Problem with comparison.
0,0 → 1,46
set terminal png size 800,640
set ylabel "alt [m]"
set xlabel "time [min]"
#set output "KorekceTlaku.png"
#f1(x)=k1*x+q1; f2(x)=k2*x+q2; f3(x)=k3*x+q3; f4(x)=k4*x+q4; f5(x)=k5*x+q5
#fit f1(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($10):($17*100000) via k1, q1
#fit f2(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($11):($17*100000) via k2, q2
#fit f3(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($12):($17*100000) via k3, q3
#fit f4(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($14):($17*100000) via k4, q4
#fit f5(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($15):($17*100000) via k5, q5
T0=288.15; tau=-6.5e-3; R=29.271; p0=101325
#plot "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($10):($17*100000) with linespoints title "P1", f1(x), "" using ($11):($17*100000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P2", f2(x), "" using ($12):($17*100000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P3", f3(x), "" using ($14):($17*100000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P4", f4(x), "" using ($15):($17*100000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P5", f5(x)
fit f1(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($10/1000):(h1($10)) via a, b, c
#fit f2(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($11):($17*100000) via k2, q2
#fit f3(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($12):($17*100000) via k3, q3
#fit f4(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($14):($17*100000) via k4, q4
#fit f5(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($15):($17*100000) via k5, q5
set output "Tlak_vyska.png"
set ylabel "alt [m]"
set xlabel "press [kPa]"
plot "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($10/1000):(h1($10)) with linespoints title "s1", "" using ($11/1000):(h2($11)) with linespoints title "s2", "" using ($12/1000):(h3($12)) with linespoints title "s3", "" using ($14/1000):(h4($14)) with linespoints title "s4", "" using ($15/1000):(h5($15)) with linespoints title "s5", f1(x)
set output "Stoupani.png"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%s"
set format x "%H:%M:%S"
set key under
plot "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using 1:(h1($10)) with linespoints title "h1", "" using 1:(h2($11)) with linespoints title "h2", "" using 1:(h3($12)) with linespoints title "h3", "" using 1:(h4($14)) with linespoints title "h4", "" using 1:(h5($15)) with linespoints title "h5"
0,0 → 1,41
#set term svg size 800,640 #enhanced mouse
set terminal png size 800,640
#set samples 1000
set ylabel "press DPI145 [Pa]"
set xlabel "press cidla [Pa]"
set output "KorekceTlaku.png"
f1(x)=k1*x+q1; f2(x)=k2*x+q2; f3(x)=k3*x+q3; f4(x)=k4*x+q4; f5(x)=k5*x+q5
fit f1(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($10):($17*100000) via k1, q1
fit f2(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($11):($17*100000) via k2, q2
fit f3(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($12):($17*100000) via k3, q3
fit f4(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($14):($17*100000) via k4, q4
fit f5(x) "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($15):($17*100000) via k5, q5
plot "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using ($10):($17*100000) with linespoints title "P1", f1(x), "" using ($11):($17*100000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P2", f2(x), "" using ($12):($17*100000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P3", f3(x), "" using ($14):($17*100000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P4", f4(x), "" using ($15):($17*100000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P5", f5(x)
set xlabel "time [s]"
#set y2label "P [pres Pa]"
set key under
#set grid on
set xdata time
set timefmt "%s"
set format x "%M:%S"
#set logscale y2
#set y2tics
#set y2range [3000:95000]
#set xrange [500:1500]
set output "Press.png"
#plot "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using 1:3 with linespoints title "T1", "" using 1:4 with linespoints title "T2", "" using 1:5 with linespoints title "T3", "" using 1:6 with linespoints title "T4", "" using 1:7 with linespoints title "T5", "" using 1:8 with linespoints title "T6", "" using 1:9 with linespoints title "TRef", "" using 1:10 axes x1y2 with linespoints title "P1", "" using 1:11 axes x1y2 with linespoints title "P2", "" using 1:12 axes x1y2 with linespoints title "P3", "" using 1:13 axes x1y2 with linespoints title "P4", "" using 1:14 axes x1y2 with linespoints title "P5", "" using 1:15 axes x1y2 with linespoints title "P6", "" using 1:16 axes x1y2 with linespoints title "PRef", "" using 1:($17*100000) axes x1y2 with linespoints title "PDPI145"
plot "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using 1:10 axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P1", "" using 1:11 axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P2", "" using 1:12 axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P3", "" using 1:14 axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P5", "" using 1:15 axes x1y1 with linespoints title "P6", "" using 1:($17*100000) axes x1y1 with linespoints title "PDPI145"
set output "Pdif.png"
plot "mereni_tlaku_16122013.log" using 1:($10-$17*100000) with linespoints title "P1", "" using 1:($11-$17*100000) with linespoints title "P2", "" using 1:($12-$17*100000) with linespoints title "P3", "" using 1:($14-$17*100000) with linespoints title "P5", "" using 1:($15-$17*100000) with linespoints title "P6"
0,0 → 1,68
1385975218 2013-12-02T10:06:58.854980 23.81 23.31 23.44 23.38 23.44 23.44 22.69 100890 100852 100914 100924 100962 100878 100822 1.00948
1385975374 2013-12-02T10:09:34.564371 23.94 23.44 23.50 23.56 23.50 23.56 22.62 90008 89874 89784 89824 89740 89556 100822 1.00000
1385975448 2013-12-02T10:10:48.325629 23.81 23.38 23.44 23.50 23.38 23.50 22.56 79616 79414 79442 79356 79296 79210 100822 0.90000
1385975524 2013-12-02T10:12:04.921986 23.81 23.31 23.44 23.44 23.38 23.44 22.62 69870 69756 69746 69708 69646 69492 100824 0.70106
1385975589 2013-12-02T10:13:09.808750 23.75 23.31 23.44 23.44 23.38 23.44 22.62 61442 61396 61306 61332 61290 61114 100824 0.61549
1385975666 2013-12-02T10:14:26.606398 23.81 23.31 23.44 23.44 23.38 23.44 22.62 53892 53726 53696 53752 53726 53526 100826 0.53911
1385975750 2013-12-02T10:15:50.817724 23.94 23.38 23.44 23.44 23.44 23.50 22.56 46924 46842 46756 46796 46778 46552 100824 0.46964
1385975793 2013-12-02T10:16:33.834539 23.94 23.38 23.50 23.44 23.50 23.56 22.56 43826 43766 43684 43696 43708 43560 100828 0.43864
1385975846 2013-12-02T10:17:26.065260 24.06 23.44 23.56 23.50 23.56 23.62 22.56 40712 40622 40538 40636 40608 40466 100828 0.40864
1385975897 2013-12-02T10:18:17.137652 24.12 23.44 23.62 23.56 23.62 23.69 22.56 37992 37872 37808 37882 37892 37676 100826 0.38050
1385975945 2013-12-02T10:19:05.199908 24.19 23.50 23.62 23.62 23.75 23.75 22.56 35302 35206 35134 35184 35182 34986 100828 0.35376
1385975998 2013-12-02T10:19:58.410534 24.25 23.56 23.69 23.62 23.81 23.81 22.56 32836 32758 32680 32738 32700 32542 100830 0.32893
1385976051 2013-12-02T10:20:51.212849 24.38 23.62 23.75 23.69 23.88 23.88 22.56 30370 30320 30240 30300 30290 30072 100836 0.30422
1385976103 2013-12-02T10:21:43.956310 24.44 23.69 23.81 23.81 23.94 23.94 22.62 28282 28216 28140 28202 28214 27990 100834 0.28317
1385976165 2013-12-02T10:22:45.616458 24.50 23.75 23.94 23.88 24.00 24.00 22.56 26156 26102 26030 26072 26088 25860 100836 0.26169
1385976212 2013-12-02T10:23:32.526123 24.62 23.81 24.00 23.94 24.12 24.06 22.56 24294 24222 24132 24204 24228 24004 100838 0.24318
1385976274 2013-12-02T10:24:34.339323 24.69 23.88 24.06 24.00 24.19 24.12 22.50 22464 22376 22294 22382 22348 22132 100838 0.22469
1385976331 2013-12-02T10:25:31.373153 24.81 23.94 24.12 24.06 24.25 24.25 22.50 20866 20796 20736 20780 20780 20558 100840 0.20881
1385976395 2013-12-02T10:26:35.977659 24.88 24.00 24.19 24.19 24.38 24.31 22.50 19284 19200 19146 19180 19162 18934 100838 0.19261
1385976456 2013-12-02T10:27:36.129050 25.00 24.06 24.31 24.25 24.44 24.38 22.56 17896 17830 17754 17826 17790 17572 100842 0.18777
1385976522 2013-12-02T10:28:42.290945 25.06 24.19 24.38 24.31 24.56 24.50 22.56 16520 16466 16386 16458 16422 16200 100838 0.16500
1385976586 2013-12-02T10:29:46.593370 25.19 24.25 24.50 24.44 24.62 24.56 22.56 15332 15246 15210 15256 15230 15002 100828 0.15305
1385976663 2013-12-02T10:31:03.766392 25.31 24.38 24.56 24.50 24.75 24.62 22.62 14150 14080 14012 14070 14070 13822 100834 0.14093
1385976736 2013-12-02T10:32:16.447712 25.44 24.44 24.69 24.62 24.88 24.75 22.56 13162 13094 13042 13070 13044 12818 100832 0.13107
1385976824 2013-12-02T10:33:44.210290 25.56 24.56 24.81 24.69 25.00 24.88 22.62 12130 12048 12016 12038 12020 11782 100834 0.12054
1385976910 2013-12-02T10:35:10.190974 25.69 24.62 24.94 24.81 25.12 25.00 22.62 11258 11188 11136 11182 11178 10908 100834 0.11196
1385977008 2013-12-02T10:36:48.226006 25.81 24.75 25.00 24.94 25.25 25.12 22.62 10388 10354 10268 10312 10282 10060 100836 0.10330
1385977113 2013-12-02T10:38:33.976455 25.94 24.81 25.12 25.06 25.38 25.25 22.62 9668 9600 9554 9576 9546 9306 100838 0.09579
1385977223 2013-12-02T10:40:23.417359 26.12 24.94 25.25 25.19 25.50 25.31 22.62 8912 8848 8804 8848 8786 8560 100834 0.08824
1385977338 2013-12-02T10:42:18.724117 26.25 25.06 25.38 25.25 25.62 25.50 22.69 8266 8216 8140 8188 8170 7924 100838 0.08185
1385977466 2013-12-02T10:44:26.858484 26.38 25.19 25.50 25.44 25.75 25.62 22.69 7646 7568 7522 7576 7532 7302 100832 0.07555
1385977603 2013-12-02T10:46:43.227291 26.56 25.31 25.62 25.56 25.88 25.75 22.69 7100 7040 6996 7030 6988 6756 100822 0.07016
1385977764 2013-12-02T10:49:24.855123 26.69 25.44 25.81 25.69 26.06 25.88 22.69 6550 6486 6448 6492 6436 6232 100828 0.06462
1385978555 2013-12-02T11:02:35.957301 26.50 26.19 26.25 26.38 25.94 26.19 22.88 100908 100860 100920 100920 100956 100896 100850 1.00958
0,0 → 1,70
1387192739 2013-12-16T12:18:59.155037 21.56 21.62 21.69 0.00 21.50 21.69 22.50 100578 100504 100552 0 100636 100452 100474 1.00615
1387193949 2013-12-16T12:39:09.118618 21.69 21.75 21.81 0.00 21.56 21.81 22.88 89946 89788 89716 0 89734 89540 100488 0.89925
1387194019 2013-12-16T12:40:19.891605 21.62 21.62 21.75 0.00 21.44 21.69 22.88 79442 79358 79294 0 79298 79060 100494 0.79552
1387194085 2013-12-16T12:41:25.334078 21.50 21.50 21.62 0.00 21.31 21.62 22.88 70026 69856 69772 0 69696 69512 100492 0.70056
1387194151 2013-12-16T12:42:31.461893 21.38 21.44 21.56 0.00 21.25 21.56 22.88 61524 62340 61304 0 61286 61062 100486 0.61558
1387194222 2013-12-16T12:43:42.226946 21.31 21.38 21.50 0.00 21.19 21.50 22.88 53834 53718 53664 0 53700 53442 100484 0.53894
1387194262 2013-12-16T12:44:22.276495 21.25 21.38 21.44 0.00 21.12 21.44 22.88 50344 50158 50146 0 50134 49940 100490 0.50416
1387194298 2013-12-16T12:44:58.720337 21.25 21.38 21.44 0.00 21.12 21.44 22.94 46990 46844 46762 0 46836 46596 100488 0.47003
1387194339 2013-12-16T12:45:39.199657 21.25 21.31 21.44 0.00 21.12 21.44 22.94 43798 43688 43616 0 43734 43426 100488 0.43849
1387194383 2013-12-16T12:46:23.958213 21.19 21.31 21.44 0.00 21.12 21.38 22.94 40776 40628 40554 0 40640 40342 100494 0.40818
1387194428 2013-12-16T12:47:08.039926 21.19 21.31 21.38 0.00 21.12 21.38 22.94 37984 37872 37752 0 37862 37556 100492 0.38020
1387194476 2013-12-16T12:47:56.621478 21.19 21.31 21.38 0.00 21.12 21.38 22.94 35308 35216 35162 0 35178 34946 100486 0.35352
1387194532 2013-12-16T12:48:52.033768 21.19 21.31 21.38 0.00 21.12 21.38 22.94 32852 32706 32604 0 32726 32444 100486 0.32845
1387194575 2013-12-16T12:49:35.418126 21.19 21.31 21.38 0.00 21.12 21.38 22.94 30414 30326 30236 0 30296 30020 100486 0.30445
1387194626 2013-12-16T12:50:26.126242 21.19 21.31 21.38 0.00 21.12 21.38 22.94 28294 28198 28114 0 28224 27934 100486 0.28318
1387194684 2013-12-16T12:51:24.650965 21.25 21.31 21.38 0.00 21.12 21.38 22.94 26208 26054 25994 0 26066 25796 100486 0.26210
1387194738 2013-12-16T12:52:18.371867 21.25 21.31 21.44 0.00 21.19 21.44 23.00 24338 24184 24144 0 24234 23918 100486 0.24311
1387194796 2013-12-16T12:53:16.268261 21.25 21.31 21.44 0.00 21.19 21.44 23.00 22458 22348 22306 0 22362 22068 100484 0.22481
1387194849 2013-12-16T12:54:09.291634 21.25 21.38 21.44 0.00 21.19 21.44 23.00 20838 20742 20662 0 20764 20432 100480 0.20840
1387194909 2013-12-16T12:55:09.341692 21.31 21.38 21.44 0.00 21.19 21.44 23.00 19312 19168 19122 0 19184 18884 100482 0.19255
1387194971 2013-12-16T12:56:11.207731 21.31 21.38 21.50 0.00 21.25 21.50 23.06 17888 17766 17718 0 17776 17482 100482 0.17856
1387195044 2013-12-16T12:57:24.581246 21.31 21.44 21.50 0.00 21.25 21.50 23.00 16510 16388 16340 0 16410 16112 100472 0.16469
1387195109 2013-12-16T12:58:29.068891 21.31 21.44 21.50 0.00 21.25 21.50 23.06 15304 15208 15150 0 15212 14908 100474 0.15296
1387195185 2013-12-16T12:59:45.184862 21.38 21.44 21.56 0.00 21.31 21.56 23.06 14144 14044 14008 0 14060 13740 100472 0.14113
1387195261 2013-12-16T13:01:01.759429 21.44 21.50 21.56 0.00 21.31 21.56 23.06 13120 13036 12986 0 13044 12702 100478 0.13098
1387195355 2013-12-16T13:02:35.970755 21.44 21.50 21.62 0.00 21.38 21.62 23.06 12092 11986 11946 0 11994 11664 100472 0.12043
1387195462 2013-12-16T13:04:22.110496 21.50 21.56 21.62 0.00 21.38 21.62 23.12 11030 10916 10884 0 10950 10608 100472 0.10956
1387195534 2013-12-16T13:05:34.874944 21.50 21.62 21.69 0.00 21.44 21.69 23.12 10380 10290 10236 0 10270 9962 100478 0.10335
1387195642 2013-12-16T13:07:22.566910 21.56 21.62 21.69 0.00 21.44 21.69 23.06 9650 9542 9504 0 9530 9230 100482 0.09567
1387195751 2013-12-16T13:09:11.712278 21.62 21.69 21.75 0.00 21.50 21.75 23.06 8904 8784 8762 0 8790 8470 100476 0.08831
1387195863 2013-12-16T13:11:03.437137 21.62 21.69 21.81 0.00 21.56 21.81 23.06 8250 8158 8102 0 8144 7846 100480 0.08188
1387195989 2013-12-16T13:13:09.995821 21.69 21.75 21.81 0.00 21.56 21.81 23.06 7636 7534 7480 0 7518 7232 100486 0.07566
1387196125 2013-12-16T13:15:25.358846 21.75 21.81 21.88 0.00 21.62 21.88 23.12 7092 6976 6946 0 6992 6686 100490 0.07020
1387196272 2013-12-16T13:17:52.033191 21.75 21.81 21.94 0.00 21.62 21.94 23.19 6546 6444 6402 0 6448 6140 100484 0.06474
1387196398 2013-12-16T13:19:58.221702 21.81 21.88 21.94 0.00 21.69 21.94 23.19 6156 6060 6018 0 6062 5720 100488 0.06084
0,0 → 1,70
1387197118 2013-12-16T13:31:58.549865 22.75 22.88 23.00 0.00 22.62 22.94 22.94 100554 100470 100520 0 100598 100470 100482 1.00588
1387212319 2013-12-16T17:45:19.265955 22.81 22.81 22.94 22.81 22.69 22.94 23.75 100534 100492 100546 100594 100588 100474 100500 1.00596 1.00595 d43d5nhtd53
1387212450 2013-12-16T17:47:30.824198 22.81 22.88 22.94 22.88 22.69 23.00 23.81 100534 100502 100546 100580 100596 100490 100510 1.00596 1.00597
1387212494 2013-12-16T17:48:14.907190 22.81 22.81 23.00 22.88 22.69 22.94 23.81 97540 97380 97278 98108 97024 96900 100508 0.97505 0.96836
1387212517 2013-12-16T17:48:37.146544 22.81 22.81 22.94 22.88 22.62 22.94 23.81 93480 93360 93180 93192 93112 92848 100504 0.93601 0.92758
1387212530 2013-12-16T17:48:50.441770 22.75 22.75 22.94 22.81 22.62 22.88 23.81 89890 89806 89772 89784 89648 89490 100506 0.90109 0.89293
1387212588 2013-12-16T17:49:48.055608 22.62 22.62 22.81 22.69 22.50 22.81 23.81 79588 79592 79526 79414 79346 79220 100500 0.79797 0.79231
1387212647 2013-12-16T17:50:47.159690 22.50 22.56 22.69 22.62 22.38 22.69 23.81 70042 69964 69882 69964 69776 69712 100500 0.70284 0.69627
1387212702 2013-12-16T17:51:42.773892 22.38 22.44 22.56 22.50 22.25 22.56 23.81 61610 61456 61348 61340 61328 61168 100504 0.61710 0.61147
1387212764 2013-12-16T17:52:44.079083 22.31 22.38 22.50 22.44 22.19 22.50 23.81 53946 53874 53750 53776 53796 53572 100508 0.54000 0.53615
1387212798 2013-12-16T17:53:18.083817 22.31 22.38 22.44 22.38 22.19 22.50 23.81 50354 50202 50126 50248 50140 49988 100510 0.50501 0.50056
1387212831 2013-12-16T17:53:51.950358 22.25 22.31 22.44 22.38 22.12 22.44 23.81 46874 46866 46728 46736 46790 46520 100508 0.47022 0.46700
1387212866 2013-12-16T17:54:26.621083 22.25 22.31 22.44 22.31 22.12 22.44 23.81 43882 43708 43700 43746 43648 43456 100510 0.43933 0.43640
1387212903 2013-12-16T17:55:03.878848 22.25 22.31 22.44 22.31 22.12 22.44 23.81 40812 40678 40598 40652 40622 40398 100508 0.40906 0.40636
1387212927 2013-12-16T17:55:27.506109 22.25 22.25 22.38 22.31 22.12 22.38 23.81 39050 38932 38804 38878 38904 38638 100512 0.39142 0.38825
1387212955 2013-12-16T17:55:55.833564 22.19 22.25 22.38 22.25 22.12 22.38 23.81 37172 37084 36998 37056 37070 36770 100506 0.37299 0.37001
1387212981 2013-12-16T17:56:21.174221 22.19 22.25 22.38 22.25 22.12 22.38 23.81 35232 35080 35042 35116 35078 34828 100508 0.35281 0.35062
1387213021 2013-12-16T17:57:01.572072 22.19 22.25 22.38 22.25 22.12 22.38 23.81 32774 32676 32596 32620 32608 32442 100510 0.32815 0.32613
1387213067 2013-12-16T17:57:47.628854 22.19 22.25 22.38 22.25 22.12 22.38 23.81 30198 30112 30034 30110 30068 29840 100514 0.30259 0.30080
1387213080 2013-12-16T17:58:00.709539 22.19 22.25 22.38 22.19 22.12 22.38 23.81 29534 29440 29354 29418 29436 29158 100508 0.29595 0.29420
1387213105 2013-12-16T17:58:25.048908 22.19 22.25 22.38 22.25 22.06 22.38 23.81 28304 28214 28104 28182 28186 27926 100508 0.28361 0.28198
1387213151 2013-12-16T17:59:11.441560 22.19 22.25 22.38 22.25 22.12 22.38 23.75 26218 26116 26058 26134 26102 25852 100508 0.26266 0.26120
1387213162 2013-12-16T17:59:22.997353 22.19 22.25 22.38 22.25 22.12 22.38 23.75 25736 25664 25596 25674 25618 25374 100506 0.25794 0.25650
1387213198 2013-12-16T17:59:58.843222 22.19 22.25 22.38 22.25 22.12 22.38 23.81 24306 24210 24126 24200 24204 23954 100508 0.24348 0.24216
1387213265 2013-12-16T18:01:05.066064 22.19 22.25 22.38 22.25 22.12 22.38 23.81 22262 22198 22102 22186 22178 21910 100506 0.22328 0.22184
1387213283 2013-12-16T18:01:23.085758 22.25 22.25 22.38 22.25 22.12 22.38 23.75 21374 21282 21228 21288 21284 21000 100504 0.21424 0.21316
1387213299 2013-12-16T18:01:39.211413 22.25 22.25 22.38 22.25 22.12 22.38 23.75 20872 20798 20718 20754 20770 21502 100504 0.20888 0.20784
1387213353 2013-12-16T18:02:33.656058 22.25 22.25 22.38 22.25 22.12 22.44 23.75 19294 19222 19150 19192 19204 18940 100510 0.19325 0.19207
1387213416 2013-12-16T18:03:36.015544 22.25 22.25 22.44 22.25 22.19 22.44 23.75 17700 17626 17580 17634 17616 17360 100504 0.17745 0.17642
1387213469 2013-12-16T18:04:29.560315 22.25 22.31 22.44 22.25 22.19 22.44 23.75 16526 16420 16386 16444 16418 16174 100514 0.16540 0.16448
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\title{Testování modulu ALTIMET01A}
\author{Jakub Kákona, Eva Pomíchalová;}
Při realizaci projektu ABL01A bylo zjištěno, že snímání tlaku z čidla MPL3115A2 funguje navzdory specifikaci výrobce minimálně do výšky 16 km což je cca 10 kPa. Na druhou stranu interní tlakový atmosférický model je použitelný pouze do výšky cca 10 km ve větších výškách vykazuje značné nepřesnosti. Cílem tohoto dokumentu je popsat přesnější měření a kalibrace čidla v případě použití v barometrickém výškoměru pro balonovou sondu ABL01A
\begin{figure} [htbp]
\includegraphics [width=80mm] {./img/altimet01a_testing_setup.jpg}
\begin{figure} [b]
\includegraphics [width=25mm] {./img/ALTIMET01A_QRcode.png}
\section{Popis konstrukce}
Realizace testovacího systému pro čidlo MPL3115A2 využívá modulu I2CHUB02A, který umožňuje testování více čidel najednou. Čidla jsou tak společně umístěna ve vakuovém zvonu s řízeným tlakem a naměřené tlaky jsou společně s teplotami vyčítány I$^2$C sběrnici. Sběrnice I$^2$C byla z řídícího počítače vyvedena přes převodník i2c-avr-USB \cite{i2c-avr-USB}.
Paralelně k hodnotám získaných z modulů ALTIMET je z řídícího počítače ještě vyčítán tlak měřený z referenčního měřícího přístroje DPI 145.
Měřící přístroj DPI 145 byl do systému zapojen přes rozhraní RS232 za použití převodníku RS232-USB. Nastavení komunikace je Parity=none, Speed=9600, Handshaking=none. (Způsob nastavení je možné nalézt v návodu k DPI145).
\section{Programové vybavení}
Pro vyčítání čidel a záznam naměřených hodnot byl použit Python. Využívající speciálně vytvořenou knihovnu \cite{MLAB-I2c-modules}. Tato knihovna řeší komunikaci se senzory MPL3115A2 v modulech ALTIMET01A. Samotný program je pak umístěn v dokumentační složce modulu ALTIMET01A \cite{data_logger}.
Na začánku programu je nadefinována topologie zapojení modulů, což je viditelné v následujícím bloku kódu (Odsazení bylo upraveno za účelem vložení na šířku stránky).
cfg = config.Config(
port = port,
bus = [
"type": "i2chub",
"address": 0x72,
"children": [
"type": "i2chub",
"address": 0x70,
"channel": 3,
"children": [
{"name": "altimet1", "type": "altimet01" , "channel": 0, },
{"name": "altimet2", "type": "altimet01" , "channel": 3, },
{"name": "altimet3", "type": "altimet01" , "channel": 4, },
{"name": "altimet4", "type": "altimet01" , "channel": 5, },
{"name": "altimet5", "type": "altimet01" , "channel": 6, },
{"name": "altimet6", "type": "altimet01" , "channel": 7, },
{"name": "altimet8", "type": "altimet01" , "channel": 6, },
Grafickou realizaci této topologie představuje obrázek \ref{test_setup_blocks}. V kterém jsou vynechána čísla portů na modulu I2CHUB02A. Podle nich jsou ve skutečnosti identifikována jednotlivá čidla, která jinak mají stejnou I2C adresu. Na sběrném počítači byl použit operační systém Linux Ubuntu 13.10.
\begin{figure} [htbp]
\includegraphics [width=220mm, angle=90, origin=c] {./img/test_setup.png}
\caption{Zapojení jednotlivých modulů v testovacím přípravku.}
\subsection{Čtení dat z přístroje DPI145}
Vzhledem k tomu, že přístroj byl připojený přes rozhraní RS232 a ke komunikaci používá protokol SCPI, tak bylo možné jej ovládat přímo z jazyka Python zápisem na seriové rozhraní počítače. V následujícím bloku je uveden testovací kód, který vyčte data zobrazena na displeji (Měřící přístroj musí být nastaven tak, aby na displeji byla přímo hodnota, kterou potřebujeme zaznamenat).
# Druck DPI 145 preassure measuring instrument test utility.
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600, timeout=1)
P_ref = eval(ser.readline(100))
Data jsou přijata ve formě stringu. Pro získání numerické proměnné by bylo třeba je parserovat a vyhledávat číselný obsah.
\subsection{Systém sběru dat z tlakových čidel}
Pro testování modulu ALTIMET01A s tlakovým čidlem MPL3115A2 byl vytvořen testovací přípravek využívající I2C a převodník i2c-avr-USB. Měřící systém byl ovládán skriptem napsaným v jazyce Python spouštěném na linuxovém počítači.
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