Problem with comparison.
/Modules/H_Bridge/DRV8835HB01A/TODO.txt |
0,0 → 1,3 |
Spravne vyplnit soubor prjinfo. (opravit kodovani znaku) |
/Modules/H_Bridge/DRV8835HB01A/PrjInfo.txt |
0,0 → 1,16 |
[InfoShortDescription.cs] |
2x H-mùstek 2V - 11V |
[InfoShortDescription.en] |
2x H-bridge 2V - 11V |
[InfoLongDescription.en] |
H-bridge-based ICs DRV8835HB. Allows you to control two DC motors in the range voltage 2V to 11V and maximum current of 1.5 A on the engine, or parallel, where it is then possible to control the 3A engine. Or the module can be used to control a stepper motor. |
[InfoLongDescription.cs] |
H-mùstek zaloený na IO DRV8835HB. Umoòuje øídit dva stejnosmìrné motory v rozmìtí napìtí 2V a 11V a maximálním proudem na motor 1,5A, nebo paralelní zapojení, kde je pak moné øídit 3A motor. Nebo je moné modul vyuít pro øízení jednoho krokového motoru. |
[InfoBuyUST] |
[End] |
/Modules/H_Bridge/DRV8835HB01A/SCH_PCB/untitled.brd |
0,0 → 1,986 |
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<description><b>Pin Headers</b><p> |
Naming:<p> |
MA = male<p> |
# contacts - # rows<p> |
W = angled<p> |
<author>Created by</author></description> |
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</package> |
</packages> |
</library> |
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<package name="0805"> |
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<text x="-0.635" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> |
<text x="-0.635" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> |
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<rectangle x1="-1.0668" y1="-0.6985" x2="-0.4168" y2="0.7015" layer="51"/> |
</package> |
</packages> |
</library> |
<library name="moje_C"> |
<packages> |
<package name="C"> |
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<text x="-2.8575" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">>Value</text> |
</package> |
<package name="C0805"> |
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<text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> |
<text x="-1.27" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> |
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<rectangle x1="0.3556" y1="-0.7239" x2="1.1057" y2="0.7262" layer="51"/> |
</package> |
</packages> |
</library> |
<library name="moje_diody"> |
<packages> |
<package name="MINIMELF"> |
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<wire x1="1.3208" y1="-0.7874" x2="-1.3208" y2="-0.7874" width="0.1524" layer="51"/> |
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<text x="-1.651" y="1.143" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> |
<text x="-1.651" y="-2.413" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> |
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<rectangle x1="-0.8636" y1="-0.7874" x2="-0.254" y2="0.7874" layer="21"/> |
</package> |
</packages> |
</library> |
<library name="moje"> |
<packages> |
<package name="SROUB3M"> |
<pad name="P$1" x="0" y="0" drill="3.2" diameter="6.4516"/> |
</package> |
</packages> |
</library> |
</libraries> |
<attributes> |
</attributes> |
<variantdefs> |
</variantdefs> |
<classes> |
<class number="0" name="default" width="0" drill="0"> |
</class> |
</classes> |
<designrules name="default"> |
<description language="de"><b>EAGLE Design Rules</b> |
<p> |
Die Standard-Design-Rules sind so gewählt, dass sie für |
die meisten Anwendungen passen. Sollte ihre Platine |
besondere Anforderungen haben, treffen Sie die erforderlichen |
Einstellungen hier und speichern die Design Rules unter |
einem neuen Namen ab.</description> |
<description language="en"><b>EAGLE Design Rules</b> |
<p> |
The default Design Rules have been set to cover |
a wide range of applications. Your particular design |
may have different requirements, so please make the |
necessary adjustments and save your customized |
design rules under a new name.</description> |
<param name="layerSetup" value="(1*16)"/> |
<param name="mtCopper" value="0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm"/> |
<param name="mtIsolate" value="1.5mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm"/> |
<param name="mdWireWire" value="6mil"/> |
<param name="mdWirePad" value="6mil"/> |
<param name="mdWireVia" value="6mil"/> |
<param name="mdPadPad" value="6mil"/> |
<param name="mdPadVia" value="6mil"/> |
<param name="mdViaVia" value="6mil"/> |
<param name="mdSmdPad" value="6mil"/> |
<param name="mdSmdVia" value="6mil"/> |
<param name="mdSmdSmd" value="6mil"/> |
<param name="mdViaViaSameLayer" value="8mil"/> |
<param name="mnLayersViaInSmd" value="2"/> |
<param name="mdCopperDimension" value="20mil"/> |
<param name="mdDrill" value="8mil"/> |
<param name="mdSmdStop" value="0mil"/> |
<param name="msWidth" value="8mil"/> |
<param name="msDrill" value="16mil"/> |
<param name="msMicroVia" value="9.99mm"/> |
<param name="msBlindViaRatio" value="0.5"/> |
<param name="rvPadTop" value="0.25"/> |
<param name="rvPadInner" value="0.25"/> |
<param name="rvPadBottom" value="0.25"/> |
<param name="rvViaOuter" value="0.25"/> |
<param name="rvViaInner" value="0.25"/> |
<param name="rvMicroViaOuter" value="0.25"/> |
<param name="rvMicroViaInner" value="0.25"/> |
<param name="rlMinPadTop" value="10mil"/> |
<param name="rlMaxPadTop" value="20mil"/> |
<param name="rlMinPadInner" value="10mil"/> |
<param name="rlMaxPadInner" value="20mil"/> |
<param name="rlMinPadBottom" value="10mil"/> |
<param name="rlMaxPadBottom" value="20mil"/> |
<param name="rlMinViaOuter" value="8mil"/> |
<param name="rlMaxViaOuter" value="20mil"/> |
<param name="rlMinViaInner" value="8mil"/> |
<param name="rlMaxViaInner" value="20mil"/> |
<param name="rlMinMicroViaOuter" value="4mil"/> |
<param name="rlMaxMicroViaOuter" value="20mil"/> |
<param name="rlMinMicroViaInner" value="4mil"/> |
<param name="rlMaxMicroViaInner" value="20mil"/> |
<param name="psTop" value="-1"/> |
<param name="psBottom" value="-1"/> |
<param name="psFirst" value="-1"/> |
<param name="psElongationLong" value="100"/> |
<param name="psElongationOffset" value="100"/> |
<param name="mvStopFrame" value="1"/> |
<param name="mvCreamFrame" value="0"/> |
<param name="mlMinStopFrame" value="4mil"/> |
<param name="mlMaxStopFrame" value="4mil"/> |
<param name="mlMinCreamFrame" value="0mil"/> |
<param name="mlMaxCreamFrame" value="0mil"/> |
<param name="mlViaStopLimit" value="25mil"/> |
<param name="srRoundness" value="0"/> |
<param name="srMinRoundness" value="0mil"/> |
<param name="srMaxRoundness" value="0mil"/> |
<param name="slThermalIsolate" value="0mil"/> |
<param name="slThermalsForVias" value="0"/> |
<param name="dpMaxLengthDifference" value="10mm"/> |
<param name="dpGapFactor" value="2.5"/> |
<param name="checkGrid" value="0"/> |
<param name="checkAngle" value="0"/> |
<param name="checkFont" value="1"/> |
<param name="checkRestrict" value="1"/> |
<param name="useDiameter" value="13"/> |
<param name="maxErrors" value="50"/> |
</designrules> |
<autorouter> |
<pass name="Default"> |
<param name="RoutingGrid" value="50mil"/> |
<param name="tpViaShape" value="round"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.1" value="|"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.2" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.3" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.4" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.5" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.6" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.7" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.8" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.9" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.10" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.11" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.12" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.13" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.14" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.15" value="0"/> |
<param name="PrefDir.16" value="-"/> |
<param name="cfVia" value="8"/> |
<param name="cfNonPref" value="5"/> |
<param name="cfChangeDir" value="2"/> |
<param name="cfOrthStep" value="2"/> |
<param name="cfDiagStep" value="3"/> |
<param name="cfExtdStep" value="0"/> |
<param name="cfBonusStep" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfMalusStep" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfPadImpact" value="4"/> |
<param name="cfSmdImpact" value="4"/> |
<param name="cfBusImpact" value="0"/> |
<param name="cfHugging" value="3"/> |
<param name="cfAvoid" value="4"/> |
<param name="cfPolygon" value="10"/> |
<param name="cfBase.1" value="0"/> |
<param name="cfBase.2" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.3" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.4" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.5" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.6" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.7" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.8" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.9" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.10" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.11" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.12" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.13" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.14" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.15" value="1"/> |
<param name="cfBase.16" value="0"/> |
<param name="mnVias" value="20"/> |
<param name="mnSegments" value="9999"/> |
<param name="mnExtdSteps" value="9999"/> |
<param name="mnRipupLevel" value="10"/> |
<param name="mnRipupSteps" value="100"/> |
<param name="mnRipupTotal" value="100"/> |
</pass> |
<pass name="Follow-me" refer="Default" active="yes"> |
</pass> |
<pass name="Busses" refer="Default" active="yes"> |
<param name="cfNonPref" value="4"/> |
<param name="cfBusImpact" value="4"/> |
<param name="cfHugging" value="0"/> |
<param name="mnVias" value="0"/> |
</pass> |
<pass name="Route" refer="Default" active="yes"> |
</pass> |
<pass name="Optimize1" refer="Default" active="yes"> |
<param name="cfVia" value="99"/> |
<param name="cfExtdStep" value="10"/> |
<param name="cfHugging" value="1"/> |
<param name="mnExtdSteps" value="1"/> |
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<technologies> |
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<description><b>Pin Headers</b><p> |
Naming:<p> |
MA = male<p> |
# contacts - # rows<p> |
W = angled<p> |
<author>Created by</author></description> |
<packages> |
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<technologies> |
<technology name=""/> |
</technologies> |
</device> |
</devices> |
</deviceset> |
</devicesets> |
</library> |
</libraries> |
<attributes> |
</attributes> |
<variantdefs> |
</variantdefs> |
<classes> |
<class number="0" name="default" width="0" drill="0"> |
</class> |
</classes> |
<parts> |
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<part name="U$10" library="moje_schz" deviceset="GND" device=""/> |
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<part name="U$13" library="moje_schz" deviceset="GND" device=""/> |
<part name="U$14" library="moje_schz" deviceset="GND" device=""/> |
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<part name="U$17" library="moje_schz" deviceset="GND" device=""/> |
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<part name="SV10" library="moje_hrebinky" deviceset="MA01-1" device=""/> |
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<part name="U$22" library="moje_schz" deviceset="GND" device=""/> |
<part name="X1" library="moje" deviceset="SROUB3M" device=""/> |
<part name="X2" library="moje" deviceset="SROUB3M" device=""/> |
<part name="X3" library="moje" deviceset="SROUB3M" device=""/> |
<part name="X4" library="moje" deviceset="SROUB3M" device=""/> |
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<part name="U$15" library="moje_schz" deviceset="GND" device=""/> |
</parts> |
<sheets> |
<sheet> |
<plain> |
<text x="73.66" y="66.04" size="1.778" layer="97" rot="R90">VCC/NSLEEP</text> |
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<text x="83.82" y="66.04" size="1.778" layer="97" rot="R90">AIN2/AENBL</text> |
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<text x="78.74" y="66.04" size="1.778" layer="97" rot="R90">BIN2/BENBL</text> |
<text x="55.88" y="66.04" size="1.778" layer="97" rot="R90">MODE</text> |
<text x="71.12" y="66.04" size="1.778" layer="97" rot="R90">VCC/NSLEEP</text> |
<text x="-17.78" y="76.2" size="1.778" layer="97">MOTOR POWER</text> |
<text x="7.62" y="55.88" size="1.778" layer="91">VN</text> |
<text x="-15.24" y="-7.62" size="1.778" layer="91">VN</text> |
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<wire x1="0" y1="30.48" x2="0" y2="25.4" width="0.1524" layer="97"/> |
</plain> |
<instances> |
<instance part="U1" gate="G$1" x="25.4" y="30.48"/> |
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<instance part="SV2" gate="G$1" x="-20.32" y="71.12" rot="R270"/> |
<instance part="SV3" gate="G$1" x="-20.32" y="38.1"/> |
<instance part="SV4" gate="G$1" x="-20.32" y="33.02"/> |
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<instance part="R2" gate="G$1" x="73.66" y="45.72" rot="R90"/> |
<instance part="SV5" gate="-1" x="73.66" y="60.96" rot="R90"/> |
<instance part="SV5" gate="-2" x="78.74" y="60.96" rot="R90"/> |
<instance part="SV5" gate="-3" x="83.82" y="60.96" rot="R90"/> |
<instance part="SV5" gate="-4" x="88.9" y="60.96" rot="R90"/> |
<instance part="SV5" gate="-5" x="93.98" y="60.96" rot="R90"/> |
<instance part="U$9" gate="G$1" x="73.66" y="38.1"/> |
<instance part="U$10" gate="G$1" x="60.96" y="38.1"/> |
<instance part="SV6" gate="-1" x="66.04" y="63.5" rot="R270"/> |
<instance part="SV6" gate="-2" x="66.04" y="73.66" rot="R90"/> |
<instance part="SV6" gate="-3" x="60.96" y="63.5" rot="R270"/> |
<instance part="SV6" gate="-4" x="60.96" y="73.66" rot="R90"/> |
<instance part="U$11" gate="G$2" x="60.96" y="78.74"/> |
<instance part="U$12" gate="G$2" x="66.04" y="78.74"/> |
<instance part="U$13" gate="G$1" x="-20.32" y="53.34"/> |
<instance part="U$14" gate="G$1" x="2.54" y="15.24"/> |
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<instance part="SV8" gate="G$1" x="-20.32" y="22.86"/> |
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<instance part="C2" gate="G$1" x="-7.62" y="50.8"/> |
<instance part="D1" gate="G$1" x="-10.16" y="60.96"/> |
<instance part="U$16" gate="G$1" x="-7.62" y="45.72"/> |
<instance part="U$17" gate="G$1" x="-2.54" y="45.72"/> |
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<instance part="SV9" gate="-2" x="2.54" y="-7.62" rot="R180"/> |
<instance part="SV9" gate="-3" x="2.54" y="-12.7" rot="R180"/> |
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</instances> |
<busses> |
</busses> |
<nets> |
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<segment> |
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</segment> |
<segment> |
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</segment> |
<segment> |
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</segment> |
</net> |
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</segment> |
<segment> |
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</segment> |
<segment> |
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</segment> |
<segment> |
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</segment> |
<segment> |
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</segment> |
<segment> |
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</segment> |
<segment> |
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</segment> |
<segment> |
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<junction x="76.2" y="-2.54"/> |
</segment> |
<segment> |
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</segment> |
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<segment> |
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</segment> |
</net> |
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</segment> |
</net> |
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<segment> |
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</segment> |
</net> |
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<segment> |
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<junction x="66.04" y="55.88"/> |
</segment> |
</net> |
<net name="N$9" class="0"> |
<segment> |
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</segment> |
</net> |
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<segment> |
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<wire x1="-2.54" y1="55.88" x2="-2.54" y2="53.34" width="0.1524" layer="91"/> |
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</segment> |
<segment> |
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</segment> |
</net> |
<net name="N$16" class="0"> |
<segment> |
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</segment> |
</net> |
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<segment> |
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</segment> |
</net> |
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<segment> |
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</segment> |
</net> |
<net name="N$19" class="0"> |
<segment> |
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</segment> |
</net> |
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<segment> |
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</segment> |
</net> |
</nets> |
</sheet> |
</sheets> |
</schematic> |
</drawing> |
</eagle> |
/Modules/H_Bridge/DRV8835HB01A/SCH_PCB/eagle.epf |
0,0 → 1,384 |
[Eagle] |
Version="06 01 00" |
Platform="Windows" |
Serial="62191E841E-LSR-WLM-1EL" |
Globals="Globals" |
Desktop="Desktop" |
[Globals] |
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UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/74ttl-din.lbr" |
UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/74xx-eu.lbr" |
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UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/74xx-us.lbr" |
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UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/agilent-technologies.lbr" |
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UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/altera-cyclone-III.lbr" |
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UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/micro-hitachi.lbr" |
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UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/sipex.lbr" |
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UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/solpad.lbr" |
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UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/trafo.lbr" |
UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/transistor-fet.lbr" |
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UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/transistor-npn.lbr" |
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UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/transistor-power.lbr" |
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UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/transistor.lbr" |
UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/triac.lbr" |
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UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/u-blox.lbr" |
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UsedLibrary="C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-5.11.0/lbr/v-reg.lbr" |
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