199,7 → 199,8
while self.GetStatus()['BUSY']:
print self.GetStatus()
def Float(self, hard = False):
41,7 → 41,6
SPEED = 20
# Begin of Class Axis --------------------------------------------------
class axis:
def __init__(self, SPI_CS, Direction, StepsPerUnit, MaxSpeed):
79,7 → 78,6
def Reset(self):
'Reset the Axis'
154,41 → 152,6
def GetStatus(self):
#self.spi.xfer([0b11010000]) # Get status command from datasheet - does not work for uknown rasons
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0x39) # Gotparam command on status register
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0x00)
data = spi.SPI_read_byte()
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0x00)
data = data + spi.SPI_read_byte()
status = dict([('SCK_MOD',data[0] & 0x80 == 0x80), #The SCK_MOD bit is an active high flag indicating that the device is working in Step-clock mode. In this case the step-clock signal should be provided through the STCK input pin. The DIR bit indicates the current motor direction
('STEP_LOSS_B',data[0] & 0x40 == 0x40),
('STEP_LOSS_A',data[0] & 0x20 == 0x20),
('OCD',data[0] & 0x10 == 0x10),
('TH_SD',data[0] & 0x08 == 0x08),
('TH_WRN',data[0] & 0x04 == 0x04),
('UVLO',data[0] & 0x02 == 0x02),
('WRONG_CMD',data[0] & 0x01 == 0x01), #The NOTPERF_CMD and WRONG_CMD flags are active high and indicate, respectively, that the command received by SPI cannot be performed or does not exist at all.
('NOTPERF_CMD',data[1] & 0x80 == 0x80),
('MOT_STATUS',data[1] & 0x60),
('DIR',data[1] & 0x10 == 0x10),
('SW_EVN',data[1] & 0x08 == 0x08),
('SW_F',data[1] & 0x04 == 0x04), #The SW_F flag reports the SW input status (low for open and high for closed).
('BUSY',data[1] & 0x02 != 0x02),
('HIZ',data[1] & 0x01 == 0x01)])
return status
def GetACC(self):
# self.spi.xfer([0x29]) # Gotparam command on status register
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, self.L6470_ACC + 0x20) # TODO check register read address seting
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0x00)
data = spi.SPI_read_byte()
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0x00)
data = data + self.spi.readbytes(1)
print data # return speed in real units
def Move(self, units):
' Move some distance units from current position '
steps = units * self.SPU # translate units to steps
216,8 → 179,8
def MoveWait(self, units):
' Move some distance units from current position and wait for execution '
while self.GetStatus()['BUSY']:
while self.IsBusy():
def Float(self, hard = False):
' switch H-bridge to High impedance state '
226,7 → 189,28
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0xA8)
def ReadStatusBit(self, bit):
' Report given status bit '
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0x39) # Read from address 0x19 (STATUS)
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0x00)
data0 = spi.SPI_read_byte() # 1st byte
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0x00)
data1 = spi.SPI_read_byte() # 2nd byte
#print hex(data0), hex(data1)
if bit > 7: # extract requested bit
OutputBit = (data0 >> (bit - 8)) & 1
OutputBit = (data1 >> bit) & 1
return OutputBit
def IsBusy(self):
""" Return True if tehre are motion """
if self.ReadStatusBit(1) == 1:
return False
return True
# End Class axis --------------------------------------------------
263,7 → 247,7
print "Axis inicialization"
X = axis(spi.I2CSPI_SS0, 0, 1, MaxSpeed = SPEED) # set Number of Steps per axis Unit and set Direction of Rotation
X.MaxSpeed(SPEED) # Reset maximal motor speed
X.MaxSpeed(SPEED) # set maximal motor speed
print "Axis is running"