1,28 → 1,17
* draft version v 0.1, experimental
* RFM01 simple library
* code based on the code of "benedikt k."
* this was an avr project from the site: http://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/65984#541030
* $HeadURL: svn://www.mlab.cz/home/MLAB/Designs/duckweed_collector/SW/library/RF02/RF02.cpp $
* $Id: RF02.cpp 2129 2011-08-18 18:40:43Z kakl $
* code based on the code of "benedikt k." and "contrechoc"
* code should be matched with RF01
* tested on arduino 22
* up to now no transmission between the RF12 modules and Jeelabs.com RF12 lib
* this code has worked: transmitting using atmega168 and atmega328 in combination with RF01s and RF02s
* arduino 18
* five march, contrechoc.com, june 2010 , october 2010
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "rf01.h"
38,7 → 27,7
#define SCK 4 // RF01 SCK, arduino 12 cannot be changed
#define CS 3 // RF01 nSEL, arduino 11 cannot be changed
#define SDO 2 // RF01 SDO, arduino 10 cannot be changed
//----------------- // RF01 niRQ, arduino 02 cannot be changed
//----------------- // RF01 niRQ, arduino 2 cannot be changed
//------------------// RF01 nFFS: 1-10k Pullup too Vcc
49,18 → 38,10
#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit))
// maximum receive buffer
#define RF_MAX 32
unsigned char rf01_buf[RF_MAX]; // recv buf
unsigned char _rx_buffer[32]; // recv buf
#include <util/delay.h>
void rf01_receive(){
rf01_rxdata(rf01_data, 23); //!!!32
static unsigned char sdrssi, sgain;
void rf01_prepAll()
68,17 → 49,9
for (unsigned char i=0; i<11; i++) _delay_ms(10); // wait until POR done
// rf01_trans(0xC2E0); // AVR CLK: 10MHz
// rf01_trans(0xC42B); // Data Filter: internal
// rf01_trans(0xC6F7); // AFC settings: autotuning: -10kHz...+7,5kHz
// rf01_trans(0xE000); // disable wakeuptimer
// rf01_trans(0xCC00); // disable low duty cycle
// rf01_trans(0x8978); // band 433MHz, enable crystal + 12pF, 200kHz bandwidth
// rf01_trans(0x898A); // band 433MHz, 134kHz bandwidth
rf01_trans(0x8000|0x1000|0x70|0x02); //band
rf01_trans(0xA640); //434MHz
rf01_trans(0xA640); // freq
rf01_trans(0xC823); //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9600 Bd
99,8 → 72,9
cbi(RF_PORT, SDI);
sbi(RF_PORT, SCK);
sbi(RF_PORT, SCK);
sbi(RF_PORT, SCK);
cbi(RF_PORT, SCK);
sbi(RF_PORT, CS);
109,10 → 83,6
void rf01_rxdata(unsigned char *data, unsigned char number)
{ unsigned char i,j,c;
// sgain=2; //2,4 -6dB LNA gain, DRSSI threshold: -79dBm
// sdrssi=4;
//!!! rf01_trans(0xC0C1|((sgain&3)<<4)|((sdrssi&7)<<1)); // RX on
rf01_trans(0xCE89); // set FIFO mode
rf01_trans(0xCE8B); // enable FIFO
cbi(RF_PORT, SDI);
145,7 → 115,6
//!!! _delay_us(0.2);
cbi(RF_PORT, SCK);
157,5 → 126,4
//!!! rf01_trans(0xC0C0|((sgain&3)<<4)|((sdrssi&7)<<1)); // RX off