0,0 → 1,985
/* $Id: latvian-windows-1257.inc.php,v 2006/03/23 17:42:14 lem9 Exp $ */
* Latvian language file by Sandis Jçrics <sandisj at parks.lv>
$charset = 'windows-1257';
$text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
$number_thousands_separator = ' ';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$byteUnits = array('baiti', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
$day_of_week = array('Sv', 'P', 'O', 'T', 'C', 'Pk', 'S');
$month = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Jûn', 'Jûl', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dec');
// See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php to define the
// variable below
$datefmt = '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M';
$timespanfmt = '%s dienas, %s stundas, %s minûtes un %s sekundes';
$strAPrimaryKey = 'Primârâ atslçga pievienota uz lauka %s';
$strAbortedClients = 'Pârtraukts';
$strAbsolutePathToDocSqlDir = 'Lûdzu ievadiet absolûto ceïu lîdz docSQL direktorijai uz servera';
$strAccessDenied = 'Pieeja aizliegta';
$strAccessDeniedExplanation = 'phpMyAdmin mçìinâja pieslçgties MySQL serverim, un serveris noraidîja pieslçgumu. Lûdzu pârbaudiet hostu, lietotâjvârdu un paroli config.inc.php failâ, un pârliecinieties, ka tie atbilst informâcijai, ko Jums deva MySQL servera administrators.';
$strAction = 'Darbîba';
$strAddAutoIncrement = 'Pievienot AUTO_INCREMENT vçrtîbu';
$strAddConstraints = 'Pievienot ierobeþojumus';
$strAddDeleteColumn = 'Pievienot/Dzçst laukus (kolonnas)';
$strAddDeleteRow = 'Pievienot/Dzçst ierakstu';
$strAddDropDatabase = 'Pievienot DROP DATABASE';
$strAddFields = 'Pievienot %s lauku(s)';
$strAddHeaderComment = 'Ievietot virsrakstâ komentâru (\\n atdala rindas)';
$strAddIfNotExists = 'Pievienot IF NOT EXISTS';
$strAddIntoComments = 'Pievienot komentâros';
$strAddNewField = 'Pievienot jaunu lauku';
$strAddPrivilegesOnDb = 'Pievienot privilçìijas uz sekojoðo datubâzi';
$strAddPrivilegesOnTbl = 'Pievienot privilçìijas uz sekojoðo tabulu';
$strAddSearchConditions = 'Pievienot meklçðanas nosacîjumus ("where" izteiksmes íermenis):';
$strAddToIndex = 'Pievienot indeksam &nbsp;%s&nbsp;kolonn(u/as)';
$strAddUser = 'Pievienot jaunu lietotâju';
$strAddUserMessage = 'Jûs pievienojât jaunu lietotâju.';
$strAddedColumnComment = 'Pievienots komentârs kolonnai';
$strAddedColumnRelation = 'Pievienota relâcija kolonnai';
$strAdministration = 'Administrâcija';
$strAffectedRows = 'Ietekmçto rindu skaits:';
$strAfter = 'Pçc %s';
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Atgriezties atpakaï iepriekðçjâ lapâ';
$strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Ievietot vçl vienu rindu';
$strAfterInsertSame = 'Atgriezties ðajâ lapâ';
$strAll = 'Visi';
$strAllTableSameWidth = 'râdît visas tabulas vienadâ platumâ?';
$strAlterOrderBy = 'Mainît datu kârtoðanas laukus';
$strAnIndex = 'Indekss tieka pievienots uz %s';
$strAnalyzeTable = 'Analizçt tabulu';
$strAnd = 'Un';
$strAny = 'Jebkurð';
$strAnyHost = 'Jebkurð hosts';
$strAnyUser = 'Jebkurð lietotâjs';
$strApproximateCount = 'Var bût aptuvens skaits. Skatît FAQ 3.11';
$strArabic = 'Arâbu';
$strArmenian = 'Armçòu';
$strAscending = 'Augoðâ secîbâ';
$strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Tabulas sâkumâ';
$strAtEndOfTable = 'Tabulas beigâs';
$strAttr = 'Atribûti';
$strAutodetect = 'Noteikt automâtiski';
$strAutomaticLayout = 'Automâtiskais izvietojums';
$strBack = 'Atpakaï';
$strBaltic = 'Baltijas';
$strBeginRaw = 'RINDAS SÂKUMS';
$strBinLogEventType = 'Notikuma tips';
$strBinLogInfo = 'Informâcija';
$strBinLogName = 'Log-faila nosaukums';
$strBinLogOriginalPosition = 'Oriìinâlâ pozîcija';
$strBinLogPosition = 'Pozîcija';
$strBinLogServerId = 'Servera ID';
$strBinary = 'Binârais';
$strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Binârais - netiek labots';
$strBinaryLog = 'Binârais log-fails';
$strBookmarkAllUsers = 'Dot ikvienam lietotâjam pieeju ðai grâmatzîmei';
$strBookmarkDeleted = 'Ieraksts tika dzçsts.';
$strBookmarkLabel = 'Nosaukums';
$strBookmarkQuery = 'Saglabâtie SQL vaicâjumi';
$strBookmarkThis = 'Saglabât ðo SQL vaicâjumu';
$strBookmarkView = 'Tikai apskatît';
$strBrowse = 'Apskatît';
$strBrowseForeignValues = 'Pârlûkot ârçjâs vçrtîbas';
$strBulgarian = 'Bulgâru';
$strBzError = 'phpMyAdmin nevarçja saarhivçt failu dçï bojâta Bz2 paplaðinâjuma ðajâ php versijâ. Stingri rekomendçjam uzstâdît <code>$cfg[\'BZipDump\']</code> direktîvu phpMyAdmin konfigurâcijas failâ uz <code>FALSE</code>. Ja vçlaties lietot Bz2 kompresijas iespçjas, Jums jâuzliek jaunâka php versija. Skatît php bug report %s sîkâkai informâcijai.';
$strBzip = 'Arhivçts ar bzip';
$strCSVOptions = 'CSV opcijas';
$strCalendar = 'Kalendârs';
$strCannotLogin = 'Nevar pieslçgties MySQL serverim';
$strCantLoad = 'nevar ielâdçt paplaðinâjumu %s,<br />lûdzu pârbaudiet PHP konfigurâciju';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Nevar ielâdçt iconv vai recode paplaðinâjumu, kas ir nepiecieðams rakstzîmju konvertâcijai, lûdzu nokonfigurçjiet php, lai varçtu lietot ðos paplaðinâjumus, vai arî atslçdziet rakstzîmju konvertâciju phpMyAdmin konfigurâcijâ.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Nevar pârsaukt indeksu par PRIMARY!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Nevar lietot iconv, libiconv vai recode_string funkciju, bet php saka, ka paplaðinâjums ir ielâdçts. Pârbaudiet php konfigurâciju.';
$strCardinality = 'Kardinalitâte';
$strCaseInsensitive = 'reìistrnejûtîgs';
$strCaseSensitive = 'reìistrjûtîgs';
$strCentralEuropean = 'Centrâleiropas';
$strChange = 'Labot';
$strChangeCopyMode = 'Izveidot jaunu lietotâju ar tâdâm paðâm privilçìijâm un ...';
$strChangeCopyModeCopy = '... paturçt veco lietotâju.';
$strChangeCopyModeDeleteAndReload = ' ... dzçst veco lietotâju no lietotâju tabulas, un pçc tam pârlâdçt privilçìijas.';
$strChangeCopyModeJustDelete = ' ... dzçst veco lietotâju no lietotâju tabulas.';
$strChangeCopyModeRevoke = ' ... atòemt vecajam lietotâjam visas aktîvâs privilçìijas, un pçc tam dzçst viòu.';
$strChangeCopyUser = 'Mainît piekïuves informâciju / Klonçt lietotâju';
$strChangeDisplay = 'Izvçlieties, kuru lauku râdît';
$strChangePassword = 'Mainît paroli';
$strCharset = 'Kodçjums';
$strCharsetOfFile = 'Tabulas kodçjums:';
$strCharsets = 'Rakstzîmju kodçjumi';
$strCharsetsAndCollations = 'Rakstzîmju kodçjumi un izkârtojumi';
$strCheckAll = 'Iezîmçt visu';
$strCheckOverhead = 'Iezîmçt tabulas ar pârtçriòu';
$strCheckPrivs = 'Pârbaudît privilçìijas';
$strCheckPrivsLong = 'Pârbaudît privilçìijas uz datubâzi &quot;%s&quot;.';
$strCheckTable = 'Pârbaudît tabulu';
$strChoosePage = 'Izvçlieties lapu redigçðanai';
$strColComFeat = 'Râdu kolonnu komentârus';
$strCollation = 'Izkârtojumi';
$strColumnNames = 'Kolonnu nosaukumi';
$strColumnPrivileges = 'Kolonnu specifiskâs privilçìijas';
$strCommand = 'Komanda';
$strComments = 'Komentâri';
$strCommentsForTable = 'KOMENTÂRI TABULAI';
$strCompatibleHashing = 'MySQL&nbsp;4.0 savietojams';
$strCompleteInserts = 'Pilnas INSERT izteiksmes';
$strCompression = 'Kompresija';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin nevar nolasît konfigurâcijas failu!<br />Tas var notikt, ja PHP atrod tajâ kïûdu, vai arî nevar atrast so failu.<br />Mçginiet izsaukt konfigurâcijas failu tieði, klikðkinot linku zemâk un lasiet PHP pazinojumu par kïûdâm. Vairâkumâ gadîjumu kaut kur pietrukst pçdiòa vai semikols.<br />Ja redzat tukðu lapu, viss ir kârtîbâ.';
$strConfigureTableCoord = 'Lûdzu konfigurçjiet koordinâtes tabulai %s';
$strConnectionError = 'Nevar pieslçgties: kïûda konfigurâcijâ.';
$strConnections = 'Konekcijas';
$strConstraintsForDumped = 'Ierobeþojumi izmestâm tabulâm';
$strConstraintsForTable = 'Ierobeþojumi tabulai';
$strCookiesRequired = '"Cookies" ir jâbût atïautiem aiz ðî punkta.';
$strCopyDatabaseOK = 'Datubâze %s tika pârkopçta uz %s';
$strCopyTable = 'Kopçt tabulu uz (datubâze<b>.</b>tabula):';
$strCopyTableOK = 'Tabula %s tika pârkopçta uz %s.';
$strCopyTableSameNames = 'Nevar nokopçt tabulu uz viòu paðu!';
$strCouldNotKill = 'phpMyAdmin nevarçja nogalinât procesu %s. Iespçjams, ka tas jau agrâk tika izbeigts.';
$strCreate = 'Izveidot';
$strCreateIndex = 'Izveidot indeksu uz&nbsp;%s&nbsp;laukiem';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Izveidot jaunu indeksu';
$strCreateNewDatabase = 'Izveidot jaunu datubâzi';
$strCreateNewTable = 'Izveidot jaunu tabulu datubâzç %s';
$strCreatePage = 'Izveidot jaunu lapu';
$strCreatePdfFeat = 'PDF failu izveide';
$strCreationDates = 'Izveidoðanas/Atjaunoðanas/Piekïuves datumi';
$strCriteria = 'Kritçrijs';
$strCroatian = 'Horvâtu';
$strCyrillic = 'Kirilisks';
$strCzech = 'Èehu';
$strCzechSlovak = 'Èehu-Slovâku';
$strDBComment = 'Datubâzes komentârs: ';
$strDBCopy = 'Kopçt datubâzi uz';
$strDBGContext = 'Konteksts';
$strDBGContextID = 'Konteksta ID';
$strDBGHits = 'Apmeklçjumi';
$strDBGLine = 'Lînija';
$strDBGMaxTimeMs = 'Maks. laiks, ms';
$strDBGMinTimeMs = 'Min. laiks, ms';
$strDBGModule = 'Modulis';
$strDBGTimePerHitMs = 'Viena apmeklçjuma laiks, ms';
$strDBGTotalTimeMs = 'Laiks kopâ, ms';
$strDBRename = 'Pârsaukt datubâzi par';
$strDanish = 'Dâòu';
$strData = 'Dati';
$strDataDict = 'Datu vârdnîca';
$strDataOnly = 'Tikai dati';
$strDatabase = 'Datubâze';
$strDatabaseEmpty = 'Datubâzes nosaukums ir tukðs!';
$strDatabaseExportOptions = 'Datubâzu eksporta opcijas';
$strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Datubâze %s tika izdzçsta.';
$strDatabaseNoTable = 'Ðajâ datubâzç nav tabulu!';
$strDatabases = 'Datubâzes';
$strDatabasesDropped = '%s datubâzes tika veiksmîgi dzçstas.';
$strDatabasesStats = 'Datubâzu statistika';
$strDatabasesStatsDisable = 'Izslçgt statistiku';
$strDatabasesStatsEnable = 'Ieslçgt statistiku';
$strDatabasesStatsHeavyTraffic = 'Piezîme: Datubâzes statistikas ieslçgðana ðeit var izsaukt palielinâto datu apmaiòu starp webserveri un MySQL serveri.';
$strDbPrivileges = 'Datubâþu specifiskâs privilçìijas';
$strDbSpecific = 'datubâzei specifisks';
$strDefault = 'Noklusçts';
$strDefaultValueHelp = 'Noklusçtajâm vçrtîbâm, lûdzu ievadiet tikai paðu vertîbu, bez izsargâðanâs ar atpakaïçjo slîpsvîtru vai pçdiòâm, lietojot ðo formatu: a';
$strDefragment = 'Defragmentçt tabulu';
$strDelOld = 'Tekoðajâ lapâ ir atsauces uz tabulâm, kas vairs neeksistç. Vai Jûs gribat dzçst ðîs atsauces?';
$strDelayedInserts = 'Lietot aizturçtos INSERT';
$strDelete = 'Dzçst';
$strDeleteAndFlush = 'Dzçst lietotâjus, un pçc tam pârlâdçt privilçìijas.';
$strDeleteAndFlushDescr = 'Tas ir labâkais veids, bet privilçìiju pârlâdçðana var paòemt zinâmu laiku.';
$strDeleted = 'Ieraksts tika dzçsts';
$strDeletedRows = 'Ieraksti dzçsti:';
$strDeleting = 'Dzçðam %s';
$strDescending = 'Dilstoðâ secîbâ';
$strDescription = 'Apraksts';
$strDictionary = 'vârdnîca';
$strDisableForeignChecks = 'Nepârbaudît ârçjâs atslçgas';
$strDisabled = 'Izslçgts';
$strDisplayFeat = 'Râdît iespçjas';
$strDisplayOrder = 'Attçloðanas secîba:';
$strDisplayPDF = 'Râdît PDF shçmu';
$strDoAQuery = 'Izpildît "vaicâjumu pçc parauga" (aizstâjçjzîme: "%")';
$strDoYouReally = 'Vai Jûs tieðâm gribat ';
$strDocu = 'Dokumentâcija';
$strDrop = 'Likvidçt';
$strDropDatabaseStrongWarning = 'Jûs taisaties LIKVIDÇT veselu datubâzi!';
$strDropUsersDb = 'Dzçst datubâzes, kurâm ir tâdi paði vârdi, kâ lietotâjiem.';
$strDumpSaved = 'Damps tika saglabâts failâ %s.';
$strDumpXRows = 'Saglabât %s rindas, sâkot ar %s.';
$strDumpingData = 'Dati tabulai';
$strDynamic = 'dinamisks';
$strEdit = 'Labot';
$strEditPDFPages = 'Labot PDF lapas';
$strEditPrivileges = 'Mainît privilçìijas';
$strEffective = 'Efektîvs';
$strEmpty = 'Iztukðot';
$strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL atgrieza tukðo rezultâtu (0 rindas).';
$strEnabled = 'Ieslçgts';
$strEncloseInTransaction = 'Iekïaut eksportu transakcijâ';
$strEnd = 'Beigas';
$strEndRaw = 'RINDAS BEIGAS';
$strEnglish = 'Angïu';
$strEnglishPrivileges = ' Piezîme: MySQL privilçìiju apzîmçjumi tiek rakstîti angïu valodâ ';
$strError = 'Kïûda';
$strEscapeWildcards = 'Aizstâjçjzîmes _ un % jâaizsargâ ar \ priekðâ, lai izmantotu tâs burtiski';
$strEstonian = 'Igauòu';
$strExcelEdition = 'Excel redakcija';
$strExcelOptions = 'Excel opcijas';
$strExecuteBookmarked = 'Izpildît iegrâmatoto vaicâjumu';
$strExplain = 'Izskaidrot SQL';
$strExport = 'Eksports';
$strExtendedInserts = 'Paplaðinâtas INSERT izteiksmes';
$strExtra = 'Ekstras';
$strFailedAttempts = 'Neveiksmîgi mçìinâjumi';
$strField = 'Lauks';
$strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Lauks %s tika izdzçsts';
$strFields = 'Lauki';
$strFieldsEmpty = ' Lauku skaits ir nulle! ';
$strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Lauki iekïauti iekð';
$strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Glâbjoða (escape) rakstzîme ir';
$strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Lauki atdalîti ar';
$strFileAlreadyExists = 'Fails %s jau eksistç uz servera. Lûdzu nomainiet faila nosaukumu vai atzîmçjiet failu pârrakstîðanas opciju.';
$strFileCouldNotBeRead = 'Nevar nolasît failu';
$strFileNameTemplate = 'Faila nosaukuma ðablons';
$strFileNameTemplateRemember = 'atcerçties ðablonu';
$strFixed = 'fiksçts';
$strFlushPrivilegesNote = 'Piezîme: phpMyAdmin saòem lietotâju privilçìijas pa taisno no MySQL privilçìiju tabilâm. Ðo tabulu saturs var atðíirties no privilçìijâm, ko lieto serveris, ja tur tika veikti labojumi. Ðajâ gadîjumâ ir nepiecieðams %spârlâdçt privilçìijas%s pirms Jûs turpinât.';
$strFlushTable = 'Atsvaidzinât tabulu ("FLUSH")';
$strFormEmpty = 'Formâ trûkst vçrtîbu!';
$strFormat = 'Formats';
$strFullText = 'Pilni teksti';
$strFunction = 'Funkcija';
$strGenBy = 'Uzìenerçja';
$strGenTime = 'Izveidoðanas laiks';
$strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Galvenâs relâciju îpaðîbas';
$strGeorgian = 'Gruzînu';
$strGerman = 'Vâcu';
$strGlobal = 'globâls';
$strGlobalPrivileges = 'Globâlâs privilçìijas';
$strGlobalValue = 'Globâlâ vçrtîba';
$strGo = 'Aiziet!';
$strGrantOption = 'Pieðíirt';
$strGreek = 'Grieíu';
$strGzip = 'Arhivçts ar gzip';
$strHasBeenAltered = 'tika modificçta.';
$strHasBeenCreated = 'tika izveidota.';
$strHaveToShow = 'Izvçlieties vismaz vienu kolonnu attçloðanai';
$strHebrew = 'Ebreju';
$strHexForBinary = 'Lietot heksadecimâlo formâtu binârajiem laukiem';
$strHome = 'Sâkumlapa';
$strHomepageOfficial = 'Oficiâlâ phpMyAdmin mâjaslapa';
$strHost = 'Hosts';
$strHostEmpty = 'Hosts nav norâdîts!';
$strHungarian = 'Ungâru';
$strIcelandic = 'Islandieðu';
$strId = 'ID';
$strIdxFulltext = 'Pilni teksti';
$strIgnore = 'Ignorçt';
$strIgnoreInserts = 'Lietot IGNORE INSERTS';
$strIgnoringFile = 'Ignorçjam failu %s';
$strImportDocSQL = 'Importçt docSQL failus';
$strImportFiles = 'Importçt failus';
$strInUse = 'lietoðanâ';
$strIndex = 'Indekss';
$strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Indekss %s tika izdzçsts';
$strIndexName = 'Indeksa nosaukums&nbsp;:';
$strIndexType = 'Indeksa tips&nbsp;:';
$strIndexWarningMultiple = 'Vairâk kâ viena %s atslçga tika izveidota kolonnai `%s`';
$strIndexWarningPrimary = 'PRIMARY un INDEX atslçgas nevar abas reizç tikt uzliktas kolonnai `%s`';
$strIndexWarningTable = 'Problçmas ar indeksiem tabulâ `%s`';
$strIndexWarningUnique = 'UNIQUE un INDEX atslçgas nevar abas reizç tikt uzliktas kolonnai `%s`';
$strIndexes = 'Indeksi';
$strInnodbStat = 'InnoDB statuss';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Jûsu konfigurâcijas fails satur iestâdîjumus (lietotâjs "root" bez paroles), kas atbilst noklusçtajam MySQL priviliìçtajam lietotâjam. Jûsu MySQL serveris strâdâ ar ðo noklusçto variantu, ir atvçrts uzbrukumiem, un Jums tieðâm jâaiztaisa ðis droðîbas caurums.';
$strInsert = 'Pievienot';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Ievietot kâ jaunu rindu';
$strInsertNewRow = 'Pievienot jaunu rindu';
$strInsertedRowId = 'Ievietotâs rindas id:';
$strInsertedRows = 'Rindas pievienotas:';
$strInternalNotNecessary = '* Iekðçjâ relâcija nav nepiecieðama, kad tâ eksistç arî iekð InnoDB.';
$strInternalRelations = 'Iekðçjâs relâcijas';
$strJapanese = 'Japâòu';
$strJumpToDB = 'pâriet pie datubâzes &quot;%s&quot;.';
$strJustDelete = 'Dzçst lietotâjus no privilçìiju tabulâm.';
$strJustDeleteDescr = '&quot;Dzçstie&quot; lietotâji saglabâ spçju piekïût serverim kâ parasti, lîdz privilçìijas tiek pârlâdçtas.';
$strKeepPass = 'Nemainît paroli';
$strKeyname = 'Atslçgas nosaukums';
$strKill = 'Nogalinât';
$strKorean = 'Korejieðu';
$strLaTeX = 'LaTeX';
$strLaTeXOptions = 'LaTeX opcijas';
$strLandscape = 'Ainava';
$strLatexCaption = 'Tabulas virsraksts';
$strLatexContent = 'Tabulas __TABLE__ saturs';
$strLatexContinued = '(turpinâjums)';
$strLatexContinuedCaption = 'Tabulas virsraksta turpinâjums';
$strLatexIncludeCaption = 'Iekïaut tabulas virsrakstu';
$strLatexLabel = 'Etiíetes atslçga';
$strLatexStructure = 'Tabulas __TABLE__ struktûra';
$strLatvian = 'Latvieðu';
$strLengthSet = 'Garums/Vçrtîbas*';
$strLimitNumRows = 'Rindu skaits vienâ lapâ';
$strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Rindas atdalîtas ar';
$strLinkNotFound = 'Links nav atrasts';
$strLinksTo = 'Linki uz';
$strLithuanian = 'Lietuvieðu';
$strLocalhost = 'Lokâls';
$strLocationTextfile = 'Teksta faila atraðanâs vieta';
$strLogPassword = 'Parole:';
$strLogServer = 'Serveris';
$strLogUsername = 'Lietotâjvârds:';
$strLogin = 'Ieiet';
$strLoginInformation = 'Piekïuves informâcija';
$strLogout = 'Iziet';
$strMIMETypesForTable = 'MIME TIPI TABULAI';
$strMIME_MIMEtype = 'MIME tips';
$strMIME_available_mime = 'Pieejamie MIME tipi';
$strMIME_available_transform = 'Pieejamâs transformâcijas';
$strMIME_description = 'Apraksts';
$strMIME_nodescription = 'Ðai transformâcijai nav apraksta.<br />Jautâjiet autoram, ko %s dara.';
$strMIME_transformation = 'Pârlûkprogrammas transformâcija';
$strMIME_transformation_note = 'Lai iegûtu pieejamo transformâciju opcijas un to MIME tipu transformâcijas, uzklikðíiniet uz %stransformâciju apraksti%s';
$strMIME_transformation_options = 'Transformâcijas opcijas';
$strMIME_transformation_options_note = 'Lûdzu ievadiet transformâciju opciju vçrtîbas, lietojot ðo formatu: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Ja Jums jâlieto atpakaïçjâ slîpsvîtra ("\") vai vienkârðâ pçdiòa ("\'") starp ðîm vçrtîbâm, lieciet tâs priekðâ vçl vienu atpakaïçjo slîpsvîtru (piemçram \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';
$strMIME_without = 'MIME tipiem, kas parâdîti slîprakstâ, nav atseviðías transformâcijas funkcijas';
$strMaximumSize = 'Maksimâlais izmçrs: %s%s';
$strModifications = 'Labojumi tika saglabâti';
$strModify = 'Labot';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Labot indeksu';
$strMoveTable = 'Pârvietot tabulu uz (datubâze<b>.</b>tabula):';
$strMoveTableOK = 'Tabula %s tika pârvietota uz %s.';
$strMoveTableSameNames = 'Nevar pârvietot tabulu uz viòu paðu!';
$strMultilingual = 'daudzvalodu';
$strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL kodçjums';
$strMySQLConnectionCollation = 'MySQL konekcijas kârtoðana';
$strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL teica: ';
$strMySQLShowProcess = 'Parâdît procesus';
$strMySQLShowStatus = 'Parâdît MySQL izpildes laika informâciju';
$strMySQLShowVars = 'Parâdît MySQL sistçmas mainîgos';
$strName = 'Nosaukums';
$strNext = 'Nâkamie';
$strNo = 'Nç';
$strNoActivity = 'Nebija aktivitâtes vairâk kâ %s sekunþu laikâ, lûdzu autorizçjieties vçlreiz';
$strNoDatabases = 'Nav datubâzu';
$strNoDatabasesSelected = 'Datubâze nav izvçlçta.';
$strNoDescription = 'Bez apraksta';
$strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" komanda ir aizliegta.';
$strNoExplain = 'Neizskaidrot SQL';
$strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin ir vairâk draudzîgs <b>freimu atbalstoðâm</b> pârlûkprogrammâm.';
$strNoIndex = 'Nav definçti indeksi!';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Nav definçto indeksa daïu!';
$strNoModification = 'Netika labots';
$strNoOptions = 'Ðim formâtam nav opciju';
$strNoPassword = 'Nav paroles';
$strNoPermission = 'Web serverim nav tiesîbu rakstît failâ %s.';
$strNoPhp = 'Bez PHP koda';
$strNoPrivileges = 'Nav privilçìiju';
$strNoRights = 'Jums nav pietiekoði tiesîbu, lai atrastos ðeit tagad!';
$strNoRowsSelected = 'Rindas nav iezîmçtas';
$strNoSpace = 'Nepietiek vietas, lai saglabâtu failu %s.';
$strNoTablesFound = 'Tabulas nav atrastas ðajâ datubâzç.';
$strNoThemeSupport = 'Nav tçmu atbalsta, lûdzu pârbaudiet jûsu konfigurâciju un/vai Jûsu tçmas direktorijâ %s.';
$strNoUsersFound = 'Lietotâji netika atrasti.';
$strNoValidateSQL = 'Nepârbaudît SQL';
$strNone = 'Nav';
$strNotNumber = 'Tas nav numurs!';
$strNotOK = 'nav OK';
$strNotSet = 'Tabula <b>%s</b> nav atrasta vai nav atzîmeta iekð %s';
$strNull = 'Nulle';
$strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s rezultâti tabulâ <i>%s</i>';
$strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Kopumâ:</b> <i>%s</i> rezultâti';
$strNumTables = 'Tabulas';
$strOK = 'Labi';
$strOperations = 'Darbîbas';
$strOperator = 'Operators';
$strOptimizeTable = 'Optimizçt tabulu';
$strOr = 'Vai';
$strOverhead = 'Pârtçriòð';
$strOverwriteExisting = 'Pârrakstît eksistçjoðos failus';
$strPHP40203 = 'Jûs lietojat PHP versiju 4.2.3, kurai ir nopietna kïûda daudzbaitu rindiòu funkcijâs (mbstring). Skatît PHP bug report 19404. Sî PHP versija nav rekomendçjama lietoðanai ar phpMyAdmin.';
$strPHPVersion = 'PHP Versija';
$strPageNumber = 'Lapas numurs:';
$strPaperSize = 'Papîra izmçrs';
$strPartialText = 'Daïçji teksti';
$strPassword = 'Parole';
$strPasswordChanged = 'Lietotâja %s parole tika veiksmîgi mainîta.';
$strPasswordEmpty = 'Parole nav norâdîta!';
$strPasswordHashing = 'Paroles jaukðana';
$strPasswordNotSame = 'Paroles nesakrît!';
$strPdfDbSchema = 'Datubâzes "%s" shçma, %s. lapa';
$strPdfInvalidTblName = 'Tabula "%s" neeksistç!';
$strPdfNoTables = 'Nav tabulu';
$strPerHour = 'stundâ';
$strPerMinute = 'minûtç';
$strPerSecond = 'sekundç';
$strPersian = 'Persieðu';
$strPhoneBook = 'telefonu grâmata';
$strPhp = 'Izveidot PHP kodu';
$strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin dokumentâcija';
$strPmaUriError = '<tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> direktîvai ir JÂBÛT nodefinçtai Jûsu konfigurâcijas failâ!';
$strPolish = 'Poïu';
$strPortrait = 'Portrets';
$strPos1 = 'Sâkums';
$strPrevious = 'Iepriekðçjie';
$strPrimary = 'Primârâ';
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Primârâ atslçga tika izdzçsta';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'Primârâs atslçgas nosaukumam jâbût... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>jâbût</b> tikai un <b>vienîgi</b> primârâs atslçgas indeksa nosaukumam!)';
$strPrint = 'Drukât';
$strPrintView = 'Izdrukas versija';
$strPrintViewFull = 'Drukas skats (ar pilniem tekstiem)';
$strPrivDescAllPrivileges = 'Iekïauj visas privilçìijas, izòemot GRANT.';
$strPrivDescAlter = 'Ïauj mainît esoðo tabulu struktûru.';
$strPrivDescCreateDb = 'Ïauj veidot jaunas datubâzes un tabulas.';
$strPrivDescCreateTbl = 'Ïauj veidot jaunas tabulas.';
$strPrivDescCreateTmpTable = 'Ïauj veidot pagaidu tabulas.';
$strPrivDescDelete = 'Ïauj dzçst datus.';
$strPrivDescDropDb = 'Ïauj dzçst datubâzes un tabulas.';
$strPrivDescDropTbl = 'Ïauj dzçst tabulas.';
$strPrivDescExecute = 'Ïauj palaist saglabâtâs procedûras; vçl nestrâdâ ðajâ MySQL versijâ.';
$strPrivDescFile = 'Ïauj importçt/eksportçt datus no/uz failiem.';
$strPrivDescGrant = 'Ïauj pievienot lietotâjus un privilçìijas bez privilçìiju tabulu pârlâdçðanas.';
$strPrivDescIndex = 'Ïauj veidot un dzçst indeksus.';
$strPrivDescInsert = 'Ïauj ievietot un mainît datus.';
$strPrivDescLockTables = 'Ïauj bloíçt tabulas tekoðajai darbîbai.';
$strPrivDescMaxConnections = 'Ierobeþo jauno konekciju skaitu, ko lietotâjs var atvçrt stundas laikâ.';
$strPrivDescMaxQuestions = 'Ierobeþo vaicâjumu skaitu, ko lietotâjs var mosûtît uz serveri stundas laikâ.';
$strPrivDescMaxUpdates = 'Ierobeþo komandu skaitu, kas maina kas maina tabulas vai datubâzes, ko lietotâjs var izpildît stundas laikâ.';
$strPrivDescProcess3 = 'Ïauj nogalinât citu lietotâju procesus.';
$strPrivDescProcess4 = 'Ïauj apskatît pieprasîjumu un procesu sarakstus.';
$strPrivDescReferences = 'Nedarbojas ðajâ MySQL versijâ.';
$strPrivDescReload = 'Ïauj prlâdçt servera iestâdîjumus un iztukðot servera keðu.';
$strPrivDescReplClient = 'Dod lietotâjam tiesîbas jautât, kur ir replikâcijas oriìinâli / kopijas.';
$strPrivDescReplSlave = 'Nepiecieðams replikâciju kopijâm.';
$strPrivDescSelect = 'Ïauj lasît datus.';
$strPrivDescShowDb = 'Dod pieeju pilnam datubâzu sarakstam.';
$strPrivDescShutdown = 'Ïauj apstâdinât serveri.';
$strPrivDescSuper = 'Ïauj pieslçgties pat tad, ja ir sasniegts maksimâlais konekciju skaits; Nepiecieðams vairumam administratîvo operâciju, kâ globâlo mainîgo maiòa vai citu lietotâju procesu nogalinâðana.';
$strPrivDescUpdate = 'Ïauj mainît datus.';
$strPrivDescUsage = 'Nav privilçìiju.';
$strPrivileges = 'Privilçìijas';
$strPrivilegesReloaded = 'Privilçìijas tika veiksmîgi pârlâdçtas.';
$strProcesslist = 'Procesu saraksts';
$strPutColNames = 'Likt kolonnu nosaukumus pirmajâ rindâ';
$strQBE = 'Vaicâjums pçc parauga';
$strQBEDel = 'Dzçst';
$strQBEIns = 'Ielikt';
$strQueryFrame = 'Vaicâjuma logs';
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL vaicâjums uz datubâzes <b>%s</b>:';
$strQuerySQLHistory = 'SQL vçsture';
$strQueryStatistics = '<b>Pieprasîjumu statistika</b>: %s pieprasîjumi tika nosûtîti uz serveri kopð tâ palaiðanâs brîþa.';
$strQueryTime = 'Vaicâjums ilga %01.4f s';
$strQueryType = 'Vaicâjuma tips';
$strQueryWindowLock = 'Nepârrakstît ðo vaicâjumu ârpus ðî loga';
$strReType = 'Atkârtojiet';
$strReceived = 'Saòemts';
$strRecords = 'Ieraksti';
$strReferentialIntegrity = 'Pârbaudît referenciâlo integritâti:';
$strRefresh = 'Atjaunot';
$strRelationNotWorking = 'Papildiespçjas darbam ar saistîtâm tabulâm tika izslçgtas. Lai uzzinâtu kâpçc, klikðkiniet %sðeit%s.';
$strRelationView = 'Relâciju pârskats';
$strRelationalSchema = 'Relâciju shçma';
$strRelations = 'Relâcijas';
$strRelationsForTable = 'RELÂCIJAS TABULAI';
$strReloadMySQL = 'Pârlâdçt MySQL serveri';
$strReloadingThePrivileges = 'Pârlâdçjam privilçìijas';
$strRemoveSelectedUsers = 'Dzçst izvçlçtos lietotâjus';
$strRenameDatabaseOK = 'Datubâze %s tika pârsaukta par %s';
$strRenameTable = 'Pârsaukt tabulu uz';
$strRenameTableOK = 'Tabula %s tika pârsaukta par %s';
$strRepairTable = 'Restaurçt tabulu';
$strReplaceNULLBy = 'Aizvietot NULL ar';
$strReplaceTable = 'Aizvietot tabulas datus ar datiem no faila';
$strReset = 'Atcelt';
$strResourceLimits = 'Resursu ierobeþojumi';
$strRevoke = 'Atsaukt';
$strRevokeAndDelete = 'Atòemt visas aktîvâs privilçìijas lietotâjiem, un pçc tam dzçst tos.';
$strRevokeAndDeleteDescr = 'Lietotâji saglabâ iespeju lietot datubâzes, lîdz privilçìijas tiek pârlâdçtas.';
$strRevokeMessage = 'Jûs atòçmât privilçgijas lietotâjam %s';
$strRomanian = 'Rumâòu';
$strRowLength = 'Rindas garums';
$strRowSize = ' Rindas izmçrs ';
$strRows = 'Rindas';
$strRowsFrom = 'rindas sâkot no';
$strRowsModeFlippedHorizontal = 'horizontâlâ (pagriezti virsraksti)';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horizontâlâ';
$strRowsModeOptions = '%s skatâ un atkârtot virsrakstus ik pçc %s rindâm';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertikâlâ';
$strRowsStatistic = 'Rindas statistika';
$strRunQuery = 'Izpildît vaicâjumu';
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Izpildît SQL vaicâjumu(s) uz datubâzes %s';
$strRunning = 'atrodas uz %s';
$strRussian = 'Krievu';
$strSQL = 'SQL';
$strSQLExportType = 'Eksporta veids';
$strSQLOptions = 'SQL opcijas';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Iespçjams, ka Jûs esat atraduði kïûdu SQL interpretatorâ. Lûdzu apskatiet Jûsu vaicâjumu citîgâk, un pârbaudiet, ka pçdiòas ir pareizas un nav sajauktas. Cits kïûdas iemesls var bût tas, ka Jûs atsûtîjât failu ar binâro vçrtîbu ârpus pçdiòâs iekïautâ teksta lauka. Jûs varat arî izmçìinât savu vaicâjumu MySQL komandrindas interfeisâ. MySQL servera kïûdas paziòojums zemâk, ja tâds ir, var arî palîdzçt Jums diagnosticçt problçmu. Ja problçma paliek, vai arî iekð phpMyAdmin kïûda ir, bet komandrindâ nav, lûdzu samaziniet Jûsu SQL vaicâjumu lîdz vienkârðam vaicâjumam kas izsauc problçmas, un atsûtiet mums ziòojumu par kïûdu, iekïaujot tajâ datus no IZGRIEZT sekcijas zemâk:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'Izkatâs, ka Jûsu SQL vaicajumâ ir kïûda. MySQL servera kïûdas pazinojums zemâk, ja tâds ir, var arî palîdzet Jums diagnosticçt problçmu.';
$strSQLQuery = 'SQL vaicâjums';
$strSQLResult = 'SQL rezultâts';
$strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Nederîgs identifikators';
$strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Neaizvçrtas pçdiòas';
$strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Nezinâmâ punktuâcijas zîme';
$strSave = 'Saglabât';
$strSaveOnServer = 'Saglabât uz servera direktorijâ %s';
$strScaleFactorSmall = 'Mçrogoðanas faktors ir pârâk mazs, lai shçma ietilptu vienâ lapâ';
$strSearch = 'Meklçt';
$strSearchFormTitle = 'Meklçt datubâzç';
$strSearchInTables = 'Tabulâ(s):';
$strSearchNeedle = 'Vârdi vai vçrtîbas meklçðanai (aizstâjçjzîme: "%"):';
$strSearchOption1 = 'kaut viens no vârdiem';
$strSearchOption2 = 'visi vârdi';
$strSearchOption3 = 'precîza frâze';
$strSearchOption4 = 'kâ regulârâ izteiksme';
$strSearchResultsFor = 'Meklçðanas rezultâti "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
$strSearchType = 'Atrast:';
$strSecretRequired = 'Konfigurâcijas fails tagad prasa slepeno paroli (blowfish_secret).';
$strSelectADb = 'Lûdzu izvçlieties datubâzi';
$strSelectAll = 'Iezîmçt visu';
$strSelectBinaryLog = 'Izvçlieties binâro log-failu apskatei';
$strSelectFields = 'Izvçlieties laukus (kaut vienu):';
$strSelectNumRows = 'vaicâjumâ';
$strSelectTables = 'Izvçlieties tabulas';
$strSend = 'Saglabât kâ failu';
$strSent = 'Nosûtîts';
$strServer = 'Serveris';
$strServerChoice = 'Servera izvçle';
$strServerNotResponding = 'Serveris neatbild';
$strServerStatus = 'Izpildes laika informâcija';
$strServerStatusUptime = 'Ðis MySQL serveris strâdâ %s. Tas tika palaists %s.';
$strServerTabProcesslist = 'Procesi';
$strServerTabVariables = 'Mainîgie';
$strServerTrafficNotes = '<b>Servera trafiks</b>: Ðîs tabulas parâda ðî MySQL servera tîkla trafika statistiku kopð tâ palaiðanas.';
$strServerVars = 'Servera mainîgie un konfigurâcija';
$strServerVersion = 'Servera versija';
$strSessionValue = 'Sesijas vçrtîba';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Ja lauka tips ir "enum" vai "set", lûdzu ievadiet vçrtîbas atbilstoði ðim formatam: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Ja Jums vajag ielikt atpakaïçjo slîpsvîtru (\) vai vienkârðo pçdiòu (\') kâdâ no ðîm vçrtîbâm, lieciet tâs priekðâ atpakaïçjo slîpsvîtru (piemçram, \'\\\\xyz\' vai \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShow = 'Râdît';
$strShowAll = 'Râdît visu';
$strShowColor = 'Râdît krâsas';
$strShowDatadictAs = 'Datu vârdnîcas formats';
$strShowFullQueries = 'Râdît pilnos vaicâjumus';
$strShowGrid = 'Râdît reþìi';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Parâdît PHP informâciju';
$strShowTableDimension = 'Râdit tabulu izmçrus';
$strShowTables = 'Râdît tabulas';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Râdît ðo vaicâjumu ðeit atkal ';
$strShowingRecords = 'Parâdu rindas';
$strSimplifiedChinese = 'Vienkârðota íînieðu';
$strSingly = '(atseviðíi)';
$strSize = 'Izmçrs';
$strSlovak = 'Slovâku';
$strSlovenian = 'Slovçòu';
$strSort = 'Kârtoðana';
$strSortByKey = 'Kârtot pçc atslçgas';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Diska vietas lietoðana';
$strSpanish = 'Spâòu';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Vârdi ir atdalîti ar tukðumu (" ").';
$strStatCheckTime = 'Pçdçjâ pârbaude';
$strStatCreateTime = 'Izveidoðana';
$strStatUpdateTime = 'Pçdçjâ atjaunoðana';
$strStatement = 'Parametrs';
$strStatus = 'Statuss';
$strStrucCSV = 'CSV dati';
$strStrucData = 'Struktûra un dati';
$strStrucDrop = 'Pievienot tabulu dzçðanas komandas';
$strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV dati MS Excel formâtâ';
$strStrucNativeExcel = 'Dati MS Excel formatâ';
$strStrucOnly = 'Tikai struktûra';
$strStructPropose = 'Ieteikt tabulas sruktûru';
$strStructure = 'Struktûra';
$strSubmit = 'Nosûtît';
$strSuccess = 'Jûsu SQL vaicâjums tika veiksmîgi izpildîts';
$strSum = 'Kopumâ';
$strSwedish = 'Zviedru';
$strSwitchToDatabase = 'Pârslçgties uz nokopçto datubâzi';
$strSwitchToTable = 'Pârslçgties uz nokopçto tabulu';
$strTable = 'Tabula';
$strTableComments = 'Komentârs tabulai';
$strTableEmpty = 'Tabulas nosaukums nav norâdîts!';
$strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabula %s tika izdzçsta';
$strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabula %s tika iztukðota';
$strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabula %s tika atsvaidzinâta';
$strTableMaintenance = 'Tabulas apkalpoðana';
$strTableOfContents = 'Satura râdîtâjs';
$strTableOptions = 'Tabulas opcijas';
$strTableStructure = 'Tabulas struktûra tabulai';
$strTableType = 'Tabulas tips';
$strTables = '%s tabula(s)';
$strTakeIt = 'izmantot ðo stilu';
$strTblPrivileges = 'Tabulu specifiskâs privilçìijas';
$strTextAreaLength = ' Sava garuma dçï,<br /> ðis lauks var bût nerediìçjams ';
$strThai = 'Taizemieðu';
$strTheme = 'Tçma / Stils';
$strThisHost = 'Ðis hosts';
$strThisNotDirectory = 'Tâ nebija direktorija';
$strThreadSuccessfullyKilled = 'Process %s tika veiksmîgi nogalinâts.';
$strTime = 'Laiks';
$strToggleScratchboard = 'parâdît/noslçpt piezîmju tafeli';
$strTotal = 'kopâ';
$strTotalUC = 'Kopâ';
$strTraditionalChinese = 'Tradicionâla íînieðu';
$strTraditionalSpanish = 'Tradicionâlâ spâòu';
$strTraffic = 'Datu apmaiòa';
$strTransformation_application_octetstream__download = 'Râdît saiti uz lauka binâro datu lejuplâdi. Pirmâ opcija ir binârâ faila nosaukums. Otrâ opcija ir iespçjamais lauka nosaukums tabulas rindâ, kas satur faula nosaukumu. Ja izmantojat otro opciju, pirmo atstâjiet tukðo.';
$strTransformation_image_jpeg__inline = 'Parâda klikðíinâmo sîktçlu; opcijas: platums, augstums pikseïos (saglabâjot oriìinâlâs proporcijas)';
$strTransformation_image_jpeg__link = 'Parâda linku uz ðo attçlu (tieða blob lauka lajuplâde).';
$strTransformation_image_png__inline = 'Skatîties image/jpeg: kâ ierindotu attçlu';
$strTransformation_text_plain__dateformat = 'Òem TIME, TIMESTAMP vai DATETIME lauku, un formatç to izmantojot Jûsu lokâlo datuma formatu. Pirmâ opcija ir nobîde (stundâs), kas tiks pievienota timestamp laukam (noklusçtâ: 0). Otrâ opcija ir datuma formats, saskaòâ ar PHP finkcijas strftime() parametriem.';
$strTransformation_text_plain__external = 'Tikai LINUX: Palaiþ ârçjo aplikâciju un padod lauka datus tâs standartievadâ. Atgrieþ aplikâcijas standartizvadi. Noklusçjums ir Tidy, kas izskaistina HTML kodu. Droðîbas apsvçrumu dçï, nepiecieðams manuâli rediìçt failu libraries/transformations/text_plain__external.inc.php un ielikt rîkus, kurus Jûs atïaujat palaist. Pirmâ opcija ir programmas numurs, ko Jûs vçlaties lietot, otrâ opcija ir parametri ðai programmai. Treðâ opcija, ja ir vienâda ar 1, konvertç izvadi, izmantojot htmlspecialchars() (noklusçjums ir 1). Ceturtais parametrs, ja vienâds ar 1, liek NOWRAP parametru satura ðûnai, tâ kâ izvade tiks attçlota bez pârformatçðanas. (noklusçjums ir 1)';
$strTransformation_text_plain__formatted = 'Saglabâ lauka oriìinâlo formatçjumu. Speciâlo rakstzîmju pasargâðana netiek veikta.';
$strTransformation_text_plain__imagelink = 'Parâda attçlu un linku, lauks satur faila nosauumu; pirmâ opcija ir prefikss, piemçram, "http://domens.lv/", otrâ opcija ir platums pikseïos, treðâ ir augstums.';
$strTransformation_text_plain__link = 'Parâda attçlu un linku, lauks satur faila nosauumu; pirmâ opcija ir prefikss, piemçram, "http://domens.lv/", otrâ opcija ir linka nosaukums.';
$strTransformation_text_plain__substr = 'Parâda tikai virknes daïu. Pirmâ opcija ir nobîde, kas nosaka, kur Jûsu teksts sâkas (noklusçjums 0). Otrâ opcija ir atgrieþamâ teksta garums. Ja tukða, atgrieþ visu atlikuðo tekstu. Treðâ opcija nosaka rakstzîmes, kas tiks pievienotas apgrieztâs virknes galâ (noklusçjums: ...) .';
$strTruncateQueries = 'Ierobeþot parâdîto vaicâjumu garumu';
$strTurkish = 'Turku';
$strType = 'Tips';
$strUkrainian = 'Ukraiòu';
$strUncheckAll = 'Neiezîmçt neko';
$strUnicode = 'Unikods';
$strUnique = 'Unikâlais';
$strUnknown = 'nazinâma';
$strUnselectAll = 'Neiezîmçt neko';
$strUpdComTab = 'Lûdzu skatieties dokumentâciju par to, kâ atjaunot \'Column_comments\' tabulu';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Jûs modificçjât privilçìijas objektam %s.';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Profils tika modificçts.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Atjaunot vaicâjumu';
$strUpgrade = 'Jums ir jâuzliek %s %s vai jaunâks.';
$strUsage = 'Aizòem';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Lietot apostrofa simbolu [`] tabulu un lauku nosaukumiem';
$strUseHostTable = 'Lietot hostu tabulu';
$strUseTabKey = 'Lietojiet TAB taustiòu, lai pârvietotos no vçrtîbas lîdz vçrtîbai, vai CTRL+bultiòas, lai pârvietotos jebkurâ vietâ';
$strUseTables = 'Lietot tabulas';
$strUseTextField = 'Lietot teksta lauku';
$strUseThisValue = 'Lietot ðo vçrtîbu';
$strUser = 'Lietotâjs';
$strUserAlreadyExists = 'Lietotâjs %s jau eksistç!';
$strUserEmpty = 'Lietotâja vârds nav norâdîts!';
$strUserName = 'Lietotâjvârds';
$strUserNotFound = 'Izvçlçtais lietotâjs nav atrasts privilçìiju tabulâ.';
$strUserOverview = 'Lietotâju pârskats';
$strUsersDeleted = 'Izvçlçtie lietotâji tika veiksmîgi dzçsti.';
$strUsersHavingAccessToDb = 'Lietotâji, kam ir pieja datubâzei &quot;%s&quot;';
$strValidateSQL = 'Pârbaudît SQL';
$strValidatorError = 'Nevar inicializçt SQL pârbaudîtâju. Lûdzu pârbaudiet, vai esat uzinstalçjuði nepiecieðamos PHP paplaðinâjumus, kâ aprakstîts %sdokumentâcijâ%s.';
$strValue = 'Vçrtîba';
$strVar = 'Mainîgais';
$strViewDump = 'Apskatît tabulas dampu (shçmu)';
$strViewDumpDB = 'Apskatît datubâzes dampu (shçmu)';
$strViewDumpDatabases = 'Apskatît datubâzu dampu (shçmu)';
$strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web servera augðupielâdes direktorija';
$strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Direktoija, kuru norâdijât augðupielâdei, nav pieejama';
$strWelcome = 'Laipni lûgti %s';
$strWestEuropean = 'Rietumeiropas';
$strWildcard = 'aizstâjçjzîme';
$strWindowNotFound = 'Neizdevâs atjaunot galveno pârlûkprogramas logu. Varbût esat viòu aizvçruði, vai arî Jûsu pârlûkprogramma bloíe starplogu saskarsmi Jûsu droðîbas iestâdîjumu dçï.';
$strWithChecked = 'Ar iezîmçto:';
$strWritingCommentNotPossible = 'Komentâra rakstîðana nav iespçjama';
$strWritingRelationNotPossible = 'Relâcijas rakstîðana nav iespçjama';
$strWrongUser = 'Kïûdains lietotâjvârds/parole. Pieeja aizliegta.';
$strXML = 'XML';
$strYes = 'Jâ';
$strZeroRemovesTheLimit = 'Piezîme: Ðo opciju uzstâdîðana uz 0 (nulli) atceï ierobeþojumus.';
$strZip = 'Arhivçts ar zip';
// To translate:
$strAfterInsertNext = 'Edit next row'; //to translate
$strMbExtensionMissing = 'The mbstring PHP extension was not found and you seem to be using multibyte charset. Without mbstring extension phpMyAdmin is unable to split strings correctly and it may result in unexpected results.'; //to translate
$strMbOverloadWarning = 'You have enabled mbstring.func_overload in your PHP configuration. This option is incompatible with phpMyAdmin and might cause breaking of some data!'; //to translate
$strSQLExportCompatibility = 'SQL export compatibility'; //to translate
$strView = 'View'; //to translate
$strViewHasBeenDropped = 'View %s has been dropped'; //to translate
$strEngines = 'Engines'; //to translate
$strStorageEngines = 'Storage Engines'; //to translate
$strStorageEngine = 'Storage Engine'; //to translate
$strNoDetailsForEngine = 'There is no detailed status information available for this storage engine.'; //to translate
$strDefaultEngine = '%s is the default storage engine on this MySQL server.'; //to translate
$strEngineAvailable = '%s is available on this MySQL server.'; //to translate
$strEngineUnsupported = 'This MySQL server does not support the %s storage engine.'; //to translate
$strEngineDisabled = '%s has been disabled for this MySQL server.'; //to translate
$strMyISAMSortBufferSize = 'Sort buffer size'; //to translate
$strMyISAMSortBufferSizeDesc = 'The buffer that is allocated when sorting MyISAM indexes during a REPAIR TABLE or when creating indexes with CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE.'; //to translate
$strMyISAMDataPointerSize = 'Data pointer size'; //to translate
$strMyISAMDataPointerSizeDesc = 'The default pointer size in bytes, to be used by CREATE TABLE for MyISAM tables when no MAX_ROWS option is specified.'; //to translate
$strMyISAMRecoverOptions = 'Automatic recovery mode'; //to translate
$strMyISAMRecoverOptionsDesc = 'The mode for automatic recovery of crashed MyISAM tables, as set via the --myisam-recover server startup option.'; //to translate
$strMyISAMRepairThreads = 'Repair threads'; //to translate
$strMyISAMRepairThreadsDesc = 'If this value is greater than 1, MyISAM table indexes are created in parallel (each index in its own thread) during the Repair by sorting process.'; //to translate
$strMyISAMMaxSortFileSize = 'Maximum size for temporary sort files'; //to translate
$strMyISAMMaxSortFileSizeDesc = 'The maximum size of the temporary file MySQL is allowed to use while re-creating a MyISAM index (during REPAIR TABLE, ALTER TABLE, or LOAD DATA INFILE).'; //to translate
$strMyISAMMaxExtraSortFileSize = 'Maximum size for temporary files on index creation'; //to translate
$strMyISAMMaxExtraSortFileSizeDesc = 'If the temporary file used for fast MyISAM index creation would be larger than using the key cache by the amount specified here, prefer the key cache method.'; //to translate
$strLongOperation = 'This operation could be long. Proceed anyway?'; //to translate
$strVersionInformation = 'Version information'; //to translate
$strInnoDBDataHomeDir = 'Data home directory'; //to translate
$strInnoDBDataHomeDirDesc = 'The common part of the directory path for all InnoDB data files.'; //to translate
$strInnoDBDataFilePath = 'Data files'; //to translate
$strInnoDBAutoextendIncrement = 'Autoextend increment'; //to translate
$strInnoDBAutoextendIncrementDesc = ' The increment size for extending the size of an autoextending tablespace when it becomes full.'; //to translate
$strBufferPool = 'Buffer Pool'; //to translate
$strBufferPoolUsage = 'Buffer Pool Usage'; //to translate
$strDataPages = 'Pages containing data'; //to translate
$strFreePages = 'Free pages'; //to translate
$strBusyPages = 'Busy pages'; //to translate
$strDirtyPages = 'Dirty pages'; //to translate
$strPagesToBeFlushed = 'Pages to be flushed'; //to translate
$strLatchedPages = 'Latched pages'; //to translate
$strBufferPoolActivity = 'Buffer Pool Activity'; //to translate
$strReadRequests = 'Read requests'; //to translate
$strWriteRequests = 'Write requests'; //to translate
$strBufferReadMisses = 'Read misses'; //to translate
$strBufferReadMissesInPercent = 'Read misses in %'; //to translate
$strBufferWriteWaits = 'Write waits'; //to translate
$strBufferWriteWaitsInPercent = 'Write waits in %'; //to translate
$strHTMLExcel = 'Microsoft Excel 2000'; //to translate
$strHTMLExcelOptions = 'Microsoft Excel 2000 export options'; //to translate
$strHTMLWord = 'Microsoft Word 2000'; //to translate
$strHTMLWordOptions = 'Microsoft Word 2000 export options'; //to translate
$strInnoDBBufferPoolSizeDesc = 'The size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables.'; //to translate
$strInnoDBBufferPoolSize = 'Buffer pool size'; //to translate
$strInnoDBPages = 'pages'; //to translate
$strSocketProblem = '(or the local MySQL server\'s socket is not correctly configured)'; //to translate
$strPrivDescCreateView = 'Allows creating new views.'; //to translate
$strPrivDescCreateUser = 'Allows creating, dropping and renaming user accounts.'; //to translate
$strPrivDescCreateRoutine = 'Allows creating stored routines.'; //to translate
$strPrivDescAlterRoutine = 'Allows altering and dropping stored routines.'; //to translate
$strPrivDescShowView = 'Allows performing SHOW CREATE VIEW queries.'; //to translate
$strPrivDescExecute5 = 'Allows executing stored routines.'; //to translate
$strCreateDatabaseBeforeCopying = 'CREATE DATABASE before copying'; //to translate
$strGeneratePassword = 'Generate Password'; //to translate
$strGenerate = 'Generate'; //to translate
$strCopy = 'Copy'; //to translate
$strTransformation_application_octetstream__hex = 'Displays hexadecimal representation of data.'; //to translate
$strInvalidFieldCount = 'Table must have at least one field.'; //to translate
$strInvalidRowNumber = '%d is not valid row number.'; //to translate
$strInvalidColumnCount = 'Column count has to be larger than zero.'; //to translate
$strInvalidFieldAddCount = 'You have to add at least one field.'; //to translate
$strAndThen = 'and then'; //to translate
$strInvalidAuthMethod = 'Invalid authentication method set in configuration:'; //to translate
$strRunSQLQueryOnServer = 'Run SQL query/queries on server %s'; //to translate
$strCSV = 'CSV'; //to translate
$strImport = 'Import'; //to translate
$strImportFormat = 'Format of imported file'; //to translate
$strFileToImport = 'File to import'; //to translate
$strCompressionWillBeDetected = 'Imported file compression will be automatically detected from: %s'; //to translate
$strCanNotLoadImportPlugins = 'Could not load import plugins, please check your installation!'; //to translate
$strCSVImportOptions = 'CSV options'; //to translate
$strPartialImport = 'Partial import'; //to translate
$strAllowInterrupt = 'Allow interrupt of import in case script detects it is close to time limit. This might be good way to import large files, however it can break transactions.'; //to translate
$strTimeoutPassed = 'Script timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please resubmit same file and import will resume.'; //to translate
$strTimeoutNothingParsed = 'However on last run no data has been parsed, this usually means phpMyAdmin won\'t be able to finish this import unless you increase php time limits.'; //to translate
$strTimeoutInfo = 'Previous import timed out, after resubmitting will continue from position %d.'; //to translate
$strUnsupportedCompressionDetected = 'You attempted to load file with unsupported compression (%s). Either support for it is not implemented or disabled by your configuration.'; //to translate
$strNothingToImport = 'You didn\'t enter any data to import!'; //to translate
$strIgnoreDuplicates = 'Ignore duplicate rows'; //to translate
$strSkipQueries = 'Number of records(queries) to skip from start'; //to translate
$strInvalidColumn = 'Invalid column (%s) specified!'; //to translate
$strNoFilesFoundInZip = 'No files found inside ZIP archive!'; //to translate
$strErrorInZipFile = 'Error in ZIP archive:'; //to translate
$strFlushQueryCache = 'Flush query cache'; //to translate
$strFlushTables = 'Flush (close) all tables'; //to translate
$strHandler = 'Handler'; //to translate
$strJoins = 'Joins'; //to translate
$strKeyCache = 'Key cache'; //to translate
$strMaxConnects = 'max. concurrent connections'; //to translate
$strQueryCache = 'Query cache'; //to translate
$strReplication = 'Replication'; //to translate
$strServerStatusDelayedInserts = 'Delayed inserts'; //to translate
$strShowOpenTables = 'Show open tables'; //to translate
$strShowSlaveHosts = 'Show slave hosts'; //to translate
$strShowSlaveStatus = 'Show slave status'; //to translate
$strShowStatusReset = 'Reset'; //to translate
$strShowStatusBinlog_cache_disk_useDescr = 'The number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache but that exceeded the value of binlog_cache_size and used a temporary file to store statements from the transaction.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusBinlog_cache_useDescr = 'The number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusCreated_tmp_disk_tablesDescr = 'The number of temporary tables on disk created automatically by the server while executing statements. If Created_tmp_disk_tables is big, you may want to increase the tmp_table_size value to cause temporary tables to be memory-based instead of disk-based.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusCreated_tmp_filesDescr = 'How many temporary files mysqld has created.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusCreated_tmp_tablesDescr = 'The number of in-memory temporary tables created automatically by the server while executing statements.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusDelayed_errorsDescr = 'The number of rows written with INSERT DELAYED for which some error occurred (probably duplicate key).'; //to translate
$strShowStatusDelayed_insert_threadsDescr = 'The number of INSERT DELAYED handler threads in use. Every different table on which one uses INSERT DELAYED gets its own thread.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusDelayed_writesDescr = 'The number of INSERT DELAYED rows written.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusFlush_commandsDescr = 'The number of executed FLUSH statements.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_commitDescr = 'The number of internal COMMIT statements.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_deleteDescr = 'The number of times a row was deleted from a table.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_discoverDescr = 'The MySQL server can ask the NDB Cluster storage engine if it knows about a table with a given name. This is called discovery. Handler_discover indicates the number of time tables have been discovered.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_read_firstDescr = 'The number of times the first entry was read from an index. If this is high, it suggests that the server is doing a lot of full index scans; for example, SELECT col1 FROM foo, assuming that col1 is indexed.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_read_keyDescr = 'The number of requests to read a row based on a key. If this is high, it is a good indication that your queries and tables are properly indexed.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_read_nextDescr = 'The number of requests to read the next row in key order. This is incremented if you are querying an index column with a range constraint or if you are doing an index scan.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_read_prevDescr = 'The number of requests to read the previous row in key order. This read method is mainly used to optimize ORDER BY ... DESC.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_read_rndDescr = 'The number of requests to read a row based on a fixed position. This is high if you are doing a lot of queries that require sorting of the result. You probably have a lot of queries that require MySQL to scan whole tables or you have joins that don\'t use keys properly.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_read_rnd_nextDescr = 'The number of requests to read the next row in the data file. This is high if you are doing a lot of table scans. Generally this suggests that your tables are not properly indexed or that your queries are not written to take advantage of the indexes you have.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_rollbackDescr = 'The number of internal ROLLBACK statements.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_updateDescr = 'The number of requests to update a row in a table.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_writeDescr = 'The number of requests to insert a row in a table.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_dataDescr = 'The number of pages containing data (dirty or clean).'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirtyDescr = 'The number of pages currently dirty.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushedDescr = 'The number of buffer pool pages that have been requested to be flushed.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_freeDescr = 'The number of free pages.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_latchedDescr = 'The number of latched pages in InnoDB buffer pool. These are pages currently being read or written or that can\'t be flushed or removed for some other reason.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_miscDescr = 'The number of pages busy because they have been allocated for administrative overhead such as row locks or the adaptive hash index. This value can also be calculated as Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_totalDescr = 'Total size of buffer pool, in pages.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rndDescr = 'The number of "random" read-aheads InnoDB initiated. This happens when a query is to scan a large portion of a table but in random order.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seqDescr = 'The number of sequential read-aheads InnoDB initiated. This happens when InnoDB does a sequential full table scan.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_read_requestsDescr = 'The number of logical read requests InnoDB has done.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_readsDescr = 'The number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from buffer pool and had to do a single-page read.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_wait_freeDescr = 'Normally, writes to the InnoDB buffer pool happen in the background. However, if it\'s necessary to read or create a page and no clean pages are available, it\'s necessary to wait for pages to be flushed first. This counter counts instances of these waits. If the buffer pool size was set properly, this value should be small.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_write_requestsDescr = 'The number writes done to the InnoDB buffer pool.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_fsyncsDescr = 'The number of fsync() operations so far.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_pending_fsyncsDescr = 'The current number of pending fsync() operations.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_pending_readsDescr = 'The current number of pending reads.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_pending_writesDescr = 'The current number of pending writes.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_readDescr = 'The amount of data read so far, in bytes.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_readsDescr = 'The total number of data reads.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_writesDescr = 'The total number of data writes.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_writtenDescr = 'The amount of data written so far, in bytes.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_dblwr_pages_writtenDescr = 'The number of doublewrite writes that have been performed and the number of pages that have been written for this purpose.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_dblwr_writesDescr = 'The number of doublewrite writes that have been performed and the number of pages that have been written for this purpose.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_log_waitsDescr = 'The number of waits we had because log buffer was too small and we had to wait for it to be flushed before continuing.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_log_write_requestsDescr = 'The number of log write requests.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_log_writesDescr = 'The number of physical writes to the log file.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_os_log_fsyncsDescr = 'The number of fsyncs writes done to the log file.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_os_log_pending_fsyncsDescr = 'The number of pending log file fsyncs.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_os_log_pending_writesDescr = 'Pending log file writes.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_os_log_writtenDescr = 'The number of bytes written to the log file.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_page_sizeDescr = 'The compiled-in InnoDB page size (default 16KB). Many values are counted in pages; the page size allows them to be easily converted to bytes.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_pages_createdDescr = 'The number of pages created.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_pages_readDescr = 'The number of pages read.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_pages_writtenDescr = 'The number of pages written.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_current_waitsDescr = 'The number of row locks currently being waited for.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_timeDescr = 'The total time spent in acquiring row locks, in milliseconds.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_time_avgDescr = 'The average time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_time_maxDescr = 'The maximum time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_waitsDescr = 'The number of times a row lock had to be waited for.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_rows_deletedDescr = 'The number of rows deleted from InnoDB tables.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_rows_insertedDescr = 'The number of rows inserted in InnoDB tables.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_rows_readDescr = 'The number of rows read from InnoDB tables.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_rows_updatedDescr = 'The number of rows updated in InnoDB tables.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_blocks_not_flushedDescr = 'The number of key blocks in the key cache that have changed but haven\'t yet been flushed to disk. It used to be known as Not_flushed_key_blocks.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_blocks_unusedDescr = 'The number of unused blocks in the key cache. You can use this value to determine how much of the key cache is in use.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_blocks_usedDescr = 'The number of used blocks in the key cache. This value is a high-water mark that indicates the maximum number of blocks that have ever been in use at one time.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_read_requestsDescr = 'The number of requests to read a key block from the cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_readsDescr = 'The number of physical reads of a key block from disk. If Key_reads is big, then your key_buffer_size value is probably too small. The cache miss rate can be calculated as Key_reads/Key_read_requests.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_write_requestsDescr = 'The number of requests to write a key block to the cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_writesDescr = 'The number of physical writes of a key block to disk.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusLast_query_costDescr = 'The total cost of the last compiled query as computed by the query optimizer. Useful for comparing the cost of different query plans for the same query. The default value of 0 means that no query has been compiled yet.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusNot_flushed_delayed_rowsDescr = 'The number of rows waiting to be written in INSERT DELAY queues.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusOpen_filesDescr = 'The number of files that are open.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusOpen_streamsDescr = 'The number of streams that are open (used mainly for logging).'; //to translate
$strShowStatusOpen_tablesDescr = 'The number of tables that are open.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusOpened_tablesDescr = 'The number of tables that have been opened. If opened tables is big, your table cache value is probably too small.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_free_blocksDescr = 'The number of free memory blocks in query cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_free_memoryDescr = 'The amount of free memory for query cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_hitsDescr = 'The number of cache hits.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_insertsDescr = 'The number of queries added to the cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_lowmem_prunesDescr = 'The number of queries that have been removed from the cache to free up memory for caching new queries. This information can help you tune the query cache size. The query cache uses a least recently used (LRU) strategy to decide which queries to remove from the cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_not_cachedDescr = 'The number of non-cached queries (not cachable, or not cached due to the query_cache_type setting).'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_queries_in_cacheDescr = 'The number of queries registered in the cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_total_blocksDescr = 'The total number of blocks in the query cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusRpl_statusDescr = 'The status of failsafe replication (not yet implemented).'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSelect_full_joinDescr = 'The number of joins that do not use indexes. If this value is not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSelect_full_range_joinDescr = 'The number of joins that used a range search on a reference table.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSelect_rangeDescr = 'The number of joins that used ranges on the first table. (It\'s normally not critical even if this is big.)'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSelect_range_checkDescr = 'The number of joins without keys that check for key usage after each row. (If this is not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables.)'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSelect_scanDescr = 'The number of joins that did a full scan of the first table.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSlave_open_temp_tablesDescr = 'The number of temporary tables currently open by the slave SQL thread.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSlave_retried_transactionsDescr = 'Total (since startup) number of times the replication slave SQL thread has retried transactions.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSlave_runningDescr = 'This is ON if this server is a slave that is connected to a master.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSlow_launch_threadsDescr = 'The number of threads that have taken more than slow_launch_time seconds to create.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSlow_queriesDescr = 'The number of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSort_merge_passesDescr = 'The number of merge passes the sort algorithm has had to do. If this value is large, you should consider increasing the value of the sort_buffer_size system variable.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSort_rangeDescr = 'The number of sorts that were done with ranges.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSort_rowsDescr = 'The number of sorted rows.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSort_scanDescr = 'The number of sorts that were done by scanning the table.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusTable_locks_immediateDescr = 'The number of times that a table lock was acquired immediately.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusTable_locks_waitedDescr = 'The number of times that a table lock could not be acquired immediately and a wait was needed. If this is high, and you have performance problems, you should first optimize your queries, and then either split your table or tables or use replication.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusThreads_cachedDescr = 'The number of threads in the thread cache. The cache hit rate can be calculated as Threads_created/Connections. If this value is red you should raise your thread_cache_size.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusThreads_connectedDescr = 'The number of currently open connections.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusThreads_createdDescr = 'The number of threads created to handle connections. If Threads_created is big, you may want to increase the thread_cache_size value. (Normally this doesn\'t give a notable performance improvement if you have a good thread implementation.)'; //to translate
$strShowStatusThreads_runningDescr = 'The number of threads that are not sleeping.'; //to translate
$strSorting = 'Sorting'; //to translate
$strTempData = 'Temporary data'; //to translate
$strThreads = 'Threads'; //to translate
$strLDI = 'CSV using LOAD DATA'; //to translate
$strLDILocal = 'Use LOCAL keyword'; //to translate
$strLDIImportOptions = 'Options for CSV import using LOAD DATA'; //to translate
$strInvalidLDIImport = 'This plugin does not support compressed imports!'; //to translate
$strTableAlreadyExists = 'Table %s already exists!'; //to translate
$strTransactionCoordinator = 'Transaction coordinator'; //to translate
$strNumberOfFields = 'Number of fields'; //to translate
$strShowingBookmark = 'Showing bookmark'; //to translate
$strUploadLimit = 'You probably tried to upload too large file. Please refer to %sdocumentation%s for ways to workaround this limit.'; //to translate
$strDeleteNoUsersSelected = 'No users selected for deleting!'; //to translate
$strPrivDescMaxUserConnections = 'Limits the number of simultaneous connections the user may have.'; //to translate
$strMaximalQueryLength = 'Maximal length of created query'; //to translate
$strBookmarkCreated = 'Bookmark %s created'; //to translate
$strBookmarkReplace = 'Replace existing bookmark of same name'; //to translate
$strTransformation_text_plain__sql = 'Formats text as SQL query with syntax highlighting.'; //to translate
$strEsperanto = 'Esperanto'; //to translate
$strInvalidServerIndex = 'Invalid server index: "%s"'; //to translate
$strInvalidServerHostname = 'Invalid hostname for server %1$s. Please review your configuration.'; //to translate
$strFileNameTemplateDescriptionTable = 'table name'; //to translate
$strFileNameTemplateDescriptionDatabase = 'database name'; //to translate
$strFileNameTemplateDescriptionServer = 'server name'; //to translate
$strFileNameTemplateDescription = 'This value is interpreted using %1$sstrftime%2$s, so you can use time formatting strings. Additionally the following transformations will happen: %3$s. Other text will be kept as is.'; //to translate
$strProtocolVersion = 'Protocol version'; //to translate
$strMysqlClientVersion = 'MySQL client version'; //to translate
$strUsedPhpExtensions = 'Used PHP extensions'; //to translate
$strOpenNewWindow = 'Open new phpMyAdmin window'; //to translate
$strLanguageUnknown = 'Unknown language: %1$s.'; //to translate
$strLanguageFileNotFound = 'Language file "%1$s" not found.'; //to translate
$strThemeNoPreviewAvailable = 'No preview available.'; //to translate
$strConfigDefaultFileError = 'Could not load default configuration from: "%1$s"'; //to translate
$strPDF = 'PDF'; //to translate
$strPDFOptions = 'PDF options'; //to translate
$strPDFReportTitle = 'Report title'; //to translate
$strInvalidCSVParameter = 'Invalid parameter for CSV import: %s'; //to translate
$strInvalidCSVFieldCount = 'Invalid field count in CSV input on line %d.'; //to translate
$strInvalidCSVFormat = 'Invalid format of CSV input on line %d.'; //to translate
$strImportSuccessfullyFinished = 'Import has been successfully finished, %d queries executed.'; //to translate
$strThemeNotFound = 'Theme %s not found!'; //to translate
$strThemeDefaultNotFound = 'Default theme %s not found!'; //to translate
$strThemeNoValidImgPath = 'No valid image path for theme %s found!'; //to translate
$strThemePathNotFound = 'Theme path not found for theme %s!'; //to translate
$strAccessDeniedCreateConfig = 'Probably reason of this is that you did not create configuration file. You might want to use %1$ssetup script%2$s to create one.'; //to translate
$strSQLImportOptions = 'SQL options'; //to translate
$strBrowseDistinctValues = 'Browse distinct values'; //to translate
$strStatisticsOverrun = 'On a busy server, the byte counters may overrun, so those statistics as reported by the MySQL server may be incorrect.'; //to translate
$strViewMaxExactCount = 'This view has more than %s rows. Please refer to %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate