16,6 → 16,7
MLAB_grid_xoffset = MLAB_grid/2;
MLAB_grid_yoffset = MLAB_grid/2;
23,6 → 24,31
if ((j>(x_size-10) && i>(y_size-10)) || (j<10 && i<10) || (j<10 && i>(y_size-10)) || (j>(x_size-10) && i<10) ) [j, i] ];
nY = 8;
nX = 6;
// width of solid part of grid
// width of blank part of grid
// thickness in Z direction
meshSpaceX = (meshX - meshSolid*nX)/nX;
meshSpaceY = (meshY - meshSolid*nY)/nY;
difference () {
union () {
for (j = grid_list) {
47,5 → 73,20
translate (concat(j, [3.2])) // one solid layer for slicer (the holes will be pierced on demand )
cylinder (h = pedestal_height, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10);
translate ([2*pile_radius, 2*pile_radius, 0]) // central hole in module support
for (i=[1:nX-1]) {
translate([i*(meshSolid+meshSpaceX) - meshSolid/2,0,0]) cube(size=[meshSolid, meshY, thickness],center=false);
for (i=[1:nY-1]) {
translate([0,i*(meshSolid+meshSpaceY) - meshSolid/2,0]) cube(size=[meshX, meshSolid, thickness],center=false);