No changes between revisions
File deleted
8,22 → 8,22
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45,7 → 45,7
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609,6 → 609,7
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650,10 → 651,7
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6,22 → 6,22
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30,8 → 30,8
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39,16 → 39,16
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770,12 → 770,12
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811,9 → 811,9
<text x="96.52" y="5.08" size="1.778" layer="97">OUTPUT</text>
<text x="93.98" y="5.08" size="1.778" layer="97">OUTPUT</text>
<text x="-39.37" y="-3.81" size="1.778" layer="91">MODE</text>
<text x="96.52" y="-17.78" size="1.778" layer="97">OUTPUT</text>
<text x="93.98" y="-17.78" size="1.778" layer="97">OUTPUT</text>
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<text x="22.86" y="7.62" size="1.778" layer="97" rot="R90">For 3.3V</text>
0,0 → 1,37
Exported from untitled.brd at 19. 3. 2015 11:32:08
EAGLE Version 7.2.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2014 CadSoft
Assembly variant:
Part Value Package Library Position (mm) Orientation
C1 100nF C0805 moje_C (21.2725 18.7325) MR0
C2 10uF C0805 moje_C (31.115 6.985) MR90
C5 10p C0805 moje_C (24.13 17.145) MR180
C6 100u C moje_C (28.2575 4.7625) MR90
C16 10uF C0805 moje_C (13.6525 14.9225) MR90
C20 47uF B moje_C (14.2875 22.86) MR270
D1 SMA moje (5.715 19.685) MR180
L1 DE1207-1 DE1205-10 moje_L (19.05 6.985) MR180
P1 1812 moje (10.795 21.59) MR90
R2 100k 0805 moje_R (26.3525 20.0025) MR90
R3 1M 0805 moje_R (21.2725 20.6375) MR180
R4 560k 0805 moje_R (24.4475 20.955) MR270
R5 820k 0805 moje_R (28.2575 20.955) MR270
R6 91k 0805 moje_R (30.48 20.0025) MR90
SV1 MA03-1 moje_hrebinky (13.335 26.9875) R180
SV2 MA03-2 moje_hrebinky (30.1625 13.0175) R270
SV3 WAGO256 moje_konektory (7.62 16.1925) R0
SV4 MA04-2 moje_hrebinky (26.67 25.7175) R0
SV5 MA03-2 moje_hrebinky (35.2425 13.0175) R90
SV6 MA02-1 MA02-1 moje_hrebinky (18.415 22.225) R90
SV7 WAGO256 moje_konektory (7.62 11.1925) R0
X1 SROUB3M SROUB3M moje (35.56 25.4) R0
X2 SROUB3M SROUB3M moje (5.08 25.4) R0
X3 SROUB3M SROUB3M moje (35.56 5.08) R0
X4 SROUB3M SROUB3M moje (5.08 5.08) R0
X5 TPS63060 SON10 moje_io (18.415 15.875) MR90
X9 SOT23 moje_io (19.05 27.305) MR0
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\ No newline at end of property
1,11 → 1,11
Snižující/Zvišující měnič
The drive uses the TPS63060 circuit. The input voltage range of 2.5 V - 12V. The output voltage of 3.3 V, 5 V.