No changes between revisions
/Modules/ADconverters/I2CADC02A/CAM_PROFI/Preview.gvp |
0,0 → 1,9 |
(gerbv-file-version! "2.0A") |
(define-layer! 5 (cons 'filename "V2.PHO")(cons 'visible #f)(cons 'color #(53713 6939 26728))) |
(define-layer! 4 (cons 'filename "V1.PHO")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(54741 65021 13107))) |
(define-layer! 3 (cons 'filename "T1.PHO")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(0 50115 50115))) |
(define-layer! 2 (cons 'filename "M2.PHO")(cons 'visible #f)(cons 'color #(30069 62194 26471))) |
(define-layer! 1 (cons 'filename "M1.PHO")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(49601 0 57568))) |
(define-layer! 0 (cons 'filename "BOARD.PHO")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(29555 29555 57054))) |
(define-layer! -1 (cons 'filename "./")(cons 'visible #f)(cons 'color #(0 0 0))) |
(set-render-type! 3) |
/Modules/ADconverters/I2CADC02A/PrjInfo.txt |
0,0 → 1,13 |
[InfoShortDescription.en] |
Simple IR reflexive sensor. |
[InfoShortDescription.cs] |
Jednoduche reflexivni cidlo. |
[InfoLongDescription.en] |
[InfoLongDescription.cs] |
Čidlo obsahuje pouze reflexní optron s odporovým trimrem a slouží k rozlišování tmavého a světlého povrchu. Dá se použít jak pro detekci čáry pro čárového robota tak i pro snímání otáčení pohonných kol. |
[End] |
/Modules/ADconverters/I2CADC02A/SCH_PCB/ |
0,0 → 1,108 |
update=7/22/2015 12:48:00 PM |
version=1 |
last_client=kicad |
[pcbnew] |
version=1 |
LastNetListRead= |
UseCmpFile=1 |
PadDrill=0.600000000000 |
PadDrillOvalY=0.600000000000 |
PadSizeH=1.500000000000 |
PadSizeV=1.500000000000 |
PcbTextSizeV=1.500000000000 |
PcbTextSizeH=1.500000000000 |
PcbTextThickness=0.300000000000 |
ModuleTextSizeV=1.000000000000 |
ModuleTextSizeH=1.000000000000 |
ModuleTextSizeThickness=0.150000000000 |
SolderMaskClearance=0.000000000000 |
SolderMaskMinWidth=0.000000000000 |
DrawSegmentWidth=0.200000000000 |
BoardOutlineThickness=0.100000000000 |
ModuleOutlineThickness=0.150000000000 |
[cvpcb] |
version=1 |
NetIExt=net |
[general] |
version=1 |
[eeschema] |
version=1 |
LibDir= |
[eeschema/libraries] |
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LibName5=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/adc-dac |
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LibName8=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/analog_switches |
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LibName31=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/ir |
LibName32=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/Lattice |
LibName33=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/linear |
LibName34=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/logo |
LibName35=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/maxim |
LibName36=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/memory |
LibName37=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/microchip |
LibName38=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/microchip_dspic33dsc |
LibName39=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/microchip_pic10mcu |
LibName40=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/microchip_pic12mcu |
LibName41=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/microchip_pic16mcu |
LibName42=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/microchip_pic18mcu |
LibName43=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/microchip_pic32mcu |
LibName44=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/microcontrollers |
LibName45=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/motor_drivers |
LibName46=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/motorola |
LibName47=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/msp430 |
LibName48=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/nordicsemi |
LibName49=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/nxp_armmcu |
LibName50=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/onsemi |
LibName51=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/opto |
LibName52=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/Oscillators |
LibName53=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/philips |
LibName54=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/power |
LibName55=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/Power_Management |
LibName56=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/powerint |
LibName57=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/pspice |
LibName58=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/references |
LibName59=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/regul |
LibName60=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/relays |
LibName61=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/rfcom |
LibName62=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/sensors |
LibName63=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/silabs |
LibName64=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/siliconi |
LibName65=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/stm8 |
LibName66=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/stm32 |
LibName67=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/supertex |
LibName68=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/switches |
LibName69=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/texas |
LibName70=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/transf |
LibName71=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/transistors |
LibName72=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/ttl_ieee |
LibName73=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/valves |
LibName74=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/video |
LibName75=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/Xicor |
LibName76=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/xilinx |
LibName77=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/Zilog |
/Modules/ADconverters/I2CADC02A/SCH_PCB/I2CADC02A.sch |
0,0 → 1,256 |
EESchema Schematic File Version 2 |
LIBS:74xgxx |
LIBS:74xx |
LIBS:ac-dc |
LIBS:actel |
LIBS:adc-dac |
LIBS:Altera |
LIBS:analog_devices |
LIBS:analog_switches |
LIBS:atmel |
LIBS:audio |
LIBS:brooktre |
LIBS:cmos_ieee |
LIBS:cmos4000 |
LIBS:conn |
LIBS:contrib |
LIBS:cypress |
LIBS:dc-dc |
LIBS:device |
LIBS:digital-audio |
LIBS:diode |
LIBS:display |
LIBS:dsp |
LIBS:elec-unifil |
LIBS:ESD_Protection |
LIBS:ftdi |
LIBS:gennum |
LIBS:graphic |
LIBS:hc11 |
LIBS:intel |
LIBS:interface |
LIBS:ir |
LIBS:Lattice |
LIBS:linear |
LIBS:logo |
LIBS:maxim |
LIBS:memory |
LIBS:microchip |
LIBS:microchip_dspic33dsc |
LIBS:microchip_pic10mcu |
LIBS:microchip_pic12mcu |
LIBS:microchip_pic16mcu |
LIBS:microchip_pic18mcu |
LIBS:microchip_pic32mcu |
LIBS:microcontrollers |
LIBS:motor_drivers |
LIBS:motorola |
LIBS:msp430 |
LIBS:nordicsemi |
LIBS:nxp_armmcu |
LIBS:onsemi |
LIBS:opto |
LIBS:Oscillators |
LIBS:philips |
LIBS:power |
LIBS:Power_Management |
LIBS:powerint |
LIBS:pspice |
LIBS:references |
LIBS:regul |
LIBS:relays |
LIBS:rfcom |
LIBS:sensors |
LIBS:silabs |
LIBS:siliconi |
LIBS:stm8 |
LIBS:stm32 |
LIBS:supertex |
LIBS:switches |
LIBS:texas |
LIBS:transf |
LIBS:transistors |
LIBS:ttl_ieee |
LIBS:valves |
LIBS:video |
LIBS:Xicor |
LIBS:xilinx |
LIBS:Zilog |
LIBS:Smart_ExtruderV1-cache |
EELAYER 25 0 |
$Descr A4 11693 8268 |
encoding utf-8 |
Sheet 3 3 |
Title "" |
Date "" |
Rev "" |
Comp "" |
Comment1 "" |
Comment2 "" |
Comment3 "" |
Comment4 "" |
$EndDescr |
Wire Wire Line |
6350 3750 6250 3750 |
Wire Wire Line |
6250 3850 6350 3850 |
Wire Wire Line |
5900 4250 5900 4200 |
Wire Wire Line |
5700 4250 5900 4250 |
Wire Wire Line |
5800 4200 5800 4300 |
Wire Wire Line |
4000 3700 5250 3700 |
Text GLabel 6350 3850 2 60 Input ~ 0 |
Text GLabel 6350 3750 2 60 Input ~ 0 |
$Comp |
U 1 1 55B13F8B |
P 5800 4300 |
F 0 "#PWR?" H 5800 4050 50 0001 C CNN |
F 1 "GND" H 5800 4150 50 0000 C CNN |
F 2 "" H 5800 4300 60 0000 C CNN |
F 3 "" H 5800 4300 60 0000 C CNN |
1 5800 4300 |
-1 0 0 -1 |
$EndComp |
$Comp |
U 1 1 55B13F91 |
P 5200 4000 |
F 0 "#PWR?" H 5200 3750 50 0001 C CNN |
F 1 "GND" H 5200 3850 50 0000 C CNN |
F 2 "" H 5200 4000 60 0000 C CNN |
F 3 "" H 5200 4000 60 0000 C CNN |
1 5200 4000 |
-1 0 0 -1 |
$EndComp |
$Comp |
L LTC2453 U? |
U 1 1 55B13F97 |
P 5750 3800 |
F 0 "U?" H 5550 4100 50 0000 L CNN |
F 1 "LTC2453" H 5950 4100 50 0000 L CNN |
F 2 "" H 5750 3800 50 0000 C CIN |
F 3 "" H 5750 3800 50 0000 C CNN |
1 5750 3800 |
1 0 0 -1 |
$EndComp |
Wire Wire Line |
5700 4200 5700 4250 |
Connection ~ 5800 4250 |
$Comp |
L +5V #PWR? |
U 1 1 55B13FA0 |
P 5850 3000 |
F 0 "#PWR?" H 5850 2850 50 0001 C CNN |
F 1 "+5V" H 5850 3140 50 0000 C CNN |
F 2 "" H 5850 3000 60 0000 C CNN |
F 3 "" H 5850 3000 60 0000 C CNN |
1 5850 3000 |
1 0 0 -1 |
$EndComp |
$Comp |
L C C? |
U 1 1 55B13FA6 |
P 5300 3250 |
F 0 "C?" H 5325 3350 50 0000 L CNN |
F 1 "C" H 5325 3150 50 0000 L CNN |
F 2 "" H 5338 3100 30 0000 C CNN |
F 3 "" H 5300 3250 60 0000 C CNN |
1 5300 3250 |
1 0 0 -1 |
$EndComp |
$Comp |
U 1 1 55B13FAD |
P 5300 3400 |
F 0 "#PWR?" H 5300 3150 50 0001 C CNN |
F 1 "GND" H 5300 3250 50 0000 C CNN |
F 2 "" H 5300 3400 60 0000 C CNN |
F 3 "" H 5300 3400 60 0000 C CNN |
1 5300 3400 |
-1 0 0 -1 |
$EndComp |
Wire Wire Line |
5750 3100 5750 3400 |
Wire Wire Line |
5200 3100 5750 3100 |
$Comp |
L +5V #PWR? |
U 1 1 55B13FB5 |
P 5300 2650 |
F 0 "#PWR?" H 5300 2500 50 0001 C CNN |
F 1 "+5V" H 5300 2790 50 0000 C CNN |
F 2 "" H 5300 2650 60 0000 C CNN |
F 3 "" H 5300 2650 60 0000 C CNN |
1 5300 2650 |
1 0 0 -1 |
$EndComp |
$Comp |
L R R? |
U 1 1 55B13FBB |
P 5300 2850 |
F 0 "R?" V 5380 2850 50 0000 C CNN |
F 1 "1k5" V 5300 2850 50 0000 C CNN |
F 2 "" V 5230 2850 30 0000 C CNN |
F 3 "" H 5300 2850 30 0000 C CNN |
1 5300 2850 |
1 0 0 -1 |
$EndComp |
$Comp |
L R R? |
U 1 1 55B13FC2 |
P 5050 3100 |
F 0 "R?" V 5130 3100 50 0000 C CNN |
F 1 "4k7" V 5050 3100 50 0000 C CNN |
F 2 "" V 4980 3100 30 0000 C CNN |
F 3 "" H 5050 3100 30 0000 C CNN |
1 5050 3100 |
0 1 1 0 |
$EndComp |
Connection ~ 5300 3100 |
Wire Wire Line |
5300 3100 5300 3000 |
Wire Wire Line |
5300 2700 5300 2650 |
Wire Wire Line |
5850 3000 5850 3400 |
Wire Wire Line |
5200 4000 5200 3900 |
Wire Wire Line |
5200 3900 5250 3900 |
Wire Wire Line |
4900 3100 4800 3100 |
Wire Wire Line |
4800 3100 4800 3700 |
Connection ~ 4800 3700 |
$Comp |
U 1 1 55B14048 |
P 4000 4150 |
F 0 "TH?" V 4100 4200 50 0000 C CNN |
F 1 "THERMISTOR" V 3900 4150 50 0000 C BNN |
F 2 "" H 4000 4150 60 0000 C CNN |
F 3 "" H 4000 4150 60 0000 C CNN |
1 4000 4150 |
1 0 0 -1 |
$EndComp |
Wire Wire Line |
4000 3700 4000 3900 |
$Comp |
U 1 1 55B14134 |
P 4000 4400 |
F 0 "#PWR?" H 4000 4150 50 0001 C CNN |
F 1 "GND" H 4000 4250 50 0000 C CNN |
F 2 "" H 4000 4400 60 0000 C CNN |
F 3 "" H 4000 4400 60 0000 C CNN |
1 4000 4400 |
-1 0 0 -1 |
$EndComp |
/Modules/ARM/ODROID-U3/CAD/src/ODROID-U3_MLAB_breakout_frame.scad |
1,156 → 1,156 |
pedestal_height = 13; |
mount_hole = 3.5; |
clear = 0.175; |
nut_size = 6.6; |
module ramp(width, depth, height) { |
angle = atan(height / depth); |
difference () { |
cube([width, depth, height]); |
//color("red") |
rotate([angle, 0, 0]) |
translate([-1, 0, 0]) |
cube([width + 2, depth * 2, height]); |
} |
} |
difference () { |
// translate ([-1,-16,0]) |
cube([50,100,pedestal_height]); |
//mount holes for ODROID U3 |
translate ([4.5,4.5 + 76, 0]) |
rotate([0,0,90]) |
cylinder (h = 6 ,r= nut_size/2 + clear, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.5,4.5 + 76, 2]) |
difference () { |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([-mount_hole/2,-mount_hole/2, 1.2]) |
rotate([27,0,0]) cube([5,50,5]); |
}; |
translate ([4.5 + 41, 4.5 + 76,0]) |
rotate([0,0,90]) |
cylinder (h = 6,r= nut_size/2 + clear, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.5 + 41, 4.5 + 76, 2]) |
difference () { |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([-mount_hole/2,-mount_hole/2, 1.2]) |
rotate([27,0,0]) cube([5,50,5]); |
}; |
/// Two holes for other side of ODROID-U3 PCB. |
translate ([4.5,4.5,0]) |
cylinder (h = 6, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.5,4.5,6.2]) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([4.5+41,4.5,0]) |
cylinder (h = 6, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.5+41,4.5,6.2]) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
// MLAB grid holes |
for (j = [1 : 3], i = [0 : 0]) { |
translate ([4.5 + j*10.16, 4.5 + i*10.16,0]) |
cylinder (h = 3, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.5 + j*10.16, 4.5 + i*10.16, 3.2]) // one solid layer for slicer (the holes will be pierced on demand ) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height /3, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([4.5 + j*10.16, 4.5 + i*10.16, 6.3]) |
cylinder (h = 10, r= nut_size/2, $fn=6); |
} |
for (j = [0 : 7], i = [1 : 6]) { |
translate ([4.5 + j*10.16, 4.5 + i*10.16,0]) |
cylinder (h = 3, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.5 + j*10.16, 4.5 + i*10.16, 3.2]) // one solid layer for slicer (the holes will be pierced on demand ) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height /3, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([4.5 + j*10.16, 4.5 + i*10.16, 6.3]) |
cylinder (h = 10, r= nut_size/2, $fn=6); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////// |
translate ([4,6, pedestal_height - 4]) // ODROIDs passive components hole. |
cube([42,27,5]); |
translate ([13, 2 , pedestal_height - 4]) // two small resistors on botom side. |
cube([3,3,5]); |
translate ([22, 30 , pedestal_height - 4]) // USB over voltage protection. |
cube([21,5,5]); |
translate ([0, 41 , pedestal_height - 3.5]) // HOLE for ODROD's , SD card and eMMC. |
cube([48,32,5]); |
translate ([0, 38.5 , pedestal_height - 4.5]) // HOLE for ODROD's jack connector |
cube([14,8,5]); |
translate ([0, 65 , pedestal_height - 3.5]) // HOLE for ODROD's , SD card and eMMC. |
cube([17,13,5]); |
//////////////////////////////////////// |
//// lightening central holes |
translate ([10,10, 0]) // ODROIDs passive components hole. |
cube([30,19.5,pedestal_height ]); |
translate ([10,41, 0]) // ODROIDs passive components hole. |
cube([30,30,pedestal_height ]); |
////// |
// MLAB electrical adapter part |
/////// |
difference () { |
translate ([8,74.9,pedestal_height - 11]) // Central mount hole |
cube([34,17.1,pedestal_height - 8.5]); |
translate ([25,85.78,0]) |
cylinder (h = 30, r= nut_size*0.7, $fn=20); |
} |
translate ([0,84, pedestal_height - 8.5]) // Holes for MLAB's adapter 5V power connector. |
cube([50,20,20]); |
translate ([42,84,pedestal_height - 11]) // Holes for MLAB's adapter 5V power connector. |
cube([34,8,pedestal_height - 8.5]); |
translate ([8,92,pedestal_height - 11]) // Holes for MLAB's adapter IO connectors. |
cube([34,8,pedestal_height - 8.5]); |
translate ([0,74.9, pedestal_height - 8.5]) // Hole for MLAB PCB |
cube([50,25.1,2]); |
translate ([7.5,77,pedestal_height - 8.5]) // Hole For connectors above the adapter PCB |
cube([35.5,17.1,10]); |
translate ([0,74.9, pedestal_height - 6.5]) |
ramp(50, 50, 25); |
/////// Elecrical adapter PCB mount holes |
translate ([25,85.78,0]) |
cylinder (h = 3, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([25,85.78,3.2]) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height + clear,r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([4.68,85.78 + 10.16,0]) |
cylinder (h = 3, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.68,85.78 + 10.16,3.2]) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height + clear,r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([45.32,85.78 + 10.16,0]) |
cylinder (h = 3, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([45.32,85.78 + 10.16,3.2]) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height + clear,r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
} |
/// Support material |
/* |
color("Blue",0.5) |
//translate ([0,74.9, pedestal_height - 8.5]) // Hole for MLAB PCB |
cube([50,70,30]); |
pedestal_height = 13; |
mount_hole = 3.5; |
clear = 0.175; |
nut_size = 6.6; |
module ramp(width, depth, height) { |
angle = atan(height / depth); |
difference () { |
cube([width, depth, height]); |
//color("red") |
rotate([angle, 0, 0]) |
translate([-1, 0, 0]) |
cube([width + 2, depth * 2, height]); |
} |
} |
difference () { |
// translate ([-1,-16,0]) |
cube([50,100,pedestal_height]); |
//mount holes for ODROID U3 |
translate ([4.5,4.5 + 76, 1]) |
rotate([0,0,90]) |
cylinder (h = 6 ,r= nut_size/2 + clear, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.5,4.5 + 76, 2]) |
difference () { |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([-mount_hole/2,-mount_hole/2, 1.2]) |
rotate([27,0,0]) cube([5,50,5]); |
}; |
translate ([4.5 + 41, 4.5 + 76,1]) |
rotate([0,0,90]) |
cylinder (h = 6,r= nut_size/2 + clear, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.5 + 41, 4.5 + 76, 2]) |
difference () { |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([-mount_hole/2,-mount_hole/2, 1.2]) |
rotate([27,0,0]) cube([5,50,5]); |
}; |
/// Two holes for other side of ODROID-U3 PCB. |
translate ([4.5,4.5,0]) |
cylinder (h = 6, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.5,4.5,6.2]) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([4.5+41,4.5,0]) |
cylinder (h = 6, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.5+41,4.5,6.2]) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
// MLAB grid holes |
for (j = [1 : 3], i = [0 : 0]) { |
translate ([4.5 + j*10.16, 4.5 + i*10.16,0]) |
cylinder (h = 3, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.5 + j*10.16, 4.5 + i*10.16, 3.2]) // one solid layer for slicer (the holes will be pierced on demand ) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height /3, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([4.5 + j*10.16, 4.5 + i*10.16, 6.3]) |
cylinder (h = 10, r= nut_size/2, $fn=6); |
} |
for (j = [0 : 7], i = [1 : 6]) { |
translate ([4.5 + j*10.16, 4.5 + i*10.16,0]) |
cylinder (h = 3, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.5 + j*10.16, 4.5 + i*10.16, 3.2]) // one solid layer for slicer (the holes will be pierced on demand ) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height /3, r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([4.5 + j*10.16, 4.5 + i*10.16, 6.3]) |
cylinder (h = 10, r= nut_size/2, $fn=6); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////// |
translate ([4,6, pedestal_height - 4]) // ODROIDs passive components hole. |
cube([42,27,5]); |
translate ([13, 2 , pedestal_height - 4]) // two small resistors on botom side. |
cube([3,3,5]); |
translate ([22, 30 , pedestal_height - 4]) // USB over voltage protection. |
cube([21,5,5]); |
translate ([0, 41 , pedestal_height - 3.5]) // HOLE for ODROD's , SD card and eMMC. |
cube([48,32,5]); |
translate ([0, 38.5 , pedestal_height - 4.5]) // HOLE for ODROD's jack connector |
cube([14,8,5]); |
translate ([0, 65 , pedestal_height - 3.5]) // HOLE for ODROD's , SD card and eMMC. |
cube([17,13,5]); |
//////////////////////////////////////// |
//// lightening central holes |
translate ([10,10, 0]) // ODROIDs passive components hole. |
cube([30,19.5,pedestal_height ]); |
translate ([10,41, 0]) // ODROIDs passive components hole. |
cube([30,30,pedestal_height ]); |
////// |
// MLAB electrical adapter part |
/////// |
difference () { |
translate ([8,74.9,pedestal_height - 11]) // Central mount hole |
cube([34,17.1,pedestal_height - 8.5]); |
translate ([25,85.78,0]) |
cylinder (h = 30, r= nut_size*0.7, $fn=20); |
} |
translate ([0,84, pedestal_height - 8.5]) // Holes for MLAB's adapter 5V power connector. |
cube([50,20,20]); |
translate ([42,84,pedestal_height - 11]) // Holes for MLAB's adapter 5V power connector. |
cube([34,8,pedestal_height - 8.5]); |
translate ([8,92,pedestal_height - 11]) // Holes for MLAB's adapter IO connectors. |
cube([34,8,pedestal_height - 8.5]); |
translate ([0,74.9, pedestal_height - 8.5]) // Hole for MLAB PCB |
cube([50,25.1,2]); |
translate ([7.5,77,pedestal_height - 8.5]) // Hole For connectors above the adapter PCB |
cube([35.5,17.1,10]); |
translate ([0,74.9, pedestal_height - 6.5]) |
ramp(50, 50, 25); |
/////// Elecrical adapter PCB mount holes |
translate ([25,85.78,0]) |
cylinder (h = 3, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([25,85.78,3.2]) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height + clear,r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([4.68,85.78 + 10.16,0]) |
cylinder (h = 3, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([4.68,85.78 + 10.16,3.2]) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height + clear,r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
translate ([45.32,85.78 + 10.16,0]) |
cylinder (h = 3, r= (nut_size+clear)/2, $fn=6); |
translate ([45.32,85.78 + 10.16,3.2]) |
cylinder (h = pedestal_height + clear,r= mount_hole/2, $fn=10); |
} |
/// Support material |
/* |
color("Blue",0.5) |
//translate ([0,74.9, pedestal_height - 8.5]) // Hole for MLAB PCB |
cube([50,70,30]); |
*/ |
/Modules/CommSerial/I2CPWM01A/SCH_PCB/ |
1,72 → 1,72 |
update=Po 4. květen 2015, 01:41:30 CEST |
version=1 |
last_client=kicad |
[cvpcb] |
version=1 |
NetIExt=net |
[cvpcb/libraries] |
EquName1=devcms |
[pcbnew] |
version=1 |
LastNetListRead= |
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PcbTextThickness=0.300000000000 |
ModuleTextSizeV=1.000000000000 |
ModuleTextSizeH=1.000000000000 |
ModuleTextSizeThickness=0.150000000000 |
SolderMaskClearance=0.000000000000 |
SolderMaskMinWidth=0.000000000000 |
DrawSegmentWidth=0.200000000000 |
BoardOutlineThickness=0.100000000000 |
ModuleOutlineThickness=0.150000000000 |
[general] |
version=1 |
[eeschema] |
version=1 |
LibDir=../../../../../kicad-mlab/symbols |
[eeschema/libraries] |
LibName1=I2CPWM01A-rescue |
LibName2=power |
LibName3=device |
LibName4=transistors |
LibName5=conn |
LibName6=linear |
LibName7=regul |
LibName8=74xx |
LibName9=cmos4000 |
LibName10=adc-dac |
LibName11=memory |
LibName12=xilinx |
LibName13=special |
LibName14=microcontrollers |
LibName15=dsp |
LibName16=microchip |
LibName17=analog_switches |
LibName18=motorola |
LibName19=texas |
LibName20=intel |
LibName21=audio |
LibName22=interface |
LibName23=digital-audio |
LibName24=philips |
LibName25=display |
LibName26=cypress |
LibName27=siliconi |
LibName28=opto |
LibName29=atmel |
LibName30=contrib |
LibName31=valves |
LibName32=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/Jumpers |
LibName33=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/konektory |
LibName34=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/mechanical |
LibName35=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/MLAB_BATERY |
LibName36=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/MLAB_D |
LibName37=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/MLAB_IO |
LibName38=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/MLAB_Jumpers |
LibName39=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/MLAB_T |
update=7/21/2015 2:10:54 PM |
version=1 |
last_client=kicad |
[cvpcb] |
version=1 |
NetIExt=net |
[cvpcb/libraries] |
EquName1=devcms |
[pcbnew] |
version=1 |
LastNetListRead= |
UseCmpFile=1 |
PadDrill=0.600000000000 |
PadDrillOvalY=0.600000000000 |
PadSizeH=1.500000000000 |
PadSizeV=1.500000000000 |
PcbTextSizeV=1.500000000000 |
PcbTextSizeH=1.500000000000 |
PcbTextThickness=0.300000000000 |
ModuleTextSizeV=1.000000000000 |
ModuleTextSizeH=1.000000000000 |
ModuleTextSizeThickness=0.150000000000 |
SolderMaskClearance=0.000000000000 |
SolderMaskMinWidth=0.000000000000 |
DrawSegmentWidth=0.200000000000 |
BoardOutlineThickness=0.100000000000 |
ModuleOutlineThickness=0.150000000000 |
[general] |
version=1 |
[eeschema] |
version=1 |
LibDir=../../../../../kicad-mlab/symbols |
[eeschema/libraries] |
LibName1=I2CPWM01A-rescue |
LibName2=power |
LibName3=device |
LibName4=transistors |
LibName5=conn |
LibName6=linear |
LibName7=regul |
LibName8=74xx |
LibName9=cmos4000 |
LibName10=adc-dac |
LibName11=memory |
LibName12=xilinx |
LibName13=special |
LibName14=microcontrollers |
LibName15=dsp |
LibName16=microchip |
LibName17=analog_switches |
LibName18=motorola |
LibName19=texas |
LibName20=intel |
LibName21=audio |
LibName22=interface |
LibName23=digital-audio |
LibName24=display |
LibName25=cypress |
LibName26=siliconi |
LibName27=opto |
LibName28=atmel |
LibName29=contrib |
LibName30=valves |
LibName31=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/Jumpers |
LibName32=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/konektory |
LibName33=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/mechanical |
LibName34=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/MLAB_BATERY |
LibName35=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/MLAB_D |
LibName36=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/MLAB_IO |
LibName37=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/MLAB_Jumpers |
LibName38=E:/kicad-mlab/symbols/MLAB_T |
LibName39=C:/Users/kakona/Documents/GitHub/kicad-library/library/philips |
/Modules/Sensors/ALTIMET01A/pdf/MPL3115A2.pdf |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |