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To mi zbylo
<h1> Fast links just for test </h1>
<p> <a href="PICPGR301A.en.html">PICPGR301A </a> </p>
<p> <a href="Cestina_UTF8.html" >Test èeštiny UTF8 </a> </p>
<p> <a href="Cestina_CP1250.html">Test èeštiny CP1250 </a> </p>
Pridani hledaciho stroje na stranku - google
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Vhodne kombinace barev
pozadí text odkazy nav.tívené odkazy
#ccffff #336666 #6666cc #669999
#ffcccc #660033 #ff0066 #990033
#cc9999 #330000 #0066cc #663366
#ccffcc #003300 #ff6600 #996600
#99cc99 #003300 #ffff99 #669900
#ccccff #333300 #3333ff #333399
#990000 #ffff99 #ffff00 #cccc66
#336600 #ccffcc #ffff66 #cccc99
#003300 #cccc99 #33cc33 #999900
#000066 #ffffff #ffcc00 #999966