0,0 → 1,562
; ======================================================================
; USB interrupt handler
; This is the handler for the interrupt caused by the initial rising edge
; on the D+ USB signal. The NRZI encoding and bit stuffing are removed,
; and the packet is saved in one of the two input buffers. In some cases,
; a reply packet is sent right away.
; When a DATA0/DATA1 packet directly follows a SETUP or OUT packet, while
; this interrupt handler is not yet finished, there would be no time to
; return and take another interrupt. In that case, the second packet is
; decoded directly in the same invocation.
; This code is *extremely* time critical. For instance, there is not a
; single spare cycle in the receiver loop, and only two in the transmitter
; loop. In addition, the various code paths are laid out in such a way that
; the various USB timeouts are not violated, in particular the maximum time
; between the reception of a packet and the reply, which is 6.5 bit times
; for a detachable cable (TRSPIPD1), and 7.5 bit times for a captive cable
; (TRSPIPD2). The worst-case delay here is 51 cycles, which is just below
; the 52 cycles for a detachable cable.
; The interrupt handler must be reached within 34 cycles after D+ goes high
; for the first time, so the interrupts should not be disabled for longer
; than 34-4-2=28 cycles.
; The end-of-packet (EOP) is sampled in the second bit, because the USB
; standard allows the EOP to be delayed by up to one bit. As the EOP
; duration is two bits, this is not a problem.
; Stack usage including the return address: 11 bytes.
; Copyright (C) 2006 Dick Streefland
; This is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU General
; Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
; ======================================================================
#include "def.h"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; local data
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
tx_ack: .byte USB_PID_ACK ; ACK packet
tx_nak: .byte USB_PID_NAK ; NAK packet
.lcomm token_pid, 1 ; PID of most recent token packet
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; register definitions
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// receiver:
#define count r16
#define usbmask r17
#define odd r18
#define byte r19
#define fixup r20
#define even r22
// transmitter:
#define output odd
#define done fixup
#define next even
// control:
#define pid odd
#define addr usbmask
#define tmp fixup
#define nop2 rjmp .+0 // not .+2 for some strange reason
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; interrupt handler
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.type USB_INT_VECTOR, @function
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; This handler must be reached no later than 34 cycles after D+ goes high
; for the first time.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; save registers
push count
push usbmask
push odd
push YH
push YL
in count, SREG
push count
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Synchronize to the pattern 10101011 on D+. This code must be reached
; no later than 47 cycles after D+ goes high for the first time.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; wait until D+ == 0
rjmp sync ; jump if D+ == 1
; sync on 0-->1 transition on D+ with a 2 cycle resolution
rjmp sync6 ; jump if D+ == 1
rjmp sync6 ; jump if D+ == 1
rjmp sync6 ; jump if D+ == 1
rjmp sync6 ; jump if D+ == 1
rjmp sync6 ; jump if D+ == 1
ldi count, 1<<USB_INT_PENDING_BIT
out USB_INT_PENDING, count
rjmp return ; ==> false start, bail out
; we are now between -1 and +1 cycle from the center of the bit
; following the 0-->1 transition
lds YL, usb_rx_off
clr YH
subi YL, lo8(-(usb_rx_buf)) ; Y = & usb_rx_buf[usb_rx_off]
sbci YH, hi8(-(usb_rx_buf))
ldi count, USB_BUFSIZE ; limit on number of bytes to receive
ldi usbmask, USB_MASK ; why is there no eori instruction?
; the last sync bit should also be 1
sbis USB_IN, USBTINY_DPLUS ; bit 7 of sync byte?
rjmp resync ; no, wait for next transition
push byte
push fixup
push even
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; receiver loop
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
in even, USB_IN ; sample bit 0
ldi byte, 0x80 ; load sync byte for correct unstuffing
rjmp rxentry ; 2 cycles
in even, USB_IN ; sample bit 0
or fixup, byte
st Y+, fixup ; 2 cycles
clr fixup
andi even, USB_MASK
eor odd, even
subi odd, 1
in odd, USB_IN ; sample bit 1
andi odd, USB_MASK
breq eop ; ==> EOP detected
ror byte
cpi byte, 0xfc
brcc skip0
eor even, odd
subi even, 1
in even, USB_IN ; sample bit 2
andi even, USB_MASK
ror byte
cpi byte, 0xfc
brcc skip1
eor odd, even
subi odd, 1
ror byte
in odd, USB_IN ; sample bit 3
andi odd, USB_MASK
cpi byte, 0xfc
brcc skip2
eor even, odd
subi even, 1
ror byte
cpi byte, 0xfc
in even, USB_IN ; sample bit 4
andi even, USB_MASK
brcc skip3
eor odd, even
subi odd, 1
ror byte
cpi byte, 0xfc
brcc skip4
in odd, USB_IN ; sample bit 5
andi odd, USB_MASK
eor even, odd
subi even, 1
ror byte
cpi byte, 0xfc
brcc skip5
dec count
in even, USB_IN ; sample bit 6
brmi overflow ; ==> overflow
andi even, USB_MASK
eor odd, even
subi odd, 1
ror byte
cpi byte, 0xfc
brcc skip6
in odd, USB_IN ; sample bit 7
andi odd, USB_MASK
eor even, odd
subi even, 1
ror byte
cpi byte, 0xfc
brcs rxloop ; 2 cycles
rjmp skip7
rjmp eop2
rjmp ignore
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; out-of-line code to skip stuffing bits
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
skip0: ; 1+6 cycles
eor even, usbmask
in odd, USB_IN ; resample bit 1
andi odd, USB_MASK
cbr byte, (1<<7)
sbr fixup, (1<<0)
rjmp skipped0
skip1: ; 2+5 cycles
cbr byte, (1<<7)
sbr fixup, (1<<1)
in even, USB_IN ; resample bit 2
andi even, USB_MASK
eor odd, usbmask
rjmp skipped1
skip2: ; 3+7 cycles
cbr byte, (1<<7)
sbr fixup, (1<<2)
eor even, usbmask
in odd, USB_IN ; resample bit 3
andi odd, USB_MASK
eor even, odd
subi even, 1
ror byte
rjmp skipped2
skip3: ; 4+7 cycles
cbr byte, (1<<7)
sbr fixup, (1<<3)
eor odd, usbmask
ori byte, 1
in even, USB_IN ; resample bit 4
andi even, USB_MASK
eor odd, even
subi odd, 1
ror byte
rjmp skipped3
skip4: ; 5 cycles
cbr byte, (1<<7)
sbr fixup, (1<<4)
eor even, usbmask
rjmp skipped4
skip5: ; 5 cycles
cbr byte, (1<<7)
sbr fixup, (1<<5)
eor odd, usbmask
rjmp skipped5
skip6: ; 5 cycles
cbr byte, (1<<7)
sbr fixup, (1<<6)
eor even, usbmask
rjmp skipped6
skip7: ; 7 cycles
cbr byte, (1<<7)
sbr fixup, (1<<7)
eor odd, usbmask
rjmp rxloop
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; end-of-packet detected (worst-case: 3 cycles after end of SE0)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; clear pending interrupt (SE0+3)
ldi byte, 1<<USB_INT_PENDING_BIT
out USB_INT_PENDING, byte ; clear pending bit at end of packet
; ignore packets shorter than 3 bytes
subi count, USB_BUFSIZE
neg count ; count = packet length
cpi count, 3
brlo ignore
; get PID
sub YL, count
ld pid, Y
; check for DATA0/DATA1 first, as this is the critical path (SE0+12)
cpi pid, USB_PID_DATA0
breq is_data ; handle DATA0 packet
cpi pid, USB_PID_DATA1
breq is_data ; handle DATA1 packet
; check ADDR (SE0+16)
ldd addr, Y+1
andi addr, 0x7f
lds tmp, usb_address
cp addr, tmp ; is this packet for me?
brne ignore ; no, ignore
; check for other PIDs (SE0+23)
cpi pid, USB_PID_IN
breq is_in ; handle IN packet
cpi pid, USB_PID_SETUP
breq is_setup_out ; handle SETUP packet
cpi pid, USB_PID_OUT
breq is_setup_out ; handle OUT packet
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; exit point for ignored packets
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
clr tmp
sts token_pid, tmp
pop even
pop fixup
pop byte
rjmp return
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Handle SETUP/OUT (SE0+30)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sts token_pid, pid ; save PID of token packet
pop even
pop fixup
pop byte
in count, USB_INT_PENDING ; next packet already started?
rjmp sync ; yes, get it right away (SE0+42)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; restore registers and return from interrupt
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pop count
out SREG, count
pop YL
pop YH
pop odd
pop usbmask
pop count
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Handle IN (SE0+26)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
lds count, usb_tx_len
tst count ; data ready?
breq nak ; no, reply with NAK
lds tmp, usb_rx_len
tst tmp ; unprocessed input packet?
brne nak ; yes, don't send old data for new packet
sts usb_tx_len, tmp ; buffer is available again (after reti)
ldi YL, lo8(usb_tx_buf)
ldi YH, hi8(usb_tx_buf)
rjmp send_packet ; SE0+40, SE0 --> SOP <= 51
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Handle DATA0/DATA1 (SE0+17)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
lds pid, token_pid
tst pid ; data following our SETUP/OUT
breq ignore ; no, ignore
lds tmp, usb_rx_len
tst tmp ; buffer free?
brne nak ; no, reply with NAK
sts usb_rx_len, count ; pass buffer length
sts usb_rx_token, pid ; pass PID of token (SETUP or OUT)
lds count, usb_rx_off ; switch to other input buffer
ldi tmp, USB_BUFSIZE
sub tmp, count
sts usb_rx_off, tmp
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; send ACK packet (SE0+35)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ldi YL, lo8(tx_ack)
ldi YH, hi8(tx_ack)
rjmp send_token
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; send NAK packet (SE0+36)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ldi YL, lo8(tx_nak)
ldi YH, hi8(tx_nak)
ldi count, 1 ; SE0+40, SE0 --> SOP <= 51
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; acquire the bus and send a packet (11 cycles to SOP)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
in output, USB_OUT
cbr output, USB_MASK
ori output, USB_MASK_DMINUS
in usbmask, USB_DDR
ori usbmask, USB_MASK
out USB_OUT, output ; idle state
out USB_DDR, usbmask ; acquire bus
ldi usbmask, USB_MASK
ldi byte, 0x80 ; start with sync byte
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; transmitter loop
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sbrs byte, 0
eor output, usbmask
out USB_OUT, output ; output bit 0
ror byte
ror done
cpi done, 0xfc
brcc stuff0
sbrs byte, 0
eor output, usbmask
ror byte
out USB_OUT, output ; output bit 1
ror done
cpi done, 0xfc
brcc stuff1
sbrs byte, 0
eor output, usbmask
ror byte
out USB_OUT, output ; output bit 2
ror done
cpi done, 0xfc
brcc stuff2
sbrs byte, 0
eor output, usbmask
ror byte
out USB_OUT, output ; output bit 3
ror done
cpi done, 0xfc
brcc stuff3
sbrs byte, 0
eor output, usbmask
ld next, Y+ ; 2 cycles
out USB_OUT, output ; output bit 4
ror byte
ror done
cpi done, 0xfc
brcc stuff4
sbrs byte, 0
eor output, usbmask
ror byte
out USB_OUT, output ; output bit 5
ror done
cpi done, 0xfc
brcc stuff5
sbrs byte, 0
eor output, usbmask
ror byte
ror done
out USB_OUT, output ; output bit 6
cpi done, 0xfc
brcc stuff6
sbrs byte, 0
eor output, usbmask
ror byte
mov byte, next
ror done
out USB_OUT, output ; output bit 7
cpi done, 0xfc
brcc stuff7
dec count
brpl txloop ; 2 cycles
rjmp gen_eop
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; out-of-line code to insert stuffing bits
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
stuff0: ; 2+3
eor output, usbmask
clr done
out USB_OUT, output
rjmp stuffed0
stuff1: ; 3
eor output, usbmask
rjmp stuffed1
stuff2: ; 3
eor output, usbmask
rjmp stuffed2
stuff3: ; 3
eor output, usbmask
rjmp stuffed3
stuff4: ; 2+3
eor output, usbmask
clr done
out USB_OUT, output
rjmp stuffed4
stuff5: ; 3
eor output, usbmask
rjmp stuffed5
stuff6: ; 3
eor output, usbmask
rjmp stuffed6
stuff7: ; 3
eor output, usbmask
rjmp stuffed7
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; generate EOP, release the bus, and return from interrupt
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
cbr output, USB_MASK
out USB_OUT, output ; output SE0 for 2 bit times
pop even
pop fixup
pop byte
ldi count, 1<<USB_INT_PENDING_BIT
out USB_INT_PENDING, count ; interrupt was triggered by transmit
pop YH ; this is the saved SREG
pop YL
in usbmask, USB_DDR
mov count, output
ori output, USB_MASK_DMINUS
out USB_OUT, output ; output J state for 1 bit time
cbr usbmask, USB_MASK
out SREG, YH
pop YH
pop odd ; is the same register as output!
out USB_DDR, usbmask ; release bus
out USB_OUT, count ; disable D- pullup
pop usbmask
pop count