0,0 → 1,486 |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Company: www.mlab.cz |
-- Based on code written by MIHO. |
-- |
-- HW Design Name: S3AN01A |
-- Project Name: gtime |
-- Target Devices: XC3S50AN-4 |
-- Tool versions: ISE 13.3 |
-- Description: Time and frequency synchronisation for RDMS01A. |
-- |
-- Dependencies: CLKGEN01B, GPS01A |
-- |
-- Version: $Id: PulseGen.vhd 2534 2012-09-02 13:40:37Z kakl $ |
-- |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
library IEEE; |
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; |
use IEEE.numeric_std.ALL; |
use WORK.PS2_pkg.ALL; |
library UNISIM; |
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all; |
entity gtime is |
generic ( |
-- Top Value for 100MHz Clock Counter |
--!!!KAKL MAXCOUNT: integer := 30_000_000; |
MAXCOUNT: integer := 3_000_000; |
MUXCOUNT: integer := 100_000 -- LED Display Multiplex Clock Divider |
); |
port ( |
-- Main Clock |
CLK100MHz: in std_logic; |
-- Mode Signals (usualy not used) |
M: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
VS: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
-- Dipswitch Inputs |
DIPSW: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
-- Push Buttons |
PB: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); |
-- LED Bar Outputs |
LED: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
-- LED Display (8 digit with 7 segments and ddecimal point) |
LD_A_n: out std_logic; |
LD_B_n: out std_logic; |
LD_C_n: out std_logic; |
LD_D_n: out std_logic; |
LD_E_n: out std_logic; |
LD_F_n: out std_logic; |
LD_G_n: out std_logic; |
LD_DP_n: out std_logic; |
LD_0_n: out std_logic; |
LD_1_n: out std_logic; |
LD_2_n: out std_logic; |
LD_3_n: out std_logic; |
LD_4_n: out std_logic; |
LD_5_n: out std_logic; |
LD_6_n: out std_logic; |
LD_7_n: out std_logic; |
-- VGA Video Out Port |
VGA_R: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
VGA_G: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
VGA_B: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
VGA_VS: out std_logic; |
VGA_HS: out std_logic; |
-- Bank 1 Pins - Inputs for this Test |
B: inout std_logic_vector(24 downto 0); |
-- PS/2 Bidirectional Port (open collector, J31 and J32) |
-- PS2_CLK1: inout std_logic; |
-- PS2_DATA1: inout std_logic; |
PS2_CLK2: inout std_logic; |
PS2_DATA2: inout std_logic; |
-- Diferencial Signals on 4 pin header (J7) |
DIF1P: inout std_logic; |
DIF1N: inout std_logic; |
DIF2P: inout std_logic; |
DIF2N: inout std_logic; |
-- I2C Signals (on connector J30) |
I2C_SCL: inout std_logic; |
I2C_SDA: inout std_logic; |
-- Diferencial Signals on SATA like connectors (not SATA capable, J28 and J29) |
SD1AP: inout std_logic; |
SD1AN: inout std_logic; |
SD1BP: inout std_logic; |
SD1BN: inout std_logic; |
SD2AP: inout std_logic; |
SD2AN: inout std_logic; |
SD2BP: inout std_logic; |
SD2BN: inout std_logic; |
-- Analog In Out |
ANA_OUTD: out std_logic; |
ANA_REFD: out std_logic; |
ANA_IND: in std_logic; |
-- SPI Memory Interface |
SPI_CS_n: inout std_logic; |
SPI_DO: inout std_logic; |
SPI_DI: inout std_logic; |
SPI_CLK: inout std_logic; |
SPI_WP_n: inout std_logic |
); |
end entity gtime; |
architecture gtime_a of gtime is |
function to_bcd ( bin : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ) return std_logic_vector is |
variable i : integer:=0; |
variable mybcd : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) := (others => '0'); |
variable bint : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := bin; |
begin |
for i in 0 to 7 loop -- repeating 8 times. |
mybcd(11 downto 1) := mybcd(10 downto 0); --shifting the bits. |
mybcd(0) := bint(7); |
bint(7 downto 1) := bint(6 downto 0); |
bint(0) :='0'; |
if(i < 7 and mybcd(3 downto 0) > "0100") then --add 3 if BCD digit is greater than 4. |
mybcd(3 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(unsigned(mybcd(3 downto 0)) + 3); |
end if; |
if(i < 7 and mybcd(7 downto 4) > "0100") then --add 3 if BCD digit is greater than 4. |
mybcd(7 downto 4) := std_logic_vector(unsigned(mybcd(7 downto 4)) + 3); |
end if; |
if(i < 7 and mybcd(11 downto 8) > "0100") then --add 3 if BCD digit is greater than 4. |
mybcd(11 downto 8) := std_logic_vector(unsigned(mybcd(11 downto 8)) + 3); |
end if; |
end loop; |
return mybcd; |
end to_bcd; |
-- O1: ____|^^^^^^^|______ |
-- O2: _________|^^|______ |
-- t1 t2 |
-- t1/t2 is from 0 to 2000 ns; repeating frequency is cca 1,6 kHz |
signal T1: unsigned(15 downto 0) := X"000a"; -- Time t1 to Impuls at O2 |
signal T2: unsigned(15 downto 0) := X"0001"; -- Duration t2 of impuls at O2 |
signal CT0: unsigned(15 downto 0) := X"0000"; -- Timer |
signal O1: std_logic := '0'; -- Output 1 |
signal O2: std_logic := '0'; -- Output 2 |
signal CTburst: unsigned(15 downto 0) := X"0000"; -- Pulse counter |
-- LED Demo Signals |
-- ---------------- |
signal Counter: unsigned(31 downto 0) := X"00000000"; -- Main Counter (binary) |
signal Bar: unsigned(7 downto 0) := X"00"; -- Counter for Bar output (binary) |
signal FastBlink: std_logic; -- Signal mask for half intensity LED output (several kHz) |
-- LED Display |
-- ----------- |
signal Number: std_logic_vector(32 downto 0); -- LED Display Input |
signal MuxCounter: unsigned(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- LED Multiplex - Multiplex Clock Divider |
signal Enable: std_logic; |
signal Digits: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"01"; -- LED Multiplex - Digit Counter - LED Digit Output |
signal Segments: std_logic_vector(0 to 7); -- LED Segment Output |
signal Code: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- BCD to 7 Segment Decoder Output |
-- PS/2 Port |
-- --------- |
-- Interface Signals |
signal PS2_Code: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Key Scan Code |
signal PS2_Attribs: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- State of Shifts for Scan Code |
signal PS2_Valid: boolean; -- Valid Data (synchronous with Main Clock) |
signal PS2_Shifts: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- Immediate (life) State of Shifts for Scan Code |
-- Result |
signal PS2_Result: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Result (memory) |
-- signal Key: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Cislo na klavese |
-- VGA Demo Signals |
-- ---------------- |
signal CLK: std_logic; -- Main Clock - global distribution network |
signal CLKVGAi: std_logic; -- DCM Clock Out (40MHz Pixel Clock) - internal connection from DCM to BUFG |
signal CLKVGA: std_logic; -- DCM Clock Out (40MHz Pixel Clock) - global distribution network |
signal VGA_Blank: boolean; -- Blank |
signal VGA_Hsync: boolean; -- Horisontal Synchronisation |
signal VGA_Vsync: boolean; -- Vertical Synchronisation |
signal VCounter: unsigned(9 downto 0) := "0000000000"; -- Vertical Counter |
signal HCounter: unsigned(10 downto 0) := "00000000000"; -- Horisontal Counter |
signal PinState: std_logic; -- For IB1 Port Test |
signal Red: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
signal Green: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
signal Blue: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
-- ADDA |
signal ADDA_DataIn: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
signal LO_CLOCK: std_logic; |
begin |
-- Basic LED Blinking Test |
-- ======================= |
-- LED Bar Counter |
--!!!KAKL process (CLK100MHz) |
process (LO_CLOCK) |
begin |
-- if rising_edge(CLK100MHz) then |
if DIPSW(0)='1' then |
if rising_edge(LO_CLOCK) then |
if Counter < MAXCOUNT-1 then |
Counter <= Counter + 1; |
else |
Counter <= (others => '0'); |
Bar <= Bar + 1; |
end if; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
LED <= std_logic_vector(Bar); -- LED Bar Connected to Counter |
FastBlink <= Counter(13) and Counter(14) and Counter(15) and Counter(16); -- 1/16 intensity |
-- LED Display (multiplexed) |
-- ========================= |
-- Connect LED Display Output Ports (negative outputs) |
LD_A_n <= not (Segments(0) and Enable); |
LD_B_n <= not (Segments(1) and Enable); |
LD_C_n <= not (Segments(2) and Enable); |
LD_D_n <= not (Segments(3) and Enable); |
LD_E_n <= not (Segments(4) and Enable); |
LD_F_n <= not (Segments(5) and Enable); |
LD_G_n <= not (Segments(6) and Enable); |
LD_DP_n <= not (Segments(7) and Enable); |
LD_0_n <= not Digits(0); |
LD_1_n <= not Digits(1); |
LD_2_n <= not Digits(2); |
LD_3_n <= not Digits(3); |
LD_4_n <= not Digits(4); |
LD_5_n <= not Digits(5); |
LD_6_n <= not Digits(6); |
LD_7_n <= not Digits(7); |
-- Time Multiplex |
process (CLK100MHz) |
begin |
if rising_edge(CLK100MHz) then |
if MuxCounter < MUXCOUNT-1 then |
MuxCounter <= MuxCounter + 1; |
else |
MuxCounter <= (others => '0'); |
Digits(7 downto 0) <= Digits(6 downto 0) & Digits(7); -- Rotate Left |
Enable <= '0'; |
end if; |
if MuxCounter > (MUXCOUNT-4) then |
Enable <= '1'; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
-- BCD to 7 Segmet Decoder |
-- -- A |
-- | | F B |
-- -- G |
-- | | E C |
-- -- D H |
Segments <= "11111100" when Code="0000" else -- Digit 0 |
"01100000" when Code="0001" else -- Digit 1 |
"11011010" when Code="0010" else -- Digit 2 |
"11110010" when Code="0011" else -- Digit 3 |
"01100110" when Code="0100" else -- Digit 4 |
"10110110" when Code="0101" else -- Digit 5 |
"10111110" when Code="0110" else -- Digit 6 |
"11100000" when Code="0111" else -- Digit 7 |
"11111110" when Code="1000" else -- Digit 8 |
"11110110" when Code="1001" else -- Digit 9 |
"11101110" when Code="1010" else -- Digit A |
"00111110" when Code="1011" else -- Digit b |
"10011100" when Code="1100" else -- Digit C |
"01111010" when Code="1101" else -- Digit d |
"10011110" when Code="1110" else -- Digit E |
"10001110" when Code="1111" else -- Digit F |
"00000000"; |
Code <= Number( 3 downto 0) when Digits="00000001" else |
Number( 7 downto 4) when Digits="00000010" else |
Number(11 downto 8) when Digits="00000100" else |
Number(15 downto 12) when Digits="00001000" else |
Number(19 downto 16) when Digits="00010000" else |
Number(23 downto 20) when Digits="00100000" else |
Number(27 downto 24) when Digits="01000000" else |
Number(31 downto 28) when Digits="10000000" else |
"0000"; |
-- Key <= "00000000" when PS2_Result(7 downto 0)=X"70" else -- Digit 0 |
-- "00000001" when PS2_Result(7 downto 0)=X"69" else -- Digit 1 |
-- "00000010" when PS2_Result(7 downto 0)=X"72" else -- Digit 2 |
-- "11111111"; |
-- Number(31 downto 28) <= Key(3 downto 0); |
-- Number( 7 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector(BAR); |
-- Number(31 downto 24) <= DIPSW; |
-- PS/2 Port |
-- ========= |
-- Instantiate PS/2 Keyboard Interface Handler |
PS2_Keyboard: PS2 generic map( |
CLKFREQ => 100_000_000 |
) |
port map( |
-- Main Clock |
Clk => CLK100MHz, |
-- PS/2 Port |
PS2_Clk => PS2_CLK2, |
PS2_Data => PS2_DATA2, |
-- Result - valid when PS2_Valid |
PS2_Code => PS2_Code, |
PS2_Attribs => PS2_Attribs, |
PS2_Valid => PS2_Valid, |
-- Immediate State of Shifts |
PS2_Shifts => PS2_Shifts |
); -- PS2 |
process (CLK100MHz) |
begin |
if rising_edge(CLK100MHz) then |
if PS2_Valid and PS2_Attribs(7)='0' then |
-- Valid Scan Code with no Break Attribute |
PS2_Result( 7 downto 0) <= PS2_Code; |
PS2_Result(15 downto 8) <= PS2_Attribs; |
end if; |
if PS2_Valid and PS2_Attribs(7)='0' then |
if PS2_Code = X"74" and T1<2000 then T1<=T1+1; end if; |
if PS2_Code = X"6b" and T1>0 then T1<=T1-1; end if; |
if PS2_Code = X"75" and T2<200 then T2<=T2+1; end if; |
if PS2_Code = X"72" and T2>0 then T2<=T2-1; end if; |
CT0<=X"0000"; |
O1<='0'; |
O2<='0'; |
CTburst<=X"0000"; |
end if; |
if PB(0)='1' then |
T1<=X"0000"; |
T2<=X"0000"; |
end if; |
if DIPSW(0)='1' then |
if CT0>X"F000" then |
CT0<=X"0000"; |
else |
CT0<=CT0+1; |
end if; |
else |
if CT0>X"0200" then |
CT0<=X"0000"; |
else |
CT0<=CT0+1; |
end if; |
end if; |
if CTburst>2000 then |
CTburst<=X"0000"; |
end if; |
if (CTburst<1000) or (DIPSW(1)='0') then |
if CT0=X"0000" then |
O1<='1'; |
end if; |
if CT0=T1+X"0000" then |
O2<='1'; |
end if; |
end if; |
if CT0=T2+T1+X"0000" then |
O1<='0'; |
O2<='0'; |
CTburst<=CTburst+1; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
-- Display Result on LED |
Number(3 downto 0) <= (others=>'0'); |
Number(15 downto 4) <= to_bcd(std_logic_vector(T2)); |
Number(19 downto 16) <= (others=>'0'); |
Number(31 downto 20) <= to_bcd(std_logic_vector(T1)); |
-- Test Diferencial In/Outs |
-- ======================== |
DIFbuffer1 : IBUFGDS |
generic map ( |
DIFF_TERM => TRUE, -- Differential Termination |
IBUF_DELAY_VALUE => "0", -- Specify the amount of added input delay for buffer, |
-- "0"-"16" |
port map ( |
I => SD1AP, -- Diff_p buffer input (connect directly to top-level port) |
IB => SD1AN, -- Diff_n buffer input (connect directly to top-level port) |
O => LO_CLOCK -- Buffer output |
); |
-- Output Signal on SATA Connector |
-- SD1AP <= Bar(0); |
-- SD1AN <= Bar(1); |
SD1BP <= 'Z'; |
SD1BN <= 'Z'; |
-- Input Here via SATA Cable |
SD2AP <= 'Z'; |
SD2AN <= 'Z'; |
SD2BP <= 'Z'; |
SD2BN <= 'Z'; |
-- Copy SATA Connector Input to 4 pin header (J7) - Connect these signals to B port input to visualize them |
-- !!!!!!!!!!!! Pulse Generator Outputs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
DIF1P <= O1; |
B(0) <= O1; |
DIF1N <= not O1; |
B(1) <= not O1; |
DIF2P <= O2; |
B(2) <= O2; |
DIF2N <= not O2; |
B(3) <= not O2; |
VGA_R(0) <= O1; |
VGA_R(1) <= O2; |
-- Unused Signals |
-- ============== |
-- I2C Signals (on connector J30) |
I2C_SCL <= 'Z'; |
I2C_SDA <= 'Z'; |
-- SPI Memory Interface |
SPI_CS_n <= 'Z'; |
SPI_DO <= 'Z'; |
SPI_DI <= 'Z'; |
SPI_CLK <= 'Z'; |
SPI_WP_n <= 'Z'; |
ANA_OUTD <= 'Z'; |
ANA_REFD <= 'Z'; |
VGA_R <= "ZZ"; |
VGA_G <= "ZZ"; |
VGA_B <= "ZZ"; |
VGA_VS <= 'Z'; |
VGA_HS <= 'Z'; |
end architecture gtime_a; |