1,8 → 1,7
C L "MAIN" 0 20 1 "FUNCTION"
D G "__PCM__" 0 73 ""4.106""
D G "__DEVICE__" 0 73 "887"
D G "__DATE__" 0 73 ""15-V-13""
D G "__TIME__" 0 73 ""20:34:15"" "Standard Header file for the PIC16F887 device ////////////////"
D G "__PCM__" 0 0 ""4.106""
D G "__DEVICE__" 0 0 ""
D G "__DATE__" 0 0 ""17-V-13""
D G "__TIME__" 0 0 ""12:14:46"" "Standard Header file for the PIC16F887 device ////////////////"
d G "PIN_A0" 2 20 "40"
d G "PIN_A1" 2 21 "41"
d G "PIN_A2" 2 22 "42"
274,46 → 273,44
d G "INT_RB5" 2 418 "0x0200B08"
d G "INT_RB6" 2 419 "0x0400B08"
d G "INT_RB7" 2 420 "0x0800B08"
D G "MAG_ADDR_R" 3 1 "0x3D" "addresa pro cteni"
D G "MAG_ADDR_W" 3 2 "0x3C"
D G "MAG_ROZ088" 3 7 "0x00"
D G "MAG_ROZ130" 3 8 "0x20"
D G "MAG_ROZ190" 3 9 "0x40"
D G "MAG_ROZ250" 3 10 "0x60"
D G "MAG_ROZ400" 3 11 "0x80"
D G "MAG_ROZ470" 3 12 "0xA0"
D G "MAG_ROZ560" 3 13 "0xC0"
D G "MAG_ROZ810" 3 14 "0xE0"
D G "HMC5883L_WRT_ADDR" 4 2 "0x3C"
D G "HMC5883L_READ_ADDR" 4 3 "0x3D"
D G "HMC5883L_CFG_A_REG" 4 6 "0x00"
D G "HMC5883L_CFG_B_REG" 4 7 "0x01"
D G "HMC5883L_MODE_REG" 4 8 "0x02"
D G "HMC5883L_X_MSB_REG" 4 9 "0x03"
C L "hmc5883l_write_reg" 4 1 1 "FUNCTION"
F G "hmc5883l_write_reg" 4 14 "void(int8 reg,int8 data)"
D G "HMC5883L_WRT_ADDR" 3 2 "0x3C"
D G "HMC5883L_READ_ADDR" 3 3 "0x3D"
D G "HMC5883L_CFG_A_REG" 3 6 "0x00"
D G "HMC5883L_CFG_B_REG" 3 7 "0x01"
D G "HMC5883L_MODE_REG" 3 8 "0x02"
D G "HMC5883L_X_MSB_REG" 3 9 "0x03"
D G "MAG_ROZ088" 3 13 "0x00"
D G "MAG_ROZ130" 3 14 "0x20"
D G "MAG_ROZ190" 3 15 "0x40"
D G "MAG_ROZ250" 3 16 "0x60"
D G "MAG_ROZ400" 3 17 "0x80"
D G "MAG_ROZ470" 3 18 "0xA0"
D G "MAG_ROZ560" 3 19 "0xC0"
D G "MAG_ROZ810" 3 20 "0xE0"
C L "hmc5883l_write_reg" 4 2 1 "FUNCTION"
F G "hmc5883l_write_reg" 4 4 "void()"
V L "reg" 4 4 "int8"
V L "data" 4 4 "int8"
F G "hmc5883l_read_reg" 4 14 "int8()"
V L "reg" 4 14 "int8"
V L "data" 4 14 "int8"
F G "hmc5883l_read_reg" 4 24 "int8(int8 reg)"
V L "reg" 4 24 "int8"
V L "retval" 4 26 "int8"
T G "hmc5883l_result" 4 45 "{sint16 x,sint16 y,sint16 z}" "This global structure holds the values read"
V G "compass" 4 49 "hmc5883l_result"
F G "hmc5883l_read_data" 4 52 "void()"
V L "x_lsb" 4 54 "int8"
V L "x_msb" 4 55 "int8"
V L "y_lsb" 4 57 "int8"
V L "y_msb" 4 58 "int8"
V L "z_lsb" 4 60 "int8"
V L "z_msb" 4 61 "int8"
C L "hmc5883l_read_data" 4 1 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "hmc5883l_read_data" 4 1 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "hmc5883l_read_data" 4 1 1 "FUNCTION"
V L "retval" 4 16 "int8"
T G "hmc5883l_result" 4 35 "{sint16 x,sint16 y,sint16 z}" "This global structure holds the values read"
V G "compass" 4 39 "hmc5883l_result"
F G "hmc5883l_read_data" 4 42 "void()"
V L "x_lsb" 4 44 "int8"
V L "x_msb" 4 45 "int8"
V L "y_lsb" 4 47 "int8"
V L "y_msb" 4 48 "int8"
V L "z_lsb" 4 50 "int8"
V L "z_msb" 4 51 "int8"
C L "hmc5883l_read_data" 4 2 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "hmc5883l_read_data" 4 2 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "hmc5883l_read_data" 4 2 1 "FUNCTION"
D G "MATH_H" 5 21 ""
D G "PI" 5 26 "3.1415926535897932"
D G "SQRT2" 5 29 "1.4142135623730950"
F G "CEIL_FLOOR" 5 36 "float(float x,int8 n)"
F G "CEIL_FLOOR" 5 36 "float()"
V L "x" 5 36 "float"
V L "n" 5 36 "int8"
V L "y" 5 38 "float"
321,20 → 318,20
V L "l" 5 39 "int16"
V L "s" 5 40 "int1"
C L "floor" 5 2 5 "FUNCTION"
F G "floor" 5 192 "float(float x)"
F G "floor" 5 192 "float()"
V L "x" 5 192 "float"
C L "ceil" 5 2 5 "FUNCTION"
F G "ceil" 5 218 "float(float x)"
F G "ceil" 5 218 "float()"
V L "x" 5 218 "float"
D G "fabs" 5 244 "abs"
C L "fmod" 5 2 6 "FUNCTION"
F G "fmod" 5 256 "float(float x,float y)"
F G "fmod" 5 256 "float()"
V L "x" 5 256 "float"
V L "y" 5 256 "float"
V L "i" 5 258 "float"
D G "LN2" 5 319 "0.6931471805599453"
V G "pe" 5 321 "float[6]"
F G "exp" 5 325 "float(float x)"
F G "exp" 5 325 "float()"
V L "x" 5 325 "float"
V L "y" 5 327 "float"
V L "res" 5 327 "float"
345,7 → 342,7
V G "pl" 5 496 "float[4]"
V G "ql" 5 497 "float[4]"
C L "log" 5 2 3 "FUNCTION"
F G "log" 5 505 "float(float x)"
F G "log" 5 505 "float()"
V L "x" 5 505 "float"
V L "y" 5 507 "float"
V L "res" 5 507 "float"
355,23 → 352,23
C L "log" 5 2 1 "FUNCTION"
D G "LN10" 5 729 "2.3025850929940456"
C L "log10" 5 2 3 "FUNCTION"
F G "log10" 5 737 "float(float x)"
F G "log10" 5 737 "float()"
V L "x" 5 737 "float"
V L "r" 5 739 "float"
C L "modf" 5 2 8 "FUNCTION"
F G "modf" 5 778 "float(float value,*float iptr)"
F G "modf" 5 778 "float()"
V L "value" 5 778 "float"
V L "iptr" 5 778 "*float"
C L "pwr" 5 2 6 "FUNCTION"
F G "pwr" 5 806 "float(float x,float y)"
F G "pwr" 5 806 "float()"
V L "x" 5 806 "float"
V L "y" 5 806 "float"
C L "pow" 5 2 7 "FUNCTION"
F G "pow" 5 869 "float(float x,float y)"
F G "pow" 5 869 "float()"
V L "x" 5 869 "float"
V L "y" 5 869 "float"
C L "sqrt" 5 2 5 "FUNCTION"
F G "sqrt" 5 930 "float(float x)"
F G "sqrt" 5 930 "float()"
V L "x" 5 930 "float"
V L "y" 5 932 "float"
V L "res" 5 932 "float"
378,7 → 375,7
V L "p" 5 936 "*int8"
D G "PI_DIV_BY_TWO" 5 1125 "1.5707963267948966"
C L "cos" 5 2 3 "FUNCTION"
F G "cos" 5 1136 "float(float x)"
F G "cos" 5 1136 "float()"
V L "x" 5 1136 "float"
V L "y" 5 1138 "float"
V L "t" 5 1138 "float"
396,16 → 393,16
C L "cos" 5 2 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "cos" 5 2 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "sin" 5 2 5 "FUNCTION"
F G "sin" 5 1278 "float(float x)"
F G "sin" 5 1278 "float()"
V L "x" 5 1278 "float"
C L "tan" 5 2 5 "FUNCTION"
F G "tan" 5 1304 "float(float x)"
F G "tan" 5 1304 "float()"
V L "x" 5 1304 "float"
V L "c" 5 1306 "float"
V L "s" 5 1306 "float"
V G "pas" 5 1344 "float[3]"
V G "qas" 5 1345 "float[3]"
F G "ASIN_COS" 5 1347 "float(float x,int8 n)"
F G "ASIN_COS" 5 1347 "float()"
V L "x" 5 1347 "float"
V L "n" 5 1347 "int8"
V L "y" 5 1349 "float"
416,17 → 413,17
C L "asin" 5 2 5 "FUNCTION"
F G "asin" 5 1493 "float(float x)"
F G "asin" 5 1493 "float()"
V L "x" 5 1493 "float"
V L "r" 5 1495 "float"
C L "acos" 5 2 5 "FUNCTION"
F G "acos" 5 1527 "float(float x)"
F G "acos" 5 1527 "float()"
V L "x" 5 1527 "float"
V L "r" 5 1529 "float"
V G "pat" 5 1555 "float[4]"
V G "qat" 5 1556 "float[4]"
C L "atan" 5 2 3 "FUNCTION"
F G "atan" 5 1564 "float(float x)"
F G "atan" 5 1564 "float()"
V L "x" 5 1564 "float"
V L "y" 5 1566 "float"
V L "res" 5 1566 "float"
435,7 → 432,7
V L "flag" 5 1567 "int1"
C L "atan" 5 2 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "atan2" 5 2 7 "FUNCTION"
F G "atan2" 5 1697 "float(float y,float x)"
F G "atan2" 5 1697 "float()"
V L "y" 5 1697 "float"
V L "x" 5 1697 "float"
V L "z" 5 1699 "float"
444,22 → 441,22
C L "atan2" 5 2 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "atan2" 5 2 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "cosh" 5 2 7 "FUNCTION"
F G "cosh" 5 1919 "float(float x)"
F G "cosh" 5 1919 "float()"
V L "x" 5 1919 "float"
C L "sinh" 5 2 6 "FUNCTION"
F G "sinh" 5 1946 "float(float x)"
F G "sinh" 5 1946 "float()"
V L "x" 5 1946 "float"
C L "tanh" 5 2 6 "FUNCTION"
F G "tanh" 5 1976 "float(float x)"
F G "tanh" 5 1976 "float()"
V L "x" 5 1976 "float"
D G "LOG2" 5 2006 ".30102999566398119521"
F G "frexp" 5 2007 "float(float x,*sint8 exp)"
F G "frexp" 5 2007 "float()"
V L "x" 5 2007 "float"
V L "exp" 5 2007 "*sint8"
V L "res" 5 2009 "float"
V L "sign" 5 2010 "int1"
C L "ldexp" 5 2 6 "FUNCTION"
F G "ldexp" 5 2152 "float(float value,sint8 exp)"
F G "ldexp" 5 2152 "float()"
V L "value" 5 2152 "float"
V L "exp" 5 2152 "sint8"
469,13 → 466,11
V L "anemo_speed" 0 7 "float"
V L "anemo_round" 0 8 "int16"
V L "i" 0 9 "int16" "signed int16 X,Y,Z;"
C L "MAIN" 0 20 3 "FUNCTION"
C L "MAIN" 0 20 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "MAIN" 0 20 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "MAIN" 0 20 2 "FUNCTION"
C L "MAIN" 0 20 6 "FUNCTION"
C L "MAIN" 0 20 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "MAIN" 0 20 7 "FUNCTION"
C L "MAIN" 0 19 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "MAIN" 0 19 2 "FUNCTION"
C L "MAIN" 0 19 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "MAIN" 0 19 1 "FUNCTION"
C L "MAIN" 0 19 2 "FUNCTION"
F B "reset_cpu" 0 0
F B "abs" 1 0
F B "sleep_ulpwu" 1 0