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0,0 → 1,76
pedestal_height = 13; // designed for use the MLAB standard 12mm screws.
x_size = 87;
y_size = 58;
mount_hole = 3.5;
nut_size = 6.8;
nut_size25 = 5.7;
MLAB_grid = 10.16;
x_holes = floor(x_size / MLAB_grid);
y_holes = floor(y_size / MLAB_grid);
MLAB_grid_xoffset = (x_size - (x_holes * MLAB_grid))/2;
MLAB_grid_yoffset = (y_size - (y_holes * MLAB_grid))/2;
ODROID_holes_offset = 5.25;
ODROID_holes_xdistance = 86;
ODROID_holes_ydistance = 82;
difference () {
cube([x_size, y_size ,pedestal_height]); // base plastics brick
//mount holes for Raspberry Pi model A/B
translate ([26.5, 19, 0])
cylinder (h = 6, r= nut_size25/2, $fn=6);
translate ([26.5, 19, 6.2]) // one solid layer for slicer (the holes will be pierced on demand )
cylinder (h = pedestal_height, r= 2.9/2, $fn=30);
translate ([81, 44.5, 0])
cylinder (h = 6, r= nut_size25/2, $fn=6);
translate ([81, 44.5, 6.2]) // one solid layer for slicer (the holes will be pierced on demand )
cylinder (h = pedestal_height, r= 2.9/2, $fn=30);
// MLAB grid holes
grid_list = [for (j = [MLAB_grid_xoffset : MLAB_grid: 86], i = [MLAB_grid_yoffset :MLAB_grid: 55])
if (!(j>20 && i>10 && j<50 && i<50) && !(j>75 && i>40 && j<90 && i<50) ) // exception for Raspberry mount holes
[j, i] ];
for (j = grid_list) {
translate (concat(j, [0]))
cylinder (h = 3, r= nut_size/2, $fn=6);
translate (concat(j, [3.2])) // one solid layer for slicer (the holes will be pierced on demand )
cylinder (h = pedestal_height /3, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=30);
translate (concat(j, [6.0]))
cylinder (h = 10, r= nut_size/2, $fn=6);
// holes for components at the bottom side of the PCB.
difference () {
translate ([2, 2 , pedestal_height - 3]) //
cube([83, 54, 3]);
translate ([26.5, 19, pedestal_height - 5]) // Raspberry screw mount pile
cylinder (h = pedestal_height, r= 4, $fn=20);
translate ([77, 40.5, pedestal_height - 5]) // Raspberry screw mount brick
translate ([0, 14 , pedestal_height - 4]) // SD Card
//// lightening central holes
translate ([8, 8, 0])
cube([14.5,y_size - 16,pedestal_height ]);
translate ([30.5,8, 0])
cube([47, y_size - 16,pedestal_height ]);