
chOQInit 0x08000e09 Thumb Code 26 chqueues.o(.text)
chOQResetI 0x08000e23 Thumb Code 48 chqueues.o(.text)
chOQPutTimeout 0x08000e53 Thumb Code 124 chqueues.o(.text)
chOQGetI 0x08000ecf Thumb Code 68 chqueues.o(.text)
chOQWriteTimeout 0x08000f13 Thumb Code 146 chqueues.o(.text)
_scheduler_init 0x08000fa9 Thumb Code 16 chschd.o(.text)
chSchReadyI 0x08000fb9 Thumb Code 30 chschd.o(.text)
chSchGoSleepS 0x08000fd7 Thumb Code 36 chschd.o(.text)
chSchGoSleepTimeoutS 0x0800105b Thumb Code 100 chschd.o(.text)
chSchWakeupS 0x080010bf Thumb Code 94 chschd.o(.text)
chSchDoRescheduleAhead 0x0800111d Thumb Code 62 chschd.o(.text)
chSchRescheduleS 0x0800115b Thumb Code 74 chschd.o(.text)
chSchDoRescheduleBehind 0x080011a5 Thumb Code 66 chschd.o(.text)
chSchDoReschedule 0x080011e7 Thumb Code 130 chschd.o(.text)
_idle_thread 0x08001271 Thumb Code 10 chsys.o(.text)
chSysInit 0x0800127b Thumb Code 68 chsys.o(.text)
chSysTimerHandlerI 0x080012bf Thumb Code 86 chsys.o(.text)
_thread_init 0x08001331 Thumb Code 56 chthreads.o(.text)
chThdCreateI 0x08001369 Thumb Code 80 chthreads.o(.text)
chThdCreateStatic 0x080013b9 Thumb Code 102 chthreads.o(.text)
chThdSetPriority 0x0800141f Thumb Code 44 chthreads.o(.text)
chThdResume 0x0800144b Thumb Code 26 chthreads.o(.text)
chThdTerminate 0x08001465 Thumb Code 22 chthreads.o(.text)
chThdSleep 0x0800147b Thumb Code 24 chthreads.o(.text)
chThdSleepUntil 0x08001493 Thumb Code 30 chthreads.o(.text)
chThdYield 0x080014b1 Thumb Code 34 chthreads.o(.text)
chThdExitS 0x080014d3 Thumb Code 64 chthreads.o(.text)
chThdExit 0x08001513 Thumb Code 70 chthreads.o(.text)
chThdWait 0x08001559 Thumb Code 50 chthreads.o(.text)
_vt_init 0x08001599 Thumb Code 18 chvt.o(.text)
chVTSetI 0x080015ab Thumb Code 56 chvt.o(.text)
chVTResetI 0x080015e3 Thumb Code 34 chvt.o(.text)
chTimeIsWithin 0x08001605 Thumb Code 34 chvt.o(.text)
gptInit 0x0800162d Thumb Code 4 gpt.o(.text)
gptObjectInit 0x08001631 Thumb Code 10 gpt.o(.text)
gptStart 0x0800163b Thumb Code 30 gpt.o(.text)
gptStop 0x08001659 Thumb Code 28 gpt.o(.text)
gptChangeInterval 0x08001675 Thumb Code 22 gpt.o(.text)
gptStartContinuousI 0x0800168b Thumb Code 8 gpt.o(.text)
gptStartContinuous 0x08001693 Thumb Code 24 gpt.o(.text)
gptStartOneShotI 0x080016ab Thumb Code 8 gpt.o(.text)
gptStartOneShot 0x080016b3 Thumb Code 24 gpt.o(.text)
gptStopTimerI 0x080016cb Thumb Code 8 gpt.o(.text)
gptStopTimer 0x080016d3 Thumb Code 24 gpt.o(.text)
gptPolledDelay 0x080016eb Thumb Code 20 gpt.o(.text)
halInit 0x08001701 Thumb Code 36 hal.o(.text)
halIsCounterWithin 0x08001725 Thumb Code 34 hal.o(.text)
halPolledDelay 0x08001747 Thumb Code 32 hal.o(.text)
pwmInit 0x08001771 Thumb Code 4 pwm.o(.text)
pwmObjectInit 0x08001775 Thumb Code 10 pwm.o(.text)
pwmStart 0x0800177f Thumb Code 34 pwm.o(.text)
pwmStop 0x080017a1 Thumb Code 28 pwm.o(.text)
pwmChangePeriod 0x080017bd Thumb Code 24 pwm.o(.text)
pwmEnableChannel 0x080017d5 Thumb Code 20 pwm.o(.text)
pwmDisableChannel 0x080017e9 Thumb Code 20 pwm.o(.text)
sdInit 0x0800183d Thumb Code 4 serial.o(.text)
sdObjectInit 0x08001841 Thumb Code 56 serial.o(.text)
sdStart 0x08001879 Thumb Code 28 serial.o(.text)
sdStop 0x08001895 Thumb Code 48 serial.o(.text)
sdIncomingDataI 0x080018c5 Thumb Code 46 serial.o(.text)
sdRequestDataI 0x080018f3 Thumb Code 26 serial.o(.text)
tmObjectInit 0x0800193f Thumb Code 20 tm.o(.text)
tmInit 0x08001953 Thumb Code 46 tm.o(.text)
chprintf 0x08001991 Thumb Code 684 chprintf.o(.text)
VectorB4 0x08001c45 Thumb Code 96 pwm_lld.o(.text)
VectorB8 0x08001ca5 Thumb Code 96 pwm_lld.o(.text)
pwm_lld_init 0x08001d05 Thumb Code 30 pwm_lld.o(.text)
pwm_lld_start 0x08001d23 Thumb Code 306 pwm_lld.o(.text)
pwm_lld_stop 0x08001e55 Thumb Code 72 pwm_lld.o(.text)
pwm_lld_enable_channel 0x08001e9d Thumb Code 60 pwm_lld.o(.text)
pwm_lld_disable_channel 0x08001ed9 Thumb Code 34 pwm_lld.o(.text)
VectorD4 0x08001f2d Thumb Code 16 serial_lld.o(.text)
VectorD8 0x08001f3d Thumb Code 16 serial_lld.o(.text)
sd_lld_init 0x08001f4d Thumb Code 36 serial_lld.o(.text)
sd_lld_start 0x08001f71 Thumb Code 112 serial_lld.o(.text)
sd_lld_stop 0x08001fe1 Thumb Code 62 serial_lld.o(.text)
gpt_lld_stop_timer 0x0800213d Thumb Code 16 gpt_lld.o(.text)
VectorB0 0x0800214d Thumb Code 46 gpt_lld.o(.text)
gpt_lld_init 0x0800217b Thumb Code 14 gpt_lld.o(.text)
gpt_lld_start 0x08002189 Thumb Code 82 gpt_lld.o(.text)
gpt_lld_stop 0x080021db Thumb Code 50 gpt_lld.o(.text)
gpt_lld_start_timer 0x0800220d Thumb Code 34 gpt_lld.o(.text)
gpt_lld_polled_delay 0x0800222f Thumb Code 36 gpt_lld.o(.text)
_pal_lld_init 0x08002261 Thumb Code 132 pal_lld.o(.text)
_pal_lld_setgroupmode 0x080022e5 Thumb Code 128 pal_lld.o(.text)
hal_lld_init 0x0800239d Thumb Code 82 hal_lld.o(.text)
stm32_clock_init 0x080023ef Thumb Code 108 hal_lld.o(.text)
dekodujPrikaz 0x08002bcb Thumb Code 152 main.o(.text)
main 0x08002c63 Thumb Code 428 main.o(.text)
dekoduj_zpravu_GPS 0x08002ee9 Thumb Code 212 gps_dekoduj.o(.text)
strstr 0x08002fc1 Thumb Code 36 strstr.o(.text)
__aeabi_memcpy4 0x08002fe5 Thumb Code 0 rt_memcpy_w.o(.text)
__aeabi_memcpy8 0x08002fe5 Thumb Code 0 rt_memcpy_w.o(.text)
__rt_memcpy_w 0x08002fe5 Thumb Code 100 rt_memcpy_w.o(.text)
_memcpy_lastbytes_aligned 0x0800302d Thumb Code 0 rt_memcpy_w.o(.text)
strncpy 0x08003049 Thumb Code 86 strncpy.o(.text)
strcmp 0x080030a1 Thumb Code 128 strcmpv7m.o(.text)
__use_two_region_memory 0x08003121 Thumb Code 2 heapauxi.o(.text)
__rt_heap_escrow$2region 0x08003123 Thumb Code 2 heapauxi.o(.text)
__rt_heap_expand$2region 0x08003125 Thumb Code 2 heapauxi.o(.text)
__aeabi_memclr 0x08003127 Thumb Code 0 rt_memclr.o(.text)
__rt_memclr 0x08003127 Thumb Code 68 rt_memclr.o(.text)
_memset 0x0800312b Thumb Code 0 rt_memclr.o(.text)
__aeabi_memclr4 0x0800316b Thumb Code 0 rt_memclr_w.o(.text)
__aeabi_memclr8 0x0800316b Thumb Code 0 rt_memclr_w.o(.text)
__rt_memclr_w 0x0800316b Thumb Code 78 rt_memclr_w.o(.text)
_memset_w 0x0800316f Thumb Code 0 rt_memclr_w.o(.text)
exit 0x080031b9 Thumb Code 12 exit.o(.text)
_sys_exit 0x080031c5 Thumb Code 8 sys_exit.o(.text)
__I$use$semihosting 0x080031d1 Thumb Code 0 use_no_semi.o(.text)
__use_no_semihosting_swi 0x080031d1 Thumb Code 2 use_no_semi.o(.text)
__semihosting_library_function 0x080031d3 Thumb Code 0 indicate_semi.o(.text)
pal_default_config 0x080031d4 Data 84 board.o(.constdata)
ch_debug 0x08003228 Data 22 chregistry.o(.constdata)
Region$$Table$$Base 0x08003330 Number 0 anon$$obj.o(Region$$Table)
Region$$Table$$Limit 0x08003350 Number 0 anon$$obj.o(Region$$Table)
tp_odpal 0x2000000c Data 4 main.o(.data)
uvitaci_zprava 0x20000010 Data 364 main.o(.data)
rlist 0x200001a0 Data 28 chschd.o(.bss)
_idle_thread_wa 0x20000208 Data 192 chsys.o(.bss)
vtlist 0x200002c8 Data 16 chvt.o(.bss)
PWMD3 0x200002d8 Data 20 pwm_lld.o(.bss)
PWMD4 0x200002ec Data 20 pwm_lld.o(.bss)
SD1 0x20000300 Data 120 serial_lld.o(.bss)
SD2 0x20000378 Data 120 serial_lld.o(.bss)
GPTD2 0x200003f0 Data 16 gpt_lld.o(.bss)
GPGGA_informace 0x20000a10 Data 45 gps_dekoduj.o(.bss)
__main_thread_stack_base__ 0x20000a40 Data 0 cstartup.o(CSTACK)
__initial_sp 0x20000e40 Data 0 cstartup.o(CSTACK)
Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limit 0x20001640 Number 0 cstartup.o(MSTACK)
__initial_msp 0x20001640 Data 0 cstartup.o(MSTACK)
Image$$RW_IRAM2$$Base 0x20004000 Number 0 anon$$obj.o(linker$$defined$$symbols)
Memory Map of the image
Image Entry point : 0x080000f5
Load Region LR_IROM1 (Base: 0x08000000, Size: 0x000034cc, Max: 0x00020000, ABSOLUTE, COMPRESSED[0x00003430])
Execution Region ER_IROM1 (Base: 0x08000000, Size: 0x00003350, Max: 0x00020000, ABSOLUTE)
Base Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object
0x08000000 0x000000f4 Data RO 285 RESET vectors.o
0x080000f4 0x00000008 Code RO 1170 * !!!main c_w.l(__main.o)
0x080000fc 0x00000034 Code RO 1336 !!!scatter c_w.l(__scatter.o)
0x08000130 0x00000064 Code RO 1334 !!dclz77c c_w.l(__dclz77c.o)
0x08000194 0x0000001c Code RO 1338 !!handler_zi c_w.l(__scatter_zi.o)
0x080001b0 0x00000002 Code RO 1206 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000000 c_w.l(libinit.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1213 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000002 c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1216 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000008 c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1218 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000A c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1220 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000C c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1223 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000000F c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1225 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000011 c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1227 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000013 c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1229 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000015 c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1231 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000017 c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1233 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000019 c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1235 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001B c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1237 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001D c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1239 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000001F c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1241 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000021 c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1243 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000023 c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1247 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002A c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1249 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002C c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1251 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$0000002E c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000000 Code RO 1253 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000030 c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b2 0x00000002 Code RO 1254 .ARM.Collect$$libinit$$00000031 c_w.l(libinit2.o)
0x080001b4 0x00000002 Code RO 1274 .ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000000 c_w.l(libshutdown.o)
0x080001b6 0x00000000 Code RO 1288 .ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000003 c_w.l(libshutdown2.o)
0x080001b6 0x00000000 Code RO 1291 .ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000006 c_w.l(libshutdown2.o)
0x080001b6 0x00000000 Code RO 1294 .ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$00000009 c_w.l(libshutdown2.o)
0x080001b6 0x00000000 Code RO 1296 .ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000B c_w.l(libshutdown2.o)
0x080001b6 0x00000000 Code RO 1299 .ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000E c_w.l(libshutdown2.o)
0x080001b6 0x00000002 Code RO 1300 .ARM.Collect$$libshutdown$$0000000F c_w.l(libshutdown2.o)
0x080001b8 0x00000000 Code RO 1172 .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000000 c_w.l(rtentry.o)
0x080001b8 0x00000000 Code RO 1176 .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000002 c_w.l(rtentry2.o)
0x080001b8 0x00000004 Code RO 1190 .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000005 c_w.l(rtentry5.o)
0x080001bc 0x00000000 Code RO 1178 .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00000009 c_w.l(rtentry2.o)
0x080001bc 0x00000004 Code RO 1179 .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000A c_w.l(rtentry2.o)
0x080001c0 0x00000000 Code RO 1181 .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000C c_w.l(rtentry2.o)
0x080001c0 0x00000008 Code RO 1182 .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$0000000D c_w.l(rtentry2.o)
0x080001c8 0x00000004 Code RO 1191 .ARM.Collect$$rtentry$$00002716 c_w.l(rtentry5.o)
0x080001cc 0x00000002 Code RO 1210 .ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000000 c_w.l(rtexit.o)
0x080001ce 0x00000000 Code RO 1256 .ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000002 c_w.l(rtexit2.o)
0x080001ce 0x00000004 Code RO 1257 .ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000003 c_w.l(rtexit2.o)
0x080001d2 0x00000006 Code RO 1258 .ARM.Collect$$rtexit$$00000004 c_w.l(rtexit2.o)
0x080001d8 0x00000006 Code RO 3 .text board.o
0x080001de 0x00000002 PAD
0x080001e0 0x00000040 Code RO 252 .text cstartup.o
0x08000220 0x00000024 Code RO 256 .text chcoreasm_v7m.o
0x08000244 0x000000f8 Code RO 272 .text chcore_v7m.o
0x0800033c 0x00000002 Code RO 286 .text vectors.o
0x0800033e 0x00000002 PAD
0x08000340 0x000000a0 Code RO 290 .text nvic.o
0x080003e0 0x000000e8 Code RO 324 .text chdynamic.o
0x080004c8 0x00000338 Code RO 336 .text chevents.o
0x08000800 0x00000150 Code RO 349 .text chheap.o
0x08000950 0x0000006c Code RO 382 .text chmemcore.o
0x080009bc 0x00000092 Code RO 397 .text chmempools.o
0x08000a4e 0x00000002 PAD
0x08000a50 0x00000224 Code RO 425 .text chmtx.o
0x08000c74 0x00000334 Code RO 441 .text chqueues.o
0x08000fa8 0x000002c8 Code RO 471 .text chschd.o
0x08001270 0x000000c0 Code RO 506 .text chsys.o
0x08001330 0x00000268 Code RO 524 .text chthreads.o
0x08001598 0x00000094 Code RO 540 .text chvt.o
0x0800162c 0x000000d2 Code RO 657 .text gpt.o
0x080016fe 0x00000002 PAD
0x08001700 0x00000070 Code RO 678 .text hal.o
0x08001770 0x0000008c Code RO 775 .text pwm.o
0x080017fc 0x00000114 Code RO 823 .text serial.o
0x08001910 0x00000080 Code RO 873 .text tm.o
0x08001990 0x000002b4 Code RO 908 .text chprintf.o
0x08001c44 0x000002d0 Code RO 945 .text pwm_lld.o
0x08001f14 0x00000228 Code RO 974 .text serial_lld.o
0x0800213c 0x00000124 Code RO 1029 .text gpt_lld.o
0x08002260 0x0000013c Code RO 1059 .text pal_lld.o
0x0800239c 0x000000dc Code RO 1080 .text hal_lld.o
0x08002478 0x00000a70 Code RO 1100 .text main.o
0x08002ee8 0x000000d8 Code RO 1137 .text gps_dekoduj.o
0x08002fc0 0x00000024 Code RO 1160 .text c_w.l(strstr.o)
0x08002fe4 0x00000064 Code RO 1162 .text c_w.l(rt_memcpy_w.o)
0x08003048 0x00000056 Code RO 1164 .text c_w.l(strncpy.o)
0x0800309e 0x00000002 PAD
0x080030a0 0x00000080 Code RO 1166 .text c_w.l(strcmpv7m.o)
0x08003120 0x00000006 Code RO 1168 .text c_w.l(heapauxi.o)
0x08003126 0x00000044 Code RO 1173 .text c_w.l(rt_memclr.o)
0x0800316a 0x0000004e Code RO 1195 .text c_w.l(rt_memclr_w.o)
0x080031b8 0x0000000c Code RO 1199 .text c_w.l(exit.o)
0x080031c4 0x0000000c Code RO 1266 .text c_w.l(sys_exit.o)
0x080031d0 0x00000002 Code RO 1277 .text c_w.l(use_no_semi.o)
0x080031d2 0x00000000 Code RO 1279 .text c_w.l(indicate_semi.o)
0x080031d2 0x00000002 PAD
0x080031d4 0x00000054 Data RO 4 .constdata board.o
0x08003228 0x00000016 Data RO 454 .constdata chregistry.o
0x0800323e 0x00000002 PAD
0x08003240 0x00000020 Data RO 824 .constdata serial.o
0x08003260 0x0000000c Data RO 976 .constdata serial_lld.o
0x0800326c 0x00000012 Data RO 1060 .constdata pal_lld.o
0x0800327e 0x00000002 PAD
0x08003280 0x000000af Data RO 1102 .constdata main.o
0x0800332f 0x00000001 PAD
0x08003330 0x00000020 Data RO 1331 Region$$Table anon$$obj.o
Execution Region RW_IRAM1 (Base: 0x20000000, Size: 0x00001640, Max: 0x00004000, ABSOLUTE, COMPRESSED[0x000000e0])
Base Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object
0x20000000 0x00000008 Data RW 383 .data chmemcore.o
0x20000008 0x00000004 Data RW 874 .data tm.o
0x2000000c 0x00000170 Data RW 1103 .data main.o
0x2000017c 0x00000004 PAD
0x20000180 0x00000020 Zero RW 350 .bss chheap.o
0x200001a0 0x0000001c Zero RW 472 .bss chschd.o
0x200001bc 0x00000004 PAD
0x200001c0 0x00000108 Zero RW 507 .bss chsys.o
0x200002c8 0x00000010 Zero RW 541 .bss chvt.o
0x200002d8 0x00000028 Zero RW 946 .bss pwm_lld.o
0x20000300 0x000000f0 Zero RW 975 .bss serial_lld.o
0x200003f0 0x00000010 Zero RW 1030 .bss gpt_lld.o
0x20000400 0x00000610 Zero RW 1101 .bss main.o
0x20000a10 0x0000002d Zero RW 1138 .bss gps_dekoduj.o
0x20000a3d 0x00000003 PAD
0x20000a40 0x00000400 Zero RW 250 CSTACK cstartup.o
0x20000e40 0x00000400 Zero RW 251 HEAP cstartup.o
0x20001240 0x00000400 Zero RW 249 MSTACK cstartup.o
Execution Region RW_IRAM2 (Base: 0x20004000, Size: 0x00000000, Max: 0x00000001, ABSOLUTE)
Base Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object
0x20004000 0x00000000 Data RO 1333 linker$$defined$$symbols anon$$obj.o
Image component sizes
Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Object Name
6 0 84 0 0 234927 board.o
248 24 0 0 0 1869 chcore_v7m.o
36 0 0 0 0 548 chcoreasm_v7m.o
232 0 0 0 0 1933 chdynamic.o
824 4 0 0 0 5392 chevents.o
336 10 0 0 32 2308 chheap.o
108 12 0 8 0 1994 chmemcore.o
146 0 0 0 0 2287 chmempools.o
0 0 0 0 0 700 chmsg.o
548 4 0 0 0 4166 chmtx.o
692 8 0 0 0 2999 chprintf.o
820 4 0 0 0 4463 chqueues.o
0 0 22 0 0 1807 chregistry.o
712 8 0 0 28 6122 chschd.o
192 28 0 0 264 1706 chsys.o
616 14 0 0 0 4709 chthreads.o
148 6 0 0 16 2899 chvt.o
64 26 0 0 3072 488 cstartup.o
216 4 0 0 45 2035 gps_dekoduj.o
210 0 0 0 0 2991 gpt.o
292 14 0 0 16 4141 gpt_lld.o
112 10 0 0 0 1490 hal.o
220 30 0 0 0 1312 hal_lld.o
2672 810 175 368 1552 5201 main.o
160 10 0 0 0 942 nvic.o
316 56 18 0 0 1738 pal_lld.o
140 0 0 0 0 1672 pwm.o
720 26 0 0 40 5309 pwm_lld.o
276 4 32 0 0 3040 serial.o
552 46 12 0 240 4171 serial_lld.o
128 16 0 4 0 1676 tm.o
0 0 0 0 0 1549 usb.o
2 0 244 0 0 460 vectors.o
11752 1174 624 380 5316 319044 Object Totals
0 0 32 0 0 0 (incl. Generated)
8 0 5 0 11 0 (incl. Padding)
Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Library Member Name
100 0 0 0 0 0 __dclz77c.o
8 0 0 0 0 68 __main.o
52 8 0 0 0 0 __scatter.o
28 0 0 0 0 0 __scatter_zi.o
12 0 0 0 0 72 exit.o
6 0 0 0 0 152 heapauxi.o
0 0 0 0 0 0 indicate_semi.o
2 0 0 0 0 0 libinit.o
2 0 0 0 0 0 libinit2.o
2 0 0 0 0 0 libshutdown.o
2 0 0 0 0 0 libshutdown2.o
68 0 0 0 0 68 rt_memclr.o
78 0 0 0 0 80 rt_memclr_w.o
100 0 0 0 0 80 rt_memcpy_w.o
0 0 0 0 0 0 rtentry.o
12 0 0 0 0 0 rtentry2.o
8 4 0 0 0 0 rtentry5.o
2 0 0 0 0 0 rtexit.o
10 0 0 0 0 0 rtexit2.o
128 0 0 0 0 68 strcmpv7m.o
86 0 0 0 0 76 strncpy.o
36 0 0 0 0 80 strstr.o
12 4 0 0 0 68 sys_exit.o
2 0 0 0 0 68 use_no_semi.o
760 16 0 0 0 880 Library Totals
4 0 0 0 0 0 (incl. Padding)
Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Library Name
756 16 0 0 0 880 c_w.l
760 16 0 0 0 880 Library Totals
Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug
12512 1190 624 380 5316 316544 Grand Totals
12512 1190 624 224 5316 316544 ELF Image Totals (compressed)
12512 1190 624 224 0 0 ROM Totals
Total RO Size (Code + RO Data) 13136 ( 12.83kB)
Total RW Size (RW Data + ZI Data) 5696 ( 5.56kB)
Total ROM Size (Code + RO Data + RW Data) 13360 ( 13.05kB)
/Designs/Measuring_instruments/ABL01A/SW/Pozemni stanice/Autovypoustec STM32F10x/keil/lst/chcoreasm_v7m.lst
0,0 → 1,1254
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1
1 00000000 #line 1 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
1 00000000
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14 00000000
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23 00000000
24 00000000 #line 1 "..\\chconf.h"
1 00000000
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3 00000000
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180 00000000
181 00000000
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185 00000000
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233 00000000
234 00000000
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240 00000000
241 00000000
242 00000000
243 00000000
244 00000000
245 00000000
246 00000000
247 00000000
248 00000000
249 00000000
250 00000000
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252 00000000
253 00000000
254 00000000
255 00000000
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298 00000000
299 00000000
300 00000000
301 00000000
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304 00000000
305 00000000
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308 00000000
309 00000000
310 00000000
311 00000000
312 00000000
313 00000000
314 00000000
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316 00000000
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318 00000000
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320 00000000
321 00000000
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437 00000000
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440 00000000
441 00000000
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522 00000000
523 00000000
524 00000000
525 00000000
526 00000000
527 00000000
528 00000000
529 00000000
530 00000000
531 00000000
532 00000000 #line 26 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
26 00000000 #line 1 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
1 00000000
2 00000000
3 00000000
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36 00000000
37 00000000 #line 43 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
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46 00000000
47 00000000
48 00000000
49 00000000
50 00000000 #line 1 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
1 00000000
2 00000000
3 00000000
4 00000000
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6 00000000
7 00000000
8 00000000
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63 00000000 #line 51 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
51 00000000
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53 00000000 #line 60 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
60 00000000
61 00000000
62 00000000
63 00000000
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125 00000000
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127 00000000
128 00000000 #line 1 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
1 00000000
2 00000000
3 00000000
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50 00000000
51 00000000
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81 00000000
82 00000000
83 00000000
84 00000000
85 00000000
86 00000000
87 00000000 #line 93 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
93 00000000
94 00000000
95 00000000
96 00000000
97 00000000
98 00000000 #line 105 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
105 00000000
106 00000000
107 00000000
108 00000000
109 00000000
110 00000000
111 00000000
112 00000000
113 00000000
114 00000000
115 00000000
116 00000000
117 00000000
118 00000000
119 00000000
120 00000000
121 00000000 #line 127 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
127 00000000
128 00000000
129 00000000
130 00000000
131 00000000
132 00000000
133 00000000
134 00000000
135 00000000
136 00000000
137 00000000
138 00000000
139 00000000
140 00000000
141 00000000
142 00000000
143 00000000
144 00000000
145 00000000
146 00000000
147 00000000
148 00000000
149 00000000
150 00000000
151 00000000
152 00000000
ARM Macro Assembler Page 16
153 00000000
154 00000000
155 00000000
156 00000000
157 00000000
158 00000000 #line 165 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
165 00000000
166 00000000
167 00000000
168 00000000
169 00000000
170 00000000
171 00000000
172 00000000
173 00000000
174 00000000
175 00000000
176 00000000
177 00000000
178 00000000
179 00000000
180 00000000
181 00000000
182 00000000
183 00000000
184 00000000
185 00000000
186 00000000
187 00000000
188 00000000
189 00000000
190 00000000
191 00000000
192 00000000
193 00000000
194 00000000 #line 203 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
203 00000000
204 00000000
205 00000000
206 00000000
207 00000000
208 00000000
209 00000000
210 00000000
211 00000000
212 00000000
213 00000000
214 00000000
215 00000000
216 00000000
217 00000000 #line 509 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
509 00000000
510 00000000
511 00000000
512 00000000
513 00000000 #line 132 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
ARM Macro Assembler Page 17
132 00000000
133 00000000
134 00000000 #line 185 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
185 00000000
186 00000000
187 00000000
188 00000000
189 00000000 #line 27 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
27 00000000
28 00000000 0000000C
EQU 12
29 00000000 E000ED04
EQU 0xE000ED04
30 00000000 10000000
EQU 0x10000000
31 00000000
32 00000000 PRESERVE8
33 00000000 THUMB
34 00000000 AREA |.text|, CODE, READONLY
35 00000000
36 00000000 IMPORT chThdExit
37 00000000 IMPORT chSchDoReschedule
38 00000000
39 00000000
40 00000000
41 00000000
42 00000000
43 00000000
44 00000000
45 00000000
46 00000000 EXPORT _port_switch
47 00000000 _port_switch
48 00000000 E92D 4FF0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r
11, lr}
49 00000004
50 00000004
51 00000004
52 00000004 F8C1 D00C str sp, [r1, #CONTEXT_OFFSET]
53 00000008 F8D0 D00C ldr sp, [r0, #CONTEXT_OFFSET]
54 0000000C
55 0000000C
56 0000000C
57 0000000C E8BD 8FF0 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r
11, pc}
58 00000010 ENDP
59 00000010
60 00000010
61 00000010
62 00000010
63 00000010
64 00000010 EXPORT _port_thread_start
65 00000010 _port_thread_start
ARM Macro Assembler Page 18
66 00000010 #line 72 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
72 00000010 2300 movs r3, #0
73 00000012 F383 8811 msr BASEPRI, r3
74 00000016
75 00000016 4628 mov r0, r5
76 00000018 47A0 blx r4
77 0000001A F7FF FFFE bl chThdExit
78 0000001E ENDP
79 0000001E
80 0000001E
81 0000001E
82 0000001E
83 0000001E
84 0000001E EXPORT _port_switch_from_isr
85 0000001E EXPORT _port_exit_from_isr
86 0000001E _port_switch_from_isr
87 0000001E
88 0000001E
89 0000001E
90 0000001E F7FF FFFE bl chSchDoReschedule
91 00000022
92 00000022
93 00000022
94 00000022 _port_exit_from_isr
95 00000022 #line 103 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
103 00000022 DF00 svc #0
104 00000024
105 00000024 ENDP
106 00000024
107 00000024 END
Command Line: --debug --xref --cpreproc --cpu=Cortex-M3 --apcs=interwork --depe
nd=.\obj\chcoreasm_v7m.d -o.\obj\chcoreasm_v7m.o -I..\ -I..\..\..\boards\ST_STM
32L_DISCOVERY -I..\..\..\os\ports\RVCT\ARMCMx\STM32L1xx -I"C:\Program Files\Kei
l\ARM\RV31\INC" -I"C:\Program Files\Keil\ARM\CMSIS\Include" -I"C:\Program Files
\Keil\ARM\Inc\ST\STM32L1xx" --predefine="__EVAL SETA 1" --list=.\lst\chcoreasm_
v7m.lst ..\..\..\os\ports\RVCT\ARMCMx\chcoreasm_v7m.s
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
.text 00000000
Symbol: .text
At line 34 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
Comment: .text unused
_port_exit_from_isr 00000022
Symbol: _port_exit_from_isr
At line 94 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
At line 85 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
Comment: _port_exit_from_isr used once
_port_switch 00000000
Symbol: _port_switch
At line 47 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
At line 46 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
Comment: _port_switch used once
_port_switch_from_isr 0000001E
Symbol: _port_switch_from_isr
At line 86 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
At line 84 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
Comment: _port_switch_from_isr used once
_port_thread_start 00000010
Symbol: _port_thread_start
At line 65 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
At line 64 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
Comment: _port_thread_start used once
5 symbols
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Absolute symbols
At line 28 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
At line 52 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
At line 53 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
At line 30 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
Comment: ICSR_PENDSVSET unused
Symbol: SCB_ICSR
At line 29 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
Comment: SCB_ICSR unused
3 symbols
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
External symbols
chSchDoReschedule 00000000
Symbol: chSchDoReschedule
At line 37 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
At line 90 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
Comment: chSchDoReschedule used once
chThdExit 00000000
Symbol: chThdExit
At line 36 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
At line 77 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\chcoreasm_v7m.s
Comment: chThdExit used once
2 symbols
341 symbols in table
/Designs/Measuring_instruments/ABL01A/SW/Pozemni stanice/Autovypoustec STM32F10x/keil/lst/cstartup.lst
0,0 → 1,408
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1
1 00000000 #line 1 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
1 00000000
2 00000000
3 00000000
4 00000000
5 00000000
6 00000000
7 00000000
8 00000000
9 00000000
10 00000000
11 00000000
12 00000000
13 00000000
14 00000000
15 00000000
16 00000000
17 00000000
18 00000000
19 00000000
20 00000000
21 00000000 ;
22 00000000
23 00000000 ;
24 00000000 ;
25 00000000 ;
26 00000000 00000400
EQU 0x00000400
27 00000000
28 00000000 ;
29 00000000 ;
30 00000000 ;
31 00000000 00000400
EQU 0x00000400
32 00000000
33 00000000 ;
34 00000000 ;
35 00000000 ;
36 00000000 00000400
EQU 0x00000400
37 00000000
39 00000000 main_stack_mem
SPACE main_stack_size
40 00000400 EXPORT __initial_msp
41 00000400 __initial_msp
42 00000400
44 00000000 __main_thread_stack_base__
45 00000000 EXPORT __main_thread_stack_base__
46 00000000 proc_stack_mem
SPACE proc_stack_size
47 00000400 EXPORT __initial_sp
ARM Macro Assembler Page 2
48 00000400 __initial_sp
49 00000400
51 00000000 __heap_base
52 00000000 Heap_Mem
SPACE heap_size
53 00000400 __heap_limit
54 00000400
55 00000400 00000000
56 00000400 00000001
57 00000400 00000000
58 00000400 00000002
59 00000400
60 00000400 PRESERVE8
61 00000400 THUMB
62 00000400
63 00000400 AREA |.text|, CODE, READONLY
64 00000000
65 00000000
66 00000000
67 00000000
68 00000000 IMPORT __main
69 00000000 EXPORT Reset_Handler
70 00000000 Reset_Handler
71 00000000 B672 cpsid i
72 00000002 4809 ldr r0, =__initial_sp
73 00000004 F380 8809 msr PSP, r0
74 00000008 2002 movs r0, #CONTROL_MODE_PRIVILEGED :O
75 0000000A F380 8814 msr CONTROL, r0
76 0000000E F3BF 8F6F isb
77 00000012 F7FF FFFE bl __early_init
78 00000016
79 00000016 IF {CPU} = "Cortex-M4.fp"
85 00000016
86 00000016 4805 ldr r0, =__main
87 00000018 4700 bx r0
88 0000001A ENDP
89 0000001A
90 0000001A __early_init
91 0000001A EXPORT __early_init [WEAK]
92 0000001A 4770 bx lr
93 0000001C ENDP
94 0000001C
95 0000001C ALIGN
96 0000001C
97 0000001C
ARM Macro Assembler Page 3
98 0000001C
99 0000001C
100 0000001C IF :DEF:__MICROLIB
107 0000001C
108 0000001C IMPORT __use_two_region_memory
109 0000001C EXPORT __user_initial_stackheap
110 0000001C __user_initial_stackheap
111 0000001C 4804 ldr r0, =Heap_Mem
112 0000001E 4905 ldr r1, =(proc_stack_mem + proc_sta
113 00000020 4A05 ldr r2, =(Heap_Mem + heap_size)
114 00000022 4B06 ldr r3, =proc_stack_mem
115 00000024 4770 bx lr
116 00000026
117 00000026 00 00 ALIGN
118 00000028
119 00000028 ENDIF
120 00000028
121 00000028 END
Command Line: --debug --xref --cpreproc --cpu=Cortex-M3 --apcs=interwork --depe
nd=.\obj\cstartup.d -o.\obj\cstartup.o -I..\ -I..\..\..\boards\ST_STM32L_DISCOV
ERY -I..\..\..\os\ports\RVCT\ARMCMx\STM32L1xx -I"C:\Program Files\Keil\ARM\RV31
\INC" -I"C:\Program Files\Keil\ARM\CMSIS\Include" -I"C:\Program Files\Keil\ARM\
Inc\ST\STM32L1xx" --predefine="__EVAL SETA 1" --list=.\lst\cstartup.lst ..\..\.
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
MSTACK 00000000
Symbol: MSTACK
At line 38 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: MSTACK unused
__initial_msp 00000400
Symbol: __initial_msp
At line 41 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 40 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: __initial_msp used once
main_stack_mem 00000000
Symbol: main_stack_mem
At line 39 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: main_stack_mem unused
3 symbols
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
CSTACK 00000000
Symbol: CSTACK
At line 43 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: CSTACK unused
__initial_sp 00000400
Symbol: __initial_sp
At line 48 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 47 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 72 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
__main_thread_stack_base__ 00000000
Symbol: __main_thread_stack_base__
At line 44 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 45 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: __main_thread_stack_base__ used once
proc_stack_mem 00000000
Symbol: proc_stack_mem
At line 46 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 112 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 114 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
4 symbols
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
HEAP 00000000
Symbol: HEAP
At line 50 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: HEAP unused
Heap_Mem 00000000
Symbol: Heap_Mem
At line 52 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 111 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 113 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
__heap_base 00000000
Symbol: __heap_base
At line 51 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: __heap_base unused
__heap_limit 00000400
Symbol: __heap_limit
At line 53 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: __heap_limit unused
4 symbols
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
.text 00000000
Symbol: .text
At line 63 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: .text unused
Reset_Handler 00000000
Symbol: Reset_Handler
At line 70 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 69 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: Reset_Handler used once
__early_init 0000001A
Symbol: __early_init
At line 90 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 77 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 91 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
__user_initial_stackheap 0000001C
Symbol: __user_initial_stackheap
At line 110 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 109 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: __user_initial_stackheap used once
4 symbols
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Absolute symbols
At line 55 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 74 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 56 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 57 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: CONTROL_USE_MSP unused
At line 58 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 74 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: CONTROL_USE_PSP used once
heap_size 00000400
Symbol: heap_size
At line 36 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 52 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 113 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
main_stack_size 00000400
Symbol: main_stack_size
At line 26 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 39 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: main_stack_size used once
proc_stack_size 00000400
Symbol: proc_stack_size
At line 31 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 46 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 112 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
7 symbols
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
External symbols
__main 00000000
Symbol: __main
At line 68 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
At line 86 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: __main used once
__use_two_region_memory 00000000
Symbol: __use_two_region_memory
At line 108 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\cstartup.s
Comment: __use_two_region_memory unused
2 symbols
359 symbols in table
/Designs/Measuring_instruments/ABL01A/SW/Pozemni stanice/Autovypoustec STM32F10x/keil/lst/vectors.lst
0,0 → 1,1367
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1
1 00000000 #line 1 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
1 00000000
2 00000000
3 00000000
4 00000000
5 00000000
6 00000000
7 00000000
8 00000000
9 00000000
10 00000000
11 00000000
12 00000000
13 00000000
14 00000000
15 00000000
16 00000000
17 00000000
18 00000000
19 00000000
20 00000000
21 00000000 #line 1 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
1 00000000
2 00000000
3 00000000
4 00000000
5 00000000
6 00000000
7 00000000
8 00000000
9 00000000
10 00000000
11 00000000
12 00000000
13 00000000
14 00000000
15 00000000
16 00000000
17 00000000
18 00000000
19 00000000
20 00000000
21 00000000
22 00000000
23 00000000
24 00000000
25 00000000
26 00000000
27 00000000
28 00000000
29 00000000
30 00000000
31 00000000
32 00000000
33 00000000
34 00000000
35 00000000
ARM Macro Assembler Page 2
36 00000000
37 00000000
38 00000000
39 00000000
40 00000000
41 00000000
42 00000000
43 00000000
44 00000000
45 00000000
46 00000000
47 00000000
48 00000000
49 00000000
50 00000000
51 00000000
52 00000000
53 00000000 #line 69 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
69 00000000
70 00000000 #line 86 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
86 00000000
87 00000000 #line 103 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
103 00000000
104 00000000 #line 120 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
120 00000000
121 00000000 #line 137 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
137 00000000
138 00000000 #line 154 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
154 00000000
155 00000000
156 00000000
157 00000000
158 00000000
159 00000000
160 00000000 #line 176 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
176 00000000
177 00000000
178 00000000
179 00000000
180 00000000
181 00000000
182 00000000
183 00000000
184 00000000
185 00000000
186 00000000
187 00000000
188 00000000
189 00000000
190 00000000
191 00000000
192 00000000
ARM Macro Assembler Page 3
193 00000000
194 00000000
195 00000000
196 00000000
197 00000000 #line 293 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
293 00000000
294 00000000
295 00000000
296 00000000
297 00000000
298 00000000
299 00000000
300 00000000
301 00000000
302 00000000
303 00000000
304 00000000
305 00000000
306 00000000
307 00000000
308 00000000
309 00000000
310 00000000
311 00000000
312 00000000
313 00000000
314 00000000 #line 410 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
410 00000000
411 00000000
412 00000000
413 00000000
414 00000000
415 00000000
416 00000000
417 00000000
418 00000000
419 00000000
420 00000000
421 00000000
422 00000000
423 00000000
424 00000000
425 00000000
426 00000000
427 00000000
428 00000000
429 00000000
430 00000000
431 00000000 #line 527 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
527 00000000
528 00000000
529 00000000
530 00000000
531 00000000
532 00000000
533 00000000
ARM Macro Assembler Page 4
534 00000000
535 00000000
536 00000000
537 00000000
538 00000000
539 00000000
540 00000000
541 00000000
542 00000000
543 00000000
544 00000000
545 00000000
546 00000000
547 00000000
548 00000000 #line 644 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
644 00000000
645 00000000
646 00000000
647 00000000
648 00000000
649 00000000
650 00000000
651 00000000
652 00000000
653 00000000
654 00000000
655 00000000
656 00000000
657 00000000
658 00000000
659 00000000
660 00000000
661 00000000
662 00000000
663 00000000
664 00000000
665 00000000 #line 761 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
761 00000000
762 00000000
763 00000000
764 00000000
765 00000000
766 00000000
767 00000000
768 00000000
769 00000000
770 00000000
771 00000000
772 00000000
773 00000000
774 00000000
775 00000000
776 00000000
777 00000000
778 00000000
779 00000000
780 00000000
ARM Macro Assembler Page 5
781 00000000
782 00000000 #line 878 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
878 00000000
879 00000000
880 00000000 #line 889 "..\\..\\..\\boards\\ST_STM32L_
889 00000000
890 00000000 #line 24 "..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\A
24 00000000
25 00000000
26 00000000 PRESERVE8
27 00000000
29 00000000
30 00000000 IMPORT __initial_msp
31 00000000 IMPORT Reset_Handler
32 00000000 EXPORT __Vectors
33 00000000
34 00000000 __Vectors
35 00000000 00000000 DCD __initial_msp
36 00000004 00000000 DCD Reset_Handler
37 00000008 00000000 DCD NMIVector
38 0000000C 00000000 DCD HardFaultVector
39 00000010 00000000 DCD MemManageVector
40 00000014 00000000 DCD BusFaultVector
41 00000018 00000000 DCD UsageFaultVector
42 0000001C 00000000 DCD Vector1C
43 00000020 00000000 DCD Vector20
44 00000024 00000000 DCD Vector24
45 00000028 00000000 DCD Vector28
46 0000002C 00000000 DCD SVCallVector
47 00000030 00000000 DCD DebugMonitorVector
48 00000034 00000000 DCD Vector34
49 00000038 00000000 DCD PendSVVector
50 0000003C 00000000 DCD SysTickVector
51 00000040 00000000 DCD Vector40
52 00000044 00000000 DCD Vector44
53 00000048 00000000 DCD Vector48
54 0000004C 00000000 DCD Vector4C
55 00000050 00000000 DCD Vector50
56 00000054 00000000 DCD Vector54
57 00000058 00000000 DCD Vector58
58 0000005C 00000000 DCD Vector5C
59 00000060 00000000 DCD Vector60
60 00000064 00000000 DCD Vector64
61 00000068 00000000 DCD Vector68
62 0000006C 00000000 DCD Vector6C
63 00000070 00000000 DCD Vector70
64 00000074 00000000 DCD Vector74
65 00000078 00000000 DCD Vector78
66 0000007C 00000000 DCD Vector7C
67 00000080 00000000 DCD Vector80
68 00000084 00000000 DCD Vector84
69 00000088 00000000 DCD Vector88
70 0000008C 00000000 DCD Vector8C
71 00000090 00000000 DCD Vector90
72 00000094 00000000 DCD Vector94
ARM Macro Assembler Page 6
73 00000098 00000000 DCD Vector98
74 0000009C 00000000 DCD Vector9C
75 000000A0 00000000 DCD VectorA0
76 000000A4 00000000 DCD VectorA4
77 000000A8 00000000 DCD VectorA8
78 000000AC 00000000 DCD VectorAC
79 000000B0 00000000 DCD VectorB0
80 000000B4 00000000 DCD VectorB4
81 000000B8 00000000 DCD VectorB8
82 000000BC 00000000 DCD VectorBC
83 000000C0 00000000 DCD VectorC0
84 000000C4 00000000 DCD VectorC4
85 000000C8 00000000 DCD VectorC8
86 000000CC 00000000 DCD VectorCC
87 000000D0 00000000 DCD VectorD0
88 000000D4 00000000 DCD VectorD4
89 000000D8 00000000 DCD VectorD8
90 000000DC 00000000 DCD VectorDC
91 000000E0 00000000 DCD VectorE0
92 000000E4 00000000 DCD VectorE4
93 000000E8 00000000 DCD VectorE8
94 000000EC 00000000 DCD VectorEC
95 000000F0 00000000 DCD VectorF0
96 000000F4
97 000000F4 AREA |.text|, CODE, READONLY
98 00000000 THUMB
99 00000000
100 00000000
101 00000000
102 00000000
103 00000000 EXPORT _unhandled_exception
104 00000000 _unhandled_exception
105 00000000 EXPORT NMIVector [WEAK]
106 00000000 EXPORT HardFaultVector [WEAK]
107 00000000 EXPORT MemManageVector [WEAK]
108 00000000 EXPORT BusFaultVector [WEAK]
109 00000000 EXPORT UsageFaultVector [WEAK]
110 00000000 EXPORT Vector1C [WEAK]
111 00000000 EXPORT Vector20 [WEAK]
112 00000000 EXPORT Vector24 [WEAK]
113 00000000 EXPORT Vector28 [WEAK]
114 00000000 EXPORT SVCallVector [WEAK]
115 00000000 EXPORT DebugMonitorVector [WEAK]
116 00000000 EXPORT Vector34 [WEAK]
117 00000000 EXPORT PendSVVector [WEAK]
118 00000000 EXPORT SysTickVector [WEAK]
119 00000000 EXPORT Vector40 [WEAK]
120 00000000 EXPORT Vector44 [WEAK]
121 00000000 EXPORT Vector48 [WEAK]
122 00000000 EXPORT Vector4C [WEAK]
123 00000000 EXPORT Vector50 [WEAK]
124 00000000 EXPORT Vector54 [WEAK]
125 00000000 EXPORT Vector58 [WEAK]
126 00000000 EXPORT Vector5C [WEAK]
127 00000000 EXPORT Vector60 [WEAK]
128 00000000 EXPORT Vector64 [WEAK]
129 00000000 EXPORT Vector68 [WEAK]
130 00000000 EXPORT Vector6C [WEAK]
ARM Macro Assembler Page 7
131 00000000 EXPORT Vector70 [WEAK]
132 00000000 EXPORT Vector74 [WEAK]
133 00000000 EXPORT Vector78 [WEAK]
134 00000000 EXPORT Vector7C [WEAK]
135 00000000 EXPORT Vector80 [WEAK]
136 00000000 EXPORT Vector84 [WEAK]
137 00000000 EXPORT Vector88 [WEAK]
138 00000000 EXPORT Vector8C [WEAK]
139 00000000 EXPORT Vector90 [WEAK]
140 00000000 EXPORT Vector94 [WEAK]
141 00000000 EXPORT Vector98 [WEAK]
142 00000000 EXPORT Vector9C [WEAK]
143 00000000 EXPORT VectorA0 [WEAK]
144 00000000 EXPORT VectorA4 [WEAK]
145 00000000 EXPORT VectorA8 [WEAK]
146 00000000 EXPORT VectorAC [WEAK]
147 00000000 EXPORT VectorB0 [WEAK]
148 00000000 EXPORT VectorB4 [WEAK]
149 00000000 EXPORT VectorB8 [WEAK]
150 00000000 EXPORT VectorBC [WEAK]
151 00000000 EXPORT VectorC0 [WEAK]
152 00000000 EXPORT VectorC4 [WEAK]
153 00000000 EXPORT VectorC8 [WEAK]
154 00000000 EXPORT VectorCC [WEAK]
155 00000000 EXPORT VectorD0 [WEAK]
156 00000000 EXPORT VectorD4 [WEAK]
157 00000000 EXPORT VectorD8 [WEAK]
158 00000000 EXPORT VectorDC [WEAK]
159 00000000 EXPORT VectorE0 [WEAK]
160 00000000 EXPORT VectorE4 [WEAK]
161 00000000 EXPORT VectorE8 [WEAK]
162 00000000 EXPORT VectorEC [WEAK]
163 00000000 EXPORT VectorF0 [WEAK]
164 00000000
165 00000000 NMIVector
166 00000000 HardFaultVector
167 00000000 MemManageVector
168 00000000 BusFaultVector
169 00000000 UsageFaultVector
170 00000000 Vector1C
171 00000000 Vector20
172 00000000 Vector24
173 00000000 Vector28
174 00000000 SVCallVector
175 00000000 DebugMonitorVector
176 00000000 Vector34
177 00000000 PendSVVector
178 00000000 SysTickVector
179 00000000 Vector40
180 00000000 Vector44
181 00000000 Vector48
182 00000000 Vector4C
183 00000000 Vector50
184 00000000 Vector54
185 00000000 Vector58
186 00000000 Vector5C
187 00000000 Vector60
188 00000000 Vector64
189 00000000 Vector68
ARM Macro Assembler Page 8
190 00000000 Vector6C
191 00000000 Vector70
192 00000000 Vector74
193 00000000 Vector78
194 00000000 Vector7C
195 00000000 Vector80
196 00000000 Vector84
197 00000000 Vector88
198 00000000 Vector8C
199 00000000 Vector90
200 00000000 Vector94
201 00000000 Vector98
202 00000000 Vector9C
203 00000000 VectorA0
204 00000000 VectorA4
205 00000000 VectorA8
206 00000000 VectorAC
207 00000000 VectorB0
208 00000000 VectorB4
209 00000000 VectorB8
210 00000000 VectorBC
211 00000000 VectorC0
212 00000000 VectorC4
213 00000000 VectorC8
214 00000000 VectorCC
215 00000000 VectorD0
216 00000000 VectorD4
217 00000000 VectorD8
218 00000000 VectorDC
219 00000000 VectorE0
220 00000000 VectorE4
221 00000000 VectorE8
222 00000000 VectorEC
223 00000000 VectorF0
224 00000000 E7FE b _unhandled_exception
225 00000002 ENDP
226 00000002
227 00000002 END
Command Line: --debug --xref --cpreproc --cpu=Cortex-M3 --apcs=interwork --depe
nd=.\obj\vectors.d -o.\obj\vectors.o -I..\ -I..\..\..\boards\ST_STM32L_DISCOVER
Y -I..\..\..\os\ports\RVCT\ARMCMx\STM32L1xx -I"C:\Program Files\Keil\ARM\RV31\I
NC" -I"C:\Program Files\Keil\ARM\CMSIS\Include" -I"C:\Program Files\Keil\ARM\In
c\ST\STM32L1xx" --predefine="__EVAL SETA 1" --list=.\lst\vectors.lst ..\..\..\o
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
RESET 00000000
Symbol: RESET
At line 28 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
Comment: RESET unused
__Vectors 00000000
Symbol: __Vectors
At line 34 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 32 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
Comment: __Vectors used once
2 symbols
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
.text 00000000
Symbol: .text
At line 97 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
Comment: .text unused
BusFaultVector 00000000
Symbol: BusFaultVector
At line 168 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 40 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 108 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
DebugMonitorVector 00000000
Symbol: DebugMonitorVector
At line 175 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 47 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 115 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
HardFaultVector 00000000
Symbol: HardFaultVector
At line 166 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 38 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 106 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
MemManageVector 00000000
Symbol: MemManageVector
At line 167 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 39 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 107 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
NMIVector 00000000
ARM Macro Assembler Page 2 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
Symbol: NMIVector
At line 165 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 37 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 105 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
PendSVVector 00000000
Symbol: PendSVVector
At line 177 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 49 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 117 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
SVCallVector 00000000
Symbol: SVCallVector
At line 174 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 46 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 114 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
SysTickVector 00000000
Symbol: SysTickVector
At line 178 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 50 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 118 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
UsageFaultVector 00000000
Symbol: UsageFaultVector
At line 169 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 41 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 109 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector1C 00000000
ARM Macro Assembler Page 3 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
Symbol: Vector1C
At line 170 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 42 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 110 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector20 00000000
Symbol: Vector20
At line 171 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 43 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 111 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector24 00000000
Symbol: Vector24
At line 172 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 44 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 112 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector28 00000000
Symbol: Vector28
At line 173 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 45 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 113 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector34 00000000
Symbol: Vector34
At line 176 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 48 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 116 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
ARM Macro Assembler Page 4 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
Vector40 00000000
Symbol: Vector40
At line 179 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 51 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 119 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector44 00000000
Symbol: Vector44
At line 180 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 52 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 120 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector48 00000000
Symbol: Vector48
At line 181 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 53 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 121 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector4C 00000000
Symbol: Vector4C
At line 182 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 54 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 122 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector50 00000000
Symbol: Vector50
At line 183 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 55 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 123 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
ARM Macro Assembler Page 5 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
Vector54 00000000
Symbol: Vector54
At line 184 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 56 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 124 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector58 00000000
Symbol: Vector58
At line 185 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 57 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 125 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector5C 00000000
Symbol: Vector5C
At line 186 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 58 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 126 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector60 00000000
Symbol: Vector60
At line 187 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 59 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 127 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector64 00000000
Symbol: Vector64
At line 188 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 60 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 128 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
ARM Macro Assembler Page 6 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
Vector68 00000000
Symbol: Vector68
At line 189 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 61 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 129 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector6C 00000000
Symbol: Vector6C
At line 190 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 62 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 130 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector70 00000000
Symbol: Vector70
At line 191 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 63 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 131 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector74 00000000
Symbol: Vector74
At line 192 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 64 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 132 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector78 00000000
Symbol: Vector78
At line 193 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 65 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
ARM Macro Assembler Page 7 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
At line 133 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector7C 00000000
Symbol: Vector7C
At line 194 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 66 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 134 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector80 00000000
Symbol: Vector80
At line 195 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 67 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 135 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector84 00000000
Symbol: Vector84
At line 196 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 68 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 136 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector88 00000000
Symbol: Vector88
At line 197 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 69 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 137 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector8C 00000000
Symbol: Vector8C
At line 198 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 70 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
ARM Macro Assembler Page 8 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
At line 138 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector90 00000000
Symbol: Vector90
At line 199 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 71 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 139 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector94 00000000
Symbol: Vector94
At line 200 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 72 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 140 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector98 00000000
Symbol: Vector98
At line 201 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 73 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 141 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
Vector9C 00000000
Symbol: Vector9C
At line 202 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 74 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 142 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorA0 00000000
Symbol: VectorA0
At line 203 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
ARM Macro Assembler Page 9 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
At line 75 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 143 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorA4 00000000
Symbol: VectorA4
At line 204 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 76 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 144 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorA8 00000000
Symbol: VectorA8
At line 205 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 77 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 145 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorAC 00000000
Symbol: VectorAC
At line 206 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 78 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 146 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorB0 00000000
Symbol: VectorB0
At line 207 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 79 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 147 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorB4 00000000
Symbol: VectorB4
At line 208 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
ARM Macro Assembler Page 10 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
At line 80 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 148 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorB8 00000000
Symbol: VectorB8
At line 209 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 81 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 149 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorBC 00000000
Symbol: VectorBC
At line 210 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 82 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 150 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorC0 00000000
Symbol: VectorC0
At line 211 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 83 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 151 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorC4 00000000
Symbol: VectorC4
At line 212 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 84 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 152 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorC8 00000000
Symbol: VectorC8
At line 213 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
ARM Macro Assembler Page 11 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
At line 85 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 153 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorCC 00000000
Symbol: VectorCC
At line 214 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 86 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 154 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorD0 00000000
Symbol: VectorD0
At line 215 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 87 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 155 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorD4 00000000
Symbol: VectorD4
At line 216 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 88 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 156 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorD8 00000000
Symbol: VectorD8
At line 217 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 89 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 157 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorDC 00000000
Symbol: VectorDC
ARM Macro Assembler Page 12 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
At line 218 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 90 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 158 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorE0 00000000
Symbol: VectorE0
At line 219 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 91 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 159 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorE4 00000000
Symbol: VectorE4
At line 220 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 92 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 160 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorE8 00000000
Symbol: VectorE8
At line 221 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 93 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 161 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorEC 00000000
Symbol: VectorEC
At line 222 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 94 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 162 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
VectorF0 00000000
Symbol: VectorF0
ARM Macro Assembler Page 13 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols
At line 223 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 95 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 163 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
_unhandled_exception 00000000
Symbol: _unhandled_exception
At line 104 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 103 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
At line 224 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vecto
61 symbols
ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
External symbols
Reset_Handler 00000000
Symbol: Reset_Handler
At line 31 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 36 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
Comment: Reset_Handler used once
__initial_msp 00000000
Symbol: __initial_msp
At line 30 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
At line 35 in file ..\\..\\..\\os\\ports\\RVCT\\ARMCMx\\STM32L1xx\\vector
Comment: __initial_msp used once
2 symbols
396 symbols in table