158,9 → 158,9
#self.spi.xfer([0b11010000]) # Get status command from datasheet - does not work for uknown rasons
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0x39) # Gotparam command on status register
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0x00)
data = [spi.SPI_read_byte()]
data = spi.SPI_read_byte()
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0x00)
data = data + [spi.SPI_read_byte()]
data = data + spi.SPI_read_byte()
status = dict([('SCK_MOD',data[0] & 0x80 == 0x80), #The SCK_MOD bit is an active high flag indicating that the device is working in Step-clock mode. In this case the step-clock signal should be provided through the STCK input pin. The DIR bit indicates the current motor direction
('STEP_LOSS_B',data[0] & 0x40 == 0x40),
185,7 → 185,7
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0x00)
data = spi.SPI_read_byte()
spi.SPI_write_byte(self.CS, 0x00)
data = data + [spi.SPI_read_byte()]
data = data + self.spi.readbytes(1)
print data # return speed in real units