Problem with comparison.
0,0 → 1,37
Detection station management system
SKELETON-R1.usr should be imported in to SpectrumLab software as settings file.
After import of usr file. Detection script must be modified to match station name and location of data storage. This should be modified on this line:
if( initialising ) then id_met="no":id_met2="no":K_station_name="SVAKOV-R2":K_path="/media/sd/meteors/"
Where "SVAKOV-R2" is string - name of detection station. It must be less than 20 characters without spaces.
The path "/media/sd/meteors/" poits to direcetory, where data records will be stored. In this directory must already exist this scructure:
├── audio
├── capture
├── data
File and directory permissions must be matched to user running Spectrumlab.
Receiver tunning
the receiver must be propertly tunned in order to match frequency center of meteor echos to 10600 Hz on frequency axis in SpetcrumLab waterfall.
Data upload
Other shell script is used for data management of meteor records.
This scripts should be used to upload data to Bolidozor server. But this action needs ssh public key authentication.
Sorting of local data record can be done by even without publi