14,7 → 14,6
// History
// 2014 01 31 - First demo
// 2014 02 07 - Added support for Comon Anoda / Comon Catoda
// System Configuration
21,10 → 20,9
#define F_CPU 4000000 // Do not forget to set FUSEs to external XTAL osc with DIV/8 off and connect xtal
// LED Display - Configuration
#define LED_COMON_ANODA 0 // 0=Comon Catoda / 1=Comon Anoda
#define LED_DIGITS_PORT C // Digits Port (common anodas or comon catodas)
#define LED_DIGITS 6 // Number of display digits (1..8)
#define LED_SEGMENTS_PORT D // Segments Port (catodas or anodas)
#define LED_DIGITS_PORT C // Digits Port (common anodas)
#define LED_DIGITS 4 // Number of display digits (1..8)
#define LED_SEGMENTS_PORT D // Segments Port (catodas)
#define LED_SEGMENTS 8 // Usualy 7 or 8 (bit 0 is A)
#define TICKS_PER_SEC 500 // Number of interrupts per second ( >250 to look steady)
67,34 → 65,19
unsigned char Convert(unsigned char Number)
// 7 Segment Decoder Table
// A
// ---
// F| | B
// | G |
// ---
// E| | C
// | |
// --- * H
// D
const unsigned char Decoder[] =
0b00111111, // 0
0b00000110, // 1
0b01011011, // 2
0b01001111, // 3
0b01100110, // 4
0b01101101, // 5
0b01111101, // 6
0b00000111, // 7
0b00000011, // 1
0b01101101, // 2
0b01100111, // 3
0b01010011, // 4
0b01110110, // 5
0b01111110, // 6
0b00100011, // 7
0b01111111, // 8
0b01101111, // 9
0b01110111, // A
0b01111100, // b
0b00111001, // C
0b01011100, // d
0b01111001, // E
0b01110000 // F
0b01110111 // 9
// Decoding Function
184,27 → 167,14
case 2: Segments = Convert(Minutes);
case 3: Segments = Convert(Minutes10);
case 4: Segments = Convert(Hours);
case 5: Segments = Convert(Hours10);
// LED display update - All digits off
PORT(LED_DIGITS_PORT) |= LED_DIGITS_MASK; // common catoda 1=off
// LED display update - New segments combination
// LED display update - One digit on
PORT(LED_DIGITS_PORT) &= ~(LED_DIGITS_MASK & DisplayDigitMask); // (common anoda 0=on)
// LED display update - All digits off
PORT(LED_DIGITS_PORT) &= ~LED_DIGITS_MASK; // common anoda 0=off
// LED display update - New segments combination
// LED display update - One digit on
PORT(LED_DIGITS_PORT) |= (LED_DIGITS_MASK & DisplayDigitMask); // (common anoda 1=on)