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What's new
<h1> Plans </h1>
I will be working on web structure so that there is everywhere
descriptive texts and pictures.
<h1> History </h1>
<h3> 2008/01/13 </h3>
Released automatic generation of index of projects (Articles, Modules
and Designs). Most projects have some short descriptive text (in Czech
and English) and illustrating picture.
<h3> 2007/10/7 </h3>
Finished module for processor ATMEL ATmega in TQFP100 package.
<h3> 2007/10/6 </h3>
Finished module for processor ATMEL ATtiny in SO8 package.
<h3> 2007/09/30 </h3>
Finished a new dual H-Bridge module HT675101A with HOLTEK HT6751B chip
intended for small motors up to 500mA and voltage up to 6V. The
documentation has been finished too.
<h3> 2007/09/15 </h3>
Finished a new module ATmegaTQ6401A for ATMEL ATmega processors in the
TQFP64 package. The documentation has been finished too.
<h3> 2007/08/20 </h3>
<i>MIHO & KAKLIK:</i>
We removed Forum because it was not used much and we had troubles with
spammers. We have introduced new page with FAQ.
<h3> 2007/07/29 </h3>
Finished a new module ATmegaTQ4401A for ATMEL ATmega processors in the
TQFP44 package. The documentation has been finished too.
<h3> 2007/07/28 </h3>
Finished a new module ATmega8DIL01A for ATMEL ATmega processors in the
DIL28 package. The documentation has been finished too.
<h3> 2007/03/25 </h3>
I've just received documentation data for transceiver HF&nbsp;TRAMP
from Petr OK1XGL. So HTML documentation is finished by now, design files
are going to be available in the near future (it takes so much work...).
<h3> 2007/03/18 </h3>
Finished a new module R1S01A - simple optical reflective sensor for
small robots.
<h3> 17.3.2007 </h3>
Finished a new module LM108601A - simple power supply with LM1086.
<h3> 13.3.2007 </h3>
Domain MLAB.CZ celebrates <i>the first</i> anniversary.
<h3> 10.2.2007 </h3>
Finished a new module RS232R01A - USB to RS232(TTL) adapter with FTDI
FT232R chip.
<h3> 2007/01/10 </h3>
Some new rules about how to design PCB were written.
<h3> 2006/12/25 </h3>
Server has new IP address. We have spent some time dealing with network
problems but now everything should work well.
<h3> 2006/11/18 </h3>
Added new libraries in to Library repository in webSVN.
<h3> 2006/11/10 </h3>
Cascading Style Sheets updated, media print support added.
<h3> 2006/10/29 </h3>
Maintenance page updated.
<h3> 2006/10/28 </h3>
Started page Photogallery. But it is still empty.
<h3> 2006/10/22 </h3>
Web changed from <b></b> to
<h3> 2006/10/18 </h3>
Forum Template changed. It looking as rest of site now.
<h3> 2006/10/1 </h3>
Forum runs well again. Corrected connection with mySQL.
<h3> 2006/9/18 </h3>
Renamed Apparatus to Designs. Maintenance page moved and secured.
<h3> 2006/9/17 </h3>
Updated Texts section (no English texts available now).
<h3> 2006/9/16 </h3>
Updated to WebSVN 501. Found and corrected some bugs.
<h3> 2006/9/13 </h3>
Finished update of static pages and theirs validity.
<h3> 2006/9/11 </h3>
Configuration of WebSVN finished (templates, debugging).
<h3> 2006/8/26 </h3>
Created News Page.
<h3> 2006/8/24 </h3>
Repaired tarrball download in WebSVN and written Download Page.
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