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<technologies> |
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</devices> |
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<description><b>Pin Headers</b><p> |
Naming:<p> |
MA = male<p> |
# contacts - # rows<p> |
W = angled<p> |
<author>Created by librarian@cadsoft.de</author></description> |
<packages> |
<package name="MA04-2"> |
<description><b>PIN HEADER</b></description> |
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Based on the previous libraries: |
<ul> |
<li>r.lbr |
<li>cap.lbr |
<li>cap-fe.lbr |
<li>captant.lbr |
<li>polcap.lbr |
<li>ipc-smd.lbr |
</ul> |
All SMD packages are defined according to the IPC specifications and CECC<p> |
<author>Created by librarian@cadsoft.de</author><p> |
<p> |
for Electrolyt Capacitors see also :<p> |
www.bccomponents.com <p> |
www.panasonic.com<p> |
www.kemet.com<p> |
http://www.secc.co.jp/pdf/os_e/2004/e_os_all.pdf <b>(SANYO)</b> |
<p> |
for trimmer refence see : <u>www.electrospec-inc.com/cross_references/trimpotcrossref.asp</u><p> |
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" cellpaddding=0> |
<tr valign="top"> |
<! <td width="10">&nbsp;</td> |
<td width="90%"> |
<b><font color="#0000FF" size="4">TRIM-POT CROSS REFERENCE</font></b> |
<P> |
<TR> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<B> |
</B> |
</TD> |
<B> |
<FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000">BI&nbsp;TECH</FONT> |
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</B> |
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<B> |
</B> |
</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
3005P<BR> |
3006P<BR> |
3006W<BR> |
3006Y<BR> |
3009P<BR> |
3009W<BR> |
3009Y<BR> |
3057J<BR> |
3057L<BR> |
3057P<BR> |
3057Y<BR> |
3059J<BR> |
3059L<BR> |
3059P<BR> |
3059Y<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
89P<BR> |
89W<BR> |
89X<BR> |
89PH<BR> |
76P<BR> |
89XH<BR> |
78SLT<BR> |
78L&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
56P&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
78P&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
T8S<BR> |
78L<BR> |
56P<BR> |
78P<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
T18/784<BR> |
783<BR> |
781<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
2199<BR> |
1697/1897<BR> |
1680/1880<BR> |
2187<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
8035EKP/CT20/RJ-20P<BR> |
-<BR> |
RJ-20X<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
1211L<BR> |
8012EKQ&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
8012EKR&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
1211P<BR> |
8012EKJ<BR> |
8012EKL<BR> |
8012EKQ<BR> |
8012EKR<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
2101P<BR> |
2101W<BR> |
2101Y<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
2102L<BR> |
2102S<BR> |
2102Y<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
43P<BR> |
43W<BR> |
43Y<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
40L<BR> |
40P<BR> |
40Y<BR> |
70Y-T602<BR> |
70L<BR> |
70P<BR> |
70Y<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
RT/RTR12<BR> |
RT/RTR12<BR> |
RT/RTR12<BR> |
-<BR> |
RJ/RJR12<BR> |
RJ/RJR12<BR> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD COLSPAN=8>&nbsp; |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
</TD> |
</TD> |
</TD> |
</TD> |
</TD> |
</TD> |
</TD> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
3250L<BR> |
3250P<BR> |
3250W<BR> |
3250X<BR> |
3252P<BR> |
3252W<BR> |
3252X<BR> |
3260P<BR> |
3260W<BR> |
3260X<BR> |
3262P<BR> |
3262W<BR> |
3262X<BR> |
3266P<BR> |
3266W<BR> |
3266X<BR> |
3290H<BR> |
3290P<BR> |
3290W<BR> |
3292P<BR> |
3292W<BR> |
3292X<BR> |
3296P<BR> |
3296W<BR> |
3296X<BR> |
3296Y<BR> |
3296Z<BR> |
3299P<BR> |
3299W<BR> |
3299X<BR> |
3299Y<BR> |
3299Z<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
66P&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
66W&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
66X&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
66P&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
66W&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
66X&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
-<BR> |
64W&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
-<BR> |
64P&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
64W&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
64X&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
64P<BR> |
64W<BR> |
64X<BR> |
66X&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
66P&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
66W&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
66P<BR> |
66W<BR> |
66X<BR> |
67P<BR> |
67W<BR> |
67X<BR> |
67Y<BR> |
67Z<BR> |
68P<BR> |
68W<BR> |
68X<BR> |
67Y&nbsp;ALT<BR> |
67Z&nbsp;ALT<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
5050<BR> |
5091<BR> |
5080<BR> |
5087<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
T63YB<BR> |
T63XB<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
5887<BR> |
5891<BR> |
5880<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
T93Z<BR> |
T93YA<BR> |
T93XA<BR> |
T93YB<BR> |
T93XB<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
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-<BR> |
-<BR> |
8026EKP<BR> |
8026EKW<BR> |
8026EKM<BR> |
8026EKP<BR> |
8026EKB<BR> |
8026EKM<BR> |
1309X<BR> |
1309P<BR> |
1309W<BR> |
8024EKP<BR> |
8024EKW<BR> |
8024EKN<BR> |
RJ-9P/CT9P<BR> |
RJ-9W<BR> |
RJ-9X<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
3103P<BR> |
3103Y<BR> |
3103Z<BR> |
3103P<BR> |
3103Y<BR> |
3103Z<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
3105P/3106P<BR> |
3105W/3106W<BR> |
3105X/3106X<BR> |
3105Y/3106Y<BR> |
3105Z/3105Z<BR> |
3102P<BR> |
3102W<BR> |
3102X<BR> |
3102Y<BR> |
3102Z<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
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-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
55-1-X<BR> |
55-4-X<BR> |
55-3-X<BR> |
55-2-X<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
50-2-X<BR> |
50-4-X<BR> |
50-3-X<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
64P<BR> |
64W<BR> |
64X<BR> |
64Y<BR> |
64Z<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
RT/RTR22<BR> |
RT/RTR22<BR> |
RT/RTR22<BR> |
RT/RTR22<BR> |
RJ/RJR22<BR> |
RJ/RJR22<BR> |
RJ/RJR22<BR> |
RT/RTR26<BR> |
RT/RTR26<BR> |
RT/RTR26<BR> |
RJ/RJR26<BR> |
RJ/RJR26<BR> |
RJ/RJR26<BR> |
RJ/RJR26<BR> |
RJ/RJR26<BR> |
RJ/RJR26<BR> |
RT/RTR24<BR> |
RT/RTR24<BR> |
RT/RTR24<BR> |
RJ/RJR24<BR> |
RJ/RJR24<BR> |
RJ/RJR24<BR> |
RJ/RJR24<BR> |
RJ/RJR24<BR> |
RJ/RJR24<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
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<TR> |
3323P<BR> |
3323S<BR> |
3323W<BR> |
3329H<BR> |
3329P<BR> |
3329W<BR> |
3339H<BR> |
3339P<BR> |
3339W<BR> |
3352E<BR> |
3352H<BR> |
3352K<BR> |
3352P<BR> |
3352T<BR> |
3352V<BR> |
3352W<BR> |
3362H<BR> |
3362M<BR> |
3362P<BR> |
3362R<BR> |
3362S<BR> |
3362U<BR> |
3362W<BR> |
3362X<BR> |
3386B<BR> |
3386C<BR> |
3386F<BR> |
3386H<BR> |
3386K<BR> |
3386M<BR> |
3386P<BR> |
3386S<BR> |
3386W<BR> |
3386X<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
25P<BR> |
25S<BR> |
25RX<BR> |
82P<BR> |
82M<BR> |
82PA<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
91E<BR> |
91X<BR> |
91T<BR> |
91B<BR> |
91A<BR> |
91V<BR> |
91W<BR> |
25W<BR> |
25V<BR> |
25P<BR> |
-<BR> |
25S<BR> |
25U<BR> |
25RX<BR> |
25X<BR> |
72XW<BR> |
72XL<BR> |
72PM<BR> |
72RX<BR> |
-<BR> |
72PX<BR> |
72P<BR> |
72RXW<BR> |
72RXL<BR> |
72X<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
T7YB<BR> |
T7YA<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
TX<BR> |
-<BR> |
150SX<BR> |
100SX<BR> |
102T<BR> |
101S<BR> |
190T<BR> |
150TX<BR> |
101<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
101SX<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
ET6P<BR> |
ET6S<BR> |
ET6X<BR> |
RJ-6W/8014EMW<BR> |
RJ-6P/8014EMP<BR> |
RJ-6X/8014EMX<BR> |
TM7W<BR> |
TM7P<BR> |
TM7X<BR> |
-<BR> |
8017SMS<BR> |
-<BR> |
8017SMB<BR> |
8017SMA<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
CT-6W<BR> |
CT-6H<BR> |
CT-6P<BR> |
CT-6R<BR> |
-<BR> |
CT-6V<BR> |
CT-6X<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
8038EKV<BR> |
-<BR> |
8038EKX<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
8038EKP<BR> |
8038EKZ<BR> |
8038EKW<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
3321H<BR> |
3321P<BR> |
3321N<BR> |
1102H<BR> |
1102P<BR> |
1102T<BR> |
RVA0911V304A<BR> |
-<BR> |
RVA0911H413A<BR> |
RVG0707V100A<BR> |
RVA0607V(H)306A<BR> |
RVA1214H213A<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
3104B<BR> |
3104C<BR> |
3104F<BR> |
3104H<BR> |
-<BR> |
3104M<BR> |
3104P<BR> |
3104S<BR> |
3104W<BR> |
3104X<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
EVM30GA00B<BR> |
EVM38GA00B<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
62-3-1<BR> |
62-1-2<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
67R<BR> |
-<BR> |
67P<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
67X<BR> |
63V<BR> |
63S<BR> |
63M<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
63H<BR> |
63P<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
63X<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
RJ/RJR50<BR> |
RJ/RJR50<BR> |
RJ/RJR50<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
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-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
</TABLE> |
<P>&nbsp;<P> |
<TR> |
<P> |
</TD> |
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</TD> |
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<TD> |
</TD> |
<TD> |
</TD> |
<TD> |
</TD> |
<TD> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
3224G<BR> |
3224J<BR> |
3224W<BR> |
3269P<BR> |
3269W<BR> |
3269X<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
44G<BR> |
44J<BR> |
44W<BR> |
84P<BR> |
84W<BR> |
84X<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
ST63Z<BR> |
ST63Y<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
ST5P<BR> |
ST5W<BR> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
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-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
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<TD COLSPAN=7>&nbsp; |
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</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
3314G<BR> |
3314J<BR> |
3364A/B<BR> |
3364C/D<BR> |
3364W/X<BR> |
3313G<BR> |
3313J<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
23B<BR> |
23A<BR> |
21X<BR> |
21W<BR> |
-<BR> |
22B<BR> |
22A<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
ST5YJ/5T53YJ<BR> |
ST-23A<BR> |
ST-22B<BR> |
ST-22<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
ST-4B<BR> |
ST-4A<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
ST-3B<BR> |
ST-3A<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
EVM-1E<BR> |
EVM-1G<BR> |
EVM-1D<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
G4B<BR> |
G4A<BR> |
TR04-3S1<BR> |
TRG04-2S1<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
-<BR> |
-<BR> |
DVR-43A<BR> |
CVR-42C<BR> |
CVR-42A/C<BR> |
-<BR> |
-<BR></FONT> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
</TABLE> |
<P> |
<P> |
&nbsp; |
<P> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table></description> |
<packages> |
<package name="R0402"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b></description> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b></description> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
wave soldering</description> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
wave soldering</description> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b></description> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
wave soldering</description> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
Source: http://download.siliconexpert.com/pdfs/2005/02/24/Semi_Ap/2/VSH/Resistor/dcrcwfre.pdf</description> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b> wave soldering<p> |
Source: http://download.siliconexpert.com/pdfs/2005/02/24/Semi_Ap/2/VSH/Resistor/dcrcwfre.pdf</description> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
MELF 0.10 W</description> |
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MELF 0.25 W</description> |
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MELF 0.12 W</description> |
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MELF 0.10 W</description> |
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MELF 0.25 W</description> |
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MELF 0.25 W</description> |
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<package name="M5923"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
MELF 0.25 W</description> |
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</package> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0204, grid 5 mm</description> |
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</package> |
<package name="0204/7"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0204, grid 7.5 mm</description> |
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<text x="-1.6256" y="-0.4826" size="0.9906" layer="27" ratio="10">>VALUE</text> |
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<rectangle x1="-2.921" y1="-0.254" x2="-2.54" y2="0.254" layer="21"/> |
</package> |
<package name="0204V"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0204, grid 2.5 mm</description> |
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</package> |
<package name="0207/10"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0207, grid 10 mm</description> |
<wire x1="5.08" y1="0" x2="4.064" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> |
<wire x1="-5.08" y1="0" x2="-4.064" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> |
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<text x="-2.2606" y="-0.635" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">>VALUE</text> |
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</package> |
<package name="0207/12"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0207, grid 12 mm</description> |
<wire x1="6.35" y1="0" x2="5.334" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> |
<wire x1="-6.35" y1="0" x2="-5.334" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> |
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</package> |
<package name="0207/15"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0207, grid 15mm</description> |
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<wire x1="-7.62" y1="0" x2="-6.604" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> |
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<package name="0207/2V"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0207, grid 2.5 mm</description> |
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<wire x1="-0.254" y1="0" x2="0.254" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> |
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</package> |
<package name="0207/5V"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0207, grid 5 mm</description> |
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</package> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0207, grid 7.5 mm</description> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0309, grid 10mm</description> |
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<wire x1="-4.318" y1="1.27" x2="-4.064" y2="1.524" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/> |
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<text x="-3.175" y="-0.6858" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">>VALUE</text> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0309, grid 12.5 mm</description> |
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<wire x1="-6.35" y1="0" x2="-5.08" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> |
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</package> |
<package name="0309V"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0309, grid 2.5 mm</description> |
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<wire x1="-0.635" y1="0" x2="-1.27" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> |
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</package> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0411, grid 12.5 mm</description> |
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</package> |
<package name="0411/15"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0411, grid 15 mm</description> |
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<text x="-3.5814" y="-0.635" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">>VALUE</text> |
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</package> |
<package name="0411V"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0411, grid 3.81 mm</description> |
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</package> |
<package name="0414/15"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0414, grid 15 mm</description> |
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<package name="0414V"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0414, grid 5 mm</description> |
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<package name="0617/17"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0617, grid 17.5 mm</description> |
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</package> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0617, grid 22.5 mm</description> |
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<wire x1="-8.255" y1="-2.667" x2="-8.255" y2="2.667" width="0.1524" layer="21"/> |
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</package> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0617, grid 5 mm</description> |
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</package> |
<package name="0922/22"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0922, grid 22.5 mm</description> |
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</package> |
<package name="P0613V"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0613, grid 5 mm</description> |
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</package> |
<package name="P0613/15"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0613, grid 15 mm</description> |
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<text x="-4.318" y="-0.7112" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">>VALUE</text> |
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</package> |
<package name="P0817/22"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0817, grid 22.5 mm</description> |
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<rectangle x1="8.509" y1="-0.4064" x2="10.3124" y2="0.4064" layer="21"/> |
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</package> |
<package name="P0817V"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0817, grid 6.35 mm</description> |
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<wire x1="1.27" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.8128" layer="51"/> |
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</package> |
<package name="V234/12"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type V234, grid 12.5 mm</description> |
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<pad name="2" x="6.35" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="octagon"/> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type V235, grid 17.78 mm</description> |
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<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type V526-0, grid 2.5 mm</description> |
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</package> |
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<description><b>CECC Size RC2211</b> Reflow Soldering<p> |
source Beyschlag</description> |
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<text x="-1.27" y="-2.2225" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> |
</package> |
<package name="MINI_MELF-0102W"> |
<description><b>CECC Size RC2211</b> Wave Soldering<p> |
source Beyschlag</description> |
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<text x="-1.27" y="-2.2225" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> |
</package> |
<package name="MINI_MELF-0204R"> |
<description><b>CECC Size RC3715</b> Reflow Soldering<p> |
source Beyschlag</description> |
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</package> |
<package name="MINI_MELF-0204W"> |
<description><b>CECC Size RC3715</b> Wave Soldering<p> |
source Beyschlag</description> |
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<text x="-1.27" y="-2.2225" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> |
</package> |
<package name="MINI_MELF-0207R"> |
<description><b>CECC Size RC6123</b> Reflow Soldering<p> |
source Beyschlag</description> |
<wire x1="-2.8" y1="-1" x2="2.8" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> |
<wire x1="2.8" y1="-1" x2="2.8" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> |
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<text x="-2.2225" y="1.5875" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> |
<text x="-2.2225" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> |
</package> |
<package name="MINI_MELF-0207W"> |
<description><b>CECC Size RC6123</b> Wave Soldering<p> |
source Beyschlag</description> |
<wire x1="-2.8" y1="-1" x2="2.8" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> |
<wire x1="2.8" y1="-1" x2="2.8" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> |
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</package> |
<package name="0922V"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type 0922, grid 7.5 mm</description> |
<wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="1.397" y2="0" width="0.8128" layer="51"/> |
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<text x="-6.858" y="2.54" size="1.016" layer="21" ratio="12">0922</text> |
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</package> |
<package name="RDH/15"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b><p> |
type RDH, grid 15 mm</description> |
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<wire x1="6.096" y1="-3.048" x2="5.207" y2="-3.048" width="0.1524" layer="21"/> |
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</package> |
<package name="MINI_MELF-0102AX"> |
<description><b>Mini MELF 0102 Axial</b></description> |
<circle x="0" y="0" radius="0.6" width="0" layer="51"/> |
<circle x="0" y="0" radius="0.6" width="0" layer="52"/> |
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<text x="-1.27" y="0.9525" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> |
<text x="-1.27" y="-2.2225" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> |
<hole x="0" y="0" drill="1.3"/> |
</package> |
<package name="R0201"> |
<description><b>RESISTOR</b> chip<p> |
Source: http://www.vishay.com/docs/20008/dcrcw.pdf</description> |
<smd name="1" x="-0.255" y="0" dx="0.28" dy="0.43" layer="1"/> |
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</package> |
<package name="VTA52"> |
<description><b>Bulk Metal® Foil Technology</b>, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements<p> |
MIL SIZE RBR52<br> |
Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description> |
<wire x1="-15.24" y1="0" x2="-13.97" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> |
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</package> |
<package name="VTA53"> |
<description><b>Bulk Metal® Foil Technology</b>, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements<p> |
MIL SIZE RBR53<br> |
Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description> |
<wire x1="-12.065" y1="0" x2="-10.795" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> |
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<package name="VTA54"> |
<description><b>Bulk Metal® Foil Technology</b>, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements<p> |
MIL SIZE RBR54<br> |
Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description> |
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<package name="VTA55"> |
<description><b>Bulk Metal® Foil Technology</b>, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements<p> |
MIL SIZE RBR55<br> |
Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description> |
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<package name="VTA56"> |
<description><b>Bulk Metal® Foil Technology</b>, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements<p> |
MIL SIZE RBR56<br> |
Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description> |
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<package name="VMTA55"> |
<description><b>Bulk Metal® Foil Technology</b>, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements<p> |
MIL SIZE RNC55<br> |
Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description> |
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<package name="VMTB60"> |
<description><b>Bulk Metal® Foil Technology</b>, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements<p> |
MIL SIZE RNC60<br> |
Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description> |
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<description><b>Package 4527</b><p> |
Source: http://www.vishay.com/docs/31059/wsrhigh.pdf</description> |
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<description><b>Wirewound Resistors, Precision Power</b><p> |
Source: VISHAY wscwsn.pdf</description> |
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<description><b>Wirewound Resistors, Precision Power</b><p> |
Source: VISHAY wscwsn.pdf</description> |
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<description><b>Wirewound Resistors, Precision Power</b><p> |
Source: VISHAY wscwsn.pdf</description> |
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<description><b>Wirewound Resistors, Precision Power</b><p> |
Source: VISHAY wscwsn.pdf</description> |
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<description><b>Wirewound Resistors, Precision Power</b><p> |
Source: VISHAY wscwsn.pdf</description> |
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<description><b>Wirewound Resistors, Precision Power</b><p> |
Source: VISHAY wscwsn.pdf</description> |
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<description><b>CRCW1218 Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors</b><p> |
Source: http://www.vishay.com .. dcrcw.pdf</description> |
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<description><b>Chip Monolithic Ceramic Capacitors</b> Medium Voltage High Capacitance for General Use<p> |
Source: http://www.murata.com .. GRM43DR72E224KW01.pdf</description> |
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