0,0 → 1,121
* dom-drag.js
* 09.25.2001
* www.youngpup.net
* 10.28.2001 - fixed minor bug where events
* sometimes fired off the handle, not the root.
var Drag = {
obj : null,
init : function(o, oRoot, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, bSwapHorzRef, bSwapVertRef, fXMapper, fYMapper)
o.onmousedown = Drag.start;
o.hmode = bSwapHorzRef ? false : true ;
o.vmode = bSwapVertRef ? false : true ;
o.root = oRoot && oRoot != null ? oRoot : o ;
if (o.hmode && isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.left ))) o.root.style.left = "0px";
if (o.vmode && isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.top ))) o.root.style.top = "0px";
if (!o.hmode && isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.right ))) o.root.style.right = "0px";
if (!o.vmode && isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.bottom))) o.root.style.bottom = "0px";
o.minX = typeof minX != 'undefined' ? minX : null;
o.minY = typeof minY != 'undefined' ? minY : null;
o.maxX = typeof maxX != 'undefined' ? maxX : null;
o.maxY = typeof maxY != 'undefined' ? maxY : null;
o.xMapper = fXMapper ? fXMapper : null;
o.yMapper = fYMapper ? fYMapper : null;
o.root.onDragStart = new Function();
o.root.onDragEnd = new Function();
o.root.onDrag = new Function();
start : function(e)
var o = Drag.obj = this;
e = Drag.fixE(e);
var y = parseInt(o.vmode ? o.root.style.top : o.root.style.bottom);
var x = parseInt(o.hmode ? o.root.style.left : o.root.style.right );
o.root.onDragStart(x, y);
o.lastMouseX = e.clientX;
o.lastMouseY = e.clientY;
if (o.hmode) {
if (o.minX != null) o.minMouseX = e.clientX - x + o.minX;
if (o.maxX != null) o.maxMouseX = o.minMouseX + o.maxX - o.minX;
} else {
if (o.minX != null) o.maxMouseX = -o.minX + e.clientX + x;
if (o.maxX != null) o.minMouseX = -o.maxX + e.clientX + x;
if (o.vmode) {
if (o.minY != null) o.minMouseY = e.clientY - y + o.minY;
if (o.maxY != null) o.maxMouseY = o.minMouseY + o.maxY - o.minY;
} else {
if (o.minY != null) o.maxMouseY = -o.minY + e.clientY + y;
if (o.maxY != null) o.minMouseY = -o.maxY + e.clientY + y;
document.onmousemove = Drag.drag;
document.onmouseup = Drag.end;
return false;
drag : function(e)
e = Drag.fixE(e);
var o = Drag.obj;
var ey = e.clientY;
var ex = e.clientX;
var y = parseInt(o.vmode ? o.root.style.top : o.root.style.bottom);
var x = parseInt(o.hmode ? o.root.style.left : o.root.style.right );
var nx, ny;
if (o.minX != null) ex = o.hmode ? Math.max(ex, o.minMouseX) : Math.min(ex, o.maxMouseX);
if (o.maxX != null) ex = o.hmode ? Math.min(ex, o.maxMouseX) : Math.max(ex, o.minMouseX);
if (o.minY != null) ey = o.vmode ? Math.max(ey, o.minMouseY) : Math.min(ey, o.maxMouseY);
if (o.maxY != null) ey = o.vmode ? Math.min(ey, o.maxMouseY) : Math.max(ey, o.minMouseY);
nx = x + ((ex - o.lastMouseX) * (o.hmode ? 1 : -1));
ny = y + ((ey - o.lastMouseY) * (o.vmode ? 1 : -1));
if (o.xMapper) nx = o.xMapper(y)
else if (o.yMapper) ny = o.yMapper(x)
Drag.obj.root.style[o.hmode ? "left" : "right"] = nx + "px";
Drag.obj.root.style[o.vmode ? "top" : "bottom"] = ny + "px";
Drag.obj.lastMouseX = ex;
Drag.obj.lastMouseY = ey;
Drag.obj.root.onDrag(nx, ny);
return false;
end : function()
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
Drag.obj.root.onDragEnd( parseInt(Drag.obj.root.style[Drag.obj.hmode ? "left" : "right"]),
parseInt(Drag.obj.root.style[Drag.obj.vmode ? "top" : "bottom"]));
Drag.obj = null;
fixE : function(e)
if (typeof e == 'undefined') e = window.event;
if (typeof e.layerX == 'undefined') e.layerX = e.offsetX;
if (typeof e.layerY == 'undefined') e.layerY = e.offsetY;
return e;
0,0 → 1,1225
/* $Id: functions.js,v 1.4 2005/12/15 09:20:06 cybot_tm Exp $ */
* @var sql_box_locked lock for the sqlbox textarea in the querybox/querywindow
var sql_box_locked = false;
* @var array holds elements which content should only selected once
var only_once_elements = new Array();
* selects the content of a given object, f.e. a textarea
* @param object element element of which the content will be selected
* @param var lock variable which holds the lock for this element
* or true, if no lock exists
* @param boolean only_once if true this is only done once
* f.e. only on first focus
function selectContent( element, lock, only_once ) {
if ( only_once && only_once_elements[element.name] ) {
only_once_elements[element.name] = true;
if ( lock ) {
* Displays an confirmation box before to submit a "DROP DATABASE" query.
* This function is called while clicking links
* @param object the link
* @param object the sql query to submit
* @return boolean whether to run the query or not
function confirmLinkDropDB(theLink, theSqlQuery)
// Confirmation is not required in the configuration file
// or browser is Opera (crappy js implementation)
if (confirmMsg == '' || typeof(window.opera) != 'undefined') {
return true;
var is_confirmed = confirm(confirmMsgDropDB + '\n' + confirmMsg + ' :\n' + theSqlQuery);
if (is_confirmed) {
theLink.href += '&is_js_confirmed=1';
return is_confirmed;
} // end of the 'confirmLinkDropDB()' function
* Displays an confirmation box before to submit a "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" query.
* This function is called while clicking links
* @param object the link
* @param object the sql query to submit
* @return boolean whether to run the query or not
function confirmLink(theLink, theSqlQuery)
// Confirmation is not required in the configuration file
// or browser is Opera (crappy js implementation)
if (confirmMsg == '' || typeof(window.opera) != 'undefined') {
return true;
var is_confirmed = confirm(confirmMsg + ' :\n' + theSqlQuery);
if (is_confirmed) {
if ( typeof(theLink.href) != 'undefined' ) {
theLink.href += '&is_js_confirmed=1';
} else if ( typeof(theLink.form) != 'undefined' ) {
theLink.form.action += '?is_js_confirmed=1';
return is_confirmed;
} // end of the 'confirmLink()' function
* Displays an confirmation box before doing some action
* @param object the message to display
* @return boolean whether to run the query or not
function confirmAction(theMessage)
// TODO: Confirmation is not required in the configuration file
// or browser is Opera (crappy js implementation)
if (typeof(window.opera) != 'undefined') {
return true;
var is_confirmed = confirm(theMessage);
return is_confirmed;
} // end of the 'confirmAction()' function
* Displays an error message if a "DROP DATABASE" statement is submitted
* while it isn't allowed, else confirms a "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" query before
* sumitting it if required.
* This function is called by the 'checkSqlQuery()' js function.
* @param object the form
* @param object the sql query textarea
* @return boolean whether to run the query or not
* @see checkSqlQuery()
function confirmQuery(theForm1, sqlQuery1)
// Confirmation is not required in the configuration file
if (confirmMsg == '') {
return true;
// The replace function (js1.2) isn't supported
else if (typeof(sqlQuery1.value.replace) == 'undefined') {
return true;
// js1.2+ -> validation with regular expressions
else {
// "DROP DATABASE" statement isn't allowed
if (noDropDbMsg != '') {
var drop_re = new RegExp('DROP\\s+(IF EXISTS\\s+)?DATABASE\\s', 'i');
if (drop_re.test(sqlQuery1.value)) {
return false;
} // end if
} // end if
// Confirms a "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" statement
// TODO: find a way (if possible) to use the parser-analyser
// for this kind of verification
// For now, I just added a ^ to check for the statement at
// beginning of expression
var do_confirm_re_0 = new RegExp('^DROP\\s+(IF EXISTS\\s+)?(TABLE|DATABASE)\\s', 'i');
var do_confirm_re_1 = new RegExp('^ALTER\\s+TABLE\\s+((`[^`]+`)|([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))\\s+DROP\\s', 'i');
var do_confirm_re_2 = new RegExp('^DELETE\\s+FROM\\s', 'i');
if (do_confirm_re_0.test(sqlQuery1.value)
|| do_confirm_re_1.test(sqlQuery1.value)
|| do_confirm_re_2.test(sqlQuery1.value)) {
var message = (sqlQuery1.value.length > 100)
? sqlQuery1.value.substr(0, 100) + '\n ...'
: sqlQuery1.value;
var is_confirmed = confirm(confirmMsg + ' :\n' + message);
// drop/delete/alter statement is confirmed -> update the
// "is_js_confirmed" form field so the confirm test won't be
// run on the server side and allows to submit the form
if (is_confirmed) {
theForm1.elements['is_js_confirmed'].value = 1;
return true;
// "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" statement is rejected -> do not submit
// the form
else {
return false;
} // end if (handle confirm box result)
} // end if (display confirm box)
} // end confirmation stuff
return true;
} // end of the 'confirmQuery()' function
* Displays an error message if the user submitted the sql query form with no
* sql query, else checks for "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" statements
* @param object the form
* @return boolean always false
* @see confirmQuery()
function checkSqlQuery(theForm)
var sqlQuery = theForm.elements['sql_query'];
var isEmpty = 1;
// The replace function (js1.2) isn't supported -> basic tests
if (typeof(sqlQuery.value.replace) == 'undefined') {
isEmpty = (sqlQuery.value == '') ? 1 : 0;
if (isEmpty && typeof(theForm.elements['sql_file']) != 'undefined') {
isEmpty = (theForm.elements['sql_file'].value == '') ? 1 : 0;
if (isEmpty && typeof(theForm.elements['sql_localfile']) != 'undefined') {
isEmpty = (theForm.elements['sql_localfile'].value == '') ? 1 : 0;
if (isEmpty && typeof(theForm.elements['id_bookmark']) != 'undefined') {
isEmpty = (theForm.elements['id_bookmark'].value == null || theForm.elements['id_bookmark'].value == '');
// js1.2+ -> validation with regular expressions
else {
var space_re = new RegExp('\\s+');
if (typeof(theForm.elements['sql_file']) != 'undefined' &&
theForm.elements['sql_file'].value.replace(space_re, '') != '') {
return true;
if (typeof(theForm.elements['sql_localfile']) != 'undefined' &&
theForm.elements['sql_localfile'].value.replace(space_re, '') != '') {
return true;
if (isEmpty && typeof(theForm.elements['id_bookmark']) != 'undefined' &&
(theForm.elements['id_bookmark'].value != null || theForm.elements['id_bookmark'].value != '') &&
theForm.elements['id_bookmark'].selectedIndex != 0
) {
return true;
// Checks for "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" statements
if (sqlQuery.value.replace(space_re, '') != '') {
if (confirmQuery(theForm, sqlQuery)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
isEmpty = 1;
if (isEmpty) {
return false;
return true;
} // end of the 'checkSqlQuery()' function
* Check if a form's element is empty
* should be
* @param object the form
* @param string the name of the form field to put the focus on
* @return boolean whether the form field is empty or not
function emptyCheckTheField(theForm, theFieldName)
var isEmpty = 1;
var theField = theForm.elements[theFieldName];
// Whether the replace function (js1.2) is supported or not
var isRegExp = (typeof(theField.value.replace) != 'undefined');
if (!isRegExp) {
isEmpty = (theField.value == '') ? 1 : 0;
} else {
var space_re = new RegExp('\\s+');
isEmpty = (theField.value.replace(space_re, '') == '') ? 1 : 0;
return isEmpty;
} // end of the 'emptyCheckTheField()' function
* Displays an error message if an element of a form hasn't been completed and
* should be
* @param object the form
* @param string the name of the form field to put the focus on
* @return boolean whether the form field is empty or not
function emptyFormElements(theForm, theFieldName)
var theField = theForm.elements[theFieldName];
var isEmpty = emptyCheckTheField(theForm, theFieldName);
if (isEmpty) {
return false;
return true;
} // end of the 'emptyFormElements()' function
* Ensures a value submitted in a form is numeric and is in a range
* @param object the form
* @param string the name of the form field to check
* @param integer the minimum authorized value
* @param integer the maximum authorized value
* @return boolean whether a valid number has been submitted or not
function checkFormElementInRange(theForm, theFieldName, message, min, max)
var theField = theForm.elements[theFieldName];
var val = parseInt(theField.value);
if (typeof(min) == 'undefined') {
min = 0;
if (typeof(max) == 'undefined') {
max = Number.MAX_VALUE;
// It's not a number
if (isNaN(val)) {
return false;
// It's a number but it is not between min and max
else if (val < min || val > max) {
alert(message.replace('%d', val));
return false;
// It's a valid number
else {
theField.value = val;
return true;
} // end of the 'checkFormElementInRange()' function
function checkTableEditForm(theForm, fieldsCnt)
// TODO: avoid sending a message if user just wants to add a line
// on the form but has not completed at least one field name
var atLeastOneField = 0;
var i, elm, elm2, elm3, val, id;
for (i=0; i<fieldsCnt; i++)
id = "field_" + i + "_2";
elm = getElement(id);
if (elm.value == 'VARCHAR' || elm.value == 'CHAR') {
elm2 = getElement("field_" + i + "_3");
val = parseInt(elm2.value);
elm3 = getElement("field_" + i + "_1");
if (isNaN(val) && elm3.value != "") {
return false;
if (atLeastOneField == 0) {
id = "field_" + i + "_1";
if (!emptyCheckTheField(theForm, id)) {
atLeastOneField = 1;
if (atLeastOneField == 0) {
var theField = theForm.elements["field_0_1"];
return false;
return true;
} // enf of the 'checkTableEditForm()' function
* Ensures the choice between 'transmit', 'zipped', 'gzipped' and 'bzipped'
* checkboxes is consistant
* @param object the form
* @param string a code for the action that causes this function to be run
* @return boolean always true
function checkTransmitDump(theForm, theAction)
var formElts = theForm.elements;
// 'zipped' option has been checked
if (theAction == 'zip' && formElts['zip'].checked) {
if (!formElts['asfile'].checked) {
theForm.elements['asfile'].checked = true;
if (typeof(formElts['gzip']) != 'undefined' && formElts['gzip'].checked) {
theForm.elements['gzip'].checked = false;
if (typeof(formElts['bzip']) != 'undefined' && formElts['bzip'].checked) {
theForm.elements['bzip'].checked = false;
// 'gzipped' option has been checked
else if (theAction == 'gzip' && formElts['gzip'].checked) {
if (!formElts['asfile'].checked) {
theForm.elements['asfile'].checked = true;
if (typeof(formElts['zip']) != 'undefined' && formElts['zip'].checked) {
theForm.elements['zip'].checked = false;
if (typeof(formElts['bzip']) != 'undefined' && formElts['bzip'].checked) {
theForm.elements['bzip'].checked = false;
// 'bzipped' option has been checked
else if (theAction == 'bzip' && formElts['bzip'].checked) {
if (!formElts['asfile'].checked) {
theForm.elements['asfile'].checked = true;
if (typeof(formElts['zip']) != 'undefined' && formElts['zip'].checked) {
theForm.elements['zip'].checked = false;
if (typeof(formElts['gzip']) != 'undefined' && formElts['gzip'].checked) {
theForm.elements['gzip'].checked = false;
// 'transmit' option has been unchecked
else if (theAction == 'transmit' && !formElts['asfile'].checked) {
if (typeof(formElts['zip']) != 'undefined' && formElts['zip'].checked) {
theForm.elements['zip'].checked = false;
if ((typeof(formElts['gzip']) != 'undefined' && formElts['gzip'].checked)) {
theForm.elements['gzip'].checked = false;
if ((typeof(formElts['bzip']) != 'undefined' && formElts['bzip'].checked)) {
theForm.elements['bzip'].checked = false;
return true;
} // end of the 'checkTransmitDump()' function
* This array is used to remember mark status of rows in browse mode
var marked_row = new Array;
* enables highlight and marking of rows in data tables
function PMA_markRowsInit() {
// for every table row ...
var rows = document.getElementsByTagName('tr');
for ( var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++ ) {
// ... with the class 'odd' or 'even' ...
if ( 'odd' != rows[i].className.substr(0,3) && 'even' != rows[i].className.substr(0,4) ) {
// ... add event listeners ...
// ... to highlight the row on mouseover ...
if ( navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ) {
// but only for IE, other browsers are handled by :hover in css
rows[i].onmouseover = function() {
this.className += ' hover';
rows[i].onmouseout = function() {
this.className = this.className.replace( ' hover', '' );
// Do not set click events if not wanted
if (rows[i].className.search(/noclick/) != -1) {
// ... and to mark the row on click ...
rows[i].onmousedown = function() {
var unique_id;
var checkbox;
checkbox = this.getElementsByTagName( 'input' )[0];
if ( checkbox && checkbox.type == 'checkbox' ) {
unique_id = checkbox.name + checkbox.value;
} else if ( this.id.length > 0 ) {
unique_id = this.id;
} else {
if ( typeof(marked_row[unique_id]) == 'undefined' || !marked_row[unique_id] ) {
marked_row[unique_id] = true;
} else {
marked_row[unique_id] = false;
if ( marked_row[unique_id] ) {
this.className += ' marked';
} else {
this.className = this.className.replace(' marked', '');
if ( checkbox && checkbox.disabled == false ) {
checkbox.checked = marked_row[unique_id];
// ... and disable label ...
var labeltag = rows[i].getElementsByTagName('label')[0];
if ( labeltag ) {
labeltag.onclick = function() {
return false;
// .. and checkbox clicks
var checkbox = rows[i].getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
if ( checkbox ) {
checkbox.onclick = function() {
// opera does not recognize return false;
this.checked = ! this.checked;
* marks all rows and selects its first checkbox inside the given element
* the given element is usaly a table or a div containing the table or tables
* @param container DOM element
function markAllRows( container_id ) {
var rows = document.getElementById(container_id).getElementsByTagName('tr');
var unique_id;
var checkbox;
for ( var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++ ) {
checkbox = rows[i].getElementsByTagName( 'input' )[0];
if ( checkbox && checkbox.type == 'checkbox' ) {
unique_id = checkbox.name + checkbox.value;
if ( checkbox.disabled == false ) {
checkbox.checked = true;
if ( typeof(marked_row[unique_id]) == 'undefined' || !marked_row[unique_id] ) {
rows[i].className += ' marked';
marked_row[unique_id] = true;
return true;
* marks all rows and selects its first checkbox inside the given element
* the given element is usaly a table or a div containing the table or tables
* @param container DOM element
function unMarkAllRows( container_id ) {
var rows = document.getElementById(container_id).getElementsByTagName('tr');
var unique_id;
var checkbox;
for ( var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++ ) {
checkbox = rows[i].getElementsByTagName( 'input' )[0];
if ( checkbox && checkbox.type == 'checkbox' ) {
unique_id = checkbox.name + checkbox.value;
checkbox.checked = false;
rows[i].className = rows[i].className.replace(' marked', '');
marked_row[unique_id] = false;
return true;
* Sets/unsets the pointer and marker in browse mode
* @param object the table row
* @param integer the row number
* @param string the action calling this script (over, out or click)
* @param string the default background color
* @param string the color to use for mouseover
* @param string the color to use for marking a row
* @return boolean whether pointer is set or not
function setPointer(theRow, theRowNum, theAction, theDefaultColor, thePointerColor, theMarkColor)
var theCells = null;
// 1. Pointer and mark feature are disabled or the browser can't get the
// row -> exits
if ((thePointerColor == '' && theMarkColor == '')
|| typeof(theRow.style) == 'undefined') {
return false;
// 1.1 Sets the mouse pointer to pointer on mouseover and back to normal otherwise.
if (theAction == "over" || theAction == "click") {
} else {
// 2. Gets the current row and exits if the browser can't get it
if (typeof(document.getElementsByTagName) != 'undefined') {
theCells = theRow.getElementsByTagName('td');
else if (typeof(theRow.cells) != 'undefined') {
theCells = theRow.cells;
else {
return false;
// 3. Gets the current color...
var rowCellsCnt = theCells.length;
var domDetect = null;
var currentColor = null;
var newColor = null;
// 3.1 ... with DOM compatible browsers except Opera that does not return
// valid values with "getAttribute"
if (typeof(window.opera) == 'undefined'
&& typeof(theCells[0].getAttribute) != 'undefined') {
currentColor = theCells[0].getAttribute('bgcolor');
domDetect = true;
// 3.2 ... with other browsers
else {
currentColor = theCells[0].style.backgroundColor;
domDetect = false;
} // end 3
// 3.3 ... Opera changes colors set via HTML to rgb(r,g,b) format so fix it
if (currentColor.indexOf("rgb") >= 0)
var rgbStr = currentColor.slice(currentColor.indexOf('(') + 1,
var rgbValues = rgbStr.split(",");
currentColor = "#";
var hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
var v = rgbValues[i].valueOf();
currentColor += hexChars.charAt(v/16) + hexChars.charAt(v%16);
// 4. Defines the new color
// 4.1 Current color is the default one
if (currentColor == ''
|| currentColor.toLowerCase() == theDefaultColor.toLowerCase()) {
if (theAction == 'over' && thePointerColor != '') {
newColor = thePointerColor;
else if (theAction == 'click' && theMarkColor != '') {
newColor = theMarkColor;
marked_row[theRowNum] = true;
// Garvin: deactivated onclick marking of the checkbox because it's also executed
// when an action (like edit/delete) on a single item is performed. Then the checkbox
// would get deactived, even though we need it activated. Maybe there is a way
// to detect if the row was clicked, and not an item therein...
// document.getElementById('id_rows_to_delete' + theRowNum).checked = true;
// 4.1.2 Current color is the pointer one
else if (currentColor.toLowerCase() == thePointerColor.toLowerCase()
&& (typeof(marked_row[theRowNum]) == 'undefined' || !marked_row[theRowNum])) {
if (theAction == 'out') {
newColor = theDefaultColor;
else if (theAction == 'click' && theMarkColor != '') {
newColor = theMarkColor;
marked_row[theRowNum] = true;
// document.getElementById('id_rows_to_delete' + theRowNum).checked = true;
// 4.1.3 Current color is the marker one
else if (currentColor.toLowerCase() == theMarkColor.toLowerCase()) {
if (theAction == 'click') {
newColor = (thePointerColor != '')
? thePointerColor
: theDefaultColor;
marked_row[theRowNum] = (typeof(marked_row[theRowNum]) == 'undefined' || !marked_row[theRowNum])
? true
: null;
// document.getElementById('id_rows_to_delete' + theRowNum).checked = false;
} // end 4
// 5. Sets the new color...
if (newColor) {
var c = null;
// 5.1 ... with DOM compatible browsers except Opera
if (domDetect) {
for (c = 0; c < rowCellsCnt; c++) {
theCells[c].setAttribute('bgcolor', newColor, 0);
} // end for
// 5.2 ... with other browsers
else {
for (c = 0; c < rowCellsCnt; c++) {
theCells[c].style.backgroundColor = newColor;
} // end 5
return true;
} // end of the 'setPointer()' function
* Sets/unsets the pointer and marker in vertical browse mode
* @param object the table row
* @param integer the column number
* @param string the action calling this script (over, out or click)
* @param string the default background color
* @param string the color to use for mouseover
* @param string the color to use for marking a row
* @return boolean whether pointer is set or not
* @author Garvin Hicking <me@supergarv.de> (rewrite of setPointer.)
function setVerticalPointer(theRow, theColNum, theAction, theDefaultColor1, theDefaultColor2, thePointerColor, theMarkColor) {
var theCells = null;
var tagSwitch = null;
// 1. Pointer and mark feature are disabled or the browser can't get the
// row -> exits
if ((thePointerColor == '' && theMarkColor == '')
|| typeof(theRow.style) == 'undefined') {
return false;
if (typeof(document.getElementsByTagName) != 'undefined') {
tagSwitch = 'tag';
} else if (typeof(document.getElementById('table_results')) != 'undefined') {
tagSwitch = 'cells';
} else {
return false;
// 2. Gets the current row and exits if the browser can't get it
if (tagSwitch == 'tag') {
theRows = document.getElementById('table_results').getElementsByTagName('tr');
theCells = theRows[1].getElementsByTagName('td');
} else if (tagSwitch == 'cells') {
theRows = document.getElementById('table_results').rows;
theCells = theRows[1].cells;
// 3. Gets the current color...
var rowCnt = theRows.length;
var domDetect = null;
var currentColor = null;
var newColor = null;
// 3.1 ... with DOM compatible browsers except Opera that does not return
// valid values with "getAttribute"
if (typeof(window.opera) == 'undefined'
&& typeof(theCells[theColNum].getAttribute) != 'undefined') {
currentColor = theCells[theColNum].getAttribute('bgcolor');
domDetect = true;
// 3.2 ... with other browsers
else {
domDetect = false;
currentColor = theCells[theColNum].style.backgroundColor;
} // end 3
var c = null;
// 4. Defines the new color
// 4.1 Current color is the default one
if (currentColor == ''
|| currentColor.toLowerCase() == theDefaultColor1.toLowerCase()
|| currentColor.toLowerCase() == theDefaultColor2.toLowerCase()) {
if (theAction == 'over' && thePointerColor != '') {
newColor = thePointerColor;
} else if (theAction == 'click' && theMarkColor != '') {
newColor = theMarkColor;
marked_row[theColNum] = true;
// 4.1.2 Current color is the pointer one
else if (currentColor.toLowerCase() == thePointerColor.toLowerCase() &&
(typeof(marked_row[theColNum]) == 'undefined' || !marked_row[theColNum]) || marked_row[theColNum] == false) {
if (theAction == 'out') {
if (theColNum % 2) {
newColor = theDefaultColor1;
} else {
newColor = theDefaultColor2;
else if (theAction == 'click' && theMarkColor != '') {
newColor = theMarkColor;
marked_row[theColNum] = true;
// 4.1.3 Current color is the marker one
else if (currentColor.toLowerCase() == theMarkColor.toLowerCase()) {
if (theAction == 'click') {
newColor = (thePointerColor != '')
? thePointerColor
: ((theColNum % 2) ? theDefaultColor1 : theDefaultColor2);
marked_row[theColNum] = false;
} // end 4
// 5 ... with DOM compatible browsers except Opera
for (c = 0; c < rowCnt; c++) {
if (tagSwitch == 'tag') {
Cells = theRows[c].getElementsByTagName('td');
} else if (tagSwitch == 'cells') {
Cells = theRows[c].cells;
Cell = Cells[theColNum];
// 5.1 Sets the new color...
if (newColor) {
if (domDetect) {
Cell.setAttribute('bgcolor', newColor, 0);
} else {
Cell.style.backgroundColor = newColor;
} // end 5
} // end for
return true;
} // end of the 'setVerticalPointer()' function
* Checks/unchecks all checkbox in given conainer (f.e. a form, fieldset or div)
* @param string container_id the container id
* @param boolean state new value for checkbox (true or false)
* @return boolean always true
function setCheckboxes( container_id, state ) {
var checkboxes = document.getElementById(container_id).getElementsByTagName('input');
for ( var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++ ) {
if ( checkboxes[i].type == 'checkbox' ) {
checkboxes[i].checked = state;
return true;
} // end of the 'setCheckboxes()' function
// added 2004-05-08 by Michael Keck <mail_at_michaelkeck_dot_de>
// copy the checked from left to right or from right to left
// so it's easier for users to see, if $cfg['ModifyAtRight']=true, what they've checked ;)
function copyCheckboxesRange(the_form, the_name, the_clicked)
if (typeof(document.forms[the_form].elements[the_name]) != 'undefined' && typeof(document.forms[the_form].elements[the_name + 'r']) != 'undefined') {
if (the_clicked !== 'r') {
if (document.forms[the_form].elements[the_name].checked == true) {
document.forms[the_form].elements[the_name + 'r'].checked = true;
}else {
document.forms[the_form].elements[the_name + 'r'].checked = false;
} else if (the_clicked == 'r') {
if (document.forms[the_form].elements[the_name + 'r'].checked == true) {
document.forms[the_form].elements[the_name].checked = true;
}else {
document.forms[the_form].elements[the_name].checked = false;
// added 2004-05-08 by Michael Keck <mail_at_michaelkeck_dot_de>
// - this was directly written to each td, so why not a function ;)
// setCheckboxColumn(\'id_rows_to_delete' . $row_no . ''\');
function setCheckboxColumn(theCheckbox){
if (document.getElementById(theCheckbox)) {
document.getElementById(theCheckbox).checked = (document.getElementById(theCheckbox).checked ? false : true);
if (document.getElementById(theCheckbox + 'r')) {
document.getElementById(theCheckbox + 'r').checked = document.getElementById(theCheckbox).checked;
} else {
if (document.getElementById(theCheckbox + 'r')) {
document.getElementById(theCheckbox + 'r').checked = (document.getElementById(theCheckbox +'r').checked ? false : true);
if (document.getElementById(theCheckbox)) {
document.getElementById(theCheckbox).checked = document.getElementById(theCheckbox + 'r').checked;
* Checks/unchecks all options of a <select> element
* @param string the form name
* @param string the element name
* @param boolean whether to check or to uncheck the element
* @return boolean always true
function setSelectOptions(the_form, the_select, do_check)
var selectObject = document.forms[the_form].elements[the_select];
var selectCount = selectObject.length;
for (var i = 0; i < selectCount; i++) {
selectObject.options[i].selected = do_check;
} // end for
return true;
} // end of the 'setSelectOptions()' function
* Inserts multiple fields.
function insertValueQuery() {
var myQuery = document.sqlform.sql_query;
var myListBox = document.sqlform.dummy;
if(myListBox.options.length > 0) {
sql_box_locked = true;
var chaineAj = "";
var NbSelect = 0;
for(var i=0; i<myListBox.options.length; i++) {
if (myListBox.options[i].selected){
if (NbSelect > 1)
chaineAj += ", ";
chaineAj += myListBox.options[i].value;
//IE support
if (document.selection) {
sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = chaineAj;
else if (document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionStart || document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionStart == "0") {
var startPos = document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionStart;
var endPos = document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionEnd;
var chaineSql = document.sqlform.sql_query.value;
myQuery.value = chaineSql.substring(0, startPos) + chaineAj + chaineSql.substring(endPos, chaineSql.length);
} else {
myQuery.value += chaineAj;
sql_box_locked = false;
* listbox redirection
function goToUrl(selObj, goToLocation) {
eval("document.location.href = '" + goToLocation + "pos=" + selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value + "'");
* getElement
function getElement(e,f){
if(f.document.layers[e]) {
return f.document.layers[e];
for(W=0;i<f.document.layers.length;W++) {
if(document.all) {
return document.all[e];
return document.getElementById(e);
* Refresh the WYSIWYG-PDF scratchboard after changes have been made
function refreshDragOption(e) {
myid = getElement(e);
if (myid.style.visibility == 'visible') {
* Refresh/resize the WYSIWYG-PDF scratchboard
function refreshLayout() {
myid = getElement('pdflayout');
if (document.pdfoptions.orientation.value == 'P') {
posa = 'x';
posb = 'y';
} else {
posa = 'y';
posb = 'x';
myid.style.width = pdfPaperSize(document.pdfoptions.paper.value, posa) + 'px';
myid.style.height = pdfPaperSize(document.pdfoptions.paper.value, posb) + 'px';
* Show/hide the WYSIWYG-PDF scratchboard
function ToggleDragDrop(e) {
myid = getElement(e);
if (myid.style.visibility == 'hidden') {
myid.style.visibility = 'visible';
myid.style.display = 'block';
document.edcoord.showwysiwyg.value = '1';
} else {
myid.style.visibility = 'hidden';
myid.style.display = 'none';
document.edcoord.showwysiwyg.value = '0';
* PDF scratchboard: When a position is entered manually, update
* the fields inside the scratchboard.
function dragPlace(no, axis, value) {
if (axis == 'x') {
getElement("table_" + no).style.left = value + 'px';
} else {
getElement("table_" + no).style.top = value + 'px';
* Returns paper sizes for a given format
function pdfPaperSize(format, axis) {
switch (format.toUpperCase()) {
case '4A0':
if (axis == 'x') return 4767.87; else return 6740.79;
case '2A0':
if (axis == 'x') return 3370.39; else return 4767.87;
case 'A0':
if (axis == 'x') return 2383.94; else return 3370.39;
case 'A1':
if (axis == 'x') return 1683.78; else return 2383.94;
case 'A2':
if (axis == 'x') return 1190.55; else return 1683.78;
case 'A3':
if (axis == 'x') return 841.89; else return 1190.55;
case 'A4':
if (axis == 'x') return 595.28; else return 841.89;
case 'A5':
if (axis == 'x') return 419.53; else return 595.28;
case 'A6':
if (axis == 'x') return 297.64; else return 419.53;
case 'A7':
if (axis == 'x') return 209.76; else return 297.64;
case 'A8':
if (axis == 'x') return 147.40; else return 209.76;
case 'A9':
if (axis == 'x') return 104.88; else return 147.40;
case 'A10':
if (axis == 'x') return 73.70; else return 104.88;
case 'B0':
if (axis == 'x') return 2834.65; else return 4008.19;
case 'B1':
if (axis == 'x') return 2004.09; else return 2834.65;
case 'B2':
if (axis == 'x') return 1417.32; else return 2004.09;
case 'B3':
if (axis == 'x') return 1000.63; else return 1417.32;
case 'B4':
if (axis == 'x') return 708.66; else return 1000.63;
case 'B5':
if (axis == 'x') return 498.90; else return 708.66;
case 'B6':
if (axis == 'x') return 354.33; else return 498.90;
case 'B7':
if (axis == 'x') return 249.45; else return 354.33;
case 'B8':
if (axis == 'x') return 175.75; else return 249.45;
case 'B9':
if (axis == 'x') return 124.72; else return 175.75;
case 'B10':
if (axis == 'x') return 87.87; else return 124.72;
case 'C0':
if (axis == 'x') return 2599.37; else return 3676.54;
case 'C1':
if (axis == 'x') return 1836.85; else return 2599.37;
case 'C2':
if (axis == 'x') return 1298.27; else return 1836.85;
case 'C3':
if (axis == 'x') return 918.43; else return 1298.27;
case 'C4':
if (axis == 'x') return 649.13; else return 918.43;
case 'C5':
if (axis == 'x') return 459.21; else return 649.13;
case 'C6':
if (axis == 'x') return 323.15; else return 459.21;
case 'C7':
if (axis == 'x') return 229.61; else return 323.15;
case 'C8':
if (axis == 'x') return 161.57; else return 229.61;
case 'C9':
if (axis == 'x') return 113.39; else return 161.57;
case 'C10':
if (axis == 'x') return 79.37; else return 113.39;
case 'RA0':
if (axis == 'x') return 2437.80; else return 3458.27;
case 'RA1':
if (axis == 'x') return 1729.13; else return 2437.80;
case 'RA2':
if (axis == 'x') return 1218.90; else return 1729.13;
case 'RA3':
if (axis == 'x') return 864.57; else return 1218.90;
case 'RA4':
if (axis == 'x') return 609.45; else return 864.57;
case 'SRA0':
if (axis == 'x') return 2551.18; else return 3628.35;
case 'SRA1':
if (axis == 'x') return 1814.17; else return 2551.18;
case 'SRA2':
if (axis == 'x') return 1275.59; else return 1814.17;
case 'SRA3':
if (axis == 'x') return 907.09; else return 1275.59;
case 'SRA4':
if (axis == 'x') return 637.80; else return 907.09;
case 'LETTER':
if (axis == 'x') return 612.00; else return 792.00;
case 'LEGAL':
if (axis == 'x') return 612.00; else return 1008.00;
if (axis == 'x') return 521.86; else return 756.00;
case 'FOLIO':
if (axis == 'x') return 612.00; else return 936.00;
} // end switch
return 0;
0,0 → 1,87
/* $Id: indexes.js,v 1.1 2005/11/23 19:10:30 nijel Exp $ */
* Ensures a value submitted in a form is numeric and is in a range
* @param object the form
* @param string the name of the form field to check
* @param integer the minimum authorized value
* @param integer the maximum authorized value
* @return boolean whether a valid number has been submitted or not
function checkFormElementInRange(theForm, theFieldName, message, min, max)
var theField = theForm.elements[theFieldName];
var val = parseInt(theField.value);
if (typeof(min) == 'undefined') {
min = 0;
if (typeof(max) == 'undefined') {
max = Number.MAX_VALUE;
// It's not a number
if (isNaN(val)) {
return false;
// It's a number but it is not between min and max
else if (val < min || val > max) {
alert(message.replace('%d', val));
return false;
// It's a valid number
else {
theField.value = val;
return true;
} // end of the 'checkFormElementInRange()' function
* Ensures indexes names are valid according to their type and, for a primary
* key, lock index name to 'PRIMARY'
* @return boolean false if there is no index form, true else
function checkIndexName()
if (typeof(document.forms['index_frm']) == 'undefined') {
return false;
// Gets the elements pointers
var the_idx_name = document.forms['index_frm'].elements['index'];
var the_idx_type = document.forms['index_frm'].elements['index_type'];
// Index is a primary key
if (the_idx_type.options[0].value == 'PRIMARY' && the_idx_type.options[0].selected) {
document.forms['index_frm'].elements['index'].value = 'PRIMARY';
if (typeof(the_idx_name.disabled) != 'undefined') {
document.forms['index_frm'].elements['index'].disabled = true;
// Other cases
else {
if (the_idx_name.value == 'PRIMARY') {
document.forms['index_frm'].elements['index'].value = '';
if (typeof(the_idx_name.disabled) != 'undefined') {
document.forms['index_frm'].elements['index'].disabled = false;
return true;
} // end of the 'checkIndexName()' function
onload = checkIndexName;
0,0 → 1,59
* Allows moving around inputs/select by Ctrl+arrows
* @param object event data
function onKeyDownArrowsHandler(e) {
e = e||window.event;
var o = (e.srcElement||e.target);
if (!o) return;
if (o.tagName != "TEXTAREA" && o.tagName != "INPUT" && o.tagName != "SELECT") return;
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('applewebkit/') != -1) {
if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || !e.altKey) return;
} else {
if (!e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey) return;
if (!o.id) return;
var pos = o.id.split("_");
if (pos[0] != "field" || typeof pos[2] == "undefined") return;
var x = pos[2], y=pos[1];
// skip non existent fields
for (i=0; i<10; i++)
if (switch_movement) {
switch(e.keyCode) {
case 38: x--; break; // up
case 40: x++; break; // down
case 37: y--; break; // left
case 39: y++; break; // right
default: return;
} else {
switch(e.keyCode) {
case 38: y--; break; // up
case 40: y++; break; // down
case 37: x--; break; // left
case 39: x++; break; // right
default: return;
var id = "field_" + y + "_" + x;
var nO = document.getElementById(id);
if (!nO) {
var id = "field_" + y + "_" + x + "_0";
var nO = document.getElementById(id);
if (nO) break;
if (!nO) return;
if (nO.tagName != 'SELECT') {
e.returnValue = false;
0,0 → 1,246
var querywindow = '';
* sets current selected db
* @param string db name
function setDb( new_db ) {
//alert('setDb(' + new_db + ')');
if ( new_db != db ) {
// db has changed
//alert( new_db + '(' + new_db.length + ') : ' + db );
db = new_db;
if ( window.frames[0].document.getElementById( db ) == null ) {
// db is unknown, reload complete left frame
// TODO: add code to expand db in lightview mode
// refresh querywindow
* sets current selected table (called from left.php)
* @param string table name
function setTable( new_table ) {
//alert('setTable(' + new_table + ')');
if ( new_table != table ) {
// table has changed
//alert( new_table + '(' + new_table.length + ') : ' + table );
table = new_table;
if ( window.frames[0].document.getElementById( db + '.' + table ) == null ) {
// table is unknown, reload complete left frame
// TODO: add code to expand table in lightview mode
// refresh querywindow
function refreshMain( url ) {
if ( ! url ) {
if ( db ) {
url = opendb_url;
} else {
url = 'main.php';
goTo( url + '?&server=' + server +
'&db=' + db +
'&table=' + table +
'&lang=' + lang +
'&collation_connection=' + collation_connection,
'main' );
function refreshLeft() {
goTo('left.php?&server=' + server +
'&db=' + db +
'&table=' + table +
'&lang=' + lang +
'&collation_connection=' + collation_connection
* sets current selected server, table and db (called from libraries/footer.inc.php)
function setAll( new_lang, new_collation_connection, new_server, new_db, new_table ) {
//alert('setAll( ' + new_lang + ', ' + new_collation_connection + ', ' + new_server + ', ' + new_db + ', ' + new_table + ' )');
if ( new_server != server || new_lang != lang
|| new_collation_connection != collation_connection ) {
// something important has changed
server = new_server;
db = new_db;
table = new_table;
collation_connection = new_collation_connection;
lang = new_lang;
else if ( new_db != db || new_table != table ) {
// save new db and table
db = new_db;
table = new_table;
if ( window.frames[0].document.getElementById( db ) == null
&& window.frames[0].document.getElementById( db + '.' + table ) == null ) {
// table or db is unknown, reload complete left frame
// TODO: add code to expand db in lightview mode
// refresh querywindow
function reload_querywindow( db, table, sql_query ) {
if ( ! querywindow.closed && querywindow.location ) {
if ( ! querywindow.document.sqlform.LockFromUpdate
|| ! querywindow.document.sqlform.LockFromUpdate.checked ) {
querywindow.document.querywindow.db.value = db;
querywindow.document.querywindow.query_history_latest_db.value = db;
querywindow.document.querywindow.table.value = table;
querywindow.document.querywindow.query_history_latest_table.value = table;
if ( sql_query ) {
querywindow.document.querywindow.query_history_latest.value = sql_query;
function focus_querywindow( sql_query ) {
if ( querywindow && !querywindow.closed && querywindow.location) {
var querywindow = querywindow;
if ( querywindow.document.querywindow.querydisplay_tab != 'sql' ) {
querywindow.document.querywindow.querydisplay_tab.value = "sql";
querywindow.document.querywindow.query_history_latest.value = sql_query;
} else {
} else {
url = 'querywindow.php?' + common_query + '&db=' + db + '&table=' + table + '&sql_query=' + sql_query;
open_querywindow( url );
function open_querywindow( url ) {
if ( ! url ) {
url = 'querywindow.php?' + common_query + '&db=' + db + '&table=' + table;
if (!querywindow.closed && querywindow.location) {
goTo( url, 'query' );
} else {
querywindow=window.open( url, '',
'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=1,menubar=0,' +
'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,' +
'width=' + querywindow_width + ',' +
'height=' + querywindow_height );
if ( ! querywindow.opener ) {
querywindow.opener = window.window;
if ( window.focus ) {
return true;
function refreshQuerywindow( url ) {
if ( ! querywindow.closed && querywindow.location ) {
if ( ! querywindow.document.sqlform.LockFromUpdate
|| ! querywindow.document.sqlform.LockFromUpdate.checked ) {
open_querywindow( url )
* opens new url in target frame, with default beeing left frame
* valid is 'main' and 'querywindow' all others leads to 'left'
* @param string targeturl new url to load
* @param string target frame where to load the new url
function goTo( targeturl, target ) {
if ( target == 'main' ) {
if (text_dir == 'ltr') {
target = window.frames[1];
} else {
target = window.frames[0];
} else if ( target == 'query' ) {
target = querywindow;
//return open_querywindow( targeturl );
} else if ( ! target ) {
if (text_dir == 'ltr') {
target = window.frames[0];
} else {
target = window.frames[1];
if ( target ) {
if ( target.location.href == targeturl ) {
return true;
} else if ( target.location.href == pma_absolute_uri + targeturl ) {
return true;
if ( safari_browser ) {
target.location.href = targeturl;
} else {
return true;
// opens selected db in main frame
function openDb( new_db ) {
//alert('opendb(' + new_db + ')');
setDb( new_db );
setTable( '' );
refreshMain( opendb_url );
return true;
function updateTableTitle( table_link_id, new_title ) {
if ( window.parent.frames[0].document.getElementById(table_link_id) ) {
var left = window.parent.frames[0].document;
left.getElementById(table_link_id).title = new_title;
new_title = left.getElementById('icon_' + table_link_id).alt + ': ' + new_title;
left.getElementById('browse_' + table_link_id).title = new_title;
return true;
return false;
0,0 → 1,93
/* $Id: server_privileges.js,v 1.1 2005/11/23 19:10:30 nijel Exp $ */
* Validates the password field in a form
* @param object the form
* @return boolean whether the field value is valid or not
function checkPassword(the_form)
// Did the user select 'no password'?
if (typeof(the_form.elements['nopass']) != 'undefined' && the_form.elements['nopass'][0].checked) {
return true;
} else if (typeof(the_form.elements['pred_password']) != 'undefined' && (the_form.elements['pred_password'].value == 'none' || the_form.elements['pred_password'].value == 'keep')) {
return true;
// Validates
if (the_form.elements['pma_pw'].value == '') {
the_form.elements['pma_pw2'].value = '';
return false;
} else if (the_form.elements['pma_pw'].value != the_form.elements['pma_pw2'].value) {
the_form.elements['pma_pw'].value = '';
the_form.elements['pma_pw2'].value = '';
return false;
} // end if...else if
return true;
} // end of the 'checkPassword()' function
* Validates the "add a user" form
* @return boolean whether the form is validated or not
function checkAddUser(the_form)
if (the_form.elements['pred_hostname'].value == 'userdefined' && the_form.elements['hostname'].value == '') {
return false;
if (the_form.elements['pred_username'].value == 'userdefined' && the_form.elements['username'].value == '') {
return false;
return checkPassword(the_form);
} // end of the 'checkAddUser()' function
* Generate a new password, which may then be copied to the form
* with suggestPasswordCopy().
* @param string the form name
* @return boolean always true
function suggestPassword() {
var pwchars = "abcdefhjmnpqrstuvwxyz23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWYXZ.,:";
var passwordlength = 16; // do we want that to be dynamic? no, keep it simple :)
var passwd = document.getElementById('generated_pw');
passwd.value = '';
for ( i = 0; i < passwordlength; i++ ) {
passwd.value += pwchars.charAt( Math.floor( Math.random() * pwchars.length ) )
return passwd.value;
* Copy the generated password (or anything in the field) to the form
* @param string the form name
* @return boolean always true
function suggestPasswordCopy() {
document.getElementById('text_pma_pw').value = document.getElementById('generated_pw').value;
document.getElementById('text_pma_pw2').value = document.getElementById('generated_pw').value;
return true;
0,0 → 1,339
/* $Id: tbl_change.js,v 1.1 2005/11/23 19:10:30 nijel Exp $ */
* Modify from controls when the "NULL" checkbox is selected
* @param string the MySQL field type
* @param string the urlencoded field name
* @param string the md5 hashed field name
* @return boolean always true
function nullify(theType, urlField, md5Field, multi_edit)
var rowForm = document.forms['insertForm'];
if (typeof(rowForm.elements['funcs' + multi_edit + '[' + urlField + ']']) != 'undefined') {
rowForm.elements['funcs' + multi_edit + '[' + urlField + ']'].selectedIndex = -1;
// "SET" field , "ENUM" field with more than 20 characters
// or foreign key field
if (theType == 1 || theType == 3 || theType == 4) {
rowForm.elements['field_' + md5Field + multi_edit + '[]'].selectedIndex = -1;
// Other "ENUM" field
else if (theType == 2) {
var elts = rowForm.elements['field_' + md5Field + multi_edit + '[]'];
// when there is just one option in ENUM:
if (elts.checked) {
elts.checked = false;
} else {
var elts_cnt = elts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < elts_cnt; i++ ) {
elts[i].checked = false;
} // end for
} // end if
// Other field types
else /*if (theType == 5)*/ {
rowForm.elements['fields' + multi_edit + '[' + urlField + ']'].value = '';
} // end if... else if... else
return true;
} // end of the 'nullify()' function
* Unchecks the "NULL" control when a function has been selected or a value
* entered
* @param string the urlencoded field name
* @return boolean always true
function unNullify(urlField, multi_edit)
var rowForm = document.forms['insertForm'];
if (typeof(rowForm.elements['fields_null[multi_edit][' + multi_edit + '][' + urlField + ']']) != 'undefined') {
rowForm.elements['fields_null[multi_edit][' + multi_edit + '][' + urlField + ']'].checked = false
} // end if
if (typeof(rowForm.elements['insert_ignore_' + multi_edit]) != 'undefined') {
rowForm.elements['insert_ignore_' + multi_edit].checked = false
} // end if
return true;
} // end of the 'unNullify()' function
var day;
var month;
var year;
var hour;
var minute;
var second;
var clock_set = 0;
* Opens calendar window.
* @param string calendar.php parameters
* @param string form name
* @param string field name
* @param string edit type - date/timestamp
function openCalendar(params, form, field, type) {
window.open("./calendar.php?" + params, "calendar", "width=400,height=200,status=yes");
dateField = eval("document." + form + "." + field);
dateType = type;
* Formats number to two digits.
* @param int number to format.
* @param string type of number
function formatNum2(i, valtype) {
f = (i < 10 ? '0' : '') + i;
if (valtype && valtype != '') {
switch(valtype) {
case 'month':
f = (f > 12 ? 12 : f);
case 'day':
f = (f > 31 ? 31 : f);
case 'hour':
f = (f > 24 ? 24 : f);
case 'second':
case 'minute':
f = (f > 59 ? 59 : f);
return f;
* Formats number to two digits.
* @param int number to format.
* @param int default value
* @param string type of number
function formatNum2d(i, default_v, valtype) {
i = parseInt(i, 10);
if (isNaN(i)) return default_v;
return formatNum2(i, valtype)
* Formats number to four digits.
* @param int number to format.
function formatNum4(i) {
i = parseInt(i, 10)
return (i < 1000 ? i < 100 ? i < 10 ? '000' : '00' : '0' : '') + i;
* Initializes calendar window.
function initCalendar() {
if (!year && !month && !day) {
/* Called for first time */
if (window.opener.dateField.value) {
value = window.opener.dateField.value;
if (window.opener.dateType == 'datetime' || window.opener.dateType == 'date') {
if (window.opener.dateType == 'datetime') {
parts = value.split(' ');
value = parts[0];
if (parts[1]) {
time = parts[1].split(':');
hour = parseInt(time[0],10);
minute = parseInt(time[1],10);
second = parseInt(time[2],10);
date = value.split("-");
day = parseInt(date[2],10);
month = parseInt(date[1],10) - 1;
year = parseInt(date[0],10);
} else {
year = parseInt(value.substr(0,4),10);
month = parseInt(value.substr(4,2),10) - 1;
day = parseInt(value.substr(6,2),10);
hour = parseInt(value.substr(8,2),10);
minute = parseInt(value.substr(10,2),10);
second = parseInt(value.substr(12,2),10);
if (isNaN(year) || isNaN(month) || isNaN(day) || day == 0) {
dt = new Date();
year = dt.getFullYear();
month = dt.getMonth();
day = dt.getDate();
if (isNaN(hour) || isNaN(minute) || isNaN(second)) {
dt = new Date();
hour = dt.getHours();
minute = dt.getMinutes();
second = dt.getSeconds();
} else {
/* Moving in calendar */
if (month > 11) {
month = 0;
if (month < 0) {
month = 11;
if (document.getElementById) {
cnt = document.getElementById("calendar_data");
} else if (document.all) {
cnt = document.all["calendar_data"];
cnt.innerHTML = "";
str = ""
//heading table
str += '<table class="calendar"><tr><th width="50%">';
str += '<form method="NONE" onsubmit="return 0">';
str += '<a href="javascript:month--; initCalendar();">&laquo;</a> ';
str += '<select id="select_month" name="monthsel" onchange="month = parseInt(document.getElementById(\'select_month\').value); initCalendar();">';
for (i =0; i < 12; i++) {
if (i == month) selected = ' selected="selected"';
else selected = '';
str += '<option value="' + i + '" ' + selected + '>' + month_names[i] + '</option>';
str += '</select>';
str += ' <a href="javascript:month++; initCalendar();">&raquo;</a>';
str += '</form>';
str += '</th><th width="50%">';
str += '<form method="NONE" onsubmit="return 0">';
str += '<a href="javascript:year--; initCalendar();">&laquo;</a> ';
str += '<select id="select_year" name="yearsel" onchange="year = parseInt(document.getElementById(\'select_year\').value); initCalendar();">';
for (i = year - 25; i < year + 25; i++) {
if (i == year) selected = ' selected="selected"';
else selected = '';
str += '<option value="' + i + '" ' + selected + '>' + i + '</option>';
str += '</select>';
str += ' <a href="javascript:year++; initCalendar();">&raquo;</a>';
str += '</form>';
str += '</th></tr></table>';
str += '<table class="calendar"><tr>';
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
str += "<th>" + day_names[i] + "</th>";
str += "</tr>";
var firstDay = new Date(year, month, 1).getDay();
var lastDay = new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate();
str += "<tr>";
dayInWeek = 0;
for (i = 0; i < firstDay; i++) {
str += "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
for (i = 1; i <= lastDay; i++) {
if (dayInWeek == 7) {
str += "</tr><tr>";
dayInWeek = 0;
dispmonth = 1 + month;
if (window.opener.dateType == 'datetime' || window.opener.dateType == 'date') {
actVal = "" + formatNum4(year) + "-" + formatNum2(dispmonth, 'month') + "-" + formatNum2(i, 'day');
} else {
actVal = "" + formatNum4(year) + formatNum2(dispmonth, 'month') + formatNum2(i, 'day');
if (i == day) {
style = ' class="selected"';
current_date = actVal;
} else {
style = '';
str += "<td" + style + "><a href=\"javascript:returnDate('" + actVal + "');\">" + i + "</a></td>"
for (i = dayInWeek; i < 7; i++) {
str += "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
str += "</tr></table>";
cnt.innerHTML = str;
// Should we handle time also?
if (window.opener.dateType != 'date' && !clock_set) {
if (document.getElementById) {
cnt = document.getElementById("clock_data");
} else if (document.all) {
cnt = document.all["clock_data"];
str = '';
init_hour = hour;
init_minute = minute;
init_second = second;
str += '<form method="NONE" class="clock" onsubmit="returnDate(\'' + current_date + '\')">';
str += '<input id="hour" type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" onblur="this.value=formatNum2d(this.value, init_hour, \'hour\'); init_hour = this.value;" value="' + formatNum2(hour, 'hour') + '" />:';
str += '<input id="minute" type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" onblur="this.value=formatNum2d(this.value, init_minute, \'minute\'); init_minute = this.value;" value="' + formatNum2(minute, 'minute') + '" />:';
str += '<input id="second" type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" onblur="this.value=formatNum2d(this.value, init_second, \'second\'); init_second = this.value;" value="' + formatNum2(second, 'second') + '" />';
str += '<br />';
str += '<input type="submit" value="' + submit_text + '"/>';
str += '</form>';
cnt.innerHTML = str;
clock_set = 1;
* Returns date from calendar.
* @param string date text
function returnDate(d) {
txt = d;
if (window.opener.dateType != 'date') {
// need to get time
h = parseInt(document.getElementById('hour').value,10);
m = parseInt(document.getElementById('minute').value,10);
s = parseInt(document.getElementById('second').value,10);
if (window.opener.dateType == 'datetime') {
txt += ' ' + formatNum2(h, 'hour') + ':' + formatNum2(m, 'minute') + ':' + formatNum2(s, 'second');
} else {
// timestamp
txt += formatNum2(h, 'hour') + formatNum2(m, 'minute') + formatNum2(s, 'second');
window.opener.dateField.value = txt;
0,0 → 1,194
/* $Id: tooltip.js,v 1.1 2005/11/23 19:10:30 nijel Exp $ */
* Displays the Tooltips (hints), if we have some
* 2005-01-20 added by Michael Keck (mkkeck)
var ttXpos = 0, ttYpos = 0;
var ttXadd = 10, ttYadd = -10;
var ttDisplay = 0, ttHoldIt = 0;
// Check if browser does support dynamic content and dhtml
var ttNS4 = (document.layers) ? 1 : 0; // the old Netscape 4
var ttIE4 = (document.all) ? 1 : 0; // browser wich uses document.all
var ttDOM = (document.getElementById) ? 1 : 0; // DOM-compatible browsers
if (ttDOM) { // if DOM-compatible, set the others to false
ttNS4 = 0;
ttIE4 = 0;
var myTooltipContainer = null;
if ( (ttDOM) || (ttIE4) || (ttNS4) ) {
// mouse-event
if ( ttNS4 ) {
} else {
document.onmousemove = mouseMove;
* init the tooltip and write the text into it
* @param string theText tooltip content
function textTooltip(theText) {
if (ttDOM || ttIE4) { // document.getEelementById || document.all
myTooltipContainer.innerHTML = ""; // we should empty it first
myTooltipContainer.innerHTML = theText;
} else if (ttNS4) { // document.layers
var layerNS4 = myTooltipContainer.document;
* @var integer
var ttTimerID = 0;
* swap the Tooltip // show and hide
* @param boolean stat view status
function swapTooltip(stat) {
if (ttHoldIt!=1) {
if (stat!='default') {
if (stat=='true')
else if (stat=='false')
} else {
if (ttDisplay)
ttTimerID = setTimeout("showTooltip(false);",500);
} else {
if (ttTimerID) {
ttTimerID = 0;
* show / hide the Tooltip
* @param boolean stat view status
function showTooltip(stat) {
if (stat==false) {
if (ttNS4)
myTooltipContainer.visibility = "hide";
myTooltipContainer.style.visibility = "hidden";
ttDisplay = 0;
} else {
if (ttNS4)
myTooltipContainer.visibility = "show";
myTooltipContainer.style.visibility = "visible";
ttDisplay = 1;
* hold it, if we create or move the mouse over the tooltip
function holdTooltip() {
ttHoldIt = 1;
ttHoldIt = 0;
* move the tooltip to mouse position
* @param integer posX horiz. position
* @param integer posY vert. position
function moveTooltip(posX, posY) {
if (ttDOM || ttIE4) {
myTooltipContainer.style.left = posX + "px";
myTooltipContainer.style.top = posY + "px";
} else if (ttNS4) {
myTooltipContainer.left = posX;
myTooltipContainer.top = posY;
* build the tooltip
* @param string theText tooltip content
function pmaTooltip( theText ) {
// reference to TooltipContainer
if ( null == myTooltipContainer ) {
if (ttNS4) {
myTooltipContainer = document.TooltipContainer;
} else if (ttIE4) {
myTooltipContainer = document.all('TooltipContainer');
} else if (ttDOM) {
myTooltipContainer = document.getElementById('TooltipContainer');
} else {
if ( typeof( myTooltipContainer ) == 'undefined' ) {
var plusX=0, plusY=0, docX=0, docY=0;
var divHeight = myTooltipContainer.clientHeight;
var divWidth = myTooltipContainer.clientWidth;
if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Explorer")!=-1) {
if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) {
plusX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
plusY = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
docX = document.documentElement.offsetWidth + plusX;
docY = document.documentElement.offsetHeight + plusY;
} else {
plusX = document.body.scrollLeft;
plusY = document.body.scrollTop;
docX = document.body.offsetWidth + plusX;
docY = document.body.offsetHeight + plusY;
} else {
docX = document.body.clientWidth;
docY = document.body.clientHeight;
ttXpos = ttXpos + plusX;
ttYpos = ttYpos + plusY;
if ((ttXpos + divWidth) > docX)
ttXpos = ttXpos - (divWidth + (ttXadd * 2));
if ((ttYpos + divHeight) > docY)
ttYpos = ttYpos - (divHeight + (ttYadd * 2));
moveTooltip((ttXpos + ttXadd), (ttYpos + ttYadd));
* register mouse moves
* @param event e
function mouseMove(e) {
if ( typeof( event ) != 'undefined' ) {
ttXpos = event.x;
ttYpos = event.y;
} else {
ttXpos = e.pageX;
ttYpos = e.pageY;
0,0 → 1,192
/* $Id: user_password.js,v 1.1 2005/11/23 19:10:30 nijel Exp $ */
* Validates the password field in a form
* @param object the form
* @return boolean whether the field value is valid or not
function checkPassword(the_form)
// Gets the elements pointers
if (the_form.name == 'addUserForm' || the_form.name == 'chgPassword') {
var pswd_index = 1;
var pswd1_name = 'pma_pw';
var pswd2_name = 'pma_pw2';
} else {
pswd_index = 2;
pswd1_name = 'new_pw';
pswd2_name = 'new_pw2';
// Validates
if (the_form.elements['nopass'][pswd_index].checked) {
if (the_form.elements[pswd1_name].value == '') {
the_form.elements[pswd2_name].value = '';
return false;
} else if (the_form.elements[pswd1_name].value != the_form.elements[pswd2_name].value) {
the_form.elements[pswd1_name].value = '';
the_form.elements[pswd2_name].value = '';
return false;
} // end if...else if
} // end if
return true;
} // end of the 'checkPassword()' function
* Validates the "add an user" form
* @return boolean whether the form is validated or not
function checkAddUser()
var the_form = document.forms['addUserForm'];
if (the_form.elements['anyhost'][1].checked && the_form.elements['host'].value == '') {
return false;
if (the_form.elements['anyuser'][1].checked && the_form.elements['pma_user'].value == '') {
return false;
return checkPassword(the_form);
} // end of the 'checkAddUser()' function
* Validates the "update a profile" form
* @return boolean whether the form is validated or not
function checkUpdProfile()
var the_form = document.forms['updUserForm'];
if (the_form.elements['anyhost'][1].checked && the_form.elements['new_server'].value == '') {
return false;
if (the_form.elements['anyuser'][1].checked && the_form.elements['new_user'].value == '') {
return false;
return checkPassword(the_form);
} // end of the 'checkUpdProfile()' function
* Gets the list of selected options in combo
* @param object the form to check
* @return string the list of selected options
function getSelected(the_field) {
var the_list = '';
var opts = the_field.options;
var opts_cnt = opts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < opts_cnt; i++) {
if (opts[i].selected) {
the_list += opts[i].text + ', ';
} // end for
return the_list.substring(0, the_list.length - 2);
} // end of the 'getSelected()' function
* Reloads the page to get tables names in a database or fields names in a
* table
* @param object the input text box to build the query from
function change(the_field) {
var l = location.href;
var lpos = l.indexOf('?lang');
var box_name = the_field.name;
var the_form = the_field.form.elements;
var sel_idx = null;
if (box_name == 'newdb') {
the_form['anydb'][0].checked = true;
the_form['anytable'][0].checked = true;
the_form['anycolumn'][0].checked = true;
if (typeof(the_form['dbgrant']) != 'undefined') {
the_form['dbgrant'].selectedIndex = -1;
if (typeof(the_form['tablegrant']) != 'undefined') {
the_form['tablegrant'].selectedIndex = -1;
if (typeof(the_form['colgrant']) != 'undefined') {
the_form['colgrant'].selectedIndex = -1;
else {
if (lpos <= 0) {
l += '?lang=' + the_form['lang'].value
+ '&convcharset=' . the_form['convcharset'].value
+ '&server=' + the_form['server'].value
+ '&grants=1'
+ '&host=' + escape(the_form['host'].value)
+ '&pma_user=' + escape(the_form['pma_user'].value);
sel_idx = the_form['dbgrant'].selectedIndex;
if (sel_idx > 0) {
l += '&dbgrant=' + escape(the_form['dbgrant'].options[sel_idx].text);
sel_idx = the_form['tablegrant'].selectedIndex;
if (sel_idx > 0) {
l += '&tablegrant=' + escape(the_form['tablegrant'].options[sel_idx].text);
var lpos = l.indexOf('&' + box_name);
if (lpos > 0) {
l = l.substring(0, lpos);
} // end if
location.href = l + '&' + box_name + '=' + escape(getSelected(the_field));
} // end of the 'change()' function
* Checks/unchecks all privileges
* @param string the form name
* @param boolean whether to check or to uncheck the element
* @return boolean always true
function checkForm(the_form, do_check) {
var elts = document.forms[the_form].elements;
var elts_cnt = elts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < elts_cnt; i++) {
var whichElt = elts[i].name;
if (whichElt.indexOf('_priv') >= 0) {
document.forms[the_form].elements[whichElt].checked = do_check;
} // end if
} // end for
return true;
} // end of the 'checkForm()' function