130,6 → 130,14
25,13 → 25,13
#include "rprintf.h" // include printf function library
#include "timer.h" // include timer function library (timing, PWM, etc)
#include "gps.h" // include gps data support
#include "tsip.h" // include TSIP gps packet handling
//#include "tsip.h" // include TSIP gps packet handling
#include "nmea.h" // include NMEA gps packet handling
#include "vt100.h" // include VT100 terminal commands
//#include "utm.h" // Lat Lon to UTM conversion
#include <util/delay.h>
// LCD Library
#include "lcd_hd44780.h"
120,11 → 120,6
// initialize gps packet decoder
DDRA = 0b11110101; // sets PA0 O, PA1 I, PA2 O
cbi(PORTA, 0); // sets PC0 to output a LOW
sbi(PORTA, 2); // sets PC2 to output a HIGH
DDRD = 0b10100000; // sets PD7 O, PD6 I, PD5 O
cbi(PORTD, 7); // sets PD7 to output a LOW
sbi(PORTD, 5); // sets PD5 to output a HIGH
139,7 → 134,7
sbi(DDRC, 0); // sets PC0 to be an output
sbi(DDRC, 0); // sets PC0 to be an output
cbi(PORTC, 0); // sets PC0 to output a LOW
sbi(PORTC, 0); // sets PC0 to output a HIGH
30,7 → 30,7
# They will be compiled in the order you list them, so it's probably best
# to list $(TRG).c, your top-level target file, last.
SRC = $(AVRLIB)/buffer.c $(AVRLIB)/uart2.c $(AVRLIB)/rprintf.c $(AVRLIB)/timer.c $(AVRLIB)/vt100.c $(AVRLIB)/tsip.c $(AVRLIB)/nmea.c $(AVRLIB)/gps.c $(AVRLIB)/lcd_hd44780.c $(TRG).c
SRC = $(AVRLIB)/buffer.c $(AVRLIB)/uart2.c $(AVRLIB)/rprintf.c $(AVRLIB)/timer.c $(AVRLIB)/vt100.c $(AVRLIB)/tsip.c $(AVRLIB)/nmea.c $(AVRLIB)/gps.c $(AVRLIB)/lcd_hd44780.c $(TRG).c $(AVRLIB)/utm.c
#put additional assembler source file here
# The ASRC line allows you to list files which contain assembly code/routines that
92,4 → 92,5
vt100.o : vt100.c vt100.h global.h
gps.o : gps.c gps.h global.h
lcd_hd44780.o : lcd_hd44780.c lcd_hd44780.h global.h
utm.o : utm.c utm.h
$(TRG).o : $(TRG).c global.h