3,12 → 3,13
set ylabel "alt [m]"
set xlabel "time [min]"
#set output "KorekceTlaku.png"
#f1(x)=k1*x+q1; f2(x)=k2*x+q2; f3(x)=k3*x+q3; f4(x)=k4*x+q4; f5(x)=k5*x+q5
#fit f1(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($10):($17*100000) via k1, q1
#fit f2(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($11):($17*100000) via k2, q2
#fit f3(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($12):($17*100000) via k3, q3
#fit f4(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($14):($17*100000) via k4, q4
#fit f5(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($15):($17*100000) via k5, q5
f1(x)=k1*x+q1; f2(x)=k2*x+q2; f3(x)=k3*x+q3; f4(x)=k4*x+q4; f5(x)=k5*x+q5; f6(x)=k6*x*q6
fit f1(x) "mereni_tlaku_s_DPI145_16122013.log" using ($10):(($17+$18)*50000) via k1, q1
fit f2(x) "mereni_tlaku_s_DPI145_16122013.log" using ($11):(($17+$18)*50000) via k2, q2
fit f3(x) "mereni_tlaku_s_DPI145_16122013.log" using ($12):(($17+$18)*50000) via k3, q3
fit f4(x) "mereni_tlaku_s_DPI145_16122013.log" using ($14):(($17+$18)*50000) via k4, q4
fit f5(x) "mereni_tlaku_s_DPI145_16122013.log" using ($15):(($17+$18)*50000) via k5, q5
#fit f6(x) "mereni_tlaku_s_DPI145_16122013.log" using ($15):(($17+$18)*50000) via k6, q6
T0=288.15; tau=-6.5e-3; R=29.271; p0=101325
15,34 → 16,26
#plot "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($10):($17*100000) with linespoints title "P1", f1(x), "" using ($11):($17*100000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P2", f2(x), "" using ($12):($17*100000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P3", f3(x), "" using ($14):($17*100000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P4", f4(x), "" using ($15):($17*100000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P5", f5(x)
#plot "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($10):(($17+$18)*50000) with linespoints title "P1", f1(x), "" using ($11):(($17+$18)*50000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P2", f2(x), "" using ($12):($($17+$18)*50000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P3", f3(x), "" using ($14):(($17+$18)*50000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P4", f4(x), "" using ($15):(($17+$18)*50000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P5", f5(x)
fit f1(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($10/1000):(h1($10)) via a, b, c
#fit f2(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($11):($17*100000) via k2, q2
#fit f3(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($12):($17*100000) via k3, q3
#fit f4(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($14):($17*100000) via k4, q4
#fit f5(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($15):($17*100000) via k5, q5
set output "Tlak_vyska.png"
set ylabel "alt [m]"
set xlabel "press [kPa]"
plot "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($10/1000):(h1($10)) with linespoints title "s1", "" using ($11/1000):(h2($11)) with linespoints title "s2", "" using ($12/1000):(h3($12)) with linespoints title "s3", "" using ($14/1000):(h4($14)) with linespoints title "s4", "" using ($15/1000):(h5($15)) with linespoints title "s5", f1(x)
#plot "mereni_tlaku_s_DPI145_16122013.log" using ($10/1000):(h1($10)) with linespoints title "s1", "" using ($11/1000):(h2($11)) with linespoints title "s2", "" using ($12/1000):(h3($12)) with linespoints title "s3", "" using ($13/1000):(h4($13)) with linespoints title "s4", "" using ($14/1000):(h5($14)) with linespoints title "s5", "" using ($15/1000):(h6($15)) with linespoints title "s6"
###stoupani: cas-vyska
set output "Stoupani.png"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%s"
set format x "%H:%M:%S"
set key under
plot "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using 1:(h1($10)) with linespoints title "h1", "" using 1:(h2($11)) with linespoints title "h2", "" using 1:(h3($12)) with linespoints title "h3", "" using 1:(h4($14)) with linespoints title "h4", "" using 1:(h5($15)) with linespoints title "h5"
set xlabel "time"
plot "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using 1:(h1($10)) with linespoints title "s1", "" using 1:(h2($11)) with linespoints title "s2", "" using 1:(h3($12)) with linespoints title "s3", "" using 1:(h4($14)) with linespoints title "s4", "" using 1:(h5($15)) with linespoints title "s5"