0,0 → 1,272
; singapore main configuration file <http://singapore.sourceforge.net>
; Split into sections (Basic, Paths, Functionality, SQL & Advanced)
; for ease of reading. Sections are ignored by the script.
; Any of these settings can be overridden in gallery.ini or
; template.ini files. See the readme for more information.
; Template specific settings may be found in the template.ini
; file located in the template's root directory.
; settings that most users will want to look at and possibly change
thumbnail_software = "gd2"
;the software to use to generate the thumbnails
; gd1 = GD v1.x
; gd2 = GD v2.x
; im = ImageMagick v5.x
; im6 = ImageMagick v6.x
gallery_name = "singapore"
;this is the text that will appear in the title bar of all
;generated pages and also the root node of the crumb line
default_template = "modern"
;the name of the template to use when none is specified
default_language = "en"
;the language code for the language that you would like to use.
;you must have the appropriate language file in the locale directory.
gallery_sort_order = "x"
;the order in which galleries will be displayed. Can take the following values:
; p = sort by directory name (ascending)
; P = sort by directory name (descending)
; n = sort by gallery name (ascending)
; N = sort by gallery name (descending)
; i = sort by gallery name (case insensitive, ascending)
; I = sort by gallery name (case insensitive, descending)
; a = sort by artist name (ascending)
; A = sort by artist name (descending)
; d = sort by date (ascending)
; D = sort by date (descending)
; note: date comparison is done as a string comparison on the 'date' database
; field. So for example "2003-10-22" comes before "22 October 2003"
; x = do not sort (default)
image_sort_order = "x"
;the order in which images will be displayed. Can take the following values:
; f = sort by file name (ascending)
; F = sort by file name (descending)
; n = sort by image name (ascending)
; N = sort by image name (descending)
; i = sort by image name (case insensitive, ascending)
; I = sort by image name (case insensitive, descending)
; a = sort by artist name (ascending)
; A = sort by artist name (descending)
; d = sort by date (ascending)
; D = sort by date (descending)
; note: date comparison is done as a string comparison on the 'date' database
; field. So for example "2003-10-22" comes before "22 October 2003"
; l = sort by location (ascending)
; L = sort by location (descending)
; x = do not sort (default)
upload_overwrite = 2
;what to do when uploading an image or gallery that already exists:
; 0 do not overwrite, raise an error (default)
; 1 overwrite without prompting
; 2 attempt to generate a new unique name
; some features are turned off by default. Try them out by turning them on here.
language_flipper = on
;turn on to display a select box which allows users to select a language
template_flipper = on
;turn on to display a select box which allows users to select a template
full_image_resize = off
;turn on to force all full-size images to be resized to the size specified
;in the current template's template.ini
imagemap_navigation = off
;turns full-size images into image maps so that clicking on
;them takes you forward/backward/up
track_views = on
;whether to keep track of how many times images and
;galleries have been viewed
show_views = on
;whether to display how many times images and galleries
;have been viewed
show_execution_time = off
;display script execution time in milliseconds
enable_iifn = on
;enables parsing of directory and file names of the form
;'artist_name - image_name' into metadata information
obfuscate_email = on
;tries to conceal email addresses from spambots by
;replacing '.' with ' dot ' and '@' with ' at '
enable_clickable_urls = on
;makes the script detect URLs in image & gallery descriptions
;and make them 'clickable' by adding the appropriate HTML
remove_jpeg_profile = off
;true to tell ImageMagick to remove any profile information
;from generated thumbnails. This has been known to cause some
;problems hence it being disabled by default
progressive_thumbs = on
;generate progressive JPEG and interlaced GIF & PNG images.
use_mod_rewrite = off
;format generated URLs for use with Apache mod_rewrite
;you need to enable mod_rewrite and create an appropriate .htaccess file
detect_language = off
;attempt to detect user language from browser information
;if this fails the default_language will be used
; The default paths will be fine for most people.
pathto_templates = "templates/"
;path to directory containing templates
;must be specified relative to singapore root
pathto_data_dir = "data/"
;path to writable data directory
;must be specified relative to singapore root
pathto_galleries = "galleries/"
;path to galleries directory
;must be specified relative to singapore root
pathto_locale = "locale/"
;path to directory containing internationalisation files (singapore.LANG.pmo)
;must be specified relative to singapore root
pathto_convert = "convert"
;full path to ImageMagick convert utility if it is not in your PATH
pathto_unzip = "unzip"
;full path to Info-Zip unzip utility or equivalent if it is not in your PATH
;base_path option is in the [Advanced] section below
; settings relevant to all the SQL backends (except SQLite).
; You may ignore these if you are not using one of these backends.
; For security reasons username and password are stored in secret.ini.php
sql_host = "localhost"
;name of computer running MySQL server (usually localhost)
;a port number may be included as in "example.com:1234"
sql_database = "singapore"
;database in which information will be stored. this must already exist.
sql_prefix = "sg_"
;this will be prefixed to the names of the tables created (galleries, images & users).
;each singapore installation running on same database should have a different prefix.
; The safe_mode hack uses FTP to create galleries.
; You may ignore these settings if your server is not runing in safe_mode.
; For security reasons username and password are stored in secret.ini.php
safe_mode_hack = off
;set to on to enable the hack
ftp_server = ""
;the hostname you use to login to your website
;a port number may be included as in "example.com:1234"
ftp_base_path = ""
;path from ftp root to singapore root
; settings most users will not need to change
io_handler = "csv"
;the type of database to use. recognised values are:
; csv = flat file, no database needed (default)
; mysql = MySQL database (configure sql_* settings above and in secret.ini.php)
; sqlite = SQLite database (does not require any further configuration)
allow_dir_upload = 0
;allow uploading archives containing arbitrary files.
; 0 = allow no one
; 1 = allow all registered users
; 2 = allow only administrators
admin_template_name = "admin_default"
;the name of the admin template to use
thumbnail_quality = 75
;the JPEG quality of generated thumbnails
;100 is the highest quality 0 is the lowest
session_name = "PHPSESSID"
;the name of the admin session. each independent singapore
;installation on the same domain should have a different name
default_charset = "iso-8859-1"
;the character encoding to use for generated pages if none
;is specified in the current language file
index_file_url = "index.php?"
;filename of index file plus any query-string
;if a path is specified it must be absolute
base_path = ""
;file-system-view absolute or relative path to installation
;can usually be left blank
base_url = ""
;web-view absolute or relative url of installation.
;can usually be left blank
recognised_extensions = "jpeg|jpg|jpe|png|gif|bmp|tif|tiff"
;list of file extensions that will be recognised as images
;this forms part of a pcre hence the vertical bars (meaning OR)
allowed_tags = "<a><b><i><u><em><strong><strike>"
;list of HTML tags which will be allowed in multiline database entries
;such as description and summary
directory_mode = 0777
;the permissions to set on directories
;(i.e. galleries) created by the script
file_mode = 0666
;the permissions to set on files (thumbnails, logs,
;images & metadata files) created by the script.
[GET variable names]
; names of variables used to pass information in URLs
; you will only need to change these if there is a conflict with
; already existing variables and the installation is being integrated.
url_gallery = "gallery"
url_image = "image"
url_startat = "startat"
url_action = "action"
url_lang = "lang"
url_template = "template"