18,7 → 18,18
//#define sht_data_pin PIN_D0
//#define sht_clk_pin PIN_D1
#include <math.h>
#define noACK 0
#define ACK 1
//adr command r/w
#define STATUS_REG_W 0x06 //000 0011 0
#define STATUS_REG_R 0x07 //000 0011 1
#define MEASURE_TEMP 0x03 //000 0001 1
#define MEASURE_HUMI 0x05 //000 0010 1
#define RESET 0x1e //000 1111 0
//***** Function to alert SHT75 *****
// generates a transmission start
// _____ ________
152,6 → 163,7
// DATA: |_______|
// _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___
// SCK : __| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |______| |___| |______
void sht_comreset (void)
int8 i;
179,6 → 191,17
delay_ms(15); //pause 15 ms
char sht_write_statusreg(unsigned char *p_value)
// writes the status register with checksum (8-bit)
unsigned char error=0;
sht_comstart(); //transmission start
error+=sht_comwrite(STATUS_REG_W);//send command to sensor
error+=sht_comwrite(*p_value); //send value of status register
return error; //error>=1 in case of no response form the sensor
//***** Function to measure SHT75 temperature *****
216,6 → 239,11
void calculate_data (int16 temp, int16 humid, float & tc, float & rhlin, float & rhtrue)
const float C1=-2.0468; // for 12 Bit RH
const float C2=+0.0367; // for 12 Bit RH
const float C3=-0.0000015955; // for 12 Bit RH
const float T1=+0.01; // for 12 Bit RH
const float T2=+0.00008; // for 12 Bit RH
float rh;
//calculate temperature reading
224,10 → 252,13
//calculate Real RH reading
rh = (float) humid;
rhlin = (rh * 0.0405) - (rh * rh * 0.0000028) - 4.0;
rhlin = C1 + (rh * C2) + (rh * rh * C3);
//calculate True RH reading
rhtrue = ((tc - 25.0) * (0.01 + (0.00008 * rh))) + rhlin;
if(rhtrue>99)rhtrue=100; //cut if the value is outside of
if(rhtrue<0.1)rhtrue=0.1; //the physical possible range
252,3 → 283,17
sht_comreset(); //reset SHT75
delay_ms(20); //delay for power-up
float calc_dewpoint(float h,float t)
// calculates dew point
// input: humidity [%RH], temperature [K]
// output: dew point [K]
{ float k,dew_point ;
k = (log10(h)-2)/0.4343 + (17.62*t)/(243.12+t);
dew_point = 243.12*k/(17.62-k);
return dew_point;