0,0 → 1,59
ROM used: 1019 (12%)
1019 (12%) including unused fragments
2 Average locations per line
24 Average locations per statement
RAM used: 8 (2%) at main() level
29 (8%) worst case
Stack used: 2 worst case (out of 8 total available)
Lines Stmts % Files
----- ----- --- -----
82 42 100 main.c
20 0 0 main.h
423 0 0 ..\..\..\..\..\Program Files (x86)\PICC\devices\16F887.h
----- -----
525 42 Total
Page ROM % RAM Vol Diff Functions:
---- --- --- --- --- ---- ----------
0 22 2 1 @delay_ms1
0 51 5 3 @I2C_READ_1
0 52 5 1 @I2C_WRITE_1
0 34 3 1 @PUTCHAR_1_
0 408 40 2 1503 5.5 main
0 12 1 0 @const78
0 72 7 3 @PSTRINGC7_68
0 11 1 0 @const90
0 79 8 4 @PSTRINGCN7_68
0 21 2 3 @DIV88
0 103 10 6 @PRINTF_D_68
0 11 1 0 @const99
0 128 13 9 @PRINTF_LD_68
0 11 1 0 @const102
Program metrics:
Functions 1
Statements 42
Comments 91
Volume (V) 1538
Difficilty (D) 4.9
Effort to implement (E) 7509
Time to implement (T) 7 minutes
Est Delivered Bugs (B) 0
Cyclomatic Complexity 1
Maintainability (MI) 112
Segment Used Free
----------- ---- ----
00000-00003 4 0
00004-007FF 1015 1029
00800-00FFF 0 2048
01000-017FF 0 2048
01800-01FFF 0 2048