Problem with comparison.
0,0 → 1,102
DISPLAY_height = 101;
DISPLAY_width = 166;
DISPLAY_depth = 5.1;
DISPLAY_rim = 5;
FP_width = 234;
FP_height = 125;
thickness = 2;
clearance = 0.75;
difference () {
difference () {
linear_extrude(height = DISPLAY_depth, scale = 0.98)
square([FP_width, FP_height], center = true);
cube([DISPLAY_width - DISPLAY_rim, DISPLAY_height - DISPLAY_rim, DISPLAY_depth+10], center= true);
cube([DISPLAY_width, DISPLAY_height, DISPLAY_depth], center= true);
// Front metal panel mount holes - not mounting of printed pannel
translate([0,61,0]) // center top screw
cylinder(20, d=10, center=true);
translate([-100,61,0]) // top left screw.
cylinder(20, d=10, center=true);
translate([-115.5,40,0]) // top left screw.
cylinder(20, d=10, center=true);
translate([-115.5,-40,0]) // top left screw.
cylinder(20, d=10, center=true);
translate([-100,-61,0]) // bottom left screw.
cylinder(20, d=10, center=true);
translate([0,-61,0]) // center bottom screw
cylinder(20, d=10, center=true);
translate([100,61,0]) // top right screw.
cylinder(20, d=10, center=true);
translate([115.5,40,0]) // top right screw.
cylinder(20, d=10, center=true);
translate([115.5,-40,0]) // top right screw.
cylinder(20, d=10, center=true);
translate([100,-61,0]) // bottom right screw.
cylinder(20, d=10, center=true);
//Printed panel mount holes.
translate([5.5, 52, 0]) // center top screw
cylinder(20, d=3.5, center=true);
translate([-107.5, 52, 0]) // top left screw.
cylinder(20, d=3.5, center=true);
translate([-5.5, 52 ,0]) // top left screw.
cylinder(20, d=3.5, center=true);
translate([107.5, 52,0]) // top left screw.
cylinder(20, d=3.5, center=true);
translate([-107.5,5,0]) // center left screw.
cylinder(20, d=3.5, center=true);
translate([-107.5,-5,0]) // center left screw
cylinder(20, d=3.5, center=true);
translate([107.5,5,0]) // top right screw.
cylinder(20, d=3.5, center=true);
translate([107.5,-5,0]) // top right screw.
cylinder(20, d=3.5, center=true);
translate([-107.5, -52,0]) // top right screw.
cylinder(20, d=3.5, center=true);
translate([-5.5, -52,0]) // bottom right screw.
cylinder(20, d=3.5, center=true);
translate([5.5, -52,0]) // bottom right screw.
cylinder(20, d=3.5, center=true);
translate([107.5, -52,0]) // top right screw.
cylinder(20, d=3.5, center=true);
// translate([100, 0, 0]) // top right screw. // crop left or right half of the panel to fit it in printer
translate([-100, 0, 0]) // top right screw. // crop left or right half of the panel to fit it in printer
cube(200, 200, 20, center=true);